Problem pages 4 Interview with a teacher 5 We don’t like writing 6 Horoscope 8 My favourite photo 10 Christopher Nolan 12 How to catch a liar 13 A sound mind in a sound body Scavenger Hunt 15 Michael Jackson 16 Interview: Couchsurfing 14 17 10 words you wouldn’t believe are in the dictionary Baywatch in Bournemouth 20 Word search: Places in Town Crossword: Summer Vocabulary corner 23 21 22 18 Problem pages Under 18 Blues Are you under 18? Yes? Then you might probably be tired of not doing anything in the evenings and sitting around the gardens and the beach waiting for something interesting to happen. Sadly that is the case of many of the students here who would have a better time in Bournemouth if more activities and parties were organised… ‘and what about Cameo party?’ someone might think. Yes, Cameo is all right for 14-15 year olds but people who are nearly 18 do not really look forward to a party full of kids, sweaty and smelly where you can’t even get out for a breath of fresh air if you want to get in again. Ana Dear Ana, I am sorry to hear that your social life is suffering here in the UK because you haven’t yet reached that crucial age of 18. As you may have realised, here in Britain we have to be very protective towards our under-18s, which can be difficult to understand - especially if you are 17 and 11 months! My advice would be to try to make the most of what we do offer here in Bournemouth... Stick with your age group in the under-18s disco, have a dance and try to ignore the 13-year olds with their parents. Or spend the evening on the beach having a BBQ and listening to your own music (take it from me – the weather isn’t usually this good in Bournemouth so take advantage of it!). Alternatively, there is always the cinema, laser quest and bowling of course. And don’t forget our United World activities – magazine club, volleyball, song night, football, salsa dancing and movie night. If nothing else, at least you will appreciate how relaxed things are in Spain when you go back! Dear David, I’m sorry to hear about your frustrating experience with our wifi, and I’m sure that the rest of the students know what you’re going through! Why our wifi hasn’t been working is a mystery to us and also to several technicians we have called to help with the problem. Fortunately we now have the very handsome computer technician Gus sorting out the problem (every cloud has a silver lining!) and I am pleased to report that the wifi should now be in full working order. The network name is United wifi and the password is fr33wifi. Keep your fingers crossed! Write to us, we can help! Leave your question or problem in the suggestion box located at the reception or give it to your teacher! 4 Interview with a teacher 1. How long have you been teaching English? 5. What do you expect of your students? 2. Why did you decide to become a teacher? 6. What is the strangest situation you’ve had in class? f o ool h c S ld rld Wor ited o W ted Un ited hUni glish l of n U gyourself 7. Where do you lis of En in hten oo years’ ish see l n rld c g l E S time? of En ol of choo orld ed Wo nited U ool Scho orld S ed W hUnit glish of 3. What is your favourite thing to teach? h c l t d S World ted W hUni nglis of En choo rld l r o S ol fE ni d ed lis Wo ed Unite lishU f Eng ool o Scho World ited WhUnit t i n g d o f is Unyour l advice Schwould hU glish of 8. EnWhat orl you edgive h o s t ngl ool o s to d i i o i l l W n l E n r h g l E g f d o d c h U S d W nite lish f En ol o Sc Worl ited f En ol of choo rldstudents? o o o d e g U l l o n o ch ho ol dS or nit ed sh En cho ld Sc Worl ted W lishU Engli l of Scho rld S d W Unit glishU of S o r i h o l d te orl difficult Wo nstructure ited ishUn tof Eng ool of Scho World ted W hUni nglis of En choo rld 4. What is the most d W l o E e i U o l s d S ited hUnit glish f Eng hool ld Sch orld nited shUn Engli ol of choo orld ed W Unite explain to nstudents? i c W t o S U n l r i s U o f h W S h h E g o li n d s h d o f glis f Eng ool of chool orld ted W Unite nglis of En hool rld Sc Worl nited lishU Engli ool o n E W l i o E g f d o d c l of hool d Sch orld S nited shUn nglish ol of choo rld S ed W nite glishU of En ool o d Sch Worl i o o U l i l c S t o h l l r o i r Sch rld S d Wo ted W glishU f Eng l of E Sch orld d W hUn nglish of En choo ld Sc Wo nited ishUn s o d e r i d U o o l i W l S o e t E n l gl o e r n i t d W hUni ishU l of E hool Scho Wo nited hUn f Eng ol of choo orld ed W Unit nglish of En hool d l c s S c W o l o E it U o g li is sh S S ld te ho ngl of En Scho orld Wor hUni glish f Eng chool ld Sc World nited ishUn Engli ol of choo orld ted W o S n l r i s d U d o f ool Worl ited W nite Engli l of E hool orld S d Wo nited glish f Eng ool o d Sch orld ited W shUn nglish U o i l W n o e f E n r c h o h U o W l it o U En gl ed nit glish nglis hool d Sch rld S ited shUn glish ol of choo ld Sc d Wo nited lishU of En ool of d Sch o n e r E n g U c S n o h l li rl o it rl E n d h U f of E ool o orld S d Wo ited W glish f Eng ol of d Sch orld ed W shUn nglis l of E choo rld Sc d Wo Unite i W l S o E n l g o e r n it te h Sch ited W hUni lishU l of E hool Scho d Wo nited shUn f Eng ol of Schoo orld ed W Unit nglis of En c h t o W i o s l n U g l S S ld h o li is o lo fE ni d ite shU f Eng of En Sch orld Wor hUn nglish f Eng choo rld Sc Worl nited lishU Engl ool o Scho orld s d o W l o W S h E g o li n d rl ed hU d of ool choo d Wo nited Unit f Eng ol of chool orld ed W nite nglis of En ool rld Sc Worl nited lishU S h t h U o W l i o U E g e f rld Unit glish nglis hool d Sch orld S nited shUn glish ol of choo rld Sc ed Wo nited lishU of En ool o E n g h U 5 l i c S t n o h o i E n h U o f is W c E S h ol gl or d ngl ol of ool o orld d W ited glish f En ol of d Sc orl ed W shUn nglis of E cho rld S d W We don’t like writing... ...but our teacher says we have to. (So this is what we wrote...) My experience in Bournemouth Life and health Usually in the day a day when we don`t have time because we`re doing a lot of things in the day, every day we wake up very late to go to school Hello, I`m Venezuelan and I and forgot to eat healthily, we should have a daily routine that helps put took the decision to come to our lives and our food in order. Bournemouth with the intention How will we do that? The first thing that we should do is wake up very of learning English. early, have a good breakfast and eat healthy things for example cereal, I have only one month here; milk, juice, fruits. After that, go to school, when you have finished your it`s very difficult to be away classes you should have a good lunch (eat a lot of meal) for example fish, from my fam- chicken, rice, potato, vegetables and natural juice. Is important that you ily but only eat in the correct our, because that helps your metabolism be time will adequate. help me, I Also it is important that you are doing exercises 3 days a have left a week, cardiovascular exercise that helps your heart. You can piece of my do 2 hours of exercise on which day is very good for your heart in Ven- heart and for your all body. After exercise you need to eat ezuela... dinner low in carbohydrates remember that your body needs Today I have to be strong, con- to rest 8 hours daily in a night. This is very important for your health. tinue and fight, little by little. I like this town, their meals, My name is Hisham, I’m from Saudi in the UK. I went to London drinks, beaches, churches and Arabia, I was born in Jeddah. I enjoy for two weeks, I visited Big gardens. It`s really beautiful, playing football and swimming, I Ben and the London Eye and even more at this time of year, study in Saudi Arabia in high Stadium Bridge and many when the sun is shining. school. I’d like to play football in places. I enjoyed it, it was the future. Now I’m learning English amazing. Maria 6 Elementary A story from my life In 2008 I travelled to Italy, it was an amazing experience where I visited Saint Peter’s cathedral, the Vatican and all their surroundings. After that I went to a shopping centre to buy some things. While I was eating, I met some people from Venezuela that were working in the restaurant where I was having my lunch. Juan Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia is a country in South-West Asia. It’s capital: Riyad. It’s area is about 2.149.690 km². Population: In Saudi Arabia about 28.376.355 million. Religion: It is Muslim. Traditional dress: In Saudi Arabia there are long shirt called “thob” and cloth on head is called “shemag”. These are for men. The women wear anything they want but this is under a black cloth is called “Abayh” because no man can see them, just their husband, their father, their uncle, their son, their brother and any child or women. Traditional foods are “Al-lebssa” and “Al-mndy”. These are rice and chicken or meat. They are very fat and nice, you can’t eat pig because this is forbidden in the religion and you can’t drink any kind of alcohol because religion forbids it because it is not good for your health. Saudi Arabia is the world’s biggest producer of oil. The weather is very hot, we have just summer and winter. In the summer the weather is about 45 degrees and sometimes up to 51 degrees. In the winter it’s about 15-17 degrees and some places down to 5 below zero. Mohammed This is me. My name is Ala. I’m twenty years old and I’m a student in university. My subject is accounting and I’m studying to be an accountant. My best friend’s name is Murad, he is 19 years old. He studies in the same class. Sometimes we both wear the same shoes or same shirt. :) Now I’m studying English in Bournemouth. Its name is United World. I’m happy because I have amazing friends in Bournemouth. My favourite teacher is Amy! I live with a family in Poole. I like them. Elementary 7 HOROSCOPE ARIES TAURUS GEMINI This year you will meet many friends. You will have a good winter but a bad summer. Don’t worry because all your problems will end. You will have lucky days in April and May: you might have problems with love but in the end you’ll be ok. The stars say that you’ll have an easy situation at work. This year you might not have children or a family but next year you will meet the love of your life. Did you have a bad year? Don’t worry, this year things will change for the better so it’s a good time to try the things you’ve always wanted. You will go on a very long holiday somewhere hot and you might meet a person there who will help you start a new career. It’s a good time to be surrounded by family. You’ll need this to help you make up your mind and make important decisions in your life. Take it easy. Although the hill looks too high to climb, better times will come. This year will be complicated but after everything, you will be very happy. CANCER LEO VIRGO You will have a new baby but you might lose someone from your life. Also you will meet a new friend who might have a bad attitude. You won’t have problems studying but you might not have many holidays. 8 Elementary The stars tell us that this year you will have to stop being jealous all the time. When you do that, your life will change for the better and you will be very happy in love and at work. Look to your left. Someone special might be sitting there. This year you will meet a handsome boy or a beautiful girl and you might get married but you will have some problems with money. You won’t have children for three years and after that you will have four children. You might not live in the same town as your family. This year will be a nice year for you. LIBRA SCORPIO SAGITTARIUS This year you might still be alone but after 30 years you’ll find someone. You must be careful there is a big bug behind you! This year mught be complicated so sleep a lot and you might not be hungry so you’ll be very skinny. This year you’ll have a better job and you’ll find true love so don’t let it go. You might break your leg so be careful and don’t run. Someone will sell you something bad. You might put on weight so go on a diet and eat healthier food. This year you’ll have a lot of surprises. You will become a rich person, you will start a family but you might have a lot of children so take care when making babies! Two children will be enough. You will have a happy life this year. You might travel around the world but you won’t take a long time. CAPRICORN AQUARIUS PISCES This year will be good for you because you might win the lottery, you luck is very strong. You won’t be happy in love in the beginning but it will change later. You will try some new hobbies and sports. Buy some deodorant, you might stink after exercise. This will be an interesting year for you because you will learn a lot of new, different things and you must take this experience to improve your general knowledge. But nothing is perfect so be careful when you’re taking shortcuts. You will swim a lot this year. Try wind surfing this summer, but be careful, don’t drown. Hopefully, you’ll find your mermaid and live happily ever after in a small house by the sea. By Morena, Hamdan, Nasser, Ramzi and Saleh Elementary 9 MY FAVOURITE PHOTO One of my favourite photos is this one. I took the photo last month, when I arrived to Bournemouth. I was on Bournemouth Beach, walking, and I stopped to photograph my sunglasses at the beach. I really like this photo because it reminds me of my first time in this city and because I love the beach. When I took the photo, I was drinking juice, my first juice here! I have the photo on my computer with other photos and also, I uploaded it on Instagram. Ana One of my favourite photos is this. My friends took the photo in spring of 2014, two months ago, when I was on a trip with some friends and my teacher Mike. We were at a place called Jurassic Coast. It's a coast which is famous because there is a big stone arch and people say that it is beautiful and visit it when sightseeing. My friends commented on my photo because I was lying on the sand and that was when one of my friends took the photo. I love this photo because it was one of the most beautiful places in Bournemouth. I have the photo on my phone, Facebook and on my Instagram with other photos of Jurassic coast. Jennifer This is my favourite photo. My cousin took it in London last Saturday. We were in Westminster. We went to the London Eye and Big Ben. It was very crowded when my cousin was taking this photo. Everyone had come for the London Eye and Big Ben. I love this photo because I came to England for the first time and I want to visit every place and first I visited London because I have a lot of relatives in London. I have the photo on my phone and on my Facebook. Eses 10 Pre-Intermediate One of my favourite photos is this one of my brother and me. One teacher took this photo on 2th June 1994, my brother's birthday in Naples. We were in his nursery-school and he was giving me a baby bottle of milk because I couldn't eat the birthday cake and drink nothing. All children was sitting round us and they were waiting for me. My brother was smiling in this photo and all children was looking happy. I love this photo because my he's very important for me and that expresses our relationship. I have this photo on my computer and on Facebook, in a little "gallery" of my childhood. Morena One of my favourite photo is this with my sister-in-law Merly, my nice Valeria and my nephew Juan Pablo. I took the photo on Valeria's birthday in January of 2013. We were at home celebrating my niece’s 5th birthday but early in the morning I bought a cake for Valeria and when she woke up we stayed in the living room waiting for her, so we shouted happy birthday and we sang a traditional birthday's song of my country (but the way it's really long) she was so exited and happy. After that I started to take photos and when they were posing, the cake was so near my nephew and he took a piece of cake with his hand. It was so funny and we finished with cake everywhere. I love this photo because the face of my niece is gracious like she's saying what are you doing with my cake bro? I have the photo on my phone and when I see it, I always laugh and remember that lovely day. Faby I would like to talk about my favourite photo. I took that photo in 2003, in Manchester,at the UEFA champions league final, played by ac Milan and Juventus! In that photo, me and my best friend went mad because victory after penalties of ac Milan! Unbelievable night! ...but that photo is on wall in my bedroom so… Now I'm going to speak about another funny photo! It is a simple photo, I'm celebrating a historical victory of risk, the most beautiful game I know. But for me, that photo represents something more! That night we were going to a pub when one of us suggested playing risk! We were 3 friends, the best players of risk in Milan. We accepted the challenge, and at 2am started an epic match! When Marco took the photo, that match had just ended and, like I already said, I was celebrating! On the table, at my house, you can see how the match is finished! But it was an incredible night also because we laughed all night...and i love spending time with my friends!!! Daniele Pre-Intermediate 11 Image by _mixer_/ Joker vs Prodi, Christopher Nolan Christopher Nolan is a British film director . Nowadays he is considered to be one of the most important young directors in the film industry because of his young age. He is 43 years old and he has directed 10 movies, 7 of which can be considered successful movies. In this short article I would like to mention some aspects that make him different from other directors. . There are several points to highlight from films created by Nolan, such as often explored psychoanalysis in each of the characters, for example in (2000) Nolan innovated to create a movie with a different temporal line of time with constants jumps to the future and past of the protagonist. Thereafter Nolan takes a DC Comics Project to assume the direction of where his greatest contribution was to create a 12 Pre-Intermediate script with psychological profiles trying to justify or explain the actions of each of the antagonists to the point of break schemes with the typical Hollywood villain; the joker was the most prominent performance of the trilogy. Moreover I refer to (2010) one of the rare films that approaches the psychoanalysis and scifi genre where you can view the analysis of dreams from another perspective considering it is science fiction. Finally Nolan is currently carrying out a project to the end of this year, the name of (2014), It is an the film is apocalyptic movie where the story develops in a future in which humanity has trouble surviving due to climate change but some scientists discover a species of black holes that could solve mankind’s problem. Jonathan How to catch a liar One of the most attractive topics of body language is how to detect lies and if you pay attention carefully, you can catch a liar. First when you ask a person a simple question and the person answers by repeating the same or like they didn't understand, for example: Also, if they use fillers: So, in this case you should check your dog, because maybe it will go hungry! If they touch their lips or nose and sweat, that is a signal that they’re lying. Our ears also betray us because they turn red when our heart goes faster and you have to look at their hands and eyes too because lies cause them to move slowly. More, a liar justifies unnecessarily so, if they talk too much maybe all is a big lie. Finally if their voice is low and they gulp that is because they are thinking of a lie and their brain can't do too many things. Now you know how to catch a liar but can you be a good one? Fabiola Pre-Intermediate 13 A Sound Mind in a Sound Body Hi boys and girls, in this article I’d like to give you some information on how to do exercise in the right way. I’ll try to explain some shortcuts to help you obtain good result in half of the time. Before I want to say that my life is doing sport. Since I was 5, sports have been the most important things that stopped me from making (^_^ a lot) mistakes in my life. My first sport was sportive Karate, wonderful sport and amazing Coach, I did it for more than 20 years, and step by step, match after match, I’ve become black belt third dan. One day, without anything happening I stopped it and I started body building. In my opinion, here is some very important advice for someone who decided to do this sport. 1st – HOW TO DO EXERCISE WELL. The basic exercise can have an enormous importance in the development of an athlete. If someone isn’t sure how to do very well the basic exercise, don’t try to do casual or alone, don’t be shy, it is necessary to ask an instructor in the gym one, twice or five times until you feel sure in the execution. 2nd - HOW MANY TIMES A WEEK ? The frequency of training must be calculated considering it’s that you want to achieve. Normally, frequency is three/four times a week. 3rd - THE PYRAMID EXERCISE. When you come in the Gym, you have to do some series witch soft weight, taking care of execution and which muscle you want to train. After that, you can start with the basic exercise, for example shoulder, basic exercise is “Arnold press”. Start with a dumbbells from 22 kg twelve times (3.46 stones in UK), 24 kg ten times (3.77 stones in UK) and on the last one with 26 kg 8 times or maximum possible (4.09 stones in UK). After every session wait between 60 or 130 seconds, when you change muscle wait at least 180 seconds. When you do the exercise focus on the exact muscle you want to train. 4th – WHY I’VE CHOSEN BODY BUILDING? Sincerely, this is a question that I’ve never asked myself. This is a kind of sport in which when I follow the rules it gives me satisfaction. I’ve always thought that it’s first a philosophy of life and second a sport (for somebody boring). Some friends asked me why I pay to lift weights, they said: “isn’t a sport but a very hard job”. Maybe it’s true, but anyway I LOVE IT. Now if nutrition is the real secret for any sport then.... ALWAYS EAT HEALTHY FOOD AND THE LEAST AMOUNT OF FAT YOU CAN! Francesco 1. Sit on an exercise bench with back support and hold two dumbbells in front of you at about upper chest level with your palms facing your body and your elbows bent. Tip:Your arms should be next to your torso. The starting position should look like the contracted portion of a dumbbell curl. 2. Now to perform the movement, raise the dumbbells as you rotate the palms of your hands until they are facing forward. 3. Continue lifting the dumbbells until your arms are extended above you in straight arm position. Breathe out as you perform this portion of the movement. 4. After a second pause at the top, begin to lower the dumbbells to the original position by rotating the palms of your hands towards you. Tip: The left arm will be rotated in a counter clockwise manner while the right one will be rotated clockwise. Breathe in as you perform this portion of the movement. 5. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions. from: 14 Intermediate Scavenger Hunt LIST OF TASKS 1. Go to a shop and exchange a coin for the date 1995 (10 points) 2. Go into a shop and find a keyring of an Firstly, we wrote out 10 scavenger hunt tasks and 2 groups of 3 students-boys against girls- went out to the town to complete them. English telephone box and take a photo of it and the shop (7 points) 3. Find a poster advertising a band playing (7 points) 4. Find a stone with a hole in it (4 points) Helen, our teacher, allocated points for each task, depending on their level of difficulty. Later the two groups were sent out to complete the 10 tasks in a set time of 50 minutes and we all had to meet at our set meeting point. The first group to arrive at the meeting point first, with all the tasks completed, were the winners! 5. Find a piece of seaweed (4 points) 6. Bring back a brochure of a hotel and its prices (6 points) 7. Have a pictures taken with an elderly man or woman (5 points) 8. Find a man/woman with a tattoo and take a photo of it (7 points) 9. Find a red leaf (5 points) 10. Take a photo with a policeman/policewoman (5 points) Conclusion: It was difficult for both groups to find a policeman to have a photo taken with. It was also difficult to find a brochure of a hotel as most hotels advertise on the Internet now. Conversation class 15 Stories that changed history MICHAEL JACKSON Michael Jackson, who is called the King of Pop, was born on August 29, 1958 as the eighth child of the Jackson family. made a big impression on. Besides, he gave a special name to his dance, which is called moonwalk. His special shoes created by him allow him to perform this special dance performance. There are a lot of various comments about Michael Jackson's life. For example, most sources differ on his appearance. One article states that he tried to change his skin colour on purpose. On the other hand, others say that he had a special illness and it made his skin colour change. Second one is about his nose. He admitted that he had an operation to change the shape of his nose but the number of these vary according to who you ask. One website says that he had operations hundreds of times and due to that fact his nose started to fall off, while other one mentions he had an operation only once. In 2008 he decided to perform a …he has started a new era in music and dance... However, several sites make no mention of his siblings. His music career started when he was six. Since then his whole life had completely changed. Most sources agree that his Thriller album is the best-selling album of all time. Depending where you look, he has sold 140 million or more albums. Conversely, all sources are definitely in agreement about his dance figures' originality. According to one article his dance figures are still used by R&B singers since he had 16 Upper-Intermediate series of concerts and they would be his final curtain call. While he was working on these concerts he was found dead in his room in 2009. His death carries with it a few disagreements. In one source, his death was caused by his doctor's mistake. Therefore, his doctor was sentenced to several years in prison and was fined. According to his fans he is still alive and he appeared on TV by covering his identity. As a result the police started to investigate this possibility but they haven't finished it yet. To sum up, most people are in agreement that he has started a new era about music and dance despite all disagreements. The King of Pop has influenced millions and he still seems to be a leader of a lot of dancers and singers. Deniz Do you want to try a different way of travelling, experiencing first hand the core of a culture? Then you should try Couchsurfing. You don’t know what that is? Don’t worry, we’ve done the research for you. We went to a Couchsurfing meeting, which takes place at Sixty Million Postcards every Thursday at 8pm, and interviewed Barbara, who told us more about it. CAE / Proficiency 17 10 Words …you wouldn’t believe are in the dictionary “A dictionary is descriptive not prescriptive” While searching for information for this article I saw this statement I totally agree with. A dictionary should merely describe and help us understand words, weather we use them or not, and not tell us how to use the language. Having said that, every year at the end of August the Oxford Dictionary Online (ODO) and the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), in an effort to keep up with the vibrant changes in culture and some fashionable trends include new words in their dictionaries. As frightening as it may seem for the old-fashioned these changes are happening and with them comes the inclusion of some unbelievable words. Here is a list of ten words added recently along with their definitions that may make us fear for the future of the language. And yes… “selfie” is there. : (n) A photograph vanced functionality charac1. taken at one self it is typically teristic of a smartphone taken with a smartphone and uploaded to a social media 5. : (n) a food website. that contains genetically modified ingredients. 2. : (n) a protruding stomach caused by eating a 6. : (n) fear of missing large quantity of food. It sup- out an interesting event may posedly resembles that of a be currently happening elsewoman in the early stages of where. It is often aroused by pregnancy. posts on a social media web site. 3 . (n) Acronym, abbreviation or slang word 7. . (n) A word or for best friend phrase preceded by a hash sign (#), used on social me4. (n) A basic dia sites such as Twitter to cell phone that lacks the ad- identify messages on a specific topic 18 Proficiency 8. : (n) the appearance and culture associated with computing and technology enthusiasts. It is regarded as stylish or fashionable. 9. . (n) A short set of keyboard symbols that represents the expression on someone's face, used in e-mail, etc. to show the feelings of the person sending the message. For example :-) represents a smiling face 10. : (v) dance to popular music in sexually provocative manner. It involves thrusting hip movements and a low, squatting stance. By The White House [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons # Hashtag It is amazing they actually made to the dictionary, isn’t it? According to researchers approximately 1.8 billion words are detected every year but just 1.000 make it to the dictionary. So, while the ODO seems to be taking pride in keeping up with modern slang, the OED is not implementing these words. In fact, Oxford never removes words from that publication no matter how out-dated and out of use they become. However, if we continue to change and use this kind of words more and more frequently they might be forced in the near to change their point of view towards this subject. So… now that you are living in England, get rid of that dumbphone which will only be good enough to send those old text messages with a few emoticons in it. Grab a smartphone and begin sending those goofy selfies to you bestie and taking pictures of the frankenfood you might see in a supermarket. And if you feel a bit fomo , just look for the hashtag of the event you feel so enthusiastic about and share it in the social app of your preference. You could be pleasantly surprised how it can change your experience when living abroad. By Dimple shaileshbhai patel (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0, via Wikimedia Commons Javier Evil Tomato by Manosart Proficiency 19 Baywatch in Bournemouth (well, almost!) Have you ever watched Bondi Rescue or Baywatch? Well, you may have seen something vaguely similar along Bournemouth’s seafront ..... I love the sea and swimming and for the past 10 years I have been a member of Branksome We meet twice a week - on Sunday morning and Thursday evening to train in the sea at Branksome Chine beach. Our training sessions consist of board and swimming rescue practice, first aid and training for monthly competitions against other clubs. The club is great for young people like my 16-year old son, Ben, who has been a member since he was 5 and is taking his beach lifeguard qualification next week. He will then be able to patrol the beach and help keep beach users and swimmers safe. Branksome Chine Surf Life Saving Club is a charity and all our members patrol the beach voluntarily. We are trying to raise money to buy a new paddle board and we for our are holding a teachers and students on Thursday 14 August at Hamptons nightclub, Bournemouth. Tickets will be £4 each from school reception. So guys and girls here’s a few tips to help you with your costumes... Prizes for the best costume! Look forward to seeing you there! 20 Places in Town Look at the pictures and find the words in the grid! All the words are horizontal and vertical. M W P H G R V Z W J M U S E U M S L A Q R H S T H E A T R E M H C I R O E U O H B B C C P D G O H B K P E K K A P U E B Z X Y T O R Z O N N V I E T O B C K M E O A Z L G R Q R T C F O H O Z L L R G I R H Z D R H I O E V G J I Y C C O O U R O E R K M R I T B U I E C S W E L R E S I N V V Q B N S E P A S S ‛ S H S D B S H A E T R I I S T S T O T K U T D K M A ' T R E A I A P ' G S A B E A T S A P R T B T J S C S D A R J I C L O ' I G I U P A T I N ' U O P Q R S O B O V Y F O U K S V N G P T N N G N E Z E P M 21 Find the answers on the last page! Down Across 1. The sport of riding on a water wave standing on a short wide board and being pulled along by wind power. 2. A building where people can go to see fish and other water animals. 3. White or grey bird that makes a loud noise and lives near the sea. 4. (verb) To sit or lie in the sunshine in order to go brown. 5. Cheap entertainments you can find on the pier. 1. A person whose job is to stop dangerous fire 2. A thing that explodes and makes pretty patterns of light and colour in the sky. 3. A person who is employed at a beach or a swimming pool to save people who are in danger in the water. 4. Series of plays, films, musical performances, etc, often held regularly in the same place, e.g. Bournemouth Wheels 5. To sing or play an instrument in the street so people give you money. 6. Something you can put on your skin to protect it from the harmful effects of the sun. 7. A kind of music that makes you feel relaxed and happy. Answers to the last months crossword: 13. Justice 1. Yourself 8. Evaporate 14. Challenge 4. Camp out 11. Rowling Find the answers on the last page! 22 7. Clumsy 5. Teacher 10. Topic 2. Supporter 6. Iron maiden 12. Brave 3. Fiancee 9. Dim 15. Leo Vocabulary Corner ● to disappoint someone by failing to do what you agreed to do or were expected to do: ● to allow a secret to be known , usually without intending to: ● , verb /let/ (present participle letting, past tense and past participle let) ● (object + infinitive without to) to allow something to happen or someone to do something by not doing anything to stop an action or by giving your permission : ● Let’s, let: suggestions, offers, imperatives ● Let meaning ‘rent’ 23 b! u l C ne i z t a g a a s M y nda d the o n i M Jo us on an 5 m t o e e o r M s! in u m h p t i 5 w e t wri Wordsearch answers: Crossword answers: Across: Down: 1. Kite-surfing 1. Firefighter 2. Oceanarium 2. Fireworks 3. Seagull 3. Lifeguard 4. Sunbathe 4. Festival 5. Amusements 5. Busking 6. Suncream 7. Reggae
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