New Zealand Dental & Oral Health Therapists Association Face to Face MINUTES OF MEETING Saturday 23 August 2014 Board Present: Apologies: In Attendance: 1 Trish Delamore – Chairperson, Rachel Bridgeman, Sue McFarlane, Luisa Antonio, Brittany Le Sueur Lynette Nicholas Jennifer Pelvin (BPA), Ropeti Huntley (BPA) Welcome The meeting opened at 10.05am. The Chairperson Trish Delamore thanked everyone for their attendance and making themselves available. She explained that her approach to chairing Board meetings would be different to how they had previously been run under Gillian’s chair. Trish asked if Board members would be happy to agree items through consensus rather than formal votes. It was agreed if at any point a member wished to dissent from the majority, they were expected to do so verbally. 1.2 Acceptance of Minutes from previous meeting The minutes from the meeting held 26 June 2014 were tabled. Agreement Board Decision To accept the Minutes as tabled. 2 Agreed – by Consensus Conflict of Interest The following conflicts are noted: Representative member of Te Ao Marama. Rachel Bridgeman Deputy Leader, Oral Health Clinical Leadership Network Rachel Bridgeman indicated she had stepped down from her Executive position with Te Ao Marama and would now be acting in a representative role. Jennifer Pelvin Chief Executive of Podiatry New Zealand Provider of web/admin and governance services to membership based organisations Sue McFarlane2 Spouse (Craig McFarlane) is Chair of the Midland Health Regional Trust, Chair of the National Board of Habitat for Humanity and Board member of LearningWorks. Sue McFarlane advised that her husband, Craig McFarlane, had been appointed to the Board for LearningWorks, an educational resource & training business. Lynette Nicholas Dental Therapist member of the Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal Macintosh HD:Users:jenniferpelvin:Dropbox:OHT:OHT Governance:OHT Board Meetings:OHT Board 2014:OHT August:OHT August 2014 Minutes.docx 1 2.1 Reports The reports were tabled. Items commented on and discussed were: 1. Relationship with AUT & Otago – an on-going engagement. 2. Mobile Clinic Updates – Board was pleased to hear that DHB’s had been in touch with their employees after a follow-up letter from the association. 3. Membership renewals – Jennifer explained that the secretariat continued to experience challenges, particularly when reconciling members to DHB’s. Board Decisions By whom, by when Universities - Ropeti will continue to communicate with Otago & AUT about ways in which the association can effectively engage with the student members. Secretariat – October Membership renewals – Ropeti is working on ensuring all members whose DHB agreed to a bulk-funding arrangement, had been paid for. Secretariat – October 2.2 Financial Reports The financial statements were presented. The accounts reporting process was explained for the benefit of new Board members. •Board Decision Agreement • To accept the Financial Reports tabled. 3.1 Agreed – by Consensus Policy Making – Pricing Policy for CPD Events The Dental Matters Conference highlighted the need to ensure that future events generate an operating profit, for the association is to remain sustainable. •Board Decisions By whom, by when • Following discussion and debate around pricing arrangements for conference and other educational events, the Board determined a recommended pricing policy for branch/division national CPD events: CPD Application Branch CPD Event Secretariat – mid Nov $150 (non-members) $30 (non members) Free (members) Macintosh HD:Users:jenniferpelvin:Dropbox:OHT:OHT Governance:OHT Board Meetings:OHT Board 2014:OHT August:OHT August 2014 Minutes.docx 2 3.2 Conference Committee 2015 The Conference Committee met at the end of July in Auckland. NZDOHTA experienced a loss from this year’s conference for the third year in a row. Their recommendation was to have next year’s conference in Wellington, with the same convening Committee. •Board Decisions • The Committee must budget for a $20 000 profit. Conference Committee to go ahead with planning for the 2015 Wellington Conference. The Committee need to involve the Wellington members. 3.3 By whom, by when Conference Committee Conference Committee Sugar Sweetened Beverages (SSB) Policy Statement The FIZZ campaign has gained significant media coverage over the last few months. FIZZ’s policy brief was presented to Parliament in June. Gerhard Sundborn, founder of FIZZ, contacted Trish seeking support and endorsement of their policy brief. •Board Decisions By whom, by when To write to FIZZ, endorsing and supporting their policy brief in principle. The policy brief has 18 recommendations: Secretariat – end Aug 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Government Introduce a 20% excise tax on SSBs with funding used for health promotion. Strengthen the National Administration Guidelines that schools only provide foods and beverages, which meet the dietary guidelines. Implement effective social marketing campaigns that support healthy beverage choices and discourage unhealthy beverage choices. Implement effective restrictions of marketing to children of unhealthy foods and beverages, including SSBs. Whanau & Community/Workplace Groups Develop/adopt organisational healthy beverage policy, making them SSB free; Work with local DHB, Public Health services and NGOs to tailor education and awareness approaches on healthy eating and drinking for organisations eg Marae. For organisations, which receive sponsorship from a beverage company, ensure that it is only related to a sugar-free product, and that any marketing related to this sponsorship strongly promote the sugar-free aspect of the agreement/deal. Schools & Early Childhood Education (ECE) Communities ECE centres adopt a policy to ensure SSBs are not consumed in the setting. Boards of Trustees ensure that ‘healthy food and beverage guidelines’ are implemented in their schools whether the guidelines are mandatory or not. Macintosh HD:Users:jenniferpelvin:Dropbox:OHT:OHT Governance:OHT Board Meetings:OHT Board 2014:OHT August:OHT August 2014 Minutes.docx 3 10. Professional organisations (i.e. PPTA (Post Primary Teachers' Association), NZEI (New Zealand Educational Institute) support the implementation of ‘healthy food and beverage guidelines’ in schools. 11. Strengthen curriculum and education about SSBs. 12. Schools and ECEs ensure that a sufficient number of quality water fountains are available ‘at arm’s reach’ on school grounds and promoted by school to students. Health Professionals 13. Identify SSBs as a priority for action by actively asking, assessing, and advising clients on the issues related of SSB intake and health. 14. Ensure SSBs are not be sold on health care premises and display/provide educational recourses as to why. 15. Provide leadership on this issue and actively facilitate collaboration with other settings (i.e. schools, community and industry) to develop solutions. Industry 16. Beverage companies promote the sugar-free beverages as their flagship products with the aim of these sugar-free products being the majority share of beverage sales. 17. Supermarkets and retail chains in stocking, placing, and promoting beverages in the store, favour sugar-free beverages over SSBs. 18. Fast food chains make the majority of their beverages sugar free and make these the default beverage option, as well as actively promoting their sugar-free beverages over the SSBs. To contact relevant organisations requesting data on the number of children admitted to their practice for interproximal caries treatment. 3.4 Secretariat – December 3rd Year Student Scholarship Despite promotion of the scholarships, no applications have received. The current policy for 3rd Year Scholarship states that the Board shall decide in August the scholarship recipient for the current year. Board Decisions By whom, by when To establish a Scholarship Committee comprising students, Board, and university members to review the scholarship & grants policy and recommend changes where appropriate. Secretariat – mid Nov Macintosh HD:Users:jenniferpelvin:Dropbox:OHT:OHT Governance:OHT Board Meetings:OHT Board 2014:OHT August:OHT August 2014 Minutes.docx 4 3.5 Appointment of Replacement Board Member Since the 2014 AGM, changes in situation had forced Charlotte Hughes to step down from her position on the Board. •Board Decision By whom, by when The importance of representative spread in the make-up of the Board was discussed. It was decided that to maintain fairness, a call for Board nominations, to replace Charlotte, should be announced to the membership. Secretariat – mid October Appointment of a temporary replacement would be deferred until the next meeting. 4.1 Strategic Discussion The three strategic goals, as identified from the Board’s last meeting: By whom, by when 1. Developing Relationships with Key Stakeholders The association will contact Barbara Dewson regarding the development of a central application system for new graduates. Secretariat – October NZDOHTA will be in contact with FIZZ to advise of support and to seek further research on sugar-sweetened beverages. Secretariat – October 2. Implementation of new CPD system and streamlining the Professional Standards Committee process Feedback from members regarding the new CPD system was encouraging. The Board decided having questionnaires from SurveyMonkey would slowly be phased in for future branch events. Secretariat – mid Nov A meeting with the Professional Standards Committee will be scheduled (before the next Board meeting) to ensure they understand the new online system and to streamline the approval process. Secretariat – October 3. Seek Revenue Generating Opportunities Jennifer & Ropeti will be meeting with the Ministry of Health to discuss ways in which NZDOHTA can work together. 5.2 Secretariat – mid Nov Next Board Meeting Month Time & Date F2F, electronic Location Nov 2014 1st Electronic March 2015 14th F2F Hamilton July 2015 25th F2F Auckland Meeting closed 3.40 pm, Saturday, 23 August 2014. Macintosh HD:Users:jenniferpelvin:Dropbox:OHT:OHT Governance:OHT Board Meetings:OHT Board 2014:OHT August:OHT August 2014 Minutes.docx 5
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