oie strategic planning workshop for veterinary research institute (vri)

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BIL : 8
Menarik dalam…
Perutusan daripada Pengarah…..2
Perhimpunan bulanan…………..3
Seminar R & D bulanan ……….4
Bengkel An Introduction to
Basic Cell Culture Technique for
Seeding New Stock Cell Culture”…………………………....5
Bengkel Pengenalan Kepada Peralatan Makmal….….............6
Majlis Jamuan Hari Raya Aidilfitri VRI 2014……………..…..6
Bengkel Teknik Asas Pengasingan dan Pengenalpastian Pateurellosis……………………...7
Chronicles Of A Goat…………..8
SPF management…….
OIE Strategic planning workshop
for VRI………………………......16
Hari Kebangsaan ke-57………17
Jawapan untuk DNA crossword
Bengkel tersebut telah diadakan pada 18-22 Ogos 2014 di Kinta
River Front Hotel, Ipoh dan dihadiri oleh 24 peserta dari VRI
dan makmal kawasan veterinar DVS
Perutusan daripada Pengarah
Selamat sejahtera, Salam Satu Malaysia dan Maju VRI kepada semua pembaca buletin.
Terlebih dahulu, saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri kepada semua.
Pada Hari Raya yang mulia ini, kita mengamalkan budaya bermaaf-maafan, ziarah-menziarahi.
Budaya bermaaf-maafan ini harus dihayati dan diamal selalu.
Sedia maklum bahawa jabatan sedang menjalankan transformasi perkhidmatan veterinar. Di sini,
saya ingin menyeru semua kakitangan VRI supaya meningkatkan prestasi kerja masing-masing.
Saya berasa sangat bersyukur dan bangga kerana dalam masa 5 tahun ini, maklum balas terhadap VRI adalah amat memberangsangkan. Pelanggan kita berpuas hati terhadap perkhidmatan
kita. Walaubagaimanapun, kita tidak boleh berpuas hati dengan pencapaian kita, malah kita perlu
meningkatkan imej dan mengharumkan lagi nama VRI. Sifat-sifat negatif seperti tidak menepati
masa, sikap lenggang lengkok perlu dikikiskan.
Aktiviti-aktiviti Jawatankuasa utama VRI perlu ditingkatkan lagi. Untuk meningkatkan imej satu
pasukan, setiap individu dalam pasukan tersebut perlu mempunyai imej dan kreativiti sendiri.
Jika setiap individu dalam VRI tidak menitikberatkan imej masing-masing, imej VRI akhirnya
terjejas. Secara keseluruhan, imej VRI berada dalam keadaan baik. Lebih kurang 6070% kakitangan VRI mempunyai sikap patriotik. Sebahagian kecil warga VRI masih mempunyai ruangan untuk maju lagi.
Kita menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan ke-57 pada bulan yang mulia ini. Patriotisme didefinisikan
sebagai sikap-sikap positif dan menolong terhadap 'tanah air' oleh individu-individu dan kumpulan-kumpulan. Patriotisme meliputi sikap-sikap seperti bangga akan pencapaian dan budaya
kehendak memelihara ciri-ciri bangsa dan dasar budayanya, dan identifikasi dengan
ahli-ahli lain dalam bangsa. Untuk memupuk sikap Patriotisme pada diri sendiri, kita perlu
mempunyai sikap positif pada diri sendiri, keluarga, VRI, jabatan, masyarakat dan negara
sepanjang masa. Sikap
Patriotisme bukan setakat memasang bendera sahaja tetapi lebih
kepada bangga terhadap diri sendiri, jabatan dan negara. Selain daripada ilmu pengetahuan,
kepakaran, teknologi penampilan juga penting untuk memupuk keyakinan pelanggan trhadap
perkhidmatan kita.
Akhir sekali, saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat menyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri dan Hari Kebangsaan ke-57.
Perhimpunan bulanan Institut Penyelidikan Veterinar
Perhimpunan bulanan Institut Penyelidikan Veterinar telah diadakan pada 15 Ogos yang
lepas. Tema bulan ini ialah Patriotik sempena Hari Kebangsaan ke-57. Pelajar yang
menjalani latihan industri di VRI juga menunjukkan semangat patriotic mereka dengan
menyanyikan lagu Satu Malaysia. Penyampaian hadiah untuk pemenang pertandingan
MY VRI, I CARE untuk pelajar latihan indutri turut diadakan pada hari tersebut.
Kehadiran warga VRI di perhimpunan bulanan
Tuan Pengarah VRI, Dr Ramlan
Mohamed sedang memberi ucapan
Penyampaian hadiah kepada pemenang pertandingan MY VRI, I CARE oleh Tuan Pengarah VRI, Dr Ramlan Mohamed dan Timbalan Pengarah VRI, Dr Chandarawathani
Pemberian ucapan oleh Timbalan
Pengarah VRI, Dr Chandarawathani
Pelajar latihan industri mempersembahkan lagu “ Satu Malaysia”
Seminar R & D bulanan VRI
Seminar R & D bulanan telah diadakan pada 28 Ogos yang lalu. Seminar ini merupakan
satu platform untuk pegawai dan kakitangan VRI dan DVS bagi melaporkan sebarang perkembangan projek. Program ini diharap dapat menggalakkan pertukaran maklumat, idea serta
teknologi penyelidikan di samping mewujudkan hubungan rangkaian kerja yang baik di pelbagai
peringkat (dalam dan luar jabatan).
VRI berasa sangat gembira dan bangga kerana dapat menjemput Dr Choi Kang-Seuk, pakar OIE
untuk penyakit Newcastle Disease dan Dr Kim Ji-Ye dari Korea untuk memberi ceramah tentang
peranan makmal rujukan OIE dalam kawalan ND dan cara mendiagnosa penyakit ND. Dr. Faez
Firdaus Jesse Abdullah dari UPM turut dijemput untuk berkongsi perkembangan projek beliau
tentang penyakit CLA dalam kambing.
Pembentangan oleh
Pakar OIE, Dr Choi
Kang-Seuk tentang
penyakit ND
Pembentangan oleh Dr
Kim Ji-Ye tentang
cara diagnosis penyakit ND
Perbincangan antara Dr Choi KangSeuk, Dr Ramlan Mohamed, Dr
Chandrawathani dan Dr. Faez
Firdaus Jesse Abdullah
Kehadiran warga VRI dalam seminar R & D bulanan
Pakar OIE, Dr Choi Kang-Seuk
dan Dr Kim Ji-Ye dijemput untuk
menghadiri seminar R & D VRI
Dr. Faez Firdaus Jesse
Abdullah dari UPM
membentangkan projek
Bengkel “An Introduction to Basic Cell Culture Technique for Seeding New Stock Cell Culture”
Satu bengkel “An Introduction to Basic Cell Culture Technique for Seeding New
Stock Cell Culture” telah diadakan pada 13 Ogos yang lalu. Bengkel ini dianjurkan oleh
seksyen Virologi Mamalia dan Biomarketing Services Sdn Bhd. Objektif bengkel ini
diadakan adalah untuk mendedahkan kakitangan kepada teknik membuat kultur sel. Seramai 20 kakitangan VRI telah menyertai bengkel ini. Selain daripada ceramah, peserta turut
berpeluang menjalani “hands-on” untuk pengiraan kultur sel dan sebagainya.
Ucapan alu-aluan oleh Pn Roslina
kepada peserta bengkel
Hands-on oleh peserta bengkel
Penerangan oleh Pn Roslina tentang tentatif
Pemerhatian sel bawah mikroskop
Penerangan oleh pegawai dari Biomarketing
Services Sdn Bhd kepada kakitangan VRI
Kehadiran kakitangan VRI di bengkel kultur sel
yang dianjurkan oleh seksyen Virologi Mamalia
Bengkel Pengenalan Kepada Peralatan Makmal
Pada 26 Ogos 2014, satu bengkel pengenalan kepada peralatan makmal telah dianjurkan. Program ini telah dihadiri oleh beberapa kakitangan PRA yang berkhidmat di Institut Penyelidikan
Veterinar. En.Faizul Fikri ditugaskan untuk memberi penerangan tentang bengkel yang dianjurkan. Setelah selesai menghadiri bengkel, kakitangan PRA diberikan ujian selama 15 minit untuk
menjawab beberapa soalan ringkas.
Kakitangan VRI sedang
menjawab soalan
Kehadiran Dr Chandrawathani dan
En Faizul dalam bengkel tersebut
Penerangan oleh En Faizul
tentang peralatan makmal
Majlis Jamuan Hari Raya Aidilfitri VRI
Majlis Jamuan Hari Raya Aidilfitri VRI telah diadakan di kantin VRI pada 26 Ogos yang lalu. Semua warga bergembira menjamu selera dan menyambut Hari raya yang mulia ini. Warga VRI juga
berpakaian traditional sempena majlis ini.
Kehadiran warga VRI di Majlis
Jamuan Hari Raya
Warga VRI menjamu selera...
Bacaan doa sebelum majlis dimulakan
Kehadiran Dr Choi Kang-Seuk dan
Dr Kim Ji-Ye di Majlis Jamuan Hari
Enaknya makanan yang dihidangkan...
Bergembira bergambar...
Seksyen Bakteriologi Mamalia telah menganjurkan satu Bengkel Teknik Asas
Pengasingan dan pengenalpastian Pasteurellosis pada 20 Ogos 2014 yang lepas. Seramai
24 orang kakitangan VRI dari semua seksyen VRI telah menghadiri bengkel ini dengan
jayanya. Objektif utama bengkel ini adalah bagi memberi pendedahan mengenai
Penyakit Pasteurellosis serta teknik asas diagnosis yang dijalankan di VRI. Bengkel ini
melibatkan dua bahagian penting iaitu pengenalpastian koloni Pasteurella sp. melalui
teknik konvensional iaitu pewarnaan Gram dan ujian biokimia. Penserotipan Pasteurella
multocida jenis A, B atau D mengikut kaedah Carter turut di ajar. Peserta bengkel juga
berpeluang untuk menjalankan ujian diagnosis sendiri menggunakan bahan dan
peralatan yang disediakan oleh penganjur.
Gambar kumpulan peserta bengkel
Madam Khoo membuat demontrasi untuk
penserotipan Pasteurella multocida
Chronicles Of A Goat
Dr. Dorothy Simon
Seksyen Parasitology, VRI
was a fine bright morning to go to a farm. The farm was located near the river banks
of Sungai Perak. The warm sun shining down the soft shiny sand and the smell of the fresh
breeze of air sweeping in softly and tenderly. The beautiful view of the serene river with the
chickens and geese running and swimming happily around is a priceless view to treasure.
As we entered into the farm, there it was the pen house where all the goats were taken care of.
We heard the calling sound of the goats together with the birds chirping at the same time. Together they sounded so sweet with the sound of the calm breeze.
We went into the pen and noticed all the goats, big and small, young and old looking at us
and wondering who we are and what these new faces are going to do in their home. We
walked around the pen observing the condition of the pen and trying to make friends with
the goats. The goats as curious as they can be looked at us and some of them tried making
friends with us and some walked away shyly and saying something to each other in a language that only they can understand.
We observed many animals were not in the best of health, most of them were thin and
their body score was not good. Some of them were showing clinical signs such as nasal
discharge, coughing, a pale mucous membrane, diarrhoea and had ticks on their body.
Many animals were observed to be having wounds on their body and Caseous lymphadenitis (CLA).
We then asked the caretaker Pak Yob when and how these wounds happened. To his best
ability he explained to us and told us what he has done so far to help these adourable
helpless animals. The look of the goats’ eyes told us that we have to help them to our
ability as it was responsibility to do so.
We gathered all our medication and treatment kit and were all set to treat these goats with
maggot wounds, each at a different site of the body. We examined the wound and made
sure that all of the injuries were located in order to begin the treatment process. We carefully restrained the goat during the treatment process to avoid injuries to it or people
treating it. The goat must remain still throughout the process so that the wound can be
cleaned efficiently.
We applied hydrogen peroxide and saline rinse to the end of a pair of clippers or scissors
to disinfect the tools. Then we cut or shaved the hair around the wound so that we will
be able to clearly see the entire injury. Later we flushed out the loose hairs of the wound
in order to prevent irritation or infection.
We used forceps to remove any maggots that were close to the surface
of the wound. After that we filled a syringe with hydrogen peroxide or
saline solution before using the syringe
to flush out the wound. The cleaning and
disinfecting solution kills the maggots,
removes them and prevents further
infection. We then removed any remaining maggots that are near the surface of
the skin with forceps or a piece of
gauze. We applied antibiotic ointment
and anti-fly repellent to the wound,
placed gauze over it and secured the
gauze in place with a roll of vet wrap. It is important to keep the
wound clean and dry so that no further complications develop.
An antibiotic and vitamin B-Complex injection was given as well to prevent secondary
infection and also to promote healing of wound. At the same time it will help to stimulate
the goats’ appetite. We advised the caretaker of the goats to isolate these animals and to
do so the dressing every day until the wound heals completely.
It was all done in a day; our hard work was all paid off by the happy look of the goat as
we managed to relieve the pain and suffering of the goat. The satisfaction of helping an
animal in need is the greatest satisfaction a person can ever have in whatever we do.
Maggot Wound In Gums of Goat
Maggot Wound On Chest of Goat
Before Treatment
After Treatment
Maggot Wound At Ears of Goat
Before Treatment
After Treatment
Maggot Wound in Hoof In a Kid
Before Treatment After Treatment
Before Treatment
After Treatment
Copyright preserved, all pictures are taken by Para staff during farm visit
SPF Management
by Peter Mangalam
SPF (Specific Pathogen Free of Disease) poultry are poultry stocks such as layer-breeder flocks
and their eggs that are able to be accredited by regular laboratory testing as being free from infection by a range of pathogens.
The Importance of SPF Eggs
A requirement for embryonated eggs used in tissue
culture for the production of live virus vaccines
Production of poultry vaccines to international standards of quality and freedom from contaminants. Also
their potency, safety and quality control testing.
For human vaccines to W.H.O. standards like manufacturing, e.g., influenza, measles, yellow fever, ‘Q’
Fever (including virus seed stock)
The Importance of SPF
 Need for embryos, chicks, growing and adult birds for use as experimental animals in disease
research in which it is essential to know the disease status of the flock since there may be an
interaction of pathogens or the presence of antibodies which could influence experimental
 SPF flocks require to be free from bacteria, mycoplasma, viral disease agents, protozoa etc.
Historical Perspective
 SPF Division of VRI started operation in Sept 1988
 Arrival of Japanese expert with 400 SPF eggs from Nippon Institute of Biological Science ,
 Finally 68 females and 20 males were selected as parent stocks and to produce 10000 eggs/
 1997-In the Aftercare Program (JICA) , cages were modified to hold more birds to produce
maximum 50000 eggs/year
Accreditation of SPF Flocks-SPF Monitoring
Accreditation of SPF flocks is by laboratory testing of serums, blood smears, fecal
samples & eggs.
Positive evidence for contamination of a flock invalidates its SPF status.
Commercial poultry production has several approaches to control infectious disease.
(e.g. Biosecurity, Quarantine, hygiene, vaccination, eradication, genetic resistance,
SPF poultry production is done through a controlled housing environment, control of
movements and hygiene of personnel .
Maintaining a successful SPF operation needs full knowledge of likely modes of spread of
disease, their resistance to inactivation.
Systems for Maintaining SPF Flocks-SPF Housing System
Isolator-based or Filtered Air Positive Pressure (FAPP) Building.
Air-borne pathogens ventilated by filters at slightly positive pressure to atmospheric.
It involves through Pre, Medium and Hepa filters which has at least 99.99% effi
Air Handling Unit (AHU)
Mid Filter
Hepa filter
Filtered air
supplied to
SPF house
Systems for Maintaining SPF Flocks-SPF Housing System
Filtered Air 24 hrs/day and temperature at approximately 22
Standby generator into operation automatically if failure of
main electrical power supply.
Houses should be fitted with flap-valves or other means to
avoid back-flow of unfiltered air.
Rules and Regulations
Outer clothing is left in a changing room before shower and clean clothing to be worn in
the clean area.
Clothing may consist of coveralls, boots which can be disinfected and face masks and dis
posable gloves.
 Washing machine in the clean area and Double-ended autoclave installed.
 FAPP houses (SPF) located well away from commercial poultry units.
Feed and Water Supplies
SPF birds require high quality feed rations and heat sterilization to minimize contamination.
Vitamin supplementation is added
Feed Preparation
Feedmill house
Feed and Water Supplies
Treated feed is than packed in plastic bags and fumigated with formaldehyde.
Fumigation is done for 24 hrs before being taken into the clean area of the SPF House.
Water supply to the SPF House is filtered.
Breeding and Replacement of SPF Flocks
Inbreeding depression occurs over each subsequent generation.
Good genetic management program is important in maintaining a SPF Flock.
Selection process from good performing groups or lines within the flock achieve good
results in the short term but not for the long term.
Therefore SPF Flocks may occasionally need to infuse new genetic vigor from another
SPF source.
SPF breeding operations need to have two parent SPF strains which is a sounder longer
- term approach.
Parameters required to maintain SPF strain :
Body weight at day old chick
Feed consumption
Body growth
Egg production
Egg weight
Mortality, Fertility
 Monitoring
This workshop was held on 18th to 22nd August 2014 (5 days) in Kinta River Front Hotel, Ipoh, involving 24 participants from VRI and veterinary regional laboratories of DVS. The main aim of the workshop
is to discuss and draft a strategic plan on the direction of VRI for the next five years, 2015-2020. There
were four OIE representatives to facilitate the workshop namely Mr.Voravate Chonlasin, Ms Narumon
Wangnai, Dr (Mrs) Jaruwan Kampa and Dr (Ms) Agnes Poirier. Most of the session chaired and facilitated by Mr.Voravate Chonlasin.
During the workshop, the participants were involved in group discussions and presentations on
different topics, including challenges faced by VRI, value and culture of VRI, formulation of VRI vision
statement as long term goal, strategic issues and finally formulation of strategy and action plan. Participants learn to draft the correct words to describe VRI vision, strengthen the vision by adding in values,
culture and positives changes with regards to mandates given by the department and expectations of the
stakeholders. Participants also learn to consolidate the idea on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats for each goal to plan a strategy, conformed to the vision set. Similar evaluations made to create an
action plan comply with the objectives. After the workshop, the participants are expected to have clear
idea on long term direction of VRI.
Vision statement:
VRI is committed to be an
internationally recognized
veterinary research and
diagnostic reference centre to
cater for the dynamic animal
industry and public health
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Jawapan untuk crossword bulan Julai