08 -2014 - Brain Networks and Neuronal Communica4on [Thilo Womelsdorf] Measures of Neuronal Synchronization and Brain Connectivity - An Introduction w w w. S c i e n t i f i c A m e r i c a n . c o m sad0410Insel4p.indd 45 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 45 2/17/10 5:42:09 PM Thilo Womelsdorf Centre for Vision Research, York University, Toronto attentionlab.ca 08 -2014 - Brain Networks and Neuronal Communica4on [Thilo Womelsdorf] Measures of Neuronal Synchronization and Brain Connectivity - An Introduction w w w. S c i e n t i f i c A m e r i c a n . c o m sad0410Insel4p.indd 45 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 45 2/17/10 5:42:09 PM With courtesy (for some material from Toolkits) to Dr. Jan Matthijs Schoffelen and Prof. Pascal Fries Overview and Examples: Frequency Specific Functional Connectivity Coherence and Spike-LFP Pairwise Phase consistency Basic Overview: Oscillations and Phase Differences al. ] ... some measures of Synchronization and Functional Connectivity Time Domain Frequency Domain Cross correlation Joint Peri-stimulus Time Histogram (JPSTH) Spike-Triggered JPSTH Coherence coefficient Phase lag index Phase synchronization Partial directed coherence Directed transfer function Phase locking value Imaginary part of coherency Pairwise phase consistency Phase slope index Frequency domain granger causality al. ] ... some measures of Synchronization and Functional Connectivity Time Domain Frequency Domain Cross correlation Joint Peri-stimulus Time Histogram (JPSTH) Spike-Triggered JPSTH Coherence coefficient Phase lag index Phase synchronization Partial directed coherence Directed transfer function Phase locking value Imaginary part of coherency Pairwise phase consistency Phase slope index Frequency domain granger causality ... some measures of Synchronization and Functional Connectivity Cross correlation Joint Peri-stimulus Time Histogram (JPSTH) Spike-Triggered JPSTH Spike Rate ion Po d ali rm No rm ali ze d Po sit sit ion Choice Behavior is based on fast changes of monosynaptic connectivity. No Po d ze ali rm No Spike Rate D ion sit Po d ze ali rm No Time (ms) C ion B Interneuron Cell 2 ze Pyramidal Cell 1 sit Time-Specific + Choice-Selective functional Connection on “choice left” trials Cross Corr. Cells 1-2 Events Time Domain Events al. ] FujisawaRate 2008 Nat Neurosci al. ] ... some measures of Synchronization and Functional Connectivity Time Domain Frequency Domain Cross correlation Joint Peri-stimulus Time Histogram (JPSTH) Spike-Triggered JPSTH Coherence coefficient Phase lag index Phase synchronization Partial directed coherence Directed transfer function Phase locking value Imaginary part of coherency Pairwise phase consistency Phase slope index Frequency domain granger causality ... Joint-Peri-Stimulus Histogram (JPSTH) analysis ‘counts’ the coincidences of spikes from two neurons at different rel. time lags: 100 STJH Conicidences A 0 10 Spike 3 Occurrences 0 in area B 2 1 -150 0 ounts B 3 2 150 -100 0 0 100 150 e Time rel. to mPFC (EC) Norm. Counts 150 -100 0 -100 Spike Occurrences 100 in area C 0 0 100 STJH Conicidences Cross Correlation of perirhinal-entorhinal cell pairs. if “Time 0” is stimulus onset, mPFC triggered STJH of thenPC-EC it is PSTH same cell pairs. 6 ... Spike-Triggered Joint Histogram (STJH) analysis “Paz, Bauer, Pare 2007 J Neurosci. Learning-Related Facilitation of Rhinal Interactions by Medial Prefrontal Inputs” 100 STJH Conicidences A 0 10 Spike 3 Occurrences 0 in area B 2 1 -150 0 ounts B 3 2 150 -100 0 0 100 150 e Time rel. to mPFC (EC) Norm. Counts 150 -100 0 -100 Spike Occurrences 100 in area C 0 0 100 STJH Conicidences Cross Correlation of perirhinal-entorhinal cell pairs. “Time 0” can also be the spike times of a mPFC triggered STJH of thirdPC-EC neuron same cell pairs. 6 Correlation of torhinal cell pairs. STJH Conicidences mPFC triggered STJH of same PC-EC cell pairs. ... Spike-Triggered Joint Histogram (STJH) analysis 100 1-100 0 ounts ime (msec.)B 3 -100 0 0 100 100 -100 Spike Time rel. to mPFC (PC) STJH Conicidences Conicidences Spike Time rel. to mPFC (EC) 100 3 0 2 100 6 medial PFC Spikes systematically10 precedes EC-PR synchrony 0 -100 0 0 -100 100 STJHs show more mPFC-HPC interactions 0 following onset of cue and reward 2 0 100 STJH Conicidences 100 A STJH e Time rel. to mPFC (EC) 0 100 Norm. Counts 0 medial PFC Spikes synchronize to 0 10 “Time(“join”) 0” candistant also be EC-PR synchronous -100 the spike times of aof Cross Correlation of mPFC triggered STJH assembly 0 third neuron perirhinal-entorhinal cell pairs. same PC-EC cell pairs. -100 0 100 6 mPFC triggered STJH of same PC-EC cell pairs. STJH Conicidences Correlation of torhinal cell pairs. 100 0 -100 0 -100 0 100 100 100 ime (msec.) 150 C before medialBPFC Spikes P [spk] 6 systematically area B0 B before precedes C EC-PR synchrony -150 0 0 -100 0 medial PFC Spikes synchronize to (“join”) distant EC-PR synchronous assembly 10 STJH Conicidences 0 Spike Time rel. to mPFC (EC) ... Spike-Triggered Joint Histogram (STJH) analysis 100 -100 0 100 Spike Time rel. to mPFC (PC) STJHs show more mPFC-HPC interactions following onset of cue and reward -150 0 P [spk] area 150 C ... Spike-Triggered Joint Histogram (STJH) analysis • allows to identify systematic sequences of spiking activity; A spiking precede B+C C A B A C B A B C e.g. Paz 2007 report: that spike relations to a conditioned stimulus followed 1a 2 1b P [spk] area B 4a 4b C B A P [spk] area C medial PFC -> Hippoc -> peri-rhinal B C A A spiking follows B+C 3 B A C al. ] ... some measures of Synchronization and Functional Connectivity Time Domain Frequency Domain Cross correlation Joint Peri-stimulus Time Histogram (JPSTH) Spike-Triggered JPSTH Coherence coefficient Phase lag index Phase synchronization Partial directed coherence Directed transfer function Phase locking value Imaginary part of coherency Pairwise phase consistency Phase slope index Frequency domain granger causality ... Coherence coefficient of source localized MEG power in humans (at the 2 Hz flicker frequency) • IFJ flexibly couples to those visual MEG Source Level - areas processing attended information. Baldauf & Desimone 2014 Science ... Coherence coefficient of Local Field Potentials in Prefrontal and Parietal Cortex during Working Memory (Monkey) working memory task: 12-22 Hz Coherence PFC - Parietal Coherence at 20 Hz codes for object identity Preferred Object Non-Preferred Object 0.2 0.6 1.0 Time (sec.) Salazar, Dutson, Bressler, Gray, 2012, Science 1.4 1.8 ... Coherence coefficient of Local Field Potentials in Prefrontal and Parietal Cortex during Working Memory (Monkey) Object Location 50 40 30 20 10 0 50 40 30 20 10 0 Salazar, Dutson, Bressler, Gray, 2012, Science Coherence Selectivity Index Object Identity Frequency [Hz] working memory task: Percent of sign. LFP-LFP Pairs 20Hz LFP beta with object information specifically coupled LIP - DLPFC ... 60 Coherence Location Selective Fronto-parietal Network Topography of Object Identity in lat. PFC - LIP working memory information Object Selective 40 20 Salazar, Dutson, Bressler, Gray, 2012, Science ... Coherence coefficient of spiketrains and the Local Field Potentials couple with high (cell-) specificity FEF and V4 during attention. Long-Range Gamma Coupling Gregoriou et al. 2012, Neuron al. ] ... some measures of Synchronization and Functional Connectivity Time Domain Frequency Domain Cross correlation Joint Peri-stimulus Time Histogram (JPSTH) Spike-Triggered JPSTH Coherence coefficient Phase lag index Phase synchronization Partial directed coherence Directed transfer function Phase locking value Imaginary part of coherency Pairwise phase consistency Phase slope index Frequency domain granger causality ... The Pairwise Phase Consistency of specific sets of spikes (e.g. bursts) with the the Local Field Potentials shows e.g. long range coupling during Attention states: Attention Cue e ncy Phase Consistency Spike-LFP Phase Consistency (PPC) Non-Burst Spikes Burst Spikes x 10 -4 16 Stimulus Baseline 8 0.06 Attentional State 12-25 Hz Example 0 5 10 20 30 50 70 Frequency (Hz) Color Baseline 90 Womelsdorf 2012 under revision 50-75 Hz al. ] ... some measures of Synchronization and Functional Connectivity Time Domain Frequency Domain Cross correlation Joint Peri-stimulus Time Histogram (JPSTH) Spike-Triggered JPSTH Coherence coefficient Phase lag index Phase synchronization Partial directed coherence Directed transfer function Phase locking value Imaginary part of coherency Pairwise phase consistency Phase slope index Frequency domain granger causality • 12-‐20 Hz Beta Synchrony signifies feedback-‐type interac4ons across visual cortex Bastos, Bosman, ... Fries, 2014 • Granger causal influence Bastos, Bosman, ... Fries, 2014 coincide with beta band coherence ... al. ] ... some measures of Synchronization and Functional Connectivity Time Domain Frequency Domain Cross correlation Joint Peri-stimulus Time Histogram (JPSTH) Spike-Triggered JPSTH Coherence coefficient Phase lag index Phase synchronization Partial directed coherence Directed transfer function Phase locking value Imaginary part of coherency Pairwise phase consistency Phase slope index Frequency domain granger causality Overview and Examples: Frequency Specific Functional Connectivity Coherence and Spike-LFP Pairwise Phase consistency Basic Overview: Oscillations and Phase Differences al. ] • What constitutes an oscillation What constitutes an oscillation? (recap) amplitude period phase t constitutes al. ] an oscillation? (the movie) constitutes an oscillation What• What constitutes an oscillation? (the movie) Amplitude and phi/Phase i!" x = Ae x= T=0 i! Ae " Vector Representation of the oscillation at T=0 al. ] To get to the concept of coherence, we first need the concept of a of a frequency component of the EEG/ME Tovector get of to representation the conceptwe of we first of coherence, coherence, weconcept first need need the concept concept of of To get to the concept coherence, first need the of the a vector representation of a frequency component of the EEG/MEG of a frequency component of concept the EEG/ME a vector representation frequency of EEG/MEG: To get to of thea concept of component coherence, wethe first need the of To get to the concept of coherence, we first need the concept of a vector representation of a frequency component of the EEG/MEG a vector of representation of a frequency To get to the concept coherence, we first need thecomponent concept of of the EEG/MEG a vector representation of a frequency component of the EEG/MEG: ... examples showing the vector representation of phases of oscillations, relative to T=0 T=0 al. ] Biological signals contain many frequency components and can be decomposed into those components: “Time domain” “Time domain” “Frequency domain” “Frequency domain” Frequency Domain cosine component (x-component of the vector) 0 “Frequency domain” 0 0 0 0 sinus component (y-component of the vector) “Time domain” cosine component cosine component (x-component of the vector) (x-component of the vector) Time Domain sinus componentsinus component of the vector) (y-component of (y-component the vector) al. ] nyq Frequency Frequency 0 COSINE = x-component of vector Frequency nyq Sinus = y-component of vector nyq 0 0 nyq Frequency Frequency nyq 0 Frequency nyq al. ] COSINE = x-component of vector 0 0 sinus component (y-component of the vector) frequency domain for all frequencies of the spectrum Frequency nyq Sinus = y-component of vector 0 Frequency nyq Power cosine component (x-component of the vector) The power spectrum gives simply the length of the vector inThe the power frequency domain spectrum gives simply for all frequencies of the the spectrum length of the vector in the 0 0 Frequency nyq al. ] • The difference is at the core to understand the s look at Phase the phase difference relation of two oscillations: rence is clustered: x1 = A1ei!1 Phasephase Signal signal 1 1 Phase Difference phase difference phase signal 2 Phase Signal 2 x2 = A2ei!2 * i(!1-!2) Let’s look at the phase difference al. ] • The difference is at the corei!to understand the s look at Phase the phase difference 1 x =A e relation of two oscillations:1 x1 = A1 1 phase signal 1 ei!1 phase difference Phase Phase Signal Difference 1 phase signal 1 ... via conj.phase multiplication signal 2 of complex numbers, i.e. angle of the phase difference i!2 cross spectrum : x2 = A2e Phase difference is clustered: High synchrony rence is clustered: signal 2i(!1-!2) * = "A x1xphase # 2 1A2e Phase Signal 2 x2 = A2ei!2 * i(!1-!2) al. ] • “Conjugate multiplication” in the frequency domain is the same as convolution in the time domain. Convolution in the time domain is the same as “Conjugate multiplication” in the frequency domain Phase differences: Convolution Conjugate multiplication al. ] • “Conjugate multiplication” in the frequency domain is the same as convolution in the time domain. Convolution in the time domain is the same as “Conjugate multiplication” in the frequency domain Phase differences: Convolution Conjugate multiplication al. ] Measures of connectivity: coherence (the math view) • Quantifying Connectivity as Coherence - (the Measures of connectivity: Coheren ce is compute dcoherence from the cross-spe ctralmath density, view) which is obtained conjugate multiplica based on thebyConsistency ofcross-spectral Phases the cross spectral tion of theusing frequenc y domain representation of the Coherence is computed from the density, which is obtained signals density: by conjugate multiplication of the frequency domain x x *=A ei!1 representation ! A e-i!2 = of the i(!1-!2) signals 1 2 1 2 A1A2e i!1 ! A e-i!2 = A A ei(!1-!2) x1single x2* trial = Across-spe e ctral 1 2 density 1 2 single trial cross-spectral density sum and normalis sum and normalise ... with consistent phase relations across observations (e.g. trials), the coherence is high al. ] Measures of connectivity: coherence (the math view) • Quantifying Connectivity as Coherence - (the Measures of connectivity: Coheren ce is compute dcoherence from the cross-spe ctralmath density, view) which is obtained conjugate multiplica based on thebyConsistency ofcross-spectral Phases the cross spectral tion of theusing frequenc y domain representation of the Coherence is computed from the density, which is obtained signals density: by conjugate multiplication of the frequency domain x x *=A ei!1 representation ! A e-i!2 = of the i(!1-!2) signals 1 2 1 2 A1A2e i!1 ! A e-i!2 = A A ei(!1-!2) x1single x2* trial = Across-spe e ctral 1 2 density 1 2 single trial cross-spectral density sum and normalis sum and normalise al. ] • Quantifying Connectivity as Coherence ... the math view on it: Normalize cross spectra by auto (power) spectra. Measures of connectivity: coherence & co Coherence PLV = = 1/N !A1A2ei("1-"2) (1/N !A12)(1/N !A22) 1/N !1x1xei("1-"2) (1/N !12)(1/N !12) = !ei("1-"2) N • The phase locking value (PLV) ignores oscillation amplitudes completely and normalizes only by number of observations al. ] • Quantifying Connectivity as Coherence ... the math view on it: Normalize cross spectra by autospectra. Measures of connectivity: coherence & of coconnectivity: coherence & co Measures Coherence = 1/N !A1A2 Coherency i(" 1e "2 ) 1/N !A1A2ei("1-"2) = (1/N !A12)(1/N !A22) (1/N !A12)(1/N !A22) Imaginary part of coherency PLV = 1/N !1x1xei("1-"2) (1/N !12)(1/N !12) = !ei("1-"2) N • The phase locking value (PLV) ignores oscillation amplitudes completely and normalizes only by number of observations = Ce al. ] 1/N !A1A2ei("1-"2) i#"$ = Ce • Using phase differences between oscillations (1/N !A12)(1/N !A22) to identify time delays. Slope of the ive phase spectrum indicates time• The delay phase spectrum indicates time relation Schoffelen, Oostenveld, Fries, 2005 al. ] 1/N !A1A2ei("1-"2) i#"$ = Ce • Using phase differences between oscillations (1/N !A12)(1/N !A22) to identify time delays. Slope of the ive phase spectrum indicates time• The delay phase spectrum indicates time relation • The Sign of the phase spectrum indicates which oscillation is leading in the cycle. Schoffelen, Oostenveld, Fries, 2005 This is suggestive of a direction of information flow Overview and Examples: Frequency Specific Functional Connectivity Coherence and Spike-LFP Pairwise Phase consistency Basic Overview: Oscillations and Phase Differences • Analysis of Spike-LFP phase locking, using the pairwise phase consistency PPC Vinck, M., van Wingerden, M., Womelsdorf, T., Fries, P., and Pennartz, C.M. (2010). The pairwise phase consistency: A bias-free measure of rhythmic neuronal synchronization. Neuroimage 51, 112-122. Vinck, M., Battaglia, F.P., Womelsdorf, T., and Pennartz, C. (2012). Improved measures of phase-coupling between spikes and the Local Field Potential. Journal of computational neuroscience 33, 53-75. • Analysis of Spike-LFP phase locking • Advantage spike-LFP measures • No volume-conduction problem (as opposed to LFP-LFP) • Characteristics of unit (firing rate correlate, cell-type) can be considered • ‘Good’ Sensitivity > LFP picks up structured rhythmic activity well > unit-unit measures require coincident firing in time domain. • Disadvantage spike-LFP measures • Difficult to infer correlations between neurons. • Coincident firing can be gauged from spike-LFP phases though. Pairwise-phase-consistency (PPC) Vinck, M., van Wingerden, M., Womelsdorf, T., Fries, P., and Pennartz, C.M.A. (2010).NeuroImage 51, 112–122. θ1 θ2 θ3 θ4 LFP filtered LFP Spikes θ5 θ6 θ7 θ8 θ9 θ10 al. ] • Quantifying consistency single spike phases m=1 LFP Windows Spike phases m=2 M Trials Time al. ] • PPC d13 = 45° (phase difference of θ1 and θ3), θ1,2,3,4 Relative phases between two different signals (spike-to-LFP) at a particular frequency. Six unit pairwise phase differences (f1,2 , f1,3 , f1,4, f2,3...) [1/ 2xNx(N − 1)]. f1,3 = cos(d13) = dot product of θ1 and θ3 f3,4 = cos(d34) = 0 • red dashed: a negative dot product, i.e., an angular distance greater than 90 ... more consistent phases equal smaller pairwise phase differences, equal higher PPC. al. ] • Interpretation of PPC • PPC is essentially a squared quantity. It relates to resultant length by R^2 • PPC allows direct estimation of Effect Size (Strength of Phase Modulation) Peak-to-through modulation ~ (1 + 2*sqrt(PPC))/(1-2*sqrt (PPC)) e.g., PPC = 0.01 > 1.2/0.8 = 1.5 more spikes on peak than through. al. ] Lines are diff. phase concentration distributions • The phase locking value (i.e. the resultant length) as measure of phase coherence is biased by the number of observations: al. ] • PPC is unbiased, but variance is high for few number of spikes. PPC can become negative then. - Solutions: 1) Set minimum number of spikes to e.g. 50 2) Weight the contribution of a cell by its number of spikes. al. ] • Weighting the PPC by spike count needs to be done carefully: Neurons with different properties may have different firing rates • Interneurons / Pyramidal cells • Activate / Non-active neurons The average is then dominated by a sub-class of cells Possible solutions • Identify a homogeneous set of cells (based on waveform and tuning). • Explicitly correlate PPC with firing rate. Overview and Examples: Frequency Specific Functional Connectivity Coherence and Spike-LFP Pairwise Phase consistency Basic Overview: Oscillations and Phase Differences al. ] • Scientific Amercian 2010 • Scientific American 2010 It is the connection, not the population within an area that is implicated as cause. N CIRCUIT] Depression sufferers have low energy and mood, and their reaction times and memory formation are inhi though normal brain activity levels are suppressed. Yet common symptoms, such as anxiety and sleep dis suggest certain brain areas are overactive. Imaging of the brain regions most disrupted in depression poin source of such imbalances as a tiny brain structure called area 25, which acts as a hub for a depression cir Depression sufferersdirectly have lowtoenergy and mood, theiramygdala, reaction times and memory formation areanxiety, inhibited,and as the hypothala connects structures suchand as the which mediates fear and though normal brain activity levels are suppressed. common symptoms, such as anxiety and sleep disturbances, in stress responses. Those regions, inYet turn, exchange signals with the hippocampus, a center of memory p suggest and certain brain areas are overactive. Imaging of the brain regions most disrupted in depression points to normal the the insula, where sensory perceptions and emotions are processed. A smaller than area 25 (re source of such imbalances as a tiny brain structure called area 25, which acts as a hub for a depression circuit. Area 25 suspected of contributing to a higher risk of depression in people with a gene variant that inhibits seroton ERNOR OF MOOD • Major Depression is linked to alterations of a “hub brain areas” (area 25) and its strongest connected brain regions (Amygdala, Prefrontal Cortex, Insula). connects directly to structures such as the amygdala, which mediates fear and anxiety, and the hypothalamus, involved in stress responses. Those regions, in turn, exchange signals with the hippocampus, a center of memory processing, and the insula, where sensory perceptions and emotions are processed. A smaller than normal area 25 (red in inset) is suspected of contributing to a higher risk of depression in people with a gene variant that inhibits serotonin processing. [DEPRESSION CIRCUIT] GOVERNOR OF MOOD Depression sufferers have low energy and mood, and their reaction times and memory formation are inhibited, as though normal brain activity levels are suppressed. Yet common symptoms, such as anxiety and sleep disturbances, suggest certain brain areas are overactive. Imaging of the brain regions most disrupted in depression points to the Prefrontal cortex source of such imbalances as a tiny brain structure called area 25, which acts as a hub for a depression circuit. Area 25 connects directly to structures such as the amygdala, which mediates fear and anxiety, and the hypothalamus, involved in stress responses. Those regions, in turn, exchange signals with the hippocampus, a center of memory processing, and the insula, where sensory perceptions and emotions are processed. A smaller than normal area 25 (red in inset) is Prefrontal cortex suspected of contributing to a higher risk of depression in people with a gene variant that inhibits serotonin processing. Prefrontal cortex Insula Insula Hypothalamus Hypothalamus Hypothalamus Area 25 Simplified depression circuit Simplified depression circuit Area 25 Hippocampus Area 25 Amygdala Depression offers perhaps the best example of the rapid progress being made in understanding the biology of mental illness. Major depressive disorder, the official diagnostic term for depression, affects 16 percent of all Americans, poten- man neurologist, Korbinian Brodmann, who asAmygdala signed numbers to various regions ofAmygdala the cortex in his classic 1909 atlas of the human brain. For the past 100 years this hard-to-reach region, which sits deep in the midline at the front of the brain, has garnered little attention. But over the TE-AMYGDALA , Stuck in Overdrive? Hippocampus KEITH BROFSKY Getty Images (photograph); COURTESY OF BEN J. HARRISON Mel University of Melbourne and Institut D’alta Tecnologia-PRBB, CRC Corporació Sanit PRECISION GRAPHICS (illustration) NSTANT PROD subjects, the activity of area 25 was functionally uncoupled from that of subcortical brain regions, such as the amygdala. As a result of this study and others, neuroscientists now think of depression as a circuitry disorder involving abnormal activity in area 25 that disrupts its vast connected network, including the hypothalamus and brain stem, which influence changes in appetite, sleep and energy; the amygdala and insula, which affect anxiety and mood; the hippocampus, which is critical to memory processing and attention; and parts of the frontal cortex, which mediate insight and self-esteem. The brain, after all, is an information-pro- If this conception is correct, resetting the firing of area 25 should moderate each of these downstream centers, thereby lessening the symptoms of depression. Indeed, Mayberg has demonstrated that direct electrical stimulation near area 25 reduces the activity of this node and can lead to recovery in people with depression who did not respond to standard therapies. If area 25 can cause the brain, like a computer, to get stuck in a loop of abnormal activity, then the goal of treatment might be akin to “rebooting” a computer that has become frozen. The same principle can be applied to other mental disorders, particularly OCD, which appears even to a casual observer as though the suf- People with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) liken their intrusive thoughts and powerful urges to perfo action repeatedly to uncontrollable tics. A connection does exist: involuntary movements such as those seen Huntington’s disease originate in the basal ganglia, a group of structures involved in initiating and coordina basic motor actions. The caudate nucleus of the basal ganglia is also part of the brain circuit that drives OCD with the orbitofrontal cortex, a region critical to decision making and moral judgment, and the thalamus, wh relays and integrates sensory information. In OCD sufferers (left inset), overactivity is evident in parts of the cortex and basal ganglia, and firing of those regions is more synchronized than in normal subjects (right inse • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is linked to alterations of basal ganglia - to - motor cortex circuit ‘loops’, and the orbitofrontal cortex. [OCD CIRCUIT] A CONSTANT PROD People with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) liken their intrusive thoughts and powerful urges to perform an Huntington’s circuit action repeatedly to uncontrollable tics. A connection does exist: involuntary movements such as those seen in Huntington’s disease originate in the basal ganglia, a group of structures involved in initiating and coordinating basic motor actions. The caudate nucleus of the basal ganglia is also part of the brain circuit that drives OCD, along with the orbitofrontal cortex, a region critical to decision making and moral judgment, and the thalamus, which relays and integrates sensory information.cortex In OCD sufferers (left inset), overactivity is evident in parts of the frontal Prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia, and firing of those regions is more synchronized than in normal subjects (right inset). Huntington’s circuit Motor cortex Prefrontal cortex Caudate nucleus Basal ganglia (blue) Caudate nucleus OCD circuit Thalamus OCD circuit Orbitofrontal cortex Orbitofrontal cortex w w w. S c i e n t i f i c A m e r i c a n . c o m sad0410Insel4p.indd 47 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 47 2/17/10 5:42:40 PM Motor co Ba actual by tics as well as obsessive thoughts. Most necting the orbitofrontal cortex from the caupsychic conflict, and ideal for treatment by dramatically in Huntington’s disease reflect ab- become frozen. psychoanalysis. People with OCD suffer from normal activity in this circuit, usually originatintrusive, repetitive thoughts (obsessions) and ing in the basal ganglia. Neuroimaging studies may be impaired by the need to perform stereo- of patients with OCD have discovered abnormal typic, repetitive rituals (compulsions). Some peo- activity in an adjacent loop that includes the orple may feel they are contaminated and will wash bitofrontal cortex, which is involved in complex repetitively, to the point of abrading their skin. tasks such as decision making, the ventral cauOthers have a nagging sense of having failed to date nucleus within the basal ganglia, and the In post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), cues that evoke a traumatic experience induce fear reactions long after the carry out some responsibility and will need to thalamus, which relays and integrates sensory information. check the stove or the or thestructure doorknobs called event. Malfunctioning offaucets a brain the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) is thought to increase Evidence for overactivity in this circuit in repeatedly before leaving the house. While peovulnerability tothisthe condition modulates the amygdala, driver of fear and anxiety. Normally recovery after OCD comes from more than justaneuroimaging ple with condition generallybecause realize that it their research. Most people with OCD report prothoughts are senseless, they cannot control either trauma, known as extinction, replaces a fear response with a neutral oneathrough a learning process that engages the the obsessions or compulsions, and in severe cas- found reduction in symptoms with treatment, hippocampus andbecome the dorsolateral prefrontalwhether cortex. The therapy vmPFCor ismedication, believedandto serve as the critical link between the behavior es they may completely disabled. this symptom improvement consistently goes the amygdala. Patients with OCD often describe their sympdorsolateral PFC and the amygdala, allowing such extinction learning to quiet toms as “mental tics,” as though they were phys- along with a decrease in orbitofrontal cortical ical movements that are not under voluntary activity. In patients who do not respond to medcontrol. Indeed, many people with OCD have ication or behavior therapy, actually disconactual tics as well as obsessive thoughts. Most necting the orbitofrontal cortex from the cauDAVID LEESON Dallas Morning News/Corbis Sygma (photograph); PRECISION GRAPHICS (illustration) T] ETUATOR OF FEAR • Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) involves (uncontrollable) fear memories. PTSD is associated with overactive amygdala and ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), and altered activation of dorsolateral PFC. [PTSD CIRCUIT] PERPETUATOR OF FEAR Prefrontal cortex In post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), cues that evoke a traumatic experience induce fear reactions long after the event. Malfunctioning of a brain structure called the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) is thought to increase vulnerability to the condition because it modulates the amygdala, a driver of fear and anxiety. Normally recovery after trauma, known as extinction, replaces a fear response with a neutral one through a learning process that engages the Dorsolateral hippocampus and thePFC dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. The vmPFC is believed to serve as the critical link between the dorsolateral PFC and the amygdala, allowing such extinction learning to quiet the amygdala. Prefrontal cortex PTSD circuit Dorsolateral PFC Hippocampus PTSD circuit Hippocampus vmPFC vmPFC Amygdala Amygdala 48 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN A p r i l 2 0 10 • The organization of brain networks is investigated with methods from “network theory”. Network theory distinguishes two core elements of the brain: 1. Nodes (e.g. brain areas) 2. Edges (connections) • Connectivity Measures • The organization of brain networks is investigated with methods from “network theory”. Network theory distinguishes two core elements of the brain: 1. Nodes (e.g. brain areas) 2. Edges (connections) • Edges (Connections) • In brain networks, edges (connections) are variously taken as: 1. Anatomical connections 2. Effective connections 3. Functional connections • There are different ways how brain areas can connect in the brain. Brain areas could be connected like a lattice, i.e. highly regular. When each node in the network has only 2 neighbours, few connections are needed, i.e. wiring costs are low. But the information flow would be rather inefficient. There is no global integration ! Lattice like Topology • There are different ways how brain areas can connect in the brain. Brain areas could also be connected randomly, i.e. highly irregular. Random connectivity would be good for global integration. But here, many and many long connections exist which is extremely costly. Random Topology • Few connections needed, i.e. the wiring costs are low. • But: lack of global integrations, i.e. information flow is very inefficient. • Many and long connections in a random network. This is excellent for global integration where each area can speak to each other brain area quickly. • But: many long connections are “expensive” as it takes much energy to build and sustain connections. • The best trade-off between cost and efficiency of wiring between brain areas is to have some “modules” with lattice like connections, and few longer distance connections. • These principles are realized in the human (and other species’s) brains. Conclusion: “Brain networks can be said to negotiate an economical trade-off between minimizing physical connection cost and maximizing topological value” • The “complex organization” of brain areas achieves a balance between functionally highly specialized and efficient computations AND an integration of different, highly specialized processes. These two aspects are illustrated here: Brain area Functional segregation (within red circles) allows for efficient, specialized computations Functional integration (via blue edges) ensures that special computations are integrated Functional segregation in communities Functional integration via hubs ... this scheme is strongly supported by network analysis of the human brain. Network (Graph) Theory quantifies segregation and integration, e.g. as “communities” (reflecting segregated processing) or “hubs” (for integration)
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