Meet the Buyer Dublin Buyer Listing and Profiles

Buyer Listing for Meet the Buyer Dublin
12th November 2014 – City West – Subject to change
Sustainable Energy Authority Ireland
OGP Led Categories
OGP - Fleet & Plant
OGP - Facilities Management & Maintenance
OGP - Marketing, Print & Stationery
OGP - Travel & HR
OGP - Managed Services
OGP - Utilities
OGP - ICT, Office and Equipment
OGP - Professional Services
OGP – Helpdesk
Northern Ireland Buyers
CPD Construction CoPE
CPD Supplies & Services CoPE
CPD Construction CoPE - Health Projects
Business Services Organisation - PaLS (Health)
Department of the Environment (DOENI)
Loughs Agency
Newry & Mourne District Council
NI Education & Library Boards
Northern Ireland Water
Strategic Investment Board
NI Assembly
Education Led Categories
Education Portfolios - Veterinary & Agriculture
Education Portfolios - Laboratory, Diagnostics &
Health Led Categories
HBS Contracts - Medical, Surgical & Pharma
HBS Contracts - Medical Professional Services
HBS Contracts - Medical Diagnostics & Equipment
HBS Contracts - Non Health Categories
HSE General Enquiries
Local Government Led Categories
Minor Building Works & Civil
Plant Hire
Semi State Buyer Organisations (ROI)
An Post
NUI Galway
Enterprise Ireland
Bord Bia
Bord na Mona
Central Bank of Ireland
Commissioners of Irish Lights
Dublin Airport Authority
Education and Training Boards Ireland
Electricity Supply Board
Failte Ireland
GrangeGorman Development Agency
Railway Procurement Agency
Business Support Zone
Department of Social Protection
Department of Jobs, Enterprise & Innovation Internal Market Unit
Department of Jobs, Enterprise & Innovation - SME
Policy Unit
Dublin Chambers
Enterprise Ireland
GS1 Ireland
Small Firms Association
South Dublin Chamber
The Competition and Consumer Protection
Office of Government Procurement - Customer
Business Support Zone
InterTradeIreland & Go To Tender Sign Up
Email: [email protected]
InterTradeIreland is the only organisation which supports SMEs across the island to develop North/South trade
and business development opportunities for the mutual benefit of both economies. We encourage better use
of our collective resources to accelerate trade and business growth across the island and create an
environment where it is easier to do business. We achieve this through co-operative business, policy and
research programmes, partnerships and networks.
InterTradeIreland’s Go-2-Tender programme aims to give SMEs the confidence, knowledge and skills to tender
successfully for public sector contracts, particularly on a cross-border basis. Applications can be made via the
website or sign up today.
Office of Government Procurement (OGP) Customer Service
[email protected] or [email protected] - Public Works Queries Only
01 890 213 414
A Key Element of the Public Service Reform agenda is to reduce costs and achieve better value for money
through reform of public procurement. Leaving aside the Government’s spending on capital works and
infrastructure projects, the public service spends in the order of €8.5bn every year on goods and services –
that is roughly €23m every day. We need to ensure that the taxpayer gets value for money for this expenditure
and ensure that our procurement approach supports growth.
The Government established the Office of Government Procurement (OGP) to:
- Deliver better value for the taxpayer
- Enable consistency and standardisation of approach
- Align policy with operations
- Deliver broader policy goals in consistent fashion
The aim of the OGP is to deliver sustainable procurement savings for the taxpayer by optimising value for
money across the public service. The public service has been operating within tighter budgets in recent years
and the focus of procurement reform is to assist public bodies to better operate within budget allocation while
maintaining/improving services for the public
The OGP commenced operations in 2014 and is, together with four key sectors (Health, Defence, Education
and Local Government), taking responsibility for sourcing all goods and services on behalf of the public service.
In addition, the OGP will also take responsibility for procurement policy and procedures
Office of Government Procurement has been established to deliver better value for the taxpayer, enable
consistency and standardisation of approach, align policy with operations, deliver broader policy goals in a
consistent fashion.
Enterprise Ireland
[email protected]
+353 (0) 1 7272000
Enterprise Ireland is the government organisation responsible for the development and growth of Irish
enterprises in world markets. We work in partnership with Irish enterprises to help them start, grow, innovate
and win export sales on global markets. In this way, we support sustainable economic growth, regional
development and secure employment.
Invest Northern Ireland
028 90 239090
Our aim is to grow the Northern Ireland economy by helping new and existing business to compete
international, and by attracting new investment to Northern Ireland. We are part of the Department of
Enterprise, Trade and Investment whose vision is to make Northern Ireland a high value-added, highly skilled,
innovative and enterprising economy.
Working mainly with companies in the manufacturing and tradeable service sectors, Invest NI offers the
Northern Ireland business community a single organisation providing high-quality services and expert advice.
We support businesses throughout their life cycle and across the full spectrum of their activity including
research and development, people management, strategic development, e-business, energy management and
export development.
Department of Jobs, Enterprise & Innovation Internal Market Unit
[email protected]
Internal Market Unit (IMU) is raising awareness of the benefits of the European single market for
businesses as well as the information sources available to them. These include SOLVIT, Your Europe,
Point of Single Contact (PSC). PSC is a website that provides general information on the relevant
procedures required for Irish/EU Businesses who intend to operate in Ireland. Your Europe is a
European Commission website which provides practical information and advice on exercising EU
rights. SOLVIT is an informal problem solving network that deals with cross-border problems created
by a perceived misapplication of EU law by a public authority.
The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission
[email protected]
01 4025555
The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission is responsible for enforcing competition and
consumer protection law in Ireland. Its mission is to make markets work better for consumers and
businesses. The aim of the organisation is to ensure open and competitive markets where
consumers are protected and empowered and businesses actively compete.
Department of Social Protection
Contact Name:
Stephen Hanna
The Department of Social Protection offer employer supports for companies who are recruiting new
staff. These supports range from employment grants and internship opportunities through to a full
range of recruitment assistance including free vacancy advertising and a job matching service where
potential employees can be identified based on the companies requirements.
Contact Name:
Siobhain Duggan
[email protected]
+353 1 208 0660
GS1 is an international, neutral, not-for-profit standards organisation responsible for licensing
identification numbers and setting standards for barcodes, traceability and the exchange of data
across many sectors globally. The billions of barcode reader beeps every day in retail and other
sectors are a testament to the success of these standards to enable efficient supply chains and end
to end traceability of products. Most recently the Department of Health in the UK published their
eProcurement strategy requiring all suppliers to adopt GS1 Standards to support the improvement
of their procurement processes. To find out more please visit our stand in the Business Support
The Irish Small & Medium Enterprises Association (ISME)
Contact Name:
Debbie Cleary
[email protected]
01 6622755
The Irish Small & Medium Enterprises Association is the only independent representative body for
owners of small & medium business in Ireland. We protect our Members interests, against the
dominance of Government, Big Business and Trade Unions. On a day to day basis we can help you
cut down on your costs, increase your sales and if you have any employment law contract or H&S
issues we can advise & support you every step of the way. We also, hold networking events, training
programmes and seminars across the country where you will meet like-minded owner managers. So
join the other 9,000 ISME members now and get peace of mind knowing that our business is taking
care of yours.
Small Firms Association (SFA)
Contact Name:
Patricia Callan
[email protected]
01 6051668
Making up 98% of all the businesses in Ireland, small businesses are the back-bone of the Irish
economy. Whether you're self-employed or employ up to 50 people, just starting out or are wellestablished, in every sector and region in the country, we understand the challenges and issues that
face you as an owner-manager and we're always on hand to help. We exist to voice your concerns,
to support you with advice and training in running your business and to act as a portal for you to
network and do business with fellow members. As a not-for-profit organisation, funded entirely
through small business member subscriptions, you can rely on us to be your one-stop shop.
South Dublin Chamber
Contact Name:
Mary Grassick
[email protected]
01 4622107
The voice of Business in South Dublin County. Lobbying on Key Business Issues for South Dublin’s
Strategic Development.
Promoting your Business and Marketing
Sales Opportunities – B2B Networks
Information & Business Support
Export Documentation
One to One Advice
OGP Led Categories
Portfolio and Category Managers from the Office of Government Procurement will be available from the
Category Line
ICT and Office
Marketing, Print
and Stationery
Sub Categories
Actuarial, Advisory, Architect, Audit, Banking, Communication, Creative
Services, Financial, Information Technology, Insurance, Legal, Public
Relations, Quantity Surveying, Research, Temporary Staff/Contractors
Building Maintenance, Catering Equipment / Supplies and Services,
Cleaning Equipment / Supplies and Services, Document Management,
Fittings / Furnishings, Health and Safety, Laundry, Rental, Security, Sports
Equipment, Uniforms / Clothing, Waste Management
Electricity, Gas, Fuels, Water
Hardware, Software, Services, Telecoms – Data / Equipment / Mobile /
Voice, Postage, Couriers
Advertising, Creative Media, Promotional Events, IT Consumables /
Peripherals, Marketing Printing, Office Printing, Office Supplies,
Production Printing
Travel and HR
Car Hire, Employee Assistance Programme, Health and Safety, Hotel /
Meetings / Incentives / Conferences / Events, Pension, Recruitment,
Travel Agency/Travel Services, Training, Transport–Air/Rail/Road
Fleet and Plant
Equipment, Fuel, Maintenance, Other Plant (Lifter, Generator etc.),
Vehicles Purchased, Vehicle Fit Out, Vehicle Rental/Leasing/Fleet Hire
Managed Services
Outsourced Services
Local Government Operational Procurement Centre
Local Government Operational Procurement Centre
Contact Name:
Catherine Carmody
[email protected]
076 1064020
The Local Government Operational Procurement Centre, on behalf of the local government sector,
operate 2 of the 16 public sector categories: Minor Building Works and Civils and Plant Hire. A brief
description of what each category covers is detailed below:
Minor Building
Works and Civils
Plant Hire
Building, Civils, Electrical, Materials, Mechanical, Road
Plant/Equipment Hire (including Driver/Operator)
Education Led Categories
Contact Name:
Phillip Gurnett
[email protected]
The Education Procurement Unit operates on behalf of the local government sector, operate 2 of the
16 public sector categories: Veterinary and Agriculture and Laboratory, Diagnostics and Equipment. A
brief description of what each category covers is detailed below:
Veterinary and
Livestock, Feed, Veterinary Equipment/ Services/ Supplies
Diagnostics and
Laboratory Equipment, Laboratory Diagnostic Systems and Laboratory Equipment,
Laboratory Diagnostic Systems and Supplies
Health Led Categories
Health Business Services Procurement
Contact Name:
John Swords
[email protected]
01 6352251
Health Business Services (HBS) Procurement is responsible for sourcing /contracts within the health
sector including health funded agencies. The health sector has been mandated to implement a
single integrated procurement approach for the sector, incorporating the HSE and all healthcare
agencies and institutions. This new model is based on the concept “One Voice for health sector
HBS Sourcing is responsible for all aspects of health procurement which include the following
Medical Professional Services
Medical and Diagnostic Equipment and Supplies
Medical, Surgical and Pharmaceutical Supplies
Non Health Categories
HBS Logistics and Inventory Management is responsible for the purchasing and distribution of goods
and services to optimise efficiencies and achieve best value for money in the delivery of patient care
to acute and community care on a national basis. A new operating model for Logistics and Inventory
Management (LIM) has been introduced based on a National Distribution Centre (NDC) and 8
distribution hubs.
Semi-State Buyers (ROI)
An Post
Contact Name:
Paula Butler
[email protected]
01 6142281
An Post, established in 1984, operates the National Postal Service, along with an array of money
transmission, savings and retail services throughout Ireland. In addition, An Post provides agency
services for Government Departments and other bodies. As a national service provider, An Post
services over one million delivery addresses daily and in excess of 1.7 million customers each week
through 1,161 retail Post Office outlets nationwide.
Bord Bia – Irish Food Board
[email protected]
01 6142281
The role of Bord Bia, the Irish Food Board is to drive, through market insight and in partnership with
industry, the commercial success of a world class Irish food, drink and horticulture industry. With its
headquarters in Dublin, Bord Bia has a network of overseas offices in Amsterdam, Dubai, Dusseldorf,
London, Madrid, Milan, Moscow, New York, Paris, Shanghai and Stockholm.
Supplies and Services
 Advertising/Marketing
 POS Materials
 Market Research
 Audit Services
 ICT Hardware, software and services
 Project Management Services
 Education and Training
 Event Services
 Managed Print Services
 Design/Graphic design services
Bord na Mona
Contact Name:
Declan McDonnell
[email protected]
045 439000
Bord na Mona procures a wide range of goods and services to support the following business
Feedstock Business – Peat production and
transportation / Biomass supply
Anua – Air & Liquid effluent cleaning
Resource Recovery – Domestic & Commercial
Powergen – Wind generation / Peat & Biomass
generation / Peak generation
Consumer & Professional – Coal import &
distribution / Briquette manufacture &
distribution / Bulk & packaged growing media
product manufacture & distribution / Retail fuel
products manufacture & distribution
waste collection, segregation, recycling /
Biowaste production / Engineered landfill /
Landfill gas production
Group – Corporate services / consultancy / ERP
Central Bank of Ireland
Contact Name:
Ken Arthur
[email protected]
00353 1 224 6000
The Central Bank of Ireland is responsible for both central banking and financial regulation. It is
responsible for maintaining price stability through monetary policy formulation at Eurosystem level.
Products & Services procured: Central Services: Occupational clothing, furniture, construction work,
repair and maintenance services, hotel, restaurant and retail trade services, travel agencies services,
public utilities, architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services, refuse, cleaning and
environmental services, security services. Capex: Office and computing machinery Communication,
telecommunication and related equipment. Industrial machinery. Package and information systems.
IT services. Plant equipment. Prof Services: Financial and insurance services, consultancy services,
Business services: Law, Marketing, Consulting, Recruitment, Education and training services. Other:
Printed matter and related products, Coinsets, Collector Coin, specialist raw materials for
Commissioners of Irish Lights
Contact Name:
Sean Phelan
[email protected]
01 2715400
We are a maritime organisation providing Aids to Navigation and Allied Services for the Safety of
Persons and Infrastructure at Sea, protecting the marine environment, and supporting the marine
industry and coastal communities. In recent years we’ve transformed how we deliver our services,
putting the emphasis on efficiency, cost-effectiveness and sustainability, while exploiting new
technology and new opportunities wherever possible.
Dublin Airport Authority (DAA)
Contact Name:
Paddy McMenamin
[email protected]
DAA's principal activities include the operation and management of Dublin and Cork airports and
global airport retailing through our subsidiary Aer Rianta International (ARI). The company is Stateowned and headquartered at Dublin Airport. Group Procurement is responsible for all procurement
related to goods (which are not for re-sale.), services and works required for our business.
Education and Training Boards Ireland (ETBI)
Contact Name:
Gwen Moore
[email protected]
045 901070
ETBI is the national representative body for Education and Training Boards (ETBs) and promotes the
development of education, training and youth work in Ireland. There are 16 Education and Training
Boards in Ireland and these lead, deliver and administer education and training programmes at local
and community level across the country. ETBs manage one third of all second level schools in the
country (100,000 students). Provide further education and training to over 200,000 adults annually
Post-Leaving Certificate (PLC) programmes offer education and training to 33,748 school leavers and
adults. Self-financing evening classes cater to some 50,000 adults annually. ETBs are Patrons of 9
Community National Schools. In 2013 and 2014, ETBs assumed responsibility for 19 training centres
which were previously managed by FÁS. These centres provide a range of training programmes
across the country. ETB spend includes all administrative and education-related goods and services.
Education and Training Boards manage devolved building projects in cooperation with the
department of Education and Skills. ETBs also utilise OGP frameworks/ contracts. ETBI’s Public Sector
Reform (PSR) function provides central liaison for ETBs and stakeholders regarding national
procurement issues facilitates the ETB Procurement Network and public procurement up skilling
programmes supports shared/ sectoral procurement initiatives.
Electricity Supply Board
Contact Name:
Mark Harmon
01 676 5831
ESB is a vertically integrated energy utility, active in electricity generation, transmission, distribution
and supply. We also provide a range of energy related products and services, including gas,
telecommunications networks and engineering consultancy. Established in 1927, ESB operates
through a portfolio of brands: ESB Networks, Electric Ireland, ESB International and Northern Ireland
Electricity (NIE). With a regulatory asset base of €8.5 billion, 42% of Ireland’s total electricity
generation capacity in the all-island market (including over 900MW of renewable generation,
400MW of which relates to wind generation) and as a supplier of electricity to over 1.5 million
customers throughout the island of Ireland, we are Ireland’s foremost energy utility. ESB invests
over €800million annually in new infrastructure across its home markets of Ireland and the UK
(approx. €544m of which is invested in Ireland). Under ESB’s strategy to 2025, we will develop
world-class networks and expand our Generation, Trading and Supply business to provide
sustainable customer solutions in an integrated Irish / UK market.
See ESB’s Annual Report for further information. .
Enterprise Ireland Procurement Unit
Contact Name:
Ann Healy
[email protected]
00353 (0) 1 7272000
Enterprise Ireland established in 1998 is the Government agency responsible for the development and
promotion of the indigenous business sector. Enterprise Ireland’s mission is to partner with entrepreneur’s
Irish businesses and the research and investment communities to develop Ireland’s international trade
innovation leadership and competitiveness. The ultimate objective is increased exports employment and
prosperity in Ireland.
Purchasing Categories;
- Advertising/Marketing
- Couriers (Domestic and
- Education & Training
- IT Hardware software and
- Professional Services
Fáilte Ireland
Contact Name:
Business Consultancy
Conference Organisers
Evaluation Services
Programme Co-Ordinators
Business Advisors
Venues for Events
Glenda Byrne
[email protected]
01 884 7888
Fáilte Ireland is the National Tourism Development Authority. Our role is to support the tourism
industry and work to sustain Ireland as a high-quality and competitive tourism destination. We
provide a range of practical business supports to help tourism businesses better manage and market
their products and services. We also work with other state agencies and representative bodies, at
local and national levels, to implement and champion positive and practical strategies that will
benefit Irish tourism and the Irish economy. We promote Ireland as a holiday destination through
our domestic marketing campaign ( and manage a network of nationwide tourist
information centres that provide help and advice for visitors to Ireland.
The range of services procured includes:
Managed Print Services
Design Services
Facilities Management Services
ICT Supplies and Services
Professional Services
Business Consultancy Services
Event AV and Stands
Architects/Quantity Surveyors/M&E/Building Contractors
Estate Agency services
Grangegorman Development Agency (GDA)
Contact Name:
Maire Mellerick
[email protected]
01 8676070
The Grangegorman Development Agency (GDA) is a statutory agency established in 2006 by the Irish
Government under the Grangegorman Development Agency Act 2005 to redevelop the former St.
Brendan’s Hospital grounds in Dublin City Centre. The GDA aims to create a vibrant new city quarter
with a diverse mix of uses, in a way that is sensitive to the context of the Grangegorman site, its
surrounding neighbourhoods and the existing community. The challenge is to plan for and
implement a complex, multi-phased development that provides:
• A high quality area with physical linkages to
Smithfield, Phibsborough, Prussia Street and the
City Centre
• New health care facilities for the Health
Services Executive (HSE)
• A new urban campus for Dublin Institute of
Technology (DIT), bringing together all students
and staff into one location
• New arts, cultural, recreational and public
spaces to serve the community and the city
• A primary school, public library and children’s
play spaces
• Complementary mixed-use development.
The Grangegorman redevelopment is well underway as seven of the protected buildings on the site
have been converted into educational facilities for the first 1,000 DIT students who are now on site,
and construction of the first new DIT building, the Greenway Hub has commenced. The replacement
mental health facility for St. Brendan’s Hospital, the Phoenix Care Centre, has been completed and is
in use, with construction on the Primary Care Centre set to commence in early 2015. The next phase
of the Project will see 10,000 DIT students relocate to Grangegorman in 2017 when the Central and
East Quads are constructed through Public Private Partnerships.
NUI Galway
Contact Name:
Ann Melia
[email protected]
091 493720
NUI Galway procures a wide range of supplies, services and works related contracts in connection
with our strategy of being a research-led University with a commitment to top-quality teaching.
These include; Buildings & Estates and related supplies and services, Specialist Research Lab
Equipment and Consumables, Professional Services, ICT Systems, Equipment and Services , Travel
Management Services, HR Services, Insurance Underwriter Services, Office Supplies & related
Services, Advertising Services, Marketing Print & Design and related Services etc.
Railway Procurement Agency
Contact Name:
Mary Hendrick
[email protected]
01 646 3400
RPA was established as an independent statutory body my Ministerial Order on 28th December 2001
following the commencement of the Transport (Railway Infrastructure) Act, 2001. RPA is the
infrastructure provider for Luas which commenced operations in 2004. RPA is also in the process of
preparing planning documentation and reference design for the construction of a BRT route from
Blanchardstown to UCD.
Contact Name:
Colette O’Rourke
[email protected]
01 2092820
RTÉ is Ireland's Public Service Broadcaster. RTÉ, through all of its services, forms a major part of the
Infrastructure of Irish society. The distinctive leader in Irish media, RTÉ provides a comprehensive
and cost-effective broadcasting service to the Irish public on radio and television.
The Board of RTÉ is charged by the Irish Government with overseeing the activities of the RTÉ Group.
The Director-General reports directly to the Board of RTÉ. The RTÉ executive team, chaired by the
Director General, manages RTÉ's Integrated Business Divisions (IBDs) and the Group's Shared
Services (Finance, Internal Audit, Human Resources, Communications, Legal Affairs, Technology) on
a day-to-day basis. The six IBD’s are TV, Radio, News & Current affairs, Publishing, RTÉ Orchestras,
Quartet and Choirs and RTÉ Network Limited. RTÉ operates from a primary site in Donnybrook,
Dublin with a number of regional television, news and radio offices around the country and in
Northern Ireland. RTÉ also operates a number of International news offices. Programme supply is a
mixture of own-origination, independent commissions and acquired material.
The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI)
Contact Name:
Nathalie Sheridan
[email protected]
01 808 2100
The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) was established as Ireland's national energy
authority under the Sustainable Energy Act 2002. SEAI's mission is to play a leading role in
transforming Ireland into a society based on sustainable energy structures, technologies and
practices. It has a number of key objectives:
•Energy efficiency first: implementing strong energy efficiency actions that radically reduce energy
intensity and usage.
•Low carbon energy sources: accelerating the development and adoption of technologies to exploit
renewable energy sources.
•Innovation and integration: supporting evidence-based responses that engage all actors, supporting
innovation and enterprise for our low-carbon future.
SEAI is partly financed by Ireland’s EU Structural Funds Programme co-funded by the Irish
Government and the European Union.
Northern Ireland Buyers
Central Procurement Directorate
Contact Name:
Lila Clarke
[email protected]
028 90 816200
CPD is a Directorate within the Department of Finance & Personnel which leads on the development of NI
Public Procurement Policy. CPD provides advice and professional procurement services to Government
Departments in Northern Ireland through its Centres of Procurement Expertise (CoPEs). There are three CoPEs
within CPD. They are:
Construction Division procure and deliver the following projects on behalf of NICS Departments and Arms
Length Bodies:- new buildings, extensions, refurbishments, infrastructure projects, office accommodation,
college/teaching facilities, workshops, laboratories, amenity and public realm schemes. In addition this
Division also provides advice to Departments on grant funded construction projects.
Supplies and Services Division (SSD) procure and deliver the following projects on behalf of NICS Departments
and Arms Length Bodies: transportation, vehicles and services, ICT (systems, hardware & software), energy
(electricity, oil, gas & renewables), consultancy services, food/catering, facilities management.
Construction Division Health Projects procure and deliver the following projects on behalf of the five Health
and Social Care Trusts, the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service and the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue
Service: new buildings, extensions, refurbishments, office accommodation.
BSO Procurement and Logistic Service (PalS)
Contact Name:
Rodney Smyth
Website: /
028 9066 7799
The Procurement and Logistics Service, commonly known as PaLS, is the sole provider of
professional supplies services (logistics and procurement) to all public Health and Social Care
organisations in Northern Ireland. It is a recognised Centre of Procurement Expertise
established under the Northern Ireland Public Procurement Policy as approved by the Northern
Ireland Assembly, and was re-accredited in October 2013. Currently employing staff on sites
throughout Northern Ireland the Procurement and Logistics Service has an operating budget of
about £11m per annum. PaLS influences over £505m of goods and services spend per annum on
behalf of Health and Social Care.
Department of the Environment (DOENI)
Contact Name:
Jackie Bittles (Dublin)
[email protected]
The DOE Central Contracts Team, within Finance and Business Planning Division, provides advice and
guidance to the Department and its agencies in respect of contract management and procurement.
The Team are also the initial contact point for Central Procurement Directorate (CPD) within DFP.
The Contracts Team has responsibility for tendering all goods and services over £5k and below £30k.
Roles that fall within the DOE remit:
 Driver Vehicle Agency
 Road Safety
 Planning
 Environment & Marine Group – this
 Marine Division
 Environmental Policy Division
 Northern Ireland Environment Agency
Loughs Agency
Contact Name:
Main Procurement Areas:
 Professional Services, including
Consultants, Architects, Scientific skills,
 Events
 Vehicles, Plant & Machinery
 ICT Software & Maintenance
 Staff Training
 Printing Services
 Marketing
 Laboratory supplies & services
 Construction
 Landscaping
 New Technology
John Paul O’Doherty
[email protected]
028 71 342100
The Loughs Agency is an agency of the Foyle, Carlingford and Irish Lights Commission (FCILC),
established as one of the cross-border bodies under the 1998 Agreement between the Government
of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Ireland. The
Agency aims to provide sustainable social, economic and environmental benefits through the
effective conservation, management, promotion and development of the fisheries and marine
resources of the Foyle and Carlingford Areas. The Mission of the Agency as initially established by
the Board and approved by the North South Ministerial Council is: “To provide sustainable social,
economic and environmental benefits through the effective conservation, protection, management,
promotion and development of the fisheries and marine resources of the Foyle and Carlingford
Newry and Mourne District Council
[email protected]
028 3031 3280/3282
Entire procurement process is electronic from tendering through to purchase order and now to
payment. In order to supply Newry, Mourne and Down Councils you only need to register on e-Hub, - our Portal, and select suitable areas of
interest from the categories and whenever we go to a competition, whether for a low value £2k/ £5k
upwards, you will get an email advising and inviting you to take part. i.e. all competitions are open
including quotations. Currently developing the use of virtual credit card payments for our low value
e-orders to help ensure a quick payment to suppliers, while also minimising back office resources
and therefore savings to the tax payer.
NI Education and Library Boards
Contact Name:
David Gilmore (SEELB)
Website: and
[email protected]
028 9056 6508
The 5 NI Education and Library Boards have responsibility for education and youth services within
Northern Ireland. The Boards are collectively recognised as one Centre of Procurement Expertise
(CoPE). Goods and Services Procurement. Each Board has a Procurement Section to administer
contracts on behalf of schools and budget holders, most of which are period contracts on a call-off
as required basis. The five Education and Library Boards operate a system of joint board contracting
where one board administers a contract on behalf of all five boards. Most of the contracts placed are
joint board contracts. The Procurement Section seeks to maintain a balance between the needs of
schools, best value for money, safety standards and the requirements of legislation. European
legislation and board Standing Orders require that tenders are invited from suppliers for goods and
services with a foreseeable spend greater than £30,000 and we operate a system of open
competitive tendering. Access to Tender Opportunities Contracts are awarded after a process of
open competitive tendering. When due for renewal, the tenders are advertised in the Belfast
Telegraph and some are advertised in the Official Journal of the European Union, and are posted on
individual board websites. The ELBs use Bravo’s e-Sourcing NI website for their tenders, this requires
tenderers to access and complete tenders online. This is now the single etendering portal for most
government procurement activities within NI. Access it at …
Typical areas we tender for:
Northern Ireland Water
Contact Name:
Jane Mellor
[email protected]
028 9035 4813 ext 23302 or 23301
NI Water provides the water and sewerage services in Northern Ireland, supplying 560 million litres
of clean water and treating 320 million litres of wastewater daily. We operate a huge system of
pipes, pumping stations, treatment works and reservoirs: 26,700 km of water mains and 15,200 km
of sewers. We invest to reduce leakage levels, lower the threats of flooding and improve water and
wastewater quality. As well as goods, services and capital works to operate, maintain and improve
the infrastructure, NI Water buys a wide range of goods & services: professional services, marketing
services, ICT, HR services, financial services.
Strategic Investment Board
[email protected]
028 9090 9440
Strategic Investment Board Limited (SIB) supports the public sector in the delivery of infrastructure
projects. We also provide strategic advice to Ministers on the development and roll-out of the
Executive’s infrastructure Investment Strategy (ISNI). Departments publish comprehensive up-todate information on all planned capital works funded under the Investment Strategy so that
everyone can stay informed about our latest plans, timescales and can track our progress. This
information is available on the Executive’s Investment Strategy website,
Contact Name:
Neil Bowers
[email protected]
028 9035 4044
Translink is the public transport provider of bus and rail services in Northern Ireland and is the
‘brand name umbrella’ under which operates the 3 public transport companies – Ulsterbus, Metro
and Northern Ireland Railways (NIR).
Contact Name:
Stephen Bradshaw
[email protected]
028 9054 0405
TransportNI is a Business Unit within the Department for Regional Development and is responsible
for the management, maintenance and development of Northern Ireland’s Road Network. It is
responsible for approximately 25,000 kilometres of public roads, 9,500 kilometres of footways and
5,800 bridges, an asset which is valued at over £30 billion.
Northern Ireland Assembly
[email protected]
028 9052 0206; 029 9052 0202
The NI Assembly is the elected devolved legislature for Northern Ireland. It is responsible for making laws on
all transferred matters. The NI Assembly Secretariat exists to support MLAs and Assembly Committees in their
work to scrutinise the work of Ministers of the Northern Ireland Executive and NI Government Departments.
The NI Assembly’s Secretariat’s Procurement Office provides professional procurement services to the NI
Assembly Commission, Assembly Secretariat and liaises with other Public Sector, UK and other Crown
dependencies to maintain and promote information sharing and best practice. Contract Opportunities are
advertised via
Procurements planned for 2014-15 and 2015-16 includes:
ICT Goods and Services and
Corporate Clothing
Fixed Telephony
•Insurance and Insurance Broking
•Buildings/Rent Valuations
 Professional Mobile Radio
 Printing and Publishing