OTEKON’14 7. Otomotiv Teknolojileri Kongresi 26 – 27 Mayıs 2014, BURSA MODELLING OF HEAVY DUTY TRUCK SYSTEMS FOR NVH ANALYSIS Birkan Tunç Ford Otosan A.Ş., Product Development, Gebze, Kocaeli ABSTRACT Heavy commercial truck area is an important part of vehicle industry. Increasing competition in the market requires newly developed vehicles of comanies to succesfully handle different kind of attribute requirements beyond durability performance of trucks. While major design criteria of trucks is mainly based durability considerations, passenger cars are commonly designed with increased NVH and dynamic performance. Recent developments show that comfort of trucks becomes more important to achive best product in the market. NVH investigation of vehicles can be divided into two main categories such as airborn noise contribution and structure born vibration and acoustic path analysis. There are powerful CAE tools in the market used to model structural behavior of the vehicles and adress issues based on the models developed for NVH simulations. This paper introduce modelling approach of a heavy commercial truck with a finite element based CAE tool to simulate response of the vehicle under different powertrain loading conditions such as idle and wide open throttle situations. Keywords: Truck NVH, mathematical models, vehicle NVH, virtual prototyping, simulation, NVH CAE present a methodology to develop NVH model of a truck by using Ford internal tool based on Nastran modal solution to prepare NVH models. This tool uses internal solver to simulate transient and freuency response of the assembly model. Another objective of this paper is to explain loads acting on the vehicle due to engine excitation. In this paper, simulation results such as vibration response of vehicle at some specific points such as steering wheel, seat track and acoustic response at ear locations have been presented for wide open throttle load condition. Test results of the vehicles are presented as well to show the degree of correlation of the model developed. Since the correlation of the model is an ongoing process, detailed investigation of the study has not been given in this paper. The paper is organized as follows: first, the details of the truck full vehicle NVH model are presented in Section 2. Next, generation of engine loads for a 6 clyinder internal conbustion engine is presented. Finally, simulation results have been introduced and compared with the test data. 1. INTRODUCTION Modelling of a system’s structural behavior for different aspects are highly important especially to reduce test expenses and to increase the design process timings. Structural modelling of a vehicle for NVH allows design engineers to assign structural vibration targets, seperation of critical eigenfrequencies from each other and main excitation sources and helps better adressing of issues which occur during test phase of vehicle development with a better understanding of modal behavior of the system. There are different kinds of tools using finite element technic to model structures such as Nastran, Abaqus, Ansys etc. Those tools yield quite accurate and correlated results of structural behavior with a systematic approach of modelling and allow fast ivestigation of design changes on vehicle performance. In recent years, these software environments are increasingly used to model and design of the heavy duty truck systems. Beyond those general tools engineers develop specific programs to make specific assessments of systems for NVH to be carried out easily such as noise path analysis, system and compnant modal contributions and design optimisation studies. The objective of this paper is to 1 Figure 1: Vsign Graphical User Interphase Each FE model is a modal model with its modal analysis data and those information is used to form global stiffness and mass matrix of the complete system. Modal data is given by Nastran analysis and converted to a format that can be used in the tool. System of equations are solved wit internal solver to find the response of the structure to a specific loading history. Each three dimentional model is presented as 2D shapes in graphical user interface. Full vehicle NVH model of the heavy commercial tractor consists of the following models: 2. DEVELPMENT OF NVH MODEL Multibody modelling of full vehicle for NVH simulation consists of different types of modelling approaches. This models are mainly used to simulate vehicle vibration and acoustic response under engine, road and wheel imbalance exciations. Development of a model as simple as possible allows engineers to investigate the effect of design modifications in a short time period which is crucial at design stage. A typical model of a full vehicle consist of rigid bodies such as powertrain, finite element models of main components as vehicle body, chassis, tires etc., beams (anti roll bars, struts, rods, etc.) and three or six degree of freedom spring and damping elements to model bushings which connects subsystems to form full vehicle model. Mass, stiffness and damping matrices are then easily generated for the system of equations to be solved. Geometry data from a CAD model is used to generate FE models of structural parts. This process requires great deal of effort since a vehicle body structure consists of at leatt 300 different sheet metal parts and many plastic parts of instrument panel and seating systems. - FE Model of Cabin and Chassis FE Model of Suspensions Rigid Model of Powertrain Beam Model of Drivetrain Beam Model of Suspension Componentes Beam Models of Steering System Tire Models as Spring Elements Details of these models will be presented in the following sections. 2.2 Trimmed Body and Chassis Modelling 2.1 Full Vehicle Modelling Tool A trimmed body model consists of sheet metal of the body structure so called body in white structure, doors, instrument panel, seats, hood, mirrors, exterior trim parts such as bumpers etc. Most of the structural components are represented by finite element models forming more than one million degree of freedom system. While structural parts are FE models since the main objective of modelling of the system is to calculate vibration response of steering wheel, seat track and some other critical points, many of the trim parts are modeled as mass elements with representative mass and inertia properties to reduce degree of freedom of the system. Higher number of degree of freedom increases solution time and output data size and reduces post processing performance of the computers. In this paper Ford internal NVH modelling tool is used to develop a full vehicle model of a heavy commercial tractor. The tool allows users to use general finite element models of the structures and generate euler beams, rigid body components, spring and bushing elements and mass elements etc. Each individual component are then connected to each other as simple constraints to form the full vehicle model. The powerfullness is based on the fact that the engineer does not need to run a simulation of the whole assembly of finite element models once eigenvectors and eigen frequencies are available for each FE model when design modifications to be investigated. Figure 2: Trimmed Body of a Heavy Truck Cabin 2 Figure 2 gives a general overview of a trimmed body of a heacy commercial truck cabin. Similarly figure 3 shows examples of instrument panel and seat system inside the body structures. Figure 5: Chassis Finite Element Model Figure 5 shows chassis finite element model of a heavy commercial tractor. Chassis consists of rails and cross members which are the structural parts supplying the stiffness and where all the accessories such as muffler, fuel tank, fenders and bumpers are attached. Dynamic behavior of the chassis mainly depends on the mass and inertia of the subsomponents and modelling approach. Many of the strutural components are modeled as finite element models since heavy components have low frequency resonances which might effect the vehicle vibration and acoustic characterictic. As in the same case in trimmed body modelling the nummber of degree of freedom so the mesh size need to be correctly determined by means of structural tests to improve the solution performance, post processing time and effectiveness of the CAE models. Another approach to improve post processing times besides reducing the number of degrees of freedom is to use display models for which only for a number of degrees of freedom the solution results are recorded. Display models are generated in a way that the engineers understand the structural behavior without missing important resonance frequencies and mode shapes of sub components. Thus the finite element model is divided into large group of panels with representative elements and exact output nodes of the original model. Figure 3: Instrument Panel and Seat Models Besides structural modelling of trimmed body structure, acoustic cavity model is generated as well to investigate the acoustic response of the vehicle such as sound pressure levels at driver ear position. Since the seat cushions are the sound absorber matrials, they are modeled as FE models and connected to cavity model with coupling elements. Cavity model is connected to trimmed body structure model with couling elements at the surface area of the cabin or cavity and called wetted surface. Structural vibrations are transfered to cavity nodes as boundary conditions to calculate soun pressure levels. Figure 4: Cavity Model of a Heavy Truck Cabin Cavity model of a heavy commercial vehicle is shown in figure 4. CAE models in this phase are powerful tools to determine contribution of each panel to acoustic reponse and gives directions to engineers to improve structural performance by mean of design modifications. In order to investigate the vibration characteristic of a heavy commercial truck chassis needs to be correctly represented by finite element models with high degree of confindence since the engine and suspensions which are the main excitation sources are directly connected to chassis and the forces are transmitted to body structure via vibrations paths along chassis system. Figure 6: Display Model of Truck Cabin 3 Display model of a heavy commercial truck cabin is shown in figure 6. Original model is presented as a coarse mesh model having randomly defined output nodes and elements. The points where measurement results need to be considered such as steering wheel output points or seat track nodes are added to display model manually. 2.3 Suspension FE Modelling Heavy commercial truck might have different number of suspension systems depending on the design objective of the vehicle. The vehicle considered in this paper has a heavy commercial tractor with front and rear suspension and a cabin suspension between chassis and cabin structures. The critical point in modelling of structures is the resonance frequencies of the systems. If a subsystem has a resonance frequency between the frequency range of interest such as engine excitation frequency flexible modelling of the system is a must to correctly calculate the response of the whole structure. Rigid body modelling is just an approach if there is no resonance frequency of the component in the frequency range of interest of close the this frequency range to reduce the effort of finite element modelling and improving solution and post processing time. Flexible modelling consists of finite element modelling for components with complex geometries and beam and spring element representation of components having simple geometrical properties such as tierods, strutrs, antiroll bars etc. Figure 8: Front Suspension FE Model All of the components of the truck suspensions with complex geometries have been modelled as finite element models and the remainings are modeled as beam and bushing elements and to be presented in the next section. Front suspension model consists of leaf springs, antiroll bar, knuckle and spindle system. Leaf spring has been model with shell element with different thickness to better represent variable cross section of the leafs. Figure 9: Rear Suspension FE Model Rear suspension of this tractor consists of air springs which have been represented as spring and damping elements. Rear suspensin model consists of rear axle housing and rear spindles FE models. Figure 7: FE Model of Cabin Anti Roll Bar Figure 7 shows finite element model of cabin anti roll bar. Beam modelling of the roll bar is an example for this part but not considered here. 2.4 Modelling of Powertrain Vehicle development is a part of team work where system and susbsystem level targets are clearly determined and cascaded to each related engineering team. Critical part of NVH development is to seperate resonance frequencies from the frequencies of excitation sources and resonance frequencies of other main components to prevent harshness. A part of this powertrain should be desinged in a way that the structural resonance frequencies need to to be higher then engine excitation. Regarding this information a vehicle design 4 engineer just needs the mass and inertia properties of the engine to investigate the effect of rigid body resonances of the powertrain and the effect of mass and inertia of the engine to vehicle response under engine excitation. Thus, powertrain can easily be modeled as a rigid body with correct mass, inertia and engine mount stiffness information. Figure 10 shows an example of heavy tractor engine inertia properties. data to correlate the full vehicle model against test data by changing the stiffness with those tolerence region. Since the bushings are on the transfer path of vibration and they are isolation members, reducing the stiffness of those members to problem solution is a general approach considering the trade off between vehicle dynamic requirements. 2.6 Full Vehicle Model Availability of all the information and models presented in the preceeding sections allows to generate full vehicle NVH model of a heavy commercial truck. Individual components are connected to each other to form the complete assembly of the system. Figure 10: PT Mass & Inertia Properties 2.5 Modelling of Bushings Most of the subcomponents in a vehicle system such as suspensions, antiroll bars, engines are connected to body or chassis structure with rubber bushings for better isolation of the body structure from excitation sources. This heavy commercial tractor model have more than 60 bushings at different attachment points. Each of these bushings exhibits dynamic stiffness characteristics depending on the frequency. Figure 12: Full Vehicle NVH Model of Heavy Tractor Figure 12 shows the assembly of a full vehicle heavy commercial tractor. All of the finite element models, rigid body model and euler beams are presented as display models. The only missing model is the modal models of the tires. Generic approach to tire modelling is to create finite element models of the tires in deformed configuration due to the weight of the vehicle and run modal analysis at this configuration to obtain modal behavior of the tire. Another simple approach used in this case is to model the tires as spring and bushing elements with measured stiffness values. Figure 11: Dynamic Characteristic of a Suspension Bushing Dynamic stiffness properties of a suspension bushing is given in figure 11. Those bushings are paths of vibration in a vehicle structure. It is well known that the stiffness of the bushings may change up to %20 because of the inhomogenity of the rubber materials used and production tolerances and differences. Once the stiffness of all the bushings are measured and experienced engineer use the Figure 13: Beam & Rigid Body Models of Tractor 5 Figure 13 shows the suspension, engine, driveline and steering system models ogf the tractor. Driveline and steering system is modeled as mostly euler beam elements. This approach allows engineers to run design iterations faster and generate response since it is easy to change section properties of the beams in the tool quickly and run simulations without solution of a million degree of freedom system again since the modal behavior of FE components are available. Engine and transmissin models are rigid body models and shown as visual elements to investigate the behavior under engine excitation. number and orientation of cylinders someof the forces corresponding to engine orders cancel each other. Those forces are meaningless since they do not generate vibration. 3. GENERATION OF ENGINE LOADS Internal combustion engines are one of the main excitation sources of the vehicles due to the oscilating and rotating masses of the cranktrain and combustion pressures. Because of the geometry of the crank train and the oscilating piston and connecting rod masses there exist a mass torque around crankshaft axis and shaking forces perpendicular to crankshaft axis of an internal combustion engine. Figure 16: Cranktrain of a 6 Cylinder Inline Engine Heavy commercial vehicle presented here has a six cylinder inline engine and crank train is shown in figure 16. Calculation of the forces and moments with the formulas similar to given in figure 15 shows that the main inertia loads are the 3rd engine order inertia torque for a six cylinder engine. Although 6th engine order inertia torque has a considerable effect, remaning torques and shaking forces can be neglected. It is shown that the engine mass torque is depend on the engine speed and can be normalized according to RPM with the following formula: Another important excitation of the engine comes from the combustion pressure inside the cylinders. Figure 14: Forces Acting on a Single Crank Mechanism Figure 17: Cumbustion Pressure of a Cylinder Combustion pressure in the cylinders depend on the engine speed and need to be considered seperately while generating a load case to simulate wide open throttle behavior. Combustion torque of the engine is calculated by the multiplication of the piston area and crank train geometry. Figure 15: Calculation of Mass Force of a Single Crank Mechanism Those inertia forces can be expended to fourier series giving components of orders of engine speed. Each of the components are called engine orders. Based on the 6 Figure 18: Fourier Representation of Combustion Force Figure 20: Sound Pressure Levels (CAE Simulation) Combustion pressure is similarly expended to fourier analysis to see the dominant engine orders. For a six clinder engine there are two combustion process per revolution of the engine. Regarding this information and fouriser analysis 3rd engine order combustion torque is found to be dominant load acting on cranktain and engine. Calculation of those forces have been performed by Excite simulation tool. Engine load data are then obtained for each RPM of the engine for wide open throttle case and applied in full vehicle model to cranktrain and engine block to obtain the vehicle response. Figure 20 shows the calculated sound pressure levels of two vehicles under wide open throttle acceleration situation. Blue curve representes the first vehicle and purple color represents the second vehicle. The degree of correlation for acoustic response calculated with CAE is somewhat limited because of the modelling approach of the cavity such as interaction of the cavity with body structure and lack of absorbtion properties in CAE models. But simulation and test results show good agreement at low and high frequencies. For the low frequency first vehicle exhibits higher respnose and for the higher frequencies second vehicle exhibits higher response in both simulations and test data. All of the response is the 3rd engine order content since the dominant order has significant effect on the results. 4. SIMULATION RESULTS In this section test and simulation results of two vehicles having different powertrains will be presented. Full vehicle models and engine load cases have been generated for each model. Figure 21: Steering Wheel Velocity (Overall) Figure 19: Sound Pressure Levels (Test Data) Figure 19 shows the sound pressure levels of two vehicles under wide open throttle acceleration situation. Blue curve representes the first vehicle and green color represents the second vehicle. 7 simulation technics have been presented. Simulation results have been compared to test results to see the degree of correlation. Detailed investigation of correlation process have not been given here. It is shown that the modelling approach gives quite relaible results and allows engineers to understand the bacics of truck NVH behavior. CONTACT Figure 22: Steering Wheel Velocity (3rd EO) [email protected] Figure 21 presents test data of the steering wheel vibration response and figure 22 shows the 3rd engine order content of the test data. Green curve in figure 22 is the overall velocity of the steering wheel while red curve is the dominant engine order. Vehicle NVH Ford Otosan Gebze Engineering Center D-Block Tubitak Serbest Bölge Gebze / Kocaeli Tel: 02620 677 92 46 Figure 23: Steering Wheel Velocity (3rd EO CAE) It is shown in figure 23 that the velocity of the steering wheel response of the first vehicle is higher compared to the velocity of the second vehicle around low engine speed. This trend is shown in the test results as well showing the degree of correlation of the simulations between test data. Test results shows higher accelerations at medium speed for the first vehicle but this is not the contribution of the 3rd engine order thus the confidence of the simulation results are maintained. 4. CONCLUSIONS Development of full vehicle models for NVH analysis and simulations by means of CAE tools are powerful sources which helps engineers understand dynamic behavior of structures. To be able to reduce test expanses and increse product development phase speed is an important aspect in engineering design. In this paper modelling approach of a heavy commercial truck and 8
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