vtw'r. cclhindia. o.d rax:011-28521060 c!h8de13. vsnl. n6t r. EPABik rel: 011-2852{415,a162,5523 Board: 0L7-2A52SA3L , AS2 , A62 .rEITTD^MsHH cENTRAL couNCrL FoR RESEARCH rN nomoBiiiirrv tAr auronomou. Body or D.pr. orayusH, Mrnt.rry or qqr6r dl"r trt qrrfrq ftfui{r H.r* i i".,,r-*"-n qq adqit i,i"l* rr"f .ffi " qsn Jawahar Lat l{ehru Bhartiya Chikitsa Avum Homoeopathy Anusaridhan enawan 6i-6s d{emkr S*. S-aaro + wq+. 6l{s, lnstrutionat ##gd.'r{-ffi1,,oouu Area, Opp.D-Btock, J;nakpun,New Detht_.t J0058 Advertisement No,....,.,.,,..........1 2014. WAIK-IN - INTERVIEW The centrar councir for Research in Homoeopathy (ccRH), New Derhi, an Autonomous Body under the Department of AyusH, Ministry of Hearth & Famiry werfare, Gow. of rndia intends to engage the foflowing staff purery on contract basis for conducting research study Schizophernia at Central tnstitute of psychiatry (C.t.p), Ranchi. 1. Clinical Psychologist, 2. Research Associate and 3. Data Entry Operator The detairs, that are, number of posts, prace of posting; essentiar quarification, experience, remuneration, prace of wark-in-interview, date of interview etc. rue avairabre at Council's website www.ccrhindia.org \*\ rr. RI\.*.V Rakesh Anand Asstt. Director (Admn.) Fw. ccrhirdia. ord Eax:011-28521050 clhcd613.wsn1. n6t ih EPABX 161: 011_2852{415,L752.5523 Boald: 011-29525831,8S2,a62 ffiq ffiteft qEH-#-rR E ( @/ad-h6ja_ qrfl fuq,t X* qo oaoo _*, ,r.o ,na w?'..n2 CENTRAL COUNCIL FOR RESEARCH IN UOITOTiJi,ATTTV tAn Autonom!. Body or D.pn. or AyUsH, inlnrlrry or Ho"ru i i_t,ri"-,r.i,t,i. of inrfirr el]tt t6s qR-ffq frErffir yd deiqrff offilff{^orf . Jawrhar Lat Nehru Bhartya Chtkjts. Avum Homoeopathy Anusal;han errawan 61__65 s{elrrrd et , el_qrfi. 6t d qrqn, qr6.ct, q-{ fttd_r roosa -55, lnstitutionat Aroa, Opp.D-Btock, Janakpurl,New Detht_11O05g Advertisement No,,......,.,.,......../ ZOI4, WALK-IN - INTERVIEW The centrar councir for Research in Homoeopathy (ccRH), New Derhi, an Autonomous Body under the Department of AyusH, Ministry of Hearth & Famiry werfare, Govt. of rndia intends to engage the following posts on contract basis for clinical Trial on schizophrenia (RcT) at clP, Ranchi through the Extension unit of crinicar Research unit (Homoeo.), Arsunday, Boreya Road, P.O., Boreya, Ranchi-835240. The engagement will be purely on contract and selection will be made through walk-in-interview. Name of the Category Clinical Psychologist Qua lif ication/experience/Age etc. Essential qualifications: . > ! 01 post. Rs.2s,000/- Age: (consolidated) per o month. > Masters Degree in psychology of 2 years duration from a recognized Un iversity. Time of Place of lnterview: Central lnstitute of Psychiatry kanke, Ranchi-6. Below 35 years as on date of Date:03.02.2014 for one extendable further. Research Associate Place of working: Extension Unit of Clinical Research Unit (H) at Central lnstitute of psychiatry, kanke, Ranchi-5. . Rs.23,000/- Time: 10.30 A,M. Essential Qualif ications: BHMS or equivalent qualification 01 post. plus o HRA (consolidated) per month. > lnitially for one year, extendable funh er. & advertisement. lnitially Year, Place, Date Walk-in-interview- Place of lnterview: recognized by Central Council of Homoeopathy. Central lnstitute of PG in Homoeopathy recognized by Psychiatry kanke, ccH Ranch i-6. Date: 04.02.2014 Experience: o Research experience in any Govt. Time: 10.30 A.M. lnstitution. . Knowledge in Computer application. Age: . 35 years and below as on the date of advertisement. Place of working: Extension Unit of Clinical Research Unit (H) at Central lnstitute of psychiatry, kanke, Ranchi-5. Data Entry Operator Essential Qualifications: o Graduate 01 post. . Rs.13,000/- further. Place of lntervievtest: One year diploma in Computer Central lnstitute of Psychiatry, kanke, Ranchi-6. Age: lnitially year, recognized Science with Computer Typing Skill from recognized lnstitute. (consolidated) per month. from a University. for . one extendable 30 Years- Skill Test i. Date: 05.02.2014 - A typing speed of 35 words per minute in English or 30 words per minute in Hindi on Computer) (35 w.p.m. and 30 w.p.m correspond to 10500 KDPH/9000 KDpH on an average of 5 key depression for each word) Time allowed minutes - Time: 10.30 A.M.. 1.0 Place of working: Extension Unit of Clinical Research Unit (H) at Central lnstitute of psychiatry kanke, Ranchi-6. General lnstructions: 1. 2. 3. The posts are tenure/project/study basis. The number of posts may vary depending upon the requirement. Qualification(s) relaxable at the discretion of the Council in the case of candidates otherwise well qualified. 4. 5. The eligibility of candidate will be determined as on date of advertisement. The candidate who fulfills the requirements may attend the walk-in-interview,/test along with an application in the prescribed format (Annexure-t oR as applicable) along with original documents and self attested photocopies of certificates of qualifications, experience, mark sheet, birth certificates, caste certificates passport size photographs. Applicants appearing with incomplete documents will not be entertained for the interviedtest. 7' Age relaxation Gow. of tndia. 8. 9. to candidates belonging to sc/sr/oBC etc. will be available as per orders of the The candidate, if employed with any Autonomous/Gow. or Private Section, may brlng NOC from their employer at the time of intervievtest. The competent authority resenes the right to postpone,/cancel the recruitment exercise at any stage. 10' rn case rarge number of candidates reporting for intervievtest, the competent authority reserves the right to shortlist candidates by adopting appropriate criteria and the interview may also be held in the next day. 11 The serected candidates sha, have no craim for appointment on-regurar basis by virtue of being appointed on contractual basis. 12. verification of documents/certificates wir be started before one hour of the schedured time for wark-in-intervievtest and the candidates, who appear for wa rk-in-intervievtest after one hor]r of the scheduled time, willnot be allowed to appear in the intervievtest. 13. candidates are requested to see the councirs website time and again for any new announcement in this regard, 14. No TA7IDA will be admissible for atiending walk-in-intervie/test. 15. canvassing in any form oR on beharf of a candidate wifl be a disquarification. N>N},: Annexure_1 CENTRAL COUNCIT FOR RESEARCH IN HOMOEOPATHY, NEW DETHI APPTICATION FOR THE POST OF cltNtcAt psycHoLotGsT/ L. Name ofthe applicant in RESEARCH ASSOCTATE (HOMOEOpATHy) full (in Block letters) 2. Fathe/s /Husband's name: 3. Religion and Caste Affix one attested pass port size coloured (Attach attested copy of Caste Certificate ln case of SC/ST/OBC in the prescribed photogra ph format issued by the Competent Authority) 4. Address in Block letters with plN code: a) Permanent b) Correspondence c) E-mail ld d) Mobile/land line phone No. 5. Date of Birth and age as on date: 6. Educational qualifications (Attach attested copies of relevant documents) Qualifications 7. Year of passing Awarding authority Year of completion of lnternship training Experience, if any (Attach attested copies of relevant documents) Experience Period in year Duration From,......to........ Name of the Area/Subject of lnstitute Research/Teaching 8" Particulars of registration, ifapplicable Registration No. Date of resistration 9. Authority giving reglstration Status of renewal of registration ln case of physically handicapped person Candidate must attach attested copy of certificate issued by Medical Board constituted by Centra/State Govt. Particulars of publications in the reputed Journalt Magazines, etc. ff any: 77. Other information, if any 12. List of enclosures: I declare that all information supplies by me, as above are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and berief. r arso fulry understand that in the event of any information being found farse or incorrect, my candidature may be summariry rejected or emproyment terminated. Place: Date: Note: ' Signature of Applicant. Apprication, arong with encrosures, shourd be continuousry page numbered and arso serfattested by the candidate. Prease attach two recent passport size photographs and arso documentary proof in support age, educationa I qualification and experience. of Annexure-ll CENTRAL COUNCIL FOR RESEARCH IN HOMOEOPATHY, NEW DELHI APPI.ICATION FOR THE POST OF DATA ENTRY OPEMTOR 13. Name ofthe applicant in full (in Block letters) Affix one attested pass 74. Fathe/s /Husband's name: port size 15. Religlon and Caste coloured photograph (Attach attested copy of Caste Certificate ln case ofSC/ST/OBC in the prescribed format issued by the Competent Authority) 16. Address in Block letters with plN code: e) Permanent f) Correspondence g) E-mait td h) Mobile/land line phone No. 17. Date of Birth and age as on date: 18. Educationa I q ua lifications (Attach attested copies of relevant documents) (Attach attested copies of relevant documents) Experience Period in year Duration From.,.....to........ Name of the ln.tiirlta Area^ubject of Research/Teachins 20. ln case of physically handicapped person Candidate must attach attested copy of certificate issued by Medical Board constituted by Central/State Govt. 21. Other information, if any 22. List of enclosures: I declare that all information suppries by me, as above are true, comprete and correct to the best of my knowledge and berief. r arso fufly understand that in the event of any information being found farse or inco*ect, my candidature may be summariry rejected or emproyment terminated. Place: Date: Note: ' Signature of Applicant. Application, arong with encrosures, shourd be continuousry page numbered and arso serf attested by the candidate. two recent passport size photographs and arso documentary proof in support age, educational qualification and experience. Pr€ase attach of
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