A29259 cardinal newman pros cov:A22043 cardinal newman pros cov 20/7/07 15:38 Page 1 CARDINAL NEWMAN CARDINAL NEWMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL CATHOLIC SCHOOL BAINES design & print 01707 876555 Printed on environmentally friendly paper A29259 Warden Hill Road, Luton, Bedfordshire LU2 7AE Tel: (01582) 597125 Fax: (01582) 503088 Email: [email protected] ‘Together towards our Lord, through learning, love and faith with Christ in all we do’ A29259 cardinal newman pros cov:A22043 cardinal newman pros cov 20/7/07 15:38 Page 2 CARDINAL NEWMAN CARDINAL NEWMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL BEDFORD . HILLCR EST AV. DR URNE YBO WE GRA SME RE A DER V WEN T AV GRASM ERE RO AD AM ROAD BRAMINGH ROA ORTH AILSW GRO VE D END ERB Y BIR DSF OO TL AN E LD GFI E RD SPRIN AD RO NE VIL LE R OA D RD AM GH MIN BRA LUTON AD RO RK PA TO DD ING TO NR OA D WILLOW WAY GRA NG EA V CA PR ON MA RSH RO AD RD RF ARM RD OD WO CH BE E EET STR IGH EH AV R G LEA D ROA LEY OAK R TORQUA Y D V NE A MAY Jane Crow Headteacher CO MP TO NA V LEAGRAVE TRAIN STATION Y WA ERS ANG STR We very much hope, that if you share our beliefs and values, as represented in this prospectus, you will want your child to benefit from becoming a part of our community. In our last inspection, Ofsted described us as “a good school that provides good education within a caring environment”. As a result we are always heavily oversubscribed so please read carefully the governors’ admission policy at the back of this prospectus. We look forward to working with you and your child in the future. ON ND SU Choosing a secondary school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. The aim of this prospectus is to help you in making that decision by guiding you briefly through the life of our school. • To be a catholic community recognised by our love of God and our neighbour • To value and respect ourselves and all others • To help students grow into adults whose Christian faith inspires their lives • To respond to the contributions, aspirations and needs of all staff ‘Together towards our Lord through learning, love and faith’ • To work with our families, parishes, partner schools and the wider community O ROAD WOOD CALN Cardinal Newman Catholic School L&D Hospital H DUNST ABLE ROAD ROAD TON 5 LU A50 Junction 11 M1 • To enjoy our learning by using our God-given talents to achieve our very best MA N AV LIME RD SEY LEW • To be a community of truth, reconciliation, justice and peace M1 EFIELD IMBR Our Aims D ON ROA A6 BART IVE DR ELL HW RT NO LAB URN EM AY WA A V CLOSRDEN HIL E L WA GDNRDEN HIL S L LANCA S T E R MARK HAM RD WYCO MBE W AY NE WBOLD RD E RIV ND ETU LYG HILL RO AD W LINK S Where to find us... WARD EN CATHOLIC SCHOOL V. POPLAR A WELCOME Welcome to Cardinal Newman Catholic School and specialist science college. Junction 11 Warden Hill Road, Luton, Bedfordshire LU2 7AE Tel: (01582) 597125 Fax: (01582) 503088 Email: [email protected] A29259 cardinal newman prosp:A22043 cardinal newman prosp 20/7/07 11:24 Page 3 CARDINAL NEWMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL There are three main stages of education at Cardinal Newman Years Years Years 7-9 10-11 12-13 Key Stage 3 Key Stage 4 Sixth Form TOGETHER Together With the parents of our students With the local church With the Wider Community A successful school is built on close co-operation with parents. Our regular newsletter, Newman News, keeps parents up-to-date on all major developments around school and celebrates the success of our students. Parents are advised about their child’s progress on a regular basis by means of termly assessment results, parents’ evenings, parent consultation days and an annual report. Cardinal Newman School was founded in 1968 by, and for, the local Catholic community. Most of our Governors are drawn from the local parishes. The Deanery continues to support the school in many ways - not just financially, but through prayer and the offices of priests who come in to help with the spiritual life of the school. Every year we raise large amounts of money for local, national and international charities. In addition we are linked to Lehana Secondary School in Eastern Cape, South Africa. Through these means and through our curriculum and Race Equality Policy we strive to develop in our students a respect for all peoples and a recognition that we are called to share our gifts with others. With the School Council The Friends of Newman Association, which carries out valuable fundraising work, also acts as an important vehicle for communication between school and parents. The F.O.N has committee members in every parish who work together to organise a wide variety of social events, helping to build the school as a complete community. We hope that all our parents will consider how best they can support the work of the Friends. The School Council, which meets regularly, provides a means by which student opinion is brought to the attention of staff and governors and instigates change. page 3 A29259 cardinal newman prosp:A22043 cardinal newman prosp 20/7/07 11:24 Page 4 CARDINAL NEWMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL CURRICULUM Curriculum knowledge, understanding and reflective skills in relation to the values and beliefs at the heart of their lives. We are also keen that, wherever appropriate, issues relating to values and beliefs are explored in all other areas of the curriculum. As Christians we believe that Christ is with us in all we do. Within the academic life of the school this means that we wish to see all our students make the best use possible of their God-given talents. It also means that we see Religious Eduction as a centrally important subject - helping our young people to develop their The school’s curriculum policy makes clear that we are committed to providing every possible opportunity for all students to be successful in their learning in line with national requirements and in keeping with our school aims. As a Specialist Science College, we are able to provide additional opportunities for our students, especially within the Science and Mathematics Curriculum. There are three main stages of education at Cardinal Newman: Years Years Years 7-9 10-11 12-13 Key Stage 3 Key Stage 4 Sixth Form “To enjoy our learning by using our God-given talents to achieve our very best”. Key Stage 3 On arrival at Cardinal Newman students are put into ability sets in English, Maths and Science and are taught in mixed ability groups in other subjects. French and German are set from Year 9. Half of Year 7 study French as a Modern Key Stage 4 Language and the other half study German. Careers guidance and support is provided from Year 7 onwards. Citizenship is taught through cross curricular provision at KS3 as a discrete subject in years 10 and 11. Students have greater choice at Key Stage 4, choosing from a range of GCSE and vocational courses. There is an increasing emphasis on the work-related curriculum and enterprise. Thinking Maps Cardinal Newman School was the first secondary school in the country to be trained in the use of Thinking Maps, an educational tool designed by the American educationalist, David Hyerle. These maps are used by students both at school and at home, by hand and using specially designed software. In conjunction with our work on “Building Learning Power” they form part of the school’s initiative to become a “thinking school” which develops the students’ abilities to learn. page 4 A29259 cardinal newman prosp:A22043 cardinal newman prosp 20/7/07 11:24 Page 5 CARDINAL NEWMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL INFORMATION Information Communication Technology COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY Information Communications Technology is a key element in the modern curriculum. We have organised this area of the curriculum to ensure that every student is ICT literate. At Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 ICT skills are developed through discrete lessons, leading to a GCSE qualification at the end of Year 11. Alongside this our ICT co-ordinator actively supports the use of ICT across the full range of subjects. Students are able to make use of eight computer rooms and a number of “clusters” of computers which all run off the single school network. All students have their own e-mail address and password and can access school programmes from home. “To help grow into adults whose Christian faith inspires their lives” SIXTH FORM Sixth Form We are pleased to be able to offer our students the opportunity to continue with their education up to the age of 19 in the Newman Sixth Form. An increasing number of our students choose to return to our Sixth Form in order to benefit from the high level of care and individual attention provided. The Sixth Form offers a wide variety of AS, A2 and vocational courses, and our students move on to a variety of universities and careers. We offer our Sixth Form students an enriched curriculum, including the opportunity to serve the wider community. Students with financial difficulties may benefit from post 16 and post 18 Connolly Scholarships. National Academy for Gifted and Talented Students The National Academy is based at Warwick University and caters for the top 5% of the nation’s young people. Cardinal Newman has around 30 students from Year 8 to Year 13 attending the Academy each year, the most of any high school in Bedfordshire. page 5 A29259 cardinal newman prosp:A22043 cardinal newman prosp 20/7/07 11:24 Page 6 CARDINAL NEWMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL PASTORAL Pastoral Care CARE The Pastoral System The welcoming and friendly atmosphere at Cardinal Newman School is often commented upon. Such an environment does not happen by chance. It is the result of the time and attention given to creating high quality pastoral care. The focus of our pastoral care is the Year team. On arrival at the school students are put into one of eight tutor groups, named after English Cardinals. The tutor is responsible for the day to day pastoral care of the students who they see twice a day. In addition to keeping the register, the tutor will run checks on student planners, punctuality and attendance and teach a programme of Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE). He/she also checks that students are keeping to the high standards of uniform and discipline expected. The Head of Year is the middle manager responsible for all eight tutor groups. If at any time you need to speak to someone about your child, in the first instance you should contact either the tutor or the Head of Year. The Head of Year will generally deal with more serious matters and, if necessary, involve one of the Senior Leadership Team if the need arises. to the behaviour of our students. It also sets out clearly what steps the school takes to address breakdowns in good behaviour and how we manage the reconciliation that should follow. A copy of the policy can be found in the pocket at the back of this prospectus. Assertive Discipline in Lessons On arrival in September, Year 7 students are welcomed by our Year 11 prefects who will escort them around the school until they have settled in. This also allows them to develop friendships with older students and experience a sense of community. Good Behaviour and Discipline It is very important for the positive atmosphere in school that our students have a strong sense of the standards of behaviour that we expect. The Governors’ policy outlines our expectations in relation Within lesson time Cardinal Newman School makes use of a system called Assertive Discipline. This is intended to recognise and reward good behaviour and effort. Students gain credits and can work towards gaining the Newman Award for consistently high standards of effort and behaviour. Assertive discipline also provides a structured process for dealing with students who fail to sustain acceptable standards. If formal warnings are not heeded then a student will be sent to the Academic Remove for a cooling off period. In practice, very few students are ever sent to the Academic Remove. “To value and respect ourselves and all others” page 6 A29259 cardinal newman prosp:A22043 cardinal newman prosp 20/7/07 11:24 Page 7 CARDINAL NEWMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL FAITH Faith “To be a community of truth, reconciliation, justice and peace” There are many ways in which we at Cardinal Newman are trying to help our young people grow in the Catholic faith: • By living together as a Christian community • By supporting the fundamental work of families in nurturing the faith • By starting every day with prayer-time • By the programme of retreat days for students • By organising the Sacrament of Reconciliation for students once in the year • By arranging Mass for all students on the great feast days • By organising termly Masses for each year group and also for special occasions such as arrival in school, confirmation, work experience, GCSE exams. • Through charitable fund raising events. We raise thousands of pounds every year for various charities Student Progress Centre The school operates a Student Progress Centre to support students who are experiencing particular difficulties with learning. The school also has a team of Learning Mentors who work along side the Pastoral support system. The school has a Transition Learning Mentor specifically in post to concentrate on the transition of Year 6’s into Year 7. Professional Support Our professional support comes from our Educational Welfare Officer who works in the school and supports the staff who monitor punctuality and attendance. Our Medical Room is staffed by a registered nurse to respond to pupils who are ill at school. The Transition Learning Mentor works in our four main feeder schools to help children prepare for high school then supports them throughout the first term in Year 7. page 7 A29259 cardinal newman prosp:A22043 cardinal newman prosp 20/7/07 11:24 Page 8 CARDINAL NEWMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL ENRICHED Enriched Education EDUCATION programme that lead up to the Year 10 work experience fortnight. We also provide each student with individual advice and guidance. Activities and opportunities outside lesson times There are a wide range of clubs and activities in school. We hope that students will make the fullest use of these opportunities: There are many other services provided within the school which are intended to help or enrich the education we provide. We offer a particularly strong Careers programme. This begins with an introductory programme in KS3, linked to the P.S.H.E. “Options” in Years 10 and 11 there are discrete careers lessons, and in addition there are sessions in the PSHE Drama and Music The school puts on a major production every year. There are also talent contests, frequent trips to the theatre, school choir, orchestra and individual music lessons. The Year Book Each year, Year 11 students form an enterprise team and seek sponsorship to research, design and market a year book. International trips Students can take part in exchanges with France, Germany and Austria. There are also day trips to France and Holland. Young Engineers This is a hugely successful club that has consistently developed a range of ideas, winning the regional competition five years in succession and going on to triumph nationally too. Master classes Each year master classes are held in creative writing, Maths and Science. Science, History and Geography Field trips These provide excellent opportunities for students to really deepen their understanding of chosen subjects. Duke of Edinburgh Scheme Students respond enthusiastically to participation in this national scheme. Computer Club Computer Club runs several times a week and provides a useful opportunity to develop and practice ICT skills. page 8 A29259 cardinal newman prosp:A22043 cardinal newman prosp 20/7/07 11:24 Page 9 CARDINAL NEWMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL SPORT Sport Cardinal Newman has an exceptional reputation for sport. We have enjoyed unparalleled success and, most importantly, our players have won many key awards for their sportsmanship as well as their high level of skills. These students present an excellent face of Cardinal Newman to the wider world. Hundreds of students represent the school in both individual and team sports during the course of the school year. The school takes part in competitive leagues and cup competitions in : • • • • • • • • • • Football Rugby Golf Basketball Netball Hockey Rounders Tennis Cross-country running Athletics - field and track These sports also form an important part of the PE curriculum along with gymnastics, dance and other sports such as badminton and volleyball. page 9 A29259 cardinal newman prosp:A22043 cardinal newman prosp 20/7/07 11:24 Page 10 CARDINAL NEWMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL THE The Transfer TRANSFER Come along and visit the school on the Open Evening. At other times in the year a visit can be arranged through the Headteacher’s secretary. If you are interested in applying for a place for your child at Cardinal Newman, please study the relevant information in the wallet opposite. Our Primary Liaison Co-ordinator makes several visits to all Year 6 students transferring to Cardinal Newman school. She gets to know them in their Primary Schools and arranges a “taster day” in July. This is followed by an evening for parents which provides an opportunity for them to meet the Head of Year, their child’s tutor, and to discuss final arrangements before the transfer. The Co-ordinator oversees bridging projects for the Year “To work with families, parishes, partner schools and the wider community. page 10 6 students to facilitate ease of transfer and is engaged in a great deal of work with our partner primary schools to ensure that each individual Year 6 makes a happy move to their new school Cardinal Newman. A29259 cardinal newman pros cov:A22043 cardinal newman pros cov 20/7/07 15:38 Page 2 CARDINAL NEWMAN CARDINAL NEWMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL BEDFORD . HILLCR EST AV. DR URNE YBO WE GRA SME RE A DER V WEN T AV GRASM ERE RO AD AM ROAD BRAMINGH ROA ORTH AILSW GRO VE D END ERB Y BIR DSF OO TL AN E LD GFI E RD SPRIN AD RO NE VIL LE R OA D RD AM GH MIN BRA LUTON AD RO RK PA TO DD ING TO NR OA D WILLOW WAY GRA NG EA V CA PR ON MA RSH RO AD RD RF ARM RD OD WO CH BE E EET STR IGH EH AV R G LEA D ROA LEY OAK R TORQUA Y D V NE A MAY Jane Crow Headteacher CO MP TO NA V LEAGRAVE TRAIN STATION Y WA ERS ANG STR We very much hope, that if you share our beliefs and values, as represented in this prospectus, you will want your child to benefit from becoming a part of our community. In our last inspection, Ofsted described us as “a good school that provides good education within a caring environment”. As a result we are always heavily oversubscribed so please read carefully the governors’ admission policy at the back of this prospectus. We look forward to working with you and your child in the future. ON ND SU Choosing a secondary school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. The aim of this prospectus is to help you in making that decision by guiding you briefly through the life of our school. • To be a catholic community recognised by our love of God and our neighbour • To value and respect ourselves and all others • To help students grow into adults whose Christian faith inspires their lives • To respond to the contributions, aspirations and needs of all staff ‘Together towards our Lord through learning, love and faith’ • To work with our families, parishes, partner schools and the wider community O ROAD WOOD CALN Cardinal Newman Catholic School L&D Hospital H DUNST ABLE ROAD ROAD TON 5 LU A50 Junction 11 M1 • To enjoy our learning by using our God-given talents to achieve our very best MA N AV LIME RD SEY LEW • To be a community of truth, reconciliation, justice and peace M1 EFIELD IMBR Our Aims D ON ROA A6 BART IVE DR ELL HW RT NO LAB URN EM AY WA A V CLOSRDEN HIL E L WA GDNRDEN HIL S L LANCA S T E R MARK HAM RD WYCO MBE W AY NE WBOLD RD E RIV ND ETU LYG HILL RO AD W LINK S Where to find us... WARD EN CATHOLIC SCHOOL V. POPLAR A WELCOME Welcome to Cardinal Newman Catholic School and specialist science college. Junction 11 Warden Hill Road, Luton, Bedfordshire LU2 7AE Tel: (01582) 597125 Fax: (01582) 503088 Email: [email protected] A29259 cardinal newman pros cov:A22043 cardinal newman pros cov 20/7/07 15:38 Page 1 CARDINAL NEWMAN CARDINAL NEWMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL CATHOLIC SCHOOL BAINES design & print 01707 876555 Printed on environmentally friendly paper A29259 Warden Hill Road, Luton, Bedfordshire LU2 7AE Tel: (01582) 597125 Fax: (01582) 503088 Email: [email protected] ‘Together towards our Lord, through learning, love and faith with Christ in all we do’
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