Celebration of Ordination-PDF

St. Clare
Sacred Heart
Yonkers, NY
Saturday,31 May 2014
[Photos top l-r]:
Friars assemble
for Ordination
Procession; Seán
Cardinal O’Malley
and Francis
Minister SMP;
Edward Conway,
Sister Margaret
Terese, O. Carm.,
and Senan Taylor.
[Photo center]
Capuchin friars: Regis Armstrong and
Matthew Janeczko
Celebration of Ordination
of our brothers
Matthew Janeczko, O.F.M. Cap.
Order of the Presbyterate
Victor Garcia, O.F.M. Cap.
Michele Vricella, O.F.M. Cap.
Order of the Diaconate
Conferred by His Eminence
Seán P. Cardinal O’Malley, O.F.M. Cap.
Archbishop of Boston
On this
Thirty-first day of May 2014
Celebrated at
The Church of the Sacred Heart
Yonkers, New York
11:00 a.m.
Ministers of the Liturgy
Master of Ceremonies
Ernest Bedard, O.F.M. Cap.
Principal Celebrant
Seán P. Cardinal O’Malley, O.F.M. Cap.
Archbishop of Boston
Francis Gasparik, O.F.M. Cap.
Provincial Minister
Salvatore Patricola, O.F.M. Cap.
James Peterson, O.F.M. Cap.
Anthony Zuba, O.F.M. Cap.
John Alvarado, O.F.M. Cap.
Timothy Aller, O.F.M. Cap.
John Koelle, O.F.M. Cap.
Erik Lenhart, O.F.M. Cap.
Scott Surrency, O.F.M. Cap.
William Tarraza, O.F.M. Cap.
Maria Ramos
Ellen Romer
Regis Armstrong, O.F.M. Cap.
Salvatore Patricola, O.F.M. Cap.
Edward Conway, O.F.M. Cap.
Gift Bearers
Nancy & Mark Janeczko
Music Ministers
Mr. Andrew Bauer
Mr. Brian Niemiec
Margaret Felize
“Mass of the Sacred Heart”
© Copyright 2011, Andrew Bauer-All rights reserved. Used with permission.
Blessing and
Sprinkling of
Holy Water
[Photos left-right]
Capuchin friars:
Salvatore Patricola,
Seán Cardinal
O’Malley, William
Tarraza, Scott
Salvatore Patricola
and Seán Cardinal
[Photos l-r]:
First Reading: Maria Ramos
Responsorial Psalm: Brian Niemiec
Second Reading Ellen Romer
Gospel Reading:
Salvatore Patricola, O.F.M. Cap
Election of Candidates for the Diaconate
The candidates to be ordained deacons are called forward. The Cardinal asks and receives the testimony
to the worthiness of the candidates. The Cardinal declares that the candidates have been chosen for
ordination. The Cardinal says: “We rely on the help of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ, and
choose these men, our brothers, for the Order of the Diaconate,” to which the assembly responds:
Thanks be to God.”
Election of
Candidates for
the Priesthood
The candidate to be
ordained a priest is
called forward. The
Cardinal asks and
receives testimony to the
worthiness of the
candidate. The Cardinal
declares that the
candidate has been
chosen for ordination.
The Cardinal says: “We
rely on the help of the
Lord God and our Savior
Jesus Christ, and choose
this man, our brother,
for the priesthood in the
Presbyteral Order,” to
which the assembly
responds: “Thanks be
to God.”
…Be Shepherds
Who Smell Like
Your Sheep.
The Cardinal instructs the people and candidates on the duties and
responsibilities of ordained ministry as deacons and priest.
Promise of the Elect for the
The candidates declare their intentions
to fulfill the duties and responsibilities
of the diaconate and, kneeling before
the Cardinal, promise obedience to their
Ordinary, the Provincial Minister.
Promise of the Elect for the
The candidate declares his intention to
fulfill the duties and responsibilities of
the priesthood and, kneeling before the
Cardinal, promises obedience to his
Ordinary, the Provincial Minister.
Litany of Supplication
The candidates lie prostrate on the floor in a
gesture of solemn petition, while the assembly
kneels. The assembly, through the intercession of
all the saints, asks God’s blessing upon the
candidates soon to be ordained.
Ordination of Deacon
Laying on of
In silence, the Cardinal
lays hands on the head of
the candidates. Through
this gesture, together with
the Prayer of Ordination,
the Holy Spirit is bestowed
and the conferral of the
Order of Deacon is
brought about.
Investiture with Deacon’s
Stole and Dalmatic
The newly ordained are now clothed in the
vestments of their office.
Vesting Victor Garcia,
O.F.M. Cap.
Salvatore Patricola,
O.F.M. Cap.
Vesting Michele
Vricella, O.F.M. Cap.
Edward Conway,
O.F.M. Cap.
Handing on of the Book of Gospels
Vested as deacons, the newly-ordained kneel before the Cardinal and receive the Book of the Gospels to signify their ministry.
Ordination of Priest
Laying on of Hands
In silence, the Cardinal and all the
priests present lay their hands on
the head of the candidate. Through
this gesture, sacred in Holy
Scripture and in the tradition of the
church, together with the Prayer of
Consecration and the Anointing
with Chrism, the Holy Spirit is
bestowed and the conferral of the
Order of Presbyter is brought about.
Prayer of Consecration
The Cardinal prays for the
candidate while extending
his hands over him. At the
conclusion of this prayer, all
join in responding “Amen.”
Investiture with the Stole and Chasuble
The newly-ordained is clothed in the vestments of his office.
Vesting Matthew Janeczko, O.F.M. Cap. by
Regis Armstrong, O.F.M. Cap.
Anointing of Hands
Vested as priest, the newly-ordained kneel
before the Cardinal for the anointing of the
palms of his hands with Sacred Chrism.
Presentation of
the Gifts
Nancy and Mark Janeczko
present the bread and wine to
the Cardinal and the gifts are
then prepared by the deacons.
After the gifts have been
prepared, the Cardinal presents
the paten and chalice to the
newly-ordained and instructs
him to model his life on the
mystery of the Lord’s cross.
Thank you all for joining us for
this celebration of Ordination.
You are cordially invited to
continue our festivities in the
Dining Room of the Schools of
the Sacred Heart, located
behind the Church.
Matt, Victor and Michele
With Profound Gratitude
Today, we offer our deepest gratitude to:
Almighty God for the gift of our vocations to Capuchin life and
ordained ministry in the Church;
• Our brother and Shepherd, Seán Patrick Cardinal O’Malley, for his
example of Capuchin humility and service to the people of the
Archdiocese of Boston, as well for his presence with us today;
• Our parents, Mark and Nancy, Annamaria and Filippo, and Ana and
Pablo, and to all our family members who have been our first teachers
of God's love;
• Our brother, Francis Gasparik, Provincial Minister, and his Council
for their encouragement and support;
• Our Capuchin brothers, especially those who have accompanied us
on our journeys to this day;
• Our Capuchin formators, for showing us by word and deed what it
means to be a follower of Jesus in the way of St. Francis;
• Those with whom we have ministered, for their mentoring, support
and example, especially the priests, staff, and parishioners of South
Boston, East Boston, Dorchester, Brookline, the Boston University
Catholic Center, and the Boston Chinese Catholic Community;
• The faculties of the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry
and St. John Seminary for their part in our academic formation;
• The parishioners of Sacred Heart Parish and the friars of the Sacred
Heart and Saint Clare fraternities, for their hospitality and gracious
• Those who helped assisted at this liturgy in any way, but most
especially the musicians, lectors, acolytes, gift bearers, and ministers
of hospitality;
• Our brothers Ernest Bedard, Maurice Moreau and John Shento, for
their gracious assistance in planning and celebrating this liturgy;
• Our family and friends who have gone before us marked with the
sign of faith, especially the deceased members of the Janeczko,
Zimmerer, Vricella, Garcia, and Limjuco families.