Music Chapel March to June 2014 11.03 José van Dam & YOU! Concert - BOZAR © G. Grimonster What’s up ? The New Building COMING SOON for our young talents Thanks to YOU! December 2014 Main Sponsors Co-sponsor Music Chapel 2013 - 2014 47 young artists in residence 20 different nationalities 6 masters in residence Artemis Quartet, chamber music Abdel Rahman El Bacha, piano José van Dam, voice Chair: granted by an anonymous donor Augustin Dumay, violin Chair: granted by InBev-Baillet Latour Gary Hoffman, cello Maria João Pires, piano Chair: granted by Fondation Futur21 2 3 Sous la Présidence d’Honneur de S.M. la Reine Paola Onder het Erevoorzitterschap van H.M. Koningin Paola Under the Honorary Chairmanship of H.M. Queen Paola Music and the training of young people mean a lot to me, and I am delighted to see them here at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel. My dearest wish is that the level of excellence of the Music Chapel will help young talents to give their best and to create an international musical elite, beyond borders and cultures. La Chapelle Musicale en mouvement ! De Muziekkapel in beweging! Les festivités du 75ème anniversaire se poursuivent ! La Chapelle Musicale poursuit ses grands rendez-vous du 75ème avec un grand concert lyrique « José van Dam and YOU! », l’ONB et le chef Patrick Fournillier, à Bozar le 11 mars prochain : des jeunes chanteurs entourés par leur maître, concert participatif pour les jeunes (et les moins jeunes) retransmis en streaming le soir-même sur les sites de Belgacom, de AIRTV, de Musiq’3 et de la Chapelle Musicale. Avec la complicité de deux étoiles montantes de la scène artistique: une mise en espace de Julien Fišera et un concept de lumière d’Arnaud Lhoute. Une belle mise en bouche à deux mois du Concours Reine Elisabeth ! De festiviteiten voor de 75ste verjaardag gaan verder! De Muziekkapel gaat verder met haar topafspraken in het kader van haar 75 jaar. De volgende is een groots lyrisch concert ‘José van Dam and YOU!’, met het NOB en dirigent Patrick Fournillier, in de Bozar op 11 maart. Het wordt gebracht door jonge zangers, naast hun meester en de opvoering met jonge (en minder jonge) deelnemers wordt de avond zelf in streaming uitgezonden op de sites van Belgacom, van AIRTV, van Musiq’3 en van de Muziekkapel. Met twee rijzende sterren van de artistieke scene als bondgenoten: Julien Fišera voor de opstelling in de ruimte en Arnaud Lhoute voor het lichtontwerp. Een mooi smaakmakertje op twee maanden van de Koningin Elizabethwedstrijd voor zang. Et le chantier du New Building est en effervescence ! De nombreuses séries de concerts et de Masterclasses (Nobuko Imai en guest du 4 au 6 mars) sont proposées tout au long du printemps et ponctueront le rythme des travaux en cours des nouvelles infrastructures de la Chapelle Musicale. Le « New Building » grandit de jour en jour, l’attente et l’activité des jeunes et de leurs maîtres ne font que croître autour de ce nouveau volume unique et exceptionnel se déployant dans la perspective de la Forêt de Soignes. Pendant ce temps ! Les équipes de la Chapelle Musicale préparent le futur, les années 2015 et suivantes après dix saisons intenses du projet artistique lancé en 2004. Les financements, les partenariats culturels, l’évolution du programme artistique, des projets exceptionnels comme enoa, Equinox ou à partir de la saison prochaine le projet « Partitura », tous ces défis positionnent la Chapelle Musicale parmi les « Music Training Centers » les plus actifs dans le monde. En de werken aan de New Building zijn in volle gang! De hele lente door krijgt u tal van concertreeksen en Masterclasses (van 4 tot 6 maart is Nobuko Imai te gast) aangeboden, om de lopende werken aan de nieuwe infrastructuren van de Muziekkapel te ritmeren. De ‘New Building’ groeit dag na dag. De jongeren en hun meesters popelen om aan de slag te gaan in dit nieuwe unieke en uitzonderlijke volume in het verlengde van het Zoniënwoud. Intussen… De teams van de Muziekkapel bereiden de toekomst voor, dit wil zeggen de jaren 2015 en volgende, na tien intense seizoenen van een artistiek project dat in 2004 op de sporen werd gezet. De financieringen, de culturele partnerschappen, de evolutie van het artistiek programma, uitzonderlijke projecten zoals het enoa, Equinox of, vanaf volgend seizoen, het project ‘Partitura’ … al deze uitdagingen geven de Muziekkapel een plaats bij de meest actieve ‘Music Training Centers’ ter wereld. « This is not a school, it’s an exeperience » ! « This is not a school, it’s an exeperience » ! 6 Bernard de Launoit Executive President 7 Bernard de Launoit Executive President The Music Chapel on the move The 75th anniversary festivities continue apace The Music Chapel is continuing its great 75th anniversary celebrations with a wonderful lyrical performance, a “José Van Dam and YOU!” concert, together with the National Orchestra of Belgium under the baton of conductor Patrick Fournillier at the Bozar on 11 March. This will be a concert of young singers supported by their teacher, an audience participation concert for young and less young people, broadcast as streaming on the evening itself via the Belgacom, AIRTV, Musiq’3 and Chapelle sites. This performance will also include the work of two rising stars from the artistic world - staging by Julien Fišera and lighting design by Arnaud Lhoute. A real taster for the upcoming Queen Elisabeth Competition due to take place in two months’ time. The New Building worksite in full swing A series of concerts and master classes (Nobuko Imai will be giving a master class from 4 to 6 March) are planned throughout spring, punctuating the rhythm of the ongoing work on the new Music Chapel infrastructure project. The New Building is getting larger. This new, unique and exceptional edifice arising against the backdrop of the Soignes Forest constantly enhances the expectations and activities of the young singers and their teachers. In the meantime… The teams at the Music Chapel are busy preparing for the future, for 2015 and beyond, after ten intense seasons of an artistic project started in 2004. Financing, cultural partnerships, developing the artistic programme, exceptional projects such as enoa, the Equinox competition and, as from next season, the Partitura project. All these challenges means that the Music Chapel is one of the most active music training centres in the world. « This is not a school, it’s an exeperience » ! 8 Bernard de Launoit Executive President Music Chapel Six key axis A Unique place The Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel consists in developing an artistic project set out to train young musical talents, and represents the only music institution to advance along those six key axis: 1. High-level training: Six masters, in five categories: piano, violin, cello, chamber music and voice. 2. On stage: Gives students the opportunity to perform with 250 concerts per year: - Collaborations with Orchestras - Collaboration with Festivals - Collaboration with Concerts halls - Productions & coproductions 3. Career development: Helps them make a name for themselves. - Promotion: CD collection - Media & social sharing - European networking - Student assistance - Instruments loan 4. Personal development: Takes the shaping of the musicians’ artistic personality into consideration -Artists Village: focusing on the students and their everyday lives, highlighting the psychological part of the residency. - Students logistic & social support - Library 5. Residency: Welcomes 47 young artists in 2013-2014, from 20 different nationalities. 6. Equinox, asbl: Social & artistic project under the leadership of Maria João Pires 9 Music Chapel Six key axis A Unique place onal devel rs op e P en l l y p.78 enc m sid Re H el trai nin g l l n le v hig 6 p.5 O ge p.12 sta .62 tp l develop me n 6 p.6 l r ee ar C t Eq x p.74 no ui This is not a school. It’s an experience! Music Chapel On Stage March to June 2014 Music Chapel Gala Concert Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie Augustin Dumay, conductor Aleksandra Orlowska, soprano Julien Brocal, piano BOZAR - January 2014 13 © M. Cooreman Join the stage. Let your art grow. Break the limits! Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel Concert with Nobuko Imai Festival Schiermonnikoogfestival Internationaal Kamermuziekfestival 06.03.14 - 20:00 08.03.14 - 14:30 Daniel Austrich, violin Nobuko Imai, viola Francisco Vila, cello Sun-Wook Kim, piano W. A. Mozart Piano quartet No. 2, in E flat major, KV. 493 L. van Beethoven String trio in C minor, op. 9 No. 3 A. Dvorak Piano quartet No. 2, in E flat major, op. 87 B. 162 R. Schumann 3 Romances, op. 94 14 © M. Borggreve Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel 445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 352 01 10 - Reservation required: [email protected] Tickets: 10€ - free entrance (friends of musicchapel) Niamh McKenna, flute Saskia Otto, violin Iteke Wijbenga, viola Wojciech Fudala, cello G. A. Schneider Flute quartet No. 3, in G minor, op. 69 M. Reger String trio in A minor, op. 77b A. Roussel Trio for flute, viola & cello, op. 40 Ontmoetingscentrum van Schiermonnikoog Langestreek 23 - 9166 LA Schiermonnikoog The Netherlands Info: +31 (0)6 51 27 92 97 Tickets: 15€ 15 Festival Schiermonnikoogfestival Internationaal Kamermuziekfestival 09.03.14 - 13:30 Wojciech Fudala, cello Katsura Mizumoto, piano B. Martinu Sonata No. 2 for cello & piano, H. 286 Liya Petrova, violin Joona Pulkkinen, cello Lilit Grigoryan, piano D. Shostakovitch Trio No. 2 in E minor for violin, cello & piano, op. 67 Série/Cyclus/Series Stavelot Les Rendez-Vous de la Chapelle Musicale 09.03.14 - 17:00 Nadezda Pisareva, piano C. Debussy Préludes, Livre I F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Fantaisie in F sharp minor, op. 28 Lidy Blijdorp, cello Dana Protopopescu, piano L. Boccherini Cello Sonata No. 7 in B flat major G8 Yu Shao, tenor Polina Bogdanova, piano F. J. Haydn Die Schöpfung, Mit Würd und Hoheit angetan R. Schumann Sehnsucht nach der Waldgegend, op. 35 No. 5 R. Schumann Stille Tränen, op. 35 No. 10 E. Lalo Le Roi d’Ys (Mylio) “Vainement ma bien aimée” Ontmoetingscentrum van Schiermonnikoog Langestreek 23 - 9166 LA Schiermonnikoog The Netherlands Info: +31 (0)6 51 27 92 97 Tickets: 15€ Abbaye de Stavelot, Réfectoire des Moines BP 52 - 4970 Stavelot - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)80 88 05 20 - Tickets: 12€ - 6€ 16 17 Music Chapel José van Dam and YOU! 11.03.14 - 20:00 National Orchestra of Belgium Patrick Fournillier, conductor Arnaud Lhoute, lighting engineer Jocelyne Dienst, main opera coach Julien Fišera*, stage director in attendance G. Verdi La Forza del Destino, overture Charles Dekeyser, bass W. A. Mozart Die Zauberflöte (Sarastro) “In diesen heil’gen Hallen”, KV. 620 Sarah Laulan, mezzo-soprano G. A. Rossini L’Italiana in Algeri (Isabella) “Cruda sorte... Gia so per pratica” Music Chapel José van Dam & YOU! National Orchestra of Belgium Patrick Fournillier, conductor Soloists of Music Chapel Kinga Borowska, mezzo-soprano W. A. Mozart La Clemenza di Tito (Sesto) “Deh per questo istante solo”, KV. 621 5€ < 35 y. Book now! Yu Shao, tenor P. I. Tchaïkovski Eugène Onegin (Lenski) “Kuda, Kuda” Bozar, Henry Le Boeuf Hall Info: +32 (0)2 507 82 00 - 18 #MYchapel © G. Grimonster 11.03.2014 - 20:00 Diana Gouglina, soprano E. Kálmán Princesse Czardas (Sylva) “Heia o Heia” 19 Amalia Avilán, soprano G. Puccini La Bohème (Mimi) “Donde lieta usci” Aleksandra Orlowska, soprano José van Dam, baritone W. A. Mozart Don Giovanni (Zerlina, Don Giovanni) “La ci darem la mano”, KV. 527 Marc Degraeuwe, violin All singers J. Massenet Thaïs, “Meditation” Yu Shao, tenor W. A. Mozart Die Zauberflöte (Tamino) “Dies Bildnis ist bezaubernd schön” Amalia Avilán, soprano C. Debussy L’enfant prodigue (Lia) “L’année en vain chasse l’année” Aleksandra Orlowska, soprano C. Gounod Faust (Marguerite) “Les grands seigneurs... Un bouquet!” José van Dam, baritone Kinga Borowska, mezzo-soprano J. Massenet Don Quichotte (Don Quichotte, Dulcinée) “Oui je souffre votre tristesse” Amalia Avilán, soprano Sarah Laulan, mezzo-soprano J. Offenbach Les Contes d’Hoffman (Niklaus, Giulietta) “Belle nuit ô Nuit d’amour” *Thanks to enoa Mobility Funding Special night for young public With the support of InBev-Baillet Latour Sarah Laulan, mezzo-soprano G. Bizet Carmen (Carmen) “Quand je vous aimerai?... Habanera” Charles Dekeyser, bass G. A. Rossini Il barbiere di Siviglia (Don Basilio) “La calunnia è un venticello” 20 Center for Fine Arts, Henry Le Boeuf Hall 23 Rue Ravenstein - 1000 Brussels - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 507 82 00 - Tickets: 10€ - 5€ (< 35 years) 21 Série/Cyclus/Series Maison de la Musique Huis van de Muziek 13.03.14 - 20:00 Ashot Khachatourian, piano S. Prokofiev Sonata No. 4 in C minor, for piano, op. 29 F. Chopin Ballade No. 1 in G minor, op. 23 F. Chopin Ballade No. 2 in F major, op. 38 Francisco Vila, cello Dana Protopopescu, piano L. van Beethoven Sonata No. 2 in G minor, for cello, op. 5 No. 2 A. C. Piatti Caprice No. 7, op. 25 On peut investir en bourse comme on peut investir dans la formation d’un jeune… En s’associant à, la Chapelle Musicale vous invite à lui léguer une partie de vos biens ou à effectuer un don pour permettre à un jeune talent de recevoir une formation de qualité. Membership & Funding Department Laurence Godfraind : [email protected] 22 © M. Cooreman Chapelle Musicale, fondation d’utilité publique Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek Danieli Museum 33 Edgard Sohiestraat - 1560 Hoeilaart - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 657 96 52 Tickets: free entrance 23 Concert Musical Instruments Museum Concert de Midi/Middagconcert 14.03.14 - 12:30 Mertol Demirelli, piano S. Prokofiev Sonata No. 7, for piano, op. 83 Liya Petrova, violin Christia Hudziy, piano F. Kreisler Variations on a theme by Corelli F. Kreisler Recitativo and Scherzo-Caprice op. 6 J. Brahms Sonata No. 2 in A major, for violin & piano, op. 100 Concert Musical Instruments Museum Les Concerts de Midi Middag Concerten 19.03.14 - 12:30 Liya Petrova, violin Christia Hudziy, piano J. Brahms Sonate No. 2 in A major, for violin & piano, op. 100 C. Franck Mélancolie in E minor, for violin & piano R. Strauss Sonata in E flat major, for violin & piano, op. 18 Musical Instruments Museum Montagne de la Cour 2 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 545 01 30 - Tickets: free entrance Musical Instruments Museum Montagne de la Cour 2 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 545 01 30 - Tickets: free entrance 24 25 Série/Cyclus/Series Maison de la Musique Huis van de Muziek 20.03.14 - 20:00 Kinga Borowska, mezzo-soprano Pawel Sommer, piano A. Dvorak Gypsy songs, op. 55, B. 104 P. I. Tchaïkovski La Dame de Pique (Paulina) “Podrugi Milie” J. Massenet Werther (Charlotte) “Ces Lettres ! Ces Lettres !” F. Schubert Erlkönig, D. 328 Sarah Laulan, mezzo-soprano Polina Bogdanova, piano H. Duparc Le Galop, op. 2 No. 5 I. Stravinsky Oedipus Rex (Jocasta) “Non Erubeskite Reges” J. Brahms Von ewiger Liebe, op. 43 No. 1 C. Saint-Saëns Danse macabre, op. 40 G. F. Haendel Semele (Juno) “Iris, hence away” G. C. Menotti The Medium (Baba) “Afraid, am I afraid?” 26 Nathanael Gouin, piano J. Brahms Sonata No. 1 in C major, for piano, op. 1 Dédiée à la mémoire de l’altiste LOUIS POULET et de l’artiste peintre DANIELI, de nombreux concerts sont organisés tout au long de l’année à la Maison de la Musique, où est exposée une partie de l’œuvre de DANIELI. Toegewijd aan de altviolist LOUIS POULET en de schilder DANIELI, vinden het ganse jaar rond veel concerten plaats in het Huis van de Muziek waar een groot deel van het werk van DANIELI tentoongesteld is. Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek Danieli Museum 33 Edgard Sohiestraat - 1560 Hoeilaart - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 657 96 52 Tickets: free entrance 27 Concert concert@home 25.03.14 - 20:00 Woo Hyung Kim, violin Christia Hudziy, piano L. van Beethoven Sonata No. 7 in C minor, for violin & piano, op. 30 No. 2 Diana Gouglina, soprano Philippe Riga, piano R. Strauss Vier letzte Lieder Festival International de Piano de Quaregnon 25.03.14 - 20:00 Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie Frank Braley, conductor F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy String Symphony No. 9, in C major Lilit Grigoryan, piano W. A. Mozart Concerto No. 12 in A major, for piano, KV. 414 Nathanael Gouin, piano J. Brahms Sonata No. 1 in C major, for piano, op. 1 Elina Buksha, violin Pavel Kolesnikov, piano F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Concerto in D minor, for piano, violin & orchestra, op. 17 Ganshoren, Huize Decraene Landsroemlaan 53 Av. Gloires Nationales 1083 Ganshoren - Belgium Info: +32 (0)2 422 00 11 - Tickets: 10€ Hôtel de ville de Quaregnon, Salle Allard Rue Jules Destrée 355 - 7390 Quaregnon - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)65 78 19 50 - Tickets: 12€ - 10€ 28 29 Concert Musical Instruments Museum Concert de Midi/Middagconcert Festival International de Piano de Quaregnon 27.03.14 - 12:30 30.03.14 - 17:00 Elina Buksha, violin Pavel Kolesnikov, piano J. Brahms Sonata No. 1 in G major, for violin & piano, op. 78 Choeur d’enfants Equinox Maria João Pires, artistic director Zeno Popescu, choirmaster Julien Libeer, piano Wojciech Fudala, cello Dana Protopopescu, piano J. S. Bach Cello suite No. 2 in D minor, BWV 1008 R. Schumann Fantasiestücke, op. 73 F. Schubert La Truite Romantique Musical Instruments Museum Montagne de la Cour 2 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 545 01 30 - Tickets: free entrance Hôtel de ville de Quaregnon, Salle Allard Rue Jules Destrée 355 - 7390 Quaregnon - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)65 78 19 50 - Tickets: 20€ - 15€ 30 31 Série/Cyclus/Series Maison de la Musique Huis van de Muziek 03.04.14 - 20:00 Elina Buksha, violin Christia Hudziy, piano J. Brahms Concerto in D major, for violin & orchestra, op. 77 Lidy Blijdorp, cello Dana Protopopescu, piano J. S. Bach Suite No. 6 in D major for cello solo, BWV 1012 S. Prokofiev Five songs, op. 35bis F. Schubert Sonata in A minor, for arpeggione & piano, D. 821 K. Davidov Humoresque op. 9 No. 2 Série/Cyclus/Series Stavelot Les Rendez-Vous de la Chapelle Musicale 06.04.2014 - 17:00 Julien Brocal, piano M. Ravel Miroirs Kinga Borowska, mezzo-soprano Polina Bogdanova, piano H. Berlioz La Damnation de Faust (Marguerite) “D’amour l’ardente flamme” , op. 24 M. Ravel Shéhérazade G. Mahler Kindertotenlieder G. Donizetti La Favorita (Leonora) “Oh, mio Fernando” Wojciech Fudala, cello Dana Protopopescu, piano P. Hindemith: Sonata for solo cello, op. 25 No. 3 R. Schumann: Fantasiestücke, op. 73 Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek Danieli Museum 33 Edgard Sohiestraat - 1560 Hoeilaart - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 657 96 52 Tickets: free entrance Abbaye de Stavelot, Réfectoire des Moines BP 52 - 4970 Stavelot - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)80 88 05 20 - Tickets: 12€ 32 33 Série/Cyclus/Series Maison de la Musique Huis van de Muziek Concert Musica Viva Moscow Silver Classic 17.04.14 - 20:00 23.04.14 - 19:00 Julie Sévilla-Fraysse, cello Madoka Fukami, piano R. Schumann A. C. Piatti T. Mayuzumi J. Brahms Musica Viva Orchestra Alexander Rudin, conductor Pavel Kolesnikov, piano Elina Buksha, violin F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Concerto in D minor, for piano, violin & orchestra, op. 17 Madoka Fukami, piano F. Schubert F. Chopin M. Ravel I. Albéniz F. Chopin Zala Kravos, piano F. Chopin I. Dekleva A. Petrovic-Vratchanska M. Santos Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek Danieli Museum 33 Edgard Sohiestraat - 1560 Hoeilaart - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 657 96 52 Tickets: free entrance Concert Hall of the Russian Academy of Music Moscow - Russia Infos: 34 35 Concert Les Amis du Zoute Concert Maison des Arts de Schaerbeek 25.04.14 - 18:30 25.04.14 - 20:00 Choeur d’enfants Equinox Maria João Pires, artistic director Zeno Popescu, choirmaster Julien Libeer, piano Arensky Trio F. Schubert Trio No. 1 in B flat major, for violin, cello & piano, op. 99 D. 898 F. Schubert La Truite Romantique Aleksandra Orlowska, soprano Polina Bogdanova, piano F. Chopin Polish songs, for piano & voice, op. 74 M. de Falla 7 Spanish songs Eglise des Dominicains Sparrendreef - 8300 Knokke-Heist - Belgium Maison des Arts de Schaerbeek Chée de Haecht 147 - 1030 Schaerbeek - Belgium Tel: +32 (0)2 240 34 99 - 36 37 Série/Cyclus/Series BOZAR MUSIC BOZARSUNDAYS Série/Cyclus/Series Maison de la Musique Huis van de Muziek 27.04.14 - 11:00 28.04.14 - 20:00 Amalia Avilán, soprano Polina Bogdanova, piano H. Berlioz Nuits d’été, op. 7 G. Verdi Otello (Desdemona) “Ave Maria” G. A. Rossini Guillaume Tell (Mathilde) “Ils s’éloignent enfin, sombre forêt…” G. Verdi “Deh, pietoso, oh Addolorata” Marcin Fleszar, piano F. Chopin Sonata No. 3 in B minor, for piano, op. 58 Sarah Laulan, mezzo-soprano Polina Bogdanova, piano H. Duparc Le Galop, op. 2 No. 5 G. F. Haendel Semele (Juno) “Iris, hence away” F. Poulenc Burning mirrors G. C. Menotti The Medium (Baba) “Afraid, am I afraid?” Deborah Pae, cello Dana Protopopescu, piano J. S. Bach Cello suite No. 2 in D minor, BWV 1008 A. C. Piatti: Caprice No. 3, op. 25 R. Schumann: Fantasiestücke, op. 73 A. Dvorak Concerto No. 2 in B minor, for cello, op. 104 Liya Petrova, violin Christia Hudziy, piano J. S. Bach Sonata No. 1 in G minor, for violin, BWV 1001 N. Paganini: Caprice No. 2 J. Sibelius: Concerto in D minor, for violin, op. 47 F. Kreisler: Recitativo and Scherzo-Caprice op. 6 F. Kreisler: Variations on a theme by Corelli Center for Fine Arts, Henry Le Boeuf Hall 23 Rue Ravenstein - 1000 Brussels - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 507 82 00 - Tickets: 10€ Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek Danieli Museum 33 Edgard Sohiestraat - 1560 Hoeilaart - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 657 96 52 Tickets: free entrance 38 39 Concert Musical Instruments Museum Concert de Midi/Middagconcert Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel Master class Chamber music 29.04.14 - 12:30 02.05.14 - 14:30 Marcin Fleszar, piano S. Gubaidulina Chaconne for piano F. Chopin Ballade No. 4 in F minor, op. 52 Artemis Quartet, Master in residence Soloists of the Music Chapel Christia Hudziy, piano Woo Hyung Kim, violin L. van Beethoven Sonata No. 7 in C minor, for violin & piano, op. 30 No. 2 © MolinaVisuals Musical Instruments Museum Montagne de la Cour 2 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 545 01 30 - Tickets: free entrance Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel 445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 352 01 10 - Reservation required: [email protected] Tickets: 10€ - free entrance (friends of musicchapel) 40 41 Série/Cyclus/Series Maison de la Musique Huis van de Muziek Concert Musical Instruments Museum Concert de Midi/Middagconcert 05.05.14 - 20:00 07.05.14 - 12:30 Amalia Avilán, soprano Philippe Riga, piano G. A. Rossini Guillaume Tell (Mathilde) “Ils s’éloignent enfin, sombre forêt…” H. Berlioz Nuits d’été, op. 7 G. Verdi Otello (Desdemona) “Ave Maria” Deborah Pae, cello Dana Protopopescu, piano J. S. Bach Cello suite No. 2 in D minor, BWV 1008 F. J. Haydn Concerto No. 1, in C major, for cello & piano, Hob. VIIb/1 Joona Pulkkinen, cello Dana Protopopescu, piano J. S. Bach Suite No. 1 in G major, for solo cello, BWV 1007 D. Popper High School of Cello Playing, Etude No. 12, op. 73 T. Mayuzumi Bunraku for solo cello R. Schumann Fantasiestücke, op. 73 Madoka Fukami, piano W. A. Mozart Sonata No. 9 in D major, for piano, KV. 311 C. Saint-Saëns Toccata, op. 111 No. 6 Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek Danieli Museum 33 Edgard Sohiestraat - 1560 Hoeilaart - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 657 96 52 Tickets: free entrance Musical Instruments Museum Montagne de la Cour 2 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 545 01 30 - Tickets: free entrance 42 43 Queen Elisabeth International Music Competition Voice 2014 Queen Elisabeth International Music Competition Voice 2014 Kinga Borowska, soprano Aleksandra Orlowska, soprano Sarah Laulan, mezzo-soprano Yu Shao, tenor Charles Dekeyser, bass 28.05.14 to 31.05.14 - 20:00 Finale Orchestre Symphonique de la Monnaie Roland Böer, conductor 14.05.14 to 16.05.14 - 15:00 & 20:00 Première épreuve/Eerste ronde 18.05.14 to 20.05.14 - 15:00 & 20:00 Demi-finale/Halve finale Flagey, Studio 4 Place Sainte-Croix/Hellig Kruisplein 1050 Brussels - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 641 10 20 - Tickets: 10€ - 7€ Center for Fine Arts, Henry Le Boeuf Hall 23 Rue Ravenstein - 1000 Brussels - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 507 82 00 - Tickets: 85€ - 65 € - 38€ - 16€ 44 45 22.05.14 - 19:00 Concert & Barbecue in the equatorial gardens of the Music Chapel With Brazilian music & drinks! Young lovers of Classical Music under 35 Become a member & take advantage of many events organised by the Music Chapel during the year. Treat yourself to a MYchapel subscription. Music Chapel MYchapel Evening Brazil! With the support of InBev-Baillet Latour Concert & Barbecue In the equatorial gardens of the Music Chapel With Brazilian music & drinks! 22.05.2014 - 19:00 Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel Info & booking: [email protected] Check out our blog: 46 #MYchapel Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel 445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 352 01 10 - Reservation required: [email protected] Tickets: 15€ - free entrance (MYchapel members) 47 #MYchapel Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel MYchapel Evening Brazil! Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel Public exams Cello section Série/Cyclus/Series Maison de la Musique Huis van de Muziek 30.05.14 - 14:30 02.06.14 - 20:00 Gary Hoffman, Master in residence Dana Protopopescu, piano Lidy Blijdorp, cello Pau Codina Masferrer, cello Wojciech Fudala, cello Deborah Pae, cello Joona Pulkkinen, cello Julie Sévilla-Fraysse, cello Francisco Vila, cello Wojciech Fudala, cello Polina Bogdanova, piano A. C. Piatti Caprice No. 12, op. 25 J. Brahms Sonata No. 2 in F major, for cello & piano, op.99 Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel 445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 352 01 10 - Reservation required: [email protected] Tickets: 10€ - free entrance (friends of musicchapel) Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek Danieli Museum 33 Edgard Sohiestraat - 1560 Hoeilaart - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 657 96 52 Tickets: free entrance 48 49 Mertol Demirelli, piano F. Chopin Ballade No. 4 in F minor, op. 52 S. Prokofiev Sonata No. 7, for piano, op. 83 Concert Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel Public exams Chamber music section 03.06.14 - 20:00 10.06.14 - 14:30 Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie Augustin Dumay, conductor Maria João Pires, piano Artemis Quartet, Master in residence Duo Jatekok Quatuor Hermès Arensky Trio F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy String Symphony No. 7 in D minor F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Concerto in D minor, for piano, violin & orchestra, op. 17 L. van Beethoven Concerto No. 3 in C minor, for piano & orchestra, op. 37 © MolinaVisuals Center for Fine Arts, Henry Le Boeuf Hall 23 Rue Ravenstein - 1000 Brussels - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 507 82 00 - Tickets: 56€ - 44€ - 34€ - 16€ Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel 445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 352 01 10 - Reservation required: [email protected] Tickets: 10€ - free entrance (friends of musicchapel) 50 51 Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel Public exams Piano section Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel Public exams Violin section 11.06.14 - 14:30 12.06.14 - 14:30 Abdel Rahman El Bacha, Master in residence Polina Bogdanova, piano Madoka Fukami, piano Nadezda Pisareva, piano Augustin Dumay, Master in residence Christia Hudziy, piano Elina Buksha, violin Maria Milstein, violin Woo Hyung Kim, violin Harriet Langley, violin Liya Petrova, violin Esther Yoo, violin Young artists Mertol Demirelli, piano Valentine Liégeois, piano Samuel Van de Velde, piano Young artists Alexandra Cooreman, violin Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel 445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 352 01 10 - Reservation required: [email protected] Tickets: 10€ - free entrance (friends of musicchapel) Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel 445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 352 01 10 - Reservation required: [email protected] Tickets: 10€ - free entrance (friends of musicchapel) 52 53 Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel Public exams Piano section 16.06.14 - 14:30 Maria João Pires, Master in residence Julien Brocal, piano Marcin Fleszar, piano Nathanael Gouin, piano Lilit Grigoryan, piano Ashot Khachatourian, piano Pavel Kolesnikov, piano Julien Libeer, piano Samson Tsoy, piano Young artists Milena Cuk, piano Zala Kravos, piano On peut investir en bourse comme on peut investir dans la formation d’un jeune… En s’associant à, la Chapelle Musicale vous invite à lui léguer une partie de vos biens ou à effectuer un don pour permettre à un jeune talent de recevoir une formation de qualité. Chapelle Musicale, fondation d’utilité publique Membership & Funding Department Laurence Godfraind : [email protected] 54 Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel 445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 352 01 10 - Reservation required: [email protected] Tickets: 10€ - free entrance (friends of musicchapel) 55 Music Chapel Center for excellence Music Chapel Gala Concert rehearsal Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie Augustin Dumay, conductor Maria João Pires, piano Julien Libeer, piano BOZAR - January 2014 57 © M. Cooreman Beyond the simple teacher student relationship, our goal is to build a true companionship based on trust and shared values that will lead to unprecedented excellence. Center of excellence Masters: transmission For high-level training Artistic director The Music Chapel represents a center of excellence for high-level training, that is based on three concepts: 1. Shaping the musician’s artistic personality 2. Improving his or her instrumental or voice technique 3. Launching a professional career through a particularly extensive program of concerts and recitals Because every student is different, we believe it is important to establish an individually-tailored instruction, and take students’ profiles into consideration. The presence of masters in residence, who pursue a very intensive professional career, and their role in guiding young musical talents, constitute the corner stone of our educational project. By collaborating with a mentor, it creates a genuine companionship feeling. But in addition to the six masters in residence, the Music Chapel also welcomes visiting artists. Regularly, leading classical artists are giving master classes, workshops, chamber music coaching, and performances side-by-side with our young soloists. Arie Van Lysebeth Masters in Residence Artemis Quartet, chamber music Vineta Sareika, violin Gregor Sigl, violin Friedemann Weigle, viola Eckart Runge, cello José van Dam, voice Augustin Dumay, violin Abdel Rahman El Bacha, piano Gary Hoffman, cello Maria João Pires, piano Guest Masters Gérard Caussé, viola Helmut Deutsch, lied Professors Violin Department Tatiana Samouil, violin Dana Protopopescu, piano coach Christia Hudziy, piano accompanist Luc Devos, piano accompanist Polina Bogdanova, piano accompanist Piano Department Dimitris Saroglou, piano Sylvia Thereza, piano Jean-Claude Vanden Eynden, piano concertos 58 59 Special guest Nobuko Imai, viola Cello Department Jeroen Reuling, cello Dana Protopopescu, piano coach Christia Hudziy, piano accompanist Luc Devos, piano accompanist Polina Bogdanova, piano accompanist Voice Department Jocelyne Dienst, main opera coach Alain Garichot, stage director Agnès Chauvot, vocal technique Hélène Lucas, coaching Paola Larini, (Italian) coach Peter Tomek, (German) coach Philippe Riga, piano coach (Lied & melodie) Nikolaas Kende, piano accompanist Adriaan Jacobs, piano accompanist Polina Bogdanova, piano accompanist Darren Ross, dance workshop U kunt investeren op de beurs maar ook in de opleiding van een jong talent… Muziekkapel, stichting van openbaar nut Membership & Funding Department 60 Laurence Godfraind: [email protected] 61 © M. Cooreman Via een schenking of een legaat draagt u bij aan de opleiding van uitmuntende jongeren. De Muziekkapel werkt samen met Music Chapel Beyond the music, there are people, different and inspiring, beautiful in what brings them together and keeps them apart. The Chapel is the perfect play-ground for all of us to improve ourselves, develop our skills and always try to break imposed limits. That’s why we’re here for. Artists Village Waterloo - February 2014 63 © M. Cooreman Personal development Personal development Artists Village In cooperation with the Fondation Benoit, all the artists, and the team, we created a new department: the Artists Village. The focus is put on the students and their everyday lives, highlighting the psychological part of the residency. This new « mood » and dynamic, based on a more human aspect, help students managing their lives better and creating a genuine companionship feeling. Therefore, the Artists Village promotes five factors to reach a coherence between the philosophy of instruction & the quality of the environment : A more dynamic residency A quality cooking A balance between the physical and psychological state Artists Village activities The new students’ logistic and social support Cooperating with many artists and professionals, we hope to invigorate the residency and welcome all artists in a friendly and warm manner. Next events 11.03.14 Artists Village 22.05.14 Artists Village Music Chapel José van Dam & YOU! Concert Music Chapel MYchapel Evening 04.03.14 Artists Village 03.06.14 Artists Village Carnaval of Binche Concert Personal well being Patrick Bottin, physical training Fiona Crossley, yoga Bernard Dewamme, mental training with the support of Mentally Fit Anne Schütt, physiotherapist Magda Thielemans, physical development Equinox Departement Maria João Pires, artistic director Joana Noeth, coordination Tica Cabral, consultant Lami Tchabebou, assistant Music theory analysis Laurent Beeckmans Artists Village Conferences Frédéric Sounac, writer & musical theater Erna Metdepenninghen, journalist Luc Van Hove, composer & musical analyst D. Bertrand, therapist Sidney Foux, technique for pianists Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie Augustin Dumay Maria João Pires 64 65 Music Chapel Career development Partitura Concert Julien Brocal, piano Lilit Grigoryan, piano Nathanael Gouin, piano Brussels - December 2013 67 © M. Temmerman As true professionals advice and do, shaping a career starts with a network supporting your talent. The Chapel is the first most important step to greatness. Let us get you there! Career development NEWS from enoa - European Project The Music Chapel bolsters the importance to support its young artists through the beginning of their career, helping them make a name for themselves. We take their professional background into consideration, highlight their strengths to project the best image of themselves to the public, and support them plan their career path in the long term. The career development relies on two concepts: enoa is a network of European opera academies which counts eleven full members and five associated partners from 12 different European countries. Thanks to the support from the European Commission Culture Programme, enoa is able to offer an ambitious five-year-programme, including workshops, co-productions, co-commissions and its own mobility scheme. enoa’s activities are designed to offer young opera professionals the best possible conditions to start a career in a globalised context; enoa’s goal is also to foster a common reflection on the future of opera and to encourage the creation, promotion and dissemination of new opera works in Europe. 1. Promotion The Music Chapel promotes its young musicians and their art, to help them gain exposure. We collaborate with the music label Outher (Fuga Libera/Zig Zag Territoires : Music Chapel CD Collection), to release one CD per year. 2. Student assistance The Music Chapel also supports students by increasing their promotional value using different communication channels. For this to happen, we help them: elaborate their resume, press pack, and demo recordings develop an international press campaign through press releases and news conferences encourage European networking, thanks to the Impresario’s days that we organise in Belgium, and soon in London promote students through the internet, with social sharing Festival d’Aix-en-Provence, coordinator Académie européenne de musique, Aix-en-Provence, France Partners: De Nederlandse Opera Amsterdam, Netherlands Aldeburgh Music Aldeburgh, UK Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Lisbon, Portugal Bayerische Theaterakademie Munich, Germany Latvian National Opera Riga, Lativa LOD Ghent, Belgium Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel Waterloo, Belgium Fundación Albéniz / Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofía Madrid, Spain Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera Warsaw, Poland 68 69 Verona Opera Academy Verona Opera Academy, Verona, Italy Today enoa has eleven associated partners including the Edinburgh International Festival, the Athens and Epidaurus Festival, the Teatro La Fenice in Venice, the Fondazione Arena di Verona in Verona, la Monnaie, VOCAALLAB, the Innsbruck Festival, the Bolshoi Theatre Young Artists Opera Program, Den Norske Opera, the Escola Superior de Música, Artes e Espectáculo de Porto and the Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa. Each associated partner is twinned with another member organisation. They are welcome to join the network as soon as they share the same artistic ambitions and views. Workshops 17-20/04: Aldeburgh, Snape Maltings Concert Hall 11, a concert summing up the workshops is planned at the end of the workshop in the Redutowe Halls of the Polish National Opera. Participant: Diana Gouglina, soprano News on Productions 10-11/03 Auditions for a LOD production « Madame Rainbow » Director : Denis Rimbaud Libretto : Normand Chaurette Staging, scenography, video : Stéphanie Jasmin Music and sound : Dominique Pauwels 2 female singers : Rimbaud (20-30 years old) and (30-40 years old) Rehearsals: 16/03-06/05/2015 Premiere Mons: 07/05/2015 enoa workshop on Berlioz’ Les Nuits d’été with Ann Murray and Christian Zacharias. A rare opportunity for a quartet of singers to work on a performance with orchestra of Berlioz’s original version. With a high-profile concert on April 20 at 6PM. Mozart & Berlioz with Christian Zacharias. Mozart: Piano Trio in B flat K502; “Vado, ma dove” K583; “Bella mia fiamma, adio!” K528 & Berlioz: Les nuits d’été 15 performances Mons Le Manège, Antwerp DeSingel, Gent Vlaamse Opera May, June, October, November 2015 + May 2016 Inscriptions: [email protected] Selected participants out of 300 candidates : Kinga Borowska, mezzo and Yu Shao, tenor a financial help for inviting enoa young artists 20-27/04: Aldeburgh enoa workshop on Mozart’s le Nozze di Figaro with Ann Murray and Claudio Desderi. Ann Murray has been acclaimed for her Mozart performances across the world. Claudio Desderi performed all major Mozart baritone roles and is now a renowned teacher and director. News flash on Mobility Funding, The Music Chapel invites the young stage director Julien Fišera for assisting on the concert of March 11 at Bozar with José van Dam and singers. For all information: see the website Selected participants out of 300 candidates : Kinga Borowska, mezzo and Yu Shao, tenor With the support of 04-11/05: Warsaw enoa workshop led by Eytan Pessen for singers and pianists, the latter having the opportunity both watch EP working with the singers, serve as accompanying pianists and try to coach the singers themselves. On May This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 70 71 Carreer development Partitura 72 73 © M. Cooreman The Partitura Project is being initiated in 2014 under the impetus of Maria João Pires. The aim of this project is to create an altruistic dynamic between artists of different generations and to offer an alternative in a world too often focused on competitiveness. These renowned artists, dedicated to humanistic values and wanting to pass them on, share the stage with the younger generation. Music Chapel Equinox Music Chapel Festival Equinox Chorale Maria João Pires, artistic director Flagey - November 2013 75 © AMS One truly enriching experience wrapped in the most unexpected gift of all: the children, getting stronger, learning to love themselves and the others through-out music. A heart within a heart Equinox Chorale d’enfants Le projet Equinox, sous la direction artistique de Maria João Pires, se consacre à la création et au développement de chorales d’enfants. L’objectif, simple, est de partager l’excellence artistique de la Chapelle Musicale Reine Elisabeth, due à ses maîtres et à ses jeunes musiciens, avec des publics qui n’y ont pas naturellement accès, comme par exemple les enfants de quartiers défavorisés. Il s’agit d’un travail de fond, dans la durée, qui tend à «enraciner» la pratique musicale dans des milieux où les conditions ne sont a priori pas réunies pour qu’elle s’épanouisse. Si l’on considère que la musique est une valeur contribuant à un certain bien-vivre, alors on ne peut que souhaiter qu’elle soit accessible à tous et toutes. Children’s choir Equinox project dedicates to the creation and the development of children’s choirs under the artistic direction of Maria João Pires. Its goal is simple: to share the artistic excellence of the Chapelle Musicale Reine Elisabeth through the auspices of its teachers and young musicians with members of society that would not normally have access to it, for example children from deprived neighbourhoods. The work is profound and continuous. Its aim is to implant the practice of music in areas which until now have been completely barren. If we consider that music enhances our sense of well-being, then surely we must wish to make it accessible to all. Equinox team: Maria João Pires Zeno Popoescu Milos Popovic Pau Baiges Julien Libeer Joana Nöth Lami Tchabebou Partners: Maison d’Enfants Reine Marie Henriette Athénée Royal Victor Horta Les Amis du Grain de Sel SOS Villages d’Enfants en Belgique SOS Villages d’Enfants au Burundi La Petite Maison TAG City Gallery Orchestra Mozart - Progetti Tamino e Papageno With the support of: Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel Fondation Futur 21 Fonds InBev-Baillet Latour Fondation Reine Paola Fondation Lippens Equinox Chorale d’enfants / Children’s choir Chaussée de Tervuren, 447, 1410 Waterloo +32 (0)495 790 542 - [email protected] - IBAN: BE93 3101 4872 8267 - SWIFT: BBRUBEBB100 76 77 Music Chapel Artists in residence You’re always on the run, catch a plain, do a concert, get lonely in some hotel room, drag your luggage around… We know everything about it, the rush, the constraints, the noise… Take a break from the world and come home. Music Chapel Concert Kinga Borowska, mezzo-soprano Charles Dekeyser, bass Waterloo - February 2014 79 © M. Cooreman 2013-2014 Artemis Quartet, Chamber Music Augustin Dumay, violin Chair: granted by InBev-Baillet Latour « Guider l’approche du questionnement et des réponses qui en découlent jusqu’à l’indépendance artistique. » Eckart Runge Duo Jatekok Scholarship by Belgacom Naïri Badal Adélaïde Panaget 1984 1985 France France piano piano Quatuor Hermes Scholarship by InBev-Baillet Latour Omer Bouchez Elise Liu Yung-Hsin Chang Anthony Kondo 1989 1987 1985 1985 France violin France violin Taiwanviola France cello 1989 1991 1987 Belgiumviolin Belgiumcello Belgiumpiano Arensky Trio Claire Dassesse Aurore Dassesse Stephanie Proot 80 Elina Buksha Scholarship by Mr. & Mrs Michael Guttman 1990Latvia Maria Milstein 1985 France Woo Hyung Kim 1991 South Korea Harriet Langley 1992Australia Scholarship by the Fund Baron Jean-Charles Velge & an anonymous donor Liya Petrova Scholarship by InBev-Baillet Latour 1990Bulgaria Esther Yoo 1994USA Young artists Alexandra Cooreman Scholarship by Mr. & Mrs Ludo Van Thillo 2003Belgium 81 Abdel Rahman El Bacha, piano «Favoriser la sincérité et la noblesse de l’expression musicale.» Abdel Rahman El Bacha Polina Bogdanova 1986Russia Madoka Fukami 1988 Nadezda Pisareva 1987Russia Japan Young artists Mertol Demirelli 1996 Turkey Scholarship granted by Mr. Bernard & Mrs Valerie Van Hool Valentine Liégeois 2002Belgium Scholarship by InBev-Baillet Latour Samuel Van de Velde 1998 Belgium Young artists Milena Cuk Zala Kravos 2002 2002 Poland Slovenia Gary Hoffman, cello « Aider et soutenir les jeunes musiciens à maximiser leur potentiel tout en respectant l’intégrité, l’humilité, et les bonnes valeurs dans la musique ainsi que la vie. » Gary Hoffman The cello departement received a scholarship granted by Mr. & Ms Eric Le Jeune Lidy Blijdorp 1986Netherlands Pau Codina Masferrer 1988Spain Maria João Pires, piano Wojciech Fudala 1988Poland Chair: granted by Fondation Futur21 Deborah Pae 1988 USA-Korea 1990 Finland Julien Brocal 1987 France Joona Pulkkinen Scholarship by InBev-Baillet Latour Marcin Fleszar 1987 France Julie Sevilla-Fraysse Scholarship by Belgacom 1988 France Nathanael Gouin 1988 France 1985Armenia Francisco Vila Scholarship by Mr. & Mrs Guy Reyniers 1987Equator-Spain Lilit Grigoryan Scholarship by InBev-Baillet Latour Ashot Khachatourian 1984Armenia Pavel Kolesnikov 1989 Russia Julien Libeer 1987 Belgium Samson Tsoy 1988 Russia 82 83 José van Dam, voice Chair: granted by an anonymous donor « Créer l’instrument unique que représente chaque élève grâce à la technique vocale qui lui est enseignée » José van Dam Amalia Avilán Castillo, soprano 1986 Columbia Kinga Borowska, mezzo-soprano Scholarship by Futur21 1986 Poland Charles Dekeyser, bass 1986Belgium Scholarship by Schelstraete Delacourt Associates Eva Ganizate, soprano Scholarship by an anonymous donor 1986 Diana Gouglina, soprano 1990Bulgaria Sarah Laulan, mezzo-soprano 1985 Scholarship by Mr. & Mrs Michel Peterbroeck France France Aleksandra Orlowska-Jablonska, soprano1986 Poland Scholarship by InBev-Baillet Latour Yu Shao, tenor Scholarship by Belgacom 1986 China Dankzij de beurs van een peter/meter, kan een jong talent een topster van morgen worden… Word «Vriend», «Patron» of «Peter» en steun onze jonge artiesten! 47 artists in residence 84 Membership & Funding Department [email protected] - +32 (0)2 352 01 16 Giften zijn fiscaal aftrekbaar vanaf 40€. Muziekkapel, stichting van openbaar nut IBAN: BE20 3101 2393 3956 - BIC: BBRUBEBB 85 © M. Cooreman 8 Belgians - 39 students from all over the world aged from 10 years old. 20 different nationalities (Armenia, Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Columbia, Equator, Finland, France, Japan, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia, Russia, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, USA). Music Chapel 87 © M. Cooreman Maecenas « Friend » of the Music Chapel from € 125/year* Become a « Friend of the Music Chapel » and support our young artists. You will thus enable the institution to provide, under optimal conditions, a high quality artistic program for young talents. Your returns: • Friends concert • Free entrance to Master class • Free entrance to public exams • Your name will be included in the concert programs • Your name will be included in our website • Your donation are tax deductible *including a non-tax deductible amount of € 12,50/person « Patron » of the Music Chapel from € 1.250/year* Become a « Patron » and get involved in the project of the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel. Because you are convinced of the need to support the advancement of Belgian musical life and our artists of tomorrow. Your returns: Friends package + • You will also be given priority to organize your own “nocturnes” at the Music Chapel • Furthermore, we will provide seats for you during: - Patrons concert (season opening concert) - Gala concert - “Prelude” concert - Garden-Party • Your donation are tax deductible « Sponsor » of the Music Chapel • scholarship € 12.500/year* (private) • full scholarship € 25.000/year** (corporate) Become a « Sponsor » of a young talent and be a partner of the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel. Because you wish to get directly involved in the life of our institution, and follow the development of one of our young artists step by step throughout the artistic season. Your returns: Patron Package + • Special invitations to some concerts • Possibility of private attending during your godchild lesson • Your sponsorship is included in the biography of the young artist • From € 12.500: one special evening is reserved for you: a private concert, for you and your friends, by “your” young artist • From € 25.000: a private concert + a private evening at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel (not including reception) • Our donation are tax deductible *including a non-tax deductible amount of € 2.500 **including a non-tax deductible amount of € 2.500 Do you prefer a tailor-made approach (a gift, a bequest or a partnership)? Your choice will be ours! Support and accompany these young talents to reach their Dream and together let’s help them to build their future and their career! Membership & Funding Department Laurence Godfraind - Christine Reyntjens - Johanna Filée [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] Tel.: +32 (0)2 352 01 13 - +32 (0)2 352 01 16 - Fax: +32 (0)2 351 10 24 * including a non-tax deductible amount of € 100/person Gift to the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel are to be paid into the account of the foundation (gifts from € 40 are tax deductible) IBAN: BE20 3101 2393 3956 - BIC: BBRUBEBB 88 89 Music Chapel, social-purpose corporation Board of Directors Jean-Pierre de Launoit, Chairman Bernard de Launoit Executive Director Bernard Boon Falleur Géry Daeninck Philippe de Buck van Overstraeten Yvan de Launoit Gabrielle du Chastel de la Howarderie Paul Dujardin Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel, public utility foundation Board of Directors Vincent Pardoen, Chairman Géry Daeninck Paul Dujardin Peter de Caluwe Bernard Foccroulle Philippe Delaunois Sylvia Goldschmidt Bernard de Launoit Viviane Reding Yvan de Launoit Robert Tollet Julien De Wilde Frans van Daele Executive Committee Bernard de Launoit, Executive President Géry Daeninck, Executive Director Julien De Wilde, Director Sophie Gosselin, General Secretary Artistic Committee Bernard Foccroulle, Chairman Bernard de Launoit Peter de Caluwe Christian Renard Arie Van Lysebeth Ambassadors Committee Sylvia Goldschmidt, Chairman Werner Van Lembergen, Vice-Chairman Axel Miller Willem Van de Voorde Honorary Presidents Jean-Jacques de Launoit Jean-Pierre de Bandt 90 91 Comité Exécutif/Uitvoerend Comité Membership & Funding Department Bernard de Launoit, Executive President Géry Daeninck, Executive Director Julien De Wilde Laurence Godfraind, coordination Christine Reyntjens, public relations Johanna Filée, assistant Marie-Louise Welcker, volunteer Monique De Ridder, volunteer Team Finance & Administration Sophie Gosselin, General Secretary Quentin Bogaerts Johanna Filée, student & mediation support Cultural and Communication Department Logistics Department Sophie Gosselin, coordination Bénédicte Bruynseels, project manager & Artists Village mediator Julie Bersou, project manager int. Sophie van der Stegen, project manager & MYchapel coordinator Auriane de Fauconval, publications & press relations Muriel Anslot, publications & social media coordinator Miruna Ursache, trainee Danielle Verhulst, trainee Marie-Emilie Dugardyn, trainee Florence Degossely, trainee Paul Borschette, library Karine Vilain Alain Canivet Lami Tchabebou Artistic Department Muriel Vanderbauwhede, artistic coordination (voice) & enoa contact Anne-Lise Parotte, artistic coordination (piano, violin, cello, chamber music) Joana Noeth, coordination Tica Cabral, consultant Lami Tchabebou, assistant 92 93 Design: Equinox, Solidarity Music Department Your Music Agenda: March TO june 2014 MAY MARCH 02.05 Master class - Chamber music section- Waterloo P.41 05.05 Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek - Hoeilaart P.42 07.05 Concert de Midi/Middagconcert - Brussels P.43 06.03 Music Chapel Concert - Waterloo P.14 08.03 Schiermonnikoogfestival - The Netherlands P.15 09.03 Schiermonnikoogfestival - The Netherlands P.16 09.03 Les Rendez-Vous de la Chapelle Musicale - Stavelot P.17 11.03 José van Dam and YOU! - Brussels P.18-21 13.03 Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek - Hoeilaart P.23 28.05 > 31.05 Queen Elisabeth International Music Competition P.45 Voice - Finale 14.03 Concert de Midi/Middagconcert - Brussels P.24 22.05 MYchapel Evening - Brazil! - Waterloo P.46-47 19.03 Les Concerts de Midi/Middag Concerten - Brussels P.25 30.05 Public exams - Cello section - Waterloo P.48 20.03 Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek - Hoeilaart P.26-27 25.03 concert@home - Ganshoren P.28 JUNE 25.03 Festival International - Piano - Quaregnon P.29 02.06 Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek - Hoeilaart P.49 27.03 Concert de Midi/Middagconcert - Brussels P.30 03.06 Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie - Brussels P.50 30.03 Festival International - Piano - Quaregnon P.31 10.06 Public exams - Chamber music section - Waterloo P.51 11.06 Public exams - Piano section - Waterloo P.52 12.06 Public exams - Violin section - Waterloo P.53 16.06 Public exams - Piano section - Waterloo P.55 APRIL 03.04 Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek - Hoeilaart P.32 06.04 Les Rendez-Vous de la Chapelle Musicale - Stavelot P.33 17.04 Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek - Hoeilaart P.34 23.04 Musica Viva Moscow - Russia P.35 14.05 > 16.05 Queen Elisabeth International Music Competition P.44 Voice - Première épreuve/Eerste ronde 18.05 > 20.05 Queen Elisabeth International Music Competition P.44 Voice - Demi-finale/Halve finale 25.04 Les Amis du Zoute - Knokke-HeistP.36 25.04 Maison des Arts de Schaerbeek - Schaerbeek P.37 27.04 BOZARSUNDAYS - Brussels P.38 28.04 Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek - Hoeilaart P.39 29.04 Concert de Midi/Middagconcert - Brussels P.40 94 Special program for the Mæcenas [email protected] Special program for the Mæcenas Friends [email protected] Special program for young lovers of classical music under 35 [email protected] Equinox, Musique Solidaire [email protected] Special activities for kids European network of opera academies [email protected] Special program to develop an active residency 95 Music Chapel On stage 75th Anniversary - 2014 06.09.2014 @ Beloeil Music Chapel On tour Music Chapel Festival Beethoven Les Musicales de Beloeil Orchestre National de Belgique Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie Soloists of Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel Music Chapel On tour 01 > 06.12.2014 @ Flagey 18 > 19.09.2014 @ Antwerp, Brussels & Gent deFilharmonie Nn, conductor Soloists of Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel Liège Royal Philharmonic Christian Arming, conductor Soloists of Music Chapel Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie Franck Braley, conductor Augustin Dumay, conductor Soloists of Music Chapel Orchestre Phiharmonique de Lille Jean-Claude Casadesus, conductor Maria João Pires, piano Soloists of Music Chapel Brussel Philharmonic Vlaams Radio Koor Octupus Michel Tabachnick, conductor Soloists of Music Chapel 07.11.2014 @ Liège With the support of Music Chapel On tour Liège Royal Philharmonic Christian Arming, conductor Soloists of Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Highlights Music Chapel José van Dam & YOU! 75th Anniversary National Orchestra of Belgium Patrick Fournillier, conductor 11.03.2014 - BOZAR 10.03.14 - 14:30 Violin section 02.05.14 - 14:30 Chamber Music section Music Chapel Annual public exams 30.05.14 - 14:30 Cello section (G. Hoffman) 10.06.14 - 14:30 Chamber Music section (Artemis Quartet) 11.06.14 - 14:30 Piano section (A. R. El Bacha) 12.06.14 - 14:30 Violin section (A. Dumay) 16.06.14 - 14:30 Piano section (M.J. Pires) Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel, public interest foundation Under the Honorary Chairmanship of Her Majesty Queen Paola Correspondence: Chaussée de Tervuren 445 - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Corporate address: Rue Brederode 14, B-1000 Bruxelles - BCE 459 245 906 Tel: +32 (0)2 352 01 10 - Fax: +32 (0)2 351 10 24 [email protected] - Publisher : B. de Launoit – Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel – Chaussée de Tervuren, 445 – 1410 Waterloo – Belgium Music Chapel Public Master class
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