Northern (NHS) Treatment Advisory Group Current Work plan Drug Cost per patient per annum Details Provisional Meeting Date Aripiprazole – new depot inj formulation £5946 Decision deferred until a pathway/protocol for use is received from mental health trusts. To be reviewed alongside paliperidone. Protocol to come to Not known but high cost. PbR excluded Not known but high cost. PbR excluded Not known but high cost. PbR excluded High cost. PbR excluded. 200-mg prefilled syringe = £357.50 High cost. PbR excluded. 200-mg prefilled syringe = £357.50. Not yet licensed June 15 meeting Not yet licensed June 15 meeting Not yet licensed. EMA declined licensing for RA No NICE TA expected Await licensing No NICE TA expected September 15 meeting High cost. PbR excluded. Unlicensed indication. Approved in NoT but no policy elsewhere. From previous NETAG work plan NICE medical technology available now. February 15 Secukinumab for psoriasis Apremilast for psoriasis Tofacitinib for psoriasis Certolizumab – active psoriatic arthritis Certolizumab severe axial spondyloarthritis both ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and axial spondyloarthritis without radiographic evidence of AS Rituximab for thrombocytopeni a purpura Exogen® ultrasound device for bone fractures EXOGEN 4000+ device is £4647 per patient dance/mtg12/resources/g uidance-exogenultrasound-bone-healingsystem-for-long-bone- February15 meeting September 15 meeting February 15? fractures-with-nonunionor-delayed-healing-pdf Sequential biologics in the management of psoriatic arthritis Avastin for the treatment of RVO PbR excluded and High cost Identified through IFR process June 15 meeting PbR excluded Identified by public health. Potential cost savings. On hold Use of biosimilars Depends on individual product but may be high cost £272 for £28 day’s treatment. £3536 per patient per annum. May fit criteria depending on patient numbers The rental cost of Airsonett to the NHS is £174 (excluding VAT) per month i.e. £2088 per annum. £90.72 at 28 tablets. Flat pricing. Max dose of 148mg od would cost £2358.72 per patient per annum max. Put forward by CCGs Await licensing among them in a patient with an atypical fracture on bisphosphonates nformation/DrugSafetyUp date/CON120213 November 15 From previous NETAG work plan. February 15 Teriparatide in odd indications for osteoporosis- Protexo® temperaturecontrolled laminar airflow device for asthma Lurasidone NICE technology evaluation available. May fit criteria depending on patient numbers. Also as mental health work across CCGs may be better to have a NE&C decision. Check with mental health February 15? Removed from work plan Rifaximin (550mg TDS for 14 days) for IBD (concerns re: C Diff). NTAG November 14 £259.23 for 56 tablets. NB doesn’t fit NTAG criteria for review. Put forward by CCGs
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