Office/Department in Charge: PROCESSING OF ONLINE LOTTERY (LOTTO) APPLICATION Office of the Department Manager-Northern and Central Luzon, Office of the Department Manager-Southern Tagalog and Bicol Region, and Office of the Department Manager-Visayas and Mindanao Location: PCSO Head Office, PICC, Pasay City and at PCSO Branches nationwide Schedule of availability of service: Mondays to Fridays 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Who may avail of the service: General Public What are the initial requirements: Letter of Intent, Lotto Agent Application Documentary Requirements, and Application Fee of P2,500.00 Duration: Twelve (12) weeks How to avail of the service: STEP APPLICANT/ CLIENT SERVICE PROVIDER DURATION OF PERSON/OFFFICE ACTIVITY UNDER IN CHARGE NORMAL 1 Submits Lotto Agent Application Evaluates if Lotto Agent Application meets the Form and Documentary minimum criteria and accept documentary Requirements and Pays requirements if so Application Fee 5 minutes 2 Forwards a copy of Lotto Agent Application Form to the concern PCSO Department for its recording and tracking purposes 5 minutes 3 Conducts inspection and evaluation of proposed Lotto outlet site 4 Submits PCSO Branch Inspection and Evaluation Report and completes documentary requirements of Lotto Agent Application, found feasible by PCSO Branch, to the concerned PCSO Department 5 Writes disapproval letter to Lotto Agent Application found not feasible 15 minutes 6 Receives Inspection and Evaluation Report and completes documentary requirements of Lotto Agent Application found feasible by PCSO Branch 5 minutes ODM - NCL, ODMSTBR, ODM-VISMIN and COD 7 Prepares Certification of complete submission of documentary requirements by the Lotto Agent Applicant and have it notarized 1 day ODM - NCL, ODMSTBR, ODM-VISMIN PCSO Branch 2 weeks FEES FORM Application Fee P2,500.00 Lotto Agent Application Form and Documentary Requirements 8 Forwards Lotto Agent Application found feasible by PCSO Branch, and with notarized certification of completeness of documents, to the Department Manager 5 minutes ODM - NCL, ODMSTBR, ODM-VISMIN 9 Evaluates, signs, and recommends Lotto Agent Application for the approval of the Assistant General Manager (AGM) for Online Lottery-Operations 3 minutes Manager - NCL,STBR, VISMIN 10 Evaluates, signs, and recommends Lotto Agent Application for the approval of the PCSO General Manager 1 day AGM for Online Lottery -Operations 11 Evaluates and approves/disapproves Lotto Agent Application 3 days PCSO General Manager 12 Receives and records Lotto Agent Application approved/disapproved by the PCSO General Manager and forwards it to the concerned PCSO Department 10 minutes Office of the AGM for On-Line Lotteryy Operations 13 Receives and records Lotto Agent Application approved by the PCSO General Manager and informs the concerned PCSO Branch for subsequent actions 10 minutes ODM - NCL, ODMSTBR, ODM-VISMIN 14 Receives and records Lotto Agent Application disapproved by the PCSO General Manager and informs Lotto Agent Applicant why his/her application was disapproved 15 minutes ODM - NCL, ODMSTBR, ODM-VISMIN 15 Lotto Agent Applicant is notified by concerned PCSO Branch of the final approval of his/her application, the schedule of his/her orientation, and the final requirements that need to be accomplished and submitted 15 minutes PCSO Branch New Lotto Agent is oriented on the rules and operational guidelines on Lotto outlets 16 Attends orientation for new Lotto agent; Accomplishes agent; Accomplishes agency agreement and cash/surety bond; Receives bank account number; Pays installation fee; Attends t i i th f L tt Assists the new Lotto Agent in accomplishing his/her agency agreement and cash/surety bond The bank account number of the PCSO Parking Account is given to the new Lotto Agent to which he/she would daily remit the sales of his/her outlet 2 days PCSO Branch Installation Installa tion Fee Pictures of fully Pictures fully P10,000.00 AND constructed booth should Cash Bond specifically include that of P300,000.00 its interior, its exterior and OR S t i th training on the use of Lotto machine with his/her tellers; and Order of payment for installation fee is prepared and new Lotto Agent is required to pay for the same Submits pictures of fully constructed booth New Lotto Agent and his/her tellers are trained on the use of Lotto machines and given a written exam on the same to ensure complete understanding of all that was taught to them OR Surety Bond Premium P7,058.28 17 Sends memorandum to the Office of the Manager concerned certifying that new Lotto Agent has complied with all the final requirements and that his/her outlet is ready for Lotto paraphernalia installation 1 week PCSO Branch 18 Receives certification of completion of final requirements of the new Lotto Agent, from the PCSO Branch, and prepares PCSO Request for Installation (RFI) of Lotto paraphernalia at his/her outlet, addressed to the Philippine Gaming Management Corporation (PGMC) or Pacific Online Systems Corporation (POSC); and Online Order for new Lotto Agent, addressed to the Main Computer Center (MCC), PCSO Central Operations (COD) 20 minutes ODM - NCL, ODMSTBR, ODM-VISMIN 19 Evaluates, approves, and signs RFI of Lotto paraphernalia at new Lotto outlet and its Online Order 5 minutes Manager - NCL,STBR, VISMIN 20 Forwards approved RFI to PGMC or POSC and OnLine Order to MCC, PCSO COD 21 Installs all Lotto paraphernalia at the outlet of new Lotto Agent (PGMC or POSC) and effect its On-Line Order after receipt of approved RFI letter from concerned PCSO Department (MCC, PCSO COD) ODM - NCL, ODMSTBR, ODM-VISMIN 2 weeks CERTIFIED CORRECT: (Sgd.)JOSEFINA A. SARSONAS OIC-Manager, ODM-Northern and Central Luzon PGMC or POSC and MCC, PCSO COD signage, a three-prong outlet, and an earth grounding PROCESSING OF APPLICATION FOR LOTTERY OPERATIONS (LOTTO AND KENO) Office/Department in Charge: PCSO Branches Location: Schedule of availability of service: Who may avail of the service: What are the initial requirements: Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao Mondays to Fridays 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Public and Private Individuals/Corporations/Cooperatives 1. Filipino citizen and at least 21 years old 2. Application form Duration: How to avail of the service: STEP 1 APPLICANT/ CLIENT Inquires on how to become a Lotto/Keno operator SERVICE PROVIDER Informs the client of the criteria and requirements to qualify as Lotto/Keno agent DURATION OF ACTIVITY PERSON/OFFFICE UNDER NORMAL IN CHARGE CIRCUMSTANCES FEES 10 minutes Officer of the Day None FORM Informs the client that processing and approval of Keno application is done in the head office 2 If the client is interested, he/she will get an application form through the PCSO website Gives the application form with attached list of criteria and requirements for Lotto/Keno applicants 1 minute Officer of the Day None 3 Submits accomplished application form and documentary requirements Accepts the accomplished form and verifies the accuracy and completeness of the submitted documents 1 minute Officer of the Day Cashier P2,500.00 1 minute Officer of the Day None 10 minutes Officer of the Day Installation Fee P10,000.00 Surety Bond: P7,058.28 Forwards the application form to the concerned OLLS department 4 5 Follows-up status of their application Informs the status of their application based on the update report Submits post-approval documentary requirements for the approved application If approved, informs the applicant and give the checklist for the post-approval documentary requirements requirements Accepts and verifies the documents submitted and schedule training of the agents and its operators/tellers CLOO Lotto/Keno Application Form or Cash Bond P300,000.00 CERTIFIED CORRECT: (Sgd.)REMELIZA JOVITA M. GABUYO OIC-AGM for OLLS-Operations 13 Office/Department in Charge: Location: Schedule of availability of service: Who may avail of the service: What are the initial requirements: AGENTS ACCOUNT SETTLEMENT Central Operations Department PCSO Main Office Mondays to Fridays 8:00AM - 5:00PM Lotto/Keno Agents 1. Cancelled and paid winning tickets 2. Abstract of Paid/Cancelled Tickets 3. Previous Weekly Agency Report (PWAR) 4. Deposit Slips Duration: 30 minutes to 45 minutes How to Avail of the Service: STEP 1 APPLICANT/ CLIENT Submits PWAR together with cancelled/paid tickets PERSON/OFFFICE IN CHARGE FEES a. Verifies the accuracy of the report(through online verification) the deposits made and the cancelled/ paid tickets submitted DSCD Personnel None b.Daily sales not properly remittedprepares statement of account thereat AMD Personnel SERVICE PROVIDER c. Cancelled/paid tickets submitted - with declared shortage - no declared shortage 2 Pays penalty for late remittance/ shortage on submitted cancelled/ paid tickets DURATION OF ACTIVITY UNDER NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES Accepts the payment and issues official receipt FORM PWAR Deposit slips Abstract of cancelled/paid tickets Statement of Account DSCD personnel 1 minute less than a minute 15 minutes CERTIFIED CORRECT: (Sgd.)ARNEL N. CASAS OIC-Manager Cashier Amount of penalty, lost cancelled/paid tickets Official Receipt ISSUANCE OF LOTTO THERMAL AND BET SLIPS Office/Department in Charge: Central Operations Department Location: Schedule of availability of service: Who may avail of the service: What are the initial requirements: Duration: How to avail of the service: PCSO Main Office Mondays to Fridays 8:00am-5:00pm Lotto Agents Previous Week Agency Report (PWAR) 10 minutes STEP 1 APPLICANT/ CLIENT Requests for issuance of lotto supplies SERVICE PROVIDER a. Computes the corresponding quantity of lotto supplies to be issued to the agent DURATION OF ACTIVITY UNDER NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES 10 minutes PERSON/OFFFICE IN CHARGE FEES Supply Officer None b. Issues lotto supplies CERTIFIED CORRECT: (Sgd.)ARNEL N. CASAS OIC-Manager FORM Office/Department in Charge: Location: Schedule of availability of service: Who may avail of the service: What are the initial requirements: Maximum duration: How to avail of the service: STEP 1 APPLICANT/ CLIENT Gives the winning ticket PROCESSING OF WINNING TICKETS IN BRANCH/SUB-BRANCH OFFICES PCSO Branches Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao Mondays to Fridays 8:00AM - 5:00PM Public and Private Individuals 1. At least 18 years old 2. Winning ticket 20 minutes SERVICE PROVIDER Lotto-Validates at the Lotto terminal DURATION OF ACTIVITY UNDER PERSON/OFFFICE IN CHARGE NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES 2 minutes Teller FEES FORM None Winning ticket P5,000.00 and below, pay customer Sweepstakes - verifies the authenticity of the winning ticket Lotto - from P5,001.00-P300,000.00 fills up Prize Claim Form and requires valid ID with picture and photocopies the ticket and ID for filing 15 minutes Clerk Audits winning ticket and requirements 15 minutes Internal Auditor Prepares check to be signed by the CLOO 15 minutes Cashier 3 minutes Cashier Prize Claim Form WT/VF/PCF Check Sweepstakes - minor prizes amounting to P300,000.00 and above will be paid by the PCSO branch 2 Receives check payment Lotto - issues corresponding checks to the winning tickets P5,000.00-P300,000.00 CERTIFIED CORRECT: None Check (Sgd.)REMELIZA JOVITA M. GABUYO OIC-AGM for OLLS-Operations PROCESSING OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE IN PROVINCIAL DISTRICT OFFICES (HOSPITAL) Office/Department in Charge: PCSO Branches nationwide Location: Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao Mondays to Fridays 8:00AM - 5:00PM Schedule of availability of service: General Public Who may avail of the service: 1. Request Letter addressed to the PCSO Chairperson or General Manager What are the initial requirements: 2. Medical Abstract of patient 3. Medical Bill/Quotation/Costing from Hospital Credit Collection Office/Pharmacy 4. Laboratory Procedure Request Form/Prescription for Medicines from Hospital 5. Endorsement/Acceptance Letter from Hospital Social Services/Credit Collection Office 6. Social Case Study Report from the Department of Social Welfare and Development Duration: 30 minutes How to avail of the service: STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 APPLICANT/ CLIENT SERVICE PROVIDER Present Documents Required by Prepares Intake Sheet the PCSO Checks completion of necessary documents Records information on patient's file Certifies availability of funds Forwards documents to Chief Lottery Operations Officer (CLOO) of the PCSO Branch Evaluates documents and recommend amount to be given to the patient DURATION OF ACTIVITY UNDER PERSON/OFFFICE IN CHARGE NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES 15 minutes Social Worker, PCSO Branch 3 minutes Senior Lottery Operations Officer (SLOO) - Accounting, PCSO Branch 1 minute Social Worker, PCSO Branch 5 minutes CLOO, PCSO Branch 7 Prepares Guarantee Letter for the hospital 3 minutes SLOO - Audit 8 Approves and signs Guarantee Letter 1 minute CLOO, PCSO Branch 1 minute Social Worker, PCSO Branch 9 Receives Guarantee Letter from Releases Guarantee Letter Social Worker of PCSO Branch CERTIFIED CORRECT: (Sgd.)JOSEFINA A. SARSONAS FEES None None FORM OIC-Manager, ODM-Northern and Central Luzon PROCESSING OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE IN PROVINCIAL DISTRICT OFFICES (MEDICINE) Office/Department in Charge: PCSO Branches nationwide Location: Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao Mondays to Fridays 8:00AM - 5:00PM Schedule of availability of service: General Public Who may avail of the service: 1. Request Letter addressed to the PCSO Chairperson or General Manager What are the initial requirements: 2. Medical Abstract of patient 3. Medical Bill/Quotation/Costing from Hospital Credit Collection Office/Pharmacy 4. Laboratory Procedure Request Form/Prescription for Medicines from Hospital 5. Endorsement/Acceptance Letter from Hospital Social Services/Credit Collection Office 6. Social Case Study Report from the Department of Social Welfare and Development Duration: 2 hours How to avail of the service: STEP 1 APPLICANT/ CLIENT SERVICE PROVIDER DURATION OF PERSON/OFF ACTIVITY UNDER FICE IN NORMAL CHARGE CIRCUMSTANCES Present Documents Required by Prepares Intake Sheet the PCSO 2 Checks completion of necessary documents 3 Records information on patient's file 15 minutes Social Worker, Worker PCSO Branch 4 Certifies availability of funds 3 minutes Senior Lottery Operations Officer (SLOO) Accounting, PCSO Branch 5 Forwards documents to Chief Lottery Operations Officer (CLOO) of the PCSO Branch 1 minute Social Worker, PCSO Branch 6 Evaluates documents and approve procurement of medicines for the patient 5 minutes CLOO, PCSO Branch 7 Obtains price quotations for medicines and determines and chooses the lowest bidder 30 minutes Supply Officer, PCSO Branch 8 Prepares Petty Cash Voucher 5 minutes 9 Approves and signs Petty Cash Voucher 1 minute 10 Releases cash for purchase of medicines 2 minutes Cashier, PCSO Branch CLOO, PCSO Branch Cashier, PCSO Branch FEES None FORM 11 12 13 14 Purchases medicines Inspects medicines Ensures validity of official receipt Releases medicines to the patient and Receives Medicines from Social secure acknowledgment of patient of receipt of the same Worker of PCSO Branch Records transaction information on patient's file 45 minutes 5 minutes 1 minute Supply Officer, PCSO Branch SLOO - Audit, PCSO Branch Social Worker, PCSO Branch None CERTIFIED CORRECT: (Sgd.)JOSEFINA A. SARSONAS OIC-Manager, ODM-Northern and Central Luzon PLAYING THE LOTTO Office/Department in Charge: Office of the AGM for Online Lottery Sector Location: Nationwide Schedule of availability of service: Mondays to Sundays 7:00AM - 8:30PM Who may avail of the service: Any person of legal age What are the initial requirements: Duration: 15 seconds How to avail of the service: STEP APPLICANT/ CLIENT SERVICE PROVIDER DURATION OF ACTIVITY UNDER NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES PERSON/OFFFICE IN CHARGE FEES FORM Lotto Playslip 1 Gets a playslip. Marks six numbers from any game playslip (6/42, 6/45, 6/49, 6/55, EZ2, SwerTres, 4D, 6D). If no preferred numbers, marks Lucky Pick. Gives playslip 5 seconds Lotto Teller/ Operator None 2 Decides how many draws to play 15 seconds Lotto Teller/ Operator None 3 Decides on amount to place on chosen combination. Gives marked playslip to lotto teller and pays the amount placed on the combination/s. Assists player in filling up the pla slip playslip Issues lotto ticket to player 15 seconds Lotto Teller/ Operator Minimum of P10 Lotto ticket and P20 per combination CERTIFIED CORRECT: (Sgd.)CONRADO C. ZABELLA AGM for OLLS (Sgd.)REMELIZA JOVITA M. GABUYO OIC-AGM for OLLS PLAYING THE KENO Office/Department in Charge: Central Operations Department Location: Nationwide Schedule of availability of service: Mondays to Sundays 7:00AM - 12:00 MIDNIGHT Who may avail of the service: Any person of legal age What are the initial requirements: Duration: 10 seconds How to avail of the service: STEP APPLICANT/ CLIENT SERVICE PROVIDER 1 Gets a playslip. Decides how many numbers to play. (minimum of 1, maximum of 10). Gives playslip 2 Low or "Hi" Hi Chooses between "Low" If LOW: Chooses numbers between 1 to 40 if HI: Chooses numbers between 41 to 80 In one playslip, the player can play Hi/Low and a selection of number together. If no preferred numbers, marks Lucky Pick. assistance Gives brochures or assi stance in filling up the playslip 3 Marks the amount and the number/s of games to play. Assists the player in filling up the playslip Gives playlip/s and cash payment Issues Keno ticket to player 4 DURATION OF ACTIVITY UNDER NORMAL 5 seconds PERSON/OFFFICE IN CHARGE FEES FORM Keno Teller/Operator None Keno Playslip 30 seconds Keno Teller/Operator None 10 seconds Keno Teller/Operator None 10 seconds Keno Teller/Operator CERTIFIED CORRECT: (Sgd.)ARNEL N. CASAS OIC-Manager Minimum of P10 Keno ticket Hi/Low amounts to P60
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