RAIL TRANSIT CEOS’ COMMITTEE MEETING PAUL JABLONSKI, PRESIDING SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2014 RITZ CARLTON NEW ORLEANS AGENDA 1 – 1:30 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. RAIL TRANSIT CEOS COMMITTEE AGENDA BROADMOOR ROOM/LEVEL ONE Welcome & Introductions – Paul Jablonski, committee chair Nomination of Joe Calabrese as committee’s designated representative to APTA Board Review of the Minutes – KellyAnne Gallagher, APTA (attachment) Report from the Rail Transit Subcommittee – Martin Schroeder, APTA (Attachment) Transportation Learning Center Proposal: “A System of Standards-Based Training” – Brian Turner, TLC (attachment) Attachments: September 2013 Minutes Report from the Rail Transit Subcommittee TLC Proposal Rail Rodeo Update Agency Staff participating in APTA Standards Development 1:30 – 4:30 pm JOINT MEETING OF THE CEOS COMMITTEES LAFAYETTE BALLROOM/LEVEL TWO 6. FTA Administrator’s Workshop: MAP-21's Safety Program, Asset Management, State of Good Repair, and Performance Metrics – Administrator Peter Rogoff 7. APTA Legislative Update – Rob Healy, APTA 8. APTA Regulatory Update – Jim LaRusch, APTA 9. APTA Governance Review Task Force Update APTA Rail CEOs Meeting September 29, 2013 Chicago, IL DRAFT MINUTES 1. Welcome and introductions: Chair Paul Jablonski opened the meeting by offering a welcome. Introductions were made around the room. 2. Regulatory update: Jim LaRusch opened with news of a settlement agreement with Arrival Star, which extends to all APTA members, and contractors to those members. 13C resolution in California: Jablonski reported that DOL and the governor would not budge, but allows Sacramento RT to sue, amicably. 3. Leadership APTA: A team from the current class of Leadership APTA made a presentation on Mega Events. 4. Legislative Report: Rob Healy gave the report. He noted efforts at balancing bus/bus facilities program with the SOGR program. If McConnell and Hatch push tax reform, we will push for reform of highway trust fund. We will probably get funded through 2014, and will face another “fiscal cliff” next year. 5. Transportation Learning Center: Brian Turner presented a fact sheet on the transit signals training consortium. The program will eventually develop "text book" via tablet, with hyperlinked text throughout. The Center is seeking DOL certification for a technician apprenticeship program for elevator and escalator maintenance. There is also interest and need to develop a "train the trainer" program. Joe Calabrese echoed the value of the program. Jablonski stated that the committee needs to keep this front and center. Bev Scott wants to see a compendium for each program, who is the primary POC for each agency on each program. She would like this as a future presentation, but also a roster. 6. Comments from the APTA Chair: Peter Varga noted that he has been thinking a lot of what he needs to do as chair. His focus is the industry’s need for a multimodal, multi-year authorization bill, and therefore his catch phrase for the year will be Organize – Energize- Authorize to keep the focus on a bill. 7. Comments from the FTA Administrator: Peter Rogoff began his remarks by stating that he is looking forward to working together with Peter Varga over the next year. Grand Rapids has seen impressive service improvements and ridership growth in this economic climate. The administrator announced that the ANPRM on safety and transit asset management is “out on the street”. It was posted to the FTA website as of September 26. He specifically asked members of this committee to take notice, and comment on the proposed rule making. On Sept 30, 2013 MAP-21 will be half-over. The FTA is focused on reauthorization. They are aggressively discussing funding mechanisms. The Administrator also announced the appointment of Tom Littleton from FAA as new associate administrator for safety and oversight. He has the charge of creating an affordable safety management system from a blank slate. By Monday, September 30, all state safety organizations need to be notified by FTA as to their certification status. He noted that we need to grow the expertise in the industry to staff up the SSOs and build the bench strength at the agencies. 8. Administrative Items: Minutes from June 2013 meeting were approved Announcement of February 8, 2014, as the next meeting of the committee. The meeting will take place in conjunction with the Transit CEOs Seminar in New Orleans. The location of the CEOs Lounge was announced. 9. New Business: APTA will hold and International Practicum on Transit Funding and Finance in 2014. Watch for details and pre-cursor conference programs throughout the year. EXPO 2014 should be on everyone’s radar. Please let us know what APTA can do to encourage CEOs to bring more agency staff to the EXPO. Brainstorming topics for 2014 Transit CEOs Seminar: cyber security and how to deal with a government shut down were both mentioned as topics of interest. Bill Mooney reported that he is compiling a list of agency personnel involved in the standards development program so that the committee can identify strengths and gaps. Chris Jenks reported that TCRP funding continues to be reduced year over year, by about 2/3 since founding. American Public Transportation Association Rail Transit Committee Paul Jablonski, Chair Committee Update January 20, 2014 Mission of the Rail Transit Committee: This committee gives overall policy and planning direction to the rail programs. It prioritizes and gives high-level management support to the major programs of the Rail Committee structure, and supports and facilitates information exchange in areas of common interest. Through its sponsorship of the Rail Transit Conference, workshops and seminars, it provides a mechanism for education and sharing in management, operations, technology and other areas of common interest to the industry. Rail Transit Committee Overview To date the role of the RTC is to provide work plan coordination between its subcommittees and technical forums, and support planning for APTA conferences such as the Rail Conference. This year the RTC is looking at developing technology portals and communication media that will help provide more visibility of projects within the various subcommittees and technical forums. Such communication will help provide more synergistic relationships and encourage dialog on new ideas supporting the rail transit industry, as well as better coordination with research entities such as TRB and transit-universities. The RTC will also encourage publication of technology summary papers to help guide the industry in application of technology and development of needed standards and federal rules. At regularly scheduled meetings of the RTC, chairs of subcommittees and technical forums report out on the status of their working group projects, members discuss overarching issues relevant to rail transit, standards activities are reviewed, reports are provided on coordination with TRB, as well as reports on government legislation affecting public transportation. Work Tasks for CY 2014 Technology Portal and Communication Media Form project objectives, scope and possible resource needs Organize leadership team including stakeholders Form promotional piece and seek RTC approval and engagement Prepare detailed outline of project tasks with milestones Present the project at upcoming meetings such as the Rail Conference in June Enhanced Integration with Standards Development In future meetings, the RTC will be dedicating more time to discussion on the state of current and potential technical and operational standards to help guide policy decisions of the Rail Standards Policy and Planning Committee, responsible for setting the standards development docket within the rail mode. This will become increasing important as FTA ramps up its safety oversight and as new developments emerge from FRA, PRIIA, and standards development bodies such as ASME, AREMA, AAR and IEEE. Staff Advisor: Martin Schroeder, P.E., Chief Technology Officer Page 1 of 1 Proposal: Developing Effective Trainers and Standards-Based Training for Transit In 2014 transit can take a critical next step toward an effective system of standards-based training for skilled frontline technicians. Faced with unprecedented needs to hire and train skilled technicians, the transit industry has moved to meet this challenge over the past ten years. Transit has developed industrywide APTA training standards and started to create standards-based training systems. Industry Training Consortia have already been launched for key rail tech occupations: Transit Elevator-Escalator (2010-2014) Signals (2013-2016) Immediate Next Steps – Action Needed: 2014: Launch a Consortium for implementing transit’s standards-based training resources, led by Train the Trainer and Mentor Training. The initial focus will be on upgraded training for Rail Vehicle Technicians, building on TCRP’s pending Rail Technician Qualification System. 2015 and beyond: Training Consortia for Traction Power, Bus Maintenance, and Track Maintenance – all consistent with the APTA reauthorization strategy. To effectively move forward, the industry will need to: Expand FTA financial support and shared agency participation for the quality technician training needed for safety, reliability and state-of-good-repair. Implement standards-based technical training programs across the industry to address the transit's future needs. The Need: Training the Equivalent of 88% of Today’s Total Staff in the Next 10 Years Source: US DOT, US DOL and Transportation Learning Center APTA’s Front Line Employee Recognition Events International Rail Rodeo – June 12-15, 2015 The APTA Rail Rodeo is an international skills competition for train operators and maintenance personnel. The Rail Rodeo attracts approximately 15-18 Rail Transit agencies whose skills are challenged in a series of skill-based competitions. These outstanding professionals hail from your agencies. Your agency is the life blood of the Rodeo. The International Rail Rodeo takes place just prior to the Rail Conference. The events mark the culmination of the pursuit of excellence in the transportation industry throughout the year. The achievements of all competitors are showcased. Winners achieve the pinnacle of success and are recognized for their accomplishments at an awards banquet. http://www.apta.com/mc/railrodeo/Pages/default.aspx Submitted by: Saahir Brewington – Program Manager 202.496.4834 [email protected] Rail Transit & Commuter Rail (PRESS) Standards Working Group Participants Agency 1 Agence Metropolitaine de Transport 2 Altamont Commuter Express Employee Masse, Raynald Schmidt, Brian 3 4 5 6 Fazio, Al Caliga, Ted Eby, Adam Gagarin, Gregory AMTRAK AMTRAK AMTRAK AMTRAK 7 AMTRAK Karan, Doug 8 9 10 11 12 13 AMTRAK AMTRAK AMTRAK AMTRAK AMTRAK AMTRAK Lin, Ted Truitt, Ronald Mark Warner, Dave Warner, David Warner, David Bruss, Dick (Richard) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 AMTRAK AMTRAK AMTRAK AMTRAK AMTRAK AMTRAK Amtrak Bay Area Rapid Transit Bay Area Rapid Transit B&C Transit B&C Transit B&C Transit B&C Transit Bi-State Development Agency (dba Metro St. Louis) Burshtin, Michael R. Trosino, Mike Trosino, Mike Burshtin, Michael L McCarrick, Keith Krause, Tammy L. Herdegen, Robert Allen, Don Marten, Felix Bailey, Mark Coury, David Farrell, Steve McDonald, Bob Grott, Scott Working Group PRESS Mechanical PRESS Construction and Structural, PRESS Mechanical, PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems Rail Transit Operating Practices PRESS Electrical PRESS Mechanical PRESS Construction and Structural, PRESS Mechanical, PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems PRESS Construction and Structural, PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems PRESS Mechanical PRESS Mechanical PRESS Construction and Structural PRESS Mechanical PRESS Mechanical PRESS Electrical, PRESS Construction and Structural,PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems PRESS Mechanical PRESS Construction and Structural PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems PRESS Construction and Structural, PRESS Mechanical PRESS Mechanical PRESS Electrical PRESS Mechanical Rail Transit Signals and Communications Rail Transit Signals and Communications Rail Transit Signals and Communications Rail Transit Signals and Communications Rail Transit Signals and Communications Rail Transit Signals and Communications Rail Transit Operating Practices 28 Bi-State Development Agency (dba Metro St. Louis) Korte, Joni 29 30 31 32 Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority Central Japan Railway Company Charlotte Area Transit System Chicago Transit Authority Clark, Melvin Minami, Tomoyuki Vang, Tou (Bong) Jasper, Jhaun Rail Transit Fixed Structures Inspection and Maintenance PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems PRESS Construction and Structural Rail Transit Fixed Structures Inspection and Maintenance Rail Transit Grade Crossing Agencies Page 1 of 9 Rail Transit & Commuter Rail (PRESS) Standards Working Group Participants 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Agency Chicago Transit Authority Chicago Transit Authority Chicago Transit Authority Chicago Transit Authority Chicago Transit Authority Chicago Transit Authority Chicago Transit Authority Chicago Transit Authority Chicago Transit Authority Chicago Transit Authority Chicago Transit Authority Chicago Transit Authority Chicago Transit Authority Dallas Area Rapid Transit Dallas Area Rapid Transit Dallas Area Rapid Transit Dallas Area Rapid Transit Dallas Area Rapid Transit Dallas Area Rapid Transit Gannett Fleming Transit & Rail Systems GO Transit / Government of Ontario Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority Hampton Roads Transit Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) Employee Wright, David Jasper, Jhaun Murphy, Dave Wright, David Kowalski, David Roberts, Stephen Schiffer, Dan Swanson, Paul Wagener, Carrie Kowalski, David Grasser, Stephen Lowder, Michael Rusin, Stan Carrizales, Daniel Graham, Jack Swindell, Ronald O. Gaul, Larry Stone, Russell Shankle,Glenn Thompson, Steven Dhatt, Davinder Evans, Mark Huyck, Robert Rehfuss, Dennis Romeo, Dave Simms, Benjamin Sayers, Duane Working Group Rail Transit Grade Crossing Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance Rail Transit Fixed Structures Inspection and Maintenance Rail Transit Fixed Structures Inspection and Maintenance Rail Transit Fixed Structures Inspection and Maintenance Rail Transit Fixed Structures Inspection and Maintenance PRESS Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Rail Transit Signals and Communications Rail Transit Signals and Communications Rail Transit Signals and Communications Rail Transit Grade Crossing Rail Transit Grade Crossing Rail Transit Grade Crossing Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Fixed Structures Inspection and Maintenance Rail Transit Fixed Structures Inspection and Maintenance PRESS Electrical Rail Transit Fixed Structures Inspection and Maintenance Rail Transit Operating Practices PRESS Inspection and Maintenance PRESS Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Operating Practices 60 Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) Miranda, Henry Rail Transit Operating Practices 61 Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) Phillips, Claude Rail Transit Operating Practices 62 Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) Miranda, Henry Rail Transit Operating Practices 63 Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) Philips, Claude 64 Hudson Bergen Light Rail 65 Iowa Northern Railway Company McCall, CSP, Harry Magee, Bill Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Grade Crossing PRESS Mechanical Agencies Page 2 of 9 Rail Transit & Commuter Rail (PRESS) Standards Working Group Participants 66 67 68 69 Agency King County Metro Transit King County Metro Transit Long Island Rail Road Long Island Rail Road Employee Avery, Michael Nightingale, Amanda Maldari, Frank Scutero, Michael 70 Long Island Rail Road Brockhoff, Chris 71 Long Island Rail Road Orioles, Frank 72 73 74 75 76 Maldari, Frank Walz, Rich Jackson, Cronelius Jackson, Cronelius Posterino, John Long Island Rail Road Long Island Rail Road Long Island Rail Road Long Island Rail Road Long Island Rail Road 77 Long Island Rail Road 78 Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority 79 Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority 80 Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority 81 Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority 82 Maryland Transit Administration 83 Maryland Transit Administration 84 Maryland Transit Administration 85 Mass Bay Commuter Rail 86 Massachusetts Bay Commuter Railroad, MBAX 87 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority 88 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority 89 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority 90 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority 91 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority 92 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority 93 Metra Gelormino, Michael Bybee, Lynda Working Group Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Operating Practices PRESS Mechanical, PRESS Construction and Structural PRESS Construction and Structural, PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems PRESS Construction and Structural, PRESS Mechanical, PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems PRESS Construction and Structural, PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems PRESS Mechanical, PRESS Construction and Structural PRESS Construction and Structural PRESS Construction and Structural PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems PRESS Construction and Structural, PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems PRESS Mechanical Rail Transit Grade Crossing Omotayo, Aderemi Rail Transit Grade Crossing Zohbi, Abdul Rail Transit Grade Crossing Lino, Stephen Rail Transit Operating Practices Omotayo, Remi Panuska, Al Lurz, Jason Wallace, Wilson Mitchell, John McCall, Bernie Festa, Robert Pacocha, Lorraine McCarthy, Sean McCarthy, Sean McClellan, Bill Baker, Andrew Koran, William J. Rail Transit Signals and Communications Rail Transit Fixed Structures Inspection and Maintenance Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance Rail Transit Grade Crossing PRESS Mechanical PRESS Mechanical Rail Transit Grade Crossing Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Fixed Structures Inspection and Maintenance PRESS Mechanical Agencies Page 3 of 9 Rail Transit & Commuter Rail (PRESS) Standards Working Group Participants 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 Agency Metra Metro North MNCW Metro North Railroad Metro Transit - Hiawatha Light Rail Metro Transit Minneapolis MetroLink - SCRRA Metro-North Commuter Railroad Metro-North Commuter Railroad Employee Vonashek, Justin Kesich, John Barnish, Ken Humphrey, John Anderson, Charles Lydon, William Kesich, John Campbell, Mark 102 Metro-North Commuter Railroad Ornstein, Scott 103 Metro-North Commuter Railroad 104 Metro-North Commuter Railroad 105 Metro-North Commuter Railroad Wagner, John Barnish, Kenneth Casale, John 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 Weber, John Diggs, Ray Krisak, Rich Le, Leslie Mathew, Addi Shoppa Tom Zachery, Jerald Ryan, Martin J. Howard, Gary Brouard, Patrick Grogan, Scott Hooker, Brian Robinson, Gregg Blackman, Jerry Wilson, Daniel Blackman, Jerry Wilson, Danial (Dan) Finnerty, John Hudson, Horace Hutton, William Mondesir, David Moore, Farrell Rincon, Juan Carlos Metropolitan Atlanta Transit Authority Metropolitan Atlanta Transit Authority Metropolitan Atlanta Transit Authority Metropolitan Atlanta Transit Authority Metropolitan Atlanta Transit Authority Metropolitan Atlanta Transit Authority Metropolitan Atlanta Transit Authority Metropolitan Rail Corporation, METRA Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County Miami Dade Transit Miami-Dade Transit Miami-Dade Transit Miami-Dade Transit Miami-Dade Transit Miami-Dade Transit Miami-Dade Transit Miami-Dade Transit Miami-Dade Transit Miami-Dade Transit Miami-Dade Transit Miami-Dade Transit Working Group PRESS Passenger Emergency Safety PRESS Mechanical PRESS Construction and Structural Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Fixed Structures Inspection and Maintenance PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems Rail Transit Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems, PRESS Construction and Structural PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems, PRESS Construction and Structural PRESS Construction and Structural PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems, PRESS Construction and Structural Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Signals and Communications Rail Transit Signals and Communications Rail Transit Signals and Communications Rail Transit Signals and Communications PRESS Mechanical Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance Rail Transit Fixed Structures Inspection and Maintenance Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance Rail Transit Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance PRESS Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance PRESS Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance, Rail Transit Signals and Communications Rail Transit Signals and Communications Rail Transit Signals and Communications Rail Transit Signals and Communications Rail Transit Signals and Communications Rail Transit Signals and Communications Rail Transit Signals and Communications Agencies Page 4 of 9 Rail Transit & Commuter Rail (PRESS) Standards Working Group Participants 129 130 131 132 Agency Miami-Dade Transit MTA Long Island Rail Road MTA Long Island Railroad MTA Metro-North Railroad Employee Wilson, Danial Maldari, Frank Elliott, Dave Cheren, Al 133 MTA Metro-North Railroad Doors, Michael 134 MTA Metro-North Railroad Favilla, Andrew F. 135 MTA Metro-North Railroad Huss, Marty 136 MTA Metro-North Railroad 137 MTA Metro-North Railroad 138 MTA Metro-North Railroad Huzinec, John Johnson, Jim Roman, Al 139 MTA Metro-North Railroad 140 MTA Metro-North Railroad 141 MTA Metro-North Railroad Aber, H Armstrong, Clyde Yaeger, Michael J. 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 Jayendra, Shah Wetherell, Michael Fiore, Robert Smith, Frederick Cabrera, Antonio Abdallah, Tony Shah, Jayendra Grogan, Scott Dickerson, Charles Squitieri, John Woods, Greg Carter, Jr., Homer Chipko, George MTA New York City Transit MTA New York City Transit MTA New York City Transit MTA New York City Transit MTA New York City Transit MTA New York City Transit MTA New York City Transit MTA of Harris County New Jersey Transit New Jersey Transit New Jersey Transit New Jersey Transit New Jersey Transit 155 New Jersey Transit 156 New Jersey Transit 157 New Jersey Transit D'Andrea, Jerry D'Angelo, Frank Grant, Thomas 158 New Jersey Transit Murthy, Dakshire Working Group PRESS Mechanical, PRESS Construction and Structural PRESS Electrical PRESS Construction and Structural, PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems PRESS Construction and Structural, PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems PRESS Construction and Structural, PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems, PRESS Construction and Structural PRESS Mechanical PRESS Mechanical PRESS Construction and Structural, PRESS Mechanical, PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems PRESS Mechanical PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems PRESS Mechanical, PRESS Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance, PRESS Electrical Rail Transit Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance Rail Transit Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance Rail Transit Fixed Structures Inspection and Maintenance Rail Transit Fixed Structures Inspection and Maintenance Rail Transit Fixed Structures Inspection and Maintenance Rail Transit Operating Practices PRESS Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance PRESS Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Rail Transit Grade Crossing Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Operating Practices PRESS Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance PRESS Construction and Structural. PRESS PRESS Electrical, PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems PRESS Mechanical PRESS Mechanical PRESS Construction and Structural, PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems PRESS Mechanical Agencies Page 5 of 9 Rail Transit & Commuter Rail (PRESS) Standards Working Group Participants Agency 159 New Jersey Transit 160 New Jersey Transit 161 New Jersey Transit Employee Slomian, James Prehm, Chuck Rutkowski, John 162 163 164 165 166 167 New Jersey Transit New Jersey Transit NJTR New Jersey Transit Rail Operations Newark Light Rail Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority Niagara Frontier Transportation Metro Systems, Inc McWilliams, Pat Lavell, Robert Carter, David 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 NJ Transit CP&P NJ Transit Rail Operations NJ Transit Rail Operations North American Transportation North County Transit District North County Transit District North County Transit District North County Transit District Northeast Sales & Engineering Northern Indiana Commute Transportation District Stangas, Paul Lami, Frank Lami, Frank Quirk, William Freeman, Nick Murphy, Dave Berk, Richard Wygant, Mike Moore, Joseph Yovich, Gregory (Greg) 178 179 180 181 182 Port Authority of Allegheny County Port Authority of Alleghney County Port Authority Trans-Hudson Corporation Port Authority Trans-Hudson Corporation Port Authority Trans-Hudson Corporation King, Jeff O'Hare, Gregory John Burkhard Chakraborty, Dhiren Rowbottom, Tom 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 Port Authority Transit Corporation Port Authority Transit Corporation Port Authority Transit Corporation Port Authroity- - Trans Hudson Corporation President Protection Development Group Regional Transit Authority (NORTA) Regional Transit District - Denver Regional Transportation District Regional Transportation District, Denver Regional Transportation District, Denver McBride, Pat Shea, Jr., John Shea, Jr., John Abramopaulos, Steven Andrews, Robert Mullet, Wil Balderas, Gina Garcia Genova, David Bell, William (Bill) Eberl, Phil Esford, Michael Hildebrandt, Terry Working Group PRESS Mechanical PRESS Construction and Structural, PRESS Electrical PRESS Construction and Structural, PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems Rail Transit Operating Practices PRESS Mechanical PRESS Mechanical Rail Transit Fixed Structures Inspection and Maintenance Rail Transit Fixed Structures Inspection and Maintenance Rail Transit Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance PRESS Electrical PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems PRESS Construction and Structural Rail Transit Fixed Structures Inspection and Maintenance PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance PRESS Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance / PRESS Electrical PRESS Electrical PRESS Mechanical Rail Transit Fixed Structures Inspection and Maintenance Rail Transit Fixed Structures Inspection and Maintenance Rail Transit Fixed Structures Inspection and Maintenance PRESS Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems, PRESS Inspection and Maintenance Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance PRESS Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance PRESS Mechanical PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems Rail Transit Fixed Structures Inspection and Maintenance Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Grade Crossing Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance Agencies Page 6 of 9 Rail Transit & Commuter Rail (PRESS) Standards Working Group Participants 193 194 195 196 Agency Regional Transportation District, Denver Sacramento Regional Transit Sacramento Regional Transit Sam Trans Caltrain Transportation Authority Employee Eberl, Phil Barnhart, Vern Lonergan, Mark Payne, Christopher 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 Sam Trans Caltrain Transportation Authority San Diego Trolley, Inc. San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District San Francisco Municipal Railway Payne, Christopher Tupta, Tom Kolesar, Henry Allen, Carlton Aguilera, Roy Holland, Ben Kolesar, Henry Holland, Ben Manessis, George 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority Sharma & Associates for NICTD Sharma & Associates for NICTD Sharma & Associates for NICTD Sound Transit Sound Transit South Florida Regional Transportation Authority Puglisi, Davide Henry, Melvyn Huggins, Antonio Sadorra, John Rudnicki, Mark Huggins, Antonio Sadorra, John Hursh, Michael Martino, Michael Robinson, Mark Capps, Bill Eichin, Chris Douwes, Arthur Eichin, Chris Andersen, David Prabhakaran, Anand Sharma, Vianaya Denison, Paul Denison, Paul Barkman, Bradley 226 Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority Buzby, Greg Working Group PRESS Mechanical Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Operating Practices PRESS Construction and Structural, PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems Rail Transit Operating Practices PRESS Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Rail Transit Fixed Structures Inspection and Maintenance Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance Rail Transit Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance PRESS Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance PRESS Construction and Structural, PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance Rail Transit Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance Rail Transit Fixed Structures Inspection and Maintenance PRESS Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance PRESS Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Rail Transit Grade Crossing Rail Transit Grade Crossing Rail Transit Grade Crossing Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance Rail Transit Fixed Structures Inspection and Maintenance PRESS Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance PRESS Mechanical PRESS Mechanical Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems, PRESS Electrical, PRESS Construction and Structural PRESS Mechanical Agencies Page 7 of 9 Rail Transit & Commuter Rail (PRESS) Standards Working Group Participants Agency Employee 227 Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority Guaracino, Jerry 228 Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority Krahn, Wayne 229 Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority Monastero, Michael Working Group PRESS Mechanical PRESS Construction and Structural, PRESS Mechanical, PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems Rail Transit Fixed Structures Inspection and Maintenance, Rail Transit Signals and Communications 230 Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority Foley, Jim Rail Transit Operating Practices 231 Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority Frisoli, John Rail Transit Signals and Communications 232 Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority Spratt, Terry Rail Transit Operating Practices 233 Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority Davis, Henry Rail Transit Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance 234 Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority Davis, Henry Rail Transit Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance 235 Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority MacEwen, John 236 Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority Davis, Jr., Henry Rail Transit Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance PRESS Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance 237 Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority Shreves, Sherman PRESS Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 Rail Transit Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance Rail Transit Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance Rail Transit Grade Crossing Rail Transit Grade Crossing Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Fixed Structures Inspection and Maintenance Rail Transit Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance Rail Transit Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance PRESS Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Rail Transit Fixed Structures Inspection and Maintenance Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance Sun Link Streetcar Sun Link Streetcar Toronto Transit Commission Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District Utah Transit Authority Utah Transit Authority Utah Transit Authority Valley Metro Valley Metro Valley Metro Bethel, Steve Kortekaas, John Dragu, Sebastian Banks, Jr., Robert Van Dyke, Denis Kindig, Rick Barnhart, Damian Kinding, Rick Cobb, Lisa Jones, Travis Steadman, David Provost, Todd Abraham, Ray Thacker, Debra Raghunandan, Ken Agencies Page 8 of 9 Rail Transit & Commuter Rail (PRESS) Standards Working Group Participants 253 Via Rail Canada, Inc. Agency Employee Bartels, Ron 254 Via Rail Canada, Inc. Becker, Robert 255 Via Rail Canada, Inc. Filion, Benoit 256 Via Rail Canada, Inc. Henri, Francois 257 Via Rail Canada, Inc. Herman, Garry 258 259 260 264 265 266 267 268 Via Rail Canada, Inc. Via Rail Canada, Inc. Virginia Railway Express Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Washington Metrolitan Area Transit Authority Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Lue, Ben Lue, Ben Dalton, Rich Croce, Mark Bunting, Clay Ken Morford Dziduch, Charles Glansdorp, John Krempasky, Joseph 1 2 3 4 5 275 Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Morford, Kenneth Ollinger, Michael Consavage, Terry Kellough, Tom Johnson, Ronald Savina, Michael Working Group PRESS Electrical, PRESS Construction and Structural, PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems, PRESS Construction and Structural, PRESS Mechanical, PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems PRESS Construction and Structural, PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems PRESS Construction and Structural, PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems PRESS Construction and Structural, PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems PRESS Construction and Structural PRESS Passenger Emergency Systems PRESS Mechanical Rail Transit Signals and Communications Rail Transit Fixed Structures Inspection and Maintenance Rail Transit Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance Rail Transit Operating Practices Rail Transit Signals and Communications Rail Transit Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance, PRESS Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Rail Transit Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance Rail Transit Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance PRESS Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Rail Transit Signals and Communications PRESS Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Rail Transit Signals and Communications Agencies Page 9 of 9
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