Ltd trading as OSS Group

Schedule of Accreditation
issued by
United Kingdom Accreditation Service
21 - 47 High Street, Feltham, Middlesex, TW13 4UN, UK
Hydrodec (UK) Ltd trading as OSS Group
Issue No: 011
Accredited to
ISO/IEC 17025:2005
Issue date: 08 December 2014
Barracks Road
Contact: Mr Martin Millward
Sandy Lane Industrial Estate
Tel: +44 (0)870 870 2088
Fax: +44 (0)870 990 3088
E-Mail: mmillward@
DY13 9RW
Testing performed at the above address only
Materials/Products tested
Processed Fuel Oil product
produced by Hydrodec UK Ltd
trading as OSS Group from waste
mineral oils
Type of test/Properties
measured/Range of measurement
Chemical Tests
Carbon residue
IP 13/94(14)
BS 2000-13:94
ISO 6615:93
Chlorine content
IP 503/04
BS 2000-503:04
ISO 15597:01
Using in-house method LMPSIP503 and WDXRF
Flash Point
IP 523/05
BS 2000-523:04
BS EN ISO 3679:04
Rapid equilibrium closed cup
Determination of Metals:
Pb, Ni, Cr, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, Tl, Sb,
Co, Mn, V, Hg
IP 593/11 (modified for Hg) using
in-house method LMP-SIP 593 and
Polychlorinated Biphenyls
Documented in House Method
LMP-SIP462 based on IP 462-1/01
BS 2000-462.1:01
BS EN 12766-1:00
Gas Chromatography with Electron
Capture Detector (GC/ECD)
PCB 18
PCB 28
PCB 31
PCB 44
PCB 52
PCB 101
PCB 118
PCB 138
PCB 149
PCB 153
PCB 180
PCB 194
Assessment Manager: LS3
Standard specifications/
Equipment/Techniques used
IP 462-2/02
BS 2000-462.2:01
BS EN 12766-2:01
Calculation of Total PCB based on
congeners listed
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S c he dul e of Ac c r e di ta ti on
issued by
United Kingdom Accreditation Service
21 - 47 High Street, Felt ham, Mi ddl esex, TW 13 4UN, UK
Accredited to
ISO/IEC 17025:2005
Hydrodec (UK) Ltd trading as OSS Group
Issue No: 011
Issue date: 08 December 2014
Testing performed at main address only
Materials/Products tested
Processed Fuel Oil product
produced by Hydrodec UK Ltd
trading as OSS Group from waste
mineral oils (cont’d)
Type of test/Properties
measured/Range of measurement
Standard specifications/
Equipment/Techniques used
Chemical Tests (cont’d)
Total sediment
IP 375/11
BS 2000-375:11
ISO 10307-1:09
Strong Acid number
IP 139/98(04)
BS 2000-139:98
ISO 6618:96
Sulphated ash
IP 550/08
Sulphur content
IP 336/04
BS 2000-336:03
BS EN ISO 8754:03
Using in-house method LMP-SIP
336 and EDXRF
Kinematic viscosity at 100C
IP 71 Section 1/97
BS 2000-71:96 sect 1
BS EN ISO 3104:96
Water content
IP 74/2000(14)
BS 2000-74:00
ISO 3733:99
Manual Sampling
Documented In-House Method
MP7-9 based on IP 475/05
BS 2000-475:04
BS EN ISO 3170:04
Assessment Manager: LS3
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