PILGRIM PTL MEETING AGENDA Thursday, September 18, 2014

PILGRIM PTL MEETING AGENDA Thursday, September 18, 2014, 2014 5:30 p.m. ­ 7:30 p.m. Gym Supper: Napoli’s Pizza, 5:30­6:00 p.m. I.
Call to Order ­ Shirley Hou, PTL President II.
Devotion ­ The Rev.Wayne Graumann, interim Pastor of Pilgrim Lutheran Church III.
Approval of PTL minutes from March 13, 2014 ­ Barbara McKenzie, Secretary IV.
PTL Treasurer’s Report ­ Phil Kunetka A. Motion to pass the PTL Budget 2014­2015 V.
Committee Reports A. Spirit Nights, Room Parents, Volunteer Survey B. Fall Festival Update ­ Theresa Pollard, Chairperson VI.
Attendance Awards ­ Dave Atkins, PTL Vice President VII.
Adjournment for Open House/Classroom Visits A. Classroom Visit #1 will start at approximately 6:45 p.m. Parents will have 15 minutes to visit their child’s classroom and teacher. B. Classroom Visit #2 will start at approximately 7:00 p.m. Parents with multiple children can visit another classroom if they prefer. C. Next PTL meeting is Thursday, November 20, 2014 September 18, 2014 Dear Pilgrim Parents, Teachers, and Staff, Welcome to the first PTL meeting of the year! We are so glad that you are able to join us this evening. We meet 4 times a year, and we aim to complement the school with additional opportunities for parents, teachers and students to learn and fellowship. Meet & Greets The PTL will be hosting Meet & Greets this year. Each grade is assigned to host one Meet & Greet. Room Parents will coordinate sign­ups as the date approaches. Note that this year we are going to alternate between morning and afternoon so that more parents can participate. Date: Host: Friday, October 31 (morning) PreK and Kindergarten parents Thursday, December 11 (afternoon) 1st ­ 4th grade parents Friday, February 13 (afternoon)
5th ­ 8th grade parents Thursday, April 2 (morning) Toddlers 2’s and Preschool 3’s parents Spirit Nights A big thank you to Bobbi Wooldridge for lining up all the Spirit Nights for the school year! Pay attention to the school calendar for the dates. The restaurant donates a percentage of your receipt to the PTL. This is an easy way to fundraise and get a break from cooking dinner. Room Parents A big thank you to the following parents who have volunteered to help in their children’s classrooms this year. Room Parents are the main point of contact to help coordinate communication and activities with the teacher and other parents. We are still looking for volunteers to fill slots for certain grades. Toddler classes ­ ? PS ­ Mrs. Glienke’s class ­ Avis Chan PS ­ Mrs. Molo’s class ­ Veronica Anderson PS ­ Ms. Plair’s class ­ ? PK ­ Ms. Bertrand’s class ­ Amber Martinez & Allison Brownlee Kindergarten ­ Elizabeth DeVries 1st Grade ­ Barbara McKenzie & Daniella Manriquez 2nd Grade ­ Amanda Duncan 3rd/4th Grade ­ Dorene Schroder 5th/6th Grade ­ Theresa Pollard 7th/8th ­ ? Parent Volunteer Survey Tell us your volunteer interests. Whether you have 2 or 20 hours to donate, your child benefits when you get involved. From the school website, www.plshouston.org, hover over the “Parents & Alumni” tab and and click “Sign Up to Volunteer!” We hope that you prayerfully consider how you may be a blessing to our community! Budget The PTL is funded by a portion of your enrollment fees and limited fundraising events throughout the year. Our budget is separate from the school finances. We purpose to steward your money carefully to maximize enrichment opportunities for your child. Over the summer, we’ve worked hard with the administration, teachers, and parent volunteers to allocate money where it is most needed. We present the attached budget to you for your consideration and approval tonight. Sincerely, Your PTL Executive Board Shirley Hou, President
Phil Kunetka, Treasurer David Atkins, Vice President
Barbara McKenzie, Secretary The purpose of the PTL is to foster and promote a better understanding and a closer relationship between the school, the home, and the church, so that parents and teachers can more effectively work together in communicating, educating, and financially supporting the best possible Christian education at Pilgrim Lutheran School. PTL Budget 2014-15
Pilgrim Lutheran School
Version 9.16.2014
Cash on Hand on June 30th
Student Activity Fee
$53,250 2014-15 assumption: 213 enrollment x $250 student fee
Fall Festival Income
$16,000 Fundraising from raffle tickets and other activities
Spring Auction Income
Spirit Night Fundraising
$1,000 Income from Spirit Night restaurants
$0 Donations to PTL, miscellaneous
$14,000 Fall Festival expenses
Christmas Shopping Income
$20,000 Fundraising from auction and other activities
$1,300 Fundraising from Children's Christmas Shopping
Fall Festival
Spring Auction
Christmas Shopping
Other Community
$14,000 Spring Auction expenses
$6,000 Pool Party expenses
$500 Supplies for Children's Christmas Shopping
Science Lab
Total Community
Classroom Materials
Physical Education equipment
Field Trip Transportation
Field Trip Fund
$4,500 Teacher Fund: $300 per homeroom teacher, Toddler - 8th grade
$500 Sport equipment, balls, exercise tools
$9,500 Desktops, laptops, tablets, printers, accessories, and other electronic equipment
$1,200 Equipment for Science Lab
$3,100 buses
$1,000 Fall field trips for 5th-8th
Band Program
Retirement gifts
$300 Appreciation gifts for any retiring teachers or staff
8th grade graduation
$300 8th grade graduation reception
Other Recognition
PTL meeting meals and supplies
Meet and Greet food and supplies
Other Enrichment
Total Enrichment
$2,500 5th-8th grade band program
Staff appreciation
Total Recognition
$1,350 Teacher and Volunteer appreciation events throughout the year.
Attendance awards
Other School Operations
$350 $75 awards per meeting with some tied outcomes
$3,800 4 PTL meetings per year and 1 back-to-school orientation
$1,000 Meet and Greet events ($200 x 5 events)
Total Reserves
Total School & PTO Operations
$500 Balance Adjustment
Allocated: Preschool/PreK Playground
Allocated: Forward Blessing Campaign
Income minus Expenses
Balance to be carried forward
$0 PS-PK-Kindergarten Playground (total cost = $70,290)
$40,000 In thanksgiving for renovations to the locker rooms and back playground
Pilgrim Lutheran School
* ?n",nC,po'l'. RE".t
September 18,20t4
Pilgrim Lutheran School is off to a great start with an excellent group of students. God has blessed us in
so many ways. He has blessed us with excellent pastoral support, excellent teachers, excellent support
staff, and supportive parents. The school year began under the theme "More & More Like Jesus." lt is
our goal to teach the students more and more about Jesus so that they can more fully understand what
to be an " lmitotor of Jesus."
We praise God that he is allowing us to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with more of his children
this year. Early Childhood enrollment has increased to i.49. Kindergarten- Grade 8 enrollment has
increased to 63. What a privilege it is to have this opportunity to have more of God's children to teach!
Our Middle School band program has 14 students involved in band this year. This is a significant
increase from last year. lt's great to see this program seeing growth as the students develop their music
abilities to the glory of God.
We are still hoping to move the school library into a media center/library in the modular adjacent to the
school offices. The space would also be shared with our Art program. At this time, we need to move
helping with this project, please let Mr. Mock know as soon as possible.
Gifted & Talented Trainine
All teachers in Kindergarten -Grade 8 were trained in the teaching of Gifted & Talented Students. lt is
intent to identify those students and seek to challenge them with activities that will help them to grow
even more.
Athletic Proeram
We were not able to field any volleyball teams or soccer teams this fall due to a lack of interest on the
part of the students. lt is our hope to field basketball teams during the winter season.
Our teachers attended a very informative technology conference prior to the start of school. Sessions
included the following topics: Blended Learning, iPads for lnstruction, lnteractive Whiteboards, and
Differentiation Using Technology. This conference was very useful given the fact that Pilgrim purchased
many iPads for the
and school for use during this school year.
Pilsrim Monthlv Earlv Releases
Pilgrim scheduled an early release for Early Childhood through Grade 8 for September 13. The intent of
this early release was to allow the teachers to work together on accreditation and curriculum matters.
Our first early release did not work out as expected. Early Childhood classes continued to be full on that
release date, and Kindergarten-Grade 8 had a large amount of students that went to extended care that
afternoon. As a result, we were not able to have the teachers work together since many were involved
in the early childhood supervision and extended care.
Our next scheduled early release is October L7. We will not have an early release for Early Childhood.
Kindergarten - Grade B will have an early release at l-2:30. We will make sure that we have nonteaching staff covering extended care on that date so that the teaching staff will be able to meet and
accomplish its agenda for that date.
We thank you for understanding and for also realizing that as we try new things, they will not always
work out the way we thought they originally would.
Possible Violin/String Proeram
We are currently working on implementing a violin/strung program at Pilgrim. The intent would be to
provide violins for use in our early childhood-Grade 2 programs. You will be getting more information
on this in the near future.
PILGRIM LUTHERAN SCHOOL – PTL MEETING Meeting Minutes Thursday, March 13, 2014, Gym Officers Present: J. Beverly, President, Shirley Hou, Vice President, Phil Kunetka, Treasurer, Barbara McKenzie, Secretary Quorum: 76 Adults / 66 Children I.
Call to Order Meeting was called to order at 6:24 p.m. by Mr. J Beverly. Supper started at 5:30 p.m. The meal was hamburgers from Fuddruckers. II.
Devotional ­ Pastor Diekelman We belong to the Lord. Our life has worth. It is in Jesus. He has a plan for us not only on earth but also in heaven. III.
Principal’s Report ­ David Glienke Spring Break is next week. Week of the Young Child is the week of April 6th. Easter Monday and Memorial Day are not holidays as they will be make up days for the winter days that were missed. Theresa Pollard reminded everyone of the Pool­A­ Pooloza at the Bellaire Pool on May 17th, Saturday starting at 6:30 – 10:00 PM. The event is open to all families of Pilgrim Lutheran School. IV.
Treasurer’s Report Phil Kunetka presented his report. Current balance is $76,938.78. He offered an inspection of the books if anyone was interested. V.
Old Business Updates on Construction – We are finally in the majority of the new rooms and they are wonderful. Parents Advisory Council – if you are interested in joining, please contact J Beverly or Principal Glienke. VI.
New Business Elections for new Executive PTL officers for the 2014­15 School Year were held. Mr. Beverly announced the candidates for next year’s PTL Leadership. There were no additional nominees from the floor. By voice vote, the general membership voted in favor for: Shirley Hou ­ President
Dave Atkins ­ Vice President Treasurer ­ Philip Kunetka
Secretary ­ Barbara McKenzie. Teacher Parent Attendance Awards: Toddler/Pre­K
Ms. Morrow
Kinder – 4rth
Dr. Eaton th
5 – 8
Ms. Brotzman Meeting adjourned. Parents were excused for the evening to enjoy Math Night. Submitted by Barbara McKenzie, Secretary