Wire Grips F OVERHEAD CONSTRUCTION & STRINGING EQUIPMENT Hi-Tool NGK Wire Grips (MADE IN JAPAN) •All models are fitted with swing down safety latch, with most models including a patented one handed trigger grip as standard. •Convenient sized and special shaped pulling eyes to suit all brands of strap hoists. •All gripping jaws are produced with new technology to increase jaw life. •Grips are designed to be more cost effective by being able to be used over a wider range of cable diameters •40, 50 & 60kN grip models feature a twist grip design which prevents cable damage (Refer page F6) Patented One Handed Trigger Grip Operation Wire Grip Quick Selection Guide A large range of HI-TOOL NGK grips provided by Specialised Force have the patented one handed trigger grip and all contain safety latches. Every grip is proof tested before shipment to ensure quality, etched with serial number and date of manufacture. GRIP SELECTION 1. Determine the type of wire or conductor the Grip is to be used on, for example: bare Cu; Al; ACSR , Guy Wire, Covered Conductor, ABC, Steel Rod or Barbed wire. 2. Check the actual (OD) Outside Diameter of wire or conductor the Grip is to be used on. 3. What is the maximum working load limit (WLL) required. Always follow manufacturer’s safety instructions, especially with regards to regular inspection and maintenance. Grip jaws must be cleaned regularly with a wire brush to avoid slippage and contamination build up. Contact your nearest SF branch for more detailed information. P P P P P P P P P Notched P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Spring Latch P P P P P Trigger Grip P Safety Latch Live Line P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Barbed Wire P P P Steel Rod P P P P P P P P Wire Rope P P P P Guy Wire P P P P P P P P P P P P P Trolley Wire P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Covered Cable ABC Aluminium 0.6 0.6 1.1 1.5 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.4 3.5 1.0 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.4 4.7 7.0 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.4 ACSR 10 18 50 50* 70 90 90 90 120 120 120 140 70 90 90 120 120 120 180 220 90 90 120 120 120 Bare Cu Cable 3.5 Weight (kg) ABC-S-GRIP ABC-M-GRIP ABC-L-GRIP 3.0 13.0 2.6 15.0 5.0 22.0 5.0 22.0 5.0 22.0 5.0 22.0 5.0 28.0 16.0 35.0 18.0 35.0 8.0 28.0 5.0 22.0 5.0 22.0 5.0 22.0 5.0 28.0 16.0 35.0 18.0 35.0 18.0 36.0 28.0 46.0 5.0 22.0 5.0 22.0 5.0 28.0 16.0 35.0 18.0 35.0 4x16 4x35 2x16 2x50 4x25 4x95 4x95 4x150 Safety Jaw Length (mm) 10 10 10 20 20 30 20 20 30 40 10 20 30 20 20 30 50 60 20 30 20 20 30 Max (mm) Ø SD-S-GRIP NEW-SD-GRIP 10KN-GRIP 20KN-GRIP 20KN-W-GRIP 30KN-GRIP MIGHTY-20-GRIP LARGE-20-GRIP LARGE-30-GRIP 40KN-GRIP AL-10KN-GRIP AL-20KN-GRIP AL-30KN-GRIP AL-MIGHTY-20-GRIP AL-LARGE-20-GRIP AL-LARGE-30-GRIP AL-50KN-GRIP AL-60KN-GRIP H-20KN-GRIP H-30KN-GRIP H-MIGHTY-20-GRIP H-LARGE-20-GRIP H-LARGE-30-GRIP Min (mm) Ø Model No. WLL (kN) www.specialisedforce.com.au Specifications P P P P P P P P P P TWIST P P P P P P TWIST TWIST P P P P P 80 0.6 P P P 160 180 2.4 2.6 P P P P P P * Curved serrated jaw F1 HI-TOOL TRIGGER GRIP-PATENT PENDING Wire Grips SD-S-GRIP For Bare Copper Cable Covered & Guy Wire (Special flat jaw, compact & lightweight) WLL (kN) Min. Cable (mm) Max. Cable (mm) Jaw Length (mm) Eye Size (mm) Wt (kg) 10 3 13 50 25x30 0.6 NEW-SD-GRIP For CU Cable, Guy Wire, Steel Rod, Barbed Wire WLL (kN) Min. Cable (mm) Max. Cable (mm) Jaw Length (mm) Eye Size (mm) Wt (kg) 10 2.6 15 50 25x30 0.6 10KN-GRIP For Bare Copper Cable, Covered Cable, Guy Wire WLL (kN) Min. Cable (mm) Max. Cable (mm) Jaw Length (mm) Eye Size (mm) Wt (kg) 10 5 22 70 25x30 1.1 AL-10KN-GRIP For Bare ACSR, AL & COPPER Cable WLL (kN) Min. Cable (mm) Max. Cable (mm) Jaw Length (mm) Eye Size (mm) Wt (kg) 10 5 22 70 25x30 1.1 FEATURES •Patented one handed trigger grip operation. •All models are fitted with swing down safety latch as standard. •Conveniently sized and special shaped pulling eyes to suit all brands of strap hoists. •All gripping jaws are produced with new technology to increase jaw life. •Grips are designed to be used over a wider range of cable diameters NEW 20KN-GRIP For Bare Copper Cable, Covered Cable, Guy Wire Max. Cable (mm) Jaw Length (mm) LOCKING GRIP Optional Locking Type Grip Available on the below models 20 5 22 90 32x42 1.5 (Add suffix “-LK” to model no, example 20KN-W-GRIP 20KN-GRIP-LK) For Bare Copper Cable, Guy Wire, Trolley Wire, Wire Rope •MIGHTY20-GRIP •20KN-GRIP Max. Jaw •LARGE-20-GRIP WLL Min. Cable Eye Size Cable Length Wt (kg) (kN) (mm) (mm) •30KN-GRIP (mm) (mm) •40KN-GRIP 20 5 22 90 32x42 1.5 WLL (kN) Min. Cable (mm) Eye Size (mm) HI-TOOL TRIGGER GRIP-PATENT PENDING Wt (kg) F JUST DEVELOPED www.specialisedforce.com.au Specification OVERHEAD CONSTRUCTION & STRINGING EQUIPMENT Hi-Tool NGK Wire Grips (10-20kN) (MADE IN JAPAN) F2 Wire Grips Specification AL-20KN-GRIP For Bare ACSR, AL & COPPER Cable WLL (kN) Min. Cable (mm) Max. Cable (mm) Jaw Length (mm) Eye Size (mm) Wt (kg) 20 5 22 90 32x42 1.5 FEATURES H-20KN-GRIP For Bare ACSR, AL & COPPER Cable, Guy Wire, includes Spring Latch & Notched Arm. WLL (kN) Min. Cable (mm) Max. Cable (mm) Jaw Length (mm) Eye Size (mm) Wt (kg) 20 5 22 90 32x42 1.5 MIGHTY-20-GRIP For Covered Cable, Bare Copper Cable, Guy Wire F OVERHEAD CONSTRUCTION & STRINGING EQUIPMENT Hi-Tool NGK Wire Grips (20-kN) (MADE IN JAPAN) WLL (kN) Min. Cable (mm) Max. Cable (mm) Jaw Length (mm) Eye Size (mm) Wt (kg) 20 5 28 120 32x42 1.9 AL-MIGHTY-20-GRIP www.specialisedforce.com.au For Bare ACSR, AL & COPPER Cable F3 WLL (kN) Min. Cable (mm) Max. Cable (mm) Jaw Length (mm) Eye Size (mm) Wt (kg) 20 5 28 120 32x42 1.9 H-MIGHTY-20-GRIP For Bare ACSR, AL & COPPER Cable, Guy Wire, includes Spring Latch & Notched Arm. WLL (kN) Min. Cable (mm) Max. Cable (mm) Jaw Length (mm) Eye Size (mm) Wt (kg) 20 5 28 120 32x42 1.9 NEW LOCK OPEN NOTCH This feature allows the Grip to be held in the open position for easy insertion of cable, available on the below models (Add suffix “-NS” to the model no. example 20KN-GRIP-NS): • AL 20KN GRIP • AL 30KN GRIP • MIGHTY20-GRIP • AL-MIGHTY-20-GRIP, • LARGE20-GRIP • LARGE30-GRIP • AL-LARGE20-GRIP • AL-LARGE30-GRIP, • ABC-M-GRIP • ABC-L-GRIP HI-TOOL TRIGGER GRIP-PATENT PENDING •Patented one handed trigger grip operation. •All models are fitted with swing down safety latch as standard. •Conveniently sized and special shaped pulling eyes to suit all brands of strap hoists. •All gripping jaws are produced with new technology to increase jaw life. •Grips are designed to be used over a wider range of cable diameters NEW LOCKING GRIP Optional Locking Type Grip Available on the below models (Add suffix “-LK” to model no, example 20KN-GRIP-LK) •MIGHTY20-GRIP •20KN-GRIP •LARGE-20-GRIP •30KN-GRIP •40KN-GRIP Wire Grips For Covered Cable, Bare Copper Cable WLL (kN) Min. Cable (mm) Max. Cable (mm) Jaw Length (mm) Eye Size (mm) Wt (kg) 20 16 35 120 32x42 2.1 AL-LARGE-20-GRIP For Bare ACSR, AL & COPPER Cable WLL (kN) Min. Cable (mm) Max. Cable (mm) Jaw Length (mm) Eye Size (mm) Wt (kg) 20 16 35 120 32x42 2.1 H-LARGE-20-GRIP For Bare ACSR, AL & COPPER Cable, Guy Wire WLL (kN) Min. Cable (mm) Max. Cable (mm) Jaw Length (mm) Eye Size (mm) Wt (kg) 20 16 35 120 32x42 2.1 30KN-GRIP For Bare Copper Cable, Guy Wire, Trolley Wire, Wire Rope WLL (kN) Min. Cable (mm) Max. Cable (mm) Jaw Length (mm) Eye Size (mm) Wt (kg) 30 5 22 90 32x42 1.7 AL-30KN-GRIP FEATURES •Patented one handed trigger grip operation. •All models are fitted with swing down safety latch as standard. •Conveniently sized and special shaped pulling eyes to suit all brands of strap hoists. •All gripping jaws are produced with new technology to increase jaw life. •Grips are designed to be used over a wider range of cable diameters NEW For Bare ACSR, AL & COPPER Cable WLL (kN) Min. Cable (mm) Max. Cable (mm) Jaw Length (mm) Eye Size (mm) Wt (kg) 30 5 22 90 32x42 1.7 NEW LOCK OPEN NOTCH This feature allows the Grip to be held in the open position for easy insertion of cable, available on the below models (Add suffix “-NS” to the model no. example 20KN-GRIP-NS): • AL 20KN GRIP • AL 30KN GRIP • MIGHTY20-GRIP • AL-MIGHTY-20-GRIP, • LARGE20-GRIP • LARGE30-GRIP • AL-LARGE20-GRIP • AL-LARGE30-GRIP, • ABC-M-GRIP • ABC-L-GRIP HI-TOOL TRIGGER GRIP-PATENT PENDING LOCKING GRIP Optional Locking Type Grip Available on the below models (Add suffix “-LK” to model no, example 20KN-GRIP-LK) •MIGHTY20-GRIP •20KN-GRIP •LARGE-20-GRIP •30KN-GRIP •40KN-GRIP F LARGE-20-GRIP www.specialisedforce.com.au Specification OVERHEAD CONSTRUCTION & STRINGING EQUIPMENT Hi-Tool NGK Wire Grips (20-30kN) (MADE IN JAPAN) F4 Wire Grips Specification H-30KN-GRIP For Bare ACSR, AL & COPPER Cable, Guy Wire, includes Spring Latch & Notched Arm. WLL (kN) Min. Cable (mm) Max. Cable (mm) Jaw Length (mm) Eye Size (mm) Wt (kg) 30 5 22 90 32x42 1.7 LARGE-30-GRIP For Covered Cable, Bare Copper Cable WLL (kN) Min. Cable (mm) Max. Cable (mm) Jaw Length (mm) Eye Size (mm) Wt (kg) 30 18 35 120 32x42 2.4 F OVERHEAD CONSTRUCTION & STRINGING EQUIPMENT Hi-Tool NGK Wire Grips (30-kN) (MADE IN JAPAN) AL-LARGE-30-GRIP www.specialisedforce.com.au For Bare ACSR, AL & COPPER Cable F5 WLL (kN) Min. Cable (mm) Max. Cable (mm) Jaw Length (mm) Eye Size (mm) Wt (kg) 30 18 35 120 32x42 2.4 H-LARGE-30-GRIP For Bare ACSR, AL & COPPER Cable, Guy Wire, includes Spring Latch & Notched Arm. WLL (kN) Min. Cable (mm) Max. Cable (mm) Jaw Length (mm) Eye Size (mm) Wt (kg) 30 18 35 120 32x42 2.4 NEW LOCK OPEN NOTCH This feature allows the Grip to be held in the open position for easy insertion of cable, available on the below models (Add suffix “-NS” to the model no. example 20KN-GRIP-NS): • AL 20KN GRIP • AL 30KN GRIP • MIGHTY20-GRIP • AL-MIGHTY-20-GRIP, • LARGE20-GRIP • LARGE30-GRIP • AL-LARGE20-GRIP • AL-LARGE30-GRIP, • ABC-M-GRIP • ABC-L-GRIP HI-TOOL TRIGGER GRIP-PATENT PENDING FEATURES •Patented one handed trigger grip operation. •All models are fitted with swing down safety latch as standard. •Conveniently sized and special shaped pulling eyes to suit all brands of strap hoists. •All gripping jaws are produced with new technology to increase jaw life. •Grips are designed to be used over a wider range of cable diameters NEW LOCKING GRIP Optional Locking Type Grip Available on the below models (Add suffix “-LK” to model no, example 20KN-GRIP-LK) •MIGHTY20-GRIP •20KN-GRIP •LARGE-20-GRIP •30KN-GRIP •40KN-GRIP Wire Grips For Bare Copper Cable, Guy Wire, Trolley Wire, Wire Rope WLL (kN) Min. Cable (mm) Max. Cable (mm) Jaw Length (mm) Eye Size (mm) Wt (kg) 40 8 28 140 43x51 3.5 AL-50KN-GRIP For Bare ACSR, AL & BARE COPPER Cable WLL (kN) Min. Cable (mm) Max. Cable (mm) Jaw Length (mm) Eye Size (mm) Wt (kg) 50 18 36 180 43x51 4.7 AL-60KN-GRIP For Bare ACSR, AL & BARE COPPER Cable WLL (kN) Min. Cable (mm) Max. Cable (mm) Jaw Length (mm) Eye Size (mm) Wt (kg) 60 28 46 220 60x51 7.0 Twist Grip Feature FEATURES •Patented one handed trigger grip operation. •All models are fitted with swing down safety latch as standard. •Conveniently sized and special shaped pulling eyes to suit all brands of strap hoists. •All gripping jaws are produced with new technology to increase jaw life. •Grips are designed to be used over a wider range of cable diameters NEW LOCKING GRIP Optional Locking Type Grip Available on the below models (Add suffix “-LK” to model no, example 20KN-GRIP-LK) •MIGHTY20-GRIP •20KN-GRIP •LARGE-20-GRIP •30KN-GRIP •40KN-GRIP HI-TOOL TRIGGER GRIP-PATENT PENDING F 40KN-GRIP www.specialisedforce.com.au Twist Grip Feature OVERHEAD CONSTRUCTION & STRINGING EQUIPMENT Hi-Tool NGK Wire Grips (40-60kN) (MADE IN JAPAN) F6 Wire Grips – ABC OVERHEAD CONSTRUCTION & STRINGING EQUIPMENT Hi-Tool NGK Wire Grips (ABC) (MADE IN JAPAN) Picture Model No F ABC-S-GRIP WLL (kN) Min. Cable (mm) Max. Cable (mm) 4×16 4×35 Jaw Length (mm) Eye Size (mm) Wt (kg) 80 24x30 0.6 3.5 2×16 2×50 ABC-M-GRIP 10.0 4×25 4×95 160 32x42 2.4 ABC-L-GRIP 18.0 4×95 4×150 180 32x42 2.6 For use with SERVICE-TGL, bottom of page F11 www.specialisedforce.com.au NEW LOCK OPEN NOTCH This feature allows the Grip to be held in the open position for easy insertion of cable, available on the below models (Add suffix “-NS” to the model no. KITS* example 20KN-GRIP-NS): REPLACEMENT GATE • AL 20KN GRIP • AL 30KN GRIP • MIGHTY20-GRIP • AL-MIGHTY-20-GRIP, • LARGE20-GRIP • LARGE30-GRIP • AL-LARGE20-GRIP • AL-LARGE30-GRIP, • ABC-M-GRIP • ABC-L-GRIP REPLACEMENT GATE KITS Model No Suits Grips Types Contains SL-S SL-M 20kN & 30kN MIGHTY-20, LARGE-20, LARGE-30 & All ABC Grips Gate, Spring, 2 x Hex Screws & 2 x Spacers *NOTE - Only qualified personal should replace worn or damaged grip parts F7 HI-TOOL TRIGGER GRIP-PATENT PENDING
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