Our Lady of the Valley Parish 33 Adams Street, Easthampton, MA 01027 Tel: 413 - 527- 9778 Fax: 413 - 527- 9353 Office Hours Monday - Friday 9am - 3pm Parish Staff Rev. Douglas McGonagle - Pastor [email protected] Rev. John Gawienowski - Parochial Vicar [email protected] Seminarian Ryan Sliwa - Pastoral Assistant [email protected] Karen Doherty - Communications [email protected] Caroline Growhoski - R.E.Y. & Cemetery [email protected] Lord’s Day Mass Schedule Saturday 4:00pm 5:30pm Sunday 7:15am 8:30am 11:00am 5:30pm (Polish Mass last Sunday of the month @ 8:30am) Christine Wodecki - Office Assistant [email protected] Daily Mass Schedule Monday - Friday Rosary 8:00am 7:30am Friday Eucharist Adoration after 8:00am Mass Saturday 9:00am OLV Masses are televised on Channel 5 every Thursday & Friday at 3pm and Saturday & Sunday at 2pm. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 7:00pm 8:00am 12:15pm Our Lady’s Child Care Center Perri Taylor - Child Care Director Tel: 527-6133 Email: [email protected] 35 Pleasant St. Easthampton, MA 01027 Baptism 3:00 -3:45pm Holy Day Mass Schedule Vigil Holy Day Joshua Velez—REY Co-Coordinator [email protected] 7:00pm 2nd Sunday of the month at 1:00pm. Please contact the rectory for baptismal preparation arrangements. Marriages Prayer Line Please call the rectory @ 527-9778 Catholic School Tuition Assistance Catholic School families wishing parish sponsorship and/or tuition assistance in Parochial School, Holyoke Catholic or Cathedral High School must be registered, practicing, and supporting members. (Call the rectory for a copy of our policy.) Contact the rectory at least one year in advance. Please consult the Pastor prior to setting the date. Ministry to the Sick & Shut-ins Please contact the rectory if you become unable to attend Mass and wish to receive the Eucharist. www.olveasthampton.org OUR LADY OF THE VALLEY PARISH, EASTHAMPTON Nov. 8/9 4:00pm L. Jacques L. Laprade N. Lattinville 5:30pm C. Brandt R. L’Heureux 7:15am P. Skwira 8:30am R. Piziak P. Taylor C. Wodecki 11:00am R. Pope D. Sadlowski M. Sansouci 5:30pm P. Graham Nov. 15/16 4:00pm S. Lebiecki N. Lattinville P. Wallace 5:30pm J. Sieracki Jr. M. St. Onge 7:15am D. Koske 8:30am T. Brown B. Campbell R. Gaudette 11:00am N. Strycharz R. Strycharz R. Williams 5:30pm R. Graham P. Baran A. Bialek C. Carey G. Delozier E. Bernier-Feeley T. Laprade . S. Hagelstein A. Ryan J. Constantine M. Bouthilette D. Cameron E. Bernier - Feeley Youth Grade 6 Christi Dabek . S. Glatki M. Gougeon Youth Grade 9 Readings for the Week of November 9, 2014 Sunday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12/1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17/ Jn 2:13-22 Monday: Ti 1:1-9/Lk 17:1-6 Tuesday: Ti 2:1-8, 11-14/Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday: Ti 3:1-7/Lk 17:11-19 Thursday: Phlm 7-20/Lk 17:20-25 Friday: 2 Jn 4-9/Lk 17:26-37 Saturday: 3 Jn 5-8/Lk 18:1-8 Next Sunday: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31/1 Thes 5:1-6/ Mt 25:14-30 or 25:14-15, 19-21 "What sign can you show us for doing this?" Jesus answered and said to them, "Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up." But he was speaking about the temple of his Body. Therefore, when he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this. - Jn 2:18b19, 21-22b SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8 9:00AM Emilda Charland (10th Anniv) - Estate 4:00PM M/M John & Jeanette Ducharme (17th & 15th Anniv) - Their Loving Family 5:30PM Michael O’Connor Jr - His Family SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9 7:15AM Regina Boulanger (11th Anniv) - Her Children 8:30AM Deceased Members of the Knights of Columbus Council #1116 11:00AM Julia & Adam Rys - Daughter Julie & Bernie Gawle 5:30PM Missa pro populo MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10 8:00AM Frances Burgielewicz - Her Children TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 (VETERAN’S DAY) 9:00AM Gertrude (Russell) Coburn - Ed Nowak WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12 8:00AM Roland Laprade (1st Anniv) -His Wife & Family THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13 8:00AM Mass For All Souls FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14 8:00AM Deceased Bishops & Priests of the Diocese of Springfield SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 9:00AM Alice & Frank Furman, Sr. - Son & Family 4:00PM Missa pro populo 5:30PM Anne Mausolff - Anne Bialek SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 7:15AM Special Intentions for Nicholas Girolamo Loving Parents 8:30AM Ernest Paquette (40th Anniv) -His Family 11:00AM Joseph & Viola Gawle - Bernie & Julie Gawle 5:30PM Sue Plourd (1st Anniv) Her Husband Paul & Family Intentions 7-Day Sanctuary Lamp Nov. 10 - Nov. 16 - Sue Plourd - OLV Staff 7-Day Candle at the Statue of Mary Nov. 10 - Nov. 16 - Special Intention Mac & Carol McClellan Nov. 10 - Nov. 16 - Sophie St. Martin - REY Nov. 10 - Nov. 16 - Malcom Brown - Claire Laprade 7-Day Candle at the Black Madonna Nov. 10 - Nov. 16 - Thaddeus Bozek (6th Anniv) Daughter Madelyn, Timo & Jason Baladi Nov. 10 - Nov. 16 - Roman Surowiec - His Family Nov. 10 - Nov. 16 - Frank & Alice Skrzypek - Their Family The office will be closed Tuesday, November 11 in observance of Veteran’s Day. NOTE: Mass is at 9:00am that day. NOVEMBER 9, 2014 “So Long Fr. Piotr Pot Luck Bash” after the 7:15am and 8:30am Masses Schedule for November Nov. 9 K of C Nov. 16 Mission Nov. 23 K of C Nov. 30 Women’s Club Until Sunday November 30 same time - same place For the month of November in conjunction with the Neighbor to Neighbor Ministry and the Harvest Mass on November 23rd at 11am, we are asking parishioners to donate non-perishable Thanksgiving food items, monies and/or turkey coins. Items will be collected at both side altars of the church. In order to provide some variety in items being collected, here are some suggestions. Those with last names starting with: A-D Boxes or Bags of Stuffing Mix E-H Canned Vegetables (ex. Green Beans, Sweet Potatoes, Corn, etc.) I-L Boxed Potatoes and Rice M-P Boxes of Baking Goods (Cake Mixes, Brownies, Pie Makings) Q-T Cans or Jars of Gravy – Turkey/Chicken U-Z Canned Fruit – including Cranberry Sauce, Applesauce, Pineapple, etc. OLV Harvest- Dozynki Mass November 23rd – 11am Mass Please join us for the Harvest - Dozynki Mass, an Our Lady of the Valley tradition which originates from a Polish celebration thanking God for the fruits of the harvest. The Harvest Mass takes place during the Thanksgiving season as we are thanking God for all of our blessings. It also marks the conclusion of the Thanksgiving Food Drive which is taking place throughout all of November at the side altars. As part of tradition, the harvesters are always dressed in their regional dress. We are a parish representing many nations and encourage all of you to dress in the costume of your heritage. If you wish to do so, please meet the Liturgy Committee members at the back of the church at 10:45am prior to the 11 AM Mass on Sunday, November 23rd. Those dressed in costumes of their heritage will participate in the entrance processional carrying the harvest wreath made of grains and flowers. If you have any questions, please, call Bozena Dabek at 413-210-0020. in Mon. Nov. 10 Tues. Nov. 11 Tues. Nov. 11 Tues. Nov. 11 Wed. Nov. 12 Wed. Nov. 12 Thurs. Nov. 13 Thurs. Nov. 13 Sat. Nov. 15 Mon. Nov. 17 Tues. Nov. 18 Tues. Nov. 18 Wed. Nov. 19 Wed. Nov. 19 Wed. Nov. 19 Thurs. Nov. 20 Thurs. Nov. 20 Sat./Sun. Nov. 22/23 Mon. Nov. 24 Thurs. Nov. 27 Sun. Nov. 30 Traditional Choir 6 -7pm in Church K of C Mtg. @ 7pm at the REY building L E C T @ 6pm in Mtg. Room Family Choir from 6:30 – 7:30pm in Church Divine Mercy Prayer Group @ 6:30pm. includes exposition of Blessed Sacrament with Fr. John, recitation of rosary & chaplet S C C in Mtg. Rm. @ 6:30pm S C C in Mtg. Rm. @ 6:30pm Cath. Night Adult Ed -Parish Hall 6:30-8pm Take & Eat at OLV Kitchen, Franklin St. Traditional Choir 6 - 7 pm in church Cot Shelter Opens Family Choir from 6:30 – 7:30pm in Church 500 Club dues deadline for Nov. drawing S C C in Mtg. Rm. @ 6:30pm Pastoral Council Mtg. @ 6:30pm rectory S C C in Mtg. Rm. @ 6:30pm Catholic Night Adult Ed – 6:30-8pm REY Bldg. basement 6:30-8pm Women’s Club Bake Sale after all Masses St. Cecilia Choir Rehearsal @ 6pm Church Thanksgiving Raffle Drawing after 9am Mass Farewell Fr. Piotr Pot Luck Bash Parish Hall The Knights of Columbus Council # 1116 will be holding an Annual Fruit Sale. A portion of the proceeds from this sale will be donated to OLV’s Beautification Fund and the rest will go to help those in need. The sale runs through Sunday, November 16. To order call Tom O’Brien @ 5276674, Frank Furman at 527-7400, Jean Duquette at 5272895 or Bob Graham at 527-5707. NOTE: You can also place/drop off your orders at the rectory during office hours Monday – Friday 8am – 3pm. Order forms can also be dropped in the offertory basket. Thank You! THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA Catholic Night Adult Ed. Divine Mercy 101 - Thursday Nov. 13, 6:30-8:00/Parish Hall. As we look around the world today, we may ask ourselves if there has ever been a greater need for God's mercy. Wars, violence, lies, manipulation, and out of control selfishness seem to dominate the world. But, as always, God has a plan. He is drenching the world in His mercy, if only we will turn to him. Join Father Doug and fellow parishioners to learn the basics about “Divine Mercy” in our DVD presentation this week. Everyone is welcome to join the Holy Rosary Christmas Celebration Sodality for a in the Florentine Room at the Bluebonnet Diner, Northampton on December 7 dinner will be served at 1pm. Tickets are $26 adults, and a special children’s menu is available for $15. Deadline for tickets is November 24th. Checks should be made payable to the Holy Rosary Sodality, and mailed to the “Holy Rosary Sodality, 33 Adams Street, Easthampton, MA. For more information, check out the flyer on the bulletin boards at the entrance to the church, or call Helen Gratkowski at 527-2894. Thank you for your generosity. Weekly: November 1/2 Fuel & Energy All Saints All Souls October Missions: Peru: Blessed Sacrament $9,634.00 $ 481.50 $1,211.00 $2,184.00 $ 641.50 $ 641.50 With gratitude we acknowledge the donations made to the Cot Shelter Program from the Holy Rosary Sodality, and in memory of Jack Ernst from Bruce & Joan Wickman, Corrine Garstka & William Osley, Larry Ernst, Marc & Mary Davis, John & Sarah Augustyniak. In memory of Florian & Veronica Bimbane from Chuck & Carol Growhoski. In memory of Helen Petrowsky from Pauline Akers. With gratitude we acknowledge the donations made to the Take & Eat Minstry: from the Holy Rosary Sodality, and memory of Dorothy Mularski from Mary Tharaldson, Larry & Lucille Kostek, M/M Alan Zedonis,, Joseph A. & Carolyn Knych and Joseph J. Knych. Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults begins with Inquiry Sessions and is a program for those who have never been baptized, Catholics who have never received their First Holy Communion, those who belong to another Christian faith and who wish to become Catholic and for baptized Catholics who desire to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. If you or someone you know may be thinking about doing this, come join us at an Inquiry Session on Sundays in the Meeting Room from 12 noon to 1pm after the 11am Mass. The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica - November 9, 2014 - Jesus is the living sanctuary and we are His living body in the spirit. Maybe God is calling you to be his minister of Word and Sacrament. If you feel God is calling you to be a priest and you would like to know how to respond, call Fr. Gary Dailey at 413-452-0811 or email: [email protected]. wwwmyvocation.com Walk for Non-Violence, Sunday, November 9 at 2:30pm . Beginning at Blessed Sacrament Church (our sister parish), 40 Waverly St., Springfield and ending at the same location. For more information please contact Kevin McCarthy at 413-783-9160. Wear blue for non-violence. The seventh annual Show Your Heart Concert for the benefit of The Open Pantry Community Services will be held on Saturday, November 22nd, at 7:30 pm in The Cathedral of St. Michael the Archangel, 260 State St, Springfield, MA. Performing will be Spectrum A Capella Ensemble from The Pioneer Valley Performing Arts School, The Greater Westfield Choral Association, pianist Catherine Lupien, and the Cathedral Choir of Boys & Adults. There will be a free will offering with a suggested donation of $10 and $7 for seniors and students. For more information contact 413-452-0845 or [email protected] Greater Easthampton St. Patrick’s Committee Scholarship opportunity. Must be of Irish decent to apply. Applications can be obtained at the rectory between the hours of 8am - 3pm. Additional guidelines are on the application. Application deadline is December 5, 2014.Please contact Jean Graney for further information/ questions. The St. Mary High School Drama Club, Westfield will be presenting two one act plays on November 21 and 22 at the high school. These plays are comedies which include four selections from All in the Timing by David Ives, and the play The Chronicles of Jane, Book Seven by Alan Haehnel. The cost is $10 and the curtain rises at 7pm. Tickets are available at the door. Easthampton Community Center ECC has been informed that the Food Bank will not be giving out turkeys this year. If you receive Big E Turkey Points or Big Y Turkey Coupons, please consider donating them to the Food Pantry at the Community Center, as it will help towards a Happy Thanksgiving for the 902 families they serve in the pantry program. ROBERT W. GRAHAM, DIRECTOR Seminarian Ryan Sliwa will be called to Orders and will be ordained a Deacon at Holy Family Parish, 31 Sugarloaf St., South Deerfield on Saturday, November 29 at 11:00am. All are welcome to attend! Honoring Catholic Traditions by providing caring, compassionate services. 18 ADAMS STREET, EASTHAMPTON, MA 01027 (413) 527-5321 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ REY: Grades K - 8 Sun. Nov. 9 Sun. Nov. 16 Sun. Nov. 16 Sun. Nov. 23 Grades 9 - 11 Sun. Nov. 16 Sun. Nov. 16 SCHEDULE for November 9:45am - 10:45am Gr. 6 Youth Mass @ 8:30am 9:45am - 10:45am 9:45am - 10:45am Serving Pioneer Valley & The Hilltowns Since 1948 RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL 10 Offices throughout the Pioneer Valley 413-527-4111 bankesb.com Member FDIC Member DIF Sales • Repairs • Installation • Spring Repairs Raynor Garage Doors, Automatic Garage Door Openers Pre-Hung Interior & Exterior Doors 30 Lyman St., Easthampton www.raynormass.com • 527-2447 Free Estimates • Visit Our Showroom Grade 9 Youth Mass @ 5:30pm 6:30pm – 8:00pm Christmas Pageant Tryouts and Costume Assignments Saturday, November 15 12 noon in the Church Hall. Snow date is November 22 same time/place. Thank you. Don’t forget to send in your raffle tickets 5th Annual Thanksgiving Raffle Drawing to be held Thanksgiving Day following the 9:00AM Mass 1st Prize: 52 Big E’s $100 Gift Cards PLUS $1,000 in cash nd rd 2 & 3 Prizes: 5 Big E’s $100 Gift Cards PLUS $500 cash 4th, 5th & 6th Prizes: $500 in cash Sell Ads Like this One! Advertising Sales Opportunities • Prior Outside Sales Experience Preferred • Base Pay - Plus Commissions & Bonuses • Medical & Dental Insurance • Generous 401K Employer Matching Contributions • Paid Vacation • Paid Holidays Email Resume: [email protected] or call Chris at (800) 477-4574 ext. 6224 Licensed & Insured Commercial • Residential • Industrial The Thompson Family, Parishioners 413-527-4775 or Toll Free 1-877-527-4775 Fax 413-527-8469 6 Line St., Southampton, MA Auto & Body Repairs Since 1956 Auto Body Repairs 413-562-9245 Mechanical Repairs 413-562-9466 Young World Child Care Center 51 Main St., Easthampton, MA You do not have to be present to win. You do have to be 18 years or older. Raffle tickets may be dropped in the offertory basket. A little boy opened the big and old family Bible with fascination, and looked at the old pages as he turned them. Suddenly, something fell out of the Bible, and he picked it up and looked at it closely. It was a leaf from a tree that had been pressed in between the pages. “Mommy, look what I found,” the boy called out. “What have you got there, dear? His mother replied. With astonishment in the young boy’s voice, he answered: “I think it’s Adam’s suit!” 429 College Highway Southampton, Mass. R/S #4168 Quality Pre-School and Child Care Since 1980 Holly Kieszek, Director 413-527-3983 5 Campus Lane • Easthampton downtown behind Big E’s OCTOBER 22, 2014 12:30 PM OUR LADY OF THE VALLEY, EASTHAMPTON, MA 03-0871 Real Estate Sales and Rentals MANCHESTER COMPANY, INC. HARDWARE 65 Union St EASTHAMPTON, MA 01027 Charles T. Conner, Owner-Broker super markets RYAN IMPORTED CAR REPAIR 584-7381 3 Brewster Ct., Northampton COMPLETE CAR REPAIR ON ALL FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CARS • DIESEL AND SVO ASE CERTIFIED MASTER TECHNICIAN FOR OVER 30 YRS JOE RYAN - PROPRIETOR James F. Carey, Attorney Kathleen Carey Salvetti, Office Manager (413) 527-9222 413- 527-3375 Trytko’s custom meats Expanded Service Bakery 11 Union St., Easthampton 527-2125 CAREY LAW OFFICE 527-0600 Great Oil Prices • Top-Notch Service Richards Fuel & Heating Inc. 79 Rear Union Street, Easthampton Richard Boulanger, Pres. 527-0194 SOUTHAMPTON COUNTRY CLUB Best Golfing Value in the Valley Book Your Wedding, Banquet, or Party at our New Banquet Facility 329 College Hwy. Southampton, MA 413-527-9815 HOME HEALTH CARE MICHELE N. ATKINSON, D.M.D. THOMAS H. ATKINSON, D.M.D. AND ASSOCIATES COMMONWEALTH REGISTRY OF NURSES Rn’s, Lpn’s, Cna’s/Chha’s Celebrating 25 Years 1989-2014 Home Care Makes Life Easier Call 413-527-2527 WWW.CRNHOMECARE.COM Comfortable Dental Care with a Personal Touch 69 Bridge Street Phone (413) 584-1722 Northampton, MA 01060 Fax (413) 584-5835 Office Hours by Appointment James E. Clayton, D.M.D. Boriana Canby, DMD • Geri Kleinman, DMD Sensible Dentistry A full range of General, Cosmetic Implant, Periodontal and Extraction Dentistry for all Ages 243 King Street, Suite 112, Northhampton, MA 01060 www.jclaytondmd.com • 413-584-5199 • Hassle ‘free’ Parking MITCHELL FUNERAL HOME This Space Available F P INCK& ERRAS INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. For Information On Advertising, Please Call Our Parish Representative LIQUORS 44 “Catch the Spirit” HOLYOKE 44 Lincoln Street 413-534-4555 527-0872 “Insuring Your Way, since 1935” 6 Campus Lane Easthampton, MA 413-527-3000 63 Main St. Florence, MA 413-584-1970 Walter B. Mitchell, Dir. Morgan G. Mitchell, Dir. 15 Park St., Easthampton • New Home Construction • Additions • Renovations DORSEY MEMORIALS SINCE 1853 NORTHAMPTON HADLEY 238 King Street 458-9 Campus Plaza Rt.9 413-586-3007 413-253-9344 413-527-5980 GRANITE MARBLE BRONZE 707 Main Street, Amherst Jim Furrey at 1-800-888-4574 Ext. 3408 or Email: [email protected] 413-253-5212 Southampton, MA www.dorseymemorials.com www.liquors44.com www.laurinbuilders.com License CS 674664 HIC 167648 www.EASTHAMPTONDINER.COM Pizza • Beer • Wine ~ Breakfast All Day Daily Lunch and Dinner Specials Sun-Thurs 6am-10pm • Fri-Sat 6am-3am Gift Certificates Available • We can host your parties! We deliver 3pm to 10pm every day 117 Union St., Easthampton 413-527-0855 • 413-527-1213 Dan Gipperich Heating • Heating & Cooling • Air Duct Cleaning Worried About A Loved One At Home Alone? For more information contact Liturgical Publications at 1-800-888-4574 Tel: 413-527-7678 • Cell: 413-250-8278 Southampton, MA 01073 FULLY INSURED • Lic# 025383 Provides professional homecare services 7KH&ORVHVW<RX&DQ*HWWR+RPHFRRNLQJ 3OHDVLQJ<RX³3OHDVHV8V Open 7 Days A Week Call: Mon.-Sat. 5:30-2:00 PM, Sun 6:30-2:00 PM Breakfast & Luncheon Specials Daily • Take-Out Orders 73 Main Street, Easthampton, MA www.SilverSpoonEasthampton.com 785-1111 W. Springfield 582-0006 Northampton www.homewatchcaregivers.com/western-mass RIGALI & WALDER THIS SPACE IS Orthodontists For Adults & Children 12 Campus Lane, Easthampton, MA • 527-1430 269 Locust St., Northampton, MA • 586-8455 196 North Pleasant St., Amherst, MA • 253-0001 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. OCTOBER 22, 2014 12:30 PM SLA2012 OUR LADY OF THE VALLEY, EASTHAMPTON, MA 03-0871
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