Les Cahiers de l’IFIP Revue R&D de la filière porcine française Vol 1 - N° 1 - 2014 Development of an edible protective coating for fresh meat French consumers’ perception Mariem ELLOUZE et Sabine JEUGE IFIP-Institut du Porc, 7 avenue du général de Gaulle, 94700 Maisons-Alfort, France [email protected] MeatCoat is an EU co-funded project, in which deals an edible protective coating for fresh meat was developed. This article reports a survey about French consumers’ perception towards this innovative solution. An online questionnaire divided in three parts (Identification of the participants and of their consumption habits, previous knowledge of edible coating, and perception of the MeatCoat) was disseminated by internet and 305 answers were collected. Most of consumers were in favor of the use of edible films for fresh meat, they identified possible advantages in terms of freshness, shelf life and food safety Improvement due to the antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of the coating. They would like to test the edible coating and to have more information on this new packaging. 2014 -Ifip-Institut du porc - All rights reserved Développement d’un enrobage comestible pour les viandes fraîches. Perception des consommateurs français MeatCoat est un projet co-financé par la commission Européenne dont le but est de développer un enrobage protecteur comestible pour les viandes fraîches. Dans le cadre de ce projet, une enquête a été conduite auprès des consommateurs français pour évaluer leur perception vis-à-vis de cette innovation. Pour cela, un questionnaire en ligne composé de trois parties (Identification des participants et de leurs habitudes de consommation, connaissance des films d’emballage comestible, perception du film MeatCoat) a été diffusé par internet et 305 réponses ont été collectées. Les personnes interrogées étaient majoritairement favorables à l’utilisation de l’enrobage comestible pour les viandes fraîches, mettant en avant les avantages en termes de fraîcheur, d’augmentation de la durée de vie des produits, l’amélioration de la sécurité sanitaire des produits grâce aux propriétés antimicrobiennes de l’enrobage. Les consommateurs sont en attente de plus d’informations sur ce nouveau conditionnement et souhaitent tester par eux-mêmes des viandes couvertes par cet emballage pour se faire une meilleure idée de cette technologie. Keywords: edible coating - fresh meat - consumer’s perception - antimicrobial - antioxidant. Mots clés : enrobage comestible - viande fraîche - perception consommateur - antimicrobien - antioxydant. Les Cahiers de l’IFIP - Vol 1- n° 1 - 2014 69 Development of an edible protective coating for fresh meat. French consumers’ perception Reducing food wastage is a major challenge worldwide. According to the FAO, one third of the food produced is wasted every year, representing an annual loss of 1.3 billion tons (Gustavsson, 2011). The food giving rise to the most costly wastage is fresh meat. This waste results from micro-biological or organoleptic spoilage associated with problems of colour and/or oxidation. The European MeatCoat project (www.meatcoat.eu) was developed to address this issue. Its aim was to develop an edible coating for fresh meat that possessed antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Such a coating would not only reduce wastage of fresh meat, but also cut packaging costs by replacing non-recyclable multilayer oxygen barrier plastic films. This project, which brought together ten partners from seven European countries, has allowed an edible coating to be developed and characterised. Pilot-scale tests have also been carried out to check the technical feasibility of applying this new technology in industrial conditions. Keepability validations and technical measurements were used to assess antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, and the effect of the coating on reducing sweating. Lastly, a survey was conducted to assess consumers’ perception of this innovation. French consumers were asked to reply to a questionnaire on their knowledge of edible coatings and give their impressions of this new packaging method. This survey and its results are described here. The findings will be used to set prior requirements for the implementation of this technology and its general use in industry. Methods Similar questionnaires were sent out by the different European partners of the project in France and in the participating countries. This article concerns the study carried out in France. The aim of the questionnaire was to collect information on the respondents’ •Demographics (gender, region, socio-occupational category, family composition, etc.), •Fresh meat consumption habits, e.g. place of purchase (large retail chains / high street butchers), frequency of purchase, type of packaging (vacuum-packed, packaged in a protective atmosphere, shrink-wrapped), etc., •Prior knowledge of edible coatings, •Perceptions of this type of innovation after a brief imagebased description. The questionnaire was posted online and sent out from November 2013 to February 2014 mainly by email or via the social networks. Paper versions were also used to enable persons without internet access to respond. Results and Discussion Demographics of respondents 13 2 1 3 75 41 8 5 9 6 18 38 1 2 2 25 14 2 10 9 9 10 Age Age( Figure 1: Geographical distribution of respondents (n = 301, 4 non-determined) A total of 305 responses were collected from the different French regions as shown in Figure 1. The three most strongly represented regions were Île-de-France (24.6%), Brittany (13.5%) and Alsace (12.5%). 1 fois par Once semaine a week Distribution by gender was balanced, with 43% men a week 2 fois Twice par semaine and 57% women responding. The different sociooccupational categories represented were: executive Once1 or à 2twice fois par a month mois managers (49%), clerical-manual (16%), intermediate occupations (10%), retired (8%), students (10%), <1 < once fois par a month mois self-employed (farming, retailing, artisans) (4%), and unemployed (3%). tousEvery les jours day Figure 2 shows the distribution the respondents. 0% age 10% 20% of 30% 40% 50% Three quarters were aged 21–50 years, 13% 51–60 years, 8% were over 60, and 4% were under 20. Lastly, the questionnaire recorded the family composition of the respondents: 54% were in families with children, 19% were unmarried, and 27% were in couples. 2014 -Ifip-Institut du porc - All rights reserved Introduction Ind Rent Quality Qualit Sécur He 70 Les Cahiers de l’IFIP - Vol 1- n° 1 - 2014 EnvE Conser Preser Development of an edible protective coating for fresh meat. French consumers’ perception 4% 8% Once a week 24% 13% 6 Twice a week 38 Once or twice a month < once a month 1 Every day 26% 10 24% Age (years) : < 20 21-30 31-40 41-50 0% 51-60 > 60 Of the respondents, 5% reported buying only beef, and 1% only poultry, but most reported buying meat of different animals: 40% reported buying beef, lamb, pork and poultry, and 38% bought beef, pork and poultry. These purchases were mostly made once or twice a week (46% and 28% of cases, respectively) as shown in Figure 3. Very important None Meat choice 40% 50% Fairly important Hea E Preserv No view Not very important Not important No view 2014 -Ifip-Institut du porc - All rights reserved Quality, fresheness Use-buy date Health security 170 Appearance Environment Preservation, UBD 0 20 40 60 154 80 12 17 104 30 10 4 8 1 100 68 Packaging 10 8 89 72 Quality label Brand 64 149 Price 117 64 47 66 101 26 30 45 7 9 30 Figure 4 : Critères de choix des viandes fraîches en supermarché (n=250) Advantages Very important Ind Quality, Lastly, the respondents who bought fresh meat in supermarkets were asked whether they could distinguish among different packaging methods: air, protective atmosphere and vacuum. The survey showed that the respondents were unfamiliar with these packaging methods, which are nevertheless commonly used for meat. Despite an illustration showing them the different types of packaging, 25% of the respondents could not tell the difference between packaging under air and under a protective atmosphere. Shrinkwrapped meat was bought by 44%. Vacuum-packed meat was seldom purchased (10%). Large retail chains were where the respondents most often made their purchases: 29% bought their fresh meat only in supermarkets, and 53% bought it in either supermarkets or from high street butchers. Only 18% of the respondents reported buying their meat solely from high street butchers. The respondents who bought their meat off the self-service shelves of supermarkets (n = 250) were asked to score on a five-point scale the importance to them of certain purchasing criteria: use-by date, price, visual appearance of gain products,Industrial in particular colour, type of packaging, and the Other 30% presence of a quality certification label or brand. The results obtained are shown in Figure 4. The respondents reported that the use-by date and the visual appearance of the products were the most important criteria. Price, also important, was ranked third. The presence of a quality certification label or how the meat was packaged also influenced purchasing, but to a lesser degree. Product brand was not a purchasing criterion for most of the consumers surveyed. Consumption habits 50% 20% Figure 3: Frequency of purchase of meat in high street butchers and/or supermarkets (n = 305). Figure 2 : Age des participants (n=305) 40% 10% Fairly important No view Les Cahiers de l’IFIP - Vol 1- n° 1 - 2014 Not very important Not important 71 18 1 2 2 25 26% Development of an edible protective coating for14fresh meat. French consumers’ perception 24% 10 9 9 10 Age (years) : < 20 Knowledge of edible packaging Of the respondents, 14% knew about edible coatings used for food products. This information came from the Internet (14 respondents), the press (12), specialised magazines (6), television (7), or an occupational context (4). Known food products with an edible coating included meat, sandwiches and hamburgers, fruits, cheese, cured meat products, butter, fish, biscuits and ready-to-eat meals. 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 > 60 No coating With coating < once a month Impressions of French consumers Every day First perception 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Industrial gain After reading a short description of a MeatCoat coating film, the respondents were asked to give their first impression of the product. Other An overall positive opinion was voiced by 53%, who said the edible protective film was « interesting», «promising», «useful», «a good idea», and «good for cutting waste». Irrespective of the age of the respondents, the initial opinion was favourable in most cases. The proportion of favourable opinions was greater in respondents aged under 30 years and over 60. Opinions were thus mostly positive regardless of socio-occupational category, except for the self-employed (farming, retailing and artisans), who were less favourable to using this type of coating. A negative opinion of this innovation was voiced by 28%, because of insufficient knowledge. Some consumers preferred to buy products directly from producers, or in smaller quantities rather than using a product with an additive to protect it and prolong its shelf life. h’ Reservations were expressed by 19%. These respondents would rather see and try the product first: «I’m going to wait until I’ve tried it», «I’ll see», «I haven’t tried [the coating] yet, I’m still doubtful». Advantages and disadvantages After reading the description, the respondents stated what they thought were the main advantages and disadvantages of edible coatings. These free responses were grouped in 72 categories as shown in Figure 5. This figure shows that the advantages felt are linked to the later sell-by date and the longer shelf life of the products. Environmental concerns such as reducing food spoilage through using natural components, and reducing waste by using less plastic were also important. The respondents also emphasised health safety (safer product, avoiding microbial proliferation), freshness and better overall organoleptic quality of meat. Les Cahiers de l’IFIP - Vol 1- n° 1 - 2014 None No view Quality, fresheness Health security Environment Preservation, UBD 0 20 40 60 80 100 Figure 5: Advantages of MeatCoat edible film according to respondents (free response, n = 305). Some disadvantages were also stated, mainly linked to health and safety concerns about the ingredients in the coating (unknown health risk of components), ease of use and appearance (removability of the film, behaviour during cooking and freezing, etc.), cost (increased overall price, cost of film), lack of knowledge (new product, concerns about possible negative effects, distrust), taste of the coating (interference with meat taste). Lastly, the characteristics of the edible packaging were appraised by the respondents. In the list of film characteristics (Figure 6), freshness ranked first (criterion judged very important by 61% (90% important or very important). The natural composition of the film was judged very important by 53% (82% important and very important). Reduced waste/ spoilage was a very important factor, together with longer 2014 -Ifip-Institut du porc - All rights reserved Of these 14 respondents, only four had already tried products packaged using this technology. These products Once a week or tortilla with a protective edible coawere confectionery ting. The opinions recorded were unenthusiastic «I tried Twice a out weekof curiosity», «nothing special», «[I have] [the product] no special opinion» but are weakened by the small sample Once or twice a month number (n = 4). We note that the protective coatings tried did not include fresh meat. Brand 12 64 Very important Meat choice 101 No view Fairly important 45 Not very important 30 Not important Development of an edible protective coating for fresh meat. French consumers’ perception Use-buy date 170 Very important Fairly important 149 AdvantagesAppearance Price Freshness 72 Quality label Natural composition 68 Packaging Less waste Brand No view 154 104 158 90 117 78 7 30 11 12 9 45 122 49 26 11 15 35 101 110 8 1 66 112 64 17 14 6 10 47 35 88 137 12 10 8 Not very important Not important 89 10 4 189 30 Longer shelf life Invisibility 64 30 45 92 37 19 12 51 Very of important important(all respondents, No view n =Not very important Not important Figure 6: Importance coating filmFairly characteristics 297) – Advantages. Advantages keepability. Invisibility was not among the criteria underlined In all, 75% of the respondents were ready to taste meats as an advantage by the respondents (32% no view). (not ready 17%, 189 with edible protective coatings 90 14 6no 10 view Freshness Big problem Problem Not respondents a big problem who Nowere problem 8%). The not ready to try this type No trend was discernable in the responses for age, socioof product emphasised a lack of knowledge about this new Disadvantages occupationalNatural category, family structure, or habits of fresh product (origin of the 88 components, possible 158 35 11allergies), 15 composition meat consumption (place or frequency of purchase, etc.). the negative connotation of the term «packaging», and Price 97 124 80 9 The main disadvantages are listed in Figure 7. Shininess lack of confidence in the agrifood business and in food 137pro112 35 11 12 waste(39%, 71% with «no was not considered aLess problem innovation, etc. blem»). Likewise, the visibility of the film when meat was Visible when irregularly cut 48 95 with an edible Readiness 94 of consumers to buy meat cut up irregularly did not bother consumers, unlike 70 pos110 122 45 19 12 Longer shelf life protective coating sible extra cost, which was scored as a problem for 73% of the respondents. Shinier appearance 30 58 124 95 The proportion of positive opinions concerning rea92 37 51 Invisibility Readiness of consumers to taste meat 49 with an edible 78 diness to buy meat with edible protective coatings was protective coating 58% (not ready 27%, no view 13%). The reservations Most of the respondents thought the coating films would recorded were linked to the same factors as previously be useful (definitely for 27%, probably for 42%), while 15% stated: distrust of the food industry, components used, saw no direct utility from their use. reluctance to eat «packaging». Big problem 2014 -Ifip-Institut du porc - All rights reserved Disadvantages Price 97 Visible when irregularly cut Shinier appearance Not a big problem 124 48 30 Problem 70 58 94 124 No problem 80 9 95 95 Figure 7 : Importance des caractéristiques des films d’enrobage (tous participants, n=297) - Inconvénients Les Cahiers de l’IFIP - Vol 1- n° 1 - 2014 73 Development of an edible protective coating for fresh meat. French consumers’ perception The aim of this study, conducted as part of the European MeatCoat project (www.meatcoat.eu), was to assess knowledge and perception of edible coating films among French consumers. Most of the consumers surveyed were in favour of using this edible protective coating for fresh meat (53% favourable, 28% unfavourable, 19% no view). The main advantages put forward were maintained freshness and appearance of products, longer shelf-life, and more environment-friendly packaging permitting less waste. However, the consumers would like to have more information on this type of product. They would like to be fully informed so as to be sure about the harmlessness of the products used in the manufacture of the coating. Acknowledgements MeatCoat is co-funded by the European Commission (7th Framework Programme for Research – Capacities – Research for the benefit of SMEs), Grant Agreement No. 280387. References • Ellouze M., Jeuge S., Hillerström A., Lindqvist-Hoffmann J., Herrero M., San Martín E., 2013. Development of a new antimicrobial edible film for fresh meat products. [poster] 8th Dubai International Food Safety Conference. • Gustavsson J., Cederberg C., Sonesson U., van Otterdijk R., 2011. Global food losses and food waste, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Rome 2011 Reference to this article • Ellouze M., Jeuge S., 2014. Development of an edible protective coating for fresh meat. French consumers’ perception. Les Cahiers de l’IFIP, 1(1), 69-74. 74 Les Cahiers de l’IFIP - Vol 1- n° 1 - 2014 2014 -Ifip-Institut du porc - All rights reserved Conclusion
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