GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA ilnd No.DET/TRG/TTCIATS- tI Kausha Bansalore-560 029 DATE:23-06-2014 CP.-4 I I 201 4 -r s NOTIFICATION Submission of App-3/half-yearly returns in respect of Appr.entices completing training during october 2014 to appear for 101th A.I.T.T. o_._|1lu_tlring october 2014. suB:- . provisions of the The employers engaging Apprentices in the designated Trades under the Apprentices Act 1 96 I , are hereby informed that 1 0 1ft All India Trade Test for the Trade Apprentices willbe held during October 2014. offices concerned Divisional Only those Trade Apprentices whose contracts are registered with the as per the within the prescribed date and who are completing the prescribed period of training contract before the commencement of 1 0 1e All India Trade Test during october 20 1 4' Apprentice Act 1961 ' The following minimum Attendance required as prescribed under the Apprentices Full Term Short Term (NTC holders) Practical Attendance RI(Related Instructions) Duration No. of working Days / Week Classes 167 Days 33 Days I Year 5 200 Days 40 Days I 6 100 Days 20 Days 6 Months 6 83 Days l7 6 Months 5 Days Year 200 Days NA l Year 5 240 Days NA 1 Year 6 120 Days NA 6 Months 500 Days NA 2 YzYears 5 590 Days NA 2'/zYears 6 400 Days NA 2 Years 5 480 Days NA 2 Years 6 310 Days NA l (PMS / STC holders) YrYear the period of Training is prescribed as per DGET g*zette period of ApprenticeshiP notification GSR 421 (E) Date: 3L't May 2011. For 2 Yetr trades training is I vz years. (For Diesel training is 2 years & for'1 year trades period of Apprentice years) Mechaiic trade period of Apprentice training is 2 % Note: PMS / STC holders under scvT \\Pc8\pc8\ttcfiles\ATs\OcT 20 | 4 NOTIFICATION doc - off'tts Diri.ioilul ,ftr,fll-;ff"|ffi #itrI1l#H'H: ronnorl,n-,r"i1g?jH:*ffi l',;;#Jii*;'.,:f ror rne ::::^';:-;. and probabr Instuctions separately I.,n*idered till 31/*.rofallth.1erigibleTradeApp':n*erintheprescribed holders, the actuar Hltr,;r'il";1tiffi#H;;;il"" -^'-- -r"1.e.the emprov.ers are oUtai*ng nrtfter details ih.," *" no e, le eib if informatio, ;q: '-o^. :1:'.*;""J',;;-:'#:.il3o';H"l#:dii'-',':1'fAffi:#ifr1f dut o* any requreo T,lJ'in OritOiui'uAtTesttob-eheld ,?L::lo ilpr**":. :: repon 1n'f $# -- *[HtTSf [ ffiT,'S a rrade Apprentice'lTo'i" "-o'*iiting 1. of respect of Regular lhould send -Niling instructions in follow the to to^adhere Employers are required l#ffi;ters The trainingperiod' atignoan3e-i1:[:]::i11"111:ffii.i'uoirzor4 app-s'*1ti:,:Tln * u"ror" 1511012014 ontv / her trammg wh-o cofrPletes his The Trade apprentice All IndiaTrade Test' for Octobt''ioU spli'tso'ed be should *""tnrr'"';::,,:"::: 2'ThedetailsofattendanceParticularsofeachrygulartradeapprenticeforBasic ;runnml":l:*tr;[i"ffi IlH,r,#ffi 3 ]***ffi "f'T:fi?ff'J';Lk.of suctr App-1 qa app-$,h.:11^T-::i,i?rri;#H:l: of rrade Test a uvir,,-pti'*ipals week befor"Ttt" r i cket i s iT'i'i:;d'' n c ase adm i ssion co*tencen'1e] *::#,t lr; ^l,lj, # t',i;] t'ii *ll wt ' r *i11"Xii:i;'m-flIlT5$i':,fi ++=a :*Ir"f:-3:L:Jtli #P;p:il. '"tlfi* :''qd th'n th'T;'"1i';' issued uv m" Emprover, '.t'; 'l'he sgrt tnc etrrvtv.T-' . sgt auu rrade Trade Test, unless h App-t and App-tA. rnl Centres ,.i1,";il* xir,* lfr+r:x;rl'T::,::;lii",f*ii *"'Jto *i ftoo, u"V Sffi#: correspondence' scvT holder Apprentice -..^r sessionar to such aPPrentices *orrzo marks should be 4 subiects' awarded for all the WhitesubmittingAPP-3thebelowgi,"na.tuilsmustbeincorporatedinAPP3 ;Tt ;*u,t rrainin g or the establishmen' o' or ffi:ce. establishment' "?:":T:1^p:::: the ::f, g b) Fax No' el*tiiaJdress^of c will N be conducted ff 3[T$""#l 4.A*rndiarraderest(Arrr)p,1lr::Ti:Tj::T::ilfr*h:;I,'1"ffi Uruwing anAIfa&{fa$eal;lc.rr'lation '' for Trade Theory lY for t-he--subj ect name under & Science anJ Bein""ting AITT' Term differentiating Fult 5.The..CandidatesDetails,,DatlllstbesentinaCDiltwodifferentDatabaseof the same and the APP-3 in Examinatio' ;#;;;"-t''t'"tJ"''*i"i*** app'"*rco il'g:"t'siw copy also' Apprentice' io tt'"Hard to #;;t*o *;I'iii format need apprentices bv p*rc.r*t"if 'no" 6.lncasetheestablishmentslelSndiletheirApprenticestoanyprivateBT/RICentres, they shoutd concemed' detaits:j';ilffi J#;;; centres the obtaining tfrem'nom Manager a) contu"t N"o""lirt- qR: address' ;) fa*No' & E-mail \\Pc8\pc8\ttcftles\ATs\OcT 201 4 NOTIFICATION doc / Trg' Manager' in App-3 at a later date Request for inclusion of names of Trade Apprentices establishments alone are after submission of the same will not be considered. The responsible for such omissions' 8. period of training should contract Registration number with date (DDiMM/YY) and in App-3, failing which be clearly indicated ,U;* the name of each Apprentice permission will not be given to such Apprentices' suc-h t1ilne of the BT/RI centres where the Apprentices has urdergone in the APP-3 form' (for all Full should be indicated uguinrtn*e of each Appientice 9. The names term Apprentices onlY) ll.EveryemployerwhilesubmittingthedulyfilledinAPP-3returntotheDivisional application in in prescribed office u, p", ihe notification shafl enclose the duly filled Iespector.u"t,tradeapprenticealongwithotherenclosuresspecifiedinrespectof tradeapprenticesappearingtheAllln-diaTradeTest.SubmissionofApp.3afterthe establishment to the divisional offices due date ulorg *itf, application forms from the the State Apprenticeship Advisor shall be u"r.ft"o with'the written permission from onlY. FAILED APPRENTICES r. contracts of Apprenticeship have been Applications are also invited from the failed apprentices whose for the A'I'T'T' They should submit the registered in the Divisional offices and eligible to appgar siigle application at the concerned I.T.l., satisfying the following conditions:Apprenticeship Training and must have 1. Candidates should have completed the appeared for the Trade Test and failed' subsequent to the first 2. Candidates should not have completed 5 attempts period from the date of years attempt provided such candidates are with in 3 completion of their training' a in application along with J. Failed trade apprentices shall submit the duly filled Centre concerned with Test to the Principal of the Trade ,pr&fird, "rrtorrr", in the due date notified' a1d fifty only) along application form prescribed (ns. Twenty only) and subrnit the with application fee of Rs .^l o-l-^l^al ,{r'kr uv the Empl oyT * pt iograpr .rre1.d. 1., " uarks card .attested by a g-"n:9, ,ir*[-*,lr;; cal blha{ *Pvrrwqlrvr' witl be held: Since the application form ;;;;; r;"tit,te \ dovrrnm.nt Industrial Training lnstitute, where the Trade Test' in the application while issuing the is non-transferable the name of the applicant should be written application itself. the prescribecl fee The above candidates should pay ^ztil- #*#ffi ffi; il;oilrir" ffi;ii*ffi ;;isil; ;il'fffi;'il^;i;,;;il;;*i*i;ntickets Ill. of Rs 1504(Rs. one hundred r"3:::.{iT:rl"*:ll :*::::-]*ffic::* th:,:,f!:::I'l:-1'1"1*:l'}::T:: T* and not at the Fee should be paid only at the Trade Test Centre Divisional ofEces' prepare the list of failed apprentices and failed (private) IV. The principal of the Trade Test centre must statement along with the application and trade wise candidates in the prescribed format and subrnit the ticket to the TTC directly within the last date and Alphabetical orderly separated 4dmission mentioned in this Notification' doc \\Pc8\pc8\ttcfi les\ATS\OCT 20I 4 NOTIFICATION PRIVATE CANDIDATES Applications are also invited from eligible private candidates to appear for the 101th All India Trade Test for Trade Apprentices to be held during October 2014, eligibility for the candidates for appearing in this test as a Private Candidates me as follows:- l. Candidates should possess National Trade Certificate in the same trade in which they desires to appear for the Trade Test.(lTI pass Marks Card should be enclosed) 2. Candidates must be working in the Trade in which they desires to appear for the Trade Test and possess the minimum Educational Qualification required to undergo Apprenticeship training of the particular Trade concerned. 3. The candidates should possess minimum of 3 years experience in the relevant trade (Excluding basic qualification) in establishments implementing Apprenticeship Training Scheme / small establishments covered under Factories Act, 1958 or Registered with any government llocal authorities. 4. The candidates have to produce the original Experience Certificate mentioning the details nature of work performed by the candidate during his/her working period along with the copy of their appointment order with the application. The experience certificate should have been issued after the date of this Notification. The Employer who issues the experience certificate must be implementing Apprenticeship Training Scheme under Apprentices Act 1961 as on the date of issuing the prescribed certificates, or under the control of the State Government Departments where they are working. The candidates mdst be working in the establishments situated in the Karnataka State only and under the jurisdiction of State Apprenticeship Adviser, Karnataka. 5. Those candidates who wish to appear as Private Candidates have to collect prescribed application form along with admission ticket by paying Rs.2O/-(Rs. Twenty only) from Principal, Govt., I.T.l. concerned from where they wish to appear and submit the same duly filled in to the Principal of Trade Test Centre within the due date along with Trade Test Fee of Rs. 6001-(Rs. Six hundred only). Incomplete application is liable to be rejected. They have to furnish correct information regarding Name, Father's name, date of birth, (as recorded in the S.S.L.C marks card) minimum qualification and work experience etc. Since the application form is non-transferable the name of the applicant should be written in the application while issuing the application itself as well as in fee receipt. 6, Candidates permiued to appear for the All tndia Trade Test of Apprentices will have to be present at the specific Trade Testing Cenffe at their own cost. 7. The Principal of the concerned Trade Test Centre must veriff the authenticity of the experience certificate issued by the employer and the enclosed certificate attested by the Gazetted officers certiff in the application as "RECOMMENDED". If the information submitted by the candidate or employer is found to be incorrect or incomplete, the Principal must clearly mention as "NOT RECOMMENDED" and then forward it to the Divisional Office. 8. The Failed Private Candidates have to pay Rs. 600/-(Rupees Six hundred only) towards Trade Test Fee, along with application fee of Rs. 20l-(Rupees Twenty only) and they should not have completed three years or 5 attempts after their first attempt. Since the application form is non-transferable the name of the applicant should be written in the application while issuing the application itself. \\Pc8\pc8\ttcfi les\ATS\OCT 20t 4 g. The photo copies enclosed by lhe Private candidates must be attested by the Gazetted officers only (Private / Aided ITC principal Attestation will be rejected). 10.1n case, the application is NOT RECOMMENDED, should also be sent to the Directorate. r The right of permitting Private Candidate is reserved with the State Apprenticeship Adviser, Department of Employment and Training, Banglaore-Z9. desires The Trade Test fee is payable in cash to the Principal of concerned LT.l., from where the candidates to appear tbr the Trade Test. No other mode of payment will be accepted. Trade Test fee once paid will not be refunded, or adjusted for any future Trade Test. FEE PAYMENT FOR REGULAR PRIVATE & ALL FAILED 23.07'2A14 APPRENTICES (WITHOUT FINE) : FoRTHENEXT (WITHFINE; ** 40 Days SABMISSION OF APPLICATION FORMS : FOR REGULAR AND PRIVATE APPRENTICES 23-07 -2014 : 04-08-2014 : 04 -08 -2014 : tl-08-2014 (TO ESTABLISHMENT) (ESTABLISHMENT TO DMSIONAL OFFICE WITH APP.3 & SESSIONAL MARKS iN CASE OF RECULAR APPRENTICES) (ESTABLISHMENT TO GOVT ITI lN CASE OF PRIVATE CANDIDATES) (GOVTITI'sTODIVISIONALOFFICEINCASE OF PzuVATE CANDIDATES) FOR ALL FAILED APPRENTICES z t2-09-2014 (DIVISIONALOFFICEToDIRECTOMTE) : ( From I T I's 08-08-2014 to TTC, DET Bangalore'29) ** NOTE:I) DETAILS OF PAYMENT OF FINE * Exam Fee + Application Fee Rs. 20/- PER DAY + Exam Fee + Application Fee I lth DAY TO 30th DAY - Rs. 100/31st DAy To 40th DAy - LUMPSUM Rs.800/- oNLY + Exam Fee + Application Fee lst DAY TO l0th DAY - @ Rs. l0A PER DAY + 2) The dates of submission of Application forms received without fine remains same as mentioned above 3) The Fee & Application formS received with fine are to be submitted within 03 Days through a separate letter The applications will not be received at the Directorate from the candidates directly. NO EXTENSION F APPLICATION FOR THE TRADE TEST. \\Pc8\pc8\ttcfi les\ATS\OCT 201 4 NOTIFICATION.doc Separate list of ineligible Trade apprentices office along with the above list. with application form should also be sent to this tu JOINT -\/ Dft.ECTOR (EXA\,IS) COMMISSIONER, EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING COPY TO: L The Principal, Industrial Training Institute/Trade Testing Centre....... and here by strictly instructed to display this notification in the notice board. .. '...for needful action Z. The Joint Director of Training, Divisional Office, Bangalore/Mysore/Hubli/Gulbarga for information. Further they are instructed to adhere on to the last date fixed in the notification and act accordingly. : I II H li I i t' \\Pc8\pc8\ttcfrles\ATs\OCT 201 4 NOTIFICATION.doc
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