VACAN CY NOTICE N° N CPVO/TA A/2014/002 Assisstant to the Presidency P M/F M Grade AD 5 1. THE E CPVO Th he Communityy Plant Variety Office (CPVO O) is an indepe endent EU Authority that waas established by Council Re egulation (EC) No 2100/94 on o 27 July 19994. The CPVO is responsible e for the manaagement of th he Community Pla ant Variety Rig ghts System. This T system p provides protecction with an intellectual prooperty right fo or new plant va arieties on European Commu unity level. Th he mission of the t CPVO is to o foster innovaation in plant varieties v by hig gh quality processing of app plications for C Community pla ant variety rights at affordaable costs while providing po olicy guidance and assistancce in the exerccise of these rights r for the benefit b of stakkeholders. or further inforrmation please e refer to CPV VO’s website: www.cpvo.eur w Fo 2. THE E JOB Th he CPVO is org ganising the current call for expressions of o interest to constitute c a reeserve list, on the basis of qu ualifications an nd a written te est and intervi ew, for the po ost of an Assisstant to the Prresidency. It iss a full time tem mporary agen nt post with a duration of 2 years. Th he jobholder re eports to the President and should coordinate and facilitate the workk of the Presid dency, alllowing that ob bjectives set by the Presiden nt are achieve ed smoothly an nd that the exxpected outputts are elivered in time e. The job will require takin ng initiatives and to quickly learn and undderstand new topics. t A de fle exible and dyn namic approach to work is reequired. Going g on missions will be part off the tasks. Th he jobholder will be in charge e of: Managing the Presid dency’s agendaa m agen ndas Preparing internal meetings, t Presidency y Preparing Presentations and Briefiing notes for the Preparing External Meetings M Taking minutes in meetings m relatin ng to issues on plant variety y rights as weell as the governance of the Agencyy Following-up p of decisions of Administrattive Council an nd President Assistin ng the Preside ency in monitooring implementation of Ann nual Work Proogram Assistin ng the Preside ency in manag ging internal and external co ommunication 3. FOR RMAL REQUI IREMENTS The candidate must fulfil th he requiremen nts set out below. 3.1 Generral conditions - Be e a national off a Member Sttate of the Eurropean Union1, En njoy his/her fu ull rights as a ccitizen Ha ave fulfilled an ny obligations imposed by th he laws conce erning military service, Prroduce the app propriate charracter referencces as to his/h her suitability ffor the perform mance of the du uties, T The Member States S of the European E Unioon are: Austria a, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatiaa, Cyprus, Cze ech Republic, De enmark, Eston nia, Finland, Frrance, German ny, Greece, Hu ungary, Irelan nd, Italy, Latvi a, Lithuania, Luxembourg, L Ma alta, The Neth herlands, Polan nd, Portugal, R Romania, Slov vakia, Slovenia a, Spain, Swedden, and Unite ed Kingdom. 1 - Be e physically fit to perform th he duties, Ha ave a thorough knowledge oof one of the languages of the t European Union2 and a satisfactory kn nowledge of an nother. 3.2 Qualiffications o completed un niversity studiees attested by y a diploma Have a level of educcation which coorresponds to when the t normal period of universsity education n is three yearss or more. 3.3 Experience To qua alify for this prrofile (AD5), n no professional experience3 is required. Hoowever, any relevant r professsional experience in a publicc administratio on, internation nal relations, oor within any of o the EU instituttions, will be considered. c 4. SEL LECTION he candidate meets m the form mal requirements set out ab bove, he/she w will be assesse ed in view of If th selection for an in nterview and w written test on n the basis of the t following ccriteria: 5. The academic qualifications q aand their relev vance to the tasks listed in ssection 2. “TH HE JOB” above A Ability to draft texts in Englissh A professiona Any al experience and its’ releva ance to the tassks listed in seection 2. “THE E JOB” above INT TERVIEW & WRITTEN W TE EST The candidates who w are judged d to be the mo ost suitable on n the basis of tthe criteria listted in 3 & 4 a an intervie ew, with a preesentation to be b made on a will be called to participate in a written test and en subject, botth held in Eng lish. give elected, the ca andidates will be assessed on o the followin ng criteria: If se - Written English and presentattion skills W Sttrong working knowledge off MS Office To ools (Word, PowerPoint, Exccel) Ab bility to communicate effecttively in spoken English Ab bility to communicate effecttively in any otther Communiity language sspoken as indicated in the ap pplication form m Co ommunication skills Ab bility to take in nitiatives and w work independ dently and cap pacity for team mwork in a mu ulticultural en nvironment Interpersonal sk kills Orrganisational ability a and atteention to deta ail B Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch h, English, Estonian, Finnish h, French, Irishh, German, Grreek, Hu ungarian, Italia an, Latvian, Lithuanian, Ma ltese, Polish, Portuguese, P Romanian, R Slovvak, Slovenian n, Spanish, Sw wedish. 3 O Only relevant professional p experience e acq quired after acchieving the minimum m qualiffication stated d in 3.2 shall be e considered. Where W additional periods off training and study are acco ompanied by pperiods of pro ofessional acctivity, only the e latter shall be b considered as professional experience. Compulsory m military servicce or eq quivalent civilia an service acccomplished aftter achieving the t minimum qualification q sttated in 3.2 sh hall be taken intto consideratio on. Profession nal activities pu ursued part-time shall be ca alculated pro rrata, on the ba asis of the pe ercentage of fu ull-time hours worked. A givven period ma ay be counted only once. 2 2/4 6. PLA ACEMENT ON N THE RESER RVE LIST Th he candidates who are judged to be the m most suitable on o the basis of o the criteria llisted in 5 abo ove will be pla aced on the re eserve list. 7. INF FORMATION Th he text of this Vacancy Noticce contains alll the information required. If I you neverthheless have a question, you ma ay send an e-mail to [email protected] pplicants involvved in a selection proceduree have the specific right of access to certtain informatio on concerning Ap the em directly an nd individually y. Applicants w who so requestt may accordin ngly be providded with supplementary infformation rela ating to their participation p in n the selection n procedure. Applicants A musst send such requests in wrriting to the Chair of the Selection Board within a montth of being notified of their results in the selection procedure. The answer will be e sent within oone month. Requests R will be dealt with taaking into account the onfidential natu ure of the Sele ection Board p proceedings under the Stafff Regulations. co 8. EQU UAL OPPORT TUNITIES CP PVO is an equa al opportunitie es employer a nd accepts ap pplications with hout distinctioon on the grou unds of sex, raccial or ethnic origin, o religion n or belief, agee or sexual orientation, marrital status or ffamily situatio on. Ap pplications from m women and d disabled can ndidates are en ncouraged. Th he staff membbers are recruited on the broadest possib ble geographical basis from aamong nation nals of all Mem mber States, annd candidate countries, c of e European Union. the 9. CLO OSING DATE FOR APPLIC CATIONS: 31 1/07/2014 at a midnight C CET. 10. STA ARTING DATE E: As soon as possible Th he applicationss (CPVO appliccation form, leetter of motiva ation & CV) sh hould be addreessed by e-ma ail only to, Va acances@cpvo Incomplete e application ns will auto tomatically b be excluded d from the e se election proccedure. Th he CPVO appliccation form ca an be found o n the web site e of the Office ( or received up pon request fro om the Human Resources S Service of the CPVO. 11. PRO OTECTION OF PERSONAL L DATA Th he Communityy Plant Varietty Office (as the body responsible for organising o thee selection prrocedure) willl en nsure that ap pplicants’ perssonal data aree processed as required by b Regulationn (EC) No 45 5/2001 of the e Eu uropean Parlia ament and of the t Council off 18 Decembe er 2000 on the e protection of individuals with w regard to o the e processing of o personal da ata by the Com mmunity instittutions and bo odies and on tthe free move ement of such h da ata (Official Jo ournal of the e European U nion, L 8 of 12 January 2001). 2 This aapplies in parrticular to the e co onfidentiality and a security off such data. NTS 12. REV VIEW-APPEA AL-COMPLAIN pplicants who consider thatt they have g rounds for co omplaint conce erning a partiicular decision n may, at anyy Ap po oint in the sele ection procedu ure, request fu urther details regarding said d decision from m the Chair off the Selection n Bo oard, instigate e and appeal procedure orr file a compla aint with the European Om mbudsman. Siince the Stafff Re egulations app ply to selection n procedures, please note that t all procee edings are connfidential. If att any stage off this selection prrocedure appliicants consideer that their in nterests have been prejudice ced by a particcular decision,, ey may take the t following action: a the 3/4 I. Re equests for further f inforrmation or fo or review Send a lette er requesting further inform mation or a rev view and statinng your case to: t Fo or the attention of the Chairr of the Selection Board (CPVO/TA/2014/0002) CP PVO/OCVV 3 boulevard Maréchal Foch S 10121 CS 49 9101 ANGERS CEDEX 2 FR RANCE within a month of being notified of the deccision of their results r in the selection proccedure. The Se election oard will send a reply as soo on as possible and not laterr than within a month. Bo II. Ap ppeal proced dures Lodge a complaint underr Article 90(2) of the Staff Regulations R of Officials of the European Union, at th he following a ddress: or the attention of the Chairr of the Selection Board (CPVO/TA/2014/0002) Fo CP PVO/OCVV 3, boulevard Ma aréchal Foch CS S 10121 49 9101 ANGERS CEDEX 2 FR RANCE Th he time limit fo or initiating this type of proccedure (see Staff Regulations as amendeed by Council Regulation R (EC, Euratom) No N 723/2004 (OJ ( L 124 of 227 April 2004 p.1 p – http.//ww ww.europa.euu /eur-lex) starts to run om the time applicants are notified n of thee act allegedly prejudicing th heir interests. fro ease note thatt the Appointin ng Authority d does not have the power to amend the deecisions of a Selection S Ple Bo oard. The Court has consiste ently held thatt the wide disccretion enjoye ed by the Seleection Board iss not subject to review by the e Court unlesss the rules whiich govern the e proceedings of the Selectioon Board have e clearly been n inffringed. III. Co omplaints to o the Europea an Ombudsm man Like all citizzens of the Eu uropean Union, applicants ca an make a com mplaint to the e: n European Ombudsman Robert-Schuma an – BP 403 1 avenue du Président-R ASBOURG CED DEX 67001 STRA France un nder Article 19 95(1) of the Trreaty establish hing the Europ pean Union an nd in accordannce with the co onditions laid do own in Decisio on 94/262/ECS SC, EC, Euratoom of the Euro opean Parliame ent of 9 Marchh 1994 on the e regulations an nd general con nditions govern ning the perfoormance of the e Ombudman’’s duties (OJ L 113 of 4 May y 1194, p. 15 5). ease note thatt complaints made m to the O Ombudsman ha ave no suspen nsive effect to the period laid down in Ple Arrticles 90(2) an nd 91 of the Staff S Regulatioons for lodging g complaints or o for submittinng appeals to the Civil Se ervice Tribunal under Article e 236 of the EC C Treaty. Plea ase note also that, t under Artticle 2(4) of th he general co onditions governing the perfformance of th he Ombudsma an’s duties, any complaint loodged with the e Om mbudsman mu ust be precede ed by the app propriate administrative approaches to thee institutions and a bodies co oncerned. 4/4
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