Metrolinx Electrification Project Metrolinx Contract No. RQQ-2011-PP-032 Metrolinx Project No. 109503 Electrification Performance Specification EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System Final Version Document Reference No. PB 1011 April 4, 2014 Submitted to: Metrolinx Submitted by: ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System Revision History Date Version Purpose March 3, 2012 June 15, 2012 Oct 3, 2012 1 2 3 Nov 2, 2012 4 Dec 10, 2013 April 4, 2014 5 Final First issue as stand-alone document. Update based on Metrolinx Submittal Review Update based on Metrolinx Submittal Review Update based on Metrolinx comments ME-20-00111-GA12 Update based on Metrolinx Submittal Review Update based on Metrolinx Submittal Review Parsons Brinckerhoff Halsall Inc. 2300 Yonge Street, 20th Floor Toronto, Ontario M4P 1E4 Canada ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Purpose........................................................................................................................ 4 2. Scope ........................................................................................................................... 5 3. Reference Documents ................................................................................................. 6 4. Responsibilities ........................................................................................................... 7 5. General Requirements ................................................................................................. 8 5.1 5.2 5.3 6. General Criteria ................................................................................................... 8 Design and Operational Speeds .......................................................................... 8 Climatic Data for OCS Design ........................................................................... 9 OCS Design Requirements ....................................................................................... 10 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 6.19 6.20 6.21 Load Cases ........................................................................................................ 10 OCS Conductors ............................................................................................... 10 Conductor Tensions .......................................................................................... 11 Contact Wire Height ......................................................................................... 12 Vehicle Assumption and Pantograph Information ............................................ 13 Pantograph Information .................................................................................... 14 Catenary Structure Location ............................................................................. 15 OCS Configuration ........................................................................................... 16 Catenary System Height ................................................................................... 17 Catenary Gradients............................................................................................ 17 Tension Length Limitations .............................................................................. 18 Overlap .............................................................................................................. 19 Staggers ............................................................................................................. 19 Hangers ............................................................................................................. 20 OCS Tolerances ................................................................................................ 20 Catenary Structures and Foundation ................................................................. 21 Catenary Station Arrangement .......................................................................... 26 Catenary Tensioning ......................................................................................... 27 Horizontal Clearance ........................................................................................ 28 Electrical Clearance .......................................................................................... 29 Safety Clearance ............................................................................................... 30 Page | 1 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 6.22 6.23 6.24 6.25 6.26 6.27 6.28 6.29 6.30 6.31 6.32 7. Traction Power Distribution System Clearance to Vegetation .................................................................................... 30 Catenary Grounding .......................................................................................... 30 Catenary Section Insulators .............................................................................. 30 Switching Stations and Parallel Stations........................................................... 31 OCS Sectionalizing ........................................................................................... 33 Negative Feeders ............................................................................................... 33 Disconnect Switches ......................................................................................... 34 Phase Break ....................................................................................................... 34 Overhead Bridges.............................................................................................. 34 Underpass Consideration .................................................................................. 37 Public Protection at Overpasses ........................................................................ 39 Maintenance Facility and Yard OCS Design ............................................................ 42 7.1 7.2 Yard Catenary ................................................................................................... 42 Maintenance Facility OCS Arrangements ........................................................ 42 Appendix A: Standards ..................................................................................................... 43 Appendix B: Definitions ................................................................................................... 44 Appendix C: Abbreviations and Acronyms ...................................................................... 48 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Reference Documents ........................................................................................... 6 Table 2: Load Case ........................................................................................................... 10 Table 3: Conductor Particulars ......................................................................................... 11 Table 4: Conductor Tensions ............................................................................................ 12 Table 5: Contact Wire Gradients ...................................................................................... 18 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Vehicle Data ...................................................................................................... 14 Figure 2: Pantograph Diagram .......................................................................................... 15 Figure 3: Cantilever Structure for Single Track ............................................................... 22 Figure 4: Cantilever Structure for Double Track .............................................................. 23 Figure 5: Portal Structure for Multiple Tracks ................................................................. 24 Page | 2 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System Figure 6: Portal Structure for Multiple Tracks with Cantilever ........................................ 24 Figure 7: Foundations for Pole and Guy Anchor .............................................................. 26 Figure 8: Balance Weight Assembly ................................................................................ 27 Figure 9: Fixed Termination ............................................................................................. 28 Figure 10: Back-to-back Cantilever Structure to Show Horizontal Clearance ................. 28 Figure 11: Section Insulator .............................................................................................. 31 Figure 12: Clearance Diagram for GO Standard Double Stack Freight ........................... 36 Figure 13: Clearance Diagram for GO Vehicle ................................................................ 37 Figure 14: Underpass Section for Double-Track .............................................................. 38 Figure 15: Underpass Section for Four Tracks ................................................................. 39 Figure 16: Bridge Protection Barrier ................................................................................ 41 Page | 3 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 1. Traction Power Distribution System PURPOSE Metrolinx intends to implement traction power electrification within Lakeshore and Kitchener corridors. Studies have determined that this shall consist of a 1x 25 kV ac and 2x25 kV ac system delivering power to trains by means of an overhead contact system (OCS), and collected by roof-mounted pantograph current collectors on each train’s locomotive or electric multiple unit (EMU) rail vehicles. The electrification performance specifications, 13 in all, have the purpose of establishing the basis for electrification design such that an efficient, safe, and cost-effective installation shall result. The purpose of EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System is to provide a broad specification describing the traction power distribution system, hereinafter referred to as Overhead Contact System (OCS) in this section, also includes paralleling and switching stations, for Metrolinx Electrification including its performance, operational, and safety requirements. Page | 4 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 2. Traction Power Distribution System SCOPE The scope of this document includes the identification and description of the main design requirements for the OCS. The OCS includes the aerial supply system that delivers 1x25 kV ac and 2x25 kV ac traction power from substations to the pantographs of Metrolinx electric trains, comprising the catenary system messenger and contact wires, hangers, associated supports and structures (including poles, portals beams and their foundations), manual or motor operated disconnect switches, insulators, phase breaks, section insulators, conductor termination and tensioning devices, down guys, and other overhead line hardware and fittings. Portions of the traction power return system consisting of the negative feeders and aerial static wires, and their associated connections and cabling are addressed. Page | 5 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 3. Traction Power Distribution System REFERENCE DOCUMENTS Metrolinx documents that contribute directly to the subject of OCS requirements are listed in Table 1: Reference Documents. Established standards for electrified railways and related topics relevant to the OCS are listed in Appendix A: Standards, at the end of this document. Other materials supporting the understanding of this document are provided in Appendix B: Definitions and Appendix C: Abbreviations and Acronyms. Table 1: Reference Documents Document Title Issuer GO Transit Design Requirements Manual (DRM) GO Electrification Study, Final Report, December 2010 DRM Heavy Rail, CI-0603-01, Figure 5.6.A – Clearance Envelope on All Structures Over or Beside the Railway Tracks DRM Heavy Rail, CI-0603-01, Figure 5.6.B – USRC Trainshed Minimum Clearance Envelope Metrolinx Electrification GO Transit Current and Future Projects for Inclusion in the Conceptual and Preliminary Design, August 2012 – Version 1.0 EPS-01000 – Traction Power Supply System Final Version Mx Mx Date of Issue Oct 2012 Dec 2010 Mx Oct 2012 Mx Oct 2012 Mx Aug 2012 PB April 2014 EPS-03000 – Grounding and Bonding Final Version PB April 2014 EPS-04000 – EMC/EMI Final Version PB April 2014 EPS-05000 – Signal System Compatibility Final Version PB April 2014 EPS-06000 – Operations and Maintenance Final Version PB April 2014 EPS-07000 – Maintenance Facilities Part 1 Final Version PB April 2014 EPS-07000 – Maintenance Facilities Part 2 Final Version PB April 2014 EPS-08000 – SCADA Final Version PB April 2014 EPS-09000 – Operation Control Centre Final Version PB EPS-10000 – System Integration Final Version PB April 2014 April 2014 EPS-11000 – System Assurance Final Version PB April 2014 EPS-12000 – Safety and Security Final Version PB April 2014 EPS-13000 – Sustainability Final Version PB April 2014 Page | 6 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 4. Traction Power Distribution System RESPONSIBILITIES It is the responsibility of all users of this document to: Develop detailed specifications and designs based upon the principles outlined in this document; Support all design work with back-up calculations which shall be made available to Metrolinx on request; and Inform Metrolinx in the event of any conflict between the contents of this document and any other document produced for the Metrolinx Electrification Project. Page | 7 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System 5. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 5.1 General Criteria The OCS is the complete system necessary to deliver power from the power supply equipment to the rolling stock through its pantograph, for the whole route of the project. The design of the OCS shall be based on technical, economical, operational, and maintenance requirements and shall be suitable for local climatic conditions. The minimum and maximum system design temperature is estimated to be -40 to 44 ºC. The OCS design shall be coordinated with the vehicle dynamic performance characteristics to ensure that current collection is maintained within acceptable limits. The OCS shall also accommodate the requirements of auxiliary systems associated with the rail car, such as clearance envelopes, signalling systems, and communications system. The OCS shall be designed for multiple pantograph operation at the full design speed, with pantographs spaced in accordance with the specified train consists. The OCS shall be designed to meet all operational criteria of the proposed vehicle and the vehicle-OCS interaction for current collection as specified in American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA), Chapter 33. Requirements of this performance specification are applicable to mainline, yard and maintenance facility. For yard and maintenance facility specific requirements see Section 7 – Considerations for Yard and Maintenance Facility. 5.2 Design and Operational Speeds Design of the OCS shall accommodate the maximum operational speeds of the Lakeshore and Kitchener Corridors. The maximum operating speed is 95 mph on both the Lakeshore Corridor and Kitchener Corridor. The maximum speed for the Lakeshore Corridor is based on schematic diagrams from GO Transit Current and Future Projects for Inclusion in Conceptual and Preliminary Design document and the maximum speed for the Kitchener Corridor is based on the track diagram for Weston Subdivision document. For the operational speeds in the maintenance facility see EPS-07000. Page | 8 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 5.3 Traction Power Distribution System Climatic Data for OCS Design The OCS design shall use the climatic data provided below. For specific load cases developed for the Metrolinx project, refer to Table 2: Load Case. Climatic data provided below are derived from CSA C22.3 No.1. Maximum Temperature 44 °C Minimum Temperature -40 °C Maximum Wind velocity 90 kph Maximum Wind velocity, during operation 130 kph Page | 9 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System 6. OCS DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 6.1 Load Cases Design of the OCS shall meet the design parameters developed for Metrolinx Electrification considering climatic and operational requirements. Relevant load cases are provided in Table 2: Load Case. Table 2: Load Case Load Case Condition Temperature Wind Pressure °C °F N/m 2 Radial Ice PSF mm in OP1 Design 16 60 0 0 0 0 OP2 No ice 16 60 400 8 0 0 -40 0 400 8 12.5 0.5 -40 0 400 8 3.1 0.125 OP3 Ice and wind OP4 Low temp, no wind, no ice -25 -10 0 0 0 0 NO1 C22.31 No.1 -20 0 400 8 12.5 0.5 NO2 High wind 16 60 766 16 0 0 NO3 High temp, no wind 43 110 0 0 0 0 6.2 Notes For messenger wire (see note in NO1) Contact Wire 30% Worn CSA-C22.3 No.1, Table 30: Heaving Loading Area OCS Conductors Conductor particulars for the contact wire, messenger wire, static wire, and negative feeder wire are provided in Table 3: Conductor Particulars. Page | 10 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System Table 3: Conductor Particulars CONDUCTOR PARTICULARS SIZE MESSENGER WIRE CONTACT WIRE STATIC WIRE NEGATIVE FEEDER 4/0 4/0 4/0 556.5 kcmil MATERIAL COPPER ACSR ACSR MAKE-UP 19 WIRES 6AL/1 STL 18AL / 1 STL HARD DRAWN COPPER SOLID GROOVED TROLLEY WIRE HARD DRAWN 2.6797 - 13.41 12.243 PENGUIN AL 4.77 STEEL 4.77 14.3 OSPREY AL 4.46 STEEL 4.46 22.3 107 107.4 125 297 TYPE STRAND DIAMETER (mm) OVERALL DIAMETER (mm) 2 CROSS SECTION AREA (mm ) ASTM WEIGHT (kg/m) BREAKING LOAD (N) MODULUS OF ELASTICITY (Pa) o COEFFICIENT OF EXPANSION (/ C) B8. CLASS B B47 B232 B232 0.972 0.955 0.434 0.898 42776 34512 37149 60951 1.17 X1011 1.17 X1011 7.86X1010 7.86X1010 -6 -6 -6 18.9 X10 -6 17 X10 17 X10 DESIGN TENSION (N) @ 16 C 20000 11000 8000 9000 ALLOWABLE WORKING LOAD (N) 25666 20707 22289 36571 o 18.9 X10 Alternative conductor sizes can be used and shall be subject to additional analysis and calculations and shall be reviewed by Metrolinx prior to proceeding with the detail design. 6.3 Conductor Tensions Tensions are calculated for various load cases for the contact wire, messenger wire, static wire, and negative feeder wire. Load cases are provided in Table 2: Load Case and indicative Conductor Tensions are provided in Table 4: Conductor Tensions. The Conductor Tensions values can differ from the values indicated in Table 4: Conductor Tensions, and based on the OCS design parameters, the value can be increased. The increased values shall be based on the OCS dynamic analysis and required design calculations and those shall be reviewed by Metrolinx prior to proceeding with the detail design. Page | 11 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System Table 4: Conductor Tensions Load Case Condition Constant-Tension Contact Messenger Wire Wire Tension Tension kN kN Fixed-Termination Contact Messenger Wire Wire Tension Tension kN kN Static Wire Negative Feeder kN kN OP1 Design 11.0 20.0 8.9 13.3 8.0 9.0 OP2 No ice 11.3 20.1 9.2 13.5 8.5 10.4 - 28.1 - 21.3 16.4 25.8 OP3 Ice and wind 18.3 - 15.9 - - - OP4 Low temp, no wind, no ice 11.7 21.0 9.5 14.2 15.4 24.7 NO1 C22.31 No.1 19.8 28.6 17.6 22.0 16.4 25.8 NO2 High wind 11.8 20.2 9.9 13.7 9.5 12.8 NO3 High temp, no wind 7.0 15.1 5.7 9.6 4.0 5.7 6.4 Contact Wire Height The normal contact wire height for various alignment usages shall be: 1. 6961 mm (22.84 feet) at segregated right-of-way, at grade or elevated sections, for GO Standard Double Stack Freight. 2. 5286 mm (17.34 feet) at segregated right-of-way, at grade or elevated sections, for GO Transit Locomotive envelope. 3. Contact wire height at UP Express Spur: 5230 mm (17.16 feet) 4. Contact wire height at Union Station: TBD. 5. Contact Wire Height at Yard: Reference EPS-07000. 6. Contact wire height inside maintenance facility: Reference EPS-07000. Contact wire height at supports shall take into consideration the effect from wire sag and installation tolerances (both construction and maintenance), as well as the operating range of the vehicle pantograph. Page | 12 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System Exception to these heights shall be addressed on a site-specific basis, and subject to Metrolinx areview. 6.5 Vehicle Assumption and Pantograph Information Vehicle data is required to calculate pantograph security, blow-off, catenary structure span, vertical and horizontal clearance. Since the electric vehicles have not been procured for the Metrolinx Electrification, there is not currently an adopted vehicle specification. In the absence of this information, this document is based upon characteristics of an electric locomotive used in the Northeast Corridor, USA, which is expected to be typical of the future Metrolinx locomotive. Figure 1: Vehicle Data provides general data for this vehicle. Electric Locomotive Class ALP-46A Page | 13 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System General Data Track gauge Clearance gauge Type of vehicle Railway system operator Vehicle designation Years of Commissioning 1435 mm / 4 ft 8.5 in AMTRAK Electric Locomotive NJ TRANSIT (NJT) ALP-46A 2009-2011 Technical Data System voltage Train power supply Wheelset arrangement Drive system Axle load Number of traction motors Power at wheel rim Dynamic braking effort at wheel rim Maximum speed ac 25 kV/60Hz, 12kV/25 Hz 480V ac, 60 Hz, 3ph/1000kW Bo'Bo' Fully suspended drive 23 t / 50 706 lbs 4 5.6 MW / 7500 hp 140 kN / 34 000 lbs 201 km/h / 125 mph Dimensions and Weights Length over buffers Overall width Height over pantographs Distance between bogie centers Boogie wheel base Wheel diameter new Wheel diameter worn Mass of lococmotive 19 900 mm / 767.64" 2 950 mm / 116.4" 4 489 mm / 173.73" 10 950 mm / 431.10" 2 650 mm / 104.33" 1 118 mm / 44.02" 1 046 mm / 41.18" 92 t / 202 822 lbs Figure 1: Vehicle Data 6.6 Pantograph Information The pantograph data are required to calculate pantograph security, blow-off, catenary structure span, vertical and horizontal clearance. Since the electric vehicles including pantograph have not been procured for the Metrolinx Electrification, there is not currently an adopted pantograph characteristics. In the absence of this information, this document is based upon characteristics of Brecknell Willis of equivalent pantograph provided below. Page | 14 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System Manufacturer Brecknell Willis or equivalent Model M 02680-01-L Head mass 12kg Effective dynamic mass of frame 15kg Damping constant for head 0Ns/m Frame damping (ascending) 95Ns/m Frame damping (descending) 95Ns/m Sliding friction in frame hinge 10N Spring constant for head 3,000N/m Static contact force 100N Aerodynamic constant for head 0Ns2/m2 Coefficient of friction (contact wire to head) 0.15 1194 mm 2006 mm Figure 2: Pantograph Diagram 6.7 Catenary Structure Location Catenary structure location is determined by the horizontal clearances and criteria for span length. Criteria for span length and horizontal clearances shall be designed per AREMA Chapter 33. To determine the span length during OCS design, the designer shall consider the effects of the following: Page | 15 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System 1. OCS conductor blow off; 2. Contact wire height; 3. Contact wire stagger; 4. Contact wire mid-span offset; 5. Contact wire stagger effect on tangent track; 6. Contact wire deviation due to track movement; 7. Mast deflection due to imposed loading; 8. Vehicle dynamics; 9. Width and sway of the pantograph; 10. Track tolerances; 11. OCS erection tolerances; and 12. Pantograph security factor. Vehicle roll into the wind shall be taken as equal to 50 percent of the maximum dynamic roll value, in accordance with AREMA Chapter 33, Part 4 – Railroad Electrification System. To minimize the possibility of harmonic oscillation in the catenary system, not more than five equal spans shall be located successively. A span that is at least 10 percent shorter shall be inserted to minimize the possibility of any sympathetic oscillation. Furthermore, in order to have effective distribution of loads on supporting hardware, adjacent span length differences shall not be more than 25 percent. The positioning of the catenary supports shall take into account the location of the rail signals in order to ensure that they remain visible at all times to the train drivers. The catenary supports shall also be coordinated with the signals to ensure that an approaching train driver does not mistake a solid signal aspect for a flashing aspect due to the periodic blocking of the signal by the catenary structures. 6.8 OCS Configuration The mainline OCS system shall be a simple catenary, auto-tension system consisting of a contact wire supported by hangers from a messenger wire. The maximum span allowed for an auto-tension catenary shall be 65 metre (210 feet). In yards the OCS shall be a Page | 16 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System simple catenary, fixed-tension system. The maximum span allowed for a fixed-tension catenary shall be 60 metre (195 feet). At Union Station, where height is limited, a conductor rail or a catenary system (twincontacts) may be utilized instead. The catenary system inside the maintenance facility shall be attached to the building superstructure and its design coordinated with the shop designer and architect. 6.9 Catenary System Height System height is the distance between the messenger wire and the contact wire. The system height is one determining factor for calculating structure span. As a longer structure span provides greater economy, where the aesthetic quality of the catenary is not a determining factor, a nominal catenary system height of 1.2m (4.0 ft) shall be used. 6.10 Catenary Gradients Catenary gradient is the rate at which the contact wire changes its height relative to the track elevation, if the controlled of pantograph bounce and thereby the resulting arc is to be avoided. Gradients in relation to track shall be based on the criteria in the following table; these values shall be considered absolute, and not exceeded even after all OCS tolerances have been applied: Page | 17 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System Table 5: Contact Wire Gradients AREMA Table 33-4-7. Contact Wire Gradients Description Percent Yard Conditions 2.30% 48 kph (30 mph) 1.30% 73 kph (45 mph) 0.80% 96 kph (60 mph) 0.60% 130 kph (80 mph) 0.50% 160 kph (100 mph) 0.40% 200 kph (125 mph) 0.30% 240 kph (150 mph) 0.20% Over 240 kph (150 mph) 0.10% The change in gradient from one span to the next should not exceed one-half of the value stated above. (This does not apply to yards.) Grading of the contact wire shall take into consideration absolute levels, where track grading may influence the absolute position and behaviour of the wire. Under no circumstances shall grading of a wire beyond its natural rise or fall limitations be permitted, as this would result in OCS/pantograph performance issues that would have to be addressed in order to achieve compliant acceptance. 6.11 Tension Length Limitations The length of OCS wire located between anchors is defined as its tension length, or ½tension length if taken from the mid-point anchor. The wire length is governed by the limitations imposed by the expansion and contraction due to temperature changes and the system design chosen to accommodate this change while providing suitable tensioning of the system. When defining the maximum tension length, particular attention must be paid to the along-track movement and stagger change (constant tension system) as these Page | 18 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System factors could easily affect system and operational performance and therefore require a shorter tension length. Overlaps between adjacent tension lengths shall be located and wire anchoring shall be kept away from stations wherever possible to reduce the OCS impact on aesthetics. 6.12 Overlap At the interface between two tension lengths an overlap shall be installed. Overlap shall be configured over three spans may be insulated or un-insulated depending on the sectionalizing design. An insulated overlap electrically separates adjacent tension lengths. At the ends of each length, one set of conductors is taken out-of-running (not in contact with the vehicle pantograph) connected to a balanced-weight assembly. The other set of conductors, also connected to a balanced-weight assembly, is taken in-running (in contact with the vehicle pantograph). The out-of-running and the in-running conductors shall be installed side-by-side for one-span, and are profiled such that they are level for 3 m (10 ft.). The overlap span shall ensure the pantograph transitions smoothly from one tension length to the other. 6.13 Staggers The contact wire shall be displaced laterally (staggered) from the track centreline on both tangent and curved tracks. Stagger is the deliberate lateral displacement of the contact wire at each support to the left or right of the elevated track centreline. On tangent track, the OCS is staggered primarily to achieve uniform wear of the pantograph collector strip. On curved track, the wire offset displacement achieves tangent/cord construction necessary for the straight wire catenary to negotiate the curve. Stagger for catenary on tangent track shall be maximum 230mm (9 inches). Stagger for curved track shall be maximum 300mm (12 inches). Stagger sweep is the relative stagger difference between adjacent supports. The maximum and minimum values to be applied determine evenness of wear of the pantograph and promote good current collection. The minimum stagger sweep on tangent track shall be 5 mm per metre (1/32 inch per foot) for standard spans, not Page | 19 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System including overlaps or sectioning spans. The maximum sweep shall be 20 mm per metre (1/4 inch per foot) on tangent track. 6.14 Hangers In an OCS, a hanger is a mechanical device installed at various locations in a span between the messenger wire and the contact wire. The device is installed in various lengths calculated to take into account the messenger wire sag while holding the contact wire level. The hanger shall not be used as a conductive member; jumpers shall be used for this function. The hanger may be a stainless steel rod design which contains a loop at the messenger end which allows the contact wire to lift, without lifting the messenger wire, as the pantograph passes the hanger location. The hanger may also be a flexible strand type connected to the messenger and contact wires with clamps, with the hanger flexing as the pantograph passes. 6.15 OCS Tolerances The design and construction of the OCS shall incorporate the following construction tolerances in relation to the design parameters. The design shall be capable of functioning to all performance criteria incorporating the values given below. The values given are not considered an exhaustive list but are considered as the fundamental criteria for the OCS system. Contact wire lateral alignment +/- 25 mm (1 inch) Contact wire vertical alignment (at grade) +/- 75 mm (3 inches) Contact wire vertical alignment + 25 mm (1 inch) Messenger wire lateral displacement from CW +/- 50 mm (2 inches) Messenger wire vertical alignment (at grade) +/- 75 mm (3inches) Messenger wire vertical alignment + 25 mm (1 inch) OCS pole position along track +/- 1000 mm (39 inches) OCS pole position across track +/- 25 mm (1 inch) OCS top of foundation level +/- 25 mm (1 inch) Page | 20 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System 6.16 Catenary Structures and Foundation Depending upon the location and type of catenary system, various types of supports shall be required. Catenary structures, including, poles, portal structures, portal beams, and foundation shall meet the requirements of Ontario Building Code (OBC), Ontario Electrical Safety Code (OESC), CSA and AREMA standards, including recommended safety factors. Cantilevers Cantilever support construction shall use hinged cantilevers supported on side or centre poles. The bracket used to attach the cantilever to the pole shall be fitted with hinge pins to allow for the constant tension catenary along-track movement due to variations in temperature. The hinged cantilever shall also be used for the variable tension catenary system. The registration arm shall allow free, unrestricted uplift of the pantograph, while maintaining suitable mechanical clearance under all operating conditions. Cantilevers shall be suitable for the loads imposed on them while being in keeping with Metrolinx aesthetic objectives. See Figure 3: Cantilever Structure for Single Track and Figure 4: Cantilever Structure for Double Track. Page | 21 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System Figure 3: Cantilever Structure for Single Track Page | 22 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System Figure 4: Cantilever Structure for Double Track Portals At multiple track locations where cantilever frames are not practical, portal structures should be used. Portal beams spanning more than four tracks may require truss-type structures, depending on the loads from the catenary. See Figure 5: Portal Structure for Multiple Tracks and Figure 6: Portal Structure for Multiple Tracks with Cantilever. Page | 23 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System Figure 5: Portal Structure for Multiple Tracks Figure 6: Portal Structure for Multiple Tracks with Cantilever Page | 24 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System Poles and Foundations OCS support poles shall be designed for local conditions and urban design requirements. Side pole construction shall be preferred but centre pole construction (where track centre spacing permits) is acceptable. Pole locations and design shall be coordinated with ac feeder locations and track design. Pole heights for each pole type shall be as uniform as practical, to limit the number of required spares, but shall be based on a value of no more than 500 mm (20 inches) pole height above the top mast bracket. Exceptions shall be considered only when a standard pole height is deemed perceptibly inappropriate, on a case-by-case basis. Poles shall support a simple constant tensioned catenary or a simple fixed tension catenary. Pole finish shall be in accordance with Metrolinx design criteria. All poles, except those on existing overpass or underground structures, shall be installed on reinforced concrete foundations by means of embedded bolts. On bridges and viaducts poles shall be supported by means of anchor bolts installed through the deck or cast into piers. Poles shall be grounded by connecting the pole to a new static wire (ground wire) connected to the pole. Foundation design shall be coordinated with the track designers and underground utilities, and shall meet all applicable structural, geotechnical, and other environmental requirements. The design and construction of pole foundations and guy anchor foundations shall conform to established geotechnical and structural engineering practices, as well as applicable codes and standards. The foundations shall be reinforced concrete and shall be capable of withstanding the design load imposed during installation, operation, and maintenance. Foundations shall be designed to limit the total effect of foundation rotation and pole deflection during train operating conditions to 50 mm (2 inches) at the contact wire level but in specific locations 40 mm (1.6 inches) shall apply. Foundation and pole design shall not be based on balanced OCS loading as a permanent condition, because construction and maintenance activities and sequencing may impose a more onerous loading case. Page | 25 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System Figure 7: Foundations for Pole and Guy Anchor 6.17 Catenary Station Arrangement OCS arrangements in stations will have to be adapted on a case by case basis during future design phases in interface meetings between station architects and OCS engineers. Page | 26 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System 6.18 Catenary Tensioning Weights shall be used as the means of achieving the constant tension OCS system. Balance weights in general should be located outside the poles providing constant tension for the operating temperature range of the system. If weight stops are used, the consequential hogging of the OCS system should be defined within the design and a dynamic analysis should be performed to ensure adequate performance can be achieved under the most onerous conditions such as maximum train speed, high wind and other load cases identified in Table 4. A use of midpoint anchors shall be allowed to prevent excessive movement towards either of the balance weight assemblies. The direct termination of a conductor under tension to a pole, beam or wall shall be allowed at dead-ends. See Figure 8: Balance Weight Assembly and Figure 9: Fixed Termination. Figure 8: Balance Weight Assembly Page | 27 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System Figure 9: Fixed Termination 6.19 Horizontal Clearance Per AREMA Chapter 28, Clearances, the minimum clearance from centreline of track to face of OCS poles shall be 2.547 metres (8 feet 4-1/4 inches), as indicated in Figure 10: Back-to-back Cantilever Structure to Show Horizontal Clearance. This value shall be increased on curve 25 mm per degree. Figure 10: Back-to-back Cantilever Structure to Show Horizontal Clearance Page | 28 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System 6.20 Electrical Clearance Per AREMA Manual Chapter 33, Part 2, Table 33-2-2, clearances shall be maintained between energized parts of the OCS, vehicle to grounded structures, or ground parts of the vehicle, as well as from ancillary conductors to ground structures. Clearances between energized catenary and grounded structures or vehicles: 25 kV ac Static Passing Normal Minimum 270 mm (10.5 inches) 205 mm (8 inches) Absolute Minimum 205 mm (8 inches) 155 mm (6 inches) For clearance between 25 kV negative feeders and energized catenary is 50 kV as the two voltages are 180 degrees out of phase: 50 kV ac Static Passing Normal Minimum 535 mm (21 inches) 410 mm (16 inches) Absolute Minimum 410 mm (16 inches) 305 mm (12 inches) Static clearance is the clearance between the catenary system and any grounded structure when not subject to pantograph pressure. Passing clearance is the clearance between the catenary system or pantograph and an overhead structure or vehicle under actual operating conditions with the vehicle moving. All design shall be based on the Normal Minimum as a starting point. Only a) in circumstances where the Normal Minimum cannot be achieved, and b) with the acceptance of Metrolinx, can the Absolute Minimum values be adopted. Sag (droop) shall be considered in calculation of the clearance between the rolling stock and the contact wire. Page | 29 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System 6.21 Safety Clearance For safety, all conductor clearances shall meet the requirements of Canadian Standards Association (CSA) C22.1 – Overhead System. 6.22 Clearance to Vegetation Based on the requirements stipulated in European Standards (EN) 50122-1:2011 Clause 5.2.6, trackside vegetation shall be managed, such that there is no overhanging vegetation and that a minimum clearance of 2.5 metres (8 feet) is maintained between the vegetation and energized parts of the OCS at all times and under all climatic conditions. 6.23 Catenary Grounding Catenary grounding requirements are provided in EPS-03000 Grounding and Bonding. 6.24 Catenary Section Insulators The section insulator (SI) is a device installed in the catenary system for electrical separation of two electrical feeds while allowing for the passage of a vehicle pantograph, such as in a crossover between two adjacent tracks. The SI is designed to take into account all of the required electrical clearances necessary for the system voltage. The SI shall consist of an insulator located in the messenger wire above an insulator located in the contact wire immediately below it. The contact wire insulator is designed to allow passage of a vehicle pantograph across it. To ensure continuous current collection during the pantograph passage, the SI unit contains a side runner located on each side of the unit; the side runners overlap. To ensure correct alignment of the unit, adjustable hangers are installed from the messenger wire to the lower section of the unit. The section insulator (see Figure 11: Section Insulator) shall be suitable for use on a high-speed auto-tension catenary system. The section insulator shall accommodate multiple pantograph passes at speeds from zero to the maximum operating speed. Page | 30 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System Figure 11: Section Insulator 6.25 Switching Stations and Parallel Stations Switching Stations (SWS) General: The SWS interfaces the feeding sections of adjacent Traction Power Substations (TPS). At SWS installations, electrical energy can be supplied to an adjacent but normally separated electrical section during contingency power supply conditions. For a typical layout of SWS, see EPS-01000 Traction Power Supply System. Connection: The ac voltages on either side of any SWS shall usually be of different phases, and even if the voltages have the same phase sequence, the angular displacement may be different. Thus the SWS shall include a phase break. In normal operations the phase break shall be open, isolating the two feed sections. Autotransformers (AT) shall be connected on either side of the phase break, one AT per side, serving as the last AT of the respective feed section. Page | 31 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System The catenary and negative feeder (NF) buses shall be connected in turn to the primary winding terminals of the AT via a two-pole circuit breaker. The AT winding centre tap shall be connected to a neutral bus, which shall be locally grounded and connected to the running rails of both tracks (through impedance bonds as required) and to the static wires. Configuration: The SWS equipment shall include station’s electrical infrastructure, switchgear with 25 kV circuit breakers, metering and protection device, as well as motorized disconnect and bypass switches, lighting arrestors, etc. These shall be in a configuration that allows isolation of an AT in case of problems, and as required for maintenance. The SWS design shall provide for electrical continuity across the phase break in contingency operations. In the event the TPS on one side is out of service, the TPS on the other side of the SWS shall be used to provide power to the sections normally served by the out-of-service TPS. To achieve this, the catenary and NF on both sides of the SWS shall be interconnected by closing normally open (N.O.) tie circuit breakers. Furthermore, N.O. trackside, motorized, load-break disconnect switches shall be installed at the SWS phase break to provide for electrical continuity in emergency conditions between the OCS and NF, respectively, on either side of the phase break. In order to prevent inadvertent bridging of feeds from two different substations, suitable interlocking shall be provided between the tie-breakers and the phase-break bridging disconnect switches at the SWS, and the circuit breakers of adjacent substations. Paralleling Stations (PS) General: The PS is a facility featuring an AT as a part of the 2x25 kV TES, station’s electrical infrastructure, switchgear with 25 kV circuit breakers, metering and protection device, as well as motorized disconnect and bypass switches, lighting arrestors, etc. The PS helps boost the OCS voltage and reduce the running rail return current by means of the autotransformer feed configuration. The AT installed along the line in the PS steps down the 50 kV nominal voltage between catenary and negative feeder to the 25 kV level between catenary and running rails. Similar to the Traction Power Substations, the number and locations of the PS for the Kitchener, Lakeshore, and UP Express corridors of the Metrolinx rail network have been determined based on the results of a traction power study, and by taking into account environmental and real estate considerations. For a typical PS layout, see EPS-01000 Traction Power Supply System. Page | 32 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System AT Connection: One AT serving all tracks shall be installed at each PS, along with a line-up of medium voltage switchgear containing separate buses for connections to the catenary and NF circuits. The switchgear shall include single-pole 25 kV catenary circuit breakers and NF circuit breakers, and a double-pole 50 kV AT circuit breaker. The catenary and NF conductors shall be connected to the switchgear buses via no-load type motorized disconnect switches and the switchgear. The catenary and NF buses shall be connected in turn to the primary winding terminals of the AT via a two-pole circuit breaker. The AT winding centre tap shall be connected to a neutral bus, which shall be locally grounded and also connected to the running rails of both tracks, through impedance bonds as required, and to the static wires. PS Configuration: An OCS sectionalizing gap of the overlap type shall be provided at the PS. A common bus paralleling the catenary system of all tracks on both sides of the sectionalizing gap in normal configuration shall be provided. If a PS is serving only two main tracks, this configuration shall result in four single-pole circuit breakers for the OCS bus. Similar arrangements shall be provided for the NF side, where the negative bus shall be connected to the two along-track feeders via four single-pole circuit breakers. In the event the entire PS, including the buses, is out of service or taken temporarily off line, N.O. motorized load break bypass switches shall be installed at the sectionalizing gap to provide for electrical continuity of the catenary system and NF circuits. See EPS-01000 Traction Power Supply System. 6.26 OCS Sectionalizing The catenary is divided into electrical sections for maintenance and operating purposes. On main line sections electrical sectioning is normally provided by insulated overlaps. On other sections or deviated tracks, high speed section insulators can be used. The continuity of the electrical sections of the catenary is performed by using normally closed disconnect switches. Disconnect switches will be motorised in the main line. For more information, please see EPS-01000 Traction Power Supply System. 6.27 Negative Feeders 25 kV negative feeders will be attached to the OCS poles. Page | 33 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System In 2x25 kV areas, the line will be equipped with negative feeders supplying the autotransformer substations. In single track areas only one negative feeder will be used. In two-track or multi-track area two negative feeders will be used, one on each side of the tracks. The negative feeders are generally placed on the field side (except on viaducts). When the feeder is placed on the track-side (on viaducts or in some other specific cases), the poles are lengthened to provide clearance to the OCS. 6.28 Disconnect Switches Disconnect switches on the mainline shall be load break motor operated. Yard disconnect switches shall be load break manually operated switches. Disconnect switches shall be pole mounted and equipped with locking mechanisms to guard against unauthorized operation. 6.29 Phase Break Phase breaks are insulating units installed in the OCS system that achieve electrical phase separation while allowing physical continuity of the contact wire for the passage of a pantograph. The Phase Break is used to separate different catenary electrical phase sections. The Phase Break shall be a non-bridging type (either air gap or section insulator) with suitable arcing horns and arc trap. The Phase break shall be suitable for use in a high-speed auto-tension catenary system, and shall accommodate multiple pantograph passes at speeds from zero to the maximum operating speed. The Phase Break may operate with the centre section grounded or a floating centre section. Phase breaks must be located away from passenger stations, signals, or any location where a train may stop, as the train must coast through the phase gap at a reasonable speed for optimum operation. Phase breaks should also be located on level, tangent track if possible. Signs are required to alert the train operator to power down prior to entering a phase gap. 6.30 Overhead Bridges At existing overhead bridges, clearances from top of rail to the underside of bridges shall be surveyed to ensure that adequate vertical clearance is provided. Vertical clearance is Page | 34 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System predicated upon the height of the vehicle, the electrical (air) clearance, the height of the catenary, catenary tolerance, track tolerance, bridge structure tolerance (for a new overhead bridge), and (where required) flash plates. Criteria for determining minimum vertical clearance are provided in AREMA, Chapter 33, Part 2 – Clearances. To achieve sufficient clearance at overhead bridges, grading the catenary system height down while maintaining a level contact wire is an option. Provision shall be made at bridges to allow for proper grounding of OCS support steelwork. Whenever practicable, OCS assemblies shall not be attached to an overhead bridge. If the bridge width or reduced clearances dictate that OCS assemblies must be attached, then the quantity should be minimal. To minimize pantograph bounce and consequent loss of power, a soft resilient assembly type should be installed. A clearance study shall be performed at each bridge to determine that clearances are adequate. Loading on the bridge shall be identified and provided to the bridge owner to receive suitable acceptance prior to any construction activity at the bridge. Any locations requiring reduced electrical clearance below the minimum standard shall be communicated to Metrolinx and reviewed for acceptance. Fibreglass sheets may be used as an option to provide insulation. See Figure 12: Clearance Diagram for GO Standard Double Stack Freight and Figure 13: Clearance Diagram for GO Vehicle. Page | 35 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System Normal Minimum Metric Imperial (mm) (in) Absolute Minimum Metric Imperial (mm) (in) Flash Plate CA = Static Electrical Clearance for OCS Components T1 = OCS Tolerance (above) = 0 270 25 0 10.5 1 0 205 13 0 8 0.5 D = OCS Depth 160 6.25 160 6.25 25 1 13 0.5 PA = Passing clearance for OCS Components (See Note 4) 205 B = Vehicle Bounce (Assumes B included in Y) 0 8 0 155 0 6 0 T2 = OCS Tolerance (below) = Y = Static vehicle load height 6706 264 (22'-0") 6706 264 (22'-0") T3 = Track maintenance tolerance Track Lift Total 25 0 7416 1 0 291.77 24' 3-3/4" 13 0 7265 0.5 0 285.77 23' 9-3/4" Clearances calculated based on AREMA Chapter 33, Part 2- Clearances with clearance envelope in GO Design Requirement Manual. Notes: 1. For new bridges, add construction tolerance (20mm.) 2. Flash plates to be installed on all concrete bridges. 3. No allowance included for track lifts. 4. CA should be used if B<65mm for Normal Minimum or B<45 for Absolute Minimum. 5. Bounce is assumed to be included in the vehicle clearance diagram. This requires confirmation. Figure 12: Clearance Diagram for GO Standard Double Stack Freight Page | 36 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System Normal Minimum Metric Imperial (mm) (in) Flash Plate CA = Static Electrical Clearance for OCS Components Absolute Minimum Metric Imperial (mm) (in) T1 = OCS Tolerance (above) = 0 270 25 0 10.5 1 0 205 13 0 8 0.5 D = OCS Depth 160 6.25 160 6.25 25 1 13 0.5 270 10.5 205 8 Y = Static vehicle load height (bounce not included in Y) 4966 195.5 16' 3-1/2" 4966 195.5 16' 3-1/2" T3 = Track maintenance tolerance Track Lift Total 25 0 5741 1 0 225.75 18' 9-3/4" 13 0 5575 1 0 219.26 18' 3-1/4" T2 = OCS Tolerance (below) = CA = Static Electrical Clearance for OCS Components (See Note 4) Clearances calculated based on AREMA Chapter 33, Part 2- Clearances with clearance envelope in GO Design Requirement Manual. Notes: 1. For new bridges, add construction tolerance (20mm.) 2. Flash plates to be installed on all concrete bridges. 3. No allowance included for track lifts. 4. GO Transit clearance diagram provides the vehicle height Y, which does not include bounce of vehicle. Since bounce of vehicle is not known, the clearance is calculated using Ca. In the event B is provided, Pa+B should be used when B>65 for normal minimum and B>45 for absolute Pa = Passing Electrical Clearance and Bminimum. = Vehicle Bounce Figure 13: Clearance Diagram for GO Vehicle 6.31 Underpass Consideration Lights, walkways, and ancillary items shall meet the minimum clearance and vehicle clearance diagrams, and minimum requirements of CSA-C22.3 No. 1 to conductors. See Figure 14: Underpass Section for Double-Track and Figure 15: Underpass Section for Four Tracks. Page | 37 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System Figure 14: Underpass Section for Double-Track Page | 38 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System Figure 15: Underpass Section for Four Tracks 6.32 Public Protection at Overpasses A protective barrier and screening device shall be provided to protect members of the public, including pedestrians using the overhead bridges, against direct contact with adjacent live parts of an overhead contact line system for voltages up to 25 kV ac to ground. These barriers shall also protect against damage to the overhead contact systems passing under the bridge. Warning labels shall be attached permanently to the bridge structure, protective barrier and screening device as determined required for safety of operating and maintenance personnel, passengers and general public. Bridge Protection Barrier Requirements The minimum height of the protective barrier shall be 1980 mm (6 feet 6 inches). This barrier shall be of a solid material. Barriers of greater height may be required in areas where vandalism is prevalent. Page | 39 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System Where a walkway exists on the bridge a curved fence shall be installed on top of the solid barrier over its entire length. Where no walkway exists, the fence shall be straight. The length of the protection barrier shall be extended a minimum of 3050 mm (10 feet) laterally beyond the live parts of the overhead contact line, outside of the bridge. The length of the protection barrier shall extend a minimum of 3050 mm (10 feet) laterally beyond signal power or traction power feeder wires that pass under a bridge. At bridge abutments and wingwalls that can be accessed by pedestrians and are within 3050 mm (10 feet) of any live wires, a solid protection barrier shall be required. Metallic Protection barriers shall be grounded by bonding to the static wire (aerial ground wire) at not less than two locations. All other metallic items on the bridge or overpass, within the lateral range of not less than 3050 mm (10 feet) beyond any energized and uninsulated equipment shall be bonding to accommodate maximum fault current. Bond wire shall be no less than 2/0, and may be copperweld to prevent theft. Where the vertical clearance between the OCS conductors and the (existing or new) concrete bridge is less than 915 mm (3 feet), protection panels (flash plates) shall be installed above the OCS, attached to the underside of the structure, and interconnected to the static wire at not less than two locations. For steel bridges, the steel girders shall be interconnected and bonded to the static wire at not less than two locations. See Figure 16: Bridge Protection Barrier. Page | 40 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System Figure 16: Bridge Protection Barrier Page | 41 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 7. Traction Power Distribution System MAINTENANCE FACILITY AND YARD OCS DESIGN Criteria stated in Section 5 and Section 6 applies to maintenance facility and yard design unless noted below. 7.1 Yard Catenary Low speed section insulators may be considered for use in the yard. 7.2 Maintenance Facility OCS Arrangements The catenary system inside the maintenance facility shall be attached to the building superstructure. The catenary system, layout, and support shall be coordinated with the facility operations manager, structural engineering, and the architect. A moveable catenary (swing arm) may be considered in areas where additional space for certain activities, such as overhead cranes, is required. See EPS 07000 Maintenance Facility for further information. Page | 42 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System APPENDIX A: STANDARDS The latest versions of the standards and codes available at the time of issue of the RFP shall be the accepted versions, unless the year of issue is specifically mentioned. In case of conflict between different standards, codes and guidelines, the higher standards shall be used. It shall be the contractor’s responsibility to ensure that all applicable standards are identified and utilized in the development of the program. Organization Standard AREMA American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way CSA Canadian Standards Association EN European Norms ASTM B8 Standard Specification for Concentric-Lay-Stranded Copper Conductors, Hard, Medium-Hard, or Soft ASTM B47 Standard Specification for Copper Trolley Wire ASTM B232 Standard Specification for Concentric Lay Stranded Aluminum Conductors, Coated Steel Reinforced (ACSR) OBC Ontario Building Code OESC Ontario Electrical Safety Code Page | 43 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System APPENDIX B: DEFINITIONS Auto-tensioned OCS An OCS arrangement whose conductors are maintained at a constant tension over a specified range of temperature by means of balance weight, springs, or pneumatic and hydraulic tensioning devices. Along-track Movement Movement of OCS of an auto-tensioned OCS due to thermal expansion and contraction of the conductors. Balance Weight An assembly containing weights used to maintain a constant conductor tension in an auto-tensioned OCS placed at one or both ends of a tension length Blow-off Lateral displacement of OCS conductors caused by wind pressure Cantilever A frame for supporting OCS, often including solid core insulators; for auto tensioned systems, cantilever connections at the pole are hinged to allow for along-track movement Catenary A system consisting of two or more conductors, hangers, and in-span hardware of an overhead contact system, including supports Contact Wire An overhead wire with which the pantograph or other current collector is designed to make contact Constant Tension OCS See “Auto-tensioned OCS” Contact Wire Gradient Slope of a contact wire relative to top-of-rail Contact Wire Height Height of underside of the contact wire above a road or topof-rail level when not uplifted by the pantograph Contenary A twin contact wire system. OCS construction wherein the messenger of a simple catenary system is locally substituted with a contact wire, that can be installed alongside the Page | 44 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System primary contact wire to create a catenary system of extremely small system height which is a practical solution for wiring bridges with very low clearances Dead-end Assembly A fixed termination for OCS or other tensioned conductors Disconnect Switch Provided at locations to isolate power from one catenary section to another. Usually pole mounted and can be motor operated or manually operated Disturbance Limit Disturbance limit is the limit to which the in-situ ground will be impacted during OCS construction Feeder A conductor which supplies power to, or augments the power-carrying capacity of the OCS Hanger (dropper) A fitting providing vertical support between the messenger and contact wires of a catenary Insulated Overlap Overlap with insulators added so that it also functions as a Section Insulator Jumper An electrical connection installed in an overhead contact system to provide continuity between tension lengths or conductors Messenger Wire The wire from which the contact wire or auxiliary messenger is suspended by means or hangers in a catenary Negative Feeder An energized feeder adjacent to the catenary system that utilizes autotransformers to boost or maintain OCS voltage at selected points, and provide dual voltage transmission capability, and provide some mitigation of electrical interference to adjacent electrical circuits Page | 45 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System Overlap Section A portion of the overhead contact system between two main structures, where the contact and messenger wires of two adjoining sections overlap and terminate, while allowing for continuous collection of power by a pantograph Pantograph Current collector apparatus comprising a mechanically jointed frame mounted on top of electrically power rail vehicles that provide a sliding electrical contact with the contact wire Phase Break An arrangement of insulators or non-bridging insulators and grounded or non-energized wires that is located between two sections of the OCS that are fed from different ac phases under which a pantograph may pass without shorting or bridging the phases Section Insulators A device for dividing an OCS into electrical sections while maintaining mechanical continuity and continuous path for pantograph collectors Simple Catenary A simple catenary is a two wire system consisting of a messenger wire and contact wire. The contact wire is suspended from the messenger wire by means of hangers Portal Structure An OCS structure consisting of a crossbeam or truss supported by two columns placed on either side of multiple tracks for supporting catenary conductors Span Length Distance along an alignment or track between supporting points Stagger Offset of the contact wire from a projected track centreline at a support due to registration, and created to distribute wear on pantograph carbon collectors Static Wire Wire or cable located above OCS conductors to conduct atmospheric electricity (lightning) to ground System Height Distance between messenger and contact wire of a catenary system normally at the support structure Page | 46 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System Tensioning Device An assembly containing weights used to maintain constant conductor tension in an auto-tensioned catenary, typically placed at end of a tension section Tension Length Length of OCS between its mechanical terminations. Page | 47 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System APPENDIX C: ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ac alternating current ACSR Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced AL Aluminum AREMA American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials AT autotransformer CSA Canadian Standards Association ºC degrees Centigrade DRM Design Requirements Manual EMU Electric Multiple Units (rail car) EN European Standards kcmil thousand circular mil kph kilometres per hour kN kilo-Newton kV kilovolt mm millimetre mph miles per hour NF Negative Feeder N Newton N.O. Normally Open OBC Ontario Building Code OCS Overhead Contact System OESC Ontario Electrical Safety Code PS paralleling station Page | 48 ELECTRIFICATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Final Version – April 2014 EPS-02000 Traction Power Distribution System SI section insulator ST Steel SWS switching Station TPS traction power substation Page | 49
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