Programming and Proving with Higher Inductive Types Dan Licata Wesleyan University Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Constructive Type Theory [Martin-Löf] Three senses of constructivity: 2 Constructive Type Theory [Martin-Löf] Three senses of constructivity: Non-affirmation of certain classical principles provides axiomatic freedom 2 Synthetic geometry Euclid’s postulates 1. To draw a straight line from any point to any point. 2. To produce a finite straight line continuously in a straight line. 3. To describe a circle with any center and distance. 4. That all right angles are equal to one another. 5. Given a line and a point not on it, there is exactly one line through the point that does not intersect the line 3 Synthetic geometry Cartesian Euclid’s postulates 1. To draw a straight line from any point to any point. 2. To produce a finite straight line continuously in a straight line. 3. To describe a circle with any center and distance. 4. That all right angles are equal to one another. 5. Given a line and a point not on it, there is exactly one line through the point that does not intersect the line 3 Synthetic geometry Cartesian Euclid’s postulates models 1. To draw a straight line from any point to any point. 2. To produce a finite straight line continuously in a straight line. 3. To describe a circle with any center and distance. 4. That all right angles are equal to one another. 5. Given a line and a point not on it, there is exactly one line through the point that does not intersect the line 3 Synthetic geometry Cartesian Euclid’s postulates models 1. To draw a straight line from any point to any point. 2. To produce a finite straight line continuously in a straight line. 3. To describe a circle with any center and distance. 4. That all right angles are equal to one another. 3 Synthetic geometry Cartesian Euclid’s postulates models 1. To draw a straight line from any point to any point. 2. To produce a finite straight line continuously in a straight line. 3. To describe a circle with any center and distance. 4. That all right angles are equal to one another. Spherical 3 Synthetic geometry Cartesian Euclid’s postulates models 1. To draw a straight line from any point to any point. 2. To produce a finite straight line continuously in a straight line. 3. To describe a circle with any center and distance. 4. That all right angles are equal to one another. 5. Two distinct lines meet at two antipodal points. Spherical 3 Synthetic mathematics Type theory 1.τ ::= b | τ1 → τ2 2.e ::= x | e1 e2 | λx.e 3.(λx.e)e2 = e[e2/x] 4 Synthetic mathematics Set-theoretic functions Type theory 1.τ ::= b | τ1 → τ2 2.e ::= x | e1 e2 | λx.e 3.(λx.e)e2 = e[e2/x] 4 Synthetic mathematics Set-theoretic functions Type theory 1.τ ::= b | τ1 → τ2 2.e ::= x | e1 e2 | λx.e 3.(λx.e)e2 = e[e2/x] Domain-theoretic functions 4 Synthetic mathematics Set-theoretic functions Type theory 1.τ ::= b | τ1 → τ2 2.e ::= x | e1 e2 | λx.e 3.(λx.e)e2 = e[e2/x] 4.Y(f) = f(Y(f)) Domain-theoretic functions 4 Constructive Type Theory Three senses of constructivity: 5 Constructive Type Theory Three senses of constructivity: Non-affirmation of certain classical principles provides axiomatic freedom 5 Constructive Type Theory Three senses of constructivity: Non-affirmation of certain classical principles provides axiomatic freedom Computational interpretation supports software verification and proof automation 5 Computational Interpretation There is an algorithm that, given a closed term e : bool, computes either an equality e = true, or an equality e = false. 6 Computational Interpretation There is an algorithm that, given a closed term e : bool, computes either an equality e = true, or an equality e = false. Requires functions with arbitrary domain/ range to be computable, but stating theorem for bool offers some flexibility 6 Computational Interpretation There is an algorithm that, given a closed term e : bool, computes either an equality e = true, or an equality e = false. Requires functions with arbitrary domain/ range to be computable, but stating theorem for bool offers some flexibility Basis for software verification and proof automation 6 Constructive Type Theory Three senses of constructivity: Non-affirmation of certain classical principles provides axiomatic freedom Computational interpretation supports software verification and proof automation 7 Constructive Type Theory Three senses of constructivity: Non-affirmation of certain classical principles provides axiomatic freedom Computational interpretation supports software verification and proof automation Props-as-types allows proof-relevant mathematics 7 Proof relevance x : A 8 Proof relevance x : A x =A y 8 equality type Proof relevance x : A p : x =A y 8 equality type Proof relevance x : A p : x =A y Any structure or property C can be transported along an equality 8 equality type Proof relevance x : A p : x =A y Any structure or property C can be transported along an equality transportC(p) : C(x) ! C(y) 8 equality type Proof relevance x : A p : x =A y Any structure or property C can be transported along an equality transportC(p) : C(x) ! C(y) 8 equality type Leibniz’s indiscernability of identicals Proof relevance x : A p : x =A y Any structure or property C can be transported along an equality transportC(p) : C(x) ! C(y) by a function: can it do real work? 8 equality type Leibniz’s indiscernability of identicals Proof relevance x : A p : x =A y 9 equality type Proof relevance x : A p : x =A y p1 =x=y p2 9 equality type Proof relevance x : A p : x =A y q : p1 =x=y p2 9 equality type Proof relevance x : A p : x =A y q : p1 =x=y p2 q1 =p1=p2 q2 9 equality type Proof relevance x : A p : x =A y q : p1 =x=y p2 r : q1 =p1=p2 q2 9 equality type Proof relevance x : A p : x =A y equality type q : p1 =x=y p2 r : q1 =p1=p2 q2 ... higher equalities radically expand the kind of math that can be done synthetically… 9 Homotopy Type Theory type theory category theory homotopy theory [Hofmann,Streicher,Awodey,Warren,Voevodsky Lumsdaine,Gambino,Garner,van den Berg] 10 Types as spaces α M N 11 Types as spaces type A is a space α M N 11 Types as spaces type A is a space α M N programs M:A are points 11 Types as spaces type A is a space α M programs M:A are points N proofs of equality α : M =A N are paths 11 Types as spaces type A is a space path operations α M programs M:A are points N proofs of equality α : M =A N are paths 11 Types as spaces type A is a space id M programs M:A are points path operations id α N proofs of equality α : M =A N are paths 11 : M = M (refl) Types as spaces type A is a space id M programs M:A are points α α -1 path operations id α-1 N proofs of equality α : M =A N are paths 11 : M = M (refl) : N = M (sym) Types as spaces type A is a space id M α α -1 path operations id : M = M (refl) α-1 : N = M (sym) β o α : M = P (trans) N β P programs M:A are points proofs of equality α : M =A N are paths 11 Homotopy Deformation of one path into another α β 12 Homotopy Deformation of one path into another α β 12 Homotopy Deformation of one path into another α β = 2-dimensional path between paths 12 Homotopy Deformation of one path into another α δ : α =x=y β β = 2-dimensional path between paths 12 Homotopy Deformation of one path into another α δ : α =x=y β β = 2-dimensional path between paths Then homotopies between homotopies …. 12 Types as spaces type A is a space id M α α -1 path operations id : M = M (refl) α-1 : N = M (sym) β o α : M = P (trans) N β P homotopies programs M:A are points ul : id o α =M=N α il : α-1 o α =M=M id proofs of equality α : M =A N are paths asc : γ o (β o α) =M=P (γ o β) o α 13 Homotopy Type Theory type theory category theory homotopy theory [Hofmann,Streicher,Awodey,Warren,Voevodsky Lumsdaine,Gambino,Garner,van den Berg] 14 Types as ∞-groupoids type A is an ∞-groupoid morphisms id : M = M (refl) α-1 : N = M (sym) β o α : M = P (trans) infinite-dimensional algebraic structure, with morphisms, morphisms between morphisms, ... morphisms between morphisms ul : id o α each level has a groupoid structure, and they interact =M=N α il : α-1 o α =M=M id asc : γ o (β o α) =M=P (γ o β) o α 15 Path induction Type of paths from a to somewhere is inductively generated by y2 p2 y1 p1 a p3 id y3 a 16 Path induction Type of paths from a to somewhere is inductively generated by y2 p2 y1 p1 a p3 id y3 a Fix a type A with element a:A. For a family of types C(y:A, p:a=y), to give an element of C(y,p) for all y and p:a=y, suffices to give an element of C(a,id) 16 Type theory is a synthetic theory of spaces/∞-groupoids 17 Homotopy Type Theory type theory new programs and types category theory homotopy theory 18 Univalence [Voevodsky] 19 Univalence [Voevodsky] Equivalence of types is a generalization to spaces of bijection of sets 19 Univalence [Voevodsky] Equivalence of types is a generalization to spaces of bijection of sets Univalence axiom: equality of types (A =Type B) is (equivalent to) equivalence of types (Equiv A B) 19 Univalence [Voevodsky] Equivalence of types is a generalization to spaces of bijection of sets Univalence axiom: equality of types (A =Type B) is (equivalent to) equivalence of types (Equiv A B) ∴ all structures/properties respect equivalence 19 Univalence [Voevodsky] Equivalence of types is a generalization to spaces of bijection of sets Univalence axiom: equality of types (A =Type B) is (equivalent to) equivalence of types (Equiv A B) ∴ all structures/properties respect equivalence Not by collapsing equivalence, but by exploiting proof-relevant equality: transport does real work 19 Higher inductive types [Bauer,Lumsdaine,Shulman,Warren] New way of forming types: Inductive type specified by generators not only for points (elements), but also for paths 20 Constructivity Non-affirmation of classical principles ✓ Computational interpretation ? Proof-relevant mathematics ✓ 21 Homotopy Type Theory type theory new possibilities for computerchecked proofs new programs and types category theory homotopy theory 22 Outline 1.Certified homotopy theory 2.Certified software 23 Outline 1.Certified homotopy theory 2.Certified software 24 Homotopy Theory A branch of topology, the study of spaces and continuous deformations [image from wikipedia] 25 Homotopy in HoTT π1(S1) = ℤ Freudenthal Van Kampen πk<n(Sn) = 0 πn(Sn) = ℤ Covering spaces Hopf fibration K(G,n) π2(S2) = ℤ Cohomology axioms π3(S2) = ℤ James Construction π4(S3) = ℤ? Whitehead for n-types Blakers-Massey [Brunerie, Finster, Hou, Licata, Lumsdaine, Shulman] 26 Homotopy in HoTT π1(S1) = ℤ Freudenthal Van Kampen πk<n(Sn) = 0 πn(Sn) = ℤ Covering spaces Hopf fibration K(G,n) π2(S2) = ℤ Cohomology axioms π3(S2) = ℤ James Construction π4(S3) = ℤ? Whitehead for n-types Blakers-Massey [Brunerie, Finster, Hou, Licata, Lumsdaine, Shulman] 26 Homotopy Groups Homotopy groups of a space X: π1(X) is fundamental group (group of loops) π2(X) is group of homotopies (2-dimensional loops) π3(X) is group of 3-dimensional loops … 27 Telling spaces apart =| 28 Telling spaces apart =| fundamental group is non-trivial (ℤ × ℤ) fundamental group is trivial 28 The Circle Circle S1 is a higher inductive type generated by loop base 29 The Circle Circle S1 is a higher inductive type generated by base : S1 loop : base = base 29 loop base The Circle Circle S1 is a higher inductive type generated by point base : S1 loop : base = base 29 loop base The Circle Circle S1 is a higher inductive type generated by point path base : S1 loop : base = base 29 loop base The Circle Circle S1 is a higher inductive type generated by point path base : S1 loop : base = base loop -1 id loop base Free type: equipped with structure id inv : loop o loop-1 = id loop-1 ... loop o loop 29 The Circle Circle recursion: function S1 ! X determined by base’ : X loop’ : base’ = base’ 30 loop base base’ loop’ The Circle Circle recursion: function S1 ! X determined by base’ : X loop’ : base’ = base’ loop base base’ loop’ Circle induction: To prove a predicate P for all points on the circle, suffices to prove P(base), continuously in the loop 30 Fundamental group of circle How many different loops are there on the circle, up to homotopy? 31 loop base Fundamental group of circle How many different loops are there on the circle, up to homotopy? id 31 loop base Fundamental group of circle How many different loops are there on the circle, up to homotopy? id loop 31 loop base Fundamental group of circle How many different loops are there on the circle, up to homotopy? id loop loop-1 31 loop base Fundamental group of circle How many different loops are there on the circle, up to homotopy? id loop loop-1 loop o loop 31 loop base Fundamental group of circle How many different loops are there on the circle, up to homotopy? id loop loop-1 loop o loop loop-1 o loop-1 31 loop base Fundamental group of circle How many different loops are there on the circle, up to homotopy? id loop loop-1 loop o loop loop-1 o loop-1 loop o loop-1 31 loop base Fundamental group of circle How many different loops are there on the circle, up to homotopy? id loop loop-1 loop o loop loop-1 o loop-1 loop o loop-1 = id 31 loop base Fundamental group of circle How many different loops are there on the circle, up to homotopy? 0 id loop loop-1 loop o loop loop-1 o loop-1 loop o loop-1 = id 31 loop base Fundamental group of circle How many different loops are there on the circle, up to homotopy? id 0 loop 1 loop-1 loop o loop loop-1 o loop-1 loop o loop-1 = id 31 loop base Fundamental group of circle How many different loops are there on the circle, up to homotopy? id 0 loop 1 loop-1 -1 loop o loop loop-1 o loop-1 loop o loop-1 = id 31 loop base Fundamental group of circle How many different loops are there on the circle, up to homotopy? id 0 loop 1 loop-1 -1 loop o loop 2 loop-1 o loop-1 loop o loop-1 = id 31 loop base Fundamental group of circle How many different loops are there on the circle, up to homotopy? id 0 loop 1 loop-1 -1 loop o loop 2 loop-1 o loop-1 -2 loop o loop-1 = id 31 loop base Fundamental group of circle How many different loops are there on the circle, up to homotopy? id 0 loop 1 loop-1 -1 loop o loop 2 loop-1 o loop-1 -2 loop o loop-1 0 = id 31 loop base Fundamental group of circle How many different loops are there on the circle, up to homotopy? id 0 loop 1 loop-1 -1 loop o loop 2 loop-1 o loop-1 -2 loop o loop-1 0 = id 31 loop base integers are “codes” for paths on the circle Fundamental group of circle Definition. Ω(S1) is the type of loops at base i.e. the type (base =S1 base) 32 Fundamental group of circle Definition. Ω(S1) is the type of loops at base i.e. the type (base =S1 base) Theorem. Ω(S1) is equivalent to ℤ, by a map that sends o to + 32 Fundamental group of circle Definition. Ω(S1) is the type of loops at base i.e. the type (base =S1 base) Theorem. Ω(S1) is equivalent to ℤ, by a map that sends o to + Corollary: Fundamental group of the circle is isomorphic to ℤ 32 Fundamental group of circle Definition. Ω(S1) is the type of loops at base i.e. the type (base =S1 base) Theorem. Ω(S1) is equivalent to ℤ, by a map that sends o to + Corollary: Fundamental group of the circle is isomorphic to ℤ 0-truncation (set of connected components) of Ω(S1) 32 Fundamental group of circle Theorem. Ω(S1) is equivalent to ℤ Proof (Shulman, L.): two mutually inverse functions wind : Ω(S1) ! ℤ loop- : ℤ ! Ω(S1) 33 Fundamental group of circle Theorem. Ω(S1) is equivalent to ℤ Proof (Shulman, L.): two mutually inverse functions wind : Ω(S1) ! ℤ loop- : ℤ ! Ω(S1) loop0 = id loop+n = loop o loop o … loop (n times) loop-n = loop-1 o loop-1 o … loop-1 (n times) 33 Universal Cover wind : Ω(S1) ! ℤ defined by lifting a loop to the cover, and giving the other endpoint of 0 34 Universal Cover wind : Ω(S1) ! ℤ defined by lifting a loop to the cover, and giving the other endpoint of 0 lifting is functorial 34 Universal Cover wind : Ω(S1) ! ℤ defined by lifting a loop to the cover, and giving the other endpoint of 0 lifting is functorial lifting loop adds 1 34 Universal Cover wind : Ω(S1) ! ℤ defined by lifting a loop to the cover, and giving the other endpoint of 0 lifting is functorial lifting loop adds 1 lifting loop-1 subtracts 1 34 Universal Cover wind : Ω(S1) ! ℤ defined by lifting a loop to the cover, and giving the other endpoint of 0 Example: wind(loop o loop-1) = 0 + 1 - 1 = 0 lifting is functorial lifting loop adds 1 lifting loop-1 subtracts 1 34 Universal Cover 35 Universal Cover Cover : S1 ! Type Cover(base) := ℤ Cover1(loop) := ua(successor) : ℤ = ℤ 35 Universal Cover defined by circle recursion Cover : S1 ! Type Cover(base) := ℤ Cover1(loop) := ua(successor) : ℤ = ℤ 35 Universal Cover defined by circle recursion Cover : S1 ! Type Cover(base) := ℤ Cover1(loop) := ua(successor) : ℤ = ℤ interpret loop as “add 1” bijection 35 Universal Cover defined by circle recursion Cover : S1 ! Type Cover(base) := ℤ Cover1(loop) := ua(successor) : ℤ = ℤ univalence 35 interpret loop as “add 1” bijection Winding number wind : Ω(S1) ! ℤ wind(p) = transportCover(p,0) 36 lift p to cover, starting at 0 Winding number wind : Ω(S1) ! ℤ wind(p) = transportCover(p,0) wind(loop-1 o loop) 36 lift p to cover, starting at 0 Winding number wind : Ω(S1) ! ℤ wind(p) = transportCover(p,0) wind(loop-1 o loop) = transportCover(loop-1 o loop, 0) 36 lift p to cover, starting at 0 Winding number wind : Ω(S1) ! ℤ wind(p) = transportCover(p,0) lift p to cover, starting at 0 wind(loop-1 o loop) = transportCover(loop-1 o loop, 0) = transportCover(loop-1, transportCover(loop,0)) 36 Winding number wind : Ω(S1) ! ℤ wind(p) = transportCover(p,0) lift p to cover, starting at 0 wind(loop-1 o loop) = transportCover(loop-1 o loop, 0) = transportCover(loop-1, transportCover(loop,0)) = transportCover(loop-1, 1) 36 Winding number wind : Ω(S1) ! ℤ wind(p) = transportCover(p,0) = = = = lift p to cover, starting at 0 wind(loop-1 o loop) transportCover(loop-1 o loop, 0) transportCover(loop-1, transportCover(loop,0)) transportCover(loop-1, 1) 0 36 Fundamental group of the circle The HoTT book Agda 37 n πn(S ) in HoTT n-dimensional sphere kth homotopy group [image from wikipedia] 38 n πn(S ) in HoTT n-dimensional sphere kth homotopy group [image from wikipedia] 38 n πn(S ) = ℤ for n≥1 Proof: Induction on n Base case: π1(S1) = ℤ Inductive step: πn+1(Sn+1) = πn(Sn) 39 n πn(S ) = ℤ for n≥1 Proof: Induction on n Base case: π1(S1) = ℤ Inductive step: πn+1(Sn+1) = πn(Sn) Key lemma: |Sn|n = |Ω(Sn+1)|n 39 n πn(S ) = ℤ for n≥1 Proof: Induction on n Base case: π1(S1) = ℤ Inductive step: πn+1(Sn+1) = πn(Sn) Key lemma: |Sn|n = |Ω(Sn+1)|n n-truncation: best approximation of a type such that all (n+1)-paths are equal 39 n πn(S ) = ℤ for n≥1 Proof: Induction on n Base case: π1(S1) = ℤ Inductive step: πn+1(Sn+1) = πn(Sn) Key lemma: |Sn|n = |Ω(Sn+1)|n n-truncation: best approximation of a type such that all (n+1)-paths are equal 39 higher inductive type generated by basen : Sn loopn : Ωn(Sn) n |S |n = n+1 |Ω(S )| n n-truncation of Sn is the type of “codes” for loops on Sn+1 40 n |S |n = n+1 |Ω(S )| n n-truncation of Sn is the type of “codes” for loops on Sn+1 Decode: promote n-dimensional loop on Sn to n+1-dimensional loop on Sn+1 40 n |S |n = n+1 |Ω(S )| n n-truncation of Sn is the type of “codes” for loops on Sn+1 Decode: promote n-dimensional loop on Sn to n+1-dimensional loop on Sn+1 Encode: define fibration Code(x:Sn+1) with Code(basen+1) := |Sn|n ∼ |Sn|n Code(loopn+1) := equivalence |Sn|n → “rotating by loopn” 40 2 π2(S ): Hopf fibration 41 Synthetic homotopy theory Gap between informal and formal proofs is small Proofs are constructive*: can run them Results apply in a variety of settings, from simplicial sets (hence topological spaces) to Quillen model categories and ∞-topoi* New type-theoretic proofs/methods *work in progress 42 43 Outline 1.Certified homotopy theory 2.Certified software 44 Patches Patch diff a b c a d c = Version control Collaborative editing 45 2c2 <b -->d a b c id a b c id a b c a b c a b c p a d c q a d e id a b c a b c qop a b c p a d c q a d e id a b c a b c p a b c a d c qop a b c p a d c q a d e id a b c a b c p a b c a d c !p qop a b c p a d c q a d e id a b c a b c p a b c !p undo/rollback qop a b c p a d c a d c q a d e Patches are paths id a b c a b c p a b c !p undo/rollback qop a b c p a d c a d c q a d e Merging p a b c q a b e a d c 47 Merging p a b c q a b e a d c q’ a d e 47 p’ Merging p=b d at 1 p a b c q q=c e at 2 a b e a d c q’ a d e 47 p’ Merging p=b d at 1 p a b c q q=c e at 2 a b e a d c q’ a d e 47 p’ p’=p q’=q Merging p=b d at 1 p a d c a b c q a b e = q’ a d e 47 q=c e at 2 p’ p’=p q’=q Merging merge : (p q : Patch) ! Σq’,p’:Patch. Maybe(q’ o p = p’ o q) 48 Merging merge : (p q : Patch) ! Σq’,p’:Patch. Maybe(q’ o p = p’ o q) Equational theory of patches = paths between paths 48 Basic Patches f i b r a f i a t i o b @ 2 b f a n b @ 2 49 i a Basic Patches “Repository” is a char vector of length n f i b r Basic patch is a i t i o n b @ i where i<n a f a b @ 2 b f a b @ 2 49 i a Patches as a HIT Repos:Type 50 Patches as a HIT Repos:Type doc[n] points describe repository contents 50 Patches as a HIT Repos:Type a b@i doc[n] points describe repository contents paths are patches 50 Patches as a HIT Repos:Type compressed a b@i doc[n] points describe repository contents paths are patches 50 Patches as a HIT Repos:Type compressed gzip points describe repository contents paths are patches 50 a b@i doc[n] Patches as a HIT Repos:Type compressed gzip points describe repository contents paths are patches 50 a b@i doc[n] Patches as a HIT Repos:Type compressed gzip a b@i doc[n] points describe repository contents doc[n] doc[n] doc[n] paths are patches doc[n] 50 Patches as a HIT Repos:Type compressed gzip points describe repository contents a b@i doc[n] a b@i doc[n] c d@j doc[n] doc[n] paths are patches c d@j a b@i doc[n] 50 Patches as a HIT Repos:Type compressed gzip points describe repository contents a b@i doc[n] a b@i doc[n] c d@j doc[n] doc[n] paths are patches c d@j paths between paths are equations between patches a b@i doc[n] 50 Patches as a HIT Repos:Type compressed gzip points describe repository contents a b@i doc[n] a b@i doc[n] c d@j doc[n] doc[n] paths are patches c d@j paths between paths are equations between patches a b@i doc[n] i≠j 50 Generators for HIT 51 Generators for HIT Repos : Type 51 Generators for HIT Repos : Type doc[n] : Repos compressed : Repos 51 Generators for HIT Repos : Type doc[n] : Repos compressed : Repos (a b@i) : doc[n] = doc[n] if a,b:Char, i<n gzip : doc[n] = compressed 51 Generators for HIT Repos : Type doc[n] : Repos compressed : Repos (a b@i) : doc[n] = doc[n] if a,b:Char, i<n gzip : doc[n] = compressed commute: (a b at i)o(c d at j) =(c d at j)o(a b at i) 51 if i ≠ j Type: Patch Type: Repos Elements: Points: Paths: doc[n] a b@i Equality: Paths between paths: (a b at i)o(c d at j)= commute : (a b at i)o(c d at j)= (c d at j)o(a b at i) ... id o p = p = p o id (c d at j)o(a b at i) po(qor) = (poq)or !p o p = id = p o !p p=p p=q if q=p p=r if p=q and q=r !p = !p’ if p = p’ p o q = p’ o q’ if p = p’ and q = q’ 52 Repos recursion To define a function Repos ! A it suffices to 53 Repos recursion To define a function Repos ! A it suffices to map the element generators of Repos to elements of A 53 Repos recursion To define a function Repos ! A it suffices to map the element generators of Repos to elements of A map the equality generators of Repos to equalities between the corresponding elements of A 53 Repos recursion To define a function Repos ! A it suffices to map the element generators of Repos to elements of A map the equality generators of Repos to equalities between the corresponding elements of A map the equality-between-equality generators to equalities between the corresponding equalities in A 53 Repos recursion To define a function Repos ! A it suffices to map the element generators of Repos to elements of A map the equality generators of Repos to equalities between the corresponding elements of A map the equality-between-equality generators to equalities between the corresponding equalities in A All functions on Repos respect patches All functions on patches respect patch equality 53 Interpreter Goal is to define: interp : doc[n] = doc[n] ! Bijection (Vec Char n) (Vec Char n) 54 Interpreter Goal is to define: interp : doc[n] = doc[n] ! Bijection (Vec Char n) (Vec Char n) interp(id) = (λx.x, …) interp(q o p) = (interp q) ob (interp p) interp(!p) = !b (interp p) interp(a b@i) = swapat a b i 54 Interpreter Goal is to define: interp : doc[n] = doc[n] ! Bijection (Vec Char n) (Vec Char n) interp(id) = (λx.x, …) interp(q o p) = (interp q) ob (interp p) interp(!p) = !b (interp p) interp(a b@i) = swapat a b i But only tool available is RepoDesc recursion: no direct recursion over paths 54 interp : doc[n]=doc[n] ! Bijection (Vec Char n) (Vec Char n) interp(a b at i) = swapat a b i Need to pick A and define I(doc[n]) := … : A I1(a b@i) := … : I(doc[n]) = I(doc[n]) I2(compose) := … 55 interp : doc[n]=doc[n] ! Bijection (Vec Char n) (Vec Char n) interp(a b at i) = swapat a b i Key idea: pick A = Type and define I(doc[n]) := … : Type I1(a b@i) := … : I(doc[n]) = I(doc[n]) I2(compose) := … 56 interp : doc[n]=doc[n] ! Bijection (Vec Char n) (Vec Char n) interp(a b at i) = swapat a b i Key idea: pick A = Type and define I(doc[n]) := Vec Char n : Type I1(a b@i) := … : I(doc[n]) = I(doc[n]) I2(compose) := … 57 interp : doc[n]=doc[n] ! Bijection (Vec Char n) (Vec Char n) interp(a b at i) = swapat a b i Key idea: pick A = Type and define I(doc[n]) := Vec Char n : Type I1(a b@i) := … : Vec Char n = Vec Char n I2(compose) := … 58 interp : doc[n]=doc[n] ! Bijection (Vec Char n) (Vec Char n) interp(a b at i) = swapat a b i Key idea: pick A = Type and define I(doc[n]) := Vec Char n : Type I1(a b@i) := ua(swapat a b i) : Vec Char n = Vec Char n I2(compose) := … 59 interp : doc[n]=doc[n] ! Bijection (Vec Char n) (Vec Char n) interp(a b at i) = swapat a b i Key idea: pick A = Type and define I(doc[n]) := Vec Char n : Type I1(a b@i) := ua(swapat a b i) : Vec Char n = Vec Char n I2(compose) := … univalence 59 interp : doc[n]=doc[n] ! Bijection (Vec Char n) (Vec Char n) interp(a b at i) = swapat a b i Key idea: pick A = Type and define I(doc[n]) := Vec Char n : Type I1(a b@i) := ua(swapat a b i) : Vec Char n = Vec Char n I2(compose) := <proof about swapat> 60 interp : doc[n]=doc[n] ! Bijection (Vec Char n) (Vec Char n) interp(p) = ua-1(I1(p)) Key idea: pick A = Type and define I(doc[n]) := Vec Char n : Type I1(a b@i) := ua(swapat a b i) : Vec Char n = Vec Char n I2(compose) := <proof about swapat> 61 interp : doc[n]=doc[n] ! Bijection (Vec Char n) (Vec Char n) interp(p) = ua-1(I1(p)) Satisfies the desired equations (as propositional equalities): interp(id) = (λx.x, …) interp(q o p) = (interp q) ob (interp p) interp(!p) = !b (interp p) interp(a b@i) = swapat a b i 62 Summary I : Repos ! Type interprets Repos as Types, patches as bijections, satisfying patch equalities Higher inductive elim. defines functions that respect equality: you specify what happens on the generators; homomorphically extended to id,o,!,... Univalence lets you give a computational model of equality proofs (here, patches); guaranteed to satisfy laws Shorter definition and code: 1 basic patch & 4 basic axioms of equality, instead of 4 patches & 14 equations 63 Operational semantics Can’t quite run these programs yet Some special cases known, some recent progress: Licata&Harper, ’12 Coquand&Barras, ’13 Shulman, ’13 Bezem&Coquand&Huber, ’13 64 Homotopy Type Theory type theory new certified programs and proofs new programs and types category theory homotopy theory 65 Reading list 1.The HoTT Book 2.Homotopy theory in Agda: Fundamental group of the circle [LICS’13] πn(Sn) = ℤ [proceedings] 3.Blog: 66
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