Schedule A. - Freedom Camping Zones U V V U AB AA All Council controlled land not specified below is restricted to self-contained vehicles for freedom camping. U Makarora V V U No Freedom Camping Zones Boundaries. No Freedom Camping permitted in all Council controlled land between: AD Lake Hawea A. 400m North of Intersection of SH6 and Hawea Motor Camp Road B. Intersection of Domain Road and Cemetery Road C. Intersection of Cemetery Road and Gladstone Road D. 400m north west of Johns Creek on Timaru Creek Road ea w Ha Hu Stn rn R Bu Lake Hayes Estate M. Intersection of Howards Drive and Ladies Mile (SH6) Me a d s Rd Rd d Arrowtown J. Intersection of Jopp Street and Centennial Ave K. Intersection of Manse Road and Malaghans Road L. Intersection of Malaghans Road, McDonnell Road and Arrowtown Lake Hayes Road nte ora-Lak e Makar Wanaka F. Intersection of Riverbank Road and SH6 G. Intersection of Ruby Island Road and Wanaka-Mt Aspiring Road H. Clutha River/ Mata – Au Bridge, Lake Hawea - Albert Town Road (State Highway 6) I. Intersection of Cardrona Valley Road and Riverbank Road rV all ey Stn R d AC Dingle Quail Rise N. Intersection of Ferry Hill Road and Tuckers Beach Road Arthurs Point O. Intersection of Arthurs Point Road and Coronet Peak Road P. McChesney Creek Bridge, Gorge Road naka - M Wa k Ma u n a Rd uR V U G tyne Rd Lu K ggate -Ta rr Rd Moun r Rd arke tB na V all ey e yR d Cardro Re es V a ll es R d U U V V VU U V Cardrona X W dy s Rid ge e to w K O M oke Lake R d VU V V U U V U U V Frankton V U Q P F ra V U d nR kt o M T Queenstown J Gib bs V U AF ton Hwy V U U Jacks Point Legend Major Roads ton Rd Vo n Rd R N S n eenstown Rd Wakatipu Basin V U L an g U V V VU U ro w n R u y-Q s Rd an gh a l Ma n Rd no r ch G le Arrowtown e Rd c Ma P ad C Z F Rd h anc Rd ch nlo Ki Glenorchy Y an H as Br The Rd tebur n ou AE U V V U ll I Ba Wanaka V U R V U y ey Au br Makarora AA. Intersection of Makarora - Lake Hawea Road and Rata Street AB. Pipson Creek Bridge AC. 400m South of Intersection of Makarora -Lake Hawea Road and Kea Street AD. 400m North of Intersection of Makarora -Lake Hawea Road and Weka Street Un-restricted Camping Areas AE. North of Rees Valley Bridge, Glenorchy AF. East of intersection of Gibbston Back Road and State Highway 6 C Ca mp Hill Rd d ta p ot a M B e Rd Kinloch Y. Gorge Creek Bridge leading into Kinloch Z. 100m South of Kinloch Wharf g awera V all We st Rd Glenorchy W. True Right of Buckler Burn/Glenorchy-Queenstown Road X. Intersection of Lake Rd (unformed) and Glenorchy Paradise Road na W D Hawea Back Rd g pi r in As Kingston V. Intersection of Kingston Road and Kent Street a V U U V V V U U A Rd t oun Jacks Point/Wye Creek U. Intersection of Kingston Road and Maori Jack Road Lake Hawea a ne Rd Queenstown Q. Intersection of Gorge Road and Industrial Place R. Intersection of Moke Lake and Glenorchy Queenstown Road S. Intersection of Frankton Ladies Mile Highway and Glenda Drive T. Intersection of Peninsula Road and Kingston Road Kings District Boundary Large Scale Maps V Zone Boundaries U tN icho la sR d A o un M No Freedom Camping Zones Kingston V U V ´ V U sto ne Rd Ma kar ora - Lak e w Ha ea D Tim aru Cr eek Rd Rd Lake Hawea Schedule A. - No Freedom Camping Zones V U V U C V U Do m ai n Gladstone Rd Haw eaAlb B Lak e Hawea Back Rd ert Tow nR d Lake Hawea G la ds to ne Rd G la d A Rd ´ Arrowtown own Rd c et Arrowtown V U K d ss Flat R Speargra V U L V U J Lake Hay Arrowtownes Rd Rd hans Malag Ma ´ Schedule A. - No Freedom Camping Zones lo c ise Glen orchy-Parad Y K in V U Rd h Rd Glenorchy & Kinloch Kinloch Rd Kinloch V U X V U Z tn Green stone S Glenorchy Rd V U W ´ King Rd Kingston ston Kingston V U Kin g sto nG a rs ton Hw y V ´ d ra R kar o as s -M a st P Haa V U eH a we aR d AA Ma kar ora -La k Makarora Schedule A. - No Freedom Camping Zones Makarora V U AD V U AC V U AB V U O Rd es ttl Li Sp ss gr a ea r Moke L ake Rd Rd Wakatipu Basin Rd Quail Rise ile H wy Lake Hayes Estate M S M V U Rd G orge V U V U N V U P t Fla A rrow t own e - Lake Hay s Rd M s an gh a l a Co Arthurs Point ro net P eak Rd Schedule A. - No Freedom Camping Zones di e s V U Q o Frankton R em ark able F n ra Rd nkt s Ski Fi ce Ac el d Rd ss Queenstown n kto F ra La n- la Penin su Rd V U T d R uee n -Q c hy Rd G l enor Kin gston n stow V U R Jacks Point V U U ´ Schedule A. - No Freedom Camping Zones Maun g aw e M au ng a ra Wanaka Rd Rd n w ill R Camp H d Ha we a-A lbe rt T o t es Albert Town Rd g V U H Aub r ey Rd V U G V U F Ballantyne Rd Wa nak a-L ugga te H wy Riv Card rona Valley Rd Wanaka d V U L ane I H ig ou hc y ntr M ou r nt Barke Rd rin erb an kR pi As Glendhu Bay naka-Moun Wa t e L ak Mo t a ta pu R d W ley Rd Va lley d R Va l Buchan an Rise we ra ´
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