4IVE-BNP-MENI ..,"1-rplicatic,ns cn plain paper along with attested copies of the invited tor fiiiing up of 02 posts of Computer Operators under ireicblr are certificates MGNREGA in il::,,e1cf;ment Blocks of District Kangra, purely on contract basis for a period of one )e,:r '.'ire applications should reach to the Project Officer, District Rural Development Ag,:,,':1,, Kangra at Dharamshala on or before 31't July 2014-gpjq :5:r0Q FM. The required quaiiiications and remuneration payable is as under:- (A) The canel,:,,.,:; lo be appointed as Computer Operatorrnurt ptorr.ss minimum qualificat;'-,r, ;s under:Bachelors iltegr-* in Computer Science / Computer Applications/ Electronics & Commun. ".',:c,is with Erperience in S/W Development / Computer Training. OR Bachelors Degree in Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Economic:, Commerce Operatior,:r uiesearch with one year 'A' level of DOEACC i post Graduate Diploma ,':i Licmputer Science / Applications with Experience in S/W Developr: --..i i Computer Training. OR Bachelor ,-:;glce in any Discipline with one year'A'level of DOEACC / Post Graduate ;-.riaiorna in Computer Science / Applications with at least one year experience in Si ril Development / Computer training. (B) A person r,ir,ii $,i eligible to be appointed (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (C) as Computer Operator, l't He r .,,i:e has attained the age of 21 years as on if January of the year in whi,.:ir rre applies to the post; but should not have exceeded 35 years; He ' .,, ,,j is a bonafide resident of District Kangra; He ,' ";i,; is of sound mind and good health; He :rirr has not been disqualified from appointment in public service or r€t1icv,-rd frorn public service on disciplinary grounds or has sought vo],,r:-r;arv retirement under voluntary retirement scheme; He I .,.r: has not been convicted of any offence involving moral turpitude. i Remunet-r',-,,r,:r:* The Con',,, :,';i Cperator shall be paid a fixed remuneration of Rs. 13,500/- per month. The date ei iime schedule fixed for interview will be intimated individually. The detailed terms aLril conditions related to the appointment of Computer Operator can be viewed at our wr-: lir :- : r.e "www.drdakan gra. com" ."..1i t i - '., .,'.,1' i-.-.. t" Dy. Director-Cu m-Frojec L O l-fi cer. DRDA. t\ /l Kansra at Dharanrshala \lf"/ v + 11o \'")) ';#!\',\'o"r /J Y,4. .; ff Government of Hiriiachal Pradesh Rural Development Department. $r No. SMI-9/99-2007-RDD Dated Shimla-9 \' r the lq * q * ZOA7. 'lr\i NOTIFICATION The Governor, Himachal Pradesh, is pleased tg convey approval forengaging of 77 Computer Operators in Dev Blocks (one in each blocks) 12 in DRDA, (one in each DRDA) and 3 at the Rural Development Department Hqrs. of Computer Operators will be purely on contract basis on fixed remuneration as per qualification/ mode of deployment as 1-he engagement per Annexure-"A". The remuneration of the Computer Operators in NREGA,, DRDAs/ of contingency available under NREGA and in NonNIR,EGA, DRDAs /Blocks out of the Centrally Sponsored Scheme funds as Blocks will be met out authorised by Government of lndia. This issue with the;prio'rr.,concurrence of, Finance Department obtained vide letter U.O.No. 50478556 -FD]O7 dated 8.8.07. BY Order Secretary (RD) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh No.SMl-9/99-2007 RDD. Dated Shimla-9, the lq- q- zao7. Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to:1. The Sr.Dy. Accountant General (A&E), H.F. Shimla-3. ?. All the Deputy Commissioners, Himachal Pradesh. !rL-i(...,;,p"r. --J.' All the Project Cfficers, DRDA in Himachal Pradesh / 4. The Special Secretary (GAD) to the Govt. of H.P,Shimla-2 w.r.t. cabinet decision dated 2B-B-2007 . r The Controller, Printing and Stationery, Shimla-S for publication in Rajpatra, J. 6. The Deputy Director (RD/ Stat.) RDD Hqrts. Shimta-9. 7. Guard file 10 spare ----\ copies. / A;> s"irffi (i?D) to the Joint Government of i-iin'rachal Pradesh. &' Annexure-"A" EclUcation Qualification. pay scale agnr!-Ute1.qperators. pi' ,/ ,/ /,/,/ ,/ ,//,/ ,/ ,/ Mrnrrnum (1) educattonai and and mode of deployment of The candidate to be appointed as Computer Operator must possess minimum educational qualification as under:- ^us^.qualifications vrrrur ,/ -'I Bachelor's Degree required. in Computer. Science/Computer & Applications/Electr-onics Communicatlons with Experience in SA/V Development/Com puter Train ng i OR '/ Ba6helor's Degree in Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Economicq-Commerce, Operations Research with one year 'A ievel of DOEACC/post-Gi-aduate Diploma in ComputeiScience/Applications with Experience in SW Developmeht/Computer Trainrng OR Bachelor Degree in any Discipline with one year 'A, t- level of DOEACC/post graduate Diploma in Computer Science/Applic ations with at least one E1P9 rlence 1n S/W Developrnent/Cc'm puter Trai Age and other I inq Cornputer Operator, if,- e,igibility conditions. A person shall be eligible to be appointed as n year's (a) He/she'has attained the age of 21 years as on 1't January of the year in which he applies to the post, but sholrld not have exceeded 35 years. (b) heisirc is i a, bonafide res,.Jent of the Co[rC€ffleij district; r') he/she is of sound minr.l arrui good health; (d) he/she has not been ciisquaiified frpm appointment in Frublic or removed from Public service on disciplinary grounds or ilas sc.'ug;ht voluntary retirement uinde r any servrce l ',/oluntary P.etirement Srheme; he irar.: not been: cortvictecl of anY offence involving morai turprt:,,ie; anC # ,E ' a fixed rem'Jnei'attctr The Computer Operator shall be paid Pay and of Rs. 6000i- Per month' allcwances !nviting of at DRDA For the deployment of Computer Operators officer' DRDA and Block Level the concerned Projecl the- posg{}1 shall invite applications by adverlising (i) applications and procedure for papers including selection. 6ffiT# notice and the !)qaj A.mlnlmu@s of inviting applications from the date application shall be received by the official Projeci officer; DRDA or by the officer/ shall be authorized by him. The applicaiions and stamped by acknowledged with receipt duly signed the Prolect officer, DRDA or by the officer/ I official authorized bY him. at Directorate For the deployment of Computer Operators Depaftinent shall level the Dir:ector, Rural Development posts in news invite applrcations by advertising the period of 30'days papers including Giriraj' A minimunr from the clate of shail be given for inviting applicatiorrs shall be received by the l (ii) notice and the application 'Rural the Development Department or by Director, applications shall officer/ otficial authorized by him' The and starnped be acknowledged with receipt duly signecl by the Dtrector, Rural DeveloPmen the officer/ official authorized by him' (iii) period specified for lmmediately after the expiry of the applicatrons, the Project Director' DRDA inviting of Depadnrent concerned/ Director, Rural ['revelopment of ini"riview shall fix the date, time and placc for conducl of Contputer Operi;tor' Thr'; F roject officer' DRDA/ shatl tssue a [-'irectot', Rural Development De6rartment q schedule fix ed for interview' notice, intimating the time and as the selection commiitee to the other members of well as to the aPPlicants: of be a minimum period ,'Provided that there shall and date of date-of issue of notice t!-e between days 15 I At DRDA level lnterview shall be conducted bY the following selection Committee: Commissioner (a) The (b) The ADC/ADM (c) The District lnformatics (d) The Project officer' DRDA DePutY Chairman Member Officer Member Member SecretarY shall be conducted At Directorate level lnterview following setection Comnrittee: (v) bY pirector Rural Development Chairman (a) DePartment (b) (c) . RePlegentative of NIC Additional Director Rural DLveloPment DePartment Member Member SecretarY -*_--"1 {&' { - ce.-'-^--=..:: -' verify-tne The selection committee shall *':1 of the can''n'iieB Chairman Excluding their originals farm the lhP ntrili q*cr";*' -i. ', -- shall ^L^ll form ' members less than one-half of the (vi) (v) D'1""t::':O' *" Additional The Project Officer' DRDA/ supplied by the candrdaies the basis of the information by shall compile a daia iist alongwith their applications hereunder and the exercrse following the criteria given shall be completed before of compilation of said data be ensure that this data shall ihe date of interview and of committee on the date provided- to the selection ' of the same with the original intervteu t for verification on the date of record brought by the candidates basis of shall be made on the interview' The selection purely on merit the performance of the candidates shall hundred marks which basis out of the total one manner'be divided in the following (A) Educational Qualifications cf in : Oubjeui..c nia;limlii-n (i) Percentage of marks obiained 30 marks Bichelor Degree in ComPuter 33 APPlications'divided bY : Subject to the maximum (ii) Percentage of mark's in Master ComPuter of 15 Marks degree in 6'6 APPlications divicled oY \- :@(B) Experience : Subject to the maxtmum (Three marks shall be awarded for every - one Year of 15 marks of experience in relevant nature of duties in anY PanchaYati Raj lnstitution, Government office' underlaking Government /institution/agencY in comPuter oPerator caPacitY' : Subject to the maxlmum (G) Personal lnterview of 15 marks. (D) In case of candidate belongs to the categorY of Scheduled 7 Marks Castes or Scheduled Tribes or Other backward Classes. (E) in case candidate belongs to 5 Marks Below PovertY Line farnilY' (F) ln case candidate is physically : 3 Marks handicaPPed. (G) ln case candidate belongs to a farnily having no member the employment Government. in of : 10 Marks (viii) on the basis of recommendations of the selection Committee the Project Officer, DRDA / Additional Director (RD) shall draw a panel of three candidates for one post in the order of merit and the candidate who is first on panel shall be selected for appointment to the post of Computer OPerator. Provided that t' if the selected candidate does not report to the Block Development Officer within 15 days from the date of issue of his appointment letter, the next candidate from the panel shall be selected for the said post and in case the second candidate also fails to join within '15 days of issuance of appointment letter, ihen the third candidate shall be offered appointment 0 Renewal of lnitially the appcintment to the post of Computer Operatot contract shall be fot g"tiod on" ye"t ryhi.h hay be extended " subject to satisfactory work and conduct. Training and The Selected candidates shall under go training of such duration, as may be prescribed by the Government from examination time to time. Terms and conditions for appointment. /, The appointment to the post of Computer Operator shall be purely on contract basis for a period of one year which shall be reckoned from the date of joining. Ttre "fyral Deyg]ogment Dgpartment _Dir-ector 1n rhe case of Directorate, Project Directc;r- in the case of DRDA and Block Development Officer in the case of Development Block shall be the appointing Autho'rities and the appointment letter shall be issiied by them jn For-m-1." ,: .. The Computer Operator appoirited shall report for cluty within fifteen days from the clate of reCeipt of appointment letter. t 'v : ' (ii) # ),'':' The Director Rural Development Department in the case of Directorate, Project Director in the case of DRDA and Block Developmeni Officer in the case of Development Block shall sign the contract agreement with ihe person to be appointed as the Computer Operatoi ih Form-ll. (iii) The appointing authorities' f 'deemed ProPer' may disengage/remove the Compuier Operator with a prior notice of one month if the Panchayat Samiti is not i saiisfied with the services of the appointee or in case the appointee ig indulged @orhas in corruption, mis-utilisation of funds and in any criminal offence or fails to perform the duties assigned to him, as I the case may be: Provided that the Computer Operator shall not be disengaged/removed unless he has been given reasonable opportunity of being heard: Job Chaft of The Computer Operator shall perform following duties Computer and responsibilities, namely:-, Entire data entry related . to variol.ls Developmental Operator. Schemes. Preparation and arrangement of various data based modules such as beneficiary module, finance module, planning and works module human resource module, ,stores and inventory management module and Grievance Redressal Module. These moouies will be prepared as per MIS structure defined by the Ministry of RD arrd the State Government. Uplinking and down loading of data . Data transmission between the block, disirict, State and Centre. : Working hours, ' The Computer Operator shall be' subject to t-lcrrna, " 8tt ffi ..a* 5 working hours applicable to other biock functionaries. Payment of Travel They will be entitled to traveling and daily allowa.rces for and Daily journeys per-formed by them in connection with the official Allowance. work as admissible to Grade-lll servarrts of the State Government. Leave. (i) The Computer Operator shall be entitled for availing twelve days casual leave and two days restricted leave in a calendar year besides the other Gazetted holidays notified by the State Government from time to time. (ii) lf the Computer Operator is a woman, she shall also be entitled to avail maximum of twelve weeks maternity leave ' with two or less than two surviving children. (iii) The appointing authorities shall be the competent authority for sanctioning the leave to the Computer Operator. Dispute relating io Aggrieved pafty, incase of Block arrd DRDA level, may fiie selection an appeal before.,the concerned Deputy Commissioner and procedure. in case of Directorate may file an appeal before the Secretary (RD) within thirty days from the declaration of resdlt , ofld the decision thereon of the Commissioner/ Secretary (RD) shall be finai. Deputy tI I l FORM-1 I APPOINTMENI- LETTER i -.--!^- ^ I i^ WjthreferencetotheapplicationforthepostofComputerUperalorlll ) I Jri-ectoraIe ofRuralDevelopmentDepartmenVDRDAJDevelopmentBlock......'...... i i son/wife/daughter of Shri . ... .., district ...., Tehsil .... resident of village ... , has been it is informed that the said Shri/Smt i Kumari offered appoiniment post Cornputer oper'ator Therefore, he / she is'hereby from .a;eiveCi I i l I Shri/Smt /Kumart :eiectec for the asCornputeroperatorDirectorateofRuralDevelopmentDepartmenVDRDAJDerieiopment on the following ielms and conditions :rocl< ------- 1 That he z ;;"; .; / she shall be paid a remuneration <I.-- (in figures) of rupees ) otr,er :il:::::1LT:""' admissibre lo trre emprovees or State Governmentfromtimetotimeshallbepaidtohim/her; 'jTiattheappcintmentshalIbeoncontraCtbaSiSforaRer1,odo1on:yearfrom'n.o."'.. oateofloining; a ' That the appointment bhall further rules and agreement ''' '' ;,', ''li'"' '. "' sesublecttotermsandcbnditionslaiddowninthe.-.i'i'...:,{ I ; the satisfaction of the Appointing That the antecedent verification certificate to. two Gazetted officers known to Authority issued by the'Executive Magistrate'or shall be. given by, him/her ai the time of him/her at least for the last three yeari 5 '': 'lbmission of jorr ng rePort; qThattl.reappointmentshallbesub,lecltotheprqductionoTCertificateofmedical of lhe c.oncerned district before loining to fitness issued by the chief Medica! officei tne Post; TThattheattestecjcopiesoforrginalcertificatesinrespectofeducationalqualifications, member belonging to bellw caste, bonafide resident, physically handicapped povertylineorpastexperience,.aStheoasemaybe,shallbesubmittedwithihe .lotning report r- / L^. him i her, he/ she acceptable to ':ln case, the above terms and condiiions are as well as fcr: loinrng dLriy ln ihe ottice ot may reporl for execution of the contract agreemgnt frfieen dayl from the date of issue of this undersigned rmmediately but not iater than appotntment letter' Place : . ',. . Director : (nn)I Pi'oject Director (DRDA) Block Development Offtcer District --_.- Date . i-lirnachal Pradesh. . Shri/Snt /Kr. ' \r" '' FORM-:I AGREEML:NT .,': day of -fnis agreement is made on this '::"i. ' ......(Year) between Shri/Smt./Kumari '.."""" of v.illage residbnt , Shri of son/wife/daughter . Tehsil (tulonth) District in Directorate of Rural Development 81ock .. j....." ,...... (hereinafter referred to as the first p;,,-ry) and the Drrectorate of (RD)/DRDA/Developnrent Block party) through appointing authority (hereinafter referi'ed to as the second as Computer Operatorappointed -i"pun;,1untiDRDA/Development wHEREAS the second party .has appornted the frrst p"tty as tilc Computer Operator on the terms and conditions hereinafter agrged between parties:- 1. Thai the first party shall serve the second party as Computer Operator for a period of one y"it on contract basis commenbing frorn.'thls ... day of ,,r,"uo .; ;!Y."il!'0";i"; ,;,, *[I"3])",?::, :t siali ipso facto stand terminated on-and ilffi]ii'Jll#;# ??:ir:li no forrnal notice/order by the second party conveying the same shall be necesS?l'!; 2 That the first parly shall submit himseif/herself tolthe orders of the second party and of the offi.urr anci.authorities under whom he niay from time to time be placed by the appointing authority ahd shall obey: the instructions or drrections issued by the appointing authority in this behalf and shall perform such duties as may be assigned to him' 'J. TnaL rtre first party shall serve the second party efficiently and to the best of satisfaction and ii shall devote l-ris whole time.to ihe dutes of tirc service ^. ^^^rnci pariy and shaii noi errgage hirirself directly or inriirectiy in arry o'"-'..ie own u..orni unJ'atuo that he irrait not l' (except in case of accident or sickness certified by the Authorized Medicai bmce4 absent hrmself from his duties without having first obtained permission from the Director(RD)/ Project Director (DRDA)/ Block Development officer on behalf of the second party. The firsi parly shall not be entiiled for remr-lneration and allov,,ances for the period of absence except the leave authorized by the competent authority' ils +La^ ;:H";i;i;J;. il;;,ion 4 The services o1'the first parly shall stand ternT inated,- i (i) at the end of cQniractual period ; (ii) without previous notice bv the. second parly, if it rs satisfieci that the first party is unfit and is likely to oontinue to be unfit for a consideiable perrod by reason of hi's ill irealth for the discharge of his duties. The decision of the second pady that (iir) (iv) the first parly !s likely to, continue to be unfit si'rall be conclusively binding on the first pafty; by the second parly without any previous notice if the first party is found to be prima facie gLrilty of air; iirsui-rc;r'cjii-rallon or intemperance or morai trrrpitude cr other miscondr-ict or if any oreach or non per-forrnance of any of the provistorrs of this agreement or ruled as the case may be; and uy one n.cnih hotice in writing given at any trme during servtce uhder this agree,-:rent by thb on behalf ol'the Director(RD)/ :::'3Ji ';::':::::; 1l:.L'.''.)i 3;::.ir.. l:,cll'::,-.:-: ,: ;:'ii--.' i- ': '''party without assigr-,ii-,g any reason wha'tsoever or on oaynrent of orte month remunet'ation il^, iieu of.the rrctice. rficaliy agreed lty t'rre first pady ilr'rt i clr.rr-!ng the course of Se;''rice r-1 i- - .-- -. .l--i^^!i -^ ^{ 13 hereunto set their lN WITNESS WHEREOF the first party and the sureiies have Director (DRDA)/ Block hands ald the second parly through its Director(RD)/ Project party has hereunto set,hislhand. Development officer for and on behalf of the second t Signed by the first party in the presence of: : gigndture of the first Partq) First witness: Address Occupation Second witness: (signature of the suretY) (signature of the suretY) Address Occupation Signed by the second party in the presence of: First witness: A r'lrl ra c c Occupatton ... ... Second witness: Address Occupatton (signature of the second PaftY) Government of Himachal Pradesh Department of Rural Development No.SM|-9199-2007-RDD- Dated Shimta{ dune,2012 ', NO_TlFlCATlON,' f The Governor Himachal Pradesh rs pleased to enhance the monthly renumeration of Computer Operators engaged on contract basis under Mahatama Gandhi National Rural Ernployment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) from Rs 8000/(Eight thousand) frxed to Rs '13 500/- (Rs Thirleen thousand five hunclred only )fixed wrth rmmediate effect The renumeration of the computer cperators in MGNREGA engaged at RD State Headquader, DRDAs and Block Levels wrll be met oLtt of the contingency avarlable uncjer MGNREGA All these Cornputer Operators will also look after the MIS of o,#"lrer schemes lrke SGSy/NRLI\l lAy etc This nottftcatton nray be reacj with earlrer notificatron of even dated 14l0g2AA7 and ietter of even no dated Z4tO4l2A1O No By order Pr. Secretary (RD) to the Government of Himachal pradesh. Endst No. sMr-e/ ss-20071it$"i:!d, ,^imra-17100e8 {tune, 2012 Copy for rnformatron and necessary actron rs forwarded to 1 The Pr secretary (Frnance) to the Governnrent of H p Shrmla-2 2 The Sr Dy Accountant General (A&E) H p Shrmla_171003 3 4 5. 6 7 B I The special secretary (GAD) to the Government of H p shimla-2 w.r.t cabinet decision dated tB 06 2012 All the Deputy Commrssioners in Hrmachal pracJesh All the Prolect Officers DRDAs rn Hrmachal pradesh All the Block Development cfficers in Hrmachar pracJesh The Controller Prrnting & Stationary Shimla-5 for pubircatron rn Ralpatra The Deputy Director (li4GNREGA) RDD Hqtr! Shrmta-9 Guard File 10 spare copies Deputy Secretary (RD) to pgcovt, of Himachal Pradesh.
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