N CANC: 」AN D■ RATHNOTE 6■ ■5 ■2 SEP 1 0 2014 DIRECTOR OF ATHLETICS NOTICE 6■ ■2 Subj: BRIGADE NIAKEUP PHYSICAL FINESS ASSESSMENT FALL 20■ Ref: (a)DIRATHINST 6■ ■0 2 Midshipmen Physica■ Fitness Assessment Procedures (b)COMDTMIDNINST ■020 3B Midshipmen Uniform Regu■ ations 5 1. Purpose. To provide standardization for the Brigade Makeup Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA). direct.ed and supported by tshe Physical- Education Department (PE Dept.), for the FaI1 semesEer, Academic Year 2015. 2. Location. The Brigade Makeup PRT will commence at 0700 on tne Hafsey field House Turf Fietd. Companies will- arrive in t.he desj-gnatsed groups of ten Companies and begin the PRT in 20minute increments. Al-f PRT part.icipants are asked to arrive at check in (in the entryway to Ha1sey Field House) at least 10 ninutes prior to their start time. PRT Schedul-e is as follows: PRT ` ` Heat″ Time 0700 0720 0740 Company O■ ―■0 ■■-20 2■ -30 Participants. a. Only Midshipmen taking the PRT for a grade shal-lparticipate in the PRT. Mi.dshipmen who have already taken a PRT for a grade cannot t.ake a second PRT for an improved grade. Once a part.icipant begins tshe PRT, that PRT will- be graded and al-l- events mus! be completed regardless of passing or failing an event of the PRT. ☆ DIRATHNOTE 6■ ■2 SEP i 0 2014 b. Al-l- Company Officers shafL ensure that al-L PRT participants have compl-eted an officiaf Body Composition Assessment (BCA) durinq the officiaL BCA period of 10-77 September 2074. Company Officers are responsibfe for ensuring BCA data r.s entered lnto MIDS no l-ater than cl-ose of business 17 September. Company Officers sha11 ensure that all Midshipmen not eligible to take the PRT due to their BCA status (exceed 22? male/l:? female body fat standards) are not participating j-n the PRT in accordance with reference (a). 4. Uniform and Conduct. a. ALL Midshipmen are responsible for upholding proper Midshipmen conduct, uniform, and grooming sLandards. Tf found outside of standards at any point during the PRT, PRT Staff are authorized to send the Midshipmen back to Bancroft Ha11 without taking/completing the PRT. These Midshipmen will be forwarded to the Commandant's Staff for conduct action. b. In accordance with reference (b), regulation PE gear is defined as 'B1ue Rim' t-shirt, USNA mesh shorts, and white or black gym socks. Only 'Five finger' type shoes are a1lowed to be worn without socks. A11 other tennis shoes will be worn with socks. Standard issue USNA cold weather attire may be worn over top for the run, if necessary. During the strength events, sweat shirts, sweat pants and bulky outerwear wil-l be removed and USNA 'B1ue Rim' and mesh shorts will be the outermost Iayer. B1ack, White, or Navy BIue long-sleeve undergarments may be worn under regulation PE gear. c. A11 Midshipmen must arrive to check in with their blue chip timing system strap, blue chip and their military ID. Chips must be strapped to the left wrist, facing outward, simj-lar to a standard wrist. watch. They must wear their strap and chip throughout the entire evolution. Midshipmen who do not arrive with their ID, blue chip, and strap or who are found to be without their chip at any point during the PRT will be sent back to Bancroft HaII without taking/completing the PRT. They may be forwarded to the CommandanL's Staff for conduct action. d. Midshipmen who fail to arrive at their scheduled time without prior authorizatj-on from the PE Marking Officer or a valid excuse will be considered an unauthorj-zed absence, will not be allowed to take the PRT and will be forwarded to the Commandant's Staff for conduct action. 2 DIRATHNOTE 6■ ■2 SEP i 0 20i4 5. Even! Sequence. a. Check in (entr1'way to Hafsey Fiel-d House) . All- PRT part.icipants must check in and complet.e the PRT with t.heir respectj-ve companies unless previously authorized by the PE Marking office. PRT part.icipants shall arrive at check in 10 minut.es prior to t.heir PRT start time. Participant.s arriving earl-ier shall- sEandby ouEside Halsey Field House, not interfering with participants actively taking the PRT. When called by company by the PE Dept. representative, all Midshipmen wil-l check in for the PRT. once checked in, participants will stand by unEil directed by a PE Dept. representative to enter Midshipmen wil-l- not interfere with the warm up, t.he turf field. st.rengt.h, or run portion of t.he PRT upon arrival . b. Warm up (Halsey Field House Turf Fiel-d) . A PE Dept. representative will l-ead all PRT participant.s in a five minute dynamic \4'arm-up. Upon completion, all participanCs will be given the PRT brief, going over proper form and rules. Nonparticipants shaLl not interfere with participanEs act.ively taking t.he PRT. They will remain off of Hal-sey Field House Turf Field, either in the bleachers or outside the curtain line. Midshipmen who are waiting to take the PRT sha11 stay in t.he designated check in area. c. PRT Strength (Halsey Fiel-d House Turf Field) . Once released from the warm-up area, PRT participants wil-l- transition to Ehe sErengt.h area and line up as directed. PRT events shal-lbe completed in t.he following sequence in accordance with reference (c) : 1. Curl-ups 2. Push-ups 3. Cardio (1.5 mlLe run) Note: Failures of any "strength" event shall be recorded at the strength location with a designated PE Dept. represent.at.ive prior to moving on to the next event of t.he PRT . Once complete with the "strength" portion of participants the PRT, all PRT will exit Halsey Fiel-d House as directed by PE Staff and form up at the run start fine. Al-f "pacers" will meet their Midshipmen at the Start Line. Afl scores wil-l- be recorded ats the completion of the PRT in the vicinity of t.he Wesley Brown loadj-ng dock with a designated PE Dept. representative. d. PRT Run. DIRATHNOTE 6■ ■2 SEP i 0 20,4 5. Traffic control. A11 observers, non-participants, non-PE Staff. etc., shalf remain well- cl-ear of all tsestsing areas whil-e the PRT is being conducted. While on Halsey Field House Turf Fie1d, all non-partj-c ipants and non-PE Staff shal-1 observe from Ehe Bleachers or outside the curtain lj-ne. During the run port.ion, all are asked t.o congregate no cfoser than 50 yards from the run finish Iine, outside of the fenced in area. a Run "pacers" (not participating in PRT) : (1) Mi-dshipmen "pacers" SHALL wear t.he Midshipmen regulation "reversible" Intramural- Jersey ONLY (GOLD side out) as subsEiEute Eo tshe USNA 'Blue Rim'. All other pieces of USNA regulation PE gear sha1l be worn. If a "pacer" is not in the proper uniform, they will not be allowed to pace. finish (2) `Pacers″ ■ine. (3)The run assisted other than shaff not cross within 50 yards of the is completely "hands off". No runner can be through verbal encouragement . b. Finish Line: Run Fail-ure Area. Designated PE Dept. Staff and PMOS shal-l- ensure af1 failing Midshipmen are heLd 1n the designated area until all failing participants and scores are recorded. No other Midshipmen, observer, non-PE Staff member sha1l enter t.hat area until completion of PRT and score recording. Participants are not authorized Eo depart this area until the PE Dept. Staff designee dismisses them. Score recording. a. After completion of the PRT, PRT participanEs will proceed immediately to the Wesley Brown loading dock to record Eheir scores on official- score sheets. Once a Midshipman checks in to complete Ehe PRT, a score wil-l be recorded. If no score is recorded. the Midshj-pman will receive a fail-ing score. b. Midshipmen shafl NoT doubfe-back on t.o the run course to help/pace a shipmate either before or after recording their scores. If found back on the course after completing the PRT, the Midshipman will be forwarded to the Commandant's staff for conduct action. c. The chip timing system wil-l- be a backup system on1y. Recorded scores on paper will be the primary score. DIRATHNOTE 6■ ■2 SEP i 0 20i4 8. Medical . Medical Corpsmen, with medical van, will staffed and on-hand. 9 be . Miscell-aneous. a. Entry to PRT. The onfy way to enter the pRT is through the ent.ryway to Halsey Fiel-d House. Every effort must be made to avoid t.he sidewalk along Brownson Rd. in front of the Levy center when t.ransiting to and from the PRT testing area. Use the walkways behind the tennis courts when transit.ing. b. Exit from PRT. After recording, laidshipmen wilf walk via the Wesley Brown side exit. to depart Ehe score recording area. Midshipmen shall- transit t.owards Bancroft. Hal-l- and shal-l- avoid the run finish line area once complete. c. Medical Chits. Midshipmen on medical waiver must turn in al-l- medical chits to the Marking Office chit. box wit.hin 24 hours of receipt. Midshipmen are responsible for delivery of their chit. and shal1 not rely on anyone else to Eurn in t.heir chit. (1) In extenuating cj-rcumstances (chit issued within 24 hours of the PRT) , Midshipmen shall- seek out tshe Marking Of f j-cer at. the PRT for guidance. The Marking Officer wil-l- be primarily stationed at. the finish l-ine but can be found by asking any PE Dept. Staff to direct you t.o the Marking Officer. Onfy the PE Marking Officer can accept a chit at the PRT. Chits shall not be Eurned in to other PE Dept.. SEaff at the PRT. This option should ONLY be used in extenuating circumstances. (2) rf a Midshipman gets off chit the day before lhe PRT, they are considered 100? fit for duty and will be expected t.o take the PRT. Midshipmen excused from the PRT, or on medical waiver, are required to take lhe next make-up PRT for which they are not medically waived or excused. d. Uniform for Midshipmen PMO Staff. PMOS working the PRT are required to wear t.he Midshipmen regul-ation Navy Working Uniform (l{vilus ) Type I. Please see reference (b) , pages 2-33,34. PMOS assigned to the Warm Up area are authorized to wear PE gear with the bl-ue NWU shirt in place of a blue rim. 5 DIRATHNOTE 6112 sEP I 0 201{ e. eeneral Conduct. Midshipmen shall- not stop. co11apse, or 1ie down at the run f j.nish 1ine. Midshi-pmen sha11 report directly Eo t.he recording station once complete. Any shouting of obscene language or obscene gestures wil-l- not be tolerat.ed. 'daCHUK Distribution: Non-Mids Electronically
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