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UTeach Project Based Instruction Planning Document
Overall Summary of Final PBI Lesson Project
Ashley Thornburg
Using the items in the janitor’s closet, how can we best defend
the school against the zombies?
Student Learning
Objectives (SWBAT)
Understand: The student can use Newton’s 3 laws of motion to
describe the behavior of moving and stationary objects
Remember: The student can define inertia
Remember: The student can define Newton’s 3 laws of motion
Apply: The student can draw a free body diagram
Apply: The student can interpret a free body diagram and
develop the corresponding net force equation(s)
Apply: The student can use trigonometric functions to
decompose forces into their corresponding vectors
P.4D: calculate the effect of forces on objects, including the law
of inertia, the relationship between force and acceleration, and
the nature of force pairs between objects;
P.4E: develop and interpret free-body force diagrams; and
Students will work in groups of 4 on the project. These groups
will be formed by pairing together two lab teams.
Day 1
Student Learning
How can we describe the motion of all of the components of our
Rube Goldberg Machine
Understand: The student can use Newton’s 3 laws of motion to
describe the behavior of moving and stationary objects
Remember: The student can define inertia
Remember: The student can define Newton’s 3 laws of motion
Apply: The student can draw a free body diagram
Apply: The student can interpret a free body diagram and
develop the corresponding net force equation(s)
P.4D: calculate the effect of forces on objects, including the law
of inertia, the relationship between force and acceleration, and
the nature of force pairs between objects;
P.4E: develop and interpret free-body force diagrams; and
Investigation Ideas
(10) Warm Up
(30) Newton’s Laws
1st Law – Coin/Drinking Glass Activity
Place an index card on top of a glass, and a coin
on top of the index card. Flick the card out from
under the coin and watch it fall into the glass.
2 Law – Hefting Masses
Given 2 masses, determine which is heavier
3rd Law – Balloon Rocket Lab
Blow up balloon and watch it travel along a
string, identify action/reaction pairs
(20) Free-Body Diagrams/Net Force Equations Lecture (What is
a free body diagram, basic free body diagrams, what is normal
force, students help develop free body diagrams.)
(30) Normal Force
Scale in an elevator activity
Warm-Up: Students use Sine/Cosine/Tangent to resolve vectors
Artifacts/Assessment Homework: Students find real world applications of Newton’s
Laws, Free-Body Diagram to Net Force Equations, Magnitude of
Normal Force
Formative Assessment: Warm-Up – Assess students ability to
correctly solve problems (discussion/checking work); Newton’s
Laws, FBD/NFE, Normal Force (discussion)
Warm Up 1 (attached)
Homework 1 (attached)
Day 2
Student Objectives
How can we incorporate hanging or swinging components in our
Rube Goldberg Machine to ward off zombies?
Apply: The student can draw a free body diagram
Apply: The student can interpret a free body diagram and
develop the corresponding net force equation(s)
Apply: The student can use trigonometric functions to
decompose forces into their corresponding vectors
P.4D: calculate the effect of forces on objects, including the
relationship between force and acceleration, and the nature of
force pairs between objects;
P.4E: develop and interpret free-body force diagrams; and
Investigation Ideas
(10) Warm Up
(15) Homework Discussion
(25) Resolving forces/Resolved FBD Lecture (Force as a vector,
must break into components because net force equations can
only act along one axis, have students walk teacher through
resolving vectors, do not have objects on inclines this day)
(20) Tension Lecture (hanging objects, resolving non-normal
tensions, students help create free body diagrams and solve
(20) U-Axis examples
Warm-Up: Students solve basic FBD/NFE problems to find
Artifacts/Assessment normal force
Homework: Solve Tension/Statics problems, U-Axis problems to
find tension, FBD/NFE where they must resolve forces
Formative Assessment: Warm-Up – Assess students ability to
correctly solve problems (discussion/checking work); Tension,
U-Axis, and Resolving Forces (discussion)
Warm Up 2 (attached)
Homework 2 (attached)
Day 3
Student Objectives
What forces are going to keep our Rube Goldberg machines
from working?
Apply: The student can draw a free body diagram
Apply: The student can interpret a free body diagram and
develop the corresponding net force equation(s)
Apply: The student can use trigonometric functions to
decompose forces into their corresponding vectors
P.4D: calculate the effect of forces on objects, including the
relationship between force and acceleration, and the nature of
force pairs between objects;
P.4E: develop and interpret free-body force diagrams; and
Investigation Ideas
(10) Warm Up
(15) Homework Discussion
(20) Object Sliding down Inclines (student discussion of how to
break down the weight component or rotate the axis)
(45) Friction between different surfaces (apply same force, see
how far object travels
Warm-Up: Students solve force problems where they must
Artifacts/Assessment resolve forces
Homework: Solve Friction problems, Finding coefficient of
static/kinetic friction
Formative Assessment: Warm-Up – Assess students ability to
correctly solve problems (discussion/checking work); Resolving
Forces, Static/Kinetic Friction, Friction on Inclines (discussion)
Warm Up 3 (attached)
Homework 3 (attached)
Day 4
Student Objectives
How can we incorporate inclined planes (ramps) into our Rube
Goldberg Machine?
Apply: The student can draw a free body diagram
Apply: The student can interpret a free body diagram and
develop the corresponding net force equation(s)
Apply: The student can use trigonometric functions to
decompose forces into their corresponding vectors
P.4D: calculate the effect of forces on objects, including the
relationship between force and acceleration, and the nature of
force pairs between objects;
P.4E: develop and interpret free-body force diagrams; and
Investigation Ideas
(20) Warm Up
(15) Homework Discussion
(25) Friction on Inclines Lecture (Friction=FN*µ, what is normal
force on inclines)
(30) Measuring the Coefficient of Static Friction Activity
Warm-Up: Students solve for coefficient(s) of friction on flat
Artifacts/Assessment surfaces
Homework: Solve Friction on inclines problems, Finding
coefficient of static/kinetic friction
Formative Assessment: Warm-Up – Assess students ability to
correctly solve problems (discussion/checking work); Resolving
Forces, Static/Kinetic Friction, Friction on Inclines (discussion)
Warm Up 4 (attached)
Homework 4 (attached)
Day 5
Student Learning
Using the items in the janitor’s closet, how can we best defend
the school against the zombies?
Understand: The student can use Newton’s 3 laws of motion to
describe the behavior of moving and stationary objects
Apply: The student can draw a free body diagram
Apply: The student can interpret a free body diagram and
develop the corresponding net force equation(s)
Apply: The student can use trigonometric functions to
decompose forces into their corresponding vectors
P.4D: calculate the effect of forces on objects, including the law
of inertia, the relationship between force and acceleration, and
the nature of force pairs between objects;
P.4E: develop and interpret free-body force diagrams; and
Investigation Ideas
(20) Warm Up
(70) Defense Plan Work Day
Warm-Up: Students solve U-Axis, and Static/Kinetic Friction
Artifacts/Assessment Problems
Formative Assessment: Defense Plan – Assess students
understanding of topics as the groups discuss and prepare their
presentations, review topics as needed
Warm Up 5 (attached)
Day 6
Student Learning
Using the items in the janitor’s closet, how can we best defend
the school against the zombies?
Understand: The student can use Newton’s 3 laws of motion to
describe the behavior of moving and stationary objects
Apply: The student can draw a free body diagram
Apply: The student can interpret a free body diagram and
develop the corresponding net force equation(s)
Apply: The student can use trigonometric functions to
decompose forces into their corresponding vectors
P.4D: calculate the effect of forces on objects, including the law
of inertia, the relationship between force and acceleration, and
the nature of force pairs between objects;
P.4E: develop and interpret free-body force diagrams; and
Investigation Ideas
(30) Work Time/Wrap up presentations
(60) Defense Plan Presentations
Each group presents their Rube Goldberg Machine
Write-Up needs to include free-body diagrams and net
force equations for all items
Defense Plan (assessed using attached rubric)
Defense Plan Rubric (attached)