AUTUMN INTO WINTER AT THE PORT KENNY HOTEL 2014 Friday night happy hour: 6.30—7.30 PM Thursday Schnitzel Night: $12 Saturday 24th May Asian Curry Buffet $25.00pp Mothers Day - 11th May A Mother loves right from the start. She holds her baby close to her heart. The bond that grows will never falter. Her love is so strong it will never alter. A Mother gives never ending Love. She never feels that she has given enough. For you she will always do her best. Constantly working, there's no time to rest. A Mother is there when things go wrong. A hug and a kiss to help us along. Always there when we need her near. Gently wipes our eyes when we shed a tear. So on this day shower your Mother with Love. Gifts and presents are nice but that is not enough. Give your Mother a day to have some peace of mind. Be gentle, be good, be helpful, be kind. Happy Mothers Day. Registration forms are available from the Elliston Community and Visitor information Centre and the Elliston Council. Produced monthly by the Elliston Community and Visitor Information Centre Phone: 08 8687 9200 Fax: 08 8687 9240 Email: [email protected] You can also read the ECHO online at Elliston Golf Club 2014 Open every Sunday for a hit of Golf Elliston Community and Visitor Information Centre The Op-shop and book exchange will be closed for C.W.A Table day. We have had a lot of boxes of books kindly donated by Liz Penfold! Lots of variety available such as Cookbooks, Fiction, Non Fiction, Teens, Children's etc. You can swap or buy. Some books going for only 20c! The Lock Library has swapped their books again so lots of new library books to read. Elliston and surrounds business meeting 1st of May at 6pm in the Elliston Community and Visitor Information Centre. All businesses welcome. Elliston Football and Netball 3rd May Elliston Vs. Wirrulla at Wirrulla 12.30pm onwards ELLISTON HOTEL CALENDAR Happy Hour Friday nights at 6pm - 7pm Friday night schnitzel night Yoga Shack! Yoga times are 6am Mon - Fri: Wake up to yoga (wake up to yoga cases for unlimited pass holders only) 9.30am Mon & Thur: Beginners & Seniors 4.30am Tue & Thur: Intermediate 7.30pm Mon - Thurs: General Class Wake up to Yoga with a series of sun salutations loosening every major joint in the body. Beginners & Seniors is a gentle flowing class great for those who like to take it slowly. Home Game 10th May Elliston vs. Western Districts Auction Night! Possible DJ Meals @ 6pm Intermediate a dynamic class for experienced students welcoming new comers who would like a challenge. 24th May Elliston vs. West Coast Hawks At Piednippie General depending on group I can cater postures for majority of needs Home Game 31st May Elliston vs. Wudinna Meals from 6pm Live entertainment Claire and Jimbob from 8pm Cost $11 per class or $10 concession $27 unlimited weekly pass to any classes Wear comfortable clothing Bring a towel, water bottle, open mind It is recommended not to eat prior to class Sports Centre Tea Roster for May 10th Elliston vs. Western Districts 4pm—6.30pm Julie Tee, Deb Hurrell, Monica Rumbelow, Tracy Kenny 6.30pm - 9pm Kristy Newton, Anthony Ryan, Josh Williams, Aaron Castley, Jack Bascomb Cooks Larry& les May 31st Elliston vs. Wudinna 4pm - 6.30pm Jo Penna, Pim Tree, Jenny Calderwood, Priscilla Martin 6.30pm - 9pm Sheri Lapsley, Sophie Dayman, Josh Theo, Robbie Pickett, Kane Tiller, Shannon Minhard. Cooks Craig & les Yoga Shack is located at 26 The Esplanade, Elliston. For more info please call Chel on 0487216313 The ‘Elliston Echo’ is now published before the first day of each month. If you have a community notice or some interesting news you would like to share with the community please email, fax or drop into the centre before the 26th of the month. If you would like the Elliston Echo to be emailed to you each month please let us know. Produced by the Elliston Community and Visitor Information Centre Visit our website for events and more Email address - [email protected] Regular Events • Patchwork and Craft Tuesdays 10.30am at the Sports Centre ELLISTON COMMUNITY HEALTH PHYSIOTHERAPY Monday 12th May Monday 26th May PODIATRY, SPEECH, DIABETIC ADVISER Tuesday 27th May • Dance Fitness Fridays 4.30pm at the Health Centre • Elliston Strollers Heart Foundation Walking Group 9am Tuesdays - meet at Trudinger Park • Easy Moves Fridays 2pm at the Health Centre • Tai Chi 10am Saturdays in the Community Hall Gold coin donation For more information contact Gillian Darby Mid West Health Community Centre (08) HEARING Monday 26th May COMMUNITY COUNSELLOR Every Wednesday For appointments phone 8687 9012 The Women’s Health Service Christian Fellowship Meeting This is a free and confidential service that promotes, protects and improves the health and wellbeing of all women in the Mid West Region. Sunday May 11th and 18th At 11am At Sue and Geoff Rawsons house All Welcome You can talk to the Women’s Health Nurse about: • • • • • • • • • • • • Contraception Pregnancy choices Pap smears Breast awareness Reproductive health Sexually transmitted infections Post natal depression Menopause Healthy lifestyle (weight, physical activity, smoking) Domestic/family violence/sexual assault Cancer Other……… For more information contact Isabelle Smith Elliston ………………08 86879012 Streaky Bay………..08 86261310 Wudinna…………….08 86802254 Ladies Christian Fellowship Meeting Thursday May 15th At 10.30am At Sues Home All Welcome Catholic Church at Elliston Sunday 4th and 25th @ 5pm Sunday 11th @ 11am Sunday 18th @ 10.30am Anglican Church The next service is at St John's, Sheringa on May 11th at 3pm 6. . Elliston Strollers 9m @ Playground 13. Elliston Strollers 9m @ Playground 20. Elliston Strollers 9m @ Playground 27. Elliston Strollers 9m @ Playground 12. 19. 26. Student free day. Tues 5. Mon 28. 21. 14. 7 Wed Fri Sat Tai Chi in town hall @ 10am gold coin donation 29. 22. Men’s Shed meeting 15. 24. Elliston vs. West Coast Hawks @ Piednippi Tai Chi in town hall @ 10am gold coin donation 17. No football Easy moves 2pm at the health centre 30. Dance Fitness 4.30pm at health centre Walk to school safely day. 31. Elliston vs. Wudinna at Elliston. Claire and Jimbob playing Tai Chi in town hall @ 10am gold coin donation Tai Chi in town hall @ 10am gold coin Play group 10am - 12pm donation Easy moves 2pm at the health centre 23. Dance Fitness 4.30pm at health centre Play group 10am - 12pm Easy moves 2pm at the health centre 16. Dance Fitness 4.30pm at health centre 9. Dance Fitness 4.30pm 10. Elliston v.s at health centre Western Districts, Channel 9 ‘Discover Auction Night! Down Under’ filming at Easy moves 2pm at the the Waterloo top 10 health centre Tai Chi in town hall caravan park and around @ 10am gold coin Elliston. Play group 10am - 12pm donation 8. Men’s shed meeting No Play Group Easy moves 2pm at the health centre C.W.A Table day in 2. Dance Fitness 4.30pm 3. Wirrulla v.s town hall at 1pm at health centre Elliston @ Wirrulla Elliston Business meeting @ Information Centre 6pm 1. Thurs MAY 2014 25. Golf Course open 12.30 pm onwards 18. Golf Course open 12.30 pm onwards MOTHERS DAY 11. Golf Course open 12.30 pm onwards 4. Golf Course open 12.30 pm onwards Sun
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