PUBLIKACJE ALEKSEGO TRALLE Streszczenia s¸a dost¸epne w Math.Rev:; Publikacje po 1999 roku s¸a dost¸epne w e-archiwum Monografia 1. Symplectic manifolds with no K¨ahler structure, Lect. Notes Math., 1661, Springer, Berlin, 1997 (wsp´olnie z J. Oprea) Artykuly w czasopismach/pracach zbiorowych 2. Simply connected K-contact and Sasakian manifolds in dimension 7, zlo˙zona, ArXiv:1408.2496v1 math.DG (wsp´olautor V. Mu˜ noz) 3. On formality of K¨ahler orbifolds and Sasakian manifolds, zlo˙zona, ArXiv: 1402.6861 math.DG (wsp´olautorzy I. Biswas, M. Fern´andez and V. Mu˜ noz) 4. On simply connected K-contact non Sasakian manifolds, zlo˙zona, ArXiv: 1305.2591 math.DG (wsp´olautor B. Hajduk) 5. Proper SL(2,R)-actions on homogeneous spaces, zlo zona, ArXiv: 1405.4167 math.GR (wsp´olautorzy M. Boche´ nski, P. Jastrz¸ebski) 6. Clifford-Klein forms and a-hyperbolic rank, Internat. Math. Res. Notices, 2014, DOI: 10.1093/imrn/rnu123 (wsp´olautor M. Boche´ nski) 7. Generalized symplectic symmetric spaces, Geom. Dedicata, 171(2014), 329-343 (wsp´olautor M. Boche´ nski) 8. Nonsymplectic smooth circle actions on symplectic manifolds, Math. Slovaca 62(2012), 539-550 (wsp´olautorzy B. Hajduk i K. Pawalowski) 9. On the algebraic independence of hamiltonian characteristic classes, J. ´ Gal i J. K¸edra) Symplectic Geom. 9(2011), 1-9 (wsp´olautorzy S. 10. On non-degenerate coupling forms J. Geom. Physics 61(2011), 462475 (wsp´olautorzy J. K¸edra i A. Woike) 11. On curvature constructions of symplectic forms, Banach Center Publ. 93(2011), 261-269 (wsp´olautorzy A. Szczepkowska i A. Woike) 12. Symplectically aspherical manifolds, J. Fixed Point Theory Appl. 3(2008), 1-21 (wsp´olautorzy J. K¸edra i Y. Rudyak) 1 13. Exotic smooth structures and symplectic forms on closed manifolds, Geom. Dedicata, 132(2008), 31-42 (wsp´olautor B. Hajduk) 14. Fundamental groups of symplectically aspherical manifolds II: abelian groups, Math. Z. 256(2007), 825-835 (wsp´olautorzy J. K¸edra i Y. Rudyak) 15. Diffeomorphisms and almost complex structures on tori, Annals Global Anal. Geom. 28(2005), 337-349 (wsp´olautor B. Hajduk). 16. Fundamental groups of symplectically aspherical manifolds, Math. Z. 248(2004), 805-826 (wsp´olautorzy R. Ib´anez, J. K¸edra, Y. Rudyak). 17. A note on symplectic circle actions and Massey products, in: Advances in Topological Quantum Field Theory (J. Bryden, Ed.) NATO Sci. Ser. II, 179, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2004, 289-295 (wsp´olautor Z. St¸epie´ n) 18. A note on hamiltonian circle actions and Massey products, Bull. Polish Acad. Sci. (Mathematics) 52(2004), 141-149 (wsp´olautor Z. St¸epie´ n). 19. Symplectically harmonic cohomology of nilmanifolds, in: Symplectic and Contact Topology, Interactions and Perspectives (Y. Eliashberg and B. Khesin, Eds.) Fields Institute Communications 35 (2003), 117-130 (wsp´olautorzy R. Ib´anez, Y. Rudyak, L. Ugarte)). 20. On certain geometric and homotopy properties of closed symplectic manifolds, Topology Appl. 127(2003), 33-45 (wsp´olautorzy R. Ib´anez, Y. Rudyak, L. Ugarte). 21. On symplectically harmonic cohomology of six-dimensional nilmanifolds, Comment. Math. Helv. 76(2001), 89-109, (wsp´olautorzy R. Ib´anez, Y. Rudyak, L. Ugarte). Erratum: Comment. Math. Helv. 76(2001), 576 22. On solvable Lie groups without lattices, in: Mathematical Legacy of Alfred Gray (M. Fernandez and J. Wolf, Eds.) Contemp. Math. 288 (2001), 431-447. 23. On Thom spaces, Massey products and non formal symplectic manifolds, Internat. Math. Res. Notices 10(2000), 495-513 (wsp´olautor Y. Rudyak). 2 24. Homotopy properties of closed symplectic manifolds, in: Geometry and Topology of Manifolds (Krynica, 1999), Univ. Iagel. Acta Math. 38(2000), 105-124. 25. On symplectic manifolds with aspherical symplectic form, Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal. 14(1999), 353-362 (wsp´olautor Y. Rudyak). 26. On solvmanifolds and a conjecture of Benson and Gordon from the Hamiltonian viewpoint, J. Lie Theory 8(1998), 279-292 (wsp´olautor W. Andrzejewski). 27. Compact K¨ahler completely solvable solvmanifolds are tori, Internat. Math. Res. Notices 15(1997), 727-732 (wsp´olautor J. K¸edra). 28. Koszul-Sullivan models and cohomology of certain solvmanifolds, Annals Global Anal. Geom. 15 (1997), 347-360 (wsp´olautor J. Oprea). 29. Rational models of solvmanifolds with K¨ahler structures, Revista Mat. Univ. Complut. Madrid 10(1997), 157-176 30. On compact symplectic and K¨ahlerian solvmanifolds wich are not completely solvable, Colloq. Math. 73(1997), 261-283 31. Fat bundles and formality, Annales Polon. Math. 65(1997), 105-118 (wsp´olautor W. Andrzejewski) 32. Generalized symmetric spaces and minimal models, Annales Polon. Math. 64(1996), 17-35 (wsp´olautorzy A. Duma´ nska-Malyszko and Z. St¸epie´ n) 33. Applications of rational homotopy to geometry (results, problems, conjectures), Expositiones Math. 14 (1996), 425-472. 34. Rational homotopy obstructions and symplectic mechanics in the presence of a Yang-Mills field, in: Symmetry and structural properties of condenced matter World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 1995, 251-268 (wsp´olautorzy W. Andrzejewski and A. Neugebauer) 35. On symplectic fat bundles, Bull. Polish Acad. Sci.(Mathematics) 43 (1995), 161-167 (wsp´olautor J. K¸edra). 36. Cohomology of some graded differential algebras, Fundamenta Math. 145 (1994), 181-204 (wsp´olautor W. Andrzejewski). 3 37. Rational homotopy theory and geometric structures on smooth manifolds, Reports Math. Physics 34 (1994), 17-32. 38. On Hochschild and cyclic homology of certain compact homogeneous spaces, Czechosl. Math. J. 43 (1993), 615-634. 39. Cyclic homology of some topological spaces that are formal in the sense of Sullivan, Matem. Zametki 50(6) (1991), 131-141 (in Russian), English transl. in Math. Notes 50 (6)(1991), 1305-1312. 40. Some generalized symmetric spaces of zero Euler characteristic, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. 4(1991), 84-88 (in Russian) English transl: Soviet Math. 4(1991), 86-90 41. Cyclic homology of some topological spaces, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 46 (1991), 195-196 (in Russian) English transl.: Russian Math. Surveys 46(1991), 231-232 42. A new existence theorem for the generalized symmetric spaces of solvable type, Annals Global Anal. Geom. 8 (1990), 147-158. 43. A contribution to the theory of generalized symmetric spaces of solvable type, C.R. Acad. Bulgare Sci. 43(1990),29-32. 44. On 3-symmetric Riemannian spaces of solvable type, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 30(1989), 803-809 45. On naturally reductive and k-symmetric Riemannian symmetric spaces, C.R. Acad. Bulgare Sci. 42(1989), 5-7. 46. Topological existence of generalized Riemannian symmetric spaces, Vestsi Acad. Akad. Navuk BSSR Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Navuk, no.3 (1989), 23-26 (in Russian). 47. On the group of isometries of a generalized Riemannian symmetric space, Matem. Zametki 41 (2)(1987), 247-258 (in Russian), English transl. in Math. Notes 41 (1987), 141-147. 48. On Kowalski’s conjecture and 3-symmetric spaces, Dokl. Akad. Nauk BSSR, 30(1986), 489-492 (in Russian). 49. Tori of periodical spaces with multiplication, Dokl. Akad. Nauk BSSR, 29(1985),108-111 (in Russian). 4 50. Global classification of exceptional periodic spaces with multiplication, Dokl. Akad. Nauk BSSR 28(1984), 12-14 (in Russian). 51. Mirrors of Φ-spaces with semisimple basic groups, Vestsi Akad. Navuk BSSR Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Navuk(1984), no. 1, 12-14 (in Russian). Prace redakcyjne 52. Algebra, Geometry and Mathematical Physics, Banach Center Publ. 93(2011), (wsp´olredaktorzy V. Abramov, J. Fuchs, E. Paal, A. Stolin and P. Urba´ nski) 53. Conference on Symplectic Topology, Stare Jablonki, Poland, 2004 Special issue of J. Symplectic Geometry 3(4) (2005) (Guest Editor, wsp´olredaktorzy B. Hajduk, J. K¸edra, L. Polterovich) 54. Homotopy and Geometry, Banach Center Publ. 45(1997) (Editor, wsp´olnie z J. Oprea) Podr¸ ecznik akademicki 55. Topology, Minsk, Wysheyshaya Shkola, 1990 (in Russian) (wsp´olautorzy A. Fedenko, S. Kononov, A. Prasolov, V. Timokhovich) Preprinty 56. On a class of hamiltonian fiber bundles, Preprint IHES, M/09/04, 2009 (wsp´olautorzy J. K¸edra i A. Szczepkowska) 57. Fat bundles and formality, Semin. Gaston Darboux de Geometrie et Topologie Diff´ erentielle 1992-1993 (Montpellier), Univ. Montpellier II, 1994, 39-52 (wsp´olautor W. Andrzejewski) 5
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