July - August 2014 WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB FORCE SUPPORT SQUADRON In this issue: ~Movie Night w/ODR ~Luau @ WP Club ~Youth Center Trips ~Sunday Brunch ~Golf Specials facebook.com/88fss Visit us at www.88thfss.com Follow us on Twitter @WrightPattFSS Airman Leadership School (ALS) 255-5001 Airman and Family Readiness Center 257-3592 Aquatics/Adventure 257-5327 Arts and Crafts Center 257-7025 Auto Hobby Shop 257-3310 Awards and Decorations 257-4811 Bowling Center 257-7796 Career Assistance Advisor 522-3787 Career Development 257-3474/2317/6071 Civilian Personnel 257-8305 Chief, Military Personnel Section 257-6827 Command Section 257-6651 Community and Airmen Center 257-6231 Dodge Gym 257-4225 Education and Training Office 904-4801 Family Child Care 255-5053 First Term Airman Center (FTA) 522-3788 Flight Kitchen 257-2117 FSS Front Office Group 257-6651 Health Club 257-4402 Honor Guard 257-8964 Human Resource Office (NAF) 257-4173 Information, Tickets and Travel Information Learning Center Installations Personnel Readiness (IPR) Jarvis Gym Kittyhawk SAP Lodging Manpower Organization Flight Marketing New Horizons CDC Outdoor Recreation Pitsenbarger Dining Prairies SAP Prairie Trace Golf Course Prairies Youth Center Recycling Restaurants Rocker Lounge Rod and Gun Club Tennis Club Twin Base Golf Course Unit Deployment Manager Wings Grill Wright Care CDC Wright-Patt Club Wright Field Fitness Wright Field North CDC Wright Field South CDC 257-7670 257-4815 257-7485 257-4469 257-1086 257-3451 522-3785 257-8220 904-1444 257-9889 257-7151 255-5053 257-7961 904-4700 257-4889 257-7895 257-3767 257-3935 257-7248 257-4130 257-6654 522-2172 904-8055 257-9762 255-1961 255-6254 255-6474 88th Force Support Squadron Maj Chad Watchorn.......................................................................................Commander Mr. Mark Robbins......................................................................Civ Deputy Director Maj Lisa Siwik ................................................................................Deputy Commander Mr. Brian Blankenship................................................................Operations Officer CMSgt Patrick Murphy..........................................................................Superintendent Ms. Connie Lipko.....................................................................Resource Manager Ms. Brenda Thomas................................................Manpower & Personnel Flight Chief Mr. Juan Vega....................................................Sustainment Services Flight Chief Ms. Jan Gardner...........................................................Community Services Flight Chief Ms. Ann Lowry...............................................Airman & Family Services Flight Chief Ms. Sara Black.........................................................Force Development Flight Chief Marketing Staff Ms. Julie Farrar................................................................Marketing Director Ms. Kelly Porter.....................................................................Marketing Staff Ms. Bobbi Ochs....................................................................Marketing Staff Ms. Kirsten Rice...................................................................Marketing Staff Ms. Janet Harp.....................................................Sponsorship Coordinator Volume 14 Issue 4 Wright-Times is designed to inform our customers of events happening in our 88th FSS facilities. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of WrightPatterson AFB, DoD, or the U.S. Air Force. All program dates, times, and prices printed in the publication are subject to change. For information on Wright-Times, call the 88th FSS Marketing Office at (937) 257-8220, 88th FSS/FSK, 1940 Allbrook Drive Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 45433. What’s on the horizon Date 3-Jul 9-Jul 9-Jul 11-Jul 12-Jul 14-Jul 18-Jul 18-Jul 28-Jul 30-Jul 1-Aug 1-Aug 5-Aug 6-Aug 10-Aug 19-Aug 20-Aug 23-Aug 30-Aug Event 4th of July Run Ms. Ella's Soul Food Buffet Auto 101 First Friday Movie Night with Oudoor Recreation Digital Photography Wine & Canvanas Night 25 Foot Putting Contest Youth Center Trip to Ohio State Fair Mock Interview Clinic Wood Hobby Shop First Friday Youth Center Trip to Kings Island Make-N-Take Sunday Champage Strawberry Brunch National Aviation Day 5K/10K Fun Run Ms. Ella's Soul Food Buffet WFFC Sports Combine Outdoor Recreation Canoe Trip Time 11:30am 11am 5:30pm 4:30pm 8:30pm 6pm 8:30am 5:30pm 12pm 9am 4:30pm 4:30pm 9am 12pm 10am 11:30am 11am 9am 10am July and August Highlights Location Tennis Club Parking Lot Wright-Patt Club Ballroom Auto Hobby Shop Wings Lounge Prairies Pool Consolidated Hobby Complex Consolidated Hobby Complex Wright-Patt Club Prairies Youth Center Airmen and Family Readiness Consolidated Hobby Complex Wings Lounge Prairies Youth Center Consolidated Hobby Complex Wright-Patt Club Ballroom Huffman Prairie Field Wright-Patt Club Ballroom Wright Field Fitness Center Outdoor Recreation Number 5-1961 2-2160 7-3310 7-2172 2-9889 7-7025 7-7025 2-2160 4-4700 7-3592 7-7025 7-2172 4-4700 7-7025 2-2160 5-1961 2-2160 5-1961 7-9889 Look inside for all the details or check us out on the web at www.88thfss.com 2 July/August HOURS of Operation and Phone Numbers At a Glance Airmen and Family Readiness Ctr Outdoor Recreation Phone:937-257-3592 Phone: 937-257-9889 Monday-Friday 8:30am-5pm Saturday 8:30-12:30 Closed Sunday & Federal Holidays Patterson Pool: Open Daily 1pm-7pm Prairies Pool: Open Daily 12pm-7pm Monday-Friday 7:30am-4:30pm Closed Sat,Sun, and Federal Holidays Arts and Crafts Center Phone:937-257-7025 Prairie Trace Golf Course Monday-Saturday 10am-6pm DIY Hours same as operational hours Phone:937-257-7961 Monday-Friday 7:30am- Dusk Weekends & Holidays 7am-Dusk Snack Bar: 7:30am-3pm Auto Hobby Shop Phone:937-257-3310 Prairies Youth Center Tue, Wed, Sat 10am-6pm Thurs & Fri 11am-7pm DIY Hours same as operational hours Phone:937-904-4700 Monday-Thursday 11am-7pm Friday & Saturday 11am-9pm Closed Sun & Federal Holidays Bowling Center Phone:937-257-7796 Rod and Gun Club Tuesday-Thursday 11am-8pm Friday 11am-11pm Saturday 5pm-11pm Closed Sun, Mon, & Federal Holidays Phone:937-257-3935 Mon, Tue, Sat, Sun 10am-6pm Wednesday10am-8pm Dodge Gym Tennis Club Phone:937-257-4225 Phone:937-257-7248 Monday-Friday 5:30am-6pm Sun & Federal Holidays 10am-4pm Monday-Thursday 6:30am-12pm & 4pm-9pm Friday 6:30am-12pm & 4pm-6pm Closed Sundays Education and Training Office Twin Base Golf Course Phone:937-904-4801 Monday-Friday 7:30am-4:30pm Closed Sat, Sun, and Federal Holidays Human Resources Office (NAF) Wings Lounge Phone:937-257-4173 Monday-Friday 8am-4pm Closed Sat, Sun & Federal Holidays Information, Tickets and Travel Phone:937-257-7670 Mon-Friday 10am-5:30pm Closed Sat/Sun & Federal Holidays Jarvis Gym Phone: 937-4469 Open 24/7 Lodging Phone: 937-257-3451 Open 24/7 ~ Hours of Operation are subject to change without notice ~ Most facilities are closed on Federal Holidays. Follow us on Twitter @WrightPattFSS July/August Phone:937-257-4130 Open Daily 7:30am- Dusk Weekends & Federal Holidays 7am-Dusk Prairie Trace Snack Bar: 7:30am-3pm Twin Base Golf course: 7:30-8:30 Phone:937-522-2172 Tuesday-Friday 11am-1:30pm/4-9pm Saturday: 5-9pm Lounge Hours: Tuesday-Thursday 3pm-10pm Friday 3-11:30pm Saturday 5pm-11pm Wright-Patt Club Phone: 937-522-2160 General Manager: 937-522-2165 Catering:937-527-7826 Membership-937-522-2160 Tuesday-Friday 9am-3:30pm Catering: 9am-4:30pm Closed Sun, Mon & Federal Holidays Wright Field Fitness Center Phone:937-255-1961 Monday-Friday 5am-8pm Saturday 8am-3pm facebook.com/88fss Visit us at www.88thfss.com Closed Sun & Federal Holidays 3 BOWLING CENTER 257-7796 Bldg. 1221 Kittyhawk Area Hours of Operation: Tues - Thurs: 11am - 8:00pm Friday: 11am -11pm Saturday: 5pm - 11pm Closed: Sunday and Monday 257-7796 *July 4 Closed due to holiday FALL LEAGUES FORMING NOW! ! Y A D O T P U N SIG Monday Fireball Intermural Start time 6:00pm Mixed league Tuesday Spirit of Ladies Tuesday Men’s League Start time 9:30am Start time 6:00pm Ladies only Men only Wednesday Ladies Wednesday After Thoughts Start time 9:30am Start time 6:30pm Ladies only Mixed league Thursday Services and Friends Friday Night Med Center League Start time 5:30pm Start time 6:00pm Mixed league Mixed league Saturday Morning Youth League Start time 11:00am Youth league Want to start a new league….. let us know we still have dates and times available Call the Bowling Center @ 257-7796 ALL WEDNESDAYS KIDS FUN DAY WEDNESDAYS 2 - 4PM $5 PER PERSON, INCLUDES SHOE RENTAL GLOW IN THE DARK BOWLING, STARTS JUNE 11 THURSDAY NIGHT DOUBLE DOLLAR DEAL 4 - 8PM $2 PER GAME, SHOE RENTAL $1 $2 per game Customer Appreciation Day Aug 12th ment a n r u o T Tap Starts July 23 @ 6pm o N n i P 9 Bowls 3 games and highest pin fall total will win Cost: $15 per person 4 League Members Bowl for 50 All Day 11am-8pm Hotdogs, Fountain Drinks, and more ! July/August Scotch Tasting Saturday, Sept 13th With the Wild Scotsman Jeff Topping at 6 pm At Wright-Patt Club with a variety of upscale scotches, hors d’oeuvres throughout the night and a selection of choice cigars! Reservations start Aug 27th. Call 522-2160. Members $60 Non-Members $70 FROM THE Wings New Lunch Wings Lounge offers a NEW Lunch Tues-Fri from 11-1:30pm. New Selection of appetizers, pizzas, and Sandwiches! Starting July we will have expanded our soup and salad bar with new items! Members are $5.95 and Non-Members are $6.95 Call 522-2172 for more info! WRIGHT-PATT CLUB Are you a Club Member? Did you know we now offer a $20 *FSS gift card during your birthday month to ALL Club members? All you have to do is come to the front desk of Your Wright-Patt Club and tell them it’s your birthday month!!!! Presented by your Wright-Patt Club!!! *Gift card can only be used at your WP-Club July/August 5 Members $15 Every Tuesday in July & August starts at 5:15pm Non-Members July 9th August 20th $8.95 MEMBER - $10.95 NON-MEMBER $20 For more information call: 522-2160 Super Social Hour 4-6pm in Rocker’s Lounge Going on Now through July 31st! Food & Drink Specials July 11th & August 1st Starting at 4:30pm in Wings Lounge Don’t forget every WEDNESDAY Trivia with Mike Glynn and prizes @6pm in Wings Lounge 6 July/August WINGS LOUNGE 25 Foot Putting Contest Every Saturday Night Dinner for two July 18th & Aug 15th Sink a 25 Foot Putt for a chance to win an FSS Gift Card Club Members ONLY At Wright-Patt Club Prime Rib Dinner for Two Complete dinner Members $30, Non-Members $40 Sign up in Wings Lounge at 5:30pm - Contest begins at 7pm J O I N U S I N T H E W R I G H T- PAT T CLUB BALLROOM FOR ... SUNDAY CHAMPAGNE Members Only- $7.95 Purchase 5, Get 1 FREE! July 13th and Aug 10th 10am - 1:30pm Chocolate Fountain with a Strawberry Tree, Breakfast and Lunch Entrées Crepes & Eggs Benedict, Seafood Bar, Omelet Station, Carving Stations, Salad Bar, Assorted Desserts, Champagne, Bloody Mary's and Mimosa's $15.95 Members $19.95 Non-Member $6.95 Children 6-10 Children under 5 - Free at the Wright-Patt Club WINGS LOUNGE OPEN EXCLUSIVELY FOR SUNDAY BRUNCH ONLY July/August 7 Wright-Patt Club Annual Golf Outing August 29th at 7:30am ~7:30am Breakfast in the WP Club Ballroom ~9am - Shotgun Start @ Prairie Trace ~1:30-Awards Luncheon Buffet at the WP Club Ballroom @WP Golf Call Prairie Trace Golf Course for Details @ 257-7961 Call Prairie Trace for reservations or any questions at: 257-7961. Reservations start August 18th. Join us at the Wright-Patt Club for a... Friday, August 8th 3-7pm Come Join us for some drinks, light refreshments and a FREE pass to go to Patterson Pool! Club Member-$8 Non-Members-$12 Kids under 8 are FREE! Call 522-2160 for details. 8 July/August WRIGHT-PATTERSON GOLF INSTRUCTION 2014 SPECIALS MONDAY: Senior Day WINE & CHEESE LADIES CLINIC T UESDAY & FRIDAY: E-1 - E-6 Special July 18th @ Prairie Trace Golf Course T HURSDAY: Civilian Day FIRST TEE JUNIOR GREATER MIAMI VALLEY SATURDAY: Guest Day July 7th - 18th @ Twin Base GC 5-7pm SUNDAY: Family Day WRIGHT-PATT JUNIOR CLINIC Aug 4-8, Ages 7-9, 8-9:30am Ages 10-14, 10-11:30pm @ Twin Base Golf Course SHOOTOUT @ TWIN BASE July 4th- 6th 9am start 2 person teams, scramble-alternate Shot-Best Ball $400 added prize money CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP Aug 9th - 10th Saturday Prairie Trace, Sunday Twin Base 8am Tee Times Individual Stroke Play, Flighted by handicap BBQ after Play Sunday $400 added prize money PGA TRADE IN TRADE UP Trade in your old golf clubs for a credit toward a new set! STUDENT SUMMER PASS $60 for kids 8-17 $120 College Students 18-23 Call for details. TWILIGHT SPECIAL: $30 green fee w/cart after 2pm Prairie Trace Golf Course - 257-7961 Twin Base Golf Course - 257-4130 *SNACK BAR IS NOW OPEN FOR BREAKFAST & LUNCH July/August at WPGOLF 9 257-3592 Bldg 2, Area A Mon-Fri 7:30am-4:30pm Closed: Sat/Sun/Holidays Airman and Family Readiness Services Designed with YOU in Mind! The Discovery Area Family Services Your source to the future! Computer Terminals - Job Listings - Career Planning Materials Providing emergency services to our military and their families Military Family Life Consultant Relocation Assistance Problem-solving counseling services helping address the stress of military life Whether domestic or abroad, don’t leave base without talking to us! Personal Financial Readiness School Liaison Officer Helping you set financial goals, budgets, investments and more! Enhancing our youth with educational opportunities Employment Services Exceptional Family Member Programs Focus your career: Resumes - Counseling - Referrals - Planning & More! Providing information to our families in need of special assistance Classes & Events All classes located at Bldg 2, Area A, Room 244 unless noted otherwise Call us to reserve your spot today! Volunteer! help! le that love to op pe ed at iv ot hunt for m We are on the e or EPR! cide where on your resum T A n help you de ca Looks GRE e W ? in fit y! re you ! Call us toda Not sure whe biggest impact e th e ak m n you ca Pre-Separation Counseling Kids On The Move Call us for class dates and times. DDF-2648 required for out processing Call us for class dates and times this allows kids to discuss their feelings and allows them to meet other kids in their same situations. Counseling must be completed NLT 90days prior to separation or retirement. Transition Assistance Programs Assisting our military transition into the civilian workforce 5 day classes, beginning daily at 8am Give us a call for class dates! Deployed Spouses Support Group Call for meeting dates and times Is your spouse deploying? This forum is for YOU! Open discussion with other spouses, education, information! Connect with other’s “going through the same thing” Smooth Move Look for future dates or call us for details The ultimate resource event for families on the move! Reunion & Reintegration Tuesdays & Thursdays from 7:45-9:30am Buying Your Home Aug 25 Bldg 2 Rm 244 11-1pm 10 erence... ff Make a di Happy Landings Call us for dates and times! This class is for the entire family who has just arrived at Wright-Patt. We provide the opportunity to meet others who are also new to the base, vendors are on hand along with base agencies to tell you about their programs. Loan Locker (items are free and available to all ranks) Can be checked out up to 30 days at a time, items such as: sleeping mats, dish packs, irons, ironing boards, vacuums, card table and chairs, and more. PCS Childcare AF arid allows families to receive 20 hours of free childcare per child at the losing base and gaining base. Federal Resume Writing Call us for class dates and times We help you make sense of the confusing world of Federal job applications and resumes! For a complete listing of our classes - check out our weekly ad in the SkyWrighter! July/August Mock Interview Clinic Held at A&FRC, 2000 Allbrook Dr, Area A, Bldg 2, Room 244 Come on out for insightful tips and realistic job interviews! HEART LINK Are you new to Wright-Patt? Join us for a day of Fun and Fellowship! This is open to all military, civilians and their dependents. Call the A&FRC at 257-3592 to register The Classes will be held on: 30 July 2014, 9am-12pm 3 Sep 2014, 9am-12pm 12 Nov 2014, 9am-12pm 22 Aug 8am - 3pm Bldg 2 A&FRC FREE! PAID CHILD CARE! INFORMATION! Sign Up Now! 257-3592 WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE *Call the Airman & Family Readiness Center front desk to sign up! July/August 11 ACCEPTED/SOLD HERE Located in Bldg. 1222 ITT Office Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday: 1000-1730 Closed Sat/Sun and Federal Holidays We have great discounts on great tickets for.. General Admission: $30 Parking: $13 Dinosaurs Alive:$3.50 Reserved Seating $32 5 pair per game sold only in pairs Friends and Family Tickets (includes hat and meal voucher) per ticket $16 $13 Game of the Home-Stand Tickets per ticket Includes a $5 baseball buck plus a hat per ticket The Beach Waterpark Adult: $21 Child: $15 Newport Aquarium Adult: $19.50 Child: $12.50 $35, $39 or $43 per ticket Cincinnati Reds! HERSHEY PARK All WPAFB Game Seats are located in Red infield box seating areas *Prices vary per game due to game date Adult Tickets : $43 Children Tickets: $37 Check out our other deals! Columbus Blue Jackets Cincinnati Bengals Check with us for details on the Disney Salute Program! 12 July/August Open Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 5pm, Building 95 Area A Movie Night with Outdoor Recreation July 12th and Aug 9th @ Prairies Pool Movie starts at 8:30pm FREE TO ALL PASSHOLDERS Check with us on Facebook for Movie Title BOUNCY HOUSE RENTALS Small - $90 Medium- $121 Large - $150 Combo - $200 SWIM LESSONS Call Prairies Pool @ 255-8566 for details. CALL OUTDOOR RECREATION AND PLAN YOUR NEXT PART AT THE OUTDOOR POOL Canoe Trip August 30th Call us for details! Departs ODR @10am Returns approximately 4pm (register by Aug 22nd) July/August 13 CONSOLIDATED HOBBY COMPLEX Arts and Crafts: 937-257-7025 Auto Hobby Shop: 937-257-3310 Hours of Operation: Arts and Crafts: Monday - Sat: 10am - 6pm. (All classes are pre-paid) Pre-registration required for all classes Stained Glass (12 Student Max 4 Student Min) Aug 5- Sep 2 Tues 6:30-8:30pm for 5 weeks Fee: $45 Supply Kit paid to instructor $50 Jul 26 Workshop: 3D Photo House Students will create a house using 6 of their own photographs. A photo machine is on site to copy or print photographs. A great way to remember summer vacations or use heritage photographs Fee: $45 Wood Hobby Shop Quick Qualification Class Every Friday Jul 11, 18 & 25 4:30 - 6:30pm Aug 1, 8, 15, 22, & 29 4:30 - 6:30pm Fee: $15 (10 student Max) *Single Airmen Program - FREE Make-N-Take Join us for lunch! Class includes instruction a sandwich, pickle, chips & soft drink. This one class includes the craft project and lunch. (10 Student Max) Fee: $10 Jul 2, Noon - 1pm Memory Wire Bracelet Aug 6, Noon - 1pm Recipe Book Wood Hobby Project Aug 9 11-5pm (break from 2-3pm) Fee:$85 includes all supplies (4 Students max) Chalk Board Message Center Simple Pocket hole construction allows for this project to be built in a single day. NEW !! DIY hours for the Arts and Crafts Center: Monday - Saturday 10am - 6pm, CLOSED SUNDAY DIY hours for the Auto Hobby: Tuesday, Wednesday & Saturday: 10am - 6pm Thursday and Friday 11am-7pm CLOSED SUNDAY Digital Photography Monday evenings 6 - 8pm Each Session is Two Classes Jul 14 & 28 Aug 11 & 25 Fee: $25 (5 student max) Want to get more out of your digital camera? Want to understand resolution, how to aviod common problems, how to shoot professional photos? Well, you’re in luck! The Consolidated Hobby Complex now offers an introduction to digital photography class. Two class sessions including a photo shoot assignment. Frame and Mat Class (4 student max) Jul 28 5:30-9pm Aug 25 5:30-9pm Fee: $35 Class will include Frame and Matting for a 4”x 6” photo. Auto 101 Jul 9,16, & 30 Aug 13 & 27 Learn you Auto Hobby Shop - Wed nights 5:30-6:30pm Fee: $15 (10 student max) Each student will be issued a Safety Qualification Card. Each person that completes the class will receive one free hour of stall usage. In this class you will learn how to safely utilize your auto hobby shop and all it has to offer. * Single Airmen Program - FREE Happy Hour DIY Wood Shop & Frame Shop Only Monday - Friday Buy 1hr shop time, Get 1hr FREE!! (2pm-6pm *Saturdays not included) Wine & Canvas Night (15 Student Min-40 Student Max) Fee: $55 includes refreshments Fri Jul 18 6-9pm *2014 Shop Fees: Wood Shop & Frame Shop Fees: $5 Auto Hobby: Flat Stall: $5 Lift $7 All Shop Fees are Per Hour A Painting class with cocktails! Get out of the July heat for an evening of artsy fun! We supply everything you need to create very own work of art! Our talented team of instructors will guide you step by step on how to create a MASTERPIECE! Relax have fun & PAINT! Open Daily Tennis Club 257-7248 Mon-Thur: 6:30am - 9pm Fri: 6:30am - 6pm Sat: 8am - 6pm Sun:9am - 5pm Education & Training -Education Advising Services -Professional Military Education (PME) Testing -Career Development Course(CDC) Testing -Weighted Airmen Promotion System (WAPS) Testing -In-House Training and Delivery -Self Development Training -Computer Application Training -Competency Based Training -Leadership Training -Training and Facilitation Services -Online Foreign Language Training -Enlisted Training Guidance -Civilian Force Developmental Planning -Training Plan Development -Classroom Scheduling -Education and Training Managment Systems (ETMS) Registration -Defense Connect Online(DCO)meeting production and delivery assistance/training Afterschool Delight Monday-Friday (2-6pm) $70 per month (Jr members only age 17 and under) Includes all court cost and ball machine use No additional Cost Early Bird Special Monday-Friday (6:30-9am) $70 per month Includes all court costs and ball machine use. (members only) July and August Theme Days: CAJUN FLAIR & HOT DOG BAR Jul 15th A different a-la carte style menu each day of the week Monday - Southern Tuesday - Taco Salad Wednesday - Italian Thursday - Potato Bar ($4.75 special self-service) Friday - Manager’s Choice We Proudly Serve Aug 19th $7.50 Red Beans & Rice Catfish Strips, Jalapeno Conrbread and more! Restraunt 1 Bldg. 262 Area A Nothing Satisfies like $5.25 Hotdog Bar w/ Fixings Become a Member of our soup club... STARBUCKS COFFEE BUY 6 - GET THE 7TH FREE Soup Young's Café Bldg 22, Area A Mon – Fri 6:30am – 2:30pm 257-4728 July/August Papa Yoon Laundry and Dry Cleaners Bldg 262, Area A Mon – Fri 8am – 3pm 656-0211 Purchase a cup of soup and receive a Campbell’s Soup frequency card. Get a stamp for each purchase of your favorite soup in the following Base Restaurant facilities: Food Court 1, Bldg 262, Area A, Sphinx Café (NASIC), Bldg 828, Area A and Canteen 10, Bldg 16 Area B Mandarin Chef 2nd Floor, Bldg 262, Area A Mon – Fri 10am - 3pm 257-2679 15 4th of July 5K/10K Run July 3rd, 11:30 AM Sports Combine Saturday, August 23rd @ 9am Speed Training Fitness Testing WFFC, Area B $10 w/special event t-shirt Sign-up at Dodge Gym, Wright Field Fitness Center Race will start at Tennis Club parking lot Area A T-Shirt Deadline June 20th, 14 @ 12 noon Open to Everyone with Base Access!! * Body Composition (Body Fat Analysis) * Speed (40 Yard Sprint) * 3 Tests of Leg Explosiveness (Vertical Jump, Standing Broad Jump, Triple Jump) * Flexibility (Sit Reach) * 2 Tests of Agility (Basketball Court Lane Drill, Proagility Drill) * 2 Tests of Muscular Endurance (1 minute Curl-up, 1 minute Push-up) This event is open to all military, civilians, contractors, retirees, and their dependents. Register at Dodge Gym or WFFC Sign-up deadline: Aug 15, Noon 937-255-1961 PLEASE VISIT 88FSS.COM FOR THE MOST UP TO DATE FITNESS CLASS SCHEDULE... National Aviation Day 5K/10K Fun Run Cost: $5 W/o Shirt $15 w/Shirt August 19 th @ 11:30 am This event is open to the public. Race will begin at Huffman Prairie at 11:30 am. T-Shirt Cutoff date is Aug 1st at 12 noon Register at Dodge Gym or WFFC For more information call 255-1961 16 July/August * NO FEDERAL ENDORSEMENT OF SPONSOR INTENDED July/August * PAID ADVERTISEMENT 17 WRIGHT-PATT YOUTH CENTER Hours of Operation: Tuesday - Friday 2:30 - 7pm Saturday 1-7 pm Youth Programs are for Youth Center Members Only Great Futures Start Here! Call 904-4700 ACCEPTED/SOLD HERE All youth must fill out a Youth Center membership packet to receive a membership card and gain access to the facility. Call for current fees. Bldg. 234, 641 Chapel Lane, next to the Self-Help Store missoula Children’s theater “Beauty Lou and the Country Beast” July 7 - 11th Open Audition 9am Bldg 6933 Gym 4-h stem pathways July 14-18th 9-12pm Ages 9-18, $30 sign up early slots are limited Archery 18 4 TEENS Just July 21 - 25th 9am - 12pm Ages 9-18, $25, sign up early slots are limited! Wright-Patterson Teen Council (ITC) Part of the Air Forces network of teens (AFTC) working to resolve issues and voice concerns to the highest levels of AF leadership on behalf of local teens. July/August Wright-Patt Youth Center Call 904-4700 Open the Door, Take the Tour Join us Tuesday - Friday from 2:30pm to Close Stop in and check us out! Check out our various displays and demos from the different clubs we have to offer. Wright-Patterson Teen Council Part of the Air Forces network of teens (AFTC) working to resolve issues and voice concerns to the highest levels of AF leadership on behalf of local teens. Program Y O U T H E M P L O Y M E N T Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio July/August S K I L L S Through the Youth Employment Skills (YES) Program, dependent teens of active duty Air Force members can earn money for college while volunteering their time. For more details, call the youth director at 255-5053. This program is funded by the Air Aid Society (AFAS). Earn incentives for fitness Open to WPAFB kids ages 9-18 Call 255-5053 ext 0 or 904-4700 Join us every Friday at 2:30pm 19 Every time you make a purchase at the EXCHANGE, They contribute a portion of the amount to your Force Support Squadron May Contribution: $43,252.10
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