MINUTES OF THE AIRF WORKING COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 25-26 AUGUST, 2014 AT NAINITAL The Working Committee of the All India Railwaymen’s Federation(AIRF) met on 25-26 August, 2014 at Nainital(N.E. Railway), as was scheduled, under the presidentship of Com. Rakhal Das Gupta, President/AIRF. Names of those Office Bearers, ZSs and WCMs of the AIRF who attended the meeting are annexed with the proceedings. Shri K.K. Atal, General Manager, Shri S.M.N. Islam, Chief Personnel Officer, N.E. Railway, Shri Chandra Mohan Jindal, Divisional Railway Manager, Izzatnagar Division(NER), and Bro. Mahendra Sharma, Regional Secretary, Asia/Pacific Region, ITF, graced the occasion. Com. Basant Chaturvedi, Divisional Secretary, Izzatnagar Division, delivered welcome address, and Com. K.L. Gupta, General Secretary of the host union, i.e. NERMU and AGS/AIRF and other leadership of the host union welcomed the dignitaries – S/Shri K.K. Atal, S.M.N. Islam, Chandra Mohan Jindal and Bro. Mahendra Sharma and AIRF Office Bearers – Com. Rakhal Das Gupta, President/AIRF, Shiva Gopal Mishra, GS/AIRF, N. Kanniah, Working President/AIRF, J.R. Bhosale, Treasurer/AIRF and other Office Bearers of the AIRF, Com. N. Satpathy, General Secretary, ECoRSU, Sisir Chandra Mazumder, General Secretary, MTPRMU and D. Shaleel, Chairperson, Jaya Agarwal, Convener, AIRF Women Wing and Champa Verma, Chairperson, Women Wing/WCREU, by presenting garlends, shawls and mementos. Com. Basant Chaturvedi briefed, how in the past, the then NDA Government tried to bring Passes and PTOs of the Railwaymen in the ambit of the Income Tax. He also spoke on the historic 1974 strike of the Railwaymen. Com. K.L. Gupta asserted on mobilization of the Railway workers and thanked all those who participated in the AIRF WCM at Nainital. At the outset, President AIRF, Com. Rakhal Das Gupta, offered warm welcome to the dignitaries, print and electronic media representatives, present on the occasion and AIRF Office Bearers and WCMs, who came from different Zonal Railways and Production Units to attend AIRF WCM at Nainital. 1 He briefed the House, how in the past, the then NDA Government tried to outsource railway activities through Rakesh Mohan Committee Report by defining them as “Core” and “Non-Core” activities. He informed the House that, a seminar was also held at Nainital in the year 2000 to discuss Rakesh Mohan Committee Report. He recalled that, in another seminar, held in Railway Staff College, Vadodara, the then Hon’ble Minister for Railways, Shri Nitish Kumar, had stated, “the Railways would evolve its own infrastructure”. He informed the House that, while introducing Dedicated Freight Corridors(DFCs), Ministry of Railways had assured the AIRF that the control of the DFCs would remain with the Indian Railways only, and this would not be privatized. He further added that, AIRF in its memorandum handed over to the then Hon’ble Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh, on 28.03.2012 had demanded that social burden of the Indian Railways should be reimbursed from the general exchequer. Com. Rakhal Das Gupta criticized the government, how the Corporate Houses were favoured by exempting them from payment of Income Tax, Customs & Excise duties. While speaking on Foreign Direct Investment(FDI) and Public-Private Partnership(PPP) policies being pursued by the present government, he briefed about South-East Asian economic crisis and 2008 economic meltdown. He recalled that, in the last General Council Meeting of the AIRF, held in Chennai on 3-4 July, 2014, it was unanimously resolved to protest tooth and nail government’s move of FDI in the Railways. “While reiterating our earlier(Chennai General Council Meeting of the AIRF) decision, we have decided to adopt a resolution on it”, Com. Rakhal Das Gupta said. Speaking on Railway Ministry’s proposal – “Introduction of Gate Councilors/Gate Mitras for manning Unmanned Level Crossings”, he informed the House that, most of the accidents take place on Unmanned Level Crossings, and percentage of such incidents has enhanced from 33% to 40%, which is a potential threat to the safety of the Indian Railways. POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS Afterwards, the following there most important PowerPoint Presentations were made in detail:– (i) On “Railway Safety” by Com. R.K. Pandey, DS/LKO/NRMU(NR). (ii) “Role of Information Technology in Trade Union” by Com. Rajeev Sharma, Branch President, Workshop Branch, Amritsar NRMU(NR), and (iii) “How to Organize the Youth” jointly by Com. Ms Preeti Singh, Youth Rep./AIRF and Com. Rajeev Sharma, Branch President, Workshop Branch, Amritsar NRMU(NR) Copies of these presentations have already been sent to the unions. 2 Ms Preeti Singh emphasized on adoption of the resolution for constituting Youth Committees at the Branch level, so as to organize the youth and ensure their active participation in the union activities as also to create confidence among them by providing them more and more opportunities to come forward. She further stressed to use the youth as a resource in the unions and also to create a platform for organizing them. After the presentations on the above subjects were over, the Guest Speakers, who were present in the meeting to grace the occasion, were invited by the President to say few words. First of all, Bro. Mahendra Sharma, Regional Secretary, ITF Aisa/Pacific Region, spoke on various corporations that are functioning directly under the control of Ministry of Railways, viz. Metro Railway, CONCOR, IRCON, RITES etc., wherein substantial number of Railway employees have been working, either on deputation basis or permanently absorbed therein. Talking on the subject he said, “rapid changes are coming, and we have to prepare ourselves to meet the challenges”. He stressed on organizing the workers of the Metro Rail and other PSUs of the Indian Railways because the principal employer of all these workers is Indian Railways. He stated that, “today Metro Rail is playing a pivotal role in our country in transporting millions of people from one place to another, and in the coming years Metro Rail Services are ought to cover substantially large area, particularly in the Metropolitan Cities and other important cities of this country, thereby employing a large chunk of workers”. “Indian Railways is the largest mode of transport and supply chain(CONCOR) in our country, and there is urgent need to organize these workers so as to strengthen the AIRF and its affiliates”, he added. He assured to extend all possible support to AIRF and its affiliates in this endeavour. Thereafter, DRM/IZN/NER, Shri Chandra Mohan Jindal and Shri S.M.N. Islam, CPO/NER, also spoke on this occasion and made valuable speech. Applauding the role of Trade Union Movement in our country, they said, “earlier, the aim of the trade union was to safeguard the interests of the Railwaymen, but now, the union has become an integral part of the management for the common cause of the Railways”. “I do hope that, positive deliberations will take place in this two-day WCM of the AIRF”, the CPO/NER added. Speaking on this occasion, Shri K.K. Atal, General Manager, N.E. Railway, said, “it is a matter of proud for us that this WCM of the AIRF is being held at Nainital in our jurisdiction”. He informed the House that, wherever he was posted, he tried his level best to improve the condition of the Running Rooms, with the result that, many of the Zonal Railways have won best work shield for Running Rooms. Talking about AIRF’s concern on safety, Shri Atal said, “safety is of prime concern for all of us”. He further added, “There has been sea-change in the Indian Railways, and lots of changes are in the air”. 3 He asserted, “nothing good can be done without the welfare of the Railwaymen, who have done a wonderful job”. “The Railways has a dedicated workforce, and if you make a desire, you can do anything”, he further added. He further hoped that, the WCM of the AIRF would be a grand succeess, and the decisions taken in this meeting will have far reaching impact. He also reminded the giant task that was carried out by Late Com. Umraomal Purohit and applauded his deeds as a veteran and true trade union leader. The agenda of the Working Committee Meeting was then taken-up for discussion. First of all, minutes of the last Working Committee Meeting of the AIRF, held at Patna on 22 nd November, 2013, simultaneously with the 89th Annual Convention of the AIRF, were confirmed unanimously, and thereafter, the President invited the General Secretary to make his report. GENERAL SECRETARY’S REPORT On being called upon, General Secretary AIRF, while placing his report, extended hearty welcome to AIRF Office Bearers and Working Committee Members who reached Nainital from far flung areas. He stated that, though all out efforts have been made by the host union for comfortable stay of the participants, however, there might be some problems due to limited accommodation and other resources, for which, he hoped that, all will bear with the same. While recalling memories of Late Com. Umraomal Purohit, he said, “Purohit Ji had given a good name and fame to AIRF across the globe, being elected as ITF President consecutively for two terms”. He informed the House that, Com. Rajasridhar has been elected as ITF Vice President, which is a matter of proud for all of us. He reminded the House that, after the sad demise of Com. Purohit, the General Council of the AIRF, that met in Chennai on 3-4 July, 2014, elected Com. Rakhal Das Gupta as AIRF President, who is presiding over this meeting. Talking about the policies being pursued by the newly elected central government, he stated that, the present government in inclined to amend the labour-laws, that will be heavily loaded in favour of the employers. He further added that, the intention of the government to permit 100% FDI in the Railways and resorting to outsourcing of a number of perennial nature works are potential danger for the safety of rail users and would have adverse impact on the Railwaymen also. “All the Central Trade Unions have, therefore, rightly decided to hold “National Protest Convention” on 15th September, 2014 in New Delhi, against the move of the government to amend the labourlaws, that will be detrimental to the Working Class of the country”, he added. He, therefore, warned 4 the House that the Restructuring of the Indian Railways, lack of manpower and infrastructure compounded with 100% FDI move in the Railways indicate that the coming future is full of challenges, for which we have to involve the rail users and the common man of the country in our “Jan Andolan.” He, however, asserted that, the AIRF would not allow the government to sell out the Railway Industry to private entrepreneurs, and there would be no compromise with the Railway Safety at all. Com. Mishra emphasized on use of Information Technology in a broader way and social media etc. for quick and faster communication to keep pace with the modern era. Stressing the need of organizing the Youth, he said that, as on date there are more than 4.5 lakh young workers in the Railways, who have joined the industry on or after 01.01.2004, and there is glaring need to bring them into our fold and this should be considered as our prime duty. He further mentioned that, besides 13.26 lakh Railway employees, there are around 4 lakh contractual workers, the principal employer of whom is Indian Railways, and our responsibility is to organizing them, so that the strength of the organization does not get weakened. “Modern enterprises, like Metro Rail, CONCOR etc., are also PSUs under the Ministry of Railways, and is an urgent need to organize their employees”, he added. Com. Mishra also spoke in brief on AIRF’s memorandum to VII CPC, results of the strike ballot on 36point Charter of Demands of the AIRF, constitution of the Fast Track Committee to resolve the longpending demands enlisted in the 36-point Charter of Demands, apex level committee for Running Rooms and Ministry of Railways proposals to engage Gate Councilors/Gate Mitras on Unmanned Level Crossings and introduction of scheme for establishment and operation of Yatri Ticket Suvidha Kendra(YTSK). He further added that, “AIRF would oppose all kinds of privatization in the Indian Railways with all the might at its command and reminded that, whenever the government decided to privatize the Indian Railways, AIRF compelled the government to step back”. “Therefore, there is an urgent need to analyze these issues, as this is a very crucial time, and if AIRF does not take the lead, the shape of the Indian Railways would definitely be changed”, the General Secretary warned. He informed the House that we have written to Hon’ble Prime Minister, Labour Minister and Railway Minister on the PLB, demanding not lesser PLB than the last year’s as also enhancement in the ceiling of the PLB. He concluded his speech with thanks to the Chair. RESOLUTIONS Resolution No.1 – “Save Railways – Save Nation”, was first moved by Com. Mukesh Mathur, General Secretary, NWREU, who, while moving this resolution spoke on privatization/outsourcing of Railway activities. He briefed, how privatization was started in the Railways and also talked about Rakesh Mohan Committee Report and Government of India’s proposal on Foreign Direct Investment(FDI) in the Railways. He warned that, during the coming years, foreign money would be invested in all the segments of 5 the Indian Railways, and there is every likelihood that, with this move of the Government, in coming future, the shape of the Indian Railways may get changed to the greatest extent. Com. Venu P. Nair, General Secretary, NRMU(CR), while supporting the resolution moved by Com. Mukesh Mathur, said, “FDI is another formula of the Rakesh Mohan Committee Report, which has already been scrapped on the persistent efforts of the AIRF, and therefore, we have to oppose this move tooth and nail.” The 2nd Resolution – “Revision of Ceiling of Productivity Linked Bonus”, was moved by Com. Mukesh Galav, General Secretary, WCREU, who also briefly discussed the background of the PLB, how the same was achieved by the AIRF after sustained struggles and sacrifices and as well criticized the Ministry of Railway and the Government, declining to remove the ceiling on payment of PLB. This resolution was seconded by Com. Pijush Chakraborty, Jt. GS/NFRMU, who also elaborately discussed this issue and demanded that the Government should not make any effort to curtail the same, but the ceiling, which is extremely unrealistic, should be removed so as to make payment on actual basis. Com. Harbhajan Singh Sidhu, President, NRMU(NR), while moving Resolution No.3 – “Support to National Protest Convention of the Central Trade Unions”, spoke on the amendments being made in the labour-laws by the government. He briefed the present scenario of the country. Com. S.K. Brahma, General Secretary, ERMU, seconded the resolution moved by Com. Harbhajan Singh Sidhu, and made a thought provoking speech. Thereafter, a meaningful debate took place, wherein Com. Asish Biswas, Champa Verma, C.A. Rajasridhar, G. Eswarlal, Daljeet Singh, Sisir Mazumder, Rajinder Singh, S.N. Singh, Jaya Agarwal, D. Shaleel, P.T.S. Raja, Subhendu Mukherjee, M.N. Bajpayee, Hussain Bux, Arun Gupta, Malay Kanti Das and S.K. Tyagi, took part and delivered valuable speech as also applauded the arrangements made by the host union for holding AIRF WCM at Nainital on 25-26 August, 2014. They spoke on “government’s move of privatization/outsourcing, FDI, anti-labour policies of the Government of India, amendment in labour-laws, Railway Safety, Productivity Linked Bonus, AIRF’s memorandum to VII CPC, grievances of the Running Staff, NPS, preparation for Vision 2019(Secret Ballot Elections), challenges ahead and AIRF’s strategy to combat the same, AIRF’s support to “National Protest Convention of the CTUs”, organization of Unorganized Sector - Workers and Youth and Women, improvement in communication, strengthening of the organization and other allied issues”. They suggested, “enhancement in the ceiling of PLB, improvement in the condition of Trackmen, holding of Categorical Conferences and conducting social activities, man-to-man contact, use of latest technology for communication, formation of Youth Committees at all the levels, representation to Youth and Women in the unions”. GENERAL SECRETARY AIRF Replying to debate, the General Secretary said, “though in the recently held secret ballot elections our vote share is more than the other federation, in comparison to 09 Railway Zones in 2007 secret ballot election, the said federation’s unions have come in 11 Railway Zones.” He added, “we have to prepare ourselves for Vision 2019(Secret Ballot Elections)”. 6 He further said, “there is an urgent need to strengthen the organization by resolving the differences, if any, as also by introspection, as vibrant organization can only face the challenges ahead”. He informed the House that, Trade Union Education Programme shall be streamlined and Late J.P. Chaubey Memorial Library is being made functional and online. He emphasized that, we should ensure more and more use of IT, social sites etc. for faster and quick communication with grassroots workers. He further added that, the affiliation fee of AIRF should be enhanced as per decision already taken for improving upon the financial condition of the federation. The General Secretary called upon the affiliated unions for intensive mass mobilization so that, message should go to the Hon’ble PM and MR that there is serious resentment among the Railwaymen on nonsettlement of long-pending issues and further onslaught on the workers. He called upon to organize the workers of the Metro Rail and other PSUs of the Railways for strengthening the Trade Union Movement. While speaking on violation of Contract Labour(Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970, he emphasized on workers’ unity against anti-labour policies of the government and reforms in the labour-laws. He briefed the House about the negotiations took place between the Railway Board and the Federation on 36-point Charter of Demands of the AIRF and constitution of the Fast Track Committee to resolve the major issues in a time-bound manner. Concluding his speech, he highly applauded the arrangements made by the host union(NERMU) and its entire cadre for holding AIRF WCM at Nainital. In his concluding speech, the President, while speaking on the proposed “National Protest Convention” of the Central Trade Unions, slated to be held on 15th September, 2014, informed the House that, AIRF is ought to fully support it. The President thanked the leadership and the rank and file of the NERMU for hosting AIRF WCM at Nainital excellently. He said, “as the General Secretary has already explained about Vision 2019(secret ballot elections), we must affect qualitative improvement in the functioning of the Branches of our affiliates, and our comrades would work hard in this direction”. He also spoke on PLB and speaking on NPS, he said, “NPS has proved to be a white elephant for the government”, and added that, “we are fighting against it, and our struggle shall continue until the same is abolished”. He then sought support on all the aforementioned three resolutions placed before the House and the same were adopted unanimously. Resolution No.1 and 2, which were already adopted in the AIRF’s General Council Meeting, held in Chennai on 3-4 July, 2014, were again moved in the Working Committee Meeting, as mentioned above, with slight modifications, were adopted unanimously. Resolution No.3 was also adopted unanimously. 7 Two statements, first on mobilization of Young Workers for their effective involvement in the organization and to promote Women Workers, and the second on proper and effective use of IT in the organization at all levels, were also adopted unanimously. The President thanked the host union for making nice arrangements for holding AIRF WCM in the lap of the nature at Nainital. It was unanimously decided – (i) To fully support the proposed “National Protest Convention” of the Central Trade Unions, slated to be held on 15th August, 2014, against anti-labour steps taken by the Government of India, to amend the labour-laws in favour of the employers. (ii) To observe 19th September, 2014 as “All India Demands Day”, and before that, to launch Mass Mobilization from 3rd to 18th September, 2014 at Branch level all over the Indian Railways. Moving vote of thanks, Com. Basant Chaturvedi explained in brief, the process of holding AIRF WCM at Nainital and the difficulties faced by the host union in making the arrangements, he, however, expressed his gratitude to President, General Secretary AIRF and other office bearers of the federation as also the participants for their valuable cooperation in holding AIRF WCM at Nainital. The meeting then ended concluded with a vote of thanks to the Chair. No.AIRF/89 Dated: September 15, 2014 Forwarded to General Secretaries, all affiliated unions and Members of the AIRF Working Committee. DA/As above. 8 ALL INDIA RAILWAYMEN’S FEDERATION RESOLUTION NO.1 “SAVE RAILWAYS – SAVE NATION” The Indian Railways has been serving over 6,000 villages of the country with its route length over 64,000 kms. It is running 12,670 passenger trains and 7,421 freight cars, transporting 24 million passengers and 3 million tonne freight traffic daily. It is the backbone of the supply chain of the Defence Establishment and play a vital role in the security of the nation. The Indian Railways is poor-men’s transport. Passenger services are highly subsidized. Total social service obligation for the year 2012-13 was to the tune of Rs.20,000 crore. This is being crossed subsidized by the freight of goods services. The Indian Railways has seen many ups and downs in its longer journey. For augmenting infrastructure, “Own Your Wagon(OYW) and Built, Operate, Lease and Transfer(BOLT)” concept was inducted in the year 1994-95 and 1996-97 respectively, but the response of the same was not encouraging. “To Study Organizational Structure and Management Ethos of the Indian Railways”, a Committee headed by Shri Prakash Tandon and another as “Expert Group on Indian Railways” headed by Shri Rakesh Mohan, was formed. Reports of the said committees were deliberated upon through seminars, and ultimately the report of the Rakesh Mohan Committee was deliberated upon in Railway Staff Training College, Vadodara on 15-16 September, 2001, wherein Full Board Members, Ex. CRBs and Shri Nitish Kumar, the then Hon’ble Minister for Railways, along with the Full Committee of Rakesh Mohan and the representatives of the Federations, were present. Rakesh Mohan Committee had divided the Railways functions as “Core” and Non-Core” and drew the roadmap for corporatization of the Indian Railways. After threadbare discussions in the seminar, Shri Nitish Kumar himself said that, “the Railways would evolve its own policy for development of its infrastructure.” All India Railwaymen’s Federation(AIRF) through massive demonstrations on the Parliament on 28th March, 2012 submitted a memorandum to Hon’ble Prime Minister, wherein it was inter-alia demanded that the general exchequer should reimburse Rs.15,000 crore annually to the Indian Railways towards social burden on the Indian Railways. The Government has decided to set-up two Dedicated Freight Corridors(DFCs), i.e. East and West from Ludhiana to Mumbai and Ludhiana to Kolkata. Now, the government has also decided to induct FDI for the DFCs. It may incidentally be mentioned that the government has forgone a revenue, amounting to Rs.494,207 crore and 528,163 crore during the year 2011-12 and 2012-2013 respectively from the Corporate Houses on Income Tax, Excise and Customs Duties. The Golden Quadrilateral connects Delhi-Mumbai-Kolkata and Chennai. This route comprises nearly 16% of the total network, carrying more than 50% goods and freight traffic. Freight carrying is the bread and butter of the Indian Railways, and presently more than 50% freight is being carried through the Golden Quadrilateral. If Dedicated Freight Corridors(DFCs) is handed over to Foreign Direct Investment(FDI), the Railways will left with mainly with passenger services where social obligation is on steady increase. This will lead to Railways a sick industry and the fate of a sick industry is well-known to all concerned. The FDI will only engage outside agencies and this will be a grazing ground for exploitation of the workers, besides drastic reduction in the number of Railway employees. Dependency on foreign capital was the prime cause for the South-East Asian economic crisis in the year 1997, when the workers and their families in these countries were affected badly. 9 Despite government’s decision in the year 1991 to open the economy completely to outside market, it could not do so due to strong resistance from the Indian Trade Union Movement. This is precisely the reason that the India could save herself from economic meltdown in the year 2008 when most of the developed countries, including the USA, had to face serious economic crisis. All India Railwaymen’s Federation(AIRF) through a letter, addressed to Hon’ble Minister for Railway, has already registered its strong protest against induction of Foreign Direct Investment(FDI) in the Railways. Apart from the decision taken in the General Council Meeting of the AIRF, held in Chennai on 3-4 July, 2014, this Working Committee Meeting of the AIRF, held at Nainital on 25-26 August, 2014, again registers its strongest protest against induction of FDI in the Railways and gives a clarion call to all the Railwaymen to unite and fight against privatization of the Railways through nation-wide protests on 19th September, 2014 against this move of the Government of India and the Ministry of Railways by holding dharnas, demonstrations, rallies etc. etc. RESOLUTION NO.2 REVISION OF CEILING OF PRODUCTIVITY LINKED BONUS The Bonus Act, 1965 was revised, raising the minimum amount of Bonus from Rs.2500 to Rs.3500 w.e.f. 1st April, 2006 through Payment of Bonus(Amendment) Ordinance 2007. During the last seven years, there has been serious erosion in money value due to steep rise in the prices of all essential commodities, which calls for removal of the ceiling of the Bonus Act without further delay. All India Railwaymen’s Federation(AIRF) through its 36-point Charter of Demands as well as massive demonstration on the Parliament on 28th March, 2012, demanded removal of ceiling of Rs.3500. This Working Committee Meeting of the All India Railwaymen’s Federation(AIRF), held at Nainital(NER) on 25-26 August, 2014, urges upon the Government to remove Bonus ceiling of Rs.3500 and to arrange payment of Productivity Linked Bonus(PLB) to all the Railwaymen, for the year 2013-14, well before Durga Pooja, which will commence from 1st October, 2014, according to 1979 bilateral agreement, re-calling the committee unilaterally formed by the Ministry of Railways, failing which there may be total interruption in train operations in Indian Railways, responsibility of which shall squarely fall on the Ministry of Railways and Government of India. RESOLUTION NO.3 SUPPORT TO “NATIONAL PROTEST CONVENTION” OF THE CENTRAL TRADE UNIONS, TO BE HELD ON 15TH SEPTEMBER, 2014, IN NEW DELHI ---------------This Working Committee Meeting of the All India Railwaymen’s Federation, held at Nainital on 25-26 August, 2014, unanimously resolves to support the decision of all Central Trade Unions to oppose the antilabour policies of the Government of India, especially State Government of Rajasthan, to amend the labourlaws in favour of the employers and also decides to participate in masses in the “National Protest Convention” of the Central Trade Unions, to be held on 15th September, 2014, in New Delhi. This WCM accordingly directs the rank and file to join the protest as decided by all the CTUs against the amendments in the labour-laws, detrimental to the workers. 10 STATEMENT NO.1 MOBILIZATION OF YOUNG WORKERS FOR THEIR EFFECTIVE INVOLVEMENT IN THE ORGANIZATION AND TO PROMOTE WOMEN WORKERS The Working Committee of the All India Railwaymen’s Federation(AIRF), in its meeting, being held at Nainital on 25-26 August, 2014, hereby resolves to establish appropriate structure at all levels for Young Railway Workers. This Working Committee advises all the Zonal Railways and Production Units unions, affiliated to AIRF to initiate necessary steps for establishing structures for Young Workers in all Zones and Production Units. Similarly, necessary action to ensure massive and effective participation of Women Workers at all levels be ensure to strengthen the Women. STATEMENT NO.2 PROPER AND EFFECTIVE USE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN THE ORGANIZATION AT ALL LEVELS In the wake of day-to-day advancement in the technology and massive use of Information Technology, particularly by the Youth, it is quite necessary that the AIRF affiliates must ensure proper use of Information Technology and social sites for quick and effective communications at all levels, so that the activities and the decisions arrived at are quickly transformed up to grassroots level. It was, therefore, resolved in the AIRF Working Committee Meeting, held at Nainital on 25-26 August, 2014, that, all the affiliates of the AIRF should ensure proper and maximum use of IT for fast communication, right from apex level to grassroots level. 11
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