and notched bar specimen (SNS4)

Determining uniaxial and multiaxial creep data using the small pin loaded one-bar specimen (OBS)
and notched bar specimen (SNS4)
Balhassn S. M. Ali*, PhD, MSc, B.Eng
E-mail: [email protected]*
E-mail: [email protected]
Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
Bursa Orhangazi University, Bursa, Turkey
This paper presents a novel Nun-destructive small specimen creep testing methods, which are
used to obtain creep properties for high temperature components. The specimens design, testing
technique and the data conversion procedures are described in this paper. The pin loaded small one-bar
specimen (OBS) and notched bar specimen (SNS4) are designed determine the remaining life time for the
critical high temperature components operating at creep range. These include components in chemical
plants, power generation plants, aero-engines and oil refineries. The small OBS is suitable for use in
obtaining both uniaxial creep strain and creep rupture life data whereas the SNS4 is designed to obtain the
multiaxial behaviour of the material using small material samples. The conversion relationships between
the OBS applied load and the corresponding uniaxial stress, and between the OBS measured load-line
deformations and the corresponding uniaxial creep strain and strain rate have been described in this
paper. The advantages of these novel testing techniques over other small specimens creep testing
techniques are highlighted, recommendations for future research are also given in this paper.
Keywords: Small One-bar specimen; small notched specimen; creep test; Conversion factors; Conversion
relationship, reference stress method, FE analyses; Specimen Design; nun-destructive creep testing.
* Corresponding author
Telefax: +90 (224) 4448268 / Ext. 1159