BATCH FILE IN DOS Batch files Parameters A parameter (or argument) is any value passed into a batch script: C:> MyScript.cmd January 1234 "Some value" Parameters may also be passed to a subroutine with CALL: CALL :my_sub 2468 You can get the value of any parameter using a % followed by it's numerical position on the command line. The first item passed is always %1 the second item is always %2 and so on Cooltipz %* in a batch script refers to all the arguments (e.g. %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 ...%255) Filename Parameter Extensions When a parameter is used to supply a filename then the following extended syntax can be applied: we are using the variable %1 (but this works for any parameter) %~f1 - expands %1 to a Fully qualified path name - C:\utils\MyFile.txt %~d1 - expands %1 to a Drive letter only - C: %~p1 - expands %1 to a Path only - \utils\ %~n1 - expands %1 to a file Name, or if only a path is present - the last folder in that path %~x1 - expands %1 to a file eXtension only - .txt %~s1 - changes the meaning of f, n and x to reference the Short name (see note below) %~1 - expand %1 removing any surrounding quotes (") %~a1 - display the file attributes of %1 %~t1 - display the date/time of %1 %~z1 - display the file size of %1 ARTICLE BY MOHIT GUPTA Page 1 BATCH FILE IN DOS %~$PATH:1 - search the PATH environment variable and expand %1 to the fully qualified name of the first match found. The modifiers above can be combined: %~dp1 - expands %1 to a drive letter and path only %~nx2 - expands %2 to a file name and extension only When writing batch scripts it's a good idea to store parameter values in a variable using the SET command, the rest of the script can then refer to the easy-to-read name SET _LogFile=%~dp1 This will also make life easier if you later need to change around the order of the parameters. Note on short file/folder names: There is a bug involving the ~s option - the displayed output may be wrong if the current directory name is not the same as the 8.3 version of the directory. A workaround is to run /c rem , which will change the current directory to 8.3 Cooltipz e.g. if the current directory is C:\Program Files\ you will see the bug if the current directory is C:\progra~1\ it will work fine (but then you wont see the long name) more here FOR command parameters The FOR command creates parameters which are identified with a letter rather than a number. These are easily confused with the parameter modifier letters described above. Therefore when using FOR it's best to avoid the letters (a, d, f, n, p, s, t, x, z), apart from making code easier to follow, this can avoid problems when running under NT 4 and Windows 2000: %0 - the Batch Script itself You can get the pathname of the .CMD script itself with %0 If the script is stored on a network share, it may be accessed directly from the UNC share or via a mapped drive. You cannot set the current directory to a UNC path but you can refer to other files in the same folder as the batch script by using this syntax: CALL %0\..\SecondBatch.cmd When the %0 variable is expanded in Windows XP, the result is enclosed in quotation marks. Examples: ARTICLE BY MOHIT GUPTA Page 2 BATCH FILE IN DOS Pass parameters from one batch to another: MyBatch.cmd SMITH 100 Or as part of a CALL : CALL MyBatch.cmd SMITH 100 Passing values from one part of a script to another Using CALL to jump to a subroutine CALL :s_staff SMITH 100 Calling a subroutine from a FOR command FOR /F %%G IN ('DIR /b *.*') DO call :s_subroutine %%G "A gift is pure when it is given from the heart to the right person at the right time and at the right place, and when we expect nothing in return" - The Bhagavad Gita Cooltipz ARTICLE BY MOHIT GUPTA Page 3 BATCH FILE IN DOS Variables Environment variables are mainly used within batch files, they can be created, modified and deleted using the SET command. Variables can be displayed using either SET or ECHO. Variables have a percent sign on both sides: %ThisIsAVariable% The variable name can include spaces, punctuation and mixed case: %_Another Ex.ample% (n.b. Parameter Variables only have one % sign and are always one character long: %A ) Pass a variable from one batch script to another Where one batch script CALLs another it is recommended that you SETLOCAL in both scripts to prevent any possible naming conflicts, so each script should start with: @ECHO OFF SETLOCAL Cooltipz Then to pass a value back to the original calling script, finish the script with a line like: ENDLOCAL & SET _output=%_variable% In the line above %_variable% is a local variable used and visible within just that one batch script %_output% is an output variable that is passed back to the original calling script Standard (built-in) Variables Predefined environment variables Typical value: WinXP Variable Typical value: Vista/2008 %ALLUSER SPROFILE% C:\Documents and Settings\All Users C:\ProgramData %APPDATA % C:\Documents and C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roam Settings\{username}\AppData\Roami ing ng %CommonPr ogramFiles% N/A C:\Program Files\Common Files %COMPUTE RNAME% {computername} {computername} ARTICLE BY MOHIT GUPTA Page 4 BATCH FILE IN DOS %COMSPEC % C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe %HOMEDRI VE% C: C: %HOMEPAT \Documents and Settings\{username} \Users\{username} H% %LOCALAP PDATA% N/A %PATH% C:\Windows\System32\;C:\Windows C:\Windows\System32\;C:\Windows \;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem \;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem %PATHEXT % .COM; .EXE; .BAT; .CMD; .VBS; .VBE; .JS ; .WSF; .WSH; C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local .COM; .EXE; .BAT; .CMD; .VBS; .VBE; .JS ; .WSF; .WSH; .MSC %ProgramDat N/A a% C:\ProgramData %PROGRAM C:\Program Files FILES% C:\Program Files %ProgramFile C:\Program Files (x86) s(x86)% 1 C:\Program Files (x86) %PROMPT% $P$G $P$G %Public% N/A C:\Users\Public %SYSTEMD RIVE% C: C: %SYSTEMR OOT% C:\Windows C:\Windows %TEMP% and %TMP% C:\Documents and Settings\{username}\Local Settings\Temp C:\Users\{Username}\AppData\Loca l\Temp Cooltipz %USERNAM {username} E% {username} %USERPRO FILE% C:\Documents and Settings\{username} C:\Users\{username} %WINDIR% C:\Windows C:\Windows 1 Only on 64 bit systems, is used to store 32 bit programs. By default, files stored under Local Settings do not roam with a roaming profile. ARTICLE BY MOHIT GUPTA Page 5 BATCH FILE IN DOS %ERRORLEVEL% is a dynamic variable that is automatically set when a program exits. Dynamic Variables There are several dynamic environment variables that can be expanded but which don't show up in the list of variables displayed by SET. These are computed each time the variable is expanded. %CD% - expands to the current directory string. %DATE% - expands to current date using same region specific format as DATE command. %TIME% - expands to current time using same format as TIME command. %RANDOM% - expands to a random decimal number between 0 and 32767. %CMDEXTVERSION% - expands to the current Command Processor Extensions version number. Cooltipz %CMDCMDLINE% - expands to the original command line that invoked the Command Processor. Note: you should not attempt to directly SET any of the dynamic variables above. "Men may be convinced, but they cannot be pleased against their will. But though taste is obstinate, it is very variable, and time often prevails when arguments have failed" - Samuel Johnso ARTICLE BY MOHIT GUPTA Page 6 BATCH FILE IN DOS Redirection command > command >> filename APPEND into a file command < Type a text file and pass the text to command commandA command second command (command) command command filename filename | & commandB command Redirect command output to a file Pipe the output from commandA into commandB Perform the first command & then perform the 2> filename 2> filename > file 2>&1 > fileA 2> fileB Redirect Redirect Redirect Redirect any error message any CMD.exe error output and errors output and errors 2>&1 >filename This will fail! into a file into a file to one file to separate files Cooltipz command Redirect to NUL (hide errors) command command 2> nul >nul 2>&1 NUL command >filename 2> nul (command) >filename 2> nul errors Redirect error messages to NUL Redirect error and information messages to Redirect info to file but suppress error Redirect info to file but suppress CMD.exe Note, any long filenames must be surrounded in "double quotes". A CMD error is an error raised by the command processor itself rather than the program/command. Redirection with > or 2> will overwrite any existing file. You can also redirect to a printer with > PRN or >LPT1 To prevent any of the above characters from causing redirection prefix with a caret ^ Examples of redirection: DIR >MyFileListing.txt DIR /o:n >"Another list of Files.txt" ECHO y| DEL *.txt ECHO Some text ^<html tag^> more text ARTICLE BY MOHIT GUPTA Page 7 BATCH FILE IN DOS MEM /C >>MemLog.txt Date /T >>MemLog.txt SORT < MyTextFile.txt SET _output=%_missing% 2>nul DIR C:\ >List_of_C.txt 2>errorlog.txt FIND /i "Jones" < names.txt >logfile.txt DIR C:\ >List_of_C.txt & DIR D:\ >List_of_D.txt ECHO DIR C:\ ^> c:\logfile.txt >NewScript.cmd (TYPE logfile.txt >> newfile.txt) 2>nul "Change is good. You go first" - Scott Adams (Dilbert) Cooltipz ARTICLE BY MOHIT GUPTA Page 8 BATCH FILE IN DOS Conditional Execution Syntax An AND list of commands has the form command1 && command2 command2 is executed if, and only if, command1 succeeds. A single & will always execute both commands command1 & command2 An OR list of commands has the form command1 || command2 command2 is executed if, and only if, command1 fails Cooltipz Example COPY Z:\Oracle\TNSnames.ORA C:\Oracle\ || ECHO The Copy Failed "Cooperation which needs consideration is a commercial contract, and not friendship. Conditional cooperation is like adulterated cement which does not bind" - Mohandas K. Gandhi ARTICLE BY MOHIT GUPTA Page 9 BATCH FILE IN DOS Loops and subroutines There are 2 ways to conditionally process commands in a batch file IF xxx ELSE yyy - will conditionally perform a command (or a set of commands) FOR aaa DO xxx - will conditionally perform a command several times (for a set of data, or a set of files) Either of these can be combined with the CALL command to run a subroutine like this: @echo off IF EXIST C:\pagefile.sys CALL :s_page_on_c IF EXIST D:\pagefile.sys CALL :s_page_on_d GOTO :eof :s_page_on_c echo pagefile found on C: drive GOTO :eof Cooltipz :s_page_on_d echo pagefile found on D: drive Without the : a second batch file will be called ... @ECHO off IF EXIST C:\pagefile.sys CALL Second_Batch.cmd If the code does not need to return then use the GOTO statement like this: @ECHO off IF EXIST C:\pagefile.sys GOTO s_page_on_c ECHO pagefile not found GOTO :eof :s_page_on_c ECHO pagefile found To call a second batch file in a separate shell use CMD An important difference between CALL and CMD is the exit behaviour if an error occurs. @ECHO off IF EXIST C:\pagefile.sys CMD /C Second_Batch.cmd "I knew of one little DO loop that ran for 48 hours, cost $14,000 and did nothing" - Richard Keeler ARTICLE BY MOHIT GUPTA Page 10 BATCH FILE IN DOS Batch file Functions Packaging up code into a discrete functions, each with a clear purpose is a very common programming technique. Re-using known, tested code, means you can solve problems very quickly by just bolting together a few functions. The CMD shell does not have any documented support for functions, but you can fake it by passing arguments/parameters to a subroutine and you can SETLOCAL use to control the visibility of variables. At first glance building a function may look as simple as this: :myfunct SETLOCAL SET _var1=%1 SET _var2="%_var1%--%_var1%--%_var1%" SET _result=%_var2% ENDLOCAL Cooltipz but there is a problem, the ENDLOCAL command will throw away the _result variable and so the function returns nothing. :myfunct2 SETLOCAL SET _var1=%1 SET _var2="%_var1%--%_var1%--%_var1%" ENDLOCAL SET _result=%_var2% This version is getting close, but it still fails to return a value, this time because ENDLOCAL will throw away the _var2 variable The solution to this is to take advantage of the fact that the CMD shell evaluates variables on a line-by-line basis - so placing ENDLOCAL on the same line as the SET statement(s) gives the result we want: :myfunct3 SETLOCAL SET _var1=%1 SET _var2="%_var1%--%_var1%--%_var1%" ENDLOCAL & SET _result=%_var2% In examples above there are just 2 local variables (_var1 and _var2) but in practice there could be far more, by turning the script into a function with SETLOCAL and ENDLOCAL we don't have to worry if any variable names will clash. In other words you can do this: ARTICLE BY MOHIT GUPTA Page 11 BATCH FILE IN DOS @ECHO OFF SET _var1=64 SET _var2=123 CALL :myfunct3 Testing echo %_var1% echo %_result% goto :eof :myfunct3 SETLOCAL SET _var1=%1 SET _var2="%_var1%--%_var1%--%_var1%" ENDLOCAL & SET _result=%_var2% The use of SETLOCAL and ENDLOCAL is roughly equivalent to option explicit in Visual Basic. When working with functions it can be useful to use Filename Parameter Extensions against the function name, %0 will contain the call label, %nx0 the file name, see Rob Hubbards blog for an example. Note that if you have two scripts one calling another, this will not reveal the location of the 'calling' script. Cooltipz “Cats are intended to teach us that not everything in nature has a function” - Garrison Keillor ARTICLE WRITTEN BY MOHIT GUPTA FOR ANY QUERY CONTACT AT: [email protected] ARTICLE BY MOHIT GUPTA Page 12
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