Maharashtra Bridge Association Newsletter Volume 2, April 2014 Website : President: Mr. J. K. Bhosale Editor: Dr. Subir Roy Hon. Secretary: Mr. Mohan Ukidave AAM STATE OF MIND Summertime! Time for the ubiquitous Aam, both fruitwise and politically. Maharashtra produces the King of Aams, the Hapus (Alphonso) currently priced at thousand bucks a dozen! This is beyond the reach of the Aam Aadmi. Is bridge heading the same way? Keeping the topical and current in mind, it seems appropriate to talk about the Aam Aadmi with respect to bridge. Mr. Bhide from Sangli has raised some relevant issues pertaining to sponsorship, Master Points, etc; refer inside to "Letters to the Editor" (which the ever enthusiastic and hardworking Aniruddh Sanzgiri has painstakingly translated from Marathi. Thanks Mate. ? ) Sponsorship will always be an issue, what with the exorbitant cost of living and soaring prices. The MBA is caught between a rock and a hard place with respect to sponsorship. Garnering funds, distribution, allocation; its a fine balancing act, walking the tight rope between international, national, state-level events, infrastructure, technology, promotion, etc on one side and the district level tournaments, specially in the country cousin towns (excluding Mumbai and Pune) on the other. And this tight rope has no safety net of remuneration. The job is gratis, philanthropical and often thankless. Having said that, Mr. Bhide's letter ought to make us introspect, look within and find solutions. The game must be made financially comfortable at the grass root level - the Aam level. The Master Points is also a very pertinent issue. The technology is all there, the MBA honestly does the data entry and uploading to the national federation. Where is the problem? Why do players not get real time or even periodic updates? Somewhere somehow we are falling short. Is it the Tournament Directors, or the State or National level authorities not delivering ? Net-net the players get the short end of the stick. The teething days are over. The infrastructure is in place. C'mon gentlemen, lets get the Apps (applications) working. Unless we get feedback, criticism (constructive or otherwise), suggestions and ideas, the MBA, which in essence comprises the Aam Aadmi bridge player, will be left to the efforts and imagination of a few, even if its an honest and time-effort sapping job. Send your valuable inputs to the A-List overleaf (All The President's Men),or to the address mentioned on top or even to the Editor at [email protected] Maharashtra produces the best Aam (mangoes) in the Country. Let us endeavour to produce the best conditions, tournaments and infrastructure in the country too. Let us lead the way; especially in taking bridge to the ground level, the districts. After all, You, dear bridge player, and I, are the flavour of the season The Aam Log. AAMCHI MAATI AAMCHI MAANSA Volume 2 (Apr.-Jun. 2014) Maharashtra Bridge Association Newsletter Page 1 of 16 FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK J K BHOSALE, President, MBA Dear Bridge friends, Of late it looks like Indian bridge is alive and kicking. It is almost certain the World Bridge Championship in 2015 will be held in India. BFI President Mr. Kirubakara Moorthy is solely responsible for this. Three cheers for KM. Anand Samant is experimenting with new Swiss league formats which may become popular worldwide in open tournaments. Maharashtra Bridge Association is doing its bit by holding The Nashik Summer National once again in Maharashtra within 5 years. The event is being supported by Nationalised Banks like State Bank of India, Indian Bank and other Corporates. PRBA is holding a major event in May, 2014 after the Lal Memorial in April, 2014. Is Pune becoming the Bridge Capital of Maharashtra? Books are being written on bridge. Anant Bhagwat who is normally a cut & dry director of bridge tournaments writes with passion on things which he is associated with and bridge is the foremost. His book ‘The Works Of An Occasional Writer’ is worth reading ( & buying ). And it is not because of the anecdote about our passion for bridge reported in which myself and my partner Mr. Rajamani paid for two hotels for one night stay in London to play the Epsom Tournament in 1989!. There is more to it. Then there is university of Bridge at BARC, Mumbai. I attended the convocation for awarding bridge diplomas. The recipients included preteen and teen age girls, the three Shrinivasan sisters trained by Ambu. They also sang Ai Mere Vatane Ke Logo in the function. All befitting the BARC atmosphere. We need to replicate this kind of training elsewhere. Any takers ? We will see in the next academic year the Symbiosis Colleges at Pune having bridge as a part of Sports / curriculum activity and holding inter collegiate tournaments. But our Pune Dronacharya of bridge Mr. Suhas Vaidya is not too fit and his Eklavya has migrated to Delhi, therefore, we are short of faculty. Ofcourse we have some Viduras like C. P. Deshpande and Prasanna Bhide who have agreed to conduct the classes in Symbiosis. All these things need to be done on a sustained basis which is the challenge. See you all at Nashik. Regards, J.K.Bhosale. All The President’s Men - MBA MANAGING COMMITTEE 2013 - 2015 DESIGNATION NAME MOBILE E - mail PLACE President Vice President Vice President Hon. Secretary Hon. Treasurer Committee Member Committee Member Committee Member Committee Member Committee Member Committee Member Committee Member Committee Member J. K. Bhosale Ravi Raman Suhas Vaidya Mohan Ukidave Dilip Karmarkar Arvind Vaidya Aniruddh Sanzgiri Hemant Pande P. Khadloya Mohan Hulsurkar Makarand Kelkar Abhay Lele Kumar Bhide 9850958952 9820085046 9423138157 9422255971 9823434313 9322305064 9819267457 9822498456 9209192124 9423395304 9822098146 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 9822085382 [email protected] PUNE MUMBAI PUNE NASHIK PUNE MUMBAI THANE NASHIK SHOLAPUR AURANGABAD PUNE RATNAGIRI SANGLI Volume 2 (Apr.-Jun. 2014) Maharashtra Bridge Association Newsletter Page 2 of 16 MBA-BFI BRIDGE CALLENDER 2014 DATES TOURNAMENT NAME LOCATION ASSOC APRIL 4-6 8TH JUSTICE J M LAL MEMORIAL PYC, PUNE BFI 4TH TOLANI OPEN SUMMER NATIONALS NASHI BFI 10-14 MBA SELECTION TRAIL MUMBAI MBA 31 - 1 PRBA & JAIN GROUP STATE LEVEL EVENT PYC, PUNE MBA 21-22 JAIN STATE LEVEL PYC, PUNE MBA 21-22 MONSOON LEAGUE FINALS PYC, PUNE BFI 19-23 MAY/JUNE JUNE MBA SUMMER MONSOON LEAGUE METAMORPHOSIS Played in the verdant monsoon season in Mumbai, the redundent Ruia Handicap still evokes strong nostalgia for most of us. We grew up to and cut our teeth in it. Even rookies fancied their chances to make the play offs. Sadly all this has passed. However thanks to the effort of Ravi Raman and his gang this Old Wine Mumbai centric tournament has been rebottled in a revamped reformatted avatar. It has gone National. If the Ruia Handicap was the Chrysalis then the MBA Summer Monsoon League will hopefully turn out to be the pretty butterfly. Metamorphosis! Way to go Ravi Raman! MBA has been conducting the Summer Monsoon League successfully for the last 3 years. We had 146 teams from 16 cities last year. We have 163 teams this from 17 cities as per details given below: Location Section JULY 10-13 Mumbai JIM CORBETT PARK PRIZE MONEY U. P. BFI 18-21 GOA BRIDGE FESTIVAL GOA BFI 27 RATHI MEMORIAL ONE DAY PAIRS EVENT POONA CLUB MBA 2-3 RATHI MEMORIAL TEAMS POONA CLUB MBA 9-10 SANGLI ANNUAL SANGLI MBA 17-20 HCL NEW DELHI BFI AUGUST SEPTEMBER 4-7 INTERSTATE CHAMPIONSHIPS PATNA, Bihar BFI 13 CORPORATE BRIDGE NEW DELHI BFI 19-21 NANDU OKE MEMORIAL SWISS PAIRS VILE PARLE Mumbai BFI MODI TROPHY EVENT U.P. BFI 25-28 OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 30-1 PODDAR MASTERS PSY, PUNE BFI ASHOK KAPOOR PAIRS MUMBAI BFI NOV 21-23 DECEMBER 1st Wk PRESIDENTS CUP Volume 2 (Apr.-Jun. 2014) AHMEDABAD BFI MUM-Prabha N MUM-Nandu W E Pune PUN-Blackwood S Pun-Stayman PUN-Jacoby Dombivali DOM-Ukidawe Thane THN-Mama Vaidya Sangli SNG-Joglekar Nagpur NGP-Agarwala Goa GOA-Keni Nashik NSK-Gharpure Solapur SOL-Govardhan Bhutada Aurangabad AUR-Pardikar Ratnagiri RAT-Damle Delhi DEL-XXX Ahmdabad-Baroda ABX-Nivetia Chennai CHN-Ramaratnam CHN-Nachiappan Dehradun DHN-xxx Hyderabad Hyd-xxx Bangalore BNG-xxx Total Number Qouta of teams for finals 9 8 7 7 7 8 10 9 8 5 5 4 4 4 8 8 8 7 6 8 23 163 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 6 A. Finals on June 21-22 (Saturday-Sunday) at Pune PYC B. League matches start from March 1 2014 C. Penalty of 2 VP per delay (see Tournament note for schedule) without permission for the Tournament Coordinator/Organizer E. Tournament Coordinator is Aniruddha Sanzgiri (9819267457, [email protected]) F. Tournnament Organizer is Ravi Raman (9820085046, [email protected]) G. Chief Tournament Director is Avinash Chitale Maharashtra Bridge Association Newsletter Page 3 of 16 Volume 2 (Apr.-Jun. 2014) Maharashtra Bridge Association Newsletter Page 4 of 16 Volume 2 (Apr.-Jun. 2014) Maharashtra Bridge Association Newsletter Page 5 of 16 R.I.P LATE BALCHANDRA P. OKE LATE PRABHA KUNDER On Fri Sept 13th 2013 the Mumbai bridge fraternity lost one of its own while I lost a dear friend and long time bridge partner. More importantly it is difficult to come across a human who combined such a highly principled attitude to life with unbounded affection for family and friends. The number of people he has helped both financially and otherwise are legion. The Parle Tilak Mandir Annual Event will never be the same for many of us without Nandu bustling around moving boards, helping with scoring and draws and then coming running to join me at our table. At the bridge table he was a tricky and imaginative defender. I recall at a tournament in Pune he underled an Ace knowing the strength would be on his left. Dummy had K J 10 and when Declarer played the 10 a shocked partner, me, won the trick with the Q. Subsequently Declarer who had a singleton in that suit, confidently took a ruffing finesse through me. His facial expression when Nandu won the Ace was worth going miles to see. Nandu my friend I hope they have BBO wherever you are — Raman Giridharadas, (Nandu’s long standing bridge partner and friend) Prabha Kunder was born on the 27 of May 1960 and died on the 22 August 2012, while on a trip to the Himalayas with her family. Her life has been a journey of achievements in the field of Bridge. She has been a part of the ladies team which won the Nationals in the year 2007 in Mysore, apart from the various bridge tournaments which she won in the entire span of her life. Prabha represented the Indian Team in the Bridge Olympiad held in Holland in 2011. Her dedication to Bridge has made her an iconic figure for all the ladies to emulate. In fact, it is all the more commendable as she comes from a middle class family and was a working mother managing both home and office. Besides Bridge, she was a wonderful human being and was always contributing to Society both financially and physically, encouraging women to achieve their goals.— Yashwant Kunder, Husband. Nandu was a personal and dear friend of mine. We go back a long long way from our first World Bridge Championships in Geneva Switzerland in 1990 where we were teammates to the weekend in his superb getaway bungalow in Talegaon where he spent a lot of his time. His fondness for the occasional beer and being a permanent feature at all Lokmanya Seva Sangh, Vile Parle and Willingdon Catholic, Santa Cruz tournaments will be missed a lot. Bandook (is how I used to call him). Here a 21 HCP salute to you, pal. Cheers! — Editor Volume 2 (Apr.-Jun. 2014) Prabha partnered Uday Bedekar her colleague from Indian Oil for over a quarter of a century. And they played almost every tournament there was to play. All Open events. Thats consistency! Uday said,"Please mention that above all she was a good human being” — Editor GAME ON. Venue: Heaven. None Vulnerable Cheers Nandu and Prabha! Maharashtra Bridge Association Newsletter Page 6 of 16 RESULTS LADIES NATIONAL Rank TEAM Winner Subu Runner Electric Eyes 30th Nov & 1st Dec. 2013, Total teams -12 Players Bharati Dey, Yvette Singapuri, Usha Kabra, Uma Singh Hema Deora, Varsha Jain, Rita Choksi, Leena Mayadas, Himani Khandelwal, Jessal MAHARASHTRA STATE CHAMPIONSHIP, DOMBIVILI 18 - 20 JAN. 2014 No. of Teams : 33 Winner Dr. Vahalia Dr. K V Vahalia, Jenish Shah, Ravi Shivram, Rahul Khambete, Bharat Shah Runners up Manyawar Anil Padhye, Raju Tolani, Pankaj Doshi, Amod Rele, Ajay Khare Third Hridhaan B G Ogale, Venkatesh, C P Deshpande, Parsram Puria, Arun Bahulkar Fourth Mitravihar Dr. B A Kulkarni, Sunil Patki, Hemant Pande, Surya Reddy Fifth Sunil Machhar Sunil Machhar, Arun Bapat, Vinay Desai, Deepak Pradhan, Suhas Vaidya Sixth Rash R A Agarwal, K Agarwal, R. Anbazhgan, Shekhar Banerjee, K Bhanja, M K Saxena INDIAN GYMKHANA TOURNAMENT 25 - 26 January 2014 Winner Veegees -1 Dr Bun Shah, Arvind Vaidya, N Raj Mohan, Vijay Phaterphakar, T V Ramani Runners up ABA R A Agarwal, Kailash Agarwal, Raju Tolani, Ajay Khare, Indrajit Singh, A K Sharma Third Shah Janak Shah, Sanjay Damle, Raju Gulawani, Abhay Todankar Fourth I Doctor Dr Yogesh Shah, Ashok Bhawanani, Rajul Dalal, Gary Singh, Deven Doshi OTTER CLUB BRIDGE TOURNAMENT 8 - 9 February 2014 Winner Shri Radhey V M Lal, R G Bhiwandkar, Prakash Dalvi, Subhash, Dhakras, Runners up Veegees Ian Concessio, Arvind Vaidya, T V Ramani, V Phaterphakar, Jitendra Solani Third Manyawar Raju Tolani, Ajay Khare, Sandeep Karmarkar, Vivek Bhand, Amod Rele, Pankaj Doshi Fourth Samadhan Ravi Raman, R W Khare, Aniruddh Sanzgiri, Bhaskar Pendse. ARYA KRIDA Winner : Runners up : Third : Fourth : Fifth : MANDAL, THANE Manyawar Samadhan Hajirnis Watve 29-30 Mar. 2014, No. of Teams -25 Raju Tolani, Ajay Khare , S Dhakras, Rajeev Gulawani , Gopinath Manna R A Bhosale, R W Khare , N B Shinde, S G Surve Dr. M Hajirnis, Dr Dave, Daxindas B , Abhay Todankar, Janak Shah Nandu Kulkarni Mrs Alka Watve, R A Watve, Madhav Joshi, Mokashi Nandeep Mehta , Mayekar , M V Athavale, P S Shejwalkar, Abhay Sharma MBA SELECTION TRIALS FOR INTERSTATE CHAMPIONSHIPS 10 – 11 May 2014 QUALIFIED TEAMS NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EVENT Hirabaug Poona Club Sangli Annual BARC Indian Gym. Otters Club Thane Annual Vile Parle TEAM Pune Chakradeo Poddar Developers Samadhan Pradhans Veegees Shri Radhye Manyawar Manyawar Players Ajit Chakradeo, Nitin Shah, Gopinath Manna, B. G. Daxindas D. Poddar, Anal Shah, Anand Samant, S. Karmarkar, R. Agarwal, J. Solani Ravi Raman, Umesh Athavale, B. Pendse, P. Khadloya, N. Shinde, S. Surve D. Pradhan, P. Khadloya, N. Shinde, S. Vichare Dr. B. Shah, V. Phatarphekar, N. Rajmohan, Arvind Vaidya, T. Ramani V. M. Lal, R. Bhivandkar, S. Dhakras, Prakash Dalvi Raju Tolani, Ajay Khare, S. Dhakras, R. Gulavani Anand Mehta, Anil Padhe, Raju Tolani, Ajay Khare, Amod Rele, Pankaj Doshi 9 STATE CHAMPIONSHIP Dombivili Dr. Vahalia Dr. K. Vahalia, Buddy Shah, Ravi Shivram, Jenish Shah, Rahul Khambete (Seeded To Semi Finals) QUORUM RULE 1. Four Member Team : ALL FOUR MEMBERS will be the quorum and the quorum members must be present at the venue and as far as possible play the first round. 2. Five / Six Member Team : ANY FOUR MEMBERS will be the quorum and the quorum members must be present at the venue and as far as possible play the first round. Interstate Championship Patna, 4th-7th Sept,2014. MAHARASTRA QUOTA: 1Team & 4 Pairs. Volume 2 (Apr.-Jun. 2014) Maharashtra Bridge Association Newsletter Page 7 of 16 OP ED - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR I can express my self better in Marathi . Hence I am writing this letter in Marathi. (1) I read the email from Ravi Raman regarding MBA Newsletter. All the points are good. My suggestions are as follows (a) This is a MBA Newsletter. Therefore at least one page should be in Marathi. This will encourage marathi bridge literature. Shri Avinash Gokhale had written some good articles in Sakal sometime back. We could request him for contributing articles or we may republish those old articles. (b) The pattern of the newsletter should be like ACBL bulletin. Clarifications of doubts, Directors' decisions, Bridge conventions and their implications could be some of the topics which could be included. (c) At present this newsletter is in the form of e-literature but it is necessary that it be available in printed form. My experience is that the expenses could be met by way of advertisements in the bulletin. (2) It will be better if The rule that " MBA will not contribute any amount to State Level Bridge tournament" is reworded as " At present MBA can not contribute any amount to State Level Bridge Tournament "(3) Most of the bridge players from districts cannot participate in the State Level Tournaments held at Mumbai/ Pune. Therefore the State Association hold State Level Tournaments so that local players get an opportunity to play at least 2-3 rounds against renowned players and to watch the game of good players. The local players contribute about Rs. 25-30 thousand to meet the tournament expenses. The cost of holding a tournament comes to around one / one and a half lakhs. Sponsorship to that extent is not available at the districts. It should be noted by MBA that, for this reason tournaments have not been held at Ratnagiri and Solapur for the last 2 years. Sangli District Bridge Association Volume 2 (Apr.-Jun. 2014) organized State Championship in August 2013 but could not get sponsorship. The association had to spend 40,000 from its corpus. No organization can do this every year. Therefore if it is desired that District Associations should organize State level tournaments, then MBA must contribute some amount. Otherwise such tournaments will be held only in Mumbai and Pune. (4) District Associations pay capitation fee, Affiliation fees. Master point fees to MBA. What does MBA give to Districts. As a matter of fact I have begun to wonder why district associations should become members of MBA at all?(5) Members are opposed to payment of Master Point Fees. This is not due to payment of Rs. 100 but because District Association members do not get Master Points which are legitimately due to them. As I understand it is the duty of Tournament Director to send a report to Master Point Secretary, MBA and the organizers. Yet in the last 10 years, no Panel Director has sent such a report after state level tournaments held in Sangli. Therefore none of the players from Sangli have received any master points. As per my information I have not received Master Points due to me after Pune Summer Nationals Pairs and 2013 Sangli State Level because Director/s did not send reports. Therefore I suggest MBA should hold back the Director's honorarium and give it only after Director sends reports. (6) It is necessary to discuss the rules regarding State Championship. Does MBA contribute financially for organizing State Championship ? If yes , how much? Is there a sponsor at present for State Championship? Does MBA have any rules regarding Sponsors ? I have put forth my thoughts. I feel it is necessary to think over the points put forward by me. Regards and Thanks Kumar Bhide (Sangli) Maharashtra Bridge Association Newsletter Page 8 of 16
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