Sub-Regional Office Solapur Industries: CAC CC level units MIDC Name: MIDC Chincholi, Tal- Mohol Solapur CAC Units RED (>75 Crs) CC Units RED (25 to 75 Cr) Enclosed list as Annex la and Ib 2 3 4 5 4 7 ORANGE(>750 Crs) ORANGE(250 to 750 Cr) 0 0 MIDC Name: MIDC Temburni CAC Units RED (>75 Crs) CC Units RED (25 to 75 Cr) Enclosed list as Annex 2a and 2b 1 0 ORANGE(>750 Crs) ORANGE(250 to 750 Cr) 0 0 MIDC Name: MIDC Akkalkot CAC Units RED (>75 Crs) CC Units RED (25 to 75 Cr) Enclosed list as Annex 3a and 3b 0 0 ORANGE(>750 Crs) ORANGE(250 to 750 Cr) 0 0 MIDC Name: MIDC Mangalwedha CAC Units RED (>75 Crs) CC Units RED (25 to 75 Cr) Enclosed list as Annex 4a and 4b 0 0 ORANGE(>750 Crs) ORANGE{250 to 750 Cr) 0 0 MIDC Name: MIDC Kurduwadi CAC Units RED (>75 Crs) CC Units RED (25 to 75 Cr) Enclosed list as Annex 5a and 5b 0 0 ORANGE(>750 Crs) ORANGE(250 to 750 Cr) 0 0 Non MIDC Area CAC Units RED (>75 Crs) CC Units RED (25 to 75 Cr) Enclosed list as Annex 6a and 6b 35 19 ORANGE(>750 Crs) ORANGE(250 to 750 Cr) 0 0 Other Activities Construction Projects Nos. 04 Mining Nos. Nil Ports Nos Nil Health Care Units (>100 Beds) 11 Common Facilities CETP No. 02 Enclosed as Annexure 7 Name CETP Chincholi CETP Akkalkot 2 Common Hazardous Waste Disposal Facility:- Nil 3 Municipal Corporation and 01 Capacity 1.5 MLD 3.0 MLD Solapur Municipal Corporation Sewage Generation: 80 MLD Treatment Capacity: 55 MLD (Not in Operation) Consent: Not Applied MSW Generation: 400 MTD Authorization: 31/12/2017 4 A' Class Municipal Council 01 Barshi Municipal Council Sewage Generation: 6.7 MLD Treatment Capacity: Not provided Consent: Not Applied MSW Generation: 40 MTD Authorization: 31/12/2015 Common Bio Medical Waste Treatment and Disposal Facility 01 Name Capacity Bioclean (Ind) System Pvt. Ltd. Bhogoan, Tal- N. Solapur, 75 Kg/hr SUB REGIONAl Of HCf, (Rnnexure 1 aj Uit of CAC Industries in MIDC -Chintholl,Tal-MohoU>!$t-$otapur 5f. No, Industry 1 Balaji Amines 2 Precision 3 Camshafts Ud. Precision Camshafts Ltd. 4 Hindustan PetfoHum Address Plot no. E-7,E-8 MIDC Chlchoii, Tal- North Solaput Industry Type R60 pharrnaceutkab {Excluding Formulation) 6-7 &7-1 MIOC Chiixhoti, Oist R35 foundry operations Sotapur Plot No.D5,MlOC.Chincholl,Tal" Mohol.Dist-Soiapur RBS Foundry cpeiations F-S.MIOC Chincholl TalMohol oist-Solapur R54 Oil and gas tfanspoitation U>G Bottling plant Corporation Itd.lPG Bottling plant Valid Upto 28/04/2014 Applied for COU 31.07,2013 COU ganted OdnCrs) 143.10 Remarks .- 99.50 128,58 Applied for renewal of consent with expansion same application is processed & submitted through »O Pune WHQ 82.60 ."" .- dt.28/01/2014 (Annexure 1 b) list of CC Industries in MIOC Chimholi T»l-Mohol.tMst-Solapur Remarks Industry Type R3?ironast8el industry Valid Upto 31.0S.5014 Cl(lnCn) 31.94 R60 Pharmaceuticals illxctuding 30.04.2014 51.97 31.03.2015 34.33 R60 Plot No.E-2,MIDC Chincho!i,Tal & OistSolapur. Pharmaceuticals {Excluding formuiationj 31/12/2013 73.83 R 83 Oil Refinery 0-i & 0-2, MIOC, Chindtoli, Soiapur R79 Synwtic Plot No.D-9,Chincholi <sm> MIOC.Tat Mohol.Dist-Solapur lubber excluding Ltd.(formal\ molding Known as <5u)rat 3i.03.2015 30.28 ." 31.12.2014 37,95 .- 28/02/2014 27.2.5 .» Address Sr.No. ndustry 1 Ambe Iron Pvt. Plot No,t-l, MIDC, Chinqhoii, Ud Difl- Saiaput 2 Smiuti Organics Chincholi MIDC Soiapur Ltd Formulation! 3 K-l MIOC, Chincholi, Soiapur- R84 Varn/textite Somany processing Evergreen Knits 55 Ltd 4 S 6 Avon Organics Ltd. involving arty effluent/emission Venky's India ltd. Applied for renewal of consent with expansion & same is processed & submitted toHQ through RO Pune Reclaim & Rubber Products ud.) 7 Thermax (id Wot No T-l MIOC Chinchlijal- R36 F.ngg.unlt Mohol Oist-Sobpur Regional Officer SUB REGION At OFFICE, Solapur {Annexure ZaJ Ust of CAC Industries in MIOC -TembhumiJal-Madha.Dist-Solapur Sr, No. Industry 1 imdal Fittings Ltd industry Type Address Plot No. 8-13,MIOC R3S Foundry Tembhurni.Tal. Madha, Oist- operations Solapuf. Valid Upto 31.0S.Z01S r Cl(ln Cra) 85.81 Remarks Cljln Cn) Remarks (Annexure 2bj Ust of CC industries in W1DC -Ternbhumi,Tal-Madha,Oist-Solapur Sr. No, jlmlustiry | Address j industry Type Nil — /Ld,/Reid Officer Sub-Reginal Officer j Valid Upto SUB REGIONAL OFFICE, Solapur (Annexurc 3a) List of CAC Industries in MIDC -Akkatkot Read.&olapur.QSst-Solapur Sr, No, ) Industry | Address | Valid Upto Industry Type a(inCrs) j Remarks ClOnCrsJ [ Remarks NIL ^Annexure 3,1)} List of CC Industries in MIDC -Akkatkot Hoad.Soiapur.Dtst-Soiapur Sr. No. j Industry field Officer I Address j Industry Type Nil bob Regmal Officer j Valid Upto [ Regional OMicer SUe REGIONAL OFFICE, Solapuf (Anriexure 4 a) list of CAC Industries in MIDC -MangalwedhaJal-Wlangalwedha.Dist-Solapur Sr. No. Industry 1 Industry Type NIL \s ! Valid Upto Remarks CMInCrs) (Annexure Ust of CC industries to MIDC -Mang Sr. No. Industry Address IndjistgTygjrX y*!1<luP*° I Cl(lnOs) ] Remarks Nil nkJ^u Field Officer Sub-Reginal Officer Regions! Officer SUB REGIONAL QFPICE, Soiapur (Annexure 5 a! list of CAC Industries in MIDC -Kur<iuw8di,Tal-Kurduwa<i),D!st-Solapur |r.No.ilndgstfy~ '']''' ^n Address""" | Industry Type | VatldUjKO | ^(tnCrs) NIL (Annexure S b) list of CC Industries in MIOC -Kurtiuwadi.Tal-Kurduwsdi.Dist-Sobpur St. No. Address Industry Type NIL Field Officer Sub-Reglnal Officer | Valid Upto Remarks SU8 REGIONAL OFFICE, Solapur (Anriexure 6 a] List of CAC Industries in Nan MIOC Area Industry SfNo. 1 The Saswad Mali Valid Upto 31.12.2014. Cl(ln Crs.) 42.59 Maishiras.Dist-Solapur The Saswad Mali Ma!inagar,TalMalshiras.Ofst-Solatwr R15 grain based Distillery 28/02/2011 29.55 Malinagar.Ta!Malshiras,Dist -Solapur RX5 Mollasses based Distillery 31.11.2014 13.17 Malinag3r,TalMalshiras.Oist-Solapur R56 Power Generation Plants COU granted dt.15/01/2013 17,72 Laxminagar Anagar, Tal- K66 Power Generation Plants Mohol, Dist- Solapur, COU granted dt.22.02.2013 22.65 31.07.2014 95.33 31.12.2013 109.16 31.09.2013 207.45 Saswad Mail Sugar Facory, (Distillery 3ivison), Saswad Mail Sugar Facory, (Distillery Diuison), 3 industry Type R74 Sugar (excluding Khandsari) Sugar Factory Ltd. Sugar Factory Ltd. 2 Address Malinagar,Tal" Lofcnete Baburao Patil SSK Ltd.(Sugar) At-Laxmiregaf,Angar,T*l- R74 Sugar .aknete Baburao Patil SSK Ltd.(Sugar) Mohol.Oist-Solapur. {excluding Khandsari) Shree Shankar SSK Sadashivnagar, Tal. K74 Sugar Ltd. (Co-gen Unit,) Malshiras, Oist. Solapur {excluding Khandsari) Shree Shankar SSK Ltd. A/P Sadashiv Nagar, Tal- R74 Sugar Maishiras.Dtet-Solapur (excluding R15 Distillery Shree Shankar SSK Sadashivnagar, Tal. Malstiiras, Dist. Solapur. including Fermentation Sahakar Maters hi Shankarnagar, Tal. Applied for renewal of consent &same is processed & submitted through RO Pune to HQ Applied for consent to 1st Operate same application is processed & submitted through RO Pune to HQ Applied for Auto renewal same application is processed & submitted through RO Pune to HQ Applied for consent to renewal same application '& processed & submitted through RO Pune to HQ Khandsari) Ltd Remarks Applied for consent to 1st Operate same application is processed & submitted through RO Puns to HQ 31.12,2014 140.3 31.08,2015 82.85 31/7/2014 104.5 31,08,2015 82.00 31,07.2014 361,78 31.07,2014 74.65 COUgratd 63.73 industry 4 Shanksrtao Mohite Malshiras Patii SSK Ltd, (Acetic) R15 Distillerv includir^g Fermentation Sahakar Maharshi Shankarnagar, Tal. industry Rl 5 Distillery Shankarrao Mohite MalsHiras Patil SSK Ltd(Distiltery) Sahakar Maharshi Shankarnagar, Tal. Shankarrao Mohite Malshiras industry !U5 Distillery including Fermentation industry Patil SSK Itd.(Anhydrous) Sahakar Maharshi At.Shankarnagar, Akluj, R74 Sugar Shankarrao Mohite Tal-Malshiras. Sahatcar Shiromani Vasantrao Kate SSK At/Po.0halwani,Tal. Pandharpur Ltd. Sahakar Shiromani vasatrtrao Kale SSK Ltd. (Co-gen) (excluding Krwndssri) Patil SSK Ltd. 5 including Fermentation Chandrabhaganagar, A/p- Bhalwani, Tal. Pandharpur, Dist, - (US DistillerY including Fcrrnentation Industry R66 Power Generation Plants dt.21.02.2012 Solapur Sub-Regional Officer Regtonal Officer"1 Sahakar Shiromani Vasantrao Kale SSK Ltd. 6 okmangal Agro ndustries Ltd., .okmangal Agra ndustries Ltd.,(DiStfcry Unit) Chandrabhaganagar, A/p- Bhalwani, Tal. *andharpur, Otst. Soiapur Gut No.516,517 & 520 A/PBiblDarpal.TalNorth Solapur. Out No.573 to S7S A/P BibiDarphal, Tal. North Solapur, Oist,Solapur. R74 Sugar (excluding Khandsari) 31.07.2014 74.65 R74 Sugar (excluding Khandsari! R15 Distillery 31.07.2014 60.65 31.12.2013 95,08 including Fermentation industry .okmangal Agra Ind. Gut No.516,517,S2Q A/p- R74 Sugar Bidi Oarphal,Tal-North (excluding Ltd. Solapur. KhandsariJ 7 8 10 processed & submitted through RO Pune to HQ Industry has applied for consent to Establish for Expansion of Sugar unit & same is processed & submitted to HQ through RQ Pune 30/09/2013 95,20 R15 Distillery including Fermentation industry Shree Pandurang SSk Shree pur.Tal-Malshirur. R74 Sugar (excluding Ltd Khandsari! Shri Vitthal SSK Venunagar-Gursale, R74 Sugar Ud,(Sugar & co-gen) Tal.Pandh3rpurJDist.Sola (excluding pur. Khandsari) 31.08.2014 4.1.32 31.10.2014 142.00 31.03.2013 111.89 •US Distillery including Fermentation industry R15 Distillery including Fermentation industry R74 Sugar 31.08,2014 22.19 COU granted dt3.04.2012 24,46 31.07.2014 297,55 31.12.2010. 41,00 Applied for consent to renewal on same application is processed & submitted thro ugh RO Pune to HQ 31.12.2013 294.02 Applied for consent to renewal on same application is processed ft submitted Shree Pandurang SSKA/P Shreepur, TalMalshiras Ud. (OistilleryS Shri Vitthal SSK Ud. Distillery) 9 Applied for consent to renewal same application is unit) A/p-Venunagar, Curasale, Tal. Psndharpur, D!st Solapur Gangamainagar, A/p Pimpainer, Tal - Madha, Dfet - Solapur Vitthalrao Shinde ;Co-generation Unit) Vitthalrao Shinde SSK Ltd. (Distiliary S.S.K.Ltd.(Sugar& Co- Gangamainnagar.pirnpal (excluding ner tal.Madha, Khandsari) gen) R15 Distillery Shri Siddheshwsr Kumathe, A/P . SSK Ltd.. Tikekarwadi.Tal. North Solapur Dist- Soiapur including Fermentation industry Shri Siddheshwar SSK Ltd. R74 Sugar Kumathe, A/P Tikekarwadi, Tal- North (excluding Khandsari) Solapur. Applied for renewal of consent & same is processed & submitted to HQ through RO Pune through RO Pune to HQ R74 Sugar Kumathe, A/P Tikekarwadi, Tal- North (excluding Khandsari) Solapur. Lokmangai Sugar R74 Sugar eat (excluding •thanol and Co-gen No.S88.589,S90;A/p;Khandsari) Bhandar Kavatheja!:Ind. Ltd. (sugar ) South Solapur.Oist:- Shri Siddheshwar SSK Ltd. 11 Solapur. Gat No. 386/2, At • Kachare wadi, Tal.mangalvedha 12 Utopian sugar Pvt.Ud. 13 vftthal Refmd Sugar At. Post • Pandc, Ta!.karmala Ud. 14 R74 Sugar (excluding Khandwi) R74 Sugar (excluding Khandsari) Sr No.246,A/p Aurad Tak R74 Sugar Lokshakti Sugar & {excluding Allied Industries Ltd. South Solapur,Dht' Khandwri) ,., ,„ .-*, 1 COU Grant dt.28/01/2014 294.02 31.07.2014 233.24 COU Granted dtd.13.12.2012 93.0S COU Grant 98.93 COU Grant did 74/07/2012 79.36 Sub Regional Officer 14 15 Lokshakti Sugar & Sr No.246,A/p Aurad Tal- R'M Sugar Allied Industries Ltd. SoythSolapuf.DistSoispur Auj village SF.No IBSEuar i cement MO at shingadgaon (excluding Kh<mdsart) R07 Cement COD Grant I 79.36 dtd.24/07/2012 COU Granted 600.00 dtd.09/01/2013 village tal-south solapur dist-sol»pur 16 Ktrtoskar Ferrous Industries ltd. 17 Bhairavnath Sugar Works Ltd. 18 19 Uttratech Cement limited. Solapur Super Thermal Power Project (NTPQ Field Officer Gat No. 12 to 18/1 + 2 and 25/1 Shivshahi Sofapur Tal. North R3S Foundry Gyrations Solapur R74 Sugar A/P. Vihal, TaiKarmala, Oist- Soiapur (excluding Khandsari) hotgi.Solapur R07 Cement A/P. Fatatewadi, Hotri Railway Station & Ptierwadi, Tal. South Solapur, dist. Solapur R81 Thermal Power Plants 31.05.2015 138.58 31.07.2014 104.25 31.10.2015 392.25 COU Granted dtd.25,09.2009 8314.67 Sub-Regional Officer ,-~ Regional Officer 20 21 Matoshri Laxmi Sugar & CoGeneration ndustries Ltd. ai Hind Sugar Pvt. Ltd. 22 Reliance Gas transportation ntrastructure Lmt. :abtech Sugar 23 Pvt Ltd. A/P.Ruddhewadi,Tal AkkalKot R74 Sugar (excluding Khandsari) COU Grant dW.8/Q2/2Q10 101.75 A/p - Achegaon, Tal. South Solapur, Oist Soiapur S.N.189 Villsge-Jamgaon 8arshi,Solapur R74 Sugar (excluding Khandsari) RS4 Oil and gas transportation COU Grant dtd. 30.01.2014. 125.00 31.3.2015 471,00 Unit has applied for consent to 1st Operate pipeline Gat No.644 to 649,651 A/p Nandur TalMangalwedha Dist" Solapur G No.167A-l.168/Al,A/P.Tirhe, Tal. North Solapur, Solapur R74 Sugar (excluding Khandsari) 31.07.2014 143.71 R74 Sugar (excluding Khandsari) 31. 10.2013 Grant up to commissioning of unit for expansion of sugar & co generation of unit 200 Village - Karkamb, Tal Pandharpur, Dist Solapur 24 SWdhanath sugar Mills Ltd. 25 Shivratna Udyog PvtLtd, R74 Sugar (excluding Khandsari) 31.10.2013 92.90 26 Fafatech Sugar vt A/p Nandur, Balaji Nagar R74 Sugar Ltd,(Ferm Name TaH^angalwedha Oist (excluding Khandsari) Shree Renuka Sugar) Solapur 31.07.2014 143.71 27 Sitaram Maharaj SSK A/p-KhardlTal. Pandharpur, Oist Solapur Aryan Sugar Lid Sta No. 394/395, Diiip Nagar, At-Po<hamgo9n, Tal. Barshi, Oist- Solapur R74 Sugar (excluding Khamteari) R74 Sugar (excluding Khandsari) 31.07.2014 81.80 31.07.2014 78.1S ndreshwaf Sugar Mills Ltd. ( Sugar Unit) Jakraya Sugar Ltd. Bhagwat Nagar, Uplai, Tat. - Barshi, Dist Solapur Gat no. 71 to 74, A/p Watvade, Tal. - Mohol, Dist • Solapur S.N0.160,Turk P!mprl,TaI-Barshi DistSotapur R74 Sugar {excluding Khandsari) R74 Sugar (excluding Khandsari) R74 Sugar (excluding Khandsari) 31.07.2014 85.29 31.07.2014 90.82 Applied for COU 75,43 Pandharpur, Chandrabhaga Nagar.Pandharpur Building & Construction project more than 20,000 Sq.unr COU granted dt,28/04/200€ 81,6 Project yet not completed 28 29 30 Commissioning of unit for expansion of sugar & cogeneration unit dtd.28/01/2014 Applied for consent to renewal same application is processed & submitted through RO Pune to HQ industry has applied for C to E an 27/11/2013 & same is processed & submmttteiJ to HO, through RO Pune 31 ndlan Sugar Manufacturing Co.Ltd.(Unit 2) 32 Ujani Canal Oiv No.VII 33 Ekrukh Uft Irrigation Al-Haglur Tal-South Solapur.Dist-Solapur Projea Building & COU Granted dtd. Construction project rnoro than 20,000 87.48 Project yet not completed 34 SlnaMadhalltt Irrigation scheme Sina madha project Oiv.Bhimgnagar TalMadlw Oisi-Solapur COU Granted did. Building & Construction project more than 20,000 1S7 Project yet not completed 35 Chettinad Cement Ta!-S.Sola»ur,Oist- Cemew COU Granted dtd.24/10/2013 SBteP)*^ Vi }Cev\cit.Jte tu *sn "fl/prf TfVc f^%?l/|h 660.75 -~ '•Jt-P .-A FiMd Officer -•Sub Regions) Officer •' Regional Officer * SUB REGIONAL OFFICE, Sotapur (Annexure 6 b) List of CC Industries in Nor MIDC Area Industry Type Address R74 Sugar At-Chandapuri,TalMatshiras, Oist-Solapur. (excluding Khandsari] R15 Distillery Exceil Krushi Prakriya A/p Adhtv.G Pvt Ltd.SGrain Based No,91/A,91/lA,Tq.Pand including Fermentation Distitleryjsss harpur Oist-Solapur industry R65 Power Solapur Bio Energy C.S.NO.- 74/2(Newj, System (P) Ltd. Tulajapur Road, Solapur. Generation Plants Valid Upto 31.07.2014 CHlnCrs,} 49.50 22.04.2012 29.00 31.12.2017 30.57 4 Shree Mate! SSK LW. A/p- Bhillarwadi, Tat Karmala, Dist -Soiapur 31.07.2014 62.51 5 Audambarraojl Patil A/p. Ashti, Tal. Mohol, SSk Ltd. (sugar Unit) Otst- Solapur COU granted dt 1/09/201 2 65.71 6 Sant Kurumdas SSK A/p « Pimpatdhara ltd. Padalsht, Tal. - Madh, Oist • Solapur 31.10.2011 3S.50 7 Eco Board Industries A/p Velapur.TalMatshiras Oist-Solapur 31/05/2014 65.00 8 ! Vitthal Corporation A/p - Mhaisgaon, Tal. • (M. Ltd (Sugar Unit) Madha, Dlst • Solspur 31.07.2014 41.90 31.12.2013. 34.87 30.07.2014 37,00 31/12/2013 28.30 31.03.2012 44.85 31.07.2014 40.92 31.05.2015 72.32 Industry SrNo. 1 Shelter! Sakhar Karkhana Ltd. 2 3 9 Qhava! praiapsingh mohite patil agro industries ltd. 10 Shrj Sant Damaii S.S.K,Ltd. 11 12 R74 Sugar (excluding Khandsari! R74 Sugar (excluding Khandsari) R74 Sugar (excluding Khandsari) R27 Partical Board R74 Sugar (excluding Khandsari) Maishirus, Dhavalnagar, R15 Distittery Grain Based Pune. A/P Mangatwedha, TalMangalwedha OistSolapur. Shri Ad'math Sahaksrt Shelgaon, Bhalwani, Sakhar Karkhana Ltd. Adinathnagar.TalKarmata,0ist-Solapur R74 Sugar (excluding Khandsari) R74 Sugar (excluding Khandsari} A/P. Waki (Shivane), Tal. R74 Sugar Sangola, Oist-Soiapur (excluding Khandsari) Bhima Sahakari Tsl.Mohol,Olst-Solapur. R74 Sugar (excluding Sakhar Karkhana Ltd. Khandsari} R29 Hotels (3 Star Sr Balaji Amines N<3.9,MaJ»rewadt,Hotagi & above) and Ltd.Hotel division Hotels having 100 Road.Sotapur rooms and abov Sangota Taluka SSK Ltd. 13 14 field Officer {jub-Rpgional Officer Remarks Industry is closed Applied for renewal of consentApplicatton is processed & submitted through RO Pune to HQ Presently unit is not in operation Applied for consent to renewal same application is processed & submitted through RO Pune to HQ During this crushing season indystrv is not in operation. Regional Officer IS 16 17 Shivamruth Dudh Uipadak Sahakari Sangh Maryadit Vijaynagar, Vizort, Post R47 Milk Yashwartihnagar, Tal, processing ntvi Matshiras, Oist- Solapur dairv products jlntegrated project) KiA Sugar Swami Samarth SSK L At Post-Dahitane TaiAkkalkot Dlst-Solapur {excluding Khandsari} S.N0.160,Turk R1S Distillery Indian Sugar Manufacturing Co.Ud,(Unit 2) Pimprijal-Barshi DistSoiapur including Fermentation industry 18 Minerva Power Corporation Ltd, At-MalwadiJalKarrnala.Dist-Solapur R66 Power Generation Plants 19 Oafiigaon Lift irrigation scheme T^^Karmais.Dist-Soiapur Building & Construction project more than 20,000 Field Officer 31.09,2013 30.69 Applied for consent to renewal same application is processed & submitted through RO Pune to HQ 31.10.2010 48 Applied for COD 60.53 applied for renewal of consent however industry is not in operation industry has applied for C to E on 27/11/2013 & same is processed & submmitted to HQ through fiO Pune 31.01.2011 72.33 Presently unit has closed COU granted dt. 57.66 Project yet riot completed SUB REGIONAL OFFICE, Soiapur {Annexure 7) List of Construction Projects ST. Industry Mime Address ' Type Validity No. 1 2 3 4 Investment hi Remarks (Crs.) M/s.Ganesh 164/1/A old S Ramchandra no.8436,8437,Vish apte indradhanu nu mill compound near railway station O-8 Building & Construction project more than 20,000 Sq.rntr M/s.Savitribai OppostSe Sotapur 0-8 Building & Phule Shiskhan University Soiapur Construction Prasarak mandal Pune Road, project more Kegaon, Tal-North than 20,000 Soiapur M/s National Highway Authority Of India 4/6 laning NH-9 from 40.0km to 249.0 km state maharashtra M/s.Asiatic Co- C-78, Ekta Nagar, operative Power Solapur-413005 ioom.Textite park society 0-8 Building & Construction project more than 20,000 0*8 Building & Construction project more than 20,000 COU granted dt. 15/04/2013 Applied for consent to establish 150 .-- 135.54 .-- COU granted dt.23.01.2012 83.5 **"" COU granted dt.16/01/2014 103.05 .-- li1; Field Officer Ub-Reginal Offio Regional Officer MAHARASHTRA POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD SUB REGIONAL OFFICE, SOLAPUR Status of Hospitals of 100 Beds and above pertaining in Sub region solapur Sr. no. 1 Name of the Hospital M/s. Shri Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj General Hospital Sarvopachar Rugnalaya Dr.Ashok Shinde.Dr.V.M. Medical College Dist.Solapur 2 M/s. E. S. I. Hospital, 3 M/s. Danraj Girji Hospital, 4 M/s. Ashwini Sahakar Rugnalaya, 5 Shri Markandey Sah. Rugnalaya & Research Centre Niyami M/s. Solapur Sahakar Rugnalaya, 6 M/s. Yashodhara Superspeciality Hospital 7 Medical superintendent M/s. Nargis Datta Tata Memorial Cancer Hospital, 8 M/s. Jagdale Mama Hospital, 9 M/s. Ashwini Rural Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre Address of hospital Civil line Opposite district court.Solapur No. of Beds 733 Hotgi Road, Solapur 150 4, Railway Lines, Solapur 150 Survey no 7107/1 Tank PlotNo.180, North Sadar Bazar, Solapur . P. no. 19, Paccha Peth, Solapur 305 Authorization Remarks status Valid up to 20/8/201 0& Not applied for renewal of authorization This office has issued letter, vide letter No. WP/SRSOL/TB-2223, Dated 31/12/2013 Valid up to 26/09/2007 & Not applied for renewal Valid up to 31/05/201 3& applied for renewal Valid Up to 31. 10.2013 & applied for renewal This office has issued letter, vide letter No. WP/SRSOm~B-2223, Dated 31/12/2013 Application is processed & submitted through RO Puneto HQ, Mumbai Application is processed & submitted through RO Puneto HQ, Mumbai 225 Valid up to 20.07.201 2 & Not applied for renewal This office has issued letter, vide letter No. WP/SRSOL/TB-2224, Dated 31/12/2013 , Siddheshar Peth, Near Z. P. Office, Solapur 150 Application is processed & submitted through RO Puneto HQ, Mumbai A/pAgalgaon Road Barshi, Tal - Barshi, DistSolapur 739, Shivaji Nagar, Barshi, Tal Barshi, DistSolapur , A/pKumbhari, Tal. - South Solapur, Dist - Solapur 120 Valid Up to 25/7/201 2 & further Applied for renewal of authorization Valid up to 31/07/201 3 & not applied for renewal of authorization 300 Valid up to 31.07.2015 300 Valid up to 31/5/2016 This office has issued letter, vide letter No. WP/SRSOL/TB-2223, Dated 31/12/2013 M/s. Gangamai Hospital, Dr. S. Prabhakar 10 11 M/s. Medical Superintendent - Sub District Hospital, , Plot no. 1C.S. no 279/2, IPS no. 4, Ramawadi Road, Modikhana, Solapur Pandharpur, A/pPandharpur, DistSolapur 100 Valid up to 31.03.2015 100 Valid up to 15/03/201 2 & not applied for renewal of authorization This office has issued letter, vide letter No. WP/SRSOL/TB-2223, Dated 31/12/2013
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