References - Cat Specialist Group

Asiatic lion (Panthera leo persica)
Reference List
1. Banerjee K. and Jhala Y.V. 2012. Demographic parameters of endangered Asiatic
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16. Jhala Y.V., Mukherjee S., Shah N., Chauhan K.S., Dave C.V., Meena V. and
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17. Jhala Y., Chellam R. and Pathak B. 2009. Social Organization and Dispersal of
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18. Jhala Y.V., Qureshi Q., Bhuva V. and Sharma L.N. 1999. Population estimation of
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33. Meena V. 2008. Reproductive Strategy and Behaviour of Male Asiatic Lions
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39. Rashid M.A. 1984. Notes on conservation of the Asiatic lion. In The plight of the cats:
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41. Ravi Chellam. 1987. Asiatic lion study. Cat News 6, 31. Bougy-Villars, Switzerland.
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52. Singh H.S. and Kamboj R.D. 1996. Predation pattern of the Asiatic lion on domestic
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59. Wildt D.E., Mellen J.D. and Seal U.S. eds. 1992a. Felid action plan, 1991 and 1992:
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