Zadeh extension principle: A note

Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics
Volume x, No. x, (Month 201y), pp. 1{xx
ISSN: 2093{9310 (print version)
c Kyung Moon Sa Co.
ISSN: 2287{6235 (electronic version)
Zadeh extension principle: A note
Pawan Kumar Tiwari,
Arun K. Srivastava
Received 29 January 2014 Revised 12 June 2014 Accepted 02 July 2014
In this note, we examine a connection of the Zadeh extension
principle with the notion of matrix theories (as used in category theory)
in the sense of E.G. Manes. In particular, we employ matrix theories over
a complete idempotent semiring, for this purpose.
03E72, 16D90.
Keywords: Zadeh extension principle, Complete semiring, Adjoint functors, Algebraic theory, Complete distributive lattice.
Corresponding Author: Author 1 ([email protected])
2010 AMS Classication:
1. Introduction
The well- known Zadeh extension principle (ZEP) of fuzzy set theory is regarded
as an important tool in fuzzy set theory and its applications (e.g. in fuzzy arithmetic). ZEP is given, e.g., in Zadeh [13], as follows:
For every function f : X ! Y between sets, there exist functions f ! : I X ! I Y
and f : I Y ! I X , (where I = [0; 1]; elements of I X are called fuzzy sets in X )
dened as:
f ! ()(y) = _ (x) : x 2 f 1 (y) ; 8 2 I X and
f ( ) = f; 8 2 I Y such that
(f f )(b) b; 8b 2 I Y and (f f ! )(a) a; 8a 2 I X :
(f ! and f are frequently referred to as the forward and the backward lifting
operators): An introductory account of ZEP has been given by Kerre [5], while a
somewhat detailed study of the extension principle for fuzzy sets has been made,
e.g., by Gerla and Scarpati [2], Nguyen [9] and Yager [12]. It may be pointed out
that the ZEP was initially introduced in the context of fuzzy sets but has since been
extended in related areas also (e.g., to dene the image of an intuitionistic fuzzy
sets under a functions, ZEP is used; see, e.g., Kang et al [4] and Saleh [11]). The
ZEP has been also looked into from a category theoretic point of view by a few
authors, e.g., Rodabaugh [10], Kotze [6] and Barone [1]. In this note, we point out a
Author 1 et al./Ann. Fuzzy Math. Inform. x (201y), No. x, xx{xx
connection of the ZEP with the notion of a matrix theory over a complete semiring
S , as introduced by Manes [8]. In fact, we show that given such a matrix theory,
each function f : X ! Y between sets, naturally gives rise to a function S X ! S Y
which resembles the forward lifting operators f ! in the ZEP, in case the complete
semiring S is additionally assumed to be idempotent.
2. Preliminaries
We shall use the following result from category theory; see, e.g., Herrlich et al [3]
and Maclane [7].
L and M be posets
g : L ! M preserve arbitrary joins.
Then there exists an order-preserving map f : M ! L such that f is right adjoint
of g , i.e., gf (a) a and fg (b) b hold 8a 2 M and 8b 2 L. Moreover, f is given
Theorem 2.1.
(Freyd's adjoint functor theorem for posets) Let
with L closed under arbitrary
. Let a function
f (a) = _ fb 2 L : a g(b)g : Denition 2.2. A semiring (S; ; ) is a non empty set S on which two commu-
tative binary operations and are dened such that the following conditions are
(1) (S; ) is a monoid (with identity element 0),
(2) (S; ) is a monoid,
(3) Multiplication distributes over addition from either side,
(4) 0 a = 0 = a 0; 8a 2 S ,
Further, a semiring (S; ; ) is called (i) idempotent if is idempotent and (ii)
complete if for every family fai 2 S : i 2 g; there exists an element i2
ai of S such
that the following conditions hold:
ai = 0; if = ;
ai = a1 a2 : : : an ; if = f1; 2; : : : ; ng;
(iii)b i2
ai = i2
(b ai ) and (i2
ai ) b = i2
(ai b); 8b 2 S
ai = j2(k2
ak ) for every partition = j of .
j 2
Remark 2.3. We can easily verify that If (S; ; ) is a complete idempotent semiring and X is any set, then (S X ; +; :) is also a complete idempotent semiring with :
and + dened as follows: for all f; g 2 S X ; ffi : i 2 g S and x 2 X;
(f:g)(x) = f (x):g(x);
(f + g)(x) = f (x) + g(x); 8x 2 X; and
fi )(a) = i2
fi (a):
Denition 2.4. (Manes [8]) An algebraic theory in a category K (in extension
form) is a triple (T; ; ( )# ) where :
(1) T is a function assigning to each K-object X , a K-object T (X ),
(2) is an assignment, assigning to each K -object X , a K-morphism,
X T X,
X !
Author 1 et al./Ann. Fuzzy Math. Inform. x (201y), No. x, xx{xx
(3) ( )# assigns to each K-morphism X !
T (Y ), a K-morphism
T (X ) ! T (Y ) such that for all K-objects X and K-morphisms X !
T (Y ),
Y ! T (Z );
(i) # :X = ; (ii) X# = IdT (X ) ; (iii) ( # :)# = # :# :
Given a complete semiring (S; ; ); an algebraic theory (T; ; ( )# ) in the category
SET is called a matrix theory of S if, for every set X
(1) T (X ) = S X ,
(2) X : X ! T (X ) is dened by X (x)(x0 ) = xx0 ;
(3) for sets X; Y and any X !
T (Y ); T (X ) ! T (Y ) is dened by:
(# (p))(y) = x2X ((x)(y)) p(x); 8p 2 T (X ), 8y 2 Y .
X !
T (Y ), may be thought as a matrix with entries in S with X indexing
columns and Y indexing rows.
As is known, T gives rise to a functor T : SET ! SET, given by T (X ) = S X and for
any f : X ! Y , T (f ) : S X ! S Y is dened by (T (f )(p))(y) = x2f1(y)p(x); 8p 2
S X ; 8y 2 Y .
3. Main Observation
Proposition 3.1. Let (T; ; ( )# ) be a matrix theory of a complete semiring (S; ; ).
Then for any function f : X ! Y , between sets
T (f )(+ pj ) = + T (f )(pj ); 8pj 2 S X ; j 2 J:
j 2J
j 2J
Let y 2 Y . Then for every y 2 Y;
(T (f )(+j2J pj ))(y) = (+j2J pj )(x);
x2f 1(y)
= x2f1 (y)(j2J pj (x));
= j2J ( pj (x));
x2f 1(y)
= j2J (T (f )(pj )(y));
= (+j2J T (f )(pj ))(y); 8y 2 Y ,
Hence, (T (f )(+j2J pj ) = +j2J T (f )(pj ):
We now conne to a complete semiring (S; ; ) which is idempotent also (i.e.,
is idempotent). Then we can dene a relation on S as follows: a b i a b = b.
It is easy to see that is a partial order on S and the operation coincides with
join operation induced by .
Theorem 3.2. Let (S; ; ) be a complete idempotent semiring, f : X ! Y a map
! . Then there exists a function
between sets X and Y , and T (f ) be denoted by f
f : S ! S such that
(f ! f )(q) q; 8q 2 S Y ; and
(f f ! )(p) p; 8p 2 S X :
Author 1 et al./Ann. Fuzzy Math. Inform. x (201y), No. x, xx{xx
is given by,
f (q) = q f; 8q 2 S Y :
! : S X ! S Y ; as a functor from the poset S X to the
Proof. For a proof, we view f
poset S , considered as categories. Then from Proposition 3.1 and Theorem 2.1,
9 an order-preserving map f : S Y ! S X such that f , considered as functor, is
right adjoint of (f ! ); i.e.,
(f ! f )(q) q; 8q 2 S Y ; and
(f f ! )(p) p; 8p 2 S X :
We now show that f (q) = qf . By Theorem 2.1, 8q 2 S Y ; f (q) = + p 2 S X : q (f ! )(p) =
p; where q = p 2 S X : q (f ! )(p) .
First, we show that f (q) q f:
Now, 8y 2 Y;
(f ! (q f ))(y) = x2f1 (y)(q f )(x) = x2f1 (y)q(f (x)) = q(y) = q(y).
Hence q f 2 q , whereby f (q) = +p2
p q f (1)
Now we have to show that
q f f (q), i.e., (q f )(x) f (q)(x); 8x 2 X
We note that,
p 2 q ) q(y) f ! (p)(y); 8y 2 Y ) q(y) 1 p(z ); 8y 2 Y:
z2f (y)
In particular, for any given x 2 X and p 2 q ;
q(f (x)) 1 p(z ); 8p 2 q :
z2f (f (x))
Taking summation over p 2 q ; we get
q(f (x)) (
q z2f 1 (f (x))
But as 1 p(z ) p(x);
z2f (f (x))
q ( 1 p(z)) p2
q p(x); whereby q(f (x)) p2
q p(x);
z2f (f (x))
i.e., (q f )(x) (+p2
p)(x) = (f (q))(x); 8x 2 X:
Hence (q f ) f (q) (2);
From (1) and(2), we nd that f (q) = q f .
Remark 3.3. In view of Theorem 3.2 and in particular due to the properties (f ! f )(q) q; 8q 2 S Y ; and (f f ! )(p) p; 8p 2 S X ; it appears appropriate to
refer to the functions f ! and f as the forward and backward operators, as in the
case of the ZEP.
Acknowledgements. The authors are grateful to the reviewers for making suggestions for improving the paper.
Author 1 et al./Ann. Fuzzy Math. Inform. x (201y), No. x, xx{xx
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Author 1 (pawan47 [email protected])
School of Computer & Systems Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
110067, India
Author 2 ([email protected])
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
221005, India & Centre for Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences, Banaras Hindu
University, Varanasi 221005, India