University of Virginia ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP ANNUAL REPORT 2013—2014 Introduction Contents The University of Virginia seeks to promote environmental stewardship through direct action on Grounds. A collaborative approach, using the Grounds as a living laboratory and involving students, staff, and faculty, provides many opportunities for engagement and consequently builds sustainability literacy and conserves resources. U.Va.’s Environmental Stewardship Year in Review highlights the exciting and high-energy work of sustainability leaders across the University working to infuse sustainability into operational and social norms, with a particular focus on projects implemented by Environmental Impact Sub-Committee, the Office for Sustainability Student Employees, and the Student Council Sustainability Committee, during the 2013-2014 academic year. Introduction Environmental Impact Sub-Committee (EIS) Members Office for Sustainability Student Employees Student Council Sustainability SubCommittee Members Impact Reports: EIS and OFS Student Employees Stormwater Water Dining We a r e l o o k i n g f o r w a r d t o a n o t h e r great year and would love to have y o u b e a p a r t o f t h e s e e f f o r t s ! To get involved, email: Light Pollution Transportation Energy Open Space Materials Impact Report : Nitrogen [email protected] 2 Impact Report : Student Council Sustainability Subcommitee U.Va. Environmental Stewardship Year in Review 2013-2014 Environmental Impact Sub-Committee Members The Environmental Impact Sub-Committee (EIS) is a sub-committee of the University Committee on Sustainability and promotes environmental stewardship on U.Va.’s Grounds, via student, staff, and faculty engagement. Each of the eight working groups are led by two co-chairs (typically a student and a faculty/staff member), who help facilitate discussions and assist the working group in implementing projects. EIS Co-Chairs Don Sundgren Chief Facilities Officer Cheryl Gomez Director S t o r m W a t e r W o r k i n g G r o u p : Jeff Sitler, Associate Director for Environmental Resources—Facilities Management; Kristin Carter, Environmental Engineer—Facilities Management; Andrew Robinson, Environmental Sciences Graduate Student; Janice Zhuang, Civil Engineering ’14; Ainsley Springer, Environmental Sciences ’14; Rebecca Stoner Civil Engineering ’15; Cassandra Cossans, Environmental Sciences ‘15; Jennifer Ren, Environmental Sciences ’15; Alicia DeGraffenried, Civil Engineering ’15; Grace Long, Civil Engineering ‘16; Paul Kim, Civil Engineering ‘17 Water Working Group Abby Lunstrum, CLAS, Graduate Student (Co-Chair) Katherine Grove, Senior Architect, Office of the University Building Official (Co-Chair) Brynn Cook, CLAS Graduate Student Kyle Mavity, SEAS ‘17 Ellen McAlexander, Architecture ‘17 Green Dining Working Group Chris Stevens, Sustainability Manager—U.Va. Dining (Co-Chair) Blake Foster, Environmental Policy & Planning ’16 (Co-Chair) Light Pollution Working Group 3 Ricky Patterson, Senior Scientist—Department of Astronomy Helen Wilson, Assistant University Landscape Architect—Office of the University Architect Jennifer Natyzak, Environmental Science ‘16 U.Va. Environmental Stewardship Year in Review 2013-2014 Environmental Impact Sub-Committee Members Transportation Working Group Alex Pawlowski, Mechanical Engineering & Engineering Science ‘14 (Co-Chair) Becca White, Director of Parking and Transportation (Co-Chair) Sheila Borkar, Civil Engineering ‘14 Meredyth Sanders, Urban and Environmental Planning 4th Year Lauren Nguyen, Financial Accounting ‘15 Meigan McManus, Environmental Science ‘15 Alex Wolz, Pre-Commerce ‘17 Energy Working Group Jesse Warren, Sustainability Program Manager—Buildings & Operations—Office for Sustainability (Co-Chair) Cameron Thum, Commerce and Environmental Thought and Practice ‘ 16 (Co-Chair) Reba Camp, Administrator—Environment of Care—UVa Medical Center Kendra Patrick, Civil/Environmental Engineering ‘17 Adrianna Gorsky, Environmental Thought and Practice and Environmental Science ‘16 Wyatt Crawley, Commerce and Environmental Thought and Practice ‘16 Open Space Working Group 4 Fred Missel, Director of Design & Development—UVA Foundation Julia Monteith, Senior Land Use Planner—Office of the Architect Jeff Sitler, Associate Director for Environmental Resources— Facilities Management Kristine Vey, Senior Project Manager—Facilities Management Helen Wilson, Assistant University Landscape Architect—Office of the Architect U.Va. Environmental Stewardship Year in Review 2013-2014 Environmental Impact Sub-Committee Members Ashley Badesch, CLAS ’13, Batten ‘14 (Co-Chair) - Pictured Jessica Wenger, Environmental Projects Manager—Facilities Management (Co-Chair) Sonny Beale, Recycling Program Superintendent—Facilities Management Callie Houghland, CLAS ‘17 Scott Connuck, CLAS Love Johnson, CLAS ‘16 Abby Lunstrum, Science CLAS Graduate Student Megan McDaniels, CLAS Amy Muldoon, Technical Coordinator—Weldon Cooper Center Tara Razjouyan, Batten Andrea Trimble, Director— Office for Sustainability Composting: Graphics and Standards Task Force Sonny Beale, Recycling Program Superintendent—Facilities Management Vibha Buckingham, Associate Director for Building Services— Facilities management Andrew Greene, Sustainability Planner—Office of the University Architect Richard Hopkins, Landscape Superintendent—Facilities Management Reginald McGhee, Housekeeping Zone Manager—Facilities Management Nina Morris , Sustainability Outreach and Engagement Manager—Office for Sustainability Christopher Stevens, Sustainability Manager—Dining Services Andrea Trimble, Director—Office for Sustainability 5 Zero Waste Athletics Task Force Waste, Recycling, & Materials Working Group Jessica Wenger, Environmental Projects Manager—Facilities Management Helen Wilson, Assistant University Landscape Architect—Office of the University Architect Ashlehy Badesch, CLAS ‘13, Batten ‘14 Matt Boegner, SEAS ‘14 (Pictured) Ford Whitticar, CLAS ‘16 Blake Foster, CLAS ‘15, Batten ‘16 Sonny Beale, Recycling Program Superintendent—Facilities Management Christopher Stevens, Sustainability Manager—Dining Services Jessica Wenger, Environmental Projects Manager—Facilities Management Styrofoam Task Force Lucas Alcantara, SEAS Brandon Allen, CLAS Love Jonson, CLAS ‘16 Amy Muldoon, Technical Coordinator—Weldon Cooper Center Jennifer Natyzak, Environmental Science ‘16 Christopher Stevens, Sustainability Manager—Dining Services Laura Szczyrba, CLAS Alyssa Tsantes, Environmental Thought and Practice, ’14 Sydney Turner, SEAS Jessica Wenger, Environmental Projects Manager—Facilities Management U.Va. Environmental Stewardship Year in Review 2013-2014 Office for Sustainability Student Employees OFS Student Employee Recycling Team Lauren Nguyen, Commerce ‘15 Meredyth Snaders, Urban and Environmental Planning ‘14 Erica Stratton, Urban and Environmental Planning ‘14 Laura Szcyrba, Environmental Science and Spanish ‘16 Jonathan Torre, Chemistry ‘14 OFS Student Employee Water and Energy Team Marta Woldu, Environmental Science and Global Development Studies ‘15 Adrianna Gorsky, Environmental Science and Environmental Thought and Practice ’16 Tim Metzger, Environmental Science ‘16 Student Council Sustainability Subcommittee Members 6 Jon Torre, CLAS ‘14 Trevor Turner, CLAS ‘15 Holly Mayton, SEAS ‘14 Vanessa Ehernpreis, CLAS ‘16 Brandy Allen, CLAS ’16 Brittany Hacker, CLAS ‘17 Christine Wehner, CLAS ‘14 Chris Keeling, CLAS ‘17 Dyanna Jaye, CLAS ‘15 Jacob Promisel, CLAS ‘17 Emilia Gore, CLAS ‘15 Amin Kraimeche, CLAS ‘17 Emily Blanton, CLAS ‘15 Alex Russell, CLAS ‘16 Kelly MacDonald, CLAS ‘15 Alex Wolz, CLAS ‘17 Kelsey Veazey, ARCH ‘16 Katie Carter, CLAS ‘16 Lia Cattaneo, SEAS ‘16 Jennifer Natyzak, CLAS ‘16 Rebecca Walker, CLAS ‘15 Susannah Derr, CLAS ‘16 Tim Metzger, CLAS ‘16 U.Va. Environmental Stewardship Year in Review 2013-2014 Impact Report: STORM WATER Overview EIS Storm Water Working Group The Storm Water Task Force (SWTF) has an ultimate goal of improving local streams by reducing the volume of storm water that leaves Grounds and improving the quality of the water that does. A philosophy adopted by the SWTF is that a reduction in quantity of storm water runoff is a foremost priority, which will in turn reduce downstream erosion and transport of sediment, nutrients, and pollutants. The SWTF worked to identify opportunities and establish relationships for doing so. To encourage and promote student involvement, SWTF also focused on student outreach and education this year. The students created many materials for future outreach initiatives, and an online presence as an avenue for outreach. 7 U.Va. Environmental Stewardship Year in Review 2013-2014 Impact Report: STORM WATER Projects Developed and Implemented Students conducted a survey to identify accessible rooftop downspouts that are directly connected to the storm sewer system to determine which downspouts may be modified to drain to a storm water management practice in order to reduce the university’s total storm water discharge. Members created a poster display board and educational ads for SustainaCider night, Charlottesville Earth Week Benefit Concert, and World Water Day Expo. Issues covered include pet waste cleanup, lawn care, litter cleanup, cigarette litter, and sustainable Beta Bridge painting practices. 8 In order to promote storm water related events, projects, and best management practices, the task force created its own website. Additionally, the task force created a Flickr page and a Facebook page. The task force is currently developing rating curves for Distillery Run, which will allow discharge at multiple points to be continuously measured. This will help determine which areas produce the most discharge and will provide relevant information for engineering projects currently being planned to improve the stream. The SWTF applied for a Grounds Improvement Fund (GIF) grant to address erosion, accessibility and safety issues around the Clark Hall Nook, including installment of storm water management features. Grant money was not received, but the task force will pursue other funding options. In November 2013, the SWTF and other students helped Facilities Management plant over 1,000 Panicum virgatum ‘Shenandoah’ grass plants in the buffer zone surrounding the newly daylighted and improved tributary to Meadow Creek next to Carr’s Hill Field. The task force designed bus ads to educate UVA students on storm water issues. The ads targeted issues relatable to UVA students such as plastic cup and cigarette butt littering, proper Beta Bridge paint disposal, as well as the general education of storm water management. Impact Report: STORM WATER Lessons Learned EIS Storm Water Working Group The SWTF learned that while identifying new opportunities, such as the Clark Nook, it was best to try to get project managers to consider storm water management early on in the planning, budgeting, and design phases. Physical projects around Grounds take time and don’t always fit into an academic year. There are various funding sources such as the Grounds Improvement Fund (GIF), Green Initiatives Funding Tomorrow (GIFT) grant, Parents’ Committee grants, and CLAS Science Outreach grants. For outreach, tabling events, interactive displays or activities, or giveaways, attract a larger audience. Coordination between students and university departments are helpful to push projects forward, as well as expand outreach. In addition, each project the SWTF undertook was a great learning opportunity for the student members in various storm water practices, grant writing, the project planning and design processes, and outreach strategies. Next Steps EIS Storm Water Working Group The SWTF’s next steps include expanding the university outreach agenda, applying for funding for future outreach initiatives and storm water projects, continuing with long-term projects, and identifying new project opportunities. We hope to rerun the bus ads and use them as flyers around Grounds. The SWTF will maintain their online presence as an avenue for outreach. We will continue to track development around Clark Hall and Dawson’s Row, to monitor flow and water quality in Distillery Branch, and to identify rooftop disconnection opportunities. The group would also like to continue educating the U.Va. community on responsible Beta Bridge painting through email blasts to student groups and working to install bins for painting supply waste. Possible future projects include working with other organizations to put up cigarette butt litter signage near dispensers, working with the Hereford Heritage Garden committee to implement their rain garden GIFT project, improving cistern use on Grounds, and increased use of permeable pavers. 9 U.Va. Environmental Stewardship Year in Review 2013-2014 Impact Report: WATER Overview EIS Water Working Group This year, the Water Working Group elected to pursue a series of both finite and broader policy-level projects. Bottle Fill Station Retrofits, a ‘Tap That’ Poster Campaign, and Dorm Water Challenge are projects that target individual user education and action. These projects address cost savings for users; more responsible use of global water resources; reduction in petroleum, energy and carbon dioxide emissions (from the manufacture, shipping and recycling of singleuse plastic water bottles); reduction of plastic waste in oceans; and reduction of the University’s potable water use and waste/recycling stream. In tandem with impact on individual user actions and reduction in on -Grounds Housing water use, the greatest potable water uses on Grounds are institutional: water used in chiller plants to cool buildings, water used in the Health System and for academics (lab processes), and water used by the Dining System and Athletics Event Management. Targeting these institutional potable water uses requires working across Groups and disciplines within the University to achieve measurable success. Chiller plant water use is being studied through Energy & Utilities, and Dining and Event Management have begun looking into the logistics of all waste streams, including the use of plastic water bottles. This team plans to work more specifically on projects with these groups in the next academic year. Significant steps were taken toward preliminary data collection for setting an institutional water reduction goal. First, the working group coordinated with the Global Sustainability Minors to create three student groups focused on potable water issues on Grounds and gave feedback and guidance as the groups developed projects during the spring term. Second, through coordination with the Office for Sustainability, a ½ time summer intern position was created dedicated to researching and preliminary writing toward the UVa Water Conservation Target. The working group will support this intern over the summer to help develop the goal. OFS Student Employee Water and Energy Team In the spring, the team hosted our annual World Water Day Fair, and this year, the day was extended into a weeklong celebration. The events included a crafting day where UVA Recycling helped collect 1500 recycled water bottles to build a pyramid to visually represent the number of water bottles consumed in the United States per second, a lecture on Water Sustainability, our annual World Water Day Expo, and a Stream Clean Up. 10 U.Va. Environmental Stewardship Year in Review 2013-2014 Impact Report: WATER Projects Developed and Implemented The ‘Tap That’ Poster Campaign encouraged the use of reusable water bottles by highlighting the cost savings. The Water Group hung these posters at the locations of all existing bottle fill stations on Grounds. As part of the World Water Day Celebration, the Water and Energy Team hosted a Stream Clean up at Schenks Greenway with the Environmental Science Organization. 11 This year, the Water and Energy Team extended World Water Day into a weeklong celebration. The Water Group informally polled students, staff and faculty to identify locations around Grounds where bottle fill stations would be highly visible and accessible. Existing water fountains in the Aquatic Fitness Center, Alderman Library, Clemons Library, Clark Hall, and Nau-Gibson are being replaced with combination fountain/bottle fill stations. At the World Water Day Fair, the Water Group manned a table to inform students about the bottle retrofit project and poll students on future desired retrofit locations. U.Va. Recycling and the Water and Energy Team created a 1500 water bottle pyramid to display. U.Va. Sustainability, Deeper Missions, Rainwater Harvesting, the Rivanna Conservation Society, and UVa Dining also participated in the fair. U.Va. Environmental Stewardship Year in Review 2013-2014 Impact Report: WATER Lessons Learned EIS Water Working Group This year, the Water Group had greatest success with the Bottle Fill Station Retrofit and associated ‘Tap That’ Poster Campaign, attributed to the manageable scope of the projects and alignment of the project scope with areas where the Group members already have direct involvement and ability to impact implementation. Through these projects, the group also successfully engaged with Housing & Residence Life on multiple fronts, and they have now requested we continue the ‘Tap That’ campaign with further graphics related to dorm bathroom water use. The group were not able to ramp up quickly enough with the Dorm Water Challenge project to implement the Challenge this academic year. The group learned the benefits to starting the Water Challenge concurrent with the Dorm Energy Challenge, and can successfully time the work to implement and move this project forward next fall. The Water Group made limited progress toward a UVa Water Use Reduction Target; this year, time was devoted to understanding the scope of the task. As the academic year closesd the group began to outline the research that must be assembled to frame the discussion, and the group will help oversee the initial data gathering. OFS Student Employee Water and Energy Team The Water and Energy Team learned to work early and take booking restrictions and room reservations into serious account. There are some situations that are unforeseeable - such as the snow in late March that interfered with the first two days of the World Water Week events, however in these cases, one should have a rain site and send out changes in event details immediately. 12 U.Va. Environmental Stewardship Year in Review 2013-2014 Impact Report: WATER Next Steps EIS Water Working Group This spring, the Water Group will complete the printing and hanging of the ‘Tap That’ posters and oversight of the installation of the remaining bottle fill station retrofits that have been funded. Over the summer, the co-chairs will help develop and oversee the research work of an intern assembling data for use in determining a U.Va. Water Conservation Target, and continue to work on this project. For the 2014-2015 academic year, the following projects are anticipated: implementation of the 1st Dorm Water Challenge, continuation of the Bottle Fill Station Retrofits and/or a portable outdoor bottle fill station for use across Grounds based on available funding, and design and implementation of a ‘Tap That’-related sticker program to promote water conservation in dorm bathrooms. The Group also plans to draft a policy change request for consideration by the Sustainability Council and the Board of Visitors to eliminate giveaways of single-use plastic water bottles. Work towards developing a Water Conservation Target will continue, in tandem with other groups. And additional projects will be developed based on the interests and carrying capacity of the Group’s membership. Of note, two areas of significant potable water use on Grounds – Academic lab process water and Health System potable water use – are challenges that can also be addressed with critical thinking in the coming academic term. OFS Student Employee Water and Energy Team The Water and Energy Team hopes to work with the EIS Water Working Group to incorporate a Water Conservation challenge into the Dorm Energy Race. For all events, the team plans to work in advance and have more frequent progress updates within the group. In addition, the team will aim to more strategically schedule our events and initiatives around other similarly themed events on Grounds and to co-sponsor events with more green-friendly organizations and departments this year to target a wider audience and 13 U.Va. Environmental Stewardship Year in Review 2013-2014 Impact Report: DINING Overview EIS Dining Working Group During the 2013-2014 academic year, Green Dining initiatives demonstrated significant progress in the furtherance of sustainable dining practices at the University. Waste diversion was a pronounced component within the portfolio of anticipated goals. Composting of food waste on Grounds was expanded to include a total of 20 locations managed by U.Va. Dining. As a result, the organic diversion rate in 2013 increased approximately 50%. Over 148 tons (US) of organic waste material was repurposed as compost in 2013. Additionally, unique events such as Game Day Challenge and Recyclemania not only helped increase overall diversion rates, but simultaneously raised awareness and encouraged student participation. In an attempt to proactively limit waste, reusable ware programs were encouraged through the promotion of reusable to-go boxes as well as distribution of reusable mugs. Sustainable packaging is engrained in the purchasing protocol for a significant portion of U.Va. Dining’s program, which increases diversion capabilities. Green Dining continuously strives to increase its sustainably sourced menu options. The undertaking includes, but is not limited to, offering Meat-Free Monday meals, providing a designated residential vegan station, increasing the purchasing capacity of certified Fair Trade products, procuring local and/or organically grown food items, and sourcing sustainably harvested seafood. Green Dining outreach efforts were incorporated into U.Va. Sustainability programing for World Water Day, Campus Sustainability Day and Earth Day. In addition, a significant amount of outreach was directed at promoting unique Sustainable Food events again, intended to promote awareness of U.Va. Dining’s sustainability efforts. 14 U.Va. Environmental Stewardship Year in Review 2013-2014 Impact Report: DINING Projects Developed and Implemented In celebration of World Water Day, sustainable seafood was offered in residential dining locations. On several occasions, Green Dining actively promoted the use of reusable togo mugs by providing free mugs and Many special events were hosted at select dining locations, intended to inform students on the value of and the current practices of sustainable food sourcing at U.Va. 15 Momentum from the established Meat Free Monday program carried into a daily vegan station introduced in residential dining program. Dining installed multiple three stream waste receptacles in order to expand composting program to include post consumed food waste and increase recycling capacity. As part of the Game Day Challenge, student volunteers informed patrons on proper disposal methods and further sorted organics and recyclables, in an attempt to divert from the waste stream. Products and packaging were converted in order to help facilitate effectiveness. For Campus Sustainability Day, Green Dining promoted participation in the reusable to go container program. U.Va. Environmental Stewardship Year in Review 2013-2014 Impact Report: DINING Lessons Learned Waste diversion, specifically the expansion of Green Dining’s composting program in 2013-14, proved incredibly successful, in a back of house capacity. The same cannot however be said about postconsumer food waste programs. The introduction of front of house composting opportunities proved to be somewhat problematic, and contamination rates were at times well beyond acceptable levels. Despite pronounced signage and robust outreach efforts, traditional behavior perpetuated, and several locations were temporarily suspended from participating in the program. In order to facilitate lasting change, outreach efforts need to be accompanied and supported by policy, expanded infrastructure and standardized practice. In addition, participating locations need to evaluate and prepare to make potential modifications to packaging and products that may prove to be a contaminant. Next Steps During the academic year of 2014-15, Green Dining intends to expand on existing composting practices and make program modifications where appropriate. Organic waste diversion efforts will continue to expand, in order to incorporate special or unique events when and where it is feasible to do so (athletics, catering, etc.) In order to facilitate the continued success of the composting program, modifications and expansions will be accompanied by additional outreach efforts and with a broader distribution of relevant information. In an attempt to proactively thwart potential contamination of respective waste streams, it is dining’s intent to develop and implement an upcycling program at specific locations. In addition, the conversion of disposable/single use products will be examined and implemented at participating program locations. It is always Dining’s intent to actively promote the value of existing, reusable ware programs and continuously encourage participation. In an effort to reduce food waste generated at the source, it is Green Dining’s wish to strengthen its working relationship with Campus Kitchen and examine additional food donation scenarios. The existing availability of sustainably sourced food items continues to expand from year to year. Sustainable food items will continue to be sourced and offered when seasonally available. In addition, Green Dining will work closely with U.Va.’s nitrogen research team to track and ensure that dining’s offerings are aligned with anticipated reductions strategies. 16 U.Va. Environmental Stewardship Year in Review 2013-2014 Impact Report: LIGHT POLLUTION Overview EIS Light Pollution Working Group The Light Pollution Working Group continues to promote the use of cut-off light fixtures (poles or building mounted) and to discuss methods by which to determine building light spill. A non-cut off building-mounted fixture typical of those on older buildings in the Observatory Sensitive Zone (left). A full cut-off building mounted fixture was installed at Slaughter Rec. building (right). Many more full cut-off fixtures should be installed to replace the non-cut off fixtures, starting with those fixtures within the Observatory Sensitive Zone. Observatory Mountain Engineering Facility (left) and the High Energy Physics Lab (right) both have a significant amount of non-cutoff. The variation in the lighting levels on the ground, coupled with the intense glare from the unshielded wall pack, makes for poor lighting both in terms of safety and light pollution from non-cut off building mounted fixtures at night, as seen above. The illumination level on the ground is better, and there is almost no glare from full cut-off building-mounted fixtures, as seen below, leading to better lighting in terms of safety and light pollution. A full cutoff pole fixture was installed to illuminate pedestrian crossing. These fixtures have replaced 44 non-cutoff fixtures across Grounds and improved pedestrian crossing safety. Over a hundred of these fixtures have been installed at crosswalks. Next Steps The Light Pollution Working Group will continue to promote the use of cut-off light fixtures, both poles and building mounted and discuss methods by which to determine building light spill. 17 U.Va. Environmental Stewardship Year in Review 2013-2014 Impact Report: TRANSPORTATION Overview EIS Transportation Working Group This year, with the impending graduation of the group’s student lead, Alex, and an EIS-wide directive towards long-term plans, the Transportation Working Group focused on projects with long-term implications compared to the high-impact, short-term projects completed in previous years. At the very core of this mission, one of the group’s GIFT projects, Redefining Transportation, assembled a total of 30 students, staff, faculty, and local residents to evaluate mobility around U.Va. during a 2 hour workshop entitled Sustained Mobility. While the Carbon Reduction Plan and Nitrogen Reduction Plan affect vehicle transportation, the working group realized that mobility (both motorized and non-motorized) better addressed the root problem: multiple alternative trip modes from source to destination. While Sustained Mobility did not consider ADA mobility needs, it did consider bus routes, bicycle infrastructure, pedestrian access, flooding, and nighttime safety in detail by splitting participants into predefined University quadrants and facilitating discussion. Following the event, Kimberley Horn compiled the maps and notes written from the event to draft a summary which was then prioritized by the working group to create a Master Plan for the University. Outside of this project, the working group led a special committee to select the vendor, Social Bicycles, for the Bike Share program debuting in the fall; distributed free front and rear bike lights while hosting a bike safety quiz, U.Va. Police bike registration, and a bike safety pledge; and held monthly maintenance workshops at the fix-it stations placed by the group in prior years. 18 U.Va. Environmental Stewardship Year in Review 2013-2014 Impact Report: TRANSPORTATION Projects Developed and Implemented Social Bicycles will be the vendor for U.Va.’s Bike Share in the Fall, featuring on-board electronics to park anywhere within a set region or temporary region for game days. The group placed Bike Hang Tags on bikes outside of Clark to advertise Earth Week and provide a 10% discount on a helmet at Blue Ridge Cyclery or Bike Factory. During Sustained Mobility, students discussed bus routes in the Central Grounds and South Lawn area. Discussion on bike infrastructure during the Sustained Mobility workshop yielded a call to fix deficient designation along Emmett and to improve bike facilities North of Ivy, as seen in the summary map (left). Wider sidewalks between the Engineering School and South Lawn and stair construction to Kerchof Hall from Jefferson Park Avenue were two suggestions from the walking access discussion, as seen in the summary map (right). 19 During the HellUVa Festival, students could take a Bike Safety Pledge. U.Va. Environmental Stewardship Year in Review 2013-2014 Impact Report: TRANSPORTATION Lessons Learned After beginning surveys in the fall of 2010 and earning a Transportation Enhancement Grant in the Spring of 2012 for a bike share system at U.Va., Bike Share will finally begin service in Fall 2014. Current student members of the group understand better than anyone the long and arduous process that implementing Bike Share at the University has been. Some were involved with the project from the start of their first year only to see it finally begin service after they graduate. They saw timelines expand, and promises grow hard to keep. From that experience, the group’s long-term plan was chosen as a prioritization plan over a set goal with a set date to allow flexibility when future obstacles delay implementation. Because the group had multiple projects, the group remained productive while accommodating obstacles with projects. Finally, the group was able to diffuse knowledge from Alex to its members to help ease the transition for following years. Next Steps The next step for the working group is to gather comments on its ranked priorities in its Grand Vision for Mobility in time for the September meeting of the Board of Visitor’s Building and Grounds Committee. If the plan can be recognized, it will provide a demonstrated need for future student-led and staff-led projects to address concerns raised in the Grand Vision. The group will then evaluate one or two of the concerns for a possible GIFT or GIF grant this Fall or next March, respectively. This Fall, Bike Share will provide students, staff and faculty a new transit option to reach destinations between West Grounds and Central Grounds. With Social Bicycles, on-board electronics will allow temporary stations to be set up for game days and large events when bus transit stops, while also decreasing the cost of future installations as Bike Share expands. In addition, system-wide tracking of source and destination of each bicycle will allow the group to begin analysis on well-traveled corridors to demonstrate need of future corridor improvements. Finally, with the success of giving out free bike lights during the hellUVa festival, the group will look to do another in the Fall and reevaluate pushing for UVa Bookstore and TJ’s Corner to sell bike lights and helmets. This, in addition to future bike safety events and Bike Share, will increase the attractiveness of cycling to a greater spread of the University. 20 U.Va. Environmental Stewardship Year in Review 2013-2014 Impact Report: ENERGY Overview EIS Energy Working Group The Energy Working Group began operations in October, following a full turnover of chairs and team members, by attempting to set goals to guide the Group’s efforts. These goals focused on three primary areas – changes to the physical infrastructure towards increased energy efficiency, education to inform students about energy conservation issues, and initiatives to change energy consumption behavior. The Group then began research into peer institutions to gather information regarding setting an overall energy reduction goal. In addition to goal setting and research, the Group participated in the Dorm Energy Race and IDEA’s 3rd annual campus energy system video contest. Additionally, the Group paired with the Office for Sustainability and the Sustainability Advocates to head up Dark Side of the Lawn, an event meant to occur on the Lawn at night to call attention to light pollution and the benefits of dark skies, energy conservation, environmental awareness, bike safety at night, and mindfulness with participation from the Student Council Sustainability Committee, the Light Pollution Working Group, the Astronomy Club, Bike UVA and the Contemplative Sciences Center; planned activities included stargazing, music, games, bicycle light displays & giveaways, dance incorporating hand held lighting, and mindfulness exercises. Despite presenting a very detailed plan and soliciting feedback from many U.Va. stakeholders, ultimately, it was decided that the event did not fit the OFS Student Employee Energy Team The Energy Team hosted The Dorm Energy Race, a month long competition, from October to November, between the first year dorm areas to see who could reduce the most amount of their energy usage. For IDEA’s 3rd annual campus energy system video contest, the Water and Energy Team along with other student employees and employees in Energy & Utilities collaborated to create a short video about the unique attributes and innovations of the district energy system at U.Va., presented as a parody of the song “I Love It” by Icona Pop; the video received 2nd place. The Team also assisted in planning the ultimately unsuccessful Dark Side of the Lawn event. 21 U.Va. Environmental Stewardship Year in Review 2013-2014 Impact Report: ENERGY Projects Developed and Implemented For IDEA’s 3rd annual campus energy system video contest, students and employees in Energy & Utilities created a short video to the song “I Love It” by Icona Pop to share the unique attributes of the district energy system at UVa. Gooch/Dillard had the highest percentage of total energy reduction at the end of the Dorm Energy Race. Planning for the Dark Side of the Lawn event culminated in a night time walk through with the Security and General Safety Committee, so everyone could view the Lawn with the lights turned off. Chalking (left) occurred in high traffic areas for first years to encourage and promote participation in the Dorm Energy Race. A trivia contest was held to test the knowledge of energy facts pertinent to Grounds. The winner (right) received a box of Wings Over Charlottesville. 22 U.Va. Environmental Stewardship Year in Review 2013-2014 Impact Report: ENERGY Lessons Learned EIS Energy Working Group Despite a productive year, there were still a number of ways in which the Group could improve. One significant takeaway was the amount of time needed to set goals. The Group’s hope of setting an energy reduction goal demanded an amount of time, research, and effort that was not easily satisfied in the short time frame allotted. Furthermore, the Group has learned that it is easier to plan and run smaller events than large-scale events. This could be seen with the Dark Side of the Lawn event which, although it had great potential, was never able to come to fruition due to the University Administration’s concerns regarding safety at the event. OFS Student Employee Energy Team The Energy Team learned that a month is a long time to continually promote an event and the results of the Dorm Energy Race seemed to reflect more of the uncontrollable changes like the chiller in Gooch/Dillard. The Team hopes to restructure the Dorm Energy Race in the future. One of the biggest takeaways learned from trying to plan Dark Side of the Lawn was to be persistent and always follow-up; though the event didn’t work out, significant strides were made in the process, and lots of support was generated. 23 U.Va. Environmental Stewardship Year in Review 2013-2014 Impact Report: ENERGY Next Steps EIS Energy Working Group The Group determined that more research was still necessary towards setting an overall energy reduction goal. Some of this remaining research was delegated to the Office for Sustainability’s summer interns. The Group hopes to set an overall energy reduction goal for the University which falls in line with the University’s existing carbon reduction goal in the upcoming year. The Group hopes to conduct a series of smaller, hands-on learning events with students, faculty & staff, including plant tours to learn about UVA’s energy production and building tours to learn about sustainable approaches to historical renovation. The Group will also identify opportunities for lasting change towards energy conservation through U.Va. policies or other means. OFS Student Employee Energy Team The Team hopes to restructure the Dorm Energy Race in the future and incorporate more hands-on learning in the residence halls. The Team submitted a proposal to present the planning process for the Dark Side of the Lawn to the AASHE Conference and have been accepted. One of the goals for the upcoming school year is to apply for grants to help fund travel expenses in order to represent U.Va. Sustainability. 24 U.Va. Environmental Stewardship Year in Review 2013-2014 Impact Report: OPEN SPACE Overview EIS Open Space Working Group The Open Space Working Group, consisting of representatives of both U.Va. and the U.Va. Foundation, spent the year collaborating to identify potential projects and initiatives that would be beneficial to both. A partnership was established with the Stormwater Working Group. Morven Farm is being used as the research platform for many classes. The Morven farm-to-table effort, which is developed, planted, and managed by students, utilizes outdoor space to the benefit of the environment. Managed turf has been transitioned to fields of low maintenance native wild flowers at the Boar’s Head Office Park as well as the U.Va. Research Park. 25 Existing amenities and discovery points have been renovated adjacent to Boar’s Head Resort to engage those using the trail systems. Native wildflowers are being used in many Birdwood golf course locations. The Research Parks, Boars Head Inn, Birdwood Golf Course and Morven Farm as well as other locations have received native plantings with a focus on drought tolerant and adaptive species. U.Va. Environmental Stewardship Year in Review 2013-2014 Impact Report: OPEN SPACE Projects Developed and Implemented Goats were used at Birdwood and other properties as an environmentally friendly way to clean invasive brush areas. The group worked with the Stormwater Task Force on stream daylighting and development of park space at Carr’s Hill Field. An extensive trail system has been established to engage the larger property behind the Birdwood Golf Course. The deteriorated stepped courtyard at Gooch-Dillard Housing is awaiting new furnishings for its renovation. Restoration of the Foxhaven Farm Gardens was completed. 26 Pond and creek banks have been allowed to naturalize at Birdwood, creating additional wildlife habitats. Utilization of ponds as a course for irrigation has been increased. Sidewalk expansion occurred along McCormick Road at Thornton Hall plus a new bike corral. The Foundation maintains nine bluebird boxes at Birdwood and also builds boxes and distributes them to local bird enthusiasts. Two bat boxes were built and installed on the course. U.Va. Environmental Stewardship Year in Review 2013-2014 Impact Report: OPEN SPACE Lessons Learned The University and the U.Va. Foundation share many of the same goals with regard to managing and improving green spaces, and continue to look for opportunities to collaborate. It’s difficult to identify project areas in a timely manner to get good student participation and provide the student with a good experience. Next Steps The Working Group will continue to meet together to identify projects that will conserve and preserve historic properties, preserve natural areas, and address the new storm water management requirements. The group will identify specific areas for project development and provide opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to develop and complete projects or pursue research. Project areas will be distilled by the summer to allow time for student recruitment. Parks have been designed for the areas surrounding the Battle Building, which is currently under construction. A roof retrofit of the U.Va. Hospital will start in the Falll. Plans feature a renovated green roof with a seating area. The Kerchof-Dawson’s Row area will see improved pedestrian and bike accommodations along with landscaped areas. The U.Va. Foundation has completed lake dredging and installation of sediment control devices to reduce sediment discharge. 27 The Enslaved Workers cemetery was renovated with new stone, a wood fence enclosure, and landscaping. U.Va. Environmental Stewardship Year in Review 2013-2014 Impact Report: MATERIALS Overview EIS Materials Working Group A primary concern of the group participants is the lack of co-location of trash and recycling bins inside buildings. Libraries are of particular concern, as often there is a trash can located at each desk or table, while recycling bins are only located near the doors. The working group decided to conduct an audit of Alderman Library, a location known for having trash cans at every desk in the stacks, and develop recommendations to decrease trash cans, improve co-location, and increase recycling. The group partnered with Green Grounds for the audit, as Green Grounds is working to improve recycling in the Clark Hall coffee shop. When finished, the group will present recommendations to UVa Libraries, Housekeeping, and UVa Recycling. EIS Styrofoam Working Group The Styrofoam Working Group finalized draft language for the Expanded Polystyrene Policy, which was presented to the EIS for review at the January meeting. The policy bans the single use of food service products made of expanded polystyrene (commonly known as Styrofoam) on the academic side of Grounds. The policy currently does not include the Health System, but the Materials Working Group will continue to work with the Health System to eventually apply the policy in those areas. The Policy has been submitted to the University Policy Committee through their review process. EIS Waste, Recycling & Composting: Graphics and Standards Task Force Continuing on the success of the installation of three BigBelly’s last year, the Task Force continued to focus on the possibility of expanding the BigBelly Program on Grounds. BigBelly units have a solar compacting trash can collocated with a recycling bin in a side by side unit. A waste audit conducted in the fall showed that BigBelly units received less contamination in their recycling and trash bins than traditional units and reduced the number of trash pick-ups required. As a result, the Task Force submitted a GIF Proposal to fund the expansion of the BigBelly program to add up to 20 additional bins at high volume locations. 28 U.Va. Environmental Stewardship Year in Review 2013-2014 Impact Report: MATERIALS EIS Zero Waste Athletics Task Force The Zero Waste Initiative continued to gain momentum this year, as the UVa Office for Sustainability joined forces with zero waste to perform a large scale pilot at the U.Va. vs. Notre Dame basketball game. The event was similar in concept to the Zero Waste Athletics pilot in 2013 but larger in scale. The combined efforts helped make the event a success, collecting 1,300 lbs of compost, 1,600 lbs of recycling, and 800 lbs of cardboard. In addition, Matt and Ashley, along with their successors Blake and Ford, continued to work with John Paul Jones Arena staff to evaluate options for making back-of-house composting a permanent part of operations at the Arena. OFS Student Employee Recycling Team The Student Recycling Team within The Office for Sustainability (OFS) concentrates efforts on promoting and implementing initiatives and events to reduce the amount of waste produced on Grounds. Disposing of waste is an activity in which every student participates every day. Thus, the work of the OFS Recycling Team has the potential to engage many students with the idea of sustainability on a daily basis. The Team works to educate the U.Va. community about ways to divert their waste through several annual events including the Game Day Challenge, America Recycles Day, Recyclemania, and Chuck It for Charity. This year, two new events were initiated: a Zero Waste Basketball Game Day Challenge and the Litterati Campaign. Similar to the Football Game Day Challenge in the Fall, the Zero Waste Basketball Game Day Challenge involved organizing student volunteers to help attendees divert as much of their waste as possible through recycling and composting. The overall goal of the initiative was to have a ‘zero waste’ event (90% diversion rate or higher) and gain the support of U.Va. Athletics to make it an annual occurrence. Another new initiative introduced this year was the Litterati Campaign. Litterati is a movement that encourages students to find litter, take a photo of it and upload it to the social media application, Instagram, with the hashtag “#litterati.” By using geo-mapping, Litterati is able to highlight and call attention to problem areas of litter. To encourage U.Va. student participation, the Team held a Litterati Contest and provided prizes to students who posted the most Litterati photos on Instagram in a set time frame. 29 U.Va. Environmental Stewardship Year in Review 2013-2014 Impact Report: MATERIALS Projects Developed and Implemented As part of the Office for Sustainability’s annual celebration for America Recycles Day, the Student Employee Recycling Team crafted aerial art out of dorm recycling bins for the second year in a row. The Game Day Challenge served as a full scale pilot for Zero Waste Athletics at the U.Va. Football game versus Georgia Tech. Student volunteers helped to sort compost and recyclables. In collaboration with U.Va. Green Dining, the recycling team conducted a waste audit of Pavilion XI, leading to the decision to expand composting services to the location. The Waste Recycling, & Composting: Graphics and Standards Task Force installed a BigBelly solar compactor and recycling bin in front of Alderman Library. BigBelly’s receive less contamination and require fewer trash pick-ups than traditional units, according to a waste audit con- For the first time ever, the Office for Sustainability and Zero Waste Athletics participated in a Game Day Challenge during Recyclemania for the Men’s Basketball game versus Notre Dame. The initiative was advertised on the JumboTron during the Notre Dame game halftime. 30 The Student Recycling Team engaged faculty and staff during the Duplex Derby, an interdepartmental paper reduction competition. Student Employee Recycling Team increased awareness of non-intuitively recyclable items with signage, like these “Unusual Suspects” posters. The Litterati campaign encouraged students to utilize social media in their efforts to increase access to trash and recycling receptacles on Grounds. U.Va. Environmental Stewardship Year in Review 2013-2014 Impact Report: MATERIALS Lessons Learned EIS Materials Working Group When working on any program intended to increase waste diversion, it is important to provide clear instructions on the behavior you are trying to achieve. Recycling bins need to be clearly marked, easy to understand, and co-located with trash cans to increase usage. In addition, a recycling standard needs to be set at U.Va., as bins are seen across Grounds of all different shapes, sizes, and colors. The variety of bins leads to consumer confusion, which results in recyclables being sent to the trash. Composting is a fairly new concept in terms of adding it as a waste stream alongside general trash and recycling. When efforts are undertaken to increase composting rates, patrons may require help understanding the sorting process. Volunteers stationed at bins or eye-catching displays with examples of what items go in each bin will be needed until composting becomes common practice in the larger community. OFS Student Employee Recycling Team While the Recycling Team’s events this year were successful and effective, there is always room for improvement. For example, with the Football Game Day Challenge, logistical issues were encountered with composting bins. This problem can be resolved by ensuring that all necessary approvals have been obtained, especially for transporting bins around the stadium. During the Basketball Game Day Challenge, compost was accidentally mixed with trash, skewing the statistics of waste diversion. This can be avoided in the future by strengthening communication among all involved parties so that mistakes such as mixing do not occur. Finally, the U.Va. Litterati Campaign was launched this year, and while there have been over 100 submissions, this only skims the potential reach of Litterati. Flyering alone was not effective in garnering student participation, but with events that provided incentives like gift cards, students were more receptive to Litterati. 31 U.Va. Environmental Stewardship Year in Review 2013-2014 Impact Report: MATERIALS Next Steps EIS Materials Working Group The Materials Working Group will continue to work on efforts to improve trash and recycling bin co-location both indoors and outdoors. If work in Alderman Library is successful, the Group will work to help other locations increase co-location and will continue to partner with Green Grounds to increase recycling rates. The ultimate goal is reducing contamination in recycling bins and increasing recycling rates. Ideally, composting would be added as a third waste stream in the future to further reduce waste sent to landfills. The Zero Waste Athletics group will continue to work to implement back-of-house composting as a standard operating procedure at John Paul Jones Arena. Jason Pedone at JPJ has agreed to incorporate back-of-house composting as a standard operating procedure at all JPJ events in the future. The zero waste group will continue to work with Arena staff to evaluate current operations and determine required changes necessary to achieve this goal. In addition, the group will continue the partnership with the Office for Sustainability to implement multiple full scale pilot events, such as the Game Day Challenge and familiarize the public with zero waste practices. The ultimate goal of the zero waste group is to divert more than 90% of waste produced at U.Va. athletics and events facilities from the landfill. The Styrofoam Working Group will continue to provide support to the U.Va. Policy Committee as they review the policy and answer any associated questions. The group will also continue to work with the Health System to see the policy eventually applied there. In the future, the group may look into further prohibitions of expanded polystyrene at the University, in particular related to packing waste. Student Employee Recycling Team The Team will continue to hold its traditional events to a high standard, ever searching for ways to improve their quality and reach. Events such as Zero Waste Basketball and RecycleMania will benefit from increased communication with U.Va. Athletics and Dining. The Team intends to expand the reach of events by building upon new relationships with other student organizations, including Student Council’s Sustainability Committee, UPC and Pancakes for Parkinson's. The Team will also investigate new avenues of outreach that engage a wider variety of students and employees. The Team aims, in the long term, to normalize the practice of conscious and intentional waste disposal. With increased student engagement in the U.Va. waste stream, the University can expand its composting and recycling programs, leading to financial and environmental cost savings in the long run. 32 U.Va. Environmental Stewardship Year in Review 2013-2014 Impact Report: NITROGEN Overview In September, U.Va. became the first university in the nation to set a reactive nitrogen goal when the Board of Visitors amended the approved Sustainability Commitment to include a goal to reduce the amount of reactive nitrogen lost to the environment to levels 25% below year 2009 amounts by the year 2025. This research, which created the first nitrogen footprint for a university, is a studentled project, first developed as a 2009 undergraduate thesis by Allison Leach. The ongoing project is led by Allison Leach and Professor Jim Galloway in the Department of Environmental Sciences. The integrated nitrogen footprint project aims to develop a replicable model to help universities calculate and reduce their nitrogen footprint. The research team has designed this replicable model, has calculated the nitrogen footprint of U.Va., has helped establish the University’s goal, and is in the process of extending this replicable model to other universities. U.Va.’s progress towards meeting the nitrogen goal will be tracked by the Office for Sustainability through collaboration with others across the University to obtain data. Full updates to the model will occur every four years. 33 U.Va. Environmental Stewardship Year in Review 2013-2014 Impact Report: NITROGEN Text 34 U.Va. Environmental Stewardship Year in Review 2013-2014 Impact Report: NITROGEN Text 35 U.Va. Environmental Stewardship Year in Review 2013-2014 STUDCo SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE Overview The goal for this year was to make Student Council Sustainability Committee the true umbrella organization for sustainability-related groups at U.Va. and to be the advocate and vehicle for change in this area. The committee successfully started a series of zero waste events, beginning with Pancakes for Parkinson’s in the fall. Working with Green Grounds, the committee co-sponsored a series of gatherings of sustainability groups, faculty, and administrators and ended the year with the first annual sustainability awards banquet. At the policy-level, the committee passed a bill through Student Council in support of a Green Revolving Fund (a finance mechanism for green investments). Many other activities supported our mission to make sustainability a widespread and pervasive institutional value. Lessons Learned Starting the committee fresh was a challenge, but paid off immensely. The name of the committee was changed, and almost all new committee members came into the first meeting with a strong vision for the committee and for sustainability at U.Va. Once established, the committee found several things important for implementing successful projects: Active communication within the committee, with partner organizations, and with faculty, staff, and administrators Diverse and persistent advertising Pursuit of diverse co-sponsorships to engage a variety of people Committee member engagement and ownership of projects Next Steps This year, the committee wants to expand on the great work accomplished last year, and extend sustainability’s reach to more people around Grounds and around the state. The main initiatives will be to (1) further zero waste events, and require that all Student Council co-sponsored events be zero waste; (2) reach out to sustainability CIOs to develop a more unified sustainability movement; (3) network with sustainability groups at other universities and state-wide organizations; (4) generally promote events that educate people about the environment and sustainability, and (5) use the influential position as a Student Council Committee to advocate for positive changes at U.Va. 36 U.Va. Environmental Stewardship Year in Review 2013-2014 STUDCo SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE Projects Developed and Implemented The Student Council Sustainability Committee helped to fund a trip of 25 students (including members of the committee) to the national Powershift conference, a meeting of thousands of student environmental activists. Members of the committee decorated a banner for Earth Week 2014 and celebrated winning two Student Council end-of -year awards: Best Committee on Student Council, and Unsung Hero of Student Council. Students from Janet Herman’s Fundamentals of Geology Class attended the First Annual SustainaBanquet on April 19th, 2014. The event honored the work of the sustainability community at U.Va. The Student Council Sustainability Committee helped to fund the first Virginia Powershift conference, a meeting of hundreds of Virginia student environmental activists. Dyanna Jaye (right), writes on the “Tree of Power”, which describes how power is structured in our 37 The committee worked with U.Va. Sustainability for the annual Game Day Challenge. Between this event and Pancakes for Parkinson’s, U.Va. diverted almost 3500 lbs of waste. Earth Week 2014, organized and funded by the Student Council Sustainability Committee and the Earth Week Committee, raised awareness about sustainability and the environment. Lia Cattaneo, incoming co-chair of the Student Council Sustainability Committee, traveled with Jalen Ross and Abraham Axler to U.Va.’s College at Wise to talk about sustainability and create a partnership between the two schools’ student councils. Members of the committee and the Photography Club teamed up to Instagram pictures of litter in order to raise awareness of littering problems at U.Va., and to inform U.Va. Facilities about where new trash cans might be located. Members of the U.Va. Community Garden Executive Board pose in front of the Rotunda. The Student Council Sustainability Committee funds the garden, and members of the Committee often attend garden workdays. U.Va. Environmental Stewardship Year in Review 2013-2014
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