NXS AGENT Server NXA-14J Product Manual

NXS AGENT Server NXA-14J Product Manual
Confidential Level: For related people only, Not for publication
Copyrights © OmniBud INC., 2003 – 2014
Company Profile
OmniBud INC. was established in 2003 by the professional programmers from the U.S. and
Taiwan, dedicated to the development of the core engines, access interfaces, agent servers and
web portals of Internet Access Security Services, Cloud Access Security Services, Internet
Communication Security Services and Internet Fraud Detection Systems.
OmniBud INC. developed the NCAS (National Caller ID Authentication System) and provides the
NXS (NGN Exchange Service) – also known as NGN DNS Service by authenticating the Caller ID of IP
originated Calls and provide trustworthy PSTN and NGN products and services without Fraud Calls
of Fake Caller IDs easily and efficiently.
OmniBud INC. further enabled the NGN IFDS (Internet Fraud Detection System) and CIA (Caller
ID Aggregation) Service for the government and operators to detect internet fraud call sources and
for users to choose one of his Caller IDs when making a Call by using a single NGN account only.
All the above products and services are unique in the telecom industry and will surely create
the new revenue and applications in the form as “Carrier OTT” for better NGN communication
experiences of both carriers and subscribers (http://www.OmniBud.com) .
Copyrights © OmniBud INC., 2003 – 2014
PSTN operators not only cannot provide Caller ID Authentication service in urgent needs to
protect theirs subscribers, but also cannot provide Flat Rate to save their subscribers’ cost. Further
more, there is no possibility for PSTN subscribers to choose changeable Caller IDs from a PSTN
phone when make a PSTN call. The goal of NXS Center and NXS Operator is to provide safe and
inexpensive communication services with the unique following features:
Caller ID Authentication is the fundamental service of telecommunication services but PSTN
Operators does not provide it; NXS Center and NXS Operators provide NCAS (National Caller ID
Authentication) to identify the Caller ID and Mark the possible malicious calls to protect their
subscribers that PSTN Operator never did.
People usually have several mobile and fixed line numbers. But does it mean that each person
has to own several phones in his hands? The answer is no in NXS. A NXS Subscriber can use a NGN
account and show different Caller IDs as he want to with the Caller ID Authentication to prevent the
frauds but keep the convenience by simple enabling the NXS CIA (Caller ID Aggregation) service.
Mobile Phone Calling Rate is always high; NXS Center and NXS Operators provide AFR
(Above-Net Flat Rate; Above-Net is also known as Cross Operator On-Net) to charge their
subscribers' monthly fee only with no extra communication fee needed.
NGN IFDS (Internet Fraud Detection System) is the very accurate and powerful tool for the
government and operators to detect internet fraud call sources to overcome current crimes of
fraud calls with fake caller IDs to protect NXS subscribers.
Copyrights © OmniBud INC., 2003 – 2014
Services and Products
NXS service is established by OmniBud INC. through engaging the services of authorized NXS
Centers and the servers of NXS Operators attending COA (Carrier OTT Alliance):
1. NXS Registration and Update Service of NXS Center
It provides the API to get the NXS data from the NXS Operators web servers and store the NXS
data to Central NXS DB after processing predefined data encryption, then updates the
encrypted data to NXS Operators periodically.
2. NXS Web Server of NXS Operator
It provides the registration portal for the “PSTN subscribers with NXS Service Requirements” to
register their phone numbers and corresponding SIP details to the Central NXS DB after
performing appropriate phone number ownership verification by NXS Operators
3. NXS Agent Server of NXS Operator
It consists of unique NXS modules and provides NCAS, CIA, AFR and IFDS services by working
with SIP compatible communication platforms. If the communication platform is a proprietary
one, a proprietary to SIP signal transformation should be required before connecting to NXS
Agent Server.
Copyrights © OmniBud INC., 2003 – 2014
System Structure
NxS Data Registration Structure
NxS Center
NxS Registration Servers, DB
and Fraud Detection Server
Callee NxS Operator B
Registration Server
Caller NxS Operator A
Registration server
All NxS IP2IP data are registered in DB of NxS Center from
Registration Servers of NxS Operators to provide:
1. NxS IP2IP AboveAbove-Net Communication Setup
2. NCAS Cross Operator Caller ID Authentication
3. CIA Caller ID Aggregation
4. AFR Cross Operator NGN AboveAbove-Net Rate
5. Malicious Call Marking and Detection
Callee PSTN Operator C
NGN or PSTN Servers
NxS Data Update Structure
NxS Center
NxS Registration Servers, DB
and Fraud Detection Server
Callee NxS Operator B Agent Server, Fraud
Detection Server and NGN Server
Caller NxS Operator A Agent server, Fraud
Detection Server and NGN Server
All NxS IP2IP data are updated to Agent Servers of NxS Operators for
NxS Operators to provide:
1. NxS IP2IP AboveAbove-Net Communication Setup
2. NCAS Cross Operator Caller ID Authentication
3. CIA Caller ID Aggregation
4. AFR Cross Operator NGN AboveAbove-Net Rate
5. Malicious Call Marking and Detection
Callee PSTN Operator C
NGN or PSTN Servers
Copyrights © OmniBud INC., 2003 – 2014
NxS IP2IP Above-Net Structure
NxS Center
NxS Registration Servers, DB
and Fraud Detection Server
Callee NxS Operator B Agent Server, Fraud
Detection Server and NGN Server
Caller NxS Operator A Agent server, Fraud
Detection Server and NGN Server
All NxS IP2IP AboveAbove-Net traffic between NxS Operators is setup by
NxS Agent Servers of NxS Operators to provide:
1. NxS IP2IP AboveAbove-Net Communication Setup
2. NCAS Cross Operator Caller ID Authentication
3. CIA Caller ID Aggregation
4. AFR Cross Operator NGN AboveAbove-Net Rate
5. Malicious Call Marking and Detection
Callee PSTN Operator C
NGN or PSTN Servers
NxS IP2PSTN Off-Net Structure
NxS Center
NxS Registration Servers, DB
and Fraud Detection Server
Callee NxS Operator B Agent Server, Fraud
Detection Server and NGN Server
Caller NxS Operator A Agent server, Fraud
Detection Server and NGN Server
All the NxS IP2PSTN OffOff-Net traffic is setup by NxS Operators Agent
Servers and PSTN Operators to provide:
1. NxS IP2PSTN OffOff-Net Communication Setup
2. NCAS Cross Operator Caller ID Authentication
3. CIA Caller ID Aggregation
4. No AFR Cross Operator NGN AboveAbove-Net Rate
5. Malicious Call Marking and Detection
Callee PSTN Operator C
NGN or PSTN Servers
Copyrights © OmniBud INC., 2003 – 2014
Basic Modules
1. NCAS - National Caller ID Authentication
Caller ID Authentication is the fundamental service of telecommunication services but PSTN
Operators does not provide it; NXS Center and NXS Operators provide unique patented NCAS to
identify the Caller ID and Mark the possible malicious calls to protect their subscribers that
PSTN Operator never did.
2. CIA - Caller ID Aggregation
People usually have several mobile and fixed line numbers. But does it mean that each person
has to own several phones in his hands? The answer is no in NXS. A NXS Subscriber can use a
NGN account and show different Caller IDs as he want to with the Caller ID Authentication to
prevent the frauds but keep the convenience by simple enabling the unique patented NXS CIA
3. AFR - Above-Net Flat Rate
Mobile Phone Calling Rate is always high; NXS Center and NXS Operators provide AFR
(Above-Net Flat Rate; Above-Net is also known as Cross Operator On-Net) to charge their
subscribers' monthly fee only with no extra communication fee needed.
4. NGN IFDS - NGN Internet Fraud Detection System
NGN IFDS (Internet Fraud Detection System) is the very accurate and powerful tool for the
government and operators to detect internet fraud call sources to overcome current crimes of
fraud calls with fake caller IDs to protect NXS subscribers.
Copyrights © OmniBud INC., 2003 – 2014
Security Policy
1. In order to protect subscriber personal data well, NXS Center DB and NXS AGENT DB store
minimum data to authenticate:
a. Only encrypted Mobile Number and NGN communication data are stored in NXS Center DB.
b. Only encrypted Mobile Number and NGN communication data are stored in NXS AGENT
c. There is not any subscriber personal data transmitted or stored in NXS Servers or NXS
Agent Server.
2. To make sure of the data security, NXS AGENT System is managed following high security
a. NXS AGENT only allows the limited ports as service API channels for remote access. All the
other ports are blocked to secure the system and data by working with external firewalls.
b. NXS AGENT remote administration access authenticates both username/password and
predefined accessing IP to block the illegal operation and secure the system and data.
c. NXS AGENT ROOT authority is not disclosed to NXS AGENT SYTEM operators thus no NXS
AGENT SYSTEM operator can access the data in NXS AGENT system to modify or delete
them thus to keep the security and integrity of the data and make NXS AGENT SYSTEM a
reliable tool to provide the strong and trustworthy digital records when needed.
d. NXS AGENT SYSTEM Operator allows OmniBud engineer to access the NXS AGENT SYSTEM
via the defined port when needed through managing external firewall setting thus no
OmniBud engineer can access the data in NXS AGENT system to modify or delete them thus
to keep the security and integrity of the data and make NXS AGENT SYSTEM a reliable tool
to provide the strong and trustworthy digital records when needed.
Copyrights © OmniBud INC., 2003 – 2014
Installation and I/O
Please follow NXS AGENT Server NXA-14J Technical Manual.
Copyrights © OmniBud INC., 2003 – 2014