Annual Report 2013 2013 Registered Office Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. Evropská 2690/17 160 00 Praha 6, Dejvice Czech republic Abbreviation Used AMA (Advanced Measurement Approach) – calculation method of capital requirements towards credit risk AIR – Accrued interest income Consumer Discretionary – Sector of non-essential services ČNB – Czech National Bank ČS – Česká spořitelna, a. s. EMEA region – Central and Eastern Europe, Near and Middle East and Africa Emerging markets – Markets of developing countries FF – Fund of Funds High Yield bonds – Bonds bearing a credit risk with a higher coupon Financials – sector of financial services GDP – Gross domestic product IRB (Internal Rating Based Approach) – calculation method of capital requirements towards credit risk ISČS – Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. Large Caps – Companies with a big market capitalization OPF – Open-Ended Mutual Fund (OEMF) ROAA (Return On Average Assets) – profitability of average assets ROAE (Return On Average Equity) – profitability of average equity Small Caps – Companies with a lower market capitalization STA (Standardized Approach) – calculation method of capital requirements towards credit risk Utilities – Sector of publicly useful services VaR (Value at Risk) – Value of the market risk At the end of the year 2013, Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a.s. has managed the following 31 open-ended mutual funds. The mutual funds consists of 17 standard funds according to the Act on Collective Investment. Another 14 funds are special funds, including one Fund for qualified investors described below the table. When managing assets of the open-ended mutual funds, the investment company meets the legal requirements of European Union. List of mutual funds managed as of December 31, 2013: ISIN Type of Fund Type of Fund according AKAT ČR Abbreviated name of the Mutual Fund CZ0008472271 CZ0008472263 CZ0008472297 CZ0008472230 CZ0008472412 X CZ0008472289 CZ0008472248 CZ0008472404 CZ0008472321 CZ0008472339 CZ0008472347 CZ0008472305 CZ0008473261 CZ0008473147 CZ0008473279 CZ0008472255 CZ0008472735 CZ0008472750 CZ0008473188 CZ0008472974 CZ0008472800 CZ0008472792 CZ0008472818 CZ0008473451 CZ0008473469 CZ0008473477 CZ0008473865 CZ0008473030 CZ0008473659 standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard special fund of funds special fund of funds standard standard standard special fond securities special fund of funds special fund of funds special fund of funds special fund of funds special fund of funds special fund of funds special fund of funds special fond securities special fund of funds special fond securities very short term bond fund bond bond bond bond bond equity equity fund of funds equity mixed fund of funds mixed fund of funds mixed fund of funds mixed fund of funds mixed mixed mixed mixed life cycle fund life cycle fund money market mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed equity bond SPOROINVEST SPOROBOND TRENDBOND ČS korporátní dluhopisový HIGH YIELD dluhopisový OPF BONDINVEST 5 tis. Kč SPOROTREND GLOBAL STOCKS FF TOP STOCKS KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF VYVÁŽENÝ MIX FF DYNAMICKÝ MIX FF AKCIOVÝ MIX FF Smíšený fond OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 PLUS - OPF FOND ŘÍZENÝCH VÝNOSŮ ČS FOND ŽIVOTNÍHO CYKLU 2020 FF ČS FOND ŽIVOTNÍHO CYKLU 2030 FF LIKVIDITNÍ FOND Privátní portfolio AR 0 Privátní portfolio AR 25 Privátní portfolio AR 50 Privátní portfolio AR 75 Privátní portfolio AR AKCIE Privátní portfolio AR REALITY Privátní portfolio AR ALTERNATIVNÍ INVESTICE CERTIFIKÁTOVÝ FOND Institucionální akciový FF DLUHOPISOVÝ FOND Besides publicly offered funds, ISČS manages special fund of qualified investors – Fond 2005. In addition to mutual funds, ISČS manages also the assets of Česká spořitelna clients, this is based on contract on providing outsourcing services for the area of clients´s asset management. ISČS manages assets worth CZK 107.3 billion in discretionary portfolios for private and institutionals clients at the end of 2013. Selected ISČS Financial Indicators 2013 Total Assets (CZK ´000) Registered Capital (Equity) (CZK ´000) Net Asset Value (CZK ´000) Before Tax Profit (CZK ´000) Net Profit (CZK ´000) Number of Employees 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 266,715 198,183 214,791 265,204 243,064 280,061 381,333 357,908 325,497 654,074 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 162,934 137,080 126,309 115,682 175,603 196,318 296,098 289,216 261,969 597,185 57,553 42,288 41,130 41,819 114,976 38,170 166,438 157,727 121,117 115,107 46,364 33,874 34,172 30,637 90,590 26,318 126,132 119,335 91,432 85,414 22 23 24 25 22 22 21 15 24 31 Total Assets (CZK ´000) Registered Capital (Equity) (CZK ´000) Net Asset Value (CZK ´000) Before Tax Profit (CZK ´000) Net Profit (CZK ´000) Number of Employees 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 591,477 503,364 662,393 684,284 685,489 543,325 482,940 442,090 428,325 70,000 512,874 146,183 104,309 32 70,000 409,661 260,727 231,221 58 70,000 582,637 186,783 183,800 67 70,000 624,851 55,934 41,769 77 70,000 593,337 190,677 129,493 102 70,000 473,891 84,124 40,692 107 70,000 442,649 85,693 40,753 137 70,000 411,701 82,434 41,926 162 70,000 365,823 129,339 75,913 160 Development of Asset Value (CZK ´000) 662,393 654,074 684,284 685,489 591,477 543,325 503,364 381,333 266,715 198,183 2013 2012 265,204 243,064 2010 2009 357,908 482,940 442,090 428,325 1996 1995 325,497 280,061 214,791 2011 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 Development of Net Profit (CZK ´000) 231,221 183,800 126,132 91,432 90,590 46,364 2013 129,493 119,335 104,309 85,414 75,913 41,769 33,874 34,172 30,637 2012 2011 2010 40,692 40,753 41,926 1998 1997 1996 26,318 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1995 Information on Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. According to provisions of section 210 and section 213 of the edict no. 123/2007 Coll. 1. Data on Capital (CZK thousand) a) summary information on conditions and main characteristics of capital and its components b) summary value of the primary capital (Tier 1), amount of particular positive parts and negative items see Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 31 December 2013 Primary capital (Tier 1) c) summary value of the supplemental capital (Tier 2) d) summary value of capital for market risk coverage (Tier 3) Paid-in share capital incorporated in the trade register Required reserve funds Retained profit Intangible assets other than goodwill Supplemental capital (Tier 2) Capital for market risk coverage (Tier 3) 70,000 14,000 32,358 0 0 0 e) total value of allowable items from the primary and supplemental capitals, further independent presentation of the allowable item by reason Allowable items from primary and of lack of expected credit risks coverage supplemental capitals (Tier 1 and Tier 2) (1,138) Exceeding of others than important adjustments over the subordinated debt B Lack of coverage of expected credit risks at IRB f) summary value of capital taking in account the allowable items in respect of the primary and supplemental capitals and of assigned limits of capital items Capital 116,358 (1,138) 0 115,220 2. Data on Capital Requirements (CZK thousand) a) towards credit risk subdivided into requirements according to the standardized access and according to the IRB access Total capital requirements towards credit risk Total capital requirements towards credit risk, STA access Total capital requirements towards credit risk, IRB access b) towards settlement risk c) towards position, currency and commodity risks d) towards operational risk e) towards business portfolio design risk f) towards other business portfolio instruments g) other and transitory requirements arising from transition on the IRB or AMA access, if these accesses were used Notice: An investment firm which provides a limited range of investment services or an investment firm with a limited dealing on its own account that assesses the capital requirements on the basis of overhead costs instead of the capital requirements for the operational risk, or instead of capital requirements for the credit, market and operational risks, indicates (assigns) the amount of these capital requirements. 12,845 12,845 0 0 54 0 0 0 0 Capital requirements on the basis of overhead costs 26,855 3. Comparative Indicators 1. capital adequacy indicator 2. indebtedness I (total debt less clients’ property / assets less clients’ property) 3. indebtedness II (total debt less clients’ property / shareholders´ capital) 4. return on average assets (ROAA, assets less clients’ property) 5. return on average equity (ROAE) 6. return on sales (profit after taxes/revenues on investment services ) 7. general expenses per employee 34.32 % 38.91 % 63.70 % 17.38 % 40.24 % 9.15 % 4,582 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., 2013 Annual Report Contents Key Figures, managed funds Content 1 Introduction by the Chairman of the Board 2 Report of the Board of Directors on Business Activities of ISČS and the Balance of its Assets 3 Board of Directors and Supervisory Board of the Company 5 Portfolio managers ISČS 6 Report of Performance of the ISČS Open-ended Mutual Funds 8 Supervisory Board Report 69 Report on Relations 70 Information about the synthetic risk and reward indicator 73 Financial Section, Non-consolidated Financial Results Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROINVEST – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROBOND – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TRENDBOND – otevřený dluhopisový podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS korporátní dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., High Yield dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., BONDINVEST – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROTREND – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., GLOBAL STOCKS FF – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TOP STOCKS – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., VYVÁŽENÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., DYNAMICKÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., AKCIOVÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Smíšený fond – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., PLUS – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., FOND ŘÍZENÝCH VÝNOSŮ – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS fond životního cyklu 2020 FF – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS fond životního cyklu 2030 FF – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., LIKVIDITNÍ FOND – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Privátní portfolio AR 0 – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Privátní portfolio AR 25 – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Privátní portfolio AR 50 – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Privátní portfolio AR 75 – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Privátní portfolio AR AKCIE – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Privátní portfolio AR REALITY – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Privátní portfolio AR ALTERNATIVNÍ INVESTICE – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Institucionální akciový FF – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Dluhopisový fond – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., CERTIFIKÁTOVÝ FOND – otevřený podílový fond 74 77 94 113 132 149 167 184 201 219 235 251 268 285 302 319 336 353 370 386 402 418 433 449 465 481 497 513 529 546 562 578 1 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., 2013 Annual Report Introduction by the Chairman of the Board Ing. Martin Řezáč, CFA Chairman of the Board of Directors of the risk spectrum, the performance achieved by the Top Stocks equity fund is “sparkling”, having grown by almost 34% year on year! Reflection of the very good absolute but also relative performance can then be found precisely in the growing volume of assets in our unit trusts (more than CZK 55 billion at the end of 2013), which is accompanied by interest in regular investing. The share of regular investors in overall sales of retail funds last year was approximately 25%. With a view to the low-interest environment, it is now very complicated to offer attractive appreciation to very conservative investors whose funds have in the past been concentrated in money market funds. It is precisely conservative mixed funds which we recommend to these investors, where the return on the small share component (typically around 10%) more than compensates for the potentially higher volatility of the investment. Proof of the success of this thinking can be found not only in last year’s performance, but in particular in the growth in volume of the assets of the Konzervativní mix unit trust by approximately CZK 4 billion. Dear friends, The year 2013 went down in history as a successful year for investors for many reasons: holders of units in our company’s mixed and in particular equity funds registered very attractive appreciation of their assets, the volume of assets managed grew pleasingly thanks to positive net sales and auspicious market development and our company coped extremely successfully with personnel changes and pressure on decreasing costs. We thus beat last year’s financial and commercial result and in addition to this, our contribution to the overall result of the Ceska sporitelna group exceeded the expectations or rather the original plans. We also adapted ahead of schedule to the new legal environment regulating our field of business. The long-term high quality of work of the investment team was again confirmed by excess performance (so-called alpha) in the vast majority of our unit trusts and mandates which we manage. In relation to this, I must not forget the two flagships of our product range: the performance of the conservative mixed unit trust Konzervativní mix achieved 2.86% last year; on the opposite end We are aware of the fact that past successes represent a clear-cut commitment for the future. Although it is difficult to realistically expect a repetition of similarly exceptional performance of the developed share markets seen last year, we are convinced that investors in our mixed funds (among others) will be delighted with the appreciation achieved in 2014. Besides, our leading position on the domestic market with open-ended mutual funds does not allow us to do anything else. In conclusion, I would like to thank all of my colleagues from the Ceska sporitelna financial group for their cooperation to date and assure our unit holders that the whole team at Investicni spolecnosti Ceske sporitelny will again be doing their utmost to ensure the success of your investments. I wish you all the best of luck in terms of your investments. Ing. Martin Řezáč, CFA Chairman of the Board of Directors 2 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., 2013 Annual Report Report of the Board of Directors on the Business Activities of ISČS and the Balance of Its Assets In 2013 the economic indicators of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. (“ISČS”, the “Company”) reached very satisfactory values that exceeded both the previous year results and also careful expectations created in the first half of the year by sudden events with a negative impact on company’s p/l. Nevertheless, the net profit and also total contribution to the financial group exceeded budgeted figures thanks to positive net sales and higher fee income, outstanding performance of portfolios resulting in above-expected performance fees and also thanks to strict costmanagement throughout the whole period. Investiční společnost České spořitelny reported a net profit of CZK 46.4 mil in 2013. The net profit will be traditionally distributed based on a decision of the sole shareholder exercising the powers of the general meeting in accordance with Section 190 article 2 of Act. No. 90/2012 Coll. on business corporations. The company’s financial and liquidity situation was good throughout the whole period under assessment. The company did not acquire any assets in the form of financial leasing in 2013 and does not have overdue trade receivables. The company’s registered capital is divided between 700 certificated shares to name that are not publicly tradable and have a nominal value of CZK 100 th., i.e. a total of CZK 70,000 th. Since December 16th, 2009, the sole shareholder of ISČS has been Erste Asset Management GmbH., (“EAM”), owning 100% of registered capital and associated voting rights. The general reserves have reached the statutorily-required 20% of registered capital. Neither ISČS nor EAM owns the assets of the open-ended mutual funds (OEMF); they belong to unit holders in the unit trusts. The company’s accounts are strictly separated from the accounts of the open-ended mutual funds. ISČS is active solely on the market of the Czech Republic and its revenues are realised in the Czech Republic. Trading and Assets under Management In 2013, the gross sales of ISCS funds reached CZK 17.233 bn, while gross redemptions reached CZK 15.389 bn. Thus the total net sales reached CZK 1.844 bn, when outflows from money market funds were more than compensated inflows into mixed and to some extent also into equity funds. The market share of ISCS remained more or less unchanged (approx. 26%), as the overall market grew by almost the same figure. The assets under management within retail oriented ISČS funds grew as a result of net positive sales and thanks to very good absolute performance. ISČS managed fund assets with a total market value of CZK 55 bn at the end of 2013. ISČS’ Market Position and Business Policy The position of ISCS in the Czech market remained stable. Even despite growing gross sales, the company continues to suffer from redemptions from money market funds, mainly from Sporoinvest as a result of low-yield environment. The share of Sporoinvest on the retail products managed by ISCS declined from 32% at the beginning of the year down to 24% at the end of 2013. Similar to the previous year, we did our best to improve the structure of clients asset-allocation mix especially in a long-term horizon, i.e. more diversified investment solutions with higher share of risky assets. Significant part of Sporoinvest outflows have been switched to other funds, primarily mixed funds (Konzervativni Mix above all). This positive shift in product mix naturally also resulted in better average margin. A significant change of the legal and regulatory environment materialized in 2013 (the new Investment companies and investment funds act effective since August 2013), additional changes are valid from 1st January 2014. The changes have been recorded both within commercial and civil code. Henceforth, ISČS internal rulebooks and workflows base responds to these changes in ongoing fashion. Furthermore, the company had to amend contracts for Board members in line with net legal set-up and we expect changes in code of rules of the company in 2014, too. ISČS’ capital adequacy remains to be at a sufficient level. Česká spořitelna is ISČS’ main distribution partner. The provision of collective investment services is linked to high quality clients’ money asset management and to a range of funds that is constantly being perfected. In addition, clients are provided with quality advisory services through Česká spořitelna branches. Such information can also be obtained from the Client Centre of Česká spořitelna, a. s. phone no. 800 207 207 and on ISČS and ČS websites. Changes in Company Bodies The board of directors has been changed during 2013. Mgr. Martin Burda decided to leave positions of CEO and Chairman of the Board in late March. His successor became Ing. Martin Řezáč, CFA in both positions since April. Ing. Štěpán Mikolášek, CFA, was named into Board by a decision of the sole shareholder and, subsequently, he was also elected as the Deputy chairman. Mr. Arjen Janmaat continues to act as a member of the Board. Term of RNDr. Petr Bobysud in the supervisory board expired in September. He was replaced by Mr. Christian Schön, who also became the Deputy Chairman. Remaining members of the Supervisory Board continued to act in their positions: Mag. Heinz Bednar (chairman), Mag. Günther Mandl, Ing. Jiří Škorvaga, CSc., Ing. Daniel Heler and Ing. Pavel Kráčmar (members). 3 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., 2013 Annual Report Membership of Professional Organisations ISČS is one of the founding members of the former Union of Investment Companies of the Czech Republic, which, after being transformed in January 2006, became the Fund and Asset Management Association of the Czech Republic, merged with the Capital Market Association and since 2008 has been active under the AKAT banner. The merger of these professional associations expanded the activities that the association covers. In addition to support and development of the collective investment market in sales of unit trusts, AKAT pushes for standards of honest business and accepted practices on the capital market and also covers asset management activities. Mr. Martin Rezac is member of the Executive Board of AKAT. Prague, February 7, 2014 Board of Directors Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. 4 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., 2013 Annual Report Board of Directors and Supervisory Board of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. Board of Directors Supervisory Board Ing. Martin Řezáč, CFA (1974) Mag. Heinz Bednar (1962) Chairman of the Board of Directors Chairman of the Supervisory Board – Broker License issued by MF ČR (1997), – Graduated from the University of Economics Prague, Faculty of International Relations (1998), – CFA Institute (Charlottesville, Virginia, USA), active CFA charterholder (2002) – Professional experience 13 years – Member of Board of Directors since September 1st, 2012 and Chairman of the Board of Directors since April 2nd, 2013. Ing. Štěpán Mikolášek, CFA (1977) Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors – Graduation of Vysoká škola ekonomická of Prague, focus: Finance (2000) – Chartered Financial Analyst Course, – CFA Institute, Charlottesville, USA (2004) – Financial Analyst Seminar, Chicago, USA (2007) – Professional experience 14 years – Member and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors since April 2nd, 2013 Adrianus Janmaat, M. A. (1964) Member of the Board of Directors – Graduated from the Free University of Amsterdam, Study of Contemporary History (1988) – Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, Vienna School of International Studies, International Economics and Finance (1995) – Professional experience 19 years – Member since December 13th, 2011 – Graduated from the Vienna University of Economics and Business, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences (1989) – Professional experience 24 years – Member since July 7th, 2011 and Chairman of the Supervisory Board since July 7th, 2011 Christian Schön (1970) Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board – – – – Graduated from the commercial academy – Waidhofen (1989) Insead Business School Fontainebleau/Singapore (2004) Professional experience 24 years Member and Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board since October 1st, 2013 Ing. Daniel Heler (1960) Member – Graduated from the University of Economics Prague, Faculty of Foreign Trade – Short-term Attachment with J. P. Morgan, Goldman Sachs, S. Montagu, UBS, N. M. Rothschild, Shearson and Bayerische Hypobank, number of courses in global banking, banking profitability, retail banking strategy, treasury and risk management – Professional experience 22 years – Member since October 1st, 2013 Günther Mandl (1959) Member – – – – Graduated from the Realgymnasium in Vienna (1978) Bank qualifications of 1st and 2nd levels (1981, 1984) Professional experience 31 years Member since October 1st, 2013 Ing. Jiří Škorvaga, CSc. (1963) Member – – – – Graduated from the Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Postgraduate study in the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Professional experience 21 years Member since October 1, 2013 Ing. Pavel Kráčmar (1966) Member – Graduated from ČVUT, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Prague (1990) – Number of courses at World Bank, EBRD, National Bank of Belgium, J. P. Morgan, UBS, Erste Group Bank – Professional experience 23 years – Member since October 1st, 2013 5 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., 2013 Annual Report Portfolio managers ISČS Štěpán Mikolášek, Ing., CFA (1977) 04/2013 Deputy Chairman of the Board, 05/2013 Director of Clients Assets Management Division – Graduate of Economic University Prague, Faculty of Finance (2000) – Chartered Financial Analyst Course, CFA Institute, Charlottesville, USA (2004) – Financial Analyst Seminar, Chicago, USA (2007) – Professional experience in collective investment sector 14 years (thereof: Portfolio manager professional experience) (fund, function performed from-to): OPF BONDINVEST (2001–2002) TRENDBOND (2001 - 04/2013) VYVÁŽENÝ MIX FF (2000–12/2012) Výnosový OPF – as of 7. 2. 2007 AKCIOVÝ MIX FF (2003–01/2007) HIGH GRADE dluhopisový FF – as of 23. 10. 2007 ČS balancovaný OPF (08/2006 – 11/2009) HIGH YIELD dluhopisový FF – as of 4. 11. 2008 High Yield dluhopisový OPF (08/2006–11/2008) Dluhopisový fond (01/2012–04/2013) SPOROBOND (12/2012–04/2013) BONDINVEST (12/2012–04/2013) OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 (12/2012–04/2013) OPF PLUS (12/2012–04/2013) CERTIFIKÁTOVÝ FOND (01/2013 - 04/2013) Tomáš Ondřej, Mgr., CFA (1973) Director of the Equity Funds Section and portfolio manager – Graduate of Palacký University Olomouc, Faculty of Natural Science, branch mathematics-geography; specialization mathematical analysis (1996) – Broker licence, Ministry of Finance (1997) – Chartered Financial Analyst Course, CFA Institute, Charlottesville, USA (2004) – Professional experience in collective investment sector 16 years (thereof: Portfolio manager professional experience) (fund, function performed from-to): OPF EUROTREND (2000–2005) DYNAMICKÝ MIX FF (2002 – until now), GLOBAL STOCKS FF (2003 – until now) AKCIOVÝ MIX FF (02/2007 – until now) ČS Fond životního cyklu 2020 FF (09/2007 – until now) ČS Fond životního cyklu 2025 FF (09/2007 – 11/2009) ČS Fond životního cyklu 2030 FF (09/2007 – until now) ČS Fond životního cyklu 2040 FF (09/2007 – 11/2009) Institucionální akciový fond FF (11/2008 – until now) FOND CÍLENÉHO VÝNOSU – as of 1. 2. 2010 OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 (06/2009 – 12/2012) OPF PLUS (03/2010 – 12/2012) KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF (12/2012 – until now) VYVÁŽENÝ MIX FF (12/2012 – until now) Smíšený fond (12/2012 – until now) Ján Hájek, Ing., CFA (1969) 05/2013 Director of the Fund Management Division Portfolio manager – Graduate of Economic University Prague, Faculty of Finance (2000) – Valuation models and M&A, Focal Financial Consulting, Inc., San Francisco, USA (1995) – Portfolio Investment Management, Focal Financial Consulting, Inc., San Francisco, USA (1996) – Modern Portfolio Management, ČFA, Brno (2000) – In-house practice –ING IM US & Latin America Funds, Atlanta, USA (2001) – ING IM Portfolio Management Conference, The Hague, The Netherlands (2001) – Chartered Financial Analyst Course, CFA Institute, Charlottesville, USA (2002) – In-house practice – KBC Securities, Brussels, Belgium (2003) – CFA Analyst Seminar, Evanston, USA (2006) – Professional experience in collective investment sector 10 years (thereof: Portfolio manager professional experience) (fund, function performed from-to): OPF ING český akciový fond (07/1999–07/2001) BBL Dynamic Czech Republic Fund (07/1999–07/2001) TOP STOCKS (08/2006 – until now) Privátní portfolio AR AKCIE (11/2010 – until now) Privátní portfolio AR 25 (12/2012 – until now) Privátní portfolio AR 50 (12/2012 – until now) Privátní portfolio AR 75 (12/2012 – until now) Privátní portfolio AR 0 (12/2012 – until now) OPF SPOROTREND (07/2013 – 08/2013) Pavlína Hříbalová, Ing. (1985) Portfolio manager – Graduate of Economic University in Prague, Faculty of Business Administration and Management (2011) – Derivatives and Financial Statement Analysis, University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway (2009) – Yield Curve – Construction, Modeling and Application, ČFA and Moneco, Prague (2010) – Professional experience in collective investment sector 6 years (thereof: Portfolio manager professional experience) (fund, function performed from-to): TRENDBOND (05/2013 – until now) BONDINVEST (05/2013 – until now) 6 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., 2013 Annual Report OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 (05/2013 – until now) OPF PLUS (05/2013 – until now) Dluhopisový fond (05/2013 – until now) CERTIFIKÁTOVÝ FOND (05/2013 – until now) Radim Kramule, Ing. (1981) Portfolio manager – Graduate of Economic University in Prague, Faculty of International Trade (2006) – M. A. in Economics of International Trade and European Integration (09/2004 - 04/2005) – Equity Analyst in ČS/Erste (2007 – 2011) – Institutional Equity sales and trading (2011-2013) – Professional experience in collective investment sector 0.5 years (thereof: Portfolio manager professional experience) (fund, function performed from-to): OPF SPOROTREND (09/2013 – until now) Jiří Lengál*, Ing., Mgr., CFA (1971) Portfolio manager – Graduate of Charles University, Faculty of Natural Science, Biochemical branch (1995) – Graduate of Economic University Prague, Faculty of Finance (1998) – Equity Markets and Analysis, Advanced Fixed Income Analysis, Derivatives, Moneco, Brno (1999–2002) – Chartered Financial Analyst Course, CFA Institute, Charlottesville, USA (2005) – Professional experience in collective investment sector 14 years (thereof: Portfolio manager professional experience) (fund, function performed from-to): OPF SPOROTREND (2002 – 06/2013) Smíšený fond (02/2010 – 12/2012) Martin Šmíd, Ing. (1973) Portfolio manager – Graduate of Western Bohemian University, Cheb, Department of Finance and Banking (baccalaureate education) (1995) – Graduate of Masaryk University, Brno, Faculty of Economics and Administration, Department of National Economy (graduate education) (1998) – Fundamental Analysis and Rating, ČFA and Moneco, Brno (1999) – Credit Risk and Credit Derivatives, ČFA and Moneco, Brno (1999) – Derivatives, Citibank, Prague (2000) – Advanced Fixed Income Analysis, Czech Finance Academy ČFA and Moneco, Brno (2001) – Structured Products, ČFA and Moneco, Brno (2001) – Professional experience in collective investment sector 16 years (thereof: Portfolio manager professional experience fund) (function performed from-to): OPF MERKUR (2000–2002) SPOROINVEST (2000 – until now) ČS korporátní dluhopisový (2004 – until now) OPATRNÝ MIX FF (07/2006 – 11/2009) LIKVIDITNÍ FOND (09/2009 – until now) Privátní portfolio AR ALTERNATIVNÍ INVESTICE (11/2010 – until now) Privátní portfolio AR REALITY (11/2010 – until now) OPF FOND ŘÍZENÝCH VÝNOSŮ (12/2012 – until now) HIGH YIELD dluhopisový OPF (12/2012 – until now) SPOROBOND (05/2013 – until now) * Jiří Lengál terminated his employment in ISČS as of June 30, 2013. 7 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., 2013 Annual Report Report of Performance of the ISČS Open-ended Mutual Funds in 2013 Open-ended Mutual Funds: Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROINVEST – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROBOND – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TRENDBOND – otevřený dluhopisový podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS korporátní dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., High Yield dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., BONDINVEST – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROTREND – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., GLOBAL STOCKS FF – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TOP STOCKS – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., VYVÁŽENÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., DYNAMICKÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., AKCIOVÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Smíšený fond – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., PLUS – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., FOND ŘÍZENÝCH VÝNOSŮ – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS fond životního cyklu 2020 FF – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS fond životního cyklu 2030 FF – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., LIKVIDITNÍ FOND – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Privátní portfolio AR 0 – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Privátní portfolio AR 25 – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Privátní portfolio AR 50 – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Privátní portfolio AR 75 – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Privátní portfolio AR AKCIE – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Privátní portfolio AR REALITY – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Privátní portfolio AR ALTERNATIVNÍ INVESTICE – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Institucionální akciový FF – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Dluhopisový fond – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., CERTIFIKÁTOVÝ FOND – otevřený podílový fond 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 • All mentioned open-end mutual funds are accounting entities without legal personality constituted by the Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., according to the Act No. 248/92 Coll. and the Act No. 189/2004 Coll. They fully satisfy conditions of the European Union law. • The depository bank of the funds is, on the basis of an agreement, Česká spořitelna, a. s. • The auditor of ISČS and all the funds managed by it is Ernst & Young Audit, s. r. o. 8 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report SPOROINVEST Characteristics The short term bond fund. The biggest CZK denominated fund in the Czech Republic. Recommended investment horizon is one year and longer. The risk weight of the fund is 2 on a scale 1-7 of the Synthetic risk and reward indicator. Investment strategy The fund’s portfolio contains primarily fixed or variable coupon bonds mostly with the intention of holding them until their maturity. Investments are made also in the treasury bills, bank deposits and eventually in derivative embedded bonds. The average duration of the mutual fund’s portfolio is maximum 18 months. Preferred are debenture securities from issuers with credit rating of at least the investment grade. Commentary of the fund manager Traditional stability prevailed on the CZK money market in the first three quarters of the year. There was greater volatility only on the more liquid market - FRA (Forward Rate Agreement). The high level of free liquidity on the market pushed the yields of conservative money market instruments and short government bonds to new lows. A change on the market only occurred in November, when the CNB Banking Council decided to employ interventions to significantly weaken the Czech crown. By this decision, the central bank flooded the market, which had already been overflowing with free liquidity, and additional approximately CZK 200 billion. This massive inflow of free liquidity was naturally immediately reflected in inter-bank deposit market rates, which dropped sharply. Most of the first half of the year on the corporate bond market was marked by a tightening of credit premiums which was supported primarily by high investor demand for higher yields in an environment of low interest rates and excellent corporate sector fundamentals. Growth in credit markets was also supported by favourable macroeconomic data from the US and German economies. A brief correction on the market occurred in May and June, when public unrest in Turkey and an announcement of the US central bank (Fed) of a gradual reduction of the government bond redemption programme caused a correction on the financial markets. Whereas swap rates and government bond yields grew relatively significantly, the expansion of credit premiums on investment-level corporate bonds was not striking. Regionally, bonds of countries and companies from the Central and East-European region lost more during the correction. Another turn came at the end of June, and credit premiums started to tighten slowly. All previous losses were erased in the course of two months and credit premiums gradually stabilised. The market staggered lightly in November, when credit premiums expanded slightly. But premiums started to tighten again at the end of the year. The average modified duration of the Sporoinvest portfolio was low throughout 2013. In the first half of the year, investment-level corporate bonds were increased in the fund, to the detriment of deposits and government bonds. This extended the average time to maturity of the portfolio. The level of diversification of the fund’s portfolio was also up. In the second half of the year, the position in bank and financial institution bonds was enhanced, and the position in the bonds of non-financial companies was reduced. Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 9 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Number of unit certificates issued and redeemed in 2013 Unit certificates issued no. 1,483,288,673 CZK 000 2,777,154 Unit certificates redeemed no. 3,106,329,023 CZK 000 5,814,883 Balance (+/−) no. (1,623,040,350) CZK 000 (3,037,729) Development of the funds main economic indicators As of 31. 12. 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Net asset Net asset value value per (CZK 000) unit (CZK) 1.0475 1.2018 1.3560 1.4765 1.5392 1.6005 1.6514 1.6864 1.7302 1.7571 1.7861 1.8106 1.7568 1.8194 1.8437 1.8423 1.8696 1.8749 Development of the value of mutual fund´s unit certificates of OPF SPOROINVEST in 2013 (CZK) Profit / Loss after tax (CZK 000) 640,155 1,647,359 4,300,250 16,815,290 16,500,129 16,854,709 27,180,475 29,065,175 41,077,774 45,808,501 44,693,383 47,578,847 29,996,955 27,356,545 26,844,303 20,730,995 16,057,319 13,060,210 Performance (%) p.a. 11,464 170,751 303,624 875,952 825,804 815,365 609,021 447,819 804,358 682,568 744,200 624,765 (1,036,010) 867,117 360,924 (2,133) 270,296 40,620 14.73 12.83 8.89 4.25 3.98 3.18 2.12 2.60 1.55 1.68 1.35 (2.97) 3.56 1.34 (0.07) 1.48 0.28 Portfolio structure by type of assets in 2013 1.8760 Floating rate bonds 72,48 1.8740 0,00 Treasury Notes 1.82 Mutual Funds 1.8720 19.56 1.8700 1.8680 6.14 Cash Fixed income bonds 2.1. 12.1. 24.1. 5.2. 15.2. 27.2. 11.3. 21.3. 3.4. 15.4. 25.4. 10.5. 22.5. 3.6. 13.6. 25.6. 8.7. 18.7. 30.7. 9.8. 21.8. 2.9. 12.9. 24.9. 4.10. 16.10. 29.10. 8.11. 20.11. 2.12. 12.12. 27.12. 1.8660 Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 10 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report SPOROBOND Characteristics The biggest open-ended mutual bond fund in the Czech Republic, designed for mid-term up to long-term investment with a recommended investment horizon of three years and longer. Its yields proceed from good-quality, primarily domestic bonds. The risk weight of the fund is 3 on a scale 1-7 of the Synthetic risk and reward indicator. Investment strategy The mutual fund invests primarily into government fixed-coupon bonds denominated in CZK, eventually also into government bonds from other countries with a mature bond market. The currency risk is in most cases hedged. Other investments go into corporate bonds, treasury bills, bank deposits, acquired are also bonds with embedded derivative or bonds connected with a right to their exchange for shares or priority right for subscription of shares. Proportional share of stock however must not exceed 10% of the fund’s asset value. The aim of the investment policy is to provide the unit holders a growth of their unit certificates under the condition that the total risk profile of the mutual fund minimizes the possibility of a loss in the two years horizon. Commentary of the fund manager In the first half, the Czech bond market copied the developments of German government bonds. Bond yields were down until mid May and then they grew relatively significantly until the end of June (prices went down). At the beginning of the year, investors were pessimistic as to the possible return of the European economy to growth, which was confirmed by the incoming weak data from European economies. This pressed government bond yields to new all-time lows. On the other hand, the US economy reported positive data, and in the end, the German economy joined in May, where data indicated possible stabilisation. Also the Spanish and Portuguese economies, for example, showed first signs of improvement. On the basis of that, a turn occurred on the markets in mid May and government bond yields started to grow again. Czech bonds copied this development. The drop in their prices was magnified by unrest in Turkey and the related sale of government bonds of developing economies. The US central bank (Fed) fuelled the increase in yield far more strongly, as in mid June, it clarified its steps in terms of a gradual reduction of monetary stimuli in the economy. From mid May to the beginning of July, the yield of ten-year Czech government bonds flew up by approximately 1%. But a part of the previous correction was erased relatively quickly, the market consolidated and was relatively stable through to the end of September. The gradual arrival of positive macro-economic data from European economies in the last quarter pushed yields to lower levels, primarily at the shorter end and in the middle of the yield curve. The longer end of the yield curve was rather stable. The steepness of the yield curve thus started to increase. The drop in shorter yield was magnified in November by a reduction of the repo rate in the European Monetary Union to 0.25%, and the decision of the CNB Banking Council to resort to intervention significantly weakened the Czech crown. Most of the first half of the year on the corporate bond market was marked by a tightening of credit premiums which was supported primarily by high investor demand for higher yields in an environment of low interest rates and excellent corporate sector fundamentals. A short-term correction occurred on the market in May and June, when public unrest in Turkey and an announcement of the US Fed contributed to a slight expansion of credit premiums on investment-level corporate bonds. Another turn came at the end of June, and credit premiums started to tighten slowly. All previous losses were erased in the course of two months and credit premiums gradually stabilised. The market staggered lightly in November, when credit premiums expanded slightly. Nevertheless, premiums started to tighten again at the end of the year. Throughout the year, the fund actively managed the duration position on the CZK and EUR yield curve, thereby significantly eliminating the pronounced growth of no-risk rates at the mid point of the year. Also investments in credit markets reflected positively in the performance of the fund. Partial changes took place in the part of the portfolio comprised of investments in credit markets. The share of direct investments was expanded to the detriment of fund investments, with an enhancement primarily in the position in subordinated bank and financial institution bonds. Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 11 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Number of unit certificates issued and redeemed in 2013 Unit certificates issued no. 1,897,304,154 CZK 000 3,976,084 Unit certificates redeemed no. 1,367,992,750 Balance (+/−) CZK 000 2,868,566 no. 529,311,404 CZK 000 1,107,518 Development of the funds main economic indicators As of 31. 12. 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Net asset Net asset value value per (CZK 000) unit (CZK) 1.1436 1.2540 1.2999 1.3920 1.4865 1.5155 1.6105 1.6708 1.6993 1.6784 1.6507 1.7674 1.8408 1.8919 2.0947 2.1038 Development of the value of mutual fund´s unit certificates of OPF SPOROBOND in 2013 (CZK) Profit / Loss after tax (CZK 000) 1,049,485 2,337,973 2,066,500 2,734,958 8,449,694 13,182,477 11,177,841 14,011,416 12,830,908 10,082,466 5,869,153 5,074,421 7,534,238 7,932,211 11,297,139 12,459,719 Performance (%) p.a. 14,217 148,078 139,621 114,541 253,799 339,031 338,075 438,910 206,039 (148,308) (107,352) 314,716 231,675 196,813 952,533 55,061 9.65 3.66 7.09 6.78 1.95 6.27 3.76 1.75 (1.24) (1.65) 7.07 4.15 2.78 10.72 0.43 Portfolio structure by type of assets in 2013 Government bonds 2.1300 58.60 2.1200 17.66 Corporate bonds 2.1100 2.1000 16.77 Mutual Funds 2.0900 2.0800 2.0700 6.97 Cash 2.1. 12.1. 24.1. 5.2. 15.2. 27.2. 11.3. 21.3. 3.4. 15.4. 25.4. 10.5. 22.5. 3.6. 13.6. 25.6. 8.7. 18.7. 30.7. 9.8. 21.8. 2.9. 12.9. 24.9. 4.10. 16.10. 29.10. 8.11. 20.11. 2.12. 12.12. 27.12. 2.0600 Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 12 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TRENDBOND – otevřený dluhopisový podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report TRENDBOND Characteristics The open-ended mutual bond fund, designed rather for long-term investment with a recommended investment horizon of at least three years. The risk weight of the fund is 4 on a scale 1-7 of the Synthetic risk and reward indicator. Investment strategy The fund invests mainly in government bonds of the Central and East European countries, which were denominated in local and strong currencies. It could be invested also in treasury bills, bank deposits, eventually in derivative embedded bonds. Up to 10% of the Fund‘s value can be invested in securities of the collective investment funds. The fund purchases preferably debenture securities from issuers with the long-term credit rating from the Standard & Poor’s or from Moody’s of at least on the investment grade. The mutual fund is managed in such a way that it should profit from eventual decline of interest yields and, at the same time, it would maximize its yields from the exchange rates movements. German market and to the only slightly improving figures from its economy. The FED (the US central bank) had a far greater impact on yield growth when it announced a gradual discontinuation of bond redemption. Nervousness as to the gradual discontinuation of stimuli for the economy was most apparent on the Turkish market; together with problems in Syria, political problems, and high inflation, it increasingly discouraged confidence of foreign investors. Due to that, the Turkish lira was one of the most seriously weakening currencies on developing markets in 2013 (25.5% against the USD). Bonds weakened by 4.2%. Other markets in the region were also influenced by this volatility in bond markets, but fortunately not as significantly as in Turkey. Thanks to that, the Polish market strengthened by 1.4%, but the zloty weakened by 1.8% against the euro. Hungarian bonds added an impressive 9.8%, but the forint weakened by 5.8% with respect to the euro. Commentary of the fund manager Bond markets throughout the region carried on the optimistic wave of last year approximately until May. Bond yields reached their new all-time lows. Central banks in Poland, Hungary, and Turkey continued to reduce their base rates until the mid point of the year, primarily due to weaker data from their domestic economies and low inflation. Only the Hungarian central bank carried on in its relaxed monetary policy through to the end of the year. After a year of threats, the CNB resorted to FX interventions in November, thereby sharply weakening the crown by 5% of its value, to around CZK 27 per euro. After that, bond yields started to drop, primarily at the short end. At the end of the year, bond yields were pulled up by good data from the US and the FED’s stimuli reduction. Overall, Czech bonds added 0.12%, primarily thanks to the drop of yields at the short end. The situation turned in mid May and bond yields started to grow (price drop) on all markets. In the region, this was launched by protests in Turkey against the present Erdogan government. Foreign investors then started to close their profits, thereby weakening the Turkish lira and sending bond yields upwards. This nervousness spilled over to other markets in the region - Hungary and Poland. The Czech bond market also responded to developments on the In the end, the fund’s performance ended up in slightly negative figures. The fund’s performance sharply increased in November thanks to CNB’s intervention. Thanks to the under-weighted position position on the Turkish market and the overweighted position on the Polish market, the fund’s performance got above its comparative index (benchmark) at the end of the year. Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 13 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TRENDBOND – otevřený dluhopisový podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Number of unit certificates issued and redeemed in 2013 Unit certificates issued no. 462,297,845 CZK 000 619,617 Unit certificates redeemed no. 362,202,556 Balance (+/−) CZK 000 486,744 no. 100,095,289 CZK 000 132,873 Development of the funds main economic indicators As of 31. 12. 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Net asset Net asset value value per (CZK 000) unit (CZK) 1.0237 1.0943 1.0381 1.1544 1.1868 1.1915 1.2017 1.1689 1.2220 1.2301 1.1682 1.3477 1.3449 Development of the value of mutual fund´s unit certificates of OPF TRENDBOND in 2013 (CZK) Profit / Loss after tax (CZK 000) 395,802 774,609 1,746,815 1,235,169 1,668,217 1,562,106 1,651,711 1,112,466 956,274 865,740 710,099 700,608 833,781 Performance (%) p.a. 3,205 35,219 47,805 16,093 36,823 337 13,269 (48,306) 35,505 6,512 (42,007) 97,797 300 6.90 (5.14) 11.20 2.80 0.42 0.84 (2.73) 4.54 0.66 (5.03) 15.37 (0.21) Portfolio structure by type of assets in 2013 1.3950 1.3700 83.61 1.3450 Government bonds 1.3200 1.2950 16.39 Cash 2.1. 12.1. 24.1. 5.2. 15.2. 27.2. 11.3. 21.3. 3.4. 15.4. 25.4. 10.5. 22.5. 3.6. 13.6. 25.6. 8.7. 18.7. 30.7. 9.8. 21.8. 2.9. 12.9. 24.9. 4.10. 16.10. 29.10. 8.11. 20.11. 2.12. 12.12. 27.12. 1.2700 Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 14 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS korporátní dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report ČS korporátní dluhopisový Characteristics The open-ended mutual bond fund, designed for mid-term investment with a recommended investment horizon of at least three years. The risk weight of the fund is 4 on a scale 1-7 of the Synthetic risk and reward indicator. Investment strategy The fund invests mainly in bonds of the corporate, municipal, bank and government issuers from emerging markets of Europe, Near and Middle East and African countries. Investments are directed into bonds of above mentioned issuers that are traded on public market of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries. The currency risk is hedged by means of standard hedging operations. The fund’s portfolio consists mainly of bonds with fixed and variable coupon, denominated in EUR and USD. Investments go also into treasury bills, bank deposits, in some case even into bonds with embedded derivative. The fund purchases preferably debenture securities from issuers with the long-term credit rating from the Standard & Poor’s at least on the grade B- or from Moody’s at least on the grade B3. The duration of the mutual fund’s portfolio shall not exceed 10 years. Commentary of the fund manager Most of the first half of the year on the corporate bond market of the East-European region was marked by a light tightening of credit premiums which was supported primarily by strong investor demand for higher yields in an environment of low interest rates and excellent corporate sector fundamentals. A brief correction on the market occurred in May and June, when public unrest in Turkey and an announcement of the US central bank (Fed) of a gradual reduction of the government bond redemption programme caused a correction on the financial markets. This caused a significant growth in swap rates as well as an expansion of the credit premiums of the bonds of Turkish and Russian companies. But the situation stabilised quickly, with a turn at the end of June, when credit premiums started to tighten slowly and gradually erased about a half of the previous correction. Then credit premiums stabilised for some time and another significant tightening only occurred in December. The fourth quarter of last year was relatively rich in important events in the East-European corporate bond market. Another postponement of problems with the US budget and debt ceiling had an impact on the market. The announcement of the US Fed concerning a gradual cutback of the bond redemption programme starting in January 2014 was no less important and served as a positive impulse. On the other hand, Ukraine got dangerously close to bankruptcy. The country had been facing public finance deficit problem for some time and the option of financing from financial market had closed for it entirely. At the end of the year, these problems were accompanied by a sharp drop in currency reserves to the very bottom. In mid December, the market situation stabilised after an announcement that aid from Russia would be accepted in the form of a loan and a discount from the price of imported natural gas. This averted the immediate threat of the country’s potential bankruptcy, which was immediately positively reflected in the markets. Exposure to Russian companies prevailed in the fund for the entire year. Next in line were Turkish and Kazakh corporate bonds. But the share of Kazakh corporate bonds in the portfolio lessened due to the worsening development of the country’s banking sector. Ukrainian corporate bonds were not represented in the fund at all until May, and subsequently, their share was very low until the end of the year. The average modified duration of the portfolio was low for most of the year thanks to hedging instruments. Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 15 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS korporátní dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Number of unit certificates issued and redeemed in 2013 Unit certificates issued no. 743,790,640 CZK 000 1,031,105 Unit certificates redeemed no. 282,392,546 Balance (+/−) CZK 000 391,572 no. 461,398,094 CZK 000 639,533 Development of the funds main economic indicators As of 31. 12. 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Net asset Net asset value value per (CZK 000) unit (CZK) 1.0216 1.0750 1.0953 1.0857 0.8570 1.1867 1.2825 1.2265 1.3774 1.3941 Development of the value of mutual fund´s unit certificates of OPF ČS korporátní dluhopisový in 2013 (CZK) Profit / Loss after tax (CZK 000) 874,829 496,588 919,244 818,477 522,113 390,745 401,263 527,220 914,937 1,569,252 Performance (%) p.a. 66,520 23,241 14,793 (7,738) (151,352) 121,289 28,114 (26,439) 71,980 14,782 5.20 1.92 (0.88) (21.06) 38.47 8.07 (4.37) 12.30 1.21 Portfolio structure by type of assets in 2013 1.4050 94.98 1.3900 Corporate bonds 1.3750 1.3600 5.02 Cash 1.3450 2.1. 12.1. 24.1. 5.2. 15.2. 27.2. 11.3. 21.3. 3.4. 15.4. 25.4. 10.5. 22.5. 3.6. 13.6. 25.6. 8.7. 18.7. 30.7. 9.8. 21.8. 2.9. 12.9. 24.9. 4.10. 16.10. 29.10. 8.11. 20.11. 2.12. 12.12. 27.12. 1.3300 Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 16 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., High Yield dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report High Yield dluhopisový Characteristics The open-ended mutual bond fund, designed for more experienced investors who can lay aside their invested capital for at least three years. The risk weight of the fund is 5 on a scale 1-7 of the Synthetic risk and reward indicator. Investment strategy Aim of the strategy is to provide the unit holders with a longterm positive absolute performance of their crown investment into unit certificates, mainly by investments in bonds of corporate and bank issuers who have the long-term credit rating from the Standard & Poor’s or from Moody’s at least on the speculative grade. The issuers are mostly from Western and Eastern Europe. The fund’s portfolio consists mainly of fixed and variable rate bonds issued in EUR or USD. The currency risk is hedged by means of standard hedging operations. Moreover, derivative embedded bonds, treasury bills and bank deposits may be purchased in the fund’s portfolio. Commentary of the fund manager Most of the first half of the year on the corporate bond market was marked by a tightening of credit premiums which was supported primarily by strong investor demand for higher yields in an environment of low interest rates and excellent corporate sector fundamentals. Growth in credit markets was also supported by favourable macroeconomic data from the US and German economies. A small correction on the market occurred in May and June, when public unrest in Turkey and an announcement of the US central bank (Fed) of a gradual reduction of the government bond redemption programme caused a correction on the financial markets. This caused a significant growth in swap rates as well as an expansion of the credit premiums of corporate bonds. The market of high-interest corporate bonds (from developed economies), however, noted a far lesser expansion of credit spreads than the market of corporate bonds from emerging economies. The movement of the norisk yield curve (swap rates) had a far more adverse impact. The situation stabilised again at the end of June and credit premiums slowly started to tighten again. The second half of the year on the market of high interest corporate bonds was marked by a tightening of credit premiums. In this period, credit premiums of high interest European corporate bonds tightened by approximately 130 basic points (1.3%), with the overall yield being 6.9%. The high appreciation was supported by improving macroeconomic data, strong fundamentals of individual companies, a historically very low level of corporate bankruptcies (defaults) and the resolution (postponement) of problems with the budget and debt ceiling in the US. In the first half of the year, several changes occurred in the portfolio which aimed at bringing the fund’s composition closer to its original focus on the European region. The positions in Greek, Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian corporate bonds were also strengthened to allow the fund to profit from stabilisation in that region. Also the level of diversification of the entire portfolio was increased. Throughout the year, the fund actively managed the duration position on the EUR and USD yield curve, thereby eliminating to some extent the pronounced growth of no-risk rates at the mid point of the year. Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 17 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., High Yield dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Number of unit certificates issued and redeemed in 2013 Unit certificates issued no. 604,816,450 CZK 000 739,708 Unit certificates redeemed no. 191,231,975 Balance (+/−) CZK 000 233,630 no. 413,584,475 CZK 000 506,078 Development of the funds main economic indicators As of 31. 12. 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Net asset Net asset value value per (CZK 000) unit (CZK) 1.0186 0.9683 0.6378 1.0587 1.1587 0.9816 1.2072 1.2534 Development of the value of mutual fund´s unit certificates of OPF High Yield dluhopisový in 2013 (CZK) Profit / Loss after tax (CZK 000) 25,928 47,327 34,933 92,341 173,792 460,176 545,578 1,084,877 Performance (%) p.a. 395 (2 916) (17,757) 30,398 10,559 (66,362) 90,280 33,221 (4.96) (34.13) 65.99 9.45 (15.28) 22.98 3.83 Portfolio structure by type of assets in 2013 1.2550 1.2400 90.72 1.2250 Corporate bonds 1.2100 1.1950 9.28 Cash 2.1. 12.1. 24.1. 5.2. 15.2. 27.2. 11.3. 21.3. 3.4. 15.4. 25.4. 10.5. 22.5. 3.6. 13.6. 25.6. 8.7. 18.7. 30.7. 9.8. 21.8. 2.9. 12.9. 24.9. 4.10. 16.10. 29.10. 8.11. 20.11. 2.12. 12.12. 27.12. 1.1800 Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 18 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., BONDINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report BONDINVEST Characteristics An open-ended mutual bond fund was designed for mid-term investment of 2–3 years. The risk weight of the fund is 3 on a scale 1-7 of the Synthetic risk and reward indicator. Unit certificates of this open-ended mutual fund are in the form of a bearer security in documentary form. They were issued at the nominal value of CZK 5,000 and CZK 50,000. The entire profit generated by the fund was used as a source for payment of the profit share, which were paid out to unit holders once a year. With effect from April 1, 2008, the statute of the fund has been changed according to the decision of the Czech National Bank; this change was connected among others with the change of the fund’s type from the income to growth type and with termination of paying-off of the profit share. Investment strategy This fund is not offered by Česká spořitelna any more. Operation of the type purchase, i.e. unit certificates redemption from the client will still be executed. Commentary of the fund manager In 2013, the Czech bond market more-or-less followed developments in developed markets. Until mid May, the Czech bond market carried on in the buoyant developments that started the year before. After that, the trend reversed and bond yields started to gradually climb up (bond prices were going down). Until May, weak data kept coming in from European economies, pressing government bond yields to new all-time lows. Later, the German economy started to show a better outlook of its economic developments, indicating a potential stabilisation thanks to which a turn in bond markets came and government bond yields started to grow (drop in prices). Czech bonds followed this development. The US central bank (FED) fuelled the increase in yield far more strongly, as it clarified its steps in terms of a gradual reduction of monetary stimuli in the economy. This resulted in an increase in yields on the entire EUR and CZK yield curve. But the increase in yields (drop in prices) was too steep, which is why yields could not avoid a minor correction in July. Subsequently, during the rest of the summer vacation, the macro-figures published in Europe started to push bond yields up again. This growth was halted in September, when the US central bank surprisingly failed to reduce the volume of bonds purchased, creating pressure on revenue drop. This was fuelled by protracted debates about the US budget. After a year of threats, the Czech National Bank resorted to FX interventions in November, primarily due to low inflation. This resulted in a sudden weakening of the crown against the euro by 5%, to a level around CZK 27 per euro. This step was manifest primarily by a drop in revenue on the short end. Thanks to that, bond prices grew rapidly in December, driven primarily by better data from the US and reduced monetary stimuli of the US central bank. Corporate bond funds are represented in the fund to a lesser degree. Increased volatility was seen in credit markets only at the end of the first half, when credit premiums on investment-level corporate bonds as well as high interest-rate bonds tightened. At that time, the situation turned and credit premiums kept tightening until the end of the year. The Management Board of Investiční společnost České spořitelny intends to wind the Bondinvest mutual fund down with liquidation in 2014. The investment company is authorised to decide about the winding down of the Bondinvest mutual fund with liquidation pursuant to Section 375 (a) of Act No. 240/2013 Coll., on investment companies and investment funds. Within 6 months of the winding down of the unit trust, the investment company has to liquidate its assets and pay its debts. Following the completion of liquidation, it will file a request with the Czech National Bank to delete Bondinvest from the list of mutual funds, and pay unit-holders their share in the liquidation remainder within three months (Section 376 of Act No. 240/2013 Coll., in investment companies and investment funds). Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 19 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., BONDINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Number of unit certificates issued and redeemed in 2013 Unit certificates issued no. 0 CZK 000 0 Unit certificates redeemed no. 1,785 Balance (+/−) CZK 000 10,917 no. (1,785) CZK 000 (10,917) Development of the funds main economic indicators As of 31. 12. 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Net asset Net asset value value per (CZK 000) unit (CZK) 5,368 5,605 5,696 5,750 5,246 5,415 5,421 5,316 5,417 5,482 5,337 5,174 4,967 5,194 5,358 5,533 6,134 6,106 Development of the value of mutual fund´s unit certificates of OPF BONDINVEST in 2013 (CZK) Profit / Loss after tax (CZK 000) 238,234 184,027 178,487 195,947 257,785 286,069 386,078 426,991 438,643 446,403 434,734 363,837 174,088 144,035 96,180 74,300 71,710 60,492 Performance (%) p.a. 22,047 24,830 20,841 23,976 11,999 17,360 16,438 14,395 11,917 16,340 4,820 (8,143) (7,706) 6,073 3,935 2,895 7,455 (301) 13.41 15.74 10.75 4.78 7.87 6.22 2.18 5.41 3.78 1.15 (1.99) (4.00) 4.57 3.17 3.28 10.84 (0.45) Portfolio structure by type of assets in 2013 6,250 72.21 6,200 Government bonds 6,150 6,100 23.45 6,050 6,000 4.34 Mutual Funds Cash 2.1. 12.1. 24.1. 5.2. 15.2. 27.2. 11.3. 21.3. 3.4. 15.4. 25.4. 10.5. 22.5. 3.6. 13.6. 25.6. 8.7. 18.7. 30.7. 9.8. 21.8. 2.9. 12.9. 24.9. 4.10. 16.10. 29.10. 8.11. 20.11. 2.12. 12.12. 27.12. 5,950 Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 20 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROTREND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report SPOROTREND Characteristics An open-ended mutual equity fund is designed for dynamic investors who believe in positive development on stock markets of the EU member states, as well as other Eastern Europe states. It is designated for long-term investment with a horizon of 5 to 7 years. The risk weight of the fund is 7 on a scale 1-7 of the Synthetic risk and reward indicator. Investment strategy The fund manager invests mainly into the publicly traded liquid stock of trustful Czech and foreign issuers from the EU member states, candidate countries as well as another East European states. The fund invests also on the Russian and Turkish equity markets. The sector and regional allocation of the fund’, as well as the selection of individual stocks, is managed with the aim of surpassing of the index investments returns. The equity risk is constrained by a broad diversification of the portfolio; nevertheless a high value volatility of unit certificates may occur. Moreover, also other invetment instruments permitted for the collective investment of a standard fund by the Act on Collective Investment are bought into the mutual fund’s portfolio. Commentary of the fund manager In 2013, individual stock markets performed very diversely. On the one hand, US stocks (the main index of the US market, S&P500, was up by 29.6%) performed very well, on the other, there was a drop in emerging markets (the MSCI Emerging Markets index was down by 7.1% in a CZK expression). Aside from the different rate of growth in profitability, also a change in sentiments in different regions had an impact in terms of profitability growth. Whereas in the US, relative valuation grew from significantly pessimistic levels back to levels that correspond to the long-term average, relative stock valuation on developing markets remained still relatively low. Central and Eastern Europe trailed these developments; with the exception of Hungarian stock which strengthened by 7.2%, in a CZK expression, no other local market managed to post positive profitability. Turkish stock performed the worst (-23.8%), followed by Czech (-4.8%), Russian (-1.3%), and Polish stock (-0.5%), all in a CZK expression. The best sectors were sectors of cyclical and non-cyclical goods and services (+11.8% and +9%, respectively), whereas the worst sectors were the electrical engineering (-31.8%) and materials (-29.9%) sector. The fund’s performance in 2013 was negative, as it did not manage to erase the losses after sales on stock markets at the mid point of the year. Furthermore, the end of the year brought increased stock volatility in Turkey and Poland. Turkish sales were related to the worsening development of the economy (weakening exchange rate, high current account deficit), but primarily to political struggles between the governing elites and the Gullenists. In Poland, stock market performance reflected the planned changes in the set-up of local pension funds and their “nationalisation”. The fear of a drain of money from the system did not materialise, but the problem was only postponed. Even then, it had an adverse impact on the performance of the Polish market. The relatively good performance of the Hungarian market can be attributed to the low year-on-year comparative basis and the good performance of the pharmaceutical sector (redemption of Egis stock with a premium, high interest in Richter stock). The performance of the Czech market depended partially on the election struggle during which certain parties planned to introduce special sectoral taxes (primarily in the financial and telecommunications sectors). There were also ambiguities with respect to the potential expansion of ČEZ’s Temelín nuclear power plant. Overall, the CEE region again showed that it is still a developing market and it experienced higher volatility compared to developed markets. Politics and non-standard political decisions still play a non-negligible role, with an impact on local capital markets. The second factor that may explain the region’s worse performance in comparison with developed markets is the great weight of companies from the material and energy sectors. Commodity prices stagnated at best, and increasing costs of companies (pressure on wages) had an adverse impact on the profitability of the companies concerned. Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 21 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROTREND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Number of unit certificates issued and redeemed in 2013 Unit certificates issued no. 410,039,657 CZK 000 458,220 Unit certificates redeemed no. 696,374,520 CZK 000 778,918 Balance (+/−) no. (286,334,863) CZK 000 (320,698) Development of the funds main economic indicators As of 31. 12. 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Net asset Net asset value value per (CZK 000) unit (CZK) 0.8177 0.9052 0.8810 0.6918 0.6998 0.8776 1.2452 1.7585 1.8858 2.1200 0.6897 1.7681 1.8051 1.1002 1.1761 1.1177 Development of the value of mutual fund´s unit certificates of OPF SPOROTREND in 2013 (CZK) Profit / Loss after tax (CZK 000) 60,109 169,186 829,873 675,596 564,658 969,641 1,906,051 4,190,543 6,037,961 6,779,405 2,168,390 5,472,732 5,383,946 3,400,234 3,621,643 3,122,006 Performance (%) p.a. (7,518) 9,710 (2 723) (124,705) (61,340) 29,859 160,412 961,264 339,256 705,186 (4,561,648) 3,390,881 141,848 (2,032,531) 209,197 (178,937) 10.7 (2.67) (21.48) 1.16 25.41 41.89 41.20 7.33 12.44 (67.47) 156.36 2.09 (39.05) 6.90 (4.97) Portfolio structure by type of assets in 2013 1.2500 1.2000 1.1500 97.06 Equities 1.1000 1.0500 2.71 0.23 1.0000 Cash Other 2.1. 12.1. 24.1. 5.2. 15.2. 27.2. 11.3. 21.3. 3.4. 15.4. 25.4. 10.5. 22.5. 3.6. 13.6. 25.6. 8.7. 18.7. 30.7. 9.8. 21.8. 2.9. 12.9. 24.9. 4.10. 16.10. 29.10. 8.11. 20.11. 2.12. 12.12. 27.12. 0.9500 Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 22 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., GLOBAL STOCKS FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report GLOBAL STOCKS FF Characteristics The fund is an open-ended mutual fund of funds designed for investment of at least five years. Its portfolio shows a broad diversification of investments focused on global markets. The risk weight of the fund is 6 on a scale 1-7 of the Synthetic risk and reward indicator. Investment strategy An aim of the fund is to provide to unit holders a long-run valuation of unit certificates primarily by investing into globally spreaded portfolio of securities of equity funds of collective investment and in shares. Further, also other investment instruments permitted for the collective investment of a standard fund by the Act on Collective Investment can be bought into the mutual fund’s portfolio. Commentary of the fund manager 2013 was one of the most successful years in the history of stock markets, as all three of the most important regions (USA, Europe, and Japan) ended the year with an appreciation in excess of 25% as expressed in USD. For the US S&P500 index, it was the best year in the last sixteen years, with an appreciation of 29.6 % (!). It closed the year with a new all-time high of 1848.4 points, high above the original estimates of investment strategists. Whereas the developed markets index reached an all-year performance of 24%, emerging markets again did not do very well and closed the year with a loss of -5%. The main feature of 2013 on stock markets was growth in valuation which significantly exceeded the growth of corporate profits. Thanks to that, stock prices went up significantly. The extremely relaxed monetary policy of the largest central banks continued to be the main driver of growth in the P/E indicator. In December, the US central bank, somewhat surprisingly, resorted to a first reduction in direct bond purchases, reducing its direct monthly interventions from USD 85 bn to USD 75 bn. Unlike in June, the market took the news favourably, rather as evidence of an improvement in the macroeconomic environment. Optimism was also supported by increasing estimates of another acceleration in corporate profitability. In the autumn, we reinvested the fund’s portfolio in line with the new investment strategy, into global funds instead of the current mix of regional funds. Funds are chosen for the model portfolio on the basis of a mix of quantitative and qualitative criteria and their weight in the portfolio (which must not exceed 20%) is determined by broad global diversification, a clearly defined investment style (e.g., small cap growth, absolute return, focus investing, etc.), and the return/risk ratio. The monetary non-hedging strategy remains unchanged. Over the course of the year, the fund’s unit certificates added 28,0% and the fund closed the successful 2013 6.2% above its benchmark. Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 23 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., GLOBAL STOCKS FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Number of unit certificates issued and redeemed in 2013 Unit certificates issued no. 130,011,785 CZK 000 64,617 Unit certificates redeemed no. 170,761,669 Balance (+/−) CZK 000 84,350 no. (40,749,884) CZK 000 (19,733) Development of the funds main economic indicators As of 31. 12. 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Net asset Net asset value value per (CZK 000) unit (CZK) 0.8490 0.6401 0.3996 0.4367 0.4413 0.5291 0.5279 0.4981 0.2994 0.3815 0.4214 0.3861 0.4275 0.5473 Development of the value of mutual fund´s unit certificates of OPF GLOBAL STOCKS FF in 2013 (CZK) Profit / Loss after tax (CZK 000) 135,936 120,471 75,486 143,263 197,592 847,554 1,038,682 788,573 382,907 463,623 454,409 360,024 342,071 415,586 Performance (%) p.a. (1,234) (31,119) (42,241) (12,943) 6,876 72,074 (2 979) (45,268) (288,472) 101,587 44,267 (37,304) 37,302 93,249 (24.61) (37.57) 9.28 1.05 19.85 (0.04) (5.75) (39.89) 27.42 10.46 (8.35) 10.69 28.05 Portfolio structure by type of assets in 2013 0.5500 0.5250 97.60 0.5000 Equities 0.4750 0.4500 2.40 Cash 2.1. 12.1. 24.1. 5.2. 15.2. 27.2. 11.3. 21.3. 3.4. 15.4. 25.4. 10.5. 22.5. 3.6. 13.6. 25.6. 8.7. 18.7. 30.7. 9.8. 21.8. 2.9. 12.9. 24.9. 4.10. 16.10. 29.10. 8.11. 20.11. 2.12. 12.12. 27.12. 0.4250 Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 24 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TOP STOCKS – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report TOP STOCKS Characteristics The open-ended mutual equity fund, designed for experienced investors who can afford to lay aside their invested capital for at least five years. The selection of the particular stock titles is managed with the aim of achieving regular positive annual valuation in CZK terms. At the same time, the potential of a long-term evaluation of the unit holders´ investments shall be saved. The risk weight of the fund is 7 on a scale 1-7 of the Synthetic risk and reward indicator. Investment strategy The fund manager invests permanently on the stock market. The aim is to provide unit holders with a long-term evaluation of unit certificates through investment in a concentrated portfolio of shares traded in stock markets, denominated in relevant currencies. Particular shares for the long-term evaluation are purchased in the fund via active selection (“stock picking”), whereas the proportion in the portfolio of shares and investment instruments bearing shares risk may achieve from 66% to 100%. With regard to the emphasis on higher concentration of the portfolio and on a longer investment horizon of particular investments, the achieved assets turnover is rather low. The fund holds the currency risk resulting from investments in local currencies; this risk is actively managed by means of available hedging instruments. Commentary of the fund manager In spite of the initial scepticism of retail investors and investment strategists, developed stock markets showed very decent appreciation last year. The US stock market, measured by the S&P500 index, was up by 29.6% in 2013. The 5.7% growth in company profitability was slightly below the 6.1% profitability growth achieved in 2012. Last year’s significantly above-average performance was, to a large degree, due to the growth in relative valuation which was still pessimistic at the beginning of 2013, in line with the then-prevailing fears of a continued Eurozone crisis. Also the European stock market, measured by the Europe Stoxx 600 index, grew by an above-average 17.4% last year. In 2013, the ISČS Top Stocks fund’s unit certificate appreciated by 33.9%. The fund ranked 5th out of 17 funds in a table of performance of internally defined competitive funds. The fund’s aboveaverage performance increased the most due to the appreciation of the shares of ISIS Pharmaceuticals, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Pandora, and NPS Pharmaceuticals, which grew by more than 100% last year. On the other hand, last year’s performance was most reduced by unsuccessful investments in Amarin and ION Geophysical. The volume of the fund’s assets grew from the initial CZK 1.957 bn to CZK 2.586 bn at the end of 2013, primarily thanks to the above-average market appreciation of the fund, as there was only a slight increase in new investments during the course of the year, amounting to CZK 26 million. Last year, nine major changes took place in the composition of the portfolio. The stock of Quicksilver, Avis Budget Group, Auxilium Pharmaceuticals, Teva Pharmaceuticals, Abercrombie & Fitch, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, ISIS Pharmaceuticals, Amarin, and ION Geophysical were sold out. Newly, stock of Coach, JWNordstrom, Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Celgene, Reckitt Benckiser, Ralph Lauren, and McDonald‘s was purchased. The stock of NPS Pharmaceuticals and Sarepta Therapeutics, which had previously been included in the “Lieutenant Dan’s Portfolio” investment idea, was promoted to constitute a separate investment idea. The stock of Prolor Biotech, Achillion Pharmaceuticals, Amicus Therapeutics a Rigel Pharmaceuticals was sold from the “Lieutenant Dan’s Portfolio” investment idea. Newly, the stock of Enanta Pharmaceuticals and Sunesis Pharmaceuticals was purchased for the “Lieutenant Dan’s Portfolio” investment idea. Thanks to those changes, the share of the consumer sector increased by approximately 5 percentage points over the course of last year, to 37.5% as at the end of 2013. In terms of sectoral representation, the healthcare sector follows, with 32.2%, and the technological sector with 25% (the share of both these sectors in the portfolio was reduced slightly = by approximately 1 percentage point). On the other hand, the commodity sector dropped the most due to portfolio changes, from 7.0% to 3.5% at the end of 2013. As at the last day of 2013, the portfolio of the ISČS Top Stocks fund comprised 25 investment ideas. Aside from the biotechnological industry which accounts for the greatest part of the portfolio in terms of industry distribution and which is currently reaping the fruit of previous technological advances in genetic research. Other sectors I consider interesting include certain consumer sector segments, such as restaurants, clothing, and luxury goods. Last year, these industries noted a slow-down in their growth, due to a shift of a portion of consumption back to automobile and real estate purchases, which experienced only slight growth at the beginning of the economic cycle. I think that once the postponed consumption from previous years is saturated with respect to these two goods, consumption in the segments of non-essential consumer goods will grow again. The performance of a one-time investment since the establishment of the fund as at 31 December 2013 was at 7.84%. This yield roughly corresponds to the sum of the growth in profitability of the companies historically included in the fund’s portfolio and of the dividends collected, net of the cost of the management of the fund. The relative valuation level currently approximates the 25 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TOP STOCKS – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report level at which the fund was traded shortly after its establishment, and although I do think that the present relative valuation level still slightly undervalues the growth potential of the companies of which the portfolio is currently comprised, we can likely expect that in the future, the long-term yield of the fund will continue to be a function of profitability growth, the dividends collected, and the costs related to the management of the fund. Naturally, my goal is to successfully build on this long-term above-average performance of the fund in upcoming years. Number of unit certificates issued and redeemed in 2013 Unit certificates issued no. 743,293,309 CZK 000 1,166,903 Unit certificates redeemed no. 763,484,397 Balance (+/−) CZK 000 1,140,767 no. (20,191,088) CZK 000 26,136 Development of the funds main economic indicators As of 31. 12. 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Net asset Net asset value value per (CZK 000) unit (CZK) 1.0085 1.1396 0.4929 0.9127 1.2711 1.1328 1.2998 1.7408 Development of the value of mutual fund´s unit certificates of OPF TOP STOCKS in 2013 (CZK) Profit / Loss after tax (CZK 000) 167,852 892,094 417,088 572,463 1,275,367 1,454,796 1,957,168 2,586,123 Performance (%) p.a. 2,186 5,702 (531,559) 284,624 292,490 (181,272) 226,028 602,821 13.04 (56.75) 85.17 39.27 (10.88) 14.74 33.93 Portfolio structure by type of assets in 2013 1.7750 1.6750 96.3 1.5750 Equities 1.4750 2.90 1.3750 0.97 Cash Others 2.1. 12.1. 24.1. 5.2. 15.2. 27.2. 11.3. 21.3. 3.4. 15.4. 25.4. 10.5. 22.5. 3.6. 13.6. 25.6. 8.7. 18.7. 30.7. 9.8. 21.8. 2.9. 12.9. 24.9. 4.10. 16.10. 29.10. 8.11. 20.11. 2.12. 12.12. 27.12. 1.2750 Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 26 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF Characteristics The open-ended profile fund of funds with a recommended investment horizon of three years. The fund is suitable for investment aims of continual formation of capital with complex investments spreading in its portfolio and in a conservative relation among the money, bond and stock markets. The risk weight of the fund is 3 on a scale 1-7 of the Synthetic risk and reward indicator. continued to be the main driver of growth in the value of the P/E indicator. In December, the US central bank, somewhat surprisingly, resorted to a first reduction in direct bond purchases, reducing its direct monthly interventions from USD 85 bn to USD 75 bn. Unlike in June, the market took the news favourably, rather as evidence of an improvement in the macroeconomic environment. Optimism was also supported by increasing estimates of another acceleration in corporate profitability. Investment strategy The aim of the mutual fund is to achieve in a long-run horizon a performance higher than a benchmark. Means collected in the mutual fund are invested primarily in securities of money market funds that supplement securities of bond funds and, in a smaller extent, equity funds. Further, also shares, bonds and money market instruments permitted by the law for the collective investment of a standard fund may be purchased into the mutual fund’s portfolio. The portion of the stock part of the mutual fund’s assets shall be actively managed; the neutral weight of this part of the mutual fund’s assets shall be 10%. Commentary of the fund manager 2013 was one of the most successful years in the history of stock markets, as all three of the most important regions (USA, Europe, and Japan) ended the year with an appreciation in excess of 25% as expressed in USD. For the US S&P 500 index, it was the best year in the last 16 years, with an appreciation of 29.6% (!). It closed the year with a new all-time high of 1848.4 points, high above the original estimates of investment strategists. Whereas the developed markets index reached an all-year performance of 24%, emerging markets again did not do very well and closed the year with a loss of -5%. The main feature of 2013 on stock markets was growth in valuation which significantly exceeded the growth of corporate profits. Thanks to that, stock prices went up significantly. The extremely relaxed monetary policy of the largest central banks Overall, the stock market did well on the background of increasing yields of government bonds of economically strong countries - for example, the yield of US 10-year bonds grew from 1.76% to 3.03%. The expected drop in Czech bonds did not happen, which is why the fund’s mixed portfolio profited fully from growth in the prices of stocks, in which we were significantly overweighted throughout 2013 (the share of equities in the fund’s assets was around 13%). The segment of high-yield bonds again added an additional positive yield of 6%; here, the shift in the government bond curve was more than offset by the tightening of the credit spread. The segment of European high-yield bonds that were represented in the portfolio throughout the year, achieved a total yield of 8.3%. The spread on the European periphery tightened; but no such bonds (Italy, Spain), were represented in the portfolio. For the commodity market, 2013 was again negative, with a -9.6% drop in the general DJUBS index, and for example gold lost 28% of its value. Over the course of the year, the fund’s unit certificates added 2.9% and the fund closed the successful 2013 1.1% above its benchmark. The fund noted the highest increase in its assets since its foundation, from CZK 1.169 bn at the end of 2012 to CZK 5.207 bn at the end of 2013. Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 27 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Number of unit certificates issued and redeemed in 2013 Unit certificates issued no. 4,007,346,065 CZK 000 4,350,403 Unit certificates redeemed no. 367,671,093 CZK 000 399,323 Balance (+/−) no. 3,639,674,972 CZK 000 3,951,080 Development of the funds main economic indicators As of 31. 12. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Net asset Net asset value value per (CZK 000) unit (CZK) 1.0098 1.0238 1.0263 0.8759 0.9846 1.0199 1.0022 1.0695 1.1001 Development of the value of mutual fund´s unit certificates of OPF KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF in 2013 (CZK) Profit / Loss after tax (CZK 000) 521,766 1,529,383 3,112,624 1,983,128 1,592,332 1,484,404 1,272,471 1,169,409 5,206,923 2,426 21,498 (4,476) (411,946) 176,940 53,891 (25,476) 76,642 86,433 1.37 0.22 (14.65) 12.41 3.59 (1.74) 6.72 2.86 Portfolio structure by type of assets in 2013 51.80 1.1025 Performance (%) p.a. 1.0950 Money market, Deposits 11.90 Equities 1.0875 12.20 Government bonds 1.0800 1.0725 24.10 2.1. 12.1. 24.1. 5.2. 15.2. 27.2. 11.3. 21.3. 3.4. 15.4. 25.4. 10.5. 22.5. 3.6. 13.6. 25.6. 8.7. 18.7. 30.7. 9.8. 21.8. 2.9. 12.9. 24.9. 4.10. 16.10. 29.10. 8.11. 20.11. 2.12. 12.12. 27.12. 1.0650 Other bonds Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 28 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., VYVÁŽENÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report VYVÁŽENÝ MIX FF Characteristics The open-ended profile fund of funds, designed for more experienced investors who can lay aside their invested capital for at least four years. The fund is suitable for investment aims of gradual capital creation with observance of rules of a steady distribution of investments (diversification) in its portfolio. The risk weight of the fund is 4 on a scale 1-7 of the Synthetic risk and reward indicator. Investment strategy Means collected in the mutual fund are invested primarily in securities of funds of collective investment. The balanced portfolio consists in its basic neutral situation of 70% bond portion and an important, in neutral position 30% stock portion. The stock portion includes the most important global stock markets. Further, also shares, bonds and money market instruments permitted by the law for the collective investment of a standard fund can be purchased into the mutual fund’s portfolio. Commentary of the fund manager 2013 was one of the most successful years in the history of stock markets, as all three of the most important regions (USA, Europe, and Japan) ended the year with an appreciation in excess of 25% as expressed in USD. For the index, it was the best years in the last 16 year, with an appreciation of 29.6% (!). It closed the year with a new all-time high of 1848.4 points, high above the original estimates of investment strategists. Whereas the developed markets index reached an all-year performance of 24%, emerging markets again did not do very well and closed the year with a loss of -5%. The main feature of 2013 on stock markets was growth in valuation which significantly exceeded the growth of corporate profits. Thanks to that, stock prices went up significantly. The extremely relaxed monetary policy of the largest central banks continued to be the main driver of growth in the value of the P/E indicator. In December, the US central bank, somewhat surprisingly, resorted to a first reduction in direct bond purchases, reducing its direct monthly interventions from USD 85 bn to USD 75 bn. Unlike in June, the market took the news favourably, rather as evidence of an improvement in the macroeconomic environment. Optimism was also supported by increasing estimates of another acceleration in corporate profitability. Overall, the stock market did well on the background of increasing government bonds of economically strong countries - for example, the yield of US 10-year bonds grew from 1.76% to 3.03%. The expected drop in Czech bonds did not happen, which is why the fund’s mixed portfolio profited fully from growth in the prices of stocks, in which we were significantly overweighted throughout 2013 (the share of stock in the fund’s assets was around 33%). The segment of high-yield bonds again added an additional positive yield of 6%; here, the shift in the government bond curve was more than offset by the tightening of the credit spread. The segment of European high-yield bonds that were represented in the portfolio throughout the year, achieved a total yield of 8.3%. The spread on the European periphery tightened; but no such bonds (Italy, Spain), were represented in the portfolio. For the commodity market, 2013 was again negative, with a -9.6% drop in the general DJUBS index, and for example gold lost 28% of its value. Over the course of the year, the fund’s unit certificates added 6.9% and the fund closed the successful 2013, 1.7% above its benchmark. Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 29 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., VYVÁŽENÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Number of unit certificates issued and redeemed in 2013 Unit certificates issued no. 326,798,395 CZK 000 432,784 Unit certificates redeemed no. 215,727,785 CZK 000 283,879 Balance (+/−) no. 111,070,610 CZK 000 148,905 Development of the funds main economic indicators As of 31. 12. 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Net asset Net asset value value per (CZK 000) unit (CZK) 1.1518 1.0990 1.0143 1.0753 1.1459 1.2462 1.2643 1.2777 0.9962 1.1492 1.2018 1.1466 1.2731 1.3614 Development of the value of mutual fund´s unit certificates of OPF VYVÁŽENÝ MIX in 2013 (CZK) Profit / Loss after tax (CZK 000) 1,603,375 982,370 571,296 394,142 401,093 870,971 1,964,598 3,251,424 2,351,667 2,342,155 2,191,894 1,735,864 1,581,432 1,842,425 (120,142) (205,266) (82,874) (18,038) 2,311 39,984 26,731 10,013 (729,812) 304,553 98,480 (93,299) 175,756 112,088 (4.58) (7.71) 6.01 6.57 5.96 1.49 1.04 (22.03) 15.36 4.58 (4.59) 11.03 6.94 Portfolio structure by type of assets in 2013 30.10 1.3850 Performance (%) p.a. Government bonds 1.3600 26.00 Other bonds 1.3350 1.3100 12.40 1.2850 Cash 31.50 2.1. 12.1. 24.1. 5.2. 15.2. 27.2. 11.3. 21.3. 3.4. 15.4. 25.4. 10.5. 22.5. 3.6. 13.6. 25.6. 8.7. 18.7. 30.7. 9.8. 21.8. 2.9. 12.9. 24.9. 4.10. 16.10. 29.10. 8.11. 20.11. 2.12. 12.12. 27.12. 1.2600 Equities Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 30 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., DYNAMICKÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report DYNAMICKÝ MIX FF Characteristics The open-ended profile fund of funds, designed for experienced investors; the recommended period of investment is at least five years. The basis of the balanced portfolio in the neutral position consists of the same portion of securities of equity funds and securities of bond funds of collective investment The risk weight of the fund is 6 on a scale 1-7 of the Synthetic risk and reward indicator. Investment strategy The fund manager purchases into the fund’s portfolio mainly securities of money market funds, further also of bond and equity funds of collective investment. Also shares, bonds and other investment instruments permitted by the law for the collective investment of a standard fund may be purchased into the mutual fund’s portfolio. The portion of the stock part of the mutual fund’s portfolio is actively managed; the neutral weight of this part of the mutual fund’s assets shall be 50%. The fund bears the currency risk connected with investments in local currencies. This risk is in case of the stock portion actively managed by means of accessible hedging instruments. Commentary of the fund manager 2013 was one of the most successful years in the history of equity markets, as all three of the most important regions (USA, Europe, and Japan) ended the year with an appreciation in excess of 25% as expressed in USD. For the US S&P 500 index, it was the best year in the last 16 years, with an appreciation of 29.6% (!). It closed the year with a new all-time high of 1848.4 points, high above the original estimates of investment strategists. Whereas the developed markets index reached an all-year performance of 24%, emerging markets again did not do very well and closed the year with a loss of -5%. The main feature of 2013 on equity markets was growth in valuation which significantly exceeded the growth of corporate profits. Thanks to that, equity prices went up significantly. The extremely relaxed monetary policy of the largest central banks continued to be the main driver of growth in the value of the P/E indicator. In December, the US central bank, somewhat surprisingly, resorted to a first reduction in direct bond purchases, reducing its direct monthly interventions from USD 85 bn to USD 75 bn. Unlike in June, the market took the news favourably, rather as evidence of an improvement in the macroeconomic environment. Optimism was also supported by increasing estimates of another acceleration in corporate profitability. Overall, the equity market did well on the background of increasing yields from government bonds of economically strong countries for example, the yield of US 10-year bonds grew from 1.76% to 3.03%. The expected drop in Czech bonds did not happen, which is why the fund’s mixed portfolio profited fully from growth in the prices of stocks, in which we were significantly overweighted throughout 2013 (the share of equities in the fund’s assets was around 55%). But the segment of high-yield bonds again added an additional positive yield of 6%; here, the shift in the government bond curve was more than set off by the tightening of the credit spread. The segment of European high-yield bonds that were represented in the portfolio throughout the year, achieved a total yield of 8.3%. The spread on the European periphery tightened; but no such bonds (Italy, Spain), were represented in the portfolio. For the commodity market, 2013 was again negative, with a -9.6% drop in the general DJUBS index, and for example gold lost 28% of its value. Over the course of the year, the fund’s unit certificates added 11.4% and the fund closed the successful 2013 2.9% above its benchmark. Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 31 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., DYNAMICKÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Number of unit certificates issued and redeemed in 2013 Unit certificates issued no. 55,251,770 CZK 000 68,563 Unit certificates redeemed no. 72,709,246 Balance (+/−) CZK 000 90,398 no. (17,457,476) CZK 000 (21,835) Development of the funds main economic indicators As of 31. 12. 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Net asset Net asset value value per (CZK 000) unit (CZK) 1.0659 1.1075 0.9566 1.0456 1.1221 1.2480 1.2600 1.2921 0.8579 1.0513 1.1151 1.0403 1.1676 1.3009 Development of the value of mutual fund´s unit certificates of OPF DYNAMICKÝ MIX FF in 2013 (CZK) Profit / Loss after tax (CZK 000) 1,525,851 220,503 159,666 186,519 290,831 477,683 777,741 1,142,524 695,277 785,760 751,254 596,480 586,530 630,755 Performance (%) p.a. (11,105) (29,789) (14,961) (5,662) 4,446 35,097 6,273 15,376 (377,549) 143,735 43,253 (47,232) 69,143 66,060 3.90 (13.63) 9.30 7.32 8.78 0.95 2.53 (33.60) 22.54 6.07 (6.71) 12.24 11.42 Portfolio structure by type of assets in 2013 1.3100 22.80 Government bonds 1.2850 1.2600 1.2350 18.10 Other bonds 1.2100 4.10 1.1850 Cash 55.00 Equities 2.1. 12.1. 24.1. 5.2. 15.2. 27.2. 11.3. 21.3. 3.4. 15.4. 25.4. 10.5. 22.5. 3.6. 13.6. 25.6. 8.7. 18.7. 30.7. 9.8. 21.8. 2.9. 12.9. 24.9. 4.10. 16.10. 29.10. 8.11. 20.11. 2.12. 12.12. 27.12. 1.1600 Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 32 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., AKCIOVÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report AKCIOVÝ MIX FF Characteristics The fund is designed for experienced investors with capital market who can afford to lay aside their invested capital for at least five years. The risk weight of the fund is 6 on a scale 1-7 of the Synthetic risk and reward indicator. Investment strategy The fund manager now invests the money means in securities of money market funds and securities of bond and equity funds of collective investment. Further, also shares, bonds and other investment instruments permitted by the law for the collective investment of a standard fund may be purchased into the mutual fund’s portfolio. The portion of the stock part of the mutual fund’s portfolio as well as the regional and sector structure are actively manager. The neutral weight of the stock part of the mutual fund’s assets shall be 75%. The fund bears the currency risk connected with investments in local currencies. This risk is in case of the stock portion actively managed by means of accessible hedging instruments. Commentary of the fund manager 2013 was one of the most successful years in the history of stock markets, as all three of the most important regions (USA, Europe, and Japan) ended the year with an appreciation in excess of 25% as expressed in USD. For the US S&P 500 index, it was the best year in the last 16 years, with an appreciation of 29.6% (!). It closed the year with a new all-time high of 1848.4 points, high above the original estimates of investment strategists. Whereas the developed markets index reached an all-year performance of 24%, emerging markets again did not do very well and closed the year with a loss of -5%. The main feature of 2013 on stock markets was growth in valuation which significantly exceeded the growth of corporate profits. Thanks to that, stock prices went up significantly. The extremely relaxed monetary policy of the largest central banks continued to be the main driver of growth in the P/E indicator. In December, the US central bank, somewhat surprisingly, resorted to a first reduction in direct bond purchases, reducing its direct monthly interventions from USD 85 bn to USD 75 bn. Unlike in June, the market took the news favourably, rather as evidence of an improvement in the macroeconomic environment. Optimism was also supported by increasing estimates of another acceleration in corporate profitability. Overall, the stock market did well on the background of increasing yields from government bonds of economically strong countries for example, the yield of US 10-year bonds grew from 1.76% to 3.03%. The expected drop in Czech bonds did not happen, which is why the fund’s mixed portfolio profited fully from growth in the prices of stocks, in which we were significantly overweighted throughout 2013 (the share of stock in the fund’s assets was around 80%). The segment of high-yield bonds added an additional positive yield of 6%; here, the shift in the government bond curve was more than offset by the tightening of the credit spread. The segment of European high-yield bonds that were represented in the portfolio throughout the year achieved a total yield of 8.3%. The spread on the European periphery tightened; but no such bonds (Italy, Spain), were represented in the portfolio. For the commodity market, 2013 was again negative, with a -9.6% drop in the general DJUBS index, and for example gold lost 28% of its value over the course of last year. Over the course of the year, the fund’s unit certificates added 17.0% and the fund closed the successful 2013 3.4% above its benchmark. Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 33 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., AKCIOVÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Number of unit certificates issued and redeemed in 2013 Unit certificates issued no. 39,730,088 CZK 000 58,634 Unit certificates redeemed no. 60,873,223 CZK 000 89,895 Balance (+/−) no. (21,143,135) CZK 000 (31,261) Development of the funds main economic indicators As of 31. 12. 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Net asset Net asset value value per (CZK 000) unit (CZK) 1.0837 1.1571 1.2293 1.2973 1.3232 1.4647 1.5535 1.5891 1.6390 0.9691 1.2646 1.3406 1.1903 1.3469 1.5761 Development of the value of mutual fund´s unit certificates of OPF AKCIOVÝ MIX FF in 2013 (CZK) Profit / Loss after tax (CZK 000) 6,249,111 4,533,427 1,069,727 777,462 1,043,138 1,001,035 1,122,498 1,106,759 1,258,875 633,747 777,721 757,935 611,224 625,890 699,068 Performance (%) p.a. 5,191 16,208 162,010 24,197 65,620 50,642 62,436 22,654 32,098 (474,702) 182,421 43,293 (79,812) 78,338 104,439 6.77 6.24 5.53 2.00 10.69 6.08 2.41 3.13 (40.87) 30.49 6.01 (11.21) 13.16 17.02 Portfolio structure by type of assets in 2013 1.5900 1.5400 8.00 Government bonds 1.4900 9.40 1.4400 3.80 Other bonds Cash 1.3900 78.80 2.1. 14.1. 24.1. 5.2. 15.2. 27.2. 11.3. 21.3. 3.4. 15.4. 25.4. 10.6. 22.6. 3.6. 13.6. 25.6. 8.7. 18.7. 30.7. 9.8. 21.8. 2.9. 12.9. 24.9. 4.10. 18.10. 29.10. 8.11. 20.11. 2.12. 12.12. 27.12. 1.3400 Equities Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 34 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Smíšený fond – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Smíšený fond Characteristics The fund is distinguished by higher turnover of equity portfolio and it is intended for those, who prefer active portfolio management and who wish to profit from relatively short-term investment occasions. Investor should be able to accept also a longer period of negative performance of the unit certificate value; therefore the fund is suitable for experienced investors who can afford to invest the capital at least for 5 years. Minimal investment into the fund is 1,000,000 CZK. The risk weight of the fund is 5 on a scale 1-7 of the Synthetic risk and reward indicator. Investment strategy The fund’s target is to bring a higher yield than Czech government bonds and global equities using active changes of the weight of the equity part of portfolio, currency structure and modified duration of the bond part of portfolio. In minority, the instruments with the corporate bonds exposure can be added into the portfolio. The fund is managed with an emphasis on the total absolute return. The neutral weight of government bonds shall be 70% of the fund assets. This part of the portfolio is actively managed with respect to the interest risk on the CZK and EUR yield curve. The mutual fund bears a currency risk arising from investments in the local currencies; this risk is actively managed. Commentary of the fund manager 2013 was one of the most successful years in the history of stock markets, as all three of the most important regions (USA, Europe, and Japan) ended the year with an appreciation in excess of 25% as expressed in USD. For the US S&P 500 index, it was the best year in the last 16 years, with an appreciation of 29.6% (!). It closed the year with a new all-time high of 1848.4 points, high above the original estimates of investment strategists. Whereas the developed markets index reached an all-year performance of 24%, emerging markets again did not do very well and closed the year with a loss of -5%. The main feature of 2013 on stock markets was growth in valuation which significantly exceeded the growth of corporate profits. Thanks to that, stock prices went up significantly. The extremely relaxed monetary policy of the largest central banks continued to be the main driver of growth in the value of the P/E indicator. In December, the US central bank, somewhat surprisingly, resorted to a first reduction in direct bond purchases, reducing its direct monthly interventions from USD 85 bn to USD 75 bn. Unlike in June, the market took the news favourably, rather as evidence of an improvement in the macroeconomic environment. Optimism was also supported by increasing estimates of another acceleration in corporate profitability. Overall, the stock market did well on the background of increasing government bonds of economically strong countries - for example, the yield of US 10-year bonds grew from 1.76% to 3.03%. The expected drop in Czech bonds did not happen, which is why the fund’s mixed portfolio profited fully from growth in the prices of stocks, in which we were significantly overweighted throughout 2013 (the share of stock in the fund’s assets was between 35% and 42%). Over the course of the year, the fund’s unit certificates added 9.0% and the fund closed the successful 2013, 1.19% above its benchmark. Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 35 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Smíšený fond – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Number of unit certificates issued and redeemed in 2013 Unit certificates issued no. 357,760 CZK 000 295,235 Unit certificates redeemed no. 300,686 Balance (+/−) CZK 000 250,757 no. 57,074 CZK 000 44,478 Development of the funds main economic indicators As of 31. 12. Net asset Net asset value value per (CZK 000) unit (CZK) 2010 2011 2012 2013 1,046.0369 769.6892 795.3785 841.5033 Development of the value of mutual fund´s unit certificates of OPF Smíšený fond in 2013 (CZK) Profit / Loss after tax (CZK 000) 1,819,636 2,074,114 2,143,345 2,315,692 Performance (%) p.a. 119,237 (432,519) 69,202 197,071 (26.42) 3.34 9.03 Portfolio structure by type of assets in 2013 850 37.80 835 Equities 820 805 11.80 Others 790 50.40 2.1. 14.1. 24.1. 5.2. 15.2. 27.2. 11.3. 21.3. 3.4. 15.4. 25.4. 10.6. 22.6. 3.6. 13.6. 25.6. 8.7. 18.7. 30.7. 9.8. 21.8. 2.9. 12.9. 24.9. 4.10. 18.10. 29.10. 8.11. 20.11. 2.12. 12.12. 27.12. 775 Bonds and Money market Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 36 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 Characteristics Growth fund of funds with a prevalence of securities of bond and equity funds of collective investment, designed for medium-term investments. Recommended time of investment is at least four years. Suitable for investors, whose reference currency is CZK and who are interested not only in mediated investments in a stable, broadly differentiated and liquid portion of the portfolio, but also in a long-term successive capital creation. The risk weight of the fund is 3 on a scale 1-7 of the Synthetic risk and reward indicator. Investment strategy The long-term aim of the fund is to achieve an average yearly appreciation that surpasses the level achieved by Czech government bonds. At the same time, the effort is focused on results, when the maximum loss during one year would be with a high probability limited on 3%. The priority aim however is to achieve a 100% hedging of the invested capital during every four years, starting always at June 1. Fund uses financial derivatives for the currency hedging. Commentary of the fund manager The fund was invested primarily in conservative instruments throughout the year. Most of the portfolio was made up primarily by Czech government bonds and money market instruments. In 2013, the Czech bond market more-or-less followed developments in developed markets. Until mid May, the Czech bond market carried on in the buoyant developments that started the year before. After that, the trend reversed and bond yields started to gradually climb up (bond prices were going down). Incoming weak data from European economies pressed government bond yields to new all-time lows. In May, the German econ- omy started to show a better outlook in terms of its economic development. Thanks to that, a turn in bond markets came and government bond yields started to grow (a drop in prices). Czech bonds followed this development. But the US central bank (FED) fuelled the increase in yield far more strongly, as it clarified its steps in terms of a gradual reduction of monetary stimuli in the economy. But the increase in yields (drop in prices) was too steep, which is why yields could not avoid a minor correction in July. Subsequently, during the rest of the summer vacation, the macro-figures published in Europe started to push bond yields up again. This growth was halted in September, when the US central bank surprisingly failed to reduce the volume of bonds purchased, creating pressure on revenue drop. This was fuelled by protracted debates about the US budget. After a year of threats, the Czech National Bank resorted to FX interventions in November, primarily due to low inflation. This resulted in a sudden weakening of the crown against the euro by 5%, to a level around CZK 27. This step was manifest primarily by a drop in revenue on the short end. Bond prices grew rapidly in December, driven primarily by better data from the US and reduced monetary stimuli of the US central bank. In spite of the increase in yields, primarily on the longer end, their levels are still very low. That kept us from going for riskier assets. In terms of riskier assets, the fund’s portfolio only features corporate bonds, high-yield bonds, and a real estate fund. Increased volatility was seen in credit markets only at the end of the first half, when credit premiums on investment-level corporate bonds as well as high interest-rate bonds tightened. At that moment, the situation turned and credit premiums kept tightening until the end of the year. Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 37 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Number of unit certificates issued and redeemed in 2013 Unit certificates issued no. 393,591,261 CZK 000 438,890 Unit certificates redeemed no. 482,552,419 Balance (+/−) CZK 000 538,287 no. (88,961,158) CZK 000 (99,397) Development of the funds main economic indicators As of 31. 12. 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Net asset Net asset value value per (CZK 000) unit (CZK) 1.0555 1.0791 1.0693 1.1145 1.1184 Development of the value of mutual fund´s unit certificates of OPF OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 in 2013 (CZK) Profit / Loss after tax (CZK 000) 51,813 678,166 2,058,632 1,959,245 1,866,535 Performance (%) p.a. 1,812 7,640 (21,985) 81,939 6,688 2.24 (0.91) 4.23 0.35 Portfolio structure by type of assets in 2013 1.1220 11.14 Corporate bonds 3.71 Other bonds 1.1190 1.1160 26.03 Money market, Deposits 1.1130 1.1100 50.17 1.1070 2.45 6.50 Cash 2.1. 14.1. 24.1. 5.2. 15.2. 27.2. 11.3. 21.3. 3.4. 15.4. 25.4. 10.6. 22.6. 3.6. 13.6. 25.6. 8.7. 18.7. 30.7. 9.8. 21.8. 2.9. 12.9. 24.9. 4.10. 18.10. 29.10. 8.11. 20.11. 2.12. 12.12. 27.12. Alternative investments Government bonds Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 38 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., PLUS – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report PLUS Characteristics The investment is suitable for CZK investors, who are interested in stable, widely diversified and liquid part of portfolio composed of bond. Nevertheless if the prognosis of the equity, commodity and real estate market is positive, these investors consider profitable to invest significant part of assets into the investment instrument bearing the risk of such markets. The recommended investment horizon is at least 6 year. The risk weight of the fund is 4 on a scale 1-7 of the Synthetic risk and reward indicator. Investment strategy The investment policy aims to provide unit certificates holders a long-term appreciation of unit certificate and to bring an average annual performance higher than the performance of Czech govenrnment bonds. The fund invests primarily into the bond funds of collective investment and equity funds of collective investments. The fund makes an effort to limit with high probability the maximal possible loss during one year on 5%. The fund aims to protect 100% of invested capital (without a formal guarantee) during every 6 years horizon, beginning always on December 31. Currency, credit and interest risk is actively managed by means of available hedging instruments Commentary of the fund manager The fund was invested primarily in conservative instruments throughout the year. Most of the portfolio was made up primarily by Czech government bonds and money market instruments. In 2013, the Czech bond market more-or-less followed developments in advanced markets. Until mid May, the Czech bond market carried on in the buoyant developments that started the year before. After that, the trend reversed and bond yields started to gradually climb up (bond prices were going down). ic development. Thanks to that, a turn in bond markets came and government bond yields started to grow (a drop in prices). Czech bonds followed this development. But the US central bank (FED) fuelled the increase in yield far more strongly, as it clarified its steps in terms of a gradual reduction of monetary stimuli in the economy. But the increase in yields (drop in prices) was too steep, which is why yields could not avoid a minor correction in July. Subsequently, during the rest of the summer vacation, the macro-figures published in Europe started to push bond yields up again. This growth was halted in September, when the US central bank surprisingly failed to reduce the volume of bonds purchased, creating pressure on revenue drop. This was fuelled by protracted debates about the US budget. After a year of threats, the Czech National Bank resorted to FX interventions in November, primarily due to low inflation. This resulted in a sudden weakening of the crown against the euro by 5%, to a level around CZK 27. This step was manifest primarily by a drop in revenue on the short end. In December, however, bond prices grew rapidly, driven primarily by better data from the US and reduced monetary stimuli of the US central bank. In spite of the increase in yield, primarily on the longer end, their levels are still very low. That kept us from going for riskier assets. In terms of higher-risk assets, the fund’s portfolio only features corporate bonds, high-yield bonds, and a real estate fund. Increased volatility was seen in credit markets only at the end of the first half, when credit premiums on investment-level corporate bonds as well as high interest-rate bonds tightened. But at that moment, the situation turned and credit premiums kept tightening until the end of the year. Incoming weak data from European economies pressed government bond yields to new all-time lows. In May, the German economy started to show a better outlook in terms of its econom- Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 39 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., PLUS – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Number of unit certificates issued and redeemed in 2013 Unit certificates issued no. 67,004,239 CZK 000 68,173 Unit certificates redeemed no. 58,592,202 Balance (+/−) CZK 000 59,611 no. 8,412,037 CZK 000 8,562 Development of the funds main economic indicators As of 31. 12. 2010 2011 2012 2013 Net asset Net asset value value per (CZK 000) unit (CZK) 1.0169 0.9873 1.0190 1.0181 Development of the value of mutual fund´s unit certificates of OPF PLUS in 2013 (CZK) Profit / Loss after tax (CZK 000) 70,653 140,338 194,425 202,831 Performance (%) p.a. 684 (3,167) 5,324 (157) (2.91) 3.21 (0.09) Portfolio structure by type of assets in 2013 Government bonds 1.0225 52.67 12.47 1.0200 Corporate bonds 2.60 Other bonds 1.0175 20.13 Money market, Deposits 1.0150 1.0125 10.00 Cash 2.13 2.1. 14.1. 24.1. 5.2. 15.2. 27.2. 11.3. 21.3. 3.4. 15.4. 25.4. 10.6. 22.6. 3.6. 13.6. 25.6. 8.7. 18.7. 30.7. 9.8. 21.8. 2.9. 12.9. 24.9. 4.10. 18.10. 29.10. 8.11. 20.11. 2.12. 12.12. 27.12. 1.0100 Alternative investments Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 40 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., FOND ŘÍZENÝCH VÝNOSŮ – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report FOND ŘÍZENÝCH VÝNOSŮ Characteristics It is a balanced open-ended mutual fund with a prevalence bonds and money market instruments, which additionally invests into stock. The recommended investment horizon is from two to three years. The fund is suitable even for less experienced investors interested in participation in a possible growth of European stock markets. The risk weight of the fund is 3 on a scale 1-7 of the Synthetic risk and reward indicator. flowing with free liquidity, and additional approximately CZK 200 billion. This massive inflow of free liquidity was naturally immediately reflected in inter-bank deposit market rates, which dropped sharply. Commentary of the fund manager Most of the first half of the year on the corporate bond market was marked by a tightening of credit premiums which was supported primarily by high investor demand for higher yields in an environment of low interest rates and excellent corporate sector fundamentals. Growth in credit markets was also supported by favourable macroeconomic data from the US and German economies. A brief correction on the market occurred in May and June, when public unrest in Turkey and an announcement of the US central bank (Fed) of a gradual reduction of the government bond redemption programme caused a correction on the financial markets. Whereas swap rates and government bond yields grew relatively significantly, the expansion of credit premiums on investment-level corporate bonds was not striking. Another turn came at the end of June, and credit premiums started to tighten slowly. All previous losses were erased in the course of two months and credit premiums gradually stabilised. The market staggered lightly in November, when credit premiums expanded slightly. But premiums started to tighten again at the end of the year. Traditional stability prevailed on the CZK money market in the first three quarters of the year. There was greater volatility only on the more liquid market - FRA (Forward Rate Agreement). The high level of free liquidity on the market pushed the yields of conservative money market instruments and short government bonds to new lows. A change on the market only occurred in November, when the CNB Banking Council decided to employ interventions to significantly weaken the Czech crown. By this decision, the central bank flooded the market, which had already been over- The low interest rate environment did not allow the fund to invest into equities. During the first half of the year, the composition of the portfolio of Fond řízených výnosů changed, with an increase in the share of investment-level corporate bonds to the detriment of government bonds. This also extended the average maturity of the portfolio. The level of diversification of the fund’s portfolio was up significantly. The average modified portfolio duration was kept at very low levels using hedging instruments. Investment strategy The fund manager invests in domestic short duration bonds, in money market instruments and in European shares with an expected high dividend yield, low volatility and low evaluation compared to their book value. A weight of shares and instruments bearing a risk of shares shall not exceed 25% of the mutual fund’s assets value. In the case of a decline in value of shares in the fund’s portfolio during the calendar year, their weight shall be gradually lowered so that the bond portion of the portfolio would make possible to achieve a positive appreciation of the fund in the given year. The criterion of the fund is to achieve a positive performance in every calendar year. Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 41 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., FOND ŘÍZENÝCH VÝNOSŮ – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Number of unit certificates issued and redeemed in 2013 Unit certificates issued no. 10,900,998 CZK 000 15,410 Unit certificates redeemed no. 30,994,052 Balance (+/−) CZK 000 43,823 no. (20,093,054) CZK 000 (28,413) Development of the funds main economic indicators As of 31. 12. 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Net asset Net asset value value per (CZK 000) unit (CZK) 1.0751 1.1532 1.1964 1.2474 1.2547 1.2757 1.3156 1.3310 1.3284 1.2903 1.3858 1.3992 1.3841 1.4151 1.4138 Development of the value of mutual fund´s unit certificates of OPF Fond řízených výnosů in 2013 (CZK) Profit / Loss after tax (CZK 000) 7,734,753 5,127,905 1,057,377 923,048 871,467 826,385 775,029 745,213 681,260 593,728 594,991 573,338 531,306 501,816 472,954 Performance (%) p.a. 244,962 (565,325) 59,101 13,080 4,865 18,031 24,346 8,884 (1,272) (18,271) 41,685 5,641 (5,864) 11,410 (449) 7.26 3.75 4.26 0.59 1.67 3.11 1.19 (0.20) (2.87) 7.40 0.97 (1.08) 2.24 (0.09) Portfolio structure by type of assets in 2013 Floating rate bonds 1.4225 54.19 1.4190 1.4155 1.4120 9.97 Mutual Funds 1.4085 20.93 1.4050 14.86 Cash 0.05 2.1. 14.1. 24.1. 5.2. 15.2. 27.2. 11.3. 21.3. 3.4. 15.4. 25.4. 10.5. 22.5. 3.6. 13.6. 25.6. 8.7. 18.7. 30.7. 9.8. 21.8. 2.9. 12.9. 24.9. 4.10. 16.10. 29.10. 8.11. 20.11. 2.12. 12.12. 27.12. Equities Fixed income bonds Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 42 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS fond životního cyklu 2020 FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report ČS fond životního cyklu 2020 FF Characteristics It is an open-ended mutual fund of funds with an optimized Investment strategy adjusted to long-term investment horizon. This fund is designed for investors who plan to retire in the year 2020 or around this year. The risk weight of the fund is 4 on a scale 1-7 of the Synthetic risk and reward indicator. Investment strategy The fund invests namely in securities of equity funds, bond funds, money market funds and in funds with performance linked to the development of commodities price according to a beforehand stipulated scheme of assets allocation, prepared for fund’s unit holders who plan to retire around the year 2020. The stock portion shall be primarily invested by means of index funds unit certificates. The fund’s construction allows from the very beginning for higher representation of assets classes with a higher yield potential (shares, commodities) and successive decrease of their exposition in such way that the fund in fact will be transformed in a money market fund at the end of the investment horizon. In the last two years before the target date will be the volatility of the share values near 0 degree. Commentary of the fund manager 2013 was one of the most successful years in the history of equity markets, as all three of the most important regions (USA, Europe, and Japan) ended the year with an appreciation in excess of 25% as expressed in USD. For the US S&P 500 index, it was the best year in the last 16 years, with an appreciation of 29.6% (!). It closed the year with a new all-time high of 1848.4 points, high above the original estimates of investment strategists. Whereas the developed markets index reached an all-year performance of 24%, emerging markets again did not do very well and closed the year with a loss of -5%. The main feature of 2013 on equity markets was growth in valuation which significantly exceeded the growth of corporate profits. Thanks to that, stock prices went up significantly. The extremely relaxed monetary policy of the largest central banks continued to be the main driver of growth in the value of the P/E indicator. In December, the US central bank, somewhat surprisingly, resorted to a first reduction in direct bond purchases, reducing its direct monthly interventions from USD 85 bn to USD 75 bn. Unlike in June, the market took the news favourably, rather as evidence of an improvement in the macroeconomic environment. Optimism was also supported by increasing estimates of another acceleration in corporate profitability. Overall, the equity market did well on the background of increasing government bonds of economically strong countries - for example, the yield of US 10-year bonds grew from 1.76% to 3.03%. The expected drop in Czech bonds did not happen, which is why the fund’s mixed portfolio profited fully from growth in the prices of stocks, in which we were significantly overweighted throughout 2013 (the share of equities in the fund’s assets was around 38%). The segment of high-yield bonds again added an additional positive yield of 6%; here, the shift in the government bond curve was more than offset by the tightening of the credit spread. The segment of European high-yield bonds that were represented in the portfolio throughout the year, achieved a total yield of 8.3%. The spread on the European periphery tightened; but no such bonds (Italy, Spain), were represented in the portfolio. For the commodity market, 2013 was again negative, with a -9.6% drop in the general DJUBS index, and for example gold lost 28% of its value. The share of commodities in the portfolio throughout the year amounted to 4.5%. Over the course of the year, the fund’s unit certificates added 6.7% and the fund closed the successful 2013 1.3% above its benchmark. Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 43 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS fond životního cyklu 2020 FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Number of unit certificates issued and redeemed in 2013 Unit certificates issued no. 116,803,168 CZK 000 114,242 Unit certificates redeemed no. 93,826,491 Balance (+/−) CZK 000 91,731 no. 22,976,677 CZK 000 22,511 Development of the funds main economic indicators As of 31. 12. 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Net asset Net asset value value per (CZK 000) unit (CZK) 0.9966 0.6992 0.8646 0.9002 0.8855 0.9429 1.0060 Development of the value of mutual fund´s unit certificates of OPF ČS fond životního cyklu 2020 FF in 2013 (CZK) Profit / Loss after tax (CZK 000) 14,636 197,072 388,133 458,764 454,951 500,637 557,247 Performance (%) p.a. (55) (44,317) 63,763 18,423 (24,148) 46,168 34,097 (29.84) 23.66 4.12 (4.97) 10.22 6.69 Portfolio structure by type of assets in 2013 Bonds and Money market 1.0100 58.50 0.9950 0.9800 37.10 Equities 0.9650 0.9500 4.40 Commodities 2.1. 14.1. 24.1. 5.2. 15.2. 27.2. 11.3. 21.3. 3.4. 15.4. 25.4. 10.5. 22.5. 3.6. 13.6. 25.6. 8.7. 18.7. 30.7. 9.8. 21.8. 2.9. 12.9. 24.9. 4.10. 16.10. 29.10. 8.11. 20.11. 2.12. 12.12. 27.12. 0.9350 Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 44 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS fond životního cyklu 2030 FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report ČS fond životního cyklu 2030 FF Characteristics The fund is an open-ended mutual fund of funds with an optimized Investment strategy adjusted to a long-term investment horizon. This fund is designed for investors who plan to retire in the year 2030 or around this year. The risk weight of the fund is 6 on a scale 1-7 of the Synthetic risk and reward indicator. Investment strategy The fund invests namely in securities of equity funds, bond funds, money market funds and in funds with performance linked to the development of commodities price according to a beforehand stipulated scheme of assets allocation, prepared for fund’s unit holders who plan to retire around the year 2030. The stock portion will be primarily invested by means of index funds unit certificates. The fund’s construction allows from the very beginning for higher representation of assets classes with a higher yield potential (shares, commodities) and successive decrease of their exposition in such way that the fund in fact will be transformed in a money market fund at the end of the investment horizon. In the last two years before the target date will be the volatility of the share values near 0 degree. Commentary of the fund manager 2013 was one of the most successful years in the history of stock markets, as all three of the most important regions (USA, Europe, and Japan) ended the year with an appreciation in excess of 25% as expressed in USD. For the US S&P 500 index, it was the best year in the last 16 years, with an appreciation of 29.6% (!). It closed the year with a new all-time high of 1848.4 points, high above the original estimates of investment strategists. Whereas the developed markets index reached an all-year performance of 24%, emerging markets again did not do very well and closed the year with a loss of -5%. The main feature of 2013 on stock markets was growth in valuation which significantly exceeded the growth of corporate profits. Thanks to that, stock prices went up significantly. The extremely relaxed monetary policy of the largest central banks continued to be the main driver of growth in the value of the P/E indicator. In December, the US central bank, somewhat surprisingly, resorted to a first reduction in direct bond purchases, reducing its direct monthly interventions from USD 85 bn to USD 75 bn. Unlike in June, the market took the news favourably, rather as evidence of an improvement in the macroeconomic environment. Optimism was also supported by increasing estimates of another acceleration in corporate profitability. Overall, the stock market did well on the background of increasing government bonds of economically strong countries - for example, the yield of US 10-year bonds grew from 1.76% to 3.03%. The expected drop in Czech bonds did not happen, which is why the fund’s mixed portfolio profited fully from growth in the prices of stocks, in which we were significantly overweighted throughout 2013 (the share of stock in the fund’s assets was around 70%). The segment of high-yield bonds again added an additional positive yield of 6%; here, the shift in the government bond curve was more than offset by the tightening of the credit spread. The segment of European high-yield bonds that were represented in the portfolio throughout the year, achieved a total yield of 8.3%. The spread on the European periphery tightened; but no such bonds (Italy, Spain), were represented in the portfolio. For the commodity market, 2013 was again negative, with a -9.6% drop in the general DJUBS index, and for example gold lost 28% of its value. The share of commodities in the portfolio throughout the year amounted to 4.5%. Over the course of the year, the fund’s unit certificates added 13.1% and the fund closed the successful 2013 2% above its benchmark. Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 45 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS fond životního cyklu 2030 FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Number of unit certificates issued and redeemed in 2013 Unit certificates issued no. 64,826,756 CZK 000 53,319 Unit certificates redeemed no. 39,069,894 Balance (+/−) CZK 000 32,155 no. 25,756,862 CZK 000 21,164 Development of the funds main economic indicators As of 31. 12. 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Net asset Net asset value value per (CZK 000) unit (CZK) 0.9943 0.5733 0.7212 0.7577 0.6905 0.7643 0.8648 Development of the value of mutual fund´s unit certificates of OPF ČS fond životního cyklu 2030 FF in 2013 (CZK) Profit / Loss after tax (CZK 000) 13,361 40,166 78,567 74,786 85,163 106,819 143,115 Performance (%) p.a. (101) (21,114) 12,452 3,812 (7,679) 9,652 15,131 (42.34) 25.80 5.06 (8.87) 10.69 13.15 Portfolio structure by type of assets in 2013 Equities 0.8800 67.70 0.8600 0.8400 4.40 0.8200 Commodities 0.8000 27.90 0.7800 Bonds and Money market 2.1. 14.1. 24.1. 5.2. 15.2. 27.2. 11.3. 21.3. 3.4. 15.4. 25.4. 10.5. 22.5. 3.6. 13.6. 25.6. 8.7. 18.7. 30.7. 9.8. 21.8. 2.9. 12.9. 24.9. 4.10. 16.10. 29.10. 8.11. 20.11. 2.12. 12.12. 27.12. 0.7600 Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 46 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., LIKVIDITNÍ FOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report LIKVIDITNÍ FOND Characteristics Commentary of the fund manager This fund is categorized as a money market fund. The recommended investment horizon is 6 months. The fund is designed for investors who endeavour to achieve a higher appreciation of their investments than the ordinary bank time deposits interests in the lower investment ranges. The risk weight of the fund is 1 on a scale 1-7 of the Synthetic risk and reward indicator. Traditional stability prevailed on the CZK money market in the first three quarters of the year. There was greater volatility only on the more liquid market - FRA (Forward Rate Agreement). The high level of free liquidity on the market pushed the yields of conservative money market instruments and short government bonds to new lows. The yield of six-month to one-year treasury bills in that period held between 0.11% and 0.16%. A change on the market only occurred in November, when the CNB Banking Council decided to employ interventions to significantly weaken the Czech crown. By this decision, the central bank flooded the market, which had already been overflowing with free liquidity, and additional approximately CZK 200 billion. This massive inflow of free liquidity was naturally immediately reflected in inter-bank deposit market rates. The three-month Pribor rate dropped by 0.06% and the one-year rate by as much as 0.10%. Also rates on the FRA market dropped by approximately 0.15% to 0.20%. Treasury bill yields reached their all-time lows, when the subsequent auction of nine-month bills ended with a yield of 0.07%. Investment strategy The fund’s portfolio contains predominantly Czech treasury bills, Czech fixed interest government bonds with a maturity under one year and Czech variable interest government bonds. The time deposits in banks are also used. The securities are hold until their maturity. The weighted average maturity of fund assets do not exceed 6 months. The weighted average life of fund assets do not exceed 12 months. The aim of the Investment strategy is to provide the most conservative investors with such a money market fund, which will assure the appreciation of invested means with the highest level of safety and reliability; all that under condition of retaining of the invested capital value (without a formal guarantee). The average modified duration of the portfolio of the Likviditní fond throughout the year held at low levels, as did average maturity. For most of the year, the portfolio was dominated by short-term and medium-term deposits. The share of treasury bills grew in the last quarter. Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 47 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., LIKVIDITNÍ FOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Number of unit certificates issued and redeemed in 2013 Unit certificates issued no. 784,062,223 CZK 000 802,389 Unit certificates redeemed no. 1,328,731,611 CZK 000 1,359,879 Balance (+/−) no. (544,669,388) CZK 000 (557,490) Development of the funds main economic indicators As of 31. 12. 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Net asset Net asset value value per (CZK 000) unit (CZK) 1.0040 1.0125 1.0194 1.0236 1.0229 Development of the value of mutual fund´s unit certificates of OPF Likviditní fond in 2013 (CZK) Profit / Loss after tax (CZK 000) 452,437 633,302 882,842 1,408,968 850,763 Performance (%) p.a. 915 5,216 4,771 4,793 (716) 0.85 0.68 0.41 (0.07) Portfolio structure by type of assets in 2013 1.0240 Cash 49.50 1.0237 2.40 9.40 Fixed income bonds Floating rate bonds 1.0234 1.0231 38.70 Treasury Notes 2.1. 14.1. 24.1. 5.2. 15.2. 27.2. 11.3. 21.3. 3.4. 15.4. 25.4. 10.5. 22.5. 3.6. 13.6. 25.6. 8.7. 18.7. 30.7. 9.8. 21.8. 2.9. 12.9. 24.9. 4.10. 16.10. 29.10. 8.11. 20.11. 2.12. 12.12. 27.12. 1.0228 Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 48 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Privátní portfolio AR 0 – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Privátní portfolio AR 0 Characteristics Commentary of the fund manager This is a special fund of funds. The recommended time of investing is at least two years. The minimum initial purchase amount of unit certificates is CZK 1 million; but ISČS may issue unit certificates even for a lower amount. The risk weight of the fund is 3 on a scale 1-7 of the Synthetic risk and reward indicator. In the first months of 2013, longer government bonds carried on in their good performance that has lasted for several years already. The shortest, roughly two-year bonds, however, had no room for appreciation. The gross yield of 0.15% p.a. at the beginning of 2013 closed the year at precisely the same, essentially minimum level. Investment strategy In the second half of the year, room for the appreciation was closed even in the case of long bonds. For most of the year, appreciation therefore had to be achieved with the assistance of high-risk bonds, and essentially only on the high-yield bond market. In order to retain only a certain level of overall risk, AR 0 can use aggressive bonds only to a limited degree. These investments definitely cannot reverse the overall development and ensure high appreciation. An appreciation of 0.4% for the entire year in the net is due to the use of high-yield bonds and also of the segment of alternative investments which, with its appreciation of 3-5%, helped offset the low performance of exhausted Czech government bonds. Appreciation can be rated favourably in comparison with other regular very conservative investments. Many of them closed the year with no appreciation whatsoever. The aim of the fund’s strategy is to provide the unit holders with a long-term appreciation of their unit certificates primarily through investments in securities of the bond funds of collective investment. The aim is achieved also by an occasional allocation of the dynamic part of the portfolio (bonds versus investment instruments bearing the real estate risk and the so-called alternative investments). The characteristic of this fund is the higher turnover of the dynamic part of its portfolio, controlled by the active management. The fund is namely subject to currency risk resulting from investments in local currencies. The currency, credit and interest risks are actively managed by means of accessible hedging instruments. Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 49 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Privátní portfolio AR 0 – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Number of unit certificates issued and redeemed in 2013 Unit certificates issued no. 142,619,126 CZK 000 162,028 Unit certificates redeemed no. 260,142,994 CZK 000 295,717 Balance (+/−) no. (117,523,868) CZK 000 (133,689) Development of the funds main economic indicators As of 31. 12. 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Net asset Net asset value value per (CZK 000) unit (CZK) 0.9909 1.0588 1.0906 1.0837 1.1359 1.1402 Development of the value of mutual fund´s unit certificates of OPF Privátní portfolio AR 0 in 2013 (CZK) Profit / Loss after tax (CZK 000) 130,131 261,789 614,543 540,306 575,572 443,768 Performance (%) p.a. (1,557) 8,646 12,529 (3,410) 25,379 1,886 6.85 3.61 (0.63) 4.82 0.38 Portfolio structure by type of assets in 2013 Bonds and Money market 1.1500 79.60 1.1450 1.1400 5.50 1.1350 1.1300 14.90 Cash Other 1.1250 2.1. 14.1. 24.1. 5.2. 15.2. 27.2. 11.3. 21.3. 3.4. 15.4. 25.4. 10.5. 22.5. 3.6. 13.6. 25.6. 8.7. 18.7. 30.7. 9.8. 21.8. 2.9. 12.9. 24.9. 4.10. 16.10. 29.10. 8.11. 20.11. 2.12. 12.12. 27.12. 1.1200 Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 50 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Privátní portfolio AR 25 – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Privátní portfolio AR 25 Characteristics It is a special open-ended mutual fund of funds. The characteristic of this fund is the higher turnover of the dynamic part of its portfolio. The fund is designed for favourers of the active management. The investor should be able to accept even the shorter periods of a negative development of the unit certificate’s price. The recommended investment horizon is at least 4 years. The minimum initial investment in unit certificates is CZK 100. The risk weight of the fund is 3 on a scale 1-7 of the Synthetic risk and reward indicator. Investment strategy The fund invests namely in securities of bond and equity funds of collective investment. The currency, credit and interest risks are actively managed by means of attainable hedging instruments. The aim is achieved primarily by the active allocation of the dynamic portfolio’s part (bonds versus investment instruments bearing equity risk, or real estate and the so-called alternative investments). The neutral weight of particular portions should in the long-run approach these values: bond markets 55%, stock markets 25%, real estate markets 10% and alternative investments 10%. Commentary of the fund manager Czech government bonds continued to perform well in the first half of the year and as in previous years, the second half of the year was peaceful on the markets. The yield of the ten-year bond, for example, did drop to 1.5% p.a. in May, but it went back up in the second half of the year, stabilising at around 2.3%. This level remained stable, with slight fluctuations, until the end of the year and definitely better corresponded to developments abroad, where revenues also increased to higher levels. Czech government bonds no longer served as the driver of performance. We made abundant use of higher-risk bonds, primarily of the high yield segment, throughout the year. Around autumn, we started to increase the share of those bonds, which contrasted sharply with our approach to bonds of developing economies. There, we were loosing confidence and only kept reducing our exposure throughout the second half of the year. We kept a relatively high investment quota in equity markets (around 90%), primarily in the second half of the year. Only at the end of the year we briefly kept a zero equity position. Our stock investments were directed primarily into stock on major markets and we were gradually leaving our positions on developing markets. The dynamism of the alternative part of the portfolio supported the performance achieved and it also increased its correlation to the equity market. We naturally see the increased correlation as a problem. The diversification effect is thereby being lost. The fund appreciated its assets by 4%, including fees. This result is best evident in comparison with investments into government bonds, which were at 0%. Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 51 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Privátní portfolio AR 25 – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Number of unit certificates issued and redeemed in 2013 Unit certificates issued no. 558,323,350 CZK 000 611,037 Unit certificates redeemed no. 270,313,533 Balance (+/−) CZK 000 295,797 no. 288,009,817 CZK 000 315,240 Development of the funds main economic indicators As of 31. 12. 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Net asset Net asset value value per (CZK 000) unit (CZK) 0.9924 0.9147 1.0002 1.0362 1.0072 1.0713 1.1140 Development of the value of mutual fund´s unit certificates of OPF Privátní portfolio AR 25 in 2013 (CZK) Profit / Loss after tax (CZK 000) 552,261 895,767 939,571 1,197,913 1,259,823 1,243,695 1,614,137 Performance (%) p.a. 823 (73,457) 74,317 39,879 (40,285) 75,693 55,204 (7.77) 9.35 3.29 (2.80) 6.36 3.99 Portfolio structure by type of assets in 2013 Bonds and Money market 1.1150 54.00 20.10 1.1050 Equities 1.0950 7.00 Cash 1.0850 1.0750 18.90 Other 2.1. 14.1. 24.1. 5.2. 15.2. 27.2. 11.3. 21.3. 3.4. 15.4. 25.4. 10.5. 22.5. 3.6. 13.6. 25.6. 8.7. 18.7. 30.7. 9.8. 21.8. 2.9. 12.9. 24.9. 4.10. 16.10. 29.10. 8.11. 20.11. 2.12. 12.12. 27.12. 1.0650 Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 52 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Privátní portfolio AR 50 – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Privátní portfolio AR 50 Characteristics It is a special open-ended mutual fund of funds (OPF). The characteristic of this fund is the higher turnover of the dynamic part of its portfolio. The fund is designed for favourers of the active management. The investor should be able to accept even the shorter periods of a negative development of the unit certificate’s price. The recommended investment horizon is at least 5 years. The minimum initial investment in unit certificates is CZK 100. The risk weight of the fund is 4 on a scale 1-7 of the Synthetic risk and reward indicator. Investment strategy The fund invests namely in securities of bond and equity funds of collective investment. The currency, credit and interest risks are actively managed by means of attainable hedging instruments. The aim is achieved primarily by the active allocation of the dynamic portfolio’s part (bonds versus investment instruments bearing equity risk, or real estate and the so-called alternative investments). The neutral weight of particular portions should in the long-run approach these values: bond markets 30%, stock markets 50%, real estate markets 10% and alternative investments 10%. Commentary of the fund manager Czech government bonds continued to perform well in the first half of the year and as in previous years, the second half of the year was peaceful on the markets. The yields of the ten-year bond, for example, did drop to 1.5% p.a. in May, but they went back up in the second half of the year, stabilising at around 2.3%. This level remained stable, with slight fluctuations, until the end of the year and definitely better corresponded to developments abroad, where revenues also increased to higher levels. Czech government bonds no longer served as the driver of performance. We used the segment of aggressive bonds more extensively in the first half of the year. These bonds of emerging countries and socalled high-yield bonds constituted approximately 38% of the portfolio at the beginning of the year, and significantly supplemented the lesser utilisation of the equity quota. But we reduced the share in the first half of the year, primarily in the case of bonds of emerging countries. This turn away from risky bonds in the portfolio continued for the rest of the year. With small exceptions, we held a high share of equities throughout nearly the entire year. We reduced this position significantly, to nearly a zero percentage of equities at the end of the year when the market responded nervously to the notice of US FED about the planned reduction in supporting programmes. Throughout the year, we significantly preferred investments on developed markets. The dynamics of the alternative part of the portfolio supported the performance achieved and it also increased its correlation to the stock market. We naturally see the increased correlation as a problem. The diversification effect is being lost. The fund appreciated its assets by more than 8%, including fees. This result best stands out in comparison with investment into the high yield bond segment itself, whose performance was several percentage points lower. Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 53 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Privátní portfolio AR 50 – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Number of unit certificates issued and redeemed in 2013 Unit certificates issued no. 10,768,486 CZK 000 10,812 Unit certificates redeemed no. 172,790,689 Balance (+/−) CZK 000 171,343 no. (162,022,203) CZK 000 (160,531) Development of the funds main economic indicators As of 31. 12. 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Net asset Net asset value value per (CZK 000) unit (CZK) 0.9863 0.8431 0.9399 0.9708 0.9046 0.9547 1.0336 Development of the value of mutual fund´s unit certificates of OPF Privátní portfolio AR 50 in 2013 (CZK) Profit / Loss after tax (CZK 000) 433,837 632,492 666,839 748,218 577,976 462,605 333,375 Performance (%) p.a. 781 (105,326) 63,042 24,089 (44,009) 30,074 31,302 (14.47) 11.48 1.21 (6.82) 5.54 8.26 Portfolio structure by type of assets in 2013 Equities 1.0500 46.10 4.80 Cash 1.0300 1.0100 21.10 Other 0.9900 0.9700 28.00 Bonds and Money market 2.1. 14.1. 24.1. 5.2. 15.2. 27.2. 11.3. 21.3. 3.4. 15.4. 25.4. 10.5. 22.5. 3.6. 13.6. 25.6. 8.7. 18.7. 30.7. 9.8. 21.8. 2.9. 12.9. 24.9. 4.10. 16.10. 29.10. 8.11. 20.11. 2.12. 12.12. 27.12. 0.9500 Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 54 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Privátní portfolio AR 75 – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Privátní portfolio AR 75 Characteristics Commentary of the fund manager It is a special open-ended mutual fund of funds. The characteristic of this fund is the higher turnover of the dynamic part of its portfolio. The fund is designed for favourers of the active management. The investor should be able to accept even the longer period of a negative development of the unit certificate’s price. The recommended investment horizon is at least 7 years. The minimum initial investment in unit certificates is CZK 100. The risk weight of the fund is 5 on a scale 1-7 of the Synthetic risk and reward indicator. Unlike in the past, we decided to make significant use of higherrisk bond segments in our global asset allocation, such as so-called high-yield bonds and bonds of emerging countries. At the beginning of the year, they amounted to 40% of our portfolio; we always combined that share with investments into stock. At the beginning of the year, the share of equities was only 25% (i.e., one third of the quota), and it had climbed to 90% of the quota by the end of the quarter. From this point of view, second quarter only meant a gradual retreat from risk, which peaked in the last days of June when we briefly sold out equities down to 0%. In the second half of the year, we increasingly preferred equities to other investments, and in the last months, the utilisation of the equity quota amounted to 90%. We increasingly relatively preferred equities of developed markets, especially in the US and in Japan. Investment strategy The fund invests namely in securities of bond and equity funds of collective investment. The currency, credit and interest risks are actively managed by means of attainable hedging instruments. The aim is achieved primarily by the active allocation of the dynamic portfolio’s part (bonds versus investment instruments bearing equity risk, or real estate and the so-called alternative investments). The neutral weight of particular portions should in the long-run approach these values: stock markets 75%, real estate markets 10% and alternative investments 15%. An alternative part of the portfolio improved its dynamism, having increased its correlation to the equity market. The fund’s annual performance was slightly over 8.4% for the entire year. Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 55 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Privátní portfolio AR 75 – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Number of unit certificates issued and redeemed in 2013 Unit certificates issued no. 2,891,694 CZK 000 2,580 Unit certificates redeemed no. 35,195,401 Balance (+/−) CZK 000 30,703 no. (32,303,707) CZK 000 (28,123) Development of the funds main economic indicators As of 31. 12. 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Net asset Net asset value value per (CZK 000) unit (CZK) 0.9784 0.8149 0.9034 0.9142 0.8163 0.8404 0.9108 Development of the value of mutual fund´s unit certificates of OPF Privátní portfolio AR 75 in 2013 (CZK) Profit / Loss after tax (CZK 000) 113,343 123,346 157,683 149,297 105,102 82,328 59,807 Performance (%) p.a. 251 (28,555) 13,156 1,495 (13,935) 2,852 5,603 (16.62) 10.86 1.01 (10.70) 2.94 8.39 Portfolio structure by type of assets in 2013 Equities 0.9150 66.30 0.9000 2.10 Cash 22.20 Other 0.8850 0.8700 0.8550 9.40 Bonds and Money market 2.1. 12.1. 24.1. 5.2. 15.2. 27.2. 11.3. 21.3. 3.4. 15.4. 25.4. 10.5. 22.5. 3.6. 13.6. 25.6. 8.7. 18.7. 30.7. 9.8. 21.8. 2.9. 12.9. 24.9. 4.10. 16.10. 29.10. 8.11. 20.11. 2.12. 12.12. 27.12. 0.8400 Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 56 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Privátní portfolio AR AKCIE – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Privátní portfolio AR AKCIE Characteristics Commentary of the fund manager A special fund of funds. The fund is suitable for CZK investors, who are interested on returns from investments on equity markets and at the same time they wish to profit from relatively short-term investment occasions. Characteristic higher turn-over of the dynamic part of portfolio is available for those, who prefer an active management. Investor should be able to accept also longer period of negative performance as well as higher volatility of the unit certificate value. Recommended investment horizon is 5 years and longer. The risk weight of the fund is 6 on a scale 1-7 of the Synthetic risk and reward indicator. We kept a very high level of investment into equities for nearly the entire first half of 2013, when stock markets continued to grow with low volatility. On average, our equity exposure was over 87%. Thanks to the favourable market developments and an appropriate regional asset allocation, the fund reported annual appreciation in excess of 20% in May. A price correction at the end of the sixmonth period meant a worsening in performance to 15% year on year, which is still decent. At the very end of the six-month period, we temporarily resorted to a more conservative portfolio, holding equity market exposure of only 39%. This reduction in risk assets was due to our fear of market response to the discontinuation of support programmes in the US in the near future, announced by the US central bank. The conservative set-up of the fund’s portfolio, however, lasted only for a few days. We returned to an investment level of 90% very soon and held it, with minor changes, for the rest of the year. The trend development in equity markets, especially on major developed markets, did not force us to make any major changes. In terms of portfolio composition, we increasingly preferred a portfolio focused solely on these major markets. Investment strategy The fund invests primarily in equity funds of collective investments and other investment instruments bearing the equity risk. The portion of the equity part in the portfolio is actively managed, as well as its sector and regional structure. In the neutral weight, the equity instruments portion should be 100% of the portfolio. Currency, credit and interest risk is actively is actively managed. The fund has no benchmark; its target is a positive performance on defined investment horizon. At the end of the year, annual appreciation of nearly 20% was achieved, which exceeded other equity investments in most cases. Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 57 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Privátní portfolio AR AKCIE – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Number of unit certificates issued and redeemed in 2013 Unit certificates issued no. 340,211,527 CZK 000 360,301 Unit certificates redeemed no. 102,293,230 Balance (+/−) CZK 000 108,697 no. 237,918,297 CZK 000 251,604 Development of the funds main economic indicators As of 31. 12. 2010 2011 2012 2013 Net asset Net asset value value per (CZK 000) unit (CZK) 1.0306 0.8973 0.9459 1.1330 Development of the value of mutual fund´s unit certificates of OPF Privátní portfolio AR AKCIE in 2013 (CZK) Profit / Loss after tax (CZK 000) 73,348 238,587 260,160 581,187 Performance (%) p.a. 2,388 (32,305) 13,613 69,422 (12.92) 5.40 19.78 Portfolio structure by type of assets in 2013 Foreign Mutual Funds 1.1350 62.70 1.0950 20.70 Other 16.60 Domestic Mutual Funds 1.0550 1.0150 0.9750 2.1. 12.1. 24.1. 5.2. 15.2. 27.2. 11.3. 21.3. 3.4. 15.4. 25.4. 10.5. 22.5. 3.6. 13.6. 25.6. 8.7. 18.7. 30.7. 9.8. 21.8. 2.9. 12.9. 24.9. 4.10. 16.10. 29.10. 8.11. 20.11. 2.12. 12.12. 27.12. 0.9350 Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 58 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Privátní portfolio AR REALITY – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Privátní portfolio AR REALITY Characteristics Commentary of the fund manager A special fund of funds. It is focused on products with real estate theme. The fund’s target is to bring to its shareholders the absolute return no matter the actual economical cycle. The portion of the real estate part in the portfolio is actively managed, as well as its sector and regional structure. Currency, credit and interest risk is actively managed. The risk weight of the fund is 5 on a scale 1-7 of the Synthetic risk and reward indicator. This mutual fund, focused on global real estate markets, reached fairly good performance in 2013 in spite of the fact that prices on the real estate market dropped at the mid point of the year due to a correction on the equity markets. The fund practically erased its six-month performance. Compared to the benchmark, however, it still did very well, as the benchmark had gone through a far greater correction. In the second half of the year, the nervousness disappeared from the markets and they returned to price growth in the real estate. This fact is documented by the sustained growth in real estate in the US in 2013, measured by the S&P/Case-Shiller Composite Index. Investment strategy The fund invests primarily in the real estate funds of collective investment and other investment instruments bearing the real estate markets risk. The portion of the real estate part in the portfolio is actively managed, as well as its sector and regional structure. In the neutral weight, the real-estate instruments portion should be 100% of the portfolio. Currency, credit and interest risk is actively managed. The fund has no benchmark; its target is a positive performance on defined investment horizon. Due to this and to other factors, the fund ended 2013 with a performance of 3.4%, more than 4% above the comparative benchmark. The fund maintained a high level of investment practically for the entire year. Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 59 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Privátní portfolio AR REALITY – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Number of unit certificates issued and redeemed in 2013 Unit certificates issued no. 135,732,771 CZK 000 149,178 Unit certificates redeemed no. 25,557,836 Balance (+/−) CZK 000 28,103 no. 110,174,935 CZK 000 121,075 Development of the funds main economic indicators As of 31. 12. 2010 2011 2012 2013 Net asset Net asset value value per (CZK 000) unit (CZK) 1.0088 0.9680 1.0791 1.1160 Development of the value of mutual fund´s unit certificates of OPF Privátní portfolio AR REALITY in 2013 (CZK) Profit / Loss after tax (CZK 000) 44,644 119,378 110,033 236,750 Performance (%) p.a. 656 (5,058) 11,863 5,643 (4.04) 11.48 3.42 Portfolio structure by type of assets in 2013 Foreign Mutual Funds 1.1500 25.29 22.76 1.1300 Deposits 1.1100 1.0900 17.32 Equities 1.0700 34.63 Domestic Mutual Funds 2.1. 12.1. 24.1. 5.2. 15.2. 27.2. 11.3. 21.3. 3.4. 15.4. 25.4. 10.5. 22.5. 3.6. 13.6. 25.6. 8.7. 18.7. 30.7. 9.8. 21.8. 2.9. 12.9. 24.9. 4.10. 16.10. 29.10. 8.11. 20.11. 2.12. 12.12. 27.12. 1.0500 Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 60 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Privátní portfolio AR ALTERNATIVNÍ INVESTICE – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Privátní portfolio AR ALTERNATIVNÍ INVESTICE Characteristics Commentary of the fund manager A special fund of funds. The aim of the fund is to achieve longterm positive absolute performance.The fund is suitable for CZK investors, who are interested on returns from hedge funds of collective investment, commodity funds of collective investment and other alternative investment instruments. Recommended investment horizon is 5 years and longer. The risk weight of the fund is 5 on a scale 1-7 of the Synthetic risk and reward indicator. For most of the first half of 2013, the development of alternative investments carried on in a positive spirit similar to that of the second half of 2012. This lasted until mid May, when the increasing weakness of this segment and the increasing correlation between investments focused on risk investments. The drop of equity markets was apparent in this segment, too. Fortunately, the excessive reaction of the markets to Fed’s announcement soon faded away and the market returned to a stable growth trend with increasingly decreasing volatility. Strategies focused on the equity markets did the best throughout the entire period, without any great surprises. Investment strategy The aim of the Investment strategy of the fund is to provide investors the long-term positive absolute performance of their CZK investment via investing in unit certificates of mutual funds, investing primarily into alternative investment instruments. The portion of this part in the portfolio is actively managed, as well as its sector and regional structure. Currency, credit and interest risk is actively managed by means of available hedging instruments. The fund has no benchmark; its target is a positive performance on defined investment horizon. The fund achieved net appreciation of 4.8%. Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 61 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Privátní portfolio AR ALTERNATIVNÍ INVESTICE – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Number of unit certificates issued and redeemed in 2013 Unit certificates issued no. 276,914,068 CZK 000 283,064 Unit certificates redeemed no. 68,507,430 Balance (+/−) CZK 000 70,116 no. 208,406,638 CZK 000 212,948 Development of the funds main economic indicators As of 31. 12. 2010 2011 2012 2013 Net asset Net asset value value per (CZK 000) unit (CZK) 1.0198 0.9795 0.9950 1.0428 Development of the value of mutual fund´s unit certificates of OPF Privátní portfolio AR ALTERNATIVNÍ INVESTICE in 2013 (CZK) Profit / Loss after tax (CZK 000) 55,907 252,772 229,201 457,550 Performance (%) p.a. 971 (12,530) 3,670 15,401 (3.95) 1.58 4.80 Portfolio structure by type of assets in 2013 Foreign Mutual Funds 1.0450 87.32 1.0350 1.0250 12.68 Deposits 1.0150 1.0050 2.1. 12.1. 24.1. 5.2. 15.2. 27.2. 11.3. 21.3. 3.4. 15.4. 25.4. 10.5. 22.5. 3.6. 13.6. 25.6. 8.7. 18.7. 30.7. 9.8. 21.8. 2.9. 12.9. 24.9. 4.10. 16.10. 29.10. 8.11. 20.11. 2.12. 12.12. 27.12. 0.9950 Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 62 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Institucionální akciový FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Institucionální akciový FF Characteristics Commentary of the fund manager It is a special fund of funds. The fund is designed for investors with CZK as a refference currency CZK, who are looking for an easy way of taking part in the development of international stock markets by means of broadly diversified and liquid equity portion of the portfolio, which consists primarily of the securities of equity funds. Recommended time of investment is at least five years. The minimum initial investment in unit certificates is CZK 100 thousand. The risk weight of the fund is 7 on a scale 1-7 of the Synthetic risk and reward indicator. 2013 was one of the most successful years in the history of stock markets, as all three of the most important regions (USA, Europe, and Japan) ended the year with an appreciation in excess of 25% as expressed in USD. For the US S&P 500 index, it was the best year in the last 16 years, with an appreciation of 29.6% (!). It closed the year with a new all-time high of 1848.4 points, high above the original estimates of investment strategists. Whereas the developed markets index reached an all-year performance of 24%, emerging markets again did not do very well and closed the year with a loss of -5%. The Central and East European region, which constitutes 40% of the fund’s benchmark, did even worse, with a USD performance of -7.2%. The drop in Turkish equities due to a corruption scandal accounted for most of the drop in the region in December. The main feature of 2013 on stock markets was growth in valuation which significantly exceeded the growth of corporate profits. Thanks to that, stock prices went up significantly. The extremely relaxed monetary policy of the largest central banks continued to be the main driver of growth in the value of the P/E indicator. In December, the US central bank, somewhat surprisingly, resorted to a first reduction in direct bond purchases, reducing its direct monthly interventions from USD 85 bn to USD 75 bn. Unlike in June, the market took the news favourably, rather as evidence of an improvement in the macroeconomic environment. Optimism was also supported by increasing estimates of another acceleration in corporate profitability. Investment strategy The prevailing part of the fund´s portfolio is created by securities of equity funds of collective investment, shares and investment instruments bearing equity risk. The dimension of the equity part as well as the sector and regional structure are actively managed. The currency, credit and interest risks are also actively managed by means of attainable hedging instruments. The fund can invest in the supplementary liquid assets such as deposits and time deposits. Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 63 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Institucionální akciový FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Number of unit certificates issued and redeemed in 2013 Unit certificates issued no. 297,724,432 CZK 000 367,732 Unit certificates redeemed no. 370,681,526 Balance (+/−) CZK 000 454,384 no. (72,957,094) CZK 000 (86,652) Development of the funds main economic indicators As of 31. 12. 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Net asset Net asset value value per (CZK 000) unit (CZK) 0.8696 1.2564 1.3583 1.0666 1.2097 1.3019 Development of the value of mutual fund´s unit certificates of OPF Institucionální akciový FF in 2013 (CZK) Profit / Loss after tax (CZK 000) 56,317 129,818 237,762 159,242 482,547 424,350 Performance (%) p.a. (7,800) 38,532 15,718 (48,970) 18,893 28,455 44.48 8.12 (21.48) 13.42 7.62 Portfolio structure by type of assets in 2013 Equities 1.3250 99.50 1.2850 1.2450 0.50 Cash 1.2050 1.1650 2.1. 12.1. 24.1. 5.2. 15.2. 27.2. 11.3. 21.3. 3.4. 15.4. 25.4. 10.5. 22.5. 3.6. 13.6. 25.6. 8.7. 18.7. 30.7. 9.8. 21.8. 2.9. 12.9. 24.9. 4.10. 16.10. 29.10. 8.11. 20.11. 2.12. 12.12. 27.12. 1.1250 Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 64 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Dluhopisový fond – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Dluhopisový fond Characteristics The open-ended mutual bond fund is designed for the more conservative sector of investors to provide them with a medium to long-term appreciation of units mainly investing in bonds with low credit risk. The recommended minimum investment period is three years or more. The risk weight of the fund is 3 on a scale 1-7 of the synthetic risk and reward indicator. Investment strategy The fund manager invests mainly into fixed-rate bonds portfolio, to a lesser extention floating rate bonds and treasury bills. These are bonds represent exposure primarily to the Czech government, reputable banks, occasionally to corporations with investment grade rating. In order to reduce interest rate risk, bonds are usually held until maturity. The manager also invests in banking deposits. The fund does not invest in equities. Fund invests in government bonds, bonds of banks and other issuers who have the long-term credit rating from the Standard & Poor´s or Fitch Ratings at least on the investment grade. Time to maturity may be up to 15 years. Incoming weak data from European economies pressed government bond yields to new all-time lows. In May, the German economy started to show a better outlook in terms of its economic development. Thanks to that, a turn in bond markets came and government bond yields started to grow (a drop in prices). Czech bonds followed this development. The US central bank (FED) fuelled the increase in yield far more strongly, as it clarified its steps in terms of a gradual reduction of monetary stimuli in the economy. But the increase in yields (drop in prices) was too steep, which is why yields could not avoid a minor correction in July. Subsequently, during the rest of the summer vacation, the macro-figures published in Europe started to push bond yields up again. This growth was halted in September, when the US central bank surprisingly failed to reduce the volume of bonds purchased, creating pressure on revenue drop. This was fuelled by protracted debates about the US budget. After a year of threats, the Czech National Bank resorted to FX interventions in November, primarily due to low inflation. This resulted in a sudden weakening of the crown against the euro by 5%, to a level around CZK 27. This step was manifest primarily by a drop in revenue on the short end. In December, however, bond prices grew rapidly, driven primarily by better data from the US and reduced monetary stimuli of the US central bank. Commentary of the fund manager In 2013, the Czech bond market more-or-less followed developments in developed markets. Until mid May, the Czech bond market carried on in the buoyant developments that started the year before. After that, the trend reversed and bond yields started to gradually climb up (bond prices were going down). The fund is invested into Czech government bonds with a shorter maturity period and it is also holding a smaller position in banking sector corporate bonds. Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 65 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Dluhopisový fond – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Number of unit certificates issued and redeemed in 2013 Unit certificates issued no. 185,144,756 CZK 000 193,000 Unit certificates redeemed no. 50,128,601 Balance (+/−) CZK 000 52,192 no. 135,016,155 CZK 000 140,808 Development of the funds main economic indicators As of 31. 12. 2012 2013 Net asset Net asset value value per (CZK 000) unit (CZK) 1.0428 1.0446 Development of the value of mutual fund´s unit certificates of OPF Dluhopisový fond in 2013 (CZK) Profit / Loss after tax (CZK 000) Performance (%) p.a. 10,115 632 4.28 0.17 248,815 390,259 Portfolio structure by type of assets in 2013 Government bonds 1.0475 88.23 1.0450 3.87 1.0425 7.90 Corporate bonds Money market, Deposits 1.0400 1.0375 2.1. 12.1. 24.1. 5.2. 15.2. 27.2. 11.3. 21.3. 3.4. 15.4. 25.4. 10.5. 22.5. 3.6. 13.6. 25.6. 8.7. 18.7. 30.7. 9.8. 21.8. 2.9. 12.9. 24.9. 4.10. 16.10. 29.10. 8.11. 20.11. 2.12. 12.12. 27.12. 1.0350 Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 66 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., CERTIFIKÁTOVÝ FOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report CERTIFIKÁTOVÝ FOND Characteristics A special securities fund for investors who have some experience with capital markets. The fund strives to increase the value of unit certificates over the long term by actively managing the risk components of its portfolio, with an emphasis on the current and expected volatility of individual investment instruments. The recommended investment horizont is at least 4 years or more. The risk weighting of the fund is 4 on a scale of 1 to 7 (synthetic indicator). Investment strategy For the Fund’s portfolio, the Fund manager purchases structured bonds, investment certificates, short- and medium-term bonds and investment instruments from alternative asset classes. The Fund can also use equity instrument derivatives (equity indices). Regionally, the Fund’s investments cover primarily developed capital markets in the US, Europe, and Japan, and to a lesser extent also developed capital markets. The objective is reached primarily by active management of the risk components of the portfolio. When deciding about the composition of the unit trust’s portfolio and the selection of individual investments, attention is paid to the current volatility level of individual investment instruments and to the expected volatility level of the prices of derivatives. Commentary of the fund manager All of 2013 carried on in the spirit of a growth trend on developed stock markets. That meant that for many stock indices, this was one of the most successful years in recent history. For example, the US stock index S&P 500 grew by nearly 30% in 2013, the most since 1997. The growth of equity markets was due primarily to good figures coming in from the US, European, and Chinese economies. Also corporate data from the US played their role, as their profitability grew faster in comparison with the first half. That is why the possibilities of increasing positions in the fund were only very limited. Events increasing volatility on financial markets were extremely isolated. At the end of February, it was uncertainty as to the elections in Italy and then in April a sharp drop of the Japanese stock market. The situation started to change at the end of May, and primarily in June. The US central bank changed the outlines of the gradual reduction of monetary stimuli of the economy, accompanied by problems on the Chinese inter-bank market. Some investors started to fear a potential outbreak of a financial crisis in the Chinese banking sector. The sharp growth in volatility (accompanied by a drop in financial markets) allowed us to make use of investment opportunities. We realised them primarily through bonus certificates for the US S&P 500 index. In August, markets corrected their growth to some degree in response to increasing tension in Syria. This was accompanied by another sharp increase in volatility that allowed us to take advantage of investment opportunities, including through a bonus certificate for the US S&P 500 index. An investment opportunity occurred in September as volatility increased in connection with the unexpected decision of the US central bank to postpone the gradual discontinuation of economic stimuli. We took advantage of that opportunity through a bonus certificate for the European Euro Stoxx50 index. In the meantime, we placed some of our disposable cash into Czech government bonds maturing in 3 years, and in 4 years with a variable coupon, and also into German government bonds with a maturity of 1.5 years. We are attempting to thereby avoid the adverse impact of the potential growth in interest rates. At the end of 2013, 8% of the fund’s portfolio had been invested into investment certificates and 57% into Czech and German government bonds. Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 67 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., CERTIFIKÁTOVÝ FOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Number of unit certificates issued and redeemed in 2012 Unit certificates issued no. 161,719,430 CZK 000 161,609 Unit certificates redeemed no. 29,244,814 Balance (+/−) CZK 000 29,205 no. 132,474,616 CZK 000 132,404 Development of the funds main economic indicators As of 31. 12. 2013 Net asset Net asset value value per (CZK 000) unit (CZK) 1.0072 Development of the value of mutual fund´s unit certificates of OPF CERTIFIKÁTOVÝ FOND in 2013 (CZK) Profit / Loss after tax (CZK 000) 133,433 Performance (%) p.a. 1,030 Portfolio structure by type of assets in 2013 1.0120 Government bonds 57.12 10.64 1.0080 Money market, Deposits 1.0040 24.00 1.0000 Cash 0.9960 0.9920 8.24 Certificates 15.1. 25.1. 6.2. 18.2. 28.2. 12.3. 22.3. 4.4. 16.4. 26.4. 13.5. 23.5. 4.6. 14.6. 26.6. 9.7. 19.7. 31.7. 12.8. 22.8. 3.9. 13.9. 25.9. 7.10. 17.10. 30.10. 11.11. 21.11. 3.12. 13.12. 30.12. 0.9880 Full names of open-end mutual funds are stated in statutes or prospectuses of the funds. Conformable with rules valid for the collective investment the manager of funds refers to the fact, that the present performance does not guarantee the performance in future. Investment in unit certificates implies a risk of a volatility of the current value of investment and yields of it and that the return on initially invested amount cannot be guaranteed. 68 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., 2013 Annual Report Supervisory Board Report of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. with its registered seat Praha 6, Dejvice, Evropská 2690/17, PSČ 160 00, IČ 44796188, filed with the Commercial Register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section B, entry 1154. Statement of the Supervisory Board of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. on the Company’s Final Accounts as of December 31, 2013, and on the Proposals for the Distribution of Profit The Supervisory Board reviewed on February 11, 2014 the final accounts of the company as of December 31, 2013, primarily the amount and structure of its assets and liabilities, the creation of profit/loss in 2013, as well as the proposal for the distribution of profit. On the basis of the accounting statements presented, final accounts, and an audit carried out by Ernst & Young Audit s. r. o., the Board concluded that the data is in line with the conditions for keeping of accounts, and that the final accounts reflect the financial situation and results of operations of the company. The Supervisory Board recommends that the sole shareholder at the General Meeting approves the financial statements for the year 2013 and the Supervisory Board takes into account the proposal for the profit distribution. Vienna, February 11, 2014 Mag. Heinz Bednar Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. 69 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., 2013 Annual Report Report on Relations among Related Entities pursuant to Section 82 of Act No. 90/2012 Coll., on Business Corporations for the accounting period starting 1 January 2013 and ending 31 December 2013 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. with its registered seat in Prague 6, Dejvice, Evropská 2690/17, post code 160 00, ID No. 44796188, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, section B, entry 1154 (hereinafter referred to as the “Author”), was a member of a business grouping in 2013 in which the following relations existed between the Author and controlling entities and between the Author and entities controlled by the same controlling entities (hereinafter referred to as “related entities”) This report on relations among the entities listed below has been drawn up in line with the provisions of Section 82 of Act No. 90/2012 Coll., on business corporations, as amended, for the accounting period starting 1 January 2013 and ending 31 December 2013 (hereinafter referred to as the “accounting period”). The following agreements were concluded by and between the Author and the persons listed below, and the following legal acts and other factual measures were accepted or affected between them. REICO investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., with its registered seat at Antala Staška 2027/79, 140 00 Prague 4, Czech Republic, ID No. 27567117 (“REICO”) Relationship to the company: other related entities s Autoleasing, a. s., with its registered seat at Budějovická 1518/13B, post code 140 00 Prague 4, Czech Republic, ID No. 27089444 Relationship to the company: other related entities Brokerjet České spořitelny, a. s., with its registered seat at Evropská 2690/17, post code 160 00 Prague 6, Czech Republic, ID No. 27089444 Relationship to the company: other related entities Procurement Services GmbH, with its registered seat at Brehmstrasse 12, Vienna, Austria (“sProserv GmbH”) Relationship to the company: other related entities A. Controlling Entities Erste Asset Management GmbH, with its registered seat at Habsburgergasse 2, 1010 Vienna, Austria (“EAM“) Relationship to the company: directly controlling entity Erste Bank Beteiligungen GmbH, with its registered seat at Graben 21, Vienna, Austria (“EB Beteiligungen“) Relationship to the company: indirectly controlling entity – an entity controlling EAM Erste Group Bank AG, with its registered seat at Graben 21, A-1010 Vienna, Austria (“Erste Group Bank”) Relationship to the company: ultimate parent company, indirectly controlling entity – an entity controlling EB Beteiligungen B. Other Related Entities Procurement Services CZ, s. r. o., with its registered seat at Budějovická 1912/64b, Prague 4, ID No. 27631621 (“sProserv CZ”) Relationship to the company: other related entities ERSTE – SPARINVEST KAG, Habsburgergasse 2, A-1010 Vienna, Austria Relationship to the company: other related entities C. Transactions with Related Parties Investiční společnost identified relations with the related entities listed in sections A and B, which it aggregated in the categories stated below. Transactions with related entities on the asset side of the balance of Investiční společnost Receivables from banks Česká spořitelna, a. s., with its registered seat at Olbrachtova 1929/62, post code 140 00, Prague 4, Czech Republic, ID No. 45244782 (“Ceska sporitelna”) Relationship to the company: other related entities Investiční společnost has funds in current accounts, amounting to a total of CZK 131.27 mil. This money is deposited with Ceska sporitelna pursuant to agreements on a current account. Investiční společnost did not sustain any harm from these transactions in the accounting period concerned. Česká spořitelna – penzijní společnost, a. s., with its registered seat at Poláčkova 1976/2, 140 21 Prague 4, Czech Republic, ID No. 61672033 (“ČS-penzijní společnost”) Relationship to the company: other related entities Securities valued at real value against cost or revenue accounts Investiční společnost holds no unit certificates in related entities. 70 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., 2013 Annual Report Other assets The item ‘other assets’ includes receivables from Investiční společnost’s business relations with related entities, including contingencies amounting to a total of CZK 17.5 mil. These include, above all, receivables from Ceska sporitelna. Investiční společnost did not sustain any harm from these transactions in the accounting period concerned. Transactions with related entities on the liability side of the balance of Investiční společnost market or business conditions, fee and commission costs, which included, in particular, transactional fees and loyalty bonus fees in an aggregate volume of CZK 344 mil. Investiční společnost did not sustain any harm from these transactions in the accounting period concerned General administrative costs In the accounting period concerned, Investiční společnost expended, subject to regular market or business conditions, CZK 11.8 mil. in other administrative costs paid to related entities, in particular for outsourcing, risk management, rent, leasing, and servicing services. Investiční společnost did not sustain any harm from these transactions in the accounting period concerned Other Liabilities The item ‘other liabilities’ includes other payables from Investiční společnost’s business relations with related entities, including contingencies amounting to a total of CZK 59.8 mil. These include, above all, payables to Ceska sporitelna. Investiční společnost did not sustain any harm from these transactions in the accounting period concerned. Transactions with related entities having an impact on the profit and loss statement of Investiční společnost Revenues from fees and commissions In its transactions with related entities in the accounting period concerned, Investiční společnost received, subject to regular market or business conditions, fee and commission revenue that included, in particular, fees and commissions for asset management and fund management, in an aggregate volume of CZK 48.3 mil. Investiční společnost did not sustain any harm from these transactions in the accounting period concerned Fee and commission costs In its transactions with related entities in the accounting period concerned, Investiční společnost expended, subject to regular Contract name Contractual Party Agreement on the provision of outsourcing services in the sphere of financial accounting, controlling, asset management, procurement support, human resources, marketing, internal audit, corporate cooperation, and IS/ IT security Česká spořitelna, a. s. Other operating costs In its transactions with related entities in the accounting period concerned, Investiční společnost expended, subject to regular market or business conditions, other operating costs, which included, in particular, the cost of its logo, in an aggregate volume of CZK 1 mil. Investiční společnost did not sustain any harm from these transactions in the accounting period concerned D. Contractual Relations In previous accounting periods, Investiční společnost entered into agreements with the related entities specified in sections A and B, whose financial amount in the accounting period concerned is included in section C. In the accounting period, Investiční společnost entered into new agreements with the related entities specified in sections A and B, whose financial amount in the accounting period concerned is included in section C. The list below shows major agreements with related entities concluded in the accounting period concerned. Minor contractual relations on the basis of which Investiční společnost received or provided performance in its relations with related entities, and whose financial amount in the accounting period concerned is also included in section C, from which Investiční společnost did not sustain any harm, are not listed in this report. Subject matter of the contract Detriment incurred Outsourcing services in the sphere of financial accounting, controlling, asset management, procurement support, human resources, marketing, internal audit, corporate cooperation, and IS/IT security None Erste Group Bank AG Agreement on the provision ERSTE-SPARINVEST KAG of outsourcing services for the management of the assets of the funds ESPA Fiducia, ESPA Český fond firemních dluhopisů, and ESPA Český fond státních dluhopisů Outsourcing services in the sphere of fund asset management None Agreement non the provision of IT services Outsourcing services in the sphere of IT None Česká spořitelna, a. s. 71 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., 2013 Annual Report E. Other Legal Actions In the accounting period concerned, the Author did not accept or affect any other legal acts in the interest or at the suggestion of related entities. F. Other Factual Provisions The investment company cooperates on group projects within the Erste Group Bank group. No harm was incurred by the Author due to its cooperation in these group projects. G. Conclusion With a view to the legal relations between the Author and the related entities that have been reviewed, it is evident that the Author did not sustain any harm due to any agreements, other legal acts, and other measures concluded, made, or adopted by the Author in the 2013 accounting period, in the interest or at the suggestion of individual related entities. This report was discussed and approved by the Management Board of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. on 10 February 2014. Ing. Martin Řezáč Chairman of the Management Board Ing. Štěpán Mikolášek Vice Chairman of the Management Board 72 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., 2013 Annual Report Information about the synthetic risk and reward indicator, which is providing the risk profile of the mutual fund The risk profile of the mutual fund is characterized mainly by the synthetic risk and reward indicator1. The risk and reward indicator provides the relation between the chance of investment growth and the risk of the value decline. The way of presentation of the synthetic risk and reward indicator is directly specified in EU regulation2. Mutual Fund Short Name Synthetic Risk and Reward Indicator Potencially lower risk Potencially higher risk Potencially lower income LIKVIDITNÍ FOND SPOROINVEST BONDINVEST SPOROBOND TRENDBOND ČS korporátní dluhopisový High Yield dluhopisový KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF VYVÁŽENÝ MIX FF DYNAMICKÝ MIX FF AKCIOVÝ MIX FF Smíšený fond Institucionální akciový FF SPOROTREND TOP STOCKS GLOBAL STOCKS FF ČS fond životního cyklu 2020 FF ČS fond životního cyklu 2030 FF FOND ŘÍZENÝCH VÝNOSŮ OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 PLUS Privátní portfolio AR 0 Privátní portfolio AR 25 Privátní portfolio AR 50 Privátní portfolio AR 75 Privátní portfolio AR AKCIE Privátní portfolio AR REALITY Privátní portfolio AR ALTER. INVESTICE Dluhopisový fond CERTIFIKÁTOVÝ FOND 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Potencially higher income 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 The SRRI (a numerical scale of 1 to 7) is based on the volatility of the fund’s unit certificate value in the past. Therefore assigning to the appropriate category of the SRRI is not an indicator of the future development. The assigning to the appropriate category of the SRRI can be revised from time to time. Neither the assigning of the fund into the lowest category of the SRRI means the investment without a risk. ISCS computes the SRRI of the fund on an ongoing basis according to the unified European methodology3. 1 Section 7, par. 2 of the CNB Decree No. 193/2011 Coll., on the minimum requisites of the statute and on the conditions for the use of the name Short-Term Money Market Fund and Money Market Fund 2 COMMISSION REGULATION 583/2010 of 1 July 2010 implementing Directive 2009/65/EC (UCITS IV) of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards key investor information. The Czech Government regulation 189/2011 on providing the key information of the special fund of collective investment. 3 CESR’s guidelines on the methodology of the synthetic risk and reward indicator in the Key Investor Information Document 73 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., 2013 Annual Report Financial Section Non-Consolidated Financial Results Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROINVEST – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROBOND – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TRENDBOND – otevřený dluhopisový podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS korporátní dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., High Yield dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., BONDINVEST – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROTREND – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., GLOBAL STOCKS FF – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TOP STOCKS – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., VYVÁŽENÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., DYNAMICKÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., AKCIOVÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Smíšený fond – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., PLUS – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., FOND ŘÍZENÝCH VÝNOSŮ – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS fond životního cyklu 2020 FF – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS fond životního cyklu 2030 FF – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., LIKVIDITNÍ FOND – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Privátní portfolio AR 0 – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Privátní portfolio AR 25 – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Privátní portfolio AR 50 – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Privátní portfolio AR 75 – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Privátní portfolio AR AKCIE – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Privátní portfolio AR REALITY – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Privátní portfolio AR ALTERNATIVNÍ INVESTICE – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Institucionální akciový FF – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Dluhopisový fond – otevřený podílový fond Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., CERTIFIKÁTOVÝ FOND – otevřený podílový fond 77 94 113 132 149 167 184 201 219 235 251 268 285 302 319 336 353 370 386 402 418 433 449 465 481 497 513 529 546 562 578 74 Independent Auditor’s Report To the Shareholder of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s.: I. We have audited the financial statements of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. (“the Company”) as at 31 December 2013 presented in the annual report of the Company on pages 77–93 and our audit report dated 4 February 2014 stated the following: “We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December 2013, and the income statement, statement of changes in equity for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. For details of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. see Note 1 to the financial statements. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Act on Auditors and International Standards on Auditing as amended by implementation guidance of the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including an assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. as at 31 December 2013, and its financial performance for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic.” II. We have also audited the consistency of the annual report with the financial statements described above. The management of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. is responsible for the accuracy of the annual report. Our responsibility is to express, based on our audit, an opinion on the consistency of the annual report with the financial statements. We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing and the related implementation guidance issued by the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance as to whether the information presented in the annual report that describes the facts reflected in the financial statements is consistent, in all material respects, with the financial statements. We have checked that the accounting information presented in the annual report on pages 1–73 is consistent with that contained in the audited financial statements as at 31 December 2013. Our work as auditors was confined to checking the annual report with the aforementioned scope and did not include a review of any information other than that drawn from the audited accounting records of the Company. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. Based on our audit, the accounting information presented in the annual report is consistent, in all material respects, with the financial statements described above. A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited, Ernst & Young Audit, s. r. o. with its registred office at Na Florenci 2116/15, 110 00 Prague 1 – Nové Město, has been incorporated in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, entry No. 88504, under Identification No. 26704153. 75 III. In addition, we have reviewed the accuracy of the information contained in the report on related parties of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. for the year ended 31 December 2013 presented in the annual report of the Company on pages 70–72. As described in the report on related parties, the Company prepared this report in accordance with Act on Commercial Corporations, effective from 1 January 2014. The management of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. is responsible for the preparation and accuracy of the report on related parties. Our responsibility is to issue a report based on our review. We conducted our review in accordance with the applicable International Standard on Review Engagements and the related Czech standard No. 56 issued by the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic. Those standards require that we plan and perform the review to obtain moderate assurance as to whether the report on related parties is free from material misstatement. The review is limited primarily to enquiries of company personnel, to analytical procedures applied to financial data and to examining, on a test basis, the accuracy of information, and thus provides less assurance than an audit. We have not performed an audit and, accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion. Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the report on related parties of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. for the year ended 31 December 2013 is materially misstated. 30 May 2014 Prague, Czech Republic Ernst & Young Audit, s.r.o. License No. 401 Represented by partner Roman Hauptfleisch Auditor, Licence no. 2009 A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited, Ernst & Young Audit, s. r. o. with its registred office at Na Florenci 2116/15, 110 00 Prague 1 – Nové Město, has been incorporated in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, entry No. 88504, under Identification No. 26704153. 76 Independent Auditor’s Report To the Shareholder of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s.: We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December 2013, and the income statement, statement of changes in equity for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. For details of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. see Note 1 to the financial statements. Managemenťs Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from materiál misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Act on Auditors and International Standards on Auditing as amended by implementation guidance of the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and pian and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from materiál misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including an assessment of the risks of materiál misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all materiál respects, the financial position of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. as at 31 December 2013, and its financial performance for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic. 4 February 2014 Prague, Czech Republic Ernst & Young Audit, s.r.o. License No. 401 Represented by partner Roman Hauptfleisch Auditor, Licence no. 2009 A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited, Ernst & Young Audit, s. r. o. with its registred office at Na Florenci 2116/15, 110 00 Prague 1 – Nové Město, has been incorporated in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, entry No. 88504, under Identification No. 26704153. 77 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., 2013 Annual Report Balance Sheet at 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) Line Current year Prior year Gross Adjustments Net Net 005 006 014 019 022 024 025 027 028 029 031 131,265 131,265 70,330 3,288 12,849 63,084 764 4 5,649 56,667 898 0 0 0 (3,288) (11,711) 0 0 0 0 0 0 131,265 131,265 70,330 0 1,138 63,084 764 4 5,649 56,667 898, 69,500 69,500 68,985 0 543 58,431 1,121 3,709 2,291 51,310 724 032 281,714 (14,999) 266,715 198,183 Line Current year Prior year 042 043 045 047 048 049 056 057 060 061 063 070 071 072 103,781 30,345 6,725 503 1,719 64,489 70,000 70,000 14,212 14,000 212 32,358 46,364 266,715 61,103 754 2,405 593 13,478 43,873 70,000 70,000 14,222 14,000 222 18,984 33,874 198,183 Assets 3 Amounts due from banks a) Repayable on demand 6 Shares, participation certificates and other interests 9 Intangible fixed assets 10 Tangible fixed assets 11 Other assets a) Trade receivables c) State – tax receivables d) Deferred tax asset e) Other 13 Prepayments and accrued income Total assets (in thousands CZK) Liabilities 4 Other liabilities a) Trade payables c) State – tax liabilities e) Social security payables f) Payables to employees g) Other payables 8 Share capital a) Registered share capital paid up 10 Reserve funds and other funds from profit a) Mandatory reserve funds and risk funds c) Other funds from profit 14 Retained earnings 15 Profit or loss for the period Total liabilities 78 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., 2013 Annual Report Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 1 Interest income and similar income 3 Income from shares and unit certificates c) Other income from shares and unit certificates 4 Commission and fee income a) Management fee c) Other finance income 5 Commission and fee expenses a) Brokerage fees for the sale of participation certificates c) Fees associated with the management of assets of funds e) Other finance expenses 6 Net profit or loss from financial operations 7 Other operating income 8 9 11 19 23 24 a) Revenues from the sale of fixed assets and material b) Other Other operating expenses a) Net book value of intangible and tangible fixed assets and materials sold b) Other Administrative expenses a) Personnel expenses aa) Wages and salaries ab) Social security and health insurance ac) Other personnel expenses b) Other administrative expenses Depreciation, creation and use of reserves and provisions a) Depreciation of tangible fixed assets Profit or loss for the period from ordinary operations before taxation Income tax a) Current income tax b) Deferred income tax Profit and loss for the period after tax Line Current Period Previous Period 05 08 09 10 12 13 14 16 18 19 20 32 30 30 506,590 506,410 180 347,639 330,624 12,228 4,787 1,187 45 274 0 0 482,301 482,121 180 334,990 312,482 11,532 10,976 4,357 0 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 43 47 48 49 50 1 44 1,731 0 1,731 100,802 65 387 50,324 14,140 923 35,415 159 159 57,553 11,189 14,547 (3,358) 46,364 0 0 2,234 0 2,234 107,153 64,514 56,053 7,531 930 42,639 267 267 42,288 8,414 6,280 2,134 33,874 79 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., 2013 Annual Report Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 31 December 2013 Profit / loss for the current period Total 7,918 34,172 126,309 11,066 (22,606) (11,066) (500) 33,874 (22,606) 0 0 (497) 33,874 18,984 18,984 33,874 33,874 137,080 137,080 13,374 (20,000) (13,374) (500) 46,364 (20,000) 0 0 (510) 46,364 32,358 46,364 162,934 (in thousands CZK) Share capital Reserve funds Other funds from profit Retained earnings Balance at 1 Jan 2012 70,000 14,000 219 Dividends Transfer to retained earnings Allocation to funds Use of funds Net profit/loss for the period Balance at 31 Dec 2012 Balance at 1 Jan 2013 500 (497) 70,000 70,000 14,000 14,000 Dividends Transfer to retained earnings Allocation to funds Use of funds Net profit/loss for the period Balance at 31 Dec 2013 222 222 500 (510) 70,000 14,000 212 80 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., 2013 Annual Report Notes to the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2013 1. Organisation and Description of Business Members of Statutory Bodies as at 31 December 2013: Formation and Description of the Business Board of Directors Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. (hereinafter “ISČS” or the “Company”) was incorporated by an entry in the Commercial Register kept in the Regional Court in Prague, Section B, Insert 1154, on 27 December 1991. Ing. Martin Řezáč, Chairman Ing. Štěpán Mikolášek, Vice-chairman Adrianus Janmaat, Member Supervisory Board As part of the transformation of the Financial Group of Česká spořitelna (hereinafter the “ČS”), the Company’s name was changed from Spořitelní investiční společnost, a. s. to Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. based on a resolution of the Municipal Court in Prague. This change was entered into the Commercial Register on 15 August 2001. Mag. Heinz Bednar, Chairman Christian Schön, Vice-chairman Günther Mandl, Member Ing. Daniel Heler, Member Ing. Jiří Škorvaga, CSc., Member Ing. Pavel Kráčmar, Member Česká spořitelna, a. s., acts as a depository of ISČS. Mr. Martin Rezac became the Chairman of the Board of Directors as of 2 April 2013, after Mr. Martin Burda resigned from this function as of 31 March 2013. Shareholders of the Company As at 31 December 2013, the ISČS’s sole shareholder is Erste Asset Management GmbH (with its registered office at Habsburgergasse 2, 1010 Vienna, Austria), holding 100 percent of the share capital. Mr. Christian Schön became the new member of the Supervisory Board as of 31 October 2013, and subsequently was elected vicechairman of the Supervisory Board from 29 January 2014. Mr. Petr Bobysud terminated a membership in the Supervisory as of 6 September 2013. The Company’s Registered Office Address Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. Evropská 2690/17, 160 00 Prague 6, Dejvice Czech Republic Organisational Structure CEO Finance & Operations Portfolio Management Fund Management Office Management Private Clients Equity Funds Reporting Institutional Clients Bond Funds Compliance Product Management Risk Management The organisational structure of ISČS is defined in the Organisational Rules which set out duties, authorities and accountability of individual departments of ISČS. No changes in the organisational structure of the Company occurred in 2013. 81 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., 2013 Annual Report – Management of customer assets following the contracts with a customer, if the assets include an investment instrument. As at 31 December 2013, ISČS managed the following open-ended mutual funds: ISČS, a. s. – FOND ŘÍZENÝCH VÝNOSŮ – otevřený podílový fond ISČS, a. s. – AKCIOVÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond ISČS, a. s. – DYNAMICKÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond ISČS, a. s. – VYVÁŽENÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond ISČS, a. s. – SPOROINVEST – otevřený podílový fond ISČS, a. s. – SPOROBOND – otevřený podílový fond ISČS, a. s. – SPOROTREND – otevřený podílový fond ISČS, a. s. – BONDINVEST – otevřený podílový fond ISČS, a. s. – GLOBAL STOCKS FF – otevřený podílový fond ISČS, a. s. – TRENDBOND – otevřený dluhopisový podílový fond ISČS, a. s. – ČS korporátní dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond ISČS, a. s. – KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond ISČS, a. s. – High Yield dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond ISČS, a. s. – TOP STOCKS – otevřený podílový fond ISČS, a. s. – Fond 2005 – otevřený podílový fond ISČS, a. s. – ČS fond životního cyklu 2020 FF – otevřený podílový fond ISČS, a. s. – ČS fond životního cyklu 2030 FF – otevřený podílový fond ISČS, a. s. – Privátní portfolio AR 25 – otevřený podílový fond ISČS, a. s. – Privátní portfolio AR 50 – otevřený podílový fond ISČS, a. s. – Privátní portfolio AR 75 – otevřený podílový fond ISČS, a. s. – Privátní portfolio AR 0 – otevřený podílový fond ISČS, a. s. – Institucionální akciový FF – otevřený podílový fond ISČS, a. s. – LIKVIDITNÍ FOND – otevřený podílový fond ISČS, a. s. – OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 – otevřený podílový fond ISČS, a. s. – Privátní portfolio AR ALTERNATIVNÍ INVESTICE – otevřený podílový fond ISČS, a. s. – Privátní portfolio AR REALITY – otevřený podílový fond ISČS, a. s. – Privátní portfolio AR AKCIE – otevřený podílový fond ISČS, a. s. – Smíšený fond – otevřený podílový fond ISČS, a. s. – PLUS – otevřený podílový fond ISČS, a. s. – Dluhopisový fond – otevřený podílový fond ISČS, a. s. – CERTIFIKÁTOVÝ FOND – otevřený podílový fond The financial statements are based on the accrual principle, that is, transactions and other events are recognised in the accounting period in which they occur, regardless of when the related monetary flow arises. The financial statements are presented in compliance with the prudence concept and the going concern assumption. 17 December 2012 the Czech National bank granted to the investment company permission for creation of the new special securities fund, Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., CERTIFIKÁTOVÝ FOND – otevřený podílový fond (resolution 2012/12370/570). The resolution became effective on 17 December 2012. First participation certificates were issued on 15 January 2013. The presentation of the financial statements requires that ISČS make estimates which have an impact on the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and contingent assets and liabilities as at the date of the financial statements as well as expenses and income in the relevant accounting period. These estimates are based on information available as at the date of the financial statements and may differ from the actual results. Principal Business The financial statements contain the balance sheet, profit and loss account, statement of changes in equity, and notes to the financial statements. The principal business activities of the Company are as follows: – Collective investment involving the formation and management of mutual funds; – Management of investment funds on the basis of a management contract; – Management of assets in the mutual fund or other investment company or the assets of the investment fund which did not enter into the management contract; – Activities relating to collective investments such as services for other investment companies or an investment fund which did not enter into the management contract; ISČS operates solely on the Czech market, and all revenues are generated in the Czech Republic. The authorisation for the activities of an investment company was granted by the Czech National Bank on 26 April 2006, ref. no. 41/N/134/2005/5. The resolution took legal effect on 18 May 2006. This authorisation replaces a permission granted by the Czech Finance Ministry and approved by the Securities Commission through its resolution dated 26 April 1999, ref no. 111/2648/R/1999; this resolution took legal effect on 4 May 1999. The original resolution of the Czech Ministry of Finance dated 19 April 1993, ref. no. 101/21 693/93, took effect on 10 May 1993. 2. Basis of Preparation The financial statements have been prepared on the basis of underlying accounting records maintained in accordance with Accounting Act 563/1991 Coll., and applicable regulations and decrees in compliance with and in the scope defined in Czech Finance Ministry Regulation No. 501/2002, as amended. This sets out the overall framework for the presentation of the financial statements, and guidelines for the structure and minimum requirements for the content of the financial statements of banks and certain financial institutions, and Czech Accounting Standards for Financial Institutions. All amounts are stated in Czech Crowns (CZK). Thousands of CZK are the measurement unit, unless stated otherwise. The financial statements, including notes, are unconsolidated. Explanation Added for Translation into English These financial statements are presented on the basis of accounting principles and standards generally accepted in the Czech Republic. 82 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., 2013 Annual Report Certain accounting practices applied by the Company that conform with generally accepted accounting principles and standards in the Czech Republic may not conform with generally accepted accounting principles in other countries. 3. Accounting Policies 3.1 Transaction Recognition Date ISČS recognises the sales or purchases of securities using settlement date accounting. Transactions with securities outstanding at the end of the month are accounted for in the off-balance sheet accounts from their trade date to their settlement date and are thereafter revaluated at fair value through the balance sheet. The transaction recognition date can also be the date when money in circulation is paid or received, the date when foreign currency is purchased or sold, the date when a payment is made, the date when ownership right is acquired or terminated, when a receivable or payable arises, changes or ceases to exist, when assets move within an accounting entity, and the date when other matters to be included in the accounting records occur, or when the documents supporting these other matters are available, or when other matters are a consequence of internal conditions of the accounting entity and/or special regulations. 3.2 Valuation of Assets and Liabilities 3.2.1 Tangible and Intangible Assets Tangible fixed assets include identifiable assets with physical substance which have an estimated useful life greater than one year and an acquisition cost greater than CZK 40 thousand. Intangible fixed assets include identifiable assets with physical substance which have an estimated useful life greater than one year and an acquisition cost greater than CZK 60 thousand. Tangible and intangible fixed assets are stated at an acquisition cost less accumulated depreciation and accumulated amortisation, respectively, expressing the degree of the assets’ wear and tear. Land and works of art, irrespective of their valuation, and assets under construction are not depreciated. line basis over their estimated useful lives and according to the depreciation/amortisation plan. Depreciation/amortisation periods of the individual asset categories: Assets Software Movable assets and sets of movable assets Depreciation/ amortisation period 4-8 years 4-12 years 3.2.2 Securities Upon acquisition, in accordance with ISČS’s strategy, all securities are included in the portfolio of securities measured at fair value through profit or loss. Securities are measured at cost upon acquisition. The cost includes direct transaction costs related to the acquisition of securities. ISČS re-measures securities at fair value as at the last day of each month and as at the date the sale is realised. Capital gains or losses are recorded in the profit and loss account through the ‘Profit or loss from financial operations’. The fair value of securities is determined with reference to the market value applicable as at the date of the fair value measurement, if the securities can be sold for that price. 3.2.3 Provisions Provisions are made against assets and other assets which are not re-measured at fair value or are not valued under the equity method in cases where temporary asset impairment is identified. Provisions are subject to year-end review procedures when their level and appropriateness are assessed. As at 31 December 2013 and 2012, ISČS did not make any provisions. 3.2.4 Equity The provisions are recorded against assets whenever temporary asset impairment is identified. If the impairment is permanent, the assets are written off. The basic capital of the Company is stated at the amount recorded in the Commercial Register maintained in the Municipal Court. Any increase or decrease in the basic capital made pursuant to the decision of the General Meeting which was not entered in the Commercial Register as at the financial statements date is recorded through changes in basic capital. Contributions in excess of basic capital are recorded as share premium. Other capital funds consist of monetary and non-monetary contributions in excess of basic capital, tangible assets donations, etc. Tangible and intangible fixed assets are depreciated/amortised for accounting purposes in the month following the month the assets are put into use. The assets are depreciated/amortised on a straight In accordance with the Commercial Code, the Company creates a legal reserve fund from profit or from amounts contributed by partners above their contributions. Tangible assets with an acquisition price below CZK 40 thousand and intangible assets with a price below CZK 60 thousand are charged to expenses in the period in which they were acquired. 83 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., 2013 Annual Report In the first year in which profit is generated, a joint-stock company should allocate 20% of profit after tax (however, not more than 10% of basic capital) to the legal reserve fund. In subsequent years, the legal reserve fund is allocated 5% of profit after tax until the fund reaches 20% of basic capital. These funds can only be used to offset losses. In accordance with its Articles of Association, the Company creates social fund. 3.2.5 Reserves Reserves are liabilities of uncertain timing or amount. A reserve is recognised when the Company has a present obligation (legal or constructive) as a result of a past event, it is probable (i.e. more likely than not) that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation and a reasonably reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation. Reserves are used exclusively for the purposes they were created for. Reserve balances are reviewed annually, and the reserves are reversed or carried forward based on the review results. 3.2.6 Income Tax The income tax base is calculated from the current year’s profit or loss by adding all tax non-deductible expenses and subtracting non-taxable income and items adjusting the tax base. The current income tax liability is calculated at the end the tax period in compliance with Income Taxes Act No. 586/1992 Coll., as amended. The tax rate for 2013 is 19 percent (2012: 19 percent). The deferred tax liability (asset) is determined from all temporary differences between the reported carrying amount of assets and liabilities and their value for tax purposes. Deferred tax is calculated using the balance sheet liability method. The balance sheet liability method focuses on all temporary differences between the tax base of an asset or liability and its carrying amount in the balance sheet. The amount of a deferred tax asset or liability is calculated as equal to the resulting difference multiplied by the income tax rate set out in Income Taxes Act No. 586/1992 Coll. that is expected to apply in the period when the tax liability is settled or the tax asset realised. are translated at the Czech National Bank’s exchange rate prevailing as at that date. 3.2.8 Use of Estimates The preparation of financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. The Company management prepared these estimates and predictions based on all available relevant information. These estimates and assumptions are based on information available as at the date of the financial statements and may differ from actual results. 3.3 Income and Expenses Recognition Policies 3.3.1 Interest Income Interest income from current and term accounts placed with banks is, based on a bank statement, posted to income against the appropriate balance sheet account. At the balance sheet date, the prorated amount of interest from term deposits is recognised using the accrual principle, i.e. in the period to which it relates irrespective of the time of its receipt. Accrued interest income related to the assets is accounted for together with these assets on the face of the balance sheet. 3.3.2 Interest Expenses Interest expenses from loans are, based on a bank statement, posted to expenses against the appropriate balance sheet account. At the balance sheet date, the pro-rated amount of interest from loans is recognised using the accrual principle, i.e. in the period to which it relates irrespective of the time of its payment. Accrued interest expenses related to the liabilities are accounted for together with these liabilities on the face of the balance sheet. 3.3.3 Fees and Commissions Fees and commissions are accrued and posted to the income statement, except for the commission paid upon the acquisition of securities where the commission is part of the cost of the security. 3.3.4 Subsequent Events Deferred tax liabilities are always recognised while deferred tax assets are recognised only up to the amount of probable future taxable income against which the deferred tax asset can be offset. If the deferred tax asset is not likely to be realised, it is appropriately written down. The impact of events that occurred between the balance sheet date and the date of the financial statements preparation is recognized in the financial statements provided these events provide additional evidence about conditions that existed at the date of the balance sheet. 3.2.7 Foreign Currency Translations If material events reflecting the facts occurring after the balance sheet date happened between the balance sheet date and the date of the financial statements preparation the consequences of these events are disclosed in the notes to the financial statements but not recognized in the financial statements. ISČS translates foreign currencies using the foreign exchange rate promulgated by the Czech National Bank as at the relevant date. Exchange rate gains and losses are recorded as income or expenses, as appropriate, which are reported in the income statement through the ‘Net profit or loss from financial operations’. At the date of the financial statements, the relevant assets and liabilities 84 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., 2013 Annual Report 4. Used Financial Instruments 4.1 Risk Management ISČS monitors the market risks associated with its portfolio on an ongoing basis. ISČS follows its policies of management of own assets. The purpose of investment is always either achieving additional gains on excess liquidity or support of investment products of ISČS. The portfolio primarily comprises participation certificates of open-ended mutual funds managed by ISČS for which a sound risk monitoring, measuring and assessment framework was established together with an appropriate set of tools, which provides for both the mediated management of the risk attached to ISČS’s securities portfolio via the funds’ risk management and the monitoring of an overall risk via Value at Risk (VAR). ISČS also regularly assesses volume of equity compared to the undertaken risks and it monitors its adequacy. In managing the risk exposure of funds, ISČS employs a wide range of tools for measuring, managing and, mainly, eliminating the risk exposure of the particular portfolios with significant attention being paid to market risks, operational risks, concentration risks and counterparty risk (credit risks). Risk management also includes managing the funds’ performance that is, measuring the performance of funds, comparing it against the competition as well as the benchmark in particular cases where applicable for the fund. In addition to statutory restrictions, the funds are subject to a set of internal limits which have a direct impact on the allocation of investment products on the particular markets by their risk profiles, the maximum FX exposure, the modified duration zone within which the individual funds fall, rating structure of portfolios, etc. The relevant limits are applied to the individual funds to correspond with the funds’ nature. The VaR of all funds is assessed on daily basis, broken down to FX VaR, Interest Rate VaR and Equity VaR and to the global VaR of the fund’s assets. The above values serve as a basis for the identification of critical risk areas/segments. This identification has an impact on the re-investment process. Limits are also set for VaR of the individual funds, either as compared to the risk of the benchmark (relative limit) or as a maximum value of the VaR (absolute limit). To assess the impact of extremely unfavourable market conditions, a maximum loss resulting from stress situations is estimated for each fund. These situations particularly include critical developments in interest rates, equity markets and foreign exchange rates. Stress testing is performed based on stress scenarios taking into account the risk characteristics of individual funds. Major attention is paid to those risk factors that the Company is most vulnerable to. Adherence to the above-mentioned limits is reviewed on an ongoing basis together with the effectiveness of the setting of the limits. The limits are adjusted as needed. 5. Additional Information on the Financial Statements 5.1 Amounts due from banks Amounts due from banks 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Repayable on demand 131,625 69,500 Total 131,625 69,500 All amounts due from banks are repayable on demand. The contractual interest rate repricing dates for all receivables from banks are less than three months. 5.2 Securities All securities are maintained in the portfolio of securities at fair value through profit or loss. Shares and Participation Certificates At 31 Dec 2013 ERSTE koš firemních dluhopisů 2016 Privátní portfolio AR AKCIE OPF PLUS otevřený podílový fond Smíšený OPF Fond 2005 Shares in total Number of participation certificates Nominal value in CZK Rate in CZK Total fair value 227,264 1,590,674 39,767,374 1,272 1,457,938 100 1 1 1,000 1 112.86 1.1288 1.0183 840.7928 0.9060 25,649 1,796 40,495 1,069 1,321 70,330 85 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., 2013 Annual Report At 31 Dec 2012 ERSTE koš firemních dluhopisů 2016 Smíšený fond PLUS otevřený podílový fond Privátní portfolio AR AKCIE Fond 2005 Number of participation certificates Nominal value in CZK Rate in CZK Total fair value 227,264 1,235 39,767,374 1,590,674 1,457,938 100 1,000 1 1 1 109.47 792.4847 1.019 0.9467 0.7538 24,878 979 40,523 1,506 1,099 Total participation certificates 68,985 A change in real value of participation certificates for year 2013 amounted to CZK 1,316 thousand (2012: CZK 2,410 thousand) has been stated at entry Net profit or loss from Financial Operations. 5.3 Intangible and Tangible Assets 5.3.1 Intangible Fixed Assets Cost Software Total Balance at 1 Jan 2012 Additions Disposals Balance at 31 Dec 2012 Additions Disposals 3,288 – – 3,288 – – 3,288 – – 3,288 – – Balance at 31 Dec 2013 3,288 3,288 Software Total Balance at 1 Jan 2012 Amortisation Accumulated amortisation of disposals Balance at 31 Dec 2012 Amortisation Accumulated amortisation of disposals 3,288 – – 3,288 – – 3,288 – – 3,288 – – Balance at 31 Dec 2013 3,288 3,288 Accumulated Amortisation Net book value at 31 Dec 2012 − − Net book value at 31 Dec 2013 − − Low value Works of art tangible assets Total 5.3.2 Tangible Fixed Assets Cost Movable assets and sets of movable assets Balance at 1 Jan 2012 13,456 729 370 14,555 Additions Disposals – (1,034) – (729) – – (1,763) Balance at 31 Dec 2012 12,422 – 370 12,792 755 (698) – – – – 755 (698) 12,479 – 370 12,849 Additions Disposals Balance at 31 Dec 2013 86 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., 2013 Annual Report Accumulated Depreciation Movable assets and sets of movable assets Balance at 1 Jan 2012 Depreciation incl. NBV of disposed assets Accumulated depreciation of disposals Balance at 31 Dec 2012 Depreciation incl. NBV of disposed assets Accumulated depreciation of disposals Balance at 31 Dec 2013 Low value Works of art tangible assets Total 12,944 729 – 13,673 267 (962) – (729) – – 267 (1,691) 12,249 – – 12,249 159 (697) – – – – 159 (697) 11,711 – – 11,711 Low value Works of art tangible assets Total Movable assets and sets of movable assets Net book value at 31 Dec 2012 173 – 370 543 Net book value at 31 Dec 2013 768 – 370 1,138 5.3.3 Tangible Assets Held under Finance Lease Agreements During 2013 and 2012 ISČS did not acquire any assets under finance lease agreements. 5.4 Other Assets 5.4.1 Trade Receivables Trade receivables 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Receivables from related parties Other trade receivables 690 74 690 431 Total 764 1,121 ISČS carries no trade receivables past their due dates. 5.4.2 Receivables from Related Parties Receivables from related parties 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Česká spořitelna, a. s 690 690 Total 690 690 The receivable from Česká spořitelna, a. s. totalling CZK 690 thousand comprises advances for lease-related services. 5.5 Tax Receivables For detailed information on tax receivables and the deferred tax asset refer to Notes 5.23 and 5.25. 5.6 Other Assets – Other Other 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Estimated receivables of which: estimated receivables from related parties 56,667 56,667 51,308 51,308 Total 56,667 51,308 87 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., 2013 Annual Report 5.6.1 Estimated Receivables Estimated receivables from related parties 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 ISČS, a. s. – OPF BONDINVEST ISČS, a. s. – OPF SPOROINVEST ISČS, a. s. – OPF SPOROBOND ISČS, a. s. – OPF KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF ISČS, a. s. – OPF SPOROTREND ISČS, a. s. – OPF FOND ŘÍZENÝCH VÝNOSŮ ISČS, a. s. – OPF AKCIOVÝ MIX FF ISČS, a. s. – OPF VYVÁŽENÝ MIX FF ISČS, a. s. – TRENDBOND otevřený dluhopisový podílový fond ISČS, a. s. – OPF ČS korporátní dluhopisový ISČS, a. s. – OPF DYNAMICKÝ MIX FF ISČS, a. s. – OPF GLOBAL STOCKS FF ISČS, a. s. – OPF TOP STOCKS ISČS, a. s. – OPF High Yield dluhopisový ISČS, a. s. – OPF ČS fond životního cyklu 2020 FF ISČS, a. s. – OPF ČS fond životního cyklu 2030 FF ISČS, a. s. – OPF Privátní portfolio AR 25 ISČS, a. s. – OPF Privátní portfolio AR 50 ISČS, a. s. – OPF Privátní portfolio AR 75 ISČS, a. s. – OPF Privátní portfolio AR 0 ISČS, a. s. – OPF Fond 2005 ISČS, a. s. – OPF Institucionální akciový FF ISČS, a. s. – OPF LIKVIDITNÍ FOND ISČS, a. s. – OPF OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 (dříve Fond cíleného výnosu) ISČS, a. s. – OPF PLUS ISČS, a. s. – OPF Privátní portfolio AR AKCIE ISČS, a. s. – OPF Privátní portfolio AR ALTERNATIVNÍ INVESTICE ISČS, a. s. – OPF Privátní portfolio AR REALITY ISČS, a. s. – OPF Smíšený fond ISČS, a. s. – OPF Dluhopisový fond ISČS, a. s. – OPF CERTIFIKÁTOVÝ FOND Česká spořitelna, a. s. – institucionální investoři Česká spořitelna, a. s. – privátní investoři ERSTE – Sparinvest KAG – ESPA Fiducia ERSTE – Sparinvest KAG – ESPA Český fond firemních dluhopisů ERSTE – Sparinvest KAG – ESPA Český fond státních dluhopisů 45 4,900 9,135 1,538 5,209 499 876 1,166 1,043 1,963 723 621 5,365 1,084 492 166 994 282 65 152 461 549 142 647 67 244 228 108 226 99 68 10,600 5,765 130 642 373 54 8,037 8,365 330 6,022 540 785 1,019 875 1,143 656 475 3,989 546 447 130 774 387 99 199 378 590 235 737 71 116 115 55 209 62 – 8,546 5,322 – – – Total 56,667 51,308 Estimated receivables consist of income arising from management fees and fees for management of Česká spořitelna, a. s. customers’ assets for December. 5.7 Deferred Expenses and Accrued Income Deferred expenses and accrued income 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Deferred expenses 898 724 Total 898 724 Deferred expenses principally comprise costs of the use of Bloomberg terminals. 5.8 Other Liabilities 88 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., 2013 Annual Report 5.8.1 Trade Payables Trade payables 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Payables to related parties out of which to Česká spořitelna, a. s. Other trade payables 30,017 30,017 327 78 78 676 Total 30,344 754 The payables to related parties as at 31 December 2013 comprised mainly of payables to Česká spořitelna, a. s. arising from the participation certificates distribution fee for November. As at 31 December 2012, the distribution fee for November was settled. 5.9 Tax Payables and the Deferred Tax Liability For detailed information on tax payables and the deferred tax liability refer to Notes 5.24 and 5.25. 5.10 Other Payables Other payables 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Estimated payables 64,489 43,873 Total 64,489 43,873 Estimated payables principally comprise estimated balances raised for fees for the distribution of participation certificates and loyalty bonuses for December 2013 amounting to CZK 28,969 thousand (2012: CZK 27,629 thousand). Additionally, the estimated payables include the annual bonuses of the Company’s employees, including contributions to social security and health insurance to be paid next year, in the amount of CZK 29,846 thousand (2011: CZK 12,277 thousand) and unbilled supplies provided shortly before the year-end. 5.11 Reserves The Company does not have any reserves created neither at the end of the year 2013, nor 2012. 5.12 Share Capital The share capital of ISČS consists of 700 registered certificate shares, not publicly marketable, with a nominal value of CZK 100 thousand, i.e. a total of CZK 70,000 thousand. 5.13 Distribution of Profit The balance of ISČS’s legal reserve fund is equal to 20 percent of the share capital as required by law. Pursuant to the decision of the sole shareholder of 15 March 2013, ISČS paid a dividend of CZK 20,000 thousand to Erste Asset Management GmbH as the sole shareholder from the profit for the year ended 31 December 2012. A portion of the profit generated in 2012 in the amount of CZK 500 thousand was used as an allocation to the social fund. The profit for the year ended 31 December 2013 of CZK 46,364 thousand will be allocated on the basis of a decision of the sole shareholder acting in the capacity of the general meeting under Section 190 of the Commercial Code. 5.14 Interest Income and Similar Income Interest income and similar income 2013 2012 Income from receivables from banks 32 274 Total 32 274 In addition to interest income, dividends out of share certificates in the amount of CZK 30 thousand were paid to ISČS in 2013 (2012: CZK 0 thousand). 89 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., 2013 Annual Report 5.15 Commission and Fee Income The commission and fee income principally consists of management fees paid by individual funds and fees for management of Česká spořitelna, a. s. customers’ assets, as follows. Income – management fees relating to open–ended mutual funds 2013 2012 ISČS, a. s. – OPF SPOROINVEST ISČS, a. s. – OPF SPOROBOND ISČS, a. s. – OPF SPOROTREND ISČS, a. s. – OPF BONDINVEST ISČS, a. s. – OPF FOND ŘÍZENÝCH VÝNOSŮ ISČS, a. s. – OPF AKCIOVÝ MIX FF ISČS, a. s. – OPF DYNAMICKÝ MIX FF ISČS, a. s. – OPF VYVÁŽENÝ MIX FF ISČS, a. s. – OPF GLOBAL STOCKS FF ISČS, a. s. – TRENDBOND otevřený dluhopisový podílový fond ISČS, a. s. – OPF ČS korporátní dluhopisový ISČS, a. s. – OPF KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF ISČS, a. s. – OPF TOP STOCKS ISČS, a. s. – OPF High Yield dluhopisový ISČS, a. s. – OPF PF 2 ISČS, a. s. – OPF ČS fond životního cyklu 2020 FF ISČS, a. s. – OPF ČS fond životního cyklu 2030 FF ISČS, a. s. – OPF Privátní portfolio AR 25 OPF ISČS, a. s. – OPF Privátní portfolio AR 50 OPF ISČS, a. s. – OPF Privátní portfolio AR 75 OPF ISČS, a. s. – OPF Privátní portfolio AR 0 OPF ISČS, a. s. – OPF Fond 2005 ISČS, a. s. – OPF Institucionální akciový FF ISČS, a. s. – OPF PF 1 ISČS, a. s. – OPF LIKVIDITNÍ FOND ISČS, a. s. – OPF OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 ISČS, a. s. – OPF PLUS ISČS, a. s. – OPF Privátní portfolio AR AKCIE ISČS, a. s. – OPF Privátní portfolio AR ALTERNATIVNÍ INVESTICE ISČS, a. s. – OPF Privátní portfolio AR REALITY ISČS, a. s. – OPF Smíšený fond ISČS, a. s. – OPF Dluhopisový fond ISČS, a. s. – OPF CERTIFIKÁTOVÝ FOND Česká spořitelna, a. s. – institucionální investoři Česká spořitelna, a. s. – privátní investoři ERSTE – Sparinvest KAG – ESPA Fiducia ERSTE – Sparinvest KAG – ESPA Český fond firemních dluhopisů ERSTE – Sparinvest KAG – ESPA Český fond státních dluhopisů 75,769 108,069 63,855 598 6,171 10,158 8,386 13,003 6,491 12,557 20,996 11,469 53,045 10,390 – 5,599 1,787 10,558 3,935 917 2,208 5,112 6,135 – 1,865 8,749 857 2,157 2,106 1,006 2,616 848 686 29,592 14,093 551 2,554 1,522 106,019 86,048 72,167 651 6,602 9,457 7,962 14,545 6,025 10,284 9,848 5,038 44,099 5,203 6,023 5,124 1,422 9,352 5,385 1,211 2,277 4,425 4,262 13 2,388 10,830 922 1,168 1,363 577 2,543 709 – 24,866 13,313 – – – Total 506,410 482,121 5.16 Commission and Fee Expenses Fee expenses are predominantly composed of the fee paid for the distribution of participation certificates, evidence of separate records related to the participation certificates, and other selected activities related to the management of assets of the mutual funds of ISČS. The fees expenses are CZK 342,852 thousand in 2013 (2012: CZK 324,014 thousand). These fees are being paid to Česká spořitelna, a. s., and represent 74.84 percent in 2012 (2012: 72.99 percent) of the management fee income. 90 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., 2013 Annual Report 5.17 Net Profit or Loss from Financial Operations Net profit or loss from financial operations 2013 2012 From transactions with securities From foreign exchange differences 1,316 (129) 4,515 (158) Total 1,187 4,357 The net profit generated from and the net loss incurred in transactions with securities in 2013 and 2012, respectively comprised of realised and not realised gains/losses on the sale of participation certificates and the year-on-year increase/decrease in the foreign currency exchange rates of the participation certificates in the portfolio. 5.18 Other Operating Income and Expenses Other operating expenses primarily include contributions to the Securities Traders Guarantee Fund and the Capital Market Association, and logo usage costs. 5.19 Administrative Expenses Administrative expenses Personnel expenses Other administrative expenses of which: audit fees legal, tax and other consulting Total 2013 2012 65,387 35,415 172 1,561 64,514 42,639 329 2,242 100,802 107,153 Other administrative expenses principally include the costs of outsourcing, advertising, lease of data networks, and software maintenance. 5.20 Employees and Managers The average number of employees and managers along with personnel expenses were as follows: Number of employees Payroll costs Bonuses to members of statutory bodies Social security and health insurance Social expenses Employees Managers including Board members 19 3 35,914 14,230 – 180 10,361 3,779 386 537 Total 22 50,144 180 14,140 923 2012 Number of employees Payroll costs Bonuses to members of statutory bodies Social security and health insurance Social expenses Employees Managers including Board members 18 5 34,337 21,536 − 180 5,334 2,197 348 582 Total 23 55,873 180 7,531 930 2013 All ISČS employees have the right to undergo preventive medical checks covered by ISČS. All interested employees are eligible for inclusion in the retirement benefit scheme and the Flexi life insurance. Members of the Company’s Board of Directors are entitled to use company cars for both business and private purposes. 5.21 Bonuses and Loans to Members of Statutory and Supervisory Bodies During 2013, the members of the statutory bodies received bonuses of CZK 180 thousand (2012: CZK 180 thousand). 91 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., 2013 Annual Report 5.22 Income Tax The corporate income tax charge for the 2013 tax period was calculated at CZK 14,390 thousand (2012: CZK 6,692 thousand). Balance at Balance at 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Profit before tax Tax non–deductible expenses Non–taxable income Tax base Tax deductible donations 57,553 42,288 30,462 (12,278) 13,919 (20,984) 75,737 35,223 – – Adjusted tax base 75,737 35,223 Tax liability at 19 % (2011: 19 %) Adjustment of current tax for prior periods 14,390 157 6,692 (412) Total tax payable 14,547 6,280 5.23 Tax Receivable from the State As at 31 December 2013, the tax receivable predominantly comprises income tax prepayments of CZK 4 thousand (2012: CZK 3,709 thousand). 5.24 Tax Payable to the State As at 31 December 2013, the tax payable of CZK 6,725 thousand predominantly includes tax withheld from wages of employees, VAT and road tax. As at 31 December 2012, the tax payable of CZK 2,405 thousand predominantly includes income tax, tax withheld from wages of employees, VAT and road tax. 5.25 Deferred Tax Asset/Liability Balance at Balance at 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Deferred tax assets Outstanding social security and health insurance related to bonuses and compensated vacation Difference between the accounting and tax values of fixed assets 29,846 43 12,121 43 Total 29,899 12,164 Tax rate Total deferred tax assets Deferred tax liabilities Difference between the accounting and tax values of fixed assets Tax rate Total deferred tax liabilities Net deferred tax asset 19% 19% 5,679 2,312 160 19% 113 19% 30 5,649 21 2,291 6. Related parties Related parties are Erste Asset Management GmbH as the sole shareholder of ISČS, ERSTE – Sparinvest KAG, the members of the Financial Group of Česká spořitelna, a. s., and the open-ended mutual funds managed by ISČS and by ERSTE – Sparinvest KAG. For information on receivables and estimated receivables from and payables to the related parties refer to Notes 5.4., 5.6.1. and 5.8. As at 31 December 2013, ISČS managed thirty open-ended mutual funds; the total value of managed assets as of that date was CZK 54,979,580 thousand (2012: CZK 50,249,490 thousand; thirty funds). 92 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., 2013 Annual Report 7. Off-balance sheet assets and liabilities The off-balance sheet accounts include the managed assets of open-ended mutual funds with an aggregate value of CZK 54,979,580 thousand as at 31 December 2013 (2012: CZK 50,249,490 thousand). The Company has no assets or liabilities that were not disclosed in the balance sheet or off-balance sheet records. 8. Significant subsequent events No significant events occurred after the date of the financial statements, which would have a material impact on the Company’s financial statements. 93 Independent Auditor’s Report to the Participation certificate holders of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROINVEST – otevřený podílový fond We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December 2013, and the income statement and statement of changes in equity for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. For details of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, see Note 1 to the financial statements. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Act on Auditors and International Standards on Auditing as amended by implementation guidance of the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including an assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, as at 31 December 2013, and its financial performance for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic. 31 March 2014 Prague, Czech Republic Ernst & Young Audit, s.r.o. License No. 401 Represented by partner Roman Hauptfleisch Auditor, Licence no. 2009 A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited, Ernst & Young Audit, s. r. o. with its registred office at Na Florenci 2116/15, 110 00 Prague 1 – Nové Město, has been incorporated in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, entry No. 88504, under Identification No. 26704153. 94 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Balance Sheet at 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) Line Current Previous 01 02 03 06 10 11 12 13 15 16 18 19 21 2,530,653 1,119,329 1,250,654 160,670 10,443,253 3,571,296 6,871,957 241,572 29,209 24,414 4,731 64 0 4,712,313 1,996,006 2,702,479 13,828 11,447,793 6,270,923 5,176,870 125,345 46,467 46,119 0 348 27 22 13,244,687 16,331,945 29 30 32 33 34 39 40 41 46 47 178,872 165,564 0 13,308 5,605 (1,493,070) 7,375,888 6,965,421 171,351 40,620 264,928 231,825 14,218 18,885 9,698 (78,381) 7,105,592 8,588,461 171,351 270,296 TOTAL LIABILITIES 48 13,244,687 16,331,945 of which: Equity 49 13 060 210 16 057 319 3 Receivables from banks and credit unions of which: a/ on demand: aa/ current accounts ab/ term deposits ae/ collaterals 5 Debt securities of which: a/ issued by the government b/ issued by other entities 6 Shares, unit certificates and other participation interests 11 Other assets a/ derivatives c/ receivables from taxes d/ other assets 13 Prepayments and accrued income Total Assets 4 Other liabilities a/ derivatives c/ liabilities from taxes d/ other liabilities 5 Deferred income and accrued expenses 9 Share premium 10 Reserve funds and other funds from profit 12 Capital funds 14 Retained earnings or accumulated losses from previous periods 15 Profit or loss for the accounting period 95 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Off Balance Sheet Accounts at 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 4 Amounts due from fixed term transactions a/ with interest instruments b/ with currency instruments d/ with credit instruments 7 Assets provided into custody, administration and safekeeping of which: securities 12 Amounts owed from fixed term transactions a/ with interest instruments b/ with currency instruments d/ with credit instruments Line Current Previous 52 53 54 56 60 61 64 65 66 68 16,338,022 6,433,047 9,782,800 122,175 10,684,825 10,684,825 16,479,172 6,504,890 9,849,755 124,527 15,676,229 7,534,350 8,017,013 124,866 11,573,138 11,573,138 15,861,935 7,737,069 8,002,691 122,175 96 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 1 Interest income and similar income of which: a/ interest income from bonds d/ interest income from collaterals 2 Interest expenses and similar expenses b/ interest from received margins 3 Income from shares and unit certificates 5 Commission and fee expenses a/ fees and commissions from securities trading b/ management fee c/ custody fee d/ other financial expenses 6 Profit or loss on financial operations a/ profit or loss on transactions with securities b/ profit or loss on foreign exchange transactions c/ profit or loss on fixed term transactions and options 7 Other operating income 8 Other operating expense 9 Administrative expenses of which: b/ other administrative expenses: ba/ audit 19 Ordinary profit or loss for the accounting period before tax 23 Income tax 24 Profit or loss for the accounting period after tax Line Current Previous 01 02 05 06 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 26 30 31 365,769 360,157 89 4 4 1,293 98,525 10 75,775 12,396 10,344 (224,972) 554,538 24,178 (803,688) 0 1 666 666 42,894 2,274 40,620 381,439 349,093 2 1,977 0 1,010 136,431 6 106,010 19,435 10,980 41,205 (33,900) (3,245) 78,350 1 1 787 787 284,459 14,163 270,296 97 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) Line 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Current Previous (78,381) 1,293,865 (2,708,554) 0 (1,493,070) 2,203,341 1,042,976 (3,324,698) 0 (78,381) 7,105,592 270,296 0 7,375,888 7,107,724 0 (2,132) 7,105,592 8,588,461 1,483,289 (3,106,329) 0 0 6,965,421 11,250,712 1,211,874 (3,874,125) 0 0 8,588,461 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Share premium opening balance issued unit certificates repurchase of unit certificates other changes closing balance 2 Retained earnings opening balance transfers to funds other changes closing balance 3 Capital funds opening balance issued unit certificates repurchase of unit certificates transfers to funds other changes closing balance 4 Gains or losses from revaluation opening balance foreign exchange rate differences and gains or losses from revaluation not included in profit (loss) closing balance 5 Retained earnings or accumulated losses from previous periods opening balance other changes closing balance 6 Profit (loss) for the current period after taxes opening balance profit (loss) transfers to funds, dividends closing balance 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 171,351 0 171,351 171,351 0 171,351 270,296 40,620 (270,296) 40,620 (2,133) 270,296 2,133 270,296 7 Total 32 13,060,210 16,057,319 98 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Notes to the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2013 1. Organisation and Description of Business With the Czech National Bank resolution becoming effective on 12 August 2009, the merging fund ceased to exist on 12 November 2009 (the merger date). Formation and Description of the Business Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROINVEST – otevřený podílový fond (hereinafter the “Fund” or “IS ČS, a. s. – SPOROINVEST OPF”) is an accounting unit without legal entity status, formed by Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. (hereinafter the “Company”) as an open-ended mutual fund under the Investment Companies and Funds Act No. 248/1992 Coll., based upon the Resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic dated 17 May 1996. The Fund commenced its activities on 1 July 1996. On 23 July 2003, following the Company’s request, the Securities Commission resolved to merge the Fund with the open-ended mutual fund Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Merkur – otevřený podílový fond, under Section 35f (3) of Act No. 248/1992 Coll. Under Section 35f (10) of Act No. 248/1992 Coll., the merger is effective three months after the date when the Commission resolution takes legal effect. With the Commission resolution becoming effective on 11 August 2003, the merger date was 12 November 2003. Pursuant to a concluded contract, Česká spořitelna, a. s. acts as the depository of the Fund. The Fund is managed by the Company. In compliance with the Collective Investment Act No. 189/2004 Coll. (hereinafter the “Act”), the Company is responsible for the management of the assets of the Fund, which involves the administration and handling of the assets. The Fund is a standard fund in compliance with the Act and meets the requirements of EU legislation. According to the classification binding for the members of the Capital Market Association (hereinafter the “AKAT CR”) and Asset Management of the Czech Republic as at the date of the approval of this Statute, the Fund can be defined as a money market fund. On 12 August 2009, following the Company’s request, the Czech National Bank resolved to merge the Fund with the open-ended mutual fund Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. – OPATRNÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, under Section 101 (2) of the Act. The Fund is a continuing fund and the Statute of the continuing Fund remains unchanged. Registered Office Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. SPOROINVEST – otevřený podílový fond Prague 6, Evropská 2690/17 Principal Business The Company collects funds from individuals and legal entities for the Fund by issuing participation certificates with the purpose of their collective investment on local and foreign financial markets. No restrictions are placed on the number of participation certificates for issue and the period for which the Fund is established. The Company reserves the right to temporary halt the issuing of participation certificates for no longer than three months in compliance with the Act. The participation certificates of the Fund are available both in the Czech Republic and in other EU member countries. Investment Policy of the Fund The objective of the investment policy is to provide participation certificates holders with a long-term appreciation of participation certificates on condition that the overall risk profile of the Fund minimises the likelihood of losses within six months. The aim is achieved by investing in a widely diversified portfolio of securities with fixed or variable interest income and active management of interest rate risk. The average modified duration of the portfolio is limited to the period of one year. The Fund invests also in securities denominated in foreign currencies. The portfolio of the Fund predominantly includes bonds with a variable coupon, denominated in CZK, that are mostly purchased with the intent to hold them to their maturity. The Fund also invests in bonds with a fixed coupon, treasury bills, bank deposits and bonds with an embedded derivative. Finances collected in the Fund can also be invested in securities of collective investment funds if such collective investment funds distribute the risk connected to investments and meet other obligations as set by the Act. The Company can use financial derivatives to effectively manage the Fund’s assets. Efficient asset management represents transactions for the purpose of decreasing risk, decreasing costs or achieving sufficient income for the Fund provided that the risk is demonstrably low. The exposure from these transactions must be fully covered by the Fund’s assets so that liabilities arising from these 99 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report transactions are fulfilled. The Fund uses financial derivatives to hedge against currency and interest rate exposures. The limits of the Fund are adhered to on the basis of the Act, or they are regulated in the Fund’s Statute in compliance with the Act. Change in the Fund’s Statute The mutual fund statute was put into accordance with the amendment to Act 189/2004 Coll., on collective investment (as ensuing from the changes made by Act 188/2011 Coll.), and Decree No. 193/2011 Coll., on the minimum requisites of the statute and on the conditions for the use of the name Short-Term Money Market Fund and Money Market Fund at the end of 2011. For this reason no changes to the statute were made in 2012. On 5 June 2012 only updated information was as to the list of funds managed by the Company (Article II Paragraph 8 of the statute), information on the managing parties of the asset management company (Appendix 1 to the statute), information added on the performance of the mutual fund for 2011 (Appendix 2 to the statute), information updated on the total cost indicators for 2011, and the date on which the statute being signed was updated. On the date the statute was updated (5 June 2012) the key information for investors was also updated. As at 1 February 2013, information on Fund`s 2012 performance was published within the document Key investors information. (According to the article 23, section 3 of Council Regulation (EC) no. 583/2010, the performance must be updated within the Key investors information up to 35 days after the previous calendar year end.) The updated text of the Funds statute was approved by the Investment company`s board of directors as at 10 April 2013. The changes in the statute text related to an update of the list of managed funds, update of the information on the length of professional experience of Investment company management, addition of information on Fund’s performance and the Fund`s benchmark`s performance, an update of information on total expense ratio for 2012 and update of the date of the signature. These updates were not subject to preliminary approval from Czech national bank (according to the section 84 (a), subsection 5 of 189/2004 Coll., On collective investment schemes). The shareholders could access the updated text of the Statute and Key investors information as of 10 April 2013 on, at the distributor’s branches (Ceska sporitelna, a. s.) and at the Investment company seat. Management Policy The profit/(loss) is based on the difference between income and expenses related to the management of the Fund’s assets. a loss from the Company’s management of assets, the loss is covered from the reinvestment fund which was created from earnings brought forward. If the reinvestment fund is not sufficient, the loss must be covered by a reduction in the Fund’s capital fund. The Fund’s assets must not be used for the provision of loans, borrowings or gifts, to secure a third party’s obligation or to settle a payable which is not related to the Fund’s management. This provision does not affect Sections 26 and 27 of the Collective Investment Act. When managing the Fund’s assets, contracts for the sale of securities and money market instruments, securities issued by other collective investment funds and financial derivatives which are not owned by the Fund at the moment of concluding the respective contracts, may not be entered into. The Company can accept loans and borrowings for the maximum of six months when managing the Fund’s assets, to cover temporary needs related to the management of the Fund’s assets or purchases of participation certificates. The volume of the received loans and borrowings must not exceed 10 percent of the value of the Fund’s assets. Legislative change Act No 240/2013 Coll., On Management Companies and Investment Funds became effective as of 19 August 2013. Rules stated by this act must be implemented by investment companies and investment funds by 22 July 2014. In 2013, the Fund`s management was subject to the rules of the Act No. 189/2004 Coll., On collective investment schemes. The new rules will be applied as of 2014. 2. Basis of Preparation The financial statements have been prepared on the basis of underlying accounting records maintained in accordance with Accounting Act No. 563/1991 Coll., and applicable regulations, decrees and internal standards in compliance with and in the scope defined in Czech Finance Ministry Regulation No. 501/2002 of 6 November 2002, as subsequently amended, which sets out the overall framework for the presentation of the financial statements, and guidelines for the structure and minimum requirements for the content of the financial statements of banks and certain financial institutions, and Czech Accounting Standards for Financial Institutions, which establish the accounting principles and policies. The basis of preparation and the accounting policies have been consistently applied during both 2013 and 2012. The Fund is obliged to comply with the regulatory requirements of the Act. The generated profit has been fully retained by the Fund, in the reinvestment fund, as a source for further investments, and increases the participation certificate value. In the event that the Fund incurs 100 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report The financial statements are presented in compliance with general accounting principles, specifically the accrual principle, the prudence concept and the going concern assumption. The financial statements contain the balance sheet, profit and loss account, statement of changes in equity, and notes to the financial statements. arises, changes or ceases to exist, when assets move within an accounting entity, and the date when other matters to be included in the accounting records occur, or when the documents supporting these other matters are available, or when other matters are a consequence of internal conditions of the accounting entity and/ or special regulations. Securities The presentation of the financial statements requires that the Company makes estimates which have an impact on the reported amounts of assets and liabilities as at the date of the financial statements as well as expenses and income in the relevant accounting period. These estimates are based on information available as at the date of the financial statements and may differ from the actual results. As a result of continued market volatility since the start of the global financial crisis, the Fund may be exposed to increased risk, specifically due to the uncertainty regarding possible asset impairments and future developments on the market. The financial statements have been prepared based on the current best estimates using all relevant and available information as at the date of the financial statements. These financial statements are unconsolidated. All amounts are stated in thousands of Czech crowns (CZK), unless indicated otherwise. Explanation Added for Translation into English These financial statements are presented on the basis of accounting principles and standards generally accepted in the Czech Republic. Certain accounting practices applied by the Company that conform with generally accepted accounting principles and standards in the Czech Republic may not conform with generally accepted accounting principles in other countries. 3. Accounting Policies In accordance with the Fund’s strategy, all securities are classified as ‘securities at fair value through profit or loss. During the accounting period, securities are re-measured at fair value on a daily basis pursuant to the Finance Ministry Regulation No. 194/2011 Coll., on more detailed regulation of certain rules in collective investment (the “Decree”), as amended. The securities of the Fund are accounted for as securities at fair value through profit or loss. The fair value of the securities is determined in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards with an exception, that an average price between the most favourable binding offer and demand (MID price) is used for bonds. Pursuant to the Regulation, securities are valued at the price quoted on a public market which is adjusted, as appropriate, to reflect the rules set out in the Regulation. If the market value is unavailable, the Fund uses a value determined by the Company using valuation models based on discounted future cash flows according to the yield curve calculated using the Reuters and Kondor+ systems. Securities are measured at cost upon initial recognition using the weighted average method. The acquisition cost includes direct transaction costs related to the acquisition of securities. Realised capital gains or losses are recorded in the profit and loss account within ‘Profit or loss from financial operations’. Accrued interest relating to assets is included within the total balance of these assets. Receivables and Payables Transaction Recognition Date Purchases and sales of securities are recognised using trade date accounting provided that the period between the trade date and the fulfilment of the commitment arising from the contract does not exceed a period typical for the relevant type of transaction. The transaction recognition date for derivative contracts is: a) the date upon which the related contract was entered into; b) the date when fulfilment was delivered based on the relevant contract. The transaction recognition date can also be the date when money in circulation is paid or received, the date when foreign currency is purchased or sold, the date when a payment is made, the date when ownership is acquired or terminated, when a receivable or payable The Fund records receivables arising from its transactions with securities and other operating receivables at their nominal value, while receivables from positive fair values of derivatives are recorded at the fair value of the derivatives at the balance sheet date. Pursuant to the prudence principle, provisions are created based on the aging of receivables. The Fund records payables arising from its transactions with securities and operating payables at their nominal value, while payables from negative fair values of derivatives are recorded at the fair value of the derivatives at the balance sheet date. Financial Derivatives and Hedging Transactions In the normal course of business, the Fund enters into hedging contracts with financial derivatives to hedge against interest rate 101 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report and foreign currency exposures associated with its transactions on financial markets. The method of fair value hedges is applied to hedging derivatives. The Fund designates certain derivatives as hedges provided that the following criteria are met: – the Fund has developed a risk management strategy; – at the inception of the hedge, the hedging relationship is formally documented, the documentation identifies the hedged item and the hedging instrument, and it defines the risk that is being hedged and the approach to establishing whether the hedge is effective; and – the hedge is effective, that is, changes in the fair value or cash flows of the hedged item are almost fully offset by changes in the fair value or cash flows of the hedging instrument and the results are within a range of 80 percent to 125 percent. Foreign Currency Translations Foreign currencies are translated using the exchange rate promulgated by the Czech National Bank as at the relevant date. As at the balance sheet date, assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated on the same basis. Foreign exchange rate gains and losses from the daily translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are posted to expense or income accounts. Capital Funds The selling price of participation certificates is calculated as a proportion of the Fund’s net assets and the relevant number of participation certificates. Participation certificates are sold to investors using the selling price determined on a daily basis. Share Premium Nominal values of derivative financial instruments are recognised in the off-balance sheet accounts. Changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as hedges (see above) are recorded as income or expense. Changes in the fair value of the hedging derivatives attributable to the risk hedged are recognised in the same income or expense accounts as differences from revaluation of a hedged instrument. All financial derivatives are recorded as assets when the fair value is positive and as liabilities when the fair value is negative. Fair values are derived from valuation models. Derivatives that are not designated as hedging derivatives are treated as trading derivatives. These derivatives are measured at fair value on a daily basis and gains and losses on revaluation are posted to derivative expense and income accounts. Certain derivatives are embedded in compound financial instruments, which comprise the host instrument and the derivative. Pursuant to the applicable regulations, the Fund recognises changes in assets and liabilities arising from the movements in rates or prices of securities or changes in exchange rates through expense and income accounts. Given that the assets of the Fund are valued at fair value and changes of fair values are reported within expenses and income from derivatives, embedded derivatives are not accounted for separately. Income Tax Under effective tax regulations, the income tax rate applicable to mutual funds is 5 percent. Deferred Tax Deferred tax is provided using the liability method on all temporary differences between the carrying amount of assets and liabilities reported in the balance sheet and their value for tax purposes. Deferred tax assets are recognised only up to the amount of probable future taxable income against which the deferred tax asset can be offset. Share premium is the difference between the nominal value of all participation certificates and their carrying amounts as at the date of their issue or purchase. Interest Income and Expense and Dividend Income Interest income and expense are recognised using the accrual principle. Interest income and expense also include gains or losses from hedging interest rate derivatives. Dividend income is recognised as at the date when the right to receive the payment is established (ex-dividend date). Dividend income from domestic securities is presented after withholding tax. Dividend income from foreign securities is presented gross with the applicable taxes presented within taxes on foreign dividends (see note 5.18). Subsequent Events The impact of events that occurred between the balance sheet date and the date of the financial statements preparation is recognized in the financial statements provided these events provide additional evidence about conditions that existed at the date of the balance sheet. If material events reflecting the facts occurring after the balance sheet date happened between the balance sheet date and the date of the financial statements preparation the consequences of these events are disclosed in the notes to the financial statements but not recognized in the financial statements. 4. Risk Management Credit Risk In accordance with the Statute and the investment strategy, the Company establishes rules and policies for selecting investment instruments such that the overall credit risk profile of allocated investments is consistent with the characteristics of the Fund. New 102 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report types of instruments are approved on a case by case basis by the risk management function together with the specification of limits for positions pertaining to these instruments. Specific emphasis is placed on an appropriate rating structure and a relatively detailed diversification of portfolios (especially in relation to interest bearing securities). Market Risk The Fund uses a wide range of tools to eliminate risk exposures attached to its portfolios. Significant attention is paid to market risks. Apart from statutory restrictions, the Fund is subject to a set of internal limits having a direct impact on the FX exposure, interest rate exposure (the modified duration range of the Fund), equity allocation on individual markets according to their volatility, portfolio rating structure (see above), and other characteristics of the Fund. The relevant limits are appropriately applied to correspond with the type of the Fund. Whenever the Fund purchases new types of instruments, these instruments are first analysed to assess the potential credit risk, as well as the market risk that the instruments might bring to or help eliminate from the portfolio. Subsequently, their appropriateness and, if appropriate, the acceptable proportion of these instruments in the portfolio is evaluated. The level of the Fund’s market risk exposure is measured using the Value at Risk (“VaR”). With effect from 1 August 2006, the VaR for the Company’s Funds is calculated by the Central Risk Management Department of Česká spořitelna using the historical simulation method in the K + KvaR system. Set out below are relative monthly values of the VaR in percentage terms for individual types of risks: Global VaR Currency VaR Interest rate VaR Equity VaR Global VaR Currency VaR Interest rate VaR Equity VaR 31 Dec 2013 Average VaR 0.22% 0.01% 0.22% 0.02% 0.14% 0.05% 0.13% 0.01% 31 Dec 2012 Average VaR 0.07% 0.07% 0.02% 0.01% 0.06% 0.03% 0.05% 0.01% The average VaR is calculated as an average of daily VaR values in years 2013 and 2012 respectively. The Fund monitors Value at Risk globally and also broken down to Foreign Currency VaR, Interest Rate VaR and Equity VaR. Based on the above values, the Fund identifies critical risk segments. This identification influences the reinvestment process. The limits set the maximum acceptable VaR for the Fund. The Equity VaR also reflects the risk related to the holding of mutual funds’ participation certificates (including funds of money market and bond funds). Adherence to all the above limits and their effectiveness is monitored and assessed on an ongoing basis. The limits are reviewed, if necessary. The portfolio’s risk of unfavourable development of foreign exchange rates, interest rates, and other market factors is hedged, to an appropriate extent, by financial derivatives. Financial derivatives are traded on the OTC market as this market enables the trading of contracts whose parameters and nature appropriately satisfy the requirements of a hedge. Portfolios primarily include currency swaps, currency forwards and interest rate swaps. Liquidity Risk Another monitored risk is the liquidity risk. Liquidity risk is a risk that the Fund will not have enough available resources to meet its obligations arising from financial contracts. Liquidity is monitored and managed based on expected cash flows, with appropriate adjustments made to the structure of securities and term placements portfolios. Pursuant to the Act, the Company is obliged to repurchase a participation certificate without undue delay but not later than 15 business days from the date when the repurchase right is claimed. Given that the Fund holds securities traded on foreign stock exchanges which can be realised within a few days, the Fund’s inability to meet its obligations due to lack of liquidity is unlikely. Pursuant to Section 12 of the Collective Investment Act, the Company can suspend issues and purchases of the Fund’s participation certificates for a maximum of three months, if necessary due to the protection of rights or the participation certificate holders’ interests protected by law. Issuing and purchasing participation certificates can be suspended particularly at the end or beginning of the calendar year, in the event of natural disasters, upon very strong fluctuations on financial markets and upon high requirements for the sales or purchases of participation certificates provided they could endanger the Fund’s assets. The quantitative information about the residual maturity of assets and liabilities is given in Note 5.20. 103 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5. Additional Information on the Financial Statements 5.1 Receivables from Banks Receivables from banks 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Current accounts Term deposits Margin constitution 1,119,329 1,250,654 160,670 1,996,006 2,702,479 13,828 Total 2,530,653 4,712,313 Balances on current accounts are repayable on demand. 5.2 Securities Individual types of securities by issuer, number of securities, their market value and interest rate are disclosed in the Portfolio attached to the annual report. All securities held by the Fund are publicly listed on the Prague Stock Exchange or foreign stock exchanges. Participation certificates which are not listed on stock exchanges are purchased and administered by the Company. Shares, participation certificates and other holdings 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Acquisition cost Market revaluation 221,962 19,610 119,080 6,265 Total 241,572 125,345 Debt securities Acquisition cost Market revaluation Accrued interest income Total 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 9,828,963 420,985 193,305 11,266,926 (5,650) 186,517 10,443,253 11,447,793 Of the aggregate volume of debt securities, debt securities maturing within one year accounted for 18.63 percent in 2013 (2012: 44.09 percent). Of the aggregate volume of debt securities, debt securities maturing within more than one year with a variable coupon accounted for 58.90 percent in 2013 (2012: 7.78 percent). Debt securities maturing within more than one year with a fixed coupon accounted for 22.47 percent in 2013 (2012: 48.13 percent). 5.3 Other Assets Other assets 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 State budget settlement Positive fair values of financial derivatives Other receivables Other 4,731 24,414 64 – – 46,119 309 39 Total 29,209 46,467 State budget settlement comprises a receivable arising from the annual settlement of prepayments for income tax against the actual tax liability. The caption ‘Other’ represents mainly an estimated receivable for the return of a portion of the management fee for purchased participation certificates of Erste’s fund. 5.4 Prepayments and Accrued Income Prepayments and accrued income 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Prepayments – audit fees – 27 Total – 27 104 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.5 Equity The Fund has no share capital. The nominal value of one participation certificate is CZK 1. The total nominal value of all participation certificates is posted to ‘Capital funds’. Share premium arising from the difference between the nominal and selling values of the participation certificates is recorded separately. The Fund accounts for share premium upon the sale of participation certificates as well as upon their repurchase. The selling price of the participation certificate is determined as the share of the Fund’s net assets and the number of issued participation certificates. The value of a participation certificate as at the last trading date in 2013 totalled CZK 1.8749 (2012: CZK 1.8696). This is the most recent announced value of the participation certificate for the year, for which purchases and repurchases of the participation certificates of the Fund were undertaken. In line with the Fund’s Statue, the profit for 2013 of CZK 40,620 thousand will be transferred to the reinvestment fund within ‘Other funds from profit’. In line with the Fund’s Statute, the profit for 2012 of CZK 270,296 thousand was transferred to the reinvestment fund within ‘Other funds from profit’. 5.6 Changes in the Capital Fund Number of Nominal Contribution Total capital upon funds participation value of merger certificates participation certificates Balance at 31 Dec 2011 11,250,962,879 11,250,963 (251) 11,250,712 Participation certificates sold Participation certificates purchased 1,211,874,174 (3,874,124,734) 1,211,874 (3,874,125) – – 1,211,874 (3,874,125) Balance at 31 Dec 2012 8,588,712,319 8,588,712 (251) 8,588,461 Participation certificates sold Participation certificates purchased 1,483,288,673 (3,106,329,023) 1,483,289 (3,106,329) – – 1,483,289 (3,106,329) Balance at 31 Dec 2013 6,965,671,969 6,965,672 (251) 6,965,421 5.7 Other Liabilities Other liabilities 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Negative fair values of financial derivatives State budget settlement Payables from participation certificate holders’ placements Other liabilities 165,564 – 5,423 7,885 231,825 14,218 1,955 16,930 Total 178,872 264,928 5.8 Accrued Expenses and Deferred Income Accrued expenses consist of the unbilled custody fee of CZK 653 thousand related to December (2012: CZK 1,472 thousand), the unbilled management fee of CZK 4,898 thousand related to December (2012: CZK 8,029 thousand), and the unbilled fee for the local sub-register administration of CZK 0 thousand (2012: CZK 129 thousand). 5.9 Financial Derivatives Designated as Hedging Derivatives Nominal value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Assets Liabilities Assets Currency swaps 3,805,071 3,874,522 3,980,777 Liabilities 3,945,510 Total 3,805,071 3,874,522 3,980,777 3,945,510 105 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Open positions of derivatives posted to an off-balance sheet are converted to fair value daily as of 1 January 2011 (up to 31 August 2013 futures were converted monthly; as of 1 September 2013 they are converted on daily basis) and recorded in absolute values. Fair value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Positive Negative Positive Currency swaps 3,746 73,196 35,267 Negative – Total 3,746 73,196 35,267 – All currency derivatives are due within one year. 5.10 Financial Derivatives Designated as Trading Derivatives Nominal value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 Currency swaps Interest rate swaps Credit swaps Total 31 Dec 2012 Assets Liabilities Assets Liabilities 5,977,729 6,433,047 122,175 5,975,233 6,504,890 124,527 4,036,236 7,534,350 124,866 4,057,181 7,737,069 122,175 12,532,951 12,604,650 11,695,452 11,916,425 Open positions of derivatives posted to an off-balance sheet are converted to fair value daily as of 1 January 2011 (up to 31 August 2013 futures were converted monthly; as of 1 September 2013 they are converted on daily basis) and recorded in absolute values. Fair value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Positive Negative Positive Negative Currency swaps Interest rate swaps Credit swaps 17,946 2,722 – 15,451 74,565 2,352 8,161 – 2,691 29,106 202,719 – Total 20,668 92,368 10,852 231,825 All currency derivatives are due within one year. All interest rate and credit derivatives are due within five years. 5.11 Residual Maturity of Interest Rate Derivatives 2013 Interest rate instruments at 31 Dec 2013 Nominal value Fair value Assets Liabilities Positive Negative Payable within 1 year Payable from 1 – 5 years 1,502,550 4,930,497 1,540,683 4,964,207 – 2,722 38,133 36,432 Total 6,433,047 6,504,890 2,722 74,565 2012 Interest rate instruments at 31 Dec 2012 Nominal value Fair value Assets Liabilities Positive Negative Payable within 1 year Payable from 1 – 5 years 3,518,650 4,015,700 3,616,852 4,120,217 − − 98,202 104,517 Total 7,534,350 7,737,069 − 202,719 106 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.12 Interest Income and Expense Income 2013 2012 Interest on deposits Interest on debt securities Interest on deposited margins Interest on hedging derivatives 5,523 360,157 89 – 28,110 349,093 – 4,236 Total 365,769 381,439 2013 2012 Interest on hedging derivatives Interest on received margins – 4 1,977 – Total 4 1,977 2013 2012 Expense 5.13 Income from Shares and Interests Income Foreign dividends 1,293 1,010 Total 1,293 1,010 2013 2012 Management fees Custody fees Commissions and fees from securities trading Amounts paid to the Securities Centre Local sub–register Administration of securities Fees paid to the central depository Fees for administration of short–term bonds Fee for calculation of NAV Other fees and commissions 75,775 12,396 10 – 1,192 7,418 19 57 700 958 106,010 19,435 6 – 1,522 6,963 37 249 866 1,343 Total 98,525 136,431 5.14 Fees and Commissions In compliance with the Statute of the Fund, the management fee paid to the Company by the Fund amounts to 0.45 percent of the average annual net asset value. Pursuant to the custody service contract entered into with Česká spořitelna, a. s., the Fund pays a fee equal to 0.06 percent of its average annual net asset value. If participation certificates of another mutual fund managed by the Company are purchased and added to the Fund’s assets, the Fund’s aggregate net asset value reduced by the current value of investments in participation certificates of the other mutual fund managed by the Company is used as the basis for the calculation of the fixed part of the management fee. 5.15 Profit or Loss from Financial Operations 2013 2012 Profit or loss from securities at fair value through profit or loss Profit or loss from FX differences Profit or loss from fixed term transactions 554,538 24,178 (803,688) (33,900) (3,245) 78,350 Total (224,972) 41,205 Profit or loss from securities at fair value through profit or loss primarily comprises the profit or loss from the realised sales of securities, from payable securities and from the daily valuation of securities at fair value. 107 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Profit or loss from derivatives includes profit or loss on the settlement of fixed term transactions with currency instruments and also the revaluation of open derivatives at fair value. Profit or loss from FX differences represents the value of realised FX profit or loss from foreign currency accounts and from the settlement of foreign currency receivables and payables and also gains or losses arising from the revaluation of assets, with the exception of securities, and liabilities in foreign currency at fair value. 5.16 Administrative Expenses 2013 2012 Audit 666 787 Total 666 787 2013 2012 5.17 Other Operating Income and Expense Income – 1 Expense 1 1 2013 2012 5.18 Income Tax The principal income tax components are as follows: Tax payable 2,274 14,163 Total income tax 2,274 14,163 2013 2012 42,894 7 (1,293) 41,608 – 41,608 2,080 1,292 194 284,459 6 (1,010) 283,455 (3,215) 280,240 14,012 1,010 151 2,274 14,163 Current income tax – analysis: Profit (Loss) before tax Items to add Deductible items Tax base Tax loss utilisation Tax base adjusted Tax (5%) on tax base Foreign dividends Tax on foreign dividends Total tax Deferred tax As at 31 December 2013, no temporary differences existed between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts for financial reporting purposes. As at 31 December 2012, no temporary differences existed between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts for financial reporting purposes. 108 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.19 Related Party Transactions Related parties include Česká spořitelna, a. s. and Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. 2013 2012 Unbilled custody fee Unbilled management fee Unbilled fee for administration of local sub-register Unbilled fee for calculation of NAV Other payables to related parties 653 4,898 – 53 857 1,472 8,029 129 66 1,004 Total payables to related parties 6,461 10,700 The costs charged to the Fund by Česká spořitelna, a. s. amounted to CZK 22,751 thousand in 2013 (2012: CZK 30,420 thousand), of which the greatest portion was represented by the custody fee of CZK 12,396 thousand (2012: CZK 19,435 thousand). The costs charged by the Company amounted to CZK 75,775 thousand (2012: CZK 106,010 thousand), which is the annual management fee. 5.20 Liquidity The following tables show the residual maturity of assets and liabilities broken down by major classes of assets. Given that all securities are traded on public markets, sales can easily be undertaken within three months. 2013 Assets Less than 3 months 3 month – 1 year 1 – 5 years Over 5 years Not specified Total Receivables from banks Debt securities Participation certificates Other assets Prepayments 2,530,653 407,537 – 21,756 – – 1,538,396 – 4,731 – – 8,497,320 – 2,722 – – – – – – – – 241,572 – – 2,530,653 10,443,253 241,572 29,209 – Total assets 2,959,946 1,543,127 8,500,042 – 241,572 13,244,687 Other liabilities Net assets Available capital (107,472) 2,852,474 (13,060,210) (88) 1,543,039 – (76,917) 8,423,125 – – – – (184,477) 241,572 13,060,210 – (13,060,210) Difference (10,207,736) 1,543,039 8,423,125 – 241,572 – Assets Less than 3 months 3 month – 1 year 1 – 5 years Over 5 years Not specified Total Receivables from banks Debt securities Participation certificates Other assets Prepayments 4,698,485 1,363,217 − 43,776 − − 3,684,336 − − 27 − 6,400,240 − 2,691 − − − − − − 13,828 − 125,345 − − 4,712,313 11,447,793 125,345 46,467 27 Total assets 6,105,478 3,684,363 6,402,931 − 139,173 16,331,945 Other liabilities Net assets Available capital (57,745) 6,047,733 (16,057,319) (14,163) 3,670,200 − (202,718) 6,200,213 − − − − − (274,626) 139,173 16,057,319 − (16,057,319) Difference (10,009,586) 3,670,200 6,200,213 − 139,173 Liabilities 2012 Liabilities − 109 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Liquidity risk, to which the Fund is exposed, is low as all assets are immediately convertible into cash before the expected purchases of participation certificates from participation certificate holders can be undertaken. 5.21 Off-balance Sheet Assets and Liabilities The Fund’s off-balance sheet accounts include receivables and payables from fixed term transactions and assets provided into custody and safekeeping. The item ‘Assets provided into custody, administration and safekeeping’ shows foreign and domestic securities administered by Česká spořitelna, a. s. (this item does not include participation certificates of open-ended mutual funds of the Company, which the Fund maintains in its portfolio). 5.22 Contingent Assets and Liabilities The Fund has no assets or liabilities that were not disclosed in the balance sheet or off-balance sheet accounts. 5.23 Subsequent Events No significant events occurred after the date of the financial statements, which would have a material impact on the Fund’s financial statements. 110 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Portfolio at 31 December 2013 The detail of the portfolio is not part of the fund’s final accounts. Figures are stated in CZK. ISIN Name of the security XS0742380412 SBERBANK 4.95 02/07/17 XS0849677348 STANDARD CHARTER. 1.75 10/29/17 XS0339454851 RABOBANK 4.75 01/15/18 XS0242491230 POLAND GOV.BOND 3.625 02/01/16 AT000B119839 ERSTE BANK VAR 09/20/16 AT000B007091 ERSTE BANK VAR 05/18/15 XS0616431689 ERSTE BANK 4.25 04/12/16 XS0594515966 MORGAN STANLEY 4.5 02/23/16 XS0461758830 MORGAN STANLEY 4.5 10/29/14 XS0625359384 GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP 4.5 05/09/16 XS0184927761 GOLDMAN SACHS 4.75 01/28/14 XS0433130456 BANK OF AMERICA 7 06/15/16 XS0353643744 HSBC HOLDINGS PLC 6.25 03/19/18 XS0605521185 HSBC HOLDINGS PLC 3.875 03/16/16 XS0246862485 JPM CHASE AND CO VAR 03/31/18 XS0335880463 JPM CHASE AND CO 5.25 01/14/15 XS0542607683 SOCIETE GENERALE 3.125 09/21/17 XS0629960302 ING BANK NV XS0860033769 ING BANK NV VAR 11/30/14 XS0342289575 BARCLAYS BANK 6 01/23/18 USM0300LAA46 AKBANK 5.125 07/22/15 XS0343877451 CREDIT AGRICOLE 5.971 02/01/18 XS0877209188 BNP PARIBAS VAR 18 XS0997797054 ROYAL BK SCOTLAND 1.5 11/28/16 XS0708813653 GAZPROM GAZ CAP. 4.95 05/23/16 XS0782708456 VOLKSWAGEN 1.875 05/15/2017 XS0408223138 VOLKSWAGEN 6.875 01/15/2014 XS0294547285 COMPAG. DE ST GOB 4.75 04/11/17 DE000A0T5X07 DEUTSCHE TELECOM FI 6 01/20/17 XS0829209195 IBERDROLA INTL BV 4.5 09/21/17 XS0148579153 E.ON INTL FIN 6.375 05/29/17 XS0491998133 VTB CAPITAL SA 6.465 03/04/15 XS0493543986 AUST- NZ BK GRP 3.75 03/10/17 XS0630375912 KBC IFIMA 4.375 10/26/15 XS0219645222 KBC IFIMA 3.87 05/18/16 XS0585904443 TELEFONICA EMIS 4.75 02/07/17 XS0491042353 GE CAP EURO FUND 4.25 03/01/17 XS0806482948 TURKYIE HALK 4.875 07/19/17 XS0342783692 ELEC DE FRANCE 5 02/05/18 XS0307791698 BAT INTL FIN 5.375 06/29/17 XS0435070288 LLOYDS TSB BANK 6.375 06/17/16 XS0480903466 CREDIT SUISSE 3.875 01/25/17 XS0545031642 PKO FINANCE AB 3.733 10/21/15 XS0478931354 BMW FINANCE NV 3.875 01/18/17 XS0893205186 VNESHECONOMBANK 3.035 02/21/18 FR0011564541 BPCE VAR 03/10/15 US172967FW62 CITIGROUP INC 4.45 01/10/17 XS0499245180 RUSSIAN RAILWAYS 5.739 04/03/17 XS0495973470 GLENCORE FIN. EURO 5.25 03/22/17 Foreign corporate bonds Amount Market Price 5,700 2,800 5,100 17,500 100 2,000 78 4,700 60 1,700 5,000 96 46 9,000 64 80 114 3,400 1,620 2,000 4,400 45 30 4,200 3,700 5,800 2,000 4,700 4,200 19 6,000 5,700 5,000 3,000 11,000 30 8,700 3,000 60 4,000 3,800 4,700 3,000 5,700 4,800 60 4,800 5,500 94 21,131.61 27,613.41 30,945.00 29,187.06 1,000,000.00 100,000.00 2,938,204.80 29,301.14 1,413,895.88 29,445.40 27,496.85 1,562,059.44 1,594,311.24 29,201.32 1,354,664.73 1,435,616.48 1,461,258.85 29,229.57 50,035.00 30,954.32 20,462.37 1,571,905.01 1,001,000.00 27,560.75 21,199.44 28,098.56 27,468.88 30,450.80 31,321.54 3,021,809.91 32,112.21 20,975.04 29,615.16 29,116.85 10,226.65 2,998,622.08 29,912.17 19,679.94 1,569,704.16 31,288.63 30,926.90 29,680.29 28,627.86 29,756.95 27,494.11 2,740,854.50 21,567.09 21,564.30 1,521,470.44 Market Price Total Accrued Interest 120,450,152.72 77,317,547.30 157,819,493.63 510,773,484.38 100,000,000.00 200,000,000.00 229,179,974.40 137,715,377.98 84,833,752.50 50,057,179.58 137,484,267.50 149,957,706.00 73,338,316.93 262,811,855.25 86,698,542.80 114,849,318.00 166,583,508.90 99,380,521.00 81,056,700.00 61,908,646.50 90,034,434.95 70,735,725.56 30,030,000.00 115,755,165.75 78,437,943.84 162,971,636.40 54,937,760.00 143,118,761.18 131,550,484.80 57,414,388.34 192,673,240.50 119,557,727.77 148,075,802.50 87,350,544.75 112,493,150.00 89,958,662.25 260,235,907.28 59,039,821.68 94,182,249.38 125,154,536.00 117,522,213.35 139,497,385.91 85,883,581.50 169,614,602.18 131,971,732.80 164,451,270.00 103,522,009.92 118,603,651.32 143,018,221.13 2,229,644.92 231,947.88 6,370,677.23 15,872,453.55 218,166.67 372,666.67 6,550,780.58 4,942,247.98 639,040.07 1,356,523.15 6,013,776.54 5,023,959.45 3,099,870.29 7,545,303.13 0.00 5,538,347.26 1,351,761.34 2,187,744.85 49,680.00 3,083,621.92 1,968,898.13 3,361,457.27 60,858.33 156,209.79 374,479.68 1,879,363.87 3,615,967.47 4,428,423.70 6,532,409.59 635,997.02 6,207,817.81 2,362,223.51 4,170,102.74 650,874.14 2,635,841.10 3,501,195.72 8,473,479.71 1,301,191.94 3,708,010.27 4,991,725.68 3,585,781.18 4,652,670.03 597,435.97 5,758,771.00 3,426,084.28 52,601.15 2,018,445.24 1,517,531.73 5,265,374.59 6,300,008,956.41 160,569,436.12 111 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report ISIN Name of the security SK4120008301 SK4120008202 SK4120008400 SK4120006503 SLOVAKIA GOVT 4.625 01/19/17 SLOVAKIA GOVERNMENT VAR 11/16/16 SLOVAKIA GOVT VAR 09/02/15 SLOVAKIA GOVT VAR 01/21/15 Amount Market Price 10,000,000 13,000,000 16,900 10,000,000 30.42 27.18 10,280.00 27.36 Foreign government bonds XS0840265739 CEZ VAR 06/30/14 15,000 Local corporate bonds after 1 January 1998 XS0499380128 XS0458720330 XS0583192108 XS0940439994 XS0997635585 XS0194957527 XS0427020309 CZ0001002737 CZ0001002869 CESKA EXP. BANKA VAR 04/15/15 CESKA EXP. BANKA 4.015 10/22/14 CESKA EXP. BANKA VAR 01/24/16 CESKA EXP. BANKA VAR 06/06/16 CESKA EXP. BANKA VAR 11/28/17 GOVERNMENT B. 4.625 06/23/14 EUR GOVERNMENT BOND 4.5 11/05/14 CZE GOVERNMENT BOND 3.4 09/01/15 GOVERNMENT BOND 2.75 03/31/14 200 570 15,000 4,500 10,000 8,000 21,500 30,500 20,000 1,373,821.09 203,204.28 19,496.12 27,298.85 27,080.27 27,991.33 28,392.55 10,542.50 10,068.00 71,660 3,371.08 Local government bonds after 1 January 1998 AT0000676846 ESPA CASH CORPORATE-PLUS-T Foreign participation certificates Total Market Price Total Accrued Interest 304,239,237.50 353,287,753.00 173,732,000.00 273,621,967.50 12,023,796.23 142,610.00 1,171,733.33 408,533.47 1,104,880,958.00 13,746,673.03 411,101,435.63 277,403.88 411,101,435.63 277,403.88 274,764,218.75 115,826,438.97 292,441,800.00 122,844,802.50 270,802,677.50 223,930,610.00 610,439,911.00 321,546,250.00 201,360,000.00 568,992.57 859,981.15 134,349.16 58,620.94 155,865.42 5,309,930.82 4,070,921.92 3,427,861.11 4,125,000.00 2,433,956,708.72 18,711,523.09 241,571,664.46 0.00 241,571,664.46 0.00 10,491,519,723.22 193,305,036.12 112 Independent Auditor’s Report to the Participation certificate holders of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROBOND – otevřený podílový fond We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROBOND – otevřený podílový fond, which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December 2013, and the income statement and statement of changes in equity for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. For details of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROBOND – otevřený podílový fond, see Note 1 to the financial statements. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Act on Auditors and International Standards on Auditing as amended by implementation guidance of the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including an assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROBOND – otevřený podílový fond, as at 31 December 2013, and its financial performance for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic. 31 March 2014 Prague, Czech Republic Ernst & Young Audit, s.r.o. License No. 401 Represented by partner Roman Hauptfleisch Auditor, Licence no. 2009 A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited, Ernst & Young Audit, s. r. o. with its registred office at Na Florenci 2116/15, 110 00 Prague 1 – Nové Město, has been incorporated in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, entry No. 88504, under Identification No. 26704153. 113 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Balance Sheet at 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) Line Current Previous 01 02 03 05 06 10 11 12 13 15 16 18 19 21 1,133,534 932,126 0 0 201,408 9,369,432 6,864,598 2,504,834 2,111,512 46,531 16,380 26,974 3,177 0 1,211,373 996,675 200,115 1 14,582 8,202,067 6,999,422 1,202,645 1,960,377 40,977 17,449 0 23,528 18 22 12,661,009 11,414,812 29 30 32 33 34 39 40 41 46 47 190,960 175,846 0 15,114 10,330 2,759,760 3,580,697 5,780,647 283,554 55,061 108,160 51,445 45,075 11,640 9,513 2,181,553 2,628,164 5,251,335 283,554 952,533 Total Liabilities 48 12,661,009 11,414,812 of which: Equity 49 12,459,719 11,297,139 3 Receivables from banks and credit unions of which: a/ on demand: aa/ current accounts ab/ term deposits ad/ margin accounts ae/ collaterals 5 Debt securities of which: a/ issued by the government b/ issued by other entities 6 Shares, unit certificates and other participation interests 11 Other assets a/ derivatives c/ receivables from taxes d/ other assets 13 Prepayments and accrued income Total Assets 4 Other liabilities a/ derivatives c/ liabilities from taxes d/ other liabilities 5 Deferred income and accrued expenses 9 Share premium 10 Reserve funds and other funds from profit 12 Capital funds 14 Retained earnings or accumulated losses from previous periods 15 Profit or loss for the accounting period 114 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Off Balance Sheet Accounts at 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 4 Amounts due from fixed term transactions a/ with interest instruments b/ with currency instruments d/ with credit instruments 7 Assets provided into custody, administration and safekeeping of which: securities 12 Amounts owed from fixed term transactions a/ with interest instruments b/ with currency instruments d/ with credit instruments Line Current Previous 52 53 54 56 60 61 64 65 66 68 5,716,192 296,633 5,395,124 24,435 11,198,805 11,198,805 5,875,658 298,650 5,552,103 24,905 4,041,485 237,133 3,779,379 24,973 10,033,219 10,033,219 4,075,481 262,285 3,788,761 24,435 115 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 1 Interest income and similar income of which: a/ interest income from bonds d/ interest income from collaterals 2 Interest expenses and similar expenses 3 Income from shares and unit certificates 5 Commission and fee expenses a/ fees and commissions from securities trading b/ management fee c/ custody fee d/ other financial expenses 6 Profit or loss on financial operations a/ profit or loss on transactions with securities b/ profit or loss on foreign exchange transactions c/ profit or loss on fixed term transactions and options 9 Administrative expenses of which: b/ other administrative expenses: ba/ audit 19 Ordinary profit or loss for the accounting period before tax 23 Income tax 24 Profit or loss for the accounting period after tax Line Current Previous 1 2 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 26 30 31 302,518 300,990 61 (9 998) 2,401 136,498 13 108,056 13,477 14,952 (119 652) 249,679 18,462 (387 793) 554 554 58,213 3,152 55,061 285,595 279,870 2 23,627 0 109,381 36 86,059 10,607 12,679 850,382 801,595 (4 407) 53,194 303 303 1,002,666 50,133 952,533 116 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Current Previous 2,181,553 2,078,780 (1,500,573) 0 2,759,760 969,081 2,023,447 (810,975) 0 2,181,553 2,628,164 952,533 0 3,580,697 2,431,350 196,814 0 2,628,164 5,251,335 1,897,304 (1,367,992) 0 0 5,780,647 4,051,413 2,014,387 (814,465) 0 0 5,251,335 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Share premium opening balance issued unit certificates repurchase of unit certificates other changes closing balance 2 Retained earnings opening balance transfers to funds other changes closing balance 3 Capital funds opening balance issued unit certificates repurchase of unit certificates transfers to funds other changes closing balance 4 Gains or losses from revaluation opening balance foreign exchange rate differences and gains or losses from revaluation not included in profit (loss) closing balance 5 Retained earnings or accumulated losses from previous periods opening balance other changes closing balance 6 Profit (loss) for the current period after taxes opening balance profit (loss) transfers to funds, dividends closing balance 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 283,554 0 283,554 283,554 0 283,554 952,533 55,061 (952,533) 55,061 196,813 952,533 (196,813) 952,533 7 Total 32 12,459,719 11,297,139 117 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Notes to the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2013 1. Organisation and Description of Business Formation and Description of the Business Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROBOND – otevřený podílový fond (hereinafter the “Fund” or “IS ČS, a. s. – SPOROBOND OPF”) is an accounting unit without legal entity status, formed by Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. (hereinafter the “Company”) as an open-ended mutual fund under the Investment Companies and Funds Act No. 248/1992 Coll., based upon the Resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic dated 13 November 1997. The Fund commenced its activities on 31 March 1998. Pursuant to a concluded contract, Česká spořitelna, a. s. acts as the depository of the Fund. Based on the Company’s request dated 16 July 1999, the Securities Commission resolved, on 21 September 1999, to merge two openended mutual funds, namely Investiční společnost ČS, a. s. – Rentinvest and Investiční společnost ČS, a. s. – SPOROBOND, under Section 35f (3) of Act No. 248/1992 Coll. The Statute of Investiční společnost ČS, a. s. – SPOROBOND remains unchanged and follows the wording approved by the Securities Commission. The merger was performed as at 28 December 1999. The Fund is managed by the Company. In compliance with the Collective Investment Act No. 189/2004 Coll. (hereinafter the “Act”), the Company is responsible for the management of the assets of the Fund, which involves the administration and handling of the assets. No restrictions are placed on the number of participation certificates for issue and the period for which the Fund is established. The Company reserves the right to temporary halt the issuing of participation certificates for no longer than three months in compliance with the Act. The participation certificates of the Fund are available both in the Czech Republic and in other EU member countries. Investment Policy of the Fund The objective of the investment policy is to provide participation certificate holders with a long-term appreciation of participation certificates on condition that the overall risk profile of the Fund minimises the likelihood of losses within two years. The aim is achieved by investing in a widely diversified portfolio of securities with fixed or variable interest income and active management of interest rate risk, as well as investing in securities denominated in foreign currencies. The portfolio of the Fund predominantly includes state bonds with fixed coupons denominated in CZK, or state bonds of other countries with developed bond markets. The foreign currency risk is usually hedged. The Fund also invests in corporate bonds, treasury bills, bank deposits or bonds with embedded derivatives. The portfolio of the Fund may also be expanded by purchasing bonds exchangeable for shares or with the option to subscribe for shares. The Fund uses financial derivatives to hedge against currency and interest rate exposures. The Fund is a standard fund in compliance with the Act and meets the requirements of EU legislation. The limits of the Fund are adhered to on the basis of the Act, or they are regulated in the Fund’s Statute in compliance with the Act. According to the classification binding for the members of the Capital Market Association (hereinafter the “AKAT CR”) as at the date of the approval of this Statute, the Fund can be defined as a bond fund. The Company can use financial derivatives to effectively manage the Fund’s assets. Efficient asset management represents transactions for the purpose of decreasing risk, decreasing costs or achieving sufficient income for the Fund provided that the risk is demonstrably low. The exposure from these transactions must be fully covered by the Fund’s assets so that liabilities arising from these transactions are fulfilled. Registered Office Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. SPOROBOND – otevřený podílový fond Prague 6, Evropská 2690/17 Management Policy Principal Business The profit/(loss) is based on the difference between income and expenses related to the management of the Fund’s assets. The Company collects funds from individuals and legal entities for the Fund by issuing participation certificates with the purpose of their collective investment on local and foreign financial markets. The generated profit has been fully retained by the Fund, in the reinvestment fund, as a source for further investments, and increases 118 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report the participation certificate value. In the event that the Fund incurs a loss from the Company’s management of assets, the loss is covered from the reinvestment fund which was created from earnings brought forward. If the reinvestment fund is not sufficient, the loss must be covered by a reduction in the Fund’s capital fund. The Fund’s assets must not be used for the provision of loans, borrowings or gifts, to secure a third party’s obligation or to settle a payable which is not related to the Fund’s management. This provision does not affect Sections 26 and 27 of the Collective Investment Act. When managing the Fund’s assets, contracts for the sale of securities and money market instruments, securities issued by other collective investment funds and financial derivatives which are not owned by the Fund at the moment of concluding the respective contracts, may not be entered into. The Company can accept loans and borrowings for the maximum of six months when managing the Fund’s assets, to cover temporary needs related to the management of the Fund’s assets or purchases of participation certificates. The volume of the received loans and borrowings is not allowed to exceed 10 percent of the value of the Fund’s assets. Change in the Statute Czech National Bank Resolution No. 2012/4694/570, dated 18 May 2012, which came into force on 5 June 2012: The changes to the Funds statute related mainly to the duty of the asset investment company to ensure that its statute is in accordance with the amendment to Act 189/2004 Coll., on collective investments (as ensuing from the changes made by Act 188/2011 Coll.) and Decree No. 193/2011 Coll., on the minimum requisites of the statute and on the conditions for the use of the name Short-Term Money Market Fund and Money Market Fund. Investment objectives, the method of investing and the risk profile of the Fund have not been changed in the amendments referred to above. Along with the change made to the statute, information was updated as to the list of funds managed by the Company (Article II Paragraph 8 of the statute), in particular information on the managing parties of the asset management company (Appendix 1 to the statute), information added on the performance of the Fund for 2011 (Appendix 2 to the statute), information updated on the total cost indicators for 2011, and the date on which the statute being signed was updated. On the date the changes to the statute came into force the simple statute of the Fund was replaced by a newly processed document providing required key information for investors. Such key information for investors was processed in accordance with Commission (EU) Regulation No. 583/2012. As at 1 February 2013, information on Fund`s 2012 performance was published within the document Key investors information. (According to the article 23, section 3 of Council Regulation (EC) no. 583/2010, the performance must be updated within the Key investors information up to 35 days after the previous calendar year end.) The updated text of the Funds statute was approved by the Investment company`s board of directors as at 10 April 2013. The changes in the statute text related to an update of the list of managed funds, update of the information on the length of professional experience of Investment company management, addition of information on Fund’s performance and the Fund`s benchmark`s performance, an update of information on total expense ratio for 2012 and update of the date of the signature. These updates were not subject to preliminary approval from Czech national bank (according to the section 84 (a), subsection 5 of 189/2004 Coll. Act on collective investment. The shareholders could access the updated text of the Statute and Key investors information as of 10 April 2013 on http://www.iscs. cz/, at the distributor’s branches (Ceska sporitelna, a. s.) and at the Investment company seat. Legislative change Act No 240/2013 Coll., Act on Management Companies and Investment Funds became effective as of 19 August 2013. Rules stated by this act must be implemented by management companies and investment funds by 22 July 2014. In 2013, the Fund`s management was subject to the rules of the Act No. 189/2004 Coll., On collective investment schemes. The new rules will be applied as of 2014. 2. Basis of Preparation The financial statements have been prepared on the basis of underlying accounting records maintained in accordance with Accounting Act No. 563/1991 Coll., and applicable regulations, decrees and internal standards in compliance with and in the scope defined in Czech Finance Ministry Regulation No. 501/2002 of 6 November 2002, as subsequently amended, which sets out the overall framework for the presentation of the financial statements, and guidelines for the structure and minimum requirements for the content of the financial statements of banks and certain financial institutions, and Czech Accounting Standards for Financial Institutions, which establish the accounting principles and policies. The basis of preparation and accounting policies has been consistently applied during both 2013 and 2012. The Fund is obliged to comply with the regulatory requirements of the Act. The financial statements are based on the accrual principle, that is, transactions and other events are recognised in the accounting period in which they occur, regardless of when the related monetary flow arises. The financial statements are presented in compliance 119 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report with general accounting principles, specifically the accrual principle, the prudence concept and the going concern assumption. The financial statements contain the balance sheet, profit and loss account, statement of changes in equity and notes to the financial statements. counting entity, and the date when other matters to be included in the accounting records occur, or when the documents supporting these other matters are available, or when other matters are a consequence of internal conditions of the accounting entity and/ or special regulations. Securities The presentation of the financial statements requires that the Company makes estimates which have an impact on the reported amounts of assets and liabilities as at the date of the financial statements as well as expenses and income in the relevant accounting period. These estimates are based on information available as at the date of the financial statements and may differ from the actual results. As a result of continued market volatility since the start of the global financial crisis, the Fund may be exposed to increased risk, specifically due to the uncertainty regarding possible asset impairments and future developments on the market. The financial statements have been prepared based on the current best estimates using all relevant and available information as at the date of the financial statements. These financial statements are unconsolidated. All amounts are stated in thousands of Czech crowns (CZK), unless indicated otherwise. Explanation Added for Translation into English These financial statements are presented on the basis of accounting principles and standards generally accepted in the Czech Republic. Certain accounting practices applied by the Company that conform with generally accepted accounting principles and standards in the Czech Republic may not conform with generally accepted accounting principles in other countries. 3. Accounting Policies In accordance with the Fund’s strategy, all securities are classified as securities at fair value through profit or loss. During the accounting period, securities are re-measured at fair value on a daily basis pursuant to the Finance Ministry Regulation No. 194/2011 Coll., on more detailed regulation of certain rules in collective investment (the “Decree”), as amended. The securities of the Fund are accounted for as securities at fair value through profit or loss. The fair value of the securities is determined in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards with an exception, that an average price between the most favourable binding offer and demand (MID price) is used for bonds. Pursuant to the Regulation, securities are valued at the price quoted on a public market which is adjusted, as appropriate, to reflect the rules set out in the Regulation. If the market value is unavailable, the Fund uses a value determined by the Company using valuation models based on discounted future cash flows according to the yield curve calculated using the Reuters and Kondor+ systems. Securities are measured at cost upon initial recognition using the weighted average method. The acquisition cost includes direct transaction costs related to the acquisition of securities. Realised capital gains or losses are recorded in the profit and loss account within ‘Profit or loss from financial operations’. Accrued interest relating to assets is included within the total balance of these assets. Receivables and Payables Transaction Recognition Date Purchases and sales of securities are recognised using trade date accounting provided that the period between the trade date and the fulfilment of the commitment arising from the contract does not exceed a period typical for the relevant type of transaction. The transaction recognition date for derivative contracts is: a) the date upon which the related contract was entered into; b) the date when fulfilment was delivered based on the relevant contract. The transaction recognition date can also be the date when money in circulation is paid or received, the date when foreign currency is purchased or sold, the date when a payment is made, the date when ownership is acquired or terminated, when a receivable or payable arises, changes or ceases to exist, when assets move within an ac- The Fund records receivables arising from its transactions with securities and other operating receivables at their nominal value, while receivables from positive fair values of derivatives are recorded at the fair value of the derivatives at the balance sheet date. Pursuant to the prudence principle, provisions are created based on the aging of receivables. The Fund records payables arising from its transactions with securities and operating payables at their nominal value, while payables from negative fair values of derivatives are recorded at the fair value of the derivatives at the balance sheet date. Financial Derivatives and Hedging Transactions In the normal course of business, the Fund enters into hedging contracts with financial derivatives to hedge against interest rate and foreign currency exposures associated with its transactions on 120 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report financial markets. The method of fair value hedges is applied to hedging derivatives. The Fund designates certain derivatives as hedges provided that the following criteria are met: – the Fund has developed a risk management strategy; – at the inception of the hedge, the hedging relationship is formally documented, the documentation identifies the hedged item and the hedging instrument, and it defines the risk that is being hedged and the approach to establishing whether the hedge is effective; and – the hedge is effective, that is, changes in the fair value or cash flows of the hedged item are almost fully offset by changes in the fair value or cash flows of the hedging instrument and the results are within a range of 80 percent to 125 percent. Nominal values of derivative financial instruments are recognised in the off-balance sheet accounts. Changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as hedges (see above) are recorded as income or expense. Changes in the fair value of the hedging derivatives attributable to the risk hedged are recognised in the same income or expense accounts as differences from revaluation of a hedged instrument. All financial derivatives are recorded as assets when the fair value is positive and as liabilities when the fair value is negative. Fair values are derived from valuation models. Derivatives that are not designated as hedging derivatives are treated as trading derivatives. These derivatives are measured at fair value on a daily basis and gains and losses on revaluation are posted to derivative expense and income accounts. Certain derivatives are embedded in compound financial instruments, which comprise the host instrument and the derivative. Pursuant to the applicable regulations, the Fund recognises changes in assets and liabilities arising from the movements in rates or prices of securities or changes in exchange rates through expense and income accounts. Given that the assets of the Fund are valued at fair value and changes of fair values are reported within expenses and income from derivatives, embedded derivatives are not accounted for separately. Income Tax Under effective tax regulations, the income tax rate applicable to mutual funds is 5 percent. Deferred Tax Deferred tax is provided using the liability method on all temporary differences between the carrying amount of assets and liabilities reported in the balance sheet and their value for tax purposes. Deferred tax assets are recognised only up to the amount of probable future taxable income against which the deferred tax asset can be offset. Foreign Currency Translations Foreign currencies are translated using the exchange rate promulgated by the Czech National Bank as at the relevant date. As at the balance sheet date, assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated on the same basis. Foreign exchange rate gains and losses from the daily translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are posted to expense or income accounts. Capital Funds The selling price of participation certificates is calculated as a proportion of the Fund’s net assets and the relevant number of participation certificates. Participation certificates are sold to investors using the selling price determined on a daily basis. Share Premium Share premium is the difference between the nominal value of all participation certificates and their carrying amounts as at the date of their issue or purchase. Interest Income and Expense and Dividend Income Interest income and expense are recognised using the accrual principle. Dividend income is recognised as at the date when the right to receive the payment is established (ex-dividend date). Dividend income from domestic securities is presented after withholding tax. Dividend income from foreign securities is presented gross with the applicable taxes presented within taxes on foreign dividends (see note 5.17). Subsequent Events The impact of events that occurred between the balance sheet date and the date of the financial statements preparation is recognized in the financial statements provided these events provide additional evidence about conditions that existed at the date of the balance sheet. If material events reflecting the facts occurring after the balance sheet date happened between the balance sheet date and the date of the financial statements preparation the consequences of these events are disclosed in the notes to the financial statements but not recognized in the financial statements. 4. Risk Management Credit Risk In accordance with the Statute and the investment strategy, the Company establishes rules and policies for selecting investment instruments such that the overall credit risk profile of allocated investments is consistent with the characteristics of the Fund. New types of instruments are approved on a case by case basis by the 121 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report risk management function together with the specification of limits for positions pertaining to these instruments. Specific emphasis is placed on an appropriate rating structure and a relatively detailed diversification of portfolios (especially in relation to interest bearing securities). The Fund monitors Value at Risk globally and also broken down to Foreign Currency VaR, Interest Rate VaR and Equity VaR. Based on the above values, the Fund identifies critical risk segments. This identification influences the reinvestment process. The limits set the maximum acceptable VaR for the Fund. Market Risk The Equity VaR also reflects the risk related to the holding of Funds’ participation certificates (including funds of money market and bond funds). The Fund uses a wide range of tools to eliminate risk exposures attached to its portfolios. Significant attention is paid to market risks. Apart from statutory restrictions, the Fund is subject to a set of internal limits having a direct impact on the FX exposure, interest rate exposure (the modified duration range of the Fund), equity allocation on individual markets according to their volatility, portfolio rating structure (see above), and other characteristics of the Fund. The relevant limits are appropriately applied to correspond with the type of the Fund. Whenever the Fund purchases new types of instruments, these instruments are first analysed to assess the potential credit risk, as well as the market risk that the instruments might bring to or help eliminate from the portfolio. Subsequently, their appropriateness and, if appropriate, the acceptable proportion of these instruments in the portfolio is evaluated. The level of the Fund’s market risk exposure is measured using the Value at Risk (“VaR”). With effect from 1 August 2006, the VaR for the Company’s Funds is calculated by the Central Risk Management Department of Česká spořitelna using the historical simulation method in the K + KvaR system. Set out below are relative monthly values of the VaR in percentage terms for individual types of risks: Global VaR Foreign currency VaR Interest rate VaR Equity VaR Global VaR Foreign currency VaR Interest rate VaR Equity VaR 31 Dec 2013 Average VaR 1.63% 0.02% 1.64% 0.19% 1.46% 0.10% 1.38% 0.30% 31 Dec 2012 Average VaR 0.92% 0.18% 0.79% 0.29% 1.39% 0.13% 1.38% 0.28% The average VaR is calculated as an average of daily VaR values in years 2013 and 2012 respectively. Adherence to all the above limits and their effectiveness is monitored and assessed on an ongoing basis. The limits are reviewed, if necessary. The portfolio’s risk of unfavourable development of foreign exchange rates, interest rates, and other market factors is hedged, to an appropriate extent, by financial derivatives. Financial derivatives are traded on the OTC market as this market enables the trading of contracts whose parameters and nature appropriately satisfy the requirements of a hedge. Portfolios primarily include currency swaps, currency forwards and interest rate swaps. Liquidity Risk Another monitored risk is the liquidity risk. Liquidity risk is a risk that the Fund will not have enough available resources to meet its obligations arising from financial contracts. Liquidity is monitored and managed based on expected cash flows, with appropriate adjustments made to the structure of securities and term placements portfolios. Pursuant to the Act, the Company is obliged to repurchase a participation certificate without undue delay but not later than 15 business days from the date when the repurchase right is claimed. Given that the Fund holds securities traded on foreign stock exchanges which can be realised within a few days, the Fund’s inability to meet its obligations due to lack of liquidity is unlikely. Pursuant to Section 12 of the Collective Investment Act, the Company can suspend issues and purchases of the Fund’s participation certificates for a maximum of three months, if necessary due to the protection of rights or the participation certificate holders’ interests protected by law. Issuing and purchasing participation certificates can be suspended particularly at the end or beginning of the calendar year, in the event of natural disasters, upon very strong fluctuations on financial markets and upon high requirements for the sales or purchases of participation certificates provided they could endanger the Fund’s assets. The quantitative information about the residual maturity of assets and liabilities is given in Note 5.19. 122 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5. Additional Information on the Financial Statements 5.1 Receivables from Banks Receivables from banks 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Current accounts Term deposits Margin accounts Margin constitution Total 932,126 – – 201,408 996,675 200,115 1 14,582 1,133,534 1,211,373 Balances on current accounts are repayable on demand. 5.2 Securities Individual types of securities by issuer, number of securities, their market value and interest rate are disclosed in the Portfolio attached to the annual report. All securities held by the Fund are publicly listed on the Prague Stock Exchange or foreign stock exchanges. Participation certificates which are not listed on stock exchanges are purchased and administered by the Company. Shares, participation certificates and other holdings 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Acquisition cost Market revaluation 1,960,860 150,652 1,844,271 116,106 Total 2,111,512 1,960,377 Debt securities 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Acquisition cost Market revaluation Accrued interest income 9,182,794 32,875 153,763 7,585,256 486,832 129,979 Total 9,369,432 8,202,067 Of the aggregate volume of debt securities, debt securities maturing within one year accounted for 0 percent in 2013 (2012: 5.75 percent). Of the aggregate volume of debt securities, debt securities maturing within more than one year with a variable coupon accounted for 15.8 percent in 2013 (2012: 15.51 percent). Debt securities maturing within more than one year with a fixed coupon accounted for 84.2 percent in 2013 (2012: 78.74 percent). 5.3 Other Assets Other assets 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Receivables from security trading Provisions against receivables Positive fair values of financial derivatives Settlement with state budget Other receivables Other 7,270 (7,270) 16,380 26,974 2,433 744 7,270 (7,270) 17,449 – 23,073 455 Total 46,531 40,977 Settlement with state budget as at 31 December 2013 represents overpayment on income tax advances. ‘Other receivables’ relate mainly to receivables from domestic coupons due in January of the following year. The caption ‘Other’ represents mainly an estimated receivable for the return of a portion of the management fee for purchased participation certificates of Erste’s fund. 123 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.4 Prepayments and Accrued Income Prepayments and accrued income 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Prepayments – audit fees – 18 Total – 18 5.5 Equity The Fund has no share capital. The nominal value of one participation certificate is CZK 1. The total nominal value of all participation certificates is posted to ‘Capital funds’. Share premium arising from the difference between the nominal and selling values of the participation certificates is recorded separately. The Fund accounts for share premium upon the sale of participation certificates as well as upon their repurchase. The selling price of the participation certificate is determined as the share of the Fund’s net assets and the number of issued participation certificates. The value of a participation certificate as at the last trading date in 2013 totalled CZK 2.1038 (2012: CZK 2.0947). This is the most recent announced value of the participation certificate for the year, for which purchases and repurchases of the participation certificates of the Fund were undertaken. In line with the Fund’s Statute, the profit for 2013 of CZK 55,061 thousand will be transferred to the reinvestment fund within ‘Other funds from profit’. In line with the Fund’s Statute, the profit for 2012 of CZK 952,533 thousand was transferred to the reinvestment fund within ‘Other funds from profit’. 5.6 Changes in the Capital Fund Number of Nominal Contribution upon participation value of merger certificates participation certificates Balance at 31 Dec 2011 Use of fund Total capital to cover funds losses 4,193,374,303 4,193,374 6,347 (148,308) 4,051,413 2,014,386,889 (814,464,858) 2,014,387 (814,465) - - 2,014,387 (814,465) Balance at 31 Dec 2012 5,393,296,334 5,393,296 6,347 (148,308) 5,251,335 Participation certificates sold Participation certificates purchased 1,897,304,154 (1,367,992,750) 1,897,304 (1,367,992) - - 1,897,304 (1,367,992) Balance at 31 Dec 2013 5,922,607,738 5,922,608 6,347 (148,308) 5,780,647 Participation certificates sold Participation certificates purchased 5.7 Other Liabilities Other liabilities 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Negative fair values of financial derivatives Payables from participation certificate holders’ placements State budget settlement Other liabilities 175,846 12,582 – 2,532 51,445 7,953 45,075 3,687 Total 190,960 108,160 5.8 Accrued Expenses and Deferred Income Accrued expenses consist of the unbilled custody fee of CZK 1,142 thousand for December 2013 (2012: CZK 1,036 thousand) and the management fee of CZK 9,133 thousand for December 2013 (2012: CZK 8,376 thousand), the unbilled fee for the local sub-register administration of CZK 0 thousand for December 2013 (2012: CZK 51 thousand), the fee of CZK 4 thousand for December 2013 paid to the central depository (2012: CZK 4 thousand) and the fee for calculation of net assets value and of participation certificate rate of CZK 51 thousand related to December 2013 (2012: CZK 46 thousand). 124 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.9 Financial Derivatives Designated as Hedging Derivatives Nominal value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Assets Liabilities Assets Liabilities Currency swaps Interest rate swaps 409,000 – 423,046 – 3,727,744 200,000 3,731,772 223,627 Total 409,000 423,046 3,927,744 3,955,399 Open positions of derivatives posted to an off-balance sheet are converted to fair value daily as of 1 January 2011 (up to 31 August 2013 futures were converted monthly; as of 1 September 2013 they are converted on daily basis) and recorded in absolute values. Fair value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Positive Negative Positive Negative Currency swaps Interest rate swaps – – 14,046 – 16,725 – 20,753 23,627 Total – 14,046 16,725 44,380 All financial derivatives designated as hedging derivatives are due within one year. 5.10 Financial Derivatives Designated as Trading Derivatives Nominal value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Assets Liabilities Assets Liabilities Interest rate swaps Cross currency swap Credit swaps 296,633 4,986,124 24,435 298,650 5,129,057 24,905 37,133 51,635 24,973 38,658 56,989 24,435 Total 5,307,192 5,452,612 113,741 120,082 Open positions of derivatives posted to an off-balance sheet are converted to fair value daily as of 1 January 2011 (up to 31 August 2013 futures were converted monthly; as of 1 September 2013 they are converted on daily basis) and recorded in absolute values. Fair value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Positive Negative Positive Negative Interest rate swaps Cross currency swap Credit swaps – 16,380 – 2,017 159,313 470 – 186 538 1,525 5,540 – Total 16,380 161,800 724 7,065 All credit and currency derivatives are due within one year. 5.11 Residual maturity of credit derivatives 2013 Credit derivatives 31 Dec 2013 Nominal value Fair value Assets Liabilities Positive Negative Maturity within 1 – 5 years Maturity above 5 years 296,633 – 298,650 – – – 2,017 – Total 296,633 298,650 – 2,017 125 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 2012 Credit derivatives 31 Dec 2012 Nominal value Fair value Assets Liabilities Positive Negative Maturity within 1 – 5 years Maturity above 5 years 37,133 200,000 38,658 223,627 − − 1,525 23,627 Total 237,133 262,285 − 25,152 2013 2012 Interest on deposits at banks Interest on debt securities Interest on margin constitution Interest on hedging derivatives 415 300,990 61 1,052 4,178 279,870 2 1,545 Total 302,518 285,595 2013 2012 5.12 Interest Income Income Expense Interest on hedging derivatives (9,998) 23,627 Total (9,998) 23,627 2013 2012 5.13 Income from Shares and Interests Income from shares and interests – foreign dividends 2,401 – Total 2,401 – 2013 2012 Management fees Custody fees Commissions and fees from securities trading Administration of securities Expenses of administration of the local sub-register – Česká spořitelna Fees paid to the central depository Other fees and commissions 108,056 13,477 13 7,311 851 51 6,739 86,059 10,607 36 5,627 607 51 6,394 Total 136,498 109,381 5.14 Fees and Commissions In compliance with the Statute of the Fund, the management fee paid to the Company by the Fund amounts to 0.90 percent of the average annual net asset value. Pursuant to the custody service contract entered into with Česká spořitelna, a. s., the Fund pays a fee equal to 0.11 percent of its average annual net asset value. If participation certificates of another mutual fund managed by the Company are purchased and added to the Fund’s assets, the Fund’s aggregate net asset value reduced by the current value of investments in participation certificates of the other mutual fund managed by the Company is used as the basis for the calculation of the fixed part of the management fee. 126 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.15 Profit or Loss from Financial Operations 2013 2012 Profit or loss from securities at fair value through profit or loss Profit or loss from FX differences Profit or loss from fixed term transactions 249,679 18,462 (387,793) 801,595 (4,407) 53,194 Total (119,652) 850,382 Profit or loss from securities at fair value through profit or loss primarily comprises the profit or loss from the realised sales of securities, from payable securities and from the daily valuation of securities at fair value. Profit or loss from derivatives includes profit or loss on the settlement of fixed term transactions with currency instruments and also the revaluation of open derivatives at fair value. Profit or loss from FX differences represents the value of realised FX profit or loss from foreign currency accounts and from the settlement of foreign currency receivables and payables and also gains or losses arising from the revaluation of assets, with the exception of securities, and liabilities in foreign currency at fair value. 5.16 Administrative Expenses 2013 2012 Audit 554 303 Total 554 303 2013 2012 5.17 Income Tax The principal income tax components are as follows: Tax payable – current year 3,152 50,133 Total income tax 3,152 50,133 2013 2012 58,213 18 (2,402) 55,829 – 55,829 2,792 2,401 360 1,002,666 – – 1,002,666 – 1,002,666 50,133 – – 3,152 50,133 Current income tax – analysis: Profit (Loss) before tax Items to add Deductible items Tax base Tax loss utilisation Tax base adjusted Tax (5%) on tax base Foreign dividends Tax on foreign dividends Total tax Deferred tax As at 31 December 2013, the Fund determined a deferred tax asset of CZK 364 thousand arising from provisions against receivables. The deferred tax asset was not recorded on the basis that its recovery was uncertain. As at 31 December 2012, the Fund determined a deferred tax asset of CZK 364 thousand arising from provisions against receivables. The deferred tax asset was not recorded on the basis that its recovery was uncertain. 127 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.18 Related Party Transactions Related parties include Česká spořitelna, a. s. and Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Unbilled management fee – Investiční společnost Unbilled custody fee – Česká spořitelna Unbilled fee for administration of the local sub–register – Česká spořitelna Unbilled fees paid to the central depository Unbilled fee for calculation of NAV and of participation certificate rate Other payables to related parties Total payables to related parties 9,133 1,142 – 51 4 2,534 8,376 1,036 51 46 4 3,689 12,864 13,202 The costs charged to the Fund by Česká spořitelna, a. s. amounted to CZK 28,442 thousand in 2013 (2012: CZK 23,323 thousand), of which the greatest portion was represented by the custody fee of CZK 13,477 thousand (2012: CZK 10,607 thousand). The costs charged by the Company amounted to CZK 108,056 thousand in 2013 (2012: CZK 86,059 thousand), which is the annual management fee. 5.19 Liquidity The following tables show the residual maturity of assets and liabilities broken down by major classes of assets. Given that all securities are traded on public markets, sales can easily be undertaken within three months. 2013 Assets Less than 3 months 3 month – 1 year 1 – 5 years Over 5 years Not specified Total Receivables from banks Debt securities Shares and participation certificates Prepayments Derivatives Settlement with state budget Other assets Total assets 1,133,534 – – – 16,380 – 3,177 1,153,091 – – – – – 26,974 – 26,974 – 3,214,482 – – – – – 3,214,482 – 6,154,950 – – – – – 6,154,950 – – 2,111,512 – – – – 2,111,512 1,133,534 9,369,432 2,111,512 – 16,380 26,974 3,177 12,661,009 Other liabilities Net assets Available capital (176,321) 976,770 (12,459,718) – 26,974 – (10,923) 3,203,559 – (14,046) 6,140,904 – – (201,290) 2,111,512 12,459,719 – (12,459,719) Difference (11,482,949) 26,974 3,203,559 6,140,904 2,111,512 Liabilities – 128 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 2012 Assets Less than 3 months 3 month – 1 year Receivables from banks Debt securities Shares and participation certificates Prepayments Derivatives Other assets 1,211,373 208,573 − − 14,770 23,528 − 263,369 − 18 − − − 1,946,812 − − 538 − 1,458,244 263,387 Other liabilities Net assets Available capital (26,691) 1,431,553 (11,297,139) Difference (9,865,586) Total assets 1 – 5 years Over 5 years Not specified Total − 5,783,313 − − 2,141 − − − 1,960,377 − − − 1,211,373 8,202,067 1,960,377 18 17,449 23,528 1,947,350 5,785,454 1,960,377 11,414,812 (45,075) 218,312 − (1,525) 1,945,825 − (44,382) 5,741,072 − − 1,960,377 − (117,673) 11,297,139 (11,297,139) 218,312 1,945,825 5,741,072 1,960,377 − Liabilities Liquidity risk, to which the Fund is exposed, is low as all assets are convertible into cash before the repurchases of participation certificates from participation certificate holders are expected. 5.20 Off-balance Sheet Assets and Liabilities The Fund’s off-balance sheet accounts include receivables and payables from fixed term transactions and assets provided into custody and safekeeping. The item ‘Assets provided into custody, administration and safekeeping’ shows foreign and domestic securities administered by Česká spořitelna, a. s. (this item does not include participation certificates of open-ended mutual funds of the Company, which the Fund maintains in its portfolio). 5.21 Contingent Assets and Liabilities The Fund has no assets or liabilities that were not disclosed in the balance sheet or off-balance sheet accounts. 5.22 Subsequent Events No significant events occurred after the date of the financial statements, which would have a material impact on the Fund’s financial statements. 129 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Portfolio at 31 December 2013 The detail of the portfolio is not part of the fund’s final accounts. Figures are stated in CZK. ISIN Name of the security XS0429484891 XS0860033843 FR0011594720 XS0412842857 XS0545031642 XS0254356057 XS0761852556 XS0219645222 XS0829209195 XS0641963839 XS0997797054 XS0877209188 XS0880210702 XS0343877451 XS0323411016 XS0246862485 XS0353643744 XS0249443879 XS0625359384 XS0594515966 XS0616431689 AT000B007109 XS0836299320 AT000B119839 XS0989152490 RABOBANK 5.875 05/20/19 ING BANK NV VAR 11/30/17 BPCE 1.8 10/18/18 RWE FINANCE BV 6.5 08/10/21 PKO FINANCE AB 3.733 10/21/15 GE CAPITAL EURO VAR 05/17/21 TELEFONICA EMIS 3.934 03/30/2017 KBC IFIMA 3.87 05/18/16 IBERDROLA INTL BV 4.5 09/21/17 CESKE DRAHY 4.5 06/24/16 ROYAL BK SCOTLAND 1.5 11/28/16 BNP PARIBAS VAR 18 CREDIT AGRICOLE VAR 18 02/01/18 CREDIT AGRICOLE 5.971 02/01/18 STANDARD CHARTER. 5.875 09/26/17 JPM CHASE AND CO VAR 03/31/18 HSBC HOLDINGS PLC 6.25 03/19/18 BANK OF AMERICA CORP VAR 3/28/18 GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP 4.5 05/09/16 MORGAN STANLEY 4.5 02/23/16 ERSTE BANK 4.25 04/12/16 ERSTE BANK 2.5 05/18/15 ERSTE GROUP BANK 6.375 03/28/23 ERSTE BANK VAR 09/20/16 EUROPEAN INVT BANK VAR 12/07/23 Amount Market Price Market Price Total Accrued Interest 4,000 1,620 40 3,000 3,000 1,000 10 7,500 19 1,500 3,000 45 50 45 40 60 60 88 2,000 2,000 40 800 1,000 100 175 31,624.32 50,350.00 2,507,750.00 34,629.96 28,627.86 26,019.74 5,256,000.00 10,226.65 3,021,809.91 29,497.78 27,560.75 1,001,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,571,905.01 1,548,724.03 1,354,664.73 1,594,311.24 1,323,256.25 29,445.40 29,301.14 2,938,204.80 101,610.00 21,078.29 1,000,000.00 1,975,694.84 126,497,264.00 81,567,000.00 100,310,000.00 103,889,876.63 85,883,581.50 26,019,743.00 52,560,000.00 76,699,875.00 57,414,388.34 44,246,672.25 82,682,261.25 45,045,000.00 50,000,000.00 70,735,725.56 61,948,961.25 81,279,883.88 95,658,674.25 116,446,550.00 58,890,799.50 58,602,288.50 117,528,192.00 81,288,000.00 21,078,289.82 100,000,000.00 345,746,597.00 3,955,210.96 87,120.00 364,931.51 2,065,891.44 597,435.97 14,478.88 1,487,375.34 1,797,164.38 635,997.02 963,631.85 111,578.42 91,287.50 120,000.00 3,361,457.27 847,545.21 0.00 4,043,309.08 3,801.11 1,595,909.59 2,103,084.25 3,359,374.66 1,233,333.33 324,106.42 218,166.67 136,888.89 2,142,019,623.73 29,519,079.75 10,500 22,962 2,000,000,000 2,000,000 2,000 8,000,000 3,170,000 20,633.46 10,280.00 0.27 30.95 31,703.85 28.75 27.36 216,651,329.79 236,049,360.00 532,867,750.00 61,905,081.25 63,407,697.00 230,013,475.00 86,738,163.70 990,037.34 1,592,032.00 7,821,760.27 509,879.59 868,458.33 933,201.37 129,505.11 1,427,632,856.74 12,844,874.01 60 500 4,000 60,000,000 10 1,100,400.00 31,511.60 31,888.14 1.01 5,815,500.00 66,024,000.00 15,755,799.63 127,552,578.00 60,600,000.00 58,155,000.00 1,622,083.33 474,349.19 1,097,000.00 490,000.00 1,524,931.51 328,087,377.63 5,208,364.03 Foreign corporate bonds XS0782720402 SK4120008400 DE0001102309 SK4120007543 XS0840062979 SK4120008871 SK4120006503 SLOVAKIA GOVT 4.375 05/21/22 USD SLOVAKIA GOVT VAR 09/02/15 BUNDESREPUBLIC 1.5 02/15/2023 SLOVAKIA GOVT 4.35 10/14/25 ERSTE GROUP BANK 7.125 10/10/22 SLOVAKIA GOVT 3.375 11/15/24 SLOVAKIA GOVT VAR 01/21/15 Foreign government bonds CZ0001500110 XS0502286908 XS0458257796 CZ0002002538 XS0622499787 PRAHA 4.25 05/11/21 CEZ 4.875 04/16/25 EUR CEZ 5 10/19/21 EUR HYPOTECNI BANKA 1.75 07/12/15 CEZ 4.6 05/03/23 Local corporate bonds after 1 January 1998 130 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report ISIN Name of the security CZ0001002547 XS0368800073 XS0750894577 XS0792803131 CZ0001003123 XS0973829483 CZ0001002851 XS0541140793 XS0680917647 CZ0001003859 CZ0001000749 CZ0001000822 CZ0001001317 CZ0001001796 CZ0001001903 CZ0001001945 CZ0001002471 GOVERNMENT BOND 5.7 05/25/24 GOVERNMENT BOND 5 06/11/18 GOVERNMENT B. 3.875 05/24/22 EUR CESKA EXP. BANKA VAR 06/14/18 GOVERNMENT BOND VAR 04/18/23 CESKA EXP. BANKA VAR 09/25/20 GOVERNMENT BOND 3.85 09/29/21 GOVERNMENT B. 3.625 04/14/21 EUR CESKA EXP. BANKA VAR 09/22/18 GOVERNMENT BOND 2.5 08/25/28 GOVERNMENT BOND 6.95 01/26/16 GOVERNMENT BOND 4.6 08/18/18 GOVERNMENT BOND 3.75 09/12/20 GOVERNMENT BOND 4.2 12/04/36 GOVERNMENT BOND 4 04/11/17 GOVERNMENT BOND 4.7 09/12/22 GOVERNMENT BOND 5 04/11/19 Amount Market Price Market Price Total Accrued Interest 93,600 18,000 4,300 500 5,000 40 81,200 3,000 1,000 15,000 3,500 26,500 11,000 5,500 17,050 11,000 92,400 12,890.50 32,036.51 30,603.28 100,000.00 10,430.00 2,646,869.03 11,230.00 30,156.12 100,000.00 9,296.50 11,380.50 11,629.50 11,193.10 11,318.00 11,090.00 11,892.60 11,905.00 1,206,550,800.00 576,657,247.50 131,594,117.98 50,000,000.00 52,150,000.00 105,874,761.00 911,876,000.00 90,468,355.88 100,000,000.00 139,447,500.00 39,831,750.00 308,181,750.00 123,124,100.00 62,249,000.00 189,084,500.00 130,818,600.00 1,100,022,000.00 31,863,000.00 13,727,527.40 2,766,853.78 26,250.00 503,291.67 208,975.45 7,902,338.89 2,132,669.43 363,000.00 1,302,083.33 –175 680.56 4,469,666.67 1,237,500.00 166,833.33 4,906,611.11 1,551,000.00 33,238,333.33 40,716,612 24,670,000 147,156,071 1.25 1.04 1.40 34,066 73 22,800 77,487 134,700 64,510 80 4,128.83 4,823,758.57 4,393.76 3,749.27 4,688.03 3,371.08 1,211,770.61 Local government bonds after 1 January 1998 CZ0008472412 CZ0008473659 CZ0008472230 ISCS HIGH YIELD DLUHOPISOVY ISCS DLUHOPISOVY FOND ISCS CS KORP. DLUHOPIS. OPF 5,317,930,482.36 106,190,253.83 Local participation certificates - ISČS AT0000A05HS1 LU0131211178 AT0000637491 AT0000805684 AT0000658968 AT0000676846 LU0099626896 ESPA BOND BRIK–CORP. (VT) PARVEST EURO CORP BOND–INST ESPA BOND USA HIGH YIELD (T) EUR ESPA BOND EUROPE HIGH YIELD T ESPA BOND EURO–CORPORATE (VT) ESPA CASH CORPORATE–PLUS–T PARVEST FLEXBOND EUR–CORP–I Foreign participation certificates Total 51,042,344.80 25,770,282.00 205,326,865.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 282,139,492.67 0.00 140,652,850.53 352,134,375.43 100,177,710.90 290,519,820.09 631,477,573.65 217,468,435.31 96,941,648.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,829,372,414.57 0.00 11,327,182,247.70 153,762,571.62 131 Independent Auditor’s Report to the Participation certificate holders of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TRENDBOND – otevřený podílový fond We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TRENDBOND – otevřený dluhopisový podílový fond, which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December 2013, and the income statement and statement of changes in equity for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. For details of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TRENDBOND – otevřený dluhopisový podílový fond, see Note 1 to the financial statements. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Act on Auditors and International Standards on Auditing as amended by implementation guidance of the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including an assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TRENDBOND – otevřený dluhopisový podílový fond, as at 31 December 2013, and its financial performance for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic. 31 March 2014 Prague, Czech Republic Ernst & Young Audit, s.r.o. License No. 401 Represented by partner Roman Hauptfleisch Auditor, Licence no. 2009 A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited, Ernst & Young Audit, s. r. o. with its registred office at Na Florenci 2116/15, 110 00 Prague 1 – Nové Město, has been incorporated in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, entry No. 88504, under Identification No. 26704153. 132 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TRENDBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Balance Sheet at 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) Line Current Previous 1 2 10 11 15 16 18 21 141,267 141,267 697,128 697,128 1,538 264 1,274 0 102,140 102,140 602,720 602,720 147 147 0 11 22 839,933 705,018 29 30 32 33 34 39 40 41 46 47 5,029 4,516 0 513 1,123 8,430 202,251 619,969 2,831 300 3,459 491 2,579 389 951 (24 348) 104,454 519,874 2,831 97,797 Total Liabilities 48 839,933 705,018 of which: Equity 49 833,781 700,608 3 Receivables from banks and credit unions of which: a/ on demand: aa/ current accounts 5 Debt securities of which: a/ issued by the government 11 Other assets a/ derivatives c/ receivables from taxes 13 Prepayments and accrued income Total Assets 4 Other liabilities a/ derivatives c/ liabilities from taxes d/ other liabilities 5 Deferred income and accrued expenses 9 Share premium 10 Reserve funds and other funds from profit 12 Capital funds 14 Retained earnings or accumulated losses from previous periods 15 Profit or loss for the accounting period 133 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TRENDBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Off Balance Sheet Accounts at 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 4 Amounts due from fixed term transactions b/ with currency instruments 7 Assets provided into custody, administration and safekeeping of which: securities 12 Amounts owed from fixed term transactions b/ with currency instruments Line Current Previous 52 54 60 61 64 66 126,943 126,943 697,128 697,128 131,195 131,195 89,117 89,117 602,720 602,720 89,461 89,461 134 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TRENDBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 1 Interest income and similar income of which: a/ interest income from bonds 5 Commission and fee expenses a/ fees and commissions from securities trading b/ management fee c/ custody fee d/ other financial expenses 6 Profit or loss on financial operations a/ profit or loss on transactions with securities b/ profit or loss on foreign exchange transactions c/ profit or loss on fixed term transactions and options 9 Administrative expenses of which: b/ other administrative expenses: ba/ audit 19 Ordinary profit or loss for the accounting period before tax 23 Income tax 24 Profit or loss for the accounting period after tax Line Current Previous 1 2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 26 30 31 39,618 39,121 14,616 55 12,556 921 1,084 (24,493) (19,744) 166 (4,915) 193 193 316 16 300 37,323 34,960 12,000 6 10,285 754 955 75,291 66,382 2,275 6,634 238 238 100,376 2,579 97,797 135 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TRENDBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 1 Share premium opening balance issued unit certificates repurchase of unit certificates other changes closing balance 2 Retained earnings opening balance transfers to funds other changes closing balance 3 Capital funds opening balance issued unit certificates repurchase of unit certificates transfers to funds other changes closing balance 4 Gains or losses from revaluation opening balance foreign exchange rate differences and gains or losses from revaluation not included in profit (loss) closing balance 5 Retained earnings or accumulated losses from previous periods opening balance other changes closing balance 6 Profit (loss) for the current period after taxes opening balance profit (loss) transfers to funds, dividends closing balance 7 Total Line Current Previous (24,348) 157,319 (124,541) 0 8,430 (5,033) 19,182 (38,497) 0 (24,348) 104,454 97,797 0 202,251 146,461 0 (42,007) 104,454 519,874 462,298 (362,203) 0 0 619,969 607,847 62,705 (150,678) 0 0 519,874 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,831 0 2,831 2,831 0 2,831 97,797 300 (97,797) 300 (42,007) 97,797 42,007 97,797 833,781 700,608 136 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TRENDBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Notes to the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2013 1. Organisation and Description of Business Formation and Description of the Business Investiční společnost České spořitelny a.s., TRENDBOND – otevřený dluhopisový podílový fond (hereinafter the “Fund” or “ISČS, a. s. – TRENDBOND OPF dluhopisový”) is an accounting unit without legal entity status, formed by Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. (hereinafter the “Company”) as an openended mutual fund under the Investment Companies and Funds Act No. 248/1992 Coll., based upon the Resolution of the Securities Commission dated 11 October 2001. The Fund commenced its activities on 29 October 2001. Pursuant to a concluded contract, Česká spořitelna, a. s. acts as the depository of the Fund. The Fund is managed by the Company. In compliance with the Collective Investment Act No. 189/2004 Coll. (hereinafter the “Act”), the Company is responsible for the management of the assets of the Fund, which involves the administration and handling of the assets. The Fund is a standard fund in compliance with the Act and meets the requirements of EU legislation. According to the classification binding for the members of the Capital Market Association (hereinafter the “AKAT CR”) as at the date of the approval of this Statute, the Fund can be defined as a bond fund. Registered Office Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. TRENDBOND – otevřený dluhopisový podílový fond Prague 6, Evropská 2690/17 Principal Business The Company collects funds from individuals and legal entities for the Fund by issuing participation certificates with the purpose of their collective investment on local and foreign financial markets. No restrictions are placed on the number of participation certificates for issue and the period for which the Fund is established. The Company reserves the right to temporary halt the issuing of participation certificates for no longer than three months in compliance with the Act. The participation certificates of the Fund are available both in the Czech Republic and in other EU member countries. The Fund is a standard collective investment fund that meets the requirements of EU legislation. This also entails that the Fund is subject to supervision which is equivalent to the supervision pursuant to the EU legislation, the level of protection of the participation certificate holders’ assets is equivalent to the protection provided to participation certificate holders of other collective investment funds that fulfil the requirements of Council Directive No. 85/611/ EEC as of 20 December 1985, on the coordination of legal and administrative regulations regarding collective investment entities transferable into securities, as amended by Council Directive No. 88/220/EEC, Directive 95/26/ES of the European Parliament and Council, Directive 2001/107/EC of the European Parliament and Council and Directive 2001/108/EC of the European Parliament and Council. The Company prepares mid-year and annual reports on the administration of mutual fund assets, which provide a true view of the assets and liabilities, revenues and transactions in the reporting period. Investment Policy of the Fund The objective of the investment policy is to provide participation certificate holders with a long-term appreciation of participation certificates primarily through investments in bonds of European Union candidate or new member states. The Fund is managed such that it benefits from the decrease, if any, of interest income while maximising the income from changes in exchange rates. Due to a significant proportion of foreign currencies in the portfolio, which may be up to 70 percent, the value of the participation certificates may have a high short-term fluctuation rate. The Fund’s portfolio predominantly includes state bonds of Central and Eastern Europe countries. The Fund also invests in treasury bills, bank deposits or bonds with embedded derivatives. The portfolio of the Fund may also be expanded by purchasing bonds exchangeable for shares or with the option to subscribe for shares. The Fund is a standard fund pursuant to the Collective Investment Act. The Company fulfils the requirements of the EU legislation when managing the Fund’s assets. According to the classification binding for the members of AKAT as at the date of the approval of this Statute, the Fund can be defined as a bond fund. Up to 10 percent of the finances collected in the Fund can be invested in securities of the collective investment funds if such collective investment fund invests in identical classes of assets as a standard fund in compliance with the Act, spreads the risk connected to investments, repurchases securities which it issued or ensures that the exchange rate or price of these securities on the regulated market does not significantly differ from their current amount provided 137 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TRENDBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report that it has been authorised by a supervision body of the state where it has its registered office and falls subject to supervision which the Czech National Bank considers equivalent to the supervision within the European Union member states and provided that the cooperation between the Czech National Bank and this supervision body is ensured and the protection of owners of securities issued by this collective investment fund is equivalent to the protection provided to owners of securities issued by a collective investment fund fulfilling the requirements of the EC legislation; this collective investment fund must principally comply with provisions on borrowing, lending and sales of assets for a short time (Sections 33 to 35 of the Collective Investment Act), separating its assets in accounting pursuant to Section 16 (1) of the Collective Investment Act, prepare and publish mid-year and annual reports, which provide a true view of assets and liabilities, revenues and transactions in the reporting period, and its Statute can allow investments up to the maximum of 10 percent of the value of its assets into securities issued by another collective investment fund. This 10 percent investment limit provision tightens investment limits for investing into securities of collective investment funds set out in Section 30 (1) and (2) of the Collective Investment Act. The Fund can also purchase bonds can be exchanged for shares or which carry the priority right for the subscription of shares into the portfolio of the Fund. In the event of claiming the rights arising from these bonds for the acquisition of shares, the shares must not exceed 10 percent of the value of the Fund’s assets. The Company can use financial derivatives to effectively manage the Fund’s assets. Efficient asset management represents transactions for the purpose of decreasing risk, decreasing costs or achieving sufficient income for the Fund provided that the risk is demonstrably low. The exposure from these transactions must be fully covered by the Fund’s assets so that liabilities arising from these transactions are fulfilled. The limits of the Fund are adhered to on the basis of the Act, or they are regulated in the Fund’s Statute in compliance with the Act. Management Policy The profit/(loss) is based on the difference between income and expenses related to the management of the Fund’s assets. The generated profit has been fully retained by the Fund, in the reinvestment fund, as a source for further investments, and increases the participation certificate value. In the event that the Fund incurs a loss from the Company’s management of assets, the loss is covered from the reinvestment fund which was created from earnings brought forward. If the reinvestment fund is not sufficient, the loss must be covered by a reduction in the Fund’s capital fund. The Fund’s assets must not be used for the provision of loans, borrowings or gifts, to secure a third party’s obligation or to settle a payable which is not related to the Fund’s management. This provision does not affect Sections 26 and 27 of the Collective Investment Act. The Company can accept loans and borrowings for the maximum of six months when managing the Fund’s assets, to cover temporary needs related to the management of the Fund’s assets or purchases of participation certificates. The volume of the received loans and borrowings is not allowed to exceed 10 percent of the value of the Fund’s assets. Change in the Fund’s Statute Czech National Bank Resolution No. 2012/4695/570, dated 18 May 2012, which came into force on 5 June 2012: The changes to the Funds statute related mainly to the duty of the asset investment company to ensure that its statute is in accordance with the amendment to Act 189/2004 Coll., Act on collective investments (as ensuing from the changes made by Act 188/2011 Coll.) and Decree No. 193/2011 Coll., on the minimum requisites of the statute and on the conditions for the use of the name Short-Term Money Market Fund and Money Market Fund. In light of the change made to the methodology of classifying mutual funds of the Capital Market Association, the definition of a bond fund in the introductory Definition of Terms of the Funds statute has been modified, as well as the wording of certain related provisions. Investment objectives, the method of investing and the risk profile of the Fund have not been changed in the amendments referred to above. Along with the change made to the statute, information was updated as to the list of funds managed by the Company (Article II Paragraph 8 of the statute), in particular information on the managing parties of the asset management company (Appendix 1 to the statute), information added on the performance of the Fund for 2011 (Appendix 2 to the statute), information updated on the total cost indicators for 2011, and the date on which the statute being signed was updated. On the date the changes to the statute came into force the simple statute of the Fund was replaced by a newly processed document providing required key information for investors. Such key information for investors was processed in accordance with Commission (EU) Regulation No. 583/2012. As at 1 February 2013, information on Fund`s 2012 performance was published within the document Key investors information. (According to the article 23, section 3 of Council Regulation (EC) no. 583/2010, the performance must be updated within the Key investors information up to 35 days after the previous calendar year end.) The updated text of the Funds statute was approved by the Investment company`s board of directors as at 10 April 2013. The changes in the statute text related to an update of the list of managed funds, update of the information on the length of professional experience of Investment company management, addition of information on Fund’s performance and the Fund`s benchmark`s performance, an update of information on total expense ratio for 138 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TRENDBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 2012 and update of the date of the signature. These updates were not subject to preliminary approval from Czech national bank (according to the section 84 (a), subsection 5 of 189/2004 Coll., Act on collective investment schemes). The shareholders could access the updated text of the Statute and Key investors information as of 10 April 2013 on, at the distributor’s branches (Ceska sporitelna, a. s.) and at the Investment company seat. specifically due to the uncertainty regarding possible asset impairments and future developments on the market. The financial statements have been prepared based on the current best estimates using all relevant and available information as at the date of the financial statements. Legislative change All amounts are stated in thousands of Czech crowns (CZK), unless indicated otherwise. Act No 240/2013 Coll., Act on Management Companies and Investment Funds became effective as of 19 August 2013. Rules stated by this act must be implemented by management companies and investment funds by 22 July 2014. In 2013, the Fund`s management was subject to the rules of the Act No. 189/2004 Coll., Act on collective investment schemes. The new rules will be applied as of 2014. 2. Basis of Preparation The financial statements have been prepared on the basis of underlying accounting records maintained in accordance with Accounting Act No. 563/1991 Coll., and applicable regulations, decrees and internal standards in compliance with and in the scope defined in Czech Finance Ministry Regulation No. 501/2002 of 6 November 2002, as subsequently amended, which sets out the overall framework for the presentation of the financial statements, and guidelines for the structure and minimum requirements for the content of the financial statements of banks and certain financial institutions, and Czech Accounting Standards for Financial Institutions, which establish the accounting principles and policies. The basis of preparation and the accounting policies have been consistently applied during both 2013 and 2012. The Fund is obliged to comply with the regulatory requirements of the Act. The financial statements are presented in compliance with general accounting principles, specifically the accrual principle, the prudence concept and the going concern assumption. The financial statements contain the balance sheet, profit and loss account, statement of changes in equity, and notes to the financial statements. These financial statements are unconsolidated. Explanation Added for Translation into English These financial statements are presented on the basis of accounting principles and standards generally accepted in the Czech Republic. Certain accounting practices applied by the Company that conform with generally accepted accounting principles and standards in the Czech Republic may not conform with generally accepted accounting principles in other countries. 3. Accounting Policies Transaction Recognition Date Purchases and sales of securities are recognised using trade date accounting provided that the period between the trade date and the fulfilment of the commitment arising from the contract does not exceed a period typical for the relevant type of transaction. The transaction recognition date for derivative contracts is: a) the date upon which the related contract was entered into; b) the date when fulfilment was delivered based on the relevant contract. The transaction recognition date can also be the date when money in circulation is paid or received, the date when foreign currency is purchased or sold, the date when a payment is made, the date when ownership is acquired or terminated, when a receivable or payable arises, changes or ceases to exist, when assets move within an accounting entity, and the date when other matters to be included in the accounting records occur, or when the documents supporting these other matters are available, or when other matters are a consequence of internal conditions of the accounting entity and/ or special regulations. Securities The presentation of the financial statements requires that the Company make estimates which have an impact on the reported amounts of assets and liabilities as at the date of the financial statements as well as expenses and income in the relevant accounting period. These estimates are based on information available as at the date of the financial statements and may differ from the actual results. As a result of continued market volatility since the start of the global financial crisis, the Fund may be exposed to increased risk, In accordance with the Fund’s strategy, all securities are classified as ‘securities at fair value through profit or loss. During the accounting period, securities are re-measured at fair value on a daily basis pursuant to the Finance Ministry Regulation No. 194/2011 Coll., on more detailed regulation of certain rules in collective investment (the “Decree”), as amended. The securities of the Fund are accounted for as securities at fair value through profit or loss. The fair value of the securities is determined in accordance with the International Financial Reporting 139 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TRENDBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Standards with an exception, that an average price between the most favourable binding offer and demand (MID price) is used for bonds. Pursuant to the Regulation, securities are valued at the price quoted on a public market which is adjusted, as appropriate, to reflect the rules set out in the Regulation. If the market value is unavailable, the Fund uses a value determined by the Company using valuation models based on discounted future cash flows according to the yield curve calculated using the Reuters and Kondor+ systems. Securities are measured at cost upon initial recognition using the weighted average method. The acquisition cost includes direct transaction costs related to the acquisition of securities. Realised capital gains or losses are recorded in the profit and loss account within ‘Profit or loss from financial operations’. Accrued interest relating to assets is included within the total balance of these assets. Receivables and Payables The Fund records receivables arising from its transactions with securities and other operating receivables at their nominal value, while receivables from positive fair values of derivatives are recorded at the fair value of the derivatives at the balance sheet date. Pursuant to the prudence principle, provisions are created based on the aging of receivables. The Fund records payables arising from its transactions with securities and operating payables at their nominal value, while payables from negative fair values of derivatives are recorded at the fair value of the derivatives at the balance sheet date. Financial Derivatives and Hedging Transactions In the normal course of business, the Fund enters into hedging contracts with financial derivatives to hedge against interest rate and foreign currency exposures associated with its transactions on financial markets. The method of fair value hedges is applied to hedging derivatives. The Fund designates certain derivatives as hedges provided that the following criteria are met: – the Fund has developed a risk management strategy; – at the inception of the hedge, the hedging relationship is formally documented, the documentation identifies the hedged item and the hedging instrument, and it defines the risk that is being hedged and the approach to establishing whether the hedge is effective; and – the hedge is effective, that is, changes in the fair value or cash flows of the hedged item are almost fully offset by changes in the fair value or cash flows of the hedging instrument and the results are within a range of 80 percent to 125 percent. Nominal values of derivative financial instruments are recognised in the off-balance sheet accounts. Changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as hedges (see above) are recorded as income or expense. Changes in the fair value of the hedging derivatives attributable to the risk hedged are recognised in the same income or expense accounts as differences from revaluation of a hedged instrument. All financial derivatives are recorded as assets when the fair value is positive and as liabilities when the fair value is negative. Fair values are derived from valuation models. Derivatives that are not designated as hedging derivatives are treated as trading derivatives. These derivatives are measured at fair value on a daily basis and gains and losses on revaluation are posted to derivative expense and income accounts. Certain derivatives are embedded in compound financial instruments, which comprise the host instrument and the derivative. Pursuant to the applicable regulations, the Fund recognises changes in assets and liabilities arising from the movements in rates or prices of securities or changes in exchange rates through expense and income accounts. Given that the assets of the Fund are valued at fair value and changes of fair values are reported within expenses and income from derivatives, embedded derivatives are not accounted for separately. Income Tax Under effective tax regulations, the income tax rate applicable to mutual funds is 5 percent. Deferred Tax Deferred tax is provided using the liability method on all temporary differences between the carrying amount of assets and liabilities reported in the balance sheet and their value for tax purposes. Deferred tax assets are recognised only up to the amount of probable future taxable income against which the deferred tax asset can be offset. Foreign Currency Translations Foreign currencies are translated using the exchange rate promulgated by the Czech National Bank as at the relevant date. As at the balance sheet date, assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated on the same basis. Foreign exchange rate gains and losses from the daily translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are posted to expense or income accounts. Capital Funds The selling price of participation certificates is calculated as a proportion of the Fund’s net assets and the relevant number of participation certificates. Participation certificates are sold to investors using the selling price determined on a daily basis. 140 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TRENDBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Share Premium Share premium is the difference between the nominal value of all participation certificates and their carrying amounts as at the date of their issue or purchase. The level of the Fund’s market risk exposure is measured using the Value at Risk (“VaR”). With effect from 1 August 2006, the VaR for the Company’s Funds is calculated by the Central Risk Management Department of Česká spořitelna using the historical simulation method in the K + KvaR system. Interest Income and Expense Interest income and expense are recognised using the accrual principle. Set out below are relative monthly values of the VaR in percentage terms for individual types of risks: Subsequent Events The impact of events that occurred between the balance sheet date and the date of the financial statements preparation is recognized in the financial statements provided these events provide additional evidence about conditions that existed at the date of the balance sheet. If material events reflecting the facts occurring after the balance sheet date happened between the balance sheet date and the date of the financial statements preparation the consequences of these events are disclosed in the notes to the financial statements but not recognized in the financial statements. Global VaR Foreign currency VaR Interest rate VaR Equity VaR Global VaR Foreign currency VaR Interest rate VaR Equity VaR 31 Dec 2013 Average VaR 4.41% 3.19% 2.05% 0.00% 3.85% 3.23% 1.57% 0.00% 31 Dec 2012 Average VaR 4.66% 3.41% 2.88% 0.00% 4.75% 3.84% 2.34% 0.00% 4. Risk Management Credit Risk In accordance with the Statute and the investment strategy, the Company establishes rules and policies for selecting investment instruments such that the overall credit risk profile of allocated investments is consistent with the characteristics of the Fund. New types of instruments are approved on a case by case basis by the risk management function together with the specification of limits for positions pertaining to these instruments. Specific emphasis is placed on an appropriate rating structure and a relatively detailed diversification of portfolios (especially in relation to interest bearing securities). Market Risk The Fund uses a wide range of tools to eliminate risk exposures attached to its portfolios. Significant attention is paid to market risks. Apart from statutory restrictions, the Fund is subject to a set of internal limits having a direct impact on the FX exposure, interest rate exposure (the modified duration range of the Fund), equity allocation on individual markets according to their volatility, portfolio rating structure (see above), and other characteristics of the Fund. The relevant limits are appropriately applied to correspond with the type of the Fund. Whenever the Fund purchases new types of instruments, these instruments are first analysed to assess the potential credit risk, as well as the market risk that the instruments might bring to or help eliminate from the portfolio. Subsequently, their appropriateness and, if appropriate, the acceptable proportion of these instruments in the portfolio is evaluated. The average VaR is calculated as average of daily VaR values in years 2013 and 2012 respectively. The Fund monitors Value at Risk globally and also broken down to Foreign Currency VaR, Interest Rate VaR and Equity VaR. Based on the above values, the Fund identifies critical risk segments. This identification influences the reinvestment process. The limits set the maximum acceptable VaR for the Fund. The Equity VaR also reflects the risk related to the holding of mutual funds’ participation certificates (including funds of money market and bond funds). Adherence to all the above limits and their effectiveness is monitored and assessed on an ongoing basis. The limits are reviewed, if necessary. The portfolio’s risk of unfavourable development of foreign exchange rates, interest rates, and other market factors is hedged, to an appropriate extent, by financial derivatives. Financial derivatives are traded on the OTC market as this market enables the trading of contracts whose parameters and nature appropriately satisfy the requirements of a hedge. Portfolios primarily include currency swaps, currency forwards and interest rate swaps. Liquidity Risk Another monitored risk is the liquidity risk. Liquidity risk is a risk that the Fund will not have enough available resources to meet its obligations arising from financial contracts. Liquidity is monitored and managed based on expected cash flows, with appropriate ad- 141 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TRENDBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report justments made to the structure of securities and term placements portfolios. Pursuant to the Act, the Company is obliged to repurchase a participation certificate without undue delay but not later than 15 business days from the date when the repurchase right is claimed. Given that the Fund holds securities traded on foreign stock exchanges which can be realised within a few days, the Fund’s inability to meet its obligations due to lack of liquidity is unlikely. Pursuant to Section 12 of the Collective Investment Act, the Company can suspend issues and purchases of the Fund’s participation certificates for a maximum of three months, if necessary due to the protection of rights or the participation certificate holders’ interests protected by law. Issuing and purchasing participation certificates can be suspended particularly at the end or beginning of the calendar year, in the event of natural disasters, upon very strong fluctuations on financial markets and upon high requirements for the sales or purchases of participation certificates provided they could endanger the Fund’s assets. The quantitative information about the residual maturity of assets and liabilities is given in Note 5.18. 5. Additional Information on the Financial Statements 5.1 Receivables from Banks Receivables from banks 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Current accounts 141,267 102,140 Total 141,267 102,140 Balances on current accounts are repayable on demand. 5.2 Securities Individual types of securities by issuer, number of securities, their market value and interest rate are disclosed in the Portfolio attached to the annual report. All securities held by the Fund are publicly listed on the Prague Stock Exchange or foreign stock exchanges. Participation certificates which are not listed on stock exchanges are purchased and administered by the Company. Debt securities 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Acquisition cost Market revaluation Accrued interest income 688,340 (4,985) 13,773 540,276 51,783 10,661 Total 697,128 602,720 Of the aggregate volume of debt securities, debt securities maturing within one year accounted for 2.25 percent in 2013 (2012: 26.81 percent). Debt securities maturing within more than one year with a fixed coupon accounted for 97.75 percent in 2013 (2012: 73.19 percent). 5.3 Other Assets Other assets 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Financial derivatives – positive fair value State budget settlement 264 1,274 147 – Total 1,538 147 5.4 Prepayments and Accrued Income Prepayments and accrued income 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Prepayments – audit fees – 11 Total – 11 142 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TRENDBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.5 Equity The Fund has no share capital. The nominal value of one participation certificate is CZK 1. The total nominal value of all participation certificates is posted to ‘Capital funds’. Share premium arising from the difference between the nominal and selling values of the participation certificates is recorded separately. The Fund accounts for share premium upon the sale of participation certificates as well as upon their repurchase. The selling price of the participation certificate is determined as the share of the Fund’s net assets and the number of issued participation certificates. The value of a participation certificate as at the last trading date in 2013 totalled CZK 1.3449 (2012: CZK 1.3477). This is the most recent announced value of the participation certificate for the year, for which purchases and repurchases of the participation certificates of the Fund were undertaken. In line with the Fund’s Statute, the profit for 2013 in the amount of CZK 300 thousand will be transferred to the reinvestment fund within ‘Other funds from profit’. In line with the Fund’s Statute, the profit for 2012 in the amount of CZK 97,797 thousand was transferred to the reinvestment fund within ‘Other funds from profit’. 5.6 Changes in the Capital Fund Number of Nominal participation value of certificates participation certificates Balance at 31 Dec 2011 Participation certificates sold Participation certificates purchased Balance at 31 Dec 2012 Participation certificates sold Participation certificates purchased Balance at 31 Dec 2013 Other Total capital changes funds 607,846,971 607,846 1 607,847 62,704,905 (150,677,680) 62,705 (150,678) – – 62,705 (150,678) 519,874,196 519,873 1 519,874 462,297,845 (362,202,556) 462,298 (362,203) – – 462,298 (362,203) 619,969,485 619,968 1 619,969 5.7 Other Liabilities Other liabilities 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Negative fair values of financial derivatives Payables from participation certificate holders’ placements Other liabilities 4,516 67 446 491 102 2,866 Total 5,029 3,459 5.8 Accrued Expenses and Deferred Income Accrued expenses particularly consist of the unbilled custody fee of CZK 76 thousand related to December 2013 (2012: CZK 64 thousand), the unbilled management fee of CZK 1,042 thousand related to December 2013 (2012: CZK 876 thousand), the unbilled fee for the local sub-register administration of CZK 0 thousand related to December 2013 (2012: CZK 8 thousand), and unbilled fee for calculation of NAV and participation certificate rate of CZK 3 thousand (2012: CZK 3 thousand). 5.9 Financial Derivatives Designated as Hedging Derivatives Nominal value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Assets Liabilities Assets Currency swaps 14,169 15,084 14,235 Liabilities 14,330 Total 14,169 15,084 14,235 14,330 143 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TRENDBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Open positions of derivatives posted to an off-balance sheet are converted to fair value daily as of 1 January 2011 (up to 31 August 2013 futures were converted monthly; as of 1 September 2013 they are converted on daily basis) and recorded in absolute values. Fair value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Positive Negative Positive Currency swaps – 915 – Negative 95 Total – 915 – 95 Currency derivatives designated as hedging derivatives are due within one year. 5.10 Financial Derivatives Designated as Trading Derivatives Nominal value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 Currency swaps Currency forwards Total 31 Dec 2012 Assets Liabilities Assets Liabilities 60,348 54,426 63,774 52,337 62,267 12,615 62,472 12,659 114,774 116,111 74,882 75,131 Open positions of derivatives posted to an off-balance sheet are converted to fair value daily as of 1 January 2011 (up to 31 August 2013 futures were converted monthly; as of 1 September 2013 they are converted on daily basis) and recorded in absolute values. Fair value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Positive Negative Positive Negative Currency swaps Currency forwards 264 – 3,426 175 147 – 352 44 Total 264 3,601 147 396 2013 2012 Interest on deposits at banks Interest on debt securities 497 39,121 2,363 34,960 Total 39,618 37,323 2013 2012 Management fees Custody fees Commissions and fees from securities trading Fees paid to central depository Expenses of administration of the local sub-register – Česká spořitelna Administration of securities Other fees and commissions 12,556 921 55 5 90 786 203 10,285 754 6 4 91 663 197 Total 14,616 12,000 Currency derivatives designated as trading derivatives are due within one year. 5.11 Interest Income and Expense 5.12 Fees and Commissions In compliance with the Statute of the Fund, the management fee paid to the Company by the Fund amounts to 1.50 percent of the average annual net asset value. Pursuant to the custody service contract, the Fund pays a custody fee equal to 0.11 percent of its average annual net asset value. 144 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TRENDBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.13 Profit or Loss from Financial Operations 2013 2012 Profit or loss from securities at fair value through profit or loss Profit or loss from fixed term transactions Profit or loss from FX differences (19,744) (4,915) 166 66,382 6,634 2,275 Total (24,493) 75,291 Profit or loss from securities at fair value through profit or loss primarily comprises the profit or loss from the realised sales of securities, from payable securities and from the daily valuation of securities at fair value. Profit or loss from derivatives includes profit or loss on the settlement of fixed term transactions with financial instruments and also the revaluation of open derivatives at fair value. Profit or loss from FX differences represents the value of realised FX profit or loss from foreign currency accounts and from the settlement of foreign currency receivables and payables and also gains or losses arising from the revaluation of assets, with the exception of securities, and liabilities in foreign currency at fair value. 5.14 Administrative Expenses 2013 2012 Audit 193 238 Total 193 238 2013 2012 5.15 Income Tax The principal income tax components are as follows: Tax payable – current year 16 2,579 Total income tax 16 2,579 2013 2012 316 – – 316 – 315 16 – – 100,376 – – 100,376 (48,799) 51,577 2,579 – – 16 2,579 Current income tax – analysis: Profit (Loss) before tax Items to be added Deductible items Tax base Loss deduction Tax base after deduction Tax (5%) on tax base Foreign dividends Tax on foreign dividends Total tax 5.16 Deferred Tax Asset due to Tax Losses As at 31 December 2013, no temporary differences exist between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts for financial reporting purposes. As at 31 December 2012, no temporary differences exist between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts for financial reporting purposes. 145 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TRENDBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.17 Related Party Transactions Related parties include Česká spořitelna, a. s. and Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. 2013 2012 Unbilled management fee – Investiční společnost Unbilled custody fee – Česká spořitelna Unbilled fee for administration of the local sub–register Unbilled fee for calculation of NAV and participation certificate rate Other payables to related parties 1,042 76 – 3 118 876 64 8 3 161 Total payables to related parties 1,239 1,112 The costs charged to the Fund by Česká spořitelna, a. s. amounted to CZK 2,060 thousand in 2013 (2012: CZK 1,715 thousand), of which the greatest portion is represented by the custody fee of CZK 921 thousand (2012: CZK 754 thousand). The costs charged by the Company amounted to CZK 12,556 thousand (2012: CZK 10,285 thousand), which is the annual management fee. 5.18 Liquidity The following tables show the residual maturity of assets and liabilities broken down by major classes. Given that all securities are traded on public markets, sales can easily be undertaken within three months. 2013 Assets Less than 3 months 3 month – 1 year 1 – 5 years Over 5 years Not specified Total Receivables from banks Debt securities Other assets Prepayments and accrued income 141,267 8,734 264 – – 6,933 1,274 – – 432,958 – – – 248,503 – – – – – 141,267 697,128 1,538 – Total assets 150,265 8,207 432,958 248,503 – 839,933 Other liabilities Net assets Available capital (6,131) 144,134 (833,781) (21) 8,186 – – 432,958 – – 248,503 – – – – (6,152) 833,781 (833,781) Difference (689,647) 8,186 432,958 248,503 – – Less than 3 months 3 month – 1 year 1 – 5 years Over 5 years Not specified Total Receivables from banks Debt securities Other assets Prepayments and accrued income 102,140 − 147 − − 161,589 − 11 − 256,399 − − − 184,732 − − − − − − 102,140 602,720 147 11 Total assets 102,287 161,600 256,399 184,732 − 705,018 Other liabilities Net assets Available capital (1,831) 100,456 (700,608) (2,579) 159,021 − − 256,399 − − 184,732 − − − − (4,410) 700,608 (700,608) Difference (600,152) 159,021 256,399 184,732 − − Liabilities 2012 Assets Liabilities 146 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TRENDBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.19 Off-balance Sheet Assets and Liabilities The Fund’s off-balance sheet accounts include receivables and payables from fixed term transactions and assets provided into custody and safekeeping. The item ‘Assets provided into custody, administration and safekeeping’ shows foreign and domestic securities administered by Česká spořitelna, a. s. 5.20 Contingent Assets and Liabilities The Fund has no assets or liabilities that were not disclosed in the balance sheet or off-balance sheet accounts. 5.21 Subsequent Events No significant events occurred after the date of the financial statements, which would have a material impact on the Fund’s financial statements. 147 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TRENDBOND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Portfolio at 31 December 2013 The detail of the portfolio is not part of the fund’s final accounts. Figures are stated in CZK. ISIN Name of the security PL0000105441 TRT170615T16 TRT080317T18 TRT150120T16 TRT120122T17 TRT140218T10 HU0000402193 PL0000107264 PL0000106126 PL0000106340 PL0000107314 XS0212694920 PL0000105433 PL0000104543 HU0000402631 HU0000402318 HU0000402375 POLAND GOVERN.BOND 5.5 10/25/19 TURKEY GOVT BOND 10 06/17/15 TURKEY 9 03/08/17 TURKEY 10.5 01/15/20 TURKEY REP 9.5 01/12/22 TURKEY 6.3 02/14/18 HUNGARY GOVERNMENT 5.5 02/12/14C POLAND GOVERN BOND 4 10/25/23 POLAND GOVERN.BOND 5.25 10/25/20 POLAND GOV.BOND 5 04/25/16 POLAND GOVERN.BOND 3.75 04/25/18 TURKEY REP 5.5 02/16/17 POLAND GOVERN.BOND 5.75 04/25/14 POLAND GOVERN.BOND 5.25 10/25/17 HUNGARY GOVERNMENT 5.5 12/20/18 HUNGARY GOVERNMENT 5.5 02/12/16C HUNGARY GOVERNMENT 6.75 02/24/17 Amount Market Price Market Price Total Accrued Interest 10,000 31,000 60,000 6,000 4,000 20,000 9,000 2,000 4,000 9,000 7,000 500 1,000 9,000 30,000 10,000 25,900 7,161.12 928.43 902.48 949.83 892.70 813.88 925.61 6,429.18 7,089.48 6,884.78 6,657.97 29,560.86 6,672.99 7,029.55 956.66 957.65 992.02 71,611,185.75 28,781,252.50 54,148,563.00 5,699,005.20 3,570,819.35 16,277,625.00 8,330,455.95 12,858,352.05 28,357,904.10 61,963,047.23 46,605,789.83 14,780,429.50 6,672,991.80 63,265,984.20 28,699,779.02 9,576,516.33 25,693,402.47 666,631.64 102,406.16 1,527,317.31 245,091.88 151,749.31 419,189.67 403,103.86 96,964.60 254,532.08 2,035,171.23 1,187,183.22 657,072.95 260,049.66 572,697.18 45,902.10 447,893.18 1,370,632.79 486,893,103.28 10,443,588.82 3,500 2,000 2,000 3,000 3,500 1,000 2,000 11,629.50 11,193.10 11,090.00 11,892.60 12,890.50 10,477.50 9,960.00 40,703,250.00 22,386,200.00 22,180,000.00 35,677,800.00 45,116,750.00 10,477,500.00 19,920,000.00 590,333.33 225,000.00 575,555.56 423,000.00 1,191,458.33 273,388.89 50,833.33 196,461,500.00 683,354,603.28 3,329,569.44 13,773,158.26 Foreign government bonds CZ0001000822 CZ0001001317 CZ0001001903 CZ0001001945 CZ0001002547 CZ0001001143 CZ0001003834 GOVERNMENT BOND 4.6 08/18/18 GOVERNMENT BOND 3.75 09/12/20 GOVERNMENT BOND 4 04/11/17 GOVERNMENT BOND 4.7 09/12/22 GOVERNMENT BOND 5.7 05/25/24 GOVERNMENT BOND 3.8 04/11/15 GOVERNMENT BOND 1.5 10/29/19 Local government bonds after 1 January 1998 Total 148 Independent Auditor’s Report to the Participation certificate holders of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS korporátní dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS korporátní dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December 2013, and the income statement and statement of changes in equity for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. For details of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS korporátní dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, see Note 1 to the financial statements. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Act on Auditors and International Standards on Auditing as amended by implementation guidance of the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including an assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS korporátní dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, as at 31 December 2013, and its financial performance for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic. 31 March 2014 Prague, Czech Republic Ernst & Young Audit, s.r.o. License No. 401 Represented by partner Roman Hauptfleisch Auditor, Licence no. 2009 A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited, Ernst & Young Audit, s. r. o. with its registred office at Na Florenci 2116/15, 110 00 Prague 1 – Nové Město, has been incorporated in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, entry No. 88504, under Identification No. 26704153. 149 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS korporátní dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Balance Sheet at 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) Line Current Previous 01 02 06 10 11 12 15 16 18 21 145,267 130,841 14,426 1,474,864 29,258 1,445,606 7,618 7,452 166 0 88,132 88,132 0 833,642 27,456 806,186 12,832 12,832 0 11 22 1,627,749 934,617 29 30 32 33 34 39 40 41 46 47 56,385 55,384 0 1,001 2,112 336,512 194,945 1,071,118 (48,105) 14,782 18,442 16,019 1,887 536 1,238 158,377 122,965 609,720 (48,105) 71,980 Total Liabilities 48 1,627,749 934,617 of which: Equity 49 1,569,252 914,937 3 Receivables from banks and credit unions of which: a/ on demand: aa/ current accounts ae/ collaterals 5 Debt securities of which: a/ issued by the government b/ issued by other entities 11 Other assets a/ derivatives c/ receivables from taxes 13 Prepayments and accrued income Total Assets 4 Other liabilities a/ derivatives c/ liabilities from taxes d/ other liabilities 5 Deferred income and accrued expenses 9 Share premium 10 Reserve funds and other funds from profit 12 Capital funds 14 Retained earnings or accumulated losses from previous periods 15 Profit or loss for the accounting period 150 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS korporátní dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Off Balance Sheet Accounts at 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 4 Amounts due from fixed term transactions a/ with interest instruments b/ with currency instruments 7 Assets provided into custody, administration and safekeeping of which: securities 12 Amounts owed from fixed term transactions a/ with interest instruments b/ with currency instruments Line Current Previous 52 53 54 60 61 64 65 66 2,227,477 764,385 1,463,092 1,474,864 1,474,864 2,275,409 770,015 1,505,394 1,327,619 435,956 891,663 833,642 833,642 1,330,806 451,607 879,199 151 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS korporátní dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 1 Interest income and similar income of which: a/ interest income from bonds d/ interest income from collaterals 5 Commission and fee expenses a/ fees and commissions from securities trading b/ management fee c/ custody fee d/ other financial expenses 6 Profit or loss on financial operations a/ profit or loss on transactions with securities b/ profit or loss on foreign exchange transactions c/ profit or loss on fixed term transactions and options 9 Administrative expenses of which: b/ other administrative expenses: ba/ audit 19 Ordinary profit or loss for the accounting period before tax 23 Income tax 24 Profit or loss for the accounting period after tax Line Current Previous 1 2 5 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 26 30 31 81,016 80,973 5 23,818 (27) 20,994 1,540 1,311 (41,429) 10,240 1,374 (53,043) 209 209 15,560 778 14,782 38,219 37,986 0 11,350 (10) 9,848 722 790 47,235 31,182 3,343 12,710 237 237 73,867 1,887 71,980 152 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS korporátní dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 1 Share premium opening balance issued unit certificates repurchase of unit certificates other changes closing balance 2 Retained earnings opening balance transfers to funds other changes closing balance 3 Capital funds opening balance issued unit certificates repurchase of unit certificates transfers to funds other changes closing balance 4 Gains or losses from revaluation opening balance foreign exchange rate differences and gains or losses from revaluation not included in profit (loss) closing balance 5 Retained earnings or accumulated losses from previous periods opening balance other changes closing balance 6 Profit (loss) for the current period after taxes opening balance profit (loss) transfers to funds, dividends closing balance 7 Total Line Current Previous 158,377 287,315 (109,180) 0 336,512 76,997 123,748 (42,368) 0 158,377 122,965 71,980 0 194,945 149,403 0 (26,438) 122,965 609,720 743,791 (282,393) 0 0 1,071,118 375,364 369,997 (135,641) 0 0 609,720 0 0 0 0 0 0 (48,105) 0 (48,105) (48,105) 0 (48,105) 71,980 14,782 (71,980) 14,782 (26,439) 71,980 26,439 71,980 1,569,252 914,937 153 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS korporátní dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Notes to the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2013 1. Organisation and Description of Business Formation and Description of the Business Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS korporátní dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond (hereinafter the “Fund” or “ISČS, a. s. ČS korporátní dluhopisový – OPF”) is an accounting unit without legal entity status, formed by Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. (hereinafter the “Company”) in compliance with the Investment Companies and Funds Act No. 248/1992 Coll. Based on the Company’s request dated 22 December 2003, the Securities Commission approved the formation of a fund entitled Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. – ČS korporátní dluhopisový otevřený podílový fond. The Fund commenced its activities on 1 April 2004. The following change in the Fund’s name was approved by the Czech National Bank’s decision No. 2009/2907/570 dated 27 April 2009, which came into legal effect on 15 May 2009: Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS korporátní dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond. Pursuant to a concluded contract, Česká spořitelna, a. s. acts as the depository of the Fund. The Fund is managed by the Company. In compliance with the Collective Investment Act No. 189/2004 Coll. (hereinafter the “Act”), the Company is responsible for the management of the assets of the Fund, which involves the administration and handling of the assets. The Fund is a standard fund in compliance with the Act and meets the requirements of EU legislation. According to the classification binding for the members of the Capital Market Association (hereinafter the “AKAT CR”) as at the date of the approval of this Statute, the Fund can be defined as a bond fund. Registered Office Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. ČS korporátní dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond Prague 6, Evropská 2690/17 No restrictions are placed on the number of participation certificates for issue and the period for which the Fund is established. Pursuant to Section 12 of the Act, the Company can suspend issues and purchases of the Fund’s participation certificates for a maximum of three months in compliance with the Act. The Company is obliged to repurchase a participation certificate without undue delay but not later than 15 business days from the date when the repurchase right is claimed if the purchase of a participation certificate is not suspended. The participation certificates of the Fund are available both in the Czech Republic and in other EU member countries. Investment Policy of the Fund The objective of the Fund’s investment policy is to appreciate participation certificates of the participation certificate holders in the long-term by investing in bonds of corporate, municipality, bank and state issuers from developing countries in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The aim is achieved by investing in a widely diversified portfolio of securities with interest income and active management of interest rate risk. The Fund invests in the bonds of the issuers referred to above, traded on the public markets of the member states of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. Foreign currency risk is hedged by standard hedging transactions. The portfolio of the Fund predominantly includes bonds with fixed and variable coupon, denominated in EUR and USD, the issuers of which are companies and state institutions from EMEA region countries (Eastern and Central Europe, Middle East and Africa). The Fund also invests in treasury bills, bank deposits, or bonds with embedded derivatives. The portfolio of the Fund may also be expanded by purchasing bonds exchangeable for shares or with the option to subscribe for shares. The Fund may invest in securities of collective investment funds, if such a collective investment fund invests in the same types of assets, distributes the risk connected to investments and meets other obligations as set by the Act. The limits of the Fund are adhered to on the basis of the Act, or they are regulated in the Fund’s Statute in compliance with the Act. Principal Business The Company collects funds from individuals and legal entities by issuing participation certificates with the purpose of their collective investment on local and foreign financial markets. The Fund uses financial derivatives to hedge against currency and interest rate exposures. 154 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS korporátní dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report The Company can use financial derivatives to effectively manage the Fund’s assets. Efficient asset management represents transactions for the purpose of decreasing risk, decreasing costs or achieving sufficient income for the Fund provided that the risk is demonstrably low. The exposure from these transactions must be fully covered by the Fund’s assets so that liabilities arising from these transactions are fulfilled. Management Policy The profit/(loss) is based on the difference between income and expenses related to the management of the Fund’s assets. The generated profit has been fully retained by the Fund, in the reinvestment fund, as a source for further investments, and increases the participation certificate value. In the event that the Fund incurs a loss from the Company’s management of assets, the loss is covered from the reinvestment fund which was created from earnings brought forward. If the reinvestment fund is not sufficient, the loss must be covered by a reduction in the Fund’s capital fund. The Fund’s assets must not be used for the provision of loans, borrowings or gifts, to secure a third party’s obligation or to settle a payable which is not related to the Fund’s management. This provision does not affect Sections 26 and 27 of the Collective Investment Act. When managing the Fund’s assets, contracts for the sale of securities and money market instruments, securities issued by other collective investment funds and financial derivatives which are not owned by the Fund at the moment of concluding the respective contracts, may not be entered into. The Company can accept loans and borrowings for the maximum of six months when managing the Fund’s assets, to cover temporary needs related to the management of the Fund’s assets or purchases of participation certificates. The volume of the received loans and borrowings is not allowed to exceed 10 percent of the value of the Fund’s assets. Change in the Statute Czech National Bank Resolution No. 2012/4692/570, dated 18 May 2012, which came into force on 5 June 2012: The changes to the Funds statute related mainly to the duty of the asset investment company to ensure that its statute is in accordance with the amendment to Act 189/2004 Coll., on collective investments (as ensuing from the changes made by Act 188/2011 Coll.) and Decree No. 193/2011 Coll., on the minimum requisites of the statute and on the conditions for the use of the name Short-Term Money Market Fund and Money Market Fund. Investment objectives, the method of investing and the risk profile of the Fund have not been changed in the amendments referred to above. Along with the change made to the statute, information was updated as to the list of funds managed by the Company (Article II Paragraph 8 of the statute), in particular information on the manag- ing parties of the asset management company (Appendix 1 to the statute), information added on the performance of the mutual fund for 2011 (Appendix 2 to the statute), information updated on the total cost indicators for 2011, and the date on which the statute being signed was updated. On the date the changes to the statute came into force the simple statute of the Fund was replaced by a newly processed document providing required key information for investors. Such key information for investors was processed in accordance with Commission (EU) Regulation No. 583/2012. As at 1 February 2013, information on Fund`s 2012 performance was published within the document Key investors information. (According to the article 23, section 3 of Council Regulation (EC) no. 583/2010, the performance must be updated within the Key investors information up to 35 days after the previous calendar year end.) The updated text of the Funds statute was approved by the Investment company`s board of directors as at 10 April 2013. The changes in the statute text related to an update of the list of managed funds, update of the information on the length of professional experience of Investment company management, addition of information on Fund’s performance and the Fund`s benchmark`s performance, an update of information on total expense ratio for 2012 and update of the date of the signature. These updates were not subject to preliminary approval from Czech national bank (according to the section 84 (a), subsection 5 of 189/2004 Coll. Act on collective investment. The shareholders could access the updated text of the Statute and Key investors information as of 10 April 2013 on, at the distributor’s branches (Ceska sporitelna, a. s.) and at the Investment company seat. Legislative change Act No 240/2013 Coll., Act on Management Companies and Investment Funds became effective as of 19 August 2013. Rules stated by this act must be implemented by management companies and investment funds by 22 July 2014. In 2013, the Fund`s management was subject to the rules of the Act No. 189/2004 Coll., On collective investment schemes. The new rules will be applied as of 2014. 2. Basis of Preparation The financial statements have been prepared on the basis of underlying accounting records maintained in accordance with Accounting Act No. 563/1991 Coll., and applicable regulations, decrees and internal standards in compliance with and in the scope defined in Czech Finance Ministry Regulation No. 501/2002 of 6 November 2002, as subsequently amended, which sets out the overall framework for the presentation of the financial statements, and guidelines for the structure and minimum requirements for the content of the financial statements of banks and certain financial 155 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS korporátní dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report institutions, and Czech Accounting Standards for Financial Institutions, which establish the accounting principles and policies. The basis of preparation and the accounting policies have been consistently applied during both 2013 and 2012. The Fund is obliged to comply with the regulatory requirements of the Act. The financial statements are based on the accrual principle, that is, transactions and other events are recognised in the accounting period in which they occur, regardless of when the related monetary flow arises. The financial statements are presented in compliance with general accounting principles, specifically the accrual principle, the prudence concept and the going concern assumption. The financial statements contain the balance sheet, profit and loss account, statement of changes in equity, and notes to the financial statements. The presentation of the financial statements requires that the Company makes estimates which have an impact on the reported amounts of assets and liabilities as at the date of the financial statements as well as expenses and income in the relevant accounting period. These estimates are based on information available as at the date of the financial statements and may differ from the actual results. As a result of continued market volatility since the start of the global financial crisis, the Fund may be exposed to increased risk, specifically due to the uncertainty regarding possible asset impairments and future developments on the market. The financial statements have been prepared based on the current best estimates using all relevant and available information as at the date of the financial statements. The transaction recognition date for derivative contracts is: a) the date upon which the related contract was entered into; b) the date when fulfilment was delivered based on the relevant contract. The transaction recognition date can also be the date when money in circulation is paid or received, the date when foreign currency is purchased or sold, the date when a payment is made, the date when ownership is acquired or terminated, when a receivable or payable arises, changes or ceases to exist, when assets move within an accounting entity, and the date when other matters to be included in the accounting records occur, or when the documents supporting these other matters are available, or when other matters are a consequence of internal conditions of the accounting entity and/ or special regulations. Securities In accordance with the Fund’s strategy, all securities are classified as securities at fair value through profit or loss. During the accounting period, securities are re-measured at fair value on a daily basis pursuant to the Finance Ministry Regulation No. 194/2011 Coll., on more detailed regulation of certain rules in collective investment (the “Decree”), as amended. The securities of the Fund are accounted for as securities at fair value through profit or loss. The fair value of the securities is determined in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards with an exception, that an average price between the most favourable binding offer and demand (MID price) is used for. Pursuant to the Regulation, securities are valued at the price quoted on a public market which is adjusted, as appropriate, to reflect the rules set out in the Regulation. If the market value is unavailable, the Fund uses a value determined by the Company using valuation models based on discounted future cash flows according to the yield curve calculated using the Reuters and Kondor+ systems. These financial statements are unconsolidated. All amounts are stated in thousands of Czech crowns (CZK), unless indicated otherwise. Explanation Added for Translation into English These financial statements are presented on the basis of accounting principles and standards generally accepted in the Czech Republic. Certain accounting practices applied by the Company that conform with generally accepted accounting principles and standards in the Czech Republic may not conform with generally accepted accounting principles in other countries. 3. Accounting Policies Purchases and sales of securities are recognised using trade date accounting provided that the period between the trade date and the fulfilment of the commitment arising from the contract does not exceed a period typical for the relevant type of transaction. Securities are measured at cost upon initial recognition. The acquisition cost includes direct transaction costs related to the acquisition of securities. Realised capital gains or losses are recorded in the profit and loss account within ‘Profit or loss from financial operations’. Accrued interest relating to assets is included within the total balance of these assets. Receivables and Payables The Fund records receivables arising from its transactions with securities and other operating receivables at their nominal value, while receivables from positive fair values of derivatives are recorded at the fair value of the derivatives at the balance sheet date. Pursuant to the prudence principle, provisions are created based on the aging of receivables. 156 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS korporátní dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report The Fund records payables arising from its transactions with securities and operating payables at their nominal value, while payables from negative fair values of derivatives are recorded at the fair value of the derivatives at the balance sheet date. Financial Derivatives and Hedging Transactions In the normal course of business, the Fund enters into hedging contracts with financial derivatives to hedge against interest rate and foreign currency exposures associated with its transactions on financial markets. The method of fair value hedges is applied to hedging derivatives. The Fund designates certain derivatives as hedges provided that the following criteria are met: – the Fund has developed a risk management strategy; – at the inception of the hedge, the hedging relationship is formally documented, the documentation identifies the hedged item and the hedging instrument, and it defines the risk that is being hedged and the approach to establishing whether the hedge is effective; and – the hedge is effective, that is, changes in the fair value or cash flows of the hedged item are almost fully offset by changes in the fair value or cash flows of the hedging instrument and the results are within a range of 80 percent to 125 percent. Deferred Tax Deferred tax is provided using the liability method on all temporary differences between the carrying amount of assets and liabilities reported in the balance sheet and their value for tax purposes. Deferred tax assets are recognised only up to the amount of probable future taxable income against which the deferred tax asset can be offset. Foreign Currency Translation Foreign currencies are translated using the exchange rate promulgated by the Czech National Bank as at the relevant date. As at the balance sheet date, assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated on the same basis. Foreign exchange rate gains and losses from the daily translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are posted to expense or income accounts. Capital Funds The selling price of participation certificates is calculated as a proportion of the Fund’s net assets and the relevant number of participation certificates. Participation certificates are sold to investors using the selling price determined on a daily basis. Share Premium Nominal values of derivative financial instruments are recognised in the off-balance sheet accounts. Changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as hedges (see above) are recorded as income or expense. Changes in the fair value of the hedging derivatives attributable to the risk hedged are recognised in the same income or expense accounts as differences from revaluation of a hedged instrument. Share premium is the difference between the nominal value of all participation certificates and their carrying amounts as at the date of their issue or purchase. All financial derivatives are recorded as assets when the fair value is positive and as liabilities when the fair value is negative. Fair values are derived from valuation models. Subsequent Events Derivatives that are not designated as hedging derivatives are treated as trading derivatives. These derivatives are measured at fair value on a daily basis and gains and losses on revaluation are posted to derivative expense and income accounts. Certain derivatives are embedded in compound financial instruments, which comprise the host instrument and the derivative. Pursuant to the applicable regulations, the Fund recognises changes in assets and liabilities arising from the movements in rates or prices of securities or changes in exchange rates through expense and income accounts. Given that the assets of the Fund are valued at fair value and changes of fair values are reported within expenses and income from derivatives, embedded derivatives are not accounted for separately. Income Tax Under effective tax regulations, the income tax rate applicable to mutual funds is 5 percent. Interest Income and Expense Interest income and expense are recognised using the accrual principle. The impact of events that occurred between the balance sheet date and the date of the financial statements preparation is recognized in the financial statements provided these events provide additional evidence about conditions that existed at the date of the balance sheet. If material events reflecting the facts occurring after the balance sheet date happened between the balance sheet date and the date of the financial statements preparation the consequences of these events are disclosed in the notes to the financial statements but not recognized in the financial statements. 4. Risk Management Credit Risk In accordance with the Statute and the investment strategy, the Company establishes rules and policies for selecting investment instruments such that the overall credit risk profile of allocated investments is consistent with the characteristics of the Fund. New types of instruments are approved on a case by case basis by the 157 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS korporátní dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report risk management function together with the specification of limits for positions pertaining to these instruments. Specific emphasis is placed on an appropriate rating structure and a relatively detailed diversification of portfolios (especially in relation to interest bearing securities). The Fund monitors Value at Risk globally and also broken down to Foreign Currency VaR, Interest Rate VaR and Equity VaR. Based on the above values, the Fund identifies critical risk segments. This identification influences the reinvestment process. The limits set the maximum acceptable VaR for the Fund. Market Risk The Equity VaR also reflects the risk related to the holding of mutual funds’ participation certificates (including funds of money market and bond funds). The Fund uses a wide range of tools to eliminate risk exposures attached to its portfolios. Significant attention is paid to market risks. Apart from statutory restrictions, the Fund is subject to a set of internal limits having a direct impact on the FX exposure, interest rate exposure (the modified duration range of the Fund), equity allocation on individual markets according to their volatility, portfolio rating structure (see above), and other characteristics of the Fund. The relevant limits are appropriately applied to correspond with the type of the Fund. Whenever the Fund purchases new types of instruments, these instruments are first analysed to assess the potential credit risk, as well as the market risk that the instruments might bring to or help eliminate from the portfolio. Subsequently, their appropriateness and, if appropriate, the acceptable proportion of these instruments in the portfolio is evaluated. The level of the Fund’s market risk exposure is measured using the Value at Risk (“VaR”). With effect from 1 August 2006, the VaR for the Company’s Funds is calculated by the Central Risk Management Department of Česká spořitelna using the historical simulation method in the K + KvaR system. Set out below are relative monthly values of the VaR in percentage terms for individual types of risks: Global VaR Foreign currency VaR Interest rate VaR Global VaR Foreign currency VaR Interest rate VaR 31 Dec 2013 Average VaR 1.36% 0.10% 1.34% 1.21% 0.22% 1.22% 31 Dec 2012 Average VaR 0.98% 0.15% 1.01% 1.25% 0.25% 1.26% The average VaR is calculated as average of daily VaR values in years 2013 and 2012 respectively. Adherence to all the above limits and their effectiveness is monitored and assessed on an ongoing basis. The limits are reviewed, if necessary. The portfolio’s risk of unfavourable development of foreign exchange rates, interest rates, and other market factors is hedged, to an appropriate extent, by financial derivatives. Financial derivatives are traded on the OTC market as this market enables the trading of contracts whose parameters and nature appropriately satisfy the requirements of a hedge. Portfolios primarily include currency and interest rate swaps. Liquidity Risk Another monitored risk is the liquidity risk. Liquidity risk is a risk that the Fund will not have enough available resources to meet its obligations arising from financial contracts. Liquidity is monitored and managed based on expected cash flows, with appropriate adjustments made to the structure of securities and term placements portfolios. Pursuant to the Act, the Company is obliged to repurchase a participation certificate without undue delay but not later than 15 business days from the date when the repurchase right is claimed. Given that the Fund holds securities traded on foreign stock exchanges which can be realised within a few days, the Fund’s inability to meet its obligations due to lack of liquidity is unlikely. Pursuant to Section 12 of the Collective Investment Act, the Company can suspend issues and purchases of the Fund’s participation certificates for a maximum of three months, if necessary due to the protection of rights or the participation certificate holders’ interests protected by law. Issuing and purchasing participation certificates can be suspended particularly at the end or beginning of the calendar year, in the event of natural disasters, upon very strong fluctuations on financial markets and upon high requirements for the sales or purchases of participation certificates provided they could endanger the Fund’s assets. The quantitative information about the residual maturity of assets and liabilities is given in Note 5.17. 158 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS korporátní dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5. Additional Information on the Financial Statements 5.1 Receivables from Banks Receivables from banks 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Current accounts 145,267 88,132 Total 145,267 88,132 Balances on current accounts are repayable on demand. 5.2 Securities Individual types of securities by issuer, number of securities, their market value and interest rate are disclosed in the Portfolio attached to the annual report. All securities held by the Fund are publicly listed on the Prague Stock Exchange or foreign stock exchanges. Participation certificates which are not listed on stock exchanges are purchased and administered by the Company. Debt securities 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Acquisition cost Market revaluation Accrued interest income 1,436,615 14,962 23,287 786,469 34,872 12,301 Total 1,474,864 833,642 Of the aggregate volume of debt securities, debt securities maturing within one year accounted for 2.79 percent in 2013 (2012: 3.85 percent). Of the aggregate volume of debt securities, debt securities maturing within more than one year with a variable coupon accounted for 3.03 percent in 2013 (2012: 3.29 percent). Debt securities maturing within more than one year with a fixed coupon accounted for 94.18 percent in 2013 (2012: 92.86 percent). 5.3 Other Assets Other assets 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Financial derivatives – positive fair value Receivables – matured bonds + coupons 7,452 166 12,832 – Total 7,618 12,832 5.4 Prepayments and Accrued Income Prepayments and accrued income 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Prepayments – audit fees – 11 Total – 11 5.5 Equity The Fund has no share capital. The nominal value of one participation certificate is CZK 1. The total nominal value of all participation certificates is posted to ‘Capital funds’. Share premium arising from the difference between the nominal and selling values of the participation certificates is recorded separately. The Fund accounts for share premium upon the sale of participation certificates as well as upon their repurchase. The selling price of the participation certificate is determined as the share of the Fund’s net assets and the number of issued participation certificates. The value of a participation certificate as at the last trading date in 2013 totalled CZK 1.3941 (2011: CZK 1.3774). This is the most recent announced value of the participation certificate for the year, for which purchases and repurchases of the participation certificates of the Fund were undertaken. This value is at least different from the carrying value of participation certificate as at 31 December 2013 due to the additional booking of some items during the financial statement. In line with the Fund’s Statute, the profit for 2013 amounting to CZK 14,782 thousand will be transferred to the reinvestment fund within ‘Other funds from profit’ 159 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS korporátní dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report In line with the Fund’s Statute, the profit for 2012 amounting to CZK 71,980 thousand was transferred to the reinvestment fund within ‘Other funds from profit’ 5.6 Changes in the Capital Fund Number of Nominal participation value of certificates participation certificates Balance at 31 Dec 2011 Participation certificates sold Participation certificates purchased Balance at 31 Dec 2012 Participation certificates sold Participation certificates purchased Balance at 31 Dec 2013 Use of fund Total capital to cover funds losses 429,899,725 429,900 (54,536) 375,364 369,996,697 (135,640,575) 369,997 (135,641) – – 369,997 (135,641) 664,255,847 664,256 (54,536) 609,720 743,790,640 (282,392,546) 743,791 (282,393) – – 743,791 (282,393) 1,125,653,941 1,125,654 (54,536) 1,071,118 5.7 Other Liabilities Other liabilities 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Negative fair values of financial derivatives Payables from participation certificate holders’ placements State budget settlement Other liabilities 55,384 774 – 227 16,019 221 1,887 315 Total 56,385 18,442 5.8 Accrued Expenses and Deferred Income Accrued expenses consist of the unbilled custody fee of CZK 144 thousand related to December 2013 (2012: CZK 83 thousand), the unbilled management fee of CZK 1,962 thousand related to December 2013 (2012: CZK 1,144 thousand), the unbilled fee for the local subregister administration of CZK 9 thousand related to December 2013 (2012: CZK 7 thousand) and the unbilled fee for calculation of net assets value and participation certificate rate of CZK 6 thousand (2012: CZK 4 thousand). 5.9 Financial Derivatives Designated as Hedging Derivatives Nominal value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Assets Liabilities Assets Currency swaps 917,750 946,790 781,274 Liabilities 769,696 Total 917,750 946,790 781,274 769,696 Open positions of derivatives posted to an off-balance sheet are converted to fair value daily as of 1 January 2011 (up to 31 August 2013 futures were converted monthly; as of 1 September 2013 they are converted on daily basis) and recorded in absolute values. Fair value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Positive Negative Positive Currency swaps 2,117 31,157 11,946 Negative 368 Total 2,117 31,157 11,946 368 Currency derivatives are due within one year. 160 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS korporátní dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.10 Financial Derivatives Designated as Trading Derivatives Nominal value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 Currency swaps Interest rate swaps Total 31 Dec 2012 Assets Liabilities Assets 545,342 764,385 558,604 770,015 110,389 435,956 Liabilities 109,503 451,607 1,309,727 1,328,619 546,345 561,110 Open positions of derivatives posted to an off-balance sheet are converted to fair value daily as of 1 January 2011 (up to 31 August 2013 futures were converted monthly; as of 1 September 2013 they are converted on daily basis) and recorded in absolute values. Fair value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Positive Negative Positive Negative Currency swaps Interest rate swaps 1,525 3,810 14,787 9,440 886 – – 15,651 Total 5,335 24,227 886 15,651 Interest rate derivatives are due within four years. Currency derivatives are due within one year. 5.11 Interest Income 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Interest on deposits Interest on debt securities 43 80,973 233 37,986 Total 81,016 38,219 5.12 Fees and Commissions 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Management fees Custody fees Commissions and fees from securities trading Administration of securities Expenses of administration of the local sub-register – Česká spořitelna Fee for calculation of NAV and participation certificate rate Other fees and commissions 20,994 1,540 (27) 791 106 69 345 9,848 722 (10) – 78 32 680 Total 23,818 11,350 In compliance with the Statute of the Fund, the management fee paid to the Company by the Fund amounts to 1.50 percent of the average annual net assets value. Pursuant to the custody service contract entered into with Česká spořitelna, a. s., the Fund pays a fee equal to 0.11 percent of its average annual net asset value. If participation certificates of another mutual fund managed by the Company are purchased and added to the Fund’s assets, the Fund’s aggregate net assets value reduced by the current value of investments in participation certificates of the other mutual fund managed by the Company is used as the basis for the calculation of the fixed part of the management fee. 161 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS korporátní dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.13 Profit or Loss from Financial Operations 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Profit or loss from securities at fair value through profit or loss Profit or loss from FX differences Profit or loss from derivatives 10,240 1,374 (53,043) 31,182 3,343 12,710 Total (41,429) 47,235 Profit or loss from securities at fair value through profit or loss primarily comprises the profit or loss from the realised sales of securities, from payable securities and from the daily valuation of securities at fair value. Profit or loss from derivatives includes profit or loss on the settlement of fixed term transactions with financial instruments and also the revaluation of open derivatives at fair value. Profit or loss from FX differences represents the value of realised FX profit or loss from foreign currency accounts and from the settlement of foreign currency receivables and payables and also gains or losses arising from the revaluation of assets, with the exception of securities, and liabilities in foreign currency at fair value. 5.14 Administrative Expenses 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Audit 209 237 Total 209 237 2013 2012 5.15 Income Tax The principal income tax components are as follows: Tax payable – current year 778 1,887 Total income tax 778 1,887 2013 2012 15,560 – – 15,560 – 15,560 778 – – 73,867 – – 73,867 (36,126) 37,741 1,887 – – 778 1,887 Current income tax – analysis: Profit (Loss) before tax Items to add Deductible items Tax base Reduction for loss Tax base after reduction Tax (5%) on tax base Foreign dividends Tax on foreign dividends Total tax Deferred Tax As at 31 December 2013, no temporary differences existed between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts for financial reporting purposes. As at 31 December 2012, no temporary differences existed between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts for financial reporting purposes. 162 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS korporátní dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.16 Related Party Transactions Related parties include Česká spořitelna, a. s. and Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Unbilled management fee – Investiční společnost Unbilled custody fee for December – Česká spořitelna Unbilled fee for administration of the local sub-register – Česká spořitelna Unbilled fee for calculation of NAV and participation certificate rate Other payables to related parties 1,962 144 9 6 204 1,144 83 7 4 316 Total payables to related parties 2,325 1,554 The costs charged to the Fund by Česká spořitelna, a. s. amounted to CZK 2,823 thousand in 2013 (2012: CZK 1,502 thousand), of which the greatest portion was represented by the custody fee of CZK 1,540 thousand (2012: CZK 722 thousand). The costs charged by the Company amounted to CZK 20,994 thousand (2012: CZK 9,848 thousand), which is the annual management fee. 5.17 Liquidity The following tables show the residual maturity of assets and liabilities broken down by major classes of assets. Given that all securities are traded on public markets, sales can easily be undertaken within three months. 2013 Assets Less than 3 months 3 month – 1 year 1 – 5 years Over 5 years Not specified Total Receivables from banks Debt securities Prepayments Other assets 145,267 41,108 – 3,642 – – – 166 – 1,034,843 – 1,873 – 398,913 – 1,937 – – – – 145,267 1,474,864 – 7,618 Total assets 190,017 166 1,036,716 400,850 – 1,627,749 Other liabilities Net assets Available capital (49,033) 140,984 (1,569,252) (24) 142 – (9,440) 1,027,276 – – 400,850 – – – – (58,497) 1,569,252 (1,569,252) Difference (1,428,268) 142 1,027,276 400,850 – – Less than 3 months 3 month – 1 year 1 – 5 years Over 5 years Not specified Total 88,132 − − 12,832 − 32,088 11 − − 548,148 − − − 253,406 − − − − − − 88,132 833,642 11 12,832 100,964 32,099 548,148 253,406 − 934,617 Other liabilities Net assets Available capital (2,142) 98,822 (914,937) (4,762) 27,337 − (10,111) 538,037 − (2,665) 250,741 − − − − (19,680) 914,937 (914,937) Difference (816,115) 27,337 538,037 250,741 − − Liabilities 2012 Assets Receivables from banks Debt securities Prepayments Other assets Total assets Liabilities Liquidity risk, to which the Fund is exposed, is low as all assets are immediately convertible into cash before the expected purchases of participation certificates from holders can be undertaken. 163 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS korporátní dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.18 Off-balance Sheet Assets and Liabilities The Fund’s off-balance sheet accounts include receivables and payables from fixed term transactions and assets provided into custody and safekeeping. The item ‘Assets provided into custody, administration and safekeeping’ shows foreign and domestic securities administered by Česká spořitelna, a. s. (this item does not include participation certificates of open-ended mutual funds of the Company, which the Fund maintains in its portfolio). 5.19 Contingent Assets and Liabilities The Fund has no assets or liabilities that were not disclosed in the balance sheet or off-balance sheet accounts. 5.20 Subsequent Events No significant events occurred after the date of the financial statements, which would have a material impact on the Fund’s financial statements. 164 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS korporátní dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Portfolio at 31 December 2013 The detail of the portfolio is not part of the fund’s final accounts. Figures are stated in CZK. ISIN Name of the security XS0503453275 XS0879105558 XS0783242877 XS0231264275 XS0268320800 XS0524202610 USM0300LAA46 USM8933FAB33 XS0772024120 XS1001668950 XS0861980372 XS0275728557 XS0775984213 XS0555493203 XS0776111188 XS0471612076 XS0491998133 XS0772509484 XS0424860947 XS0846652666 XS0606382413 XS0298931287 XS0236336045 XS0494933806 XS0620695204 XS0544362972 XS0359381331 XS0234987153 XS0282585859 XS0261906738 XS0585211591 XS0776121062 XS0551315384 XS0588436799 XS0806482948 XS0772835285 XS0366630902 XS0373641009 USL6366MAB92 XS0800346362 XS0268694808 XS0554659671 XS0552679879 XS0361041808 XS0643183220 XS0632887997 XS0513723873 XS0746259323 XS0524610812 XS0381439305 XS0802648955 XS0499245180 USM4R36CAA80 XS0799357354 XS0742380412 MOL HUNG. OIL GAS 5.875 04/20/17 CREDIT BANK MOSCOW 7.7 02/01/18 SISTEMA JSFC 6.95 05/17/19 MOL HUNG. OIL GAS 3.875 10/05/15 OTP BANK PLC 5.27 09/19/16 YAPI 5.1875 10/13/15 AKBANK 5.125 07/22/15 ISBANK 5.1 02/01/16 TURKYIE VAKIFLAR 5.75 04/24/17 RAIFFEISEN BANK 5.163 06/18/24 ROSNEFT OIL CO 3.149 03/06/17 RS FINANCE 9.75 12/01/16 PROMSVYAZ 8.5 04/25/17 ALROSA FINANCE 7.75 11/03/20 AGROKOR D.D. 9.875 05/01/19 AGROKOR 10 12/07/16 VTB CAPITAL SA 6.465 03/04/15 VTB CAPITAL SA 6 04/12/17 GAZPROM (GAZ CAP) 9.25 04/23/19 HCFB LLC 9.375 04/24/20 HCFB LLC 7 03/18/14 HALYK SAVINGS BK 7.25 05/03/17 BANK OF MOSCOW 7.5 11/25/15 ALFA MTN ISSUANCE 8 03/18/15 ALFA BANK 7.75 04/28/21 ALFA BANK 7.875 09/25/17 EVRAZ 9.5 04/24/18 EVRAZ GROUP SA 8.25 11/10/15 CENTERCREDIT INTL 8.625 01/30/14 TNK-BP FINANCE 7.5 07/18/16 TMK CAPITAL 7.75 01/27/18 NOMOS CAPITAL 10 04/26/19 SEVERSTAL OAO 6.7 10/25/17 NOVATEK OAO 5.326 02/02/16 TURKYIE HALK 4.875 07/19/17 RASPADSKAYA 7.75 04/27/17 RUSS AGRIC BK 7.75 05/29/18 KAZMUNAIGAZ FIN 9.125 07/02/18 MHP SA 10.25 04/29/15 GEORGIAN RAILWAY 7.75 07/11/22 ERSTE CAPITAL FIN VAR PERPETUAL LUKOIL INTL FIN 6.125 11/09/20 SCF CAPITAL LTD 5.375 10/27/17 VIMPELCOM 9.125 04/30/18 VIMPELCOM 7.5043 03/01/22 RUSS AGRIC 6 06/03/21 MTS INTL FUNDING 8.625 06/22/20 PGNIG FINANCE 4 02/14/17 VNESHECONOMBANK 6.902 07/09/20 AK TRANSNEFT OAO 8.7 08/07/18 RUSSIAN STAND BANK 9.25 07/11/17 RUSSIAN RAILWAYS 5.739 04/03/17 FINANSBANK AS 5.5 05/11/16 SBERBANK 5.18 06/28/19 SBERBANK 4.95 02/07/17 Foreign corporate bonds Amount Market Price 600 1,600 1,400 1,000 1,300 1,500 1,500 1,600 2,000 6 800 1,400 1,000 500 900 400 600 1,000 1,600 900 1,300 1,400 1,700 900 200 600 1,200 900 700 900 2,000 1,700 1,300 1,800 2,000 900 1,300 800 1,300 1,700 600 1,500 2,000 1,200 300 600 1,800 500 1,400 1,500 800 1,800 2,200 1,000 300 29,161.55 20,006.20 21,196.66 28,032.46 28,107.06 20,423.38 20,462.37 20,474.31 20,448.05 2,745,077.95 20,179.48 19,460.91 21,402.56 22,126.50 30,997.93 29,043.62 20,975.04 21,183.53 24,510.60 19,934.38 20,092.94 21,568.48 21,034.32 21,248.58 21,340.69 22,179.62 21,839.93 21,202.43 19,962.44 22,383.14 20,853.89 20,941.42 21,476.77 21,147.02 19,679.94 20,493.41 22,505.09 24,156.49 20,591.09 20,817.08 25,368.13 21,569.07 20,084.19 23,260.46 20,854.08 20,426.36 23,530.03 29,230.66 21,988.44 24,326.10 20,644.60 21,564.30 19,961.44 20,907.80 21,131.61 Market Price Total Accrued Interest 17,496,930.60 32,009,923.46 29,675,322.77 28,032,463.75 36,539,177.68 30,635,069.01 30,693,557.37 32,758,892.77 40,896,095.80 16,470,467.70 16,143,583.12 27,245,270.67 21,402,562.02 11,063,252.34 27,898,136.10 11,617,449.40 12,585,023.98 21,183,529.08 39,216,962.62 17,940,946.34 26,120,822.00 30,195,869.17 35,758,350.94 19,123,724.21 4,268,138.34 13,307,773.00 26,207,917.93 19,082,185.54 13,973,704.75 20,144,823.55 41,707,771.00 35,600,412.47 27,919,796.63 38,064,642.46 39,359,881.12 18,444,065.60 29,256,613.75 19,325,190.75 26,768,411.49 35,389,038.72 15,220,875.00 32,353,612.20 40,168,373.28 27,912,555.22 6,256,225.33 12,255,818.06 42,354,047.48 14,615,331.00 30,783,816.45 36,489,157.03 16,515,680.50 38,815,740.43 43,915,169.45 20,907,798.24 6,339,481.72 675,387.59 1,014,417.16 231,206.96 253,305.57 530,206.40 331,100.40 671,215.27 671,886.69 419,431.83 30,258.72 158,703.72 169,638.68 305,317.64 122,057.98 399,462.27 70,086.11 248,655.11 258,622.00 547,969.18 307,735.31 512,933.63 319,713.16 196,197.11 405,837.60 53,105.93 248,053.31 415,784.60 205,156.88 500,458.44 604,280.25 1,310,517.25 601,240.89 312,860.78 778,772.51 867,461.29 242,831.14 172,594.27 718,062.88 449,176.13 1,230,430.08 224,345.22 258,932.84 374,255.88 363,065.50 149,290.54 53,713.80 60,055.01 480,876.71 913,100.78 1,031,255.23 691,095.46 496,646.75 327,643.13 5,725.05 117,349.73 1,406,427,431.39 23,109,484.35 165 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS korporátní dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report ISIN Name of the security XS0764313614 CEZ 4.25 04/03/22 Amount Market Price 800 19,882.06 Local corporate bonds after 1 January 1998 XS0583192108 CESKA EXP. BANKA VAR 01/24/16 Local government bonds after 1 January 1998 Total 1,500 19,496.12 Market Price Total Accrued Interest 15,905,650.88 163,462.37 15,905,650.88 163,462.37 29,244,180.00 13,434.92 29,244,180.00 1,451,577,262.27 13,434.92 23,286,381.64 166 Independent Auditor’s Report to the Participation certificate holders of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., High Yield dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., High Yield dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December 2013, and the income statement and statement of changes in equity for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. For details of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., High Yield dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, see Note 1 to the financial statements. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Act on Auditors and International Standards on Auditing as amended by implementation guidance of the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including an assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., High Yield dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, as at 31 December 2013, and its financial performance for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic. 31 March 2014 Prague, Czech Republic Ernst & Young Audit, s.r.o. License No. 401 Represented by partner Roman Hauptfleisch Auditor, Licence no. 2009 A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited, Ernst & Young Audit, s. r. o. with its registred office at Na Florenci 2116/15, 110 00 Prague 1 – Nové Město, has been incorporated in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, entry No. 88504, under Identification No. 26704153. 167 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., High Yield dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Balance Sheet at 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) Line Current Previous 01 02 06 10 12 15 16 19 21 135,517 112,212 23,305 959,088 959,088 1,909 1,909 0 0 69,839 69,839 0 473,034 473,034 5,699 5,272 427 11 22 1,096,514 548,583 29 30 32 33 34 39 40 41 47 10,448 8,710 1,004 734 1,189 141,521 90,280 819,855 33,221 2,401 500 1,187 714 604 49,028 0 406,270 90,280 Total Liabilities 48 1,096,514 548,583 of which: Equity 49 1,084,877 545,578 3 Receivables from banks and credit unions of which: a/ on demand: aa/ current accounts ae/ collaterals 5 Debt securities b/ issued by other entities 11 Other assets a/ derivatives d/ other assets 13 Prepayments and accrued income Total Assets 4 Other liabilities a/ derivatives c/ liabilities from taxes d/ other liabilities 5 Deferred income and accrued expenses 9 Share premium 10 Reserve funds and other funds from profit 12 Capital funds 15 Profit or loss for the accounting period 168 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., High Yield dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Off Balance Sheet Accounts at 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 4 Amounts due from fixed term transactions a/ with interest instruments b/ with currency instruments 7 Assets provided into custody, administration and safekeeping of which: securities 12 Amounts owed from fixed term transactions a/ with interest instruments b/ with currency instruments Line Current Previous 52 53 54 60 61 64 65 66 1,068,167 104,185 963,982 959,273 959,088 1,074,968 104,762 970,206 546,906 0 546,906 473,034 473,034 542,134 0 542,134 169 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., High Yield dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 1 Interest income and similar income of which: a/ interest income from bonds d/ interest income from collaterals 5 Commission and fee expenses a/ fees and commissions from securities trading b/ management fee c/ custody fee d/ other financial expenses 6 Profit or loss on financial operations a/ profit or loss on transactions with securities b/ profit or loss on foreign exchange transactions c/ profit or loss on fixed term transactions and options 9 Administrative expenses of which: b/ other administrative expenses: ba/ audit 12 Release of provisions and bad debt allowances to receivables and guarantees, income from receivables written off 19 Ordinary profit or loss for the accounting period before tax 23 Income tax 24 Profit or loss for the accounting period after tax Line Current Previous 1 2 5 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 54,269 54,221 2 12,354 6 10,391 953 1,004 (6,753) 54,265 1,821 (62,839) 192 192 0 40,301 40,174 0 6,433 (10) 5,202 477 764 57,807 46,582 (1,870) 13,095 235 235 99 34,970 1,749 33,221 91,539 1,259 90,280 24 26 30 31 170 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., High Yield dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Current Previous 49,028 134,892 (42,399) 0 141,521 36,898 29,455 (17,325) 0 49,028 0 90,280 0 90,280 40,956 0 (40,956) 0 406,270 604,816 (191,231) 0 0 819,855 448,684 236,906 (253,914) (25,406) 0 406,270 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Share premium opening balance issued unit certificates repurchase of unit certificates other changes closing balance 2 Retained earnings opening balance transfers to funds other changes closing balance 3 Capital funds opening balance issued unit certificates repurchase of unit certificates transfers to funds other changes closing balance 4 Gains or losses from revaluation opening balance foreign exchange rate differences and gains or losses from revaluation not included in profit (loss) closing balance 5 Retained earnings or accumulated losses from previous periods opening balance other changes closing balance 6 Profit (loss) for the current period after taxes opening balance profit (loss) transfers to funds, dividends closing balance 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 90,280 33,221 (90,280) 33,221 (66,362) 90,280 66,362 90,280 7 Total 32 1,084,877 545,578 171 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., High Yield dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Notes to the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2013 1. Organisation and Description of Business The participation certificates of the Fund are available both in the Czech Republic and in other EU member countries. Formation and Description of the Business Investment Policy of the Fund Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., High Yield dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond (hereinafter the “Fund” or “ISČS, a. s. – High Yield dluhopisový OPF”) is an accounting unit without legal entity status, formed by Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. (hereinafter the “Company”) in compliance with the Collective Investment Act No. 189/2004 Coll. (hereinafter the “Act”). The objective of the investment policy is to provide participation certificate holders with long-term absolute performance of their crown investments in participation certificates, principally through investments in bonds of corporate and bank issuers, who received Standard & Poor’s or Moody’s rating of long-term indebtedness at least on the speculative level, i.e. principally issuers from Western and Eastern Europe. Following Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s.’s request of 14 March 2006, the Securities Commission approved the formation of a fund entitled Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. – High Yield dluhopisový FF – otevřený podílový fond. The decision came into effect on 4 July 2006. The Fund commenced its activities on 28 August 2006. The name of the Fund changed to High Yield dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond on 4 November 2008. The credit risk is reduced through broad diversification of the Fund portfolio, where usually up to 3 percent of the Fund’s assets are invested in the bonds of one issuer, with exceptions allowed for basically three issuers, where up to 5 percent of the Fund assets can be invested into bonds. Pursuant to a concluded contract, Česká spořitelna, a. s. acts as the depository of the Fund. The Fund is managed by the Company. In compliance with the Act, the Company is responsible for the management of the assets of the Fund, which involves the administration and handling of the assets. The Fund is a standard fund in compliance with the Act and meets the requirements of EU legislation. According to the classification binding for the members of the Capital Market Association (hereinafter the “AKAT CR”) as at the date of the approval of this Statute, the Fund can be defined as a bond fund. Registered Office Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. High Yield dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond Prague 6, Evropská 2690/17 Principal Business The Company collects funds from individuals and legal entities for the Fund by issuing participation certificates with the purpose of their collective investment on local and foreign financial markets. No restrictions are placed on the number of participation certificates for issue and the period for which the Fund is established. The Company reserves the right to temporary halt the issuing of participation certificates for no longer than three months in compliance with the Act. The portfolio of the Fund predominantly includes bonds denominated in EUR or USD. Foreign currency risk is hedged by standard hedging transactions. The above-described objectives do not represent limits for the restriction and distribution of the investmentrelated risks. The portfolio of the Fund predominantly includes bonds with fixed and variable coupon, denominated in EUR and USD, the issuers of which are companies and state institutions from Western and Eastern European countries. The Fund also invests in treasury bills, bank deposits, or bonds with embedded derivatives. Finances collected in the Fund can also be invested in securities of collective investment funds if such collective investment funds invest in identical classes of assets as a standard fund in compliance with the Act. The portfolio of the Fund may also be expanded by purchasing bonds exchangeable for shares or with the option to subscribe for shares. In the event of claiming the rights arising from these bonds for the acquisition of shares, the shares must not exceed 10 percent of the value of the Fund’s assets. The limits of the Fund are adhered to on the basis of the Act, or they are regulated in the Fund’s Statute in compliance with the Act. The Fund uses financial derivatives to hedge against currency exposures. Change in the Fund’s Statute Czech National Bank Resolution No. 2012/4693/570, dated 18 May 2012, which came into force on 5 June 2012: The changes to 172 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., High Yield dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report the Funds statute related mainly to the duty of the asset investment company to ensure that its statute is in accordance with the amendment to Act 189/2004 Coll., on collective investments (as ensuing from the changes made by Act 188/2011 Coll.) and Decree No. 193/2011 Coll., on the minimum requisites of the statute and on the conditions for the use of the name Short-Term Money Market Fund and Money Market Fund. In light of the change made to the methodology of classifying mutual funds of the Capital Market Association, the definition of a bond fund in the introductory Definition of Terms of the Funds statute has been modified, as well as the wording of certain related provisions. Investment objectives, the method of investing and the risk profile of the Fund have not been changed in the amendments referred to above. Along with the change made to the statute, information was updated as to the list of funds managed by the Company (Article II Paragraph 8 of the statute), in particular information on the managing parties of the asset management company (Appendix 1 to the statute), information added on the performance of the Fund for 2011 (Appendix 2 to the statute), information updated on the total cost indicators for 2011, and the date on which the statute being signed was updated. On the date the changes to the statute came into force the simple statute of the Fund was replaced by a newly processed document providing required key information for investors. Such key information for investors was processed in accordance with Commission (EU) Regulation No. 583/2012. As at 1 February 2013, information on Fund`s 2012 performance was published within the document Key investors information. (According to the article 23, section 3 of Council Regulation (EC) no. 583/2010, the performance must be updated within the Key investors information up to 35 days after the previous calendar year end.) The updated text of the Funds statute was approved by the Investment company`s board of directors as at 10 April 2013. The changes in the statute text related to an update of the list of managed funds, update of the information on the length of professional experience of Investment company management, addition of information on Fund’s performance and the Fund`s benchmark`s performance, an update of information on total expense ratio for 2012 and update of the date of the signature. These updates were not subject to preliminary approval from Czech national bank (according to the section 84 (a), subsection 5 of 189/2004 Coll., Act on collective investment schemes). The shareholders could access the updated text of the Statute and Key investors information as of 10 April 2013 on, at the distributor’s branches (Ceska sporitelna, a. s.) and at the Investment company seat. Legislative change Act No 240/2013 Coll., On Management Companies and Investment Funds became effective as of 19 August 2013. Rules stated by this act must be implemented by management companies and investment funds by 22 July 2014. In 2013, the Fund`s management was subject to the rules of the Act No. 189/2004 Coll., Act on collective investment schemes. The new rules will be applied as of 2014. 2. Basis of Preparation The financial statements have been prepared on the basis of underlying accounting records maintained in accordance with Accounting Act No. 563/1991 Coll., and applicable regulations, decrees and internal standards in compliance with and in the scope defined in Czech Finance Ministry Regulation No. 501/2002 of 6 November 2002, as subsequently amended, which sets out the overall framework for the presentation of the financial statements, and guidelines for the structure and minimum requirements for the content of the financial statements of banks and certain financial institutions, and Czech Accounting Standards for Financial Institutions, which establish the accounting principles and policies. The basis of preparation and the accounting policies have been constantly applied during both 2013 and 2012. The Fund is obliged to comply with the regulatory requirements of the Act. The financial statements are presented in compliance with general accounting principles, specifically the accrual principle, the prudence concept and the going concern assumption. The financial statements contain the balance sheet, profit and loss account, statement of changes in equity and notes to the financial statements. The presentation of the financial statements requires that the Company makes estimates which have an impact on the reported amounts of assets and liabilities as at the date of the financial statements as well as expenses and income in the relevant accounting period. These estimates are based on information available as at the date of the financial statements and may differ from the actual results. As a result of continued market volatility since the start of the global financial crisis, the Fund may be exposed to increased risk, specifically due to the uncertainty regarding possible asset impairments and future developments on the market. The financial statements have been prepared based on the current best estimates using all relevant and available information as at the date of the financial statements. These financial statements are unconsolidated. 173 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., High Yield dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report All amounts are stated in thousands of Czech crowns (CZK), unless indicated otherwise. tion models based on discounted future cash flows according to the yield curve calculated using the Reuters and Kondor+ systems. Explanation Added for Translation into English Securities are measured at cost upon initial recognition using the weighted average method. The acquisition cost includes direct transaction costs related to the acquisition of securities. These financial statements are presented on the basis of accounting principles and standards generally accepted in the Czech Republic. Certain accounting practices applied by the Company that conform with generally accepted accounting principles and standards in the Czech Republic may not conform with generally accepted accounting principles in other countries. 3. Accounting Policies Realised capital gains or losses are recorded in the profit and loss account within ‘Profit or loss from financial operations’. Accrued interest relating to assets is included within the total balance of these assets. Receivables and Payables Transaction Recognition Date Purchases and sales of securities are recognised using trade date accounting provided that the period between the trade date and the fulfilment of the commitment arising from the contract does not exceed a period typical for the relevant type of transaction. The transaction recognition date for derivative contracts is: a) the date upon which the related contract was entered into; b) the date when fulfilment was delivered based on the relevant contract. The transaction recognition date can also be the date when money in circulation is paid or received, the date when foreign currency is purchased or sold, the date when a payment is made, the date when ownership is acquired or terminated, when a receivable or payable arises, changes or ceases to exist, when assets move within an accounting entity, and the date when other matters to be included in the accounting records occur, or when the documents supporting these other matters are available, or when other matters are a consequence of internal conditions of the accounting entity and/ or special regulations. Securities In accordance with the Fund’s strategy, all securities are classified as securities at fair value through profit or loss. During the accounting period, securities are re-measured at fair value on a daily basis pursuant to the Finance Ministry Regulation No. 194/2011 Coll., on more detailed regulation of certain rules in collective investment (the “Decree”), as amended. The securities of the Fund are accounted for as securities at fair value through profit or loss. The fair value of the securities is determined in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards with an exception, that an average price between the most favourable binding offer and demand (MID price) is used for bonds. Pursuant to the Regulation, securities are valued at the price quoted on a public market which is adjusted, as appropriate, to reflect the rules set out in the Regulation. If the market value is unavailable, the Fund uses a value determined by the Company using valua- The Fund records receivables arising from its transactions with securities and other operating receivables at their nominal value, while receivables from positive fair values of derivatives are recorded at the fair value of the derivatives at the balance sheet date. Pursuant to the prudence principle, provisions are created based on the aging of receivables. The Fund records payables arising from its transactions with securities and operating payables at their nominal value, while payables from negative fair values of derivatives are recorded at the fair value of the derivatives at the balance sheet date. Financial Derivatives and Hedging Transactions In the normal course of business, the Fund enters into hedging contracts with financial derivatives to hedge against foreign currency exposures associated with its transactions on financial markets. The method of fair value hedges is applied to hedging derivatives. The Fund designates certain derivatives as hedges provided that the following criteria are met: – the Fund has developed a risk management strategy; – at the inception of the hedge, the hedging relationship is formally documented, the documentation identifies the hedged item and the hedging instrument, and it defines the risk that is being hedged and the approach to establishing whether the hedge is effective; and – the hedge is effective, that is, changes in the fair value or cash flows of the hedged item are almost fully offset by changes in the fair value or cash flows of the hedging instrument and the results are within a range of 80 percent to 125 percent. Nominal values of derivative financial instruments are recognised in the off-balance sheet accounts. Changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as hedges (see above) are recorded as income or expense. Changes in the fair value of the hedging derivatives attributable to the risk hedged are recognised in the same income or expense accounts as differences from revaluation of a hedged instrument. 174 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., High Yield dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report All financial derivatives are recorded as assets when the fair value is positive and as liabilities when the fair value is negative. Fair values are derived from valuation models. Derivatives that are not designated as hedging derivatives are treated as trading derivatives. These derivatives are measured at fair value on a daily basis and gains and losses on revaluation are posted to expense and income accounts. Certain derivatives are embedded in compound financial instruments, which comprise the host instrument and the derivative. Pursuant to the applicable regulations, the Fund recognises changes in assets and liabilities arising from the movements in rates or prices of securities or changes in exchange rates through expense and income accounts. Given that the assets of the Fund are valued at fair value and changes of fair values are reported within expenses and income from derivatives, embedded derivatives are not accounted for separately. Dividend income is recognised as at the date when the right to receive the payment is established (ex-dividend date). Dividend income from domestic securities is presented after withholding tax. Dividend income from foreign securities is presented gross with the applicable taxes presented within taxes on foreign dividends (see note 5.15). Subsequent Events The impact of events that occurred between the balance sheet date and the date of the financial statements preparation is recognized in the financial statements provided these events provide additional evidence about conditions that existed at the date of the balance sheet. If material events reflecting the facts occurring after the balance sheet date happened between the balance sheet date and the date of the financial statements preparation the consequences of these events are disclosed in the notes to the financial statements but not recognized in the financial statements. Income Tax Under effective tax regulations, the income tax rate applicable to mutual funds is 5 percent. 4. Risk Management Deferred Tax Credit Risk Deferred tax is provided using the liability method on all temporary differences between the carrying amount of assets and liabilities reported in the balance sheet and their value for tax purposes. Deferred tax assets are recognised only up to the amount of probable future taxable income against which the deferred tax asset can be offset. In accordance with the Statute and the investment strategy, the Company establishes rules and policies for selecting investment instruments such that the overall credit risk profile of allocated investments is consistent with the characteristics of the Fund. New types of instruments are approved on a case by case basis by the risk management function together with the specification of limits for positions pertaining to these instruments. Specific emphasis is placed on an appropriate rating structure and a relatively detailed diversification of portfolios (especially in relation to interest bearing securities). Foreign Currency Translations Foreign currencies are translated using the exchange rate promulgated by the Czech National Bank as at the relevant date. As at the balance sheet date, assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated on the same basis. Foreign exchange rate gains and losses from the daily translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are posted to expense or income accounts. Equity of the Fund The selling price of participation certificates is calculated as a proportion of the Fund’s equity and the relevant number of participation certificates. Participation certificates are sold to investors using the selling price determined on a daily basis. Share Premium Share premium is the difference between the nominal value of all participation certificates and their carrying amounts as at the date of their issue or purchase. Market Risk The Fund uses a wide range of tools to eliminate risk exposures attached to its portfolios. Significant attention is paid to market risks. Apart from statutory restrictions, the Fund is subject to a set of internal limits having a direct impact on the FX exposure, interest rate exposure (the modified duration range of the Fund), equity allocation on individual markets according to their volatility, portfolio rating structure (see above), and other characteristics of the Fund. The relevant limits are appropriately applied to correspond with the type of the Fund. Whenever the Fund purchases new types of instruments, these instruments are first analysed to assess the potential credit risk, as well as the market risk that the instruments might bring to or help eliminate from the portfolio. Subsequently, their appropriateness and, if appropriate, the acceptable proportion of these instruments in the portfolio is evaluated. Interest Income and Expense and Dividend Income Interest income and expense are recognised using the accrual principle. The level of the Fund’s market risk exposure is measured using the Value at Risk (“VaR”). With effect from 1 August 2006, the 175 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., High Yield dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report VaR for the Company’s Funds is calculated by the Central Risk Management Department of Česká spořitelna using the historical simulation method in the K + KvaR system. Set out below are relative monthly values of the VaR in percentage terms for individual types of risks: 31 Dec 2013 Average VaR 2.64% 0.04% 2.63% 0.00% 2.30% 0.11% 2.24% 0.00% 31 Dec 2012 Average VaR 1.32% 0.10% 1.31% 0.00% 2.08% 0.27% 2.04% 0.00% Global VaR Foreign currency VaR Interest rate VaR Equity VaR Global VaR Foreign currency VaR Interest rate VaR Equity VaR The average VaR is calculated as an average of daily VaR values in years 2013 and 2012 respectively. The Fund monitors Value at Risk globally and also broken down to Foreign Currency VaR, Interest Rate VaR and Equity VaR. Based on the above values, the Fund identifies critical risk segments. This identification influences the reinvestment process. The limits set the maximum acceptable VaR for the Fund. The Equity VaR also reflects the risk related to the holding of mutual funds’ participation certificates (including funds of money market and bond funds). Adherence to all the above limits and their effectiveness is monitored and assessed on an ongoing basis. The limits are reviewed, if necessary. The portfolio’s risk of unfavourable development of foreign exchange rates, interest rates, and other market factors is hedged, to an appropriate extent, by financial derivatives. Financial derivatives are traded on the OTC market as this market enables the trading of contracts whose parameters and nature appropriately satisfy the requirements of a hedge. Portfolios primarily include currency swaps, currency forwards and interest rate swaps. Liquidity Risk Another monitored risk is the liquidity risk. Liquidity risk is a risk that the Fund will not have enough available resources to meet its obligations arising from financial contracts. Liquidity is monitored and managed based on expected cash flows, with appropriate adjustments made to the structure of securities and term placements portfolios. Pursuant to the Act, the Company is obliged to repurchase a participation certificate without undue delay but not later than 15 business days from the date when the repurchase right is claimed. Given that the Fund holds securities traded on foreign stock exchanges which can be realised within a few days, the Fund’s inability to meet its obligations due to lack of liquidity is unlikely. Pursuant to Section 12 of the Collective Investment Act, the Company can suspend issues and purchases of the Fund’s participation certificates for a maximum of three months, if necessary due to the protection of rights or the participation certificate holders’ interests protected by law. Issuing and purchasing participation certificates can be suspended particularly at the end or beginning of the calendar year, in the event of natural disasters, upon very strong fluctuations on financial markets and upon high requirements for the sales or purchases of participation certificates provided they could endanger the Fund’s assets. The quantitative information about the residual maturity of assets and liabilities is given in Note 5.17. 5. Additional Information on the Financial Statements 5.1 Receivables from Banks Receivables from banks 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Current accounts 135,517 69,839 Total 135,517 69,839 Balances on current accounts are repayable on demand. 5.2 Securities Individual types of securities by issuer, number of securities, their market value and interest rate are disclosed in the Portfolio attached to the annual report. All securities held by the Fund are publicly listed on the Prague Stock Exchange or foreign stock exchanges. Participation certificates which are not listed on stock exchanges are purchased and administered by the Company. 176 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., High Yield dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Debt securities 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Acquisition cost Market revaluation Accrued interest income 877,919 60,543 20,626 434,501 28,010 10,523 Total 959,088 473,034 Of the aggregate volume of debt securities, debt securities maturing within one year accounted for 1.484 percent in 2013 (2012: 0 percent). Of the aggregate volume of debt securities, debt securities maturing within more than one year with a variable coupon accounted for 0 percent in 2013 (2012: 0 percent). Of the aggregate volume of debt securities, debt securities maturing within more than one year with a fixed coupon accounted for 98.516 percent in 2013 (2012: 100 percent). 5.3 Other Assets Other assets 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Positive fair values of financial derivatives State budget settlement Other receivables Other Provisions against receivables 1,909 – – – – 5,272 – 427 – – Total 1,909 5,699 5.4 Prepayments and Accrued Income Prepayments and accrued income 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Prepayments – audit fees – 11 Total – 11 5.5 Equity The Fund has no share capital. The nominal value of one participation certificate is CZK 1. The total nominal value of all participation certificates is posted to ‘Capital funds’. Share premium arising from the difference between the nominal and selling values of the participation certificates is recorded separately. The Fund accounts for share premium upon the sale of participation certificates as well as upon their repurchase. The selling price of the participation certificate is determined as the share of the Fund’s net assets and the number of issued participation certificates. The value of a participation certificate as at the last trading date in 2013 totaled CZK 1.2534 (2012: CZK 1.2072). This is the most recent announced value of the participation certificate for the year, for which purchases and repurchases of the participation certificates of the Fund were undertaken. The profit for 2013 in the amount of CZK 33,221 thousand will be transferred to the reinvestment fund within ‘Other funds from profit’. The profit for 2012 in the amount of CZK 90,280 thousand was transferred to the reinvestment fund within ‘Other funds from profit’. 177 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., High Yield dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.6 Changes in the Capital Fund Number of Nominal participation value of certificates participation certificates Balance at 31 Dec 2011 Participation certificates sold Participation certificates purchased Use of capital fund to cover losses Balance at 31 Dec 2012 Participation certificates sold Participation certificates purchased Use of capital fund to cover losses Balance at 31 Dec 2013 Use of Total capital funds capital fund to cover losses 468,962,326 468,962 (20,278) 448,684 236,906,359 (253,914,092) – 236,906 (253,914) – – – (25,406) 236,906 (253,914) (25,406) 451,954,593 451,954 (45,684) 406,270 604,816,450 (191,231,975) – 604,816 (191,231) – – – – 604,816 (191,231) – 865,539,068 865,539 (45,684) 819,855 5.7 Other Liabilities Other liabilities 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Negative fair values of financial derivatives State budget settlement Payables to participation certificate holder Other liabilities Total 8,710 1,004 513 221 500 1,187 559 155 10,448 2,401 5.8 Accrued Expenses and Deferred Income Accrued expenses consist of the unbilled custody fee of CZK 100 thousand related to December (2012: CZK 50 thousand), the unbilled management fee of CZK 1,085 thousand related to December (2012: CZK 546 thousand) and unbilled fee for local sub-register management of CZK 0 thousand related to December (2012: CZK 6 thousand) and the unbilled fee for the NAV and participation certificate rate calculation of CZK 4 thousand (2012: CZK 2 thousand). 5.9 Financial Derivatives Designated as Hedging Derivatives Nominal value of the derivatives Currency instruments 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Assets Liabilities Assets Currency swaps 403,768 408,633 212,682 Liabilities 208,475 Total currency instruments 403,768 408,633 212,682 208,475 Open positions of derivatives posted to an off-balance sheet are converted to fair value daily as of 1 January 2011 (up to 31 August 2013 futures were converted monthly; as of 1 September 2013 they are converted on daily basis) and recorded in absolute values. Fair value of the derivatives Currency instruments 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Positive Negative Positive Currency swaps – 4,865 4,207 Negative – Total currency instruments – 4,865 4,207 – All currency derivatives are due within one year. 178 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., High Yield dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.10 Financial Derivatives Designated as Trading Derivatives Nominal Value Currency instruments 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Assets Liabilities Assets Liabilities Currency swaps Interest swaps 560,214 104,185 561,573 104,762 334,224 – 333,659 – Total 664,399 666,335 334,224 333,659 Open positions of derivatives posted to an off-balance sheet are converted to fair value daily as of 1 January 2011 (up to 31 August 2013 futures were converted monthly; as of 1 September 2013 they are converted on daily basis) and recorded in absolute values. Fair value Currency instruments 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Positive Negative Positive Negative Currency swaps Interest swaps 1,909 – 3,268 577 1,065 – 500 – Total 1,909 3,845 1,065 500 2013 2012 Interest on deposits at banks Interest on debt securities Interest on compound margins 46 54,221 2 127 40,174 – Total 54,269 40,301 2013 2012 Management fees Custody fees Commissions and fees from securities trading Expenses of administration of the local sub-register – Česká spořitelna Administration of securities Other fees and commissions 10,391 953 6 79 464 461 5,202 477 (10) 73 238 453 Total 12,354 6,433 All currency derivatives are due within one year. 5.11 Interest Income 5.12 Fees and Commissions In compliance with the Statute of the Fund, the management fee paid to the Company by the Fund amounts to 1.20 percent of the average annual net asset value. Pursuant to the custody service contract entered into with Česká spořitelna, a. s., the Fund pays a fee equal to 0.11 percent of its average annual net asset value. 5.13 Profit or Loss from Financial Operations Profit or loss from securities at fair value through profit or loss Profit or loss from fixed term transactions Profit or loss from FX differences Total 2013 2012 54,265 (62,839) 1,821 46,582 13,095 (1,870) (6,753) 57,807 Profit or loss from securities at fair value through profit or loss primarily comprises the profit or loss from the realised sales of securities, from payable securities and from the daily valuation of securities at fair value. 179 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., High Yield dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Profit or loss from derivatives includes profit or loss on the settlement of fixed term transactions with currency instruments and also the revaluation of open derivatives at fair value. Profit or loss from FX differences represents the value of realised FX profit or loss from foreign currency accounts and from the settlement of foreign currency receivables and payables and also gains or losses arising from the revaluation of assets, with the exception of securities, and liabilities in foreign currency at fair value. 5.14 Administrative Expenses 2013 2012 Audit 192 235 Total 192 235 2013 2012 5.15 Income Tax The principal income tax components are as follows: Tax payable – current year 1,749 1,259 Total income tax 1,749 1,259 Current income tax – analysis: 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Profit (Loss) before tax Items to add Deductible items Tax base Loss deduction Tax base after deduction Tax (5%) on tax base after deduction Total tax 34,970 5 – 34,975 – 34,975 1,749 91,539 – (99) 91,440 (66,259) 25,181 1,259 1,749 1,259 Deferred tax As at 31 December 2013 no temporary differences existed between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts for financial reporting purposes. As at 31 December 2012 no temporary differences existed between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts for financial reporting purposes. 5.16 Related Party Transactions Related parties include Česká spořitelna, a. s. and Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Unbilled custody fee – Česká spořitelna Unbilled management fee – Investiční společnost Unbilled fee for administration of the local sub-register – Česká spořitelna Other payables to related parties 100 1,085 – 226 50 546 6 156 Total payables to related parties 1,411 758 The costs charged to the Fund by Česká spořitelna, a. s. amounted to CZK 1,962 thousand in 2013 (2012: CZK 1,231 thousand), of which the greatest portion is represented by the custody fee of CZK 953 thousand (2012: CZK 477 thousand). The costs charged by the Company amounted to CZK 10,391 thousand (2012: CZK 5,202 thousand), which is the annual management fee. 180 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., High Yield dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.17 Liquidity The following tables show the residual maturity of assets and liabilities broken down by major classes of assets. Given that all securities are traded on public markets, sales can easily be undertaken within three months 2013 Assets Less than 3 months 3 month – 1 year 135,517 14,233 1,909 – – 151,659 – – – – – – – 559,499 – – – 559,499 Other liabilities Net assets Available capital (10,633) 141,026 (1,084,87) (1,004) (1,004) – Difference (943,851) (1,004) Less than 3 months 3 month – 1 year Receivables from banks Debt securities Other assets Prepayments 69,839 − 5,699 11 − − − − − 217,783 − − Total assets 75,549 − Other liabilities Net assets Available capital (1,818) 73,731 (545,578) Difference (471,847) Receivables from banks Debt securities Derivatives Other assets Prepayments Total assets 1 – 5 years Over 5 years Not specified Total – 385,356 – – – 385,356 – – – – – – 135,517 959,088 1,909 – – 1,096,514 – 559,499 – – 385,356 – – – – (11,637) 1,084,877 1,084,877 559 499 385 356 – – 1 – 5 years Over 5 years Not specified Total − 255,251 − − − − − − 69,839 473,034 5,699 11 217,783 255,251 − 548,583 (1,187) (1,187) − − 217,783 − − 255,251 − − − − (3,005) 545,578 (545,578) (1,187) 217,783 255,251 − − Liabilities 2012 Assets Liabilities Liquidity risk, to which the Fund is exposed, is low as all assets are immediately convertible into cash before the expected purchases of participation certificates from participation certificate holders can be undertaken. 5.18 Off-balance Sheet Assets and Liabilities The Fund’s off-balance sheet accounts include receivables and payables from fixed term transactions and assets provided into custody and safekeeping. The item ‘Assets provided into custody, administration and safekeeping’ shows foreign participation certificates administered by Česká spořitelna, a. s. (this item does not include participation certificates of open-ended mutual funds of the Company, which the Fund maintains in its portfolio). 5.19 Contingent Assets and Liabilities The Fund has no assets or liabilities that were not disclosed in the balance sheet or off-balance sheet accounts. 5.20 Subsequent Events No significant events occurred after the date of the financial statements, which would have a material impact on the Fund’s financial statements. 181 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., High Yield dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Portfolio at 31 December 2013 The detail of the portfolio is not part of the fund’s final accounts. Figures are stated in CZK. ISIN Name of the security XS0503453275 XS0496716282 XS0775984213 XS0903872355 XS0798333802 FR0011321447 XS0885718782 XS0562783034 XS0555493203 XS0776111188 XS0471612076 XS0846652666 XS0861828407 XS0544362972 XS0359381331 XS0585211591 XS0551315384 XS0587805457 XS0972570351 US92769VAD10 XS0438150160 XS0954674668 XS0242945367 US03938LAU89 XS0505541044 XS0546767863 XS0568044555 USL19698AA49 XS0584389448 XS0307399062 DE000A0G4X39 XS0361041808 XS0643183220 XS0513723873 XS0480219640 XS0764640149 XS0495219874 XS0626064017 XS0480857415 XS0731129747 XS0801261156 XS0479955402 XS0604641034 XS0468466056 XS0478803355 XS0253989635 XS0548102531 XS0831842645 XS0586885500 XS0627215378 XS0616393145 XS0170485204 XS0754795739 MOL HUNG. OIL GAS 5.875 04/20/17 ITALCEMENTI FIN 6.625 03/19/20 PROMSVYAZ 8.5 04/25/17 KONINKLIJKE KPN 6.125 PERPETUAL BANQUE PSA FINANC 4.875 09/25/15 RENAULT B 4.625 09/18/17 OTE PLC 7.875 02/07/18 LAFARGE 5.375 11/29/18 ALROSA FINANCE 7.75 11/03/20 AGROKOR D.D. 9.875 05/01/19 AGROKOR 10 12/07/16 HCFB LLC 9.375 04/24/20 FINMEC FINANCE SA 4.375 12/05/17 ALFA BANK 7.875 09/25/17 EVRAZ 9.5 04/24/18 TMK CAPITAL 7.75 01/27/18 SEVERSTAL OAO 6.7 10/25/17 PORTUGAL TEL FIN 5.625 02/08/16 TELEFONICA EU 6.5 PERPETUAL VIRGIN MEDIA FIN 4.875 02/15/22 WIND ACQUISITION 11.75 07/15/17 TVN FIN CORP 7.375 12/15/20 INEOS GRP HOLDING 7.875 02/15/16 ARCELOR MITTAL 5.5 03/01/21 ZIGGO 8 05/15/18 YASAR HOLDINGS 9.625 10/07/15 CONVATEC HEALTH 10.875 12/15/18 CONVATEC HEALTH 10.5 12/15/18 ONO FINANCE II 11.125 07/15/19 BEVERAGE PACKAGING 9.5 06/15/17 WIENERBERGER 6.5 PERPETUAL VIMPELCOM 9.125 04/30/18 VIMPELCOM 7.5043 03/01/22 MTS INTL FUNDING 8.625 06/22/20 ARDAGH GLASS 8.75 02/01/20 FIAT 7 03/23/17 STENA AB 7.875 03/15/20 CYFROWY POLSAT 7.125 05/20/18 KERLING PLC 10.625 02/01/17 EILEME 2 AB 11.75 01/31/20 SHCAEFFLER FBV 6.75 07/01/17 UPCB FINANCE LTD 7.625 01/15/20 CNH FIAT IND FIN 6.25 03/09/18 UNITYMEDIA KABEL 9.625 12/01/19 HEIDELBERGCEM LUX 7.5 04/03/20 WENDEL SA 4.875 05/26/16 SUNRISE COMM 8.5 12/31/18 EDP FINANCE BV 5.75 09/21/17 CROWN NEWCO 3 PLC 7 02/15/18 JAGUAR LAND ROVER 8.125 05/15/18 BOPRAN FINANCE 9.875 04/30/18 DAILY MAIL & GT 5.75 12/07/18 MONTE PASCHI SIENA 4.5 03/07/14 Amount Market Price Market Price Total Accrued Interest 600 200 350 400 800 700 400 900 600 500 300 300 600 700 900 400 400 700 6 800 1,100 400 600 1,600 300 550 400 250 700 300 500 600 700 400 650 1,200 250 300 300 450 900 1,100 700 1,000 1,100 14 500 900 500 700 200 200 200 29,161.55 30,089.61 21,402.56 28,930.63 28,715.35 29,452.26 31,315.92 31,560.69 22,126.50 30,997.93 29,043.62 19,934.38 28,329.20 22,179.62 21,839.93 20,853.89 21,476.77 29,352.98 2,938,136.24 17,606.19 29,197.48 29,568.95 18,648.52 21,062.77 29,159.63 19,767.47 31,031.39 21,783.93 30,323.27 28,350.59 26,979.34 23,260.46 20,854.08 23,530.03 29,207.63 30,027.08 31,206.36 29,359.15 29,213.93 33,239.37 29,664.80 29,733.50 31,161.38 30,482.89 33,448.35 1,467,443.19 29,926.71 30,197.67 34,781.99 35,790.71 36,251.14 35,749.57 27,467.51 17,496,930.60 6,017,922.60 7,490,896.71 11,572,253.00 22,972,277.00 20,616,579.20 12,526,368.75 28,404,621.00 13,275,902.81 15,498,964.50 8,713,087.05 5,980,315.45 16,997,521.35 15,525,735.16 19,655,938.45 8,341,554.20 8,590,706.66 20,547,084.25 17,628,817.43 14,084,952.00 32,117,225.53 11,827,579.75 11,189,113.27 33,700,436.00 8,747,889.38 10,872,110.79 12,412,555.00 5,445,982.50 21,226,291.80 8,505,178.13 13,489,671.88 13,956,277.61 14,597,859.11 9,412,010.55 18,984,956.25 36,032,500.80 7,801,589.75 8,807,744.44 8,764,179.83 14,957,718.41 26,698,319.78 32,706,849.31 21,812,967.40 30,482,887.50 36,793,188.03 20,544,204.63 14,963,354.25 27,177,900.75 17,390,995.18 25,053,498.75 7,250,227.48 7,149,914.75 5,493,501.75 675,387.59 285,727.17 106,861.17 198,812.47 284,243.22 252,986.23 345,555.00 143,361.37 146,469.58 221,923.48 52,564.58 102,578.44 51,280.99 289,395.53 311,838.45 262,103.45 96,264.86 964,477.14 304,755.62 290,949.75 1,624,645.57 33,709.90 327,354.64 636,608.00 82,275.00 242,806.96 49,707.81 21,759.06 978,872.53 32,567.19 793,634.42 181,532.75 348,344.60 13,345.56 645,582.60 1,786,156.44 157,479.49 65,134.38 361,810.03 604,207.03 208,258.59 1,054,291.28 976,311.22 212,638.98 546,785.94 561,526.88 0.00 392,722.24 431,956.88 233,976.64 108,332.04 24,886.13 202,193.63 182 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., High Yield dluhopisový – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report ISIN Name of the security XS0555929263 XS0521356567 XS0467785613 XS0759200321 XS0928189777 XS0908821639 PTBESWOM0013 TELENET FIN. LUX 6.375 11/15/20 EC FINANCE PLC 9.75 08/01/17 SMURFIT 7.75 11/15/19 FRESENIUS FIN. BV 4.25 04/15/19 INEOS GRP HOLDING 6.5 08/15/18 REXEL SA 5.125 06/15/20 BANCO ESPIRITO 5.875 11/09/15 Foreign corporate bonds Total Amount Market Price Market Price Total Accrued Interest 400 400 200 200 500 300 4 29,660.14 29,974.43 29,978.95 30,087.69 28,184.12 28,970.95 2,876,676.81 11,864,055.00 11,989,771.20 5,995,790.63 6,017,538.65 14,092,062.00 8,691,284.18 11,506,707.25 87,417.19 442,685.21 53,135.94 48,565.10 559,546.18 17,569.14 88,285.96 938,462,317.42 938,462,317.42 20,626,155.22 20,626,155.22 183 Independent Auditor’s Report to the Participation certificate holders of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., BONDINVEST – otevřený podílový fond We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., BONDINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December 2013, and the income statement and statement of changes in equity for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. For details of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., BONDINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, see Note 1 to the financial statements. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Act on Auditors and International Standards on Auditing as amended by implementation guidance of the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including an assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., BONDINVEST – otevřený podílový fond as at 31 December 2013, and its financial performance for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic. Emphasis of Matter We draw attention to the matter described in Note 2 to the financial statements of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., BONDINVEST – otevřený podílový fond which indicates that the management of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. intends to terminate Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., BONDINVEST – otevřený podílový fond with liquidation in 2014. Consequent to this fact, the financial statements of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., BONDINVEST – otevřený podílový fond have not been prepared on a going concern basis. Our audit opinion is not qualified with respect to this matter. 31 March 2014 Prague, Czech Republic Ernst & Young Audit, s.r.o. License No. 401 Represented by partner Roman Hauptfleisch Auditor, Licence no. 2009 A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited, Ernst & Young Audit, s. r. o. with its registred office at Na Florenci 2116/15, 110 00 Prague 1 – Nové Město, has been incorporated in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, entry No. 88504, under Identification No. 26704153. 184 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., BONDINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Balance Sheet at 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) Current Previous 5,008 5,008 43,681 43,681 0 14,183 658 0 94 564 0 8,022 8,022 57,181 52,993 4,188 8,374 586 25 0 561 10 63,530 74,173 2,987 819 0 2,168 51 (5,409) 20,358 33,686 12,158 (301) 2,402 0 187 2,215 61 (3,417) 12,903 42,611 12,158 7,455 Total Liabilities 63,530 74,173 of which: Equity 60,492 71,710 3 Receivables from banks and credit unions of which: a/ on demand: aa/ current accounts 5 Debt securities of which: a/ issued by the government b/ issued by other entities 6 Shares, unit certificates and other participation interests 11 Other assets a/ derivatives c/ receivables from taxes d/ other assets 13 Prepayments and accrued income Total Assets 4 Other liabilities a/ derivatives c/ liabilities from taxes d/ other liabilities 5 Deferred income and accrued expenses 9 Share premium 10 Reserve funds and other funds from profit 12 Capital funds 14 Retained earnings or accumulated losses from previous periods 15 Profit or loss for the accounting period Line 185 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., BONDINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Off Balance Sheet Accounts at 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 4 Amounts due from fixed term transactions b/ with currency instruments 7 Assets provided into custody, administration and safekeeping of which: securities 12 Amounts owed from fixed term transactions b/ with currency instruments Line Current Previous 52 54 60 61 64 66 13,167 13,167 57,864 57,864 13,986 13,986 8,473 8,473 65,555 65,555 8,448 8,448 186 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., BONDINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 1 Interest income and similar income of which: a/ interest income from bonds 5 Commission and fee expenses a/ fees and commissions from securities trading b/ management fee c/ custody fee d/ other financial expenses 6 Profit or loss on financial operations a/ profit or loss on transactions with securities b/ profit or loss on foreign exchange transactions c/ profit or loss on fixed term transactions and options 9 Administrative expenses of which: b/ other administrative expenses: ba/ audit 19 Ordinary profit or loss for the accounting period before tax 23 Income tax 24 Profit or loss for the accounting period after tax Line Current Previous 1 2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 26 30 31 2,185 2,177 731 3 599 73 56 (1,587) (659) 102 (1,030) 168 168 (301) 0 (301) 2,684 2,652 798 5 652 80 61 5,989 5,534 34 421 233 233 7,642 187 7,455 187 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., BONDINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Current Previous (3,417) 0 (1,992) 0 (5,409) (2,052) 0 (1,365) 0 (3,417) 12,903 7,455 0 20,358 10,008 2,895 0 12,903 42,611 0 (8,925) 0 0 33,686 51,291 0 (8,680) 0 0 42,611 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Share premium opening balance issued unit certificates repurchase of unit certificates other changes closing balance 2 Retained earnings opening balance transfers to funds other changes closing balance 3 Capital funds opening balance issued unit certificates repurchase of unit certificates transfers to funds other changes closing balance 4 Gains or losses from revaluation opening balance foreign exchange rate differences and gains or losses from revaluation not included in profit (loss) closing balance 5 Retained earnings or accumulated losses from previous periods opening balance other changes closing balance 6 Profit (loss) for the current period after taxes opening balance profit (loss) transfers to funds, dividends closing balance 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 12,158 0 12,158 12,158 0 12,158 7,455 (301) (7,455) (301) 2,895 7,455 (2,895) 7,455 7 Total 32 60,492 71,710 188 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., BONDINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Notes to the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2013 1. Organisation and Description of Business Formation and Description of the Business Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., BONDINVEST – otevřený podílový fond (hereinafter the “Fund” or “ISČS, a. s. – BONDINVEST OPF”) is an accounting unit without legal entity status, formed by Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. (hereinafter the “Company”) as an open-ended mutual fund under the Investment Companies and Funds Act No. 248/1992 Coll., as amended, based upon the Resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic dated 27 October 1994. The decision came into effect on 14 December 1994. Pursuant to a concluded contract, Česká spořitelna, a. s. acts as the depository of the Fund. The Fund is managed by the Company. In compliance with the Collective Investment Act No. 189/2004 Coll. (hereinafter the “Act”), the Company is responsible for the management of the assets of the Fund, which involves the administration and handling of the assets. The Fund is a standard fund in compliance with the Act and meets the requirements of EU legislation. According to the classification binding for the members of the Capital Market Association (hereinafter the “AKAT CR”) as at the date of the approval of this Statute, the Fund can be defined as a bond fund. Registered Office Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. BONDINVEST – otevřený podílový fond Prague 6, Evropská 2690/17 Principal Business The Company collects funds from individuals and legal entities by issuing participation certificates with the purpose of their collective investment on local and foreign financial markets. No restrictions are placed on the number of participation certificates for issue and the period for which the Fund is established. The Company reserves the right to temporary halt the issuing of participation certificates for no longer than three months in compliance with the Act. The participation certificates of the Fund are available both in the Czech Republic and in other EU member countries. The Fund is a standard collective investment fund that meets the requirements of EC legislation. This also entails that the Fund is subject to supervision which is equivalent to the supervision pursuant to the EU legislation, the level of protection of the participation certificate holders’ assets is equivalent to the protection provided to participation certificate holders of other collective investment funds that fulfil the requirements of Council Directive No. 85/611/ EEC as of 20 December 1985, on the coordination of legal and administrative regulations regarding collective investment entities transferable into securities, as amended by Council Directive No. 88/220/EEC, Directive 95/26/ES of the European Parliament and Council, Directive 2001/107/EC of the European Parliament and Council and Directive 2001/108/ EC of the European Parliament and Council. The Company prepares mid-year and annual reports on the administration of the Fund assets, which provide a true view of the assets and liabilities, revenues and transactions in the reporting period. Investment Policy of the Fund The objective of the Fund’s investment policy is to provide participation certificate holders with a long-term appreciation of their investments on condition that the overall risk profile of the Fund minimises the likelihood of losses within two years. The aim is achieved by investing in a widely diversified portfolio of securities with fixed or variable interest income and active management of interest rate risk. The Fund is a standard fund pursuant to the Collective Investment Act. The Company fulfils the requirements of the EU legislation when managing the Fund’s assets. The finances collected in the Fund can be invested in securities of the collective investment funds if such collective investment fund invests in identical classes of assets as a standard fund in compliance with the Act, spreads the risk connected to investments, repurchases securities which it issued or ensures that the exchange rate or price of these securities on the regulated market does not significantly differ from their current amount provided that it has been authorised by a supervision body of the state where it has its registered office and falls subject to supervision which the Czech National Bank considers equivalent to the supervision within the European Union member states and provided that the cooperation between the Czech National Bank and this supervision body is ensured and the protection of owners of securities issued by this collective investment fund is equivalent to the protection provided to owners of securities issued by a collective investment fund fulfilling the requirements of the EC legislation; this collective investment fund must principally comply with provisions on borrowing, lending and sales of assets for a short time (Sections 33 to 35 of the Collective Investment Act), separating its assets in account189 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., BONDINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report ing pursuant to Section 16 (1) of the Collective Investment Act, prepare and publish mid-year and annual reports, which provide a true view of assets and liabilities, revenues and transactions in the reporting period, and its Statute can allow investments up to the maximum of 10 percent of the value of its assets into securities issued by another collective investment fund. The Fund also invests in securities denominated in foreign currencies. The Fund can also purchase bonds which can be exchanged for shares or which carry the priority right for the subscription of shares into the portfolio of the Fund. In the event of claiming the rights arising from these bonds for the acquisition of shares, the shares must not exceed 10 percent of the value of the Fund’s assets. The portfolio of the Fund predominantly includes state bonds with fixed coupons denominated in CZK, or state bonds of other countries with developed bond markets. The foreign currency risk is usually hedged. The Fund also invests in corporate bonds, treasury bills, bank deposits or bonds with embedded derivatives. The Company can use financial derivatives to effectively manage the Fund’s assets. Efficient asset management represents transactions for the purpose of decreasing risk, decreasing costs or achieving sufficient income for the Fund provided that the risk is demonstrably low. The exposure from these transactions must be fully covered by the Fund’s assets so that liabilities arising from these transactions are fulfilled. The limits of the Fund are adhered to on the basis of the Act, or they are regulated in the Fund’s Statute in compliance with the Act. Change in the Fund’s Statute Czech National Bank Resolution No. 2012/4691/570, dated 18 May 2012, which came into force on 5 June 2012: The changes to the Funds statute related mainly to the duty of the asset investment company to ensure that its statute is in accordance with the amendment to Act 189/2004 Coll., on collective investments (as ensuing from the changes made by Act 188/2011 Coll.) and Decree No. 193/2011 Coll., on the minimum requisites of the statute and on the conditions for the use of the name Short-Term Money Market Fund and Money Market Fund. Investment objectives, the method of investing and the risk profile of the Fund have not been changed in the amendments referred to above. Along with the change made to the statute, information was updated as to the list of funds managed by the Company (Article II Paragraph 8 of the statute), in particular information on the managing parties of the asset management company (Appendix 1 to the statute), information added on the performance of the Fund for 2011 (Appendix 2 to the statute), information updated on the total cost indicators for 2011, and the date on which the statute being signed was updated. On the date the changes to the statute came into force the simple statute of the Fund was replaced by a newly processed document providing required key information for investors. Such key information for investors was processed in accordance with Commission (EU) Regulation No. 583/2012. As at 1 February 2013, information on Fund`s 2012 performance was published within the document Key investors information. (According to the article 23, section 3 of Council Regulation (EC) no. 583/2010, the performance must be updated within the Key investors information up to 35 days from the previous calendar year end.) The updated text of the Funds statute was approved by the Investment company`s board of directors as at 10 April 2013. The changes in the statute text related to an update of the list of managed funds, an update of the information on the length of professional experience of Investment company management, an additional of information on Fund’s performance and the Fund’s benchmark performance, an update of information on total expense ratio for 2012 and an update of the date of the signature. These updates were not subject to preliminary approval from Czech national bank (according to the section 84 (a), subsection 5 of Act no. 189/2004 Coll., Act on Collective Investment. The shareholders could access the updated text of the Statute and Key investors information as of 10 April 2013 on, at the distributor’s branches (Ceska sporitelna, a. s.) and at the Investment company seat. Board of Directors announced a strategic plan to liquidate the mutual fund Bondinvest in 2014 on its meeting on 18 October 2013. The strategic plan was published on 25 October 2013, within a period of at least six months in advance (Article XI Paragraph 3 of the Statute) in press, on the Internet at , at distributor`s branches (Česká spořitelna, a. s.) and at seat of the Investment company. In the published notice the Investment company advised the shareholders of the mutual fund Bondinvest to submit an order to sale of their participation certificates of Bondinvest Fund within six-month period. The reason for the recommendation to sell participation certificates of Bondinvest Fund was the impossibility to submit orders to sale of participation certificates after date of liquidation of the Fund. Remaining shareholders of the Fund Bondinvest will have to wait until the payment of the share on the liquidation proceeds. Management Policy The profit/(loss) is based on the difference between income and expenses related to the management of the Fund’s assets. Since 2008 the generated profit has been fully retained by the Fund, in the reinvestment fund, as a source for further investments, and increases the participation certificate value. In the event that the Fund incurs a loss from the Company’s management of assets, the loss is covered from the reinvestment fund which was created from earnings brought forward. If the reinvestment fund is not sufficient, the loss must be covered by a reduction in the Fund’s capital fund. 190 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., BONDINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report The Fund’s assets must not be used for the provision of loans, borrowings or gifts, to secure a third party’s obligation or to settle a payable which is not related to the Fund’s management. This provision does not affect Sections 26 and 27 of the Collective Investment Act. When managing the Fund’s assets, contracts for the sale of securities and money market instruments, securities issued by other collective investment funds and financial derivatives which are not owned by the Fund at the moment of concluding the respective contracts, may not be entered into. The Company can accept loans and borrowings for the maximum of six months when managing the Fund’s assets, to cover temporary needs related to the management of the Fund’s assets or purchases of participation certificates. The volume of the received loans and borrowings is not allowed to exceed 10 percent of the value of the Fund’s assets. Legislative change Act No 240/2013 Coll., Act on Management Companies and Investment Funds became effective as of 19 August 2013. Rules stated by this act must be implemented by investment companies and investment funds by 22 July 2014. In 2013, the Fund`s management was subject to the rules of the Act No. 189/2004 Coll., On collective investment schemes. The new rules will be applied as of 2014. 2. Basis of Preparation The financial statements have been prepared on the basis of underlying accounting records maintained in accordance with Accounting Act No. 563/1991 Coll., and applicable regulations, decrees and internal standards in compliance with and in the scope defined in Czech Finance Ministry Regulation No. 501/2002 of 6 November 2002, as subsequently amended, which sets out the overall framework for the presentation of the financial statements, and guidelines for the structure and minimum requirements for the content of the financial statements of banks and certain financial institutions, and Czech Accounting Standards for Financial Institutions, which establish the accounting principles and policies. The basis of preparation and the accounting policies have been consistently applied during both 2013 and 2012. The Fund is obliged to comply with the regulatory requirements of the Act. The financial statements are presented in compliance with general accounting principles, specifically the accrual principle and the prudence concept. Coll., Act on Management Companies and Investment Funds. The Investment company converts Fund’s assets into cash and repays its Fund’s debts within six months after liquidation date. The Investment company submits application for cancellation of the Fund from a mutual funds list after completion of liquidation and within three months pays shareholders their shares on the liquidation proceeds (section 376 of Act No. 240/2013 Coll., Act on Management Companies and Investment Funds). The financial statements of the Fund were not prepared on a going concern basis for this reason. Applied accounting policies and methods of valuation of assets and liabilities of the Fund did not require changes in valuation or classification of assets and liabilities of the Fund as at 31 December 2013. The financial statements contain the balance sheet, profit and loss account, statement of changes in equity, and notes to the financial statements. The presentation of the financial statements requires that the Company make estimates which have an impact on the reported amounts of assets and liabilities as at the date of the financial statements as well as expenses and income in the relevant accounting period. These estimates are based on information available as at the date of the financial statements and may differ from the actual results. As a result of continued market volatility since the start of the global financial crisis, the Fund may be exposed to increased risk, specifically due to the uncertainty regarding possible asset impairments and future developments on the market. The financial statements have been prepared based on the current best estimates using all relevant and available information as at the date of the financial statements. These financial statements are unconsolidated. All amounts are stated in thousands of Czech crowns (CZK), unless indicated otherwise. Explanation Added for Translation into English These financial statements are presented on the basis of accounting principles and standards generally accepted in the Czech Republic. Certain accounting practices applied by the Company that conform with generally accepted accounting principles and standards in the Czech Republic may not conform with generally accepted accounting principles in other countries. 3. Accounting Policies Transaction Recognition Date Board of Directors has an intention to liquidate the Fund in 2014. The Investment company is authorised to make decision of liquidation of mutual fund under section 375 (a) Act No. 240/2013 Purchases and sales of securities are recognised using trade date accounting provided that the period between the trade date and the 191 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., BONDINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report fulfilment of the commitment arising from the contract does not exceed a period typical for the relevant type of transaction. The transaction recognition date for derivative contracts is: a) the date upon which the related contract was entered into; b) the date when fulfilment was delivered based on the relevant contract. The transaction recognition date can also be the date when money in circulation is paid or received, the date when foreign currency is purchased or sold, the date when a payment is made, the date when ownership is acquired or terminated, when a receivable or payable arises, changes or ceases to exist, when assets move within an accounting entity, and the date when other matters to be included in the accounting records occur, or when the documents supporting these other matters are available, or when other matters are a consequence of internal conditions of the accounting entity and/ or special regulations. Securities In accordance with the Fund’s strategy, all securities are classified as securities at fair value through profit or loss. During the accounting period, securities are re-measured at fair value on a daily basis pursuant to the Finance Ministry Regulation No. 194/2011 Coll., on more detailed regulation of certain rules in collective investment (the “Decree”), as amended. The securities of the Fund are accounted for as securities at fair value through profit or loss. The fair value of the securities is determined in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards with an exception, that an average price between the most favourable binding offer and demand (MID price) is used for bonds. Pursuant to the Regulation, securities are valued at the price quoted on a public market which is adjusted, as appropriate, to reflect the rules set out in the Regulation. If the market value is unavailable, the Fund uses a value determined by the Company using valuation models based on discounted future cash flows according to the yield curve calculated using the Reuters and Kondor+ systems. Securities are measured at cost upon initial recognition using the weighted average method. The acquisition cost includes direct transaction costs related to the acquisition of securities. Realised capital gains or losses are recorded in the profit and loss account within ‘Profit or loss from financial operations’. Accrued interest relating to assets is included within the total balance of these assets. Receivables and Payables The Fund records receivables arising from its transactions with securities and other operating receivables at their nominal value, while receivables from positive fair values of derivatives are re- corded at the fair value of the derivatives at the balance sheet date. Pursuant to the prudence principle, provisions are created based on the aging of receivables. The Fund records payables arising from its transactions with securities and operating payables at their nominal value, while payables from negative fair values of derivatives are recorded at the fair value of the derivatives at the balance sheet date. Financial Derivatives and Hedging Transactions In the normal course of business, the Fund enters into hedging contracts with financial derivatives to hedge against interest rate and foreign currency exposures associated with its transactions on financial markets. The method of fair value hedges is applied to hedging derivatives. The Fund designates certain derivatives as hedges provided that the following criteria are met: – the Fund has developed a risk management strategy; – at the inception of the hedge, the hedging relationship is formally documented, the documentation identifies the hedged item and the hedging instrument, and it defines the risk that is being hedged and the approach to establishing whether the hedge is effective; and – the hedge is effective, that is, changes in the fair value or cash flows of the hedged item are almost fully offset by changes in the fair value or cash flows of the hedging instrument and the results are within a range of 80 percent to 125 percent. Nominal values of derivative financial instruments are recognised in the off-balance sheet accounts. Changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as hedges (see above) are recorded as income or expense. Changes in the fair value of the hedging derivatives attributable to the risk hedged are recognised in the same income or expense accounts as differences from revaluation of a hedged instrument. All financial derivatives are recorded as assets when the fair value is positive and as liabilities when the fair value is negative. Fair values are derived from valuation models. Derivatives that are not designated as hedging derivatives are treated as trading derivatives. These derivatives are measured at fair value on a daily basis and gains and losses on revaluation are posted to expense and income accounts. Certain derivatives are embedded in compound financial instruments, which comprise the host instrument and the derivative. Pursuant to the applicable regulations, the Fund recognises changes in assets and liabilities arising from the movements in rates or prices of securities or changes in exchange rates through expense and income accounts. Given that the assets of the Fund are valued at fair value and changes of fair values are reported within expenses and income from derivatives, embedded derivatives are not accounted for separately. 192 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., BONDINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Income Tax Under effective tax regulations, the income tax rate applicable to mutual funds is 5 percent. Deferred Tax Deferred tax is provided using the liability method on all temporary differences between the carrying amount of assets and liabilities reported in the balance sheet and their value for tax purposes. Deferred tax assets are recognised only up to the amount of probable future taxable income against which the deferred tax asset can be offset. Foreign Currency Translations Foreign currencies are translated using the exchange rate promulgated by the Czech National Bank as at the relevant date. As at the balance sheet date, assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated on the same basis. Foreign exchange rate gains and losses from the daily translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are posted to expense or income accounts. Capital Funds The selling price of participation certificates is calculated as a proportion of the Fund’s net asset value and the relevant number of participation certificates. Participation certificates are sold to investors using the selling price determined on a daily basis. events are disclosed in the notes to the financial statements but not recognized in the financial statements. 4. Risk Management Credit Risk In accordance with the Statute and the investment strategy, the Company establishes rules and policies for selecting investment instruments such that the overall credit risk profile of allocated investments is consistent with the characteristics of the Fund. New types of instruments are approved on a case by case basis by the risk management function together with the specification of limits for positions pertaining to these instruments. Specific emphasis is placed on an appropriate rating structure and a relatively detailed diversification of portfolios (especially in relation to interest bearing securities). Market Risk The Fund uses a wide range of tools to eliminate risk exposures attached to its portfolios. Significant attention is paid to market risks. Apart from statutory restrictions, the Fund is subject to a set of internal limits having a direct impact on the FX exposure, interest rate exposure (the modified duration range of the Fund), equity allocation on individual markets according to their volatility, portfolio rating structure (see above), and other characteristics of the Fund. The relevant limits are appropriately applied to correspond with the type of the Fund. Share Premium Share premium is the difference between the nominal value of all participation certificates and their carrying amounts as at the date of their issue or purchase. Interest Income and Expense and Dividend Income Interest income and expense are recognised using the accrual principle. Dividend income is recognised as at the date when the right to receive the payment is established (ex-dividend date). Dividend income from domestic securities is presented after withholding tax. Dividend income from foreign securities is presented gross with the applicable taxes presented within taxes on foreign dividends (see note 5.14). Whenever the Fund purchases new types of instruments, these instruments are first analysed to assess the potential credit risk, as well as the market risk that the instruments might bring to or help eliminate from the portfolio. Subsequently, their appropriateness and, if appropriate, the acceptable proportion of these instruments in the portfolio is evaluated. The level of the Fund’s market risk exposure is measured using the Value at Risk (“VaR”). With effect from 1 August 2006, the VaR for the Company’s Funds is calculated by the Central Risk Management Department of Česká spořitelna using the historical simulation method in the K + KvaR system. Set out below are relative monthly values of the VaR in percentage terms for individual types of risks: Subsequent Events The impact of events that occurred between the balance sheet date and the date of the financial statements preparation is recognized in the financial statements provided these events provide additional evidence about conditions that existed at the date of the balance sheet. Global VaR Foreign currency VaR Interest rate VaR Equity VaR 31 Dec 2013 Average VaR 1.58% 0.10% 1.54% 0.31% 1.68% 0.08% 1.62% 0.33% If material events reflecting the facts occurring after the balance sheet date happened between the balance sheet date and the date of the financial statements preparation the consequences of these 193 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., BONDINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 31 Dec 2012 Average VaR 1.17% 0.07% 1.17% 0.27% 1.54% 0.05% 1.59% 0.24% Global VaR Foreign currency VaR Interest rate VaR Equity VaR The average VaR is calculated as average of daily VaR values in years 2013 and 2012 respectively. The Fund monitors Value at Risk globally and also broken down to Foreign Currency VaR, Interest Rate VaR and Equity VaR. Based on the above values, the Fund identifies critical risk segments. This identification influences the reinvestment process. The limits set the maximum acceptable VaR for the Fund. The Equity VaR also reflects the risk related to the holding of mutual funds’ participation certificates (including funds of money market and bond funds). Adherence to all the above limits and their effectiveness is monitored and assessed on an ongoing basis. The limits are reviewed, if necessary. The portfolio’s risk of unfavourable development of foreign exchange rates, interest rates, and other market factors is hedged, to an appropriate extent, by financial derivatives. Financial derivatives are traded on the OTC market as this market enables the trading of contracts whose parameters and nature appropriately satisfy the requirements of a hedge. Portfolios primarily include currency swaps, currency forwards and interest rate swaps. Liquidity Risk Another monitored risk is the liquidity risk. Liquidity risk is a risk that the Fund will not have enough available resources to meet its obligations arising from financial contracts. Liquidity is monitored and managed based on expected cash flows, with appropriate adjustments made to the structure of securities and term placements portfolios. Pursuant to the Act, the Company is obliged to repurchase a participation certificate without undue delay but not later than 15 business days from the date when the repurchase right is claimed. Given that the Fund holds securities traded on foreign stock exchanges which can be realised within a few days, the Fund’s inability to meet its obligations due to lack of liquidity is unlikely. The Company is obliged to repurchase a participation certificate without undue delay but not later than 15 business days from the date when the repurchase right is claimed, if the purchase of a participation certificate is not suspended. Pursuant to Section 12 of the Collective Investment Act, the Company can suspend issues and purchases of the Fund’s participation certificates for a maximum of three months, if necessary due to the protection of rights or the participation certificate holders’ interests protected by law. Issuing and purchasing participation certificates can be suspended particularly at the end or beginning of the calendar year, in the event of natural disasters, upon very strong fluctuations on financial markets and upon high requirements for the sales or purchases of participation certificates provided they could endanger the Fund’s assets. The quantitative information about the residual maturity of assets and liabilities is given in Note 5.16. 5. Additional Information on the Financial Statements 5.1 Receivables from Banks Receivables from banks 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Current accounts 5,008 8,022 Total 5,008 8,022 Balances on current accounts are repayable on demand. 5.2 Securities Individual types of securities by issuer, number of securities, their market value and interest rate are disclosed in the Portfolio attached to the annual report. All securities held by the Fund are publicly listed on the Prague Stock Exchange or foreign stock exchanges. Participation certificates which are not listed on stock exchanges are purchased and administered by the Company. Shares, participation certificates and other holdings 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Acquisition cost Market revaluation 13,001 1,182 7,728 646 Total 14,183 8,374 194 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., BONDINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Debt securities 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Acquisition cost Market revaluation Accrued interest income 44,362 (1,293) 612 52,096 4,051 1,034 Total 43,681 57,181 Debt securities maturing within one year accounted for 0 percent (2012: 7.32 percent). Debt securities maturing within more than one year with a fixed coupon accounted for 100 percent (2012: 92.68 percent). 5.3 Other Assets Other assets 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Financial derivatives – positive fair value Other receivables Other assets – 564 94 25 561 – Total 658 586 ‘Other receivables’ mainly include receivables from coupons of CZK 556 thousand (2012: CZK 556 thousand). 5.4 Equity The Fund has no share capital. The nominal value of participation certificates is CZK 5,000 and CZK 50,000. The total nominal value of all participation certificates is posted to ‘capital funds’. Share premium arising from the difference between the nominal and selling values of the participation certificates is recorded separately. The Fund accounts for share premium upon the sale of participation certificates as well as upon their repurchase. The selling price of the participation certificate is determined as the share of the Fund’s net asset value and the number of issued participation certificates whereby, for the calculation purposes, one participation certificate with the nominal value of CZK 50,000 is treated as ten pieces. The value of a participation certificate as at the last trading date in 2013 totalled CZK 6,105.95 (2012: CZK 6,133.50) with respect to a participation certificate with a nominal value of CZK 5,000. This is the most recent announced value of the participation certificate for the year, for which purchases and repurchases of the participation certificates of the Fund were undertaken. This value minimally differs from the accounting value of the participation certificate at the balance sheet date due to additional recognition of some items within the financial statements. In line with the Fund’s Statute, the loss for 2013 in the amount of CZK 301 thousand will be covered by reduction the reinvestment fund within ‘Other funds from profit’. In line with the Fund’s Statute, the profit for 2012 in the amount of CZK 7,455 thousand was transferred to the reinvestment fund within ‘Other funds from profit’. 5.5 Changes in the Capital Fund Number of Nominal participation value of certificates participation certificates Use of the Total capital capital fund funds Balance at 31 Dec 2011 13,428 67,140 (15,849) Participation certificates purchased (1,736) (8,680) - (8,680) Balance at 31 Dec 2012 11,692 58,460 (15,849) 42,611 Participation certificates purchased (1,785) (8,925) - (8,925) 9,907 49,535 (15,849) 33,686 Balance at 31 Dec 2013 51,291 195 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., BONDINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.6 Other Liabilities Other liabilities 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Negative fair values of financial derivatives State budget settlement Payables to participation certificate holders Other liabilities 819 – 2,148 20 – 187 2,210 5 Total 2,987 2,402 5.7 Prepayments and Accrued Income Prepayments and accrued income 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Prepayments – audit fees – 10 Total – 10 5.8 Accrued Expenses and Deferred Income Accrued expenses consist of the unbilled custody fee of CZK 6 thousand related to December (2012: CZK 7 thousand) and the unbilled management fee of CZK 45 thousand related to December (2012: CZK 54 thousand). 5.9 Financial Derivatives Designated as Hedging Derivatives Nominal value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Assets Liabilities Assets Currency swaps 13,167 13,986 8,473 Liabilities 8,448 Total 13,167 13,986 8,473 8,448 Open positions of derivatives posted to an off-balance sheet are converted to fair value daily as of 1 January 2011 (up to 31 August 2013 futures were converted monthly; as of 1 September 2013 they are converted on daily basis) and recorded in absolute values. Fair value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Positive Negative Positive Currency swaps – 819 25 Negative – Total – 819 25 – 2013 2012 Interest on deposits at banks Interest on debt securities 8 2,177 32 2,652 Total 2,185 2,684 Currency derivatives designated as hedging derivatives are due within one year. 5.10 Interest Income 196 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., BONDINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.11 Fees and Commissions 2013 2012 Management fees Custody fees Commissions and fees from securities trading Administration of securities Fees – central depository Fees for administration of short-term bonds Other fees and commissions 599 73 3 31 1 7 17 652 80 5 36 2 6 17 Total 731 798 In compliance with the Statute of the Fund, the management fee paid to the Company by the Fund amounts to 0.90 percent of the average annual net asset value. Pursuant to the custody service contract, the Fund pays a fee equal to 0.11 percent of its average annual net asset value to the depositary. If participation certificates of another mutual fund managed by the Company are purchased and added to the Fund’s assets, the Fund’s aggregate net asset value reduced by the current value of investments in participation certificates of the other mutual fund managed by the Company is used as the basis for the calculation of the fixed part of the management fee. 5.12 Profit or Loss from Financial Operations 2013 2012 Profit or loss from securities at fair value through profit or loss Profit or loss from derivatives Profit or loss from FX differences (659) (1,030) 102 5,534 421 34 Total (1,587) 5,989 Profit or loss from securities at fair value through profit or loss primarily comprises the profit or loss from the realised sales of securities, from payable securities and from the daily valuation of securities at fair value. Profit or loss from derivatives includes profit or loss on the settlement of fixed term transactions with financial instruments and also the revaluation of open derivatives at fair value. Profit or loss from FX differences represents the value of realised FX profit or loss from foreign currency accounts and from the settlement of foreign currency receivables and payables and also gains or losses arising from the revaluation of assets, with the exception of securities, and liabilities in foreign currency at fair value. 5.13 Administrative Expenses 2013 2012 Audit 168 233 Total 168 233 2013 2012 5.14 Income Tax The principal income tax components are as follows: Tax payable – current year – 187 Total income tax – 187 197 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., BONDINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Current income tax – analysis: Profit (Loss) before tax Items to add Deductible items Tax base Tax loss utilisation Adjusted tax base Tax (5%) on tax base Foreign dividends Tax on foreign dividends Total tax 2013 2012 (301) – – (301) – – – – – 7,642 – – 7,642 (3,902) 3,740 187 – – – 187 Deferred tax As at 31 December 2013, the Fund determined a deferred tax asset of CZK 15 thousand arising from a tax loss. The deferred tax asset was not recorded on the basis that its recovery was uncertain. As at 31 December 2012, no temporary differences existed between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts for financial reporting purposes. 5.15 Related Party Transactions Related parties include Česká spořitelna, a. s. and Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Unbilled management fee – Investiční společnost Unbilled custody fee – Česká spořitelna Other payables to related parties 45 6 3 54 7 6 Total payables to related parties 54 67 The costs charged to the Fund by Česká spořitelna, a. s. amounted to CZK 132 thousand in 2013 (2012: CZK 146 thousand), of which the greatest portion is represented by an annual custody fee of CZK 73 thousand (2012: CZK 80 thousand). The costs charged by the Company amounted to CZK 599 thousand (2012: CZK 652 thousand), which is the annual management fee. 5.16 Liquidity The following tables show the residual maturity of assets and liabilities broken down by major classes of assets. Given that all securities are traded on public markets, sales can easily be undertaken within three months. 2013 Assets Less than 3 months 3 month – 1 year 1 – 5 years Over 5 years Not specified Total Receivables from banks Debt securities Participation certificates Other assets Prepayments and accrued income 5,008 – – 658 – – – – – – – 23,138 – – – – 20,543 – – – – – 14,183 – – 5,008 43,681 14,183 658 – Total assets 5,666 – 23,138 20,543 14,183 63,530 Other liabilities Net assets Available capital (3,021) 2,645 (60,492) (17) (17) – – 23,138 – – 20,543 – – 14,183 – (3,038) 60,492 (60,492) Difference (57,847) (17) 23,138 20,543 14,183 – Liabilities 198 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., BONDINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 2012 Assets Less than 3 months 3 month – 1 year 8,022 4,188 − 586 − − − − − 10 − 11,914 − − − 12,796 10 Other liabilities Net assets Available capital (2,276) 10,520 (71,710) Difference (61,190) Receivables from banks Debt securities Participation certificates Other assets Prepayments and accrued income Total assets 1 – 5 years Over 5 years Not specified Total − 41,079 − − − − − 8,374 − − 8,022 57,181 8,374 586 10 11,914 41,079 8,374 74,173 (187) (177) − − 11,914 − − 41,079 − − 8,374 − (2,463) 71,710 (71,710) (177) 11,914 41,079 8,374 − Liabilities Liquidity risk, to which the Fund is exposed, is low as all assets are immediately convertible into cash before the expected purchases of participation certificates from participation certificate holders can be undertaken. 5.17 Off-balance Sheet Assets and Liabilities The Fund’s off-balance sheet accounts include receivables and payables from fixed term transactions and assets provided into custody and safekeeping. The item ‘Assets provided into custody, administration and safekeeping’ shows foreign and domestic securities administered by Česká spořitelna, a. s. (this item does not include participation certificates of open-ended mutual funds of the Company, which the Fund maintains in its portfolio). 5.18 Contingent Assets and Liabilities The Fund has no assets or liabilities that were not disclosed in the balance sheet or off-balance sheet accounts. 5.19 Subsequent Events No significant events occurred after the date of the financial statements, which would have a material impact on the Fund’s financial statements. 199 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., BONDINVEST – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Portfolio at 31 December 2013 The detail of the portfolio is not part of the fund’s final accounts. Figures are stated in CZK. ISIN Name of the security CZ0001002547 CZ0001002471 CZ0001001945 CZ0001001903 CZ0001001317 CZ0001000749 CZ0001000822 GOVERNMENT BOND 5.7 05/25/24 GOVERNMENT BOND 5 04/11/19 GOVERNMENT BOND 4.7 09/12/22 GOVERNMENT BOND 4 04/11/17 GOVERNMENT BOND 3.75 09/12/20 GOVERNMENT BOND 6.95 01/26/16 GOVERNMENT BOND 4.6 08/18/18 Amount Market Price Market Price Total Accrued Interest 100 800 500 200 300 800 1,000 12,890.50 11,905.00 11,892.60 11,090.00 11,193.10 11,380.50 11,629.50 1,289,050.00 9,524,000.00 5,946,300.00 2,218,000.00 3,357,930.00 9,104,400.00 11,629,500.00 34,041.67 287,777.78 70,500.00 57,555.56 33,750.00 -40 155.56 168,666.67 43,069,180.00 612,136.12 630 366 2,250 3,371.08 4,128.83 4,688.03 2,123,781.03 1,511,153.15 10,548,066.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 14,183,000.56 57,252,180.56 0.00 612,136.12 Local government bonds after 1 January 1998 AT0000676846 AT0000A05HS1 AT0000658968 ESPA CASH CORPORATE-PLUS-T ESPA BOND BRIK-CORP. (VT) ESPA BOND EURO-CORPORATE (VT) Foreign participation certificates Total 200 Independent Auditor’s Report to the Participation certificate holders of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROTREND – otevřený podílový fond We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROTREND – otevřený podílový fond, which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December 2013, and the income statement and statement of changes in equity for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. For details of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROTREND – otevřený podílový fond, see Note 1 to the financial statements. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Act on Auditors and International Standards on Auditing as amended by implementation guidance of the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including an assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROTREND – otevřený podílový fond, as at 31 December 2013, and its financial performance for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic. 31 March 2014 Prague, Czech Republic Ernst & Young Audit, s.r.o. License No. 401 Represented by partner Roman Hauptfleisch Auditor, Licence no. 2009 A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited, Ernst & Young Audit, s. r. o. with its registred office at Na Florenci 2116/15, 110 00 Prague 1 – Nové Město, has been incorporated in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, entry No. 88504, under Identification No. 26704153. 201 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROTREND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Balance Sheet at 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) Line Current Previous 1 2 13 15 16 19 21 85,429 85,429 3,058,951 3,508 529 2,979 0 48,130 48,130 3,573,089 17,750 13,119 4,631 14 22 3,147,888 3,638,983 29 31 32 33 34 39 40 41 46 47 20,377 4,014 11,063 5,300 5,505 950,035 1,709,395 244,513 397,000 (178,937) 10,930 0 9,382 1,548 6,410 984,401 1,500,198 530,847 397,000 209,197 Total Liabilities 48 3,147,888 3,638,983 of which: Equity 49 3,122,006 3,621,643 3 Receivables from banks and credit unions of which: a/ on demand: aa/ current accounts 6 Shares, unit certificates and other participation interests 11 Other assets a/ derivatives d/ other assets 13 Prepayments and accrued income Total Assets 4 Other liabilities b/ liabilities from securities trading' c/ liabilities from taxes d/ other liabilities 5 Deferred income and accrued expenses 9 Share premium 10 Reserve funds and other funds from profit 12 Capital funds 14 Retained earnings or accumulated losses from previous periods 15 Profit or loss for the accounting period 202 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROTREND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Off Balance Sheet Accounts at 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 4 Amounts due from fixed term transactions b/ with currency instruments 7 Assets provided into custody, administration and safekeeping of which: securities 12 Amounts owed from fixed term transactions b/ with currency instruments Line Current Previous 52 54 60 61 64 66 221,069 221,069 3,058,951 3,058,951 220,540 220,540 781,043 781,043 3,573,089 3,573,089 767,924 767,924 203 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROTREND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 1 Interest income and similar income b/ interest income from repo transactions d/ interest income from collaterals 2 Interest expenses and similar expenses 3 Income from shares and unit certificates 5 Commission and fee expenses a/ fees and commissions from securities trading b/ management fee c/ custody fee d/ other financial expenses 6 Profit or loss on financial operations a/ profit or loss on transactions with securities b/ profit or loss on foreign exchange transactions c/ profit or loss on fixed term transactions and options 9 Administrative expenses of which: b/ other administrative expenses: ba/ audit 12 Release of provisions and bad debt allowances to receivables and guarantees, income from receivables written off Depreciation, creation and utilizing of provisions and bad debt allowances to 13 receivables and guarantees 19 Ordinary profit or loss for the accounting period before tax 23 Income tax 24 Profit or loss for the accounting period after tax Line Current Previous 1 3 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 797 2 1 0 105,560 77,045 3,243 63,835 3,511 6,456 (189,220) (174,694) (730) (13,796) 269 269 1,397 0 0 5 96,824 88,348 3,469 72,181 3,970 8,728 216,554 229,996 (2,554) (10,888) 264 264 24 1,971 732 25 26 30 31 6,057 (164,263) 14,674 (178,937) 3,170 223,720 14,523 209,197 204 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROTREND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) Line 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Current Previous 984,401 48,179 (82,545) 0 950,035 960,846 139,724 (116,397) 228 984,401 1,500,198 209,197 0 1,709,395 3,532,729 0 (2 032,531) 1,500,198 530,847 410,040 (696,374) 0 0 244,513 542,190 821,892 (833,235) 0 0 530,847 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Share premium opening balance issued unit certificates repurchase of unit certificates other changes closing balance 2 Retained earnings opening balance transfers to funds other changes closing balance 3 Capital funds opening balance issued unit certificates repurchase of unit certificates transfers to funds other changes closing balance 4 Gains or losses from revaluation opening balance foreign exchange rate differences and gains or losses from revaluation not included in profit (loss) closing balance 5 Retained earnings or accumulated losses from previous periods opening balance other changes closing balance 6 Profit (loss) for the current period after taxes opening balance profit (loss) transfers to funds, dividends closing balance 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 397,000 0 397,000 397,000 0 397,000 209,197 (178,937) (209,197) (178,937) (2 032,531) 209,197 2,032,531 209,197 7 Total 32 3,122,006 3,621,643 205 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROTREND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Notes to the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2013 1. Organisation and Description of Business The Company reserves the right to temporary halt the issuing of participation certificates for no longer than three months in compliance with the Act. Formation and Description of the Business Investiční společnost České spořitelny a.s., SPOROTREND – otevřený podílový fond (hereinafter the “Fund” or “ISČS, a. s. – Sporotrend OPF”) is an accounting unit without legal entity status, formed by Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. (hereinafter the “Company”) as an open-ended mutual fund under Investment Companies and Funds Act No. 248/1992 Coll., based upon the Resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic dated 13 November 1997. The Fund commenced its activities on 31 March 1998. Based on the Company’s request dated 16 July 1999, the Securities Commission resolved, on 21 September 1999, to merge two openended mutual funds, namely Investiční společnost Čechoinvest and Investiční společnost Moravoinvest, with the open-ended mutual fund Investiční společnost SPOROTREND, under Section 35f (3) of Act No. 248/1992 Coll. The merger was performed as at 28 December 1999. The participation certificates of the Fund are available both in the Czech Republic and in other EU member countries. Investment Policy of the Fund The objective of the investment policy is to provide participation certificate holders with a long-term appreciation of participation certificates primarily through investments in shares of companies in European Union candidate or new member states. The Company operates on capital markets with the aim of appreciating the assets in the Fund by making gains from differences between selling prices and acquisition prices and dividend income from securities held by the Fund. The Fund may invest in securities of collective investment index funds, if such a collective investment fund invests in the same types of assets, distributes the risk connected to investments and meets other obligations set by the Act. Pursuant to a concluded contract, Česká spořitelna, a. s. acts as the depository of the Fund. The Company can use financial derivatives to effectively manage the Fund’s assets. The Fund is managed by the Company. In compliance with the Collective Investment Act No. 189/2004 Coll. (hereinafter the “Act”), the Company is responsible for the management of the assets of the Fund, which involves the administration and handling of the assets. The portfolio of the mutual fund could also be expanded by purchasing other investment instruments approved for collective investments of standard funds under the Act. The Fund is a standard fund in compliance with the Act and meets the requirements of EU legislation. According to the classification binding for the members of the Capital Market Association (hereinafter the “AKAT CR”) as at the date of the approval of this Statute, the Fund can be defined as an equity fund. The limits of the Fund are adhered to on the basis of the Act, or they are regulated in the Fund’s Statute in compliance with the Act. The Company can use financial derivatives to effectively manage the Fund’s assets. Efficient asset management represents transactions for the purpose of decreasing risk, decreasing costs or achieving sufficient income for the Fund provided that the risk is demonstrably low. The exposure from these transactions must be fully covered by the Fund’s assets so that liabilities arising from these transactions are fulfilled. Registered Office Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. SPOROTREND – otevřený podílový fond Prague 6, Evropská 2690/17 Management Policy Principal Business The generated profit has been fully retained by the Fund, in the reinvestment fund, as a source for further investments, and increases the participation certificate value. In the event that the Fund incurs a loss from the Company’s management of assets, the loss is covered from the reinvestment fund which was created from earnings The Company collects funds from individuals and legal entities for the Fund by issuing participation certificates with the purpose of their collective investment on local and foreign financial markets. No restrictions are placed on the number of participation certificates for issue and the period for which the Fund is established. The profit/(loss) is based on the difference between income and expenses related to the management of the Fund’s assets. 206 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROTREND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report brought forward. If the reinvestment fund is not sufficient, the loss must be covered by a reduction in the Fund’s capital fund. The Fund’s assets must not be used for the provision of loans, borrowings or gifts, to secure a third party’s obligation or to settle a payable which is not related to the Fund’s management. This provision does not affect Sections 26 and 27 of the Collective Investment Act. When managing the Fund’s assets, contracts for the sale of securities and money market instruments, securities issued by other collective investment funds and financial derivatives which are not owned by the Fund at the moment of concluding the respective contracts, may not be entered into. The Company can accept loans and borrowings for the maximum of six months when managing the Fund’s assets, to cover temporary needs related to the management of the Fund’s assets or purchases of participation certificates. The volume of the received loans and borrowings is not allowed to exceed 10 percent of the value of the Fund’s assets. Change in the Statute As at 1 February 2013, information on Fund`s 2012 performance was published within the document Key investors information. (According to the article 23, section 3 of Council Regulation (EC) no. 583/2010, the performance must be updated within the Key investors information up to 35 days after the previous calendar year end.) The updated text of the Funds statute was approved by the Investment company`s board of directors as at 10 April 2013. The changes in the statute text related to an update of the list of managed funds, update of the information on the length of professional experience of Investment company management, addition of information on Fund’s performance and the Fund`s benchmark`s performance, an update of information on total expense ratio for 2012 and update of the date of the signature. These updates were not subject to preliminary approval from Czech national bank (according to the section 84 (a), subsection 5 of 189/2004 Coll., Act on collective investment schemes). The shareholders could access the updated text of the Statute and Key investors information as of 10 April 2013 on, at the distributor’s branches (Ceska sporitelna, a. s.) and at the Investment company seat. 2. Basis of Preparation The financial statements have been prepared on the basis of underlying accounting records maintained in accordance with Accounting Act No. 563/1991 Coll., and applicable regulations, decrees and internal standards in compliance with and in the scope defined in Czech Finance Ministry Regulation No. 501/2002 of 6 November 2002, as subsequently amended, which sets out the overall framework for the presentation of the financial statements, and guidelines for the structure and minimum requirements for the content of the financial statements of banks and certain financial institutions, and Czech Accounting Standards for Financial Institutions, which establish the accounting principles and policies. The basis of preparation and the accounting policies have been consistently applied during both 2013 and 2012. The Fund is obliged to comply with the regulatory requirements of the Act. The financial statements are based on the accrual principle, that is, transactions and other events are recognised in the accounting period in which they occur, regardless of when the related monetary flow arises. The financial statements are presented in compliance with general accounting principles, specifically the accrual principle, the prudence concept and the going concern assumption. The financial statements contain the balance sheet, profit and loss account, statement of changes in equity, and notes to the financial statements. The presentation of the financial statements requires that the Company makes estimates which have an impact on the reported amounts of assets and liabilities as at the date of the financial statements as well as expenses and income in the relevant accounting period. These estimates are based on information available as at the date of the financial statements and may differ from the actual results. As a result of continued market volatility since the start of the global financial crisis, the Fund may be exposed to increased risk, specifically due to the uncertainty regarding possible asset impairments and future developments on the market. The financial statements have been prepared based on the current best estimates using all relevant and available information as at the date of the financial statements. Legislative change Act No 240/2013 Coll., Act on Management Companies and Investment Funds became effective as of 19 August 2013. Rules stated by this act must be implemented by management companies and investment funds by 22 July 2014. In 2013, the Fund`s management was subject to the rules of the Act No. 189/2004 Coll., Act on collective investment schemes. The new rules will be applied as of 2014. These financial statements are unconsolidated. All amounts are stated in thousands of Czech crowns (CZK), unless indicated otherwise. Explanation Added for Translation into English These financial statements are presented on the basis of accounting principles and standards generally accepted in the Czech Republic. Certain accounting practices applied by the Company that con207 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROTREND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report form with generally accepted accounting principles and standards in the Czech Republic may not conform with generally accepted accounting principles in other countries. 3. Accounting Policies Realised capital gains or losses are recorded in the profit and loss account within ‘Profit or loss from financial operations’. Accrued interest relating to assets is included within the total balance of these assets. Receivables and Payables Transaction Recognition Date Purchases and sales of securities are recognised using trade date accounting provided that the period between the trade date and the fulfilment of the commitment arising from the contract does not exceed a period typical for the relevant type of transaction. The transaction recognition date for derivative contracts is: a) the date upon which the related contract was entered into; b) the date when fulfilment was delivered based on the relevant contract. The transaction recognition date can also be the date when money in circulation is paid or received, the date when foreign currency is purchased or sold, the date when a payment is made, the date when ownership is acquired or terminated, when a receivable or payable arises, changes or ceases to exist, when assets move within an accounting entity, and the date when other matters to be included in the accounting records occur, or when the documents supporting these other matters are available, or when other matters are a consequence of internal conditions of the accounting entity and/ or special regulations. Securities In accordance with the Fund’s strategy, all securities are classified as securities at fair value through profit or loss. During the accounting period, securities are re-measured at fair value on a daily basis pursuant to the Finance Ministry Regulation No. 194/2011 Coll., on more detailed regulation of certain rules in collective investment (the “Decree”), as amended. The securities of the Fund are accounted for as securities at fair value through profit or loss. The fair value of the securities is determined in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards with an exception, that an average price between the most favourable binding offer and demand (MID price) is used for bonds. Pursuant to the Regulation, securities are valued at the price quoted on a public market which is adjusted, as appropriate, to reflect the rules set out in the Regulation. If the market value is unavailable, the Fund uses a value determined by the Company using valuation models based on discounted future cash flows according to the yield curve calculated using the Reuters and Kondor+ systems. Securities are measured at cost upon initial recognition using the weighted average method. The acquisition cost includes direct transaction costs related to the acquisition of securities. The Fund records receivables arising from its transactions with securities and other operating receivables at their nominal value, while receivables from positive fair values of derivatives are recorded at the fair value of the derivatives at the balance sheet date. Pursuant to the prudence principle, provisions are created based on the aging of receivables. The Fund records payables arising from its transactions with securities and operating payables at their nominal value, while payables from negative fair values of derivatives are recorded at the fair value of the derivatives at the balance sheet date. Financial Derivatives and Hedging Transactions In the normal course of business, the Fund enters into hedging contracts with financial derivatives to hedge against interest rate and foreign currency exposures associated with its transactions on financial markets. The method of fair value hedges is applied to hedging derivatives. The Fund designates certain derivatives as hedges provided that the following criteria are met: – the Fund has developed a risk management strategy; – at the inception of the hedge, the hedging relationship is formally documented, the documentation identifies the hedged item and the hedging instrument, and it defines the risk that is being hedged and the approach to establishing whether the hedge is effective; and – the hedge is effective, that is, changes in the fair value or cash flows of the hedged item are almost fully offset by changes in the fair value or cash flows of the hedging instrument and the results are within a range of 80 percent to 125 percent. Nominal values of derivative financial instruments are recognised in the off-balance sheet accounts. Changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as hedges (see above) are recorded as income or expense. Changes in the fair value of the hedging derivatives attributable to the risk hedged are recognised in the same income or expense accounts as differences from revaluation of a hedged instrument. All financial derivatives are recorded as assets when the fair value is positive and as liabilities when the fair value is negative. Fair values are derived from valuation models. Derivatives that are not designated as hedging derivatives are treated as trading derivatives. These derivatives are measured at fair value on a daily basis and gains and losses on revaluation are posted to derivative expense and income accounts. 208 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROTREND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Certain derivatives are embedded in compound financial instruments, which comprise the host instrument and the derivative. Pursuant to the applicable regulations, the Fund recognises changes in assets and liabilities arising from the movements in rates or prices of securities or changes in exchange rates through expense and income accounts. Given that the assets of the Fund are valued at fair value and changes of fair values are reported within expenses and income from derivatives, embedded derivatives are not accounted for separately. Share Premium Repo Transactions Dividend income is recognised as at the date when the right to receive the payment is established (ex-dividend date). Dividend income from domestic securities is presented after withholding tax. Dividend income from foreign securities is presented gross with the applicable taxes presented within taxes on foreign dividends (see note 5.17.). Within its business, the Fund enters into repo transactions with financial assets, representing a pair of transactions (a sell and a buy) where both transactions (a spot sale and a forward repurchase) are agreed at the same time, irrespective of whether one or two underlying agreements exist. The sold securities continue to be held in the Fund’s portfolio (an economic aspect) and valued. On a custodian asset account, a decrease in securities (a legal aspect) is recorded upon the settlement of sale and an increase is recorded upon the date of buy back settlement. Daily interest income is recognised using the accrual principle. Income Tax Under effective tax regulations, the income tax rate applicable to mutual funds is 5 percent. Deferred Tax Deferred tax is provided using the liability method on all temporary differences between the carrying amount of assets and liabilities reported in the balance sheet and their value for tax purposes. Deferred tax assets are recognised only up to the amount of probable future taxable income against which the deferred tax asset can be offset. Foreign Currency Translations Foreign currencies are translated using the exchange rate promulgated by the Czech National Bank as at the relevant date. As at the balance sheet date, assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated on the same basis. Foreign exchange rate gains and losses from the daily translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are posted to expense or income accounts. Share premium is the difference between the nominal value of all participation certificates and their carrying amounts as at the date of their issue or purchase. Interest Income and Expense and Dividend Income Interest income and expense are recognised using the accrual principle. Subsequent Events The impact of events that occurred between the balance sheet date and the date of the financial statements preparation is recognized in the financial statements provided these events provide additional evidence about conditions that existed at the date of the balance sheet. If material events reflecting the facts occurring after the balance sheet date happened between the balance sheet date and the date of the financial statements preparation the consequences of these events are disclosed in the notes to the financial statements but not recognized in the financial statements. 4. Risk Management Credit Risk In accordance with the Statute and the investment strategy, the Company establishes rules and policies for selecting investment instruments such that the overall credit risk profile of allocated investments is consistent with the characteristics of the Fund. New types of instruments are approved on a case by case basis by the risk management function together with the specification of limits for positions pertaining to these instruments. Specific emphasis is placed on an appropriate rating structure and a relatively detailed diversification of portfolios (especially in relation to interest bearing securities). Market Risk Capital Funds The selling price of participation certificates is calculated as a proportion of the Fund’s net assets and the relevant number of participation certificates. Participation certificates are sold to investors using the selling price determined on a daily basis. The Fund uses a wide range of tools to eliminate risk exposures attached to its portfolios. Significant attention is paid to market risks. Apart from statutory restrictions, the Fund is subject to a set of internal limits having a direct impact on the FX exposure, interest rate exposure (the modified duration range of the Fund), equity allocation on individual markets according to their volatility, portfolio rating structure (see above), and other characteristics of the Fund. The relevant limits are appropriately applied to correspond with the type of the Fund. 209 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROTREND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Whenever the Fund purchases new types of instruments, these instruments are first analysed to assess the potential credit risk, as well as the market risk that the instruments might bring to or help eliminate from the portfolio. Subsequently, their appropriateness and, if appropriate, the acceptable proportion of these instruments in the portfolio is evaluated. The level of the Fund’s market risk exposure is measured using the Value at Risk (“VaR”). With effect from 1 August 2006, the VaR for the Company’s Funds is calculated by the Central Risk Management Department of Česká spořitelna using the historical simulation method in the K + KvaR system. Adherence to all the above limits and their effectiveness is monitored and assessed on an ongoing basis. The limits are reviewed, if necessary. The portfolio’s risk of unfavourable development of foreign exchange rates, interest rates, and other market factors is hedged, to an appropriate extent, by financial derivatives. Financial derivatives are traded on the OTC market as this market enables the trading of contracts whose parameters and nature appropriately satisfy the requirements of a hedge. Portfolios primarily include currency swaps, currency forwards and interest rate swaps. Liquidity Risk Set out below are relative monthly values of the VaR in percentage terms for individual types of risks: 31 Dec 2013 Average VaR 11.76% 4.72% 0.00% 11.91% 18.77% 4.57% 0.00% 18.54% 31 Dec 2012 Average VaR 22.89% 4.25% 0.01% 22.32% 24.52% 3.40% 0.01% 23.93% Global VaR Foreign currency VaR Interest rate VaR Equity VaR Global VaR Foreign currency VaR Interest rate VaR Equity VaR The average VaR is calculated as an average of daily VaR values in years 2013 and 2012 respectively. The Fund monitors Value at Risk globally and also broken down to Foreign Currency VaR, Interest Rate VaR and Equity VaR. Based on the above values, the Fund identifies critical risk segments. This identification influences the reinvestment process. The limits set the maximum acceptable VaR for the Fund. The Equity VaR also reflects the risk related to the holding of mutual funds’ participation certificates (including funds of money market and bond funds). Another monitored risk is the liquidity risk. Liquidity risk is a risk that the Fund will not have enough available resources to meet its obligations arising from financial contracts. Liquidity is monitored and managed based on expected cash flows, with appropriate adjustments made to the structure of securities and term placements portfolios. Pursuant to the Act, the Company is obliged to repurchase a participation certificate without undue delay but not later than 15 business days from the date when the repurchase right is claimed. Given that the Fund holds securities traded on foreign stock exchanges which can be realised within a few days, the Fund’s inability to meet its obligations due to lack of liquidity is unlikely. Pursuant to Section 12 of the Collective Investment Act, the Company can suspend issues and purchases of the Fund’s participation certificates for a maximum of three months, if necessary due to the protection of rights or the participation certificate holders’ interests protected by law. Issuing and purchasing participation certificates can be suspended particularly at the end or beginning of the calendar year, in the event of natural disasters, upon very strong fluctuations on financial markets and upon high requirements for the sales or purchases of participation certificates provided they could endanger the Fund’s assets. The quantitative information about the residual maturity of assets and liabilities is given in Note 5.19. 5. Additional Information on the Financial Statements 5.1 Receivables from Banks Receivables from banks 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Current accounts 85,429 48,130 Total 85,429 48,130 Balances on current accounts are repayable on demand. 210 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROTREND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.2 Securities Individual types of securities by issuer, number of securities, their market value and interest rate are disclosed in the Portfolio attached to the annual report. All securities held by the Fund are publicly listed on the Prague Stock Exchange or foreign stock exchanges. Participation certificates which are not listed on stock exchanges are purchased and administered by the Company. Shares, participation certificates and other holdings 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Acquisition cost Market revaluation 3,098,568 (39,617) 3,357,716 215,373 Total 3,058,951 3,573,089 5.3 Other Assets Other assets Receivables from security trading Other receivables Provisions against receivables Positive fair values of financial derivatives Total 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 4,762 10,793 (12,576) 529 4,762 10,452 (10,583) 13,119 3,508 17,750 Other receivables include mainly receivables of CZK 10,793 thousand arising from foreign and domestic dividends (2012: CZK 10,452 thousand). As at 31 December 2013, provisions were created against receivables from securities trading in the amount of CZK 4,762 thousand (2012: CZK 4,762 thousand) and against other receivables in the amount of CZK 7,814 thousand (2012: CZK 5,821 thousand). 5.4 Prepayments and Accrued Income Prepayments and accrued income 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Prepayments – audit fees – 14 Total – 14 5.5 Equity The Fund has no share capital. The nominal value of one participation certificate is CZK 1. The total nominal value of all participation certificates is posted to ‘Capital funds’. Share premium arising from the difference between the nominal and selling values of the participation certificates is recorded separately. The Fund accounts for share premium upon the sale of participation certificates as well as upon their repurchase. The selling price of the participation certificate is determined as the share of the Fund’s net assets and the number of issued participation certificates. The value of a participation certificate as at the last trading date in 2013 totalled CZK 1.1177 (2012: CZK 1.1761). This is the most recent announced value of the participation certificate for the year, for which purchases and repurchases of the participation certificates of the Fund were undertaken. This value differs insignificantly from the carrying value of a participation certificate as at 31 December 2013 because of the addition of some items during the financial statements preparation. In line with the Fund’s Statute, the loss for 2013 in the amount of CZK 178,937 thousand will be covered by the reinvestment fund which is part of ‘Other funds from profit’. In line with the Fund’s Statue, the profit for 2012 in the amount of CZK 209,179 thousand was transferred to the reinvestment fund within ‘Other funds from profit’. 211 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROTREND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.6 Changes in the Capital Fund Number of Nominal Contribution upon participation value of merger certificates participation certificates Balance at 31 Dec 2011 Participation certificates sold Participation certificates purchased Balance at 31 Dec 2012 Participation certificates sold Participation certificates purchased Balance at 31 Dec 2013 Use of fund Total capital to cover funds losses 3,090,850,798 3,090,851 3,556 (2,552,217) 542,190 821,891,703 (833,234,917) 821,892 (833,235) – – – – 821,892 (833,235) 3,079,507,584 3,079,508 3,556 (2,552,217) 530,847 410,039,657 (696,374,520) 410,040 (696,374) – – – – 410,040 (696,374) 2,793,172,721 2,793,174 3,556 (2,552,217) 244,513 5.7 Other Liabilities Other liabilities 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Payables from participation certificate holders’ placements Payable to the state budget Negative fair values of financial derivatives Liabilities from securities sales Other liabilities 4,464 11,063 – 4,014 836 665 9,382 – – 883 Total 20,377 10,930 5.8 Accrued Expenses and Deferred Income Accrued expenses consist of the unbilled custody fee of CZK 286 thousand for December 2013 (2012: CZK 332 thousand) and the management fee of CZK 5,203 thousand for December 2013 (2012: CZK 6,036 thousand), the unbilled fee for the local sub-register administration of CZK 0 thousand for December 2013 (2012: CZK 24 thousand) and the unbilled fee of CZK 3 thousand for December 2013 paid to the central depository (2012: CZK 3 thousand) and the unbilled fee for calculation of NAV and of participation certificate rate of CZK 13 thousand related to December 2013 (2012: CZK 15 thousand). 5.9 Financial Derivatives Designated as Trading Derivatives Nominal value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Assets Liabilities Assets Currency swaps 221,069 220,540 781,043 Liabilities 767,924 Total 221,069 220,540 781,043 767,924 Open positions of derivatives posted to an off-balance sheet are converted to fair value daily as of 1 January 2011 (up to 31 August 2013 futures were converted monthly; as of 1 September 2013 they are converted on daily basis) and recorded in absolute values. Fair value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Positive Negative Positive Currency swaps 529 – 13,119 Negative – Total 529 – 13,119 – Currency derivatives are due within one year. 212 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROTREND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.10 Income from Shares and Interests 2013 2012 Foreign dividends Foreign dividends – previous period 105,393 167 95,124 1,700 Total received dividends 105,560 96,824 2013 2012 Interest on deposits at banks Interest on compound margins 796 1 1,397 – Total 797 1,397 2013 2012 Management fees Custody fees Commissions and fees from securities trading Administration of securities Expenses of administration of the local sub-register – Česká spořitelna Central depository Fee for calculation of NAV and of participation certificate rate Other fees and commissions 63,835 3,511 3,243 3,895 300 39 156 2,066 72,181 3,970 3,469 6,427 283 38 177 1,803 Total 77,045 88,348 5.11 Interest Income 5.12 Fees and Commissions In compliance with the Statute of the Fund, the management fee paid to the Company by the Fund amounts to 2.00 percent of the average annual net asset value. Pursuant to the custody service contract entered into with Česká spořitelna, a. s., the Fund pays a fee equal to 0.11 percent of its average annual net asset value. If participation certificates of another mutual fund managed by the Company are purchased and added to the Fund’s assets, the Fund’s aggregate net asset value reduced by the current value of investments in participation certificates of the other mutual fund managed by the Company is used as the basis for the calculation of the fixed part of the management fee. 5.13 Profit or Loss from Financial Operations 2013 2012 Profit or loss from securities at fair value through profit or loss Profit or loss from fixed term transactions Profit or loss from FX differences (174,694) (13,796) (730,269) 229,996 (10,888) (2,554) Total (189,220) 216,554 Profit or loss from securities at fair value through profit or loss primarily comprises the profit or loss from the realised sales of securities, from payable securities and from the daily valuation of securities at fair value. Profit or loss from derivatives includes profit or loss on the settlement of fixed term transactions with currency instruments and also the revaluation of open derivatives at fair value. Profit or loss from FX differences represents the value of realised FX profit or loss from foreign currency accounts and from the settlement of foreign currency receivables and payables and also gains or losses arising from the revaluation of assets, with the exception of securities, and liabilities in foreign currency at fair value. 213 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROTREND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.14 Administrative Expenses 2013 2012 Audit 269 264 Total 269 264 2013 2012 5.15 Release of Provisions against Receivables Decrease in provision against foreign dividends 1,971 732 Total 1,971 732 Creation of provisions against foreign dividends 2013 2012 Provisions against foreign dividends Written-off receivables against foreign dividends 3,374 2,683 2,438 732 Total 6,057 3,170 2013 2012 Tax payable – current year Additionally recorded tax 14,649 25 14,268 255 Total income tax 14,674 14,523 2013 2012 (164,264) 8,236 (107,531) (263,559) – – – 97,657 14,649 25 223,720 4,744 (97,555) 130,909 (130,909) – – 95,124 14,268 255 14,674 14,523 5.16 Creation of Provisions against Receivables and Written-off Receivables 5.17 Income Tax The principal income tax components are as follows: Current income tax – analysis: Profit (Loss) before tax Items to add Deductible items Tax base Tax loss utilisation Adjusted tax base Tax (5%) on tax base Foreign dividends Tax on foreign dividends Additionally recorded tax Total tax Deferred tax As at 31 December 2013, the Fund determined a deferred tax asset of CZK 119,094 thousand arising from a tax loss and provisions against receivables. The deferred tax asset was not recorded on the basis that its recovery was uncertain. As at 31 December 2012, the Fund determined a deferred tax asset of CZK 172,017 thousand arising from a tax loss and provisions against receivables. The deferred tax asset was not recorded on the basis that its recovery was uncertain. 214 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROTREND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.18 Related Party Transactions Related parties include Česká spořitelna, a. s. and Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Unbilled management fee – Investiční společnost Unbilled custody fee – Česká spořitelna, a. s. Unbilled fee for administration of the local sub-register – Česká spořitelna Unbilled fee – the central depository – Česká spořitelna Unbilled fee for calculation of NAV and of participation certificate rate Other payables to related parties Total payables to related parties 5,203 286 – 3 13 4,820 6,036 332 24 3 15 882 10,325 7,292 The costs charged to the Fund by Česká spořitelna, a. s. amounted to CZK 13,162 thousand in 2013 (2012: CZK 15,911 thousand), of which the greatest portion was represented by custody fee of CZK 3,511 thousand (2012: CZK 3,970 thousand), and the fee paid to ČS, a. s. for administration of securities accounts of CZK 3,895 thousand (2012: CZK 6,425 thousand). The costs charged by the Company amounted to CZK 63,835 thousand (2012: CZK 72,181 thousand), which is the annual management fee. 5.19 Liquidity The following tables show the residual maturity of assets and liabilities broken down by major classes of assets and liabilities. 2013 Assets Less than 3 months 3 month – 1 year 1 – 5 years Over 5 years Not specified Total Receivables from banks Shares and participation certificates Other assets Prepayments 85,429 – – – – – 529 – – – – – – – – – – 3,058,951 2,979 – 85,429 3,058,951 3,508 – Total assets 85,429 529 – – 3,061,930 3,147,888 Other liabilities Net assets Available capital (14,788) 70,641 (3,122,006) (11,094) (10,565) – – – – – – – – 3,061,930 – (25,882) 3,122,006 (3,122,006) Difference (3,051,365) (10,565) – – 3,061,930 – Less than 3 months 3 month – 1 year 1 – 5 years Over 5 years Not specified Total Receivables from banks Shares and participation certificates Other assets Prepayments 48,130 − 13,119 14 − − − − − − − − − − − − − 3,573,089 4,631 − 48,130 3,573,089 17,750 14 Total assets 61,263 − − − 3,577,720 3,638,983 Other liabilities Net assets Available capital (7,958) 53,305 (3,621,643) (9,382) (9,382) − − − − − − − − 3,577,720 − (17,340) 3,621,643 (3,621,643) Difference (3,568,338) (9,382) − − 3,577,720 − Liabilities 2012 Assets Liabilities Liquidity risk, to which the Fund is exposed, is low as all assets are immediately convertible into cash before the expected purchases of participation certificates from participation certificate holders can be undertaken. 215 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROTREND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.20 Off-balance Sheet Assets and Liabilities The Fund’s off-balance sheet accounts include receivables and payables from fixed term transactions and assets provided into custody and safekeeping. Assets provided into custody, administration and safekeeping include domestic and foreign securities administrated by Česká spořitelna, a. s. 5.21 Contingent Assets and Liabilities The Fund has no assets or liabilities that were not disclosed in the balance sheet or off-balance sheet accounts. 5.22 Subsequent Events No significant events occurred after the date of the financial statements, which would have a material impact on the Fund’s financial statements. 216 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROTREND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Portfolio at 31 December 2013 The detail of the portfolio is not part of the fund’s final accounts. Figures are stated in CZK. ISIN Name of the security CZ0005112300 CZ0008002854 CZ0008019106 CEZ INVESTICNI A POSTOVNI BANKA KOMERCNI BANKA Amount Market Price Market Price Accrued Interest Total 153,359.000 55,000.000 6,000.000 520.90 0.00 4,421.00 28,000.000 414,412.000 285,000.000 33,546.000 27,000.000 35,000.000 30,000.000 95,597,200.000 250,000.000 325,000.000 495,000.000 31,862.000 15,000.000 330.000 350.000 35,000.000 101,923.000 30,000.000 23,579.000 555,542.000 110,000.000 275,000.000 71,000.000 300,000.000 430,000.000 230,000.000 60,000.000 218,768.000 250,000.000 395,000.000 530,000.000 200,000.000 330,001.441 895,000.000 125,000.000 80,000.000 975,000.000 250,000.000 1,185,000.000 800,000.000 12,000.000 120,000.000 131,390.000 392,393.000 150,000.000 3,200,000.000 270,000.000 108,000.000 365,163.000 155,000.000 2,964.42 80.84 55.84 1,018.84 479.98 140.98 215.64 0.03 59.58 19.48 81.75 49.74 830.66 59,427.00 52,394.17 314.90 196.12 276.43 130.74 94.95 209.76 105.19 1,336.19 64.71 378.47 406.07 779.15 699.00 24.76 80.14 34.50 81.62 62.14 43.13 35.43 148.40 64.55 151.49 170.09 34.01 2,559.32 22.49 34.80 21.19 250.27 61.18 260.29 430.31 105.27 1,242.38 Local shares PLPZU0000011 RU0009177331 TREENKA00011 AT0000818802 TRECOLA00011 TREULKR00015 TRAAEFES91A9 RU000A0JP5V6 US46630Q2021 TREEGYO00017 CA0662863038 US40425X2099 PLLWBGD00016 PLLPP0000011 RU0009091573 PLEURCH00011 AT0000969985 US12642X1063 PLCFRPT00013 GB00BF5SDZ96 ROSNGNACNOR3 PLENERG00022 HU0000068952 PLTLKPL00017 HU0000061726 HU0000123096 PLKGHM000017 AT0000652011 TRAAKGRT91O5 TRASAHOL91Q5 TRAYKBNK91N6 TRAKCHOL91Q8 TRAAKBNK91N6 TRAISCTR91N2 TREVKFB00019 TREMGTI00012 TRAGARAN91N1 US67812M2070 US3682872078 PLPGNIG00014 PLBZ00000044 HU0000096409 PLNETIA00014 RU0007252813 US80585Y3080 RU0009029540 PLPKO0000016 US6074091090 TRATCELL91M1 US6778621044 POWSECHNY ZAKLAD UBEZPIECZEN SA MOSTOTREST CLS ENKA ANSAAT VE SANAYI AS DO CO RESTAURANTS AND CATERING COCA-COLA ICECEK AS ULKER BISKUVI SANAYI AS ANADOLU EFES BIRACILIK VE VTB BANK OJSC VTB BANK OJSC (GDR) REG S EMLAK KONUT GAYRIMENKUL YATIRIM BANKERS PETROLEUM LTD HYDRAULIC MACHINES AND SYS (GDR) LUBELSKI WEGIEL BOGDANKA SA LPP SA AK TRANSNEFT OAO-PREF EUROCASH SA AT&S AUSTRIA TECHN SYS CTC MEDIA INC CYFROWY POLSAT SA STOCK SPIRITS GROUP PLC SOCIETATEA NATIONALA DE GAZE ENERGA SA MOL MAGYAR OLAJ – ES GAZIPARI RT TELEKOMUNIKACJA POLSKA SA OTP BANK GEDEON RICHTER RT. KGHM POLSKA MIEDZ S.A. ERSTE GROUP BANK CZK AKSIGORTA HACI OMER SABANCI HOLDING YAPI VE KREDI BANKASI SA KOC HOLDING AS AKBANK ISBANK TURKIYE VAKIFLAR BANKASI MIGROS TURK TAS GARANTIBANK OAO ROSNEFT OIL (GDR) GAZPROM (OAO SPON ADR REG S) POLSKE GORNICTWO NAFTOWE I BANK ZACHODNI WBK S.A. FOTEX HOLDING SE CO LTD NETIA S.A. ALROSA AO SBERBANK (SPONSORED ADR) SBERBANK PKO BANK POLSKI SA MOBILE TELESYSTEMS-USD (ADR) TURKCELL ILETISIM HIMZET LUKOIL (ADR) AÚV tržní celkem 79,884,703.10 0.00 26,526,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 106,410,703.10 0.00 83,003,671.80 33,500,381.80 15,913,117.50 34,177,964.71 12,959,493.75 4,934,300.00 6,469,312.50 2,873,082.23 14,895,632.50 6,330,187.50 40,466,047.05 1,584,656.57 12,459,861.00 19,610,910.00 18,337,960.26 11,021,397.45 19,988,748.90 8,292,813.90 3,082,704.31 52,748,712.90 23,073,121.50 28,926,092.25 94,869,294.75 19,412,820.00 162,742,530.00 93,396,488.70 46,749,240.00 152,918,832.00 6,191,062.50 31,653,720.00 18,286,590.00 16,324,000.00 20,507,114.55 38,600,231.25 4,428,812.50 11,872,000.00 62,940,150.00 37,873,202.50 201,561,034.50 27,204,360.00 30,711,873.60 2,698,620.00 4,572,084.26 8,314,964.63 37,539,978.00 195,775,078.40 70,278,370.20 46,473,179.76 38,441,165.46 192,568,946.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 217 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., SPOROTREND – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report ISIN Name of the security TRAARCLK91H5 RU0009029524 US8688612048 US46626D1081 US6708312052 US48122U2042 TRAPETKM91E0 TRATOASO91H3 RU0009034490 US55953Q2021 BMG200452024 TRATHYAO91M5 US6698881090 TRETHAL00019 TREBIMM00018 RU000A0JPV70 US92718P2039 KYG876361091 PLJSW0000015 AT0000908504 TRETTLK00013 TRACLEBI91M5 US7785291078 US55302T2042 RU000A0JPNN9 PLPGER000010 RU000A0JNUD0 AT0000821103 US50218G2066 GB00B1XH2C03 ROSNPPACNOR9 ROTGNTACNOR8 NL0009604859 ARCELIK A.S. 110,000.000 SURGUTNEFTEGAZ PREFS 1,450,000.000 SURGUTNEFTEGAZ (ADR) 325,000.000 JSC MMC NORILSK NICKEL (ADR) 105,057.000 TATNEFT – SPONSORED ADR 18,000.000 AFK SISTEMA-REG S SPONS (GDR) 90,000.000 PETKIM PETROKIMYA HOLDING AS 545,000.000 TOFAS TURK OTOMOBIL FABRIKA 200,000.000 LENENERGO 1,465,000.000 MAGNIT OJSC-SPON REGS (GDR) 58,000.000 CENTRAL EUROPEAN MEDIA ENT-A CZK 140,000.000 TURK HAVA YOLLARI AO 402,500.000 NOVATEK OAO-SPONS REG S (GDR) 20,000.000 TURKIE HALK BANKASI 529,000.000 BIM BIRLESIK MAGAZALAR AS 65,000.000 MECHEL PFD 330,000.000 VIMETCO NV (GDR) 200,000.000 TETHYS PETROLEUM LTD 1,849,300.000 JASTRZEBSKA SPOLKA WEGLOWA SA 18,500.000 VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP 130,558.000 TURK TELEKOMUNIKASYON AS 110,000.000 CELEBI HAVA SERVISI 71,096.000 ROSTELECOM 35,000.000 MHP SA REG S (GDR) 80,000.000 FEDERAL GRID CO UNIFIED ENERGY 50,000,000.000 POLSKA GRUPA ENERGETYCNA 180,000.000 TGK 1 2,750,000,000.000 UNIQA VERSICHERUNGEN AG 30,000.000 LSR GROUP OJSC (GDR) 473,450.000 FERREXPO PLC 150,000.000 OMV PETROM SA 3,612,000.000 TRANSGAZ SA MEDIAS 7,319.000 FORTUNA ENTERTAINMENT GROUP NV 104,210.000 Foreign shares Total Amount Market Price Market Price Accrued Interest Total 112.69 15.67 171.88 330.64 760.35 639.00 25.32 124.29 1.41 1,316.98 72.40 59.73 2,723.49 112.69 402.54 21.32 1.93 8.42 350.82 990.00 55.28 107.13 410.02 339.19 0.05 107.50 0.00 254.48 83.28 62.86 2.88 1,136.51 118.70 AÚV tržní celkem 12,396,037.50 22,719,741.44 55,862,352.00 34,735,865.78 13,686,276.24 57,509,575.20 13,799,808.75 24,857,000.00 2,066,639.17 76,385,002.40 10,136,000.00 24,041,727.50 54,469,772.00 59,613,671.25 26,164,775.00 7,036,786.94 385,943.60 15,567,684.80 6,490,121.72 129,252,420.00 6,080,690.00 7,616,247.87 14,350,536.90 27,135,416.00 2,730,534.40 19,349,431.20 10,955,436.80 7,634,297.25 39,427,156.66 9,429,001.50 10,410,589.48 8,318,107.54 12,369,727.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,952,540,288.33 3,058,950,991.43 0.00 0.00 218 Independent Auditor’s Report to the Participation certificate holders of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., GLOBAL STOCKS FF – otevřený podílový fond We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., GLOBAL STOCKS FF – otevřený podílový fond, which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December 2013, and the income statement and statement of changes in equity for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. For details of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., GLOBAL STOCKS FF – otevřený podílový fond, see Note 1 to the financial statements. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Act on Auditors and International Standards on Auditing as amended by implementation guidance of the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including an assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., GLOBAL STOCKS FF – otevřený podílový fond, as at 31 December 2013, and its financial performance for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic. 31 March 2014 Prague, Czech Republic Ernst & Young Audit, s.r.o. License No. 401 Represented by partner Roman Hauptfleisch Auditor, Licence no. 2009 A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited, Ernst & Young Audit, s. r. o. with its registred office at Na Florenci 2116/15, 110 00 Prague 1 – Nové Město, has been incorporated in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, entry No. 88504, under Identification No. 26704153. 219 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., GLOBAL STOCKS FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Balance Sheet at 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) Line Current Previous 1 2 5 13 15 16 19 21 22,883 19,955 2,928 394,971 36 25 11 0 44,200 36,388 7,812 297,945 879 860 19 11 22 417,890 343,035 29 32 33 34 39 40 41 46 47 1,641 251 1,390 663 (228,544) 145,851 414,000 (8,970) 93,249 451 294 157 513 (249,560) 108,549 454,750 (8,970) 37,302 Total Liabilities 48 417,890 343,035 of which: Equity 49 415,586 342,071 3 Receivables from banks and credit unions of which: a/ on demand: aa/ current accounts ad/ margin accounts 6 Shares, unit certificates and other participation interests 11 Other assets a/ derivatives d/ other assets 13 Prepayments and accrued income Total Assets 4 Other liabilities c/ liabilities from taxes d/ other liabilities 5 Deferred income and accrued expenses 9 Share premium 10 Reserve funds and other funds from profit 12 Capital funds 14 Retained earnings or accumulated losses from previous periods 15 Profit or loss for the accounting period 220 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., GLOBAL STOCKS FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Off Balance Sheet Accounts at 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 4 Amounts due from fixed term transactions c/ with equity instruments 7 Assets provided into custody, administration and safekeeping of which: securities 12 Amounts owed from fixed term transactions c/ with equity instruments Line Current Previous 52 55 60 61 64 67 10,734 10,734 394,971 394,971 10,709 10,709 40,399 40,399 272,601 272,601 40,592 40,592 221 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., GLOBAL STOCKS FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 1 Interest income and similar income 3 Income from shares and unit certificates 5 Commission and fee expenses a/ fees and commissions from securities trading b/ management fee c/ custody fee d/ other financial expenses 6 Profit or loss on financial operations a/ profit or loss on transactions with securities b/ profit or loss on foreign exchange transactions c/ profit or loss on fixed term transactions and options 9 Administrative expenses of which: b/ other administrative expenses: ba/ audit 12 Release of provisions and bad debt allowances to receivables and guarantees, income from receivables written off Depreciation, creation and utilizing of provisions and bad debt allowances to 13 receivables and guarantees 19 Ordinary profit or loss for the accounting period before tax 23 Income tax 24 Profit or loss for the accounting period after tax Line Current Previous 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 33 1,766 7,732 50 6,493 419 770 99,626 87,397 1,876 10,353 178 178 92 2,084 7,206 18 6,026 392 770 42,903 32,925 (526) 10,504 235 235 24 27 0 25 26 30 31 28 93,514 265 93,249 24 37,614 312 37,302 222 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., GLOBAL STOCKS FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Current Previous (249,560) (65,396) 86,412 0 (228,544) (326,642) (202,570) 279,652 0 (249,560) 108,549 37,302 0 145,851 145,853 0 (37,304) 108,549 454,750 130,012 (170,762) 0 0 414,000 587,087 343,302 (475,639) 0 0 454,750 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Share premium opening balance issued unit certificates repurchase of unit certificates other changes closing balance 2 Retained earnings opening balance transfers to funds other changes closing balance 3 Capital funds opening balance issued unit certificates repurchase of unit certificates transfers to funds other changes closing balance 4 Gains or losses from revaluation opening balance foreign exchange rate differences and gains or losses from revaluation not included in profit (loss) closing balance 5 Retained earnings or accumulated losses from previous periods opening balance other changes closing balance 6 Profit (loss) for the current period after taxes opening balance profit (loss) transfers to funds, dividends closing balance 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 (8,970) 0 (8,970) (8,970) 0 (8,970) 37,302 93,249 (37,302) 93,249 (37,304) 37,302 37,304 37,302 7 Total 32 415,586 342,071 223 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., GLOBAL STOCKS FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Notes to the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2012 1. Organisation and Description of Business Formation and Description of the Business Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., GLOBAL STOCKS FF – otevřený podílový fond z fondů (until 1 May 2005 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. – GLOBALTREND FF OPF), hereinafter the “Fund”, is an accounting unit without legal entity status, formed by Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. (hereinafter the “Company”) as an open-ended mutual fund under the Act No. 248/1992 Coll., based upon the Resolution of the Securities Commission dated 19 July 2000. The Fund commenced its activities on 1 September 2000. Pursuant to a concluded contract, Česká spořitelna, a. s. acts as the depository of the Fund. The Fund is managed by the Company. In compliance with the Collective Investment Act No. 189/2004 Coll. (hereinafter the “Act”), the Company is responsible for the management of the assets of the Fund, which involves the administration and handling of the assets. The Fund is a standard fund in compliance with the Act and meets the requirements of EU legislation. According to the classification binding for the members of the Capital Market Association (hereinafter the “AKAT CR”) as at the date of the approval of this Statute, the Fund can be defined as a fund of funds. Registered Office Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. GLOBAL STOCKS FF – otevřený podílový fond Prague 6, Evropská 2690/17 Principal Business The Company collects funds from individuals and legal entities for the Fund by issuing participation certificates with the purpose of their collective investment on local and foreign financial markets. No restrictions are placed on the number of participation certificates for issue and the period for which the Fund is established. The Company reserves the right to temporary halt the issuing of participation certificates for no longer than three months in compliance with the Act. The participation certificates of the Fund are available both in the Czech Republic and in other EU member countries. Investment Policy of the Fund The objective of the investment policy is to provide participation certificate holders with a long-term appreciation of participation certificates primarily through investments in a globally distributed portfolio of securities of collective investment equity funds and shares. The Company operates on capital markets with the aim of appreciating the assets in the Fund by making gains from differences between selling prices and acquisition prices and dividend and interest income from securities held by the Fund. Finances collected in the Fund are invested predominantly in securities of collective investment funds if such collective investment funds distribute the risk connected to investments and meet other obligations set by the Act. The limits of the Fund are adhered to on the basis of the Act, or they are regulated in the Fund’s Statute in compliance with the Act. The Fund uses financial derivatives to hedge against currency exposures. The Company can use financial derivatives to effectively manage the Fund’s assets. Efficient asset management represents transactions for the purpose of decreasing risk, decreasing costs or achieving sufficient income for the Fund provided that the risk is demonstrably low. The exposure from these transactions must be fully covered by the Fund’s assets so that liabilities arising from these transactions are fulfilled. Management Policy The profit/(loss) is based on the difference between income and expenses related to the management of the Fund’s assets. The generated profit has been fully retained by the Fund, in the reinvestment fund, as a source for further investments, and increases the participation certificate value. In the event that the Fund incurs a loss from the Company’s management of assets, the loss is covered from the reinvestment fund which was created from earnings brought forward. If the reinvestment fund is not sufficient, the loss must be covered by a reduction in the Fund’s capital fund. The Fund’s assets must not be used for the provision of loans, borrowings or gifts, to secure a third party’s obligation or to settle a payable which is not related to the Fund’s management. This provision does not affect Sections 26 and 27 of the Collective Investment Act. When managing the Fund’s assets, contracts for the sale of securities and money market instruments, securities issued by other collective investment funds and financial derivatives which are not 224 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., GLOBAL STOCKS FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report owned by the Fund at the moment of concluding the respective contracts, may not be entered into. institutions, and Czech Accounting Standards for Financial Institutions, which establish the accounting principles and policies. The Company can accept loans and borrowings for the maximum of six months when managing the Fund’s assets, to cover temporary needs related to the management of the Fund’s assets or purchases of participation certificates. The volume of the received loans and borrowings must not exceed 10 percent of the value of the Fund’s assets. The basis of preparation and the accounting policies have been consistently applied during both 2013 and 2012. Change in the Fund’s Statute As at 1 February 2013, information on Fund`s 2012 performance was published within the document Key investors information. (According to the article 23, section 3 of Council Regulation (EC) no. 583/2010, the performance must be updated within the Key investors information up to 35 days after the previous calendar year end.) The updated text of the Funds statute was approved by the Investment company`s board of directors as at 10 April 2013. The changes in the statute text related to an update of the list of managed funds, update of the information on the length of professional experience of Investment company management, addition of information on Fund’s performance and the Fund`s benchmark`s performance, an update of information on total expense ratio for 2012 and update of the date of the signature. These updates were not subject to preliminary approval from Czech national bank (according to the section 84 (a), subsection 5 of 189/2004 Coll., On collective investment schemes). The shareholders could access the updated text of the Statute and Key investors information as of 10 April 2013 on, at the distributor’s branches (Ceska sporitelna, a. s.) and at the Investment company seat. Legislative change Act No 240/2013 Coll., On Management Companies and Investment Funds became effective as of 19 August 2013. Rules stated by this act must be implemented by management companies and investment funds by 22 July 2014. In 2013, the Fund`s management was subject to the rules of the Act No. 189/2004 Coll., On collective investment schemes. The new rules will be applied as of 2014. 2. Basis of Preparation The financial statements have been prepared on the basis of underlying accounting records maintained in accordance with Accounting Act No. 563/1991 Coll., and applicable regulations, decrees and internal standards in compliance with and in the scope defined in Czech Finance Ministry Regulation No. 501/2002 of 6 November 2002, as subsequently amended, which sets out the overall framework for the presentation of the financial statements, and guidelines for the structure and minimum requirements for the content of the financial statements of banks and certain financial The Fund is obliged to comply with the regulatory requirements of the Act. The financial statements are presented in compliance with general accounting principles, specifically the accrual principle, the prudence concept and the going concern assumption. The financial statements contain the balance sheet, profit and loss account, statement of changes in equity, and notes to the financial statements. The presentation of the financial statements requires that the Company makes estimates which have an impact on the reported amounts of assets and liabilities as at the date of the financial statements as well as expenses and income in the relevant accounting period. These estimates are based on information available as at the date of the financial statements and may differ from the actual results. As a result of continued market volatility since the start of the global financial crisis, the Fund may be exposed to increased risk, specifically due to the uncertainty regarding possible asset impairments and future developments on the market. The financial statements have been prepared based on the current best estimates using all relevant and available information as at the date of the financial statements. These financial statements are unconsolidated. All amounts are stated in thousands of Czech crowns (CZK), unless indicated otherwise. Explanation Added for Translation into English These financial statements are presented on the basis of accounting principles and standards generally accepted in the Czech Republic. Certain accounting practices applied by the Company that conform with generally accepted accounting principles and standards in the Czech Republic may not conform with generally accepted accounting principles in other countries. 3. Accounting Policies Transaction Recognition Date Purchases and sales of securities are recognised using trade date accounting provided that the period between the trade date and the fulfilment of the commitment arising from the contract does not exceed a period typical for the relevant type of transaction. 225 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., GLOBAL STOCKS FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report The transaction recognition date for derivative contracts is: a) the date upon which the related contract was entered into; b) the date when performance was delivered based on the relevant contract. The Fund records payables arising from its transactions with securities and operating payables at their nominal value, while payables from negative fair values of derivatives are recorded at the fair value of the derivatives at the balance sheet date. The transaction recognition date can also be the date when money in circulation is paid or received, the date when foreign currency is purchased or sold, the date when a payment is made, the date when ownership is acquired or terminated, when a receivable or payable arises, changes or ceases to exist, when assets move within an accounting entity, and the date when other matters to be included in the accounting records occur, or when the documents supporting these other matters are available, or when other matters are a consequence of internal conditions of the accounting entity and/ or special regulations. Financial Derivatives and Hedging Transactions Securities In accordance with the Fund’s strategy, all securities are classified as securities at fair value through profit or loss. During the accounting period, securities are re-measured at fair value on a daily basis pursuant to the Finance Ministry Regulation No. 194/2011 Coll., on more detailed regulation of certain rules in collective investment (the “Decree”), as amended. The securities of the Fund are accounted for as securities at fair value through profit or loss. The fair value of the securities is determined in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards with an exception, that an average price between the most favourable binding offer and demand (MID price) is used for bonds. Pursuant to the Regulation, securities are valued at the price quoted on a public market which is adjusted, as appropriate, to reflect the rules set out in the Regulation. If the market value is unavailable, the Fund uses a value determined by the Company using valuation models based on discounted future cash flows according to the yield curve calculated using the Reuters and Kondor+ systems. Securities are measured at cost upon initial recognition using the weighted average method. The acquisition cost includes direct transaction costs related to the acquisition of securities. Realised capital gains or losses are recorded in the profit and loss account within ‘Profit or loss from financial operations’. Accrued interest relating to assets is included within the total balance of these assets. Receivables and Payables The Fund records receivables arising from its transactions with securities and other operating receivables at their nominal value, while receivables from positive fair values of derivatives are recorded at the fair value of the derivatives at the balance sheet date. Pursuant to the prudence principle, provisions are created based on the aging of receivables. In the normal course of business, the Fund enters into hedging contracts with financial derivatives to hedge against interest rate and foreign currency exposures associated with its transactions on financial markets. The method of fair value hedges is applied to hedging derivatives. The Fund designates certain derivatives as hedges provided that the following criteria are met: – the Fund has developed a risk management strategy; – at the inception of the hedge, the hedging relationship is formally documented, the documentation identifies the hedged item and the hedging instrument, and it defines the risk that is being hedged and the approach to establishing whether the hedge is effective; and – the hedge is effective, that is, changes in the fair value or cash flows of the hedged item are almost fully offset by changes in the fair value or cash flows of the hedging instrument and the results are within a range of 80 percent to 125 percent. Nominal values of derivative financial instruments are recognised in the off-balance sheet accounts. Changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as hedges (see above) are recorded as income or expense. Changes in the fair value of the hedging derivatives attributable to the risk hedged are recognised in the same income or expense accounts as differences from revaluation of a hedged instrument. All financial derivatives are recorded as assets when the fair value is positive and as liabilities when the fair value is negative. Fair values are derived from the valuation models. Derivatives that are not designated as hedging derivatives are treated as trading derivatives. These derivatives are measured at fair value on a daily basis and gains and losses on revaluation are posted to derivative expense and income accounts. Certain derivatives are embedded in compound financial instruments, which comprise the host instrument and the derivative. Pursuant to the applicable regulations, the Fund recognises changes in assets and liabilities arising from the movements in rates or prices of securities or changes in exchange rates through expense and income accounts. Given that the assets of the Fund are valued at fair value and changes of fair values are reported within expenses and income from derivatives, embedded derivatives are not accounted for separately. Income Tax Under effective tax regulations, the income tax rate applicable to mutual funds is 5 percent. 226 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., GLOBAL STOCKS FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Deferred Tax Deferred tax is provided using the liability method on all temporary differences between the carrying amount of assets and liabilities reported in the balance sheet and their value for tax purposes. Deferred tax assets are recognised only up to the amount of probable future taxable income against which the deferred tax asset can be offset. Foreign Currency Translations Foreign currencies are translated using the exchange rate promulgated by the Czech National Bank as at the relevant date. As at the balance sheet date, assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated on the same basis. Foreign exchange rate gains and losses from the daily translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are posted to expenses or income accounts. Equity The selling price of participation certificates is calculated as a proportion of the Fund’s net assets and the relevant number of participation certificates. Participation certificates are sold to investors using the selling price determined on a daily basis. 4. Risk Management Credit Risk In accordance with the Statute and the investment strategy, the Company establishes rules and policies for selecting investment instruments such that the overall credit risk profile of allocated investments is consistent with the characteristics of the Fund. New types of instruments are approved on a case by case basis by the risk management function together with the specification of limits for positions pertaining to these instruments. Specific emphasis is placed on an appropriate rating structure and a relatively detailed diversification of portfolios (especially in relation to interest bearing securities). Market Risk The Fund uses a wide range of tools to eliminate risk exposures attached to its portfolios. Significant attention is paid to market risks. Apart from statutory restrictions, the Fund is subject to a set of internal limits having a direct impact on the FX exposure, interest rate exposure (the modified duration range of the Fund), equity allocation on individual markets according to their volatility, portfolio rating structure (see above), and other characteristics of the Fund. The relevant limits are appropriately applied to correspond with the type of the Fund. Share Premium Share premium is the difference between the nominal value of all participation certificates and their carrying amounts as at the date of their issue or purchase. Interest Income and Expense and Dividend Income Interest income and expense are recognised using the accrual principle. Dividend income is recognised as at the date when the right to receive the payment is established (ex-dividend date). Dividend income from domestic securities is presented after withholding tax. Dividend income from foreign securities is presented gross with the applicable taxes presented within Tax on foreign dividends (see note 5.15.). Whenever the Fund purchases new types of instruments, these instruments are first analysed to assess the potential credit risk, as well as the market risk that the instruments might bring to or help eliminate from the portfolio. Subsequently, their appropriateness and, if appropriate, the acceptable proportion of these instruments in the portfolio is evaluated. The level of the Fund’s market risk exposure is measured using the Value at Risk (“VaR”). With effect from 1 August 2006, the VaR for the Company’s Funds is calculated by the Central Risk Management Department of Česká spořitelna using the historical simulation method in the K + KvaR system. Set out below are relative monthly values of the VaR in percentage terms for individual types of risks: Subsequent Events The impact of events that occurred between the balance sheet date and the date of the financial statements preparation is recognized in the financial statements provided these events provide additional evidence about conditions that existed at the date of the balance sheet. If material events reflecting the facts occurring after the balance sheet date happened between the balance sheet date and the date of the financial statements preparation the consequences of these events are disclosed in the notes to the financial statements but not recognized in the financial statements. Global VaR Foreign currency VaR Equity VaR Global VaR Foreign currency VaR Equity VaR 31 Dec 2013 Average VaR 5.48% 5.52% 1.37% 8.90% 6.33% 7.61% 31 Dec 2012 Average VaR 10.79% 7.18% 9.89% 10.88% 7.15% 9.31% 227 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., GLOBAL STOCKS FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report The average VaR is calculated as an average of daily VaR values in years 2013 and 2012 respectively. The Fund monitors Value at Risk globally and also broken down to Foreign Currency VaR, Interest Rate VaR and Equity VaR. Based on the above values, the Fund identifies critical risk segments. This identification influences the reinvestment process. The limits set the maximum acceptable VaR for the Fund. The Equity VaR also reflects the risk related to the holding of mutual funds’ participation certificates (including funds of money market and bond funds). Adherence to all the above limits and their effectiveness is monitored and assessed on an ongoing basis. The limits are reviewed, if necessary. The portfolio’s risk of unfavourable development of foreign exchange rates, interest rates, and other market factors is hedged, to an appropriate extent, by financial derivatives. Financial derivatives are traded on the OTC market as this market enables the trading of contracts whose parameters and nature appropriately satisfy the requirements of a hedge. Portfolios primarily include currency swaps. Liquidity Risk obligations arising from financial contracts. Liquidity is monitored and managed based on expected cash flows, with appropriate adjustments made to the structure of securities and term placements portfolios. Pursuant to the Act, the Company is obliged to repurchase a participation certificate without undue delay but not later than 15 business days from the date when the repurchase right is claimed. Given that the Fund holds securities traded on foreign stock exchanges which can be realised within a few days, the Fund’s inability to meet its obligations due to lack of liquidity is unlikely. Pursuant to Section 12 of the Collective Investment Act, the Company can suspend issues and purchases of the Fund’s participation certificates for a maximum of three months, if necessary due to the protection of rights or the participation certificate holders’ interests protected by law. Issuing and purchasing participation certificates can be suspended particularly at the end or beginning of the calendar year, in the event of natural disasters, upon very strong fluctuations on financial markets and upon high requirements for the sales or purchases of participation certificates provided they could endanger the Fund’s assets. The quantitative information about the residual maturity of assets and liabilities is given in Note 5.17. Another monitored risk is the liquidity risk. Liquidity risk is a risk that the Fund will not have enough available resources to meet its 5. Additional Information on the Financial Statements 5.1 Receivables from Banks Receivables from banks 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Current accounts Margin accounts 19,955 2,928 36,388 7,812 Total 22,883 44,200 Balances on current accounts are repayable on demand. 5.2 Securities Individual types of securities by issuer, number of securities and their market value are disclosed in the Portfolio attached to the annual report. All securities held by the Fund are publicly listed on foreign stock exchanges. Participation certificates which are not listed on stock exchanges are purchased and administered by the Company. Shares, participation certificates and other holdings 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Acquisition cost Market revaluation 380,946 14,025 272,017 25,928 Total 394,971 297,945 228 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., GLOBAL STOCKS FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.3 Other Assets Other assets 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Financial derivatives – positive fair value Other receivables Other Provisions against receivables 25 5 11 (5) 860 30 19 (30) Total 36 879 Other receivables represent receivables arising from foreign dividends. The caption ‘Other’ represents estimated receivables for dividends and an estimated receivable for the return of a portion of the management fee for purchased participation certificates of Erste’s fund. 5.4 Prepayments and Accrued Income Prepayments and accrued income 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Prepayments – audit fees – 11 Total – 11 5.5 Equity The Fund has no share capital. The nominal value of one participation certificate is CZK 1. The total nominal value of all participation certificates is posted to ‘Capital funds’. Share premium arising from the difference between the nominal and selling values of the participation certificates is recorded separately. The Fund accounts for share premium upon the sale of participation certificates as well as upon their repurchase. The selling price of the participation certificate is determined as the share of the Fund’s net assets and the number of issued participation certificates. The value of a participation certificate as at the last trading date in 2013 totalled CZK 0.5473 (2012: CZK 0.4275). This is the most recent announced value of the participation certificate for the year, for which purchases and repurchases of the participation certificates of the Fund were undertaken. The profit for 2013 in the amount of CZK 93,249 thousand will be transferred to the reinvestment fund within ‘Other funds from profit’. In line with the Fund’s Statue, the profit for 2012 in the amount of CZK 37,302 was transferred to the reinvestment fund. 5.6 Changes in the Capital Fund Number of Nominal participation value of certificates participation certificates Balance at 31 Dec 2011 Participation certificates sold Participation certificates purchased Balance at 31 Dec 2012 Participation certificates sold Participation certificates purchased Balance at 31 Dec 2013 Use of fund Contribution Total capital to cover upon funds losses merger 932,375,879 932,376 (345,306) 17 587,087 343,302,106 (475,639,189) 343,302 (475,639) – – – – 343,302 (475,639) 800,038,796 800,039 (345,306) 17 454,750 130,011,785 (170,761,669) 130,012 (170,762) – – – – 130,012 (170,762) (759,288,912) (759,289) (345,306) 17 414,000 229 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., GLOBAL STOCKS FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.7 Other Liabilities Other liabilities 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Payables from participation certificate holders’ placements Payable to the state budget Negative fair values of financial derivatives Other liabilities Total 894 251 – 496 94 294 – 63 1,641 451 5.8 Accrued Expenses and Deferred Income Accrued expenses particularly consist of the unbilled custody fee of CZK 38 thousand related to December 2013 (2012: CZK 31 thousand), the unbilled management fee of CZK 623 thousand related to December 2013 (2012: CZK 475 thousand), and the unbilled fee for the local sub-register administration of CZK 0 thousand related to December 2013 (2012: CZK 6 thousand) and the unbilled fee for calculation of net assets value and participation certificate rate of CZK 2 thousand (2012: CZK 1 thousand).. 5.9 Financial Derivatives Designated as Trading Derivatives Nominal value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Assets Liabilities Assets Liabilities Currency swaps Currency forwards Stock futures – – 10,734 – – 10,709 – – 40,399 – – 40,592 Total 10,734 10,709 40,399 40,592 Open positions of derivatives posted to an off-balance sheet are converted to fair value daily as of 1 January 2011 (up to 31 August 2013 futures were converted monthly; as of 1 September 2013 they are converted on daily basis) and recorded in absolute values. Fair value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Positive Negative Positive Negative Currency swaps Currency forwards Equity indices futures – – 25 – – – – – 860 – – – Total 25 – 860 – 2013 2012 Foreign dividends Foreign dividends – previous period 1,705 61 2,006 78 Total 1,766 2,084 2013 2012 Currency derivatives are due within one year. Equity derivatives are due within one year. 5.10 Income from Shares and Interests 5.11 Interest Income Interest on deposits at banks 33 92 Total 33 92 230 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., GLOBAL STOCKS FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.12 Fees and Commissions 2013 2012 Management fees Custody fees Commissions and fees from securities trading Administration of securities Expenses of administration of local sub-register – Česká spořitelna Other fees and commissions 6,493 419 50 476 65 229 6,026 392 18 439 66 265 Total 7,732 7,206 In compliance with the Statute of the Fund, the management fee paid to the Company by the Fund amounts to 1.80 percent of the average annual net asset value. Pursuant to the custody service contract entered into with Česká spořitelna, a. s., the Fund pays a fee equal to 0.11 percent of its average annual net asset value. If participation certificates of another mutual fund managed by the Company are purchased and added to the Fund’s assets, the Fund’s aggregate net asset value reduced by the current value of investments in participation certificates of the other mutual fund managed by the Company is used as the basis for the calculation of the fixed part of the management fee. 5.13 Profit or Loss from Financial Operations 2013 2012 Profit or loss from securities at fair value through profit or loss Profit or loss from fixed term transactions Profit or loss from FX differences 87,397 1,876 10,353 32,925 10,504 (526) Total 99,626 42,903 Profit or loss from securities at fair value through profit or loss primarily comprises the profit or loss from the realised sales of securities, from payable securities and from the daily valuation of securities at fair value. Profit or loss from derivatives includes profit or loss on the settlement of fixed term transactions with currency instruments and also the revaluation of open derivatives at fair value. Profit or loss from FX differences represents the value of realised FX profit or loss from foreign currency accounts and from the settlement of foreign currency receivables and payables and also gains or losses arising from the revaluation of assets, with the exception of securities, and liabilities in foreign currency at fair value. 5.14 Administrative Expenses 2013 2012 Audit 178 235 Total 178 235 2013 2012 5.15 Income Tax The principal income tax components are as follows: Tax payable – current year 265 312 Total income tax 265 312 231 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., GLOBAL STOCKS FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Current income tax – analysis: Profit (Loss) before tax Items to add Deductible items Tax base Tax loss utilisation Tax base after changes Tax (5%) on tax base Foreign dividends Tax on foreign dividends Additional taxation Total tax 2013 2012 95,514 33 (1,792) 91,755 (91,755) – – 1,705 256 9 37,614 33 (2,084) 35,563 (35,563) – – 2,006 301 11 265 312 Deferred tax As at 31 December 2013, the Fund determined a deferred tax asset of CZK 1,970 thousand arising from a tax loss and provisions against receivables. The deferred tax asset was not recorded on the basis that its recovery was uncertain. As at 31 December 2012, the Fund determined a deferred tax asset of CZK 10,612 thousand arising from a tax loss and provisions against receivables. The deferred tax asset was not recorded on the basis that its recovery was uncertain. 5.16 Related Party Transactions Related parties include Česká spořitelna, a. s., Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. and Erste Group Bank AG. 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Unbilled custody fee – Česká spořitelna Unbilled management fee – Investiční společnost Unbilled fee for administration of the local sub-register – Česká spořitelna Other payables to related parties Total payables to related parties 38 623 – 464 31 475 6 64 1,125 576 The costs charged to the Fund by Česká spořitelna, a. s. amounted to CZK 1,238 thousand in 2013 (2012: CZK 1,162 thousand), of which the greatest portion was represented by the fee for administration of securities accounts of CZK 476 thousand (2012: CZK 438 thousand), and the custody fee of CZK 419 thousand (2012: CZK 392 thousand). The costs charged by the Company amounted to CZK 6,026 thousand in 2013 (2012: CZK 6,026 thousand), which is the annual management fee. 5.17 Liquidity The following tables show the residual maturity of assets and liabilities broken down by major classes of assets. Given that all securities are traded on public markets, sales can easily be undertaken within three months. 232 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., GLOBAL STOCKS FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 2013 Assets Less than 3 months 3 month – 1 year 1 – 5 years Over 5 years Not specified Total Receivables from banks Shares and participation certificates Prepayments Other assets 22,883 – – 36 – – – – – – – – – – – – – 394,971 – – 22,883 394,971 – 36 Total assets 22,919 – – – 394,971 417,890 Other liabilities Net assets Available capital (2,034) 20,885 (415,586) (270) (270) – – – – – – – – (394,971) – (2,304) 415,586 (415,586) Difference (394,701) (270) – – 394,971 – Less than 3 months 3 month – 1 year 1 – 5 years Over 5 years Not specified Total Receivables from banks Shares and participation certificates Prepayments Other assets 44,200 − 11 878 − − − − − − − − − − − − − 297,945 − 1 44,200 297,945 11 879 Total assets 45,089 − − − 297,946 343,035 Other liabilities Net assets Available capital (670) 44,419 (342,071) (294) (294) − − − − − − − − 297,946 − (964) 342,071 (342,071) Difference (297,652) (294) − − 297,946 − Liabilities 2012 Assets Liabilities Liquidity risk, to which the Fund is exposed, is low as all assets are immediately convertible into cash before the expected purchases of participation certificates from participation certificate holders can be undertaken. 5.18 Off-balance Sheet Assets and Liabilities The Fund’s off-balance sheet accounts include receivables and payables from fixed term transactions and assets provided into custody and safekeeping. The item ‘Assets provided into custody, administration and safekeeping’ shows foreign and domestic securities administered by Česká spořitelna, a. s. (this item does not include participation certificates of open-ended mutual funds of the Company, which the Fund maintains in its portfolio). 5.19 Contingent Assets and Liabilities The Fund has no assets or liabilities that were not disclosed in the balance sheet or off-balance sheet accounts. 5.20 Subsequent Events No significant events occurred after the date of the financial statements, which would have a material impact on the Fund’s financial statements. 233 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., GLOBAL STOCKS FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Portfolio at 31 December 2013 The detail of the portfolio is not part of the fund’s final accounts. Figures are stated in CZK. ISIN Name of the security FI0009000681 NOKIA Amount Market Price 36.00 159.61 Foreign shares ESMAR14 DJ50MAR14 S & P 500 E-MINI CMEMAR14 DJ EURO STOXX 50 FUTURESMAR14 4.00 1,831,242.700 4.00 852,369.00 Futures LU0238689110 IE0008366928 LU0219454633 DE000A0KFRV6 LU0366775897 IE00B3DBRP41 LU0203975437 LU0386856941 LU0328436547 BGF-GBL DYNAMIC EQTY-USD A2 AXA ROSENBERG GLB SM CAP-A MFS MER-GLOBAL EQUITY – I1USD FIRST PRIVATE AKTIEN GLBL-C FRANK-GLOB SMID GR-I ACCUSD JO HAMBRO CAP GLOB SEL-EUR A ROBECO BP GLBL PREM EQT-DEUR PICTET-GLOB MEGATREND SEL-IUSD GS GLOBAL SMALL CAP CORE EQ-I Foreign participation certificates Total 0.18 71,200.00 7,600.00 19,400.00 159,000.00 1,260,000.00 12,600.00 9,500.00 145,000.00 318.500 742.245 4,120.047 1,869.837 346.951 48.762 4,731.910 4,227.873 400.954 Market Price Total Accrued Interest 5,746.09 0.00 5,746.09 0.00 7,324,970.80 3,409,476.00 0.00 0.00 10,734,446.80 0.00 57.33 52,847,853.97 31,312,360.24 36,274,828.10 55,165,266.24 61,439,679.00 59,622,059.70 40,164,792.36 58,138,257.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 394,965,154.44 394,970,900.53 0.00 0.00 234 Independent Auditor’s Report to the Participation certificate holders of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TOP STOCKS – otevřený podílový fond We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TOP STOCKS – otevřený podílový fond, which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December 2013, and the income statement and statement of changes in equity for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. For details of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TOP STOCKS – otevřený podílový fond, see Note 1 to the financial statements. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Act on Auditors and International Standards on Auditing as amended by implementation guidance of the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including an assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TOP STOCKS – otevřený podílový fond, as at 31 December 2013, and its financial performance for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic. 31 March 2014 Prague, Czech Republic Ernst & Young Audit, s.r.o. License No. 401 Represented by partner Roman Hauptfleisch Auditor, Licence no. 2009 A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited, Ernst & Young Audit, s. r. o. with its registred office at Na Florenci 2116/15, 110 00 Prague 1 – Nové Město, has been incorporated in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, entry No. 88504, under Identification No. 26704153. 235 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TOP STOCKS – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Balance Sheet at 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) Line Current Previous 1 2 5 13 15 16 19 21 76,352 74,362 1,990 2,537,113 22,701 21,000 1,701 0 12,507 12,507 0 1,929,709 23,496 22,466 1,030 12 22 2,636,166 1,965,724 29 30 32 33 34 39 40 41 47 44,408 613 31,120 12,675 5,635 399,545 621,869 961,888 602,821 4,279 1,721 1,147 1,411 4,277 353,220 395,841 982,079 226,028 TOTAL LIABILITIES 48 2,636,166 1,965,724 of which: Equity 49 2,586,123 1,957,168 3 Receivables from banks and credit unions of which: a/ on demand: aa/ current accounts ad/ margin accounts 6 Shares, unit certificates and other participation interests 11 Other assets a/ derivatives d/ other assets 13 Prepayments and accrued income TOTAL ASSETS 4 Other liabilities a/ derivatives c/ liabilities from taxes d/ other liabilities 5 Deferred income and accrued expenses 9 Share premium 10 Reserve funds and other funds from profit 12 Capital funds 15 Profit or loss for the accounting period 236 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TOP STOCKS – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Off Balance Sheet Accounts at 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 4 Amounts due from fixed term transactions b/ with currency instruments 7 Assets provided into custody, administration and safekeeping of which: securities 12 Amounts owed from fixed term transactions b/ with currency instruments Line Current Previous 52 54 60 61 64 66 2,508,711 2,508,711 2,537,113 2,537,113 2,488,324 2,488,324 1,948,468 1,948,468 1,929,709 1,929,709 1,927,723 1,927,723 237 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TOP STOCKS – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 1 Interest income and similar income d/ interest income from collaterals 2 Interest expenses and similar expenses b/ interest from received margins 3 Income from shares and unit certificates 5 Commission and fee expenses a/ fees and commissions from securities trading b/ management fee c/ custody fee d/ other financial expenses 6 Profit or loss on financial operations a/ profit or loss on transactions with securities b/ profit or loss on foreign exchange transactions c/ profit or loss on fixed term transactions and options 9 Administrative expenses of which: b/ other administrative expenses: ba/ audit 12 Release of provisions and bad debt allowances to receivables and guarantees, income from receivables written off Depreciation, creation and utilizing of provisions and bad debt allowances to 13 receivables and guarantees 19 Ordinary profit or loss for the accounting period before tax 23 Income tax 24 Profit or loss for the accounting period after tax Line Current Previous 1 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 14 3 1 1 22,884 60,456 2,581 52,980 2,331 2,564 675,024 784,910 (7,345) (102,541) 226 226 102 0 0 0 19,922 49,003 735 44,188 1,944 2,136 259,175 197,695 878 60,602 247 247 24 74 294 25 26 30 31 341 636,972 34,151 602,821 374 229,869 3,841 226,028 238 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TOP STOCKS – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Current Previous 353,220 423,609 (377,284) 0 399,545 298,244 200,587 (145,611) 0 353,220 395,841 226,028 0 621,869 577,114 0 (181,273) 395,841 982,079 743,293 (763,484) 0 0 961,888 760,710 732,729 (511,360) 0 0 982,079 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Share premium opening balance issued unit certificates repurchase of unit certificates other changes closing balance 2 Retained earnings opening balance transfers to funds other changes closing balance 3 Capital funds opening balance issued unit certificates repurchase of unit certificates transfers to funds other changes closing balance 4 Gains or losses from revaluation opening balance foreign exchange rate differences and gains or losses from revaluation not included in profit (loss) closing balance 5 Retained earnings or accumulated losses from previous periods opening balance other changes closing balance 6 Profit (loss) for the current period after taxes opening balance profit (loss) transfers to funds, dividends closing balance 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 226,028 602,821 (226,028) 602,821 (181,272) 226,028 181,272 226,028 7 Total 32 2,586,123 1,957,168 239 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TOP STOCKS – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Notes to the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2013 1. Organisation and Description of Business The participation certificates of the Fund are available both in the Czech Republic and in other EU member countries. Formation and Description of the Business Investment Policy of the Fund Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TOP STOCKS – otevřený podílový fond (hereinafter the “Fund” or “ISČS, a. s. – TOP STOCKS OPF”) is an accounting entity without legal entity status, formed by Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. (hereinafter the “Company”) in compliance with the Collective Investment Act No. 189/2004 Coll. (hereinafter the “Act”). The objective of the investment policy is to provide participation certificate holders with a long-term appreciation of participation certificates through investments in a concentrated portfolio of shares traded on equity markets that meet conditions stated in the Act, denominated in the respective currencies. The objective is met by stock picking. Following Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s.’s request of 14 March 2006, the Securities Commission (with effect from 1 April 2006 the Czech National Bank) approved the formation of a fund entitled Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. – TOP STOCKS – otevřený podílový fond. The decision came into effect on 4 July 2006. The Fund commenced its activities on 28 August 2006. Pursuant to a concluded contract, Česká spořitelna, a. s. acts as the depository of the Fund. The Fund is managed by the Company. In compliance with the Act No. 189/2004 Coll., the Company is responsible for the management of the assets of the Fund, which involves the administration and handling of the assets. The Fund is a standard fund in compliance with the Act and meets the requirements of EU legislation. According to the classification binding for the members of the Capital Market Association (hereinafter the “AKAT CR”) as at the date of the approval of this Statute, the Fund can be defined as an equity fund. Registered Office Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. TOP STOCKS – otevřený podílový fond Prague 6, Evropská 2690/17 Principal Business The Company collects funds from individuals and legal entities for the Fund by issuing participation certificates with the purpose of their collective investment on local and foreign financial markets. No restrictions are placed on the number of participation certificates for issue and the period for which the Fund is established. The Company reserves the right to temporary halt the issuing of participation certificates for no longer than three months in compliance with the Act. The Fund carries currency exposure arising from investments in local currencies. The Fund’s portfolio primarily consists of shares. Higher concentration of the portfolio is due to the fact that the Fund’s portfolio is usually represented by approximately 25 different investment ideas. One investment idea usually means investment in one picked share. In addition to the shares, available funds are invested in treasury bills and bank deposits. The Fund’s portfolio can be expanded by purchasing other investment instruments allowed by the Act for collective investment of a standard fund. The limits of the Fund are adhered to on the basis of the Act, or they are regulated in the Fund’s Statute in compliance with the Act. The Fund uses financial derivatives to hedge against currency exposures. The Company can use financial derivatives to effectively manage the Fund’s assets. Efficient asset management represents transactions for the purpose of decreasing risk, decreasing costs or achieving sufficient income for the Fund provided that the risk is demonstrably low. The exposure from these transactions must be fully covered by the Fund’s assets so that liabilities arising from these transactions are fulfilled. The Company can accept loans and borrowings for the maximum of six months when managing the Fund’s assets, to cover temporary needs related to the management of the Fund’s assets or purchases of participation certificates. The volume of the received loans and borrowings must not exceed 10 percent of the value of the Fund’s assets. Change in the Fund’s Statute Czech National Bank Resolution No. 2012/4588/570, dated 18 May 2012, which came into force on 5 June 2012: The changes to the Funds statute related mainly to the duty of the asset investment 240 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TOP STOCKS – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report company to ensure that its statute is in accordance with the amendment to Act 189/2004 Coll., on collective investments (as ensuing from the changes made by Act 188/2011 Coll.) and Decree No. 193/2011 Coll., on the minimum requisites of the statute and on the conditions for the use of the name Short-Term Money Market Fund and Money Market Fund. In light of the change made to the methodology of classifying mutual funds of the Capital Market Association, the definition of a bond fund in the introductory Definition of Terms of the Funds statute has been modified, as well as the wording of certain related provisions. Investment objectives, the method of investing and the risk profile of the Fund have not been changed in the amendments referred to above. Along with the change made to the statute, information was updated as to the list of funds managed by the Company (Article II Paragraph 8 of the statute), in particular information on the managing parties of the asset management company (Appendix 1 to the statute), information added on the performance of the mutual fund for 2011 (Appendix 2 to the statute), information updated on the total cost indicators for 2011, and the date on which the statute being signed was updated. On the date the changes to the statute came into force the simple statute of the Fund was replaced by a newly processed document providing required key information for investors. Such key information for investors was processed in accordance with Commission (EU) Regulation No. 583/2012. As at 1 February 2013, information on Fund`s 2012 performance was published within the document Key investors information. (According to the article 23, section 3 of Council Regulation (EC) no. 583/2010, the performance must be updated within the Key investors information up to 35 days after the previous calendar year end.) The updated text of the Funds statute was approved by the Investment company`s board of directors as at 10 April 2013. The changes in the statute text related to an update of the list of managed funds, update of the information on the length of professional experience of Investment company management, addition of information on Fund’s performance and the Fund`s benchmark`s performance, an update of information on total expense ratio for 2012 and update of the date of the signature. These updates were not subject to preliminary approval from Czech national bank (according to the section 84 (a), subsection 5 of 189/2004 Coll., On collective investment schemes). The shareholders could access the updated text of the Statute and Key investors information as of 10 April 2013 on, at the distributor’s branches (Ceska sporitelna, a. s.) and at the Investment company seat. Legislative change Act No 240/2013 Coll., On Management Companies and Investment Funds became effective as of 19 August 2013. Rules stated by this act must be implemented by investment companies and investment funds by 22 July 2014. In 2013, the Fund`s management was subject to the rules of the Act No. 189/2004 Coll., On collective investment schemes. The new rules will be applied as of 2014. 2. Basis of Preparation The financial statements have been prepared on the basis of underlying accounting records maintained in accordance with Accounting Act No. 563/1991 Coll., and applicable regulations, decrees and internal standards in compliance with and in the scope defined in Czech Finance Ministry Regulation No. 501/2002 of 6 November 2002, as subsequently amended, which sets out the overall framework for the presentation of the financial statements, and guidelines for the structure and minimum requirements for the content of the financial statements of banks and certain financial institutions, and Czech Accounting Standards for Financial Institutions, which establish the accounting principles and policies. The basis of preparation and the accounting policies have been consistently applied during both 2013 and 2012. The Fund is obliged to comply with the regulatory requirements of the Act. The financial statements are based on the accrual principle, that is, transactions and other events are recognised in the accounting period in which they occur, regardless of when the related monetary flow arises. The financial statements are presented in compliance with general accounting principles, specifically the accrual principle, the prudence concept and the going concern assumption. The financial statements contain the balance sheet, profit and loss account, statement of changes in equity, and notes to the financial statements. The presentation of the financial statements requires that the Company makes estimates which have an impact on the reported amounts of assets and liabilities as at the date of the financial statements as well as expenses and income in the relevant accounting period. These estimates are based on information available as at the date of the financial statements and may differ from the actual results. As a result of continued market volatility since the start of the global financial crisis, the Fund may be exposed to increased risk, specifically due to the uncertainty regarding possible asset impairments and future developments on the market. The financial statements have been prepared based on the current best estimates using all relevant and available information as at the date of the financial statements. 241 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TOP STOCKS – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report These financial statements are unconsolidated. All amounts are stated in thousands of Czech crowns (CZK), unless indicated otherwise. Explanation Added for Translation into English These financial statements are presented on the basis of accounting principles and standards generally accepted in the Czech Republic. Certain accounting practices applied by the Company that conform with generally accepted accounting principles and standards in the Czech Republic may not conform with generally accepted accounting principles in other countries. 3. Accounting Policies rules set out in the Regulation. If the market value is unavailable, the Fund uses a value determined by the Company using valuation models based on discounted future cash flows according to the yield curve calculated using the Reuters and Kondor+ systems. Securities are measured at cost upon initial recognition using the weighted average method. The acquisition cost includes direct transaction costs related to the acquisition of securities. Realised capital gains or losses are recorded in the profit and loss account within ‘Profit or loss from financial operations’. Accrued interest relating to assets is included within the total balance of these assets. Receivables and Payables Transaction Recognition Date Purchases and sales of securities are recognised using trade date accounting provided that the period between the trade date and the fulfilment of the commitment arising from the contract does not exceed a period typical for the relevant type of transaction. The transaction recognition date for derivative contracts is: a) the date upon which the related contract was entered into; b) the date when fulfilment was delivered based on the relevant contract. The transaction recognition date can also be the date when money in circulation is paid or received, the date when foreign currency is purchased or sold, the date when a payment is made, the date when ownership is acquired or terminated, when a receivable or payable arises, changes or ceases to exist, when assets move within an accounting entity, and the date when other matters to be included in the accounting records occur, or when the documents supporting these other matters are available, or when other matters are a consequence of internal conditions of the accounting entity and/ or special regulations. Securities In accordance with the Fund’s strategy, all securities are classified as securities at fair value through profit or loss. During the accounting period, securities are re-measured at fair value on a daily basis pursuant to the Finance Ministry Regulation No. 194/2011 Coll., on more detailed regulation of certain rules in collective investment (the “Decree”), as amended. The securities of the Fund are accounted for as securities at fair value through profit or loss. The fair value of the securities is determined in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards with an exception, that an average price between the most favourable binding offer and demand (MID price) is used for bonds. Pursuant to the Regulation, securities are valued at the price quoted on a public market which is adjusted, as appropriate, to reflect the The Fund records receivables arising from its transactions with securities and other operating receivables at their nominal value, while receivables from positive fair values of derivatives are recorded at the fair value of the derivatives at the balance sheet date. Pursuant to the prudence principle, provisions are created based on aging of receivables. The Fund records payables arising from its transactions with securities and operating payables at their nominal value, while payables from negative fair values of derivatives are recorded at the fair value of the derivatives at the balance sheet date. Financial Derivatives and Hedging Transactions In the normal course of business, the Fund enters into hedging contracts with financial derivatives to hedge against foreign currency exposures associated with its transactions on financial markets. The method of fair value hedges is applied to hedging derivatives. The Fund designates certain derivatives as hedges provided that the following criteria are met: – the Fund has developed a risk management strategy; – at the inception of the hedge, the hedging relationship is formally documented, the documentation identifies the hedged item and the hedging instrument, and it defines the risk that is being hedged and the approach to establishing whether the hedge is effective; and – the hedge is effective, that is, changes in the fair value or cash flows of the hedged item are almost fully offset by changes in the fair value or cash flows of the hedging instrument and the results are within a range of 80 percent to 125 percent. Nominal values of derivative financial instruments are recognised in the off-balance sheet accounts. Changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as hedges (see above) are recorded as income or expense. Changes in the fair value of the hedging derivatives attributable to the risk hedged are recognised in the same income or expense accounts as differences from revaluation of a hedged instrument. 242 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TOP STOCKS – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report All financial derivatives are recorded as assets when the fair value is positive and as liabilities when the fair value is negative. Fair values are derived from valuation models. Interest Income and Expense and Dividend Income Derivatives that are not designated as hedging derivatives are treated as trading derivatives. These derivatives are measured at fair value on a daily basis and gains and losses on revaluation are posted to expense and income accounts. Dividend income is recognised as at the date when the right to receive the payment is established (ex-dividend date). Dividend income from domestic securities is presented after withholding tax. Dividend income from foreign securities is presented gross with the applicable taxes presented within taxes on foreign dividends (see note 5.16). Certain derivatives are embedded in compound financial instruments, which comprise the host instrument and the derivative. Pursuant to the applicable regulations, the Fund recognises changes in assets and liabilities arising from the movements in rates or prices of securities or changes in exchange rates through expense and income accounts. Given that the assets of the Fund are valued at fair value and changes of fair values are reported within expenses and income from derivatives, embedded derivatives are not accounted for separately. Income Tax Under effective tax regulations, the income tax rate applicable to mutual funds is 5 percent. Interest income and expense are recognised using the accrual principle. Subsequent Events The impact of events that occurred between the balance sheet date and the date of the financial statements preparation is recognized in the financial statements provided these events provide additional evidence about conditions that existed at the date of the balance sheet. If material events reflecting the facts occurring after the balance sheet date happened between the balance sheet date and the date of the financial statements preparation the consequences of these events are disclosed in the notes to the financial statements but not recognized in the financial statements. Deferred Tax Deferred tax is provided using the liability method on all temporary differences between the carrying amount of assets and liabilities reported in the balance sheet and their value for tax purposes. Deferred tax assets are recognised only up to the amount of probable future taxable income against which the deferred tax asset can be offset. Foreign Currency Translations Foreign currencies are translated using the exchange rate promulgated by the Czech National Bank as at the relevant date. As at the balance sheet date, assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated on the same basis. Foreign exchange rate gains and losses from the daily translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are posted to expense or income accounts. Capital Funds The selling price of participation certificates is calculated as a proportion of the Fund’s net assets and the relevant number of participation certificates. Participation certificates are sold to qualified investors using the selling price determined on a daily basis. Share Premium Share premium is the difference between the nominal value of all participation certificates and their carrying amounts as at the date of their issue or purchase. 4. Risk Management Credit Risk In accordance with the Statute and the investment strategy, the Company establishes rules and policies for selecting investment instruments such that the overall credit risk profile of allocated investments is consistent with the characteristics of the Fund. New types of instruments are approved on a case by case basis by the risk management function together with the specification of limits for positions pertaining to these instruments. Specific emphasis is placed on an appropriate rating structure and a relatively detailed diversification of portfolios (especially in relation to bearing securities). Market Risk The Fund uses a wide range of tools to eliminate risk exposures attached to its portfolios. Significant attention is paid to market risks. Apart from statutory restrictions, the Fund is subject to a set of internal limits having a direct impact on the FX exposure, interest rate exposure (the modified duration range of the Fund), equity allocation on individual markets according to their volatility, portfolio rating structure (see above), and other characteristics of the Fund. The relevant limits are appropriately applied to correspond with the type of the Fund. Whenever the Fund purchases new types of instruments, these instruments are first analysed to assess the potential credit risk, as well as the market risk that the instruments might bring to or help eliminate from the portfolio. Subsequently, their appropriateness 243 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TOP STOCKS – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report and, if appropriate, the acceptable proportion of these instruments in the portfolio is evaluated. The level of the Fund’s market risk exposure is measured using the Value at Risk (“VaR”). With effect from 1 August 2006, the VaR for the Company’s Funds is calculated by the Central Risk Management Department of Česká spořitelna using the historical simulation method in the K + KvaR system. Set out below are relative monthly values of the VaR in percentage terms for individual types of risks: 31 Dec 2013 Average VaR 10.49% 0.14% 0.02% 10.51% 15.11% 0.66% 0.02% 15.23% 31 Dec 2012 Average VaR 17.75% 0.27% 0.02% 18.17% 18.87% 0.58% 0.03% 19.03% Global VaR Foreign currency VaR Interest rate VaR Equity VaR Global VaR Foreign currency VaR Interest rate VaR Equity VaR The average VaR is calculated as average of daily VaR values in years 2013 and 2012 respectively. The Fund monitors Value at Risk globally and also broken down to Foreign Currency VaR, Interest Rate VaR and Equity VaR. Based on the above values, the Fund identifies critical risk segments. This identification influences the reinvestment process. The limits set the maximum acceptable VaR for the Fund. The Equity VaR also reflects the risk related to the holding of mutual funds’ participation certificates (including funds of money market and bond funds). Adherence to all the above limits and their effectiveness is monitored and assessed on an ongoing basis. The limits are reviewed, if necessary. The portfolio’s risk of unfavourable development of foreign exchange rates, interest rates, and other market factors is hedged, to an appropriate extent, by financial Derivatives. Financial derivatives are traded on the OTC market as this market enables the trading of contracts whose parameters and nature appropriately satisfy the requirements of a hedge. Portfolios primarily include currency swaps, currency forwards and interest rate swaps. Liquidity Risk Another monitored risk is the liquidity risk. Liquidity risk is a risk that the Fund will not have enough available resources to meet its obligations arising from financial contracts. Liquidity is monitored and managed based on expected cash flows, with appropriate adjustments made to the structure of securities and term placements portfolios. Pursuant to the Act, the Company is obliged to repurchase a participation certificate without undue delay but not later than 15 business days from the date when the repurchase right is claimed. Given that the Fund holds securities traded on foreign stock exchanges which can be realised within a few days, the Fund’s inability to meet its obligations due to lack of liquidity is unlikely. Pursuant to Section 12 of the Collective Investment Act, the Company can suspend issues and purchases of the Fund’s participation certificates for a maximum of three months, if necessary due to the protection of rights or the participation certificate holders’ interests protected by law. Issuing and purchasing participation certificates can be suspended particularly at the end or beginning of the calendar year, in the event of natural disasters, upon very strong fluctuations on financial markets and upon high requirements for the sales or purchases of participation certificates provided they could endanger the Fund’s assets. The quantitative information about the residual maturity of assets and liabilities is given in Note 5.18. 5. Additional Information on the Financial Statements 5.1 Receivables from Banks Receivables from banks 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Current accounts Margin accounts 74,362 1,990 12,507 – Total 76,352 12,507 Balances on current accounts are repayable on demand. 244 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TOP STOCKS – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.2 Securities Individual types of securities by issuer, number of securities, their market value and interest rate are disclosed in the Portfolio attached to the annual report. All securities held by the Fund are publicly listed on the Prague Stock Exchange or foreign stock exchanges. Participation certificates which are not listed on stock exchanges are purchased and administered by the Company. Shares, participation certificates and other holdings 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Acquisition cost Market revaluation 2,006,561 530,552 1,746,292 183,417 Total 2,537,113 1,929,709 5.3 Other Assets Other assets 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Positive fair values of financial derivatives State budget settlement Other receivables Allowances Other 21,000 – 1,748 (833) 768 22,466 – 1,598 (568) – Total 22,701 23,496 As at 31 December 2013, other receivables include predominantly receivables of CZK 1,748 thousand arising from foreign dividends (a receivable denominated in foreign currency) (2012: CZK 1,598 thousand). As at 31 December 2013, allowances include allowances for receivables arising from foreign dividends in the amount of CZK 833 thousand (2012: CZK 568 thousand). The caption ‘Other’ relates to estimated receivables arising from foreign dividends in the amount of CZK 786 thousand (2012: CZK 0 thousand). 5.4 Prepayments and Accrued Income Prepayments and accrued income 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Prepayments – audit fees – 12 Total – 12 5.5 Equity The Fund has no share capital. The nominal value of one participation certificate is CZK 1. The total nominal value of all participation certificates is posted to ‘Capital funds’. Share premium arising from the difference between the nominal and selling values of the participation certificates is recorded separately. The Fund accounts for share premium upon the sale of participation certificates as well as upon their repurchase. The selling price of the participation certificate is determined as the share of the Fund’s net assets and the number of issued participation certificates. The value of a participation certificate as at the last trading date in 2013 totalled CZK 1.7408 (2012: CZK 1.2998). This is the most recent announced value of the participation certificate for the year, for which purchases and repurchases of the participation certificates of the Fund were undertaken. The profit for 2013 in the amount of CZK 602,821 thousand will be transferred to the reinvestment fund within ‘Other funds from profit’. In line with the Fund’s Statute, the profit for 2012 in the amount of CZK 226,028 thousand was transferred to the reinvestment fund within ‘Other funds from profit’. 245 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TOP STOCKS – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.6 Changes in the Capital Fund Number of Nominal participation value of certificates participation certificates Balance at 31 Dec 2011 Participation certificates sold Participation certificates purchased Balance at 31 Dec 2012 Participation certificates sold Participation certificates purchased Balance at 31 Dec 2013 Use of fund Total capital to cover funds losses 1,284,381,516 1,284,382 (523,672) 760,710 732,729,004 (511,359,687) 732,729 (511,360) – – 732,729 (511,360) 1,505,750,833 1,505,751 (523,672) 982,079 743,293,309 (763,484,397) 743,293 (763,484) – – 743,293 (763,484) 1,485,559,745 1,485,560 (523,672) 961,888 5.7 Other Liabilities Other liabilities 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Negative fair values of financial derivatives Payables from participation certificate holders’ placements State budget settlement Other liabilities 613 10,797 31,120 1,878 1,721 651 1,147 760 Total 44,408 4,279 5.8 Accrued Expenses and Deferred Income Accrued expenses consist of the unbilled custody fee of CZK 237 thousand related to December 2013 (2012: CZK 179 thousand), the unbilled management fee of CZK 5,388 thousand related to December 2013 (2012: CZK 4,078 thousand), and the unbilled fee for the local sub-register administration of CZK 0 thousand related to December 2013 (2012: CZK 12 thousand) and the unbilled fee for calculation of NAV of CZK 10 thousand related to December 2013 (2012: CZK 8 thousand). 5.9 Financial Derivatives Designated as Hedging Derivatives Nominal value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Assets Liabilities Assets Currency swaps 1,061,456 1,055,973 894,229 Liabilities 876,345 Total currency instruments 1,061,456 1,055,973 894,229 876,345 Open positions of derivatives posted to an off-balance sheet are converted to fair value daily as of 1 January 2011 (up to 31 August 2013 futures were converted monthly; as of 1 September 2013 they are converted on daily basis) and recorded in absolute values. Fair value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Positive Negative Positive Currency swaps 5,482 – 17,884 Negative – Total currency instruments 5,482 – 17,884 – Currency derivatives are due within one year. 246 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TOP STOCKS – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.10 Financial Derivatives Designated as Trading Derivatives Nominal value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Assets Liabilities Assets Currency swaps 1,447,255 1,432,351 1,054,239 Liabilities 1,051,378 Total currency instruments 1,447,255 1,432,351 1,054,239 1,051,378 Open positions of derivatives posted to an off-balance sheet are converted to fair value daily as of 1 January 2011 (up to 31 August 2013 futures were converted monthly; as of 1 September 2013 they are converted on daily basis) and recorded in absolute values. Fair value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Positive Negative Positive Currency swaps 15,518 613 4,582 Negative 1,721 Total currency instruments 15,518 613 4,582 1,721 2013 2012 Currency derivatives are due within one year. 5.11 Income from Shares and Interests Foreign dividends 22,884 19,922 Total received dividends 22,884 19,922 2013 2012 5.12 Interest Income and Expense Interest on deposits at banks 14 102 Total 14 102 2013 2012 Management fees Custody fees Commissions and fees from securities trading Expenses of administration of the local sub-register Administration of securities Other fees and commissions 52,980 2,331 2,581 180 1,566 818 44,188 1,944 735 144 1,144 848 Total 60,456 49,003 5.13 Fees and Commissions In compliance with the Statute of the Fund, the management fee paid to the Company by the Fund amounts to 2.50 percent of the average annual net asset value. Pursuant to the custody service contract entered into with Česká spořitelna, a. s., the Fund pays a fee equal to 0.11 percent of its average annual net asset value. 5.14 Profit or Loss from Financial Operations Profit or loss from securities at fair value through profit or loss Profit or loss from fixed term transactions Profit or loss from FX differences Total 2013 2012 784,910 (102,541) (7,345) 197,695 60,602 878 675,024 259,175 247 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TOP STOCKS – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Profit or loss from securities at fair value through profit or loss primarily comprises the loss from the realised sales of securities, from payable securities and from the daily valuation of securities at fair value. Profit or loss from derivatives includes profit or loss on the settlement of fixed term transactions with currency instruments and also the revaluation of open derivatives at fair value. Profit or loss from FX differences represents the value of realised FX profit or loss from foreign currency accounts and from the settlement of foreign currency receivables and payables and also gains or losses arising from the revaluation of assets, with the exception of securities, and liabilities in foreign currency at fair value. 5.15 Administrative Expenses 2013 2012 Audit 226 247 Total 226 247 2013 2012 5.16 Income Tax The principal income tax components are as follows: Tax payable – current year 34,151 3,841 Total income tax 34,151 3,841 2013 2012 636,972 364 (22,957) 614,379 – 614,379 30,719 22,883 3,432 229,869 401 (20,215) 210,055 (192,995) 17,060 853 19,922 2,988 34,151 3,841 Current income tax – analysis: Profit (Loss) before tax Items to add Deductible items Tax base Tax loss utilisation Adjusted tax base / loss Tax (5%) on tax base Foreign dividends Tax on foreign dividends Total tax Deferred tax As at 31 December 2013, the Fund determined a deferred tax asset of CZK 42 thousand arising from provisions against receivables. The deferred tax asset was not recorded on the basis that its recovery was uncertain. As at 31 December 2012, the Fund determined a deferred tax asset of CZK 28 thousand arising from provisions against receivables. The deferred tax asset was not recorded on the basis that its recovery was uncertain. 5.17 Related Party Transactions Related parties include Česká spořitelna, a. s. and Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Unbilled custody fee – Česká spořitelna Unbilled management fee – Investiční společnost Unbilled fee for administration of the local sub-register Unbilled fee for calculation of NAV Other payables to related parties 237 5,388 – 10 1,876 179 4,078 12 8 759 Total payables to related parties 7,511 5,036 248 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TOP STOCKS – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report The costs charged to the Fund by Česká spořitelna, a. s. amounted to CZK 7,476 thousand in 2013 (2012: CZK 4,815 thousand), of which the greatest portion was represented by commission for CS – foreign in the amount of CZK 2,581 thousand (2012: CZK 735 thousand). The costs charged by the Company amounted to CZK 52,980 thousand (2012: CZK 44,188 thousand), which is the annual management fee. 5.18 Liquidity The following tables show the residual maturity of assets and liabilities broken down by major classes of assets. Given that all securities are traded on public markets, sales can easily be undertaken within three months. 2013 Assets Less than 3 months 3 month – 1 year 1 – 5 years Over 5 years Not specified Total Receivables from banks Shares Other assets Prepayments 76,352 – 21,000 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 2,537,113 1,701 – 76,352 2,537,113 22,701 – Total assets 97,352 – – – 2,538,814 2,636,166 Other liabilities Net assets Available capital (18,923) 78,429 (2,586,123) (31,120) (31,120) – – – – – – – – 2,538,814 – (50,043) 2,586,123 (2,586,123) Difference (2,507,694) (31,120) – – 2,538,814 – Less than 3 months 3 month – 1 year 1 – 5 years Over 5 years Not specified Total Receivables from banks Shares Other assets Prepayments 12,507 − 22,466 − − − − 12 − − − − − − − − − 1,929,709 1,030 − 12,507 1,929,709 23,496 12 Total assets 34,973 12 − − 1,930,739 1,965,724 Other liabilities Net assets Available capital (7,409) 27,564 (1,957,168) (1,147) (1,135) − − − − − − − − 1,930,739 − (8,556) 1,957,168 (1,957,168) Difference (1,929,604) (1,135) − − 1,930,739 − Liabilities 2012 Assets Liabilities Liquidity risk, to which the Fund is exposed, is low as all assets are immediately convertible into cash before the expected purchases of participation certificates from participation certificate holders can be undertaken. 5.19 Off-balance Sheet Assets and Liabilities The Fund’s off-balance sheet accounts include receivables and payables from fixed term transactions and assets provided into custody and safekeeping. Assets provided into custody, administration and safekeeping include domestic and foreign securities administrated by Česká spořitelna, a. s. 5.20 Contingent Assets and Liabilities The Fund has no assets or liabilities that were not disclosed in the balance sheet or off-balance sheet accounts. 5.21 Subsequent Events No significant events occurred after the date of the financial statements, which would have a material impact on the Fund’s financial statements. 249 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., TOP STOCKS – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Portfolio at 31 December 2013 The detail of the portfolio is not part of the fund’s final accounts. Figures are stated in CZK. ISIN Name of the security Amount US80004C1018 US5801351017 US6556641008 US9285511005 US8552441094 US2616081038 US2499081048 US09061G1013 AT0000920863 US0378331005 US7475251036 US82706C1080 US6821891057 US5017971046 US8826811098 US1634281059 CH0023405456 US60877T1007 US68230A1060 DK0060252690 US62936P1030 US8858072064 US15117B1035 US75915K1016 US8036071004 US1897541041 US1510201049 US92532F1003 US7512121010 GB00B24CGK77 US29251M1062 US8673286014 US82481R1068 SANDISK CORP MCDONALDS CORP NORDSTROM INC VIVUS INC STARBUCKS CORP DRESSER-RAND GROUP INC DEPOMED INC BIOMARIN PHARMACEUTICAL INC AUSTRIAMICROSYSTEMS AG-BR APPLE COMPUTER INC. QUALCOMM INC SILICON MOTION TECHNOL-(ADR) ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION L BRANDS INC TEXAS ROADHOUSE INC CLASS A CHELSEA THERAPEUTICS INTL LTD DUFRY GROUP REG MOMENTA PHARMACEUTICALS INC ONCOGENEX PHARMACEUTICAL IVC PANDORA A/S NPS PHARMACEUTICALS INC THRESHOLD PHARMACEUTICALS CELLDEX THERAPEUTICS INC REGULUS THERAPEUTICS INC SAREPTA THERAPEUTICS INC COACH INC CELGENE CORP VERTEX PHARM RALPH LAUREN CORP RECKITT BENCKISER GROUP PLC ENANTA PHARMACEUTICALS INC SUNESIS PHARMACEUTICALS INC SHIRE PLC – (ADR) 70,000 52,000 80,000 450,000 61,000 76,000 72,000 70,000 54,000 10,000 67,000 400,000 570,000 79,000 145,000 150,000 31,000 34,000 30,000 100,000 275,000 90,000 14,000 75,000 250,000 85,000 31,000 64,000 24,000 65,000 19,000 70,000 35,000 Foreign shares Total Market Market Price Total Price 1,403.32 1,930.31 1,229.45 180.64 1,559.49 1,186.28 210.48 1,399.54 2,413.15 11,160.93 1,477.13 281.50 163.93 1,230.44 553.05 88.23 3,499.07 351.73 165.92 1,081.04 603.98 92.90 481.63 147.02 405.24 1,116.65 3,361.45 1,478.12 3,512.68 1,577.42 542.71 94.30 2,810.82 Accrued Interest 98,232,593.20 100,376,370.64 98,355,936.00 81,286,884.00 95,128,930.26 90,157,220.72 15,154,453.44 97,968,003.00 130,310,208.00 111,609,318.80 98,967,676.50 112,600,040.00 93,438,139.20 97,205,068.10 80,192,714.00 13,234,483.50 108,471,182.40 11,958,681.28 4,977,478.80 108,103,800.00 166,095,006.00 8,361,448.20 6,742,872.36 11,026,249.50 101,310,195.00 94,915,268.70 104,204,931.15 94,599,948.80 84,304,405.92 102,532,574.95 10,311,458.08 6,600,829.20 98,378,814.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,537,113,183.80 2,537,113,183.80 0.00 0.00 250 Independent Auditor’s Report to the Participation certificate holders of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December 2013, and the income statement and statement of changes in equity for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. For details of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, see Note 1 to the financial statements. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Act on Auditors and International Standards on Auditing as amended by implementation guidance of the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including an assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, as at 31 December 2013, and its financial performance for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic. 31 March 2014 Prague, Czech Republic Ernst & Young Audit, s.r.o. License No. 401 Represented by partner Roman Hauptfleisch Auditor, Licence no. 2009 A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited, Ernst & Young Audit, s. r. o. with its registred office at Na Florenci 2116/15, 110 00 Prague 1 – Nové Město, has been incorporated in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, entry No. 88504, under Identification No. 26704153. 251 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Balance Sheet at 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) Line Current Previous 1 2 3 5 6 10 11 12 13 15 16 19 21 1,496,894 594,889 850,379 15,448 36,178 83,719 83,719 0 3,656,779 12,016 9,543 2,473 0 131,148 122,199 0 8,949 0 133,813 123,385 10,428 901,659 4,714 3,520 1,194 11 22 5,249,408 1,171,345 29 30 32 33 34 39 40 41 47 40,660 33,217 377 7,066 1,825 497,931 281,997 4,340,562 86,433 1,530 76 57 1,397 406 186,525 205,355 700,887 76,642 Total Liabilities 48 5,249,408 1,171,345 of which: Equity 49 5 206 923 1 169 409 3 Receivables from banks and credit unions of which: a/ on demand: aa/ current accounts ab/ term deposits ad/ margin accounts ae/ collaterals 5 Debt securities of which: a/ issued by the government b/ issued by other entities 6 Shares, unit certificates and other participation interests 11 Other assets a/ derivatives d/ other assets 13 Prepayments and accrued income Total Assets 4 Other liabilities a/ derivatives c/ liabilities from taxes d/ other liabilities 5 Deferred income and accrued expenses 9 Share premium 10 Reserve funds and other funds from profit 12 Capital funds 15 Profit or loss for the accounting period 252 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Off Balance Sheet Accounts at 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 4 Amounts due from fixed term transactions b/ with currency instruments c/ with equity instruments 7 Assets provided into custody, administration and safekeeping of which: securities 12 Amounts owed from fixed term transactions b/ with currency instruments c/ with equity instruments Line Current Previous 52 54 55 60 61 64 66 67 1,651,217 1,562,424 88,793 2,237,404 2,237,404 1,674,891 1,586,171 88,720 290,631 242,684 47,947 660,474 660,474 288,357 240,075 48,282 253 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 1 Interest income and similar income of which: a/ interest income from bonds d/ interest income from collaterals 3 Income from shares and unit certificates 5 Commission and fee expenses a/ fees and commissions from securities trading b/ management fee c/ custody fee d/ other financial expenses 6 Profit or loss on financial operations a/ profit or loss on transactions with securities b/ profit or loss on foreign exchange transactions c/ profit or loss on fixed term transactions and options 9 Administrative expenses of which: b/ other administrative expenses: ba/ audit 12 Release of provisions and bad debt allowances to receivables and guarantees, income from receivables written off Depreciation, creation and utilizing of provisions and bad debt allowances to 13 receivables and guarantees 19 Ordinary profit or loss for the accounting period before tax 23 Income tax 24 Profit or loss for the accounting period after tax Line Current Previous 01 02 05 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 4,003 3,037 8 2,509 16,308 70 11,473 1,865 2,900 96,860 145,704 5,410 (54,254) 251 251 4,286 3,877 0 379 7,280 36 5,039 844 1,361 79,560 66,854 (2,907) 15,613 241 241 24 9 3 25 26 30 31 13 86,809 376 86,433 8 76,699 57 76,642 254 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Current Previous 186,525 343,057 (31,651) 0 497,931 189,873 11,833 (15,181) 0 186,525 205,355 76,642 0 281,997 230,831 0 (25,476) 205,355 700,887 4,007,346 (367,671) 0 0 4,340,562 877,243 241,666 (418,022) 0 0 700,887 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Share premium opening balance issued unit certificates repurchase of unit certificates other changes closing balance 2 Retained earnings opening balance transfers to funds other changes closing balance 3 Capital funds opening balance issued unit certificates repurchase of unit certificates transfers to funds other changes closing balance 4 Gains or losses from revaluation opening balance foreign exchange rate differences and gains or losses from revaluation not included in profit (loss) closing balance 5 Retained earnings or accumulated losses from previous periods opening balance other changes closing balance 6 Profit (loss) for the current period after taxes opening balance profit (loss) transfers to funds, dividends closing balance 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 76,642 86,433 (76,642) 86,433 (25,476) 76,642 25,476 76,642 7 Total 32 5,206,923 1,169,409 255 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Notes to the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2013 1. Organisation and Description of Business The participation certificates of the Fund are available both in the Czech Republic and in other EU member countries. Formation and Description of the Business Investment Policy of the Fund Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond (hereinafter the “Fund” or “ISČS, a. s. – KONZERVATIVNÍ OPF”) is an accounting unit without legal entity status, formed by Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. (hereinafter the “Company”) in compliance with the Collective Investment Act No. 189/2004 Coll. (hereinafter the “Act”). The Fund invests in securities of money market funds and collective investment bond and equity funds. The equity component’s share in the Fund’s portfolio and its regional and sector composition are actively managed. The neutral weight of the equity component’s share in the Fund’s assets amounts to 10 percent. Following Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s.’s request of 28 January 2005, the Securities Commission approved the formation of a fund entitled Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. – KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond. The decision came into effect on 2 May 2005. The Fund commenced its activities on 1 June 2005. Pursuant to a concluded contract, Česká spořitelna, a. s. acts as the depository of the Fund. The Fund is managed by the Company. In compliance with the Act, the Company is responsible for the management of the assets of the Fund, which involves the administration and handling of the assets. The Fund’s portfolio can be expanded by purchasing shares, bonds and other investment instruments allowed by the Act for collective investment of a standard fund. Finances collected in the Fund are invested predominantly in securities of collective investment funds if such collective investment funds distribute the risk connected to investments and meet other obligations as set by the Act. The Fund does not acquire any assets that could not, due to their nature, be provided into the custody, administration, safekeeping or other management of the depository or a custodian authorised by the depository. The limits of the Fund are adhered to on the basis of the Act, or they are regulated in the Fund’s Statute in compliance with the Act. The Fund is a standard fund in compliance with the Act and meets the requirements of EU legislation. The Fund uses financial derivatives to hedge against currency and interest rate exposures. According to the classification binding for the members of the Capital Market Association (hereinafter the “AKAT CR”) as at the date of the approval of this Statute, the Fund can be defined as the fund of the funds. The profit/(loss) is based on the difference between the income and expenses related to the management of the Fund’s assets. Registered Office Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond Prague 6, Dejvice, Evropská 2690/17 Principal Business The Company collects funds from individuals and legal entities for the Fund by issuing participation certificates with the purpose of their collective investment on local and foreign financial markets. No restrictions are placed on the number of participation certificates for issue and the period for which the Fund is established. The Company reserves the right to temporary halt the issuing of participation certificates for no longer than three months in compliance with the Act. The generated profit is retained in the reinvestment fund as a source for further investments and to cover the Fund’s losses. If the profit is not sufficient, the loss must be covered by a reduction in the capital fund. Change in the Statute Czech National Bank Resolution No. 2012/4576/570, dated 18 May 2012, which came into force on 5 June 2012: The changes to the Funds statute related mainly to the duty of the asset investment company to ensure that its statute is in accordance with the amendment to Act 189/2004 Coll., on collective investments (as ensuing from the changes made by Act 188/2011 Coll.) and Decree No. 193/2011 Coll., on the minimum requisites of the statute and on the conditions for the use of the name Short-Term Money Market Fund and Money Market Fund. Investment objectives, the method of investing and the risk profile of the Fund have not been changed in the amendments referred to above. 256 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Along with the change made to the statute, information was updated as to the list of funds managed by the Company (Article II Paragraph 8 of the statute), in particular information on the managing parties of the asset management company (Appendix 1 to the statute), information added on the performance of the Fund for 2011 (Appendix 2 to the statute), information updated on the total cost indicators for 2011, and the date on which the statute being signed was updated. On the date the changes to the statute came into force the simple statute of the Fund was replaced by a newly processed document providing required key information for investors. Such key information for investors was processed in accordance with Commission (EU) Regulation No. 583/2012. As at 1 February 2013, information on Fund`s 2012 performance was published within the document Key investors information. (According to the article 23, section 3 of Council Regulation (EC) no. 583/2010, the performance must be updated within the Key investors information up to 35 days after the previous calendar year end.) The updated text of the Funds statute was approved by the Investment company`s board of directors as at 10 April 2013. The changes in the statute text related to an update of the list of managed funds, update of the information on the length of professional experience of Investment company management, addition of information on Fund’s performance and the Fund`s benchmark`s performance, an update of information on total expense ratio for 2012 and update of the date of the signature. These updates were not subject to preliminary approval from Czech national bank (according to the section 84 (a), subsection 5 of 189/2004 Coll., Act on collective investment schemes). The shareholders could access the updated text of the Statute and Key investors information as of 10 April 2013 on, at the distributor’s branches (Ceska sporitelna, a. s.) and at the Investment company seat. Legislative change Act No 240/2013 Coll., Act on Management Companies and Investment Funds became effective as of 19 August 2013. Rules stated by this act must be implemented by investment companies and investment funds by 22 July 2014. In 2013, the Fund`s management was subject to the rules of the Act No. 189/2004 Coll., Act on collective investment schemes. The new rules will be applied as of 2014. 2. Basis of Preparation The financial statements have been prepared on the basis of underlying accounting records maintained in accordance with Accounting Act No. 563/1991 Coll., and applicable regulations, decrees and internal standards in compliance with and in the scope defined in Czech Finance Ministry Regulation No. 501/2002 of 6 November 2002, as subsequently amended, which sets out the overall framework for the presentation of the financial statements, and guidelines for the structure and minimum requirements for the content of the financial statements of banks and certain financial institutions, and Czech Accounting Standards for Financial Institutions, which establish the accounting principles and policies. The basis of preparation and the accounting policies have been consistently applied during both 2013 and 2012. The Fund is obliged to comply with the regulatory requirements of the Act. The financial statements are presented in compliance with general accounting principles, specifically the accrual principle, the prudence concept and the going concern assumption. The financial statements contain the balance sheet, profit and loss account, statement of changes in equity, and notes to the financial statements. The presentation of the financial statements requires that the Company makes estimates which have an impact on the reported amounts of assets and liabilities as at the date of the financial statements as well as expenses and income in the relevant accounting period. These estimates are based on information available as at the date of the financial statements and may differ from the actual results. As a result of continued market volatility since the start of the global financial crisis, the Fund may be exposed to increased risk, specifically due to the uncertainty regarding possible asset impairments and future developments on the market. The financial statements have been prepared based on the current best estimates using all relevant and available information as at the date of the financial statements. These financial statements are unconsolidated. All amounts are stated in thousands of Czech crowns (CZK), unless indicated otherwise. Explanation Added for Translation into English These financial statements are presented on the basis of accounting principles and standards generally accepted in the Czech Republic. Certain accounting practices applied by the Company that conform with generally accepted accounting principles and standards in the Czech Republic may not conform with generally accepted accounting principles in other countries. 3. Accounting Policies Transaction Recognition Date Purchases and sales of securities are recognised using trade date accounting provided that the period between the trade date and the 257 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report fulfilment of the commitment arising from the contract does not exceed a period typical for the relevant type of transaction. The transaction recognition date for derivative contracts is: a) the date upon which the related contract was entered into; b) the date when fulfilment was delivered based on the relevant contract. The transaction recognition date can also be the date when money in circulation is paid or received, the date when foreign currency is purchased or sold, the date when a payment is made, the date when ownership is acquired or terminated, when a receivable or payable arises, changes or ceases to exist, when assets move within an accounting entity, and the date when other matters to be included in the accounting records occur, or when the documents supporting these other matters are available, or when other matters are a consequence of internal conditions of the accounting entity and/ or special regulations. Securities In accordance with the Fund’s strategy, all securities are classified as securities at fair value through profit or loss. During the accounting period, securities are re-measured at fair value on a daily basis pursuant to the Finance Ministry Regulation No. 194/2011 Coll., on more detailed regulation of certain rules in collective investment (the “Decree”), as amended. The securities of the Fund are accounted for as securities at fair value through profit or loss. The fair value of the securities is determined in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards with an exception, that an average price between the most favourable binding offer and demand (MID price) is used for bonds. Pursuant to the Regulation, securities are valued at the price quoted on a public market which is adjusted, as appropriate, to reflect the rules set out in the Regulation. If the market value is unavailable, the Fund uses a value determined by the Company using valuation models based on discounted future cash flows according to the yield curve calculated using the Reuters and Kondor+ systems. Securities are measured at cost upon initial recognition using the weighted average method. The acquisition cost includes direct transaction costs related to the acquisition of securities. Realised capital gains or losses are recorded in the profit and loss account within ‘Profit or loss from financial operations’. Accrued interest relating to assets is included within the total balance of these assets. Receivables and Payables The Fund records receivables arising from its transactions with securities and other operating receivables at their nominal value, while receivables from positive fair values of derivatives are re- corded at the fair value of the derivatives at the balance sheet date. Pursuant to the prudence principle, provisions are created based on the aging of receivables. The Fund records payables arising from its transactions with securities and operating payables at their nominal value, while payables from negative fair values of derivatives are recorded at the fair value of the derivatives at the balance sheet date. Financial Derivatives and Hedging Transactions In the normal course of business, the Fund enters into hedging contracts with financial derivatives to hedge against interest rate and foreign currency exposures associated with its transactions on financial markets. The method of fair value hedges is applied to hedging derivatives. The Fund designates certain derivatives as hedges provided that the following criteria are met: – the Fund has developed a risk management strategy; – at the inception of the hedge, the hedging relationship is formally documented, the documentation identifies the hedged item and the hedging instrument, and it defines the risk that is being hedged and the approach to establishing whether the hedge is effective; and – the hedge is effective, that is, changes in the fair value or cash flows of the hedged item are almost fully offset by changes in the fair value or cash flows of the hedging instrument and the results are within a range of 80 percent to 125 percent. Nominal values of derivative financial instruments are recognised in the off-balance sheet accounts. Changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as hedges (see above) are recorded as income or expense. Changes in the fair value of the hedging derivatives attributable to the risk hedged are recognised in the same income or expense accounts as differences from revaluation of a hedged instrument. All financial derivatives are recorded as assets when the fair value is positive and as liabilities when the fair value is negative. Fair values are derived from valuation models. Derivatives that are not designated as hedging derivatives are treated as trading derivatives. These derivatives are measured at fair value on a daily basis and gains and losses on revaluation are posted to expense and income accounts. Certain derivatives are embedded in compound financial instruments, which comprise the host instrument and the derivative. Pursuant to the applicable regulations, the Fund recognises changes in assets and liabilities arising from the movements in rates or prices of securities or changes in exchange rates through expense and income accounts. Given that the assets of the Fund are valued at fair value and changes of fair values are reported within expenses and income from derivatives, embedded derivatives are not accounted for separately. 258 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Income Tax 4. Risk Management Under effective tax regulations, the income tax rate applicable to mutual funds is 5 percent. Credit Risk Deferred Tax Deferred tax is provided using the liability method on all temporary differences between the carrying amount of assets and liabilities reported in the balance sheet and their value for tax purposes. Deferred tax assets are recognised only up to the amount of probable future taxable income against which the deferred tax asset can be offset. Foreign Currency Translations Foreign currencies are translated using the exchange rate promulgated by the Czech National Bank as at the relevant date. As at the balance sheet date, assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated on the same basis. Foreign exchange rate gains and losses from the daily translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are posted to expense or income accounts. Capital Funds The selling price of participation certificates is calculated as a proportion of the Fund’s net assets and the relevant number of participation certificates. Participation certificates are sold to investors using the selling price determined on a daily basis. Share Premium Share premium is the difference between the nominal value of all participation certificates and their carrying amounts as at the date of their issue or purchase. Interest Income and Expense and Dividend Income Interest income and expense are recognised using the accrual principle. Dividend income is recognised as at the date when the right to receive the payment is established (ex-dividend date). Dividend income from domestic securities is presented after withholding tax. Dividend income from foreign securities is presented gross with the applicable taxes presented within taxes on foreign dividends (see note 5.16). Subsequent Events The impact of events that occurred between the balance sheet date and the date of the financial statements preparation is recognized in the financial statements provided these events provide additional evidence about conditions that existed at the date of the balance sheet. If material events reflecting the facts occurring after the balance sheet date happened between the balance sheet date and the date of the financial statements preparation the consequences of these events are disclosed in the notes to the financial statements but not recognized in the financial statements. In accordance with the Statute and the investment strategy, the Company establishes rules and policies for selecting investment instruments such that the overall credit risk profile of allocated investments is consistent with the characteristics of the Fund. New types of instruments are approved on a case by case basis by the risk management function together with the specification of limits for positions pertaining to these instruments. Specific emphasis is placed on an appropriate rating structure and a relatively detailed diversification of portfolios (especially in relation to interest bearing securities). Market Risk The Fund uses a wide range of tools to eliminate risk exposures attached to its portfolios. Significant attention is paid to market risks. Apart from statutory restrictions, the Fund is subject to a set of internal limits having a direct impact on the FX exposure, interest rate exposure (the modified duration range of the Fund), equity allocation on individual markets according to their volatility, portfolio rating structure (see above), and other characteristics of the Fund. The relevant limits are appropriately applied to correspond with the type of the Fund. Whenever the Fund purchases new types of instruments, these instruments are first analysed to assess the potential credit risk, as well as the market risk that the instruments might bring to or help eliminate from the portfolio. Subsequently, their appropriateness and, if appropriate, the acceptable proportion of these instruments in the portfolio is evaluated. The level of the Fund’s market risk exposure is measured using the Value at Risk (“VaR”). With effect from 1 August 2006, the VaR for the Company’s Funds is calculated by the Central Risk Management Department of Česká spořitelna using the historical simulation method in the K + KvaR system. Set out below are relative monthly values of the VaR in percentage terms for individual types of risks: Global VaR Currency VaR Interest rate VaR Equity VaR Global VaR Currency VaR Interest rate VaR Equity VaR 31 Dec 2013 Average VaR 0.95% 0.14% 0.01% 0.98% 1.38% 0.18% 0.04% 1.38% 31 Dec 2012 Average VaR 1.46% 0.26% 0.03% 1.61% 1.42% 0.27% 0.06% 1.47% 259 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report The average VaR is calculated as an average of daily VaR values in years 2013 and 2012 respectively. The Fund monitors Value at Risk globally and also broken down to Foreign Currency VaR, Interest Rate VaR and Equity VaR. Based on the above values, the Fund identifies critical risk segments. This identification influences the reinvestment process. The limits set the maximum acceptable VaR for the Fund. The Equity VaR also reflects the risk related to the holding of mutual funds’ participation certificates (including funds of money market and bond funds). Adherence to all the above limits and their effectiveness is monitored and assessed on an ongoing basis. The limits are reviewed, if necessary. The portfolio’s risk of unfavourable development of foreign exchange rates, interest rates, and other market factors is hedged, to an appropriate extent, by financial derivatives. Financial derivatives are traded on the OTC market as this market enables the trading of contracts whose parameters and nature appropriately satisfy the requirements of a hedge. Portfolios primarily include currency swaps, currency forwards and interest rate swaps. obligations arising from financial contracts. Liquidity is monitored and managed based on expected cash flows, with appropriate adjustments made to the structure of securities and term placements portfolios. Pursuant to the Act, the Company is obliged to repurchase a participation certificate without undue delay but not later than 15 business days from the date when the repurchase right is claimed. Given that the Fund holds securities traded on foreign stock exchanges which can be realised within a few days, the Fund’s inability to meet its obligations due to lack of liquidity is unlikely. Pursuant to Section 12 of the Collective Investment Act, the Company can suspend issues and purchases of the Fund’s participation certificates for a maximum of three months, if necessary due to the protection of rights or the participation certificate holders’ interests protected by law. Issuing and purchasing participation certificates can be suspended particularly at the end or beginning of the calendar year, in the event of natural disasters, upon very strong fluctuations on financial markets and upon high requirements for the sales or purchases of participation certificates provided they could endanger the Fund’s assets. The quantitative information about the residual maturity of assets and liabilities is given in Note 5.18. Liquidity Risk Another monitored risk is the liquidity risk. Liquidity risk is a risk that the Fund will not have enough available resources to meet its 5. Additional Information on the Financial Statements 5.1 Receivables from Banks Receivables from banks Current accounts Term deposits Margin accounts (compound margins incl.) Total 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 594,889 850,379 51,626 122,199 – 8,949 1,496,894 131,148 Balances on current accounts are repayable on demand. 5.2 Securities Individual types of securities by issuer, number of securities, their market value and interest rate are disclosed in the Portfolio attached to the annual report. All securities held by the Fund are publicly listed on the Prague Stock Exchange or foreign stock exchanges. Participation certificates which are not listed on stock exchanges are purchased and administered by the Company. Shares, participation certificates and other holdings 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Acquisition cost Market revaluation 3,521,254 135,525 853,609 48,050 Total 3,656,779 901,659 260 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Debt securities 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Acquisition cost Market revaluation Accrued interest income 84,870 (1,442) 291 129,877 3,000 936 Total 83,719 133,813 Of the aggregate volume of debt securities, debt securities maturing within one year accounted for 0 percent in 2013 (2012: 7.79 percent). Of the aggregate volume of debt securities, debt securities maturing within more than one year with a variable coupon accounted for 61.82 percent in 2013 (2012: 39.13 percent). Debt securities maturing within more than one year with a fixed coupon accounted for 38.18 percent in 2013 (2012: 53.08 percent). 5.3 Other Assets Other assets Financial derivatives – positive fair value Other receivables Other Total 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 9,543 367 2,106 3,520 549 645 12,016 4,714 The caption ‘Other’ represents mainly an estimated receivable for the return of a portion of the management fee for purchased participation certificates of Erste Bank der oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG Group’s fund. 5.4 Prepayments and Accrued Income Prepayments and accrued income 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Prepayments – audit fees – 11 Total – 11 5.5 Equity The Fund has no share capital. The nominal value of one participation certificate is CZK 1. The total nominal value of all participation certificates is posted to ‘Capital funds’. Share premium arising from the difference between the nominal and selling values of the participation certificates is recorded separately. The Fund accounts for share premium upon the sale of participation certificates as well as upon their repurchase. The selling price of the participation certificate is determined as the share of the Fund’s net assets and the number of issued participation certificates. The value of a participation certificate as at the last trading date in 2013 totalled CZK 1.1001 (2012: CZK 1.0695). This is the most recent announced value of the participation certificate for the year, for which purchases and repurchases of the participation certificates of the Fund were undertaken. This value minimally differs from the accounting value of the participation certificate at the balance sheet date due to additional recognition of some items within the financial statements. The profit for 2013 in the amount of CZK 86,433 thousand will be transferred to the reinvestment fund within ‘Other funds from profit’. The profit for 2012 in the amount of CZK 76,642 thousand was transferred to the reinvestment fund within ‘Other funds from profit’. 261 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.6 Changes in the Capital Fund Number of Nominal participation value of certificates participation certificates Balance at 31 Dec 2011 Participation certificates sold Participation certificates purchased Balance at 31 Dec 2012 Participation certificates sold Participation certificates purchased Balance at 31 Dec 2013 Use of the Total capital funds capital fund to cover losses 1,269,740,035 1,269,741 241,666,821 (418,022,466) 241,666 (418,022) (392,498) 877,243 1,093,348,390 1,093,385 (392,498) 700,887 4,007,346,065 (367,671,093) 4,007,346 (367,671) – – 4,007,346 (367,671) 4,733,059,362 4,733,060 (392,498) 4,340,562 241,666 (418,022) 5.7 Other Liabilities Other liabilities 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Negative fair values of financial derivatives Payables from participation certificate holders’ placements Payable to the state budget Other liabilities 33,217 4,037 377 3,029 76 971 57 426 Total 40,660 1,530 5.8 Accrued Expenses and Deferred Income Accrued expenses particularly consist of the unbilled custody fee of CZK 260 thousand related to December (2012: CZK 58 thousand), the unbilled management fee of CZK 1,543 thousand related to December (2012: CZK 331 thousand), and the unbilled fee for the local subregister administration of CZK 0 thousand related to December 2013 (2012: CZK 11 thousand) and the unbilled fee for NAV and participation certificate rate calculation of CZK 21 thousand related to December 2013 (2012: CZK 5 thousand). 5.9 Financial Derivatives Designated as Hedging Derivatives Nominal value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Assets Liabilities Assets Currency swaps – – 155,697 Liabilities 155,039 Total currency instruments – – 155,697 155,039 Open positions of derivatives posted to an off-balance sheet are converted to fair value daily as of 1 January 2011 (up to 31 August 2013 futures were converted monthly; as of 1 September 2013 they are converted on daily basis) and recorded in absolute values. Fair value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Positive Negative Positive Currency swaps – – 658 Negative – Total currency instruments – – 658 – All currency derivatives are due within one year. 262 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.10 Financial Derivatives Designated as Trading Derivatives Nominal value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Assets Liabilities Assets Liabilities Currency swaps Equity indices futures 1,562,424 88,793 1,586,171 88,720 86,987 47,947 85,036 48,282 Total 1,651,217 1,674,891 134,934 133,318 Open positions of derivatives posted to an off-balance sheet are converted to fair value daily as of 1 January 2011 (up to 31 August 2013 futures were converted monthly; as of 1 September 2013 they are converted on daily basis) and recorded in absolute values. Fair value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Positive Negative Positive Negative Currency swaps Equity indices futures 9,470 73 33,217 – 2,001 861 50 26 Total 9,543 33,217 2,862 76 2013 2012 All currency derivatives are due within one year. 5.11 Income from Shares and Interests Foreign dividends 2,509 379 Total received dividends 2,509 379 2013 2012 Interest on deposits at banks Interest on debt securities 966 3,037 409 3,877 Total 4,003 4,286 2013 2012 Management fees Custody fees Commissions and fees from securities trading Expenses of administration of the local sub-register Administration of securities Other fees and commissions 11,473 1,865 70 124 1,212 1,564 5,039 844 36 131 491 739 Total 16,308 7,280 5.12 Interest Income 5.13 Fees and Commissions In compliance with the Statute of the Fund, the management fee paid to the Company by the Fund amounts to 0.50 percent of the average annual net asset value since 1 May 2012 (up to 30 April 2012, the fee was 0.90 percent). Pursuant to the custody service contract entered into with Česká spořitelna, a. s., the Fund pays a fee equal to 0.06 percent of its average annual net asset value since 1 May 2012 (up to 30 April 2012, the fee was 0.11 percent). If participation certificates of another mutual fund managed by the Company are purchased and added to the Fund’s assets, the Fund’s aggregate net asset value reduced by the current value of investments in participation certificates of the other mutual fund managed by the Company is used as the basis for the calculation of the fixed part of the management fee. 263 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.14 Profit or Loss from Financial Operations Profit or loss from securities at fair value through profit or loss Profit or loss from fixed term transactions Profit or loss from FX differences Total 2013 2012 145,704 (54,254) 5,410 66,854 15,613 (2,907) 96,860 79,560 Profit or loss from securities at fair value through profit or loss primarily comprises the profit or loss from the realised sales of securities, from payable securities and from the daily valuation of securities at fair value. Profit or loss from derivatives includes profit or loss on the settlement of fixed term transactions with financial instruments and also the revaluation of open derivatives at fair value. Profit or loss from FX differences represents the value of realised FX profit or loss from foreign currency accounts and from the settlement of foreign currency receivables and payables and also gains or losses arising from the revaluation of assets, with the exception of securities, and liabilities in foreign currency at fair value. 5.15 Administrative Expenses 2013 2012 Audit 251 241 Total 251 241 2013 2012 5.16 Income Tax The principal income tax components are as follows: Tax payable – current year 376 57 Total income tax 376 57 Current income tax – analysis: 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Profit (Loss) before tax Items to add Deductible items Tax base Tax loss utilisation Tax base after deduction Tax (5%) on tax base Foreign dividends Tax on foreign dividends Total tax 86,809 23 (2,518) 84,314 (84,314) – – 2,509 376 76,699 6 (383) 76,322 (76,322) – – 379 57 376 57 Deferred tax As at 31 December 2013, the Fund determined a deferred tax asset of CZK 1,402 thousand arising from a tax loss. The deferred tax asset was not recorded on the basis that its recovery was uncertain. As at 31 December 2012, the Fund determined a deferred tax asset of CZK 8,330 thousand arising from a tax loss. The deferred tax asset was not recorded on the basis that its recovery was uncertain. 264 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.17 Related Party Transactions Related parties include Česká spořitelna, a. s. and Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. 2013 2012 Unbilled custody fee – Česká spořitelna Unbilled management fee – Investiční společnost Unbilled fee for administration of the local sub-register Unbilled fee for calculation of NAV Other payables to related parties 260 1,543 – 21 2,998 58 331 11 5 427 Total payables to related parties 4,822 832 The costs charged to the Fund by Česká spořitelna, a. s. amounted to CZK 4,836 thousand in 2013 (2012: CZK 2,241 thousand), of which the greatest portion was represented by the custody fee of CZK 1,865 thousand (2012: CZK 844 thousand). The costs charged by the Company amounted to CZK 11,473 thousand (2012: CZK 5,039 thousand), which is the annual management fee. 5.18 Liquidity The following tables show the residual maturity of assets and liabilities broken down by major classes of assets. Given that all securities are traded on public markets, sales can easily be undertaken within three months. 2013 Assets Less than 3 months 3 month – 1 year 1 – 5 years Over 5 years Not specified Total Receivables from banks Debt securities Shares and participation certificates Other assets Prepayments 1,496,894 – – 12,016 – – – – – – – 83,719 – – – – – – – – – – 3,656,779 – – 1,496,894 83,719 3,656,779 12,016 – Total assets 1,508,910 – 83,719 – 3,656,779 5,249,408 Other liabilities Net assets Available capital (42,078) 1,466,832 (5,206,923) (407) (407) – – 83,719 – – – – – 3,656,779 – (42,485) 5,206,923 (5,206,923) Difference (3,740,091) (407) 83,719 – 3,656,779 – Less than 3 months 3 month – 1 year 1 – 5 years Over 5 years Not specified Total Receivables from banks Debt securities Shares and participation certificates Other assets Prepayments 131,148 − − 4,711 − − 10,428 − − 11 − 123,385 − − − − − − − − − − 901,659 3 − 131,148 133,813 901,659 4,714 11 Total assets 135,859 10,439 123,385 − 901,662 171,345 Other liabilities Net assets Available capital (1,879) 133,980 (1,169,409) (57) 10,382 − − 123,385 − − − − − 901,662 − (1,936) 1,169,409 (1,169,409) Difference (1,035,429) 10,382 123,385 − 901,662 − Liabilities 2012 Assets Liabilities Liquidity risk, to which the Fund is exposed, is low as all assets are immediately convertible into cash before the expected purchases of participation certificates from participation certificate holders can be undertaken. 265 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.19 Off-balance Sheet Assets and Liabilities The Fund’s off-balance sheet accounts include receivables and payables from fixed term transactions and assets provided into custody and safekeeping. The item ‘Assets provided into custody, administration and safekeeping’ shows foreign and domestic securities administered by Česká spořitelna, a. s. (this item does not include participation certificates of open-ended mutual funds of the Company, which the Fund maintains in its portfolio). 5.20 Contingent Assets and Liabilities The Fund has no assets or liabilities that were not disclosed in the balance sheet or off-balance sheet accounts. 5.21 Subsequent Events No significant events occurred after the date of the financial statements, which would have a material impact on the Fund’s financial statements. 266 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., KONZERVATIVNÍ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Portfolio at 31 December 2013 The detail of the portfolio is not part of the fund’s final accounts. Figures are stated in CZK. ISIN Name of the security CZ0001003438 CZ0001002737 GOVERNMENT BOND VAR 07/23/17 GOVERNMENT BOND 3.4 09/01/15 Amount Market Price S & P 500 E-MINI CMEMAR14 FTSE 100 IDX FUTMAR14 DJ EURO STOXX 50 FUTURESMAR14 ISCS CS KORP. DLUHOPIS. OPF ISCS SPOROINVEST ISCS TOP STOCKS ISCS LIKVIDITNI FOND ISCS DLUHOPISOVY FOND ISCS SPOROTREND PICTET – USA INDEX – I USD ESPA CESKY FOND FIR. DLUH. (VT) ESPA CORPORATE BASKET 2016 ESPA CASH CORPORATE-PLUS-T XT EUROPA ESPA STOCK RUSSIA-T ESPA BOND EURO-CORPORATE (VT) ESPA STOCK ISTANBUL (T) EUR XT USA ESPA FIDUCIA (VT) CZK ESPA BOND EUROPE HIGH YIELD T ESPA BOND USA HIGH YIELD (T) EUR ESPA CESKY FOND ST. DLUHOPISU VT BLACKROCK STR EU ABSOLUTE RETURN MLIS-MARSHALL WAC TP U F-EUR BA PARVEST FLEXBOND EUR-CORP-I AXA ROSENBERG US EN INDX E-A ISHARES DJ EURO STOXX 50 INVESCO KOREAN EQUITY-C JPMORGAN F-TAIWAN FD-A USD JPMORGAN F-CHINA FUND-C USD DWS CONCEPT KALDEMORGEN-FC VANGUARD-JAPAN STK IND-USD INV AMUNDI-INDEX EQ EUROPE-IEC LBBW ROHSTOFFE 2 LS-I ABERDEEN GL-JAPANESE EQTY-I2 ALLIANCEBERNSTEIN SEL ABS ALPHA Foreign participation certificates Total (46,000.00) 337,166.67 83,427,500.00 291,166.67 10 8 62 1,831,242.70 2,204,214.23 852,369.00 18,312,427.00 17,633,713.80 52,846,878.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 88,793,018.80 0.00 141,261,625 513,124,609 32,867,730 210,637,995 63,558,993 4,464,684 1.40 1.88 1.74 1.02 1.04 1.12 197,102,345.36 962,108,641.88 57,032,085.10 215,461,605.09 66,393,724.09 4,995,534.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,503,093,936.45 0.00 11,000 889,658 244,500 108,113 1,420 36,000 63,900 1,250 4,550 520,247 40,800 12,200 2,918,054 26,000 6,000 40 113,000 410 18,000 20,000 19,500 6,000 12,400 1,670 3,500 1,050 12,000 3,161.55 118.48 116.66 3,371.08 36,332.91 181.28 4,688.03 7,633.75 36,217.03 129.04 3,749.27 4,393.76 144.57 3,410.57 3,256.17 1,211,770.61 443.44 857.44 526.00 306.17 612.54 3,279.76 3,442.68 38,077.14 3,115.75 14,777.08 490.08 34,777,099.28 105,406,679.84 28,523,370.00 364,457,680.15 51,592,738.24 6,526,053.00 299,565,085.05 9,542,185.94 164,787,472.85 67,132,672.88 152,970,287.40 53,603,862.85 421,863,066.78 88,674,898.00 19,537,021.50 48,470,824.33 50,108,410.38 351,551.48 9,467,952.48 6,123,373.20 11,944,457.07 19,678,534.50 42,689,239.10 63,588,830.90 10,905,139.88 15,515,930.10 5,881,017.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,153,685,434.18 3,740,206,870.63 0.00 291,166.67 Local participation certificates - ISČS LU0188798671 AT0000659024 AT0000A0MRW3 AT0000676846 AT0000697065 AT0000A05SA6 AT0000658968 AT0000704341 AT0000697081 AT0000674692 AT0000805684 AT0000637491 AT0000633771 LU0411704413 LU0333226826 LU0099626896 IE0033609615 IE0008471009 IE0003713199 LU0117843481 LU0129472758 LU0599947271 IE0007292083 LU0389811539 DE000A0X97E0 LU0231474593 LU0736560011 51,800,000.00 31,627,500.00 10,360.00 10,542.50 Futures CZ0008472230 CZ0008472271 CZ0008472404 CZ0008473188 CZ0008473659 CZ0008472289 Accrued Interest 5,000 3,000 Local government bonds after 1 January 1998 ESMAR14 FTSEMAR14 DJ50MAR14 Market Price Total 267 Independent Auditor’s Report to the Participation certificate holders of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., VYVÁŽENÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., VYVÁŽENÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December 2013, and the income statement and statement of changes in equity for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. For details of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., VYVÁŽENÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, see Note 1 to the financial statements. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Act on Auditors and International Standards on Auditing as amended by implementation guidance of the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including an assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., VYVÁŽENÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, as at 31 December 2013, and its financial performance for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic. 31 March 2014 Prague, Czech Republic Ernst & Young Audit, s.r.o. License No. 401 Represented by partner Roman Hauptfleisch Auditor, Licence no. 2009 A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited, Ernst & Young Audit, s. r. o. with its registred office at Na Florenci 2116/15, 110 00 Prague 1 – Nové Město, has been incorporated in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, entry No. 88504, under Identification No. 26704153. 268 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., VYVÁŽENÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Balance Sheet at 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) Line Current Previous 1 2 5 6 10 11 12 13 15 16 19 21 173,577 139,524 12,791 21,262 19,974 19,974 0 1,661,578 7,386 6,421 965 0 150,585 131,268 19,317 0 280,833 227,372 53,461 1,142,473 9,766 9,028 738 12 22 1,862,515 1,583,669 29 30 32 33 34 39 40 41 46 47 18,745 17,415 117 1,213 1,345 310,604 485,490 928,000 6,243 112,088 1,054 543 68 443 1,183 272,770 309,734 816,929 6,243 175,756 Total Liabilities 48 1,862,515 1,583,669 of which: Equity 49 1,842,425 1,581,432 3 Receivables from banks and credit unions of which: a/ on demand: aa/ current accounts ad/ margin accounts ae/ collaterals 5 Debt securities of which: a/ issued by the government b/ issued by other entities 6 Shares, unit certificates and other participation interests 11 Other assets a/ derivatives d/ other assets 13 Prepayments and accrued income Total Assets 4 Other liabilities a/ derivatives c/ liabilities from taxes d/ other liabilities 5 Deferred income and accrued expenses 9 Share premium 10 Reserve funds and other funds from profit 12 Capital funds 14 Retained earnings or accumulated losses from previous periods 15 Profit or loss for the accounting period 269 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., VYVÁŽENÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Off Balance Sheet Accounts at 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 4 Amounts due from fixed term transactions b/ with currency instruments c/ with equity instruments 6 Receivables written off 7 Assets provided into custody, administration and safekeeping of which: securities 12 Amounts owed from fixed term transactions b/ with currency instruments c/ with equity instruments Line Current Previous 52 54 55 58 60 61 64 66 67 902,133 850,771 51,362 6,271 1,240,649 1,240,649 913,127 861,804 51,323 564,953 523,689 41,264 6,225 1,062,330 1,062,330 556,883 515,458 41,425 270 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., VYVÁŽENÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 1 Interest income and similar income of which: a/ interest income from bonds d/ interest income from collaterals 3 Income from shares and unit certificates 5 Commission and fee expenses a/ fees and commissions from securities trading b/ management fee c/ custody fee d/ other financial expenses 6 Profit or loss on financial operations a/ profit or loss on transactions with securities b/ profit or loss on foreign exchange transactions c/ profit or loss on fixed term transactions and options 9 Administrative expenses of which: b/ other administrative expenses: ba/ audit 12 Release of provisions and bad debt allowances to receivables and guarantees, income from receivables written off Depreciation, creation and utilizing of provisions and bad debt allowances to 13 receivables and guarantees 19 Ordinary profit or loss for the accounting period before tax 23 Income tax 24 Profit or loss for the accounting period after tax Line Current Previous 1 2 5 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 8,024 7,155 5 780 16,812 49 13,007 1,857 1,899 120,442 144,157 4,283 (27,998) 221 221 10,727 9,128 0 446 18,337 40 14,543 1,823 1,931 183,366 152,169 (515) 31,712 246 246 24 142 8 25 26 30 31 150 112,205 117 112,088 141 175,823 67 175,756 271 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., VYVÁŽENÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 1 Share premium opening balance issued unit certificates repurchase of unit certificates other changes closing balance 2 Retained earnings opening balance transfers to funds other changes closing balance 3 Capital funds opening balance issued unit certificates repurchase of unit certificates transfers to funds other changes closing balance 4 Gains or losses from revaluation opening balance foreign exchange rate differences and gains or losses from revaluation not included in profit (loss) closing balance 5 Retained earnings or accumulated losses from previous periods opening balance other changes closing balance 6 Profit (loss) for the current period after taxes opening balance profit (loss) transfers to funds, dividends closing balance 7 Total Line Current Previous 272,770 105,986 (68,152) 0 310,604 331,152 23,845 (82,227) 0 272,770 309,734 175,756 0 485,490 403,033 0 (93,299) 309,734 816,929 326,799 (215,728) 0 0 928,000 1,088,735 109,717 (381,523) 0 0 816,929 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,243 0 6,243 6,243 0 6,243 175,756 112,088 (175,756) 112,088 (93,299) 175,756 93,299 175,756 1,842,425 1,581,432 272 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., VYVÁŽENÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Notes to the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2013 1. Organisation and Description of Business Formation and Description of the Business Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., VYVÁŽENÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, hereinafter the “Fund” (from 26 March 2002 to 1 May 2005 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Sporomix 3 – otevřený podílový fond and to 25 March 2002 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. – 2. otevřený podílový fond) was established upon the transformation of 2. spořitelní privatizační investiční fond, a. s. based on Resolution of the Securities Commission ref. No. 211/981/R/2000 dated 25 February 2000. Principal Business The Company collects funds from individuals and legal entities for the Fund by issuing participation certificates with the purpose of their collective investment on local and foreign financial markets. No restrictions are placed on the number of participation certificates for issue and the period for which the Fund is established. The Company reserves the right to temporary halt the issuing of participation certificates for no longer than three months in compliance with the Act. The participation certificates of the Fund are available both in the Czech Republic and in other EU member countries. Investment Policy of the Fund Pursuant to a concluded contract, Česká spořitelna, a. s. acts as the depository of the Fund. The Fund is managed by Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. (hereinafter the “Company”). In compliance with the Collective Investment Act No. 189/2004 Coll. (hereinafter the “Act”), the Company is responsible for the management of the assets of the Fund, which involves the administration and handling of the assets. The Fund is a standard fund in compliance with the Act and meets the requirements of EU legislation. According to the classification binding for the members of the Capital Market Association (hereinafter the “AKAT CR”) as at the date of the approval of this Statute, the Fund can be defined as the fund of the funds. On 7 August 2009, following the Company’s request, the Czech National Bank resolved to merge the Fund with the open-ended mutual fund Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., ČS Balancovaný – otevřený podílový fond, under Section 101 (2) of the Act. The Fund is a receiving fund and the Statute of the receiving Fund remains unchanged. With the Czech National Bank resolution becoming effective on 7 August 2009, the merging fund ceased to exist on 9 November 2009 (the merger date). Registered Office Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. VYVÁŽENÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond Prague 6, Evropská 2690/17 The objective of the investment policy is to provide participation certificate holder with a long-term appreciation of participation certificates primarily through investments in securities of money market funds and collective investment bond and equity funds. Credit and interest rate risks are actively managed. The equity component’s share in the Fund’s portfolio is actively managed. The neutral weight of the equity component’s share in the Fund’s assets amounts to 30 percent. Finances collected in the Fund are invested predominantly in securities of collective investment funds if such collective investment funds distribute the risk connected to investments and meet other obligations as set by the Act. The Fund’s portfolio can be expanded by purchasing shares, bonds and other investment instruments allowed by the Act for collective investment of a standard fund. The limits of the Fund are adhered to on the basis of the Act, or they are regulated in the Fund’s Statute in compliance with the Act. The Fund uses financial derivatives to hedge against currency and interest rate exposures. The Company can use financial derivatives to effectively manage the Fund’s assets. Efficient asset management represents transactions for the purpose of decreasing risk, decreasing costs or achieving sufficient income for the Fund provided that the risk is demonstrably low. The exposure from these transactions must be fully covered by the Fund’s assets so that liabilities arising from these transactions are fulfilled. The Company can accept loans and borrowings for the maximum of six months when managing the Fund’s assets, to cover temporary needs related to the management of the Fund’s assets or 273 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., VYVÁŽENÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report purchases of participation certificates. The volume of the received loans and borrowings must not exceed 10 percent of the value of the Fund’s assets. Change in the Fund’s Statute Czech National Bank Resolution No. 2012/4589/570, dated 18 May 2012, which came into force on 5 June 2012: The changes to the Funds statute related mainly to the duty of the asset investment company to ensure that its statute is in accordance with the amendment to Act 189/2004 Coll., on collective investments (as ensuing from the changes made by Act 188/2011 Coll.) and Decree No. 193/2011 Coll., on the minimum requisites of the statute and on the conditions for the use of the name Short-Term Money Market Fund and Money Market Fund. Investment objectives, the method of investing and the risk profile of the Fund have not been changed in the amendments referred to above. Along with the change made to the statute, information was updated as to the list of funds managed by the Company (Article II Paragraph 8 of the statute), in particular information on the managing parties of the asset management company (Appendix 1 to the statute), information added on the performance of the mutual fund for 2011 (Appendix 2 to the statute), information updated on the total cost indicators for 2011, and the date on which the statute being signed was updated. On the date the changes to the statute came into force the simple statute of the Fund was replaced by a newly processed document providing required key information for investors. Such key information for investors was processed in accordance with Commission (EU) Regulation No. 583/2012. As at 1 February 2013, information on Fund`s 2012 performance was published within the document Key investors information. (According to the article 23, section 3 of Council Regulation (EC) no. 583/2010, the performance must be updated within the Key investors information up to 35 days after the previous calendar year end.) The updated text of the Funds statute was approved by the Investment company`s board of directors as at 10 April 2013. The changes in the statute text related to an update of the list of managed funds, update of the information on the length of professional experience of Investment company management, addition of information on Fund’s performance and the Fund`s benchmark`s performance, an update of information on total expense ratio for 2012 and update of the date of the signature. These updates were not subject to preliminary approval from Czech national bank (according to the section 84 (a), subsection 5 of 189/2004 Coll. Act on collective investment. The shareholders could access the updated text of the Statute and Key investors information as of 10 April 2013 on, at the distributor’s branches (Ceska sporitelna, a. s.) and at the Investment company seat. Legislative change Act No 240/2013 Coll., Act on Management Companies and Investment Funds became effective as of 19 August 2013. Rules stated by this act must be implemented by management companies and investment funds by 22 July 2014. In 2013, the Fund`s management was subject to the rules of the Act No. 189/2004 Coll., On collective investment schemes. The new rules will be applied as of 2014. 2. Basis of Preparation The financial statements have been prepared on the basis of underlying accounting records maintained in accordance with Accounting Act No. 563/1991 Coll., and applicable regulations, decrees and internal standards in compliance with and in the scope defined in Czech Finance Ministry Regulation No. 501/2002 of 6 November 2002, as subsequently amended, which sets out the overall framework for the presentation of the financial statements, and guidelines for the structure and minimum requirements for the content of the financial statements of banks and certain financial institutions, and Czech Accounting Standards for Financial Institutions, which establish the accounting principles and policies. The basis of preparation and the accounting policies have been consistently applied during both 2013 and 2012. The Fund is obliged to comply with the regulatory requirements of the Act. The financial statements are presented in compliance with general accounting principles, specifically the accrual principle, the prudence concept and the going concern assumption. The financial statements contain the balance sheet, profit and loss account, statement of changes in equity, and notes to the financial statements. The presentation of the financial statements requires that the Company make estimates which have an impact on the reported amounts of assets and liabilities as at the date of the financial statements as well as expenses and income in the relevant accounting period. These estimates are based on information available as at the date of the financial statements and may differ from the actual results. As a result of continued market volatility since the start of the global financial crisis, the Fund may be exposed to increased risk, specifically due to the uncertainty regarding possible asset impairments and future developments on the market. The financial statements have been prepared based on the current best estimates using all relevant and available information as at the date of the financial statements. These financial statements are unconsolidated. 274 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., VYVÁŽENÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report All amounts are stated in thousands of Czech crowns (CZK), unless indicated otherwise. Explanation Added for Translation into English These financial statements are presented on the basis of accounting principles and standards generally accepted in the Czech Republic. Certain accounting practices applied by the Company that conform with generally accepted accounting principles and standards in the Czech Republic may not conform with generally accepted accounting principles in other countries. 3. Accounting Policies Transaction Recognition Date Purchases and sales of securities are recognised using trade date accounting provided that the period between the trade date and the fulfilment of the commitment arising from the contract does not exceed a period typical for the relevant type of transaction. The transaction recognition date for derivative contracts is: a) The date upon which the related contract was entered into; b) The date when the fulfilment was delivered based on the relevant contract. The transaction recognition date can also be the date when money in circulation is paid or received, the date when foreign currency is purchased or sold, the date when a payment is made, the date when ownership is acquired or terminated, when a receivable or payable arises, changes or ceases to exist, when assets move within an accounting entity, and the date when other matters to be included in the accounting records occur, or when the documents supporting these other matters are available, or when other matters are a consequence of internal conditions of the accounting entity and/ or special regulations. Securities and investment certificates In accordance with the Fund’s strategy, all securities are classified as ‘securities at fair value through profit or loss. During the accounting period, securities are re-measured at fair value on a daily basis pursuant to the Finance Ministry Regulation No. 194/2011 Coll., on more detailed regulation of certain rules in collective investment (the “Decree”), as amended. The securities of the Fund are accounted for as securities at fair value through profit or loss. The fair value of the securities is determined in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards with an exception, that an average price between the most favourable binding offer and demand (MID price) is used for bonds. The securities of the Fund are accounted for as securities at fair value through profit or loss. Pursuant to the Regulation, securities are valued at the price quoted on a public market which is adjusted, as appropriate, to reflect the rules set out in the Regulation. If the market value is unavailable, the Fund uses a value determined by the Company using valuation models based on discounted future cash flows according to the yield curve calculated using the Reuters and Kondor+ systems. Securities (including certificates) are measured at cost upon initial recognition using the weighted average method. The acquisition cost includes direct transaction costs related to the acquisition of securities. Realised capital gains or losses are recorded in the profit and loss account within ‘Profit or loss from financial operations’. Accrued interest relating to assets is included within the total balance of these assets. Receivables and Payables The Fund records receivables arising from its transactions with securities and other operating receivables at their nominal value, while receivables from positive fair values of derivatives are recorded at the fair value of the derivatives at the balance sheet date. Pursuant to the prudence principle, provisions are created based on the aging of receivables. The Fund records payables arising from its transactions with securities and operating payables at their nominal value, while payables from negative fair values of derivatives are recorded at the fair value of the derivatives at the balance sheet date. Financial Derivatives and Hedging Transactions In the normal course of business, the Fund enters into hedging contracts with financial derivatives to hedge against interest rate and foreign currency exposures associated with its transactions on financial markets. The method of fair value hedges is applied to hedging derivatives. The Fund designates certain derivatives as hedges provided that the following criteria are met: – the Fund has developed a risk management strategy; – at the inception of the hedge, the hedging relationship is formally documented, the documentation identifies the hedged item and the hedging instrument, and it defines the risk that is being hedged and the approach to establishing whether the hedge is effective; and – the hedge is effective, that is, changes in the fair value or cash flows of the hedged item are almost fully offset by changes in the fair value or cash flows of the hedging instrument and the results are within a range of 80 percent to 125 percent. Nominal values of derivative financial instruments are recognised in the off-balance sheet accounts. Changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as hedges (see above) are recorded as income or expense. Changes in the fair value of the hedging derivatives attributable to the risk hedged are recognised 275 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., VYVÁŽENÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report in the same income or expense accounts as differences from revaluation of a hedged instrument. All financial derivatives are recorded as assets when the fair value is positive and as liabilities when the fair value is negative. Fair values are derived from valuation models. Derivatives that are not designated as hedging derivatives are treated as trading derivatives. These derivatives are measured at fair value on a daily basis and gains and losses on revaluation are posted to derivative expense and income accounts. Certain derivatives are embedded in compound financial instruments, which comprise the host instrument and the derivative. Pursuant to the applicable regulations, the Fund recognises changes in assets and liabilities arising from the movements in rates or prices of securities or changes in exchange rates through expense and income accounts. Given that the assets of the Fund are valued at fair value and changes of fair values are reported within expenses and income from derivatives, embedded derivatives are not accounted for separately. Income Tax Under effective tax regulations, the income tax rate applicable to mutual funds is 5 percent. Deferred Tax Deferred tax is provided using the liability method on all temporary differences between the carrying amount of assets and liabilities reported in the balance sheet and their value for tax purposes. Deferred tax assets are recognised only up to the amount of probable future taxable income against which the deferred tax asset can be offset. Foreign Currency Translations Foreign currencies are translated using the exchange rate promulgated by the Czech National Bank as at the relevant date. As at the balance sheet date, assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated on the same basis. Foreign exchange rate gains and losses from the daily translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are posted to expense or income accounts. Capital Funds The selling price of participation certificates is calculated as a proportion of the Fund’s net assets and the relevant number of participation certificates. Participation certificates are sold to qualified investors using the selling price determined on a daily basis. Share Premium Share premium is the difference between the nominal value of all participation certificates and their carrying amounts as at the date of their issue or purchase. Interest Income and Expense and Dividend Income Interest income and expense are recognised using the accrual principle. Dividend income is recognised as at the date when the right to receive the payment is established (ex-dividend date). Dividend income from domestic securities is presented after withholding tax. Dividend income from foreign securities is presented gross with the applicable taxes presented within taxes on foreign dividends (see note 5.16). Subsequent Events The impact of events that occurred between the balance sheet date and the date of the financial statements preparation is recognized in the financial statements provided these events provide additional evidence about conditions that existed at the date of the balance sheet. If material events reflecting the facts occurring after the balance sheet date happened between the balance sheet date and the date of the financial statements preparation the consequences of these events are disclosed in the notes to the financial statements but not recognized in the financial statements. 4. Risk Management Credit Risk In accordance with the Statute and the investment strategy, the Company establishes rules and policies for selecting investment instruments such that the overall credit risk profile of allocated investments is consistent with the characteristics of the Fund. New types of instruments are approved on a case by case basis by the risk management function together with the specification of limits for positions pertaining to these instruments. Specific emphasis is placed on an appropriate rating structure and a relatively detailed diversification of portfolios (especially in relation to interest bearing securities). Market Risk The Fund uses a wide range of tools to eliminate risk exposures attached to its portfolios. Significant attention is paid to market risks. Apart from statutory restrictions, the Fund is subject to a set of internal limits having a direct impact on the FX exposure, interest rate exposure (the modified duration range of the Fund), equity allocation on individual markets according to their volatility, portfolio rating structure (see above), and other characteristics of the Fund. The relevant limits are appropriately applied to correspond with the type of the Fund. Whenever the Fund purchases new types of instruments, these instruments are first analysed to assess the potential credit risk, as well as the market risk that the instruments might bring to or help 276 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., VYVÁŽENÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report eliminate from the portfolio. Subsequently, their appropriateness and, if appropriate, the acceptable proportion of these instruments in the portfolio is evaluated. Adherence to all the above limits and their effectiveness is monitored and assessed on an ongoing basis. The limits are reviewed, if necessary. The level of the Fund’s market risk exposure is measured using the Value at Risk (“VaR”). With effect from 1 August 2006, the VaR for the Company’s Funds is calculated by the Central Risk Management Department of Česká spořitelna using the historical simulation method in the K + KvaR system. The portfolio’s risk of unfavourable development of foreign exchange rates, interest rates, and other market factors is hedged, to an appropriate extent, by financial derivatives. Financial derivatives are traded on the OTC market as this market enables the trading of contracts whose parameters and nature appropriately satisfy the requirements of a hedge. Portfolios primarily include currency swaps, currency forwards and interest rate swaps. Set out below are relative monthly values of the VaR in percentage terms for individual types of risks: Liquidity Risk 31 Dec 2013 Average VaR 2.91% 0.27% 0.02% 2.75% 3.11% 0.37% 0.25% 3.15% 31 Dec 2012 Average VaR 3.37% 0.27% 0.22% 3.33% 3.30% 0.36% 0.31% 3.22% Global VaR Foreign currency VaR Interest rate VaR Equity VaR Global VaR Foreign currency VaR Interest rate VaR Equity VaR The average VaR is calculated as average of daily VaR values in years 2013 and 2012 respectively. The Fund monitors Value at Risk globally and also broken down to Foreign Currency VaR, Interest Rate VaR and Equity VaR. Based on the above values, the Fund identifies critical risk segments. This identification influences the reinvestment process. The limits set the maximum acceptable VaR for the Fund. The Equity VaR also reflects the risk related to the holding of mutual funds’ participation certificates (including funds of money market and bond funds). Another monitored risk is the liquidity risk. Liquidity risk is a risk that the Fund will not have enough available resources to meet its obligations arising from financial contracts. Liquidity is monitored and managed based on expected cash flows, with appropriate adjustments made to the structure of securities and term placements portfolios. Pursuant to the Act, the Company is obliged to repurchase a participation certificate without undue delay but not later than 15 business days from the date when the repurchase right is claimed. Given that the Fund holds securities traded on foreign stock exchanges which can be realised within a few days, the Fund’s inability to meet its obligations due to lack of liquidity is unlikely. Pursuant to Section 12 of the Collective Investment Act, the Company can suspend issues and purchases of the Fund’s participation certificates for a maximum of three months, if necessary due to the protection of rights or the participation certificate holder’ interests protected by law. Issuing and purchasing participation certificates can be suspended particularly at the end or beginning of the calendar year, in the event of natural disasters, upon very strong fluctuations on financial markets and upon high requirements for the sales or purchases of participation certificates provided they could endanger the Fund’s assets. The quantitative information about the residual maturity of assets and liabilities is given in Note 5.20. 5. Additional Information on the Financial Statements 5.1 Receivables From Banks Receivables from banks 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Current accounts Margin accounts Deposited margins 139,524 12,791 21,262 131,268 19,317 – Total 173,577 150,585 Balances on current accounts are repayable on demand. 277 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., VYVÁŽENÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.2 Securities Individual types of securities by issuer, number of securities, their market value and interest rate are disclosed in the Portfolio attached to the annual report. All securities held by the Fund are publicly listed on the Prague Stock Exchange or foreign stock exchanges. Participation certificates which are not listed on stock exchanges are purchased and administered by the Company. Debt securities 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Acquisition cost Market revaluation Accrued interest income 18,829 862 283 254,108 24,048 2,677 Total 19,974 280,833 Shares, participation certificates and other holdings 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Acquisition cost Market revaluation 1,532,576 129,002 1,042,470 100,003 Total 1,661,578 1,142,473 Of the aggregate volume of debt securities, debt securities maturing within one year accounted for 0 percent in 2013 (2012: 20.16 percent). Of the aggregate volume of debt securities, debt securities maturing within more than one year with a variable coupon accounted for 0 percent in 2013 (2012: 0 percent). Debt securities maturing within more than one year with a fixed coupon accounted for 100 percent in 2013 (2012: 79.84 percent). 5.3 Other Assets Individual investment certificates by issuer, number of investment certificates and their market value are disclosed in the Portfolio attached to the annual report. Other assets Positive fair values of financial derivatives Other receivables Other Provisions against receivables Total 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 6,421 1,198 965 (1,198) 9,028 1,362 699 (1,323) 7,386 9,766 ‘Other receivables’ relate mainly to receivables arising from dividends. The caption ‘Other’ represents an estimated receivable for the return of a portion of the management fee for purchased participation certificates of Ertste’s fund in the amount of CZK 965 thousand (2012: CZK 699 thousand). 5.4 Prepayments and Accrued Income Prepayments and accrued income Prepayments – audit fees Total 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 – – 12 12 5.5 Equity The Fund has no share capital. The nominal value of one participation certificate is CZK 1. The total nominal value of all participation certificates is posted to ‘Capital funds’. Share premium arising from the difference between the nominal and selling values of the participation certificates is recorded separately. The Fund accounts for share premium upon the sale of participation certificates as well as upon their repurchase. The selling price of the participation certificate is determined as the share of the Fund’s net assets and the number of issued participation certificates. 278 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., VYVÁŽENÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report The value of a participation certificate as at the last trading date in 2013 totalled CZK 1.3614 (2012: CZK 1.2731). This is the most recent announced value of the participation certificate for the year, for which purchases and repurchases of the participation certificates of the Fund were undertaken. As at 31 December 2013 this value minimally differed from the accounting value of the participation certificate at the balance sheet date due to additional recognition of some items within the financial statements. The profit for 2013 in the amount of CZK 112,088 thousand will be transferred to the reinvestment fund within ‘Other funds from profit’. The profit for 2012 in the amount of CZK 175,756 thousand was transferred to the reinvestment fund within ‘Other funds from profit’. 5.6 Changes in the Capital Fund Contribution Number of Nominal participation value of upon the Fund certificates participation transformation certificates Balance at 31 Dec 2011 Participation certificates sold Participation certificates purchased Balance at 31 Dec 2012 Participation certificates sold Participation certificates purchased Balance at 31 Dec 2013 Use of fund Total capital to cover funds losses 1,514,027,100 1,514,028 651,800 (1,077,093) 1,088,735 109,717,293 (381,523,030) 109,717 (381,523) – – – – 109,717 (381,523) 1,242,221,363 1,242,222 651,800 (1,077,093) 816,929 326,798,395 (215,727,785) 326,799 (215,728) – – – – 326,799 (215,728) 1,353,291,973 1,353,293 651,800 (1,077,093) 928,000 5.7 Other Liabilities Other liabilities 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Negative fair values of financial derivatives State budget settlement Payables to participation certificate holder Other liabilities 17,415 117 552 661 543 68 189 254 Total 18,745 1,054 5.8 Accrued Expenses and Deferred Income Accrued expenses consist of the unbilled custody fee of CZK 169 thousand related to December 2013 (2012: CZK 145 thousand), the unbilled management fee of CZK 1,168 thousand related to December 2013 (2012: CZK 1,017 thousand) and the unbilled fee for calculation of net assets value and participation certificate rate of CZK 8 thousand (2012: CZK 7 thousand). 5.9 Financial Derivatives Designated as Hedging Derivatives Nominal value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Assets Liabilities Assets Currency swaps 110,033 116,829 49,007 Liabilities 48,892 Total 110,033 116,829 49,007 48,892 Open positions of derivatives posted to an off-balance sheet are converted to fair value daily as of 1 January 2011 (up to 31 August 2013 futures were converted monthly; as of 1 September 2013 they are converted on daily basis) and recorded in absolute values. Fair value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Positive Negative Positive Currency swaps – 6,796 115 Negative – Total – 6,796 115 – Currency derivatives are due within one year. 279 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., VYVÁŽENÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.10 Financial Derivatives Designated as Trading Derivatives Nominal value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Assets Liabilities Assets Liabilities Currency swaps Currency forwards Equity indices futures 712,903 27,835 51,362 717,345 27,630 51,323 474,682 – 41,264 466,566 – 41,425 Total 792,100 796,298 515,946 507,991 Open positions of derivatives posted to an off-balance sheet are converted to fair value daily as of 1 January 2011 (up to 31 August 2013 futures were converted monthly; as of 1 September 2013 they are converted on daily basis) and recorded in absolute values. Fair value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Positive Negative Positive Negative Currency swaps Currency forwards Equity indices futures 6,177 205 39 10,619 – – 8,569 – 344 453 – 90 Total 6,421 10,619 8,913 543 2013 2012 Interest on deposits Interest on debt securities Interest from deposited margins 864 7,155 5 1,599 9,128 – Total 8,024 10,727 2013 2012 Currency derivatives are due within one year. Equity derivatives are due within one year. 5.11 Interest Income 5.12 Income from Shares and Interests Foreign dividends 780 446 Total 780 446 2013 2012 Management fees Custody fees Commissions and fees from securities trading Fees – central depository Expanses of administration of the local sub-register – ČS Administration of securities Other fees and commissions 13,007 1,857 49 4 153 1,111 631 14,543 1,823 40 5 164 1,094 668 Total 16,812 18,337 5.13 Fees and Commissions In compliance with the Statute of the Fund, the management fee paid to the Company by the Fund amounts to 1.00 percent of the average annual net asset value. Pursuant to the custody service contract entered into with Česká spořitelna, a. s., the Fund pays a fee equal to 0.11 percent of its average annual net asset value. 280 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., VYVÁŽENÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report If participation certificates of another mutual fund managed by the Company are purchased and added to the Fund’s assets, the Fund’s aggregate net asset value reduced by the current value of investments in participation certificates of the other mutual fund managed by the Company is used as the basis for the calculation of the fixed part of the management fee. 5.14 Profit or Loss from Financial Operations 2013 2012 Profit or loss from securities at fair value through profit or loss Profit or loss from fixed term transactions Profit or loss from FX differences 144,157 (27,998) 4,283 152,169 31,712 (515) Total 120,442 183,366 Profit or loss from securities at fair value through profit or loss primarily comprises the profit or loss from the realised sales of securities, from payable securities and from the daily valuation of securities at fair value. Profit or loss from derivatives includes profit or loss on the settlement of fixed term transactions with financial instruments and also the revaluation of open derivatives at fair value. Profit or loss from FX differences represents the value of realised FX profit or loss from foreign currency accounts and from the settlement of foreign currency receivables and payables and also gains or losses arising from the revaluation of assets, with the exception of securities, and liabilities in foreign currency at fair value. 5.15 Administrative Expenses 2013 2012 Audit 221 246 Total 221 246 2013 2012 5.16 Income Tax The principal income tax components are as follows: Tax payable – current year 117 67 Total income tax 117 67 Current income tax – analysis: 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Profit (Loss) before tax Items to add Deductible items Tax base Tax loss utilisation Adjusted tax base Tax (5%) on tax base Foreign dividends Tax on foreign dividends Additional tax payments Total tax 112,205 153 (921) 111,437 (111,437) – – 779 117 – 175,823 142 (454) 175,511 (175,511) – – 446 67 – 117 67 As at 31 December 2013, the Fund determined a deferred tax asset of CZK 5,092 thousand arising from a tax loss and provisions against receivables. The deferred tax asset was not recorded on the basis that its recovery was uncertain. As at 31 December 2012, the Fund determined a deferred tax asset of CZK 18,073 thousand arising from a tax loss and provisions against receivables. The deferred tax asset was not recorded on the basis that its recovery was uncertain. 281 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., VYVÁŽENÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.17 Release of Provisions against Receivables Decrease in provision – partial collection 2013 2012 142 8 2013 2012 150 141 5.18 Write-off and Creation of Provisions against Receivables Write-off and creation of provisions against receivables 5.19 Related Party Transactions Related parties include Česká spořitelna, a. s. and Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Unbilled custody fee – Česká spořitelna Unbilled management fee – Investiční společnost Unbilled fee for administration of the local sub-register Other payables to related parties 169 1,168 – 668 145 1,017 14 261 Total payables to related parties 2,005 1,437 The costs charged to the Fund by Česká spořitelna, a. s. amounted to CZK 3,804 thousand in 2013 (2012: CZK 3,794 thousand), of which the greatest portion was represented by the custody fee of CZK 1,857 thousand (2012: CZK 1,823 thousand). The costs charged by the Company amounted to CZK 13,007 thousand (2012: CZK 14,543 thousand). 5.20 Liquidity The following tables show the residual maturity of assets and liabilities broken down by major classes of assets. Given that all securities are traded on public markets, sales can be easily be undertaken within three months. 2013 Assets Less than 3 months 3 month – 1 year 1 – 5 years Over 5 years Not specified Total Receivables from banks Debt securities Shares and participation certificates Derivatives Other assets Prepayments 173,577 – – 6,421 965 – – – – – – – – 19,974 – – – – – – – – – – – – 1,661,578 – – – 173,577 19,974 1,661,578 6,421 965 – Total assets 180,963 – 19,974 – 1,661,578 1,862,515 Other liabilities Net assets Available capital (19,973) 160,990 (1,842,425) (117) (117) – – 19,974 – – – – – 1,661,578 – (20,090) 1,842,425 (1,842,425) Difference (1,681,435) (117) 19,974 – 1,661,578 – Liabilities 282 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., VYVÁŽENÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 2012 Assets Less than 3 months 3 month – 1 year 1 – 5 years Over 5 years Not specified Total Receivables from banks Debt securities Shares and participation certificates Derivatives Other assets Prepayments 150,585 − − 9,028 729 12 − 56,624 − − − − − 19,090 − − − − − 205,119 − − − − − − 1,142,473 − 9 − 150,585 280,833 1,142,473 9,028 738 12 Total assets 160,354 56,624 19,090 205,119 1,142,482 1,583,669 Other liabilities Net assets Available capital (2,169) 158,185 (1,581,432) (68) 56,556 − − 19,090 − − 205,119 − − 1,142,482 − (2,237) 1,581,432 (1,581,432) Difference (1,423,247) 56,556 19,090 205,119 1,142,482 − Liabilities 5.21 Off-balance Sheet Assets and Liabilities The Fund’s off-balance sheet accounts include receivables and payables from fixed term transactions and assets provided into custody and safekeeping. The item ‘Assets provided into custody, administration and safekeeping’ shows foreign and domestic securities administered by Česká spořitelna, a. s. (this item does not include participation certificates of open-ended mutual funds of the Company, which the Fund maintains in its portfolio). 5.22 Contingent Assets and Liabilities The Fund has no assets or liabilities that were not disclosed in the balance sheet or off-balance sheet accounts 5.23 Subsequent Events No significant events occurred after the date of the financial statements, which would have a material impact on the Fund’s financial statements. 283 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., VYVÁŽENÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Portfolio at 31 December 2013 The detail of the portfolio is not part of the fund’s final accounts. Figures are stated in CZK. ISIN Name of the security IT0004600364 US9284973040 TELECOM ITALIA MEDIA SPA VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORP NEW Amount Market Price Market Price Total Accrued Interest 21.000 7.000 3.47 58.09 72.85 406.63 0.00 0.00 479.48 0.00 2,200.000 14,000,000.000 7,029.55 0.30 15,465,018.36 4,226,137.65 139,992.65 142,403.37 19,691,156.01 282,396.02 5.000 6.000 34.000 1,831,242.70 2,204,214.23 852,369.00 9,156,213.50 13,225,285.35 28,980,546.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 51,362,044.85 0.00 34,263,577.000 56,508,142.000 100,630,823.000 49,977,905.000 19,538,882.000 48,514,266.000 1.74 1.88 1.35 1.04 1.02 1.40 59,454,158.81 105,952,766.25 135,610,097.07 52,206,919.56 19,986,322.40 67,691,955.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 440,902,219.44 0.00 18,700.000 221,000.000 13,400.000 2,367,944.630 3,058.000 18,500.000 760.000 630.000 48,700.000 22,000.000 20,219.000 256,256.000 42,000.000 4,300.000 2,600.000 2,870.000 110,000.000 612.54 386.59 3,442.68 144.57 4,393.76 3,749.27 36,217.03 7,633.75 4,688.03 181.28 3,371.08 118.48 3,161.55 4,989.42 7,144.13 38,077.14 66.14 11,454,428.06 85,435,544.94 46,131,919.68 342,333,755.16 13,436,115.79 69,361,527.38 27,524,940.52 4,809,261.71 228,307,036.65 3,988,143.50 68,159,886.74 30,361,210.88 132,785,288.16 21,454,485.36 18,574,749.28 109,281,404.00 7,275,194.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,220,674,892.11 1,681,268,747.04 0.00 282,396.02 Foreign shares PL0000104543 DE0001135317 POLAND GOVERN.BOND 5.25 10/25/17 BUNDESREPUBLIC 3.75 01/04/17 Foreign government bonds ESMAR14 FTSEMAR14 DJ50MAR14 S & P 500 E-MINI CMEMAR14 FTSE 100 IDX FUTMAR14 DJ EURO STOXX 50 FUTURESMAR14 Futures CZ0008472404 CZ0008472271 CZ0008472297 CZ0008473659 CZ0008473188 CZ0008472230 ISCS TOP STOCKS ISCS SPOROINVEST ISCS TRENDBOND ISCS DLUHOPISOVY FOND ISCS LIKVIDITNI FOND ISCS CS KORP. DLUHOPIS. OPF Local participation certificates - ISČS LU0129472758 IE0002639775 IE0007292083 AT0000633771 AT0000637491 AT0000805684 AT0000697081 AT0000704341 AT0000658968 AT0000A05SA6 AT0000676846 AT0000659024 LU0188798671 LU0188497985 LU0148538712 LU0389811539 GB0002771169 JPMORGAN F-CHINA FUND-C USD VANGUARD-US 500 STK IDX- USD INS VANGUARD-JAPAN STK IND-USD INV ESPA CESKY FOND ST. DLUHOPISU VT ESPA BOND USA HIGH YIELD (T) EUR ESPA BOND EUROPE HIGH YIELD T XT USA ESPA STOCK ISTANBUL (T) EUR ESPA BOND EURO-CORPORATE (VT) ESPA STOCK RUSSIA-T ESPA CASH CORPORATE-PLUS-T ESPA CESKY FOND FIR. DLUH. (VT) PICTET – USA INDEX – I USD PICTET EMERG MKTS INDEX I USD PICTET – PAC (XJPN)-P USD AMUNDI-INDEX EQ EUROPE-IEC THREADNEEDLE EUR SEL FUND Foreign participation certificates Total 284 Independent Auditor’s Report to the Participation certificate holders of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., DYNAMICKÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., DYNAMICKÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December 2013, and the income statement and statement of changes in equity for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. For details of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., DYNAMICKÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, see Note 1 to the financial statements. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Act on Auditors and International Standards on Auditing as amended by implementation guidance of the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including an assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., DYNAMICKÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, as at 31 December 2013, and its financial performance for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic. 31 March 2014 Prague, Czech Republic Ernst & Young Audit, s.r.o. License No. 401 Represented by partner Roman Hauptfleisch Auditor, Licence no. 2009 A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited, Ernst & Young Audit, s. r. o. with its registred office at Na Florenci 2116/15, 110 00 Prague 1 – Nové Město, has been incorporated in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, entry No. 88504, under Identification No. 26704153. 285 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., DYNAMICKÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Balance Sheet at 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) Line Current Previous 01 02 05 06 10 11 13 15 16 19 21 44,677 28,846 9,804 6,027 0 0 587,818 4,218 3,952 266 0 49,105 37,639 11,466 0 74,161 74,161 458,039 6,282 6,082 200 11 22 636,713 587,598 29 30 32 33 34 39 40 41 46 47 5,174 4,665 47 462 784 36,204 208,899 309,222 10,370 66,060 350 216 8 126 718 40,582 139,756 326,679 10,370 69,143 Total Liabilities 48 636,713 587,598 of which: Equity 49 630,755 586,530 3 Receivables from banks and credit unions of which: a/ on demand: aa/ current accounts ad/ margin accounts ae/ collaterals 5 Debt securities of which: a/ issued by the government 6 Shares, unit certificates and other participation interests 11 Other assets a/ derivatives d/ other assets 13 Prepayments and accrued income Total Assets 4 Other liabilities a/ derivatives c/ liabilities from taxes d/ other liabilities 5 Deferred income and accrued expenses 9 Share premium 10 Reserve funds and other funds from profit 12 Capital funds 14 Retained earnings or accumulated losses from previous periods 15 Profit or loss for the accounting period 286 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., DYNAMICKÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Off Balance Sheet Accounts at 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 4 Amounts due from fixed term transactions b/ with currency instruments c/ with equity instruments 7 Assets provided into custody, administration and safekeeping of which: securities 12 Amounts owed from fixed term transactions b/ with currency instruments c/ with equity instruments Line Current Previous 52 54 55 60 61 64 66 67 385,734 361,821 23,913 467,623 467,623 386,447 362,550 23,897 291,657 260,742 30,915 407,412 407,412 286,190 255,144 31,046 287 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., DYNAMICKÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 1 Interest income and similar income of which: a/ interest income from bonds d/ interest income from collaterals 3 Income from shares and unit certificates 5 Commission and fee expenses a/ fees and commissions from securities trading b/ management fee c/ custody fee d/ other financial expenses 6 Profit or loss on financial operations a/ profit or loss on transactions with securities b/ profit or loss on foreign exchange transactions c/ profit or loss on fixed term transactions and options 9 Administrative expenses of which: b/ other administrative expenses: ba/ audit 12 Release of provisions and bad debt allowances to receivables and guarantees, income from receivables written off Depreciation, creation and utilizing of provisions and bad debt allowances to 13 receivables and guarantees 19 Ordinary profit or loss for the accounting period before tax 23 Income tax 24 Profit or loss for the accounting period after tax Line Current Previous 1 2 5 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 1,400 1,302 2 312 10,014 48 8,389 675 902 74,637 82,747 1,753 (9,863) 185 185 3,494 3,288 0 54 9,541 23 7,960 655 903 75,439 59,999 (1,693) 17,133 237 237 24 63 5 25 26 30 31 106 66,107 47 66,060 63 69,151 8 69,143 288 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., DYNAMICKÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Current Previous 40,582 13,312 (17,690) 0 36,204 48,587 5,081 (13,086) 0 40,582 139,756 69,143 0 208,899 186,988 0 (47,232) 139,756 326,679 55,252 (72,709) 0 0 309,222 397,767 49,040 (120,128) 0 0 326,679 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Share premium opening balance issued unit certificates repurchase of unit certificates other changes closing balance 2 Retained earnings opening balance transfers to funds other changes closing balance 3 Capital funds opening balance issued unit certificates repurchase of unit certificates transfers to funds other changes closing balance 4 Gains or losses from revaluation opening balance foreign exchange rate differences and gains or losses from revaluation not included in profit (loss) closing balance 5 Retained earnings or accumulated losses from previous periods opening balance other changes closing balance 6 Profit (loss) for the current period after taxes opening balance profit (loss) transfers to funds, dividends closing balance 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 10,370 0 10,370 10,370 0 10,370 69,143 66,060 (69,143) 66,060 (47,232) 69,143 47,232 69,143 7 Total 32 630,755 586,530 289 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., DYNAMICKÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Notes to the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2013 1. Organisation and Description of Business Formation and Description of the Business Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., DYNAMICKÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, hereinafter the “Fund” (from 25 March 2002 to 2 May 2005 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Sporomix 5 – otevřený podílový fond and to 25 March 2002 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. – Všeobecný otevřený podílový fond) was established upon the transformation of Spořitelní privatizační – Všeobecný investiční fond, a. s. based on Resolution of the Securities Commission ref. no. 211/5701/R/2000 dated 26 June 2000. Pursuant to a concluded contract, Česká spořitelna, a. s. acts as the depository of the Fund. The Fund is managed by Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. (hereinafter the “Company”). In compliance with the Collective Investment Act No. 189/2004 Coll. (hereinafter the “Act”), the Company is responsible for the management of the assets of the Fund, which involves the administration and handling of the assets. The Fund is a standard fund in compliance with the Act and meets the requirements of EU legislation. According to the classification binding for the members of the Capital Market Association (the “AKAT CR”) as at the date of the approval of this Statute, the Fund can be defined as a fund of funds. Investment Policy of the Fund The objective of the investment policy is to provide participation certificate holders with a long-term appreciation of participation certificates primarily through investments in securities of money market funds, collective investment bond and equity funds. Credit and interest rate risks are actively managed. The equity component’s share in the Fund’s portfolio is actively managed. The neutral weight of the equity component’s share in the Fund’s assets amounts to 50 percent. Finances collected in the Fund are invested predominantly in securities of collective investment funds if such collective investment funds distribute the risk connected to investments and meet other obligations set by the Act. The limits of the Fund are adhered to on the basis of the Act, or they are regulated in the Fund’s Statute in compliance with the Act. The Company can use financial derivatives to effectively manage the Fund’s assets. Efficient asset management represents transactions for the purpose of decreasing risk, decreasing costs or achieving sufficient income for the Fund provided that the risk is demonstrably low. The exposure from these transactions must be fully covered by the Fund’s assets so that liabilities arising from these transactions are fulfilled. Management Policy The profit/(loss) is based on the difference between income and expenses related to the management of the Fund’s assets. Registered Office Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. DYNAMICKÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond Prague 6, Evropská 2690/17 Principal Business The Company collects funds from individuals and legal entities for the Fund by issuing participation certificates with the purpose of their collective investment on local and foreign financial markets. No restrictions are placed on the number of participation certificates for issue and the period for which the Fund is established. The Company reserves the right to temporary halt the issuing of participation certificates for no longer than three months in compliance with the Act. The participation certificates of the Fund are available both in the Czech Republic and in other EU member countries. The generated profit has been fully retained by the Fund, in the reinvestment fund, as a source for further investments, and increases the participation certificate value. In the event that the Fund incurs a loss from the Company’s management of assets, the loss is covered from the reinvestment fund which was created from earnings brought forward. If the reinvestment fund is not sufficient, the loss must be covered by a reduction in the Fund’s capital fund. The Fund’s assets must not be used for the provision of loans, borrowings or gifts, to secure a third party’s obligation or to settle a payable which is not related to the Fund’s management. This provision does not affect Sections 26 and 27 of the Collective Investment Act. When managing the Fund’s assets, contracts for the sale of securities and money market instruments, securities issued by other collective investment funds and financial derivatives which are not owned by the Fund at the moment of concluding the respective contracts, may not be entered into. 290 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., DYNAMICKÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report The Company can accept loans and borrowings for the maximum of six months when managing the Fund’s assets, to cover temporary needs related to the management of the Fund’s assets or purchases of participation certificates. The volume of the received loans and borrowings is not allowed to exceed 10 percent of the value of the Fund’s assets. Change in the Fund’s Statute Czech National Bank Resolution No. 2012/4572/570, dated 18 May 2012, which came into force on 5 June 2012: The changes to the Funds statute related mainly to the duty of the asset investment company to ensure that its statute is in accordance with the amendment to Act 189/2004 Coll., on collective investments (as ensuing from the changes made by Act 188/2011 Coll.) and Decree No. 193/2011 Coll., on the minimum requisites of the statute and on the conditions for the use of the name Short-Term Money Market Fund and Money Market Fund. Investment objectives, the method of investing and the risk profile of the Fund have not been changed in the amendments referred to above. Along with the change made to the statute, information was updated as to the list of funds managed by the Company (Article II Paragraph 8 of the statute), in particular information on the managing parties of the asset management company (Appendix 1 to the statute), information added on the performance of the mutual fund for 2011 (Appendix 2 to the statute), information updated on the total cost indicators for 2011, and the date on which the statute being signed was updated. On the date the changes to the statute came into force the simple statute of the Fund was replaced by a newly processed document providing required key information for investors. Such key information for investors was processed in accordance with Commission (EU) Regulation No. 583/2012. As at 1 February 2013, information on Fund`s 2012 performance was published within the document Key investors information. (According to the article 23, section 3 of Council Regulation (EC) no. 583/2010, the performance must be updated within the Key investors information up to 35 days after the previous calendar year end.) The updated text of the Funds statute was approved by the Investment company`s board of directors as at 10 April 2013. The changes in the statute text related to an update of the list of managed funds, update of the information on the length of professional experience of Investment company management, addition of information on Fund’s performance and the Fund`s benchmark`s performance, an update of information on total expense ratio for 2012 and update of the date of the signature. These updates were not subject to preliminary approval from Czech national bank (according to the section 84 (a), subsection 5 of 189/2004 Coll., On collective investment schemes). The shareholders could access the updated text of the Statute and Key investors information as of 10 April 2013 on, at the distributor’s branches (Ceska sporitelna, a. s.) and at the Investment company seat. Legislative change Act No 240/2013 Coll., On Management Companies and Investment Funds became effective as of 19 August 2013. Rules stated by this act must be implemented by management companies and investment funds by 22 July 2014. In 2013, the Fund`s management was subject to the rules of the Act No. 189/2004 Coll., On collective investment schemes. The new rules will be applied as of 2014. 2. Basis of Preparation The financial statements have been prepared on the basis of underlying accounting records maintained in accordance with Accounting Act No. 563/1991 Coll., and applicable regulations, decrees and internal standards in compliance with and in the scope defined in Czech Finance Ministry Regulation No. 501/2002 of 6 November 2002, as subsequently amended, which sets out the overall framework for the presentation of the financial statements, and guidelines for the structure and minimum requirements for the content of the financial statements of banks and certain financial institutions, and Czech Accounting Standards for Financial Institutions, which establish the accounting principles and policies. The basis of preparation and the accounting policies have been consistently applied during both 2013 and 2012. The Fund is obliged to comply with the regulatory requirements of the Act. The financial statements are presented in compliance with general accounting principles, specifically the accrual principle, the prudence concept and the going concern assumption. The financial statements contain the balance sheet, profit and loss account, statement of changes in equity, and notes to the financial statements. The presentation of the financial statements requires that the Company makes estimates which have an impact on the reported amounts of assets and liabilities as at the date of the financial statements as well as expenses and income in the relevant accounting period. These estimates are based on information available as at the date of the financial statements and may differ from the actual results. As a result of continued market volatility since the start of the global financial crisis, the Fund may be exposed to increased risk, specifically due to the uncertainty regarding possible asset impairments and future developments on the market. The financial statements have been prepared based on the current best estimates 291 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., DYNAMICKÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report using all relevant and available information as at the date of the financial statements. These financial statements are unconsolidated. All amounts are stated in thousands of Czech crowns (CZK), unless indicated otherwise. Explanation Added for Translation into English These financial statements are presented on the basis of accounting principles and standards generally accepted in the Czech Republic. Certain accounting practices applied by the Company that conform with generally accepted accounting principles and standards in the Czech Republic may not conform with generally accepted accounting principles in other countries. 3. Accounting Policies Pursuant to the Regulation, securities are valued at the price quoted on a public market which is adjusted, as appropriate, to reflect the rules set out in the Regulation. If the market value is unavailable, the Fund uses a value determined by the Company using valuation models based on discounted future cash flows according to the yield curve calculated using the Reuters and Kondor+ systems. Securities are measured at cost upon initial recognition using the weighted average method. The acquisition cost includes direct transaction costs related to the acquisition of securities. Realised capital gains or losses are recorded in the profit and loss account within ‘Profit or loss from financial operations’. Accrued interest relating to assets is included within the total balance of these assets. Receivables and Payables Purchases and sales of securities are recognised using trade date accounting provided that the period between the trade date and the fulfilment of the commitment arising from the contract does not exceed a period typical for the relevant type of transaction. The Fund records receivables arising from its transactions with securities and other operating receivables at their nominal value, while receivables from positive fair values of derivatives are recorded at the fair value of the derivatives at the balance sheet date. Pursuant to the prudence principle, provisions are created based on the aging of receivables. The transaction recognition date for derivative contracts is: a) the date upon which the related contract was entered into; b) the date when fulfilment was delivered based on the relevant contract. The Fund records payables arising from its transactions with securities and operating payables at their nominal value, while payables from negative fair values of derivatives are recorded at the fair value of the derivatives at the balance sheet date. The transaction recognition date can also be the date when money in circulation is paid or received, the date when foreign currency is purchased or sold, the date when a payment is made, the date when ownership is acquired or terminated, when a receivable or payable arises, changes or ceases to exist, when assets move within an accounting entity, and the date when other matters to be included in the accounting records occur, or when the documents supporting these other matters are available, or when other matters are a consequence of internal conditions of the accounting entity and/ or special regulations. Financial Derivatives and Hedging Transactions Transaction Recognition Date Securities In accordance with the Fund’s strategy, all securities are classified as securities at fair value through profit or loss. During the accounting period, securities are re-measured at fair value on a daily basis pursuant to the Finance Ministry Regulation No. 194/2011 Coll., on more detailed regulation of certain rules in collective investment (the “Decree”), as amended. The securities of the Fund are accounted for as securities at fair value through profit or loss. The fair value of the securities is determined in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards with an exception, that an average price between the most favourable binding offer and demand (MID price) is used for bonds. In the normal course of business, the Fund enters into hedging contracts with financial derivatives to hedge against interest rate and foreign currency exposures associated with its transactions on financial markets. The method of fair value hedges is applied to hedging derivatives. The Fund designates certain derivatives as hedges provided that the following criteria are met: – the Fund has developed a risk management strategy; – at the inception of the hedge, the hedging relationship is formally documented, the documentation identifies the hedged item and the hedging instrument, and it defines the risk that is being hedged and the approach to establishing whether the hedge is effective; and – the hedge is effective, that is, changes in the fair value or cash flows of the hedged item are almost fully offset by changes in the fair value or cash flows of the hedging instrument and the results are within a range of 80 percent to 125 percent. Nominal values of derivative financial instruments are recognised in the off-balance sheet accounts. Changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as hedges (see above) are recorded as income or expense. Changes in the fair value of the hedging derivatives attributable to the risk hedged are recognised 292 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., DYNAMICKÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report in the same income or expense accounts as differences from revaluation of a hedged instrument. All financial derivatives are recorded as assets when the fair value is positive and as liabilities when the fair value is negative. Fair values are derived from valuation models. Derivatives that are not designated as hedging derivatives are treated as trading derivatives. These derivatives are measured at fair value on a daily basis and gains and losses on revaluation are posted to expense and income accounts. Certain derivatives are embedded in compound financial instruments, which comprise the host instrument and the derivative. Pursuant to the applicable regulations, the Fund recognises changes in assets and liabilities arising from the movements in rates or prices of securities or changes in exchange rates through expense and income accounts. Given that the assets of the Fund are valued at fair value and changes of fair values are reported within expenses and income from derivatives, embedded derivatives are not accounted for separately. Income Tax Under effective tax regulations, the income tax rate applicable to mutual funds is 5 percent. Deferred Tax Deferred tax is provided using the liability method on all temporary differences between the carrying amount of assets and liabilities reported in the balance sheet and their value for tax purposes. Deferred tax assets are recognised only up to the amount of probable future taxable income against which the deferred tax asset can be offset. Foreign Currency Translations Foreign currencies are translated using the exchange rate promulgated by the Czech National Bank as at the relevant date. As at the balance sheet date, assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated on the same basis. Foreign exchange rate gains and losses from the daily translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are posted to expense or income accounts. Equity of the Fund The selling price of participation certificates is calculated as a proportion of the Fund’s net assets and the relevant number of participation certificates. Participation certificates are sold to investors using the selling price determined on a daily basis. Interest Income and Expense and Dividend Income Interest income and expense are recognised using the accrual principle. Dividend income is recognised as at the date when the right to receive the payment is established (ex-dividend date). Dividend income from domestic securities is presented after withholding tax. Dividend income from foreign securities is presented gross with the applicable taxes presented within taxes on foreign dividends (see note 5.16). Subsequent Events The impact of events that occurred between the balance sheet date and the date of the financial statements preparation is recognized in the financial statements provided these events provide additional evidence about conditions that existed at the date of the balance sheet. If material events reflecting the facts occurring after the balance sheet date happened between the balance sheet date and the date of the financial statements preparation the consequences of these events are disclosed in the notes to the financial statements but not recognized in the financial statements. 4. Risk Management Credit Risk In accordance with the Statute and the investment strategy, the Company establishes rules and policies for selecting investment instruments such that the overall credit risk profile of allocated investments is consistent with the characteristics of the Fund. New types of instruments are approved on a case by case basis by the risk management function together with the specification of limits for positions pertaining to these instruments. Specific emphasis is placed on an appropriate rating structure and a relatively detailed diversification of portfolios (especially in relation to interest bearing securities). Market Risk The Fund uses a wide range of tools to eliminate risk exposures attached to its portfolios. Significant attention is paid to market risks. Apart from statutory restrictions, the Fund is subject to a set of internal limits having a direct impact on the FX exposure, interest rate exposure (the modified duration range of the Fund), equity allocation on individual markets according to their volatility, portfolio rating structure (see above), and other characteristics of the Fund. The relevant limits are appropriately applied to correspond with the type of the Fund. Share Premium Share premium is the difference between the nominal value of all participation certificates and their carrying amounts as at the date of their issue or purchase. Whenever the Fund purchases new types of instruments, these instruments are first analysed to assess the potential credit risk, as well as the market risk that the instruments might bring to or help eliminate from the portfolio. Subsequently, their appropriateness 293 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., DYNAMICKÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report and, if appropriate, the acceptable proportion of these instruments in the portfolio is evaluated. The level of the Fund’s market risk exposure is measured using the Value at Risk (“VaR”). With effect from 1 August 2006, the VaR for the Company’s Funds is calculated by the Central Risk Management Department of Česká spořitelna using the historical simulation method in the K + KvaR system. Set out below are relative monthly values of the VaR in percentage terms for individual types of risks: 31 Dec 2013 Average VaR 4.55% 0.40% 0.01% 4.42% 4.90% 0.40% 0.19% 5.11% 31 Dec 2012 Average VaR 4.98% 0.31% 0.30% 5.18% 4.85% 0.46% 0.47% 4.88% Global VaR Foreign currency VaR Interest rate VaR Equity VaR Global VaR Foreign currency VaR Interest rate VaR Equity VaR The average VaR is calculated as average of daily VaR values in years 2013 and 2012 respectively. The Fund monitors Value at Risk globally and also broken down to Foreign Currency VaR, Interest Rate VaR and Equity VaR. Based on the above values, the Fund identifies critical risk segments. This identification influences the reinvestment process. The limits set the maximum acceptable VaR for the Fund. The Equity VaR also reflects the risk related to the holding of mutual funds’ participation certificates (including funds of money market and bond funds). Adherence to all the above limits and their effectiveness is monitored and assessed on an ongoing basis. The limits are reviewed, if necessary. The portfolio’s risk of unfavourable development of foreign exchange rates, interest rates, and other market factors is hedged, to an appropriate extent, by financial derivatives. Financial derivatives are traded on the OTC market as this market enables the trading of contracts whose parameters and nature appropriately satisfy the requirements of a hedge. Portfolios primarily include currency swaps, currency forwards and interest rate swaps. Liquidity Risk Another monitored risk is the liquidity risk. Liquidity risk is a risk that the Fund will not have enough available resources to meet its obligations arising from financial contracts. Liquidity is monitored and managed based on expected cash flows, with appropriate adjustments made to the structure of securities and term placements portfolios. Pursuant to the Act, the Company is obliged to repurchase a participation certificate without undue delay but not later than 15 business days from the date when the repurchase right is claimed. Given that the Fund holds securities traded on foreign stock exchanges which can be realised within a few days, the Fund’s inability to meet its obligations due to lack of liquidity is unlikely. Pursuant to Section 12 of the Collective Investment Act, the Company can suspend issues and purchases of the Fund’s participation certificates for a maximum of three months, if necessary due to the protection of rights or the participation certificate holders’ interests protected by law. Issuing and purchasing participation certificates can be suspended particularly at the end or beginning of the calendar year, in the event of natural disasters, upon very strong fluctuations on financial markets and upon high requirements for the sales or purchases of participation certificates provided they could endanger the Fund’s assets. The quantitative information about the residual maturity of assets and liabilities is given in Note 5.18. 5. Additional Information on the Financial Statements 5.1 Receivables from Banks Receivables from banks 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Current accounts Margin accounts Compound margins 28,846 9,804 6,027 37,639 11,466 – Total 44,677 49,105 Balances on current accounts are repayable on demand. 294 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., DYNAMICKÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.2 Securities Individual types of securities by issuer, number of securities, their market value and interest rate are disclosed in the Portfolio attached to the annual report. All securities held by the Fund are publicly listed on the Prague Stock Exchange or foreign stock exchanges. Participation certificates which are not listed on stock exchanges are purchased and administered by the Company. Shares, participation certificates and other holdings 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Acquisition cost Market revaluation 513,326 74,492 416,963 41,076 Total 587,818 458,039 Debt securities 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Acquisition cost Market revaluation Accrued interest income – – – 64,391 9,011 759 Total – 74,161 Of the aggregate volume of debt securities, debt securities maturing within one year accounted for 0 percent in 2013 (2012: 0 percent). Debt securities maturing within more than one year with a fixed coupon accounted for 0 percent in 2013 (2012: 100 percent). 5.3 Other Assets Other assets 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Positive fair values of financial derivatives Other receivables Other Provisions against receivables 3,952 – 332 (66) 6,082 122 157 (79) Total 4,218 6,282 The caption ‘Other receivables’ represents receivables arising from foreign dividends. The caption ‘Other’ represents estimated receivable arising from dividends and an estimated receivable for the return of a portion of the management fee for purchased participation certificates of Erste’s fund. 5.4 Prepayments and Accrued Income Prepayments and accrued income 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Prepayments – audit fees – 11 Total – 11 5.5 Equity The Fund has no share capital. The nominal value of one participation certificate is CZK 1. The total nominal value of all participation certificates is posted to ‘Capital funds’. Share premium arising from the difference between the nominal and selling values of the participation certificates is recorded separately. The Fund accounts for share premium upon the sale of participation certificates as well as upon their repurchase. The selling price of the participation certificate is determined as the share of the Fund’s net assets and the number of issued participation certificates. The value of a participation certificate as at the last trading date in 2013 totalled CZK 1.3009 (2012: CZK 1.1676). This is the most recent announced value of the participation certificate for the year, for which purchases and repurchases of the participation certificates of the Fund were undertaken. In line with the Fund’s Statute, the profit for 2013 of CZK 66,060 thousand will be transferred to the reinvestment fund within ‘Other funds from profit’. 295 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., DYNAMICKÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report In line with the Fund’s Statute, the profit for 2012 of CZK 69,143 thousand was transferred to the reinvestment fund within ‘Other funds from profit’. 5.6 Changes in the Capital Fund Use of fund to Total capital funds cover losses, Contributions upon Fund’s transformation or from statute–barred dividends Number of participation certificates Nominal value of participation certificates 573,417,198 573,418 (175,651) 397,767 49,040,032 (120,127,802) 49,040 (120,128) – – 49,040 (120,128) Balance at 31 Dec 2012 502,329,428 502,330 (175,651) 326,679 Participation certificates sold Participation certificates purchased 55,251,770 (72,709,246) 55,252 (72,709) – – 55,252 (72,709) Balance at 31 Dec 2013 484,871,952 484,873 (175,651) 309,222 Balance at 31 Dec 2011 Participation certificates sold Participation certificates purchased 5.7 Other Liabilities Other liabilities 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Negative fair values of financial derivatives Payables from participation certificate holders’ placements Payable to the state budget Other liabilities 4,665 30 47 432 216 19 8 107 Total 5,174 350 5.8 Accrued Expenses and Deferred Income Accrued expenses consist of the unbilled custody fee of CZK 58 thousand related to December 2013 (2012: CZK 54 thousand), the unbilled management fee of CZK 723 thousand related to December 2013 (2012: CZK 654 thousand), and the unbilled fee for the local sub-register administration of CZK 0 thousand related to December 2013 (2012: CZK 7 thousand) and the unbilled fee for calculation of net assets value of CZK 3 thousand related to December 2013 (2012: CZK 3 thousand). 5.9 Financial Derivatives Designated as Hedging Derivatives Nominal value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Assets Liabilities Assets Currency swaps 13,426 14,261 3,031 Liabilities 3,024 Total 13,426 14,261 3,031 3,024 Open positions of derivatives posted to an off-balance sheet are converted to fair value daily as of 1 January 2011 (up to 31 August 2013 futures were converted monthly; as of 1 September 2013 they are converted on daily basis) and recorded in absolute values. Fair value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Positive Negative Positive Currency swaps – 835 7 Negative – Total – 835 7 – Currency derivatives are due within one year. 296 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., DYNAMICKÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.10 Financial Derivatives Designated as Trading Derivatives Nominal value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Assets Liabilities Assets Liabilities Currency swaps Currency forwards Equity indices futures 334,478 13,917 23,913 334,474 13,815 23,897 257,711 – 30,915 252,120 – 31,046 Total 372,308 372,186 288,626 283,166 Open positions of derivatives posted to an off-balance sheet are converted to fair value daily as of 1 January 2011 (up to 31 August 2013 futures were converted monthly; as of 1 September 2013 they are converted on daily basis) and recorded in absolute values. Fair value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Positive Negative Positive Negative Currency swaps Currency forwards Equity indices futures 3,833 103 16 3,830 – – 5,731 – 344 139 – 77 Total 3,952 3,830 6,075 216 2013 2012 Currency derivatives are due within one year. 5.11 Income from Shares and Interests Foreign dividends 312 54 Total received dividends 312 54 2013 2012 Interest on compound margins Interest on deposits at banks Interest on debt securities 2 96 1,302 – 206 3,288 Total 1,400 3,494 2013 2012 8,389 675 48 1 82 542 102 – 175 7,960 655 23 2 82 492 141 – 186 10,014 9,541 5.12 Interest Income and Interest Expense 5.13 Fees and Commissions Management fees Custody fees Commissions and fees from securities trading Fees paid to the central depository Local sub–register Administration of securities Broker’s commission for futures trading Commission for management of short-term bonds Other fees and commissions Total In compliance with the Statute of the Fund, the management fee paid to the Company by the Fund amounts to 1.70 percent of the average annual net asset value. Pursuant to the custody service contract entered into with Česká spořitelna, a. s., the Fund pays a fee equal to 0.11 percent of its average annual net asset value. 297 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., DYNAMICKÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report If participation certificates of another mutual fund managed by the Company are purchased and added to the Fund’s assets, the Fund’s aggregate net asset value reduced by the current value of investments in participation certificates of the other mutual fund managed by the Company is used as the basis for the calculation of the fixed part of the management fee. 5.14 Profit or Loss from Financial Operations 2013 2012 Profit or loss from securities at fair value through profit or loss Profit or loss from fixed term transactions Profit or loss from FX differences 82,747 (9,863) 1,753 59,999 17,133 (1,693) Total 74,637 75,439 Profit or loss from securities at fair value through profit or loss primarily comprises the profit or loss from the realised sales of securities, from payable securities and from the daily valuation of securities at fair value. Profit or loss from derivatives includes profit or loss on the settlement of fixed term transactions with currency and interest rate instruments and also the revaluation of open derivatives at fair value. Profit or loss from FX differences represents the value of realised FX profit or loss from foreign currency accounts and from the settlement of foreign currency receivables and payables and also gains or losses arising from the revaluation of assets, with the exception of securities, and liabilities in foreign currency at fair value. 5.15 Administrative Expenses 2013 2012 Audit 185 237 Total 185 237 2013 2012 Tax payable – current year Tax payable – previous year 47 – 8 – Total income tax 47 8 2013 2012 66,107 107 (376) 65,838 (65,838) – – 312 47 – 69,151 63 (59) 69,155 (69,155) – – 54 8 – 47 8 5.16 Income Tax The principal income tax components are as follows: Current income tax – analysis: Profit (Loss) before tax Items to add Deductible items Tax base Tax loss utilisation Adjusted tax base / loss Tax (5%) on tax base Foreign dividends Tax on foreign dividends Additionally recorded tax Total tax Deferred tax As at 31 December 2013, the Fund determined a deferred tax asset of CZK 2,556 thousand arising from a tax loss and allowances. The deferred tax asset was not recorded on the basis that its recovery was uncertain. 298 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., DYNAMICKÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report As at 31 December 2012, the Fund determined a deferred tax asset of CZK 9,768 thousand arising from a tax loss and allowances. The deferred tax asset was not recorded on the basis that its recovery was uncertain. 5.17 Related Party Transactions Related parties include Česká spořitelna, a. s. and Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Other payables to related parties – Česká spořitelna Unbilled custody fee – Česká spořitelna Unbilled management fee for December Unbilled fee for administration of local sub-register Unbilled fee for calculation of NAV 148 58 723 – 3 71 54 654 7 3 Total payables to related parties 932 789 The costs charged to the Fund by Česká spořitelna, a. s. amounted to CZK 1,626 thousand in 2013 (2012: CZK 1,578 thousand), of which the greatest portion was represented by the custody fee of CZK 675 thousand (2012: CZK 655 thousand). The costs charged by the Company amounted to CZK 8,389 thousand (2012: CZK 7,960 thousand), representing the annual management fee. 5.18 Liquidity The following tables show the residual maturity of assets and liabilities broken down by major classes of assets. Given that all securities are traded on public markets, sales can easily be undertaken within three months. 2013 Assets Less than 3 months 3 month – 1 year 1 – 5 years Over 5 years Not specified Total Receivables from banks Debt securities Shares and participation certificates Other assets Prepayments 44,677 – – 4,218 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 587,818 – – 44,677 – 587,818 4,218 – Total assets 48,895 – – – 587,818 636,713 Other liabilities Net assets Available capital 5,891 43,004 (630,755) (67) (67) – – – – – – – – 587,818 – (5,958) 630,755 (630,755) Difference (587,751) (67) – – 587,818 – Less than 3 months 3 month – 1 year 1 – 5 years Over 5 years Not specified Total Receivables from banks Debt securities Shares and participation certificates Other assets Prepayments 49,105 − − 6,240 − − − − − 11 − − − − − − 74,161 − − − − − 458,039 42 − 49,105 74,161 458,039 6,282 11 Total assets 55,345 11 − 74,161 458,081 587,598 Other liabilities Net assets Available capital (1,060) 54,285 (586,530) (8) 3 − − − − − 74,161 − − 458,081 − (1,068) 586,530 (586,530) Difference (532,245) 3 − 74,161 458,081 − Liabilities 2012 Assets Liabilities 299 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., DYNAMICKÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Liquidity risk, to which the Fund is exposed, is low as all assets are immediately convertible into cash before the expected purchases of participation certificates from participation certificate holders can be undertaken. 5.19 Off-balance Sheet Assets and Liabilities The Fund’s off-balance sheet accounts include receivables and payables from fixed term transactions and assets provided into custody and safekeeping. The item ‘Assets provided into custody, administration and safekeeping’ shows foreign and domestic securities administered by Česká spořitelna, a. s. (this item does not include participation certificates of open-ended mutual funds of the Company, which the Fund maintains in its portfolio). 5.20 Contingent Assets and Liabilities The Fund has no assets or liabilities that were not disclosed in the balance sheet or off-balance sheet accounts. 5.21 Subsequent Events No significant events occurred after the date of the financial statements, which would have a material impact on the Fund’s financial statements. 300 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., DYNAMICKÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Portfolio at 31 December 2013 The detail of the portfolio is not part of the fund’s final accounts. Figures are stated in CZK. ISIN Name of the security US9284973040 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORP NEW Amount Market Price 6 58.09 Foreign shares DJ50MAR14 FTSEMAR14 ESMAR14 DJ EURO STOXX 50 FUTURESMAR14 FTSE 100 IDX FUTMAR14 S & P 500 E-MINI CMEMAR14 16 3 2 852,369.00 2,204,214.23 1,831,242.70 7,200,000 17,099,466 3,634,375 36,971,983 18,543,702 1.04 1.40 1.88 1.35 1.74 6,800 1,200 597,630 10,900 153,000 6,250 1,720 260 240 12,700 24,000 4,100 18,000 2,550 500 175,000 1,300 3,749.27 4,393.76 144.57 612.54 386.59 3,442.68 38,077.14 36,217.03 7,633.75 4,688.03 181.28 2,015.17 3,161.55 4,989.42 47,459.79 66.14 7,144.13 Futures CZ0008473659 CZ0008472230 CZ0008472271 CZ0008472297 CZ0008472404 ISCS DLUHOPISOVY FOND ISCS CS KORP. DLUHOPIS. OPF ISCS SPOROINVEST ISCS TRENDBOND ISCS TOP STOCKS Local participation certificates - ISČS AT0000805684 AT0000637491 AT0000633771 LU0129472758 IE0002639775 IE0007292083 LU0389811539 AT0000697081 AT0000704341 AT0000658968 AT0000A05SA6 AT0000633292 LU0188798671 LU0188497985 LU0389812008 GB0002771169 LU0148538712 ESPA BOND EUROPE HIGH YIELD T ESPA BOND USA HIGH YIELD (T) EUR ESPA CESKY FOND ST. DLUHOPISU VT JPMORGAN F-CHINA FUND-C USD VANGUARD-US 500 STK IDX- USD INS VANGUARD-JAPAN STK IND-USD INV AMUNDI-INDEX EQ EUROPE-IEC XT USA ESPA STOCK ISTANBUL (T) EUR ESPA BOND EURO-CORPORATE (VT) ESPA STOCK RUSSIA-T ESPA STOCK JAPAN (VT) CZK PICTET – USA INDEX – I USD PICTET EMERG MKTS INDEX I USD AMUNDI-INDX EQY NTH AM-IEC THREADNEEDLE EUR SEL FUND PICTET – PAC (XJPN)-P USD Foreign participation certificates Total Market Price Total Accrued Interest 348.54 0.00 348.54 0.00 13,637,904.00 6,612,642.68 3,662,485.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 23,913,032.08 0.00 7,521,120.00 23,858,884.91 6,814,453.13 49,823,444.29 32,177,031.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 120,194,934.04 0.00 25,495,047.90 5,272,511.10 86,399,369.10 6,676,645.23 59,147,684.96 21,516,753.58 65,492,688.11 9,416,427.02 1,832,099.70 59,537,974.65 4,350,702.00 8,262,197.00 56,907,980.64 12,723,008.76 23,729,892.63 11,574,172.75 9,287,374.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 467,622,529.77 587,817,812.35 0.00 0.00 301 Independent Auditor’s Report to the Participation certificate holders of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., AKCIOVÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., AKCIOVÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December 2013, and the income statement and statement of changes in equity for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. For details of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., AKCIOVÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, see Note 1 to the financial statements. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Act on Auditors and International Standards on Auditing as amended by implementation guidance of the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including an assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., AKCIOVÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, as at 31 December 2013, and its financial performance for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic. 31 March 2014 Prague, Czech Republic Ernst & Young Audit, s.r.o. License No. 401 Represented by partner Roman Hauptfleisch Auditor, Licence no. 2009 A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited, Ernst & Young Audit, s. r. o. with its registred office at Na Florenci 2116/15, 110 00 Prague 1 – Nové Město, has been incorporated in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, entry No. 88504, under Identification No. 26704153. 302 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., AKCIOVÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Balance Sheet at 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) Line Current Previous 1 2 5 10 11 13 15 16 19 21 93,380 75,441 17,939 0 0 610,050 5,658 5,486 172 0 71,009 45,424 25,585 29,347 29,347 518,006 9,168 9,009 159 11 22 709,088 627,541 29 30 32 33 34 39 40 41 46 47 9,077 7,805 101 1,171 943 (911,021) 224,239 1,269,413 11,998 104,439 800 356 76 368 851 (900,903) 145,901 1,290,556 11,998 78,338 Total Liabilities 48 709,088 627,541 of which: Equity 49 699,068 625,890 3 Receivables from banks and credit unions of which: a/ on demand: aa/ current accounts ad/ margin accounts 5 Debt securities of which: a/ issued by the government 6 Shares, unit certificates and other participation interests 11 Other assets a/ derivatives d/ other assets 13 Prepayments and accrued income Total Assets 4 Other liabilities a/ derivatives c/ liabilities from taxes d/ other liabilities 5 Deferred income and accrued expenses 9 Share premium 10 Reserve funds and other funds from profit 12 Capital funds 14 Retained earnings or accumulated losses from previous periods 15 Profit or loss for the accounting period 303 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., AKCIOVÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Off Balance Sheet Accounts at 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 4 Amounts due from fixed term transactions b/ with currency instruments c/ with equity instruments 6 Receivables written off 7 Assets provided into custody, administration and safekeeping of which: securities 12 Amounts owed from fixed term transactions b/ with currency instruments c/ with equity instruments Line Current Previous 52 54 55 58 60 61 64 66 67 541,780 480,176 61,604 810 529,077 529,077 544,099 482,582 61,517 474,487 379,124 95,363 805 474,527 474,527 467,917 371,942 95,975 304 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., AKCIOVÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 1 Interest income and similar income of which: a/ interest income from bonds 3 Income from shares and unit certificates 5 Commission and fee expenses a/ fees and commissions from securities trading b/ management fee c/ custody fee d/ other financial expenses 6 Profit or loss on financial operations a/ profit or loss on transactions with securities b/ profit or loss on foreign exchange transactions c/ profit or loss on fixed term transactions and options 9 Administrative expenses of which: b/ other administrative expenses: ba/ audit 12 Release of provisions and bad debt allowances to receivables and guarantees, income from receivables written off Depreciation, creation and utilizing of provisions and bad debt allowances to 13 receivables and guarantees 19 Ordinary profit or loss for the accounting period before tax 23 Income tax 24 Profit or loss for the accounting period after tax Line Current Previous 1 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 730 488 678 12,170 41 10,159 739 1,231 115,504 115,491 1,140 (1,127) 187 187 1,580 963 342 11,362 33 9,455 692 1,182 88,163 57,449 (2,744) 33,458 237 237 24 78 46 25 26 30 31 92 104,541 102 104,439 143 78,389 51 78,338 305 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., AKCIOVÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Current Previous (900,903) 18,904 (29,022) 0 (911,021) (886,121) 36,681 (51,463) 0 (900,903) 145,901 78,338 0 224,239 225,714 0 (79,813) 145,901 1,290,556 39,730 (60,873) 0 0 1,269,413 1,339,445 135,681 (184,570) 0 0 1,290,556 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Share premium opening balance issued unit certificates repurchase of unit certificates other changes closing balance 2 Retained earnings opening balance transfers to funds other changes closing balance 3 Capital funds opening balance issued unit certificates repurchase of unit certificates transfers to funds other changes closing balance 4 Gains or losses from revaluation opening balance foreign exchange rate differences and gains or losses from revaluation not included in profit (loss) closing balance 5 Retained earnings or accumulated losses from previous periods opening balance other changes closing balance 6 Profit (loss) for the current period after taxes opening balance profit (loss) transfers to funds, dividends closing balance 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 11,998 0 11,998 11,998 0 11,998 78,338 104,439 (78,338) 104,439 (79,812) 78,338 79,812 78,338 7 Total 32 699,068 625,890 306 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., AKCIOVÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Notes to the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2013 1. Organisation and Description of Business Formation and Description of the Business Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., AKCIOVÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond was established upon the transformation of Spořitelní privatizační – Výnosový investiční fond a. s. to an openended mutual fund under Resolution of Securities Commission ref. no. 211/14557/R/1999 dated 22 September 1999. Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. – Výnosový otevřený podílový fond was formed as at 1 December 1999. The name of the fund changed to Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. – AKCIOVÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond (hereinafter the “Fund” or “ISČS, a. s. – Akciový MIX FF”) on 7 February 2007. Pursuant to a concluded contract, Česká spořitelna, a. s. acts as the depository of the Fund. The Fund is managed by Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. (hereinafter the “Company”). In compliance with the Collective Investment Act No. 189/2004 Coll. (hereinafter the “Act”), the Company is responsible for the management of the assets of the Fund, which involves the administration and handling of the assets. Investment Policy of the Fund The objective of the investment policy is to provide participation certificate holders with a long-term appreciation of participation certificates primarily through investments in securities of money market funds and collective investment bond and equity funds. Credit and interest rate risks are actively managed. The equity component’s share in the Fund’s portfolio and its regional and sector composition are actively managed. The neutral weight of the equity component’s share in the Fund’s assets amounts to 75 percent. The Fund carries currency exposure arising from investments in local currencies. With the equity component, the exposure is actively managed using available hedging instruments. Finances collected in the Fund are primarily invested in securities of collective investment funds if such collective investment funds invest in identical classes of assets as a standard fund under the Collective Investment Act, spreads the risk connected to investments and repurchases securities issued by the Fund, or ensures that the exchange rate or prices of these securities on the regulated market do not significantly differ from actual values. The Fund is a standard fund in compliance with the Act and meets the requirements of EU legislation. The portfolio of the Fund may also be expanded by purchasing shares, bonds and other investment instruments approved for collective investments of a standard fund under the Collective Investment Act. According to the classification binding for the members of the Capital Market Association (the “AKAT CR”) as at the date of the approval of this Statute, the Fund can be defined as a fund of funds. Debt securities are primarily state, corporate, municipality and other bonds, whose issuers received Standard & Poor’s or Moody’s rating of long-term indebtedness at least on the investment level. Registered Office The limits of the Fund are adhered to on the basis of the Act, or they are regulated in the Fund’s Statute in compliance with the Act. Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. AKCIOVÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond Prague 6, Dejvice, Evropská 2690/17 The Fund uses financial derivatives to hedge against currency and interest rate exposures. Principal Business The Company collects funds from individuals and legal entities for the Fund by issuing participation certificates with the purpose of their collective investment on local and foreign financial markets. No restrictions are placed on the number of participation certificates for issue and the period for which the Fund is established. The Company reserves the right to temporary halt the issuing of participation certificates for no longer than three months in compliance with the Act. The profit/(loss) is based on the difference between the income and expenses related to the management of the Fund’s assets. The generated profit is retained in the reinvestment fund as a source for further investments and to cover the Fund’s losses. If the profit is not sufficient, the loss must be covered by a reduction in the capital fund. Change in the Fund’s Statute The participation certificates of the Fund are available both in the Czech Republic and in other EU member countries. Czech National Bank Resolution No. 2012/4569/570, dated 18 May 2012, which came into force on 5 June 2012: The changes to the Funds statute related mainly to the duty of the asset investment 307 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., AKCIOVÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report company to ensure that its statute is in accordance with the amendment to Act 189/2004 Coll., on collective investments (as ensuing from the changes made by Act 188/2011 Coll.) and Decree No. 193/2011 Coll., on the minimum requisites of the statute and on the conditions for the use of the name Short-Term Money Market Fund and Money Market Fund. Investment objectives, the method of investing and the risk profile of the Fund have not been changed in the amendments referred to above. Along with the change made to the statute, information was updated as to the list of funds managed by the Company (Article II Paragraph 8 of the statute), in particular information on the managing parties of the asset management company (Appendix 1 to the statute), information added on the performance of the mutual fund for 2011 (Appendix 2 to the statute), information updated on the total cost indicators for 2011, and the date on which the statute being signed was updated. On the date the changes to the statute came into force the simple statute of the Fund was replaced by a newly processed document providing required key information for investors. Such key information for investors was processed in accordance with Commission (EU) Regulation No. 583/2012. As at 1 February 2013, information on Fund`s 2012 performance was published within the document Key investors information. (According to the article 23, section 3 of Council Regulation (EC) no. 583/2010, the performance must be updated within the Key investors information up to 35 days after the previous calendar year end.) The updated text of the Funds statute was approved by the Investment company`s board of directors as at 10 April 2013. The changes in the statute text related to an update of the list of managed funds, update of the information on the length of professional experience of Investment company management, addition of information on Fund’s performance and the Fund`s benchmark`s performance, an update of information on total expense ratio for 2012 and update of the date of the signature. These updates were not subject to preliminary approval from Czech national bank (according to the section 84 (a), subsection 5 of 189/2004 Coll. Act on collective investment. The shareholders could access the updated text of the Statute and Key investors information as of 10 April 2013 on, at the distributor’s branches (Ceska sporitelna, a. s.) and at the Investment company seat. Legislative change Act No 240/2013 Coll., Act on Management Companies and Investment Funds became effective as of 19 August 2013. Rules stated by this act must be implemented by management companies and investment funds by 22 July 2014. In 2013, the Fund`s management was subject to the rules of the Act No. 189/2004 Coll., On collective investment schemes. The new rules will be applied as of 2014. 2. Basis of Preparation The financial statements have been prepared on the basis of underlying accounting records maintained in accordance with Accounting Act No. 563/1991 Coll., and applicable regulations, decrees and internal standards in compliance with and in the scope defined in Czech Finance Ministry Regulation No. 501/2002 of 6 November 2002, as subsequently amended, which sets out the overall framework for the presentation of the financial statements, and guidelines for the structure and minimum requirements for the content of the financial statements of banks and certain financial institutions, and Czech Accounting Standards for Financial Institutions, which establish the accounting principles and policies. The basis of preparation and the accounting policies have been applied during both 2013 and 2012. The Fund is obliged to comply with the regulatory requirements of the Act. The financial statements are presented in compliance with general accounting principles, specifically the accrual principle, the prudence concept and the going concern assumption. The financial statements contain the balance sheet, profit and loss account, statement of changes in equity, and notes to the financial statements. The presentation of the financial statements requires that the Company makes estimates which have an impact on the reported amounts of assets and liabilities as at the date of the financial statements as well as expenses and income in the relevant accounting period. These estimates are based on information available as at the date of the financial statements and may differ from the actual results. As a result of continued market volatility since the start of the global financial crisis, the Fund may be exposed to increased risk, specifically due to the uncertainty regarding possible asset impairments and future developments on the market. The financial statements have been prepared based on the current best estimates using all relevant and available information as at the date of the financial statements. These financial statements are unconsolidated. All amounts are stated in thousands of Czech crowns (CZK), unless indicated otherwise. Explanation Added for Translation into English These financial statements are presented on the basis of accounting principles and standards generally accepted in the Czech Republic. Certain accounting practices applied by the Company that conform with generally accepted accounting principles and standards 308 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., AKCIOVÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report in the Czech Republic may not conform with generally accepted accounting principles in other countries. Realised capital gains or losses are recorded in the profit and loss account within ‘Profit or loss from financial operations’. 3. Accounting Policies Accrued interest relating to assets is included within the total balance of these assets. Transaction Recognition Date Receivables and Payables Purchases and sales of securities are recognised using trade date accounting provided that the period between the trade date and the fulfilment of the commitment arising from the contract does not exceed a period typical for the relevant type of transaction. The Fund records receivables arising from its transactions with securities and other operating receivables at their nominal value, while receivables from positive fair values of derivatives are recorded at the fair value of the derivatives at the balance sheet date. Pursuant to the prudence principle, provisions are created based on the aging of receivables. The transaction recognition date for derivative contracts is: a) the date upon which the related contract was entered into; b) the date when fulfilment was delivered based on the relevant contract. The transaction recognition date can also be the date when money in circulation is paid or received, the date when foreign currency is purchased or sold, the date when a payment is made, the date when ownership is acquired or terminated, when a receivable or payable arises, changes or ceases to exist, when assets move within an accounting entity, and the date when other matters to be included in the accounting records occur, or when the documents supporting these other matters are available, or when other matters are a consequence of internal conditions of the accounting entity and/ or special regulations. Securities In accordance with the Fund’s strategy, all securities are classified as securities at fair value through profit or loss. During the accounting period, securities are re-measured at fair value on a daily basis pursuant to the Finance Ministry Regulation No. 194/2011 Coll., on more detailed regulation of certain rules in collective investment (the “Decree”), as amended. The securities of the Fund are accounted for as securities at fair value through profit or loss. The fair value of the securities is determined in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards with an exception, that an average price between the most favourable binding offer and demand (MID price) is used for bonds. Pursuant to the Regulation, securities are valued at the price quoted on a public market which is adjusted, as appropriate, to reflect the rules set out in the Regulation. If the market value is unavailable, the Fund uses a value determined by the Company using valuation models based on discounted future cash flows according to the yield curve calculated using the Reuters and Kondor+ systems. Securities are measured at cost upon initial recognition using the weighted average method. The acquisition cost includes direct transaction costs related to the acquisition of securities. The Fund records payables arising from its transactions with securities and operating payables at their nominal value, while payables from negative fair values of derivatives are recorded at the fair value of the derivatives at the balance sheet date. Financial Derivatives and Hedging Transactions In the normal course of business, the Fund enters into hedging contracts with financial derivatives to hedge against foreign currency exposures associated with its transactions on financial markets. The Fund designates certain derivatives as hedges provided that the following criteria are met: – the Fund has developed a risk management strategy; – at the inception of the hedge, the hedging relationship is formally documented, the documentation identifies the hedged item and the hedging instrument, and it defines the risk that is being hedged and the approach to establishing whether the hedge is effective; and – the hedge is effective, that is, changes in the fair value or cash flows of the hedged item are almost fully offset by changes in the fair value or cash flows of the hedging instrument and the results are within a range of 80 percent to 125 percent. Nominal values of derivative financial instruments are recognised in the off-balance sheet accounts. Changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as hedges (see above) are recorded as income or expense. Changes in the fair value of the hedging derivatives attributable to the risk hedged are recognised in the same income or expense accounts as differences from revaluation of a hedged instrument. All financial derivatives are recorded as assets when the fair value is positive and as liabilities when the fair value is negative. Fair values are derived from on the valuation models. Derivatives that are not designated as hedging derivatives are treated as trading derivatives. These derivatives are measured at fair value on a daily basis and gains and losses on revaluation are posted to expense and income accounts. 309 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., AKCIOVÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Certain derivatives are embedded in compound financial instruments, which comprise the host instrument and the derivative. Pursuant to the applicable regulations, the Fund recognises changes in assets and liabilities arising from the movements in rates or prices of securities or changes in exchange rates through expense and income accounts. Given that the assets of the Fund are valued at fair value and changes of fair values are reported within expenses and income from derivatives, embedded derivatives are not accounted for separately. Income Tax Under effective tax regulations, the income tax rate applicable to mutual funds is 5 percent. Deferred Tax Deferred tax is provided using the liability method on all temporary differences between the carrying amount of assets and liabilities reported in the balance sheet and their value for tax purposes. Deferred tax assets are recognised only up to the amount of probable future taxable income against which the deferred tax asset can be offset. Foreign Currency Translations Foreign currencies are translated using the exchange rate promulgated by the Czech National Bank as at the relevant date. As at the balance sheet date, assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated on the same basis. Foreign exchange rate gains and losses from the daily translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are posted to expense or income accounts. Capital Funds The selling price of participation certificates is calculated as a proportion of the Fund’s net assets and the relevant number of participation certificates. Participation certificates are sold to investors using the selling price determined on a daily basis. Subsequent Events The impact of events that occurred between the balance sheet date and the date of the financial statements preparation is recognized in the financial statements provided these events provide additional evidence about conditions that existed at the date of the balance sheet. If material events reflecting the facts occurring after the balance sheet date happened between the balance sheet date and the date of the financial statements preparation the consequences of these events are disclosed in the notes to the financial statements but not recognized in the financial statements. 4. Risk Management Credit Risk In accordance with the Statute and the investment strategy, the Company establishes rules and policies for selecting investment instruments such that the overall credit risk profile of allocated investments is consistent with the characteristics of the Fund. New types of instruments are approved on a case by case basis by the risk management function together with the specification of limits for positions pertaining to these instruments. Specific emphasis is placed on an appropriate rating structure and a relatively detailed diversification of portfolios (especially in relation to interest bearing securities). Market Risk The Fund uses a wide range of tools to eliminate risk exposures attached to its portfolios. Significant attention is paid to market risks. Apart from statutory restrictions, the Fund is subject to a set of internal limits having a direct impact on the FX exposure, interest rate exposure (the modified duration range of the Fund), equity allocation on individual markets according to their volatility, portfolio rating structure (see above), and other characteristics of the Fund. The relevant limits are appropriately applied to correspond with the type of the Fund. Share Premium Share premium is the difference between the nominal value of all participation certificates and their carrying amounts as at the date of their issue or purchase. Interest Income and Expense and Dividend Income Interest income and expense are recognised using the accrual principle. Dividend income is recognised as at the date when the right to receive the payment is established (ex-dividend date). Dividend income from domestic securities is presented after withholding tax. Dividend income from foreign securities is presented gross with the applicable taxes presented within taxes on foreign dividends (see note 5.16). Whenever the Fund purchases new types of instruments, these instruments are first analysed to assess the potential credit risk, as well as the market risk that the instruments might bring to or help eliminate from the portfolio. Subsequently, their appropriateness and, if appropriate, the acceptable proportion of these instruments in the portfolio is evaluated. The level of the Fund’s market risk exposure is measured using the Value at Risk (“VaR”). With effect from 1 August 2006, the VaR for the Company’s Funds is calculated by the Central Risk Management Department of Česká spořitelna using the historical simulation method in the K + KvaR system. Set out below are relative monthly values of the VaR in percentage terms for individual types of risks: 310 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., AKCIOVÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 31 Dec 2013 Average VaR 6.86% 0.68% 0.01% 6.88% 6.78% 0.78% 0.07% 7.01% Global VaR Foreign currency VaR Interest rate VaR Equity VaR 31 Dec 2012 Average VaR 7.11% 0.93% 0.11% 7.30% 6.68% 0.58% 0.14% 6.69% Global VaR Foreign currency VaR Interest rate VaR Equity VaR The average VaR is calculated as average of daily VaR values in years 2013 and 2012 respectively. The Fund monitors Value at Risk globally and also broken down to Foreign Currency VaR, Interest Rate VaR and Equity VaR. Based on the above values, the Fund identifies critical risk segments. This identification influences the reinvestment process. The limits set the maximum acceptable VaR for the Fund. The Equity VaR also reflects the risk related to the holding of mutual funds’ participation certificates (including funds of money market and bond funds). Adherence to all the above limits and their effectiveness is monitored and assessed on an ongoing basis. The limits are reviewed, if necessary. The portfolio’s risk of unfavourable development of foreign exchange rates, interest rates, and other market factors is hedged, to an appropriate extent, by financial derivatives. Financial deriva- tives are traded on the OTC market as this market enables the trading of contracts whose parameters and nature appropriately satisfy the requirements of a hedge. Portfolios primarily include currency swaps, currency forwards and interest rate swaps. Liquidity Risk Another monitored risk is the liquidity risk. Liquidity risk is a risk that the Fund will not have enough available resources to meet its obligations arising from financial contracts. Liquidity is monitored and managed based on expected cash flows, with appropriate adjustments made to the structure of securities and term placements portfolios. Pursuant to the Act, the Company is obliged to repurchase a participation certificate without undue delay but not later than 15 business days from the date when the repurchase right is claimed. Given that the Fund holds securities traded on foreign stock exchanges which can be realised within a few days, the Fund’s inability to meet its obligations due to lack of liquidity is unlikely. Pursuant to Section 12 of the Collective Investment Act, the Company can suspend issues and purchases of the Fund’s participation certificates for a maximum of three months, if necessary due to the protection of rights or the participation certificate holders’ interests protected by law. Issuing and purchasing participation certificates can be suspended particularly at the end or beginning of the calendar year, in the event of natural disasters, upon very strong fluctuations on financial markets and upon high requirements for the sales or purchases of participation certificates provided they could endanger the Fund’s assets. The quantitative information about the residual maturity of assets and liabilities is given in Note 5.18. 5. Additional Information on the Financial Statements 5.1 Receivables from Banks Receivables from banks 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Current accounts Margin accounts 75,441 17,939 45,424 25,585 Total 93,380 71,009 Balances on current accounts are repayable on demand. 311 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., AKCIOVÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.2 Securities Individual types of securities by issuer, number of securities, their market value and interest rate are disclosed in the Portfolio attached to the annual report. All securities held by the Fund are publicly listed on the Prague Stock Exchange or foreign stock exchanges. Participation certificates which are not listed on stock exchanges are purchased and administered by the Company. Shares, participation certificates and other holdings 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Acquisition cost Market revaluation 504,388 105,662 475,867 42,139 Total 610,050 518,006 Debt securities 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Acquisition cost Market revaluation Accrued interest income – – 25,631 3,472 244 Total – 29,347 Of the aggregate volume of debt securities, debt securities maturing within more than one year with a variable coupon accounted for 0 percent in 2013 (2012: 0 percent). Debt securities maturing within more than one year with a fixed coupon accounted for 0 percent in 2013 (2012: 100 percent). 5.3 Other Assets Other assets Positive fair values of financial derivatives Other receivables Other Provisions against receivables Total 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 5,486 1,141 170 (1,139) 9,009 1,208 145 (1,194) 5,658 9,168 Other receivables’ principally relate to receivables from dividends. Receivables arising from dividends unpaid within two years from the recognition of a claim are provisioned in full. The caption ‘Other’ represents estimated receivables arising from dividends and an estimated receivable for the return of a portion of the management fee for purchased participation certificates of Erste Bank der oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG Group’s fund. 5.4 Prepayments and Accrued Income Prepayments and accrued income 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Prepayments – audit fees – 11 Total – 11 5.5 Equity The Fund has no share capital. The nominal value of one participation certificate is CZK 1. The total nominal value of all participation certificates is posted to ‘Capital funds’. Share premium arising from the difference between the nominal and selling values of the participation certificates is recorded separately. The Fund accounts for share premium upon the sale of participation certificates as well as upon their repurchase. The selling price of the participation certificate is determined as the share of the Fund’s net assets and the number of issued participation certificates. The value of a participation certificate as at the last trading date in 2013 totalled CZK 1.5761 (2012: CZK 1.3469). This is the most recent announced value of the participation certificate for the year, for which purchases and repurchases of the participation certificates of the Fund were undertaken. 312 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., AKCIOVÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report The profit for 2013 of CZK 104,439 thousand will be transferred to the reinvestment fund within ‘Other funds from profit’. The profit for 2012 of CZK 78,338 thousand was transferred to the reinvestment fund within ‘Other funds from profit’. 5.6 Changes in the Capital Fund Number of Nominal Additions to Total capital funds participation value of capital fund certificates participation certificates Balance at 31 Dec 2011 513,576,326 513,576 825,869 1,339,445 135,680,721 (184,570,256) 135,681 (184,570) – – 135,681 (184,570) Balance at 31 Dec 2012 464,686,791 464,687 825,869 1,290,556 Participation certificates sold Participation certificates purchased 39,730,088 (60,873,223) 39,730 (60,873) – – 39,730 (60,873) Balance at 31 Dec 2013 443,543,656 443,544 825,869 1,269,413 Participation certificates sold Participation certificates purchased Additions to the capital fund relate to contributions that arose upon the transformation of the Fund (refer to ‘Formation and Description of the Business’). 5.7 Other Liabilities Other liabilities 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Payables from participation certificate holders’ placements Negative fair values of financial derivatives Payable to the state budget Other liabilities 891 7,805 101 280 248 356 76 120 Total 9,077 800 5.8 Accrued Expenses and Deferred Income Accrued expenses consist of the unbilled custody fee of CZK 64 thousand related to December 2013 (2012: CZK 57 thousand), the unbilled management fee of CZK 876 thousand related to December 2013 (2012: CZK 784 thousand), and the unbilled fee for the local sub-register administration of CZK 0 thousand related to December 2013 (2012: CZK 7 thousand) and the unbilled fee for calculation of net assets value of CZK 3 thousand related to December 2013 (2012: CZK 3 thousand). 5.9 Financial Derivatives Designated as Hedging Derivatives Nominal value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Assets Liabilities Assets Currency swaps – – 4,539 Liabilities 4,532 Total – – 4,539 4,532 Open positions of derivatives posted to an off-balance sheet are converted to fair value daily as of 1 January 2011 (up to 31 August 2013 futures were converted monthly; as of 1 September 2013 they are converted on daily basis) and recorded in absolute values. Fair value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Positive Negative Positive Currency swaps – – 7 Negative – Total – – 7 – Currency derivatives are due within one year. 313 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., AKCIOVÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.10 Financial Derivatives Designated as Trading Derivatives Nominal value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Assets Liabilities Assets Liabilities Currency swaps Equity indices futures 480,176 61,604 482,582 61,517 374,585 95,363 367,410 95,975 Total 541,780 544,099 469,948 463,385 Open positions of derivatives posted to an off-balance sheet are converted to fair value daily as of 1 January 2011 (up to 31 August 2013 futures were converted monthly; as of 1 September 2013 they are converted on daily basis) and recorded in absolute values. Fair value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Positive Negative Positive Negative Currency swaps Equity indices futures 5,399 87 7,805 – 7,454 1,548 279 77 Total 5,486 7,805 9,002 356 2013 2012 Currency and equity derivatives are due within one year. 5.11 Income from Shares and Interests Foreign dividends 678 342 Total received dividends 678 342 2013 2012 Interest on deposits at banks Interest on debt securities 242 488 617 963 Total 730 1,580 2013 2012 Management fees Custody fees Commissions and fees from securities trading Expenses of administration of the local sub-register Administration of securities Fees paid to the central depository Other fees and commissions 10,159 739 41 85 728 1 417 9,455 692 33 83 637 1 461 Total 12,170 11,362 5.12 Interest Income 5.13 Fees and Commissions In compliance with the Statute of the Fund, the management fee paid by the Fund amounted to 1.70 percent of the average annual net asset value. Pursuant to the custody service contract entered into with Česká spořitelna, a. s., the Fund pays a fee equal to 0.11 percent of its average annual net asset value. If participation certificates of another mutual fund managed by the Company are purchased and added to the Fund’s assets, the Fund’s aggregate net asset value reduced by the current value of investments in participation certificates of the other mutual fund managed by the Company is used as the basis for the calculation of the fixed part of the management fee. 314 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., AKCIOVÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.14 Profit or Loss from Financial Operations 2013 2012 Profit or loss from securities at fair value through profit or loss Profit or loss from fixed term transactions and options Profit or loss from FX differences 115,491 (1,127) 1,140 57,449 33,458 (2,744) Total 115,504 88,163 Profit or loss from securities at fair value through profit or loss primarily comprises the profit or loss from the realised sales of securities, from payable securities and from the daily valuation of securities at fair value. Profit or loss from derivatives includes profit or loss on the settlement of fixed term transactions with financial instruments and also the revaluation of open derivatives at fair value. Profit or loss from FX differences represents the value of realised FX profit or loss from foreign currency accounts and from the settlement of foreign currency receivables and payables and also gains or losses arising from the revaluation of assets, with the exception of securities, and liabilities in foreign currency at fair value. 5.15 Administrative Expenses 2013 2012 Audit 187 237 Total 187 237 2013 2012 5.16 Income Tax The principal income tax components are as follows: Tax payable – current year 102 51 Total income tax 102 51 2013 2012 104,541 95 (757) 103,879 (103,879) – – 678 102 – 78,390 144 (389) 78,145 (78,145) – – 342 51 – 102 51 Current income tax – analysis: Profit (Loss) before tax Items to add Deductible items Tax base Tax loss utilisation Adjusted tax base Tax (5%) on tax base Foreign dividends Tax on foreign dividends Additional tax payments Total tax Deferred tax As at 31 December 2013, the Fund determined a deferred tax asset of CZK 4,296 thousand arising from a tax loss and provisions against receivables. The deferred tax asset was not recorded on the basis that its recovery was uncertain. As at 31 December 2012, the Fund determined a deferred tax asset of CZK 14,492 thousand arising from a tax loss and provisions against receivables. The deferred tax asset was not recorded on the basis that its recovery was uncertain. 315 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., AKCIOVÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.17 Related Party Transactions Related parties include Česká spořitelna, a. s. and Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Unbilled custody fee – Česká spořitelna Unbilled management fee – Investiční společnost Unbilled fee for administration of the local sub-register Unbilled fee for calculation of NAV Other payables to related parties Total payables to related parties 64 876 – 3 258 57 784 7 3 119 1,201 970 The costs charged to the Fund by Česká spořitelna, a. s. amounted to CZK 1,977 thousand in 2013 (2012: CZK 1,908 thousand), of which the greatest portion was represented by the custody fee of CZK 739 thousand (2012: CZK 692 thousand). The costs charged by the Company amounted to CZK 10,159 thousand (2012: CZK 9,455 thousand), which is the annual management fee. 5.18 Liquidity The following tables show the residual maturity of assets and liabilities broken down by major classes of assets. Given that all securities are traded on public markets, sales can easily be undertaken within three months. 2013 Assets Less than 3 months 3 month – 1 year 1 – 5 years Over 5 years Not specified Total Receivables from banks Debt securities Shares and participation certificates Other assets Prepayments 93,380 – – 5,656 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 610,050 2 – 93,380 – 610,050 5,658 – Total assets 99,036 – – – 610,052 709,088 Other liabilities Net assets Available capital (9,919) 89,117 (699,068) (101) (101) – – – – – – – – 610,052 – (10,020) 699,068 (699,068) Difference (609,951) (101) – – 610,052 – Less than 3 months 3 month – 1 year 1 – 5 years Over 5 years Not specified Total Receivables from banks Debt securities Shares and participation certificates Other assets Prepayments 71,009 − − 9,154 11 − − − − − − − − − − − 29,347 − − − − − 518,006 14 − 71,009 29,347 518,006 9,168 11 Total assets 80,174 − − 29,347 518,020 627,541 Other liabilities Net assets Available capital (1,575) 78,599 (625,890) (76) (76) − − − − − 29,347 − − 518,020 − (1,651) 625,890 (625,890) Difference (547,291) (76) − 29,347 518,020 − Liabilities 2012 Assets Liabilities Liquidity risk, to which the Fund is exposed, is low as all assets are immediately convertible into cash before the expected purchases of participation certificates from participation certificate holders can be undertaken. 316 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., AKCIOVÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.19 Off-balance Sheet Assets and Liabilities The Fund’s off-balance sheet accounts include receivables and payables from fixed term transactions and assets provided into custody and safekeeping. The item ‘Assets provided into custody, administration and safekeeping’ shows foreign and domestic securities administered by Česká spořitelna, a. s. (this item does not include participation certificates of open-ended mutual funds of the Company, which the Fund maintains in its portfolio). 5.20 Contingent Assets and Liabilities The Fund has no assets or liabilities that were not disclosed in the balance sheet or off-balance sheet accounts. 5.21 Subsequent Events No significant events occurred after the date of the financial statements, which would have a material impact on the Fund’s financial statements. 317 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., AKCIOVÝ MIX FF – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Portfolio at 31 December 2013 The detail of the portfolio is not part of the fund’s final accounts. Figures are stated in CZK. ISIN Name of the security FR0010313833 CS0005046655 ARKEMA MICHALOVSKE ELEKTROTECH. ZAVODY Amount Market Price Market Price Total Accrued Interest 140 27,450 2,325.37 0.00 325,551.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 325,551.21 0.00 8 1 4 34 1,831,242.70 9,156,710.85 2,204,214.23 852,369.00 14,649,941.60 9,156,710.85 8,816,856.90 28,980,546.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 61,604,055.35 0.00 14,389,225 28,472,179 11,000,000 1.40 1.74 1.04 20,077,285.64 49,404,925.00 11,490,600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 80,972,810.64 0.00 52,820 9,600 258,144 16,000 38,000 7,700 17,400 316,000 7,500 1,500 1,400 500 380 430 2,000 44,000 200 25,000 3,900 2,400 220,000 410,000 129.04 3,749.27 144.57 384.15 253.45 526.00 612.54 386.59 3,442.68 4,924.08 38,077.14 14,777.08 36,217.03 7,633.75 4,688.03 181.28 36,332.91 3,161.55 4,989.42 7,144.13 80.22 66.14 6,815,892.80 35,993,008.80 37,319,878.08 6,146,450.24 9,631,083.28 4,050,179.67 10,658,130.92 122,161,231.68 25,820,104.30 7,386,121.13 53,308,001.95 7,388,538.14 13,762,470.26 3,282,511.96 9,376,059.00 7,976,287.00 7,266,582.85 79,038,862.00 19,458,719.28 17,145,922.42 17,648,523.75 27,116,633.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 528,751,192.81 610,049,554.66 0.00 0.00 Foreign shares ESMAR14 SPX500MAR14 FTSEMAR14 DJ50MAR14 S & P 500 E-MINI CMEMAR14 S&P 500 FUTUREMAR14 FTSE 100 IDX FUTMAR14 DJ EURO STOXX 50 FUTURESMAR14 Futures CZ0008472230 CZ0008472404 CZ0008473659 ISCS CS KORP. DLUHOPIS. OPF ISCS TOP STOCKS ISCS DLUHOPISOVY FOND Local participation certificates - ISČS AT0000674692 AT0000805684 AT0000633771 LU0061324488 LU0011889929 IE0003713199 LU0129472758 IE0002639775 IE0007292083 LU0161332480 LU0389811539 LU0231474593 AT0000697081 AT0000704341 AT0000658968 AT0000A05SA6 AT0000697065 LU0188798671 LU0188497985 LU0148538712 GB0031189888 GB0002771169 ESPA FIDUCIA (VT) CZK ESPA BOND EUROPE HIGH YIELD T ESPA CESKY FOND ST. DLUHOPISU VT FIDELITY FNDS-KOREA FUND A HENDERSON HOR.-JAPAN.EQUITY FUND INVESCO KOREAN EQUITY-C JPMORGAN F-CHINA FUND-C USD VANGUARD-US 500 STK IDX- USD INS VANGUARD-JAPAN STK IND-USD INV FIDELITZ FUNDS JPN ADVANT JPY AMUNDI-INDEX EQ EUROPE-IEC ABERDEEN GL-JAPANESE EQTY-I2 XT USA ESPA STOCK ISTANBUL (T) EUR ESPA BOND EURO-CORPORATE (VT) ESPA STOCK RUSSIA-T XT EUROPA PICTET – USA INDEX – I USD PICTET EMERG MKTS INDEX I USD PICTET – PAC (XJPN)-P USD NEWTON UK OP-RETAIL-INC THREADNEEDLE EUR SEL FUND Foreign participation certificates Total 318 Independent Auditor’s Report to the Participation certificate holders of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Smíšený fond – otevřený podílový fond We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Smíšený fond – otevřený podílový fond, which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December 2013, and the income statement and statement of changes in equity for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. For details of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Smíšený fond – otevřený podílový fond, see Note 1 to the financial statements. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Act on Auditors and International Standards on Auditing as amended by implementation guidance of the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including an assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Smíšený fond – otevřený podílový fond, as at 31 December 2013, and its financial performance for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic. 31 March 2014 Prague, Czech Republic Ernst & Young Audit, s.r.o. License No. 401 Represented by partner Roman Hauptfleisch Auditor, Licence no. 2009 A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited, Ernst & Young Audit, s. r. o. with its registred office at Na Florenci 2116/15, 110 00 Prague 1 – Nové Město, has been incorporated in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, entry No. 88504, under Identification No. 26704153. 319 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Smíšený fond – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Balance Sheet at 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) Line Current Previous 1 2 5 10 11 13 15 16 19 21 287,639 287,639 0 1,165,216 1,165,216 876,993 8,493 7,507 986 0 68,088 68,060 28 1,187,364 1,187,364 876,529 14,665 12,380 2,285 12 22 2,338,341 2,146,658 29 30 32 33 34 39 41 47 22,296 21,317 758 221 353 (256,871) 2,375,492 197,071 2,970 1,338 1,516 116 343 (244,275) 2,318,418 69,202 Total Liabilities 48 2,338,341 2,146,658 of which: Equity 49 2,315,692 2,143,345 3 Receivables from banks and credit unions of which: a/ on demand: aa/ current accounts ad/ margin accounts 5 Debt securities of which: a/ issued by the government 6 Shares, unit certificates and other participation interests 11 Other assets a/ derivatives d/ other assets 13 Prepayments and accrued income Total Assets 4 Other liabilities a/ derivatives c/ liabilities from taxes d/ other liabilities 5 Deferred income and accrued expenses 9 Share premium 12 Capital funds 15 Profit or loss for the accounting period 320 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Smíšený fond – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Off Balance Sheet Accounts at 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 4 Amounts due from fixed term transactions b/ with currency instruments 7 Assets provided into custody, administration and safekeeping of which: securities 12 Amounts owed from fixed term transactions b/ with currency instruments Line Current Previous 52 54 60 61 64 66 844,379 844,379 1,991,886 1,991,886 858,189 858,189 1,018,068 1,018,068 2,017,409 2,017,409 1,007,026 1,007,026 321 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Smíšený fond – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 1 Interest income and similar income of which: a/ interest income from bonds d/ interest income from collaterals 2 Interest expenses and similar expenses b/ interest from received margins 3 Income from shares and unit certificates 5 Commission and fee expenses a/ fees and commissions from securities trading b/ management fee c/ custody fee d/ other financial expenses 6 Profit or loss on financial operations a/ profit or loss on transactions with securities b/ profit or loss on foreign exchange transactions c/ profit or loss on fixed term transactions and options 9 Administrative expenses of which: b/ other administrative expenses: ba/ audit 12 Release of provisions and bad debt allowances to receivables and guarantees, income from receivables written off Depreciation, creation and utilizing of provisions and bad debt allowances to 13 receivables and guarantees 19 Ordinary profit or loss for the accounting period before tax 23 Income tax 24 Profit or loss for the accounting period after tax Line Current Previous 1 2 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 40,699 40,524 1 1 1 17,998 6,693 1,170 2,616 1,336 1,571 148,745 198,550 (1,159) (48,646) 239 239 31,464 30,189 0 0 0 23,173 7,182 1,784 2,543 1,285 1,570 25,910 13,934 2,056 9,920 126 126 24 206 0 25 26 30 31 944 199,771 2,700 197,071 627 72,612 3,410 69,202 322 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Smíšený fond – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Current Previous (244,275) (62,525) 49,929 0 (256,871) (244,269) (6) 0 0 (244,275) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,318,418 357,760 (300,686) 0 0 2,375,492 2,694,743 35 0 (376,360) 0 2,318,418 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Share premium opening balance issued unit certificates repurchase of unit certificates other changes closing balance 2 Retained earnings opening balance transfers to funds other changes closing balance 3 Capital funds opening balance issued unit certificates repurchase of unit certificates transfers to funds other changes closing balance 4 Gains or losses from revaluation opening balance foreign exchange rate differences and gains or losses from revaluation not included in profit (loss) closing balance 5 Retained earnings or accumulated losses from previous periods opening balance other changes closing balance 6 Profit (loss) for the current period after taxes opening balance profit (loss) transfers to funds, dividends closing balance 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 56,159 (56,159) 0 69,202 197,071 (69,202) 197,071 (432,519) 69,202 432,519 69,202 7 Total 32 2,315,692 2,143,345 323 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Smíšený fond – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Notes to the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2013 1. Organisation and Description of Business Formation and Description of the Business Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Smíšený fond – otevřený podílový fond (the “Fund” or “ISČS, a. s. – Smíšený fond OPF”) is an accounting entity without legal entity status, formed by Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. (the “Company”) in compliance with the Collective Investment Act No. 189/2004 Coll. (the “Act”). Following Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s.’s request, the Czech National Bank approved the formation of a fund entitled Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Smíšený fond – otevřený podílový fond. The decision came into legal effect on 20 January 2010. The Fund commenced its activities on 8 February 2010. Pursuant to a concluded contract, Česká spořitelna, a. s. acts as the depository of the Fund. The Company collects funds from individuals and legal entities for the Fund by issuing participation certificates with the purpose of their collective investment on local and foreign financial markets. No restrictions are placed on the number of participation certificates for issue and the period for which the Fund is established. The Company reserves the right to temporary halt the issuing of participation certificates for no longer than three months in compliance with the Act. The Company is obliged to repurchase a participation certificate without undue delay but not later than 15 business days from the date when the repurchase right is claimed through Česká spořitelna if the purchase of a participation certificate is not suspended. The nominal value of each participation certificate is the same, i.e. CZK 1,000. The participation certificates of the Fund are available both in the Czech Republic and in other EU member countries. Investment Policy of the Fund The Fund is managed by the Company. In compliance with the Act, the Company is responsible for the management of the assets of the Fund, which involves the administration and handling of the assets. The Fund is a standard fund in compliance with the Act and meets the requirements of EU legislation. According to the classification binding for the members of the Capital Market Association (hereinafter the “AKAT CR”) as at the date of the approval of this Statute, the Fund can be defined as a mixed fund. Registered Office Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. Smíšený fond – otevřený podílový fond Prague 6, Evropská 2690/17 Principal Business The Fund is comprised of assets which are owned by the participation certificate holders based on their individual share of participation certificates. The Company is entrusted with the management of the Fund and the Fund constitutes an independent set of assets, separated from the management of the Company’s assets and from the assets of other funds managed by the Company. The Fund is not a legal entity. The Company manages the Fund under its name and on the account of the participation certificate holders. The objective of the investment policy is long-term over-performing the income from Czech state bonds and foreign shares through active changes in the weight of the shares of the portfolio, currency composition of the portfolio and modified duration of a bond portion of the portfolio. To a minor extent, the instruments with exposure on corporate bonds can also be included in the Fund’s portfolio. The Fund is managed with an emphasis on the generated income. The objective is achieved principally through an active allocation of assets (especially bonds vs shares), while a maximum portion of shares and investment instruments carrying the equity risk may not exceed 90 percent of the Fund’s assets. The equity component’s share in the Fund’s portfolio and its regional and sector composition are actively managed. The neutral weight of the state bond component of the portfolio amounts to 60 percent of the Fund’s assets. The bond component of the portfolio is actively managed in reference to interest rate risk on the Czech and Euro income curves. The Fund carries currency exposure arising from investments in local currencies. The currency exposure is actively managed using available hedging instruments. Due to an emphasis on using investment opportunities, the Fund achieves a high asset turnover. These objectives do not constitute limits for mitigation and spread of the risk associated with investing activities. The Fund may invest in securities of collective investment funds, if such a collective investment fund invests in the same types of assets, distributes the risk connected to investments and meets other obligations as set by the Act. 324 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Smíšený fond – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report The Company can use financial derivatives to effectively manage the Fund’s assets. The Fund’s portfolio can be expanded by purchasing other investment instruments allowed by the Act for collective investment of a standard fund. The limits of the Fund are adhered to on the basis of the Act, or they are regulated in the Fund’s Statute in compliance with the Act. The Company can use financial derivatives to effectively manage the Fund’s assets. Efficient asset management represents transactions for the purpose of decreasing risk, decreasing costs or achieving sufficient income for the Fund provided that the risk is demonstrably low. The exposure from these transactions must be fully covered by the Fund’s assets so that liabilities arising from these transactions are fulfilled. Management Policy The profit/(loss) is based on the difference between income and expenses related to the management of the Fund’s assets. The generated profit is used as source for payment of profit distribution. In the event that the Fund incurs a loss from the Company’s management of assets, the loss is covered from the reinvestment fund which was created from earnings brought forward. If the reinvestment fund is not sufficient, the loss is covered by a reduction in the Fund’s capital fund. The Fund’s assets must not be used for the provision of loans, borrowings or gifts, to secure a third party’s obligation or to settle a payable which is not related to the Fund’s management. This provision does not affect Sections 26 and 27 of the Act. When managing the Fund’s assets, contracts for the sale of investment securities and money market instruments, securities issued by other collective investment funds and financial derivatives which are not owned by the Fund at the moment of concluding the respective contracts, must not be entered into. The Company can accept loans and borrowings for the maximum of six months when managing the Fund’s assets, to cover temporary needs related to the management of the Fund’s assets or purchases of participation certificates. The volume of the received loans and borrowings must not exceed 10 percent of the value of the Fund’s assets. Payment of Profit Distribution The profit distribution is paid from the Fund’s total accounting profit after tax. If a profit amount to be distributed exceeds an amount corresponding to 4.5 percent of the Fund’s equity as at 31 December of the accounting period preceding the accounting period for which the profit is to be paid, a profit amount to be distributed will be reduced to a level equal to the 4.5 percent of the Fund’s equity mentioned above. The profit distribution is paid once a year. The decisive date for the payment of profit distribution is the last day of February in the year following the year for which profit distribution are paid. The date of the initiation of payment of profit distribution for the past financial year is 31 March of the following year provided that the auditor approved the Fund’s annual financial statements. In the event that this day is not a business day, the payment initiation date is moved to the closest following business day. Each participation certificate holder has the right to choose the method of settlement with regard to the profit distribution to be paid, i.e. either payment to a bank account selected by the participation certificate holder or transforming the share into other mutual fund participation certificates. The profit distribution is not paid out in cash. The participation certificate holder’s decision is indicated in the instruction for the payment of profit distribution. The bank account number or the participation certificate holder’s decision on the method of the payment of profit distribution can be changed through a new instruction for the payment of profit distribution issued prior to the decisive date for the payment of profit distribution. If the transformation of the profit distribution into other participation certificates of the Fund has been agreed (a reinvestment of profit distribution) in the instruction, it is deemed that the reinvested finances were credited to a current bank account of the Fund at the date of initiation of profit distribution payment. Pursuant to the Commercial Code, the right to the payment of profit distribution is subject to the statute of limitations after a four-year time limit has elapsed from the maturity date. After the four-year time limit elapses, unpaid profit distribution will be used for the payment of the current financial year profit distribution. Change in the Fund’s Statute Czech National Bank Resolution No. 2012/4586/570, dated 18 May 2012, which came into force on 5 June 2012: The changes to the Funds statute related mainly to the duty of the asset investment company to ensure that its statute is in accordance with the amendment to Act 189/2004 Coll., on collective investments (as ensuing from the changes made by Act 188/2011 Coll.) and Decree No. 193/2011 Coll., on the minimum requisites of the statute and on the conditions for the use of the name Short-Term Money Market Fund and Money Market Fund. Investment objectives, the method of investing and the risk profile of the Fund have not been changed in the amendments referred to above. Along with the change made to the statute, information was updated as to the list of funds managed by the Company (Article II Paragraph 8 of the statute), in particular information on the managing parties of the asset management company (Appendix 1 to the statute), information added on the performance of the mutual fund for 2011 (Appendix 2 to the statute), information updated on the total cost indicators for 2011, and the date on which the statute being signed was updated. 325 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Smíšený fond – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report On the date the changes to the statute came into force the simple statute of the Fund was replaced by a newly processed document providing required key information for investors. Such key information for investors was processed in accordance with Commission (EU) Regulation No. 583/2012. Czech National Bank Resolution No. 2012/8826/570, dated 14 September 2012, which came into force on 2 October 2012: Changes to the statute involve supplementation of the exemption under Section 29 Paragraph 1 of Act 189/2004 Coll., on collective investment in Article III Paragraph 10 of the statute. This change allows for investment of up to 50 % of the assets in the mutual fund in investment securities and money market instruments that the Czech Republic issued or for which it accepted a guarantee. In light of this fact, Article IV of the statute describing the credit risk was amended. The information given in Article III Paragraph 1 of the statute on the size of a neutral position of a portfolio element comprising state bonds was changed, namely from the current 60 % to 70 % of the assets of the mutual fund, and the information on the synthetic indicator of the risk profile in Article IV Paragraph 2 of the statute was updated. As at 1 February 2013, information on Fund`s 2012 performance was published within the document Key investors information. (According to the article 23, section 3 of Council Regulation (EC) no. 583/2010, the performance must be updated within the Key investors information up to 35 days after the previous calendar year end.) The updated text of the Funds statute was approved by the Investment company`s board of directors as at 10 April 2013. The changes in the statute text related to an update of the list of managed funds, update of the information on the length of professional experience of Investment company management, addition of information on Fund’s performance and the Fund`s benchmark`s performance, an update of information on total expense ratio for 2012 and update of the date of the signature. These updates were not subject to preliminary approval from Czech national bank (according to the section 84 (a), subsection 5 of 189/2004 Coll., On collective investment schemes). The shareholders could access the updated text of the Statute and Key investors information as of 10 April 2013 on, at the distributor’s branches (Ceska sporitelna, a. s.) and at the Investment company seat. Legislative change Act No 240/2013 Coll., On Management Companies and Investment Funds became effective as of 19 August 2013. Rules stated by this act must be implemented by management companies and investment funds by 22 July 2014. In 2013, the Fund`s management was subject to the rules of the Act No. 189/2004 Coll., On collective investment schemes. The new rules will be applied as of 2014. 2. Basis of Preparation The financial statements have been prepared on the basis of underlying accounting records maintained in accordance with Accounting Act No. 563/1991 Coll., and applicable regulations, decrees and internal standards in compliance with and in the scope defined in Czech Finance Ministry Regulation No. 501/2002 of 6 November 2002, as subsequently amended, which sets out the overall framework for the presentation of the financial statements, and guidelines for the structure and minimum requirements for the content of the financial statements of banks and certain financial institutions, and Czech Accounting Standards for Financial Institutions, which establish the accounting principles and policies. The basis of preparation and the accounting policies have been consistently applied during 2013 and 2012. The Fund is obliged to comply with the regulatory requirements of the Act. The financial statements are based on the accrual principle, that is, transactions and other events are recognised in the accounting period in which they occur, regardless of when the related monetary flow arises. The financial statements are presented in compliance with general accounting principles, specifically the accrual principle, the prudence concept and the going concern assumption. The financial statements contain the balance sheet, profit and loss account, statement of changes in equity, and notes to the financial statements. The presentation of the financial statements requires that the Company makes estimates which have an impact on the reported amounts of assets and liabilities as at the date of the financial statements as well as expenses and income in the relevant accounting period. These estimates are based on information available as at the date of the financial statements and may differ from the actual results. As a result of continued market volatility since the start of the global financial crisis, the Fund may be exposed to increased risk, specifically due to the uncertainty regarding possible asset impairments and future developments on the market. The financial statements have been prepared based on the current best estimates using all relevant and available information as at the date of the financial statements. These financial statements are unconsolidated. All amounts are stated in thousands of Czech crowns (CZK), unless indicated otherwise. Explanation Added for Translation into English These financial statements are presented on the basis of accounting principles and standards generally accepted in the Czech Republic. 326 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Smíšený fond – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Certain accounting practices applied by the Company that conform with generally accepted accounting principles and standards in the Czech Republic may not conform with generally accepted accounting principles in other countries. Realised capital gains or losses are recorded in the profit and loss account within ‘Profit or loss from financial operations’. 3. Accounting Policies Receivables and Payables Accrued interest relating to assets is included within the total balance of these assets. Purchases and sales of securities are recognised using trade date accounting provided that the period between the trade date and the fulfilment of the commitment arising from the contract does not exceed a period typical for the relevant type of transaction. The Fund records receivables arising from its transactions with securities and other operating receivables at their nominal value, while receivables from positive fair values of derivatives are recorded at the fair value of the derivatives at the balance sheet date. Pursuant to the prudence principle, provisions are created based on the aging of receivables. The transaction recognition date for derivative contracts is: a) the date upon which the related contract was entered into; b) the date when the fulfilment was delivered based on the relevant contract. The Fund records payables arising from its transactions with securities and operating payables at their nominal value, while payables from negative fair values of derivatives are recorded at the fair value of the derivatives at the balance sheet date. The transaction recognition date can also be the date when money in circulation is paid or received, the date when foreign currency is purchased or sold, the date when a payment is made, the date when ownership is acquired or terminated, when a receivable or payable arises, changes or ceases to exist, when assets move within an accounting entity, and the date when other matters to be included in the accounting records occur, or when the documents supporting these other matters are available, or when other matters are a consequence of internal conditions of the accounting entity and/ or special regulations. Financial Derivatives and Hedging Transactions Transaction Recognition Date Securities In accordance with the Fund’s strategy, all securities are classified as securities at fair value through profit or loss. During the accounting period, securities are re-measured at fair value on a daily basis pursuant to the Finance Ministry Regulation No. 194/2011 Coll., on more detailed regulation of certain rules in collective investment (the “Decree”), as amended. The securities of the Fund are accounted for as securities at fair value through profit or loss. The fair value of the securities is determined in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards with an exception, that an average price between the most favourable binding offer and demand (MID price) is used for bonds. Pursuant to the Regulation, securities are valued at the price quoted on a public market which is adjusted, as appropriate, to reflect the rules set out in the Regulation. If the market value is unavailable, the Fund uses a value determined by the Company using valuation models based on discounted future cash flows according to the yield curve calculated using the Reuters and Kondor+ systems. Securities are measured at cost upon initial recognition using the weighted average method. The acquisition cost includes direct transaction costs related to the acquisition of securities. In the normal course of business, the Fund enters into hedging contracts with financial derivatives to hedge against interest rate and foreign currency exposures associated with its transactions on financial markets. The method of fair value hedges is applied to hedging derivatives. The Fund designates certain derivatives as hedges provided that the following criteria are met: – the Fund has developed a risk management strategy; – at the inception of the hedge, the hedging relationship is formally documented, the documentation identifies the hedged item and the hedging instrument, and it defines the risk that is being hedged and the approach to establishing whether the hedge is effective; and – the hedge is effective, that is, changes in the fair value or cash flows of the hedged item are almost fully offset by changes in the fair value or cash flows of the hedging instrument and the results are within a range of 80 percent to 125 percent. Nominal values of derivative financial instruments are recognised in the off-balance sheet accounts. Changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as hedges (see above) are recorded as income or expense. Changes in the fair value of the hedging derivatives attributable to the risk hedged are recognised in the same income or expense accounts as differences from revaluation of a hedged instrument. All financial derivatives are recorded as assets when the fair value is positive and as liabilities when the fair value is negative. Fair values are derived from valuation models. Derivatives that are not designated as hedging derivatives are treated as trading derivatives. These derivatives are measured at fair value on a daily basis and gains and losses on revaluation are posted to derivative expense and income accounts. 327 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Smíšený fond – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Certain derivatives are embedded in compound financial instruments, which comprise the host instrument and the derivative. Pursuant to the applicable regulations, the Fund recognises changes in assets and liabilities arising from the movements in rates or prices of securities or changes in exchange rates through expense and income accounts. Given that the assets of the Fund are valued at fair value and changes of fair values are reported within expenses and income from derivatives, embedded derivatives are not accounted for separately. Income Tax Under effective tax regulations, the income tax rate applicable to mutual funds is 5 percent. Deferred Tax Deferred tax is provided using the liability method on all temporary differences between the carrying amount of assets and liabilities reported in the balance sheet and their value for tax purposes. Deferred tax assets are recognised only up to the amount of probable future taxable income against which the deferred tax asset can be offset. Foreign Currency Translations Foreign currencies are translated using the exchange rate promulgated by the Czech National Bank as at the relevant date. As at the balance sheet date, assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated on the same basis. Foreign exchange rate gains and losses from the daily translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are posted to expense or income accounts. Capital Funds The selling price of participation certificates is calculated as a proportion of the Fund’s net assets and the relevant number of participation certificates. Participation certificates are sold to investors using the selling price determined on a daily basis. Subsequent Events The impact of events that occurred between the balance sheet date and the date of the financial statements preparation is recognized in the financial statements provided these events provide additional evidence about conditions that existed at the date of the balance sheet. If material events reflecting the facts occurring after the balance sheet date happened between the balance sheet date and the date of the financial statements preparation the consequences of these events are disclosed in the notes to the financial statements but not recognized in the financial statements. 4. Risk Management Credit Risk In accordance with the Statute and the investment strategy, the Company establishes rules and policies for selecting investment instruments such that the overall credit risk profile of allocated investments is consistent with the characteristics of the Fund. New types of instruments are approved on a case by case basis by the risk management function together with the specification of limits for positions pertaining to these instruments. Specific emphasis is placed on an appropriate rating structure and a relatively detailed diversification of portfolios (especially in relation to interest bearing securities). Market Risk The Fund uses a wide range of tools to eliminate risk exposures attached to its portfolios. Significant attention is paid to market risks. Apart from statutory restrictions, the Fund is subject to a set of internal limits having a direct impact on the FX exposure, interest rate exposure (the modified duration range of the Fund), equity allocation on individual markets according to their volatility, portfolio rating structure (see above), and other characteristics of the Fund. The relevant limits are appropriately applied to correspond with the type of the Fund. Share Premium Share premium is the difference between the nominal value of all participation certificates and their carrying amounts as at the date of their issue or purchase. Interest Income and Expense and Dividend Income Interest income and expense are recognised using the accrual principle. Dividend income is recognised as at the date when the right to receive the payment is established (ex-dividend date). Dividend income from domestic securities is presented after withholding tax. Dividend income from foreign securities is presented gross with the applicable taxes presented within Tax on foreign dividends (see note 5.14.). Whenever the Fund purchases new types of instruments, these instruments are first analysed to assess the potential credit risk, as well as the market risk that the instruments might bring to or help eliminate from the portfolio. Subsequently, their appropriateness and, if appropriate, the acceptable proportion of these instruments in the portfolio is evaluated. The level of the Fund’s market risk exposure is measured using the Value at Risk (“VaR”). The VaR for the Company’s Funds is calculated by the Central Risk Management Department of Česká spořitelna using the historical simulation method in the K + KvaR system. Set out below are relative monthly values of the VaR in percentage terms for individual types of risks: 328 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Smíšený fond – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 31 Dec 2013 Average VaR 3.24% 0.33% 0.98% 3.25% 3.75% 0.39% 0.85% 4.04% Global VaR Foreign currency VaR Interest rate VaR Equity VaR 31 Dec 2012 Average VaR 4.22% 0.37% 0.39% 4.51% 6.27% 0.96% 0.52% 6.15% Global VaR Foreign currency VaR Interest rate VaR Equity VaR The average VaR is calculated as an average of daily VaR values in years 2013 and 2012 respectively. The Fund monitors Value at Risk globally and also broken down to Foreign Currency VaR, Interest Rate VaR and Equity VaR. Based on the above values, the Fund identifies critical risk segments. This identification influences the reinvestment process. The limits set the maximum acceptable VaR for the Fund. The Equity VaR also reflects the risk related to the holding of mutual funds’ participation certificates (including funds of money market and bond funds). Adherence to all the above limits and their effectiveness is monitored and assessed on an ongoing basis. The limits are reviewed, if necessary. The portfolio’s risk of unfavourable development of foreign exchange rates, interest rates, and other market factors is hedged, to an appropriate extent, by financial derivates. Financial derivatives are traded on the OTC market as this market enables the trading of contracts whose parameters and nature appropriately satisfy the requirements of a hedge. Portfolios primarily include currency swaps, currency forwards and interest rate swaps. Liquidity Risk Another monitored risk is the liquidity risk. Liquidity risk is a risk that the Fund will not have enough available resources to meet its obligations arising from financial contracts. Liquidity is monitored and managed based on expected cash flows, with appropriate adjustments made to the structure of securities and term placements portfolios. Pursuant to the Act, the Company is obliged to repurchase a participation certificate without undue delay but not later than 15 business days from the date when the repurchase right is claimed. Given that the Fund holds securities traded on foreign stock exchanges which can be realised within a few days, the Fund’s inability to meet its obligations due to lack of liquidity is unlikely. Pursuant to Section 12 of the Collective Investment Act, the Company can suspend issues and purchases of the Fund’s participation certificates for a maximum of three months, if necessary due to the protection of rights or the participation certificate holder’ interests protected by law. Issuing and purchasing participation certificates can be suspended particularly at the end or beginning of the calendar year, in the event of natural disasters, upon very strong fluctuations on financial markets and upon high requirements for the sales or purchases of participation certificates provided they could endanger the Fund’s assets. The quantitative information about the residual maturity of assets and liabilities is given in Note 5.16. 5. Additional Information on the Financial Statements 5.1 Receivables from Banks Receivables from banks 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Current accounts Margin accounts 287,639 – 68,060 28 Total 287,639 68,088 Balances on current accounts are repayable on demand. 329 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Smíšený fond – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.2 Securities Individual types of securities by issuer, number of securities, their market value and interest rate are disclosed in the Portfolio attached to the annual report. All securities held by the Fund are publicly listed on the Prague Stock Exchange or foreign stock exchanges. Participation certificates which are not listed on stock exchanges are purchased and administered by the Company. Shares, participation certificates and other holdings 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Acquisition cost Market revaluation 741,331 135,662 852,688 23,841 Total 876,993 876,529 Debt securities 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Acquisition cost Market revaluation Accrued interest income 1,159,856 (16,564) 21,924 1,152,218 14,463 20,683 Total 1,165,216 1,187,364 Of the aggregate volume of debt securities, debt securities maturing within one year accounted for 0 percent in 2013 (2012: 20.80 percent). Of the aggregate volume of debt securities, debt securities maturing within more than one year with a variable coupon accounted for 13.64 percent in 2013 (2012: 18.66 percent). Debt securities maturing within more than one year with a fixed coupon accounted for 86.36 percent in 2013 (2012: 60.54 percent). 5.3 Other Assets Other assets 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Other receivables Positive fair values of financial derivatives Other 165 7,507 821 958 12,380 1,327 Total 8,493 14,665 The caption ‘Other’ relates mainly to estimated receivables arising from foreign dividends. 5.4 Equity The Fund has no share capital. The nominal value of one participation certificate is CZK 1,000. The total nominal value of all participation certificates is posted to ‘Capital funds’. Share premium arising from the difference between the nominal and selling values of the participation certificates is recorded separately. The Fund accounts for share premium upon the sale of participation certificates as well as upon their repurchase. The selling price of the participation certificate is determined as the share of the Fund’s net assets and the number of issued participation certificates. The value of a participation certificate as at the last trading date in 2013 was CZK 841.5033 (2012: CZK 795.3785). This is the most recent announced value of the participation certificate for the year, for which purchases and repurchases of the participation certificates of the Fund were undertaken. This value differs insignificantly from the carrying value of a participation certificate as at 31 December 2013 because of the addition of some items during the financial statements preparation. In line with the Fund’s Statute, the part of the profit for 2013 of CZK 100,620 thousand will be transferred to the reinvestment fund within ‘Other funds from profit’, the part of the profit of CZK 96,451 thousand will be used to pay out the withholding tax of CZK 13,341 thousand and net allocation of the profit to the participation certificates holders of CZK 83,110 thousand. In line with the Fund’s Statue, the profit for 2012 of CZK 69,202 CZK was used to pay out the withholding tax of CZK 3,965 thousand and net allocation of the profit to the participation certificates holders of CZK 65,237 thousand in the form of the new participation certificates issued on 2 April 2013. 330 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Smíšený fond – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.5 Changes in the Capital Fund Number of Nominal participation value of certificates participation certificates Balance at 31 Dec 2011 Participation certificates sold Participation certificates purchased Balance at 31 Dec 2012 Participation certificates sold Capital Fund utilization Balance at 31 Dec 2013 Other Total capital changes funds 2,694,743 2,694,743 – 2,694,743 35 – 35 – – (376,360) 35 (376,360) 2,694,778 2,694,778 (376,360) 2,318,418 357,760 (300,686) 357,760 (300,686) – – 357,760 (300,686) 2,751,852 2,751,852 (376,360) 2,375,492 5.6 Other Liabilities Other liabilities 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Payable to the state budget Negative fair values of financial derivatives Other liabilities 758 21,317 221 1,516 1,338 116 Total 22,296 2,970 5.7 Accrued Expenses and Deferred Income Accrued expenses consist of the unbilled custody fee of CZK 116 thousand related to December 2013 (2012: CZK 108 thousand), the unbilled management fee of CZK 227 thousand related to December 2013 (2012: CZK 210 thousand), the unbilled fee for calculation of NAV and of participation certificate rate of CZK 9 thousand related to December 2013 (2012: CZK 9 thousand), the unbilled fee for Central register of CZK 3 thousand related to December 2013 (2012: CZK 2 thousand) and the unbilled fee for the local sub-register administration of CZK 0 thousand related to December 2013 (2012: CZK 16 thousand). 5.8 Financial Derivatives Designated as Trading Derivatives Nominal value of the derivatives Currency instruments 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Assets Liabilities Assets Currency swaps 844,379 858,189 1,018,068 Liabilities 1,007,026 Total currency instruments 844,379 858,189 1,018,068 1,007,026 Open positions of derivatives posted to an off-balance sheet are converted to fair value daily as of 1 January 2011 (up to 31 August 2013 futures were converted monthly; as of 1 September 2013 they are converted on daily basis) and recorded in absolute values. Fair value of the derivatives Currency instruments 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Positive Negative Positive Currency swaps 7,507 21,317 12,380 Negative 1,338 Total currency instruments 7,507 21,317 12,380 1,338 2013 2012 Foreign dividends Foreign dividends – previous period Domestic dividends 16,979 1,019 – 22,556 178 439 Total 17,998 23,173 Currency derivatives are due within one year. 5.9 Income from Shares and Interests 331 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Smíšený fond – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.10 Interest Income 2013 2012 Interest on deposits at banks Interest on debt securities 175 40,524 1,275 30,189 Total 40,699 31,464 2013 2012 Management fees Custody fees Commissions and fees from securities trading Calculation of NAV and of participation certificate rate Other fees and commissions 2,616 1,336 1,170 109 1,462 2,543 1,285 1,784 105 1,465 Total 6,693 7,182 5.11 Fees and Commissions In compliance with the Statute of the Fund, the management fee paid to the Company by the Fund amounts to 0.12 percent of the average annual net asset value. Pursuant to the custody service contract entered into with Česká spořitelna, a. s., the Fund pays a fee equal to 0.06 percent of its average annual net asset value. If participation certificates of another mutual fund managed by the Company are purchased and added to the Fund’s assets, the Fund’s aggregate net asset value reduced by the current value of investments in participation certificates of the other mutual fund managed by the Company is used as the basis for the calculation of the fixed part of the management fee. 5.12 Profit or Loss from Financial Operations 2013 2012 Profit or loss from securities at fair value through profit or loss Profit or loss from fixed term transactions Profit or loss from FX differences 198,550 (48,646) (1,159) 13,934 9,920 2,056 Total 148,745 25,910 Profit or loss from securities at fair value through profit or loss primarily comprises the profit or loss from the realised sales of securities, from payable securities and from the daily valuation of securities at fair value. Profit or loss from derivatives includes profit or loss on the settlement of fixed term transactions with currency instruments and also the revaluation of open derivatives at fair value. Profit or loss from FX differences represents the value of realised FX profit or loss from foreign currency accounts and from the settlement of foreign currency receivables and payables and also gains or losses arising from the revaluation of assets, with the exception of securities, and liabilities in foreign currency at fair value. 5.13 Administrative Expenses 2013 2012 Audit 239 126 Total 239 126 332 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Smíšený fond – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.14 Income Tax The principal income tax components are as follows: 2013 2012 Tax payable – current year Additionally recorded tax 2,672 28 3,383 27 Total income tax 2,700 3,410 2013 2012 199,771 995 (18,205) 182,561 (182,561) – – 17,813 2,672 28 72,612 765 (23,173) 50,204 (50,204) – – 22,556 3,383 27 2,700 3,410 Current income tax – analysis: Profit (Loss) before tax Items to add Deductible items Tax base Tax loss utilisation Tax base adjusted Tax (5%) on tax base Foreign dividends Tax on foreign dividends Additionally recorded tax Total income tax Deferred tax As at 31 December 2013, the Fund determined a deferred tax asset of CZK 11,728 thousand arising from a tax loss and provisions against receivables. The deferred tax asset was not recorded on the basis that its recovery was uncertain. As at 31 December 2012, the Fund determined a deferred tax asset of CZK 20,826 thousand arising from provisions against receivables. The deferred tax asset was not recorded on the basis that its recovery was uncertain. 5.15 Related Party Transactions Related parties include Česká spořitelna, a. s. and Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Unbilled management fee – Investiční společnost Unbilled custody fee – Česká spořitelna, a. s. Unbilled fee for administration of the Central depository – Česká spořitelna Unbilled fee for administration of the local sub-register Unbilled fee for calculation of NAV and of participation certificate rate Other payables to related parties 227 116 3 16 9 193 210 107 2 16 9 116 Total payables to related parties 564 460 The costs charged to the Fund by Česká spořitelna, a. s. amounted to CZK 4,078 thousand in 2013 (2012: CZK 4,639 thousand), of which the greatest portion is represented by the commissions for administration of securities accounts and central depository of CZK 1,214 thousand (2012: CZK 1,155 thousand) and the custody fee of CZK 1,336 thousand (2012: CZK 1,285 thousand). The costs charged by Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., amounted to CZK 2,616 thousand and represent an annual management fee (2012: CZK 2,543 thousand). 333 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Smíšený fond – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.16 Liquidity The following tables show the residual maturity of assets and liabilities broken down by major classes. 2013 Assets Not specified Total – – 510,720 – – 510,720 – 876,993 – 165 – 877,158 287,639 876,993 1,165,216 8,493 – 2,338,341 – 654,496 – – 510,720 – – 877,158 – (22,649) 2,315,692 (2,315,692) (786) 654,496 510,720 877,158 – Less than 3 months 3 months – 1 year 1 – 5 years Over 5 years Not specified Total Receivables from banks Shares and participation certificates Debt securities Other assets Prepayments and accrued income 68,088 − − 13,706 − − − 247,008 − 12 − − 367,336 − − − − 573,020 − − − 876,529 − 959 − 68,088 876,529 1,187,364 14,665 12 Total assets 81,794 247,020 367,336 573,020 877,488 2,146,658 Other liabilities Net assets Available capital (1,797) 79,997 (2,143,345) (1,516) 245,504 − − 367,336 − − 573,020 − − 877,488 − (3,313) 2,143,345 (2,143,345) Difference (2,063,348) 245,504 367,336 573,020 877,488 − Receivables from banks Shares and participation certificates Debt securities Other assets Prepayments and accrued income Total assets Less than 3 months 3 months – 1 year 1 – 5 years Over 5 years 287,639 – – 8,328 – 295,967 – – – – – – – – 654,496 – – 654,496 (21,863) 274,104 (2,315,692) (786) (786) – (2,041,588) Liabilities Other liabilities Net assets Available capital Difference 2012 Assets Liabilities Liquidity risk, to which the Fund is exposed, is low as all assets are convertible into cash before the repurchases of participation certificates from participation certificate holders are expected. 5.17 Off-balance Sheet Assets and Liabilities The Fund’s off-balance sheet accounts include receivables and payables from fixed term transactions and assets provided into custody and safekeeping. The item ‘Assets provided into custody, administration and safekeeping’ shows foreign and domestic securities administered by Česká spořitelna, a. s. (this item does not include participation certificates of open-ended mutual funds of the Company, which the Fund maintains in its portfolio). 5.18 Contingent Assets and Liabilities The Fund has no assets or liabilities that were not disclosed in the balance sheet or off-balance sheet accounts. 5.19 Subsequent Events No significant events occurred after the date of the financial statements, which would have a material impact on the Fund’s financial statements. 334 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Smíšený fond – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Portfolio at 31 December 2013 The detail of the portfolio is not part of the fund’s final accounts. Figures are stated in CZK. ISIN Name of the security SK4120008400 SK4120008954 SK4120008871 SLOVAKIA GOVT VAR 09/02/15 SLOVAKIA GOVT 3.875 02/08/33 SLOVAKIA GOVT 3.375 11/15/24 Amount Market Price 10,500 1,000,000 500,000 10,280.00 28.98 28.75 10,000 4,000 28,000 15,000 3,000 20,000 5,000 3,000 11,230.00 9,960.00 11,090.00 11,629.50 12,890.50 11,905.00 10,045.50 9,296.50 29,001,396 1.74 Foreign government bonds CZ0001002851 CZ0001003834 CZ0001001903 CZ0001000822 CZ0001002547 CZ0001002471 CZ0001002331 CZ0001003859 GOVERNMENT BOND 3.85 09/29/21 GOVERNMENT BOND 1.5 10/29/19 GOVERNMENT BOND 4 04/11/17 GOVERNMENT BOND 4.6 08/18/18 GOVERNMENT BOND 5.7 05/25/24 GOVERNMENT BOND 5 04/11/19 GOVERNMENT BOND VAR 10/27/16 GOVERNMENT BOND 2.5 08/25/28 Local government bonds after 1 January 1998 CZ0008472404 ISCS TOP STOCKS Local participation certificates - ISČS US46429B7055 US4642861037 US4642866739 US4642873339 US46429B6719 US78355W1062 DE0005933931 IE0005042456 DE000A0D8Q07 US4642867729 US4642872000 US4642866655 US4642875987 US78462F1030 US4642868487 ISHARES MSCI RUSSIA ISHARES MSCI AUSTRALIA INDEX ISHARES MSCI SINGAPORE INDEX ISHARES S&P GLBL FINL SECTOR ISHARES MSCI CHINA ETF RYDEX SP EQUAL WEIGHT ETF ISHARES DAX DE ISHARES PLC – IFTSE 100 ISHARES EURO STOXX DE ISHARES MSCI SOUTH KOREA IND ISHARES SP 500 INDEX FUND (USD) ISHARES MSCI PACIFIC EX JPN ISHARES RUSSELL 1000 VALUE SPDR TRUST 1 ISHARE MSCI JAPAN INDEX FUND Foreign participation certificates Total 16,000 24,000 30,000 16,000 19,000 55,000 8,000 418,000 123,000 6,000 34,400 19,000 50,500 39,900 314,000 435.68 484.82 262.00 1,117.84 959.29 1,417.45 2,351.69 219.52 862.52 1,286.54 3,693.32 929.65 1,873.42 3,674.22 241.49 Market Price Total Accrued Interest 107,940,000.00 28,984,796.88 14,375,842.19 728,000.00 949,167.98 58,325.09 151,300,639.07 1,735,493.07 112,300,000.00 39,840,000.00 310,520,000.00 174,442,500.00 38,671,500.00 238,100,000.00 50,227,500.00 27,889,500.00 973,194.44 101,666.67 8,057,777.78 2,530,000.00 1,021,250.00 7,194,444.44 50,555.56 260,416.67 991,991,000.00 20,189,305.56 50,323,222.34 0.00 50,323,222.34 0.00 6,970,857.60 11,635,602.72 7,860,119.40 17,885,501.76 18,226,484.92 77,959,612.50 18,813,550.00 91,757,842.66 106,089,498.75 7,719,269.88 127,050,245.84 17,663,285.78 94,607,607.99 146,601,492.11 75,828,885.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 826,669,857.43 2,020,284,718.84 0.00 21,924,798.63 335 Independent Auditor’s Report to the Participation certificate holders of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 – otevřený podílový fond We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 – otevřený podílový fond, which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December 2013, and the income statement and statement of changes in equity for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. For details of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 – otevřený podílový fond, see Note 1 to the financial statements. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Act on Auditors and International Standards on Auditing as amended by implementation guidance of the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including an assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 – otevřený podílový fond, as at 31 December 2013, and its financial performance for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic. 31 March 2014 Prague, Czech Republic Ernst & Young Audit, s.r.o. License No. 401 Represented by partner Roman Hauptfleisch Auditor, Licence no. 2009 A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited, Ernst & Young Audit, s. r. o. with its registred office at Na Florenci 2116/15, 110 00 Prague 1 – Nové Město, has been incorporated in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, entry No. 88504, under Identification No. 26704153. 336 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Balance Sheet at 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) Line Current Previous 1 2 5 10 11 12 13 15 16 18 19 21 129,223 113,071 16,152 720,872 554,701 166,171 1,023,662 2,342 374 1,113 855 30 175,868 164,982 10,886 724,978 570,947 154,031 1,065,215 2,038 1,013 0 1,025 42 22 1,876,129 1,968,141 29 30 32 33 34 39 40 41 47 8,844 7,553 0 1,291 750 121,498 81,939 1,656,410 6,688 8,035 2,634 3,193 2,208 861 131,935 0 1,745,371 81,939 Total Liabilities 48 1,876,129 1,968,141 of which: Equity 49 1,866,535 1,959,245 3 Receivables from banks and credit unions of which: a/ on demand: aa/ current accounts ad/ margin accounts 5 Debt securities of which: a/ issued by the government b/ issued by other entities 6 Shares, unit certificates and other participation interests 11 Other assets a/ derivatives c/ receivables from taxes d/ other assets 13 Prepayments and accrued income Total Assets 4 Other liabilities a/ derivatives c/ liabilities from taxes d/ other liabilities 5 Deferred income and accrued expenses 9 Share premium 10 Reserve funds and other funds from profit 12 Capital funds 15 Profit or loss for the accounting period 337 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Off Balance Sheet Accounts at 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 4 Amounts due from fixed term transactions a/ with interest instruments b/ with currency instruments c/ with equity instruments 7 Assets provided into custody, administration and safekeeping of which: securities 12 Amounts owed from fixed term transactions a/ with interest instruments b/ with currency instruments c/ with equity instruments Line Current Previous 52 53 54 55 60 61 64 65 66 67 255,317 22,280 233,037 0 1,128,077 1,128,077 262,496 22,966 239,530 0 234,909 22,280 185,569 27,060 1,262,883 1,262,883 237,438 23,195 186,963 27,280 338 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 1 Interest income and similar income of which: a/ interest income from bonds 3 Income from shares and unit certificates 5 Commission and fee expenses a/ fees and commissions from securities trading b/ management fee c/ custody fee d/ other financial expenses 6 Profit or loss on financial operations a/ profit or loss on transactions with securities b/ profit or loss on foreign exchange transactions c/ profit or loss on fixed term transactions and options 9 Administrative expenses of which: b/ other administrative expenses: ba/ audit 19 Ordinary profit or loss for the accounting period before tax 23 Income tax 24 Profit or loss for the accounting period after tax Line Current Previous 1 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 26 30 31 18,233 18,167 602 11,436 14 8,749 1,179 1,494 (62) 12,222 3,471 (15,755) 233 233 7,104 416 6,688 19,490 18,638 904 14,101 35 10,831 1,450 1,785 79,068 75,757 223 3,088 230 230 85,131 3,192 81,939 339 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) Line 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Current Previous 131,935 45,299 (55,736) 0 121,498 146,024 35,337 (49,426) 0 131,935 0 81,939 0 81,939 9,452 0 (9,452) 0 1,745,371 393,591 (482,552) 0 0 1,656,410 1,925,141 381,821 (549,057) (12,534) 0 1,745,371 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Share premium opening balance issued unit certificates repurchase of unit certificates other changes closing balance 2 Retained earnings opening balance transfers to funds other changes closing balance 3 Capital funds opening balance issued unit certificates repurchase of unit certificates transfers to funds other changes closing balance 4 Gains or losses from revaluation opening balance foreign exchange rate differences and gains or losses from revaluation not included in profit (loss) closing balance 5 Retained earnings or accumulated losses from previous periods opening balance other changes closing balance 6 Profit (loss) for the current period after taxes opening balance profit (loss) transfers to funds, dividends closing balance 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 81,939 6,688 (81,939) 6,688 (21,985) 81,939 21,985 81,939 7 Total 32 1,866,535 1,959,245 340 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Notes to the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2013 1. Organisation and Description of Business The participation certificates of the Fund are available both in the Czech Republic and in other EU member countries. Formation and Description of the Business Investment Policy of the Fund Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Fond cíleného výnosu – otevřený podílový fond (hereinafter the “Fund”) is an accounting unit without legal entity status, formed by Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. (hereinafter the “Company”) in compliance with the Collective Investment Act No. 189/2004 Coll. (hereinafter the “Act”). The objective of the investment policy is to provide participation certificate holders with a long-term appreciation of participation certificates primarily through investments in securities of collective investment bond and equity funds. Specifically, a long-term aim is to achieve an average annual appreciation which would exceed the level reached by the Czech government bonds. In this respect, a maximum acceptable loss incurred over one-year period should be most likely limited to 3 percent. However, the Fund primarily seeks to install a 100 percent protection of invested funds for every four-year period, always beginning from 1 June. Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Fond cíleného výnosu – otevřený podílový fond was formed based upon the Resolution of the Czech National Bank, which came into legal effect on 15 May 2009. The Fund commenced its activities on 1 June 2009. As from 1 February 2010, the name of the Fund has been changed to Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 – otevřený podílový fond. Pursuant to a concluded contract, Česká spořitelna, a. s. acts as the depository of the Fund. The Fund is managed by the Company. In compliance with the Act, the Company is responsible for the management of the assets of the Fund, which involves the administration and handling of the assets. The Fund is a special fund of funds which collects funds from the public. According to the classification binding for the members of the Capital Market Association (hereinafter the “AKAT CR”) as at the date of the approval of this Statute, the Fund can be defined as the fund of the funds. Registered Office Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. Osobní portfolio 4 – otevřený podílový fond Prague 6, Dejvice, Evropská 2690/17 Principal Business The Company collects funds from individuals and legal entities by issuing participation certificates with the purpose of their collective investment on local and foreign financial markets. No restrictions are placed on the number of participation certificates for issue and the period for which the Fund is established. The Company reserves the right to temporary halt the issuing of participation certificates for no longer than three months in compliance with the Act. Finances collected in the Fund are invested predominantly in securities of collective investment funds. The following types of assets can be purchased and added to the Fund’s assets: bank deposits, domestic and foreign debt securities, domestic and foreign shares, securities of the collective investment funds, money market instruments, securities with right to acquire securities and financial derivative instruments. The limits of the Fund are adhered to on the basis of the Act, or they are regulated in the Fund’s Statute in compliance with the Act. The Fund uses financial derivatives to hedge against currency exposures. The Company can use financial derivatives to effectively manage the Fund’s assets. Efficient asset management represents transactions for the purpose of decreasing risk, decreasing costs or achieving sufficient income for the Fund provided that the risk is demonstrably low. The exposure from these transactions must be fully covered by the Fund’s assets so that liabilities arising from these transactions are fulfilled. The Company can accept loans and borrowings for the maximum of six months when managing the Fund’s assets, to cover temporary needs related to the management of the Fund’s assets or purchases of participation certificates. The volume of the received loans and borrowings must not exceed 10 percent of the value of the Fund’s assets. Change in the Fund’s Statute Czech National Bank Resolution No. 2012/4577/570, dated 18 May 2012, which came into force on 5 June 2012: The changes to the Funds statute related mainly to the duty of the asset investment company to ensure that its statute is in accordance with the amend341 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report ment to Act 189/2004 Coll., on collective investments (as ensuing from the changes made by Act 188/2011 Coll.) and Decree No. 193/2011 Coll., on the minimum requisites of the statute and on the conditions for the use of the name Short-Term Money Market Fund and Money Market Fund. ESPA Czech government bond fund was replaced by ISCS Bond fund in statute for one particular title of purchased participation certificates with the limit of 35 percent (see article III Paragraph 10 of the statute). Investment objectives, the method of investing and the risk profile of the Fund have not been changed in the amendments referred to above. Along with the change made to the statute, information was updated as to the list of funds managed by the Company (Article II Paragraph 8 of the statute), in particular information on the managing parties of the asset management company (Appendix 1 to the statute), information added on the performance of the mutual fund for 2011 (Appendix 2 to the statute), information updated on the total cost indicators for 2011, and the date on which the statute being signed was updated. On the date the changes to the statute came into force the simple statute of the Fund was replaced by a newly processed document providing required key information for investors. Such key information for investors was processed in accordance with Government Regulation No. 189/2011 Coll. As at 1 February 2013, information on Fund`s 2012 performance was published within the document Key investors information. (According to the article 23, section 3 of Council Regulation (EC) no. 583/2010, the performance must be updated within the Key investors information up to 35 days after the previous calendar year end.) The updated text of the Funds statute was approved by the Investment company`s board of directors as at 10 April 2013. The changes in the statute text related to an update of the list of managed funds, update of the information on the length of professional experience of Investment company management, addition of information on Fund’s performance and the Fund`s benchmark`s performance, an update of information on total expense ratio for 2012 and update of the date of the signature. These updates were not subject to preliminary approval from Czech national bank (according to the section 84 (a), subsection 5 of 189/2004 Coll., On collective investment schemes). The shareholders could access the updated text of the Statute and Key investors information as of 10 April 2013 on, at the distributor’s branches (Ceska sporitelna, a. s.) and at the Investment company seat. Legislative change Act No 240/2013 Coll., On Management Companies and Investment Funds became effective as of 19 August 2013. Rules stated by this act must be implemented by investment companies and investment funds by 22 July 2014. In 2013, the Fund`s management was subject to the rules of the Act No. 189/2004 Coll., On collective investment schemes. The new rules will be applied as of 2014. 2. Basis of Preparation The financial statements have been prepared on the basis of underlying accounting records maintained in accordance with Accounting Act No. 563/1991 Coll., and applicable regulations, decrees and internal standards in compliance with and in the scope defined in Czech Finance Ministry Regulation No. 501/2002 of 6 November 2002, as subsequently amended, which sets out the overall framework for the presentation of the financial statements, and guidelines for the structure and minimum requirements for the content of the financial statements of banks and certain financial institutions, and Czech Accounting Standards for Financial Institutions, which establish the accounting principles and policies. The Fund is obliged to comply with the regulatory requirements of the Act. The financial statements are presented in compliance with general accounting principles, specifically the accrual principle, the prudence concept and the going concern assumption. The financial statements contain the balance sheet, profit and loss account, statement of changes in equity, and notes to the financial statements. The presentation of the financial statements requires that the Company makes estimates which have an impact on the reported amounts of assets and liabilities as at the date of the financial statements as well as expenses and income in the relevant accounting period. These estimates are based on information available as at the date of the financial statements and may differ from the actual results. As a result of continued market volatility since the start of the global financial crisis, the Fund may be exposed to increased risk, specifically due to the uncertainty regarding possible asset impairments and future developments on the market. The financial statements have been prepared based on the current best estimates using all relevant and available information as at the date of the financial statements. These financial statements are unconsolidated. All amounts are stated in thousands of Czech crowns (CZK), unless indicated otherwise. Explanation Added for Translation into English These financial statements are presented on the basis of accounting principles and standards generally accepted in the Czech Republic. Certain accounting practices applied by the Company that conform with generally accepted accounting principles and standards in the Czech Republic may not conform with generally accepted accounting principles in other countries. 342 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 3. Accounting Policies Receivables and Payables Purchases and sales of securities are recognised using trade date accounting provided that the period between the trade date and the fulfilment of the commitment arising from the contract does not exceed a period typical for the relevant type of transaction. The Fund records receivables arising from its transactions with securities, receivables from positive fair values of derivatives and other operating receivables. The Fund records payables arising from its transactions with securities and payables from negative fair values of derivatives. Pursuant to the prudence principle, provisions are created based on the aging of receivables. The transaction recognition date for derivative contracts is: a) the date upon which the related contract was entered into; b) the date when fulfilment was delivered based on the relevant contract. The Fund records payables arising from its transactions with securities and operating payables at their nominal value, while payables from negative fair values of derivatives are recorded at the fair value of the derivatives at the balance sheet date. The transaction recognition date can also be the date when money in circulation is paid or received, the date when foreign currency is purchased or sold, the date when a payment is made, the date when ownership is acquired or terminated, when a receivable or payable arises, changes or ceases to exist, when assets move within an accounting entity, and the date when other matters to be included in the accounting records occur, or when the documents supporting these other matters are available, or when other matters are a consequence of internal conditions of the accounting entity and/ or special regulations. Financial Derivatives and Hedging Transactions Transaction Recognition Date Securities In accordance with the Fund’s strategy, all securities are classified as ‘securities at fair value through profit or loss. During the accounting period, securities are re-measured at fair value on a daily basis pursuant to the Finance Ministry Regulation No. 194/2011 Coll., on more detailed regulation of certain rules in collective investment (the “Decree”), as amended. The securities of the Fund are accounted for as securities at fair value through profit or loss. The fair value of the securities is determined in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards with an exception, that an average price between the most favourable binding offer and demand (MID price) is used for bonds. Pursuant to the Regulation, securities are valued at the price quoted on a public market which is adjusted, as appropriate, to reflect the rules set out in the Regulation. If the market value is unavailable, the Fund uses a value determined by the Company using valuation models based on discounted future cash flows according to the yield curve calculated using the Reuters and Kondor+ systems. Securities are measured at cost upon initial recognition using the weighted average method. The acquisition cost includes direct transaction costs related to the acquisition of securities. Realised capital gains or losses are recorded in the profit and loss account within ‘Profit or loss from financial operations’. Accrued interest relating to assets is included within the total balance of these assets. In the normal course of business, the Fund enters into hedging contracts with financial derivatives to hedge against foreign currency exposures associated with its transactions on financial markets. The method of fair value hedges is applied to hedging derivatives. The Fund designates certain derivatives as hedges provided that the following criteria are met: – the Fund has developed a risk management strategy; – at the inception of the hedge, the hedging relationship is formally documented, the documentation identifies the hedged item and the hedging instrument, and it defines the risk that is being hedged and the approach to establishing whether the hedge is effective; and – the hedge is effective, that is, changes in the fair value or cash flows of the hedged item are almost fully offset by changes in the fair value or cash flows of the hedging instrument and the results are within a range of 80 percent to 125 percent. Nominal values of derivative financial instruments are recognised in the off-balance sheet accounts. Changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as hedges (see above) are recorded as income or expense. Changes in the fair value of the hedging derivatives attributable to the risk hedged are recognised in the same income or expense accounts as differences from revaluation of a hedged instrument. All financial derivatives are recorded as assets when the fair value is positive and as liabilities when the fair value is negative. Fair values are derived from valuation models. Derivatives that are not designated as hedging derivatives are treated as trading derivatives. These derivatives are measured at fair value on a daily basis through expense and income accounts. Certain derivatives are embedded in compound financial instruments, which comprise the host instrument and the derivative. Pursuant to the applicable regulations, the Fund recognises changes in assets and liabilities arising from the movements in rates or prices of securities or changes in exchange rates through expense and income accounts. Given that the assets of the Fund are valued at fair value, embedded derivatives are not accounted for separately. 343 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Income Tax Under effective tax regulations, the income tax rate applicable to mutual funds is 5 percent. Deferred Tax Deferred tax is provided using the liability method on all temporary differences between the carrying amount of assets and liabilities reported in the balance sheet and their value for tax purposes. Deferred tax assets are recognised only up to the amount of probable future taxable income against which the deferred tax asset can be offset. Foreign Currency Translations Foreign currencies are translated using the exchange rate promulgated by the Czech National Bank as at the relevant date. As at the balance sheet date, assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated on the same basis. Foreign exchange rate gains and losses from the daily translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are posted to expense or income accounts. Capital Funds The selling price of participation certificates is calculated as a proportion of the Fund’s net assets and the relevant number of participation certificates. Participation certificates are sold to qualified investors using the selling price determined on a daily basis. events are disclosed in the notes to the financial statements but not recognized in the financial statements. 4. Risk Management Credit Risk In accordance with the Statute and the investment strategy, the Company establishes rules and policies for selecting investment instruments such that the overall credit risk profile of allocated investments is consistent with the characteristics of the Fund. New types of instruments are approved on a case by case basis by the risk management function together with the specification of limits for positions pertaining to these instruments. Specific emphasis is placed on an appropriate rating structure and a relatively detailed diversification of portfolios (especially in relation to interest bearing securities). Market Risk The Fund uses a wide range of tools to eliminate risk exposures attached to its portfolios. Significant attention is paid to market risks. Apart from statutory restrictions, the Fund is subject to a set of internal limits having a direct impact on the FX exposure, interest rate exposure (the modified duration range of the Fund), equity allocation on individual markets according to their volatility, portfolio rating structure (see above), and other characteristics of the Fund. The relevant limits are appropriately applied to correspond with the type of the Fund. Share Premium Share premium is the difference between the nominal value of all participation certificates and their market value. Interest Income and Expense and Dividend Income Interest income and expense are recognised using the accrual principle. Dividend income is recognised as at the date when the right to receive the payment is established (ex-dividend date). Dividend income from domestic securities is presented after withholding tax. Dividend income from foreign securities is presented gross with the applicable taxes presented within taxes on foreign dividends (see note 5.16). Whenever the Fund purchases new types of instruments, these instruments are first analysed to assess the potential credit risk, as well as the market risk that the instruments might bring to or help eliminate from the portfolio. Subsequently, their appropriateness and, if appropriate, the acceptable proportion of these instruments in the portfolio is evaluated. The level of the Fund’s market risk exposure is measured using the Value at Risk (“VaR”). With effect from 1 August 2006, the VaR for the Company’s Funds is calculated by the Central Risk Management Department of Česká spořitelna using the historical simulation method in the K + KvaR system. Set out below are relative monthly values of the VaR in percentage terms for individual types of risks: Subsequent Events The impact of events that occurred between the balance sheet date and the date of the financial statements preparation is recognized in the financial statements provided these events provide additional evidence about conditions that existed at the date of the balance sheet. Global VaR Currency VaR Interest rate VaR Equity VaR 31 Dec 2013 Average VaR 0.71% 0.13% 0.07% 0.68% 0.66% 0.13% 0.09% 0.66% If material events reflecting the facts occurring after the balance sheet date happened between the balance sheet date and the date of the financial statements preparation the consequences of these 344 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 31 Dec 2012 Average VaR 0.49% 0.45% 0.12% 0.14% 0.57% 0.10% 0.14% 0.53% Global VaR Currency VaR Interest rate VaR Equity VaR The average VaR is calculated as average of daily VaR values in years 2013 and 2012 respectively. The Fund monitors Value at Risk globally and also broken down to Foreign Currency VaR, Interest Rate VaR and Equity VaR. Based on the above values, the Fund identifies critical risk segments. This identification influences the reinvestment process. The limits set the maximum acceptable VaR for the Fund. The Equity VaR also reflects the risk related to the holding of mutual funds’ participation certificates (including funds of money market and bond funds). Adherence to all the above limits and their effectiveness is monitored and assessed on an ongoing basis. The limits are reviewed, if necessary. The portfolio’s risk of unfavourable development of foreign exchange rates, interest rates, and other market factors is hedged, to an appropriate extent, by financial derivatives. Financial derivatives are traded on the OTC market as this market enables the trading of contracts whose parameters and nature appropriately satisfy the requirements of a hedge. Portfolios primarily include currency swaps, currency forwards and interest rate swaps. Liquidity Risk Another monitored risk is the liquidity risk. Liquidity risk is a risk that the Fund will not have enough available resources to meet its obligations arising from financial contracts. Liquidity is monitored and managed based on expected cash flows, with appropriate adjustments made to the structure of securities and term placements portfolios. Pursuant to the Act, the Company is obliged to repurchase a participation certificate without undue delay but not later than 15 business days from the date when the repurchase right is claimed. Given that the Fund holds securities traded on foreign stock exchanges which can be realised within a few days, the Fund’s inability to meet its obligations due to lack of liquidity is unlikely. Pursuant to Section 12 of the Collective Investment Act, the Company can suspend issues and purchases of the Fund’s participation certificates for a maximum of three months, if necessary due to the protection of rights or the participation certificate holders’ interests protected by law. Issuing and purchasing participation certificates can be suspended particularly at the end or beginning of the calendar year, in the event of natural disasters, upon very strong fluctuations on financial markets and upon high requirements for the sales or purchases of participation certificates provided they could endanger the Fund’s assets. The quantitative information about the residual maturity of assets and liabilities is given in Note 5.18. 5. Additional Information on the Financial Statements 5.1 Receivables from Banks Receivables from banks 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Current accounts Term deposits Margin accounts 113,071 – 16,152 164,982 – 10,886 Total 129,223 175,868 Balances on current accounts are repayable on demand. 5.2 Securities Individual types of securities by issuer, number of securities, their market value and interest rate are disclosed in the Portfolio attached to the annual report. All securities held by the Fund are publicly listed on the Prague Stock Exchange or foreign stock exchanges. Participation certificates which are not listed on stock exchanges are purchased and administered by the Company. Debt securities 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Acquisition cost Market revaluation Accrued interest income 713,562 (778) 8,088 700,123 16,898 7,957 Total 720,872 724,978 345 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Shares, participation certificates and other holdings 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Acquisition cost Market revaluation 1,013,330 10,332 1,017,320 47,895 Total 1,023,662 1,065,215 Of the aggregate volume of debt securities, debt securities maturing within one year accounted for 0 percent in 2013 (2012: 9.90 percent). Of the aggregate volume of debt securities, debt securities maturing within more than one year with a variable coupon accounted for 33.441 percent in 2013 (2012: 33.32 percent). Of the aggregate volume of debt securities, debt securities maturing within more than one year with a fixed coupon accounted for 66.559 percent in 2013 (2012: 56.78 percent). 5.3 Other Assets Other assets 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Positive fair values of financial derivatives State budget settlement Other 374 1,113 855 1,013 – 1,025 Total 2,342 2,038 The caption ‘Other’ represents an estimated receivable for the return of a portion of the management fee for purchased participation certificates of Erste’s fund CZK 794 thousand. 5.4 Prepayments and Accrued Income Prepayments and accrued income 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Prepayments – audit fees 30 42 Total 30 42 5.5 Equity The Fund has no share capital. The nominal value of one participation certificate is CZK 1. The total nominal value of all participation certificates is posted to ‘Capital funds’. Share premium arising from the difference between the nominal and selling values of the participation certificates is recorded separately. The Fund accounts for share premium upon the sale of participation certificates as well as upon their repurchase. The selling price of the participation certificate is determined as the share of the Fund’s net assets and the number of issued participation certificates. The value of a participation certificate as at the last trading date in 2013 totalled CZK 1.1184 (2012: CZK 1.1145). This is the most recent announced value of the participation certificate for the year, for which purchases and repurchases of the participation certificates of the Fund were undertaken. This value minimally differs from the accounting value of the participation certificate at the balance sheet date due to additional recognition of some items within the financial statements. The profit for 2013 in the amount of CZK 6,688 thousand will be transferred to the reinvestment fund within ‘Other funds from profit’. The profit for 2012 in the amount of CZK 81,939 thousand was transferred to the reinvestment fund within ‘Other funds from profit’. 346 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.6 Changes in the Capital Fund Number of Nominal participation value of certificates participation certificates Balance at 31 Dec 2011 Participation certificates sold Participation certificates purchased Balance at 31 Dec 2012 Participation certificates sold Participation certificates purchased Fund used to loss coverage Balance at 31 Dec 2013 Use of fund Total capital to cover funds losses 1,925,140,980 1,925,141 – 1,925,141 381,820,667 (549,057,006) 381,821 (549,057) – – 381,821 (549,057) 1,757,904,641 1,757,905 (12,534) 1,745,371 393,591,261 (482,552,419) – 393,591 (482,552) – – – – 393,591 (482,552) – 1,668,943,483 1,668,944 (12,534) 1,656,410 5.7 Other Liabilities Other liabilities 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Negative fair values of financial derivatives Payable to the state budget Payables from participation certificate holders’ placements Other liabilities 7,553 – 905 386 2,634 3,193 1,665 543 Total 8,844 8,035 5.8 Accrued Expenses and Deferred Income Accrued expenses consist of the unbilled custody fee of CZK 93 thousand for December 2013 (2012: CZK 98 thousand), the unbilled management fee of CZK 648 thousand for December 2013 (2012: CZK 738 thousand), the unbilled fee for the local sub-register administration of CZK 0 thousand for December 2013 (2012: CZK 16 thousand), the unbilled fee for calculation of NAV and participation certificate rate of CZK 8 thousand (2012: CZK 8 thousand) and the unbilled fee for the Central custodian of CZK 1 thousand (2012: CZK 1 thousand). 5.9 Financial Derivatives Designated as Hedging Derivatives Nominal value of the derivative 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Assets Liabilities Assets Currency swaps 102,832 109,699 185,569 Liabilities 186,963 Total 102,832 109,699 185,569 186,963 Open positions of derivatives posted to an off-balance sheet are converted to fair value daily as of 1 January 2011 (up to 31 August 2013 futures were converted monthly; as of 1 September 2013 they are converted on daily basis) and recorded in absolute values. Fair value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Positive Negative Positive Currency swaps – 6,867 325 Negative 1,719 Total – 6,867 325 1,719 Currency derivatives are due within one year. 347 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.10 Financial Derivatives Designated as Trading Derivatives Nominal value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Assets Liabilities Assets Liabilities Equity indices futures Interest rate swaps 130,205 22,280 129,831 22,966 27,060 22,280 27,280 23,195 Total 152,485 152,797 44,339 50,475 Open positions of derivatives posted to an off-balance sheet are converted to fair value daily as of 1 January 2011 (up to 31 August 2013 futures were converted monthly; as of 1 September 2013 they are converted on daily basis) and recorded in absolute values. Fair value of the derivatives 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Positive Negative Positive Negative Equity indices futures Interest rate swaps 374 – – 686 688 – – 915 Total 374 686 688 915 2013 2012 Interest on deposits at banks Interest on debt securities 66 18,167 852 18,638 Total 18,233 19,490 2013 2012 Interest rate swap is due within 4 years. 5.11 Interest Income 5.12 Income from Shares and Interests Foreign dividends 602 904 Total 602 904 2013 2012 8,749 1,179 14 181 695 618 10,831 1,450 35 187 778 820 11,436 14,101 5.13 Fees and Commissions Management fees Custody fees Commissions and fees from securities trading Expenses of administration of the local sub-register Expenses – administration of securities Other fees and commissions Total In compliance with the Statute of the Fund, the management fee paid to the Company by the Fund amounts to 0.60 percent of the average annual net asset value. Pursuant to the custody service contract entered into with Česká spořitelna, a. s., the Fund pays a fee equal to 0.06 percent of its average annual net asset value. If participation certificates of another mutual fund managed by the Company are purchased and added to the Fund’s assets, the Fund’s aggregate net asset value reduced by the current value of investments in participation certificates of the other mutual fund managed by the Company is used as the basis for the calculation of the fixed part of the management fee. 348 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.14 Profit or Loss from Financial Operations Profit or loss from securities at fair value through profit or loss Profit or loss from fixed term transactions Profit or loss from FX differences Total 2013 2012 12,222 (15,755) 3,471 75,757 3,088 223 (62) 79,068 Profit or loss from securities at fair value through profit or loss primarily comprises the profit from the realised sales of securities, from payable securities and from the daily valuation of securities at fair value. Profit or loss from derivatives includes profit on the settlement of fixed term transactions with currency instruments and also the revaluation of open derivatives at fair value. Profit or loss from FX differences represents the value of realised FX profit or loss from foreign currency accounts and from the settlement of foreign currency receivables and payables and also gains or losses arising from the revaluation of assets, with the exception of securities, and liabilities in foreign currency at fair value. 5.15 Administrative Expenses 2013 2012 Audit 233 230 Total 233 230 2013 2012 5.16 Income Tax The principal income tax components are as follows: Tax payable – current year 416 3,192 Total income tax 416 3,192 Current income tax – analysis: 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Profit (Loss) before tax Items to add Deductible items Tax base Loss deduction Tax base after deduction Tax (5%) on tax base Foreign dividends Tax on foreign dividends Total tax 7,103 6 (602) 6,507 – 6,507 326 602 90 85,131 4 (904) 84,231 (23,104) 61,127 3,056 904 136 416 3,192 Deferred tax As at 31 December 2013, no temporary differences existed between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts for financial reporting purposes. As at 31 December 2012, no temporary differences existed between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts for financial reporting purposes. 349 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 5.17 Related Party Transactions Related parties include Česká spořitelna, a. s., Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., and Reico ISCS, a. s. 2013 2012 Accrued income-loyalty bonus for holding of participation certificates of ČS nemovitostní fond 30 30 Total receivables from related party 30 30 Total income from a loyalty bonus for holding of PL OPF Reico was CZK 359 thousand in 2013. Pursuant to a contract entered into between and by ISČS, a. s. and Reico ISČS, a. s., the Fund receives a bonus for holding of the participation certificates of ČS nemovitostní fond which is equal to one twelfth of 0.8 percent of investment value as at the last day of a calendar month. Unbilled custody fee – Česká spořitelna Unbilled management fee – Investiční společnost Unbilled fee for administration of the local sub-register Other payables to related parties Total payables to related parties 2013 2012 93 648 – 394 98 738 16 552 1,135 1,404 The costs charged to the Fund by Česká spořitelna, a. s. amounted to CZK 2,688 thousand in 2013 (2012: CZK 3,270 thousand), of which the greatest portion was represented by the custody fee of CZK 1,179 thousand (2012: CZK 1,450 thousand). The costs charged by the Company amounted to CZK 8,749 thousand in 2013 (2012: CZK 10,831 thousand), which is the annual management fee. 5.18 Liquidity The following tables show the residual maturity of assets and liabilities broken down by major classes. Given that all securities are traded on public markets, sales can easily be undertaken within three months. 2013 Assets Receivables from banks Debt securities Shares Derivatives Other assets Prepayments Total assets Liabilities Other liabilities Net assets Available capital Difference Less than 3 months 3 month – 1 year 1 – 5 years Over 5 years Not specified Total 129,223 – – 374 1,968 30 131,595 – – – – – – – – 720,872 – – – – 720,872 – – – – – – – – – 1,023,662 – – – 1,023,662 129,223 720,872 1,023,662 374 1,968 30 1,876,129 (9,594) 122,001 (1,866,535) – – – – 720,872 – – – – – 1,023,662 – (9,594) 1,866,535 (1,866,535) (1,744,534) – 720,872 – 1,023,662 – 350 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report 2012 Assets Less than 3 months 3 month – 1 year 1 – 5 years Over 5 years Not specified Total Receivables from banks Debt securities Shares Other assets Prepayments 175,868 − − 2,038 42 − 71,788 − − − − 653,190 − − − − − − − − − − 1,065,215 − − 175,868 724,978 1,065,215 2,038 42 Total assets 177,948 71,788 653,190 − 1,065,215 1,968,141 Other liabilities Net assets Available capital (3,069) 174,879 (1,959,245) (4,912) 66,876 − (915) 652,275 − − − − − 1,065,215 − (8,896) 1,959,245 (1,959,245) Difference (1,784,366) 66,876 652,275 − 1,065,215 − Liabilities Liquidity risk, to which the Fund is exposed, is low as all assets are immediately convertible into cash before the expected purchases of participation certificates from participation certificate holders can be undertaken. 5.19 Off-balance Sheet Assets and Liabilities The Fund’s off-balance sheet accounts include receivables and payables from fixed term transactions and assets provided into custody and safekeeping. The item ‘Assets provided into custody, administration and safekeeping’ shows foreign securities administered by Česká spořitelna, a. s., (this item does not include participation certificates of open-ended mutual funds of the Company, which the Fund maintains in its portfolio). 5.20 Contingent Assets and Liabilities The Fund has no assets or liabilities that were not disclosed in the balance sheet or off-balance sheet accounts. 5.21 Subsequent Events No significant events occurred after the date of the financial statements, which would have a material impact on the Fund’s financial statements. 351 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., OSOBNÍ PORTFOLIO 4 – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Portfolio at 31 December 2013 The detail of the portfolio is not part of the fund’s final accounts. Figures are stated in CZK. ISIN Name of the security XS0616431689 XS0860033843 XS0641963839 ERSTE BANK 4.25 04/12/16 ING BANK NV VAR 11/30/17 CESKE DRAHY 4.5 06/24/16 Amount Market Price Market Price Total Accrued Interest 34 720 900 2,938,204.80 50,350.00 29,497.78 99,898,963.20 36,252,000.00 26,548,003.35 2,855,468.46 38,720.00 578,179.11 162,698,966.55 3,472,367.57 4,600 840 28,200 19,500 10,477.50 10,360.00 10,542.50 10,045.50 48,196,500.00 8,702,400.00 297,298,500.00 195,887,250.00 1,257,588.89 -7 728.00 3,169,366.67 197,166.67 550,084,650.00 4,616,394.23 162,508,936 44,377,521 176,461,286 81,919,220 1.88 1.03 1.02 1.04 304,704,255.00 45,677,782.37 180,502,249.45 85,572,817.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 616,457,104.03 0.00 6,371 1,289,726 2,583 5,147 850,791 10,124 2,160 4,393.76 144.57 4,492.49 3,749.27 129.04 4,128.83 4,753.85 27,992,640.18 186,455,687.82 11,604,099.73 19,297,501.70 109,786,070.64 41,800,312.89 10,268,314.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 407,204,627.88 1,736,445,348.46 0.00 8,088,761.80 Foreign corporate bonds CZ0001001143 CZ0001003438 CZ0001002737 CZ0001002331 GOVERNMENT BOND 3.8 04/11/15 GOVERNMENT BOND VAR 07/23/17 GOVERNMENT BOND 3.4 09/01/15 GOVERNMENT BOND VAR 10/27/16 Local government bonds after 1 January 1998 CZ0008472271 CZ0008472545 CZ0008473188 CZ0008473659 ISCS SPOROINVEST CS NEMOVITOSTNI FOND REICO ISCS LIKVIDITNI FOND ISCS DLUHOPISOVY FOND Local participation certificates - ISČS AT0000637491 AT0000633771 AT0000673280 AT0000805684 AT0000674692 AT0000A05HS1 AT0000673306 ESPA BOND USA HIGH YIELD (T) EUR ESPA CESKY FOND ST. DLUHOPISU VT ESPA BOND EUROPE-HIGH YLD (V) ESPA BOND EUROPE HIGH YIELD T ESPA FIDUCIA (VT) CZK ESPA BOND BRIK-CORP. (VT) ESPA BOND EMERGING MKTS (VT) EUR Foreign participation certificates Total 352 Independent Auditor’s Report to the Participation certificate holders of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., PLUS – otevřený podílový fond We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., PLUS – otevřený podílový fond, which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December 2013, and the income statement and statement of changes in equity for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. For details of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., PLUS – otevřený podílový fond, see Note 1 to the financial statements. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Act on Auditors and International Standards on Auditing as amended by implementation guidance of the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including an assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., PLUS – otevřený podílový fond, as at 31 December 2013, and its financial performance for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic. 31 March 2014 Prague, Czech Republic Ernst & Young Audit, s.r.o. License No. 401 Represented by partner Roman Hauptfleisch Auditor, Licence no. 2009 A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited, Ernst & Young Audit, s. r. o. with its registred office at Na Florenci 2116/15, 110 00 Prague 1 – Nové Město, has been incorporated in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, entry No. 88504, under Identification No. 26704153. 353 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., PLUS – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Balance Sheet at 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) Line Current Previous 1 2 5 10 11 12 13 15 16 18 19 21 20,953 19,445 1,508 71,359 47,638 23,721 111,260 151 59 30 62 3 25,142 23,760 1,382 60,832 48,256 12,576 109,054 124 23 0 101 13 22 203,726 195,165 29 30 32 33 34 39 40 41 47 817 505 0 312 78 930 5,324 196,734 (157) 654 211 118 325 86 779 0 188,322 5,324 Total Liabilities 48 203,726 195,165 of which: Equity 49 202,831 194,425 3 Receivables from banks and credit unions of which: a/ on demand: aa/ current accounts ad/ margin accounts 5 Debt securities of which: a/ issued by the government b/ issued by other entities 6 Shares, unit certificates and other participation interests 11 Other assets a/ derivatives c/ receivables from taxes d/ other assets 13 Prepayments and accrued income Total Assets 4 Other liabilities a/ derivatives c/ liabilities from taxes d/ other liabilities 5 Deferred income and accrued expenses 9 Share premium 10 Reserve funds and other funds from profit 12 Capital funds 15 Profit or loss for the accounting period 354 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., PLUS – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Off Balance Sheet Accounts at 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 4 Amounts due from fixed term transactions a/ with interest instruments b/ with currency instruments 7 Assets provided into custody, administration and safekeeping of which: securities 12 Amounts owed from fixed term transactions a/ with interest instruments b/ with currency instruments Line Current Previous 52 53 54 60 61 64 65 66 29,592 2,476 27,116 90,506 90,506 30,038 2,552 27,486 17,996 2,476 15,520 93,005 93,005 18,184 2,577 15,607 355 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., PLUS – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) 1 Interest income and similar income of which: a/ interest income from bonds 3 Income from shares and unit certificates 5 Commission and fee expenses a/ fees and commissions from securities trading b/ management fee c/ custody fee d/ other financial expenses 6 Profit or loss on financial operations a/ profit or loss on transactions with securities b/ profit or loss on foreign exchange transactions c/ profit or loss on fixed term transactions and options 9 Administrative expenses of which: b/ other administrative expenses: ba/ audit 19 Ordinary profit or loss for the accounting period before tax 23 Income tax 24 Profit or loss for the accounting period after tax Line Current Previous 1 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 26 30 31 1,565 1,556 83 1,340 1 857 120 362 (281) 1,612 198 (2,091) 172 172 (145) 12 (157) 1,317 1,214 87 1,528 30 922 123 453 5,683 5,565 167 (49) 117 117 5,442 118 5,324 356 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., PLUS – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 31 December 2013 (in thousands CZK) Line 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Current Previous 779 1,170 (1,019) 0 930 680 276 (177) 0 779 0 5,324 0 5,324 684 0 (684 0 188,322 67,004 (58,592) 0 0 196,734 142,141 99,489 (50,826) (2 482 0 188,322 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Share premium opening balance issued unit certificates repurchase of unit certificates other changes closing balance 2 Retained earnings opening balance transfers to funds other changes closing balance 3 Capital funds opening balance issued unit certificates repurchase of unit certificates transfers to funds other changes closing balance 4 Gains or losses from revaluation opening balance foreign exchange rate differences and gains or losses from revaluation not included in profit (loss) closing balance 5 Retained earnings or accumulated losses from previous periods opening balance other changes closing balance 6 Profit (loss) for the current period after taxes opening balance profit (loss) transfers to funds, dividends closing balance 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,324 (157) (5,324) (157) (3,167) 5,324 3,167 5,324 7 Total 32 202,831 194,425 357 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., PLUS – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Notes to the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2013 1. Organisation and Description of Business Following Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s.’s request, the Czech National Bank approved the formation of a fund entitled Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., Plus – otevřený podílový fond. The decision came into legal effect on 16 February 2010. The Fund commenced its activities on 1 March 2010. certificates and to achieve an average annual appreciation which would exceed the level reached by the Czech government bonds, primarily through investments in collective investment bond and equity funds. In this respect, a maximum acceptable loss incurred over one-year period should be most likely limited to 5 percent. The Fund primarily seeks to install a 100 percent protection of invested funds (with no formal guarantee) for every six-year period, always beginning from 31 December. Currency, credit, interest rate and equity risks are actively managed using available hedging instruments. The objective is achieved principally through a continuous effort to maintain an optimal balance between the stable and the dynamic components of the portfolio (bonds versus investment instruments carrying the risk of equity or real estate or alternative investments), resulting in the optimizing of future income and expected risks. Pursuant to a concluded contract, Česká spořitelna, a. s. acts as the depository of the Fund. The limits of the Fund are adhered to on the basis of the Act, or they are regulated in the Fund’s Statute in compliance with the Act. The Fund is managed by the Company. In compliance with the Act, the Company is responsible for the management of the assets of the Fund, which involves the administration and handling of the assets. Finances collected in the Fund are invested predominantly in securities of collective investment funds if such collective investment funds distribute the risk connected to investments and meet other obligations as set by the Act. According to the classification binding for the members of the Capital Market Association (hereinafter the “AKAT CR”) as at the date of the approval of this Statute, the Fund can be defined as a special fund of funds. The portfolio of the Fund can also be expanded by purchasing other investment instruments allowed by the Act for collective investment of a standard fund. Formation and Description of the Business Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., PLUS – otevřený podílový fond (the “Fund” or “ISČS, a. s. – PLUS OPF”) is an accounting entity without legal entity status, formed by Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. (the “Company”) in compliance with the Collective Investment Act No. 189/2004 Coll. (the “Act”). Registered Office Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s. PLUS – otevřený podílový fond Prague 6, Evropská 2690/17 Principal Business The participation certificates of the Fund are available in the Czech Republic or in other EU member countries. The Company collects funds from individuals and legal entities for the Fund by issuing participation certificates with the purpose of their collective investment on local and foreign financial markets. No restrictions are placed on the number of participation certificates for issue and the period for which the Fund is established. The Company reserves the right to temporary halt the issuing of participation certificates for no longer than three months in compliance with the Act. The Company can use financial derivatives to decrease risk, decrease costs or achieve sufficient income for the Fund provided that the risk is demonstrably low. Management Policy The profit/(loss) is based on the difference between income and expenses related to the management of the Fund’s assets. The generated profit has been fully retained by the Fund, in the reinvestment fund, as a source for further investments, and increases the participation certificate value. In the event that the Fund incurs a loss from the Company’s management of assets, the loss is covered from the reinvestment fund which was created from earnings brought forward. If the reinvestment fund is not sufficient, the loss is covered by a reduction in the Fund’s capital fund. The Fund’s assets must not be used for the provision of loans, borrowings or gifts, to secure a third party’s obligation or to settle a payable which is not related to the Fund’s management. Investment Policy of the Fund The objective of the investment policy is to provide participation certificate holders with a long-term appreciation of participation When managing the Fund’s assets, contracts for the sale of investment securities and money market instruments, securities issued 358 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., PLUS – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report by other collective investment funds and financial derivatives which are not owned by the Fund at the moment of concluding the respective contracts, must not be entered into. The Company can accept loans and borrowings for the maximum of six months when managing the Fund’s assets, to cover temporary needs related to the management of the Fund’s assets or purchases of participation certificates. The volume of the received loans and borrowings must not exceed 10 percent of the value of the Fund’s assets. Change in the Fund’s Statute Czech National Bank Resolution No. 2012/4578/570, dated 18 May 2012, which came into force on 5 June 2012: The changes to the Funds statute related mainly to the duty of the asset investment company to ensure that its statute is in accordance with the amendment to Act 189/2004 Coll., on collective investments (as ensuing from the changes made by Act 188/2011 Coll.) and Decree No. 193/2011 Coll., on the minimum requisites of the statute and on the conditions for the use of the name Short-Term Money Market Fund and Money Market Fund. ESPA Czech government bond fund was replaced by ISCS Bond fund in statute for one particular title of purchased participation certificates with the limit of 35 percent (see article III Paragraph 10 of the statute). Investment objectives, the method of investing and the risk profile of the Fund have not been changed in the amendments referred to above. Along with the change made to the statute, information was updated as to the list of funds managed by the Company (Article II Paragraph 8 of the statute), in particular information on the managing parties of the asset management company (Appendix 1 to the statute), information added on the performance of the Fund for 2011 (Appendix 2 to the statute), information updated on the total cost indicators for 2011, and the date on which the statute being signed was updated. On the date the changes to the statute came into force the simple statute of the Fund was replaced by a newly processed document providing required key information for investors. Such key information for investors was processed in accordance with Government Regulation No. 189/2011 Coll. As at 1 February 2013, information on Fund`s 2012 performance was published within the document Key investors information. (According to Paragraph 20 Article 3 of the Government Regulation No. 189/2011 the performance must be updated within the Key investors information up to 35 days after the previous calendar year end.) The updated text of the Funds statute was approved by the Investment company`s board of directors as at 10 April 2013. The changes in the statute text related to an update of the list of managed funds, update of the information on the length of professional experience of Investment company management, addition of information on Fund’s performance and the Fund`s benchmark`s performance, an update of information on total expense ratio for 2012 and update of the date of the signature. These updates were not subject to preliminary approval from Czech national bank (according to the section 84 (a), subsection 5 of 189/2004 Coll., On collective investment schemes). The shareholders could access the updated text of the Statute and Key investors information as of 10 April 2013 on, at the distributor’s branches (Ceska sporitelna, a. s.) and at the Investment company seat. Legislative change Act No 240/2013 Coll., On Management Companies and Investment Funds became effective as of 19 August 2013. Rules stated by this act must be implemented by management companies and investment funds by 22 July 2014. In 2013, the Fund`s management was subject to the rules of the Act No. 189/2004 Coll., On collective investment schemes. The new rules will be applied as of 2014. 2. Basis of Preparation The financial statements have been prepared on the basis of underlying accounting records maintained in accordance with Accounting Act No. 563/1991 Coll., and applicable regulations, decrees and internal standards in compliance with and in the scope defined in Czech Finance Ministry Regulation No. 501/2002 of 6 November 2002, as subsequently amended, which sets out the overall framework for the presentation of the financial statements, and guidelines for the structure and minimum requirements for the content of the financial statements of banks and certain financial institutions, and Czech Accounting Standards for Financial Institutions, which establish the accounting principles and policies. The Fund is obliged to comply with the regulatory requirements of the Act. The financial statements are presented in compliance with general accounting principles, specifically the accrual principle, the prudence concept and the going concern assumption. The financial statements contain the balance sheet, profit and loss account, statement of changes in equity, and notes to the financial statements. The presentation of the financial statements requires that the Company makes estimates which have an impact on the reported amounts of assets and liabilities as at the date of the financial statements as well as expenses and income in the relevant accounting period. These estimates are based on information available as at the date of the financial statements and may differ from the actual results. As a result of continued market volatility since the start of the global financial crisis, the Fund may be exposed to increased risk, specifically due to the uncertainty regarding possible asset im359 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., PLUS – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report pairments and future developments on the market. The financial statements have been prepared based on the current best estimates using all relevant and available information as at the date of the financial statements. These financial statements are unconsolidated. All amounts are stated in thousands of Czech crowns (CZK), unless indicated otherwise. most favourable binding offer and demand (MID price) is used for bonds. Pursuant to the Regulation, securities are valued at the price quoted on a public market which is adjusted, as appropriate, to reflect the rules set out in the Regulation. If the market value is unavailable, the Fund uses a value determined by the Company using valuation models based on discounted future cash flows according to the yield curve calculated using the Reuters and Kondor+ systems. Explanation Added for Translation into English These financial statements are presented on the basis of accounting principles and standards generally accepted in the Czech Republic. Certain accounting practices applied by the Company that conform with generally accepted accounting principles and standards in the Czech Republic may not conform with generally accepted accounting principles in other countries. Securities are measured at cost upon initial recognition using the weighted average method. The acquisition cost includes direct transaction costs related to the acquisition of securities. Realised capital gains or losses are recorded in the profit and loss account within ‘Profit or loss from financial operations’. 3. Accounting Policies Accrued interest relating to assets is included within the total balance of these assets. Transaction Recognition Date Receivables and Payables Purchases and sales of securities are recognised using trade date accounting provided that the period between the trade date and the fulfilment of the commitment arising from the contract does not exceed a period typical for the relevant type of transaction. The Fund records receivables arising from its transactions with securities and other operating receivables at their nominal value, while receivables from positive fair values of derivatives are recorded at the fair value of the derivatives at the balance sheet date. Pursuant to the prudence principle, provisions are created based on the aging of receivables. The transaction recognition date for derivative contracts is: a) the date upon which the related contract was entered into; b) the date when the fulfilment was delivered based on the relevant contract. The transaction recognition date can also be the date when money in circulation is paid or received, the date when foreign currency is purchased or sold, the date when a payment is made, the date when ownership is acquired or terminated, when a receivable or payable arises, changes or ceases to exist, when assets move within an accounting entity, and the date when other matters to be included in the accounting records occur, or when the documents supporting these other matters are available, or when other matters are a consequence of internal conditions of the accounting entity and/ or special regulations. Securities In accordance with the Fund’s strategy, all securities are classified as securities at fair value through profit or loss. During the accounting period, securities are re-measured at fair value on a daily basis pursuant to the Finance Ministry Regulation No. 194/2011 Coll., on more detailed regulation of certain rules in collective investment (the “Decree”), as amended. The securities of the Fund are accounted for as securities at fair value through profit or loss. The fair value of the securities is determined in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards with an exception, that an average price between the The Fund records payables arising from its transactions with securities and operating payables at their nominal value, while payables from negative fair values of derivatives are recorded at the fair value of the derivatives at the balance sheet date. Financial Derivatives and Hedging Transactions In the normal course of business, the Fund enters into hedging contracts with financial derivatives to hedge against interest rate and foreign currency exposures associated with its transactions on financial markets. The method of fair value hedges is applied to hedging derivatives. The Fund designates certain derivatives as hedges provided that the following criteria are met: – the Fund has developed a risk management strategy; – at the inception of the hedge, the hedging relationship is formally documented, the documentation identifies the hedged item and the hedging instrument, and it defines the risk that is being hedged and the approach to establishing whether the hedge is effective; and – the hedge is effective, that is, changes in the fair value or cash flows of the hedged item are almost fully offset by changes in the fair value or cash flows of the hedging instrument and the results are within a range of 80 percent to 125 percent. 360 Investiční společnost České spořitelny, a. s., PLUS – otevřený podílový fond, 2013 Annual Report Nominal values of derivative financial instruments are recognised in the off-balance sheet accounts. Changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as hedges (see above) are recorded as income or expense. Changes in the fair value of the hedging derivatives attributable to the risk hedged are recognised in the same income or expense accounts as differences from revaluation of a hedged instrument. All financial derivatives are recorded as assets when the fair value is positive and as liabilities when the fair value is negative. Fair values are derived from valuation models. Derivatives that are not designated as hedging derivatives are treated as trading derivatives. These derivatives are measured at fair value on a daily basis and gains and losses on revaluation are posted to derivative expense and income accounts. Certain derivatives are embedded in compound financial instruments, which comprise the host instrument and the derivative. Pursuant to the applicable regulations, the Fund recognises changes in assets and liabilities arising from the movements i
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