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: 2453969
: 2435248
: 2435259
\ Exiension
t 2617, 2518
Post Groduote Deportment of Chemistry
Universiiy of Jommu
Bobo Soheb Ambedkor Rood, Jommu-.l80 006
No. PGD/Chen/
l-sZ -)9/$
Date of Entrancc test: 1" September. 2014
Part - I
(60 marks)
Multiple Choice
Duration: f,@93
There rvill be sixty multiple choice questions, twenty from each section (Physical,
Inorganic & Organic). All questions are compulsory carrying one mark each.
Parl - II
(40 marks)
Short Answer Type Questions
Duration: 1/, hour
There will be four descriptive type questions from each section (Physical. Inorgantc
& Organic). The candidate u,ili have to attempt all the four questions of his/her own
specialization. There u-ill bc no choicc.
I\'{CTE: A
nx 509.4
Prof. Renu Sachar
Head of the Department
(ifi.v percenA marl$ is required to qualifr' the ent;ance
lvi.Phii. Iilirtrance Ixurninaiion Svllabus
Marks: 100
Section I (Inorganic Chemist
Structure and bonding in homo- and heteronuclear molecules, including shapes of
Concepts ofacid and bases
Chemistry of main group elements and their compounds. Allotropy, synthesis and
chemistry of transition elements and coordination compounds- bonding theories,
spectral and magnetic properties, reaction mechanism
Inner transition elements - spectral and magnetic propefiies, analytical applications
Organonrctallic conrpounds
synthcsis, boriciing, structul.c nnd reactivity of
or garxrrnctallics in homogcneous catalysts.
Cages and clusters.
,,\nnlytical chenistry
separation techniques. spcctloscr_rpic, electro- anrl
rhermoanaiyiical meihods.
10. Bioinorganic chemistry photosynthesis, porphyrines, metalloenzymes, oxygen
transport, electron-transfer reactions, nitrogen fixation.
1 1. Physical characterstics of inorganic compounds by IR, Raman, NMR,
Mossbaur, UV, electron spectroscopy and microscopic techniques.
12. Envirorunentchemistry
Benzenoid, Non-benzenoid and Homoaromatic compounds, Crown
ethers, Cryptands, Inclusion compounds.
Substitution reactions- nucleophilic and electrophilic (aromatic and aliphatic).
Addition reactions (olefins, ketones)
Elimination reactions (E2, E1 and El cb), pyrolytic eliminations.
Free radical reactions: Hunsdicker reaction, Wohl Zeigler reaction, Gomberg
Syuthesis, Saudutcycr roaction.
J. Pcricl'lic rcactions: Elect.ocyclic, cycloaQdition, Sigmatr.opic rcarrangements and
Group translbr reactions.
Narne roactions and their applications
orgaric liyrr.hcses: Knoevenager
coi-rdensation, Aldol condensation, Stobbe condensation, perkin, Ir{annich reacti;n,
Hydloboration reaction, Pinacol-Pinacolone rearrangement, Robinson annulations,
Stevens reaction, Wolf rearrangement, Schmidt, Cutius, Hoffmann bromoamide
reaction, Favoroski rcarrangement.
). Use of reagents in organic syntheses; Gilman reagent, LDA, LiAlH4, NaAlH4,
NaBFI+, KMnOq, KzCrzOt, Pb(oAc)a, DMSO, Seoz, H2 (over pd, pt, Rh), Osor,
Jones reagent, PCC, PDC, MnOz, CAN, RuOa, peroxides, peracids, Aiumin,ni
isopropoxide, Aluminumtbutoxide, Thalium nitrate, DIBAL, DC-C, DDe
Organometallic reagents of Zn, Mg, Titanium, Lithium
\\iilkinson catalyst, Prevost and Woodward reagent.
Coupling reactions catalysed by pd and Cu (C_-, C-N, C_O bond formation)
Heterocyclic chemistry: Hantzsch widmann and Repracement nomencrature,
l(cactivities o[' r;ura,, l'hiophene, pyrrole,
eui,oiine and rsoquinoline. Skrauj
synlhcsis lbr quinoline and Fischer Indole Synthesis for Isoquinoline rcactivities .r three mernbered, 4 rnemhered and rarge sized ring
17. Bi,-r-organic a"ld Medicinal chernistry: Fischer Key and Lock
mechanism, Fit Indiiced
IJypothesis, Lead compounds, Bio-isosteric repracement, Factors
afitcting bioisosteric replacement, Rigid analogs. Rore and mechanism of Naof
organic.reactions, Haemoglobin, chlorophylt. Use oflipases in resolution.
8. Stereochemistry and applications organic reactio;s: Absorute configuration of
biphenyls, spirans, allenes and carbon compounds. sharpless asymmetric
E2-Syn- and anti-elimination, Addition of organometallic to carbonyl "io*iaution,
Asymmetric Synthesis.
Spectroscopy: Applications ofvarious spectral techniques in structural
elucidation of
organic compounds : UV, IR, 'H-NMR, ,,C_NMR, Mass, 2D_NMR,
Quarrtrrnr (-'hcruis t r.y
schrodingcr ivavc cquation fbr hvdrogen atorn,
euartum numbers antr their importance,
I-lydlogcrr likc *tvc tirnctiorts, Ilaclial antl angr"rlal rvave
functions."ri" f". i".o,i,,g
rur.lccula. ortrital rlom atouric, orbital, physical picture
ul b.nding ana antibonding w,ui
lunctir-rus' l,troduction to varcnce bond' model of H2, The
variation tt ecre,,, iinea,
variation principre, Perturbation theory, Apprication of -variation
m"tnoa *a p".t .uution
theory to He atom
ordinary and generarized angular momenturn, Eigen frurctions
and eigen values of
ang'lar momentum, I adder operators, Addition of anigular
momentum, Russe - saunders
terms and coupring schemes, Slater-condon paramet;,
Virial theorem, nr.i"r,rr."ry
conjucated systems, Apprications to ethyrene, butadieng
Extended' ttreory.
fhermodynamics of Mixtures
concepts of Free energy, chenricar- potential and
entropy, partiar molar properties,
Delermi_nation and their signifrcance, tugacrty
and its determination
Gibbs Duhem Margules equation. tr,teai ionic *tiuiiv,
.' ionic activity coefficient,
Mean ionic molality-of strong electroly.tes, toni.
Statistical Thermodynamics
Ensenrbles, statistics: Maxwell-Bortzmam:
Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein, Their
applications, Partition function and its significar"",
i."nri*roral, rotational, vibrationar.
clcct.orric arrd rrrrclcirr ,ar.riri.* l.nctio"ns.
Equilibriuur constant iu rerms ol'partition functions "'" "I
Chcnrie al Kinctics
' "i
Theory of reaction rates: collision and Activated comprex, Their comparison with
Arrhenius equation, Ionic reactions, Thermal and photochemical r.eactions (H2 + Br2
; H2
+ clz), Thermal decomposition of acetardehyde 'and ethyrene, Enzyme ."uctrors, iust
reactions: flow and relaxation techniques, U.imolecular reactions; Lindemann
Hinshelwood approaches with limitations, Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction.
Polymer Chemistry
Number and mass average molecular masses, Determination of molecular mass by
sedime,tation, viscosity and light scattering techniques, Morphology and order in
crystalline polymers, crystal structure of polymers, Effect of chain nexiu;tity and other
steric factors, Entropy and heat of fusion, Glass transition temperature, Effect of
molecular weight, diluents, chemical structure, chain toporogy, bianching and cross
linking. Processing techniques of porymers, properties of co-mmerciar poivmers like
polyethylene, poly vinyl ohloridc, polyarnicles, polysters, phenolic resi's, ejoxy
nnd silico* 1tol1,rncrs, electrical cond.cting polymers, Biomedical polymers. '
Surfacc Chcnristry
Laplace ct[ratio,, Kelvi. equatio', Gibbs atrsorptio, cquatiur, BET equation
estinaticrl of Surtace chernistil,. catal).tical activiiy at surfaies, Langumir-Blodgett fiLn:
Properties and applications, Surface active agents and their classification," critical
micellar concentration and factors affecting on it.
Debye-Huckel theory of ion-ion interaction, Debye-Huckel-onsager equation, Lippmann
equation, Determination of surface excess, structure of electrifie-d".,'n.i.roir,_
Perrin, Guoy-chapman and Stern models, Theory of doubre rayer at semiconductorelectrolye interface, Butler-volmer equation, Tafel plot, polarography tneory, lrkovic
equation, half wave poterltial and its significance.
Solid State Chemistry
crystal systems, various kinds of defects and their thermodynamics, color centers,
Closed packed structures: Cubic_close packing and hexagona.l close packing,
that can be described as close packed structures,
Band theory of solids, Band structure of metars, insulators and semiconductors,
Types of
semiconductors, Super conductivity and types of super conductors, Org*i"
Olganic charge tnrrrsf'cr courplcxcs.
l'1'pes ol' nragnctic materiars, origin a,d theory of dia,ragnetisrr,
euantum and
La,gcvirr's theory, Solid state rcactions, Kinetics and methods-of prepa.rtio,,
state luatcrials, eharacterizalion ofsolids using advancccl tcclrrri<;rrcs.
Chenristry of Matcrials
Materials at nano scale, physicar properties of nanocrystals and
bulk sorids,
Characterization of materials at nano scale, Carbon nanotubes,
Liquid Crystals, Classifi cation, textures and structures, Applications
Io-nic conductors: Types and mechanism, phase transitions and
mechanism of conduction
of rnechanism in superionic conductors, High super conductivity materials,
nullerenes as
superconductors, Preparation and characterization of l-2-i and z-i-+
Application of high r" materials, Non linear optical materiars, Non linear
opticar effects.