PUBLIKACJE ALEKSEGO TRALLE Streszczenia sa dostepne w

Streszczenia s¸a dost¸epne w Math.Rev:;
Publikacje po 1999 roku s¸a dost¸epne w e-archiwum
1. Symplectic manifolds with no K¨ahler structure, Lect. Notes Math.,
1661, Springer, Berlin, 1997 (wsp´olnie z J. Oprea)
Artykuly w czasopismach/pracach zbiorowych
2. Simply connected K-contact and Sasakian manifolds in dimension 7,
zlo˙zona, ArXiv:1408.2496v1 math.DG (wsp´olautor V. Mu˜
3. On formality of K¨ahler orbifolds and Sasakian manifolds, zlo˙zona, ArXiv:
1402.6861 math.DG (wsp´olautorzy I. Biswas, M. Fern´andez and V.
4. On simply connected K-contact non Sasakian manifolds, zlo˙zona, ArXiv:
1305.2591 math.DG (wsp´olautor B. Hajduk)
5. Proper SL(2,R)-actions on homogeneous spaces, zlo zona, ArXiv: 1405.4167
math.GR (wsp´olautorzy M. Boche´
nski, P. Jastrz¸ebski)
6. Clifford-Klein forms and a-hyperbolic rank, Internat. Math. Res.
Notices, 2014, DOI: 10.1093/imrn/rnu123 (wsp´olautor M. Boche´
7. Generalized symplectic symmetric spaces, Geom. Dedicata, 171(2014),
329-343 (wsp´olautor M. Boche´
8. Nonsymplectic smooth circle actions on symplectic manifolds, Math.
Slovaca 62(2012), 539-550 (wsp´olautorzy B. Hajduk i K. Pawalowski)
9. On the algebraic independence of hamiltonian characteristic classes, J.
´ Gal i J. K¸edra)
Symplectic Geom. 9(2011), 1-9 (wsp´olautorzy S.
10. On non-degenerate coupling forms J. Geom. Physics 61(2011), 462475 (wsp´olautorzy J. K¸edra i A. Woike)
11. On curvature constructions of symplectic forms, Banach Center Publ.
93(2011), 261-269 (wsp´olautorzy A. Szczepkowska i A. Woike)
12. Symplectically aspherical manifolds, J. Fixed Point Theory Appl.
3(2008), 1-21 (wsp´olautorzy J. K¸edra i Y. Rudyak)
13. Exotic smooth structures and symplectic forms on closed manifolds,
Geom. Dedicata, 132(2008), 31-42 (wsp´olautor B. Hajduk)
14. Fundamental groups of symplectically aspherical manifolds II: abelian
groups, Math. Z. 256(2007), 825-835 (wsp´olautorzy J. K¸edra i Y.
15. Diffeomorphisms and almost complex structures on tori, Annals Global
Anal. Geom. 28(2005), 337-349 (wsp´olautor B. Hajduk).
16. Fundamental groups of symplectically aspherical manifolds, Math. Z.
248(2004), 805-826 (wsp´olautorzy R. Ib´anez, J. K¸edra, Y. Rudyak).
17. A note on symplectic circle actions and Massey products, in: Advances in Topological Quantum Field Theory (J. Bryden, Ed.) NATO
Sci. Ser. II, 179, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2004, 289-295 (wsp´olautor Z.
18. A note on hamiltonian circle actions and Massey products, Bull. Polish Acad. Sci. (Mathematics) 52(2004), 141-149 (wsp´olautor Z.
19. Symplectically harmonic cohomology of nilmanifolds, in: Symplectic
and Contact Topology, Interactions and Perspectives (Y. Eliashberg
and B. Khesin, Eds.) Fields Institute Communications 35 (2003),
117-130 (wsp´olautorzy R. Ib´anez, Y. Rudyak, L. Ugarte)).
20. On certain geometric and homotopy properties of closed symplectic
manifolds, Topology Appl. 127(2003), 33-45 (wsp´olautorzy R. Ib´anez,
Y. Rudyak, L. Ugarte).
21. On symplectically harmonic cohomology of six-dimensional nilmanifolds, Comment. Math. Helv. 76(2001), 89-109, (wsp´olautorzy
R. Ib´anez, Y. Rudyak, L. Ugarte).
Erratum: Comment. Math. Helv. 76(2001), 576
22. On solvable Lie groups without lattices, in: Mathematical Legacy of
Alfred Gray (M. Fernandez and J. Wolf, Eds.) Contemp. Math.
288 (2001), 431-447.
23. On Thom spaces, Massey products and non formal symplectic manifolds, Internat. Math. Res. Notices 10(2000), 495-513 (wsp´olautor
Y. Rudyak).
24. Homotopy properties of closed symplectic manifolds, in: Geometry and
Topology of Manifolds (Krynica, 1999), Univ. Iagel. Acta Math.
38(2000), 105-124.
25. On symplectic manifolds with aspherical symplectic form, Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal. 14(1999), 353-362 (wsp´olautor Y. Rudyak).
26. On solvmanifolds and a conjecture of Benson and Gordon from the
Hamiltonian viewpoint, J. Lie Theory 8(1998), 279-292 (wsp´olautor
W. Andrzejewski).
27. Compact K¨ahler completely solvable solvmanifolds are tori, Internat.
Math. Res. Notices 15(1997), 727-732 (wsp´olautor J. K¸edra).
28. Koszul-Sullivan models and cohomology of certain solvmanifolds, Annals Global Anal. Geom. 15 (1997), 347-360 (wsp´olautor J.
29. Rational models of solvmanifolds with K¨ahler structures, Revista Mat.
Univ. Complut. Madrid 10(1997), 157-176
30. On compact symplectic and K¨ahlerian solvmanifolds wich are not completely solvable, Colloq. Math. 73(1997), 261-283
31. Fat bundles and formality, Annales Polon. Math. 65(1997), 105-118
(wsp´olautor W. Andrzejewski)
32. Generalized symmetric spaces and minimal models, Annales Polon.
Math. 64(1996), 17-35 (wsp´olautorzy A. Duma´
nska-Malyszko and Z.
33. Applications of rational homotopy to geometry (results, problems, conjectures), Expositiones Math. 14 (1996), 425-472.
34. Rational homotopy obstructions and symplectic mechanics in the presence of a Yang-Mills field, in: Symmetry and structural properties of
condenced matter World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 1995, 251-268
(wsp´olautorzy W. Andrzejewski and A. Neugebauer)
35. On symplectic fat bundles, Bull. Polish Acad. Sci.(Mathematics)
43 (1995), 161-167 (wsp´olautor J. K¸edra).
36. Cohomology of some graded differential algebras, Fundamenta Math.
145 (1994), 181-204 (wsp´olautor W. Andrzejewski).
37. Rational homotopy theory and geometric structures on smooth manifolds, Reports Math. Physics 34 (1994), 17-32.
38. On Hochschild and cyclic homology of certain compact homogeneous
spaces, Czechosl. Math. J. 43 (1993), 615-634.
39. Cyclic homology of some topological spaces that are formal in the sense
of Sullivan, Matem. Zametki 50(6) (1991), 131-141 (in Russian),
English transl. in Math. Notes 50 (6)(1991), 1305-1312.
40. Some generalized symmetric spaces of zero Euler characteristic, Izv.
Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. 4(1991), 84-88 (in Russian)
English transl: Soviet Math. 4(1991), 86-90
41. Cyclic homology of some topological spaces, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 46 (1991),
195-196 (in Russian)
English transl.: Russian Math. Surveys 46(1991), 231-232
42. A new existence theorem for the generalized symmetric spaces of solvable type, Annals Global Anal. Geom. 8 (1990), 147-158.
43. A contribution to the theory of generalized symmetric spaces of solvable
type, C.R. Acad. Bulgare Sci. 43(1990),29-32.
44. On 3-symmetric Riemannian spaces of solvable type, Comment. Math.
Univ. Carolin. 30(1989), 803-809
45. On naturally reductive and k-symmetric Riemannian symmetric spaces,
C.R. Acad. Bulgare Sci. 42(1989), 5-7.
46. Topological existence of generalized Riemannian symmetric spaces, Vestsi
Acad. Akad. Navuk BSSR Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Navuk, no.3 (1989),
23-26 (in Russian).
47. On the group of isometries of a generalized Riemannian symmetric
space, Matem. Zametki 41 (2)(1987), 247-258 (in Russian), English
transl. in Math. Notes 41 (1987), 141-147.
48. On Kowalski’s conjecture and 3-symmetric spaces, Dokl. Akad. Nauk
BSSR, 30(1986), 489-492 (in Russian).
49. Tori of periodical spaces with multiplication, Dokl. Akad. Nauk
BSSR, 29(1985),108-111 (in Russian).
50. Global classification of exceptional periodic spaces with multiplication,
Dokl. Akad. Nauk BSSR 28(1984), 12-14 (in Russian).
51. Mirrors of Φ-spaces with semisimple basic groups, Vestsi Akad. Navuk
BSSR Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Navuk(1984), no. 1, 12-14 (in Russian).
Prace redakcyjne
52. Algebra, Geometry and Mathematical Physics, Banach Center Publ.
(wsp´olredaktorzy V. Abramov, J. Fuchs, E. Paal, A. Stolin and P.
53. Conference on Symplectic Topology, Stare Jablonki, Poland, 2004
Special issue of J. Symplectic Geometry 3(4) (2005)
(Guest Editor, wsp´olredaktorzy B. Hajduk, J. K¸edra, L. Polterovich)
54. Homotopy and Geometry, Banach Center Publ. 45(1997) (Editor,
wsp´olnie z J. Oprea)
ecznik akademicki
55. Topology, Minsk, Wysheyshaya Shkola, 1990 (in Russian)
(wsp´olautorzy A. Fedenko, S. Kononov, A. Prasolov, V. Timokhovich)
56. On a class of hamiltonian fiber bundles, Preprint IHES, M/09/04, 2009
(wsp´olautorzy J. K¸edra i A. Szczepkowska)
57. Fat bundles and formality, Semin. Gaston Darboux de Geometrie
et Topologie Diff´
erentielle 1992-1993 (Montpellier), Univ. Montpellier II, 1994, 39-52 (wsp´olautor W. Andrzejewski)