MAY 2014 VOL. 53 NO. 2 RALPH GIPSON, PLS LSPS President 2014-2015 al nnu A d n 53r ventio Con lights 4 e h pag Hig MAY 2014 VOL. 53 NO. 2 9643 Brookline, Ste. 108 Baton Rouge, LA 70809-1488 Office: 225/925-5800 Fax: 225/925-5802 [email protected] • INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Message from the President.................. 3 Ralph Gipson, PLS The L’Arpenteur Louisiane is published quarterly as a service to the members of the Louisiana Society of Professional Surveyors. As stated in the LSPS Articles of Incorporation, the LSPS is “organized for the following purposes and to carry out the same: Enhancing the status of the Land Surveying Profession by: Message from the Past President ......... 3 Jared Couvillion, PLS 1) Maintaining high technical and cultural standards for entrance to the Society. LSPS CELEBRATES 53 YEARS 53rd Annual Convention Highlights ........ 4 2) Cooperating with educational institutions in the maintenance of high standards of education in Land Surveying. It’s Been Good ...................................... 7 3) Requiring a high standard of ethical practice by members of the Society. J. Anthony “Tony” Cavell, PLS CFedS Around the State .................................. 8 Sustaining Member Firms .................... 11 4) Aiding in the adoption of high standard of attainment for the granting of the legal right to practice Professional Land Surveying. 5) Fostering among students of Land Surveying the study of philosophy and history, tradition and achievement, duties and social functions of the Land Surveying Profession. Special Thanks to our Contributing Writers. 6) Encouraging the personal and professional development of young Land Surveyors. Articles submitted will be considered for publication and should be emailed to: [email protected]. Please contact the office with any questions. 7) Supporting activities looking to the increased employment of Land Surveyors and seeking new opportunities for service in Land Surveying.” LSPS ADVERTISING RATES: SIZE FULL PAGE INSIDE FULL PAGE BACK COVER ½ PAGE ¼ PAGE COST PER ISSUE $700.00 $800.00 $400.00 $200.00 PER YEAR $2200.00 $2800.00 $1400.00 $600.00 All ads are prepaid. Ad and payment should be sent to LSPS by the 15th of the month prior to publishing. Issues are published in August, November, February and May. Please mail to address listed above. Prices apply to camera-ready copy. A charge will be added for creation of an ad or art work. PRESIDENTIAL PRIVILEGE ‘Tis the Season! I would like to take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt “Thanks” to the Louisiana Professional Surveying community for electing me as your LSPS President for the upcoming term. It has been a privilege to serve on the LSPS Board under the able leadership of outgoing President Jared Couvillion, PLS, to whom I extend my appreciation. He will continue to serve the LSPS Board as have his predecessors James Pellegrin, PLS and Stephen Flynn, PLS in spearheading initiatives, examples being the issues of higher education and proposed legislation affecting our profession. After what seemed to be an interminable winter season, as I write this there are birds chirping and trees budding out as well as fresh orange paint on the sidewalk next to a spike driven into a power pole near my house – all signs of life renewed! Also, at long last, crawfish are finally getting big enough to pick up and eat… I’m sure that those who attended the recent 2014 LSPS Annual Convention would want to join me in congratulating District 6 for hosting a first class event – truly memorable in many ways. Baton Rouge has truly set a high bar with the quality of the seminars given, one example being the excellent tree identification seminar. Of course, it didn’t hurt District 6 to have a Secret Weapon in the form of LSPS Administrator Ronda Courville nearby. As always, Ronda worked tirelessly to make it all happen. Thank You, Ronda! Also on hand to assist were a number of students enrolled in the Nicholls State University Geomatics degree curriculum. Their enthusiasm was a testament to the vibrancy of this program, now celebrating its 10th year. Dr. Balaji Ramachandran is to be commended for his shepherding of this program through the budgetary challenges affecting higher education in Louisiana. The Geomatics program is on a sound footing, benefitting from the support given by this Society, the Professional Surveying community (Jimmy Chustz, T. Baker Smith, Morris Hebert and others) as well as from Navigation Electronics, Inc. Former LSPS President Stephen Flynn, PLS has joined the faculty as an Instructor, providing invaluable insight from his extensive experience as a Professional Land Surveyor. This past March 18 LSPS held its annual Legislative Day event at the State Capitol in Baton Rouge. LSPS as well as the Nicholls Geomatics Department both had informative display booths set up in the Capitol Rotunda. LSPS hosted a luncheon in the Senate Dining Room that was attended by several members of the Louisiana House and Senate. LSPS President Jared Couvillion PLS presented plaques to Senator Gary Smith and Representative Eric Ponti in appreciation for the support they have shown to the surveying profession in Louisiana. Attendees heard a report from Richard Savoie representing the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LA DOTD) regarding what is being referred to as “The Powerline Issue”. This issue has manifested itself in the form of House Bill 964 recently filed in the Louisiana House of Representatives current session. If signed into law, this would require that specifics as to the capacity of powerlines be included on deliverables prepared in conjunction with LA DOTD projects. The LSPS opposes this initiative MAY 2014 because of the added liability this would put on the surveyor if enacted. Your Society is monitoring the progress of this bill through committee by way of our Legislative Liaison, Ms. Jane Burgin. Ralph Gipson, PLS LSPS President Also occurring on Legislative Day, Governor Jindal acknowledged the contributions by professional surveyors by way of an Official Proclamation that was read into the record at the joint legislative session held that day, coinciding as it did with National Surveyors Week. In closing, I would like to emphasize that LSPS, your Professional Society, lives and breathes through your local district meetings. Each individual district meeting is truly a forum where surveyors from your area get together and talk about the issues confronting them, trespass, LA One-Call, FEMA elevation certificate issues – now “the Powerline Issue”. When the wheel gets squeaky on an issue, that LSPS District Chairman can air it out at a State Board meeting. This is how several issues (and threats) to our profession have come to light. I have always admired the innate sense of humility expressed by Professional Surveyors in spite of the absolutely essential nature of our work to the functioning of our modern society. It is with this same sense that I will endeavor to serve as your President for the upcoming year. Again, Many Thanks. Fellow Surveyors, It has been a true privilege to have served as your president. The road was long, but we made it. In the past year, I have met many new people and have worked on many issues that affect the surveying profession. I bid the society farewell as your LSPS President, and look forward toward helping and guiding our new President Ralph Gibson. Jared Couvillion, PLS I will continue to promote the need for CST’s within the profession. Without CST’s, I feel that the profession will be at a big loss. I know that at many firms, there are technicians aiding the PLS, and the PLS relies on the skill and ability of their “Survey Technicians” to carry out job responsibilities in order to form a final opinion. I feel that this is an area that needs to be continuously monitored and assisted. In closing, once again I thank everyone within the society for having confidence in me to have been your President, and maybe one day I can serve you again. Sincerely, Jared A. Couvillion, PLS, CST 3 Ronda Courville, LSPS Administrator LSPS CELEBRATES 53 YEARS! LSPS celebrated its 53rd Anniversary at the Hilton Hotel in Baton Rouge, April 2nd-5th. The District 6 Convention Committee of Stanley Ard, Robert Overall, Brad Holleman, Ernie Gammon, Will Fontenot, Matt Estopinal and Jerry Middleton began working on the convention in October, 2012. Their dedication and hard work in developing an informative and enjoyable event is appreciated. The Convention kicked off on Wednesday with members enjoying Golf at the LSU Golf Course on the LSU Campus. Garner Morales won the longest drive, Johnny Robichaux won closest to the pin, and the G360 team won the tournament. There was also a Sporting Clay shoot held at the Hunters Run Gun Club in Port Allen. The Sporting Clay shoot was won by Jacob Allen, and John Mattingly, Jacob Rodrigue, Travis Sturdivant, Kevin Burdeaux and Jeff Jones were the 1st Place Team. On Wednesday evening, members and their spouses enjoyed visiting with the Exhibitors at the Annual Exhibitor Reception. MAY 2014 4 Special “Thanks” to Navigation Electronics Inc. for hosting the Exhibitor Reception once again. We appreciate all of our Exhibitors, and thank you for being a part of this year’s convention, and for your continued support of LSPS. Thanks also to the Nicholls Geomatics students that manned the registration table, took pictures, ran errands – and just about anything asked! Tree Identification, Endangered Wildlife, and Laser Scanning were the topics for the morning session. Following lunch, Mr. Glen Kent hosted the “Mock Trial “with an assortment of characters assembled! Thanks to Cardno TBE, Gulf Instrument and Precision Data for their sponsorship of breaks throughout the convention. Thursday evening was enjoyed on the pool deck of the hotel. The Ladies fun began on Thursday morning as they journeyed to St. Francisville. They were entertained by Mary Thompson as she spoke on Catalpa and the history of Rosedown Plantation. After enjoying lunch, the ladies traveled to Grandmother’s Buttons. Everyone was thrilled with the jewelry display, and brought back some extra “gems” from the trip! Thanks to Debra Byrd for taking care of the particulars! Overlooking the Mississippi River, guests enjoy fried fish with the fixins’ and a great bread pudding! A local jazz band, The Andy Pizzo Project, entertained guests. Thanks to District 6 for sponsoring the Fish Fry! Friday, the Ladies met in the hotel foyer to begin their “C’est Si Bon Food Tour”. Rain threatened, but that did not deter many from attending! The tour began with sampling items from the menu at Poor Boy Floyds, and continued as they visited Stroubes, Zolia, the Lobby Cafe, IPO and concluded the tour at the Kingfish Grill at the Hilton. Everyone enjoyed the walk, and came back “stuffed”! Special thanks to District 6 for their contributions insuring a good time for the ladies. Baton Rouge Mayor Kip Holden spoke at the opening of the Convention Thursday morning. He expressed appreciation to the surveying profession for its role in our society. MAY 2014 5 Friday sessions were given by LA One Call, Cardno TBE and attending Exhibitors. The LSPS Annual General Business meeting was held during lunch, and after tending to the LSPS “state of affairs”, NSPS Governor Tony Cavell presented the induction of the 2014/2015 LSPS Board of Directors. Executive Board members are: Ralph Gipson-President, Taylor GravoisVice-President, Kyle Howard-Secretary, and Louis HartmannTreasurer. District Chairmen were in attendance as well. Have you met your District Chairman yet? Attend a local district meeting to get acquainted and earn valuable PDH’s. President Jared Couvillion was recognized and thanked for his service to the society. He thanked members for the opportunity to serve, and on behalf of LSPS, presented Jane Burgin with a plaque recognizing her important role as our Legislative Liaison. Thanks Jane! Incoming President Ralph Gipson spoke briefly to the attendees, enthusiastic about the upcoming year. The NSPS update followed lunch, and the sessions concluded with a report on the Louisiana Economic forecast for the future. The Annual Awards banquet was held Friday evening, with Past President Stephen Flynn hosting the event. A good time was had by all! The Convention wrapped up Saturday with a presentation on Ethics and Standards of Practice for LA Surveyors and Standards for Mississippi attendees as well. SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR EXHIBITORS: Assurance Insurance Cardno TBE Carlson Software Forestry Suppliers G360 LLC Gulf Instrument Service Inc. Haag & Trammell Inc. Hydrographic Society of America, LA Chapter LA One Call LAPELS LA Wildlife and Fisheries Navigation Electronics, Inc. NGS NSPS Nicholls State University Precision Data Solutions-Hemisphere GPS Smart Vent WE APPRECIATE YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT AT OUR CONVENTIONS! We appreciate our members attending and supporting our event, and look forward to seeing everyone in Shreveport in 2015. Visit for updates to information as details are finalized. MAY 2014 6 J. Anthony “Tony” Cavell, PLS CFedS IT’S BEEN GOOD It was 1977 when I got a taste of surveying. Once I did, my appetite for surveying was whetted and my affection for the profession has only grown with time. There was winding up angles on the Gurley transit, cutting line with brush hook and chain saw on dry land and stabbing in cane poles for line in the marsh and visiting the files of clerks of court for the next job. Getting an automatic level was an amazing advance, and then a little while later a total station was a quantum leap for field work. Desktop computers matured in the 1980s and with them CAD, pen plotters, databases and Least-Squares adjustments. The 1980s also marked the genesis of using satellites for practical surveying and for me an excursion offshore and into a world of hydrography, seismic boomers, pingers and electrostatic charts; STARFIX, TRANSIT, GPS and automatic station keeping. It was a world of wealth to be soaked up by a curious surveyor. Ah yes, surveyor, a license to practice was granted about that time as well. The 1990s was a time in which the GPS went from something only a few had heard of to a tool for a few early adopters to a must-have in most surveyors’ arsenals. By the end of that decade technical developments from the Star-Wars strategic missile defense research had been put to use in LASER scanners that could collect point-clouds of millions of points in a few minutes and others were using it as airborne LiDAR rendering topographic products that rivaled good photogrammetry. GIS burst onto the scene in the 90s, expanding on the earlier promises of LIS and cadastral databases. The World-Wide-Web is also a child of the 1990s. Then there was the Y2K bug that threatened many computers and GPS devices and 2001 ushered in a new millennium. The 2000s were characterized by a maturing of those many new technologies. One of which I am most interested in the use of the Internet and GPS and ever more powerful computers to create a network of GPS reference stations, GULFnet, across our state. That decade was punctuated for us all by the aftermath of the unwelcome visits by two hurricanes named Katrina and Rita, creating the most devastating natural disaster in U.S. history. Surveyors and our tools played a critical if nearly invisible part in the recovery. We are now almost half way through the 2010s and technology continues to develop. Of course, it is how it is put to use that demonstrates whether it was used professionally or not. Professionalism – is, after all, what we of the Louisiana Society of Professional Surveyors are about. LSPS has played a crucial role in my professional career and I believe it has an equal role to play for any who embraces it. I had the good fortune to become active in LSPS and the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping, the National Society of Professional Surveyors and other groups within ACSM since the mid-1980s. I seriously doubt I would have been successful MAY 2014 trying to acquire a license without the educational benefits and camaraderie of LSPS & ACSM among their membership. I enjoyed the wisdom and mentoring of other members. My first experiences were in District 1 where I saw a hearty exchange of opinions and openness to one another I’ve used as a gauge for comparison when observing other groups. Later, I shared District 3 with some of the most adventurous earlyadopters and developers of new technology. I saw a respect for fundamentals (what we surveyors call “control”) even when or perhaps especially when using the most advanced of technologies… “Always have a check shot.” Most recently my time has been in District 6 which boasts a high activity on behalf of LSPS and surveying representing us on or testifying before government boards and political bodies. When I was an officer in District 3 we hosted the state convention. It was a time when we saw normal convention participation of 75-80. District 3 was determined to improve and darned if we didn’t exceed 100 that year. The growth trend continues. Today, if we were to have fewer than 200 we would be very disappointed. It was more than 15 years ago I joined the LSPS Board of Directors as district chairman. I’ve had the great honor of serving on the board ever since, the last 6 or so years as our delegate to the NSPS Board of Governors. I had big shoes to fill as governor. Those who preceded me served exceedingly well and made a fine reputation for us nationally. I have tried to live up to their example and continue the legacy. The last 3 years or so have been exciting, disruptive and proud times for NSPS. In that time NSPS has taken the reins as the national umbrella organization for surveying related fields of practice. It has stopped the financial bleeding that ACSM had become and presently has full participation agreements with all but about 3 or 4 states in the union. Our ability to represent the surveying professions has never been better. A few weeks ago I was sworn in as Vice President of NSPS, a position I could hardly have dreamed possible over 20 years ago when my surveying journey began. I submitted a letter of resignation as Louisiana NSPS Delegate to President Gipson effective immediately. I look forward excitedly to serving in my new role and working with whomever steps forward as our next Louisiana delegate to the NSPS Board of Governors. There aren’t words to express sufficiently the gratitude, loyalty and affection I feel toward you. Please keep me in your prayers and continue to keep me up-to-date; communicate the wants and needs of the surveying profession. It’s been good – Thank you. Tony Cavell, PLS CFedS 7 LSPS DISTRICT INFORMATION WHY ATTEND A DISTRICT MEETING? NETWORKING Who knows more about opportunities in surveying, than those active in it? EDUCATIONAL BENEFITS Want to stay on top of our profession? Most meetings offer opportunity for upgrading your experience through top speakers in our field. LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES It is not enough to just join a district. Take advantage of opportunities to get involved in committee work, serve some time as an officer, and help coordinate events. The more active you are, the more visible you become to other members. Leadership roles reflect well on you, and on the company that employs you. It proves they hired a winner! We would like to invite you to attend a District meeting in your area. Contact the LSPS office at [email protected] or the chairman in your area for details about upcoming meetings. District Contact info District 1 Robert Mora [email protected] District 2 Henry Schwartz [email protected] District 3 Ricardo Johnson [email protected] District 4 Ricky Wood [email protected] District 5 Wayne Acree [email protected] District 6 Stanley Ard [email protected] District 7 James Knapp [email protected] District 8 Albert Dean - contact Kyle Howard [email protected] District 9 Bruce Butler [email protected] FROM AROUND THE STATE... DISTRICT 1 REPORT - Robert Mora, PE, PLS, Chairman On January 15, 2014, District 1 held a meeting with guest speaker Brian Dashbach from Smartvent. Mr. Dashbach gave a presentation on the FEMA requirements pertaining to flood vents. He provided information on Smartvent products and explained how an engineered flood vent is certified. Gandolfo Kuhn graciously volunteered their office to host the meeting and provided refreshments. The meeting was well attended by our district members and included a spirited discussion on FEMA flood certificates. In addition to Mr. Dashbach’s presentation, a general meeting was held which covered the recent topics discussed at the state board meetings. These included the overhead power legislation, the CST certification, and the Spring Convention in Baton Rouge. District 1 hosted a Trig Star test at Mt. Caramel Academy in New Orleans. Travis Trosclair (Riverlands Surveying Company) administered the test while I took notes on how a Trig Star test is given. Rachel Douglass, a senior at Mr. Carmel Academy, scored highest on the test and highest in the State. Congratulations to Rachel, her teacher Debbie Guidry, and Mt. Carmel Academy. As I wrap up my first year as District 1 Chairman I reflect on how much I have learned over the course of the year. I am grateful for the hard work and help of the other district chairmen and state officers. I truly appreciate the opportunity MAY 2014 to give back to my profession and I look forward to our upcoming LSPS events. Contact Robert at [email protected] for upcoming meeting information. DISTRICT 2 REPORT - Henry Schwartz, PLS Chairman The new licensee reception was held March 19th at the Bayou Country Club. LSI Jeff Bourgeois was presented his certificate and a gift from LSPS by LAPELS member David Patterson. Contact Henry at henry@ for upcoming meeting information. DISTRICT 3 REPORT - Ricardo Johnson, PLS Chairman The new licensee reception was held March 25th and was attended by PLS Dustin Cain and LSI Jared Norman. Contact Ricardo at [email protected] for meeting information. 8 DISTRICT 4 REPORT - Ricky Wood, PLS Chairman DISTRICT 6 REPORT - Stanley Ard, PLS Chairman District 4 had a meeting on March 25, 2014 at Shane’s Seafood & BBQ in Bossier City. The main topic of discussion was how we could work with Louisiana Tech University to encourage additional interest in Land Surveying courses. This has been an ongoing discussion for North Louisiana for many years now. When there has been more interest, there weren’t enough teachers for the courses. As usual, money is a major issue for the university. They need enough students to be able to offer additional courses. Without enough interest, they can’t get enough students. We will continue working on this “Catch 22”. Also discussed was the progress of the “Gerald Fussell Scholarship”. We are continuing work on the application process and the follow-up process with the recipients of the scholarship. The ongoing “Surveyor Memorial” is a slow process trying to find the best location and how to maintain the area. This meeting was to finalize the positions of Chairman and Secretary/Treasurer. Mr. Travis Sturdivant was chosen, again, for the Secretary/Treasurer, and I was chosen to continue as Chairman. This year’s convention seemed to be a huge success. Everyone that I talked to really seemed to enjoy the layout and format of speakers. On that note, District 4 is up to the “Challenge” to make next year’s convention in Shreveport, as successful- if not more. Contact Ricky at ricky@polarisservices. net for meeting information. The District 6 wants to thanks all members that attended this year’s convention in Baton Rouge and helped make it a great success! Our next meeting is scheduled for June 19, 2014 at 7:00 pm. Social will begin at 6:00 pm at Drusilla Seafood (3482 Drusilla Ln, Baton Rouge, LA). Our speaker will be Mr. Stephen Estopinal, P.E., P.L.S. and the presentation is titled “War Stories”. We are looking forward to Mr. Steve’s talk that will be worth 1 pdh. Contact Stan at [email protected] for meeting information. DISTRICT 7 REPORT - James Knapp, PLS Chairman The new licensee reception was held March 11th at Ryan’s in Lake Charles. Incoming President Ralph Gipson attended the event. He enjoyed the time with members of District 7. DISTRICT 5 REPORT - Wayne Acree, PLS Chairman The District 5 meeting was held on February 20th at the Catfish Cabin, Monroe, Louisiana, with 17 members attending. New officers were elected as follows: Chairman - Wayne Acree, Vice Chairman - Tommy Semmes, and Secretary/Treasurer - Mike Duty. Gratitude and thanks were given to outgoing Chairman Noble Hatch for all he had contributed. Mr. Dean Baugh of Louisiana Delta Community College spoke to members on the possibilities of furthering the education of those employed in our profession. After a period of discussion the meeting was adjourned. LSI Ronald Riggin was recognized at a new licensee reception held March 13th at Catfish Cabin. Contact Wayne at [email protected] for meeting information. Contact James at [email protected] for meeting information. DISTRICT 8 REPORT - Albert Dean, PLS Chairman Contact Albert at (318) 729-3408 for meeting information. DISTRICT 9 REPORT - Bruce Butler, PLS Chairman Contact Bruce at [email protected] for meeting information. LAND SURVEYING SERVICES FOR: Construction Environmental Parks & Planning Utility Systems Transportation 3D Scanning Site Development Real Estate Services Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1751 Baton Rouge, LA 70821 Office Location: 5745 Essen Lane Baton Rouge, LA 70810 MAY 2014 Phone: 225-769-3400 E-mail: [email protected] 9 Mass Marketing Insurance Consultants, Inc. To obtain information of any of our health or other insurance products Call us Toll‐Free at 1‐800‐349‐1039 8:00 – 4:30 C.S.T. Or E‐Mail us at [email protected] One of your association benefits is the ability to obtain a free no-cost, no-obligation individual or group health insurance quote. PLEASE NOTE: Most health insurance plans renew in the 1st quarter of each year. If your health insurance plan is renewing, this is an excellent opportunity to obtain alternative health insurance quotes to compare to your renewal. MMIC has contracted nationally with a number of health insurance companies to provide a wide variety of benefits for your review. If you wish to obtain a health insurance quote to cover yourself and family, or a small group health insurance quote to cover employees, please go to our website: All health insurance quotes will be e-mailed to you within 48 hours. If you do not wish to obtain a health insurance quote or purchase health insurance, your association membership allows you to obtain a free discount pharmacy card providing savings of 10%-60%. Just click the free prescription discount card offer on the website. Should you have any questions, please call Mass Marketing Insurance Consultants, Inc. at the toll-free number or e-mail us. Ed Sterczek Mass Marketing Insurance Consultants, Inc. Surveying • Engineering • Environmental Services Surveying • Engineering • Environmental Services••GIS GIS Houston, TX Houston, TX (713) 219-1470 (713) 219-1470 San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX366-8799 (210) (210) 366-8799 MAY 2014 Locations: Locations: Corporate Office Corporate Office 283 Corporate Drive 283 Corporate Drive P.O. Box 3106 P.O. Box 3106 Houma, La 70360 Houma,(985) La 70360 879-2731 (985) 879-2731 Baton Rouge, LA Baton Rouge, LA (225) 766-5240 (225) 766-5240 Natchitoches, LA Natchitoches, LA (318) 352-5434 (318) 352-5434 10 WE APPRECIATE OUR SUSTAINING MEMBER FIRMS ALEXANDER & SANDERS INSURANCE 4610 Bluebonnet Blvd, Ste. A. Baton Rouge, LA 70809 (225) 295-2995 GILBERT KELLY & COUTURIE, INC. 2121 N. Causeway Blvd, Ste. 121 Metairie, LA 70001 (504) 836-2121 MORRISON SURVEYING, INC. 602 N. Cities Service Hwy. Sulphur, LA 70663 (337) 625-1050 C & C TECHNOLOGIES INC. 730 E. Kaliste Saloom Rd. Lafayette, LA 70508 (337) 261-0660 GULF COAST AERIAL MAPPING 4242 Harding Blvd. Baton Rouge, LA 70807 (225) 355-9722 NAVIGATION ELECTRONICS INC. 200 Toledo Dr. Lafayette, LA 70506 (337) 237-1413 CARDNO TBE 380 Park Place Blvd., Ste. 300 Clearwater, FL 33759 (727)531-3505 GULF INSTRUMENT SERVICE, INC. 101 Brookhollow Esplanade Harahan, La 70123 (504) 733-4853 NTB ASSOCIATES, INC. 12010 Lakeland Park Blvd., Ste. 101 Baton Rouge, LA 70809 (225) 751-4002 CH FENSTERMAKER & ASSOCIATES, INC. 135 Regency Square Lafayette, LA 70508 (337) 237-2200 HAAG & TRAMMELL INC. 200 Ridgelake Dr. Metairie, LA 70001 (504) 834-8392 PATIN ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS, INC. 4463 LA Hwy. 1 South, Ste. F Port Allen, La 70767 (225) 387-2167 CHUSTZ SURVEYING INC. 211 Richy St. New Roads, LA 70760 (225) 638-5949 HYDRO CONSULTANTS INC. 10275 Siegen Lane Baton Rouge, LA 70810 (225) 766-4422 PRECISION DATA SOLUTIONS 1323 Price Plaza Dr. Katy, TX 75002 (972)322-3055 CL JACK STELLY & ASSOCIATES, INC. PO Box 53353 Lafayette, LA 70505 (337) 237-0746 JOHN CHANCE LAND SURVEYS, INC. 200 Dulles Dr. Lafayette, LA 70506 (337) 237-1300 RICHARD C. SPIKES, INC PO Box 60189 Lafayette, LA 70596 (337) 237-0907 COCHRANE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. PO Box 81276 Lafayette, LA 70598 (337) 837-3334 JV BURKES & ASSOCIATES INC. 1805 Shortcut Hwy. Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 649-0075 R.W.KREBS, LLC PO Box 8641 Metairie, La 70011 (504) 889-9616 CONSTRUCTION SAFETY PRODUCTS 3295 Hwy 153 Castor, LA 71016 (318) 544-2488 COYLE ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. PO Box 6177 Bossier City, LA 71171 (318) 746-8987 DADING MARQUES & ASSOCIATES LLC PO Box 790 Metairie, LA 70004 (504) 834-0200 DENMON ENGINEERING CO., INC. PO Box 8460 Monroe, LA 71211 (318) 388-1422 LANDSOURCE INC. 6730 Exchequer Dr. Baton Rouge, LA 70809 (225) 752-0995 LAZENBY & ASSOCIATES INC. 2000 North 7th St. West Monroe, LA 71291 (318) 387-2710 LINFIELD, HUNTER & JUNIUS, INC. 3608 18th St., Ste. 200 Metairie, LA 70002 (504) 833-5300 MADER ENGINEERING INC. 3909 W. Congress, Ste. 101 Lafayette, LA 70506 (337) 989-8047 SE HUEY COMPANY 1111 No. 19th St. Monroe, LA 71201 (318) 325-1791 SJB GROUP LLC PO Box 1751 Baton Rouge, LA 70821 (225) 769-3400 SURV-KAP INC. PO Box 27367 Tucson, AZ 85726 (800) 445-5320 T. BAKER SMITH LLC PO Box 2266 Houma, LA 70361-2266 (985) 868-1050 DUFRENE SURVEYING & ENGINEERING PO Box 753 Harvey, LA 70059 (504) 368-6390 M.P. MAYEUX SURVEYING & BOUNDARY CONSULTING, LLC PO Box 61501 Lafayette, LA 70596 (337) 266-9500 TRIMBLE NAVIGATION LTD 10355 Westmoor Dr., Ste. 100 Westminster, CO 80021 (720) 587-4487 G360, LLC 9502 Main Street Zachary, LA 70791 (225) 570-8268 MEYER, MEYER, LACROIX & HIXSON, INC. PO Box 5444, Alexandria, LA 71307 (318) 448-0888 TURNER SURVEYS, LLC 15732 E. Hoffman Rd. Ponchatoula, LA 70454 (985) 386-2358 GEOSHACK 5200 Mitchelldale St., #E-14 Houston, TX 77092 (800) 533-3089 MORRIS P. HEBERT, INC. PO Box 3106 Houma, LA 70361 (985) 879-2731 WILLBROS ENGINEERS, LLC 8641 United Plaza Blvd. Baton Rouge, LA 70809 (225) 612-6124 MAY 2014 11 Louisiana Society of Professional Surveyors 9643 Brookline, Ste. 108 Baton Rouge, LA 70809-1488 NEI_LA_8_626x8_625_100813_press.pdf 1 10/9/13 10:19 PM We’ve got your back, every step of the way C M Y CM MY CY CMY K TRI MBL E S3 ROB OT Increase your bottom line? Challenge accepted. NEI has innovative customized solutions, products, advanced training & insights you need to stay on top of the surveying world. 0% $710 36 month lease or $22,885 0% 36 month lease for as little as $710 per month. (not including tax, with approved credit) WILLIAM POCHE [email protected] PHONE: 337.237.1413 NEI Bundles include: S3 Robotic Total Station TSC3 with Trimble Access Field Software & Accessory Kit 360 Passive Prism Target Batteries, Charger & Vehicle Adapter Package. Equipment Sales | Accessories | Field Supplies | Rentals | Service Support Training | Used Equipment | Custom Cases & Cables | Software Solutions VISIT OUR SITE B R ET T DE S H OT E L S [email protected] PHONE: 337.349.9605 C A L L U S TO L L F R E E 800.949.1446
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