WEEKLY REPORT STOCK MARKET REPORT FOR AUGUST 22, 2014 EQUITIES A turnover of 1.031 billion shares worth N12.284 billion in 22,056 deals were traded this week by investors on the floor of The Exchange in contrast to a total of 1.367 billion shares valued at N13.295 billion that exchanged hands last week in 23,973 deals. The Financial Services Industry (measured by volume) led the activity chart with 790.128 million shares valued at N6.366 billion traded in 11,151 deals; thus contributing 76.67% and 51.82% to the total equity turnover volume and value respectively. The Conglomerates Industry followed with a turnover of 81.650 million shares worth 663.774 million in 1,534 deals. The third place was occupied by Consumer Goods Industry with 54.716 million shares worth N3.154 billion in 3,446 deals. Trading in The Top Three Equities Namely- Access bank Plc, Transnational Corporation of Nigeria Plc and Zenith International Bank Plc (measured by volume) accounted for 228.837 million shares worth N2.863 billion in 3,188 deals, contributing 22.20% and 23.31% to the total equity turnover volume and value respectively. Equity Turnover- Last 5 days Date Deals Turnover Volume Turnover Value (N) Traded Stocks Advanced Stocks Declined Stocks Unchanged Stocks 18-Aug-14 4,484 177,831,939 2,119,089,466.48 114 21 27 66 19-Aug-14 5,051 303,507,852 3,621,483,268.39 121 22 29 70 20-Aug-14 4,477 192,114,727 1,826,525,988.54 112 17 25 70 21-Aug-14 4,105 182,204,945 3,262,577,943.95 109 26 26 57 22-Aug-14 3,939 174,948,893 1,454,007,812.07 116 24 27 65 Distribution of Quantity Traded FINANCIAL SERVICES CONGLOMERATES CONSUMER GOODS OTHERS 10% 5% 8% 77% For Further Inquiries Contact: Market Operations Department Page 1 WEEKLY REPORT ETPs Also traded during the week were a total of 13,804 units of Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) valued at N541,755.15 million executed in 21 deals compared with a total of 47,946 units valued at N1.008 million transacted last week in 21 deals. (See summary in the table below). S/N Security Deals Volume Value 1 VETGRIF30 12 13,665 259,187.15 2 NEWGOLD 9 139 282,568.00 TOTAL 21 13,804 541,755.15 RETAIL BONDS Similarly, 7,700 units of bonds(State and FGN bonds) valued at N8, 663,783.51 were traded this week in 6 deals compared with a total of 300 units of FGN bonds valued at N339, 762.78 million transacted last week in 3 deals. S/N Security Deals Volume Value 1 OSB2020S2 1 7,000 7,859,794.24 2 FG9B2017S2 4 600 682,226.02 3 FG9B2022S1 1 100 121,763.25 TOTAL 6 7,700 8,663,783.51 INDEX MOVEMENT The NSE All-Share Index and Market Capitalization appreciated by 0.44% to close on Friday at 41,564.19 and N13.724 trillion respectively. Similarly, all the indices appreciated during the week with the exception of NSE Banking index (0.18%), NSE Consumer Index (0.06%) and NSE Lotus II (0.15%) while the NSE ASeM index closed flat. (See summary of Index movements in the table below). WEEK OPENING WEEK CLOSE WEEKLY CHANGE WtD MtD QtD YtD % Change The NSE All-Share Index (ASI) 41,380.05 41,564.19 184.14 0.44 -1.27 -2.16 0.57 NSE 30 Index 1,880.27 1,885.26 4.99 0.27 -1.89 -2.41 -1.15 NSE Banking Index 420.21 419.45 -0.76 -0.18 -3.22 -3.10 -6.34 NSE Insurance Index 144.03 144.18 0.15 0.10 -2.44 -1.80 -5.68 NSE Consumer Goods Index 1,030.83 1,030.20 -0.63 -0.06 -2.63 -2.65 -6.37 NSE Oil/Gas Index 473.39 478.34 4.95 1.05 1.81 2.16 40.74 NSE Lotus II 2,768.03 2,764.01 -4.02 -0.15 -1.25 -3.85 -3.46 NSE Industrial Goods Index 2,695.44 2,720.52 25.08 0.93 0.26 2.02 6.83 NSE ASeM Index 951.96 951.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 -1.08 For Further Inquiries Contact: Market Operations Department Page 2 WEEKLY REPORT The NSE All-share and NSE-30 Indices Week Ended August 22, 2014 41,900.00 41,800.00 41,700.00 41,600.00 41,500.00 41,400.00 41,300.00 41,200.00 41,100.00 1,905.00 1,900.00 1,895.00 1,890.00 1,885.00 1,880.00 1,875.00 1,870.00 1,865.00 ASI NSE-30 NSE-30 SUMMARY OF PRICE CHANGES Thirty-four (34) equities appreciated in prices during the week higher than thirty (30) equities of the preceding week. Forty-two (42) equities depreciated in prices lower than forty-four (44) equities of the preceding week, while one hundred and twenty four (124) equities remained unchanged lower than one hundred and twenty five (125) recorded in the preceding week. Top 10 Price Gainers Company PREMIER BREWERIES PLC CORNERSTONE INSURANCE PLC FIDSON HEALTHCARE PLC 7-UP BOTTLING COMPANY PLC STERLING BANK PLC MRS OIL NIGERIA PLC NEIMETH INTERNATIONAL PHARMACEUTICALS PLC NPF MICRO FINANCE BANK PLC CONOIL PLC PARMA-DEKO PLC Open 1.10 0.52 3.01 115.00 2.10 54.00 1.12 1.00 65.20 2.27 For Further Inquiries Contact: Market Operations Department Close Gain (N) 1.58 0.48 0.59 0.07 3.33 0.32 126.78 11.78 2.28 0.18 58.49 4.49 1.20 0.08 1.05 0.05 68.45 3.25 2.38 0.11 % Change 43.64 13.46 10.63 10.24 8.57 8.31 7.14 5.00 4.98 4.85 Page 3 WEEKLY REPORT Top 10 Price Decliners: Company FLOUR MILLS NIGERIA PLC EVANS MEDICAL PLC FORTIS MICROFINANCE BANK PLC R. T. BRISCOE (NIG.) PLC ACADEMY PRESS PLC VONO PRODUCTS PLC SKYE BANK PLC NORTHERN NIGERIA FLOUR MILLS PLC COSTAIN (WEST AFRICA) PLC CAVERTON OFFSHORE SUPPORT GRP PLC Open 80.90 2.26 6.00 0.95 1.71 1.37 3.12 22.50 1.20 5.90 Close Loss (N) 68.11 -12.79 2.00 -0.26 5.42 -0.58 0.86 -0.09 1.55 -0.16 1.25 -0.12 2.90 -0.22 21.00 -1.50 1.13 -0.07 5.60 -0.30 % Change -15.81 -11.50 -9.67 -9.47 -9.36 -8.76 -7.05 -6.67 -5.83 -5.08 CORPORATE ACTIONS CLOSURE DATE DIVIDEND BONUS PAYMENT DATE AGM DATE EX-DIV PRICE 18/8/2014 N2.10 1 FOR 10 15/9/2014 10/9/2014 N71.64 18/8/2014 N0.40 NIL 18/9/2014 19/9/2014 N22.10 COMPANY FLOUR MILLS NIGERIA PLC NORTHERN NIGERIA FLOUR MILLS PLC. …SUPPLEMENTARY LISTINGS: Equities A total of 238,567,017 units arising from the bonus issue of 1 for 10 were added to the outstanding shares of Flour Mills Nigeria Plc in August 18, 2014. By this action, the shares outstanding of the company now stood at 2,624,237,187. Bonds Total amounts of N15,000,000,000.00; N61,200,000,000.00 and N35,000,000,000.00 were added to the following bonds 13.05% FGN AUG 2016, 14.20% FGN MAR 2024 and 12.1493% FGN JUL 2034 respectively in August 21, 2014. FINANCIAL NEWS AUDITED ACCOUNT JOHN HOLT PLC: CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2013- N’m 2013 N3,038 2012 N’2,764 Profit/(Loss ) After Tax 2013 N126 2012 (N67). PRESTIGE ASSURANCE PLC: AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2013- N’000 Gross Premium 2013 N4,222,338 2012 N4,790,054 Profit/(Loss) After Tax 2013 (N90,836) 2012 N613,056. For Further Inquiries Contact: Market Operations Department Page 4 WEEKLY REPORT ACADEMY PRESS PLC: CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2014-N’000 Revenue 2014 N2,347,106 2013 N2,285,529 Profit After Tax 2014 N102,005 2013 N66,246. UNAUDITED ACCOUNT ROYAL EXCHANGE PLC:SUMMARY OF GROUP RESULTS FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 30TH JUNE 2014 – Gross Written Premium 2014 N6,426,697 2013 N4,597,806 Profit/Loss After Taxation 2014 N431,419 2013 N216,414. ROYAL EXCHANGE PLC:SUMMARY OF GROUP RESULTS FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 30TH MARCH 2014 – Gross Written-Gross Written Premium 2014 N3,800,778 2013 N2,410,003 Profit/Loss After Taxation 2014 N122,619 2013 N112,214. MANSARD INSURANCE PLC: AUDITED QUARTER TWO RESULTS 30TH JUNE, 2014-N’000 Gross Premium 2014 N9,611 2013 N7,547 Profit/Loss After Tax 2014 N814 2013 N1,842. BETA GLASS PLC: UNAUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE PERIOD ENDED JUNE 30, 2014- Revenue 2014 N7.99b 2013 N6.76b Profit/Loss After Tax 2014 N867.1m 2013 N850.7m. DN TYRE & RUBBER PLC: STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT JUNE 30,2014- N’000 Turnover 2014 N99,331 2013 N102,174 Profit(Loss)After Tax 2014 (N504,173) 2013 (N663,628). GUINEA INSURANCE PLC: UNAUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FIRST QUARTER ENDED MARCH 31, 2014- Gross Premium Written March 2014 N159.3m March 2013 N109.0m. Profit/(loss) After Tax March 2014 (N62.6m) March 2013 N181.5m. GUINEA INSURANCE PLC: UNAUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE SECOND QUARTER ENDED JUNE 30, 2014- Gross Premium Written June 2014 N546.2m June 2013 N802.8m. Profit/(loss) After Tax June 2014 (N158.5m) June 2013 N194.0m. Please visit http://www.nse.com.ng/Issuers-section/corporate-disclosures/company-results for full details of Financial News. OTHER MARKET NEWS TRIPPLE GEE & COMPANY PLC: RESIGNATION OF APPOINTMENT – MR TOLA OSHUNKIYESI – MANAGING DIRECTOR/CEO, TRIPPLE GEE & CO. PLC- Triple Gee and Company Plc notified The Nigerian Stock Exchange of the resignation of Mr. Tola Oshunkiyesi as the Managing Director/Chief Executive of the Company with immediate effect. The Company informed that Mr. Tola Oshunkiyesi, whose appointment was still on probation, gave no reason for his exist. The Board of Directors of the Company has accepted his resignation and is currently sourcing for his replacement. GUARANTY TRUST BANK PLC: STATEMENT TO THE NIGERIAN STOCK EXCHANGE ON THE RESULTS FOR THE HALF – YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2014- Guaranty Trust Bank Plc notified The For Further Inquiries Contact: Market Operations Department Page 5 WEEKLY REPORT Exchange that CBN has approved its Audited Accounts for the half- year ended June 30, 2014, and the recommendation of its Board of Directors on the payment of an interim dividend at the rate of 25 kobo per 50 kobo Ordinary share. GUARANTY TRUST BANK PLC: Closure of Register – Interim Dividend for the Half year ended June 30, 2014- Proposed Dividend 25 kobo per share, Proposed Bonus Nil, Closure Date 4th September, 2014 AGM Date N/A Payment Date18th September, 2014,AGM Venue ECWA Conference H N/A. ACADEMY PRESS PLC, Closure of Register – Year ended March 31, 2014, Proposed Dividend 8 kobo per share Proposed Bonus Nil Closure Date 30th September, 2014 – 9th October, 2014 AGM Date 16th October, 2014 @12 noon.Payment Date 3rd November, 2014,AGM Venue ECWA Conference H 28/31 Industrial Avenue, Ilupeju Industrial Estate, Lagos. DIAMOND BANK PLC: KUNOCH HOLDINGS ACQUIRES ACTIS LLP’S AND CDC GROUP’S STAKE IN DIAMOND BANK PLC- Diamond Bank Plc (“Diamond Bank” or the “Bank”) notified The Exchange that Kunoch Holdings (“Kunoch”) has successfully completed the purchase of Actis DB Holdings Limited, a company which holds Diamond Bank shares, from Actis LLP and CDC Group Plc. Actis DB Holdings Limited (“Actis DB”) currently holds 14.79% of the issued share capital of Diamond Bank. Funds managed by Actis, a private equity investor specialising in investments in emerging markets, acquired a significant equity stake in the Bank in 2007. These funds are now coming to the end of their closed-end period and, accordingly, Actis is realising its investment in the Bank. Over the years, positive contributions by Actis, other institutional investors and the new management team of the Bank have created additional value for all Diamond Bank's shareholders. Peter Schmid, Actis Head of Private Equity commented "We have worked with Diamond Bank to build a strong franchise over the last seven years. During the period of our investment, Diamond Bank underwent substantial change and is now recognised by the Central Bank of Nigeria as one of the systemically important banks in the industry. The bank has a strong and capable management team to take it to the next stage of its development and Actis wishes Alex and his team well in this next phase." Dr. Alex Otti, Group Managing Director of Diamond Bank said, “we are pleased to have worked with Actis over the last seven years, and are excited about the next stage of the Bank’s development. Diamond Bank is one of the leading retail banks in Nigeria, with exciting growth prospects in the retail segment of the Nigerian economy as well as a strong position in the Micro, Small and Medium Scale Enterprises and corporate segments of the economy. Diamond Bank has been described as one of the fastest growing Banks over the past three years in the Tier II category and potentially the next bank that would move to the Tier I category. The Bank is currently undertaking a Rights Issue to raise an additional N50.3 billion which is expected to position the Bank to further enable it to execute its strategy going forward”. OANDO PLC: OANDO ENERGY RESOURCES REDUCES DEBT BY US$98 MILLION THROUGH CONVERSION OF OANDO PLC LOAN TO EQUITY- Oando Energy Resources Inc. ("Oando Energy Resources" or the "Company") (TSX:OER), is pleased to announce the conversion to equity of principal For Further Inquiries Contact: Market Operations Department Page 6 WEEKLY REPORT and interest in the amount of US$ 98 million, outstanding under the US$ 1.2 billion facility agreement dated 10 February, 2014 with Oando Plc (the "Oando Loan") (the "Conversion"). US$ 41 million of principal remains outstanding under the Oando Loan and an aggregate principal amount of approximately US$ 292 million remains available to be drawn under the Oando Loan. OER has issued 68,144,115 units (the “Units”) to Oando Resources Limited (“Oando Resources”), a subsidiary of Oando Plc, as repayment of amounts outstanding under the Oando Loan at a conversion price of C$1.57 per Unit. Each Unit consists of one common share of the Company (a “Common Share”) and one-half of one warrant to purchase an additional Common Share at a price of CAD$ 2.00 per Common Share (each whole common share purchase warrant being a “Warrant”) up until 30 July 2016, a 24 month period from which the Company closed the acquisition of the Nigerian upstream oil and gas business of ConocoPhillips. The terms of the Units, other than the denomination of the conversion price and exercise price in United States dollars, have the same terms as the Units issued to third party investors and Oando Resources on previous tranches. Prior to the completion of the Conversion, Oando Plc owned, and exercised control or direction over, 677,963,723 Common Shares, representing approximately 93.2% of the issued and outstanding Common Shares. As a result of the Conversion, Oando Plc currently beneficially owns, or exercises control or direction over, 746,107,838 Common Shares, representing approximately 93.8% of the issued and outstanding Common Shares. Assuming exercise of the Warrants and warrants previously issued to Oando Plc on previous tranches of the loan, Oando Plc would beneficially own, or exercise control or direction over, 1,071,500,708 Common Shares, representing approximately 95.6% of the Company's issued and outstanding Common Shares; however, Oando Plc is restricted from exercising any warrants that would result in its ownership of the Company exceeding 94.6%. Amounts owing under the Oando Loan in the future may be converted into Units at one or more prices to be determined in accordance with the pricing mechanism described in OER’s press release dated February 10, 2014. CITADEL REGISTRARS LIMITED:WEMA REGISTRARS LIMITED BECOMES CITADEL REGISTRARS LIMITED: Wema Registrars Limited notified The Nigerian Stock Exchange that it has changed its name to CITADEL Registrars Limited with effect from July 21, 2014. All previous correspondences with the Company’s former name remain valid. However, its email and website addresses are as follows: Email - [email protected] Website - www.citadelregistrars.com For Further Inquiries Contact: Market Operations Department Page 7
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