Volume 05-14 http://www.moguard.com/human-resources.html Sept/Oct 2014 ALL PERSONNEL Calendar of Events 2014 ............................................................................................................................................. 2 Equal Employment Opportunity ................................................................................................................................ 2 Training ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2 Occupational Health .................................................................................................................................................... 2 TECHNICIAN Army Benefits Center Civilian (ABC-C) ................................................................................................................... 3 FERS and FRAE Retirement Plans ........................................................................................................................... 3 Employment Verification ............................................................................................................................................ 4 OWCP Requirements .................................................................................................................................................. 4 Supervisors of Technicians using My Workplace .................................................................................................... 5 Appraisal Rating Period ENDS 30 September 2014 ................................................................................................. 5 All Technicians and AGRs Who Supervise Technicians .......................................................................................... 8 Technician Trial/Probationary Period Appraisal Ratings ....................................................................................... 8 Technician on a Temporary Promotion ..................................................................................................................... 9 TSP App Not Sanctioned............................................................................................................................................. 9 Technician Electronic Personnel File (eOPF) ........................................................................................................... 9 Thrift Saving Plan Monthly Returns ....................................................................................................................... 10 Service Awards .......................................................................................................................................................... 10 AGR Army Guard (Active Duty) Retirement Briefing .................................................................................................... 11 AGR Leave Management Briefing ........................................................................................................................... 11 Air Guard Retirement Briefings .............................................................................................................................. 11 AGR Leave Carryover Extension ............................................................................................................................ 11 AGR Basic Housing Allowances (BAH)................................................................................................................... 12 AGR Personnel Actions ............................................................................................................................................. 12 HR MAILBOXES Technician SF52 Mailbox Address: [email protected] AGR SF52 Mailbox Address: [email protected] AGR Job Applications Mailbox Address: [email protected] EEO/EO Mailbox Address – [email protected] This bulletin is being distributed by electronic mail. Supervisors should ensure that each technician is given access to this bulletin as required by Section 34-9 of the Labor Management Relations Agreement 1 1. ALL PERSONNEL CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2014 Event Location Time AGR New Hire Briefing New Technician Orientation New Technician Orientation New Technician Orientation ISTS – HR Conf Room (H137B) ISTS – HR Conf Room (H137B) ISTS – HR Conf Room (H137B) ISTS – HR Conf Room (H137B) 1300-1500 1300-1500 1300-1500 1300-1500 Dates 01 Oct 2014 09 Sept 2014 23 Sept 2014 07 Oct 2014 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY National Hispanic Heritage Month Each year, we observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15th to October 15th, celebrating the histories, cultures, and contributions of American citizens with ancestors from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. September 15th is the anniversary of independence for Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Mexico declared its independence on September 16th and Chile on September 18th. Columbus Day is recognized on October 12th. The observance started in September 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week under President Lyndon B. Johnson. In 1988, President Ronald Reagan expanded the length of the observance, establishing Hispanic Heritage Month. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the Hispanic population as of July 2, 2013, was 54.1 million. Constituting 17.1 percent of the nation’s total population, Hispanics are now the nation's largest ethnic minority group. Generations of Hispanics have enriched every facet of our national identity, with traditions that reflect many diverse Hispanic/Latino ancestries. Moreover, Hispanics have shaped and strengthened the fabric of the United States through their public service. Hispanics have exerted a profound influence on our country through their strong commitment to family, faith, hard work, and public service. They have enhanced and shaped our national character with centuries-old traditions that reflect their multiethnic and multicultural customs. Fifty-nine Hispanic Americans have been awarded the Medal of Honor. TRAINING After completion of a course that is related to your fulltime job please submit the training certificate to 1LT Rachelle Thomas ([email protected]) so your information can be recorded in your fulltime training record. POC: 1LT Rachelle Thomas, (573)638-9500 ext 37148 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH http://www.health.mil/Military-Health-Topics/Operation-Live-Well 2 2. TECHNICIANS ARMY BENEFITS CENTER CIVILIAN (ABC-C) ARMY BENEFITS CENTER CIVILIAN (ABC-C) processes your enrollment elections or changes to your technician benefit transactions for Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB), Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) and Thrift Savings Plan (TSP). ABC-C will assist you with making military or civilian deposits. You can also request retirement estimates. ABC-C website is an excellent tool to research FEHB Open Season information and changes. HR will provide FEHB Open Season information through MyBiz as it is received from OPM or NGB. The web based Employee Benefits Information System (EBIS) at https://www.abc.army.mil. This web-site is a secure site, customer-friendly and available 24 hours a day. You have access to the most current benefit information and can process benefit transactions without counselor assistance. You can print benefits forms, benefit guides and use the retirement estimate calculator or request a retirement estimate directly on line. Contact ABC-C at https://www.abc.army.mil or call Toll Free 1-877-276-9287 (TDD 1-877-276-9833) and select number for NATIONAL GUARD (#3). POC: SGT Justin Doherty, (573) 638-9500 ext 37494 SPC Nicholas Garrard, (573) 638-9500 ext 37494 Mrs. Leigh Ann Smith, (573) 638-9500 ext 37496 FOR TECHNICIAN HIRED ON OR AFTER DECEMBER 31, 2013 DEBT DUE TO INCREASED RETIREMENT WITHHOLDING RATE FOR FERS-FRAE RETIREMENT PLANS For technician hired on or after December 31, 2013 you became a new federal employee or were rehired to federal employment having less than five years of creditable FERS service. Under the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013, you are subject to the withholding of additional retirement contributions from your pay. When you assumed your new federal job, you were notified during New Hire Orientation by the Human Resources Office (HRO) representative that your retirement contribution would be under-withheld until the Department of Defense reprogrammed the pay system to implement the required statutory changes. You were also notified that once these changes were made, you would be responsible for paying the missed retirement contributions. Effective July 27, 2014, the Defense Civilian Pay System (DCPS) was able to process the increased retirement contribution rate for you. Your retirement deduction will be increased by 1.3% of your gross basic pay. After DCPS begins withholding the correct amount of your retirement contributions, you should receive a letter from your payroll office notifying you of the amount of indebtedness that you have incurred as a result of the underpayment of your retirement contributions and explaining your repayment options. Please check your MyPay account to ensure that it reflects your current mailing address. If you do not receive this letter by September 20, 2014, contact your human resources representative. POC: Mrs. Gayla Propst, (573) 638-9500 ext. 39892 SGT Kimberly Falter, (573) 638-9500 ext. 37497 Information is also available at http://www.dfas.mil/dfas/civilianemployees/fersfrae.html We regret any inconvenience you may have experienced and appreciate your understanding and cooperation. 3 EMPLOYMENT VERIFICATION Department of Defense has mandated a Self Service salary and employment verification tool that all employees must access through MyBiz. You must go to MyBiz at: https://compo.dcpds.cpms.osd.mil/, and follow the instructions to access the tool. All employees must use this method of employment verification. With the Self Service salary and employment verification tool the technician employee should have an email address for the financial institution. Once this email address is entered and email of employment and salary will automatically be sent directly to the email address that the employee provided. POC: SGT Justin Doherty, (573) 638-9500, ext 37494 SPC Nicholas Garrard, (573) 638-9500 ext 37494 Mrs. Leigh Ann Smith, (573) 638-9500 ext 37496 OWCP REQUIREMENTS In an effort to comply with the OWCP requirements we are asking that supervisors, who have employees that have suffered a work-related injury and have submitted a CA-1 or CA-2, establish whether this employee has been put on Temporary Light Duty. This determination is made by the physician, accompanied by a CA-17 Duty Status Report and evaluated by the employee's attending physician to ensure the modified work assignment can safely be performed by the employee based upon the limitations of his/her medical condition. A memorandum must be placed in the technicians OWCP file and a copy to Dept. of Labor. Please contact the Human Resource Specialist/ICPA listed below to get a sample memorandum. FECA requires that light duty assignments be provided to all employees faced with job-related injuries, occupational illnesses or diseases. Such placements usually benefit both employers and employees. Therefore any technician that has medically imposed restrictions/limitations that is accompanied by a CA-17 is thereby considered to be on Temporary Light Duty. A copy of the light duty assignment and documentation regarding attempts to place the injured worker is also provided to the Office of Workers' Compensation (OWCP) by the ICPA. If the employee does not accept valid offers, Continuation of Pay and/or other FECA benefits may be terminated. It is the policy of OWCP to monitor injured employees who hold light duty jobs until they have returned to full duty, or until the medical evidence firmly establishes that they will never be able to return to full duty. The Human Resource Office has to identify technicians who have been in light duty status for over three months. Reports are then submitted at OWCP for review and action. Information to assist a technician in managing their own OWCP claim and/or assist their treating physician’s office: - Medical bills should be mailed to: US Dept of Labor, OWCP, P.O. Box 8300, London, KY 40742-8300 ACS is the agency that handles Billing and Medical Authorizations – Contact them at: (850) 558-1818 or toll free (866) 335-8319 To review bills in process or paid go to: http://owcp.dol.acs-inc.com To get prior authorization for medical procedures fax request to: 800-215-4901 POC: SGT Kimberly Falter, (573) 638-9500 ext 37497 4 SUPERVISORS OF TECHNICIANS USING MY WORKPLACE When you sign on to My Workplace you can view the names and personnel data of the Technicians that you supervise under My Employee Information link. The technicians are linked to the supervisor according to the Human Resources Organizational Charts. When you sign on to My Workplace you can view the ongoing performance appraisal plans and appraisals for the Technicians that you supervise under the Performance Appraisal Application (PAA) link. If a plan or appraisal has not been created you will not see any information on the Technician. Questions regarding the Organizational Charts and seeing the names of Technicians you supervise under My Workplace/My Employee Information. POC: CW4 Paula Prosser, (573)638-9500 ext 39689, [email protected] Questions regarding navigating in My Biz/My Workplace/PAA POC: Ms. Elaine Lock, Human Resources Specialist, (573)638-9500 ext 39690, [email protected] or SMSgt Steve Cebuhar, (573)638-9500, ext 37493, [email protected] APPRAISAL RATING PERIOD ENDS 30 SEPTEMBER 2014 All supervisors of technicians and all technicians, Performance Appraisals are due to be completed no later than 31 October 2014 in My Biz/My Workplace/PAA for the rating period ending 30 September 2014. Once the appraisal is complete the performance plan must be re-accomplished and approved. This can be done by just copying the existing plan and routing for approval. Performance Appraisal are due for all dual-status and non-dual status National Guard Technicians employed under the provisions of 32 U.S.C. 709, except for technicians occupying temporary positions and those technicians who are still in a probationary trial period at the end of the rating period. • An eligible employee is a permanent, indefinite, or conditional employee, who has satisfied the minimum period of performance of at least 120 days under an approved performance plan on the last day of the appraised period. • Leave Without Pay (LWOP). Periods during which an employee is in a non-pay status of 30 days or more (e.g., LWOP, absence without leave) may not be applied toward the 120 calendar day minimum. • If you have a technician, who has returned to duty then you will submit the appraisal 120 days after the technician has returned to work. Please refer to the How Do I Guides for the employee, Rating Official and the Higher Level Reviewer. These documents are located on the Human Resource website and will walk you through each step successfully, http://www.moguard.com/performance-appraisal-application-training.html. Before Starting Performance Appraisal There are several items to check before starting the annual performance appraisal in My Biz/My Workplace/PAA that will help make the process go more smoothly. 1. Current Owner: In order to access the Performance Plan to start the Annual Appraisal you must own the Performance Plan. The technician or supervisor can determine the Current Owner on the Performance Appraisal Application Main Page as illustrated below. 5 2. Performance Appraisal Application Track Progress Page Performance Appraisal Application Track Progress page provides information regarding the status of the Performance Plan throughout the cycle. The employee or supervisor can select Track Progress on the Performance Appraisal Application Main Page to view the progress as illustrated below. 6 Note: Accomplished activities are marked with a check. 3. Annual Appraisal and Assessment and Rating Tabs: When you are ready to start the annual appraisal you select ”Update” from the PAA Main Page. This will bring up the Employee Information. To accomplish the Annual appraisal ensure you have selected the “Annual Appraisal” and “Assessments and Ratings” tabs as shown below. ANNUAL APPRAISAL STEP BY STEP 1. Technician Self Assessment. Technicians complete their own self assessment of each job objective and forwards to the rating official which is the first line supervisor. 2. Rating Official Assessment. Rating Official completes their assessment of each of the technician’s job objectives and forwards to higher level reviewer which is the second line supervisor. 3. Higher Level Review. Second level supervisor reviews the appraisal and approves or returns to rating official for changes. 4. Communication with technician. After approval the rating official communicates the appraisal to the technician and forwards to the technician for acknowledgement. 5. Technician acknowledges appraisal. ANNUAL APPRAISAL IS NOW COMPLETE. HOWEVER YOU ARE NOT DONE YET. ACCOMPLISH PERFORMANCE PLAN FOR UPCOMING RATING PERIOD 1. Rating Official. Create a New Plan, Select “National Guard (Title 32)” from dropdown. Select “Create” for appropriate technician. 2. Rating Official. From here you can “Build a New Plan” or “Copy from Existing Plan” 3. Forward to second level supervisor for review and to technician for acknowledgement. YOUR TECHNICIAN NOW HAS A CURRENT APPRAISAL AND PERFORMANCE PLAN. 7 For additional information/issues on the Performance Management please contact: Mrs. Gayla Propst, Human Resources Specialist, at (573) 638-9500 ext 39892, [email protected] For additional information/questions on the My Biz/My Workplace system please contact: Ms. Elaine Lock, Human Resources Specialist, at (573) 638-9500 ext 39690, [email protected] MSgt Steven Cebuhar, Human Resources Specialist, (573) 638-9500 ext 37493 [email protected] ALL Technicians and AGRs Who Supervise Technicians Please Update/Verify Your Work Email Address in My Biz/My Workplace The email address entered into My Biz/My Workplace via the Defense Civilian Personnel Data System (DCPDS) is the key for sending and receiving Performance Management messages, mass update notifications for benefits information and the upcoming Electronic Official Personnel Folder (eOPF) system. Maintaining accuracy of your personal information should be a regular event for all employees - please take the time to update your email address to ensure our records are linked properly and the transition goes as flawless as possible. Log into My Biz/My Workplace via the DCPDS Portal at https://compo.dcpds.cpms.osd.mil/ – Select ‘Update My Information’ – In the ‘Profile’ tab you will see a place to update your work email address – Verify/Change the email address to reflect your current work email address – Select ‘Update’ to save the updated address = A VALID .mil EMAIL ADDRESS. POC for navigating in My Biz/My Workplace: Ms. Elaine Lock, Human Resources Specialist, (573)638-9500, ext 39690, [email protected] SMSgt Steve Cebuhar, Human Resources Specialist, (573)638-9500, ext 37493, [email protected] TECHNICIAN TRIAL/PROBATIONARY PERIOD APPRAISAL RATINGS Supervisors, it is your responsibility to complete an official performance rating after 12 months of service for any newly hired technician that you supervise. For those technicians on a trial/probationary period, supervisors are directed by the National Guard Technician Performance Appraisal Program (TPR) 430, Chapter 2, paragraph 25. New technicians will be carefully observed and appraised during their trial/probationary period to determine whether they have the qualities required for permanent Government service. During this period, supervisors should provide specific training and assistance to improve the technician’s work performance if required. For retention beyond the trial/probationary period, the technician’s work performance must minimally rate at the Fully Successful, Level 3 rating. A Fully Successful rating is when the employee has satisfactorily met all assigned critical elements. a. If retention is not recommended, supporting documentation will be forwarded to the HRO who will advise supervisors and managers on appropriate action(s) to remove the technician from Federal service. Initiation of a written removal action may be effected any time during the trial/probationary period. b. A technician serving a trial/probationary period will not be given an official performance appraisal until after completing the required 12 months of Federal service. c. After completing 12 months of service the technician will be given an official performance rating in accordance with the established performance appraisal program. 8 POC: Mrs. Gayla Propst, Human Resource Specialist (Benefits) Supervisor, (573) 638-9500 ext 39892 SGT Kimberly Falter, (573) 638-9500 ext 37497 TECHNICIAN ON A TEMPORARY PROMOTION Supervisors are responsible to submit the SF52, Request for Personnel Action, for a Change to Lower Grade, 10 days prior to the NTE date of a temporary promotion NTE. If HR does not receive the SF52 in the time frame requested, payroll issues will potentially occur. HR recommends that supervisors develop a suspense for all personnel actions submitted to HR that have a NTE date, to avoid any negative impact on the technician. POC: Mrs. Gayla Propst, Human Resource Specialist (Benefits) Supervisor, at (573) 638-9500 ext 39892 SGT Kimberly Falter (573) 638-9500 ext 37497 TSP APP NOT SANCTIONED Apple App store offering TSP App not sanctioned by TSP - A free iPhone App, TSP Funds, currently being offered through the Apple App store asks TSP participants for their account login information. This app is not being offered through the TSP and the TSP does not recommend using this application to access your TSP account. Providing this information could result in a security risk to your account. https://www.tsp.gov/whatsnew/plan/planNews.shtml#iPhoneApp Information provided by Thrift Investment Board. POC: Mrs. Gayla Propst, Human Resource Specialist (Benefits) Supervisor, (573) 638-9500 ext 39892 TECHNICIAN ELECTRONIC PERSONNEL FILE (eOPF) The MONG Human Resource Office no longer has possession of the hard copy technician Official Personnel Folder (OPFs). Office of Personnel Manager (OPM) and the National Guard Bureau (NGB) have implemented a new OPF management system known as the electronic Official Personnel Folder (eOPF). The Human Resources staff, Army Benefits Center-Civilian (ABC-C) and NGB have access capability to eOPF. In the future, OPM/NGB will implement access to each technician, allowing technicians to have view capabilities of their own eOPF. Supervisors will have access to the eOPF's for the technicians that they supervise. Currently, technicians maintain their benefits and employment related information at the MyBiz website https://compo.dcpds.cpms.osd.mil. Supervisors access the MyWork Place website https://compo.dcpds.cpms.osd.mil for their employees information and performance management responsibilities. Additional benefits information is also available at the Army Benefits Center-Civilian (ABC-C) website www.abc.army.mil. POC: Ms. Elaine Lock, Human Resource Specialist (Systems) Supervisor, [email protected] Mrs. Gayla Propst, Human Resource Specialist (Benefits) Supervisor, [email protected] 9 THRIFT SAVINGS PLAN MONTHLY RETURNS Month L Income L 2020 L 2030 L 2040 L 2050 G Fund F Fund C Fund S Fund I Fund 2013 Sep 1.12% 2.71% 3.40% 3.90% 4.42% 0.19% 0.99% 3.14% 5.89% 7.41% Oct 1.01% 2.23% 2.75% 3.11% 3.47% 0.19% 0.89% 4.60% 2.94% 3.38% Nov 0.58% 1.24% 1.54% 1.74% 1.93% 0.18% (0.35%) 3.05% 2.49% 0.75% Dec 0.58% 1.25% 1.56% 1.77% 1.98% 0.19% (0.56%) 2.54% 2.94% 1.51% Jan (0.42%) (1.57%) (2.04%) (2.35%) (2.71%) 0.21% 1.58% (3.45%) (1.91%) (4.03%) Feb 1.15% 2.73% 3.44% 3.94% 4.44% 0.18% 0.62% 4.58% 5.43% 5.58% Mar 0.19% 0.17% 0.14% 0.12% 0.09% 0.19% (0.15%) 0.85% (0.69%) (0.57%) Apr 0.31% 0.39% 0.37% 0.32% 0.32% 0.20% 0.90% 0.75% (2.47%) 1.51% May 0.64% 1.20% 1.46% 1.63% 1.78% 0.20% 1.21% 2.35% 1.52% 1.72% Jun 0.58% 1.19% 1.52% 1.77% 1.96% 0.19% 0.14% 2.07% 4.45% 0.99% Jul (0.26%) (0.97%) (1.34%) (1.63%) (1.86%) 0.19% (0.19%) (1.37%) (4.38%) (1.95%) Aug 0.84% 1.64% 2.07% 2.40% 2.61% 0.20% 1.12% 4.01% 4.98% (0.14%) YTD 3.05% 4.81% 5.64% 6.20% 6.63% 1.57% 5.34% 9.94% 6.62% 2.86% 17.82% 19.75% 2.33% 6.35% 25.34% 22.61% 16.80% 2014 Last 12 mo 6.48% 12.82% 15.73% Percentages in ( ) are negative. SERVICE AWARDS Congratulations to the following technicians in recognition of their many years of federal service. David M. Cox William E. Jenks Eric M. Stitt Travis C. Smith Elizabeth V. Branch Fredrick G. Pierce Jason R. Gipson Michael J. Marsden Avinash M. Ferrao Ronald B. Cole Lonnie D. Brandon Robert E. Eckel Katharyn M. Mudd Kelly E. Malicoat Dean H. Benson Wayne E. Harrel Mary K. Lohnes James C. Campbell Carol S. Otto HQ Douglas G. Hagenhoff Martin A. Thomas 10 years 10 years 10 years 10 years 10 years 10 years 10 years 10 years 10 years 15 years 15 years 15 years 15 years 15 years 20 years 20 years 20 years 25 years 30 years 30 years 30 years AASF-MO JFHQ-MO-DCS-FOR INFO MGT SPT OFC th 139 ALF WG DET 1 AASF-MO st 131 CMN FT th 139 AMX SQ JFHQ-MO-DCS FOR OPERATIONS JFHQ-MO-HUMAN RESOURCES OFC HQ JFHQ-MO-DCS FOR INFO MGT SPT OFC 157 AIR OPS GP th HHD, 1107 TASMG-TASMG SHOP th DET 3, CO B, 935 SPT BN (ASB) th HQ 70 TROOP CMD th HHD, 1107 TASMG-TASMG SHOP th 239 CCS SQ JFHQ-MO-DCS FOR INFO MGT SPT OFC th 139 CMN FT th 139 MAI SQ JFHQ-MO-HUMAN RESOURCES OFC JFHQ-MO-HQ st 241 ATC SQ 10 3. AGR ARMY GUARD (ACTIVE DUTY) RETIREMENT BRIEFING The AGR Retirement Briefing starts at 0800 at Lincoln Hall Auditorium located at the Engineer Center, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. This briefing is required if you are an AGR Soldier within two years of retirement. If interested in attending this briefing contact the AGR Branch for additional information. AGR Retirement Briefings will be conducted 14 October 2014 and 10 February 2015. POC: MSG Shanon Johnson, (573) 638-9500 ext 39654 AGR LEAVE MANAGEMENT FTUS LEAVE MANAGEMENT http://www.moguard.com/cmss_files/attachmentlibrary/Leave-Management.pdf AIR GUARD RETIREMENT BRIEFINGS Airmen anticipating retirement should contact their respective Human Resources Remote Designee at least six months prior to their selected retirement date to begin the retirement process. Each Airman will be given a checklist for out processing and will be briefed on benefits and entitlements. Retirement briefings are also given at active duty stations and all airmen are encouraged to attend at least one several months prior to the retirement date. Your HR Remote will have dates and locations for these briefings. POC: Contact the remote designee at your location AGR LEAVE CARRYOVER EXTENSION Reference the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 (FY13) NDAA. Soldiers and Airmen may carry forward 75 days of annual accrued leave through 30 September 2015. Commanders should monitor Soldiers and Airmen leave balances and encourage them to use their leave in the year earned. Commanders should also establish an annual leave program that provides Soldiers and Airmen the maximum opportunity to take leave to minimize any loss of leave on 1 October 2015 when the 75 day leave carryover reverts to 60 days. POC: MSG Shanon Johnson, (573) 638-9500 ext 39654 11 AGR BASIC HOUSING ALLOWANCES (BAH) In the JFTR Ch 10: Housing Allowances Part E: Assignment Situations/Section 13: Reserve Components U10428, Tables U10E-16 & U10E-17 (Effective 3 April 2013) An AGR member’s BAH/OHA is based on the PDS, even when the member is mobilized for active duty other than AGR duty provided the member does not have a break in service. The PDS rate applies for the duration of the tour. If the AGR member receives a PCS order authorizing HHG transportation, BAH/OHA is based on the new PDS. However, if the member is called or ordered to active duty without a break in service and a PCS order authorizing HHG transportation is not issued, BAH/OHA rate is based (paid) on the PDS location at the time called/ ordered to active duty. Certification of dependency status: In the JFTR CH 10, Part B. U10100 RC Member. After initial certification, an RC member must recertify dependency status at least every third year from the previous certification or upon a dependency status change. AGR PERSONNEL ACTIONS NEW HIRES Ann O’Rourke, 131 BW Joseph Swanson, 131 BW Kyle Twenter, 139 AW SGT Matthew Morris, R & R BN WO1 Scott Mobus, RTSM th SGT Rebecca Francis, HHC, 35 CAB SGT Joshua McConkey, R & R BN Kirsten Luebrecht, 131 BW Brent Pankau, 139 AW Greg Hafley, 139 AW Janette King, 139 AW SGT Clayton Fidler, R & R BN SGT Blake Crowley, R & R BN CPT Chase Phillips, R & R BN SGT Johnny Palmer, R & R BN PROMOTIONS Lt Col Timothy Rezac, 131 BW th SGT Juliette Sondano, HHC, 1140 EN th SFC George Carr, 206 ASMC Lt Col Jeff Montgomery, 139 AW th SGT Rebecca Francis, HHC, 35 CAB SEPARATIONS John Varner, 139 AW SSG John Lane SFC Susan Kelb MAJ Curtis Christian Ronald Douglas, 139 AW SFC Alvin Sutton SGM Timothy Bailie FOR THE ADJUTANT GENERAL: 9 /1 0 /2 0 1 4 X M a jo r W illia m M ille r RODNEY K. GINTER LTC, MP, MONG Director of Human Resources 12 HUMAN RESOURCES STAFF LTC Rodney Ginter, 573-638-9500 ext 39642 SSG Penny George, 573-638-9500 ext. 37743 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH Vacant, 573-638-9500 ext 39854 TSgt Michael Marsden, 573-638-9500 ext 39586 SGT Desiree Torres, 573-638-9500 ext 39788 CPT Kelly R. Moreno, 573-638-9500 ext 39743 SSG Anthony Bazalaki, 573-638-9500 ext 37742 FTUS PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Maj William Miller, 573-638-9500 ext 39600 LABOR MANAGEMENT RELATIONS DATA MANAGEMENT Ms. Elaine Lock, 573-638-9500 ext 39690 SMSgt Steven Cebuhar, 573-638-9500 ext 37493 Vacant, 573-638-9500 ext 39643 HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST BUDGET Mr. Dave Cavalcanto, 573-638-9500 ext 39524 1LT Rachelle Thomas, 573-638-9500 ext 37148 TECHNICIAN BRANCH EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT/ POSITION CLASSIFICATION STAFFING Ms. Carol Otto, 573-638-9500 ext 39644 SSG Tracina Harrison, 573 638-9500 ext 37495 SPC Mark Jarvis, 573-638-9500 ext 39811 CW4 Paula Prosser, 573-638-9500 ext 39689 Vacant, 573-638-9500 ext 37917 SGT Amelia Cruz, 573-638-9500 ext 39670 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Ms. Gayla Propst, 573-638-9500 ext 39892 SGT Kimberly Falter, 573-638-9500 ext 37497 SGT Justin Doherty, 573-638-9500 ext 37494 Ms. Leigh Smith, 573-638-9500 ext 37496 SPC Nicholas Garrard, 573-638-9500 ext 37499 FTUS MANPOWER & AGR MANAGEMENT Vacant, 573-638-9500 ext 39600 AIR ARMY Ms. Geri Gaines, 573-638-9500 ext. 37498 MSG Shanon Johnson, 573-638-9500 ext 39654 SSG Justin Lawzano, 573-638-9500 ext 39757 TOURS MANAGEMENT FTUS READINESS SSG Cynthia A. Smart, 573-638-9500 ext. 37490 SFC Terri Greene, 573-638-9500 ext 39674 13
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