Board of Trustees Meeting May 21, 2014 1 Carroll County Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Taneytown Branch Wednesday, May 21, 2014 Minutes 1. Roll Call and Declaration of Quorum Ms. Campanella called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. and announced there was a quorum present. Present: Kathleen Campanella Tom Ferguson Ellen Morse Cindy Piazza Nancy Lynch Richard Soisson Jillian Dittrich Bob Kuntz Scott Reinhart Lynn Wheeler James Kelly Lisa Picker Stephanie Szymanski Staff Present: 2. Tony Eckard Sherrie Meyers Muffie Smith April Whisenand Activities Slideshow Lisa Picker presented the activities slide show: The ALA-ALSC periodical Children & Libraries features the cover photo taken by CCPL staff member Stephanie Zinger and an article by Dorothy Stoltz; Literacy Council Spelin’ Be where library spellers took second place and cheerleaders first place -James Kelly is on the Literacy Council Board; window art by staff member Brenda Shaffer promoting the Mini Golf event in June; Mt. Airy renovation. Ms. Picker also showed a movie of the Battle of the Books events held this year in which 1500 students participated, Ms. Piazza shared that her daughter participated this year, thought it worked really well and was very exciting. Mr. Soisson commented that it is a good cooperative effort between the library and school system. 3. Minutes of March 26, 2014 Ms. Lynch moved to approve the Minutes of March 26, 2014. Approval was unanimous. 4. Financial Statement Mr. Eckard reviewed the Financial Statement of Carroll County Public Library (CCPL) ended April 30, 2014. At this time cash balances are at $3.2 million, only $22,000 less than this time last year. The income statement reflects that revenues are on target although fines are behind last year’s pace by $25,000. When carryover is backed out, we are $7,500 behind last year’s pace. Branch gift accounts total $20,776, well ahead of previous year and probably due to the activity of Friends. Salaries are underspent by $273,000, estimated to end the year at $300,000. Savings in that category will not accrue at this pace next year due to the salary changes implemented in Board of Trustees Meeting May 21, 2014 2 April. Materials purchases are ahead of last year’s spending by $114,000. Total expenses are approximately $100,000 ahead of last year’s pace. Special Funds reflects eBook consortium spending. Mr. Soisson asked for clarification of some of the activities in the Special Funds Budget. Mr. Eckard explained that these items are supplemental service activities that don’t contribute revenue, including vending machines, postage stamp sales and the ebook consortium purchases. Grant Funds reflect $174,000 in expenditures for the Mt. Airy renovation project. The Assister grant spent $4,000 in April. The balance at the Community Foundation is just over $29,000. 5. Correspondence & Announcements a. Ms. Wheeler shared an invitation to County’s Chief of Staff Steve Powell’s farewell luncheon. She said she would also like to invite him to the ribbon cutting for the Mt. Airy renovation on June 19 at 4:30 p.m. and present him with a CCPL proclamation because he has been a friend to the library and a superb County leader. Board members agreed. 6. Citizen’s Time There were no citizens present. 7. Director’s Report Circulation was down 6.5% in March and 13.7% in April with Mt. Airy closed except for minilibrary service 3 afternoons per week. For the year, circulation is down 5.3%. Visits are at 890,921 for the year, which is up compared to 872,499 this time last year. Eldersburg ended Sunday service with a total circulation of 17,077. This activity level is neck and neck with Westminster, which had a circulation of 17,745 for the same Sundays. Eldersburg will begin Sunday service again in October. Ms. Wheeler, Ms. Picker, Mr. Eckard and Friends Board member Jan Flora attended the County’s Public Budget Hearing at the Community College on May 12. CCPL’s budget was not mentioned. The County plans to approve the FY 15 operating budget on May 27. The Mt. Airy branch reopened on May 12. Feedback on the renovation to date has been very positive. Work will continue through the summer. The Board meeting will be at Mt. Airy on June 25. Ms. Wheeler noted that Ms. Dittrich attended the court case on the DVD thefts at the Taneytown branch. The defended was given 2 years to pay restitution to CCPL, and received 2 years of jail time with all but 15 days suspended. Staff will be applying for Community Investment Tax Credits again to support The Mary Lou Dewey Sculpture Park. The Community Foundation Board will be asked to approve the request this Friday. The City of Westminster will also take it to their council for approval. Board of Trustees Meeting May 21, 2014 3 The audit entrance meeting went well with the new principal. Ms. Wheeler thanked Kathleen and Vince Campanella for arranging to have Commissioner and Mrs. Roush visit the Miller Branch in Howard County. Ms. Wheeler attended National Legislative Day in Washington, DC and met with aides for Senators Mikulski and Cardin to ask for continuance of eRate. MAPLA is concerned over Baltimore County government’s recent takeover of library IT and graphic production staff, a total of 28 positions. Emergency meetings were held at the Maryland Library Association Conference, with Alexander and Cleaver and with the attorney general that serves the Maryland State Department of Ed, with regard to whether this action violates the County’s Charter and Maryland State law. Baltimore County has also not filled Library Trustee positions for over a year. The Maryland Library community is very concerned. Baltimore County’s Library director is retiring at the end of June. Ms. Piazza asked if there is anything the CCPL Board can do to assist in this matter. Ms. Wheeler will keep the Board apprised of the situation. Upcoming events include the Mini Golf Tournament on June 14 at the Eldersburg branch, Ms. Lynch is doing a great job involving the community in these Friends fundraising event. Mt. Airy ribbon cutting on Thursday, June 19, 4:30. The Board meeting is June 25 at Mt. Airy. Tentative plans are to unveil Toby Mendez’s The Family Farm on October 10th at the Westminster branch park. Sandy Oxx, Carroll County Arts Council Executive Director is applying for a Maryland State Arts Council grant to support the Mendez piece. Ms. Wheeler talked about some other fundraising ideas such as Honor Your Favorite Farmer. There was some discussion and it was noted that we owe Mr. Mendez $30,000. There is currently $29,000 in the Foundation but that money is also used to keep the park in good maintenance. Community Tax Credits will help in bringing in more donations for the piece. 8a. Taneytown Branch Report Ms. Dittrich reviewed this past year’s activities at the Taneytown Branch highlighting staff’s creative programs, displays and teamwork. Ms. Dittrich introduced Senior Circulation Clerk Sherrie Meyers. Taneytown’s Battles of the Books activity was reviewed. Ms. Dittrich noted that the books used in the battles are Black Eyed Susan Award nominees which are chosen by Maryland Association of School Librarians who select what they define as quality, contemporary literature for children. The Black Eyed Susan Award winners were announced last month. Ms. Dittrich noted that Holly Fuhrman the media specialist at New Windsor Middle School has been a great supporter and a true partner in Battle of the Books. Ms. Dittrich reviewed the many adult and children’s activities the branch has held. There was a special display created by staff to honor local vets on Veteran’s Day. The branch celebrated its 25th year in the current building, they will also be opening a time capsule put together by Taneytown school children in 1989. Ms. Dittrich shared an adult program craft with the Board. The Board thanked Ms. Dittrich for her report. 8b. Communications Report and Succession Plan Lisa Picker presented the Communications Department activities review and Succession Plan. The department has gone through a lot of changes this past year including 3 staff changes. Ms. Board of Trustees Meeting May 21, 2014 4 Picker became manager last year, Mallory Duff was hired as Communications Assistant and Stephanie Zinger is the new Communication Specialist. Keri Severino and Barbara Speckart have new titles as Graphic Designers. In the past year the Communications Department has produced 70,000 fliers, 3,500 signs, 100+ banners all printed in house and 30,000 copies of Currents which increased from 20 pages to 32 pages and is printed by an outside vendor. Ms. Picker showed READ poster examples created for the Battle of the Books winning teams. Ms. Picker handed out and reviewed the department’s Succession Plan that highlighted the crosstraining that is in place to help meet system-wide deadlines. Ms. Picker reviewed the results of the customer survey conducted in March. There were 1200 survey responses, 87% rated programs very good or excellent, 34.5% came to the library to attend a program for adults, most comments were “more events, materials and hours”; 61% visit a branch or the website weekly, 63% visit for books, CDs, DVDs and 11.3% look online for eBooks and eAudio. The results were very similar to the survey results of 3 years ago. 8c. Marketing Plan Lisa Picker and April Whisenand, the team leader for the marketing team reviewed a newly developed Marketing Plan for CCPL to help focus system-wide activities. In the fall of 2013 the marketing team was formed to look at implementation and development of a marketing plan. The team is composed of staff across the organization, all very actively contribute ideas. The mission of the team was to compose a marketing plan that supports the library’s major goals. The team looked at other businesses, other libraries, best practices, marketing campaigns, and current marketing practices. The Plan includes goals such as positioning CCPL as a top-of-mind community destination, revitalizing CCPL’s brand and increasing support for CCPL among customers, donors and partners, building and maintaining public and staff awareness of what CCPL offers, increasing attendance at CCPL’s programs and events, increasing usage of unique resources and implementing ways to reach out to new and non-users in the community. The Board thanked Ms. Picker and Ms. Whisenand for an excellent plan. 8d. ACA (Affordable Care Act) Assisters Report Ms. Smith reviewed the role of assisters in CCPL branches and their work with ACA navigators. Assisters helped 104 people by answering questions, helped 48 start applications, did 8 enrollments and 21 pending enrollments. In total CCPL staff interacted with 272 customers regarding the ACA. There were many challenges including website failures, and constant changes in information and procedures. Due to the consistent lack of work for the assisters, CCPL has decided not to participate as Assisters next year. Ms. Wheeler thanked Ms. Smith for her superb work in putting this group together and the effective networking opportunities that came out of it. The Library is seen as an important partner in a big community roll out. The Board thanked Ms. Smith for her tremendous effort on this project. The FY 15 Special Funds Budget Review/Action and Behavior Guidelines Action were moved to this time. See items 11a and 11c. Mr. Ferguson left the meeting after all action items were complete. Board of Trustees Meeting May 21, 2014 5 10a. Human Resources Termination Procedure At the March Board meeting we reviewed Public Information Act (PIA) policies and procedures. At that meeting, Mr. Ferguson referred to the board procedure for notifying the Board of pending terminations and asked if those emails would be subject to the PIA. Wheeler spoke with County Attorney, Tim Burke who said the emails could be discoverable by the individual and any attorney involved in the termination. Ms. Wheeler suggested that the Board consider adding that members could call or email their agreement or disagreement regarding a termination action. Ms. Campanella said she appreciated Mr. Ferguson’s input to strengthen this procedure. Mr. Soisson motioned to approve the change to the Board Termination Notification Procedure. Ms. Piazza seconded. Approval was unanimous. 11a. FY Special Funds Budget Review Mr. Eckard reviewed the proposed FY 15 Special Funds Budget. Ten years ago this was more of an entrepreneurial activities budget that included video rentals, lawyer referral service and internet accounts. Now it is more about supplemental services that come in and go out, some are courtesies for our customers or in partnership with other libraries. Budget includes the eRate Service Credit, a rebate that is received for telecommunications expenses. Not every organization submits for these rebates but Mr. Reinhart diligently fills out the forms and CCPL continues to receive some eRate funds, it is much less than it used to be before the fiber network. Other revenue items include vending machines, postage stamp sales, county transaction revenue (mostly at Eldersburg), the Carroll Library Partnership and the Maryland eBook Consortium. The eBook Consortium is in and out activity, we coordinate this activity for Consortium members (every library system except Prince George’s County). Also included are event tickets and book sales that we hold at other venues. In total revenues are expected to be a little more than $500,000 in FY 15. The expense side reflects using eRate funds for staff development and software, vending machines there is a cost for coffee machines at 4 branches, programming from the county transaction fees and the in and out of Carroll Library Partnership. Mr. Ferguson moved to approve the FY 15 Special Funds Budget. Ms. Piazza seconded. Approval was unanimous. 11c. Behavior Guidelines Ms. Wheeler asked the Board to consider adding a statement to the Behavior Guidelines regarding leaving personal property unattended in library branches. The statement would read, “Please do not leave personal belongings unattended.” Staff are seeing more unattended bags and a statement of this kind authorizes staff to ask people to take their belongings with them as they move around a branch. Ms. Lynch moved to add the statement regarding unattended belongs to the Behavior Guidelines. Ms. Piazza seconded. Approval was unanimous. Board of Trustees Meeting May 21, 2014 6 11b. End of Year Projects Ms. Wheeler said last year we requested two capital grants - one for security cameras and the other for generator switches - from the State Library Capital program. We knew they were long shots because they were equipment requests. The Board and the County approved the requests but the State did not. Meanwhile, the public schools and the community college have installed security cameras, and we would like to do same. Ms. Wheeler discussed this with Steve Powell and Mike Whitson who had no problem with CCPL completing this project within our own budget. Mr. Kuntz and Mr. Reinhart are working with Skyline Technologies, the vendor who has done all of the camera installation work at the schools, the community college, retrofit of the courthouse and the jail. The price is approximately $92,000. Skyline has toured all locations (except Headquarters which already has cameras as part of 911 Center), and has identified locations and numbers of cameras needed. The price includes the cameras and the network server that will be housed at Headquarters, in IT. There was discussion regarding guidelines for how long footage will be kept and who will be allowed to view it and will a subpoena be required. Staff hope to have a policy for the June Board meeting so once the cameras are in place, they can be turned on. We are also interviewing vendors for an entire physical security audit and have talked with two companies, the Fallston Group and PSI (Baltimore County Public Library used this company and were very satisfied with their product). Both proposals include evaluation, site visits to watch how traffic flows and staff interact, meetings with staff, shelter in place, incident procedures and policy development. There was discussion about letting our customers know they are being filmed. Ms. Morse said that people are accustomed to this in many businesses. Ms. Wheeler said staff will be consulted during this process. Mr. Reinhart said staff will be bringing more information along with a policy proposal to the meeting in June. The Board thanked the staff for their work on this project. 12. Adjournment Mr. Soisson moved to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Piazza seconded. Approval was unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 9:37 p.m. Kathleen Campanella President
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