■ PRINTER I/F PWB REMOVAL ■ 1) Remove the flat cable from the printer I/F PWB. POWER UNIT REMOVAL 1) Remove the option angle. 3 Refer to page 24, “ SIO I/F PWB REMOVAL.” 2) Remove the screw, and remove the POP cover. Screw POP cover Flat cable Screw 2) Remove the screw. Disengage the pawl, and remove the printer I/F PWB. Screw 3) Disconnect the connector from the main PWB. Printer I/F PWB Connector Pawl ■ SIO I/F PWB REMOVAL 1) Remove the flat cable from the SIO I/F PWB. Remove the screw, and remove the option angle. 4) Remove the screw, and remove the power unit. Power unit Screw Flat cable Screw Option angle 2) Remove the hex screw, and remove the SIO I/F PWB. Screw SIO I/F PWB Hex screw XE-A207/A217/A307 MAINTENANCE, DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY – 24 – Screw 4-5. DRAWER UNIT ■ 4) Remove the screw, and remove the drawer bottom plate. Caution: Be careful not to catch the connector of the drawer solenoid harness by the hole in the drawer cabinet. DRAWER SOLENOID REMOVAL 1) Release the lock on the bottom surface of the drawer unit, and open the drawer. Screw Screw Caution: Screw • When the lock is released, the money case extends out. Be careful. Drawer bottom plate • If the drawer is locked with the drawer key, it will not open. Use the drawer key to open the drawer. Screw Lock 5) Remove the screw, and remove the drawer solenoid. Drawer Caution: When assembling, be sure to engage the drawer solenoid plunger with the lock. Drawer solenoid 2) Pull out the drawer, and lift it to remove from the drawer cabinet. Drawer Screw Plunger Lock 3) Remove the screw from the drawer cabinet, and remove the wire holder. Wire holder Screw XE-A207/A217/A307 MAINTENANCE, DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY – 25 – CHAPTER 5. HARDWARE DESCRIPTION 1. HARDWARE SPECIFICATION OUTLINE Item Specification CPU 16bit MPU H8S/2373 (Manufacturer: RENESAS) *33MHz PRINTER XE-A207/A217: Line thermal printer 384 dots/ 58mm wide x1 pc XE-A307: Line thermal printer 384 dots/ 58mm wide x2 pcs SRAM 4Mbit (Manufacturer: RENESAS) ROM DISPLAY KEY For programs 16Mbit Flash-ROM (Manufacturer: MACRONIX) For data 16Mbit Flash-ROM (Manufacturer: MACRONIX) Main STN LCD 160x64 dots (Manufacturer: GOWORLD) Screen size (V.A) 85.00mm (H) x 40.00mm (V) (A.A) 81.585mm (H) x 36.785mm (V) Customer 7seg LED x 7 digits 7seg LED x 10 digits (For Singapore) Normal KEY XE-A207/A307: MAX 66 Flat KEY XE-A217: MAX 119 Mode S/W I/F N/A USB N/A SD 1slot Drawer 1port RS232 1port [D-Sub x1] * Standard Drawer to be connected EFT BUZZER POWER SUPPLY BATTERY DRAWER N/A PIEZO BUZZER POWER TRANS Back Up Size AA battery x 2pcs (Recommended: Toshiba, Hitachi Maxell, Panasonic) Standard XE-A207/A217/A307 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION – 26 – 2. BLOCK DIAGRAM 33MHz H8S/2373 RAM 16KByte ROM LESS #RESET #RES #POFF #IRQ15 BUFFER 74LV125A SIO 2 LCD DRIVER SIO 3 3.3VB #IRQ14 SD CARD P82 RTC SIO 0 SIO 4 RS232 DRIVER ICL3243ECA RS232 D-SUB9 SINK DRIVER DRAWER 32.768kHz PG4 P46䌾P45 DATA BUS SIO 1 ADDRESS BUS P6䌾36P0 4P1䌾61P* P1䌾31P0 P97䌾P90 P47,P46 PH3 PRINTER UNIT 3.3VB D15䌾D0 (16bit width) SRAM 4Mbit #CS4 space (H'800000䌾H'8FFFFF) MOTOR DRIVER LV8711T 3.3VB #CS4 #RESET D15䌾D0 (16bit width) PRINTER UNIT FROM 16Mbit #CS0 space (H'000000䌾H'1FFFFF) XE-A307 only #CS0 D15䌾D0 (16bit width) MOTOR DRIVER LV8711T FROM 16Mbit #CS1 space (H'200000䌾H'3FFFFF) #CS1 D6䌾D0 (16bit width) 6bit D F/F 74LV174A #CS2 space (H'400000) 6bit D F/F 74LV174A #CS5 space (H'A00000) XE-A307 only D15䌾D8 (8bit width) PROM 8Mbit #CS2 space (H'400000䌾H'4FFFFF) #CS2 #CS2 D5䌾D0 (16bit width) KEY RETURN (10bit width) D7䌾D0 (16bit width) 8bit OCTAL BUFFERS 74LV244A x1 #CS5 space (H'A00000) #CS5 #CS5 XE-A307 only D7䌾D0 (16bit width) 8bit D F/F 74HCT374 #CS6 space (H'C00000) Each kind sensor input #CS6 P63䌾60 (4bit width) 3toLINE DECORDERS 74HCT138 x2 SINK DRIVER XE-A207/A217/A307 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION – 27 – KEY STROBE (max 13bit width) 3. HARDWARE CONFIGURATION DIAGRAM SIO PWB UNIT BATTERY DRAWER POWER TRANS PRINTER UNIT XE-A307 only PRINTER UNIT MAIN PWB UNIT SD CARD SLOT LCD UNIT KEY BOARD UNIT KEY I/F PWB UNIT XE-A207/A217/A307 LED PWB UNIT HARDWARE DESCRIPTION – 28 – 4. SIGNAL CONNECTION DIAGRAM Pin assign Connection between the Host (PC) and the Terminal (ECR) 9PIN D-SUB PC side 9PIN D-SUB ECR side Pin No. Signal Name 1 CD 2 RXD 3 TXD 4 DTR 5 GND 6 DSR 7 RTS 8 CTS 9 (*) RI/+5V * Default Setting XE-A207/A217: RI (SP3: 2pin - 3pin) XE-A307: +5V (SP3: 1pin - 2pin) Setting of SP3 SD Transmitted Data RD Received Data DTR (ER) Data Terminal Ready DSR (DR) Data Set Ready RTS (RS) Request To Send DCD (CD) Data Carrier Detector CTS (CS) Clear To Send FG Frame Ground Note: If the connector of the Host PC is “9 PIN D-SUB,” the PIN number is the same as that of the ECR. 5. SETTING OF RS232 PORT The signal of 9-pin for RS232 port can be changed to “RI” or “+5V” by positioning the short pin of “SP3” on the main PWB. However the factory-shipped location of the short pin varies depending on the models. SP3 Specifications of RS232 port Usage: For Standard RS232 port Connector: D-SUB 9pin Signal Data rate: max. 38,400 bps. 䃂䇭 Power Supply: 5V/400mA (*) 3 RI 䃂䇭 2 䃂䇭 1 +5V SP3 XE-A207/A217/A307 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION – 29 – Setting of SP3 RI 2pin, 3pin +5V 1pin, 2pin CHAPTER 6. DIAGNOSTIC PROGRAM DESCRIPTION By selecting SERVICE from the DIAG MENU, the following screen is displayed in the LCD. 9) Set mode pass code and push [TL/NS] key. SERVICE DIAG MENU SERVICE KEY LED&BZ LCD A/D ROM RAM CLOCK DIAG SENSOR SD CARD DRAWER RS232C PRINTER 10) Set manager pass code and push [TL/NS] key. The selected item is highlighted in the displayed menu. You can change the selected item by using the [ 2 ] / [ 4 ] key, and press the [TL/NS] key to execute the selected item. 11) Set logo message and push [TL/NS] key. 1. DIAGNOSTIC PROGRAM START PROCEDURES 1) Check to see that the SD card is in place. 2) Set the paper roll. 3) Check to see that the AA batteries are set. 12) REG mode screen is displayed. Push the [MODE] key. 4) Set the RS232C loopback connecter. 5) Plug the AC cord to the outlet while holding down the [RECEIPT] key and [CL] key. 6) Language selection menu is displayed. Push the corresponding number key. 13) Enter “99999999,” confirm that the screen displays as below, and then press the [TL/NS] key. 7) Set current date/time and push [TL/NS] key. 14) The following screen is displayed in the LCD. 8) Set tax rate and push [TL/NS] key. XE-A207/A217/A307 DIAGNOSTIC PROGRAM DESCRIPTION – 30 – 15) Make “4. DIAGNOSTIC” highlighted with the [ 2 ] key or [ 4 ] key, and press the [TL/NS] key. 3. SENSOR SENSOR: This inspects the sensor circuit of the printer. Result of detecting whether the printer paper is available. (YES: Paper available, NO: No paper) 1) Check the status of SENSOR. (The status of SENSOR is displayed in real time at an interval of 1 second.) 2) Press the [TL/NS] key to end the test. 16) The following screen is displayed in the LCD. LCD display XE-A207/A217(when PPR1 is NO.) PASSWORD? ____ SENSOR PPR1:NO 17) Enter “907 · .” 18) The following screen is displayed in the LCD. DIAG MENU SERVICE XE-A307 (when PPR1,PPR2 are NO.) SENSOR PPR1:NO PPR2:NO 19) Confirm that “SERVICE” is highlighted, and press the [TL/NS] key. 2. KEY Printout XE-A207/A217(when PPR1 is NO.) SENSOR PAPER1 NO 1) Press any key other than the [RECEIPT] and [TL/NS] key. 2) Press the [TL/NS] key at the end. If you make a wrong operation, press the [CL] key three times to start over from the beginning. After the test result is displayed and printed out, press the [TL/NS] key again to go back to the previous screen. XE-A307(when PPR1,PPR2 are NO.) SENSOR PAPER1 NO PAPER2 NO S1: SUM1 LCD display XE-A207/A217(when PPR1 is YES.) S2: SUM2 LCD display (when the test result is NG.) KEY NORMAL KEY CORD:XXX S1:XXXX S2=YYYY NG SENSOR PPR1:YES Specified SUM XE-A307(when PPR1,PPR2 are YES.) Current SUM (It changes each time the key is pressed.) Test Result SENSOR PPR1:YES PPR2:YES Printout (when the test result is NG.) KEY XXXX-YYYY - NG Printout XE-A207/A217(when PPR1 is YES.) SENSOR PAPER1 YES LCD display (when the test result is OK.) KEY NORMAL KEY CORD:XXX S1:XXXX S2=YYYY OK XE-A307(when PPR1,PPR2 are YES.) SENSOR PAPER1 YES PAPER2 YES Printout(when the test result is OK.) KEY XXXX-YYYY - OK Caution: To have printout of test results, as XE-A307 has 2 sheets for the printer, be sure to use both printers to print it out. Caution: To have printout of test results, as XE-A307 has 2 sheets for the printer, be sure to use both printers to print it out. CHECK SUM: 1509(XE-A207) 37BF(XE-A217) 15A2 (XE-A307) XE-A207/A217/A307 DIAGNOSTIC PROGRAM DESCRIPTION – 31 – 4. SD CARD • Sift display This detects the SD card, and displays the status of Write Protect in real time. Also, it displays the CID register of the SD card. The segments light up in the following pattern. The unit makes a short beep every time the [TL/NS] key is pressed, and it goes on to the next pattern. All the segments light up at the end, and it keep beeping. Press the [TL/NS] key to end the test. By pressing the [TL/NS] key, this test ends with OK. CD: CARD DETECT By pressing any key other than the [TL/NS] key, this test ends with the result of NG. WP: WRITE PROTECT LCD displayȪCDȇNO, WPȇNOȫ SD CARD CD: NO , WP: NO CID:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX PrintoutȪCDȇNO, WPȇNOȫ SD CARD CD:NO ,WP:NO CID:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The rest is omitted. LCD displayȪCDȇYES, WPȇYESȫ SD CARD CD: YES , WP: YES CID:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The rest is omitted. PrintoutȪCDȇYES, WPȇYESȫ SD CARD CD:YES ,WP:YES CID:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX "A" is displayed instead of "10." Caution: To have printout of test results, as XE-A307 has 2 sheets for the printer, be sure to use both printers to print it out. Printout (when the test result is NG.) 5. LED & BUZZER LED NG Printout (when the test result is OK.) This tests the LED display and Buzzer. LED LCD display LED &BUZZER TL:OK,OTHER:NG OK Caution: To have printout of test results, as XE-A307 has 2 sheets for the printer, be sure to use both printers to print it out. LED display The following display modes are repeated. • Segment display The segments light up in the following pattern. The unit makes a short beep every time the [TL/NS] key is pressed, and it goes on to the next pattern. The rest of the illustrations are omitted. XE-A207/A217/A307 DIAGNOSTIC PROGRAM DESCRIPTION – 32 – 6. LCD 6-2. PATTERN DISPLAY The following screen is displayed. The menu items can be selected in the same way as other menus. By selecting “EXIT,” it goes back to the Main Menu. LCD screen LCD BACK LIGHT&CONTRAST PATTERN DISPLAY EXIT 1) The following patterns are displayed. 2) By pressing a key, it goes on to the next pattern. 3) By pressing the [TL/NS] key at the last screen, this test ends with OK. By pressing any key other than the [TL/NS] key, this test ends with the result of NG. LCD screen Full white 6-1. CONTRAST Box display- one black dot of outer frame Among the displayed menu items, the selected item is displayed in reversed characters. 1) Change the selected item by using the [ 2 ] / [ 4 ] key. 2) By pressing the [TL/NS] key, execute the selected item. If the [CL] key is pressed during the execution of the test, you can exit the test and select a test item. Full black By selecting “1 BACK LIGHT” and then pressing the [TL/NS] key, the back light can be turned ON/OFF. By selecting “2 CONTRAST” and using the [ 2 ] / [ 4 ] key, the contrast value can be changed within the range of 0 to 63 (0x00 to 0x3F). H pattern ******************** ******************** ******************** ******************** 3) By selecting “EXIT” and pressing the [TL/NS] key, this test ends with OK. Reversed H pattern By pressing any key other than the [TL/NS] key, [ 2 ] or [ 4 ]key, this test ends with NG. ******************** ******************** ******************** ******************** LCD screen when finish BACK LIGHT&CONTRAST 1 BACK LIGHT 2 CONTRAST XX EXIT(TL:OK) Grid pattern Printout (when the test result is NG.) Grid 1 pattern BACK LIGHT&CONTRAST NG Printout (when the test result is OK.) BACK LIGHT&CONTRAST OK Grid 2 pattern (Reversed display of Grid pattern 1) Caution: To have printout of test results, as XE-A307 has 2 sheets for the printer, be sure to use both printers to print it out. Termination screen PATTERN DISPLAY TL:OK,OTHER:NG Printout (when the test result is NG.) PATTERN DISPLAY NG Printout (when the test result is OK.) PATTERN DISPLAY OK Caution: To have printout of test results, as XE-A307 has 2 sheets for the printer, be sure to use both printers to print it out. XE-A207/A217/A307 DIAGNOSTIC PROGRAM DESCRIPTION – 33 – 7. A/D 8. CLOCK The status of A/D input is displayed in real time at an interval of 1 second. If the values of HT1, HV and BBAT are within the range shown below, it prints out with OK. The date and time are read out from the real time clock (RTC). The date and time are displayed and printed out. By pressing the [TL/NS] key, this test ends with OK. By pressing any key other than the [TL/NS] key, this test ends with NG. By pressing the [0] key, all the values of day, month, year, hour, minute and second are reset. HT1: HEAD TEMPERATURE 1 1.10 ~ 2.50V HV: HEAD VOLTAGE1 8.25 ~ 8.75V LCD display BBAT: BACKUP BATTERY VOLTAGE 2.00 ~ 3.40V CLOCK XX/XX/XX (dd/mm/yy) XX:XX:XX TL:OK,OTHER:NG By pressing the [TL/NS] key, this test exits. LCD display XE-A207/A217 A/D HT1 X.XXV HV X.XXV,BBAT X.XXV TL KEY:EXIT (day / month / year) (hour / minute / second) Printout (when the test result is NG.) CLOCK NG XX/XX/XX (dd/mm/yy) XX:XX:XX XE-A307 A/D HT1 X.XXV,HT2 X.XXV HV X.XXV,BBAT X.XXV TL KEY:EXIT Printout (when the test result is OK.) CLOCK OK XX/XX/XX (dd/mm/yy) XX:XX:XX Caution: To have printout of test results, as XE-A307 has 2 sheets for the printer, be sure to use both printers to print it out. Printout (when the test result is NG.) XE-A207/A217 A/D NG HT1 X.XXV HV X.XXV BBAT X.XXV 9. DRAWER XE-A307 This test opens the Drawer. A/D NG HT1 X.XXV HT2 X.XXV HV X.XXV BBAT X.XXV 1) Change the selected item, which is displayed in reversed characters, with the [ 2 ] / [ 4 ] key. 2) When “CH1” is selected, the drawer CH1 opens by pressing the [TL/NS] key. When “EXIT” is selected, the test operator should press either key according to the test result of OK or NG. Printout (when the test result is OK.) XE-A207/A217 A/D OK HT1 X.XXV HV X.XXV BBAT X.XXV 3) By pressing the [TL/NS] key, this test ends with OK. By pressing any key other than the[TL/NS] key, [ 2 ] / [ 4 ] key, this test ends with NG. 4) This test terminates by selecting “EXIT.” LCD screen DRAWER CH1 EXIT TL:OK,OTHER:NG XE-A307 A/D OK HT1 X.XXV HT2 X.XXV HV X.XXV BBAT X.XXV Printout (when the test result is NG.) DRAWER CH1 NG Caution: To have printout of test results, as XE-A307 has 2 sheets for the printer, be sure to use both printers to print it out. Printout (when the test result is OK.) DRAWER CH1 OK Caution: To have printout of test results, as XE-A307 has 2 sheets for the printer, be sure to use both printers to print it out. XE-A207/A217/A307 DIAGNOSTIC PROGRAM DESCRIPTION – 34 – 10. RS232C 10-1. NORMAL The RS232C loopback test is performed. (1) Test Items 1) Connect the DSUB9pin loopback connector. <Check of Control Signals> 2) Select the test item with the [ 2 ] / [ 4 ] key. 3) Select “NORMAL.” Output 4) Conduct the test by pressing the [TL/NS] key. 5) Select “EXIT” to end the test. LCD display RS232C CH1 EXIT Input DTRn RTSn DSRn RIn DCDn CTSn OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF ON ON ON OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON ON ON ON ON ON It performs the Read and Check of the above input. LCD display <Check of Data Transfer> RS232C CH1 NORMAL 5V SUPPLY EXIT The transfer of 256 bytes loop back data of 00H to 0FFH is conducted. LCD display (when the test result is NG.) RS232 CH1 NG DTR-DSR,DTR-RI, RTS-DCD,RTS-CTS • Below is shown the connection diagram of the loopback connector to be used for RS232C check. DCD RxD TxD DTR GND DSR RTS CTS RI LCD display (when the test result is OK.) RS232 CH1 OK A found error is displayed. Press the [TL/NS] key to end the test. FG FG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No. Display 1 DTR-DSR 2 DTR-RI 3 RTS-DCD 4 RTS-CTS 5 RI INT 6 DCD INT 7 CTS INT 8 TXEMP 9 TXEMP INT 10 TXRDY 11 TXRDY INT 12 RCVRDY 13 RCVRDY INT 14 SD-RD(DATA) 15 SD-RD(FRAME) Printout (when the test result is NG.) RS232C CH1 NG---ERROR NO. Printout (when the test result is OK.) RS232C CH1 OK Caution: To have printout of test results, as XE-A307 has 2 sheets for the printer, be sure to use both printers to print it out. XE-A207/A217/A307 DIAGNOSTIC PROGRAM DESCRIPTION – 35 – 10-2. 5V SUPPLY Caution: • To have printout of test results, as XE-A307 has 2 sheets for the printer, be sure to use both printers to print it out. (1) Test Items • When conducting the PWB inspection for XE-A307V, swith SP3 of the PWB to 5V power supply. <Check of Control Signals> Output Input DTRn RTSn DSRn DCDn CTSn OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF ON ON ON OFF ON OFF OFF ON ON ON ON ON 11. PRINTER The unit displays and prints out as shown below. By pressing the [TL/NS] key, this test ends with OK. By pressing any key other than the [TL/NS] key, the test ends with NG. It performs the Read and Check of the above input. <Check of Data Transfer> LCD screen The transfer of 256 bytes loop back data of 00H to 0FFH is conducted. PRINTER LCD display (when the test result is NG.) TL:OK,OTHER:NG RS232 CH1 SIGNAL CHECK:NG DTR-DSR,RTS-DCD RTS-CTS Printout /////////// ------- ////////// /////////// ------- ////////// /////////// ------- ////////// Print 30 columns and 6 lines of "/." A found error is displayed. Press the [TL/NS] key to end the test. LCD display (when the test result is OK.) RS232 CH1 SIGNAL CHECK:OK LED ON? TL:ON, OTHER:OFF Caution: To have printout of test results, as XE-A307 has 2 sheets for the printer, be sure to use both printers to print it out. When LED turns on, the test operator should press either key according to the test result of ON or OFF. By pressing the [TL/NS] key, this test ends with OK. No. 12. ROM Display 1 DTR-DSR 2 RTS-DCD 3 RTS-CTS 4 DCD INT 5 CTS INT 6 TXEMP 7 TXEMP INT 8 TXRDY 9 TXRDY INT 10 RCVRDY 11 RCVRDY INT 12 SD-RD(DATA) 13 SD-RD(FRAME) Check whether the checksum of 000000h to 1FFFFFh is correct. By pressing the [TL/NS] key, this ends. LCD display (when the test result is NG.) ROM Version xxxx Checksum xxxx NG TL KEY:EXIT Printout (when the test result is NG.) ROM Version & CHECKSUM Version xxxx Checksum xxxx NG LCD display (when the test result is NG.) ROM Version xxxx Checksum xxxx OK TL KEY:EXIT Printout (when SIGNAL CHECK is NG.) RS232CޓCH1 NG---ERROR NO. Printout (when the test result is OK.) Printout (when SIGNAL CHECK is OK, LED is OFF.) ROM Version & CHECKSUM Version xxxx Checksum xxxx OK RS232CޓCH1 NG Printout (when SIGNAL CHECK is OK, LED is ON.) Caution: To have printout of test results, as XE-A307 has 2 sheets for the printer, be sure to use both printers to print it out. RS232CޓCH1 OK XE-A207/A217/A307 DIAGNOSTIC PROGRAM DESCRIPTION – 36 – 13. RAM The Write & Verify of the whole RAM area is conducted. Change the written data for each address as shown below. Address Written data 800000hȡ80FFFFh 55h write,verify 800000hȡ80FFFFh AAh write,verify 810000hȡ81FFFFh 55h write,verify 810000hȡ81FFFFh AAh write,verify |(The rest is omitted) |(The rest is omitted) 870000hȡ87FFFFh 55h write,verify 870000hȡ87FFFFh AAh write,verify After the test result is displayed (printed out), press the [TL/NS] key to terminate. LCD display (when the test result is NG.) RAM WRITE&VERIFY NG TL KEY:EXIT LCD display (when the test result is OK.) RAM WRITE&VERIFY OK TL KEY:EXIT Printout (when the test result is NG.) RAM NG Printout (when the test result is OK.) RAM OK Caution: To have printout of test results, as XE-A307 has 2 sheets for the printer, be sure to use both printers to print it out. XE-A207/A217/A307 DIAGNOSTIC PROGRAM DESCRIPTION – 37 –
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