8th GEO European Projects Workshop Athens, 12

Destination 2025: Developing GEO’s p
Implementation Plan Tim Haigh i
i h
(European Member of the IPWG)
8th GEO European Projects Workshop Athens, 12‐13 June 2014
Some questions…
Does GEO not already have an implementation plan?
What about the annual work plans?
What did the ministers say in January?
What about the Post 2015 working group?
What about the Post 2015 working group?
IPWG – why is the “G” at the end?
Why 2025 –this seems like quite a long time…
Does this mean even more progress reporting?
How is the European HLWG involved?
How will I benefit from this?
How will I benefit from this?
8th GEO European Projects Workshop Athens, 12‐13 June 2014
Oi i
Origins of the IPWG
f h IPWG
GEO Plenary (2011) set up the Post‐2015 Working Group to “…assess options and scenarios for the next phase of GEOSS implementation …
assess options and scenarios for the next phase of GEOSS implementation ”
GEO Plenary (2014) set up the Implementation Plan Working Group (IPWG) to “… undertake the preparation of a draft Implementation Plan for initial review at the GEO‐XI Plenary and for acceptance at the GEO‐XII Plenary …”
8th GEO European Projects Workshop Athens, 12‐13 June 2014
IPWG: getting started
GEO Plenary (2014)
• adopted draft Terms of Reference
• agreed on a process to agree on composition:
agreed on a process to agree on composition:
Caucuses nominated 3 members each for the Working Group plus 2 members each for a Writing Team
GEO Co‐Chairs reviewed these nominations and agreed on composition
GEO ExCom endorsed this composition
GEO Co‐Chairs provided initial structure for work and agreed on two facilitators to chair first phase of work
chair first phase of work First IPWG meeting on April 10‐11 in Geneva
8th GEO European Projects Workshop Athens, 12‐13 June 2014
Composition of the IPWG
f h IPWG
Writing Team
Islam Abou E‐Magd (NARSS, Egypt)
Mahamadou S. Keita (RECTAS, UN‐ECA)
B b S h l (CSIR S h Af i )
Bob Scholes (CSIR, South Africa)
Tsehai Woldai (ITC, AARSE)
Noureddine Filali Boubrahmi (M S i M
(Met Service, Marocco)
Danielle Lacasse (Environment Canada)
Oscar Rodas (IDB, Paraguay)
Luciano Pezzi (INPE Brazil)
Luciano Pezzi (INPE, Brazil)
Julio Castillo (MSA, Mexico)
Yana Gevorgyan (NOAA, USA)
Gu Xingfa (CNSA/CAS, China)
Toshio Koike (Univ. Tokio, Japan)
Stuart Minchin (Geoscience Australia)
Stuart Minchin (Geoscience Australia)
Zhou Xiang (RADI, China)
tbd (Japan)
Victor Sapritzky (VNIIOFI, Russia)
Lyudmila Shardakova (NIGMI, Uzbekistan)
Sukhrob Olimov (CISC, Tajikistan)
Sukhrob Olimov (CISC, Tajikistan)
Zoya Andreeva (Roshydromet, Russia)
Andrey Emeliyanov (NTs OMZ,
Andrey Emeliyanov (NTs OMZ, Russia)
Jörn Hoffmann (DLR, Germany)
Alan Edwards (European Commission)
José Maria Marcos Espinosa (SMA, Spain)
Tim Haigh (EEA)
Eleni Christia (NOA, Greece)
8th GEO European Projects Workshop Athens, 12‐13 June 2014
IP d l
IP developed in two phases
Phase 1 Phase 2
Phase 1
Phase 2
2 2
Phase 1
Phase 1
„reflective phase“
„fresh perspectives“
Collect, assess, compile input
Report to ExCom
(July 2014)
„synthesis and formulation“
Develop structure
Synthesize input
Formulate draft content
l t d ft
t t
Present draft IP to GEO‐XI (Nov. 2014)
Respond to guidance
Develop, formulate, engage, …
Present final draft IP to GEO‐XII (end 2015)
8th GEO European Projects Workshop Athens, 12‐13 June 2014
Phase 1 –
1 the reflective phase h
fl i
Drivers for
What is the demand?
What is
Destination 2025?
8th GEO European Projects Workshop Athens, 12‐13 June 2014
Phase 1 –
1 status
• Group formed
• Engagement of GEO Community initiated
– Work Plan Symposium
– Survey
• Approach agreed for engaging Approach agreed for engaging
– The Commercial Sector
– UN and major international frameworks
U a d ajo te at o a a e o s
• Working arrangements and schedule until end of Phase 1 agreed
• Report to ExCom in preparation
8th GEO European Projects Workshop Athens, 12‐13 June 2014
Phase 2 Phase
2 ‐ „synthesis and „synthesis and
Stage 2aPhase 2
Stage 2a
Stage 2b
Phase 2Stage 2b
„Rush to Gabon“
July – Nov 2014
Consolidate input
Formulate draft content
Report to ExCom (July 2014)
Present draft IP to GEO XI plenary
Present draft IP to GEO XI plenary (Nov 2014) for review
„Consult and Consolidate“
Dec 2014 – Nov 2015
Respond to guidance
Re‐formulate draft IP
D l
Develop reference documents
Engage GEO community Engage stakeholders
Present final draft IP to GEO‐XII (end 2015)
Key GEO milestones –
opportunities for European caucus & members
Stage 2a July –
l (Sept) Nov 2014
Stage 2b Dec 2014 –
2b D 2014 (Sept) Nov 2015
(S t) N 2015
 ExCom 31 meeting : 8 July 2014 ((report –
by end June)
 Consolidated version IP : Feb 2015
 ExCom 32 meeting : 12 Nov 2014 (Some reccommendations to
(Some reccommendations to Plenary next day)
GEOb XI Plenary : 13
Plenary : 13‐14
14 Nov Nov
2014 (draft IP for review end Sept 2014)
 ExCom 33 meeting : March 2015 (Substantial inputs to IPWG)
GEO Workplan Symposium : May 2015 (Align Workplan Symposium : May 2015 (Align
GEO 2016 Workplan with draft IP)
 ExCom 34 meeting : July 2015 (Review of a complete IP 2025 draft)
 ExCom 35 meeting : Nov 2015 (Recommendations to Plenary)
 GEO‐XI Plenary : Nov 2015 (docs delivered 6 weeks before WP submitted for acceptance)
weeks before, WP submitted for acceptance)
 Ministerial Summit : Nov 2015 (endorse WP)
8th GEO European Projects Workshop Athens, 12‐13 June 2014
Consultation with GEO community
• Work plan symposium
• Survey
• GEO Boards (letter to be sent by IPWG chairs)
• GEO Working groups (Ex data sharing and data management)
• Proposals from GEO task communities
Proposals from GEO task communities
• GEO communities of practice
• specialist sub‐groups to consider specific elements
• Involvement of participating organisations and members
Involvement of participating organisations and members
8th GEO European Projects Workshop Athens, 12‐13 June 2014
Communication with GEO C
i ti
ith GEO
• GEO website
GEO b it
• Flash report from IPWG meetings
• Report to EX‐COM
8th GEO European Projects Workshop Athens, 12‐13 June 2014
Phase 1 –
1 Lessons learned
• What has worked for GEO? What hasn‘t? Why?
• What objectives of the original 10‐year Implementation Plan were not achieved? Why?
Building on experience in GEO Community:
• Building on experience in GEO Community:
Members of Implementation Boards
Members of GEO Working Groups (DSWG, M&E WG)
Reports of evaluations #1‐#4
Task Leads and PoCs
M b
Members of the GEO Communities of Practice
f th GEO C
f P ti
GEO Principals
8th GEO European Projects Workshop Athens, 12‐13 June 2014
Some questions & answers
Does GEO not already have an implementation plan?
What about the annual work plans?
What did the ministers say in January?
What about the Post 2015 working group?
What about the Post 2015 working group?
IPWG – why is the “G” at the end?
Why 2025 –this seems like quite a long time…
Does this mean even more progress reporting?
How is the European HLWG involved?
How will I benefit from this?
How will I benefit from this?
8th GEO European Projects Workshop Athens, 12‐13 June 2014
Phase 1 –
1 Destination 2025
D i i 2025
• What is our vision for GEO by 2025?
• What are the expectations for GEO 2025
What are the expectations for GEO 2025
– Again: Poll „GEO Community“
– Engage potential
Engage potential stakeholders
Please share your experience: fill out the questionaire!
8th GEO European Projects Workshop Athens, 12‐13 June 2014
The Implementation Plan 2016‐
Implementation Plan 2016
Beijing Ministerial Declaration (2010)
“Resolve to meet before the end of 2013 to review […] the recommendations for the “Resolve
to meet before the end of 2013 to review [ ] the recommendations for the
governance, role and future work of GEO beyond 2015 and to take the necessary decisions”
Geneva Ministerial Declaration (2014)
“Renew the mandate of GEO through 2025 […] and agree to develop the work of GEO through 2025” (several framing statements included)