Farmer-to-Farmer East Africa Volunteer Assignment Scope of Work Country Country Project Host Organization Assignment Title Assignment Preferred Dates Assignment Objective Desired Volunteer Skills/ Expertise Summary Information Kenya Horticulture Country Project Caritas Meru - Nchiru Children’s Village Best Management Practices Training on Greenhouse Tomato Production July 6th – 26th 2014 Build capacity of Nchiru Children’s Center on BMPs in integrated greenhouse tomato pests and disease management Greenhouse management expert with experience on Integrated Pest and Disease Management A. BACKGROUND The Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) East Africa program leverages US volunteer’s expertise to assist small holder farmers and small scale processors in East Africa to improve their business practices through volunteer assignments conducted with host organizations. Through F2F CRS will improve the livelihoods and nutritional status of significant numbers of low income households by: i) broadening their participation in established commodity value chains as producers and service providers; ii) strengthening community resilience to shocks such as droughts that adversely affect livelihoods; and iii) preserving/enhancing natural resources upon which most rural communities depend. As an important corollary result, CRS will also increase the American public’s understanding of international development programs and foster increased cross-cultural understanding between host countries and US volunteers. Nchiru Children’s Village (NCV) was founded to provide a physically, emotionally, and spiritually safe home and school that allows 700 orphaned and street children to grow into responsible and compassionate individuals. NCV comprises of St. Francis Boys’ Home (350 boys, ages 6-23 years, established in 1999) and St. Clare Girls’ Centre (350 girls, ages 6-18 years, established in 2006). Eighty percent of the boys at St. Francis are former street children, while St. Clare provides a refuge to orphaned and abandoned girls. NCV developed a comprehensive food security program to benefit not only the children at NCV but also the local community through sustainable farming and livestock management. The food 1 security program includes: the production of cash crops in greenhouses using drip irrigation; intensifying outdoor crop production with drip irrigation; and engaging in aquaculture and livestock production enterprises (tilapia and catfish ponds, rabbits, poultry, and pigs) for consumption at NCV and to generate revenue. The center also offers skills training to older children in agricultural best practices, livestock management, and irrigation, food hygiene and health at NCV. It also empowers women from the community through trainings in agricultural best practices, nutrition, and food hygiene. Despite NCV’s experience in greenhouse tomato production, they continue to experience significant losses due to lack of appropriate knowledge and skills in Best Management Practices (BMPs) on greenhouse tomato production and particularly Integrated Pest and Disease Management (IPDM). Therefore NCV has requested a CRS F2F technical expert in greenhouse management to bolster their capabilities in IPDM, and build upon their capabilities in tomato production through teaching Best Management Practices (BMPs) in greenhouse tomato production. B. ISSUE DESCRIPTION The main challenge facing NCV is a lack of knowledge and skills in BMPs in greenhouse tomato production leading to poor management of pests and diseases. As a result, there have been increasing incidences of soil borne and foliar diseases, particularly bacterial, that lead to a decrease in production for the institution. Therefore, management of soil borne diseases is integral to sustaining greenhouse production systems for NCV. NCV also lacks appropriate knowledge in general greenhouse management technology resulting in poor crop husbandry and planning. This includes inconsistent watering, lack of proper application of fertilizers, poor field hygiene, and lack of farm records and production procedures. In addition, NCV also lacks knowledge on how to minimize environmental damage. Although NCV produces various high value crops, this F2F volunteer assignment will focus specifically on BMPs for greenhouse tomato production in IPDM. C. OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSIGNMENT The objective of this volunteer assignment is to build the capacity of NCV in BMPs for greenhouse production and management with specific focus on IPDM. Through this training, NCV will develop strategies to eradicate bacterial wilt disease. 80 students (50 girls and 30 boys) and 8 staff members will be trained on greenhouse BMPs and IPDM. During the assignment, the F2F volunteer will complete the following tasks: 1. Situation analysis Visit NCV greenhouses and access impact of the bacterial wilt disease and other pests and diseases Review current knowledge and practices in greenhouse management Facilitate eradication of tomato bacterial wilt pathogens in NCV greenhouses Identify training gaps for NCV 2. Provide comprehensive training on Best Management Practices on pest and disease control, including: 2 Sanitation practices Crop monitoring practices Pest management decisions Use of resistant cultivars/varieties Chemical control measures as appropriate (this will follow USAID PERSUAP guidelines and country approved pesticides)1. 3. Provide recommendations on pest and disease management 4. Develop integrated pest and disease control management guide for NCV 5. Identify gaps and recommend future F2F volunteer training to ensure food sustainability of NCV for high value crops produced under greenhouse and field conditions. The development of an IDPM guide will reduce the need for chemical pesticides. Greenhouse staff will be trained to accurately identify pests and diseases and to monitor insect populations. Records of pest and disease problems and solutions will be maintained, and used in planning future control strategies. Host contribution– NCV will mobilize the members to attend the trainings to be conducted by the CRS F2F volunteer. The farm production manager, a horticulture graduate from a nearby University, will be available for the trainings in addition to working closely with the volunteer during the preparations and actual trainings. NCV will provide accommodation and transport for the volunteer during the assignment as well as the training venue for the participants and other related training costs. D. ANTICIPATED RESULTS FROM THE ASSIGNMENT The anticipated results from this assignment are: At least 80 students (50 girls and 30 boys) aged 12+ years are trained on BMPs in greenhouse tomato production. It is anticipated that these students will provide hands on training to their peers. 8 members of staff and management are trained on BMPs. Develop integrated pest and disease control management guide for NCV. The anticipated deliverables from the volunteer assignment include: Trainings conducted and people trained. Integrated pest and disease control management guide for NCV developed. Presentation on BMPs on tomato pests and disease management. Debriefing with USAID and in country group presentations after assignment. Volunteer feedback. Field trip report written, outreach activity conducted in Kenya and outreach in the US (press release and media event). 1 The volunteer will receive a copy of recommended and approved pesticides for Kenya and USAID PERSUAP and environmental management guidelines. 3 E. SCHEDULE OF VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES IN KENYA Day Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10-13 Activity Leave US. Arrival into Kenya. The volunteer shall be met by a taxi driver in the arrivals terminal who will have a sign bearing the CRS logo and the volunteer’s name. The volunteer will be driven to Comfort Garden Hotel in Gigiri (near the American Embassy) or another hotel to be communicated prior to arrival. Briefing meeting at CRS offices with CRS F2F staff to be fully briefed on logistics and itinerary of trip. Discuss anticipated outcomes and work plan, prepare any handouts. Travel to Meru. Introduction of the volunteer by CRS staff to Nchiru Children’s Village management and staff. Review the main objectives of the assignment and adjust the agenda for the coming days. Meeting with Caritas Meru. Visit NCV greenhouses and assess impact of the bacterial wilt disease and other pests and diseases. Day off Review current knowledge and practice on greenhouse tomato production and management and identify training gaps. Develop training schedule based on the gaps identified. Training on Best Management Practices in tomato pest and disease control, including the following topics: Day 14 Day 15-16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20 Day 21 Sanitation practices; Crop monitoring practices; Cultural practices; and Pest management decisions. Day off Facilitate eradication of tomato bacterial wilt pathogens in NCV greenhouses. Develop IPDM guide for greenhouse tomato production. Exit meeting between NCV management and CRS F2F. Presentation on IPDM for greenhouse tomato production. Travel to Nairobi. Debriefing at CRS office with USAID Mission and CRS staff. Complete: Trip Report (TR), feedback form, and Travel Expense Voucher (TEV). Volunteer departs for US. F. DESIRABLE VOLUNTEER SKILLS The volunteer must have the following qualifications and competencies: 4 Minimum of MSc in tomato production or related discipline; Extensive knowledge and experience in IPDM in greenhouse tomato production; Excellent hands-on training skills for adult and teenage audiences is necessary; and Good writing and analytical skills, as well as good communication skills. G. ACCOMMODATION AND OTHER IN-COUNTRY LOGISTICS While in Nairobi, the volunteer will stay at the Comfort Gardens Hotel on No. 34 UN Crescent, Gigiri, Village Market (email: [email protected]) or another hotel identified by CRS and communicated to the volunteer prior to arrival. In Meru, the volunteer will stay at the NCV guesthouse. The guesthouse has self-contained rooms with hot water and electricity. The volunteer will be provided with an internet dongle. Internet is also accessible in the many internet cafes in town. Meru town lies in the heart of Eastern Province, on the northeastern slopes of Mt. Kenya. It is situated at 5,000 feet above sea level, only five miles north of the equator. The population is 1,356,301 according to the 2009 population census. Meru town is a business, agricultural and education centre for northeastern Kenya, and has reliable banking facilities. CRS will pay for hotel accommodation, and provide the volunteer with per diems to cater for meals and other incidentals. The volunteer may receive a cash advance which must be liquidated before departing Kenya. For more information, please refer to country information that will be provided. H. RECOMMENDED ASSIGNMENT PREPARATIONS CRS-F2F designs assignments with the assumption of some pre-departure preparation by the volunteer. Actual preparation time will vary based on the experience of the volunteer, as well as informational or training resources the volunteer has readily available. CRS relies on the volunteer to assess the tasks outlined in this SOW and to make his or her own judgment about how much and what kind of preparation is needed prior to arriving in Kenya. The volunteer should prepare materials for handouts which can be printed at the CRS office in Nairobi before commencement of the assignment. Flip charts, markers, masking tapes can be obtained at CRS offices. Depending on the training venue the volunteer may use a laptop and projector for power point presentations but if the training venue is in the community, this will not be possible. CRS strongly recommends that the volunteer become familiar with CRS programs in Kenya, the livestock project description, and other information in the briefing pack before arrival to Kenya. 5 I. KEY CONTACTS CRS Baltimore Maria Figuera Volunteer Support Coordinator Farmer-to-Farmer Program 228 W. Lexington Street Baltimore, MD 21201 410-951-7366 Email: [email protected] Gabriel Mbokothe Country Director Farmer-to-Farmer Program Kenya Office Tel: +254 20 421 0000, ext 116 Mobile: +254 733990299 Email: [email protected] CRS EA Regional Office Nyambura Theuri Deputy Project Director EA Farmer-to-Farmer Program P.O. Box 49675 – 00100 Nairobi, Kenya St. Augustine Court Karuna Close Road Email: [email protected] CRS Kenya Courtney Boiler Head of Programs CRS Kenya Office Tel: +254 20 421 0000 Mobile: +254 0701245382 Email: [email protected] Martin Waweru Project Coordinator Farmer-to-Farmer Program Kenya Office Tel: +254 02 421 0000, ext. 119 Mobile: +254 734600693 Email: [email protected] 6
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