REPVBLIQVE DV CAMEROUN MIN ISTERE DES ENSEIGNEMENTS SECONDAIRES N# 03{4~ REPVBLIC OF CAMEROON SM D Pqix- TtqVqil - Pqtrie ~ Peqce - Work - Fqtherlqnc{ MINISTRY OF SECONDARY EDVCATION YAOUNDE; LE /M!NESEC/CAB 0 6 MAY 20J4 LI~T~ ur=r=ICI~LL~ ()~~ M4.~U~L~ ~C()IAil2~~ ()t=t=ICIAL T~XTI3()()1\ LI~T Année Scolaire 2014-2015 /2014-2015 Acac\emic Year (7~~~l?~L S~C()~[)~l?.,- t7l?AMMAl? ~[)U(:~Tl()~ ARTS. LEIIE~AND lANGVACES ANGLOPHONE SVB-SYSTEM/ SOUS-SYSTEME ANGLOPHONE LE MINISTRE DES ENSEIGNEMENTS SECONDAIRES PORN SUBJECT AUTHOR PUBLISHER YEAROF ENTRY FUALEFEH ET AL ANUCAM 2012 NDUNGE COSMOS 2012 JULIUS NUH MIH Michel VINCE CAMEROONP. COMPANV MACMILLAN 2013 SUNRISE SUNRISE 2012 MARK SMEE John EASTWOOD HEINEMANN OXFORD 2012 2012 Martin TERBAN NOTMAN Coe et al. SCHOLASTIC OXFORD 2012 2012 1. Scholastic Dictionary of Spelling Martin TERBAN SCHOLASTIC 2012 2. Oxford Basic English Dictionay Oxford Oxford 2012 LONGMAN LONGMAN 2012 COLLINS JEPHTHAH SOTABINDA Lucas NTANG TASI HARPER COLLINS 2012 COSMOS 2012 NMI EDUCATION 2012 NSAHLAÏ Athanslus NMAMS 2013 EVERGREEN EVERGREEN 2012 K. H. NJOBE WHITE HOU~ · 2012 TYPE OP aOOK(S) TEXTBOOK AND WORKBOOI< TITLE 1. Graded English for Colleges Boo!:? 1 - Worl:?bool:?1 - Teacher's boo!:? 1 2. Movlng on Boo!:? 1 - Worl:? boo!:? 1 - Teacher's boo!:? 1 3. New Frontiers in English and Teacher's Guide One - New Frontiers in English WOOK BOOK 4. First Certificate language practice 1. A to Z grammar (8 titles) (optional) INGLIJH 2. Spelling Matters GRAM MAR Grammar Matters OR 3. Oxford Practice grammar (BASIC) OR 4. Scholastic guide to grammar OR FORN ONE S. Oxford Practice grammar 2013 DICTIONARIES 3. Elementary Dictlonary 4. Collins Concise - school Dictionnary 1. The Voungest King of Hunters INGLIJH LIIIRAIURI PROSE 2. Double Loss 3. Short Stories 4. Evergreen Stories (Ciassic Tales) s. Beyond Rescue - vol 1 OR \\. '·' FORM JDBfi!CY TYPI!OF BOOK(J) r1nu 1. The Pride of Africa Voll or 2. A New Poetry Course Bool:l1 (revised edition) ENGLISH LITERATURE POETRY 3. Beginning Poetry Level1 4. Nature Poems 1. True Love Waits or ADTHORS PUBWIIER YI!AROF I!NTRY Louis OJONG P MBUNWUE SAMBA COSMOS AFRICAN EDUCATIONAL PRESS COSMOS AFRICAN E. P. NMI Eduction 2012 2012 TAH PROTUS Augusta Eba Taba POCHITAMBA DRA MA FORM ONE DICTIONNAIRES FRENCH TEXTBOOK 2. Two short Plays, Aping the Apes and lts Right here 3. Three Shal:lespeare comedies 4. Poverty is Crazy 1. Oxford School French Dictionary 2. Oxford Learner's French 3. Dictionnaire d'Anglais (anglais-français/ français- anglais) 4. Cambridge JKiett Poche, français- anglais /anglais-français 1. Le Réseau du Français 1; Worl:l 1and - Le Réseau du Français - - Teacher's guide Bl:l1 2. Apprenons le Français 1and Worl:l bool:l1 - Apprenons le français-Teacher's guide Bl:l1 3. Parlons Français for Secondary Schools 1 - Teacher's guide - Parlons français Worl:l bool:lt 4. Excellence en Français 1et Livret d'activités 1 2012 2014 2012 KIMBENG TEBENE AND TAH PROTUS Dodd E.F NJIMELE GEORGES Dodd E. F. OXFORD AUZOU COSMOS RIPPLE PUBLICAliONS Macmillan PEACOCK Macmillan OXFORD AUZOU 2013 2014 2013 2012 2012 CAMBRIDGE CAMBRIDGE 2012 BOFIA ETAL NMI EDUCATION 2012 ANUCAM ANUCAM 2012 2012 BOUYEM EMMANUEL COSMOS EDUCATION PRESS 2012 MBINKAR Emmanuel 2013 CPC 1 • FORM JUBJECT TYPE OF BOOK(J) TilLE AUTHOR PUBLIJHER YEAROF ENTRY FUALEFEH ET AL ANUCAM 2012 NDUNGE COSMOS 2012 JULIUS NUH MIH CAMEROON P. COMPANY 2013 SUN RI SE John EASTWOOD SUN RI SE OXFORD 2012 2012 OXFORD OXFORD 2012 1. Graded English for Colleges Boo!:? 2 - Teacher's guide - Graded English for Colleges Wori:?Bool:? 2 TEXTBOOI< ENCLISH 2. Moving on Boo!:? 2 - Teacher's guide - Moving on Boo!:? 2 3. New Frontiers in English 2 - New Frontiers Wo~bool:? 2 and Teachers Guide SUPPLEMENTARY - A to Z gram mar (8 titles) 1. Oxford Practice grammar (Basic) OR FORMTWO GRAM MAR 2. Oxford Practice grammar OR 3. Scholastic guide to grammar DICTIONARIES PROSE ENGLISH LITERATURE POETRY DRA MA PROMOTION DU BILINGUISME TEXTES SCHOLASTIC SCHOLASTIC 2012 SCHOLASTIC Martin TURBAN COLLINS ENERGREEN POCHITAMBA NSAHLAl JANE Et<ANE NJIMELE Georges PMBUNWUE SAMBA SCHOLASTIC Oxford HARPER COLLINS ENERGREEN COSMOS NAB CAMEROOM WRITERS SERIES PEACOCt< AFRICAN EDUCATIONS PRESS 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2014 2012 MACMILLAN 2013 3. BEGINNING POETRY LEVEL Il CHRISTIAN BOTCHWAY TAH PROTUS 2012 4. THE PRIDE OF AFRICA VOL.II S. Treasure from lnside - Ewa and Other Plays 1. Les animaux racontent Torne 1 2. La Ouerre des Fantômes LOUISOJONG Albert SAMBA ANNE TANYI TANG André Buhet S. ENO BELINCA AFRICAN EDUCAliONS PRESS COSMOS Wivans Publisher EDITIONS CLE Les Classiques Africain~ Les Classiques Africains Michelle TANON Lora Les Classiques Ivoiriens 4. Scholastic Dictionary of Spelling 1. Oxford Basic English dictionary OR 2. Collins Concise School Dictionary 1. Evergreen Tales : grandpa Tales 2. Best friends 3. Buffalo Riders 4. The verdict of the gods S. Undeserved Suffering 1. A New Poetry Course Boo!:? 1 (revised edition) 2. Miracle in the Lang 3. Le Premier Noël de FERIMA 2012 2014 _2012 .. - 2012 201i . 2014 FORM SUBJECT TYPE OF BOOK(S) TilLE 1. le Réseau du Français 2 ; Worb boob 2 and - le Réseau du Français - Teacher's guide Bb2 - 2. Apprenons le Français 2 and Worb boob 2 TEXTBOOI< FORM TWO FRENCH SUPLEMENTARY DICTIONARIES - Teacher's guide Bb2 3. Parlons Français for secondary Schools 2 - Worbboob2 - Teacher's guide 4. Excellence en Français 2 et Livret d'activités 2 - Easy Learnlng French Conversation - Didionary d'Anglais (anglais/françaisfrançais/anglais) Oxford School French Didionary Oxford Learner's French Dictionary AUTHOR PUBLISHER YEAROF ENTRY BOFIA ET AL NMI EDUCATION 2012 TARKEH VICTOR ET AL ANUCAM 2012 BOUYEM EMMANUEL COSMOS 2012 MBINKAR Emmanuel COLLINS CPC HARPERS 2013 2012 AUZOU AUZOU 2012 Oxford Oxford 2012 Oxford Oxford 2012 ec FORM SUBJECT TYPIOF BOOK(S) AUTHOR PUBLISHER YEAROF ENTRY FUALEFEH ET AL ANUCAM 2012 NDUNGE COSMOS 2012 NUH MIH J. ET AL CPC 2013 Oxford 2012 Cathy Collins Bloc~ Scholastic 2012 Martin TERBAN 2012 Martin TERBAN SCHOLASTIC SCHOLASTIC 2012 MARI< SMEE HEINEMANN 2012 Oxford Oxford 2012 COLLINS HARPER COLLINS 2012 Lucas NTANG TASI NMI EDUCATION 2012 2. A Royal Turmoil NGWAJ.NEBA 2013 3. The Tide of Life Ta la Julie Enjema Geraldine Mc angurean et al. ANUCAM African Education Press HEINEMANN 2012 Margaret AFUH PATTON HOUSE 2012 P MBUNWUE SAMBA AFRICAN EDUCATION PRESS 2012 Louis OJONC COSMOS NQONQ I<UM J, EDITIONCLE TilLE 1. Graded English for Colleges Boo~ 3 - Teacher's guide 3 -Wor~Boo~3 LANGUAGE TEXTBOOI< 2. Moving on Boo~ 3 - Teacher's guide 3 - Wor~Boo~3 3. New frontiers in English Boo~ 3 - Wor~ Boo~ 3 - Teacher's guide 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE 1. Oxford practlce grammar {lntermediate) OR GRAM MAR 2. Powerful vocabulary for reading success 3 - Teacher's boo~ 3 3. Scholastic guide to grammar OR 4 Scholastic Dictionary of Spelling OR s. Grammar Matters 1. Oxford Basic English Dictionary OR DICTIONARIES FORM THREE 2. Collins Concise School Dictionary 1. Not without my wife PROSE 4. Two Sides of the Scan coin S. Flower in the Desert ENGLISH LITERATURE 1. A New Poetry Course Boo~ 3 (revised edition) POETRV 2. The Pride of Africa (vol.3) 3. Walls of Agony 1. Just Another Woman DRA MA 2. Three Shal?espeare and Tradegies 3. Moby Die!? - Betrothal Without Libation John EASTWOOI< Martin WADDELL Herman M. African Education Press HEINEMANN MACMILLAN . . BOLE BUTAI<E EDITIONS CLE MFONE NOE ZAMA 2012 2012 2013 .::::ac;n~- . .. 2012 .• 2013 ' . 2012 · -. FORM SUBJECT TYPE OF BOOK(S) TilLE AUTHOR PUBLISHER YEAROF ENTRY BOFIA ET AL NMI EDUCATION 2012 TARKEH VICTOR ET AL ANUCAM 2012 BOUVEM EMMANUEL C. EDUCATION PRESS 2012 MBINKAR Emmanuel CPC 2013 HEINEMANN 2009 1. Le Réseau du Français 3 TEXTBOOI< FORM THREE FRENCH (suite) - Teacher's guide 8~ 3 - Wor~ boo~ 3 2. Apprenons le Français 3 - Teacher's guide 8~ 3 - Wor~ boo~ 3 3. Parlons Français for Secondary Schools 3 - Teacher's guide 8~ 3 - Wor~ boo~ 3 4. Excellence en Français 3 et Livret d'activités 3 1. French School Dictionary DICTIONARIES PROMOTION DU BILINGUISME TEXT 2. Collins Easy Learning French Dictionary COLLINS COLLINS 2012 3. Dictionnaire d'Anglais (anglaisffrançaisfrançais{anglais) 4. Cambridge l<let Poche (anglaisffrançais françaisfanglais) AUZOU AUZOU 2012 CAMBRIDGE CAMBRIDGE 2012 Samuel Martin Eno BELINGA Les Classiques Africains 2012 La Tortue, sa flute et le Singe 1. Jan~ina et autres Contes Pygmées Sévérin Cécil ABEGA 2. Le Royaume du cœur Joseph ABONDIO D. Les Classiques Africains Les Classiques Africains 2012 2q14 . FORM SUBJECT TYPE OF BOOK($) LANGUAGE TEXTBOOI< ENGLISH LANGUAGE SUPLEMENTARY BOOK TilLE 1. Graded English for Colleges Boo~ 4 - Teacher's guide 4 8~4 - Wor~ boo~4 2. Moving On boo~ 4 - Teacher's guide B~4 - Wor~boo~4 3. New Frontiers in English boo~ 4 - Teacher's guide 4 B~4 - Wor~ boo~ 4 4. Living English Power 4 - Wor~ boo~ 4 1. lntegred S~ills in English 4 and 5 2. Powerful vocabulary for reading success 4 - Teacher's guide B~ 4 1. The Good Grammar Boo~ FORM FOUR GRAMMAR 2. First Certificate Language Practice 4th Ed. 3. Oxford Practice Grammar- lntermediate DICTIONARY 1. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 2. Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary SECTION A DRAMA ENGLISH LITERATURE SECTIONS THEAFRICAN NOVEL SECTIONC POETRY SECTION D THE ENGLISH NOVEL 1. Julius Ceasar 2. Green Hills: A play on Environnemental Protection 1. Mangweloune Last's Dance 2. Son of the Native Soil 3. Letter to TITA vol1 1. Selected Poems from Cameroon Anthology of Poetry 2. Chants of a Lunatic 3. Selected Poems from the Sheldon Boo~ of Verse Cleansing the Queen - Animal farm AU THOR PUBLISHER FUALEFEH ET AL ANUCAM NDUNGE COSMOS JULIUS NUH MIH CAMEROON P. COMPANY NJIBAMUN ET AL NMI MUNGE S. AMAYA VISION PUBLISHER Cathy COLLINS BLOCI< SCHOLASTIC MICHAEL SWAM AND CATHERINE WALKER OXFORD Michel VINCE MACMILLAN JOHN EASTWOOD OXFORD OXFORD OXFORD CAMBRIDGE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Ayong Fredercl? E. HENRINOCOD OXFORD PRESSPRINT PLC PAROLES ECRITES AMBANASOM ANUCAM Jeanne Marie Abou' ou Bole Buta~e NGONG I<UM J. Edition Fleurus A. SHET Peter M. GEORGE ORWELL or ANUCAM SOPECAM HEINEMENN or ANUCAM EDITION CLE YI 1 FORM JUBJECI TYPE OF BOOK(J) TEXT8001< FORM FOUR FRENCH TilLE 1. Le Réseau du Français 4 - Teacher's guide 81:?4 - Worl:?bool:?4 2. Apprenons le Français 4 - Teacher's guide 81:?4 - Worl:?bool:?4 3. Parlons Français for English Secondary School 4 - Teacher's guide 81:?4 - Worl:?bool:?4 4. Excellence en Français 4 et Livret d'activités 4 1. Dictionary d'Anglais (français/anglais-anglais/français) 2. Dictionnaire l<let Poche PUBLIJHER YEAR OF ENIRY NMI EDUCATION 2012 BOUYEM EMMANUEL COSMOS 2012 BOUYEM EMMANUEL COSMOS 2012 MBINI<AR Emmanuel CPC 2013 AUZOU AUZOU 2012 NMI Education NMI Education 2013 Macmillan COLLINS Oxford MACMILLAN COLLINS Oxford Les Classiques Africains 2013 2012 2012 2012 AUIHOR 80FIA ET AL DICTIONARY 3. Macmillan Essential Dictionary 4. Collins Easy Learning French Dictionary S. Oxford Essential French Dictionary PROMOTION DU BILINGUISME TEXTES Les animaux racontent Torne 1 André 8uhet La Cuerre des Fantômes S. ENO 8ELINCA Les Classiques Africains 2012 Fables de toutes saisons P.I<AYO CLE 2012 ·' FORM SUBJECT TYPE OF BOOK(S) TEXTBOOI< TilLE 1. Graded English for Colleges Booh 5 - Teacher's Guide 5 -Worh boohs 2. Moving on Student's booh 5 - Teacher's Guide 5 - Womboohs 3. New Frontiers in English booh 5 - Teacher's Guide 5 -Worl:?boohS 4. Living English Power 5 - Worh boohs 1. Writing GCE Ordinary Level English Language With Confidence for form 4 and 5 Students {first edition) FORM FIVE ENGLISH LANGUAGE SUPPLEMENTARY TEXTBOOI< GRAM MAR 2 GCE O'Level English Language Practices Exercises and Notes New Syllabus 3. lntegrated Shills in English 4. Powerful vocabulary for reading success 5 - Teacher's booh 5 1. The Good Grammer booh 2. First Certificate Language Practice 4m Ed. 3. Powerful vocabulary for reading success 5 - Teacher's boo!:? 5 4. Oxford Practice Grammer, {lntermediate) DICTIONARIES AUTHOR PUBLISHER YEAR OF ENTRY FUALEFEH ET AL ANUCAM 2012 NDUNGEetAL COSMOS 2012 Julius NUH MIH CPC 2013 NJIBAMUN ET AL NMI 2012 MBANWI DAFIDSON MBI<U NAB VENTURES BAMENDA 2012 FAUSTINA E.O. YEMBE MUNGAAMAYA Cathy COLLINS BLOCI< BOOK HOUSE PUBLISHERS Vision Publisher 2012 SCHOLASTIC 2012 M. SWAM AND C.WALI<ER MICHAEL VINCE OXFORD MACMILLAN 2012 2013 Cathy COLLINS BLOCK SCHOLASTIC 2012 JOHN EASTWOOD OXFORD HARPERS s. Collins Easy Learning English Grammer and Punctuation COLLINS COLLINS COLLINS 1. Collins Easy Learning English Study Dictionary COLLINS COLLINS OXFORD CAMBRIDGE OXFORD 2. Oxford Advanœd Learner's Dictionary OR 3. Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary 3 Ed. ;" CAMBRID~:. • '· 2012 2012 2012 2012 ·go12 ~913 FORM SUBJECT TYPE OF BOOK(S) SECTION A DRAMA ENGLISH LITERATURE SECTION BTHE AFRICANNOVEL SECTIONC POETRV SECTION D THEENGLISH NOVEL PORM PIVE TEXTBOOK TITLE 1. Julius Ceasar 2. Green Hills: A play on Environment Protection 3. ENETA VS ELIMO 1. Son of the Native Soil 2. Letter to TITA vol 2 1. Selected Poems from the Cameroon Anthology of Poetry 2. Chants of a Lunatic - Selected Poems from The Sheldom Boo~ of Verse 1. Cleansing the Queen 2. Animal Farm 3. Animal Farm 4. The Death Certificate 1. Le réseau du Français 5 - Teacher's guide 5 - Wor~ boo~5 2. Apprenons le Français 5 - Teacher's guide 5 WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE AVANG Frederc~ E. ANNTANVIT. S. AMBANASOM Jeanne Marie Abou'ou BOLE BUTAKE NOONG KUMJ. ANUCAM 2012 PRESSPRINT PLC EDITION CLE ANUCAM EDITION FLEURUS SHET Peter M. GEORGE ORWELL A NUCAM ALOWBED SOPECAM HEINEMENN ANUCAM EDITION CLE 2013 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2012 2013 I<ANCi DIKSON ET AL TARKEH VICTOR ET AL EDITIONCLE NMI EDUCATION 2012 2012 ANUCAM BOUYEM EMMANUEL COSMOS 2012 MBINKAR Emmanuel CPC 2013 HEINEMANN HEINEMANN 2012 CAMBRIDGE CAMBRIDGE 2012 COLLINS COLLINS 2012 André Buhet Les Classiques Africains Les Classiques,· Africeùl'Îs:'· -~ 2012 - Wor~boo~S 4. Excellence en Français 5 et Livret d'activ ités 5 - Oxford Poche Pour apprendre (l'Anglais Français/ Anglais-Français) 011 DICTIONARV PROMOTION DU BILINGUISME PUBLISHER - Wor~ boo~5 3. Parlons Français 5 for English Secondary Schools - Teacher's guide 5 FRENCH AU THOR YEAR OP ENTRY - Cambridge Klett Poche, (Français-Anglais/ English-French) - Collins Easy Learning French Dictionary 011 Les animaux racontent Torne 1 TEXTES La Guerre des Fantômes S. ENO BELINGA ' ..' -•,.·. . 2012 FORM SUBJECT TYPE OF BOOK(S) AUTHOR PUBLISHER YEAR OF ENTRY WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE OXFORD 2012 2. A Man for ali Seasons ROBERTBOLT HEINEMANN OR ANUCAM 2012 3. The Importance of Belng Earnest OSCAR WILDE TilLE 1. Anthony and Cleopatra PAPER1 DRAMA ENGLISH LITERATURE PAPER2 PROSE PAPER3 POETRY LOWER SIXTH PAPER4 LITERARY APPRECIAliON GRAMMAR TEXTBOOK 4. The Trials of Brothers lero WOLE SOYINKA 1. The Old Man and the Sea ERNEST HEMINGWAY FRENCH LANGUAGE DRAMA PROSE POETRY 2012 2012 2. A Question of Power BESSIE HEAD 3. No Way to Die 1. The General Prologue and the Pardoner's Prologue and Tale 2 Selected Poems William Bla~e LINUSASONG WILLIAM BLAKE 3. Poems of Blac~s Africa WOLE SOYINKA 2012 CHENGL TANGYIE 2012 1. Prose and Poetry Appreciation Handboo~ (revised Edition) 2 A Stylistic Approach to literary appreciation - A French Reference Grammar 1. Apprenons le Français 2. Fables de toutes saisons 1. Collins Easy French Study Dictionary DICTIONARIES 2012 CLE OR HEINEMANN HEINEMANN 2. Collins Easy Learning French Dictionary 3. Le Robert et Collins Lycée (anglais/francaisfrancais/anglais) 1. La Tragédie du Roi Christophe 2. Les Fausses Confidences 1. L'enfant de la Révolte Muette 2. Le fils d'Agatha Moudio 3. Le Dernier jour d'un Condamné 1. Les Fleurs du Mal 2012 PATRON PUB 2012 G.CHANCER 2012 OXFORD 2012 JOHN NKEMGOY OXFORD U.PRESS MBIMEH PAUL ET AL OXFORD A NU CAM 2012 2012 2014 PATRICE KAYO COLLINS CLE COLLINS 2012 2012 COLLINS COLLINS 2012 LE ROBERT LE ROBERT 2012 Aimé Césaire Mariveaux Camille N. Afenga Francis Bebey Victor Hugo Baudelaire 2013 2013 2013 20l3 20J3 2013 CLE ,. \ ( FORM SUBJECI IYPEOF BOOK(S) lilLE 1. Oxford Practical Grammar (Advanced) LOWER ENGUSH LANGUAGE 2. Macmillan English Dictionary PUBLISHER YEAROF ENIRY George VULE OXFORD 2012 Maanillan Macmillan 2013 CAMBRIDGE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS 2012 OXFORD 2012 Edition lfril:?iya 2012 Hatier International 2012 CLE 2012 DICTIONARIES 3. Cambridge Advanced learner's Dictionary AND UPPER 4. Oxford Advanced learner's Dictionary JIXTH 1. Plus Sage que le Roi PROMOTION DU BILINGUISME AUIHOR TEXT 2. Petiit JO, Enfant des Rues 3. Trois petits Cireurs OXFORD Beatrice laure MEBOU Evelyne MPOUDI NGOLLE Francis BEBEV FORM SUBJECT TYPE OF •ooK(S) TITLE 1. Anthony and Cleopatra PAPER1 DRAMA ENGLISH LANGUAGE UPPER SIXTH PAPER2 PROSE 2. Anthony and Cleopatra 3. Three Plays 4. A Man for ali Seasons S. The Importance of Being Earnest 6. The Trials of Brothers Jero 1. The Old Man and the Seo 2. A Question of Power 3. No Way to Die 1. The General Prologue and the Pardoner's Prologue PAPER3 POETRY PAPER4 LITERARY APPRECIATION GRAM MAR FRENCH TEXTBOOK DICTIONNARY SUPLEMENTARV and Tale 2. William Bla~e Selected Poems 3. Poems of Blactls Africa 13. Prose and Poetry Appreciation Handbool:? (revised Edition) PUBLISHER YEAROF ENTRY OXFORD 2012 NELSON THOMAS NELSON 2012 Bote Besong ROBERTBOLT OSCAR WILDE WOLE SOYINKA Edition CLE ANUCAM 2013 2012 2012 2012 AUTHOR W. SHAKESPEARE HEINEMAN 2012 ERNEST HEMINGWAY BESSIE HEAD LINUSASONG PATRON GODFREY CHANCER WILLIAM BLAKE WOLE SOYINKA 2012 2012 2012 OXFORD 2012 2012 CHENGL TANGYIE 2012 14. A Stylistic Approach to literary appreciation JOHN NKEMGOY 2012 1. A French Reference Grammar OXFORD UNIVESCilV PRESS OXFORD 2012 MBIMOH PAUL ET AL ANUCAM 2012 LE ROBERT LE ROBERT 2012 Pierre KOUNGA CLE 2012 .- 2. Apprenons le Français 3. Le Robert and Collins Lycée (anglais/francais francais/anglais) Le SIDA au Village LIBRARY AUTHOR PUBLISHER YEAROP ENTRY NGOH AGNES AZUH EDITION CLE 2014 ANNETIE BIERAU NMI EDUCATION 2014 DOUGLAS ACHIGALE NYAA PUBLISHERS 2014 4. Manna of a life time and other stories NGONGKUM EDITION CLE 2014 s. BOLE BUTAKE EDITION CLE 2014 6. Jacob Ache the Great HANS NYAA NYAA PUBLISHERS 2014 7. Born Out of Wedlock HANS BOKWE SHILOH PRINT PUB. 2014 JOHN NKENAGONG EDITION CLE 2014 9. Weeping Environment ALBERT SAMAH WIVANS PUBLISHERS 2014 10. The Charlatans TIDDINA CLETUS EDITION CLE 2014 ANNETIE BIERAU K. NMI EDUCATION 2014 COLLECTIF HACHETIE 2014 ONYA Anjoyen ANUCAM 2014 NFONE NDE ZAMA NMI Education 2014 John Ngong Kum Edition CLE 2014 TITLE 1. Tales from the Crossland and the Forest 2. The Golden Escape 3. Oppression Lake god and other plays 8. The Widow's Might 11. Two Worlds in One 12. Dictionnaire Hachette Poche 13. Kolks of Wangi 14. Generation of destruction 15. Batte of Survival
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