Department of Surgery 2012 Annual Report Submitted by Dr. Gerald M. Fried 1 Section 1-Research and Publications Dr. Lawrence Rosenberg stepped down after a long tenure as Vice-Chair of Research and Director of the Experimental Surgery graduate program. Jake Barralet, PhD, who succeeded Janet Henderson, PhD as the Director of Orthopedic Surgery research, was appointed as Vice-Chair, Research for the Department of Surgery and Director of the Division of Experimental Surgery. Anie Philip, PhD, Director of Plastic Surgery research, was appointed as the new Program Director for the graduate program in Experimental Surgery. Christie Schneider was hired as the coordinator for the Experimental Surgery Program. The Research mission of the Department of Surgery is in the process of major change. After completion of a self-study document reviewing our research performance, and an internal survey of attitudes and values of members of the department with respect to research, we invited an external review of our research performance to benchmark us against leading academic departments in North America. This was chaired by Dr. Garth Warnock, Professor of Surgery at UBC, working with Dr. Franco Carli, Professor of Anesthesiology at McGill and Dr. Michael Kramer, Professor of Pediatrics and Epidemiology at McGill. Their report provided valuable insight into the strengths and weaknesses of our research effort and informed a strategic planning retreat held in January 2013. Research and publications: For each of the Divisions Orthopedics, Plastic Surgery, Cardiac Surgery, Vascular Surgery their respective publications can be found at: the following website: The Division of General Surgery’s publications can be found at: The Division of Urology’s publications can be found at: Some notable publications by members of our department publications are (by division): General Surgery: 1. Bear HD, Tang G, Rastogi P, Geyer CE Jr, Robidoux A, Atkins JN, Baez-Diaz L, Brufsky AM, Mehta RS, Fehrenbacher L, Young JA, Senecal FM, Gaur R, Margolese RG, Adams PT, Gross HM, Costantino JP, Swain SM, Mamounas EP, Wolmark N. Bevacizumab added to neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer. N Engl J Med. 2012 Jan 26;366(4):310-20. 2. Boutros M, Al-Shaibi M, Chan G, Cantarovich M, Rahme E, Paraskevas S, Deschenes M, Ghali P, Wong P, Fernandez M, Giannetti N, Cecere R, Hassanain M, Chaudhury P, Metrakos P, Tchervenkov J, Barkun JS. Clostridium difficile colitis: increasing incidence, risk factors, and outcomes in solid organ transplant recipients. Transplantation. 2012 May 27;93(10):10513. Deckelbaum DL, Ntakiyiruta G, Liberman AS, Razek T, Kyamanywa P. Augmenting surgical capacity in resource-limited settings. Lancet. 2012 Aug 25;380(9843):713-4. Thoracic Surgery: 1. Spicer J, McDonald B, Giannias B, Kubes P, Ferri L. Neutrophils promote liver metastasis via Mac-1 mediated interactions with circulating tumor cells. Cancer 2 Research, 2012 Aug. 15; 72(16):3919-3927. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-11-2393 [Epub ahead of print July 2, 2012]. Impact Factor = 8.2 2. Arabzadeh A, Chan C, Nouvion A, Breton V, Benlolo S, Demarte L, Brodt P, Ferri L, Beauchemin N. Host-related carcinoembryonic antigen cell adhesion molecule 1 promotes metastasis of colorectal cancer. Oncogene, 2012 Apr 2. doi: 10.1038/onc.2012.112 [Epub ahead of print]. Impact Factor =7.4 3. Ferri L, Ades S, Alcindor T, Chasen M, Marcus V, Hickeson M, Artho G, Thirlwell M. Peri-operative docetaxel, cisplatin, and 5-flourouracil (DCF) for locally advanced esophageal and gastric adenocarcinoma: A multicenter phase II trial. Annals of Oncology, 2012 Jun; 23(6):1512-1517. Impact Factor = 6.4 4. Li C, Ferri L, Mulder D, Ncuti A, Neville A, Lee L, Kaneva P, Watson D, Vassiliou M, Carli F, Feldman L. An Enhanced Recovery Pathway Decreases Duration of Stay After Esophagectomy. Surgery, 2012 Oct; 152(4):606-616 [Epub ahead of print Aug. 31]. Impact Factor=3.4 Plastic Surgery: 1. L. Lessard, A. Izadpanah, A. Dobell, HB Williams; Management of Severe Craniofacial Vascular Malformation Operated under Cardiopulmonary Bypass; Evolution from a "Noflow" to a "Low-flow" Hypothermic Technique - 10 Cases Series, Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, Special Signature Issue in the honor of Dr. JE Murray – accepted without revision - August 2012 2. Aldekhayel S, Sinno H, Gilardino MS. Acellular Dermal Matrix in Cleft Palate Repair: An Evidence-Based Review. Plast Reconstr Surg, July 2012 3. Vorstenbosch J, Al-Ajmi H, Winocour S, Trzeciak A, Lessard Philip A. CD109 overexpression ameliorates skin fibrosis in a bleomycin-induced mouse model of scleroderma. Arthritis and Rheumatism Accepted with revisions, 2012 (Impact Factor = 8.727) 4. Izadpanah A, Luc M. Effect of Reduction Mammoplasty on Chest Wall Compliance. European Journal of Plastic Surgery. August 2012 Urology: 1. Taketo, T.(2012) Microspread oocyte preparations for the analysis of meiotic prophase progression with improved recovery by cytospin centrifugation. Methods in Molecular Biology. 825: 173-181. 2. Human Sperm Chromatin Undergoes Physiological RemodelingDuring In Vitro Capacitation and Acrosome Reaction E. DE LAMIRANDE, M. C. SAN GABRIEL, AND A. ZINI Journal of Andrology, vol 33, N 5, Sept/Oct 2012 3. Sperm chromatin structure components are differentially repaired in cancer survivors. O'Flaherty CM, Chan PT, Hales BF, Robaire B. J Androl. 2012 Jul-Aug;33(4):629-36. doi: 10.2164/jandrol.111.015388. Epub 2011 Nov. 4 Exposure to bleomycin, etoposide, and cis-platinum alters rat sperm chromatin integrity and sperm head protein profile. Maselli J, Hales BF, Chan P, Robaire B. Biol Reprod. 2012 May 31;86(5):166, 1-10. doi: 10.1095/biolreprod.111.098616. Print 2012 May. Vascular Surgery 3 1. Lioupis C, Corriveau MM, Mackenzie KS, Obrand DI, Steinmetz OK, Abraham CZ Treatmentof Aortic Arch Aneurysms with Modular Transfemoral Multibranched Stent Graft: initial experience. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2012. 43(5): 525-32. 2. KE Kvinlaug, DK Lawlor, TL Forbes, Rod Willoughby, KS MacKenzie, G DeRose, MM Corriveau, OK Steinmetz. Early Results From a Canadian Multicenter Prospective Registry of the Endurant Graft for Endovascular Treatment of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms. Journal of Endovascular Therapy. 2012. 19(1): 58-66 . 3. 3Lioupis C, Mackenzie KS,Corriveau MM, Obrand DI, Abraham CZ, Steinmetz OK. Midterm results following endovascular repair of blunt thoracic aortic injuries.. Vasc Endovascular Surg. 2012. 46(2): 109-16 Orthopedics 1. J Xu, G M. Soliman, J Barralet, M Cerrutia, Mollusc Glue Inspired Mucoadhesives for Biomedical Applications Langmuir, 28(39), 14010-14017, 2012 2. The Otto Aufranc Award: Demineralized bone matrix around porous implants promotes rapid gap healing and bone ingrowth. Lim L, Bobyn JD, Bobyn KM, Lefebvre LP, Tanzer M.Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2012 Feb;470(2):357-65. PMID: 21863397 3. Alomar,A., Gawri,R., Roughley,P., Haglund,L., Burman,M.: The Effects of Chlorhexidine Graft Decontamination on Tendon Graft Collagen and Cell Viability. Am J. Sports Med;2012 Jul;40(7):1646-53 4. The effect of Link N on differentiation of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells. Antoniou J, Wang HT, Alaseem AM, Haglund L, Roughley PJ, Mwale F. Arthritis Res Ther. 2012 Dec 10;14(6):R267 4 Research Grants: PI Name Sponsor Corcos Canadian Association of General Surgeons/Ass ociation canadienne des chirurgiens généraux Fonds de Recherche du Quebec Sante - FRQS (A) Brodt Fonds de Recherche du Quebec Nature et Technologies - FRQ-NT (A) Brodt Fonds de Recherche du Quebec Nature et Technologies - FRQ-NT (A) Brodt Fonds de Recherche du Quebec Nature et Technologies - FRQ-NT (A) Brodt Fonds de Recherche du Quebec Nature et Technologies - FRQ-NT (A) Zogopoulos Program Operating grant Reseaux Thematiq ues de Recherch e Partenaria ts pour l'innovatio n: Appui aux Reseaux d'innovati on Partenaria ts pour l'innovatio n: Appui aux Reseaux d'innovati on Partenaria ts pour l'innovatio n: Appui aux Reseaux d'innovati on Partenaria ts pour l'innovatio n: Appui aux Reseaux d'innovati on - Typ e Start Date Gra nt Sep-102012 Sep-092013 Gra nt Apr-012012 Mar-312013 Gra nt Gra nt Gra nt Gra nt Aug-142012 Apr-152012 Apr-152012 Mar-012012 End date Aug-312013 Apr-302013 Apr-302013 Jul-312013 Amount Project_Title $10,000 Genetic Susceptibility to Pancreas Cancer in Quebec $10,517 Evaluation of intravesical onabotulinum toxin A therapy failure in patients with detrusor over activity. $15,000 An IGF-Trap as novel treatment for cancer and metastasis \ IGF-Trap comme nouveau traitement du cancer et des metastases (Intern: Maxime Pinard) $15,000 An IGF-Trap as novel treatment for cancer and metastasis \ IGF-Trap comme nouveau traitement du cancer et des metastases (Intern: Roni Rayes) $15,000 An IGF-Trap as novel treatment for cancer and metastasis \ IGF-Trap comme nouveau traitement du cancer et des metastases (Intern: Roni Rayes) $15,000 An IGF-Trap as novel treatment for cancer and metastasis \ IGF-Trap comme nouveau traitement du cancer et des metastases (Intern: Naseer Qayum / Maria Celia Fernandez replacing Naseer for the 2nd instalment)) 5 PI Name Typ e Start Date End date Sponsor Program Brodt Fonds de Recherche du Quebec Nature et Technologies - FRQ-NT (A) Partenaria ts pour l'innovatio n: Appui aux Reseaux d'innovati on FQRNT01 1 Gra nt Mar-012012 Jul-312013 $15,000 Basik Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal CHUM Operating Grant Gra nt Apr-012011 Mar-312013 $17,000 Vassiliou Covidien Inc Gra nt May-012012 Aug-312013 $25,000 Zogopoulos, G. Fonds de Recherche du Quebec Sante - FRQS (A) $30,000 Changements génétiques et épigénétiques des cellules germinales...Subvention d'établissement de jeune chercheur Martineau Fonds de Recherche du Quebec Sante - FRQS (A) NCE Mitacs Etablisse ment de Jeunes Chercheur s: Juniors 1 Etablisse ment de Jeunes Chercheur s: Juniors 1 An IGF-Trap as novel treatment for cancer and metastasis \ IGF-Trap comme nouveau traitement du cancer et des metastases (Intern: Naseer Qayum / Maria Celia Fernandez replacing Naseer for the 2nd instalment)) Biopsie du ganglion sentinelle après une chimiothérapie néoadjuvante chez des patientes présentant un cancer du sein avec atteint du ganglion axillaire attestée par une biopsie du ganglion: une étude prospective multicentrique. Development of a comprehensive educational program for laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair and a randomized controlled trial for incisinal hernia after abdominal surgery to increase the safe and effective implementation of these procedures in Canada MITACS Inc NCE Mitacs(19 98-2009) Brodt Brodt MITACS Inc Meguerditchia n Fonds de Recherche du Quebec Sante - FRQS (A) NCE Mitacs(19 98-2009) Etablisse ment de Jeunes Chercheur s: Juniors 1 Gra nt Jul-012012 Jun-302015 Amount Project_Title Gra nt Jul-012012 Jun-302015 $30,000 Gra nt Mar-012012 Aug-312013 $30,000 Gra nt Mar-012012 Aug-312013 $30,000 Trauma musculo-squelettique orienté vers le développement de stratégies diagnostiques et de traitement innovatrices An IGF-Trap as novel treatment for cancer and metastasis \ IGF-Trap comme nouveau traitement du cancer et des metastases (Non-NCE Funds) An IGF-Trap as novel treatment for cancer and metastasis \ IGF-Trap comme nouveau traitement du cancer et des metastases (Non-NCE Funds) Gra nt Jul-012010 Jun-302013 $30,000 Les technologies de l'information: outils de choix dans l'optimisation des soins en cancer du sein 6 PI Name Tanguay Brodt Brodt Vassiliou Kassouf Vassiliou Roughley Bergman Sponsor Program National Institutes of Health - NIH Grant MITACS Inc NCE Mitacs(19 98-2009) MITACS Inc Fonds de Recherche du Quebec Nature et Technologies - FRQ-NT (A) Montreal General Hospital Foundation NCE Mitacs(19 98-2009) Partenaria ts pour l'innovatio n: Appui aux Reseaux d'innovati on FQRNT01 1 Typ e Start Date Clini cal Trial Res earc h Gra nt Apr-012012 End date Mar-312013 Amount $35,221 Gra nt Mar-012012 Aug-312013 $45,000 Gra nt Mar-012012 Aug-312013 $45,000 Development of a comprehensive educational program for laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair and a randomized controlled trial for incisinal hernia after abdominal surgery to increase the safe and effective implementation of these procedures in Canada May-012012 Aug-312013 $75,000 Donation/ Endowme nt Gra nt Apr-012012 Mar-312013 $82,525 MITACS Inc NCE Mitacs(19 98-2009) Gra nt May-012012 Aug-312013 $100,000 CIHR (A) Operating (Others) Gra nt Apr-012012 Mar-312013 Operating (MOP) Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial An IGF-Trap as novel treatment for cancer and metastasis \ IGF-Trap comme nouveau traitement du cancer et des metastases (NCE Funds) An IGF-Trap as novel treatment for cancer and metastasis \ IGF-Trap comme nouveau traitement du cancer et des metastases (NCE Funds) Gra nt CIHR (A) Project_Title Gra nt Mar-012012 Mar-312012 GENERAL RESEARCH FUND SIMONE & MORRIS FAST FOUNDATION Development of a comprehensive educational program for laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair and a randomized controlled trial for incisinal hernia after abdominal surgery to increase the safe and effective implementation of these procedures in Canada The role of hyaluronan in the growth and function of the skeletal system $100,000 $100,000 Understanding the Association Between Perioperative Process-based Quality Indicators and Recovery in Elderly Patients 7 PI Name Sponsor Basik Federation des producteurs acericoles du Quebec FPAQ Zogopoulos, G. Fonds de Recherche du Quebec Sante - FRQS (A) Program Research Grants Chercheur Boursiers Cliniciens: Juniors 1 & 2, Seniors FRSQ002 Chercheur Boursiers Cliniciens: Juniors 1 & 2, Seniors FRSQ002 TaketoHosotani Fonds de Recherche du Quebec Sante - FRQS (A) Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council NSERC (A) Haglund, L. Fonds de Recherche du Quebec Sante - FRQS (A) Ferri Fonds de Recherche du Quebec Sante - FRQS (A) Discovery Grants Program Individual Chercheur Boursiers: Juniors 1 et 2, Seniors FRSQ001 Chercheur Boursiers Cliniciens: Jr 1 & 2, Seniors FRSQ002 Sponsor Program Ministere du Developpeme nt economique, de l'Innovation et de l'Exportation MDEIE (A) PSR-V3: Soutien à des initiatives intl de recherche et d'innovati on MDEIE00 Martineau PI Name Basik Typ e Start Date Gra nt Jul-112012 Car eer/ Sal ary Awa rds Car eer/ Sal ary Awa rds Jul-012012 End date Mar-012013 Jun-302016 Amount Project_Title $113,591 A2-1 - sur l'etude in vitro de l'érable et ses extraits - effet antiprolifératif sur les celulles du sein. $128,089 Changements génétiques et épigénétiques des cellules germinales, tumorales et du stroma dans les adénomes pancréatiques $136,363 Trauma musculo-squelettique orienté vers le développement de stratégies diagnostiques et de traitement innovatrices Jul-012012 Jun-302016 Gra nt Car eer/ Sal ary Awa rds Car eer/ Sal ary Awa rds Apr-012012 Mar-312018 $140,000 Elimination of oocytes with asynapses during meiotic prophase progression in the mouse Jul-012012 Jun-302014 $148,057 Réparation biologique du disque intervertébrale dégénéré $148,772 L'infection bactérienne aiguë favorise les métastases cancéreuses par la transduction du signal des récepteurs de type Toll Typ e Start Date Gra nt Jul-012012 Jan-012012 Jun-302016 End date Dec-312014 Amount $150,000 Project Title Développement d'un test pour la détection personnalisée et la caractérisation moléculaire de cellules tumorales circulantes chez les patients atteintes de cancer du sein triple-négatif 8 3 Chercheur Boursiers: Juniors 1 et 2, Seniors FRSQ001 Operating (MOP) Operating (MOP) Subventio ns générales et projets spéciaux RI - Nonpartageab le FRSQ019 Car eer/ Sal ary Awa rds Gra nt Gra nt Jul-012012 Jan-012012 Jan-012012 Jun-302016 Mar-312015 Mar-312015 Gra nt Apr-012012 Mar-312014 $378,500 Gra nt Gra nt Gra nt Gra nt Oct-012012 Sep-302015 $452,508 07/2012 Jan-012012 Jan-012012 06/2015 Mar-312016 Mar-312016 Mar-312016 Lapointe Fonds de Recherche du Quebec Sante - FRQS (A) Haglund,L CIHR (A) Haglund CIHR (A) Harvey/Tanzer Fonds de Recherche du Quebec Sante - FRQS (A) Hamdy CIHR (A) Henderson FQRNT Mwale CIHR (A) Mwale CIHR (A) Operating (MOP) Team Grant Operating (MOP) Operating (MOP) Kassouf, W. CIHR (A) Operating (MOP) Gra nt Jan-012012 Program Typ e Start Date PI Name Sponsor Kassouf, W. CIHR (A) Mort, J. Tri-council NCE-CAN St-Arnaud St-Arnaud Shriners of North America-SHC Granting agency Shriners of North America-SHC Operating (MOP) Gra nt Grant Gra nt Grant Gra nt Grant Gra nt Jan-012012 04/ 2012- 07/2012 2012 End date Mar-312016 03/2013 05/2015 2017 $264,170 $325,959 $325,959 $78,000 $454,098 $454,098 $549,872 Amount Identification de marqueurs pronostiques dans le cancer de la prostate Title: Intervertebral Disc Degeneration and Pain Title: Intervertebral Disc Degeneration and Pain Financement pour la creation du reseau en traumatologie orthopedique du quebec QUE TraumaNet The effect of a hybrid and injectible Nanoparticle BMP Delivery System on Bone Regeneration during Distraction Osteogenesis Mesoporous implant material The efficacy of Link N as a mediator of repair in intervertebral disc degeneration The efficacy of Link N as a mediator of repair in intervertebral disc degeneration Integration of mTOR-p53 pathway crosstalk and miR-34 family in prognostication and prediction of response to bladder cancer therapy Project Title $549,872 Integration of mTOR-p53 pathway crosstalk and miR-34 family in prognostication and prediction of response to bladder cancer therapy $60,000/yr Cathepsin K-generated collagen cleavage fragments as biomarkers of cartilage degradation. $244,000 159,000/yr Gene expression in bone cells Amount per year: Period of support: 2012-2017 Blocking FGFR3 signalling to accelerate distraction osteogenesis 9 Roughley, P. CIHR (A) Operating (MOP) Gra nt Oct-012012 Mar-312019 $551,414 The role of hyaluronan in the growth and function of the skeletal system Total (for 2012 only) $6, 463,585 Funding from Industry and other: Division Basik Hoffman-Laroche Ltd (Can) Grant-In-Aid Tanguay, S. AVEO Pharmaceuticals Inc Clinical Trial Anidjar Paladin Labs Inc Research Grants Basik Bobyn/ Tanzer Ouellet Barralet Harvey AbbVie Corporation (Canada) Pipeline Grant Unrestricted grant Project Aug-012012 Jul-312013 Apr-012012 Jan-182016 Apr-012012 Mar-312013 Jul-182012 Jul-172016 April 1 – Dec 1 2012 Sponsor $15,000 $27,007 $35,000 $473,440 $81,000 Financial support for Workshop on Circulating Tumors Cells A Rollover Protocol to Allow Continued Access to Tivozanib (AV-951) for Subjects Enrolled in Other Tivozanib Protocols - AV951-09-901, McG1209 GENERAL RESEARCH ACCOUNT FOR FELLOW A Randomized, Phase 2 Study of the Efficacy and Tolerability of Veliparib in Combination with Temozolomide or Veliparib in Combination with Carboplatin and Paclitaxel Versus Placebo Plus Carboplatin and Paclitaxe in Subjects with BRCA1 or BRCA2 Mutation and Metastatic Breast Cancer, McG1211. Protocol # M12-895 ). Characterization and efficacy of Aledronate eluting orthopaedic implants. May 1 2012 Apr-302013 $42,500 -- $15,000 Bio-Electrochemical Membrane Reactor for hydrogen production, Apr-012012 Mar-312014 $20,000 Temporary Implant Devices to Monitor Physiological Processes Total (for 2012 only): $708,947 Louise and Alan Edwards Foundation (The) Grant McGill Collaborative Research Development Fund McGill University (Internal Funding) Internal MCRDF (Provost) Identification and validation of non-invasive biomarkers to optimize pediatric postoperative pain management Other: MUHC Site (Vascular) SDR-07-032 “The Pythagoras Study: evaluating a new stent- Lombard Medical 10 graft for infrarenal AAA repair” MUHC Site (Vascular) Fellowship (Vascular) Multicentre International Trial (Vascular) 09164-SDR “The ENGAGE trial: The International Registry for Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm repair” Advanced aortic and peripheral endovascular surgery fellowship 50% research and 50% clinical Prospective single blind randomized phase II/III trial to evaluate safety and efficacy of fibrin sealant Medtronic Multiple sources Grifols Biologicals Significant accomplishments in Conference presentations and lectures: General Surgery: 1. Department of Surgery hosted the Bethune Round table, an important international conference devoted to surgical issues in the developing world, this was organized by Drs. Tarek Razek and Dan Deckelbaum, Division of General Surgery. 2. Barkun J: Guest Lecture, “Volume Outcome relationship” – November 9th – 10th, 2012. University of Toronto 3. Fata P: Canadian Surgery Forum Plenary speaker: Work hour restrictions are not necessary for patient safety, Canadian Surgery Forum, September 2012 4. Fried GM: Dr. Royce Laycock Visiting Professor in Surgery, University of Texas Southwestern, Dallas, Texas January 2012 5. Fried GM: Schilling Visiting Professor, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, January 2012 6. Fried GM: Kuwait Keynote Lecture: Surgical Endoscopy meeting “Using Simulation to Teach Laparoscopic Surgery: Building on a Solid Foundation”, Kuwait City, February 2012 7 Fried GM: Presidential Address to Central Surgical Association “The Challenges of Change”, Madison, WI, March 2012 8. Fried GM: Keynote speaker, Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgeons of Asia annual meeting, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, December 2012 9. Gordon PH: Keynote speaker. Evolution of Colorectal Surgery During My Career Ontario Association General Surgeons 9th Annual International Lecture. Nov 3, 2012 Toronto, Ont Moving from fundamental skills to procedural based simulation training. World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery. Puerto Vallarta, MX, April 2012 10. Fried GM: The Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery Program: what does the future hold? Keynote address, World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery. Puerto Vallarta, MX, April 2012 11. Fried GM: Simulation: Return on investment: Low vs. High fidelity. International Conference on Surgical Education and Training, Ottawa, ON, Oct 2012 Plastic Surgery: 1. Dr. Mirko Gilardino gave Grand Rounds, Division of Obstetrics and Gynecology. “Advances in Cleft and Craniofacial Care”, Jewish General Hospital and St. Mary’s Hospital, February 23, 2012, 2. Dr. Mirko Gilardino was the Scientific session moderator - Quebec Society of Plastic Surgery Annual Meeting. February 17, 2012, Mont-Tremblant, Qc 11 3. Dr. Mario Luc was invited to be the Scientific session moderator - Quebec Society of Plastic Surgery Annual Meeting. February 17, 2012, Mont-Tremblant, Qc 4. Dr.Karl Schwartz was a Lecturer at the Fourth International Symposium on Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer: “Breast Reconstruction After Mastectomy- The Latest Options.” Montreal, Quebec. Thoracic Surgery: 1. Dr. Lorenzo Ferri-University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston Texas. Oncologic Implications of Post-Operative Complications: Dissecting the Role of Acute Inflammation-Cancer Cell Cross Talk February 4, 2012 2. Dr. Lorenzo Ferri-University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston Texas. Adjuvant Therapies for Upper GI Cancer: Systemic Control is the Key February 5, 2012 3. Dr. Lorenzo Ferri-University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas. Selected Cases in Upper GI Malignancy February 5, 2012 4. Dr. Lorenzo Ferri-Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons Annual Meeting, San Diego California. Esophageal Mucosal Ablation and Resection April 8 2012 5. Dr. Lorenzo Ferri-Association of Quebec Surgeons, Quebec City, Quebec. Early Gastric Cancer May 19, 2012 6. Dr. Lorenzo Ferri-University of Montreal/Laval University Thoracic Surgery Program Annual Academic Day, Montreal, Quebec. Laparoscopic Paraesophageal Hernia May 24, 2012. 7. Dr. Lorenzo Ferri-University of Ottawa, Oncology Grand Rounds, Ottawa, Ontario. Adjuvant Therapies for Upper GI Adenocarcinoma September 27, 2012 8. Dr. David Mulder-Participated in a debate regarding the Role of Extra-curricular Interests at a national meeting of the Canadian Medical Association. 9. Dr. David Mulder-Participated in “Career Choice” day at the University of Montreal and various McGill pre-med groups. Urology: 1. Hosted the 11th annual Canadian Urologic Oncology Course 2. Held the 7th annual McGill Men’s Health Day for the community (Dr. Peter Chan) 3. Held the 22nd annual McGill Urology Research Day (Dr. Sero Andonian) 4. Held the 2nd International Conference on Focal Therapy for Prostate Cancer (Dr. Franck Bladou) Section 2-Teaching and Learning, Undergraduate and Graduate: Changes took place in the leadership of our teaching programs in 2012. Dr. Kevin Lachapelle was appointed to the Adair Chair in Surgical Education and Vice-Chair/Director of the Division of Surgical Education. In this role, he is responsible for the direction of activities in Undergraduate, Graduate and Continuing Medical Education, as well as surgical activities in the Simulation Centre. He coordinates surgical education with the Molson Centre for Medical Informatics and works with the Vice-Chair, Research in the oversight of the Surgical Education stream of the graduate program in Experimental Surgery. Undergraduate medical education: Dr. Simon Bergman replaced Dr. Olivier Court as Director of Undergraduate surgical education and clerkship, and Dr. Sebastian Demyttenaere replaced Dr. Carol-Ann Vasilevsky as Director of the Introduction to Clinical Medicine component for surgery. 12 Visiting Professorship Program The McGill Department of Surgery once again attracted an impressive selection of worldclass surgeons as visiting professors in 2012. Here is a sampling of the lecturers who participated in rounds in 2012 and the titles of their talks. Date Speaker Speaker info 19-Jan-12 MGH / RVH Site Rounds MGH: Robotic surgery at MUHC (Luc Binet, Dr Lucy Gilbert, Dr Armen Aprikian) 26-Jan-12 Dr Talat Chughtai MUHC - McGill University H. Rocke Robertson Dr Mauricio Lynn - University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital 02-Feb12 09-Feb12 23-Feb12 01-Mar12 15-Mar12 22-Mar12 Dr Fady Moustarah Dr N. Posel / Dr D. Fleiszer Reserved -outside speaker TBA 29-Mar12 12-Apr-12 19-Apr-12 26-Apr-12 03-May12 10-May12 17-May12 24-May12 31-May12 Bariatric Surgery topic (Cleveland, OH) McGill Molson Informatics Project / VC @ RVH A1.05 Title of talk RVH: :Cancer care: quality, measure… (Dr Merguerditchian) Selected Topics in Thoracic Trauma - Cases, Issues, Evidence "Surgical challenges in managing mass casualty incidents." "Bariatric surgery: It's all about the wait, n'est ce pas?" "Presentation skills" EJ TABAH VP in Surgical Oncology De Kuyper Centre presentation Dr Kelli Bullard Dunn, University of Lousiville 20th Annual Eric M. Flanders VP Dr David S. Mulder / VC @ RVH A1.05 "That was then… What now?" Orthopedic Surgery Vis Prof Endourology & MI Urology VP Dr Carlo Bellabarba / Seattle Washington Dr J. Denstedt U of Western Ontario "Complex sacral fractures with spino-pelvic dissociation" "New Paradigms in Surgical Education" 10th Annual LD MacLean VP OACIS Version 7.4 Presentatiom Dr Qan Duh (U of California) VC @ RVH A1.05 Stikeman VP Dr Claude Deschamps (Mayo Clinic) Dr Amy Neville, MD, FRCSC Metabolic surgery: Bariatrics and Diabetes VP Surg Onc - Dr Mitsuru Sasako Clinical Fellow in MIS Hyogo College of Medicine, Nishinomiya, Japan Dr Mark Basik MUHC/ VC @ RVH A1.05 "The Changing Face of Breast Cancer Surgery." Fraser Gurd Dr E. Christopher Ellison "Blueprint for Assessment of Clinical Practice" 07-Jun-12 Frank M. Guttman VP in Ped Surg 14-Jun-12 Plastic & Recostructive Surg. VP Heinz Rhode, MBChB(Pret), ed(Surg)(Pret), FRCS(Edin), FCS(SA) Emeritus Professor of Paediatric Surgery, Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital University of Cape Town, South Africa Dr Luis Vasconez, MD / Vice Chair, Department of Surgery , Professor, Division of Plastic Surgery University of Alabama at Birmingham Former Chief of Surgery University of California, San Francisco "Colorectal Cancer:Pearls, Peeves & Pitfalls" "Minimally Invasive Endocrine Surgery" Kashif Baig - Clinical Info Systems MUHC "Quality and safety in the Surgical Practice at Mayo." "Multidisciplinary Treatment of Gastric Cancer." "Pediatric Surgery in Africa" Breast Cancer and Breast Reconstruction: What I have learned over the years Graduate Medical Education: The Department of Experimental Surgery offers graduate programs leading to M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees. The Experimental Surgery program offers excellent opportunities for training under the supervision of professors based at McGill or in the research institutes of the McGill teaching hospitals. Based on the recent strategic plan, graduate programs in Experimental Surgery will be streamed under the following headings: 13 1. Basic science research 2. Clinical research (including clinical outcomes, patient safety, processes of care, and enhanced recovery) 3. Education/simulation research 4. Surgical innovation: a pilot program will be begun in 2013, led by the department of surgery. Graduate students with a minimum of 2 years of clinical training in surgery will teamed with graduate students in business administration and in engineering. These 3-person teams will work on the development of novel surgical devices, including the development of market surveys, business plan, engineering, regulatory issues, and intellectual property law. Their goal is to develop a new, patentable product to solve a clinical need. The scope of the research and close connections with other centres and departments of McGill and other universities provide ample opportunities for collaboration. The research opportunities in the Department cover a broad range of topics from repair and regeneration to cancer cell biology and sexual dysfunction. Research interests include studies of wound healing, scarring and skin tissue engineering, receptors and signal transduction pathways, cartilage repair and osteoarthritis, islet cell differentiation and islet transplantation, tissue engineering of cardiac muscle, immunopathogenesis of liver xenograft rejection, osteoinduction and biomechanics, sepsis and multi-organ failure, biology of cancer, sexual dysfunction and prostate cancer, and surgical health outcomes. A list of research directors by specialty and a description of their research topics may be obtained from our website ( under the “Faculty" tab. Section 3-Involvement in the community (conferences organized; outreach programs (local, national, and international) related to the academic mission of the unit, as well as volunteer activities) -Rwanda project- Dr. Deckelbaum, Dr. Liberman and Dr. Razek, brought to fruition a partnership between the Faculty of Medicine at the National University of Rwanda and McGill University Health Centre; this program builds on the academic element of the only surgical residency in Rwanda. -Dr. Prosanto Chaudhury: Board of Directors, Selwyn House School, Montreal, Quebec -Dr. Kosar Khwaja: English Montreal School Board Elementary School Speaker; Injury Prevention Advocate and Lecturer for Montreal High Schools; Canadian Merit Scholarship Foundation Interviewer; Loran Scholarship Mentor -Dr. Sender Liberman: Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada, Medical Advisory Board -Dr. Eliott Mitmaker: Israel Cancer Research Fund (Montreal Chapter)- scientific advisory board -Dr. Liane Feldman: Brown University Alumni Schools Regional Chair -Dr. Steve Paraskevas: Outreach Committee, St. Andrew’s Early Childhood Center, Westmount, QC. -Dr. Lawrence Rosenberg: President and now Immediate Past President, Beth Zion Congregation -Dr. Barry Stein: Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada, Medical Advisory Board -Dr. Roger Tabah: Medical Director Cedars Cancer Institute, MUHC 14 -Dr. Lessard and Dr. Gilardino have been in fundraising for the Montreal Children’s Hospital Foundation (gifts of $50,000.00 or more). -The Division of Urology held the 7th annual McGill Men’s Health Day for the community (Dr. Peter Chan). Section 4- Milestones Other notable highlights for the Department of Surgery staff in 2012: -There is a significant increase in students registered in the Experimental Surgery program; in winter 2011 there were 68 students, in 2012 the registration reached about 80. -Pediatric Surgery became a separate department as of April 2012. Most faculty members of the new Department of Pediatric Surgery maintained their appointment in the Department of Surgery. -In Plastic Surgery, 3 simulation-based courses were added to the Plastic Surgery training curriculum. These courses were designed to augment the quality of the student experience, using a multi-sensorial approach through the course content and technology used to deliver the course at the Arnold and Blema Steinberg McGill Medical Simulation Centre. -In Vascular Surgery a direct-entry residency was initiated in 2012. -Dr. Kent S. Mackenzie-Participation as examiner at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Vascular Surgery. -Dr O.K. Steinmetz-TASC III writing group. This is an international consensus working group to develop therapeutic guidelines in treatment of peripheral vascular disease. -Dr. Kent S. Mackenzie, Dr OK Steinmetz- Participation at the executive level of the Canadian Society for Vascular Surgery. -Dr M.M. Corriveau-Participation at the executive level of the Quebec Society of Vascular Surgery. President. -Dr C.Z. Abraham-Continues to assist other academic centers in Canada with development of their advanced aortic endovascular intervention programs (Branched and Fenestrated Endovascular Aneurysm Repair for Complex Aortic Aneurysms). Dalhousie University, University of Montreal, University of Toronto, McMaster University, University of Western Ontario, University of Alberta, University of British Columbia. This has been accomplished through various preceptor programs. -Dr D. Obrand, Dr CZ Abraham- BASIC Endovascular Therapy, Jewish General Hospital. This course teaches the basics of Endovascular Therapy to practicing Vascular Surgeons in Canada. We have been running this course since 2007. -Dr. Serge Carrier (Urology Division) was appointed as Associate Chief of Surgery, Lachine General Hospital -The Yosh Taguchi Chair in Urologic Research was established -The Cote-Sharp Program in Prostate Cancer Health Economics was established 15 -The Azrielli-Elhilali Chair in Urological Sciences was established -Dr. George Thalmann was the 8th annual Urologic Oncology Visiting Professor -Dr. John Denstedt was the 2nd annual Mostafa Elhilali Visiting Professor in Endourology -Division of Urology led the Provincial Prostate Cancer Biobank, surpassing the target of 2000 cases enrolled (Drs. Simone Chevalier, Armen Aprikian) -Urology led the Canadian Kidney Cancer Outcomes Project (Dr. Simon Tanguay) -Urology led the Canadian Bladder Cancer Network (Dr. Wassim Kassouf) Promotions: -Dr. Robert Turcotte (Orthopedics) promoted to Full Professor. -Dr. Liane Feldman (General Surgery) promoted to Full Professor -Dr. Shannon Fraser Promoted to Associate Professor -Dr. Wassim Kassouf, Assistant Professor, (Urology), switched to tenure track -Dr. Peter Chan, Associate Professor (Urology), switched to tenure track -Dr. Jacques Lapointe, Associate Professor, granted tenure. Hires: -Dr. Michael Weber, Assistant Professor, Orthopedics, based at the MGH -Dr. Alice Dragomir, Assistant Professor, Urology, based at the RVH -Dr. Jean-François Boileau, Assistant Professor, General Surgery/Oncology, based at the JGH -Dr. Stephane Bergeron, Assistant Professor, Orthopedics, based at the JGH -Dr. Debbie Woo, Faculty Lecturer Clinical, General Surgery based at the MUHC/Lachine Other: -Dr. Harvey Brown, former Chief, Division of Plastic Surgery passed away November 24th 2012 at the Montreal General Hospital. Section 5-Honours awards and prizes -Dr. Gerald Fried served as President of the Central Surgical Association -Dr. Gerald Fried named as President of the James IV Association of Surgeons (Canada) -Dr. Gerald Fried named as President of the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (this is the 2nd largest general surgery specialty society in the Americas with more than 7000 members, and Dr. Fried is the first non-US President) -Dr. Gerald Fried named to Board of Regents of American College of Surgeons (largest surgical specialty society in the English-speaking world) -Dr. Gerald Fried appointed to Canadian Academy of Health Sciences -Dr. Sebastian Demyttenaere received the S. Hingston Award for Professional Development. Saint Mary’s Hospital Foundation (2012). $10 000 -Dr. Antoine Loutfi was the Recipient of the Prix reconnaissance 2012 de la Direction Québécoise de Cancérologie of the Québec Ministry of Health and Social Services (recognition award for contributions made in advancing services for cancer patients in Quebec) 16 -Dr. Elliot Mitmaker earned 1st Place Prize ($500) at AACE Annual Meeting (Philadelphia, PA) for Oral Poster Presentation: Qualitative Molecular Profiling of Clinically Favorable Resected Adrenal Metastases’ ; Recipient of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) International Physician Travel Grant ($2,000) -Dr. Lawrence Rosenberg received the Award for Excellence in Physician Management (JGH); Prix d'or, GISEH (Gestion et Ingénierie des systèmes hospitaliers) -Dr. Melina Vassilou was awarded the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons Young Investigator Award. -Dr. George Zogopoulos, Alternate appointee, Franklin Martin Faculty Research Fellowship, American College of Surgeons. - Dr. Jake Barralet: Canada Research Chair Osteoinductive Bioceramics, 2004-2013 -Lisbeth Haglund: FRSQ Chercheurs-boursiers, junior 2, 2012-2014 - Dr. Paul Martineau: 2012-16 Chercheur Clinicien Boursier (Junior 1) - Fonds de Recherche en Santé du Québec (FRSQ) -Dr. Jean Ouellette : Platinum Member of AO Spine North America -Dr. John Antoniou and Dr. Fackson Mwale (orthopedics): 2011-14 Hansjörg Wyss Award 2011 - AO/ASIF Foundation Switzerland - for the project Biological repair of intervertebral disc degeneration -Dr. Greg Berry was awarded 1st Prize, Annual Research Day, Division of Orthopaedic Surgery, McGill University (March 2012) -Dr. John Antoniou:2011-13 Chercheurs-boursier cliniciens Senior, Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec (FRSQ). Tissue engineering of the human intervertebral disk -Dr. John Antoniou: 2008-13 William Dawson Scholar (renewed), McGill University. Tier II CRC. Quantitative MR imaging of the intervertebral disc -Dr. M. Weber2012 was awarded the Robert and Mary Hewitt Horizons Award $10,000 -Dr. M. Weber received the MGH Foundation Award $20,000 -Dr. Louise Lessard-Elected President – GAM Canada (Groupe pour Avancement de la Microchirurgie) – Canada – CSPS Sister Society -Dr. Louise Lessard- Appointed Board Member/ Historian , Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons (CSPS) – 2012 - 2014 -Dr. Louise Lessard- Recipient 2012 Royal College of Physicians – Prize of Excellence -Dr. Louise Lessard- Member - International Society of Plastic Regenerative Surgery (ISPRES) -Dr. Louise Lessard-Featured in Montreal Gazette article 'I refuse to be killed by you': polar bear attack survivor Alice Annanack recounts harrowing tale of surviving polar bear attack in Ungava Bay - By Aaron Derfel, Postmedia News -Dr. Mirko Healthcare Professional of the Year -Dr. Mirko Gilardino-Invited to the AO Foundation (TK) International Expert Group for Craniofacial Surgery Steering Committee for Technology Development, - Switzerland. -Dr. Mario Luc- Member of the CME committee and organization committee - Quebec Society of Plastic Surgery Annual Meeting. February 17, 2012, Mont-Tremblant, Qc. - Dr. David Mulder was awarded the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal for the Implementation of Province-wide Trauma System in Quebec -The American College of Surgeons presented its Award for Service to Safety to Dr. David Mulder -The “Dr. Ray Chiu Distinguished Scientist for Surgical Research Award” was established through a very generous donation from Dr. Thomas Chu-Tzen Chiu, brother of Dr. Ray Chiu a Professor in our Division of Thoracic Surgery, this award will help to support a senior scientist in our department. Urology: 17 -Dr. Mostafa ElHilali :Felix Guyon Medal for outstanding service to the Societe Internationale d’Urologie -Dr. Mostafa ElHilali 2012-Lifetime achievement award International Society of Urology -Dr Wassim Kassouf: FRSQ Clinician Scientist Junior 2,2011-2015 -Dr. Jacques Lapointe 2012-2016FRSQ Chercheur Boursier Junior 2 -Dr Cristian O’Flaherty: FRSQ Chercheur Boursier Junior 1, -Dr. Paola Fata: Named to McGill Faculty Honour List for Educational Excellence; Nominated Program Director of the Year Award-Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons -Dr.Mark Burman-The Brigadier-General Herbert Stanley Brikett Memorial Research Award 2012 -Dr. Paul Martineau was named Head Orthopedic surgeon for the “Club de Hockey les Canadiens” -Dr. Paul Martineau (2012) : Quebec Science – Top Ten Discoveries of 2011 Student Awards: -Lee L. (Feldman LS supervisor). 1st Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Congress- 2nd oral Presentation Prize Winner, Cannes, France -Li C. (Feldman LS supervisor). Canadian Association of Thoracic Surgeons – Best Poster – Canadian Surgical Forum, Calgary Alberta; 1st Enhanced Recovery After Surgery CongressBest poster- Cannes, France -Neville A (Barkun J supervisor). Best scientific clinical paper at the Colloque de la Société Québécoise de Transplantation. Qc city, October 5 – 7, 2012. -Nguyen M-T. (Paraskevas S supervisor). Transplantation society International Basic Science Mentee-Mentor Travel Award for the 24th international congress of the Transplantation Society, Berlin 2012. -J Vorstenbosch -McGill Faculty of Medicine Ruby Jackson Award for Outstanding Medical Student Research -Y Chi-FRSQ Graduate Student Scholarship ($60,000) -N Zhygan-NSERC Studentship, 2012 -S Sakr-CSRG Summer Studentship -N Diab-Faculty of Medicine Student Bursary (summer),Faculty of Medicine Student Bursary (fall) -Y. Li-Institute de Recherche d’Hydro Québec (35-40K$) -Dr. Maxime Beaumont Courteau: The Edmond Monoghan Principles of Surgery Award Department of Surgery Teaching Awards: -Dr. Sebastian Demyttenaere S: Harvey H. Sigman Award Undergraduate Teaching Excellence (Department of Surgery), Winner David Owen Surgical Undergraduate Award for Teaching Excellence (Division of General Surgery) -Dr. Simon Bergman: Postgrad Education Teaching Excellence Award, Department of Surgery, McGill University -Dr. Dan Deckelbaum: Excellence in Resident Teaching (Division of General Surgery -Dr. Neil Saran McGill Division of Orthopaedic Surgery Teacher of the Year Award. Research Awards: -Dr. Greg Berry-1st Prize, Annual Orthopedic Research Day Prize (Outcomes Following Percutaneous Reduction and Fixation of Calcaneal Fractures) 18 -Dr. Greg Berry-1st Prize, Eugene Rogala McGill Orthopaedic Research Competition (Treatment of Sanders II Calcaneal Fractures Using Minimally Invasive Open Reduction and Percutaneous Screw Fixation) -Dr. E.J. Harvey-1st Place - H. Rocke Robertson 17th Annual Trauma Research (Porous Titanium Scaffold Promotes Bone Regeneration in Rodent Long Bone Critical Sized Defects) -Dr. Ken Finnson-Wound Healing Research Scholarship, 2012, Top-ranked abstract at 2012 WHS Meeting, Atlanta, GA -Stephanie Ladowski MDCM3 McGill, National Student Research Award of The Canadian Society for Vascular Surgery 19
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