Download Profile - Pax Staffing Dynamix

 1. Permanent and temporary staffing solu4on 2. Experien4al and field marke4ng 3. Training and skills development 4. Retail/wholesale solu4ons WHO WE ARE •  PAX Staffing Dynamix was founded in 2011 as a retail staffing solu<on. Uniquely we provide a 360 solu<on achieved through above normal effort, dedica<on, and me<culous in delivering more than what our clients expect from a service provider. •  It is our view and proven through experience that only by following this approach and having the right staff, will we be in a posi<on to grow and expand our business in the staffing and resourcing environment. •  There are many compe<<ve businesses opera<ng in the staff placement business, and as such the only way PAX Staffing Dynamix sets itself apart is by providing a solu<on that compliments and supports each of our individual client and customer needs. MISSION: To offer a composite solu4on offering to our clients that will be regarded as above all, personal and excep4onal of sustainable high quality. WHAT WE DO •  Our defined objec<ve is the provisioning of specialized staffing solu<ons to our customer base through the processes of recruitment and placement. •  The main mission of PAX Staffing Dynamix is to offer a composite solu<on offering to our clients that will be regarded as above all, personal and excep<onal of sustainable high quality. •  To achieve our goal, we believe we need to work hand in hand with our customers to iden<fy and target the specific skilled resources required to allow them to fulfill their objec<ves. •  By iden<fying and aQrac<ng the best possible candidates for each client is where the skill lies, and this is where we believe PAX Staffing Dynamix provides a unique value offering. •  Cognizance is taken of the fact that, although the client is the target and our main focus, the service provided by our staff members cannot be ignored or underes<mated . OUR CLIENTS CONTACT INFORMATION •  NATIONAL SALES MANAGER -­‐Ricky Medcalf -­‐061 416 4443 -­‐ricky1@pax-­‐ •  NATIONAL RETAIL MANAGER -­‐Lauren Jenkins -­‐081 315 5192 -­‐[email protected] •  DURBAN AREA SALES MANAGER -­‐Eben Combrinck -­‐061 430 9422 -­‐eben1@pax-­‐ •  GAUTENG AREA SALES MANAGER -­‐Thandazo Malinga -­‐061 417 6925 -­‐thandazo@pax-­‐ •  WESTERN CAPE AREA SALES MANAGER -­‐Noor Bray -­‐061 418 1357 -­‐noor@pax-­‐